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Dachshund Club of America, Inc. ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Holiday Inn Six Flags, Eureka, MO

Meeting called to order at 9:00 am CT by President Carl Holder. A quorum was established.

President’s Report (Carl Holder)

Carl introduced Robin LaFrance to report update on Jennifer Van Niman’s tragic house fire last Sunday, claiming all her dogs’ lives, property, etc. Robin reported that the Iris Love Foundation would be matching DCA Raffle Ticket sales to donate to Jennifer. One dog escaped, was caught and will need approximately $2000 or so worth of vet treatment. A collection jar for that specific vet bill will be taken this week.

The following members were approved to serve as the Annual Meeting minutes approval committee: Jordin Wallis (OR), Noelle Hanson (MN) and Mary K Boyle (FL).

Treasurer’s Report (Ken Levison)

The report submitted by Ken Levison was sent to the Board for review prior to the meeting.

AKC Delegate’s Report (Larry Sorenson)

Larry reported these AKC updates:

• Adding Group 2, 3 & 4 placements to award points for defeated dogs (not just 1st)

• Point schedules will not change >20% from year to year

• Dropping requirement for Juniors to own/coown dog they show (or family own/co-owns)

• Specialty clubs can hold up to 4 concurrent, 4 designated & 1 National Specialty host show annually

• AKC’s “Meet The Breeds” hampered by COVID, but hope to continue soon. Larry will find local clubs to support in nearby cities & will send materials.

Upcoming DCA National Specialties

Judges for the 2023 DCA National Specialty are as follows:

Longhairs & Juniors:

Lorraine Simmons (PA)

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

DFW DC Specialty


Eric Henningsen (AZ)

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

DCA Board Specialty Wirehairs

Dianne Graham (VA)

Thursday - Saturday, March 23-25, 2023 DCA National

Carl reported the judges for the DFW DC specialty will be:


Aubrey Nash (OK)

Longs: Ronda Bermke (WI)

Wires: Lynne Allen (NY)

Show location is Purina Farms, Gray Summit, MO. Host hotel will be the Holiday Inn Six Flags (again) and room rates will by $122.95 (a $3 increase).

Judges for the 2024 DCA National Specialty are as follows:

Longhairs: Sue Bennett (Australia)

Smooths & Juniors: Debbie Melgreen (IL)

Wirehairs : Robert Schwalbe (GA)

Dates will be approximately May 20-24, 2024. Show location is Purina Farms, Gray Summit, MO. Watch for finalized information and updates on the DCA website.

DCA Website

Charles DeLashmutt handed over Webmaster duties to Debby Krieg last fall, who partnered with Emi Pedraza to update the DCA Website (dachshundclubofamerica.org). Debby requested members to go to the “Find a Local Club” & make sure your club’s contact person is correct–they get people looking for puppies/dogs, new people to join club, etc. She also reported that they are gradually adding more content such as past DCA Winners (will add photos as available). Please send health links that would be helpful to dach breeders/owners. Debby reminded everyone that the password for the “Members Only” section of the website is located in the 2022 Roster & is updated each year. Members can renew membership, pay for DCA Breeder & Newsletter Ads, etc. There is also a feedback/suggestion section for the website.

Membership Report (Georjan Bridger)

Georjan reports that the Membership Committee (Debby Krieg, Janet Schwalbe, Randy Eltringham, Lorraine Simmons & Connie Fisher) has put out a survey that was shared at their booth at the Ice Cream Social last night, printed copies at the meeting and on the DCA Website. Georjan reports that DCA currently has 764 members. In 2021, 20 members dropped their memberships and there were 21 newly approved members in 2021 & 2022.

Good Sportsmanship Award Committee

Jerry Cerasini reports committee members Janet Schwalbe, Denny Van Hook & Randy Eltringham have completed the process to give out this award. Nomination forms were mailed to local clubs, will be published in the next Newsletter and are available this week.

New Business

Ken Hagmueller made a motion to increase the hospitality budget from $2000 (since 1998 at least) to $4000 that DCA gives to the Host Club morning & evening events. Motion was seconded. MOTION ADOPTED. After the vote, Ken Levison noted that DCA has been giving the host club $2800 to use as they wish (Purina funds) an $2000 specifically for hospitality

Carl asked everyone to sign a posterboard in the back of the room for Fran Colonna. She has a broken vertebrae, has been ill and was unable to fulfill her judging assignment at this year’s DCA.

Next meeting date: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at the DCA National Specialty at the Holiday Inn Six Flags, Eureka, MO.

Meeting adjourned at 10:19 am CT.

The Dachshund Club of America will be holding a Judges Education Seminar and Workshop in conjunction with its National Specialty at the Purina Farms Events Center, 200 Checkerboard Drive, Gray’s Summit, MO.

The Seminar will be held on Thursday, March 23, at 2:00 PM upstairs at the Events Center and the Workshop will be immediately following downstairs in the rings. Ringside mentoring will be available on Friday and Saturday for registered participants. The cost of the Seminar and Workshop is $20.

To reserve a place, please send checks made out to DCA to Kenneth Levison, JEC, 8155 E. Galinda Drive, Tucson, AZ 85750 (Dazdox@yahoo.com 520-334-9532). Reservations must be made no later than March 10.

2022 was an exciting year, to say the least! Since Lilah’s quick finish at the first 2021 DCA Host Show under Breeder Judge Mr. Richard Powell at the age of 9 months old, she has been selectively shown predominantly at local specialty shows or all breed shows under Breeder Judges. She earned her Grand Championship in limited showing in March 2022, by going BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW (pictured) under Breeder Judge Mr. Eric Henningsen.

From there, she was shown on an even more limited basis as her baby HUMAN sister, Viviana Lily Pedraza, made her entrance on July 30, 2022!

Thank you to the following Breeder Judges for awarding her in 2022:

BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW - Mr. Eric Henningsen (Dachshund Club of California)

BEST OF VARIETY - Ms. Georjan Bridger (Dachshund Club of Santa Ana Valley)

BEST OF VARIETY - Mrs. Frances H. (Marci) Forrester (Dachshund Club of Santa Ana Valley)

BEST OF VARIETY - Mr. David Peat (Rio Hondo KC)

BEST OF VARIETY - Mr. Ronald Spritzer and Mrs. Carol Spritzer (Bahia Sur KC #1 and #2)

BEST OF VARIETY - Mr. John Mayhall (Sierra Dachshund Breeders Club of LA County)

BEST OF VARIETY/BOS TO BEST OF BREED - Mr. Kenneth Tippie (Sierra Dachshund Breeders Club of LA County)

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