Tweed Valley Weekly, July 4, 2019

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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Inspiring local couple celebrate 70th wedding anniversary

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Tom and Pauline celebrated 70 years of love on Tuesday, July 2

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By Jo Kennett A TWEED Heads couple, celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary, say patience is the key to a successful longterm marriage. Tom and Pauline Kirkham met in 1948 and celebrated 70 years of happy marriage on Tuesday, July 2, with their daughters, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. “We met at a party at Cooks River Motorboat Club in 1948,” Pauline said. Pauline no longer recalls what her initial impressions of Tom were, but he hasn’t forgotten what that meeting was like for him. “It was love at first sight for me,” he told The Weekly. “I grabbed her, and she couldn’t get away.” The couple moved to Tweed Heads from Pennant Hills 17 years ago. “We have three daughters, and five grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandson due this month,” Tom said. Tom, 93, and Pauline, 91, were married at St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney. “My parents were married on July 2, 1949,” daughter Therese Leary said. “Father Kerr, that married them, was the same priest that married myself in 1972 and my sister Christine in 1979, but by then he was Monsignor Kerr.” Nicole Drummond said her grandparents were “an inspiration”. “I think patience and tolerance is what makes it work,” she said.

Local News 3

Tom and Pauline Kirkham at their 1949 wedding

“They sit on the couch when they come and visit and they hold hands together, there’s a lot of love there. “I just got married on the weekend and it’s inspiring, I’ve always looked at them and wished for that. They just inspire us.”

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Children’s playground vandalised in heartless act By Jo Kennett A CHILDREN’S playground at the Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre (PBNC) was vandalised on Friday night, June 28, in a heartless act that’s angered locals. Families visiting the playground on the weekend, after days of wet weather, were disappointed to see the playground equipment covered in earth, sand and mud and some of the equipment damaged. The cubby house had been knocked over and the roof thrown on the ground and mud had been put on the slippery slide and other equipment. Ayesha Gnech visits the playground regularly with her young son and said she had spoken to a friend who cleaned up the vandalism at the playground on Saturday. “She and her friends tried to put it back together,” Ms Gnech said. “She said when she saw the photos on social media on Sunday it looked worse so maybe they came back.

“I’ve never seen anything like that here before; it’s really sad that someone would do that to our lovely community. I was shocked when I saw it.” PBNC runs several programs for children and the playground is popular with young parents. “We go to Toddler Tunes and Stories on Friday and we meet there afterwards and play, so it’s an awesome outlet for us mums to get together to catch up and debrief and destress,” Ms Gnech said. “It’s great for community building, networking and for new people to get to know each other. “I’m fairly new here and to come up and have no emotional support through the birth of my child and his first years it’s been a great support network for me. “I would have struggled to find friends and support without it. “Also, the programs the centre runs like the Art Play and Playtime Group playgroup - without those I wouldn’t have had an outlet to meet other parents and kids.” Ms Gnech said the playground was important to her son as well.

“Not only have I been able to make friends, but my son has too,” she said. “Coming there regularly has really been amazing for my son’s self-esteem. “We have a Pottsville Mum’s Group and we let everyone know what’s on. It’s great because the kids have so much fun at the playground so we can chat and mingle and relax.” When The Weekly visited the playground on Monday morning the cubby house had been righted and the roof was back on. A volunteer had arrived and was working to clean up the mud and sand.

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4 Letters to the Editor Thursday, July 4, 2019

Letter of the Week


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Defending our freedoms

To anyone concerned with the erosion of freedom, the abuse of power, the defence of whistleblowers, Julian Assange, freedom of the press, the ABC and our right to know, it’s obvious by the events of the last month that the extreme, regressive elements of the Coalition still control the agenda. Emboldened by the unexpected success of their contrived campaign triumph of fear and lies, marketed and sold through the use of dirty money stolen from nickel workers and taxpayers, they have further exploited their deliberate pox on democracy with their abusive and opportunistic assault on freedom of the press, journalists, whistleblowers, the ABC and the separation of powers underpinning our Westminster system. By any historical perspective and/or dictionary definition, this represents a more threatening, dangerous and regressive slide down into the dark and divisive hole of fascism. On the positive side, the rare opportunity now exists for political unity and consensus arising from this grotesque and frightening abuse of power, to achieve better, stronger laws more protective and supportive of journalists, whistleblowers and the press, and most importantly, the separation of the powers constitutionally. Australia should morally and ethically lead the world and reject the persecution of journalists and whistleblowers like Julian Assange and do it now. There should be no support, endorsement or alliance with countries that persecute innocent people for exposing government and corporate cover ups, corruption and the murders of innocent citizens and journalists. This is a war on truth and freedom masquerading a war on terror. This is fascism built on fear, bigotry and hatred. How can we turn this

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

around and ethically lead while their hypocrisy is so breathtaking. These same hypocrites now give themselves a pay rise, while they take money from those who can least afford it. Clearly it’s impossible to morally and ethically lead while this current crop of so called “Christian” politicians continue to plunge us headlong down into their morally/ ethically bankrupt abyss, hiding behind their “god” while they do the devil’s work in the name of national security. Wake up Australia. Why are we sleepwalking to hell? M Stewart, Carool

Take Tweed where exactly?

Regarding the article (TVW, 20/06/19) “Councillors wage slogan war in battle for 2020”. The overriding perception amongst people of the Tweed Valley is that we live in an area of remarkable unity and good will. And this holds true for people of all political and environmental persuasions. So why this childish call to arms by Cr Owen to “Take Back Tweed”? Take it back from whom? The people who care so deeply for its land, water and wildlife? From those who work peacefully in its industries, agriculture, retail and services, or from the children that need a stable environment to grow up in? Take it back to where? Pre 2005? Why is Cr Owen climbing out on a dying limb of a tree in an attempt to bring back a time that divided the community and was thoroughly discredited? Of course, we all have different views and we should express them with strength and passion, and if such views are to be credible, they must be based on objective, accurate information, and argued with respect and an open mind. Sue Walston, Dum Dum

Support for nuclear

I fully support the prospect of nuclear power here or anywhere in Australia. Modern plants are green, clean and safe. Bob Green, Limpinwood

Future flood fears at Bogangar

Forty-five years have passed since the big flood of 1974, then in 2006 another smaller flood occurred, both of these caused great stress with flood homes and cars. It would be interesting to know who people living through these events coped. My concern is for residents of Bogangar, east and south-east of Cudgen Lake. It appears to me the lane and its surrounding waterways are choked with reeds and other growth.

This is turning the lake into somewhat of a quagmire. Why, in this day and age, can’t something be done to clear the lake and Cudgen Creek to allow fresh tidal flow and quick easy stormwater flow to the sea at Kingscliff outlet? Just imagine it, a clear, clean lake and creek, kayaking or just trying to catch a fish, sounds good to me. Or, let’s wait for mother nature to turn it on again and watch the flooding of houses and lifestyle once more. Maybe new estates or home builders in the area will press for some action to protect their interests. John O’Brien, Bogangar

Nothing wrong with climbing Wollumbin/Mount Warning

Climbing anything in any weather is inherently dangerous - could even be the steps to your local library. What is ‘wet weather’? Today I rug up and hold an umbrella to the raindrops I would have scorned as a youth. Yes, caution should be exercised the further you go from timely assistance, especially those closer to their end than their beginning. It is an individual choice based on your own perception of your capabilities. I have climbed Wollumbin/Mt Warning four times, I am 65 and my next climb will be my last. Rain or no rain, except of course predicted thunderstorms. On the subject of Wollumbin being a ‘sacred’ mountain, this particular geographical landmark existed millions and millions of years ago - long before humans were even an ectoplasm. Like with all religions and beliefs I agree to tolerance, right up to the point where their religious beliefs interfere with my life and choices. Bill Collins, Murwillumbah

Beware the misinformed

Regarding errors in the letter of Dr Allen (TVW, June 27). Emission cuts are urgent now because these gases persist in the atmosphere and continue to accumulate heat for decades after the use of fossil fuels stops. A global temperature rise of two degrees is a land and sea average. Increases on land are nearly double and increase with distance from the equator, so around five degrees at our latitude. Each degree of that rise multiplies the number of very hot days and in some years, more. Overall agricultural production will fall because of heat stress in crops, ocean incursion of deltas, decline of glacier fed rivers, increasing severity of droughts and exhaustion of groundwater supplies in Africa, Middle East, Punjab and northern China. Political stability will decline.

The main component of rising wholesale electricity costs is the poor cost efficiency of gas fired power plants. The main source of rising emissions in Australia is methane leakage from the gas industry. Nuclear power is sold at a loss because of massive public infrastructure subsidies and because it cannot be turned off without taking days to restart. To call it safe is plainly untrue. Energy production from biomass is primarily a result of pretend carbon schemes such as the one in Australia now. Forget about a solar minimum saving your bacon. Minimal effect. There are solutions but it is much too late to do it at low cost or to avoid major impacts. Greg Reid, Mount Burrell

Impacts of water trucks

Going through life I have tried to live by respecting everyone, and trying to do unto others as I would have done unto me. To me this is how we should all live and if it happened the world would be a much better place. Therefore, I find it so difficult to understand how a water mining company from Kunghur can pursue an agenda that will subject me and many others in our area to constant heavy truck movements at 4am in the morning to late at night, every single day of the year. Destroying my peace, property value and overall quality of life. They obviously have never heard of the basic Christian philosophy of do unto others. Sad isn’t it? Marian van Gestel, Uki

Veil of secrecy

The real need for the upgrade of The Tweed Hospital facility and services to accommodate population growth has been on the table for more than a decade. Following much campaigning by health professionals and community the big promise for the 2015 state election was the funding delivered for the first stage of The Tweed Hospital redevelopment. Then the 2019 election rolls along with the false claim “building the NEW hospital NOW”. More than three months on there is still no DA, nor any approval for an actual new hospital building. To date the approval is for a concept proposal of a hospital on the Cudgen farmland. Prior to that approval the concept proposal was amended to comply with regulations for buffer zones but are still not fully addressed, along with a number of other crucial matters. The proponent is yet to release their plan for future expansion, additional health, education, training and research facilities when

the site is already constrained with the initial proposal of a hospital. The approval of the Stage 1 early and enabling works basically makes legal much of the works already undertaken on the Cudgen site prior to any approvals purported as farming activity. On review of the government website to find what 2019/2020 budget funds has come to Tweed for health it states, “Tweed Hospital and Integrated Ambulatory Services Redevelopment - $97,358,000 – start 2016 – finish 2023”. Of note the start being 2016 indicates inclusion of previous allocated projects for the Tweed Hospital. I t a l s o s t at e s, “ H e a l t h Infrastructure funding $50.1m to continue the $582.1m construction of a hospital at Tweed”. This is a long way short of the stated $534m for the proposed new Tweed Valley Hospital. Further, the stated Stage 1 early works cost of near $43.5m certainly leaves very little change for a new hospital building. What has been learnt from this affair is the loopholes now set up under our NSW planning legislation to enable much secrecy, zero transparency and no independent oversight with the government approving its own projects is dangerous territory. Lindy Smith, Tweed Heads

No to a dangerous war

Do we need another war in the Middle East? If war breaks out Australia will be dragged into it, with all of the negative consequences that war brings with it. Millions of people will be displaced, millions dead and maimed, infrastructure smashed and economies ruined for what? Trump maintains he wants to talk but only on his terms and basically are complete disarmament by the Iranians prior to any lifting of sanctions which are strangling the Iranian economy. The two countries which are pushing the US to war are Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Saudis basically underpin the US Dollar by pricing oil in US Dollars due to a deal made with Kissinger President Nixon’s Secretary of State when Nixon took the US Dollar off the gold standard. Israel is essentially a US base, receiving the highest US aid and reputed to have 200+ atom bombs. The situation is extremely dangerous. Frank Ball, Tweed Heads Please note the views on the letters page are that of the letter writer and not of the Tweed Valley Weekly. Send your letters to

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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Local News 5

Short-term holiday lets are Tweed’s most complained about issue By Jonathon Howard RESIDENT’S COMPLAINTS about short-term holiday letting (STHL) are now the most common compaint made in the Tweed Shire with councillors expected to discuss and vote on the matter during tonight’s (Thursday, July 4) planning committee meeting. During the past 12 months, Tweed Shire Council has received more than 68 complaints from residents impacted by a wave of holiday letting that shows little sign of letting up. According to Inside Airbnb there are currently 1,202 properites listed for STHL in the Tweed Shire for an average price of $255 per night, up from 1,091 properties in November 2018. The rise of STHL has rocked the Tweed rental market as well as the Byron Shire, where STHLs are in high demand from holidaymakers and property owners who can earn more money from STHL than permanent rentals. The rise of STHL has placed Council in the often-overwhelming role of regulator, with locals desperate to stem the tide of noisy neighbours. Councillors have been offered two options to vote on including option one: “that complaints regarding unauthorised short-term holiday letting activity will be dealt with as resources permit and sequentially in order of the date of receipt of the complaint”. O p t i o n t wo i n c l u d e s t h at : “council continues to take action on complaints where it can be demonstrated that such uses are having an unreasonable impact

on the amenity of adjoining or surrounding neighbours as determined by council”. Option one is recommended by Council staff. A Council’s report outlined that on August 17, 2018, the NSW Government made changes to sections of the Fair Trading Act 1987 to address STHL. “However, the accompanying planning legislation to give effect to any new regulation for shortterm holiday letting has not yet been released and it is still pending,” the report reads. “Since that time, Council’s Planning Compliance Officer has experienced a major increase in the number of continued short-term holiday letting complaints.” Council has received over 68 complaints in the last 12 months f ro m n e i g h b o u r s o f S T H L properties. “Complaints from April 2019 are currently being investigated,” Council’s report reads. Council staff noted that the volume of complaints about STHLs are “higher in comparison to all other Compliance Unit matters (building and illegal land use), and in some circumstances require further ongoing work”. “The investigation process and ongoing time management that is required to complete these matters is becoming very time consuming and prolonged,” Council’s report reads. “On some occasions, further enforcement action has been taken by way of penalty infringement notices (PINs) being issued. “This has generated further ongoing investigations in those

instances where owners who have received PINs dispute the matter with NSW State Revenue, requiring further assessment by Council. “In light of this increased compliance burden, Council’s Compliance Unit has currently only got the resourcing capacity to deal with the STHL complaints in a sequential order and are being managed with other competing compliance priorities.” The Weekly put several questions to Councillor Ron Cooper regarding STHL and whether he believes greater limitations are needed on the growing sector. “We cannot limit the number of STHLs – only the number of days they are let with a minimum of 180 days,” Cr Cooper said. “The administration cost of enforcing this rule will hit the rat e p aye r s ’ p o c ke t s a n d by employing more compliance staff it will again be at ratepayers’ expense.” Cr Cooper, who is working on a tiny house village concept plan for the Wardrop Valley, said Council’s model for the sustainable village should be considered by government. “Under the legislation, Tweed Shire has no choice,” he said. “STHLs are driving up rent. Many politicians have invested in housing – some have anywhere between 10 and 30 properties. “There will be no appetite to change legislation that is benefiting them. “Of course, there are many other influential people in the same boat. “Even the smaller investors in secondary properties will not support restrictions on STHLs.”

The Tweed Shire is more popular than ever for short term holidays letting

Cr Cooper said Council’s lowrent, Wardrop Valley model, which will only go ahead if upfront and ongoing costs to ratepayers can be recovered, should be expedited. “ T h e S t at e G ov e r n m e n t ’s “affordable housing” model produced one-bedroom units for $420 per week in Mullumbimby is clearly failing – too expensive and not meeting the demand,” he said. Councillor Chris Cherry was asked to comment and said she believes the number of STHLs is impacting on the available rental homes for residents. “And is contributing to our homeless problem and lack of affordable housing,” Cr Cherry said. “Council investigates all STHL related complaints in terms of impact on the amenity of the neighbours, nobody wants a party house next to them.”

Cr Cherry said residents can report issues to the council’s reporting line, related to noise, parking and waste and “we will do what we can to get a change”. The Weekly asked Cr Cherry whether she believes the Tweed Shire can cope with more STHL. “More STHL just increases the rents for our key workers like nurses and teachers and reduces the sense of community in a neighbourhood,” she said. “STHL means that homes that normally would be used for longterm rental are instead used for holidaymakers, there are more than a thousand homes that are not available for rental because they are being used for STHL instead, and with every new house we approve in the name of housing affordability, we can’t be sure it’s not going to just become another STHL.”



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6 Local News Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

THE LEGAL LIGHT! Police track down and nab serial thief

Most of us dread performance reviews, where employers put us under the microscope. But employment lawyer Mark Port of Stacks Law Firm says that employee performance reviews can push legal boundaries if they adversely affect the reputation of an employee. “Performance reviews are a common means for employers to assess the performance of workers, and also act as a record of performance warnings or disciplinary action, however there is scope to push things into illegal territory. “As discussions of performance and progress can be negative and emotive for both parties involved in the review, there is the potential for allegations of bias, discrimination or other unjust or illegal actions,” Mr Port said. “It’s worth noting that a 2016 court ruling helps both employers and staff to understand what is considered to be an ‘adverse action’ under the law. “In Perez v Northern Territory Department of Correctional Services, the Federal Court found that a performance review meeting that occurred as an ‘ordinary incident’ of an employee’s employment could not be reasonably regarded as adverse action, irrespective of how the employee perceived the performance review. “The Fair Work Act defines adverse action as unlawful if it is taken for particular reasons, including threatening or organising such things as a dismissal of an employee, altering their position to their detriment, or discriminating against them.” While the definition of what can be considered adverse action may be confusing or open to fairly broad interpretation, there are things employers are legitimately allowed to say and do during performance reviews that are not deemed to breach the law. The Northern Territory case helped clear this up. In the NT case the worker’s contract was not renewed. The employee claimed his employer unfairly documented that he did not take readily to criticism or direction by his superiors. “The judge considered that senior prison officers were entitled to criticise the worker’s standard of work, and his performance review was not an adverse action. The worker lost his appeal,” Mr Port said. “Employers should approach performance reviews in a structured manner and do so with caution, so as not to find themselves inadvertently facing an adverse action claim. “The Federal Court of Australia has on occasion found that employers conducting performance reviews have contravened the general protection provisions of the Fair Work Act,” Mr Port said.

Police allege the man broke into a car at Nunderi on May 28, stole an Audi sedan at Varsity Lakes on June 14, stole a car from Biggera Waters on June 17, stole fuel from a Murwillumbah Service Station valued at $77.70 on June 22, stole a Range Rover from Banora Point on June 16, stole a boat and trailer from Burleigh Heads and drove while disqualified. Police said the Chinderah man had deceived several people through Gumtree sales which led to a police investigation and his arrest. He most recently stole several campervans and camper trailers. The man is alleged to have scammed a victim over an electric skateboard advertised for sale on Gumtree. Police allege he met the owner of the skateboard and agreed to transfer $1,200 into the victim’s account. Police allege the man took the skateboard at Banora Point but never transferred the money.

The camper trailer stolen from Cylinders Drive was a write off

Man charged over Kingscliff armed robbery By Jo Kennett A MAN has been charged and arrested over an armed robbery at Kingscliff after he turned himself in to Tweed Police on Thursday, June 27. The victim, travelling in a black Jeep Compass wagon picked up a male friend, aged 18, in a carpark on Adelaide Street at Tweed Heads. “He then drove to Dry Dock Road and picked up three people – two men and a woman – believed to be friends of the 18-year-old,” police said. The car stopped at a park in Kingscliff where all four passengers are alleged to have threatened the 20-year-old driver

and demanded his mobile phone and ATM card. One person was allegedly armed with what is believed to be a rifle. The victim was forced into the back of the Jeep by one of the men, while the woman drove. “ H e wa s ro bb e d o f a p h o n e, headphones and a bank card and forced out of the vehicle near Palmvale, before the group drove off in the Jeep,” police said. Local officers were notified and commenced an investigation. The vehicle was later found abandoned down an embankment at Round Mountain Road, west of the Cabarita Beach Pony Club.





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The driver later sought assistance from a member of the public and contacted police. Officers from Tweed/Byron Police District commenced an investigation. On Thursday, June 27, the 18-year-old man presented himself to Tweed Heads Police Station. He was arrested and charged with armed robbery in company. He was refused bail to appear at Byron Bay Local Court on Friday, June 28. Investigations into the incident are continuing. Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or

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“What this means is that performance reviews should always be undertaken both objectively and fairly, with a level of transparency and an awareness of employee rights under the Fair Work Act.”

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Police said the thief scammed another victim on May 3 who advertised a Samsung mobile phone for sale on Gumtree. They allege he agreed to pay $950 for the phone but failed to pay via bank transfer as arranged. The man was charged with possessing prohibited drugs, receiving stolen property from outside NSW, taking and driving a vehicle without consent, three counts of dishonestly obtaining property by deception, two counts of disqualified driving, goods in custody suspected of being stolen and unlawfully entering a motor vehicle. The man was also charged with possessing the campervan and the theft of the camper trailer from Cylinders Drive, Salt on June 21. The man’s licence had been disqualified until 2028 over multiple traffic convictions. He was refused bail to appear before Tweed Heads Local Court on Monday, July 8.


Employers warned over performance reviews

By Jo Kennett A GUMTREE scammer and serial thief has been charged by Tweed Police following a string of thefts through deception as well as the theft of several vehicles including campervans, luxury cars, boats and trailers. The 30-year-old Chinderah man was arrested at Cudgen Road, Kingscliff, at around 4pm on Thursday, June 27, and taken to Tweed Heads Police Station. The man was alleged to have stolen a camper trailer (pictured) on Thursday, June 20, from a driveway in Cylinders Drive, Salt. The vehicle was packed with bikes and camping gear as the owners were planning to leave the following Saturday, June 22, for a trip to Uluru. The camper trailer was located by police but was described as a complete write-off. Two boats were found at Nunderi with the owner of one of the boats yet to come forward and Tweed Police are asking anyone who has had a boat stolen to contact them. Tweed Police are working with Qld Police as items were stolen from both states. The Tweed Police District Target Action Group (TAG) was in charge of the investigation and said the alleged thief had been cooperative and led them to a number of properties where stolen items were located. A Jayco campervan stolen on June 24 from Burleigh Heads was recovered in Limpinwood.

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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Local News 7

Fresh take on BEATS 2019 can help your business shine Get on the Grants Hub

Phillip Hepburn, Drue Hutchinson, Mark Pettit and Nick Moran (back row) with Lucy Ardern and Tessa Martin (front row)

matter what size your business is, each of us has an important contribution to make. “We look forward to celebrating with you all at BEATS, and recognising all of the local businesses nominated this year.” BEATS 2019 showcases businesses of the Tweed Shire across 22 categories and gives owners and operators a chance to celebrate their team and business models. This year’s event is taking place at the M|Arts Precinct with an exciting range of art and entertainment on offer as well as the chance to meet other business owners. Tickets to the gala dinner are $99 and include long-table grazing by Northern Rivers Food, canapes and finger food by Bacaro, a drinks package including Stone & Wood craft beers, Ink Gin and Husk Rum from Husk Farm Distillery, and Australian wines selected by Bacaro. Entertainment will be provided by local musician Matt Aitchison, also known as Favourite Son, and Friends.

BEATS organisers and Murwillumbah Business Chamber board members Phillip Hepburn of Commercial Business Cents and Nick Moran of Mayberry Meldrum Anderson Accountants & Taxation Consultants said they wanted to encourage local businesses to get their nominations and bookings in place. “It’s going to be such a unique approach to the awards this year,” Mr Moran said. “We’re really focusing on making an enjoyable celebration of business and I believe the M|Arts Precinct provides a great venue for this, while also making available a range of artist displays and the gallery upstairs.” The Weekly, as a gold sponsor, would also like to encourage businesses to nominate for the always popular People’s Choice Award, which will open soon. To find out more about how to nominate your business, or to book your table, visit

MEMBER FOR Richmond Justine Elliot is encouraging individuals, sporting groups, not-for-profit organisations, clubs and community groups to register their details with the Richmond Community Grants Hub. The Richmond Community Grants Hub is an online tool that provides ongoing information on available Commonwealth grants. “The Richmond Community Grants Hub has been established due to the growing demand from the community for more information about available funding grants,” Mrs Elliot said. “Grants are there to support upgrades and improvements and I encourage community groups, sporting clubs, and other local organisations to consider applying for appropriate grant funding.” Mrs Elliot said subscribers to the Richmond Community Grants Hub can access information about available funding opportunities as they become available across the North Coast. “I encourage organisations interested in applying for funding to contact my office on (07) 5523 4371 to discuss potential projects,” she said.

State offers ways to save MEMBER FOR Tweed Geoff Provest said Tweed families can potentially save up to $2,000 with three new cost of living measures being introduced by the state government this week. “Households will now be eligible for up to $2,000 in savings thanks to a number of measures including doubling of Active Kids vouchers, half-priced rego and the $200 Seniors Energy Rebate, Creative Kids, CTP refunds and Energy Switch,” Mr Provest said. Mr Provest said that over the next year the state government is expected to deliver more than $1 billion in savings back to households across NSW through more than 70 measures in the Cost of Living program. Mr Provest said the average saving from Service NSW’s cost of living appointment per customer is $550 and in 12 months “more than $800 million in savings has been delivered to people across NSW through the Cost of Living program”. For more information on Cost of Living measures in NSW, check the Savings Finder: campaign/cost-living


By Jonathon Howard TWEED SHIRE businesses are being urged to get their nominations in for this year’s Business Excellence Awards Tweed Shire (BEATS 2019) event - with the window to nominate closing on Monday, July 8. The push is also on for local businesses to book their spots and tables for the Tweed’s only business awards night, which is taking place on Saturday, August 3. The Weekly caught up with some of this year’s dedicated gold sponsors including Southern Cross Credit Union Murwillumbah Centre Manager, Drue Hutchinson, Gold Coast Airport General Manager of Corporate Relations Lucy Ardern and Tweed Valley IGA Manager Mark Pettit. Other gold sponsors include Big Rock Graphics, Prime 7 and The Tweed Tourism Company. Mount Warning Spring Water owner Tessa Martin was also on hand as a silver sponsor. The Weekly will feature a different gold sponsor each week until the event, with this week’s featured business Southern Cross Credit Union Murwillumbah. “Southern Cross Credit Union (SCCU) is delighted to partner with the 2019 BEATS Awards as Gold Sponsors,” Mr Hutchinson said. “As a customer-owned financial institution, it is important for us to help make a difference in the communities in which we live, and our partnership with the BEATS Awards this year is one way we can do this. “The BEATS Awards shine a light on businesses working hard to deliver the absolute best outcomes for local consumers. “At SCCU, we love being part of the business community and believe that no


Tweed Link Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Link A Tweed Shire Council publication

(02) 6670 2400 or 1300 292 872 | Issue 1109 | 25 June 2019 | ISSN 1327–8630

Tweed Shire Council wishes to recognise the generations of the local Aboriginal people of the Bundjalung Nation who have lived in and derived their physical and spiritual needs from the forests, rivers, lakes and streams of this beautiful valley over many thousands of years as the traditional owners and custodians of these lands.

Waste tip


Take on the challenge ... Challenge yourself during ‘Plastic Free July’ – no reusable coffee cups ... no coffee? P.S. There is a plastic liner in the majority of single use coffee cups. All coffee cups go in the red bin.

In brief ... Voice, Treaty, Truth NAIDOC Week (7–14 July) celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It’s a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. This year’s NAIDOC theme is ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’. The Tweed Heads NAIDOC program – which includes the annual march in Tweed Heads – can be viewed at

Holidays are Discovery Days

Council is finalising plans for a series of workshops and field days to help improve our local farmers land management skills.

Sustainable farming education taking shape As part of the Small Farms, Big Changes project, Council is finalising plans for a series of workshops and field days to help improve our local farmers’ land management skills. Almost 200 farmers and land managers completed a recent survey by Southern Cross University aimed at identifying key training and education needs. These farmers currently manage a total area of over 13,600ha of land or approximately 10 per cent of the Tweed local government area. Council’s Program Leader – Sustainable Agriculture, Eli Szandala, said farmers indicated their interest in learning through field days on farms rather than information from websites and brochures. “The survey results highlighted that land managers are very interested in learning more about weed management, strategies to improve soil health and alternative methods of pest control,” he said. The first of eight field days and workshops are expected to take place in August. This project is an example of how Council is working to protect and enhance the Tweed’s internationally significant environment.

Visit for information about upcoming workshops or contact Mr Szandala on (02) 6670 2599 for further information.

Farmers reaping in the prizes Farmers who filled out surveys went into the draw to win a gift voucher of $100 to spend at their preferred local rural supply store. The winners drawn were: • • • • •

N Reeve, Tygalgah M Houghton, Duranbah K Gessell, Nobbys Creek C Jackson-Saw, Eungella P & C Clarke, Mt Warning

• • • • •

T Bruin, Tyalgum C Small, Eungella A Deen, Tyalgum P Cain, Tyalgum M Penglase, Sleepy Hollow

This project has been assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust.

State portal helping to streamline development applications Tweed Shire Council has joined other NSW Councils in processing those development applications (DA) which require the consideration of one or more State agencies through the State Planning Portal. Councils across NSW are transitioning to using the new online concurrence and referral service, accessed through the NSW Planning Portal Council’s Director Planning and Regulation, Vince Connell, said Tweed Shire Council started using the new service from Monday 1 July 2019 which will lead to these requests being progressed electronically

and more efficiently. “This new process is a logical progression for Council’s well advanced electronic development assessment systems, and will enable our staff and local applicants to start using the NSW Planning Portal in a gradual fashion, as a step forward in transitioning to the State Government’s ultimate requirement for all applications to be lodged through the Portal.” Council has provided briefings on the new electronic referrals process to local consultants in recent weeks. Council’s Development Assessment and Building Unit staff can be contacted for any further assistance by calling (02) 6670 2400.

More than just bookworms You will find more than just books in your local library these days. Seed libraries can now be accessed in all three libraries at Tweed Heads, Murwillumbah and Kingscliff. Visit a library in the Tweed and borrow some seeds for the season and plant in your garden straight away. Raise the plants, harvest the produce and let a couple of your best plants go to seed. Collect the mature seeds, save some for your next crop and bring the rest of the mature seeds back to the library so other members of the community may borrow them and grow more crops. It’s simple and great for the environment. There is no cost to borrow, and no obligation to bring seeds back, however, all seed borrowers are encouraged to have a go at saving some of the seeds produced from their plants, to help provide a sustainable seed library resource. There are many benefits from participating in the seed library: • social – meet new like-minded people, share your experiences • physical – bending, lifting and being physically active, while enjoying the sun and fresh air • mental – sense of achievement, knowing you are doing something worthwhile, and learning new things • environmental – less food miles, less waste, improved crops, seeds resistant to pests and diseases in this area • healthy eating – chemical free, picked fresh. Find out what else is on offer at your local Richmond Tweed Regional Library at

The Tweed’s museums and libraries are a great place to visit these July school holidays, with fun for all ages. Discovery Days is just one of the activities on offer. Fill your Discovery Days Passport with a stamp from each museum and library branch to go in the running for a fantastic prize of a weekend accommodation package at Tweed Coast Holiday Park’s Hastings Point Holiday Park. There are also other free events at the Tweed’s libraries. To see what is on at each library branch, visit the events page at The Tweed Regional Museum also offers free children’s activities, including the favourites ‘My Museum’, where children can design their own museum and ‘Signed, Sealed and Delivered’, where children can write and send a letter to anywhere in Australia. The competition is open from 9am Saturday, 6 July to 1pm Sunday, 21 July 2019. Give your completed passport to the friendly staff at Tweed Regional Museum Murwillumbah or Tweed Heads, or any library branch. The prize will be drawn at 11am on Monday, 22 July at Tweed Regional Museum Murwillumbah and the winner contacted by phone or email. Please visit for full terms and conditions.

Local roadworks to watch Nightworks begin on Boyd Street at Tweed Heads this week (if it’s not raining) so motorists are asked to avoid the area if possible between 7pm and 5am each day through to Friday morning. The work will continue for two to three weeks. During the day, the street will be open under changed traffic conditions. Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is doing nightworks on the southbound Pacific Motorway off-ramp to Tweed Valley Way at Chinderah this week. A U-turn detour further south will bring motorists back to the Tweed Valley Way exit northbound. Heavy vehicles will need to use the Clothiers Creek Road interchange. RMS is also widening the shoulder of the highway near Tweed Valley Way interchange to install a wire rope median, so take care there. Council has also engaged contractors to re-asphalt Terranora Road from Sexton Hill Drive up to, and including, Johnson Street during the July NSW school holidays. Traffic will still be able to flow through the site travelling on a single lane under the direction of stop/slow flagmen. The traffic lights at the intersection of Terranora Road and Sexton Hill Drive will be interrupted during working hours and all three approaches to that intersection will be under changed conditions. Motorists are advised there will be delays and to seek alternate routes. One detour route to access the motorway and Tweed Heads South is via Banora Hills Drive on to Darlington Drive. Further west, motorists can travel via Fraser Drive and then Leisure Drive. An information flyer will be delivered to nearby residents this week.

New names reflect focus

Some of the seeds available to borrow at the Murwillumbah Library.

Living and Loving the Tweed

Tweed Shire Council has introduced a new organisational structure that will modernise the descriptions of its services and better reflect Council’s priorities. As part of the changes, the Community and Natural Resources directorate will be renamed Sustainable Communities and Environment. Within that directorate, the Natural Resource Management department will change to Sustainability and Environment, Recreation Services will change to Parks and Active Communities, and Waste Management changes to Resource Recovery to better reflect Council’s emphasis on recycling, and zero waste and circular economy ambitions. A new coastal ranger will be added to the team to assist with protecting the coastal region and local threatened species. This important new role will assist in educating the public about enjoying our coastal reserves and foreshores while minimising negative impacts to the environment. Find out more about Council’s organisational structure at

Tweed Link Thursday, July 4, 2019


Notification of Integrated Development Application

Planning Committee Meeting Agenda Thursday, 4 July 2019

Development Application No. DA19/0384

The Planning Committee Meeting Agenda for Thursday 4 July 2019 is available on Council’s website The meeting will be held at the Council Chambers at the Murwillumbah Cultural and Civic Centre on Tumbulgum Road, Murwillumbah commencing at 5.30pm. A Community Access Session on the items on the Planning Committee Agenda is to be held at 4.30pm prior to the Planning Committee Meeting.

A development application has been lodged by P Wilson seeking development consent for change of use from residential to serviced apartment at Lot 1 DP 1116114; No. 5–7 Beech Lane, Casuarina. Tweed Shire Council is the consent authority for the application.

Reports for consideration

The development application and the documents accompanying it may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracking site located at


3 4 5 6

7 8

Development Application DA18/0663 for a Mixed Use Including Shop Top Housing Office and Boarding House Development at Lot 4 Section 5 DP 4043 No. 25 Beryl Street, Tweed Heads Development Application DA18/0485 for Application for a Staged Development Consisting of Three Dwellings over Three Stages (One Dwelling Per Stage) at Lot 3 DP 371134 No. 141 Byangum Road, Murwillumbah Development Application DA18/1056 for a Secondary Dwelling over Existing Shed and Carport at Lot 22 Section 8 DP 30043 No. 34 Hastings Road, Bogangar Lot 156 Creek Street Hastings Point – Consideration of Buffers, Potential Subdivision Configuration and Residual Riparian Lands Planning Proposal PP19/0003 Amendment to Permit the Staged Development of a New Long-term Tweed Pound and Rehoming Centre Planning Proposal PP19/0004 and PP19/0005 for Site Specific Amendment to Lot 12 DP 803451 No. 22–38 Florence Street Tweed Heads and Lot 3 SP 74283 and 5 SP 83483 No. 49–61 Bells Boulevard, Kingscliff Short Term Rental Accommodation – Update on Compliance Actions for Alleged Unauthorised Short Term Rental Accommodation Variations to Development Standards under State Environmental Planning Policy No. 1 – Development Standards

Council Meeting Agenda Thursday, 4 July 2019 The Council Meeting Agenda for Thursday 4 July 2019 is available on Council's website The meeting will be held at the Council Chambers at the Murwillumbah Cultural and Civic Centre on Tumbulgum Road, Murwillumbah commencing at 5.30pm. 1

Adoption of the Recommendations of the Planning Committee Meeting held Thursday 4 July 2019

Mayoral minute 2

Mayoral Minute – Local Government NSW Annual Conference

Orders of the day 3

NSW Ombudsman Review – Tweed Valley Hospital

General Manager 4

Quarterly Payment – The Tweed Tourism Company

Planning and Regulation 5

RFO2019087 Supply, Installation and Product Support of a Vehiclemounted Mobile Parking Infringement System

Sustainable Communities and Environment 6

Ongoing Operations of the Salvage Centre at the Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre 7 Statutory Covenant for Conservation Purposes at the Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre 8 RFO2019078 Upgrade Works to the Tweed Heads Civic Centre – Cultural Plaza, Social Enterprise Cafe and Library Reading Room 9 Funding Variation for the Continuity of Support (CoS) Program 10 Deed of Variation Offer to an Existing Agreement for Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP)

Finance, Revenue and Information Technology 11 Making the Rate 2019/2020 12 Loan to Tweed Heads Seagulls RLFC

Sub-committees/working groups 13 Minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held Thursday 30 May 2019

Confidential items for consideration People, Communication and Governance in committee C1 Crown Lands Management Act – Delegations and Authorised Persons The Agenda for these meetings, which may also include any late or supplementary reports, will be updated prior to the date of the meetings. The meetings are open to the public. Confidential items are considered in closed session, which excludes media and public. Minutes of these meetings will be available as soon as practical following the meetings and are unconfirmed until they are formally adopted at the next Council meeting.


Provision Section 100B of the Rural Fires Act 1997

Approval General Approval

Authority Rural Fire Service

The documents will be available for a period of 14 days from Wednesday 3 July 2019 to Wednesday 17 July 2019.

Planning and Regulation 1

The proposed development constitutes “Integrated Development” pursuant to Section 4.46(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979. The following approvals are required in this regard:

Check when your water meter is read at

Any person may, during the above period, make a written submission to the General Manager of Council. It should also be noted that Council has adopted a policy whereby, on request, any submission including identifying particulars will be made public. Council will give consideration to the “Public Interest” and requests for confidentiality by submitters in determining access to submission letters. However, the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 – GIPAA may result in confidential submissions being released to an applicant. Any submission objecting to the proposed development must state the ground upon which such objection is made. Please note – Requirements regarding Disclosure of Political Gifts and Donations A disclosure is required to be made in a statement accompanying the relevant development or planning application by a person who makes the application. In addition, a person who makes a written submission either objecting to or supporting a relevant development or planning application must also make a disclosure if the person has made a reportable political donation. Further information regarding Donations and Gift Disclosure are available on Council’s website

Development Application determinations Notification of Development Application Determinations for the purposes of Section 4.59 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 (as amended). Application details

Development Proposal for public comment The following Development Application has been received by Tweed Shire Council and may be viewed on Council’s DA Tracking site located at for a period of 14 days from Wednesday 3 July 2019 to Wednesday 17 July 2019. The proposal is not designated development and Tweed Shire Council is the consent authority.

Approved DA19/0062 – Alterations to dwelling to create a storage area and secondary dwelling and use of works to stairwell Lot 817 DP 1019503, No. 23 Firewheel Way, Banora Point DA19/0028 – Fit out and use of premises as cafe Lot 1 DP 714950, No. 89 Phillip Street, Chinderah DA18/0784 – 2 lot subdivision Lot 2 DP 706332, No. 77 Mahers Lane, Terranora DA18/0652 – Demolition of existing dwelling, tree removal and construction of a mixed use development comprising a dwelling, shop top housing unit, shops and signage Lot 4 DP 8107, Lot 5 DP 8107, Lot 0 ROAD 713, No. 1470 Kyogle Road, Uki DA19/0312 – Alterations and additions to existing dwelling, demolition of existing shed, new shed and pergola Lot 1 DP 828287, No. 69 Burringbar Road, Burringbar DA19/0376 – Demolition of dog pound Lot 1 DP 590220, No. 298 Bartletts Road, Eviron DA18/0985 – Use of converted shed to a dwelling Lot 10 DP 1229885, No. 7117 Tweed Valley Way, Fernvale DA19/0120 – Replace existing retaining wall and in-ground swimming pool Lot 257 DP 259969, No. 3 Quirk Place, Kingscliff DA19/0309 – Carport within the building line and caravan storage Lot A DP 370864, No. 2 Wommin Bay Road, Kingscliff DA19/0343 – Carport within front building line Lot 103 DP 875635, No. 8 Shore Place, Kingscliff DA19/0365 – Two storey dwelling with attached garage Lot 39 DP 1214044, No. 11 Spoonbill Lane, Kingscliff CDC19/0066 – In-ground swimming pool Lot 903DP 1101845, No. 19 Newcastle Drive, Pottsville DA19/0319 – Carport within front building line Lot 108 DP 1013131, No. 7 Taylor Drive, Pottsville DA19/0320 – In-ground swimming pool Lot 1208 DP 1118282, No. 71 Lennox Circuit, Pottsville DA19/0230 – Two storey dwelling with attached garage and spa Lot 12 DP 1102118, Pumpenbil Road, Pumpenbil DA19/0318 – Dwelling, carport, in-ground swimming pool, and decommissioning of existing dwelling Lot 7 DP 847357, No. 23 Summer Hill Close, Stokers Siding DA19/0326 – Use of shed and retaining walls Lot 52DP 1092504, No. 28 Sunnycrest Drive, Terranora DA19/0366 – Two storey dwelling with attached garage Lot 225DP 1237760, No. 8 Woodroffe Street, Terranora DA19/0257 – Carport within front building line Lot 227 DP 253826, No. 16 The Anchorage, Tweed Heads DA19/0374 – In-ground swimming pool Lot 44 DP 259616, No. 19 Blundell Boulevard, Tweed Heads South DA19/0333 – Alterations and additions to existing dwelling Lot 1 DP 136687, No. 450 Tumbulgum Road, Tygalgah Approved – Deferred Commencement DA19/0118 – Dwelling, in-ground swimming pool and shed Lot 3DP 593030, Lot 2 DP 592626, No. 827 Reserve Creek Road, Reserve Creek The above development determinations are available for public inspection free of charge at the Planning and Regulation Division, Murwillumbah Civic Centre, during ordinary office hours or viewed on Council’s DA Tracking site located at

Applicant The Bastion Coffee Co Pty Ltd

Location Lot 233 DP 721129; No. 1462 Kyogle Road UKI; Lot 232 DP 721129; No. 1464 Kyogle Road, Uki

Any person may, during the period specified above, make a submission in writing to Council in relation to the Development Application. Where a submission is in the form of an objection, then the grounds of objection are required to be specified. Any person may, during the above period, make a written submission to the General Manager of Council. It should also be noted that Council has adopted a policy whereby, on request, any submission including identifying particulars will be made public. Council will give consideration to the “Public Interest” and requests for confidentiality by submitters in determining access to submission letters. However, the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 – GIPAA may result in confidential submissions being released to an applicant. Please note – Requirements regarding Disclosure of Political Gifts and Donations A disclosure is required to be made in a statement accompanying the relevant development or planning application by a person who makes the application. In addition, a person who makes a written submission either objecting to or supporting a relevant development or planning application must also make a disclosure if the person has made a reportable political donation. Further information regarding Donations and Gift Disclosure are available on Council’s website

Requests for offer RFO2019037 Panel of Providers for Soil Testing and Geotechnical Services RFO2019113 Asphalt Supply and Installation - various sites Offers close: Wednesday 4pm 24 July 2019 Offers must be lodged as specified in the offer documentation. Request For Offer documentation is available at no charge from Council’s website at Hard copy documentation is available and costs will be in accordance with Council’s advertised photocopying fees. All Offers will be opened at closing time and will be considered by Council in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 and the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2005. The lowest or any offer is not necessarily accepted and canvassing of Councillors or staff will disqualify. For further information please contact Contracts Administration on (02) 6670 2606.

Resident and Ratepayer Association meetings Cabarita Beach/Bogangar Residents Association will meet at 7pm, Monday 8 July at the Cabarita Sports and Bowls Club, Cabarita Beach. All welcome. Casuarina/Seaside/Salt Residents Association will now meet on Wednesday, 17 July at 7pm in the Legends Room, Surf Australia building, next to the Recreation Club, Casuarina. Tweed Sand Bypassing Community Meeting – A community information meeting will be held on Thursday 4 July, 5–6.30pm at Fingal Rovers Surf Lifesaving Club.

1300 292 872 or (02) 6670 2400

Subscribe to the Tweed Link online at

PO Box 816, Murwillumbah NSW 2484

or follow Council on:

Living and Loving the Tweed

Proposal Application No. alterations including DA19/0396 decking between Uki Hall and Post Office, relocating post boxes, new shopfront and awnings and the additional use of premises as a café

07 5524 6188 PRICES FROM

BEAUTY Eye Lash Tint. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$15 Eye Brow Tint .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$12 Eye Brow Wax .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$15 Chin Wax .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$10 Lip Wax .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$10 Eye Pack, Eye Lash Tint, Eye Brow Wax, Eye Brow Tint $30 BRAIDS Basic Braid, No Wash . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Starts from $20 Wash and Braid .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. from $30 PERMS (INCLUDE CUT) Alkaline (NAK) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$80 Acid (ABBA) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$90 Set/Blow Wave with Perm. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .from $15 extra Top Perm and Cut, NAK .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$65 Long Hair Perms to be Quoted. .. .. .. .Starting from $120 BLOW WAVES, SETS & STYLES Blow Wave/Set.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$40 Senior Blow Wave .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$30 Cloud Nine Curls . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. from $45 Cloud Nine Iorn Only .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. from $30 Cloud Nine Wash, Blow Wave, Iorn.. .. .. .. .. .. .. from $50 Up Style .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. from $65 COLOURS Regrowth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$60 Full Colour all Over, Short Hair . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. from $70 Full Colour and Cut, Short Hair .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. from $95 Full Colour all Over, Shoulder Length Hair .. .. .. from $90 Full Colour and Cut Shoulder Length Hair .. .. ..from $115 Full Colour all Over, Long Hair . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..from $110 Full Colour and Cut Long Hair . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..from $140 PERMS (INCLUDE CUT) Alkaline (NAK) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$85 Acid (ABBA) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$95 Set/Blow Wave with Perm. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . from $15 extra Top Perm and Cut, NAK .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$75 Long Hair Perms to be Quoted .. .. .. ..Starting from $140 WEDDINGS Trials to Charged at . .. .. .. .. .Minimum $50 per half hour .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $85 per hour Up Styles to be quoted .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. from $65

Come in for a FREE Quote and Consult *Prices may vary depending on hair length



Shop 1/1 Machinery Dve, Tweed Heads Sth


CUTS Senior Ladies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$30 Senior Ladies Cut, Blow Wave and Set .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$50 Ladies.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$40 Restyles . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Start from extra $15 Ladies Cut, Blow Wave or Set .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. from $65 Men’s .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$20 Senior Men’s. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$15 Clipper Cut . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$15 Fringe Cut .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. from $10-$15 Infant’s/Toddler. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$15 Primary School . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$15 High School Girl’s. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$20 High School Boy’s .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$18 FOILS 5 Foils.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$40 5 Foils and Cut.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$75 10 Foils .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$75 10 Foils and Cut .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $100 15 Foils .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$85 15 Foils and Cut .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $110 20 Foils .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $110 20 Foils and Cut .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $135 30 Foils .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $125 30 Foils and Cut .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $155 40 Foils .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $145 40 Foils and Cut .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $180 Full Head Foils .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $220 Full Head Foils and Cut .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $275 Streaks .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..$70 TREATMENTS Basin Treatment with Hot Towel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$15 Blow wave extra or $10 with another service Treatment under Roller Ball .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$30 BALAYAGE Includes 20 Foils, Regrowth, Toner and Bleach Out Ends plus a Dry Off not a Blow Wave .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $200 If more than a Regrowth Colour used. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $220 Toner is only quoted for 25 gram mix if more charge an extra .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$30 Charge for a blow/curls and extra .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$30 Cut with service .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .$30 Basic No Extra Balayage is Cut plus Blowave.. .. .. .. $240

12 Mayal Street, Murwillumbah

Price $570,000 View Sat 12-12.30pm Belinda Franks 0409 152 200

Price $675,000 Ready to sell View Sat 11-11.30am Belinda Franks 0409 152 200

62 James Street, Murwillumbah

10 Condong Street, Murwillumbah Business premises or home, this convenient location makes life easy. Immaculate presentation throughout and completely renovated. Solar power as well. Walk to town, schools or run your business from here with great exposure.

This original weatherboard character home has all the features you want; 11ft ceilings (pressed metal & ornate plaster), vj board linings, fretwork breezeways & colonial arches, french doors, stained glass windows & timber oors. Solar power and four car rear lane parking.

Price $557,000 Great Value Here Belinda Franks 0409 152 200

Make your money work for you: 2 well presented freestanding homes that can be strata titled & on-sold separately, whenever you want. Live in either one and rent the other, or rent both out ($460 (3 brms) & $380 (2 brms) per week. Solar power on both, separate access and no ood risk.

Price $825,000 Negotiable View By appointment Belinda Franks 0409 152 200


You will have a solid investment in this hospital hill double brick home. Generously proportioned throughout across two levels with a large area downstairs perfect for extended family/dual living. Genuine seller is downsizing

51 Riverview Street, Murwillumbah

O P SA EN 9. TU HO 00 R M – 9 DAY E: .3 0

Contact Agent

STOKERS SIDING 100 Adcocks Road






MOUNT BURRELL 109 Mount Burrell Road



- Artist and Nature Lovers Retreat - This home is designed for nature lovers - Enjoy garden walks and tracks, beautifully maintained nature areas and gardens - Loads and loads of sheds, workshop areas and Artist Studios - Once in a Lifetime Opportunity to own this Unique Paradise - For someone looking for something different this Unique Home encompasses a lifetime of creativity - Home is ready to pass on to its new owners to enjoy

Anne Besgrove 0402608503

Anne Besgrove 0402608503













- 5 acres set on a quiet no through road at Stokers Siding - Large, well fenced, flat usable house yard area - Creek running though the property - This superb 5 bed, 3 bath, plus a large study/office/guest room - Suit Extended family - 12 minutes from Murwillumbah, 20 mins to beaches, 35 minutes to Gold Coast Airport


MURWILLUMBAH 12 George Street










- North Facing Home with a lovely verandah to enjoy the sunsets on - Neat and tidy home with good sized useable back yard and loads of useable space - Downstairs for the family to enjoy - Walking distance to town, schools, shops and sporting fields. - Open plan living dining area - Home features high ceilings, A/C, carpets with floorboards hidden underneath

- North facing, 4 bed home with front Verandah facing the views & gentle breezes flowing through. - This lovely Light and Airy home, One Level, creates an easy care home for everyone to enjoy. - Features 4 bedrooms, BIR and Main with Ensuite & Large front Verandah -North Facing - Security screens and blinds & Remote access double Garage - 10 Solar Panels & Large Garden shed, Close to schools and shops

Anne Besgrove 0402608503

O PE N S 10 AT H .3 UR OM 0 - 1 DAY E: 1. 00

Anne Besgrove 0402608503


Contact Agent





- - Modern Open Plan Home in the much sort after Rivaue Estate - 2 quiet verandahs designed to simply enjoy and for all your family’s entertaining together with a fully fenced yard - The entry of the home draws you down a spacious walkway to the open plan centre of the home - Sleek modern kitchen stone finishes, large pantry & 5 burner gas stove - This lovely home boasts 4 generous bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, an open plan family room, dining room, air-conditioning and all set on one level with no steps! Owner is downsizing.

Anne Besgrove 0402608503


MURWILLUMBAH 22 Charles Street



- Light-filled, open plan home freshly painted with timber floors throughout - Large bedrooms with a large front verandah to enjoy & solar panels - Great backyard for entertaining with multipurpose undercover areas, fully fenced yard & pool - Perfect location to schools shops & cafes - Feels like country living with rural views at your back door - imagine you can’t be built out behind - nice open paddock short walk to put in the crab pots or take the fishing rods to spend your afternoons

Anne Besgrove 0402608503

02 6672 7828


MURWILLUMBAH 32 Coral Fern Circuit

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Local News 13

Happy Harry is back on the gas at Liberty servo By Jonathon Howard MURWILLUMBAH LOCAL Happy Harry Saad has recently started refilling gas bottles at the Liberty Service Station and he’s calling on all his old friends to come down and support this local, independent business. Happy Harry told The Weekly he’d been the gas-bottle man at Matilda Service Station for many years, but after it closed temporarily for renovations, he’s found himself “bored”. “I was getting way too bored at home,” he said. “I missed seeing the lovely local people in South Murwillumbah and having a chat and catch up with them.” H a r r y, a l o n g w i t h L i b e r t y Murwillumbah owner and operator, Tim Candy, are now calling on locals and visitors to drop by and support this great local business. “We want everyone to come down and get their fuel from one of the only independent service stations left in the Tweed Shire,” Mr Candy said. Mr Candy said the recent service station landscape had been dominated by multinationals, but there was “still an independent option on Tweed Valley Way”. “We are still committed to good old fashioned service with a smile,” he said. “It’s also great to have Happy Harry with us to help out with refilling gas bottles and catching up with locals.” Harry said he was eager to see some of his local mates at the Liberty Service Station. “We need our loyal local customers to come back,” he said.

The Matilda Services Station site on Tweed Valley Way

Puma Energy in talks with Matilda owner

Happy Harry Saad and Liberty Service Station owner Tim Candy

“I’ve done well for them in the past and want to continue that service, so come and say hello and fill up.”

To find out more, visit Tim and Happy Harry at the Liberty Service Station, which is located at 297 Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah.

New Solar Panel Technology Increases Power Efficiency

TWEED SHIRE locals have been left wondering about the future of the Matilda Service Station at 182 Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah, with Puma Energy expressing an interest in taking over and renovating the site. The Weekly put several questions to a Puma Energy Australia spokesperson who confirmed the company is currently in discussions with the site owners. “Puma Energy is currently in discussions with the owners of the Matilda service station at 182 Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah,” the spokesperson said. “We are working with the site’s owners to investigate the feasibility of reopening the site as part of Puma Energy’s NSW network. “At this stage, no firm decisions have been made regarding the future of the site, so it is not possible to comment on specifics.” The Puma Energy spokesperson said should the lease go ahead, the company would consider renovations. “If the lease does proceed, we can confirm that we are considering installing a new fuel system to increase the capacity at the site, as well as the number of products available and an upgrade to the shop design,” the spokesperson said. “We will inform the community once a decision has been made, and we would be delighted to expand our network to serve the residents of the Tweed Shire. “We appreciate your patience while these discussions take place.”


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“It has been a year since you installed my solar system and I just want to tell you that it is working perfectly. I now have a $512 credit with my energy retailer and it has cut my power use to just 3.67 kWh per day. With the 20 cent Feed In Tariff I receive from power I don't use during the day, it has paid for all my night time power and covered the network supply charge. I estimate I have saved over $2,200 in the last year.” Bob from Goonellabah

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Every time a shadow passes over one of your solar panels, power plummets across the whole array. Not with the Blade! Half of the panel can be shaded and the other half still produces full power. The New Seraphim Blade Module is also designed to capture more light by reducing the space between cells, increasing internal reflection.

14 Local News Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Speed on Tweed track given green light Take the power out of relationships

By Jonathon Howard THE TRACK for Festival of Speed on Tweed has received preliminary approval by the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS), as the pieces continue to fall into place for the return of the iconic racing event. The preliminary approval comes as Coles Murwillumbah announced they are getting behind the Festival of Speed on Tweed’s raffle ticket sales, with hopes that another big Tweed event will be added to the events calendar in 2020. Coles Murwillumbah manager, Shaun Haysom, said he was eager to throw his support behind the return of Speed on Tweed and he’s urging locals to buy a ticket. “We are now selling raffle tickets for your chance to win a $25,000 first prize or a second prize of a party boat cruise for 50 people on the Spirit of Wollumbin with Mount Warning Tours,” he said. “The Coles Murwillumbah team are pleased to support the return of this event and hope everyone will show their support.” Tickets are available for $100 each or $50 for the chance to share the prize money 50/50. Speed on Tweed event chairman Tonny Van’t Riet said ticket sales continue to move slowly towards the draw date of September 2, 2019. “ We a re d e l i g h t e d t o h ave C o l e s Murwillumbah supporting the return of Speed on Tweed by selling the raffle tickets,” Mr Van’t Riet said. “Now we’d like to encourage everyone to buy a ticket for their chance to win big, but also to support the return of an iconic event.” Mr Van’t Riet said that although it had been a “tough task” fundraising and selling raffle tickets to have the Speed on Tweed event returned, he remains confident the event will run in September 2020. “We have made some amazing progress thanks to some group and individual efforts,” he said.

“The track was recently approved in the first stages by CAMS and we’re working on ways to save on the track construction overall.” Mr Van’t Riet said the total costs of hosting the event were now around $375,000. “We are still very confident of running the event next year,” he said. “However, we need a lot of local support by buying a raffle ticket or supporting the event through sponsorship.” Anyone wanting to find out more about the raffle tickets can visit Southern Cross Credit Union branches at both Murwillumbah, Cabarita and Tweed City as well as The Weekly office or Coles Murwillumbah. Anyone wanting to find out about sponsorship can email:

The Coles Murwillumbah team including manager Shaun Haysom with Tonny Van’t Riet (far right)

By Megan Albany MAIRA JORBA is a Parenting Consultant and the director of Inspired Parenting at Uki, who believes that a peaceful planet starts in the home. Ms Jorba will be running a workshop aimed at understanding our inner power on Saturday, July 13, from 1pm to 5pm at the Heart and Soul of Wellness, 49 Commercial Road, Murwillumbah and costs $65. The four-hour empowerment workshop explores the reasons for violence, depression, discipline problems and relationship difficulties and draws on new wave relationship theories including Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication and Aletha Solter’s Aware Parenting. “ M a r s h a l l h a s u s e d N o nv i o l e n t Communication in the most extreme environments like racial wars in Africa in Kenya, or in the Middle East or in the States between black and white Americans, but these are the extremes,” Ms Jorba said. “We can use these same types of strategies in our daily lives, as even when it comes to disciplining our kids, there is often a tension or a fight, so for parents everywhere understanding power talk can work wonders.” The course is aimed at helping people understand how power creates relationship problems, with others and ourselves.

Maira Jorba

With many school students now experiencing bullying, Ms Jorba said understanding how to communicate successfully can be the key to getting a good result for your child. “My son could be described as stubborn or strong and I just wasn’t getting through to him and there was always conflict,” she said. “Using empathetic listening was the key to improving my relationship with him as well as realising that I needed to alter the way in which I did things.” While most of us think of violence as being physical, Ms Jorba said words can also feel violent to both children and adults. “Being angry is the clearest example of violent communication but even making demands instead of requests or making statements that ‘this is how things are’, rather than ‘this is how I see things’ can feel violent,” she said. While talking nicely to each other seems like something that should come naturally, Ms Jorba said that listening is the missing part in most communication and it is a skill that needs to be taught. “True listening is a skill that not many of us have been trained in doing and it can be extremely healing and deeply connecting for both parties. “There are very clear steps to this, including being present and mirroring the other person as well as, very simply, waiting until the person is finished. “Listening well is a very simple thing that can transform relationships.” The Empowerment workshop explores power dynamics, the cycle of emotions, emotional self-awareness and self-care, emotional responsibility, extending capacity for compassion, and a new understanding of anger, guilt, shame, depression, rewards, discipline and respect. For more information email maira@ or call 0427 088 096.

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Dental Health

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019 Dental Health Feature

Learn how to keep your child’s teeth healthy with Murwillumbah Family Dentist THE KEY to a healthy mouth is a happy and trusting relationship with your local dentist. This relationship begins with your first visit to the dental surgery which for most people starts at a young age. The Murwillumbah Family Dentist team love to provide a positive experience for everyone. Established in 2013 by Dr Michelle Ng and Dr Victoria Skitt, Murwillumbah Family Dentist has a combined vision to create a modern dental practice with a family friendly atmosphere and built on a reputation of gentle and professional care. “We offer a comprehensive range of dental treatment, including orthodontic therapy, myofunctional appliances and laser dentistry,” Dr Skitt said. “Our clinic of fer s a family-friendly environment with a kid’s play area in the waiting room and TVs on the ceiling above each dental chair.”

Both dentists are patient, gentle and caring which is a perfect fit for very anxious children. “Our surgery has happy gas available which can also help to relax any anxious children and adults,” Dr Skitt said. Dr Ng said good dental hygiene starts at a young age and Murwillumbah Family Dentist have some great ways to avoid dental issues down the track. “It’s important to look after your children’s teeth from the moment they start teething,” Dr Ng said. “This will protect against decay, pain, infection, damage to the adult teeth underneath and crowding of teeth later on.


Children’s Dentistry

Dr Victoria Skitt, Dental Assistant Meg Chisholm and Dr Michelle Ng

comfortable visiting the dentist every 6-12 months.” Dr Ng said it’s recommended that a parent or carer brush and floss children’s teeth with an appropriate fluoride toothpaste twice a day until they are eight years old or until they have the dexterity to do it themselves. “Snacking on sugar increases your children’s risk of decay,” Dr Skitt said. “Sugary snacks include dried fruit, fruit juice, sports drinks and flavoured milk. “Savoury snacks are better such as cheese, raw vegetables and nuts.”

“It’s best to bring your children in for their first dental check-up around two years of age.

Dr Skitt said another important area for people to consider is children who play contact sports should wear a custom-made mouthguard to prevent injury.

“This means any problems can be picked up early and your children will become

“At your child’s dental visit we will also assess their growth and development,” she said.

“In some cases, we can provide early treatment to help straighten teeth and encourage correct jaw development. “One popular mode of treatment we employ is the Myobrace system which is a series of removable appliances and may avoid the need for braces.” At Murwillumbah Family Dentist we use ozone therapy, which is a painless noninvasive treatment to disinfect and stimulate healing. The practice provides a full range of dental services to people of all ages. If you would like to know more, please speak to one of the friendly staff by phoning (02) 6672 7620 or visit 3/17 Church Lane, Murwillumbah. The new carparking area behind the surgery will also be completed soon. From this carpark there will be direct access to the rear door of the dental surgery into our reception area.


At Murwillumbah Family Dentist, we are committed to providing you with the best possible dental experience!

No gap check-up and clean:

Murwillumbah Family Dentist provide this vital service to children in a private health fund.

Custom made mouthguards:

For a great price of only $60 or private health fund rebate only.

Medicare’s Child Dental Benefits Scheme:

Murwillumbah Family Dentist 3/17 Church Lane Murwillumbah NSW 2484

Phone (02) 6672 7620 Fax (02) 6672 7631 Email

Monday - Friday : 8:00am - 5:00pm Emergency appointments available. Phone our friendly team to make an appointment.


For eligible families, Medicare’s Child Dental Benefits Scheme will cover up to $1,000 worth of general dental treatment over a twoyear period. Murwillumbah Family Dentist offers bulk billing to eligible children under Medicare.

16 Local News Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Puppy Pawty!! Burringbar residents Lou Molinari and Arturo with Milo

Locals Liz and Dennis Smith with Beth 71963

Est Est. 1938 1938



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HUNDREDS OF dog owners and dog lovers converged on Mavis’s Kitchen and Cabins on Sunday, June 30, to enjoy outstanding weather, entertainment, a dog obstacle course, food and drinks. The event, It’s a Puppy Pawty, took up most of the venue's outdoor setting and included a range of activities and events to keep dogs and their owners entertained. Mavis’s Kitchen part owner Peter Clarke said the event had been so well received they were forced to stop selling tickets at 500 people. “It's been a huge success,” he said. “We love having locals and visitors with their dogs for the day, but due to such a popular demand we were forced to stop selling tickets at 500.” Mavis's Kitchen's next doggy event will be on December 1 for the Doggy Disco Christmas Party. Pick up The Weekly for more details. To find out more about Mavis’s Kitchen and Cabins phone (02) 6679 5664 or visit 64 Mt Warning Road, Uki.

Murwillumbah locals Graham and Marea Bernard with Max

Murwillumbah locals Jenni Dagley and Kwey with Mort

Murwillumbah locals Emma Lucas with Harlow and Skye O'Brien

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Wrights TweedDry City COOLANGATTA HEADS HEADS MURWILLUMBAH Wrights COOLANGATTA TWEED TWEED HEADS TWEED TWEED HEADS MURWILLUMBAH t Cleaning Minjungbal Dve nS 90 St,St, 2/71-73 Wharf St St Main Street, SOUTH 90Griffith Griffith 2/71-73 Wharf Main Street, Dry e SOUTH e Cleaning Tweed Tweed Centro Blundell Boulevard Qu Cnr StSt Opp MURWILLUMBA Wrights H ST Opp Tweed Centro Blundell BoulevardPalm Plaza Palm Plaza CnrWarner Warner Murwillumbah St Heads Dry 6672 14411441 8688 1307 5536 6672 5536 8688 5513 5513 1307 55366708 6708 5536 South Cleaning

Laura Daniels with Pearl




Helen Briggs with Florence a Shiba Inu

Murwillumbah locals Haydn and Kelly with Dianne and Mia



There were plenty of activities and entertainment for both canines and people at the Mavis's grounds

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019


A 25-YEAR-OLD Banora Point man will face charges of trespassing and two counts of larceny after he allegedly entered a private property at Castlecrag Avenue in Banora Point and tried to steal from two vehicles on Friday, June 28. Tweed Police said it was about 3.35am when the man attempted to enter a Land Rover and Renault. “About 12.40am on Sunday, June 30, police allegedly located the 25-year-old man on Kennedy Drive at Tweed Heads,” police said. “The man was arrested and taken to Tweed Heads Police Station.” Police charged the man with trespass and two counts of attempted larceny. He was refused bail and was scheduled to appear at Tweed Heads Court on June 30.

Brazen thief goes after bank vouchers at local shops

A BRAZEN theft of bank vouchers inside a Tweed Heads South shopping centre, as well as carrying a knife, has landed a 38-year-old Tweed Heads man behind bars. Tweed Police said it was on Thursday, June 27, that the man allegedly unlawfully entered a closed shop and stole bank vouchers. Police were called and arrested the man nearby. “The man was searched, and police allegedly found a knife on him,” police said. “The man was charged with larceny, trespass and possess knife in a public place.” He was bailed and will appear before Tweed Heads Local Court on Monday, July 8.

Police swoop on Nunderi properties

A NUNDERI man will face a string of charges after police searched his property and located 21 cannabis plants, cannabis leaf and a double-barrelled shot gun under a bed on Thursday, June 27. Tweed Police said the 53-year-old man’s

TWEED POLICE busted a 45-year-old man growing cannabis plants at a Nunderi property on Thursday, June 27. Police said it was about 11.30am when officers from the Target Action Group were at a Nunderi property. “It is alleged police located three cannabis plants growing in pot plants,” police said. The man was charged with cultivating a prohibited plant and possessing a prohibited drug and will appear before Murwillumbah Local Court on Thursday, July 18.

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Man charged with trespass and attempted theft

Second Nunderi property busted with cannabis


Murwillumbah woman nabbed for drink driving

A 26-YEAR-OLD woman will front court later this month after she was nabbed drink driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.132 or almost three times the legal limit on Saturday, June 29. Police said it was about 12.05am when the Murwillumbah woman was stopped driving a car on Nullum Street. “It is alleged a positive reading was obtained to alcohol and the female was arrested and taken to Murwillumbah Police Station,” police said. “There a breath analysis was taken which allegedly returned a reading of 0.132.” The female was charged with mid-range drink driving, her license was suspended, and she was bailed to appear before Murwillumbah Local Court on Thursday, July 18.

Condong man charged with high-range drink driving

A 58-YEAR-OLD man from Condong was nabbed drink driving at more than three times the legal limit on Sunday, June 23. Police said they stopped the man for a breath test on the Old Pacific Highway at Yelgun at about 11.20pm. “It is alleged a positive reading was obtained to alcohol and the male was arrested and taken to Brunswick Heads Police Station,” police said. “There a breath analysis was taken which allegedly returned a reading of 0.174.” The male was charged with high-range drink driving and had his license suspended. He was bailed to appear before Mullumbimby Local Court on Monday, July 8.

BreastScreen Clinic The Tweed Hospital Powell Street Tweed Heads NSW

Entry via:

Enter via car park entry on Powell Street. Turn first left and follow signage.

Car parking:

Limited parking, may need to park on street.

Public transport:

Surfside Buslines NSW timetable Route 602 & 604


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John Nolan

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A MAN who allegedly robbed a South Murwillumbah service station armed with a machete has been arrested by Tweed Police in Newcastle. The 30-year-old man was arrested at Newcastle Police Station by detectives on Tuesday, July 2 and charged with robbery armed with an offensive weapon. The man allegedly entered the service station on Sunday, March 3, around 8.45pm and threatened the attendant and a male customer. Police will allege he then stole cash and cigarettes before leaving. No one was injured during the incident. He was remanded in custody to appear at Raymond Terrace Local Court on Monday, July 8. Investigations into the incident are continuing.

home was searched at about 11.30am by the Tweed Police Target Action Group. Officers searched the property and alleged to have seized 21 cannabis plants being grown, 140 grams of cannabis leaf, a double-barrelled shot gun under a bed and a slug gun. The man was arrested and taken to Tweed Heads Police Station. He was charged with possessing a prohibited drug, cultivating a prohibited drug, two counts of possessing an unauthorised firearm and not keeping a firearm safe. The man was bailed to appear before Murwillumbah Local Court on July 18.

TWO-WAY RADIO 02 6672 2077 or 0410 555 688

480 Tweed Valley Way, Murwillumbah


P: (07) 5536 3055 Ext 4 Wharf Central, cnr. Frances and Wharf Streets, TWEED HEADS (also at TALLEBUDGERA)


Machete thief arrested

Local News 17


Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019


THE FEDERAL Government have provided the ATO with over a billion dollars in additional funding to undertake audit activity this year. The ATO have again highlighted their interest in targeting work related expenses, business deductions, and rental property deductions. T h e AT O h av e b e e n a c t i v e ly discouraging taxpayers from using registered tax agents. At the same time they have multiplied their audit activity targeting “self preparers”. There are several reason for this: By discouraging the use of a tax agent, the taxpayer loses deductibility of their tax agent’s fees and related deductions such as travel to the tax agent, phone calls and other costs related to using the services of your tax agent. This results in billions of dollars in additional tax revenue for the ATO. Also, the ATO assume self preparers will make errors as the tax law is complex. Many taxpayers will either under claim, which benefits the ATO to the detriment of the taxpayer, or over claim, which exposes them to the risk of audit and severe penalties. When the ATO audits a self preparer, the taxpayer stands alone before the might of the ATO and often do not know their rights or how to present their arguments in support of their claims. Consequently they are easy targets for the ATO.

Unfortunately we have observed some outrageously unfair ATO audit outcomes, where taxpayers have been denied thousands of dollars of legitimate tax deductions by “over zealous” tax office auditors, plus huge penalties and interest charges. Remembering that the Federal Government has provided additional funding to the ATO to raise additional revenue, perhaps this outcome is not surprising. However, the best way to protect yourself or your business is to engage the services of a professional and reputable tax agent, such as Best Business Practice, CPA Accountants. For a modest tax deductible fee, this will significantly lower your risk of tax office audit by up to 10 times, and should the ATO look into your tax affairs, you have the protection of a highly skilled, experienced tax agent to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and defend your position against the ATO.

Here at Best Business Practice we specialise in personalised business advice, self-managed super funds and individual tax returns. We are able to provide financial strategies and wealth creation advice. We provide businesses with annual tax planning advice, business benchmarking and KPI analysis. Clients even go in the draw to win a holiday. We are skilled and have an excellent track record at representing clients in audits and objecting against ATO audit decisions should you be subjected to ATO scrutiny. Call us today to book your appointment and become a part of the Best Business Practice family (02) 6672 6700. We have offices in Murwillumbah and Kingscliff. This information was supplied by Best Business Practice and is given as general advice only.

Think local for your taxes

IT’S TAX time and The Weekly has listed (pages 18-21) a selection of some of the finest local accountants and accountancy firms in the Tweed Shire. Before you consider doing your tax on your own, please consult with one of these outstanding local businesses that can help you and avoid the pitfalls. Here’s just a few things to remember when considering tax dedications: 1. Donations made to charity: Charity donations can be one of the most common things people forget to claim, or incorrectly claim as a tax deduction. If you’ve only dropped some spare change in a bucket at a convenience store counter, you’re probably not eligible to claim this as a tax deduction. However, if you are one of the many who make regular contributions to a charity every month, you may be eligible to claim something back at tax time. 2. Car and travel expenses Your vehicle and travel costs are a common area to claim. However, taking a guess at the amount of expenses incurred can land you in hot water, as can making an illegitimate claim like travel to and from work. That’s why it’s important to ensure what you’re claiming is considered a travel expense in the eyes of the ATO. Properly claiming these expenses can save you a lot of money come tax time, so it’s worth getting it right. 3. Work related expenses Many expenses that you accumulate through your chosen career path can be claimed in your tax return. However, many cannot, and incorrectly claiming these may result in a penalty from the ATO. Some are more obvious than others, like an apprentice’s tools or travel expenses (as explained above). Again, it makes sense to contact a local accountant. 4. Working from home There are many, many ways you can claim work-related expenses, fortunately, this also includes working from home. If you’re running a business from home (full-time or parttime) that requires you to use computers, phones and other electronic devices, you could be eligible to claim deductions on certain costs. Remember to keep receipts.


Tax tip by Best Business Practice: Beware of self preparing tax returns

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tax Time 19

“A tax is a fine for doing well, a fine is a tax for doing wrong.” - Mark Twain

WE ALL look forward to getting a tax refund, but if you’re not sure what you should do with yours then talk to your local tax agent. Local accountants can help devise a strategy tailored to your individual circumstances to ensure you get the most out of this year’s tax refund. Did you know that only one-in-ten Australians go large and either spend their tax refund on holidays or big purchases. The rest of us? Well, we tend to put it to pretty good use and almost 30 per cent of Aussies use their tax refund to pay outstanding bills or fines.

After bills, one-in-five put it towards savings, one-in-eight pay off loans or credit cards and one-in-ten put it towards their home loan.

Tax Tip: Some advice from a local expert

Grant & Brady SINGLE TOUCH Payroll (STP) is the biggest change affecting businesses since the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST). STP is a mandatory reporting system where employers must use computer software to submit details of each employee’s pay at the time they are paid, every time they are paid. Yes, you read that correctly – each time they are paid or 52 times a year if you, like most employers, pay on a weekly basis.

STP is mandatory from July 1, 2019, although there are concessions for smaller employers and those who employ family members. We’ve been readying our clients for this important change for some months now. STP set up and compliance is one of the many services we offer to our business clients. If need help getting set up for STP or any other business services, please contact us for assistance. We’re more than happy to help.

KCA Accounting Pty Ltd Karina Reading Your local experienced solution for taxation & business advisory needs. A range of Service areas: - Fast turn around individual returns including: • Salary & Wage • Rental properties • Investments • Small business & the small business income tax offset • Work related deductions - Partnership, trusts, companies & complex structures for all industries - Superannuation funds - Business performance & Tax planning

Phone 0411 271 653 ABN: 28 615 210 654

6 Neville Close Murwillumbah NSW 2484


Don’t blow it! Make the most of your return

“Don’t roll the dice with your future.... call TOKA today” TOKA Accountants has a reputable high service standard with a large client base, ranging from small businesses, professionals, family businesses, property investors, self employed and corporate clients. Our philosophy of understanding you and your business/personal objectives enables us to tailor our services and provide you with proactive advice to assist you with achieving your business, financial and personal goals. TOKA specialises in individual tax returns, company/family trust, management accounting, tax minimisation, business structuring, superannuation, GST/BAS, business advice and asset protection.

TOKA Accountants & Business Advisors

Call us today to receive a FREE mortgage health check with your tax this year!

Level 1-1 Coronation Avenue, Pottsville

02 6676 4823


TOKA Accountants & Business Advisors are a boutique accounting firm which was established in 2005. TOKA aims to make their client’s accounting requirements as easy and painless as possible by providing clients with their specialist knowledge and a high level of personal service. By incorporating a network of professional services which act independently, their clients have access to a range of quality services from tax to legal, superannuation, financial planning, insurance, finance and leasing. With all these services at your fingertips you can be confident all your taxation and business requirements are being taken care of by a professional.

20 Tax Time Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals


Tax Tips: Some advice from local experts JK Gregor & Associates THE INSTANT asset write-off threshold has changed both for the amount and dates first used or installed ready for use. The thresholds are as follows: $20,000 before January 29, 2019. $25,000 from January 29, 2019, until 7.30pm on April 2, 2019 $30,000 from 7.30pm on April 2, 2019, until June 30, 2020.

TOKA Finance EMPLOYEES CAN now claim a tax deduction for superannuation payments made by them to their complying superannuation fund, this was previously only available to those people that are self-employed. You can no longer claim travel expenses to inspect your investment property, so to compensate this, it is recommended that all investment properties have a quantity

KCA Accounting DO YOU complete work from home? You may be able to claim home office expenses.

Another initiative by the ATO to streamline Payroll Reporting, is Single Touch Payroll. Using a compliant payroll product, clients will be able to report payroll and super information directly to the ATO when they process their pay runs. As a result, most employers will not need to complete Payment Summaries at the end of each financial year and employees will be able to access their year to date payroll information through My Gov in real time.

surveyor to prepare a depreciation report on the building. You can claim a deduction for a donation you make to an organisation if the donation meets four conditions: you make it to a deductible gift receipt (DGR). It must truly be a donation. A donation is voluntary transfer of money or property where you receive no material benefit or advantage. It must be money or property, which includes financial assets such as shares. You have a record of the donation (eg a receipt).

You could keep records of your actual expenses or use the fixed rate per hour which has been increased this year to 52 cents for each hour you work from home. For more information on home office claims don’t hesitate to contact us.

JK Gregor & Associates

Tax tip by Mayberry Meldrum Anderson: Know your situation and what to claim

TIME TO get down to the often complicated business of filing your tax return. To give you some handy advice this year Mayberry Meldrum Anderson have supplied a comprehensive list of things to consider claiming. Home Office: If you are an employee who regularly works from home and uses a dedicated area in the home - eg study - for work, you may be able to claim the workrelated portion of your running expenses. These expenses are the cost of using equipment and utilities at your home and include: • Lighting, • Heating and cooling, • Cleaning costs, • The decline in value of equipment, furniture and furnishings, and • Cost of repairs to this equipment, furniture and furnishings. You can calculate your running expenses in two ways: 1. You can claim a fixed rate of 45c per hour, or 2. Calculate your actual expenses. If you use your phone or internet for work, you can also claim a deduction for the workrelated percentage of your expenses. Remember you need to have records to support your claims. Please speak with your accountant for more information. Log Book: If you want to claim business use of a vehicle that you are using for work purposes, ensure your log book is up to date. This needs to be updated every five years, or sooner if your business use percentage has changed.

Your log book must be kept for a minimum period of 12 weeks to establish the business percentage. Remember to keep written evidence and receipts for all motor vehicle expenses to claim under the log book method. Rental Properties: If you own a property which is rented, many of your expenses can be claimed immediately, including: • A g e n t f e e s, c o m m i s s i o n s a n d advertising, • Body corporate fees, rates, water charges, and land tax, • Cleaning, gardening costs and pest control, • Insurance, • Borrowing costs, bank charges and loan interest, • Legal and accounting fees, • Repairs and maintenance, and • Stationery, telephone, postage and electricity. Some expenses, such as new carpets, air conditioners and hot water systems and improvements to your property are generally deductible over time. Please speak with your accountant for more information. This information was provided by Mayberry Meldrum Anderson and is general advice only.

Providing Quality Service and Advice for Over 60 Years

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Grant & Brady is a firm of Certified Practising Accountants (CPA’s), whose focus is to provide clients with a high level of service and quality advice. Based in Murwillumbah they’ve been servicing clients in the Tweed-Byron area for over 60 years. Grant & Brady has expertise in all areas of tax, accounting, and audit services for sole traders, partnerships, trusts, companies and superannuation funds. Principals, Peter Grant and Stuart Brady, are happy to discuss any tax and accounting issues relating to your business.

Principals: Peter Grant & Stuart Brady

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11 Wharf Street, Murwillumbah

The experts for all your Taxation and Accounting Needs CLEAR THINKING | POWERFUL STRATEGIES OUT OF THE BOX SOLUTIONS | CARING SERVICE If you are looking for a tax return, wealth management or after the complete business accounting and compliance solution then you are in the right place. At Mayberry Meldrum & Anderson – Murwillumbah accountants – we have been helping business

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Forward thinking business accountants that maximise your cash flow, legally reduce your tax and can create a safe harbour around your business through our expert advise and advanced business strategies.

You work hard for your money & we work hard to make sure you keep as much of that as possible, by helping you simplify your tax whilst ensuring you the maximum eligible returns.

A self managed super fund can ensure you take control of your financial independence giving you a much greater chance at retiring with the cash flow you require to live the lifestyle you desire.

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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Local named Heart of Community finalist

Shane Nugent with his family and friends officially opening the Imperial Hotel on May 31

Imperial Hotel vision becomes a reality

Mr Nugent said he planned on working through the finishing touches over the next year and would continue the same meticulous approach. “It’s going to be a slow process to ensure we get it right, as we’ve done from the start,” he said. Mr Nugent said the feedback has been outstanding from both locals and visitors. “We’ve had a lot of locals return that used to frequent the Imperial Hotel years ago, but we’re also seeing new faces visiting which is great,” he said. The venue is also receiving increased interest for groups eager to book functions. “We’ve had a bit of interest in booking the function spaces, which is picking up as word gets around,” he said. To find out more about the Imperial Hotel visit 115 Main Street, or phone (02) 6672 1036.



because if we can trust each other we will get to our destinations faster than just doing it on our own.” The Rainbow Women Warriors network provides business support, educational support, social media information sessions and regular wellbeing days for Tweed’s hardworking women. “We hold these days because we know from experience that if you don’t look after yourself you cannot look after your business or your family,” Ms Hockley said. “Anyone can turn up for a day of yoga and pilates, massage therapies and wholesome cooking demonstrations. “We also provide sound healing sessions and stress management techniques.” As a business woman who is juggling multiple projects Ms Hockley knows all too well how difficult it can be to prioritise selfcare. “It’s about trying to find that balance as personally I find that I’ll be flying in my business doing amazing things and then if I’m not looking after myself my back will go,” she said. “At other times I am so fully into my wellbeing that my business suffers. “If you do business by yourself and you don’t network then you will end up making mistakes that other people have made, it’s about doing things that are effective.” For more information about the Rainbow Warriors Women’s network call 0433 601 344 or email au

By Megan Albany TWEED BUSINESSWOMAN and founder of the Rainbow Warriors Women In Business support network, Mem Hockley, knows all too well how easy it can be to forget to look after yourself when you are running your own enterprise. The mother of four who runs a business support group for women, a girl’s charity and regular gastronomic events, has recently been named a Heart of the Community finalist for her commitment to helping support local fempreneurs. “We developed a community to build women up and cross support them through all of the work that I do in media, food and events,” Ms Hockley said. “Through this work and the support of Clubs NSW we have just been made a finalist in the Clubs & Community Awards - Heart of the Community Category.” While the award ceremony will take place on November 2 in Sydney, Ms Hockley is not resting on her laurels but is instead intensifying her focus on expanding support networks for the Tweed’s burgeoning female business community. “I set up in June last year because I wanted to focus on wellbeing for women who were in business but who were also mums with families trying to do everything like we often do. “I was struggling myself balancing my own business and charity and that’s when I realised there was a need here. “It started off as coffee meets and within a month we’d had 750 women join and we were going from the Gold Coast to Byron. “It was a huge response to my call out that I wanted women who would join together and support each other rather than competing with each other. “In the beginning there was some scepticism about why we were doing this but that’s exactly why we need a network

Mem Hockley (right) with friends








Monday Darts Competition

Friendly darts competition, open to members and guests. Coming soon.

Tuesday Pool Competition Friendly pool competition on our newly restored pool table, open to members and guests. Coming soon.

Wednesday Weekly Trivia Join us for Weekly Trivia and take home prizes for winning teams. 1st Prize: $50 bar tab 2nd Prize: $25 bar tab. from 6pm

Thursday Roll the Keg Be here every Thursday at 6pm, when we roll the keg and send $250 in cash out the door.

Friday Members Cash & Meat Tray Draw

Purchase a cold beer or two and go into the chance to win. Cash jackpot goes up $200 weekly if unclaimed - plus Win your weekly meat from us. Drawn at 7.30pm

Saturday Raceday Great prizes to be won in the ‘Losing Ticket Draw’ drawn hourly from 1pm. Drunken Horse done every Saturday with Free Bar Snacks for all punters. Ask about our punters club. Free live music in the afternoon

Sunday Live Music Entertainment Wind down with a drink in hand while you enjoy the front bar, where every Sunday afternoon, Free local and touring musicians play live music


By Jonathon Howard IMPERIAL HOTEL owner, Shane Nugent, said he’s received some outstanding feedback about the new venue during its first month of trading and he’s still not finished with the renovations. Mr Nugent was joined by his family and friends on Friday, May 31, to officially open the Imperial Hotel after almost two years of painstaking renovations to bring the iconic building back to life. The level of detail put into the renovations has drawn a range of praise from locals and visitors, with several describing it as one of the “best new pubs in Australia”. “It’s been a long wait and we were extremely happy with the results,” Mr Nugent said. “But we’re really not done yet and there’s still some work to be done on the back function room and kids’ corner, as well as the accommodation rooms upstairs and a few other things.”

Local News 23

24 Local News Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Independent MP wants South Tweed Tavern’s license revoked



MONDAY 15TH JULY 10am - 12pm

1pm - 3pm

Demystify the Blues $30 P/P 12 yrs + bring Instrument Intermediate to Advanced Everything you wanted to know about acoustic, Texas, Chicago, New Orleans, Jazz blues styles and more with Phil Eizenberg Social Media with Emily Holler Mojo Bullet $30 P/P 12 yrs + bring laptop or iPad Marketing your band and create your online presence

WEDNESDAY 17TH JULY 1pm - 3pm 4.30pm - 6.30pm

Learn how to set up and run a PA for your act/band $30 P/P 12yrs + Cadillac Rockers Rock n Roll Dance Workshop with Jake Maloney $30 P/P 15+ LEANS, DIPS and FANCY FINISHES (Covers Props, Drops & Lifts) Intermediate to Advanced

FRIDAY 19TH JULY 11am - 1pm

Song Writing basics with Chana Waters - bring book to write in and instrument or just your voice $30 P/P 10-18 yr olds

1pm - 3pm

Booking Gigs & Touring Basics with Emily Holler $30 P/P. 12 years + Learn the important tips to get those elusive gigs bring laptop or iPad

Tweed Creative Studios 1/19 Buchanan St Murwillumbah -

By Jo Kennett A NSW MP has called for the South Tweed Tavern and Westower Tavern at Ballina to have their licences revoked after the regulator found “systematic” breaches of liquor and gaming laws. The call came after the announcement by the NSW Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority (ILGA) on June 19 that they would consider a disciplinary complaint alleging Westower Tavern and South Tweed Tavern illegally gave free alcohol to gaming machine players to keep them gambling. Independent MP Justin Field questioned the credibility and transparency of the NSW Liquor and Gaming regulator’s investigation over the allegations stemming from February last year. “The regulator has acknowledged systemic behaviours at at least two venues that amount to significant breaches of gambling and liquor laws in NSW,” Mr Field said in a media statement. “These venues should lose their gambling and alcohol licences. “The government needs to explain to the community and the hundreds of people and families affected by Woolworths’ unconscionable conduct why this investigation has now run to over 15 months and what happened to the other 48 venues and the systemic failures acknowledged by Woolworths? “Freedom of Information requests by my office turned up at least four venues where possible action had been considered. It is clear that investigations into at least some of these venues were completed before the state election so why the delay? “There is a clear perception of political interference. We have a long history in NSW of the gambling industry exerting undue influence over politics in NSW.” Mr Field also called for “a special commission of inquiry into the influence of the gambling and racing industries on NSW politics”. “For too long we have seen special deals between mates, tax breaks and direct financial gifts for the gambling and racing industries while the harm caused continues to grow and bad behaviour rarely gets dealt with,” he said Last August, The Weekly spoke to an employee at the South Tweed Tavern who contradicted the findings in Woolworths’ initial internal inquiry that free alcohol was only supplied to patrons of ALH’s Queensland venues. The former employee, who did not want to be named, alleged that staff of the South Tweed Tavern had daily targets to reach for free soft-drinks, snacks, coffee and alcoholic beverages they were to supply gaming patrons.

“We had to give out free alcohol and the manager and I knew it wasn’t right,” the former employee said. “It was about $100 - we had to do around 20 free soft drinks and 20 snacks and $100 worth of alcoholic beverages each day. “It was in writing from the head office to meet those targets but under the Responsible Service of Alcohol laws you aren’t supposed to do that.” The former employee said they knew there were different rules in Queensland but because most of ALH’s pubs were in Queensland and the tavern was near the border, they were told that Queensland rules applied. Pokie machine reform advocate Andrew Wilkie MP said the Tweed community “would be rightly disappointed and even angry that it was one of their pubs implicated in the Woolworths poker machine scandal”. “There will be no shortage of local problem gamblers, and their loved ones, who will feel preyed upon and victimised,” Mr Wilkie told The Weekly. Mr Wilkie said he found it “implausible that the misconduct in NSW ALH venues is restricted to just two pubs”. “The reports I heard from whistleblowers, and which initiated the investigation, pointed to systemic misconduct within Woolworths’ poker machine venues,” he said. “We can only have confidence in the NSW regulator’s inquiries if they can assure us that all 50 pubs that were originally under investigation have been thoroughly examined and found to be in the clear. “The community also needs to see the details of Woolworths’ own investigations in its venues in a number of jurisdictions, because the secrecy surrounding those reports so far just fuels concerns that there may have been a cover-up.” According to Liquor & Gaming NSW the investigation included covert surveillance, coercive interviews of licensees, staff and other witnesses, review of CCTV, and examination of records and systems. In the South Tweed and Westower Tavern cases, where sufficient evidence was obtained, disciplinary complaints have been lodged. In the other two cases, which involved Sydney metropolitan hotels, there was insufficient evidence to proceed to a formal complaint. Under NSW gaming laws, it is illegal to offer or supply free or discounted alcohol to induce gambling. For hotels that breach gaming laws, penalties include formal reprimands, fines up to $110,000 and suspension or cancellation of licences. The Weekly contacted the ALH Group for comment but did not receive a response prior to the print deadline.

Students present sold out performances


WOLLUMBIN HIGH School students will present the latest MADDD performance, known as The Wollumbin Showcase, with a twist on Shakespeare’s epic Romeo & Juliet with both shows sold out. Wollumbin High’s Head of English, Drama, Music & Learning Support, Brad Walker, said the MADDD team have rebranded as The Wollumbin Showcase, which is the main event of a season of performance events. “The location has changed from the Civic Centre to our performance workshop which

has allowed for a refined and authentic professional entertainment experience,” he said. “This has also allowed cross KLA involvement with Visual Art and English exhibits outside the performance space.” Mr Walker said technical aspects of the show such as lighting and sound are controlled by students who are part of the newly offered VET Entertainment Course. “Drama has a stronger presence in our new show and this year’s show is framed around Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet,” he said.

The Montagues and Capulets square off in Wollumbin High’s latest performance piece

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Workshops called to talk about opioid abuse By Jonathon Howard A COLLABORATION between the Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) and the North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN) has been formed to address the issue of the escalating use of opioid medications in the management of non-cancer pain. While opioids can be very effective in relieving short-term pain, when used inappropriately they can give rise to dependence, addiction and death. A collaborative project between the NNSWLHD and NCPHN aims to increase public awareness of this problem, engage the community in seeking solutions, and provide additional education for clinical staff. A series of education workshops were recently held to bring together General Practitioners, Pharmacists, hospital staff including medical, nursing and allied health, and community staff to discuss alternatives to opioids in the management of pain and collaborative cessation plans for occasions when opioids need to be used. NNSWLHD Project Coordinator Dr Abbey Perumpanani said most of the opioid-induced

deaths nationally are considered accidental (85 per cent), with just one-tenth recorded as intentional, mirroring what is seen locally. “Opioid overdose deaths and errors are increasing, particularly among older Australians who are being prescribed opioid analgesics for pain conditions,” Dr Perumpanani said. “What complicates the picture for this group is that they may be on a number of medications, as well as have underlying health complications such as cardiac or breathing problems. These factors undoubtedly increase the risk of overdose. “More people are also surviving accidents, major surgical interventions and medical treatments. This in turn leads to an increasing prevalence of chronic pain and an increasing number of prescriptions to manage that pain. “Through this project we hope to use a twopronged approach to address the issue of opioid overdose and misuse in our community by engaging both consumers and health professionals.” The Agency for Clinical Innovation, through its Pain Management Network, also has resources to help patients and clinicians improve their pain management strategies.

Local News 25

Live Well, Breathe Better Education Seminar Meet local experts and hear tips and advice to help you live well with your lung disease. 24 July 10:00am - 12:30pm Tweed Heads Bowls Club Cost: $15 (includes morning tea)


To register call 1800 654 301

Panellists and participants at the recent Tweed Heads workshop.


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26 Local News Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thirty free flu shots for local homeless

Claire with her artworks at Wild Thyme and (inset) the stolen artwork

Artist appeals for return of stolen art

By Jonathon Howard A LOCAL artist has expressed her shock and disappointment after one of her artworks was stolen from the back of her car while parked on Wharf Street, Murwillumbah on Friday, June 15. Claire has been working with textile design, photography for many years and more recently glass making. She was invited by local restaurant Wild Thyme to feature a range of her works for public exhibition and sale. “I am so pleased to be presenting in Wild Thyme and the owners are extremely supportive of local artists,” she said. But while unpacking the artworks from her car, Claire said the unthinkable happened. “I want to be clear, the item wasn’t stolen inside Wild Thyme,” she said. “I was just unloading from the car on Wharf Street, where I was angle parked. “I was only gone for a minute or two and one of the artworks was taken from the back of my car.”

The incident took place on Friday, June 15, at about 5.30pm and the artwork stolen was part of a collection. “It was an image of two handmade hot glass sculptures representing the theme of memorials for miscarriage and is known as ‘Au reviour mes enfante’,” she said. Claire is now hoping a public appeal could result in the artwork being returned. “I would love for someone to come forward with information about the artwork, in the hope of having it recovered,” she said. Meanwhile, Claire has a range of outstanding works on display at Wild Thyme to both admire and purchase. “It’s a great initiative at Wild Thyme, but just such a shame I had one of my pieces stolen from the back of the car,” she said. The issue was reported to Tweed Police and anyone with information is encouraged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or Tweed Police directly on: (02) 6672 9499.

INCREASING concerns around a spate of deaths from a nasty flu strain across NSW this winter has prompted local pharmacy Varela & Swift Pharmacy to team up with Health in Kind (HiK) to host a free vaccination day for the Tweed Valley homeless. The Murwillumbah Free Homeless Vaccination Program will take place on Saturday, July 6, from 11am to 2pm at Knox Park. A total of 30 vaccines have been donated by Varela & Swift Pharmacy to support the program. “Any Indigenous or non-Indigenous adult member of the community that is currently experiencing homelessness or unstable housing, does not have a regular GP to be able to provide flu shot, and is currently well will qualify,” Mr Sunil Naidu said. “Opportunities for further free flu vaccinations program will be determined based on the outcome of the first program.”

Mr Naidu said Australia was is in the grip of one of the worst flu seasons in many years. “Given the increased mortality rate (228 and counting) and the continuing rise of confirmed influenza cases throughout the nation, one of the best preventative measures is the flu vaccination,” he said. There are currently four strains of viruses circulating, with Influenza A one amongst them. “Although the flu vaccinations may not completely prevent contact with the virus, it is the most effective measure to fight the flu and decrease the intensity of the signs and symptoms, it also aids in building herd immunity,” Mr Naidu said. “The flu vaccination is especially vital for the homeless as they are exposed to the weather elements in the open without adequate protection, usually have minimal/ nil access to medical care (GP services) and may suffer from other co-morbidities to complicate their health status.”

Mustangs Charity Day for a great cause

MURWILLUMBAH MUSTANGS are calling on the community to get behind the Mustangs Charity Day on Saturday, July 27, for a great cause in support of Give Me 5 For Kids. The mighty Mustangs have this year teamed up with 92.5 Gold FM with Give Me 5 For Kids as the beneficiary of the club’s annual charity day at Stan Sercombe Oval, Murwillumbah. Murwillumbah Mustangs club president, Nigel Lofts, said he wanted to encourage locals to join up for a day of good quality bush footy as the “Stangs take on their local rivals the Cudgen Hornets”. “Marquee tickets permit a four-hour drinks package, fully-catered lunch and finger food, a supporter polo shirt, access to corporate sponsor packs, auctions, lucky door prizes,

doubles and plenty of live entertainment on and off the field,” he said. Mr Lofts said the event was a huge success last year and he’s hoping for another strong turnout in 2019. Tickets are $120 and are available via: Mustangs-GM5FK-Charity-Day/386599

It was a great day out in 2018 for locals

Murwillumbah Mustangs & 92.5 Gold FM Present

OUR ANNUAL CHARITY DAY Come join Bridge, Spida & the Team from 92.5 Gold FM and help support GIVE ME 5 FOR KIDS

Saturday 27th July 2019 Stan Sercombe Oval - Murwillumbah




General Admission $6 - Juniors start at 8.30am VIP TICKETS $120

INCLUDES: Corporate Tent, 4 Hours Beer, Wine & Food Package, Charity/Supporter Jersey, Live Entertainment, Auctions, Raffles, Lucky Door Prizes and More. Tickets available at

Corporate Tent Open 1.10pm - A Grade Kickoff 3.40pm First 100 VIP Tickets Sold receive entry to The Corporate Tent at 12.10pm Give Me 5 for Kids is Southern Cross Austereo’s National Fundraiser which has been supporting and raising funds for local Children’s Hospital Wards across regional Australia for the last 25 Years


Toby McIntosh

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday July 4, 2019

Murwillumbah Community College 27

Murwillumbah Community College Excellence in Adult and Community Education Friendly – Inclusive – Engaging - Local

Term 3 Course Guide 2019

Call in to see us at Shop 9 Murwillumbah Plaza, 47 Murwillumbah St, Murwillumbah. Ask about flexible payment options and subsidies for accredited courses, and concession prices for lifestyle courses for pensioner and health card holders and people currently unemployed. .RTO: 90044

ACCREDITED COURSES FOR WORK In preparation for 2020, expressions of interest for accredited courses are now being taken. Don’t miss out. Enquire at the college for more information.

LIFESTYLE COURSES Follow your passion through workshops and courses in arts & crafts, sustainable lifestyle, wellbeing, computers, digital technology, music and leisure.

1. Barista – SITHFAB005 Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee with Kristine Carroll. Learn to make espresso coffee, store coffee and maintain commercial coffee machines. To attend this one day course you need to have completed SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety which is a prerequisite. For more information regarding this unit, please enquire at reception. Dates: Saturday 17th August or 21st September Time: 9.00am – 3.00pm Fee: $165

7. Apply First Aid & Resuscitation (CPR) Full Certificate or Recertification for your work or new career. This course is offered in conjunction with Accredited Training Company (RTO31549) and they will issue successful participants with a Statement of Attainment for HLTAID003 Provide first aid, HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 22300VIC Course in first aid management of anaphylaxis and 22282VIC Course in management of asthma risks & emergencies in the workplace. Dates: Saturday 27th July, 24th August or 28th September Time: 9.00am - 5.30pm for full certificate or recertification Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm for CPR Fee: $140 (Full First Aid) $120 (Recertification) $60 (CPR)


Full information on the courses below is available in our Course Information Sheets

2. Food Safety Supervisor Certificate with Kristine Carroll. Certain registered food businesses require a Food Safety Supervisor. This is a one day course which requires the completion of the units SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices and SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety. Dates: Saturday 10th August or 14th September Time: 9.00am – 5.30pm Fee: $220 3. Food Safety Supervisor Certificate RECERTIFICATION with Kristine Carroll.

Your Food Safety Supervisor recertification may be due. Don’t miss the 5 year deadline. Three options available:  One to one tuition and assessment  Redo the Food Safety Supervisor  RPL by consultation Contact the college for further details. Fee: $175 4. RSA – SITHFAB002 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol Mandatory training for those serving alcohol in the hospitality industry. Please leave your contact details with the college Dates: To be advised Time: To be advised Fee: $200 5. RCG – SITHGAM001 Provide Responsible Gambling Services Mandatory training for those working within the gambling sector of the hospitality industry. Please leave your contact details with the college Dates: To be advised Time: To be advised Fee: $160 6. NSW White Card - CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry with John Myers.

Mandated WHS induction requirements for work in the construction industry. Dates: Tues 16th July, 13th Aug, 10th Sept or 8th October Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm Fee: $140

Please advise upon enrolment your specific requirements. HLTAID003 Provide First Aid, HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting. 8. Chemical User Accreditation with Stephen Duff. This course is for anyone who is a commercial user of agricultural chemicals. At the end of the course you will have the required knowledge to use farm chemicals safely. The recommended renewal period for this certification is within 5 years. Units completed are: AHCCHM303 Prepare and apply chemicals AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals. Dates: Thursday 18th July Time: 9.00am - 5.00pm Fee: $335 9. Driver

Education units from FSK10113 / FSK10213 with

Gladys Bailey

We will practically assist you with the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) Drivers Test to be fully prepared for obtaining your Learner’s Permit. Completed in a small group environment with flexible entry and exit. Join Anytime. Duration: 7 x Tuesdays Time: 3.00pm - 5.00pm Fee: $125.00 or Fully or partly subsidised for eligible students

Don’t miss out! Enrol now! Call (02) 6672 6005 For more information log on to or Email

28 Murwillumbah Community College Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Student Information Smart and Skilled Programs

Murwillumbah Community College is an approved Smart and Skilled provider. In 2019, eligible students are entitled to enrol in subsidised Foundation Skills courses and qualifications up to and including Certificate IV. Smart and Skilled promotes quality training, introduces new fee arrangements and supports disadvantaged students. Various supports offered as needed; one to one tuition, small study groups; access to computer facilities, student counselling; family friendly class hours. To find out more, access the Smart and Skilled website at or enquire further at the college by phoning (02) 6672 6005 or calling in at Murwillumbah Plaza Shop 9/47 Murwillumbah St, Murwillumbah.

Other payment options

If you are not eligible for Smart and Skilled there may be other forms of subsidies available so please enquire with us. If a full fee payment is required then there are reasonable payment plans available to you.

Unique Student Identifier

From January 1 2015 each person enrolled in any accredited training (short, part time or full time) requires a USI – Unique Student Identifier. Your USI will help keep your training records and results together in an online account controlled by you. You will be able to access your training records and results (or transcript) whenever you need them. You can apply for this at

Create Your Future with an Accredited Course For full details of the hours and attendance requirements to complete a qualification listed below and on the following page, please refer to our Course Information Sheets. We highly recommend you read these prior to enrolling in a course. These are available from the office or on our website

10. ICT10115 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR TERM 4 Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology with Charlie Parratt Acquire the skills and knowledge to perform digital literacy tasks using a personal computer and a range of software applications and digital devices. This qualification offers a thorough grounding in developing entry level skills for the workplace and further study and research.

Duration: Tuesdays for 26 weeks Commencement: Expression of Interest You have up to a 6 months to complete this course. Attendance one day per week. Fee: $1200 May be fully or partly subsidised for eligible students

11. BSB20115 Certificate II in Business with Kay Jefed Looking to gain employment in administrative roles such as Administration Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Information Desk Clerk, Reception and/or to proceed to a higher level of training? This course may be what you are looking for.

Duration: Thursdays for 30 weeks Commencement: Join anytime - Flexible entry and exit Fee: $1600 May be fully or partly subsidised for eligible students

12. ICT20115 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR 2020 Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology This qualification lays the basis for developing skills and knowledge to apply information technology (ICT) in any industry. You will build on your existing computer skills and cover the use of various computer packages, computer hardware, how to work effectively in an IT environment and more.

Duration: 36 weeks Commencement: Date to be advised Fee: $1600 May be fully or partly subsidised for eligible students

13. SIT30616 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR 2020 Certificate III in Hospitality with Kristine Carroll This course is for people who want to work in the food and beverage sector of the Hospitality industry. The completion of this course could lead to work in bars, restaurants, nightclubs, clubs, cafes, hotels, motels, resorts and conference centres. The college Is equipped with a commercial kitchen which will be used extensively throughout this course. Specific units available. Please enquire.

Duration: Mon & Tues for 30 weeks Commencement: Expression of Interest You have up to a year to complete this course. This includes 30 weeks of class attendance & 36 service periods or shifts. Fee: $2750 May be fully or partly subsidised for eligible students

14. BSB30415 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR 2020 Certificate III in Business Administration with Jenny Fitzgerald This qualification reflects the role of employees who would apply a broad range of administrative competencies in varied work contexts, using some discretion and judgment. They may also provide technical advice and support to a team. Individual units are available to attend.

Duration: Wednesdays for 40 weeks Commencement: Please enquire at the college. Fee: $2750 May be fully or partly subsidised for eligible students Duration: Thurs & Fridays for 30 weeks Commencement: Expression of Interest You have up to a year to complete this course. This includes 30 weeks of class attendance and 120 hour of work experience. Fee: $2750 May be fully or partly subsidised for eligiINDUSTRY ble students SKILLSETS.**

15. CHC30113 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR 2020 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care with Thelmara Jermyn This qualification is for potential or existing staff who are required to use individual children’s profiles to plan activities and provide care to children. Facilitate their learning, leisure and play to support them to achieve their developmental outcomes. May be fully or partly subsidised for eligible students


Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Murwillumbah Community College 29

Accredited Qualifications for Work 16. CHC33015 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR 2020 Certificate III in Individual Support with Megan Buckley and Wendy Gilbett This qualification reflects the role of workers in community and/or residential settings who provide person-centred support based on an individualised plan with people who are aging, or have a disability. Speciality streams in Aged care, Disability Care, Home and Community Care can be completed. For additional streams, training duration will increase. Please refer to the Course Information Sheet.

Duration: Thurs & Fri for 30 weeks You have up to a year to complete this course. This includes 30 weeks of classroom attendance and 120 hours of work experience. Fee: $2250 Additional streams: $250 each May be fully or partly subsidised for eligible students

17. BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management with Jim Nicholls Frontline managers have a significant leadership role with responsibilities to ensure that their teams deliver quality services and products. The purpose of this program is to develop, through learning and hands-on-practice, competencies for frontline and other managers. You have 6 months to complete this course. This includes 20 weeks of class attendance.

Duration: Wednesdays for 20 weeks. Commencement: Please contact the college for more information. This course commences once a class is finalised. Time: 9.00am - 4.00pm Fee: $1850

Build Your Knowledge 18. NEW Introduction to MS Excel Basics with Helen O’Shea This course introduces you to the basic features of spreadsheets, including entering and editing data, formatting, formulas, page setup, and printing spreadsheets. You will learn the most common features of MS Excel by creating simple practical spreadsheets for everyday use at home or in the office. 2+2=4 that’s how easy spreadsheets can be! Course notes will be provided. Date: Monday 12th August Time: 9.30am - 3.00pm Fee: $66 Conc: $60 (Enquire about your subsidy eligibility) 19. Android Smart Phones with Peter Newell This course is designed for those who have basic knowledge of Android smartphones and wishing to know more? Designed to build your hands on skills using your phone, subjects covered are camera, attaching pictures, using your GPS navigation, downloading and installing applications (APS) and using your phone as a hotspot and more. What to bring: Your device. Date: Wednesday 16th August Fee: $45 Conc: $38 Time: 10.00am - 2.00pm (Enquire about your subsidy eligibility)

20. NEW MS Word for Work- The Basics with Helen O’Shea Be introduced you to the basic features of word processing. Create documents with that professional look. MS Word can be used for creating a letter; document; invitation, or flyer. Enjoy a practical stepby-step approach using examples of simple everyday documents. Course notes will be provided. This is a non-accredited course. Date: 2 x Monday starting 19th August Time: 9.00am - 1.00pm Fee: $99 Conc: $90 (Enquire about your subsidy eligibility)

Information Technology—Non Accredited 21. Introduction to Computers with Helen O’Shea Do you use a Personal Computer; are you having trouble opening or closing programs or even knowing which program to use? Gain confidence in using your personal computer for everyday tasks. The course is a practical step-by-step approach that covers the basics of computer use and offers lots of practical tips. Course notes provided. Date: Monday 5th August Time: 10.00am - 3.00pm Fee: $88 Conc: $80

23. NEW ADOBE Photoshop Elements 2019 (Windows) for Amatuers with Diane Ashmore This course introduces you to the Photoshop program called ‘Elements’. It is a raster graphics editor for entry-level photographers and hobbyists. It contains most of the features of the professional version but with fewer and simpler options. Learn how to use this fabulous program. Participants must have basic computer knowledge For more information on the content of this course, please call us. Date: 8 x Tuesdays starting 6th August Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm Fee: $176 Conc: $160 (Enquire about your subsidy eligibility)

22. Tech Savvy Seniors with Charlie Parratt. Learn how to use computers, smart phones and tablets. This training will help you access information on the internet and make contact with family and friends. It will cover the internet, emailing, cyber safety, online shopping and banking and social media. If you would like to learn how to become confident, safely use today’s technology then come in and see us. This course is not designed for MAC users. Date: 10 x Fridays starting 2nd August Time: 9.00am - 2.30pm Fee: $50 24. Web Design with Gerold Mayr. Create your own internet presence using Word Press and other web development tools. Technology has advanced to a level that makes it easy for everyone and with a little guidance you can achieve a professional website. Suitable for beginners and advanced computer users. This is a non-accredited course. Date: 6 x Wednesdays starting 14th August Time: 5.30pm - 9.00pm Fee: $295 Conc: $265 (Enquire about your subsidy eligibility)

Health and Wellbeing

25. A Language of Life with Sebastian Randerson A course on compassionate communication based on the work of Marshall Rosenberg ‘Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life’. Discover key points of communication that eliminates blame and judgement to prioritise connection and to create more life-giving interactions in our daily lives. We explore practices which bring empathy, clarity, and life-enriching connection to ourselves and our interactions with people. Date: 3 x Saturdays starting 10th August Time: 2.00pm - 5.30pm. Fee: $95 Conc: $86

26. NEW Body, Brain, Being with Anna Camilleri This somatic dance and movement therapy blends breakthroughs in Mind-Body Science with Ancient Mindfulness Practice. Through the natural catalysts of breath, motion and posture, you will be shown fun and challenging ways to activate their Vagus Nerve, empowering them to move out of 'Fight or Flight' to become calm, centred and aware, anytime, anywhere. What to bring: Water bottle, yoga mat or blanket and shawl to feel warm for Yoga Niddra component. Date: 6 x Mondays starting 19th August Fee:$81 Conc: $73 Time: 6.00pm - 7.30pm

30 Murwillumbah Community College Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Music and Language 27. Learn To Play The Ukulele with Dave Ash No musical knowledge is necessary. Come in, have some fun and learn this inexpensive musical instrument. Learn how to strum in time with others, form chords, pick out a tune and some basic music. Date: 6 x Mon starting 12th August Time: 9.00am - 10.00am Fee: $97 Conc: $88 29. Introduction to Auslan with Joanne Heighes Learn basic Auslan. Become familiar with finger spelling, skills for conversation and a cultural understanding of the deaf community. Auslan is a fascinating language to study and an excellent way to communicate, not only with the deaf/hearing impaired but also for people who are non-verbal or with a disability in our community. Date: 6 x Tuesdays starting 6th August I  AUSLAN Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm Fee: $195 Conc: $176 (Enquire about your subsidy eligibility)

28. PARLEZ-VOUS FRANCAIS? with Monique Lavail Mais oui, bien sûr! This conversational French course builds up your confidence and takes your basic knowledge at a good intermediate level as you are encouraged to practise structures, idioms and ways of expressing yourself just like we French people do. Oh, là, là, là, c'est magnifique! Date: Runs for 8 weeks. Expressions of interest for October 2019 Time: 10.00am - 12.00pm Fee: $252 Conc: $227 30. Japanese for Beginners with Katsuko Nara This course is a great introduction to the beautiful Japanese Language. Whether you are planning a trip abroad or interested in Japanese history or culture, here is your chance to practice and develop Japanese language skills. Date: 6 x Mondays starting 12th August Time: 6.00pm - 8.00pm Fee: $162 Conc: $146

Life Skills and Leisure 31. NEW The Magic of Herbs with Louise Plant This course is about the more unspoken side to herbs such as their ancient languages, herbal astrology, old wives tales and more energetic uses and properties of herbs. This course will open you eyes to a new way of appreciating and understanding the plant kingdom Date: 4 x Tuesdays starting 6th August Time: 2.30pm - 5.00pm Fee: $90 Conc: $81 33. NEW Tea Leaf Reading with Shana Michele Be led into the enchanting world of the teacup. The ancient art of tea-leaf reading weaves together intuition and storytelling, two qualities innately inherent in all women. Tea-leaf readings are priceless for strengthening relationships, deepening conversations and inviting in the soul. Reclaiming this art honours our birth right… and it’s fun! Date: Wednesday 28th August Time: 10.00am - 4.30pm Fee: $50 Conc: $45 35. NEW Herbal Potions and lotions with Louise Plant This practical bases course teaches you how to make your own herbal lotions and potions. Learn the benefits of herbs that help to heal and over the 4 weeks we will make your very own infusions, decoctions, ointment and herbal creams. Cost of the herbs, oils, and materials is incorporated in the course fee. Join us in this fun filled course. Date: 4 x Tuesdays starting 6th August Time: 5.30pm - 8.00pm Fee: $163 Conc: $153 37. Reflexology - Foot Massage with Kerry Nijam. Now you can achieve some relief from injuries, illness and increase energy levels to enjoy healthy living by unlocking the healing energy already present within the body, quickly and easily, with the help of the centuries old secrets. Be guided step-by-step through the simple finger and thumb pressure method that sends soothing relief surging to the sources of discomfort, to reinstate relaxation. Date: Sunday 11th August or 15th September Time: 9.00am - 3.00pm Fee: $88 Conc: $80

39. Connecting Through Writing with Matt Hetherington. Whatever your ability or style, this course will enable you to connect with other writers and to further connect with others through your own work. By examining what makes for quality writing in various forms, we will explore techniques for increasing the power of words to move the reader. Also discover methods for gaining a greater audience for your writing. Date: 7 x Wednesdays starting 7th August Time: 6.00pm – 9.00pm Fee: $185 Conc: $167

32. Photography Journey-The Beginning with Rob Olver. This course focuses on composition, lighting, camera controls and includes practical sessions. Learn how to achieve that great image. Published in Australian Geographic and recently had an exhibition in the Tweed Regional Gallery, your tutor will be able to guide you in your photographic journey. Suitable for all levels. Date: 4 x Saturdays starting 17th August Time: 9.00am - 12.00pm Fee: $160 Conc: $148 34. Silver Smithing with Wendy Springfield. In this course you will complete three or more pieces of jewellery in sterling silver. You will learn to design and size your own special ring, a linked chain bracelet and a solid multi component cuff bangle. Skills taught include sawing, filing, sanding, polishing, annealing and soldering precious metal. The course sets you on a path to explore Gold and Silver Smithing as a fine art and hobby. Date: 3 x Sunday starting 15th September Fee: $225 Conc: $203 Time: 9.30am - 4.00pm 36. NEW Zentangle with Sandra McKenny The Zentangle Method is an easy to learn, relaxing and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. No previous artistic experience is required. It increases focus and creativity, and provides artistic satisfaction along with an increased sense of wellbeing. The Zentangle Method is enjoyed throughout the world, across a wide range of skills, interests and ages. Date: Saturday 24th August FREE COURSE Time: 9.00am - 1.00pm 38. NEW How Does Your Garden Grow? with Karen “The Compost Queen”.

If you are new to this area and excited by the exotic possibilities of your new garden. If you’re an experienced gardener revamping an existing garden or a total beginner with big plans for your patch of paradise, join a like-minded group for fun + laughter + gardening for six fun and practical sessions with Karen “The Compost Queen” and get ready for Spring. Date: Starting Wed 21st Aug with a combination of evening planning sessions and weekend site visits. Wednesday Dates: 21st and 28th Aug, 11th and 25th Sept. Time: 6.00pm-8.00pm Saturday Dates: 7th and 21st Sept Time: 10.00am-12.00pm Fee: $108 Conc: $98

For more information log on to or email










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32 Local News Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Second release ever for bush-stone curlews By Rachael Lebeter TWEED VALLEY Wildlife Carers (TVWC) have recently released a small group of endangered bush-stone curlews in only the second release of its kind in the Northern Rivers and in the hope of assisting the fragile local species towards recovery. The birds came into care for a variety of reasons and have been rehabilitated under the watchful eye of TVWC Bird Coordinator, Michelle Phillips. Among the group was the two-week-old curlew chick that I wrote about in February. This chick is now a juvenile bird and ready for the wild. TVWC member Corrina Lever, who looked after the curlews, said to have so many birds was quite a shock. “It was a really big year of injuries, with cars and mineral deficiencies,” she said. “Hopefully next year we will have fewer curlews in care.” The curlews were tagged on Saturday and transported on Monday to a pre-constructed enclosure at the release site. Michelle and Corrina camped nearby for several nights, to watch over the birds and acclimatise them to their new environment. After a night in their new enclosure, the birds were set free and TVWC members have monitored the enclosure closely and all except one bird have now returned to the area.

Bush-stone curlews awaiting release

Michelle Phillips and Corrina Lever

This is only the second release of its kind in the Northern Rivers, with two curlews being released in the same area last year. “Last year’s birds are still there,” Michelle said. “There is an existing flock, so we hope the new additions will blend in as well. We’ve seen them, so they clearly know where to come back to.” Corrina said it was a big team effort with seven months of work. “It’s not just caring for the birds, Michelle, Emma, Ron, Bree and others spend time catching and monitoring them. “Then there are the people answering calls on the TVWC phones, and transporters. “I am grateful for the lot. Such a lot of work goes on behind the scenes so things like this can happen.” A new member of TVWC, Bree Burrows went along to the curlew release site and said she didn’t realise that the group was also involved in things like this. “I was just so amazed at the time and care that went into these beautiful birds,” she said. Michelle is asking residents in the Pottsville and Koala Beach areas to be on the lookout for bush-stone curlews, and to report sightings or birds that seem out of place. “They are nocturnal birds, so keep an eye on the ground when you are driving at night, especially at dusk and dawn,” she said. The newly released bush-stone curlews can be identified by a yellow tag above their right knee (pictured). If you see a curlew or any wildlife in trouble, please call TVWC’s 24-hour hotline on (02) 6672 4789.

The online petition has now closed

Pound petition gains 620 signatures By Jonathon Howard A PETITION to stop the closure of the Tweed Shire Pound until the new pound is built is gaining momentum with 620 people signing the petition online. The current pound, which is located on the site of the Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre, is expected to close by the end of August this year. The petition was launched by animal lover Vicki Barnes who previously told The Weekly she launched the petition to keep the pound open “until an adequate pound is found to replace the existing pound”. “I like many others are concerned that there is no adequate plan to house animals while we wait 18 months ‘at least’ for a new one to be built,” Ms Barnes said. Tweed Shire Council’s Director of Planning and Regulation, Vince Connell, said the site of the current pound is within the area approved for Council’s new waste facility development, and “will need to be demolished”. Mr Connell said at Council’s April 4 meeting, councillors resolved to support the advancement of a Planning Proposal to amend the Tweed LEP to permit a new pound on the Council-owned site at Eviron. “A new project plan will need to be created for the parallel advancement of the Planning Proposal and the design of a new facility and

contingencies for a temporary relocation of the existing pound whilst the new pound facility is being developed,” he said. “The planning processes for the new facility are expected to take up to 12 months, with construction and commencement of the new facility within a further 6 months.” Mr Connell said Council is currently investigating options such as the use of existing private animal boarding facilities within the Tweed Shire. “Council expects to maintain a suitable form of regulatory and rehoming services during this interim period,” he said. Meanwhile, Mrs Barnes has received a range of support towards her target of 1,000 signatures. “The Council should delay the tip expansion until such time as a satisfactory new pound is found or built,” one recent signatory wrote. “These animals are already traumatised and need stability not being shuffled from pillar to post. “The people that work there deserve better than this too.” YOUR THOUGHTS: Do you believe the existing pound should remain open until the new pound is completed? Or do you believe the pound should close to make way for the tip expansion? Send your thoughts and letters to

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[D2]Recommended driveaway price (RDP) shown is applicable for Private customers, Bronze, and Silver Fleet customers, and primary producers, only at participating dealers. Offer available on new January 2019 to July 2019 built models purchased between 01/07/2019 and 31/07/2019 unless extended. RDP includes 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), a maximum dealer delivery charge, stamp duty and metallic/premium paint. Toyota reserves the right to amend the offer and terms at any stage. [D1]Recommended driveaway price (RDP) shown is applicable for Private customers, Bronze, and Silver Fleet customers, and primary producers, only at participating dealers. Offer available on new January 2019 to July 2019 built models purchased between 01/07/2019 and 31/07/2019 unless extended. RDP includes 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), a maximum dealer delivery charge and stamp duty. Metallic/Premium paint at additional cost. Toyota reserves the right to amend the offer and terms at any stage. [V]Offer applicable for Private customers, Bronze, and Silver Fleet customers, only at participating dealers. Offer available on new January 2019 to April 2019 built models purchased between 01/07/2019 and 31/07/2019 unless extended. Free onroad costs include 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), a maximum dealer delivery charge and stamp duty. Metallic/Premium paint at additional cost. [D3] Recommended driveaway price (RDP) shown is applicable for Private customers, Bronze, and Silver Fleet customers, and primary producers, only at participating dealers. Offer available on new January 2019 to June 2019 built models purchased between 01/07/2019 and 31/07/2019 unless extended. RDP includes 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), a maximum dealer delivery charge, stamp duty and metallic/premium paint. Toyota reserves the right to amend the offer and terms at any stage.



34 NRL Tipping Competition Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Footy Tipping Gurus POINTS LADDER Kirra Beach Hotel



Tweed Coast Real Estate



BGM Stone



Print Spot Signs






Daniel Gray Plumbing



DJ Stringer



Pottsville Tavern



Bedzzz Tweed Heads



Grant and Brady



Riverview Hotel






Toka Finance



Country Style Barbers



Craftsman Homes



Print Spot Printing



Cunningham Valuers



First National






Mark Adcock Pool Services



Brims Concrete






Murwillumbah Family Dentist






Murwillumbah Services Club


WELL THE teams are in and we wait with baited breath for Origin 3 in Sydney next Wednesday. NSW are riding high but have issues with selection for the decider. Does Cleary make it, is Sims suspended, will Pearce be back, what’s doing with Klemmer? It’s all happening and Qld have lost Ponga which puts a massive dent in their attack. I don’t know, I really don’t know. It will be a classic contest and decider which it always is and I cannot wait. The Burgess eye gouge left a sour taste from the weekend. It was a poor and could possibly finish his NRL career and I believe that it should. There has been four of them this year and that is way too many, with Burgess featuring twice in the last six months. The game is tough enough without that rubbish. Interesting reading this week around the concussion and the information about CTE post career due to contact. I applaud those that have offered their brains to science to allow for more research to be conducted into this. Rugby League is a tough game but is the greatest game of all. The safer we can make it the better. I think a reduction in the interchange is a good option and

hopefully one they look at going forward. I also think the old scrum is on it’s last legs and the game will be quickened up once it’s removed. We don’t see too many tries off scrum plays these days and we have centres in the back row, locks at hooker, fullbacks at lock the time is nigh I think. The split round throws up a few interesting selections and can derail some team’s seasons, it’s all about survival for the next few weeks and trying to get out of the Origin period in as good as spot as possible. The Broncos have some real quality youngsters and given time will be a force, however, in saying that they are miles off the pace at the moment and

won’t feature come September as they have too many players out of form and down on confidence with results in losses. I’m lucky enough to be up with the NSWCCC u15’s team for the AUstralian carnival in Redcliffe this week. It is a superb facility and could easily push for a second Brisbane team with a bit more infrastructure to make it NRL ready. The standard of footy has been really good with some quality young players coming through the ranks. Top of the table clash this week in the NRRRL with the minor premiership possibly up for grabs when Murwillumbah travel to Ballina. See you at the footy Quinny

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Wests Tigers


Wests Tigers















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Wests Tigers Knights

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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

NRL Tipping Competition 35



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Thu, Jul 4



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Wests Tigers




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6/43 Corporation Circuit, Tweed Heads South

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Super Saturday LUNCH SPECIAL

36 Local Entertainment Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals Free admission Gallery open Wed–Sun 10am – 5pm (DST)

Dean Home On a walk in the poet’s garden

Mother and son duo to bring Verdi to Tweed

22 March – 18 August

Tweed Heads/Coolangatta Inc 19th Annual 2019

Friday 19th July 9am-3pm Saturday 20th July 9am-2pm Tweed Heads Civic Centre

Talented soprano Patricia Bellasi will share the stage of the Tweed Civic Centre with her son, conductor Marco Bellasi

Cnr Brett & Wharf Streets, Tweed Heads

Teenagers can discover their inner reporter

Adults $5, School Students $3, Children Under 12 FREE Raffles & Refreshments Beneficiaries:

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In the Cafe

Cabarita Beach BOWLS & SPORTS CLUB

While Ms Bellasi has since returned to Australia, her son continues to live overseas where he is currently the musical director of the Oldham Symphony Orchestra in England. He has worked with several prominent orchestras including the BBC, Tasmanian and Melbourne Symphony Orchestras, and Manchester Camerata. The Italy inspired program will also feature, Johann Baptist Vanhal’s ‘Concerto for Two Bassoons’ featuring soloists Karen Ruprecht and Neil Heymink and Felix Mendelssohn’s ‘Symphony No. 4, The Italian’. Tickets cost $45, concessions are $40 and students $20. Accompanied children 18 years and under are free. To purchase tickets visit or call Murwillumbah Music on 02 6672 5404.

By Megan Albany THESE SCHOOL holidays local teens are invited to hone their storytelling and reporting skills with former ABC broadcast journalist Ursula Wharton during a oneweek intensive course. The Multimedia Storytelling 101 course is being held throughout the week of July 15 to July 19 and includes studio recording time at Infinity Wall 97 and Tweed Creative Studios. Ms Wharton, whose eighteen-year career has spanned the ABC, Sea FM network and Griffith University, said she was inspired to share her professional skills and techniques with young locals aged between 15 and 18. “I’ve helped quite a few city people get a start in the media and I’d like to be able to help young locals in the Tweed Valley with some early vocational opportunities,” Mrs Wharton said. Students will be introduced to the foundations of journalistic practices, including

interviewing, scriptwriting, vocal presentation, photo/video composition, audio-visual editing, and basic law and ethics. The five day intensive workshop offers an introduction to journalistic skills and techniques and students will create three story projects for their portfolio including a short podcast, a radio news reading demo reel and a multimedia mini-feature story. The course will be held at three venues, Infinity Wall 97, the Murwillumbah Community Centre and Tweed Creative Studios and costs $295. Participants will need to provide some of their own equipment including a laptop/ipad and mobile phone. Places are limited and enrolment closes on Wednesday, July 10. A course outline is available at https://bit. ly/2KDgZYK. For further information and enrolment forms call Ursula Wharton on 0404 832 889 or email

July Special

Silverside, mash, peas & white sauce



Add a cup of COFFEE & CAKE OF THE DAY for ONLY $5.10

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*Displayed price is discount price when seniors card presented, otherwise $9.90. Mug $0.50c extra


T: (02) 6670 2790 W: 2 Mistral Road, South Murwillumbah NSW


Dean Home In the gold pavillion – contemplating the silver moon (detail) 2018 oil on board 140 x 175cm Private Collection Image courtesy of the artist

THIS JULY, the Northern Rivers S y m p h o ny O rc h e s t ra w i l l f e at u re international guest conductor, Marco Bellasi, who will be joined by his mother, accomplished soprano Patricia Bellasi. The talented family will be performing ‘The Force of Destiny’ by Guiseppe Verdi as part of the ‘A Touch of Italy’ programme taking place on Sunday, July 28, at the Tweed Civic Centre from 2.30pm. Originally from Australia, Ms Bellasi travelled to Italy to pursue her passion for Italian opera. After graduating from the Florentine conservatorium, she worked full-time at the famous La Scala opera theatre in Milan for 24 years whilst raising her son.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

By Megan Albany LOCAL ABORIGINAL communities throughout the Tweed Shire will celebrate NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee) Week from Sunday, July 7, to Sunday, July 14. The theme for this year’s celebrations is “Voice Treaty Truth. Let’s work together for a shared future”, and reflects the three key elements to the reforms set out in the Uluru Statement from the Heart. National NAIDOC Co-Chair Pat Thompson said it was time for all Australians to join together. “For generations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have looked for significant and lasting change,” Ms Thompson said. “We need our fellow Australians to join us on this journey – to finish the unfinished business of this country.” As part of the week-long celebrations, Tweed Heads Aboriginal Medical Service, Bugalwena General Practice, will be holding a health expo to ensure their clients have a strong voice when it comes to their health. “I think a lot of our clients are feeling like they have more of a voice now that they can come to our clinic and feel comfortable and see the doctor of their choice,” said Bugalwena receptionist and Bundjalung woman Kerry Lehmann. “For me NAIDOC is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and it’s something we look forward to every year. “It’s about getting everyone together to celebrate, not just Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander people but also non-Indigenous people.” The health expo is part of a NAIDOC Sports Day which also features novelty races, dancing, an Austag competition, Goori Games and Elders Mini Olympic events that will take place on Wednesday, July 10 from 9am to 3pm at Arkinstall Park. Ms Lehmann believes it is important that everyone in the community is empowered to participate in sports regardless of their age. “The mini olympics involves easy activities such as lawn bowls and quoit throwing that even the elders who can’t stand properly can enjoy as they are designed so they can even sit down if they need to, to take part,” Ms Lehmann said. “My family name is Corowa and my brother Larry Corowa used to play football for Australia so we’re also going to try and get him there because he’s a great role model and a lot of young Indigenous people are very talented footballers. “It’s important for the younger generation to know that they can be proud of their culture and the history of those who have gone before them.” As part of the expo, Bugalwena General Practice will also be holding free health checks. “We’re targeting the main issues that affect Indigenous people’s health and highlighting ways people can improve their health,” said Practice Manager Debbie Clarke.

“We’ve got the local health district coming on the day with a stop smoking program, we have a physical activities coordinator who will be there to promote healthy lifestyle and exercise, and we also have a dietician talking about good nutrition.” Other celebrations taking place throughout the Tweed as part of NAIDOC include a street march on Friday, July 12, which commences at the Civic Centre Tweed Heads and concludes with speeches and a corroborree at the Jack Evans Boat Harbour. This will be followed by the annual NAIDOC dinner dance at The Visions Room at Twin Towns Services Club. The Minjungbal Museum in South Tweed will also be hosting a range of NAIDOC activities including a flag raising ceremony and church service on Sunday, July 7, from 9am to 12pm; a Cultural Day (10am to 2pm) and Curry Night (5pm to 9pm) on Monday, July 8; and a Hall Of Fame induction and morning tea from 9.30am to 11.30am on Tuesday, July 9. Main beach Fingal Head will host a Salt Water Day on Thursday, July 11, from 10am to 3pm.


FILMS th Mia wi

The Reports on Sarah and Saleem


Everyone welcome at Tweed NAIDOC activities

Local Entertainment 37

Having an extra-marital affair can result in complicated and painful situations, but having it in a place like Jerusalem can have devastating consequences, especially if it is with someone who comes from the other side of the fence, so to speak. The award-winning movie The Reports on Sarah and Saleem tells the story of an Israeli woman and a Palestinian man who live on opposite sides—geographically, socially, politically and religiously—of Jerusalem, but meet up clandestinely at night. Sarah is a café-owner while Saleem is the man who delivers bread to her café’. Apparently they are both happily married – Sarah is married with an army officer and Saleem is excepting his first child from his young wife - but in fact they are frustrated for different reasons, and escape their frustration through an illicit sexual relationship. However, everything assumes an extra-dimension in a place where the betrayal of marriage vows turns into the betrayal of two nations. One night Saleem brings Sarah with him to Bethlehem in Palestinian territory - only half an hour away from Jerusalem but completely alien to Sarah - where she is spotted as an intruder. To get out of the situation Saleem declares that Sarah is being recruited as a pro-Palestinian spy. But when documents related to the incident end up in the Israeli army and therefore in Sarah’s husband hands things become very complicated and end up creating an explosive situation not only for the two families involved but for the two opposing communities. The Reports on Sarah and Saleem is a tense movie, preoccupied not with the reasons for the marriage betrayals - which are not completely clear or convincing - but with their consequences from a political and historical perspective rather than a moral one. In a place like modern-day Israel peaceful co-existence is still a myth.


Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals


38 Local Entertainment Thursday, July 4, 2019


Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

CONDONG BOWLING CLUB THIS WEEK at Condong Bowls Club MEMBERS DRAW This Friday $900 Plus Meat Raffles, Pick a Prize and Second Chance Draw DINNER 6pm - 8pm LTPS/07085

Tuesday: Ladies Bowls Wednesday: Social Bowls Line Dancing Classes Thursday: ‘Rock ‘n Roll’ Dance Classes Happy Hour, Raffles, Poker Eatery Open Lunch & Dinner Friday: Happy Hour, Raffles, Eatery Open Lunch & Dinner Saturday: Poker, Social Bowls. Eatery Open Lunch

FOR BOOKINGS PH: (02) 6672 2238


Condong Bowling Club, 1 McLeod St, Condong


Big Country Radio Network

Jim Lyttle with the winning piece at this year’s Woodcraft Show and Competition







0424 600 857











2PM 7.30PM







Glazed Ham, Turkey Breast, Roast Pork & all the trimmings $20 Members | $25 Guest Dinner from 5pm | Bookings essential


Mini Hams, Pork Rolls, Legs of Lamb & Chicken Rolls On sale from 6 pm | Raffles drawn at 7:45 pm



By Jonathon Howard VISITORS TO the Murwillumbah Showgrounds for the Woodcraft Show and Competition Day on Saturday, June 29, were amazed by the extensive range of detailed wood carvings on display and for sale. The annual event attracted more than 200 individual handmade timber items ranging from pens, clocks, bowls, platters, furniture and several sculptural pieces. The event included both the Tweed Valley and Richmond Woodcrafters Clubs with independent judges awarding prizes on Friday, June 28. Tweed Valley Woodcrafters Association (TVWA) president, Doug Robinson, said it was the third year of the combined club event. “It’s been another outstanding year for the woodcrafters, with some amazing entries and a lot of interest in our best in show awardee Jim Lyttle’s piece,” Mr Robinson said.

Mr Lyttle was named best in show for the second year in a row for his incredible bonsai tree carving, which was a must see for visitors. “It’s would be hard to say how many hours I put into creating this piece, it’s safe to say a lot though,” Mr Lyttle told The Weekly. “Woodcarving is something I love to do and the club here are very supportive and offer a great place to hone your skills.” The club is also always open to new male and female members of all skill levels. Secretary, Margaret Ealand, said the club was a friendly and inclusive environment where members met socially and shared their ideas. “The general public and timber enthusiasts come from far and wide to participate or to have a look at the incredible turned, carved or scrolled wooden items,” she said. TVWA clubhouse is assessible via Banner Street in Murwillumbah or by phoning: (02) 6672 1022.

By Megan Albany IF YOU are in the market for an architect then now might be the time to put your kids to work with the Tweed Regional Gallery’s new series of children’s workshops. Art Play Exploring Architecture is a workshop designed to bring out your child’s artistic side according to Tweed Regional Gallery Education Officer Jodi Ferrari. “The children will be working with our artist/educators and making architectural drawings then a 3D streetscape or cityscape,” she said. The free workshop takes place on Friday, July 12 -19, from 11am until 1pm and while no bookings are required, children must be supervised by an adult. “It’s a completely free drop-in program and we really encourage adults to join their children and engage with them whether they are parents or grandparents,” Ms Ferrari said. The architectural workshop was inspired by the latest two exhibitions in the Tweed Regional Gallery. “We always enjoy engaging families with our new exhibitions,” Ms Ferrari said. “We currently have two exhibitions on the theme of architecture, the first is Robyn Sweaney’s exhibition Dwell which is a series of paintings of suburban homes and the other exhibition is a travelling exhibition from the National Gallery, The World Turns Modern: Art Deco from the National Collection.”

We will also have the Olive Cotton award from Saturday, July 13, and we’d love to see families coming and seeing this exhibition of photographic portraiture and they can even cast a critical eye over the 79 photos on display as part of the People’s Choice Award.” Young artists will also have the opportunity to take part in a range of design activities in the Gallery Foyer as well as participating in a recently updated version of the regular digital painting and symphony iPad stations. “The iPad area has been transformed for this exhibition and we’ve installed them into a different location and so now the children will be looking into a panoramic display of some of the favourite objects of Margaret Olley. “The whole of the centre has a different look and feel and our regular visitors have all commented on what a different experience it is.”

Check out the gallery this school holidays



Outstanding Woodcrafters Club display

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019


Regent Cinema 5 Brisbane Street Murwillumbah

02 6672 8265





• Hotel Brunswick: Archie • Haven Bar: Jam Sessions • Services Club: Phil Guest Rye 7pm 1pm CABARITA • Riverview Hotel: Jock 6pm • Bowls Club: Pistol Whip Barnes 2.30pm TWEED HEADS MOUNT BURRELL • Tweed Heads Bowls Club: 7pm CHINDERAH • Sphinx Rock Cafe: Josh Lee Swizzle 6pm • Twin Towns: Bryen Willems • Chinderah Tavern: Cory Hamilton 12pm POTTSVILLE & The Bayou Boogie Boys Hargreaves 6.30pm CURRUMBIN • Beach Sports Club: David 6pm • Currumbin RSL: Magnetic Lee 4pm FRIDAY 5TH Force 8pm TWEED HEADS BANORA POINT FINGAL HEAD • Club Banora: Take Your • Sheoak Shack: Gavin • South Tweed Sports Club: Darren J Ray 12pm Pick 5.15pm Doniger 2pm • Tweed Heads Bowls Club: BRUNSWICK HEADS KINGSCLIFF • Hotel Brunswick: Friendly • Beach Hotel: Round Tommy Memphis 2pm • Twin Towns: Bryen Willems Enemies 7pm Mountain Girls 7pm & The Bayou Boogie Boys CABARITA MURWILLUMBAH • Bowls Club: Jason Delphin • Services Club: Brad Marks 1pm, Miss Mandy Quartet 6pm Band 7.30pm 6pm TYALGUM COOLANGATTA POTTSVILLE Lee Nelson • Coolangatta Hotel: • Beach Sports Club: Rain • Flutterbies: 11am Confession 8pm Men 6pm MURWILLUMBAH




• Currumbin RSL: Sarah • Seagulls Club: Sweet Archer 5pm, Living in the Mixjah 8pm • South Tweed Sports Club: 70s 8pm KINGSCLIFF Galaxy Big Band Jazz 2pm, • Beach Bowls Club: Roo Rene Diaz Duo 7pm • Tweed Heads Bowls Club: and Carly 7.30pm • Beach Hotel: Russell Keith Urban & Brian Adams Show 8pm Morris 7pm • Twin Towns Showroom: MURWILLUMBAH • Riverview Hotel: Mescalito Johnny Cash Live 8pm • Twin Towns: Wear the Blues 8pm • Services Club: Jorge and Fox Hat 4.30pm, Bryen Willems & The Bayou Ellie 7.30pm Boogie Boys 9pm POTTSVILLE • Beach Sports Club: Natural SUNDAY 7TH BANORA POINT Progression 6.30pm • Club Banora: Davo 3.30pm TWEED HEADS • South Tweed Sports Club: BRUNSWICK HEADS Afternoon Melodies with • Hotel Brunswick: Benji and the SS 4pm Dave Gray 1pm, Point CABARITA Blank 7pm Bowls Club: Pink Zinc 7pm • Tweed Heads Bowls Club: •CHINDERAH Marco 11am, Poco Loco • Chinderah Tavern: Jet Club 7.30pm Effect 2.30pm • Twin Towns: Bryen Willems COOLANGATTA & The Bayou Boogie Boys • Surf Club: Jason Towers 4.30pm, Titanix 9pm 2pm


• Beach Bowls Club: Smooth & Groove 12pm TWEED HEADS

• Twin Towns: Mark Wilson’s Dance Night 6.30pm


Entertainment in the Tweed

Local Entertainment 39

THE REPORTS ON SARAH AND SALEEM (MA15+/132MIN/CRIME/DRAMA/MYSTERY) FRI 5 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:15PM SUN 7 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:30PM TUES 9 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:45PM 2040 (G/92MIN/DOCUMENTARY) THU 4 JULY . . . . . . . . . 3:15PM (OPEN CAPTIONS) SAT 6 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00PM SUN 7 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:45PM MON 8 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:45PM ALL IS TRUE (M/101MIN/BIOGRAPHY/DRAMA/HISTORY) FRI 5 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:45PM TUE 9 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00PM WED 10 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:30PM PETERLOO (M/155MIN/DRAMA/HISTORY) THU 4 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:15PM SAT 6 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:15PM MON 8 & WED 10 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:45PM ROCKETMAN (M/121MIN/BIOGRAPHY/DRAMA/MUSIC) THU 4 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:00PM FRI 5 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:30PM SAT 6 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:45PM SUN 7 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:15PM MON 8 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:30PM TUE 9 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:15PM WED 10 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30PM THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG/86MIN/ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/COMEDY) THU 4 & SAT 6 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:00PM FRI 5 & SUN 7 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:45PM MON 8 & WED 10 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:30AM TUES 9 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:15PM TOY STORY 4 (G/100MIN/ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/COMEDY) THU 4 & SAT 6 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:30PM FRI 5, SUN 7, MON 8 & WED 10 JULY . . .12:00PM TUE 9 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:30AM

WEEK FROM THU 11 TO THE REPORTS ON SARAH AND SALEEM: The WED 17 JULY 2019 affair of a married Palestinian man and a married subject to change 2040 Israeli woman in Jerusalem takes on a dangerous (G/92MIN/DOCUMENTARY) political dimension when they are spotted in the THU 11 JULY . . . . . . 6:00PM (OPEN CAPTIONS) wrong place at the wrong time, leaving them to deal RED JOAN with more than their broken marriages. (M/109MIN/BIOGRAPHY/DRAMA/ROMANCE)

RED JOAN: The story of the woman who was exposed as the KGB’s longest-serving British spy. Starring Judy Dench. THE LION KING: The new spectacular remake of the classic story of a young lion prince fleeing his kingdom after the murder of his father, only to learn the true meaning of responsibility and bravery. THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2: The story of Max and his pet friends continue, following their secret lives after their owners leave them for work or school each day. TOY STORY 4: From the Pixar studios a new adventure: a cowboy doll is profoundly threatened and jealous when a new spaceman figure supplants him as top toy in a boy’s room. TRASHFEST 2019: Two hour party mash-up of cult movies compiled and edited by Queenslandbased filmmaker Andrew Leavold from his thirty-plus years of excavating film oddities. The film-maker will be attend the screening to introduce the program. Tickets $15/$12.

THU 11 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:45PM FRI 12 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00PM, 6:15PM SAT 13 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:45PM SUN 14 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:45PM MON 15 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00PM TUES 16 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:45PM, 6:00PM WED 17 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:30PM THE LION KING (PG/118MIN/ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/DRAMA) WED 17 JULY . . . . . . . . 10:00AM, 3:15PM, 7:30PM THE REPORTS ON SARAH AND SALEEM (MA15+/132MIN/CRIME/DRAMA/MYSTERY) THU 11 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:45PM FRI 12 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00PM SUN 14 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:45PM MON 15 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:45PM, 6:00PM TUE 16 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:45PM THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2 (PG/86MIN/ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/COMEDY) THU 11, FRI 12, SUN 14, MON 15, WED 17 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:00PM SAT 13 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:00AM TUE 16 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00AM TOY STORY 4 (G/100MIN/ANIMATION/ADVENTURE/COMEDY) THU 11, FRI 12, SUN 14, MON 15 JULY . .10:00AM SAT 13 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:45PM TUE 16 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:45AM WED 17 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:30PM TRASHFEST (R/120MIN/COMEDY/DRAMA/THRILLER/ HORROR) SUN 14 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00PM


• South Tweed Sports Club: Darren J Ray 5.30pm • Twin Towns Showroom: The Swell Sisters 11am • Twin Towns: Dave J 6pm


• Beach Sports Club: Bearded Dragons 5.30pm TWEED HEADS

• Tweed Heads Bowls Club: Billy Guy 11am, Route 66 6pm • Twin Towns Showroom: Diamonds in the Sky 11am • Twin Towns: Long Gone Daddys Band 1.30pm, Big Bad 6.30pm


• Services Club: Phil Guest Kent • Currumbin RSL: Jason 6pm McGregor 1pm, Jackson TWEED HEADS SATURDAY 6TH • Tweed Heads Bowls Club: James Smith 4pm BANORA POINT KINGSCLIFF Alice Anderson 6pm • Club Banora: Wally & The • Beach Hotel: Cigany • Twin Towns: The Flame Weaver 3pm Gators 7pm 6pm TYALGUM

• Flutterbucks: Eastwood 7pm


to her dream of going on the television show The Voice. Ms Hockley said the Lindisfarne Grammar School student, who is no stranger to the stage having performed at the Gold Coast Show last year, will be setting a high standard for other performers to live up to. To enter register at Media.Productions. For more information contact info@ or phone 0433 601 344.

Bronte Woodger is one of the Tweed’s many talented performers

Local Markets Guide

EVERY WEDNESDAY Murwillumbah Farmers Market: 7am-11am EVERY FRIDAY Mullum Farmers Market: 7am-11am 1ST FRIDAY Kingscliff Lantern Markets: 5.30pm-9.30pm EVERY SATURDAY Bangalow Farmers Market: 8am-11am Kingscliff Farmers Markets (TAFE) 7am-11am Kyogle Farmers Markets: 8am-12pm Uki Farmers Market: 8am-12.30pm 1ST SATURDAY Brunswick Heads Markets: 7am-2pm 2ND SATURDAY Kingscliff Market: 7am-1pm Byron Flea Market: 8am-1pm 3RD SATURDAY Murwillumbah Makers and Finders Market Mullum Market: 8am-3pm Salt Village Market 8am-3pm 4TH SATURDAY Kingscliff Market: 7am-1pm LAST SATURDAY Tyalgum Village Market: 9am-3pm

EVERY SUNDAY Tweed Heads Markets: 7am-12pm 1ST SUNDAY Byron Community Market: 8am-3pm Pottsville Beach Markets: 7am-1pm 2ND SUNDAY Coolangatta Beachfront Fair: 8am-2.30pm Chillingham Community Market: 8am-1pm The Channon Craft Market: 9am-3pm Lennox Lakeside Market: 7.30am-2pm 3RD SUNDAY Uki Buttery Bazaar Market: 8am-2pm Pottsville Beach Markets: 7am-1pm Piggabeen Valley Market: 9am-2pm 4TH SUNDAY Bangalow Village Market: 9am-3pm Kyogle Bazaar Markets: 8am-2pm Murwillumbah Showground: 8am-2pm Nimbin Market: 8am-3pm 5TH SUNDAY Nimbin Market: 8am-3pm Lennox Lakeside Market: 7.30am-2pm


By Megan Albany MURWILLUMBAH MEDIA Company, Mems Media Productions is looking for performers of all ages to strut their stuff in a new monthly talent quest, Mt Warning’s Got Talent. The search for talent commences in Burringbar this Saturday, July 6, with Burringbar’s Got Talent which takes place from 6pm to 9.30pm at the Burringbar School of Arts. Organisers are currently looking for performers of all ages and levels of experience to take place in the event. Every month singers, bands, actors, comedians and other quirky acts will have the opportunity to progress through to the finals. The winner of the finals on December 7 will win a professional media package, including a video clip to showcase their talent to the industry. Organiser Mem Hockley said she was driven to organise the event because of the amount of untapped talent she has discovered in the Tweed. “We have so many talented people in this area that our program is already almost full,” Ms Hockley said. “The youngest performer is a ten-year-old singer Bronte Woodger and we also have a performer who will be showing off their mastery of the rubix cube.” Bronte, who sings and plays the ukulele and piano, is from Pottsville and is hoping the performance will get her one step closer


Join the fun of Mt Warning’s Got Talent

40 Local News Thursday, July 4, 2019

PCYC kicking goals for local kids By Jo Kennett A PROGRAM designed to help at risk youth prepare for life as an adult is kicking goals at the Tweed Heads Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC). Tweed Byron Police District Commander, Superintendent Dave Roptell, set up the Fit for Life program in March last year in Sydney and it has since been rolled out across the state. “Our Youth Command staff and PCYC identify at-risk youth in schools and engage with their parents to attend the program on Monday mornings,” Supt Roptell said. “They have breakfast after the program and then off to school. “There were about 40 kids today and a lot of them are regulars.” Supt Roptell said the program aimed to instil self-discipline. “It gets them ready for life basically,” he said. “It gets them into a groove where if they know they have to get up for a job or go to school and have some responsibilities. “That’s one part of Fit for Life, is getting that self-discipline and working in with police and community mentors. “They’re able to build that rapport and get a greater understanding of what life is all about.

Tweed Byron Police District Commander Superintendent Dave Roptell

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Some of the amazing scenery down the Ord River in WA

Ordsome Dragon Boats challenge complete

Kids have a great time learning to box

“The idea is that police come down to the PCYC in uniform and others come in plainclothes and then if they see the kids out and about at the park, or the skate park or around the traps they feel comfortable being able to communicate with each other without any animosity and that’s another part of Fit for Life.” Supt Roptell said the program works in with the NSW Police Commissioner’s Rise up Strategy. “The PCYC and NSW Police and some prominent employees have got together to provide job opportunities for kids so if they leave school a bit early, they can go into a program called Fit for Work,” he said. “ S o t h i s p rog ra m s u p p o r t s o u r commissioner’s Rise Up strategy of giving our youth employment.” Tweed Byron Police District and Richmond Police District in conjunction with the Tweed Heads and Lismore PCYC, ran a joint Fit for Life activity at the Lake Ainsworth Sports and Recreation Centre on Monday, June 24.

By Jonathon Howard EIGHT MEMBERS of Dragons Abreast Mt Warning took on a huge challenge during the recent Queen’s Birthday long weekend with a paddle down the Ord River in Western Australia. Paddlers teamed up with several supporters who travelled to Kununurra to participate in a 55-kilometre paddle down the iconic Ord River. The event is run every year by the Kununurra Dragon Boat Club, according to group organiser Anne Bowden, who said this year was reserved for breast cancer survivors and their supporters. “Paddlers from around Australia came together to complete the marathon paddle,” she said. “They filled the eight boats with fourteen paddlers and one steersperson in each boat. “The long day started when they left their accommodation at 4.30am. “Paddlers enjoyed breakfast at the Argyle Dam before they set off from below the wall of the dam at 7.30am. All boats crossed the finish line together at 4.30pm.” Mrs Bowden said the upper reaches of the river had the fastest flow and a proliferation

of wildlife, yet the river flow slowed along the route and the pace lagged as the day went on. “Along the way there were three nature stops with drinks, fruit and muffins available,” she said. “Many paddlers had “jelly legs” getting out of the boat at the breaks but there was plenty of assistance until paddlers found their land legs. “Lunch was passed to paddlers while in the boat which added to the fun.” Ann McConnell, one of the committed paddlers, said she didn’t think they would make it “but with teamwork anything is achievable”. “Along the way stunning scenery and crocodile spotting added to the euphoria and the eight boats arrived at the finish line together,” she said. “After nine hours on the river the day was climaxed with a shared dinner and together paddlers celebrated their success of achieving an undreamt-of goal. “After the paddle, club members celebrated with local touring and some even travelled home on The Ghan to complete a memorable adventure. “They had travelled to five states in ten days. This was truly one of life’s great memories.”

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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals


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Sunday July 7

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Mass. (CC) 6.30 Hillsong. (CC) 7.00 Leading The Way. (PGa, R, CC) 7.30 Fishing Aust. (R, CC) 8.00 Escape Fishing. (R, CC) 8.30 St10. (PG, CC) 11.00 Motor Racing. (CC) Supercars Championship. Round 8. Townsville 400. Race 18. 5.00 10 News First. (CC) 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PGal, R, CC) The tower is on high alert. 6.30 The Sunday Project. (CC) A look at the day’s news. 7.30 MasterChef Australia. (CC) The remaining contestants fly to Western Australia for a mystery box challenge. 9.10 FBI. (Mv, CC) OA struggles to balance his personal opinion with his duties when he is assigned to a security detail. 11.10 NCIS. (Mv, R, CC) Gibbs cares for an orphaned refugee. 12.00 The Sunday Project. (R, CC) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

6.00 Cricket. (CC) ICC World Cup. Match 45. Australia v South Africa. Night session. Continued. 6.30 Wesley Impact. (CC) 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 10.00 Sports Sunday. (PG, CC) 11.00 NRL Sunday Footy Show. (PG, CC) 1.00 Rugby League. (CC) Canterbury Cup NSW. Round 16. Western Suburbs Magpies v North Sydney Bears. 3.00 Rugby League. (CC) NRL. Round 16. Cronulla Sharks v Brisbane Broncos. 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 The Voice. (PGl, CC) Final. 9.30 60 Minutes. (CC) Current affairs program. 10.30 Suburban Gangsters: Russell Cox And Ray Bennett – The Armed Robbers. (MA15+lv, CC) 11.30 Cops UK: Body Cam Squad. (Mlv, R, CC) 12.30 Secrets Of The Money Masters. (PG, R, CC) 1.30 Getaway. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 TV Shop. 2.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) 3.00 TV Shop. 4.00 The Baron. (PG, R) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG, CC) 12.00 House Of Wellness. (PG, CC) 1.00 Kochie’s Business Builders. (PG, CC) 1.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. (R, CC) 2.00 Surf Patrol. (R, CC) 2.30 To Be Advised. 4.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (R, CC) 5.00 Seven News At 5. (CC) 5.30 Sydney Weekender. (CC) 6.00 Seven News. (CC) 7.00 House Rules. (PG, CC) Hosted by Johanna Griggs. 8.30 Sunday Night. (CC) Current affairs program, hosted by Melissa Doyle. 9.30 Million Dollar Cold Case. (Mav, R, CC) Examines the suspicious death of a 54-year-old farmer and the murder of an elderly woman. 11.40 Criminal Confessions: Placentia. (Msv, R, CC) 1.00 Home Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC)

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Local TV Guide 41 75993

Thursday, July 4, 2019


TV Guide

6.00 Rage. (PG, CC) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 Insiders. (CC) 10.00 Offsiders. (CC) 10.30 World This Week. (R, CC) 11.00 Compass. (PG, R, CC) 11.30 Praise. (R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 12.30 Landline. (CC) 1.30 Gardening Aust. (R, CC) 2.30 The Divorce. (Ms, R, CC) 3.10 Palace Of Memories. (R, CC) 4.00 The Mix. (R, CC) 4.30 Kev Carmody: Songman. (R, CC) 5.00 Back Roads. (R, CC) 5.30 Brush With Fame. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 The Repair Shop. (CC) 6.30 Compass. (CC) 7.00 ABC News Sunday. (CC) 7.40 The Planets. (CC) 8.40 Harrow. (Mav, CC) 9.35 Manolo: The Boy Who Made Shoes For Lizards. (Mls, CC) 11.00 David Stratton’s Stories Of Australian Cinema. (MA15+av, R, CC) 12.00 Silent Witness. (MA15+adv, R, CC) 1.05 The Warriors. (Mdls, R, CC) 2.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.30 Manolo: The Boy Who Made Shoes For Lizards. (Mls, R, CC) 5.00 Insiders. (R, CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.20 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 1. Highlights. 7.30 WorldWatch. 12.00 Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Motorcycle Racing. (CC) Australian Superbike Championship. Round 4. 3.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 1. Replay. 5.00 The Bowls Show. (CC) 6.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 1. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Scotland: Rome’s Final Frontier. (R, CC) 8.35 Movie: Gurrumul. (2017) (CC) Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu, Mark Grose, Sting. The story of Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu. 10.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 2. 12.30 Soccer. (CC) FIFA Women’s World Cup. Final. 4.00 Food Lover’s Guide. (R, CC) 4.40 UK Bitesize. (R, CC) 4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 7.30 Key Of David. (PG) 8.00 Rugby Union. Super Rugby. Final. Crusaders v Jaguares. 10.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 10.30 Pooches At Play. 11.00 Shark Tank. (PG) 12.00 Escape Fishing. 12.30 Mighty Machines. (PG) 1.00 Healthy Homes Aust. 1.30 The Doctors. (PG) 2.30 Mission: Impossible. (PG) 4.30 Fishing Edge. 5.00 iFish. 5.30 Attenborough: Saving The Panda. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) The team investigates the murder of a navy diver. 9.30 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 9. German Grand Prix. From Sachsenring, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, Germany. 11.00 Car Crash Global. (PG) 12.00 CSI: Miami. (MA15+) 1.00 Diagnosis Murder. (M) 2.00 48 Hours. (M) 3.00 The Doctors. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Tomorrow’s World. (PG) 7.30 Leading The Way. (PG) 8.00 David Jeremiah. (PG) 8.30 Hour Of Power. 9.00 Shopping. 10.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 11.00 NBC Today. 12.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG) 1.00 Vasili’s Garden. (PG) 2.00 Australia’s Best Backyards. 2.30 Tennis. Wimbledon. Highlights. 3.30 Animal Rescue. 4.00 The Yorkshire Vet. (PG) 5.00 Escape To The Country. 6.00 Mighty Ships: Becrux. (PG) 7.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 8.30 Mighty Trains: The Bullet Train. (PG) The bullet train travels up to 285 km/h. 9.30 Mighty Planes: Hercules LC-130. 10.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 11.30 Cop Squad. (M) 12.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 1.00 Autopsy USA. (MA15+) 2.00 Mighty Trains. (PG) 3.00 Mighty Planes. 4.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG) 5.00 Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 9.30 Scooby-Doo! (PG) 10.00 Batman. (PG) 10.30 Gumball. (PG) 11.00 Star Wars Rebels. (PG) 12.00 Ninjago. (PG) 1.00 Transformers: Cyberverse. (PG) 1.30 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. 2.00 Polly Pocket. (PG) 2.30 Tom And Jerry. 3.00 Clarence. (PG) 3.30 Making Of Spider-Man: Far From Home. (PG) 3.40 Chomp Squad. 3.45 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS. (PG) 4.15 Beyblade Burst Turbo. (PG) 4.45 Power Rangers Beast Morphers. (PG) 5.15 Movie: Robin Hood. (1973) (G) 7.00 Movie: Spider-Man 3. (2007) (PG) 10.00 Movie: Gamer. (2009) (MA15+) Gerard Butler, Amber Valletta, Michael C. Hall. 12.00 Adult Swim. (MA15+) 1.00 Can’t Pay We’ll Take It Away. (M) 2.00 Car SOS. (PG) 3.00 Surfing Australia TV. 3.30 Clarence. (PG) 4.30 Power Rangers Beast Morphers. (PG) 4.50 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. 5.10 Kate And Mim-Mim. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.15 Octonauts. 5.30 PJ Masks. 5.45 Peppa Pig. 5.50 Kiri And Lou. 6.00 Go Jetters. 6.15 Floogals. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8.30 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. (PG) 9.10 Tom Gleeson At Enmore Theatre. (MA15+) 10.10 Black Comedy. (M) 10.40 Kiki And Kitty. (M) 10.55 Live At The Apollo. (M) 11.45 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 12.25 The Stand Up Sketch Show. (M) 12.50 QI. (M) 1.20 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 1.50 This Time With Alan Partridge. (M) 2.20 Extras. (M) 2.55 Blackadder II. (M) 3.25 Flowers. (MA15+) 3.50 News Update. 3.55 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 6.30 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.00 Treasure Island. 7.30 Littlest Pet Shop. 8.00 Mia And Me. 9.00 TMNT. 10.00 Scope. (C) 10.30 Gamify. (C) 11.00 Brady Bunch. 11.25 Charmed. (PG) 1.30 Family Ties. (PG) 2.30 Frasier. (PG) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Becker. (PG) 5.00 Frasier. (PG) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. 8.30 Ross Noble: Brain Dump. (M) Stand-up comedy by Ross Noble. 9.30 Taboo. (M) Harley Breen performs stand-up. 10.30 Buffy The Vampire Slayer. (M) 11.30 Frasier. (PG) 12.30 Home Shopping. 1.30 Becker. (PG) 2.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 3.30 The King Of Queens. (PG) 4.30 Home Shopping. 5.30 The Brady Bunch.

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Big Angry Fish. (PG) 7.30 Shopping. 9.30 Life Off Road. (PG) 10.00 AFL Game Day. 11.30 Jabba’s School Holiday Movie Special. (PG) 12.00 The Fishing Show. (PG) 1.00 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 2.00 Storage Wars. (PG) 2.30 Merv Hughes Fishing. (PG) 3.00 Step Outside With Paul Burt. (PG) 3.30 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 4.30 Football. AFL. Round 16. GWS v Brisbane Lions. 7.30 Movie: Independence Day: Resurgence. (2016) (PG) Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman. Humans battle an alien invasion. 9.55 Movie: Need For Speed. (2014) (M) Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Imogen Poots. 12.35 Guitar Gods Goes Cosmic. (PG) 1.05 Storage Wars. (PG) 1.30 The Fishing Show. (PG) 2.30 Storage Wars. (M) 3.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 4.00 Swamp Men. (PG)

6.00 TV Shop. 6.30 Beyond Today. (PG) 7.00 Leading The Way. (PG) 7.30 In Touch Ministries. (PG) 8.00 Skippy. 8.30 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PG) 9.00 TV Shop. 10.00 The AFL Sunday Footy Show. (PG) 12.00 My Favorite Martian. 12.30 Getaway. (PG) 1.00 Movie: Treasure Island. (1972) (G) 3.00 Movie: Now And Forever. (1956) (PG) 5.00 Movie: Some Like It Hot. (1959) (PG) 7.30 Cricket. Women’s One-Day International Series. England v Australia. Game 3. Morning session. From St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury, England. 11.10 ICC Women’s One-Day International Innings Break. 11.55 Cricket. Women’s One-Day International Series. England v Australia. Game 3. Afternoon session. 3.30 My Favorite Martian. 4.00 Getaway. (PG) 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 PopAsia TV. (PG) 1.00 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 1. Replay. 3.05 NAIDOC Stories. 3.15 Medicine Or Myth? (PG) 4.15 Maternity Leave. (PG) 5.05 Toxic Garbage Island. (PG) 6.20 Stacey Dooley: Fashion’s Dirty Secrets. (PG) 7.25 Speed With Guy Martin. (PG) 8.30 Movie: Berlin Syndrome. (2017) (MA15+) 10.35 The Gang Crackdown. (MA15+) 11.35 VICE World Of Sports. (PG) 12.30 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 2. 1.30 Great Minds. (M) 1.40 Hollywood Love Story. (MA15+) 2.35 France 24. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.


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42 Local TV Guide Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Monday July 8

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Headline News. (CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGadl, R, CC) 1.00 MasterChef Aust. (R, CC) 2.40 Ent. Tonight. (CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. (CC) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. (CC) 4.30 Bold. (PG, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 6.00 Celebrity Name Game. (PG, CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) 7.30 MasterChef Australia. (CC) Contestants cook a five-course degustation. 8.40 Have You Been Paying Attention? (Malns, CC) Hosted by Tom Gleisner. 9.40 Kinne Tonight. (Mls, R, CC) Hosted by Troy Kinne. 10.10 To Be Advised. 11.10 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 12.10 The Project. (R, CC) 1.10 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) 11.30 Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Extra. (CC) 12.30 The Voice. (PGl, R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. (CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PGl, CC) Return. Australians tackle an obstacle course. 9.15 Killing Michael Jackson. (Mad, CC) Explores Michael Jackson’s death. 10.15 100% Footy. (M, CC) 11.15 Cold Case. (M, R, CC) 12.05 The Innocence Network: George Toca. (PGa, R, CC) 1.00 Extra. (R, CC) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 11.30 News. (CC) 12.00 Movie: A Christmas Kiss. (2011) (PGals, R, CC) 2.00 The Daily Edition. (CC) 3.00 The Chase. (CC) 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. (CC) 6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 7.30 House Rules. (PG, CC) Hosted by Johanna Griggs. 9.00 S.W.A.T. (Madv, CC) The team searches for a drug trafficker who is using immigrants as couriers. 10.00 S.W.A.T. (Mav, CC) A domestic terrorist dies in an explosion. 11.00 The Latest: Seven News. (CC) 11.30 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 7. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 4.00 Home Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC)


TV Guide

6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 ABC News Mornings. (CC) 10.00 The Repair Shop. (R, CC) 11.00 Catalyst. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 Landline. (R, CC) 2.00 Cleverman. (Mlsv, R, CC) 3.00 Cook And The Chef. (R, CC) 3.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Think Tank. (PG, R, CC) 5.15 The Repair Shop. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 Back Roads: Burketown, Queensland. (CC) 8.30 Four Corners. (CC) A look at stories of concern to Australians. 9.15 Media Watch. (PG, CC) 9.35 Q&A. (CC) 10.40 ABC Late News. (CC) 11.10 The Business. (R, CC) 11.30 Blue Water Empire. (Mav, R, CC) 12.20 Movie: Redfern Now: The Telemovie. (2015) (Malv, R, CC) 1.50 The Warriors. (Madls, R, CC) 2.45 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.30 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.30 One Plus One. (R, CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.20 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 2. Highlights. 7.30 WorldWatch. 8.30 Soccer. (CC) FIFA Women’s World Cup. Final. Replay. 12.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 2. Replay. 2.00 First Contact. (Mal, R, CC) 3.00 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Going Places. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 FIFA Women’s World Cup Highlights. (CC) 5.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 2. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Great American Railroad Journeys: Manassas To Jamestown. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Medicine Or Myth? (PG, CC) Final. 9.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 3. Binche to Épernay. 215 km hilly stage. From Belgium and France. 2.00 Deutschland 83. (Mv, R, CC) 2.50 Ride Upon The Storm. (Mads, R) 4.00 Railway Journeys UK. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Mission: Impossible. (PG) 9.00 I Fish. 9.30 Hogan’s Heroes. 10.00 Cheers. (PG) 11.00 Building Invincible. (PG) 12.00 Star Trek. (PG) 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) A congressman is murdered. 8.30 Law & Order: SVU. (M) After three teenagers are found dead, Stabler and Beck investigate a paw print tattoo found on a victim. 10.30 48 Hours: NCIS: Deadly Lies. (M) 11.30 CSI: Miami. (MA15+) 12.30 Home Shopping. 2.00 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 9. German Grand Prix. 3.30 Cheers. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 The Doctors. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo Wild Friends. (C) 7.30 Drop Dead Weird. (C) Return. 8.00 Jay’s Jungle. (P) 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 10.30 NBC Press. 11.30 Australia’s Best Backyards. 12.00 Vasili’s Garden. (PG) 1.00 The Chase. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.45 Mighty Ships. (PG) 4.45 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.15 Building The Dream. 6.15 Bargain Hunt. 7.15 The Vicar Of Dibley. (PG) 8.00 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 7. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 11.30 Mighty Ships: Paul R. Tregurtha. (PG) 12.30 Medical Emergency. (PG) 1.00 Bargain Hunt. 2.00 Autopsy USA: The Notorious B.I.G. (M) 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.00 Robot Wars. (PG) 11.00 Storage Hunters UK. (PG) 11.30 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Mad About You. (PG) 1.00 Car SOS. (PG) 2.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 3.00 Children’s Programs. 3.30 Ninjago. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 The New Looney Tunes. 4.30 Gumball. (PG) 5.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.30 Steven Universe. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 RBT. (PG) 8.30 Movie: The Core. (2003) (M) Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank, Stanley Tucci. 11.10 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 11.35 Police Ten 7. (M) 12.00 Friends. (PG) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 China, IL. (MA15+) 2.30 Beyblade Burst Turbo. (PG) 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.00 Pokémon. 4.30 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures. 4.50 Transformers: Cyberverse. (PG) 5.10 Kate And Mim-Mim. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Go Jetters. 6.15 Floogals. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Blackadder II. (PG) 8.30 Extras. (PG) 9.00 Community. (PG) 9.25 The Office. (M) 9.45 The Inbetweeners. (M) 10.15 Peep Show. (M) 10.40 Plebs. (M) 11.05 Black Comedy. (M) 11.35 KGB. (M) Premiere. 11.40 Kiki And Kitty. (M) 11.50 Flowers. (M) 12.20 30 Rock. (M) 12.40 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 1.05 Reno 911! (M) 1.25 Community. (PG) 1.45 The Office. (PG) 2.10 30 Rock. (M) 2.30 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 2.50 Reno 911! (M) 3.15 Schitt’s Creek. (M) 3.40 News Update. 3.45 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Totally Spies! 6.30 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.00 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 7.30 Littlest Pet Shop. 8.00 Totally Wild. (C) 8.35 Care Bears And Cousins. 9.00 Hanazuki. 9.30 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Raymond. (PG) 10.30 Becker. (PG) 11.30 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Charmed. (PG) 2.00 Malcolm. (PG) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Becker. (PG) 5.00 Raymond. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (M) 9.00 Frasier. (PG) 11.00 The Flash. (M) 12.00 The Late Late Show With James Corden. (M) 1.00 Shopping. 1.30 Frasier. (PG) 2.30 Raymond. (PG) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 3.30 James Corden. (M) 4.30 Shopping. 5.30 King Of Queens. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 7.30 The Next Level. 8.00 Storage Wars. (PG) 9.00 Merv Hughes Fishing. (PG) 9.30 Step Outside With Paul Burt. (PG) 10.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 11.00 Wardens. (PG) 11.30 Alaska’s Ultimate Bush Pilots. (PG) 12.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 1.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 2.00 Bottom Feeders. (PG) 3.00 Blokesworld. (PG) 3.30 Storage Wars. (PG) 4.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.00 Fight To Survive. (PG) Premiere. 5.30 Alaska’s Ultimate Bush Pilots. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 American Pickers. (PG) 8.30 Movie: Gone In Sixty Seconds. (2000) (M) Nicolas Cage, Giovanni Ribisi, Angelina Jolie. 10.55 Movie: The Gumball Rally. (1976) (M) 1.15 Talking Footy. 2.15 Creek To Coast. 2.45 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 4.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.00 Swamp Men. (PG)

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 9.30 Danoz. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 My Favorite Martian. 12.00 Movie: Nicholas Nickleby. (1947) (G) 2.15 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. (PG) 3.15 David Attenborough’s Secrets Of Wild India. 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 New Tricks. (PG) A police interpreter is murdered. 8.40 Midsomer Murders. (M) Barnaby’s wife discovers a body. 10.50 Unforgettable. (M) 11.50 Footy Classified. (M) 12.50 Making Of Spider-Man: Far From Home. (PG) 1.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 1.30 Danoz Direct. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 MythBusters. (PG) 1.50 Go Back To Where You Came From. (PG) 2.55 NAIDOC Stories. 3.05 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 2. Replay. 5.05 This Week With George Stephanopoulos. 6.05 Monty Python’s Flying Circus. (PG) 6.45 RocKwiz. (PG) 7.40 The X-Files. 8.35 The Curse Of Oak Island. Premiere. 9.30 Dark Side Of The Ring. (MA15+) Final. 10.20 You’re The Worst. (M) Final. 11.00 Australiana: Island Queen. (PG) 11.35 Adam Looking For Eve. (MA15+) 12.25 Great Minds. (M) 12.35 12 Monkeys. (MA15+) 2.15 Reversing Female Circumcision. (MA15+) 2.40 CGTN English News. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 WorldWatch.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.

Tuesday July 9

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Headline News. (CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGal, R, CC) 1.00 MasterChef Aust. (R, CC) 2.10 Ent. Tonight. (CC) 2.30 Neighbours. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. (CC) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. (CC) 4.30 Bold. (PG, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 6.00 Celebrity Name Game. (CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) 7.30 MasterChef Australia. (CC) Contestants vie for a place in finals week. 8.40 Todd Sampson’s Body Hack. (MA15+v, CC) Presented by Todd Sampson. 9.40 NCIS. (Ma, R, CC) A US Navy captain is murdered. 11.30 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 12.30 The Project. (R, CC) 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) 11.30 Morning News. (CC) 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Extra. (CC) 1.30 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PGl, R, CC) 3.00 News Now. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. (CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG, CC) Australians tackle an obstacle course. 9.15 Cricket. (CC) ICC World Cup. Match 46. First semi-final. First innings. From Old Trafford, Manchester, England. 11.00 ICC World Cup Innings Break. (CC) 11.45 Cricket. (CC) ICC World Cup. Match 46. First semi-final. Second innings. From Old Trafford, Manchester, England. 3.30 Extra. (R, CC) 4.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 11.30 News. (CC) 12.00 Movie: A Fairy Tale Christmas. (2013) (G, R, CC) 2.00 The Daily Edition. (CC) 3.00 The Chase. (CC) 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. (CC) 6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PG, CC) 7.30 House Rules. (PG, CC) Hosted by Johanna Griggs. 9.00 Andrew Denton’s Interview. (M, CC) Andrew Denton interviews a range of fascinating people in an effort to find out what makes them tick. 10.00 To Be Advised. 11.00 The Latest: Seven News. (CC) 11.30 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 8. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 4.00 Home Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC)


TV Guide

6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 ABC News Mornings. (CC) 10.00 The Repair Shop. (R, CC) 11.05 Catalyst. (R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 Four Corners. (R, CC) 1.45 Media Watch. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Cleverman. (Malv, R, CC) 3.00 Poh’s Kitchen Lends A Hand. (R, CC) 3.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Think Tank. (PG, R, CC) 5.15 The Repair Shop. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 Ask The Doctor: Loneliness. (PG, CC) 8.30 Blue Water Empire. (Mav, CC) Part 3 of 3. 9.25 Louis Theroux: Extreme Love: Dementia. (PG, R, CC) 10.30 ABC Late News. (CC) 11.00 The Business. (R, CC) 11.15 Q&A. (R, CC) 12.25 Destination Arnold. (Mal, R, CC) 1.25 The Warriors. (Madls, R, CC) 2.20 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.30 Louis Theroux: Extreme Love. (PG, R, CC) 4.30 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.30 One Plus One. (R, CC)

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.20 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 3. Highlights. 7.30 WorldWatch. 12.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 3. Replay. 2.00 First Contact. (Mal, R, CC) 3.00 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Going Places. (R, CC) 5.00 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Lochs. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 3. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Every Family Has A Secret: Lance Innes And Michelle White. (CC) 8.30 Insight. (CC) Presented by Rachael Hocking. 9.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 4. Reims to Nancy. 213.5 km flat stage. From France. 1.45 Anno 1790. (Mdv, R) 4.05 Railway Journeys UK. (R, CC) 4.45 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 9.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 10.00 Cheers. (PG) 11.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.00 Star Trek. (PG) 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) Gibbs heads to New Orleans. 8.30 CSI: Miami. (M) Horatio discovers that an electrocuted model was married to a prisoner with a grudge against him. 10.20 The Mentalist. (M) 12.10 Home Shopping. 2.10 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 3.05 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 4.05 Cheers. (PG) 5.05 The Doctors. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo Wild Friends. (C) 7.30 Drop Dead Weird. (C) 8.00 Jay’s Jungle. (P) 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 Auction Squad. 1.00 The Chase. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Mighty Ships. 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Building The Dream. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. (PG) 8.30 Murdoch Mysteries. (M) Ogden tries to prove a woman’s innocence. 9.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 10.00 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 8. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 11.30 Mighty Ships. 12.30 Medical Emergency. (PG) 1.00 Bargain Hunt. 2.00 Auction Squad. 3.00 Autopsy USA. (M) 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. 5.00 Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.00 Robot Wars. (PG) 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Mad About You. (PG) 1.00 Car SOS. (PG) 2.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 3.00 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures. 3.30 Ninjago. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 The New Looney Tunes. 4.30 Gumball. (PG) 5.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.30 Steven Universe. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 Young Sheldon. (PG) 8.30 Movie: Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol. (2011) (M) Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg. A rogue spy pursues a madman. 11.10 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 11.35 Young Sheldon. (PG) 12.00 Friends. (PG) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 China, IL. (MA15+) 2.30 Beyblade Burst Turbo. (PG) 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.00 Pokémon. 4.30 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures. 4.50 Barbie: Dreamtopia. 5.10 Kate And Mim-Mim. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.30 PJ Masks. 5.45 Peppa Pig. 5.50 Kiri And Lou. 6.00 Go Jetters. 6.15 Floogals. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 8.40 The IT Crowd. (M) 9.05 Community. (M) 9.25 The Office. (PG) 9.50 Back. (M) 10.15 Black Comedy. (M) 10.45 KGB. (M) 10.50 Kiki And Kitty. (M) 11.00 The Thick Of It. (M) 11.30 Peep Show. (M) 12.00 30 Rock. (M) 12.20 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12.45 Reno 911! (M) 1.05 Archer. (M) 1.45 Community. (PG) 2.10 The Office. (M) 2.30 30 Rock. (M) 2.50 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 3.15 Reno 911! (M) 3.35 News Update. 3.40 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Totally Spies! 6.30 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.00 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 7.30 Littlest Pet Shop. 8.00 Totally Wild. (C) 8.35 Care Bears And Cousins. 9.00 Hanazuki. 9.30 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Raymond. (PG) 10.30 Becker. (PG) 11.30 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Charmed. (PG) 2.00 Malcolm. (PG) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 5.00 Raymond. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (M) 9.00 Kitty Flanagan: Hello Kitty. (M) 10.50 The Cleveland Show. (M) 11.20 The Late Late Show With James Corden. (M) 12.10 Two And A Half Men. (M) 12.40 Shopping. 1.40 Frasier. (PG) 2.40 Raymond. (PG) 3.10 King Of Queens. (PG) 3.40 James Corden. (M) 4.30 Shopping. 5.30 King Of Queens. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 7.30 Creek To Coast. 8.00 American Pickers. (PG) 9.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 10.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 11.00 Fight To Survive. (PG) 11.30 Alaska’s Ultimate Bush Pilots. (PG) 12.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 1.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 2.00 Bottom Feeders. (PG) 3.00 American Pickers. (PG) 4.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.00 Fight To Survive. (PG) 5.30 Alaska’s Ultimate Bush Pilots. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 Outback Truckers. (PG) 9.30 Supertruckers. (PG) 10.30 Highway Thru Hell. (PG) 11.30 Graveyard Carz. (M) 12.30 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 1.30 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 2.30 American Pickers. (PG) 3.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 4.00 Supertruckers. (PG) 5.00 Swamp Men. (PG)

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 9.30 Danoz. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 My Favorite Martian. 12.05 Movie: It’s All Happening. (1963) (G) 2.15 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. (PG) 3.15 New Tricks. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 ICC World Cup Pre-Match. 7.30 Cricket. (CC) ICC World Cup. Match 46. First semi-final. First innings. From Old Trafford, Manchester, England. 11.00 ICC World Cup Innings Break. 11.45 Cricket. (CC) ICC World Cup. Match 46. First semi-final. Second innings. From Old Trafford, Manchester, England. 3.30 My Favorite Martian. 4.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.30 Serbian News. 10.00 Dutch News. 10.30 Nepali News. 11.00 NHK Japanese News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 MythBusters. (PG) 1.50 Go Back To Where You Came From. (M) 2.55 NAIDOC Stories. 3.05 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 3. Replay. 5.10 PBS News. 6.05 Monty Python’s Flying Circus. (PG) 6.40 RocKwiz. (PG) 7.40 The X-Files. 8.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 9.35 Robbie Hood. 10.40 The Wrestlers. (M) 11.40 The Good Doctor: Korea. (M) 12.55 12 Monkeys. (MA15+) 2.35 RT News In English From Moscow. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.

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Wednesday July 10

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Headline News. (CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGals, R, CC) 1.00 MasterChef Aust. (R, CC) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. (CC) 2.30 Neighbours. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. (CC) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. (CC) 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, CC) 5.00 10 News First. (CC) 6.00 Celebrity Name Game. (CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) 7.30 MasterChef Australia. (CC) Contestants tackle a team challenge. 8.40 Bull. (Ma, CC) Bull aims to raise reasonable doubt among jurors when his friend Nathan is put on trial for his wife’s murder. 10.30 Sports Tonight. (CC) 11.00 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 12.00 The Project. (R, CC) 1.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) 11.30 Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, CC) 1.00 Extra. (CC) 1.30 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 News Now. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. (CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 Rugby League. (CC) State Of Origin. Game 3. New South Wales v Queensland. From ANZ Stadium, Sydney. 10.10 State Of Origin Post-Match. (CC) A wrap-up of the State of Origin clash. 11.10 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PGl, R, CC) 12.55 World’s Funniest Videos Top 10 Countdown. (PG, R, CC) 1.25 Extra. (R, CC) 2.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 11.30 News. (CC) 12.00 Movie: A Perfect Christmas. (2012) (PGa, R, CC) 2.00 Daily Edition. (CC) 3.00 The Chase. (CC) 4.00 News. (CC) 5.00 The Chase Aust. (CC) 6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PGa, CC) 7.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, CC) 8.00 The Force: Behind The Line. (PG, R, CC) Narrated by Simon Reeve. 8.30 The Super Switch. (Mls, CC) It is halfway through the “experiment”. 9.30 The Super Switch. (Mls, CC) The experts set the couples a new task. 10.30 The Latest: Seven News. (CC) 11.00 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 9. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 4.00 Home Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC)


6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 ABC News Mornings. (CC) 10.00 The Repair Shop. (R, CC) 11.00 Catalyst. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 12.30 Press Club. (CC) 1.30 Compass. (R, CC) 2.00 Cleverman. (Malv, R, CC) 3.00 Cook And The Chef. (R, CC) 3.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Think Tank. (PG, R, CC) 5.10 The Repair Shop. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG, CC) 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M, CC) 9.00 Squinters. (Mls, CC) Return. 9.25 Insert Name Here. (Ms, CC) 9.55 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (R, CC) 10.40 ABC Late News. (CC) 11.10 The Business. (R, CC) 11.25 Four Corners. (R, CC) 12.15 Media Watch. (PG, R, CC) 12.30 HerStory. (Ml, R, CC) 1.00 The Warriors. (Ml, R, CC) 2.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.50 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (R, CC) 4.30 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.30 One Plus One. (R, CC)


1/18 Machinery Drive, Tweed Heads South



Creative Curtains & Blinds

Local TV Guide 43

TV Guide 6.00 WorldWatch. 6.20 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 4. Highlights. 7.30 WorldWatch. 12.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 4. Replay. 2.00 First Contact. (Mal, R, CC) 3.00 Insight. (R, CC) 4.00 Going Places. (R, CC) 5.00 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Lochs. (R, CC) 5.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 4. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. (CC) 8.00 Where Are You Really From? (PG, CC) 8.35 24 Hours In Emergency: The Cards We’re Dealt. (CC) A 66-year-old is having trouble breathing. 9.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 5. Saint-Dié-des-Vosges to Colmar. 175.5 km hilly stage. From France. 2.00 The Legacy. (Mal, R) 4.15 Railway Journeys UK. (R, CC) 4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 9.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 10.00 Cheers. (PG) 11.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.00 Star Trek. (PG) 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 ST: Next Gen. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) A US Navy officer is found dead. 8.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) After Callen goes rogue, Hetty demands that his operation be shut down and tasks the team with finding him. 10.20 To Be Advised. 11.15 NCIS. (M) 12.10 Home Shopping. 2.10 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 3.05 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 4.05 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.05 The Doctors. (M)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo Wild Friends. (C) 7.30 Drop Dead Weird. (C) 8.00 Jay’s Jungle. (P) 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 Auction Squad. 1.00 The Chase. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Mighty Ships. (PG) 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Building The Dream. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Air Crash Investigation: Nuts And Bolts. (PG) 9.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) A passenger’s nervous behaviour raises concerns. 10.00 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 9. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 11.00 Mighty Ships: HDMS Absalon. (PG) 12.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 12.30 RSPCA Animal Rescue. 1.00 Bargain Hunt. 2.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.00 Robot Wars. (PG) 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Mad About You. (PG) 1.00 Car SOS. (PG) 2.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 3.00 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures. 3.30 Ninjago. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 The New Looney Tunes. 4.30 Gumball. (PG) 5.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.30 Steven Universe. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 20 To One. (PG) 8.30 Movie: The Circle. (2017) (M) Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, John Boyega. A programmer lands her dream job. 10.40 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 11.10 Friends. (PG) 12.05 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away. (M) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 China, IL. (M) 2.30 Beyblade Burst Turbo. (PG) 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.00 Pokémon. 4.30 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures. 4.50 Barbie: Dreamtopia. 5.10 Kate And Mim-Mim. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.50 Kiri And Lou. 6.00 Go Jetters. 6.15 Floogals. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 The Good Place. (M) 8.45 Upper Middle Bogan. (M) Final. 9.15 Community. (PG) 9.35 The Office. (PG) 10.00 Crashing. (MA15+) 10.25 Black Comedy. (M) 10.55 KGB. (M) 11.00 Kiki And Kitty. (MA15+) 11.15 An Idiot Abroad. (M) 12.00 30 Rock. (M) 12.20 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12.45 Reno 911! (M) 1.05 Community. (M) 1.30 The Office. (PG) 1.50 30 Rock. (M) 2.15 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 2.35 Reno 911! (M) 2.55 Back. (M) 3.20 The Thick Of It. (M) 3.50 News Update. 3.55 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Totally Spies! 6.30 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.00 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 7.30 Littlest Pet Shop. 8.00 Totally Wild. (C) 8.35 Care Bears And Cousins. 9.00 Hanazuki. 9.30 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Raymond. (PG) 10.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 11.30 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Charmed. (PG) 2.00 Malcolm. (PG) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 5.00 Raymond. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (M) 9.00 Movie: Fat Pizza. (2003) (MA15+) 11.00 Fresh Off The Boat. (PG) 11.30 James Corden. (M) 12.30 Shopping. 1.30 Frasier. (PG) 2.30 Raymond. (PG) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 3.30 James Corden. (M) 4.30 Shopping. 5.30 King Of Queens. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 7.30 The Next Level. (PG) 8.00 American Pickers. (PG) 9.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 10.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 11.00 Fight To Survive. (PG) 11.30 Alaska’s Ultimate Bush Pilots. (PG) 12.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 1.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 2.00 Bottom Feeders. (PG) 3.00 Highway Thru Hell. (PG) 4.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.00 Fight To Survive. (PG) 5.30 Alaska’s Ultimate Bush Pilots. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Futurama. (PG) 8.00 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.00 Rostered On. (MA15+) 9.30 Family Guy. (M) 10.30 American Dad! (M) 11.30 Swift And Shift Couriers. (M) 12.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 1.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 2.00 Shopping.

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 My Favorite Martian. 12.05 Movie: San Demetrio, London. (1943) (PG) 2.05 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. (PG) 3.05 Mary Queen Of Charity Shops. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 David Attenborough’s The Blue Planet II: Making Of. (PG) Hosted by Sir David Attenborough. 8.40 Extreme Planes. (M) Takes a look at extreme plane events. 9.40 Aircrash Confidential: Instrument Confusion. (M) A look at the investigation into an air crash. 12.00 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 1.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 1.30 Danoz Direct. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 7.30 Polish News. 8.00 Ukrainian News. 8.30 Macedonian News. 9.00 Croatian News. 9.30 Serbian News. 10.00 Dutch News. 10.30 African News. 11.00 NHK Japanese News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 MythBusters. (PG) 1.50 Go Back To Where You Came From. (M) 2.55 NAIDOC Stories. 3.05 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 4. Replay. 5.10 PBS News. 6.05 Monty Python’s Flying Circus. (PG) 6.45 RocKwiz. (PG) 7.40 The X-Files. 8.35 Movie: Tokyo Ghoul. (2017) 10.50 Movie: Aeon Flux. (2005) 12.40 News. 1.05 12 Monkeys. (MA15+) 2.45 France 24. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.

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44 Local TV Guide Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday July 11

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Headline News. (CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGals, R, CC) 1.00 MasterChef Aust. (R, CC) 2.00 Entertainment Tonight. (CC) 2.30 Neighbours. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. (CC) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (CC) 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, CC) 5.00 10 News First. (CC) 6.00 Celebrity Name Game. (CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) 7.30 MasterChef Australia. (CC) Contestants tackle a pressure test. 9.30 Law & Order: SVU. (Mav, R, CC) Barba faces off against two hotshot lawyers. 10.30 Blue Bloods. (Mv, R, CC) 11.30 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 12.30 The Project. (R, CC) 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) 11.30 Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Movie: The Indian In The Cupboard. (1995) (PGl, R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 5.00 Hot Seat. (CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 RBT. (PGl, CC) 8.30 Australian Crime Stories: Justice For Lucille. (Ma, R, CC) A look at the case of Lucille Butterworth. 9.30 City Of Evil. (MA15+a, R, CC) 10.30 Lethal Weapon. (MA15+v, CC) 11.30 Cold Case. (Mv, R, CC) 12.20 World’s Funniest Videos Top 10 Countdown. (PG, R, CC) 12.50 Making Of MIB: International. (PG, R, CC) 1.00 Extra. (CC) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 11.30 Seven Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Movie: Back To Christmas. (2014) (PGal, R, CC) 2.00 The Daily Edition. (CC) 3.00 The Chase. (CC) 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. (CC) 6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. (PGas, CC) Tommy invites Bella to a photography exhibition. 8.30 Britain’s Got Talent. (PG, CC) The fourth set of semi-finalists try to impress the judges and viewers at home. 10.30 The Latest: Seven News. (CC) 11.00 The Front Bar. (M, CC) Takes a lighter look at all things AFL. 12.15 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 10. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 4.00 Home Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise. (CC)


6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 ABC News Mornings. (CC) 10.00 The Repair Shop. (R, CC) 11.00 Catalyst. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 The Repair Shop. (R, CC) 1.30 Insert Name Here. (Ms, R, CC) 2.00 Cleverman. (Mlv, R, CC) 3.00 Cook And The Chef. (R, CC) 3.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Think Tank. (R, CC) 5.15 The Repair Shop. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 6.55 Sammy J. (PG, CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 7.30. (CC) 8.00 Escape From The City: Port Douglas, Queensland – The Grays. (CC) 9.00 No Offence. (Mal, CC) 9.45 Humans. (Ma, CC) 10.35 ABC Late News. (CC) 11.05 The Business. (R, CC) 11.20 Wentworth. (Mdlv, CC) 12.10 Father Brown. (Mav, R, CC) 12.55 National Press Club Address. (R, CC) 1.55 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.45 Wentworth. (Mdlv, R, CC) 4.30 The Drum. (R, CC) 5.25 Sammy J. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 One Plus One. (R, CC)

TV Guide 6.00 WorldWatch. 6.20 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 5. Highlights. 7.30 WorldWatch. 8.40 French News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 5. Replay. 2.00 Over The Black Dot. (R, CC) 3.00 NAIDOC Awards. (R, CC) 5.00 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Lochs. (PG, R, CC) 5.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 5. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 The Great House Revival. (CC) 8.30 The Handmaid’s Tale. (MA15+, CC) Aunt Lydia reflects on her life. 9.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 6. Mulhouse to La Planche des Belles Filles. 160.5 km mountain stage. From France. 2.00 Outlander. (Manv, R, CC) 4.05 Great British Railway Journeys. (R, CC) 4.45 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Sports Tonight. 8.30 Mighty Machines. (PG) 9.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 10.00 Cheers. (PG) 11.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.00 Star Trek. 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 ST: Next Gen. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 NCIS. (M) 8.30 Hawaii Five-0. (M) Steve encounters a mystery. 9.30 SEAL Team. (M) Bravo Team pursues a drug lord. 10.30 NCIS. (M) 11.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 12.30 Home Shopping. 2.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 3.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Cheers. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo Wild Friends. (C) 7.30 Drop Dead Weird. (C) 8.00 Jay’s Jungle. (P) 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 Auction Squad. 1.00 The Chase. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Mighty Ships. (PG) 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Building The Dream. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Father Brown. (M) 9.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) Narrated by Grant Bowler. 10.00 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 10. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 12.15 Medical Emergency. (PG) 12.45 Bargain Hunt. 2.00 Auction Squad. 3.00 Autopsy. (MA15+) 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 10.00 Robot Wars. (PG) 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Mad About You. (PG) 1.00 Car SOS. (PG) 2.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 3.00 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures. 3.30 Ninjago. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 The New Looney Tunes. 4.30 Gumball. (PG) 5.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.30 Steven Universe. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 7.30 Top Gear. (PG) 9.00 Movie: Red Heat. (1988) (M) Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Belushi, Peter Boyle. 11.10 The Big Bang Theory. (PG) 11.35 Police Ten 7. (M) 12.00 WWE Raw. (MA15+) 1.00 Friends. (PG) 2.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.00 Pokémon. 4.30 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures. 4.50 Barbie: Dreamtopia. 5.10 Kate And Mim-Mim. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.30 PJ Masks. 5.45 Peppa Pig. 5.50 Kiri And Lou. 6.00 Go Jetters. 6.15 Floogals. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 QI. (PG) 8.30 Squinters. (M) 8.55 Community. (PG) 9.15 The Office. (M) 9.40 Get Krack!n. (MA15+) 10.10 Black Comedy. (M) 10.40 KGB. (M) 10.45 Kiki And Kitty. (M) 11.00 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 11.45 30 Rock. (M) 12.10 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12.30 Reno 911! (M) 12.55 Community. (PG) 1.15 The Office. (PG) 1.35 30 Rock. (M) 2.00 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 2.20 Reno 911! (M) 2.45 The IT Crowd. (M) 3.05 News Update. 3.10 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Totally Spies! 6.30 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.00 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 7.30 Littlest Pet Shop. 8.00 Scope. (C) 8.35 Care Bears And Cousins. 9.00 Hanazuki. 9.30 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Raymond. (PG) 10.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 11.30 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Charmed. (PG) 2.00 Malcolm. (PG) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 5.00 Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 8.00 Two And A Half Men. (M) 9.00 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 10.00 Funny Girls. 10.30 New Girl. (PG) 11.30 James Corden. (M) 12.30 Shopping. 1.30 Frasier. (PG) 2.30 Raymond. 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 3.30 James Corden. (M) 4.30 Shopping. 5.30 King Of Queens. (PG)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 7.30 Creek To Coast. 8.00 American Pickers. (PG) 9.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 10.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 11.00 Fight To Survive. (PG) 11.30 Alaska’s Ultimate Bush Pilots. (PG) 12.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 1.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 2.00 Bottom Feeders. (PG) 3.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 3.30 Futurama. (PG) 4.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.00 Fight To Survive. (PG) 5.30 Alaska’s Ultimate Bush Pilots. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 8.30 Movie: X-Men: Apocalypse. (2016) (M) James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender. The X-Men unite to defeat Apocalypse’s extinction plan. 11.20 Movie: Insidious: Chapter 2. (2013) (M) 1.35 The Front Bar. (M) 2.35 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 3.30 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 4.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 5.00 Swamp Men. (PG)

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 My Favorite Martian. 12.00 Movie: Danger Within. (1959) (G) 2.05 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. (PG) 3.05 Mary Queen Of Charity Shops. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00 ICC World Cup Pre-Match. 7.30 Cricket. ICC World Cup. Match 47. Second semi-final. First innings. From Edgbaston, Birmingham, England. 11.00 ICC World Cup Innings Break. 11.45 Cricket. ICC World Cup. Match 47. Second semi-final. Second innings. From Edgbaston, Birmingham, England. 3.30 My Favorite Martian. 4.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.30 Serbian News. 10.00 Dutch News. 10.30 Somali News. 11.00 NHK Japanese News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 MythBusters. (PG) 1.50 The Great Australian Race Riot. (M) 2.55 NAIDOC Stories. 3.05 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 5. Replay. 5.10 PBS News. 6.05 Monty Python’s Flying Circus. (PG) 6.40 RocKwiz. (PG) 7.40 The X-Files. 8.30 The Feed. 9.30 Venus: Let’s Talk About Sex. (MA15+) 11.05 Most Expensivest. Return. 12.00 Stories From Norway: The Musical! (M) 12.30 News. 1.00 12 Monkeys. (MA15+) 2.35 Deutsche Welle. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.

Friday July 12

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Headline News. (CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGadl, R, CC) 1.00 The Living Room. (R, CC) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. (CC) 2.30 Neighbours. (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. (CC) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. (CC) 4.30 Bold. (PG, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 6.00 Celebrity Name Game. (CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC) 7.30 The Living Room. (CC) Barry helps a couple fix a flimsy fence. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (CC) The best moments from the series, featuring Will Smith, Madonna, Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hanks. 9.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (alns, R, CC) Hosted by Tom Gleisner. 10.30 Kinne Tonight. (Mls, R, CC) 11.00 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC) 12.00 The Project. (R, CC) 1.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG, CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

6.00 Today. (CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) 11.30 Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, CC) 1.00 Movie: King Ralph. (1991) (PGl, R, CC) 3.00 News. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 5.00 Hot Seat. (R, CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 7.30 Rugby League. (CC) NRL. Round 17. Newcastle Knights v Canterbury Bulldogs. From McDonald Jones Stadium, NSW. 9.45 Friday Night Knock Off. (CC) Post-match NRL wrap-up. 10.45 Movie: Homefront. (2013) (MA15+dlsv, R, CC) Jason Statham, James Franco, Kate Bosworth. 12.45 Making Of Spider-Man: Far From Home. (PGv, CC) 1.00 Extra. (CC) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Global Shop. 4.30 The Avengers. (PG, R) 5.30 A Current Affair. (R, CC)

6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 11.30 Seven Morning News. (CC) 12.00 Movie: Christmas With Holly. (2012) (G, R, CC) 2.00 The Daily Edition. (CC) 3.00 The Chase. (CC) 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. (CC) 6.00 PRIME7 News. (CC) 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. (CC) 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (CC) Joh and Pete take a tour of Cornerstone House. 8.30 Movie: The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. (2015) (PGls, R, CC) Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith. A young Indian hotelier, with expansionist dreams, attempts to juggle a full house as well as his upcoming marriage. 11.10 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 11. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 4.00 Home Shopping.


6.00 News. (CC) 9.00 ABC News Mornings. (CC) 10.00 The Repair Shop. (R, CC) 11.00 Catalyst. (R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 1.00 One Plus One. (CC) 1.30 Ask The Doctor. (PG, R, CC) 2.00 Humans. (Ma, R, CC) 3.00 Poh’s Kitchen Lends A Hand. (R, CC) 3.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Think Tank. (R, CC) 5.15 The Repair Shop. (CC) 6.00 The Drum. (CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 Gardening Australia. (R, CC) 8.30 The Heights. (PG, CC) Claudia learns about Sabine’s photo. 9.00 The Heights. (PG, CC) Kam lies to his family. 9.25 Loch Ness. (Mav, R, CC) 10.15 ABC Late News. (CC) 10.45 The Business. (R, CC) 11.00 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M, R, CC) 11.30 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

TV Guide 6.00 WorldWatch. 6.20 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 6. Highlights. 7.30 WorldWatch. 8.40 French News. 9.30 Greek News. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 6. Replay. 2.00 The Point. (R, CC) 3.00 NITV News: Nula. (CC) 3.30 Small Business: Indigenous Innovators. (R, CC) 4.00 Living Black Conversations. (R, CC) 4.30 NAIDOC Stories. (CC) 5.00 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Lochs. (R, CC) 5.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 6. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.30 Walt Disney. (PG, R, CC) 9.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 7. Belfort to Chalon-sur-Saône. 230 km flat stage. From France. 1.30 The Feed. (R, CC) 2.30 Magnifica 70. (MA15+dlsv, R) 4.30 Great British Railway Journeys. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 9. German Grand Prix. Replay. 9.30 Motor Racing. Australian Rally Championship. Round 3. Rally Tasmania. Highlights. 10.00 Cheers. (PG) 11.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.00 Star Trek. (PG) 1.00 WIN’s All Australian News. 2.00 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 3.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Judge Judy. (PG) Real-life courtroom drama. 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) A man assaults women in the surf. 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) A hit team targets a wedding of two cops. 11.30 Hawaii Five-0. (M) 12.30 Home Shopping. 2.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 3.00 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M)

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo Wild Friends. (C) 7.30 Drop Dead Weird. (C) 8.00 Jay’s Jungle. (P) 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 1.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG) 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Mighty Ships. (PG) 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Building The Dream. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Border Security: International. (PG) 8.30 The Nation’s Favourite Elton John Song. (M) David Walliams interviews Elton John. 10.00 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 11. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 11.10 Mighty Ships: USS Nimitz. (PG) 12.30 Medical Emergency. (PG) 1.00 Bargain Hunt. 2.00 Autopsy USA. (MA15+) 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. 5.00 Home Shopping.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 9.00 Barbie: Dreamtopia. 9.30 Hiccup & Sneeze. (P) 10.00 Robot Wars. (PG) 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Mad About You. (PG) 1.00 Car SOS. (PG) 2.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 3.00 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures. 3.30 Ninjago. (PG) 4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 The New Looney Tunes. 4.30 Gumball. (PG) 5.00 Teen Titans Go! (PG) 5.30 Steven Universe. (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 6.30 Movie: The Princess And The Frog. (2009) (G) 8.30 Movie: Before I Fall. (2017) (M) Zoey Deutch, Halston Sage, Cynthy Wu. A girl finds herself stuck re-living the same day. 10.30 Movie: Nerve. (2013) (M) 12.30 WWE Smackdown. (MA15+) 1.30 Just Tattoo Of Us. (MA15+) 2.30 Airplane Repo. (PG) 3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V. (PG) 4.00 Pokémon. 4.30 Pokémon The Series: Sun & Moon – Ultra Adventures. 4.50 Barbie: Dreamtopia. 5.10 Kate And Mim-Mim. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Go Jetters. 6.15 Floogals. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M) 9.00 Community. (PG) 9.20 The Office. (PG) 9.45 This Time With Alan Partridge. (M) 10.15 Black Comedy. (M) Final. 10.45 KGB. (M) Final. 10.50 Kiki And Kitty. (M) Final. 11.05 Archer. (M) 11.45 30 Rock. (PG) 12.05 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12.30 Reno 911! (M) 12.50 Community. (PG) 1.15 The Office. (M) 1.35 30 Rock. (M) 2.00 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 2.20 Reno 911! (M) 2.40 An Idiot Abroad. (M) 3.25 News Update. 3.30 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Totally Spies! 6.30 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.00 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 7.30 Littlest Pet Shop. 8.00 Gamify. (C) 8.35 Care Bears And Cousins. 9.00 Hanazuki. 9.30 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Strictly Come Dancing. 12.35 Frasier. (PG) 1.00 Charmed. (PG) 2.00 Malcolm. (PG) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Seinfeld. (PG) 5.00 Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. 8.00 Two And A Half Men. 9.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 11.00 Brides Of Beverly Hills. (PG) 11.30 The Late Late Show With James Corden. (M) 12.30 Home Shopping. 1.30 Frasier. (PG) 2.30 Raymond. 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 3.30 James Corden. (M) 4.30 Shopping.

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 7.30 Creek To Coast. 8.00 American Pickers. (PG) 9.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 10.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 11.00 Fight To Survive. (PG) 11.30 Alaska’s Ultimate Bush Pilots. (PG) 12.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 1.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 2.00 Bottom Feeders. (PG) 3.00 American Pickers. (PG) 4.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.00 Desert Collectors. (PG) 6.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Friday Night Countdown. 8.00 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 17. West Coast v Collingwood. From Optus Stadium, Perth. 11.00 AFL Post-Game Show. 12.00 World’s Most Amazing Videos. (M) 1.00 Swamp Men. (PG) 2.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 3.00 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 4.00 World’s Most Amazing Videos. (M) 5.00 Swamp Men. (PG)

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 10.30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG) 11.30 My Favorite Martian. 12.00 Movie: Arabian Adventure. (1979) (G) 2.05 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. (PG) 3.05 Mary Queen Of Charity Shops. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. 5.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. Hosted by Fiona Bruce. 7.40 Netball. (CC) INF World Cup. Session 1. Australia v Northern Ireland. From M&S Bank Arena, Liverpool, England. 9.30 Movie: Love Happens. (2009) (M) Jennifer Aniston, Aaron Eckhart, Dan Fogler. A widower turned self-help guru falls for a hotel florist. 11.45 The Closer. (M) 1.00 Call And Win. (M) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.30 Serbian News. 10.00 Dutch News. 10.30 Armenian News. 11.00 NHK Japanese News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 Movie: Harold And Maude. (1971) (M) 1.40 The Marngrook Footy Show. 3.15 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 6. Replay. 5.15 PBS News. 6.10 Monty Python’s Flying Circus. (PG) 6.45 Rex In Rome. (PG) 7.40 The X-Files. (M) 8.35 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (PG) 9.00 The Last Man On Earth. 9.55 Japan’s Secret Shame. 11.00 Every Family Has A Secret. 12.00 News. 12.25 Movie: Take This Waltz. (2011) (MA15+) 2.30 NHK World English News. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Local TV Guide 45

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Saturday July 13

Our TV programs are current at the time of publication... but are subject to change afterwards by the stations

6.00 Reel Action. (R, CC) 6.30 Escape Fishing. (R, CC) 7.00 WhichCar. (PG, R, CC) 7.30 Seafood Escape. (R, CC) 8.00 What’s Up Down Under. (R, CC) 8.30 The 48-Hour Destination. (R, CC) 9.00 GCBC. (R, CC) 9.30 St10. (PG, CC) 12.00 My Market Kitchen. (R, CC) 12.30 Everyday Gourmet. (R, CC) 1.00 The Renovation King. (R, CC) 1.30 The Home Team. (R, CC) 2.00 Healthy Homes Aust. (R, CC) 2.30 Cook’s Pantry. (R, CC) 3.00 Foodie Adventures With Ash Pollard. (PGl, R, CC) 3.30 What’s Up Down Under. (CC) 4.00 The Living Room. (R, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 6.00 Luxury Escapes. (CC) Return. 6.30 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals. (R, CC) 7.00 Bondi Rescue. (PGalv, R, CC) 7.30 Bad Blood/New Blood: Toppling Turnbull/Morrison’s Miracle. (PGl, R, CC) 9.30 Ambulance. (Madl, R, CC) 10.45 999: What’s Your Emergency? (Madl, CC) 11.30 Todd Sampson’s Body Hack. (Madnw, R, CC) 1.30 Home Shopping. (R)

6.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 Weekend Today. (CC) 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. (PG, CC) 12.00 Secrets Of The Money Masters. (PG, CC) 1.00 Surfing. (CC) WSL. Round 4. Margaret River Pro. 2.00 Sky Safari Australia. (PGa, CC) 3.00 Making Of Spider-Man: Far From Home. (PGv, R, CC) 3.15 Australian Ninja Warrior. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 News. (CC) 5.30 Getaway. (PG, CC) 6.00 NBN News. (CC) 7.00 Movie: Apollo 13. (1995) (PGl, R, CC) Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon. 9.50 Movie: Gravity. (2013) (Malv, R, CC) Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris. A disaster strikes for a rookie astronaut. 11.35 Movie: A Most Wanted Man. (2014) (Mla, R, CC) Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel McAdams, Daniel Brühl. 1.50 Making Of Spider-Man: Far From Home. (PGv, R, CC) 2.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 Global Shop. 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Wesley Impact. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. (CC) 10.00 Morning Show. (PG, CC) 12.00 To Be Advised. 1.30 Football. (CC) AFL. Round 17. Sydney v Carlton. 4.30 Crash Investigation Unit. (PG, R, CC) 5.00 Seven News At 5. (CC) 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R, CC) 6.00 Seven News. (CC) 7.00 Movie: Ice Age: Collision Course. (2016) (G, CC) Ray Romano, Denis Leary, John Leguizamo. 9.00 Movie: Fast & Furious. (2009) (Mlsv, R, CC) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez. In order to battle a murderous drug cartel, a fugitive joins forces with the undercover agent who ruined his life. 11.15 Tennis. (CC) Wimbledon. Day 12. Women’s singles final. From the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, London, England. 4.00 Home Shopping.


6.00 Rage. (PG, CC) 11.00 Classic Countdown. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) 12.30 No Offence. (Mal, R, CC) 1.15 Shakespeare And Hathaway. (PG, R, CC) 2.05 Loch Ness. (Mav, R, CC) 2.50 Silvia’s Italian Table. (R, CC) 3.30 The Planets. (R, CC) 4.30 Landline. (R, CC) 5.05 Escape From The City. (R, CC) 6.05 The Heights. (PG, R, CC) 6.30 The Heights. (PG, R, CC) 7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 Shakespeare And Hathaway. (Mv, CC) Lu and Frank search for a missing gambler. 8.15 Father Brown. (Mv, CC) Mallory’s pursuit of a fugitive ends in disaster. 9.05 Harrow. (Mav, R, CC) Harrow wants to prove Francis is alive. 10.00 Inspector George Gently. (Mav, R, CC) DI Gently re-opens Bacchus’ old case. 11.30 Poldark. (PG, R, CC) 12.30 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

TV Guide 6.00 WorldWatch. 6.20 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 7. Highlights. 7.30 WorldWatch. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. (CC) 2.00 Motor Racing. (CC) TCR Australia Series. Shannons Nationals. Round 3. 3.00 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 7. Replay. 5.00 Motorcycle Racing. (CC) Superbike World Championship. Round 8. 5.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 7. Highlights. 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) 7.35 Inside Windsor Castle: Love And War. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Cycling. (CC) Tour de France. Stage 8. Mâcon to Saint-Étienne. 200 km hilly stage. From France. 1.45 Tudawali. (Mlsv, R, CC) 3.20 Ride Upon The Storm. (Mals, R) 4.25 Great British Railway Journeys. (R, CC) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 5.30 Deutsche Welle. (CC)

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Cheers. (PG) 9.00 The Doctors. (PG) 10.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 11.00 I Fish. 11.30 Building Invincible. (PG) 12.30 Motor Racing. Dunlop Super2 Series. Round 3. Highlights. 1.30 Motor Racing. SuperUtes Series. Round 4. Highlights. 2.30 Car Crash Global. (PG) 3.30 Attenborough: Saving The Panda. (PG) 4.30 Mighty Machines. 5.00 Reel Action. 5.30 Escape Fishing. 6.00 Cops. (PG) 6.30 Scorpion. (PG) 7.30 MacGyver. (M) 8.30 NCIS: New Orleans. (M) An admiral’s daughter is suspected of murder. 10.30 Horse Racing. July Cup Day. 2.00 Cops. (PG) 2.30 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 9. German Grand Prix. Replay. 4.00 The Doctors. (PG) 5.00 Hogan’s Heroes.

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Travel Oz. (PG) 9.30 NBC Today. 11.30 Vasili’s Garden. (PG) 12.30 Auction Squad. 1.30 Australia’s Best Backyards. 2.00 SA Weekender. 2.30 Sydney Weekender. 3.00 Rugby Union. Shute Shield. 5.00 The House That £100K Built: Tricks Of The Trade. 6.30 The Yorkshire Vet. (PG) 7.30 Escape To The Country. 8.30 Pre-Game: Manchester United v Perth Glory. Pre-game coverage of the friendly clash. 9.00 Soccer. (CC) Friendly Match. Manchester United v Perth Glory. From Optus Stadium, Perth. 11.00 Post-Game: Manchester United v Perth Glory. 11.30 The Yorkshire Vet. (PG) 12.30 Sydney Weekender. 1.00 Creek To Coast. 1.30 Queensland Weekender. 2.00 The Great Day Out. 2.30 SA Weekender. 3.00 Auction Squad. 4.00 Rugby Union. Shute Shield. Replay.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.30 Heidi. (C) 12.00 Nate Is Late. (C) 12.30 Star Wars Rebels. (PG) 1.30 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. 2.00 Power Rangers Beast Morphers. (PG) 2.30 Pokémon. 3.00 Tom And Jerry. 3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS. (PG) 4.00 Beyblade Burst Turbo. (PG) 4.30 Making Of Spider-Man: Far From Home. (PG) 4.40 Uncle Grandpa. (PG) 5.10 Movie: Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel. (2009) (G) 7.00 Movie: Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. (2012) (PG) 9.00 Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man. (2012) (M) Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Martin Sheen. 11.35 Jail: Big Texas. (M) 12.00 Adult Swim. (MA15+) 1.00 Tattoo Fixers. (MA15+) 2.00 Real, Fake Or Unknown. (PG) 3.00 Can’t Pay We’ll Take It Away. (M) 4.00 Uncle Grandpa. (PG) 4.30 Power Rangers Beast Morphers. (PG) 4.50 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. 5.10 Kate And Mim-Mim. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.50 The Justine Clarke Show! 5.00 Giggle And Hoot. 5.05 Play School’s Story Time. 5.10 Olobob Top. 5.15 Peter Rabbit. 5.40 Giggle And Hoot. 5.45 Peppa Pig. 5.50 Kiri And Lou. 6.00 Go Jetters. 6.15 Floogals. 6.25 Dinosaur Train. 6.40 Rusty Rivets. 6.50 Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures. 7.05 Charlie And Lola. 7.20 Hey Duggee. 7.25 Giggle And Hoot. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Live At The Apollo. (M) 9.15 The Stand Up Sketch Show. (M) 9.40 Comedy Next Gen. (MA15+) 10.40 Catfish: The TV Show. (M) 11.20 Tom Gleeson At Enmore Theatre. (MA15+) 12.20 The Good Place. (M) 1.05 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 2.15 News Update. 2.20 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Cardfight!! Vanguard G. 6.30 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.00 Treasure Island. 7.30 Random & Whacky. (C) 8.00 Quimbo’s Quest. (C) 8.30 Gamify. (C) 9.05 The Loop. (PG) 11.35 Charmed. (PG) 1.30 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 2.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 3.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 4.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Magnum, P.I. (PG) 8.00 Kojak. (M) A psychologist seeks Kojak’s help. 9.05 Columbo. (M) A senatorial candidate murders his campaign manager. 11.05 Robotech: Macross Saga. (M) 12.05 The Loop. (PG) 2.35 Charmed. (PG) 4.30 Home Shopping. 5.30 Frasier. (PG)

6.00 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 7.00 The Next Level. (PG) 7.30 Guitar Gods Goes Cosmic. (PG) 8.00 Shopping. 9.00 Inside West Coast Customs. (PG) 10.00 Fishy Business. (PG) 11.00 Dipper’s Backyard BBQ Wars. (PG) 11.30 Your 4x4. (PG) 12.00 Coverage of the Coonamble Rodeo. 12.30 STIHL Timbersports Series. 1.00 Blokesworld. (PG) 1.30 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 2.30 Fishing And Adventure. (PG) 3.00 Prospectors. (PG) 4.30 Ultimate Factories. (PG) 5.30 Outback Truckers. (PG) 6.30 The Kick. 7.00 Football. AFL. Round 17. Geelong v St Kilda. 10.00 AFL Post-Game Show. 10.45 Tennis. Wimbledon. Day 12. Women’s singles final. 11.15 World’s Most Amazing Videos. (M) 12.15 Blokesworld. (PG) 1.00 Fishy Business. (PG) 2.00 Your 4x4. (PG) 2.30 Coonamble Rodeo. Coverage of the Coonamble Rodeo. 3.00 Timbersports. STIHL Timbersports Series. 3.30 Fishing And Adventure. (PG) 4.00 World’s Most Amazing Videos. (M) 5.00 Swamp Men. (PG)

6.00 Newstyle Direct. 6.30 TV Shop. 10.00 My Favorite Martian. 10.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 11.30 Movie: Quiet Weekend. (1946) (G) 1.25 Movie: I Live In Grosvenor Square. (1945) (G) 3.45 Movie: Funny Face. (1957) (G) 5.45 Netball. (CC) INF World Cup. Session 3. Australia v Zimbabwe. From M&S Bank Arena, Liverpool, England. 7.30 Movie: Maid In Manhattan. (2002) (PG) Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes, Natasha Richardson. A senatorial candidate falls for a maid. 9.40 Movie: Something Borrowed. (2011) (M) Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson, Colin Egglesfield. After her 30th birthday, a single woman finds herself secretly falling for her best friend’s fiancé. 11.55 The Closer. (M) 1.00 Call And Win. (M) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 8.00 Romanian News. 8.30 Macedonian News. 9.00 Croatian News. 9.30 Serbian News. 10.00 Dutch News. 10.30 Hungarian News. 11.00 NHK Japanese News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 RuPaul’s Drag Race. (M) 12.55 Cycling. Tour de France. Stage 7. Replay. 2.55 NAIDOC Stories. 3.30 The Feed. 4.30 PBS News. 5.30 Where Are You Really From? (PG) 6.05 News. 6.30 If You Are The One. 7.30 MythBusters: The Search. 8.30 Movie: Bad Words. (2013) 10.15 Movie: Bowfinger. (1999) 12.05 Movie: Bullhead. (2011) (MA15+) 2.30 France 24. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian News.

Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (CC) Closed Captions (R) Repeat. Consumer Advice: (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.

46 Activities Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals ACROSS 1 Property (6) 4 Sea robbers (7) 7 Involuntary muscular contraction (5) 9 Greeting (Ital) (4) 10 Duo (4) 11 Ancient Roma n garment (4) 13 River in Hades (4) 14 Japanese soup (5) 15 The smallest part of an element (4) 16 Afternoon sleep (Sp) (6) 18 Heraldic visual design (4,2,4) 20 Bewitched (4) 21 Official seal (6) 22 Responses (9) 24 Home of the Tigers AFL team (8) 27 Belief in one god (6) 28 Open source operating system (5) 31 On site, in - (Lat.) 34 Tease (6) 35 Savoury jelly made with

Weekly Crossword

meat stock (5) 38 Excuse (5) 41 Earth’s satellite (4) 43 Young surfer (7) 44 Internet joke (4) 45 Mushrooms (5) 46 Mole-like mammal (5) 48 First-aid item (6) 49 Facial feature (4) 53 Maiden episode of a series (5) 54 Egyptian limestone statue (6) 55 Coordinate, arrange (8) 56 Variety of nut (9) 60 Flummox (6) 62 Remarkable; extraordinary (4) 63 Affranchise (10) 64 14-line poem (6) 66 Believed (4) 67 Undead wraith (5) 68 Tract (4) 70 Soft mud (4) 72 Scheme (4) 73 Unwanted plant (4) 74 Introduce (5)

75 Eye protectors (7) 76 Division (6) DOWN 2 Tchaikovsky’s most famous ballet (4,4) 3 Composition in which the initial or final letters of each line form a word (8) 4 Swine (3) 5 Exclamation expressing disapproval (3) 6 Church caretaker (6) 7 Rigorous (6) 8 Phantom (7) 9 Roles (10) 11 Golfer’s aid (3) 12 Detailed examination (8) 13 Ancient language (8) 17 Germinate (6) 19 Thailand’s former name (4) 23 Duty (3) 25 Post-wedding holiday (9) 26 Users (9) 29 Angered (5) 30 Marry (5) 32 Forming a mental image



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2 4 6

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of (9) 33 Indifference (9) 36 Sport (4) 37 Book ID (1,1,1,1) 39 Wild mountain goat (4) 40 Large wading bird (4) 41 Indigenous people (NZ) (5) 42 Better (5) 47 Ruled out (10) 50 Egg dish (8) 51 Coffee (8) 52 Banner (6) 53 Small green vegetable (3) 54 Wise person (4) 57 Shameless audacity (8) 58 Teeth adapted for cutting (8) 59 Littermates (7) 60 Tin alloy (6) 61 Irregular (6) 65 Born (3) 69 Bother (3) 71 Roman goddess of plenty (3)

6 7 8 9 2 9 3

2 1 9 6 3 5 4 8 7

5 4 8 7 2 9 1 3 6

6 3 7 1 4 8 5 9 2

8 9 2 5 1 4 6 7 3

1 5 3 8 6 7 2 4 9

7 6 4 3 9 2 8 1 5

3 8 1 2 7 6 9 5 4

4 2 5 9 8 3 7 6 1

9 7 6 4 5 1 3 2 8

1 9 6 7

The Weekly’s Look at Life with Paul Dorin





























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Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019 Local Trades and Professional Services


Tweed Valley




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Featured Business

Tweed Valley Water Supplies – still in business after 23 years. Tweed Valley Water Supplies has been delivering water all over the Tweed Shire for the last 23 years. The founder and owner of the company, Scott Ousby, has worked in the transport industry for some 40 years. He has the experience to tackle all driveways and, with a smaller turning circle, our trucks can squeeze into smaller sizes than most. We provide quality, potable water right to your tank. In the last few years the company underwent a management restructure and we are now operating with a new team and a new truck under Scott’s guiding hand. Scott is a local man who always makes time for a friendly chat and prides himself on his easy-going nature and efficiency. We also supply a full range of water storage tanks and pumps. Tanks are available in all shapes, colours and sizes and we can provide complete installation customised to your needs. Also available for concrete tank refurbishments and repairs. Replacing a concrete tank can be an expensive endeavour and we effectively repair your tank to last at least another 10 years for a fraction of the cost. We are happy to



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Additions  Renovations  Decks  Maintenance  Fully Insured

•Changeover/Replacement • New installs • Supply & installation • Split Systems & Ducted


0499 576 180 Licence No: 246538 C

Builder - Handyman Multi skilled and many talents

• Commercial Refrigeration APPLIANCE & REFRIGERATION

Specialising in small builds such as cabins, and shipping container conversions.

3/11 Durrington St, Murwillumbah

Works include foundations, drainage, welding, plastering, renovations. Lic: AU04637

Please call Wayne on 0417335294

Authorised service and repair centre for most major brands.

6672 4584

greenmandala3@ BSA 1021122Qld 158039C NSW

• Repairs & Maintenance • Decks • Pergolas • Cabinets • All work undertaken



Carpenter Handyman Decks Reno’s Repairs Painting and Plastering. or email

0422 385 118

CARPET CLEANING Pottsville Beach NSW Lic. No: 194376C

AMG Built Home renovations Custom Cabinetry Home and Commercial maintenance

Aidan 0405 917 950


Mick Stovin 0417726381

Call Owen ~ 0412967461

• Sales & Service • Maintenance & Breakdowns

Building Services • All aspects of Carpentry/Building • Decks, Pergolas & Fencing • Renos & Extensions



0438 547 093

Stephen Payne Lic 85828C

Free quotes, free information, 20 years local experience, 12 month warranty on all installations.

60 Poinciana Ave, Bogangar


•Patios & Pergolas •All general carpentry •Modifications •Home Maintenance QBCC •General Repairs •Fencing Registered 70497

0403 551 316


(02) 6676 0903 0417 496 282

Need a Helping Hand? Jeffery King

Country Dirt Blasters Mobile Car Detailing



Ph Jason or Lisa: 0487 434 292 or (02) 6672 1426


Carpet Cleaning & Pest Management Steam Cleaning Specialists offering - Carpet, Lounge, Mattress and Rug Cleaning - Tile and Grout Cleaning - Stain Removal - Pressure Cleaning - Pest Control Locally owned and operated, servicing Murwillumbah and surrounding areas for 10 years

0487 493 769

NSW Lic: 5079140

Qld Lic: PMT1005887916

BORDER Carpet & Window Cleaning 

For Friendly & Efficient Service Call Mark 0400 269 199

48 Local Trades and Professional Services Thursday, July 4, 2019 EXCAVATION




FREE QUOTES • Window Cleaning • Pressure Washing • Gutter Cleaning • Solar Panels • Shower Screen Restoration

Tim Slade

0426 146 684


 Free digital X-Rays with every check up  Gap free check up & clean for kids  Medicare Teen Vouchers accepted here Open Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm

(Old Daily News building) Unit 3, 17 Church Lane

(02) 6672 7620






Shed Slab, Driveways, Patios, Pool Surrounds

TIM 0414 675 015 ABN 66 580 129 881

(02) 6672 3892

Concreting All types of Concrete • Fencing • Rock Walls • Retaining Walls • Balustrading • Paving • Concrete and Stencil

• Aluminium Handrails, Ballustrades & Gates • Structural Beams, Columns & Stair Stringers • On Site Welding • General Fabrication • No Job Too Small • Trailer Repairs 0412 726 056

ELECTRICAL Lic No. 260953C










P: 02 6672 3828

Bernard Grant ~ Fencing Contractor


CALL Stuart L’Estrelle 41 Park Ave, Bray Park 2484

PHONE 0409 694 697


Rural Fencing Pump Sales & Repairs Irrigation & Stock Water Projects

Concrete Tank Repairs & Liners General Farm Maintenance

ABN 30316267877

Timber Floors

Call Scott 0435734770 Lic. No. 228605

0434 066 762

m. 0432 864 012 e.

Uki Electrical

Phone George

Lic. 30382C

All Electrical, data, phone & security.

Country Energy Authorised (02) 6679 5915 0411 185 811

Electrical Contracting NSW Lic No. 206213c QLD Lic No. 73010

• Over 45 Years on the Tweed • Free Quotes • Power Connections and Metering • 24hr breakdown service • All jobs small and large

P: 02 6672 1737 M: 0415 299 220 E:

Specialising in driveway construction & maintenance • Tip Trucks 3 to 12 tonne • Excavator • Driveways • Roads • Clearing • House pads • Drainage • Carparks • Bush rocks • Rock walls

0410 056 228 ~ 0427 663 678

IDE EARTHWORX & Tipper Hire Licensed Licensed & Insured & Insured


Brad Ide

0422 827 881



Merbau Hardwood Patios Supply & install From $2,000 Phone 0432 887 421

CALL GREG 0435 860 741





Has Your Hot Water System Been Checked Lately? Ever Heard of a Sacrificial Anode?

2 handy locations - Murwillumbah/Tweed Heads - 38 yrs.exp

A sacrificial anode is a vital part of your water system, and having it inspected can be the difference between an efficiently working system and a costly replacement. Manufacturers recommend that you maintain the anode in your system in order to prevent damage from rust + corrosion. THE ANODE IN YOUR SYSTEM SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO CORRODE AWAY, WHATEVER TYPE OR BRAND OF SYSTEM YOU HAVE SOLAR, ELECTRIC, GAS OR HEAT PUMPS


Cutaway section of a typical electric hot water heater

•Quality Service •Value for Money •Experienced & Insured •Up to 3 Stories •Pressure Cleaning •Window Cleaning

0402384 682

FOR A LIMITED TIME we will check your anode in the Tweed & Gold Coast area FREE OF CHARGE.

“REMEMBER YOU CAN’T LOSE, NO ANODE REPLACEMENT NO CHARGE” Comes with a 5 year warranty ~ Make your Hot Water System last for 30 years!

GOLD & TWEED COAST ANODES Arrange a free inspection phone

1300 166 673






MAKO INSTALLATIONS Call the Garage Door & Equipment Specialists for • No-obligation Quotes • Door replacement and repair • AUTOMATIC OPENERS SUPPLIED AND FITTED, INCLUDING COMPLIMENTARY SERVICE OF DOOR.

NSW Lic No. 181118c - QLD Lic No. 086114

★ Carpentry ★ Household Repairs ★ Painting ★ Aluminum Screens ★ Kitchen & Bathroom – Design & Install ★ Custom Decks ★ Demolition ★ Hardwood & Veneer Flooring ★ Fencing – Glass, Timber, Block – Render

All those jobs no-one else wants to do!

Free Quotes – Free Rubbish Removal Fully Insured – 6 Months Warranty

SMS SPEER Maintenance Services

Call Mark 0409 379 505 Office 0418 231 683

An affordable Courteous Service

Ph: 0477 125 106

Most makes of door and related equipment catered for

David Charman’s


0406 529 343




Open Most Days The Fruit Tree Man • PH 0447 487 808 981 Numinbah Rd, Crystal Creek

GARDENER • Qualified Horticulturist

• Gardens Renovated • Landscaping • Pruning • Plant Selection • Weed Control

BARRY 0417 725 937 HOME PH. (02) 6672 7786

ACE MOWING All Work Completed to Customer Satisfaction! Lawn Mowing, Edging, Hedging, Weed Spraying, Tree Trimming, Green Waste Removals

Call Mitch for a FREE Quote

Ph: 0402 234 743 GARDENING

Pushmower Ride-on 7 DAYS Hedging Brushcutting Rubbish Removal 4x4 Compact Tractor

It can cost more than $200 for a skip!


12 Wharf Street, Murwillumbah






Emerson Wylie

PHONE MICK 0407 284 704

Carpentry • Decking • Plaster Repair Wall & Floor Tiling • Property maintenance Door Hanging & Lock Installation Fly-Wire Repair • Re-wire Clothes Lines

Ph: 1300 727 013





8418 TWEED VALLEY WAY ABN: 92315523296

Essential Energy Accredited Level 2 AP30626


•Experienced •Cost Effective •Friendly Service •All aspects of home and property maintenance

INDEPENDENT GAS SUPPLIER 10 Kite Crescent Murwillumbah


Anthony Marr 0427 800 978 Clint Smith 0447 600 627




45 KGPick-up/Delivery NO RENTAL


RC Ryan Concreting Services

Rob 0421 671 053

PH: 0266 792160 or 0400 186 851

Neil M> 0427 429 923 “Free Quotes” Dylan M> 0409 476 969

NSW Lic. 147664c – QLD Lic. 054780

Lic No 330647-C

427 Brays Creek Road, Brays Creek



Patios - Paths - Pool Surrounds (Plain/Stencil) Driveways - New, Repair, Reseal & Recolour 22 Years on the Tweed

Trevor and Anne Stewart

45kg 45

Browne Landscaping Small Family Business All Your Garden Needs

Family Owned Business

For all your Electrical needs! 0414 971 633





• Specialised Home Services • Internet, Networking and Business Solutions • Hardware and Software Repairs • No Job Too Small


PH: 0409 243 066

Lic No 28334c

Call Allan: 0435 352 296 A/H: (07) 5590 9990

Brays Creek Gas Supplies

Delivering to Tyalgum, Chillingham, Murwillumbah, Uki and Stokers Siding areas. Payment required at time of delivery.

ELECTRICAL Reliable & Professional Fully insured FREE QUOTES




Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals



Lawnmowing & Yard Cleanup 0438 723 232

ALLIED GARDEN SERVICES Helping you win the backyard battle

* Lawn Mowing - Ride-on & Push * Brush Cutting * Hedging * Tree Lopping * Garden Design & Makeovers * Turf Laying * Mulching * Weed Managment * Pool Maintenance

Call Eddie 0415 148368



Valley View Lawns & More RIDE-ON MOWING

Push Mowing Brush Cutting Weed Spraying Chain Saw Work

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Pensioner Discounts FREE Quotes 7 Day a Week Service Rubbish Removal


PH Shane Conroy

Painting & Decorating

0402 265 557 0457 159 444

Specialising in re-paints & colour design Lic No 65241







Phill Carrs



*General Pest Control & Termite Management *Pre-purchase / sale Building & Pest Inspection *Annual Termite inspection *Thermal Image Camera *Fully licensed PMT 50923394 & Insured *Friendly, reliable & personalised service

0427 570 076

20+ Years Industry Experience

NSW LIC 41307

M: 0419 780 902


Specialising in Design & Construction of Landscaping Residential & Commercial

• Paving • Concreting • Retaining Walls • Decks • Pergolas • Fencing • Turf • Mulching • Outdoor Stairs • Timber Structure

FREE Quote: Call Michael 0415 588 645

A PLASTERER THAT CLEANS UP Repair Sagging Ceilings Home Improvements Small Renovations No Job Too Small

NSW Lic 220259c QLD Lic 45923

0438 758 115



•Gyprock Plaster •Trading Since 1992 •Reliable •Professional Finish


CALL 0414 060 582

0431 165 275


Lookin’ Good Pool Care

• Regular Maintenance • Algae Control • Equipment Repairs and Replacement • Solar Blankets

Locally owned and operated

Call Graham Benard 0408 661 785 PRESSURE CLEANING

Green’s Pressure Cleaning

FREE Quotes- 0455319559

PH 0422 308 103


0420 371 151 Ballina to Tweed and Everywhere in between

Reliable, reasonable rates, pensioner discounts! Call now for more info! Free quotes!



Restricted electrical licence.

Plumber, Drainer & Gas Fitter

✓ Domestic Households ✓ Competitive Prices ✓ Interior & Exterior Painting ✓ New Work & Repaints ✓ Licensed & Insured – Matt Palmer Lic No. 283218C

Quality Work Guaranteed!

0439 444 467 –

Ph: 04 3260 0459

Lic: 324910C (NSW) Lic # 225997c


Call Luke


0408872859 Over 30 years experience Domestic Painting New or Repaints Inside and Outside Licence No: 197994C

0407 119 910


Murwillumbah & Surrounding Areas Gold Lic A274 •Iron Roofing Contractors •Plumbing & Drainage •Commercial, Domestic & Industrial

Phone: 02 66721226





        

Call Gary NOW for free quote 0421 999018 or (02)6676 0098

Call Gary NOW for free quote 0421 999018 or (02)6676 0098

www.facebook/tweedvalleyweekly 20+ Years Exp.



Jai - 0467 482 948

Servicing Tweed Heads Banora Point , Pottsville, Kingscliff  Tile, pavers and concrete surfaces  Patio’s/driveways  Retaining walls/fences  Exterior house wash  Boat ramps/bbq area’s

110hp 4X4 Tractor 80hp 4x4 Tractor Diesel 4x4 6ft Mowers 3x24hp Diesel 54’ Cut 4x4 Mowers




6677 1859

CALL MARK - 0429 794 833


8c Hazelwood Dr, Pottsville NSW 2489





Since 1951

McILWAINS Removals & Storage


Pty Ltd


Local, Country, Interstate

• I will beat any quote • Pensioner Discount

ph: (02) 6672 1586

Mobile: 0435 592 450

1800 351 687 mobile: 0412 296 302

THE CHAINSAW GUYS ALL WORK GUARANTEED 9 Prospero Street, Murwillumbah NSW 2484


02 6677 9482 - 0431 382 681

• Concrete construction • 24hr Access • Flood free


Fully secured units within a warehouse


0418 763 253

Load and unload out of the weather


3x3 metre $33 p/w 6x3 metre $62 p/w

Best Units - Best Prices

4 Kay Street, Murwillumbah South


FR i lim


ABN: 68179953430


r meup Garden Gloves m Suleaner E PlusGloves aTree C m uEp nlGarden y with every Skip m Rn e o SulF Plus aTree eiamited tim E C l E nly with every Skip


• Hot/cold water plumbing • Solar hot water • Gas fitting • Core drilling • Mechanical services • Drainage & storm water maintenance & installation




Lic NSW 232783C


• Driveways • Retainer Walls • Pathways, Footpaths • Pergolas, Entertainment areas • Small Jobs - Big Jobs



K & R Saunders & Sons

Local Trades and Professional Services 49

Tweed to southern Coast Tweed toGold southern Gold Coast

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

1800 454 131


Container Storage Specials 6 mtr $44pw 12mtr $66pw BRAND NEW! OUR PLACE OR YOURS!

1800 454 131 TWEED REMOVALS Large Truck Tail Lifter 3 careful men $129 p/h

Ph: 0415-419-222

Metal Roofing Services

Small Roofs - Roof Repairs Gutter Cleaning

Phone Luke 0404 484 370 * New Roof * Re Roof * Fascia *Gutter *Down Pipe Metal Roofing * Leak Repair Free Quote call Mark 0447 189 508 Lic no. 244930c











0414 538 077

Trees On Tweed All Trees Specialising in Small to Medium Trees Qualified Arborists Safety a Priority For a Free Quote

Call Warren

Specialising in


PHONE JOE: 0477 454 430 NSW Lic 237105C QBCC Lic. 54989

0458 795 659 Fully Insured


0402 726 051

for your FREE Quote today

50 Local Trades and Professional Services Thursday, July 4, 2019 TREE REMOVALS




Landscaper/ Gardener/Arborist ‘Still operating after 23 years’

Call Mark

0451 366 087


WATER DELIVERY Check your water levels now and give us a call Delivering to your tank within a day or two • TANKS AND PUMPS FOR SALE • CUSTOM REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS

02 6679 3245





~ TILING ~ • 50+ yrs. Experience • Small Jobs • FREE Quotes

Palm and Tree Trimming Removal Block and Land Clearing, Storm Cleanups, Mulch Sales

0402 590 687

PHONE: 0412 536 516


Jamie Nicholson

No job too big or too small

0413 354 309 Chris Fahy

Cert 4 Arborist

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Gary Arnold • • • • • •

WEED FIND THE FROG SPRAYING Specialising in problem weeds Devils Fig Parramatta Grass Lantana

0412 168 257 www.facebook/tweedvalleyweekly

Water Deliveries


7 Trucks available (various sizes)

Domestic water Pools filled Road works 7 days


Mob: 0402 713 474 H: (02) 6679 5512

& Win!!


• • • •

Lounges & Chairs

Dot Walsh UPHOLSTERY ABN 26 915 290 875


Ph: (02) 6677 7239 Mobile: 0407 897 028

Car Seats

High Quality Horse Rugs A Speciality”

Each week your local paper will hide a Green Frog among the Trades and Professional Services or Classified sections of the paper. The first person to email: sales@theweekly. before close of business on Friday and include the location of the frog will win a double pass to the Regent Cinema*. *Terms and Conditions Apply

Tweed Shire Community Diary BANORA POINT

• Al-Anon Family Groups: is your life affected by someone else’s drinking? Al-Anon can help. Banora Point Group meets Monday nights at 6.30pm Salvation Army Hall. Enquires and other meeting times 1300 252 666 or go to www. • Banora Point Probus Club meet on the fourth Monday of each month at the South Tweed Sports Club at 10am. We are a mixed club and have interesting speakers, as well as an outing each month. This month’s speaker is Naturopath Dr Sandi Rogers on Monday, June 24. Cost $5. Call Annette or Ron on (07) 5523 4016. • Wrap with Love Knitters wanted to make rugs for needy people worldwide. Meet at Banora Point Community Centre every first, third and fifth Friday 2pm-4pm. Call Barbara 0414 272 898.


• Want to try lawn bowls? Come to our “friendliest little club on the coast” at 67 Scott Street on any Tuesday between 3pm and 4pm for free coaching. Bowls provided. Phone the club to arrange another day and time if needed. Look forward to welcoming you. Phone the club on 5536 6677 or Pam on 0411 650 709. • Coolangatta Senior Citizens Centre Poets & Writers on the Tweed meet every Tuesday 1.30pm-3.30pm. Beginners and experienced poets and writers most welcome. Contact Lorraine on 5524 8035. • Tuesday night dance classes at SalsaGroove now feature “live”bands, music and latin dance moves projected onto our big screen at the Coolangatta Uniting Church Hall. Come along to learn how to dance salsa, cha-cha etc. It’s a great way to stay fit and healthy and to make new friends. Classes start 6.30pm for more details 0413 125 640. HASTINGS POINT

• Hastings Point /Tweed Coast Probus Club’s next meeting is Tuesday, July 16 at 10 am at Tricare Retirement Community. The main speaker will be Pete Ceglinski, CEO and co-founder of the Seabin Project which is a new solution to the everincreasing pollution of the world’s waterways. Enquiries: Jean Watson 02 6670 4072 KINGSCLIFF

• Tweed Coast View Club’s next luncheon meeting will be on Monday, July 8, at the Kingscliff Beach Bowls Club. July. The guest speaker is from The Mercy Ships who will talk on the work of the Mercy Ships and their involvement. Keep an eye out for our upcoming Mad Hatters Tea Party, Wednesday July 31. Bookings to Therese at and/or 02 6676 1469. • Kingscliff Community Dunecare every Tuesday and Thursday 8–10am. Contact Peter Langley 02 6674 5362. • Kingscliff Mixed Probus Club holds its meetings at the Kingscliff Beach Bowls Club on the first Wednesday of each month at 10am and outings on the third Wednesday. Join us for friendship and fun. Visitors are very welcome. Phone Joan on 02 6674 4700 • Friends of the Library Kingscliff invite you to come to the library and snap up some bargains

every Saturday morning. Prices are $1 or less. Donations of clean books in good condition are always welcome. Enquiries to Larry Price Phone 02 6674 1607. • Tweed Valley Toastmasters offers a supportive and friendly environment in which to develop and enhance public speaking skills and more. We meet on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 9.45am. Please call Lynda on 0434 103 409 for more information.. MURWILLUMBAH

• Murwillumbah Probus Club’s next meeting will be held at the Murwillumbah Services Club on Monday, July 15, at 10am. New members most welcome. • The Compassionate Friends is an international, non-denominational organisation offering hope, friendship and understanding to bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings after the death of a child of any age. Meetings on the second Thursday in Murwillumbah commencing at 10.30am. Phone Judy on 0416 015 030 for more information. • Knit & Natter craft group meets at All Saints Anglican Church on alternate Fridays 9.30am – 11.30am. Cost $1. Morning tea provided. All welcome. Phone 0423 905 169. • Wrap with Love Knitters wanted to make rugs for needy people worldwide. Meet at Mountain View Retirement Village every first, third and fifth Tuesday 1.30pm-4pm. Call Barbara 0414 272 898. • CWA Evening Branch Murwillumbah, monthly meetings on the fourth Monday of the month at the CWA Hall, 20 Queen Street, Murwillumbah, at 6.30 pm. Call Mrs Linda Sammon 0409 845 130. • The Murwillumbah Cancer Support Group meets from 10am to12pm on the first Friday of every month at the Community Health Centre on the corner of Nullum and Wollumbin streets. These informal meetings offer mutual, practical and emotional support. For more information call group facilitator & Cancer Liaison Nurse on 6672 0252. • Tweed Valley Friendship Force is part of an International Organisation which involves travel to and hosting people from around the world. The group meets regularly at the Murwillumbah Golf Club and participates in various social activities. Enquiries to Carol on 0468 475 285 or Helen on 02 5613 6641. • Murwillumbah Autumn Club weekly activities include euchre and craft Wednesday at 9.30am, morning tea, fortnightly country music nights Friday 7pm supper included and raffle. Visitors welcome. Enquiries Noela 02 6672 2262. • Justice of the Peace community table at the Sunnyside Shopping Centre Thursdays from 10.30am to 12.30pm. • Oxley Day Club meets every Monday 10am1.30pm (except public holidays), at Bray Park. Cost is $7 and includes morning tea and lunch, entertainment, activities, quizzes. games, exercises, guest speakers and occasional bus trips. Transport may be available. Come have a laugh

and make new friends. Phone Janelle 0479 154 737 or Rosemary 0402 236 193. • Weekly men’s circle Tuesdays 7pm upstairs at 96 Murwillumbah Street. For more details phone Andy on 0415 734 744. • Prayer and meditation group for recovering addicts and their loved ones. Tuesdays 5.45pm, upstairs at 96 Murwillumbah Street. Phone Andy on 0415 734 744. • The Bray Park Community Craft Group meet each Tuesday at 9am at the Bray Park Seventh Day Adventist Church Hall, Eleoura Terrace. There is card making, flower arranging, knitting, crochet much more. For further details contact Lois Chilton 0409 912 230. • Murwillumbah Toastmasters Club meets every second and fourth Thursday at 6.45pm at the Murwillumbah Services Club and we invite you to join us. Call Elle on 0488 488 385. • Film Chat 3rd Friday of the month after the 6pm film Regent Cinema • Tweed Valley Spanish Language Conversation Group: Hola amigos, we meet on the second Saturday of each month at 3pm on the balcony at the Regent Cinema, Murwillumbah. We are a social group only, there are no fees and all levels are welcome. For more information contact John (02) 6608 4229 or POTTSVILLE

• Alcoholics Anonymous. Is your drinking costing you more than dollars, do you want to stop drinking and can’t? There is a solution. The Joys of Recovery AA group meet every Thursday at 7pm, behind the Neighborhood Centre, 12a Elizabeth Street. Visit for further information and all local meetings. Call 1800 423 431 or 0401 945 671. • Pottsville Community Dunecare every Monday 7–9am. Contact Bill Hoskins 0431 712 726. TUMBULGUM

• Tumbulgum Public School and Catholic School, former students and staff, together with past and present Tumbulgum residents, are invited to an informal get together on Saturday, July 6, from 11am at Tumbulgum Tavern. Please RSVP to Brian by July 4. Email Tumbulgum. • Tumbulgum Ball is on Saturday, July 20, with dancing starting from 8pm. All are welcome for a family evening with supper provided. Bring the kids or grandkids for a social evening across the ages. The Chillingham Ball follows on July 27 and will be the last chance to get into the 2019 Final Miss Tweed Titles which will be judged on August 10 at the Murwillumbah Catholic Hall. Tickets are available at the door. TWEED HEADS

• Twin Towns Day VIEW Club’s next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 4 at the South Tweed Sports Club commencing at 11am. Ladies of all ages are very welcome to come to our lunches which cost $27 for two courses. Please ring Kathie on 0407 709 629 or Freda on 07 5524 1357. • AOOB Twin Towns next meeting will be on Friday, July 5, followed by a Christmas In July luncheon commencing at 12pm. Please bring a

gift to the value of $5 to $10. This will be held at the South Tweed Sports Club. All members and intending members are invited to attend. Phone Twenette 07 5523 2939 for further information. • Twin Towns & District Garden Club’s next meeting will be on Monday, July 8, at the South Tweed Sports Club. Our guest speaker is Bonni Yee “Creating a habitat garden with native plants”. The hall opens at 8am for entry and benching, with the general meeting commencing at 9.30am. Cost: $4 entry fee paid at the door, which includes morning tea. This month we also have a Bring and Buy stall so if you have any pre-loved homewares such as ornaments, picture frames bring them along and turn your trash into cash (no clothing or perishables). For more information contact Monika Ross, 0412 638 373. • Twin Towns Evening VIEW Club meets the second Wednesday of each month 6.30pm for 7pm, at the Tweed Heads Bowls Club. The next meeting is on July 10. Note as the Blue Room is closed for renovations, we will meet in the Bowlers Lounge downstairs. Guest speaker is Kim from UPA Home Care. Ladies from other clubs are most welcome as well as new members. For guests and apologies, phone Trudy on (07) 5524 1770 before 1pm on the Monday prior. Check our Facebook page. • Coolangatta/Tweed View Club’s next meeting will be held at the South Tweed Sports Club on Thursday, July 18. All ladies are very welcome to join our friendly ladies for coffee and chat at 11am for 11.30am start. We meet on the third Thursday of the month. Our very interesting guest speaker is Rob Preston from Australia Post. Bookings and apologies phone Elaine 5524 4461 the Monday prior to our meeting. • The Tweed Hospital Auxiliary Bingo sessions every Sunday from 12pm and Thursday evening from 7pm in the Tweed Heads Bowls Club. There are great cash prizes and lots of fun to be had. All proceeds from both sessions go to purchasing equipment for the Tweed Hospital. Why not come along for a good time and also support the local hospital? • The Rotary Club of Banora Tweed meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at the South Tweed Sports Club at 6pm for dinner at 6.30 pm with entertaining speakers. We also enjoy social events. For further details contact Peter on 0417 188 388. • Tweed/Gold Coast Suicide Bereavement Support Group is open to those 18 years and over who have lost someone to suicide. Meetings are held on the first Friday of every month at Cornerstone Medical Centre, 13 Beryl Street, Tweed Heads from 6pm to 8pm. For further information phone 0474 206 486. • Justice of the Peace at Tweed City on Monday and Thursday from 10.30am to 1.30pm and 5pm to 7pm Thursday only, and Tweed Mall from 10.30am to 1.30pm, Tuesday and Friday. • U3A Twin Towns is offering a five week course which will discuss the most important environmental issues of today and how you can make a difference. Topics will include waste and rubbish, global and local energy,

alternative energy sources, water use, recycling and reuse. 9am-10.30am every Thursday in May. For further information: 07 5534 7333 email: • Prostate Tweed City meet at Tweed City Shopping Centre in the community room on the first Friday of each month. Doors open at 9.30am meeting starts 10am NSW time. Phone 5599 7576 or email: All welcome. • Addictive Eaters Anonymous is a group of people who have recovered from addictive eating. Whether under or overeating or just thinking about food all the time, we have found recovery and freedom from food obsession.Meetings held weekly at Tweed Heads. Please call 02 6672 4665 or 0402 366 382, or visit • Coolangatta Tweed Heads Probus Club. Fun, friendship and fellowship for active retirees, meets 10.15am first Wednesday of each month (except January) at the Opal Room, Tweed Heads Bowls Club. Guest speakers, dine next outs and outings. Men, women and couples welcome. Contact Barbara 07 5523 4840. • Red Cross Tweed Heads Branch meets in the Community Meeting Room next to Woolworths at Tweed City on the second Friday of the month at 10am and craft mornings on the fourth Friday. We welcome new members. Phone Joan 02 6674 4700. • Tweed Cancer Support Group meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 10am to 12pm in the Bugalwena Rooms at the Tweed Heads Hospital. These informal meetings offer peer, practical and emotional support for anyone on the cancer journey. For more information call the Cancer Social Worker 07 5506 7734 • Tweed Parkinson’s Support Group now meets on the second Monday of each month at The Anzac Room, Twin Towns RSL. The meeting commences at 10.30am until noon. For further details please contact Marie on 07 5523 3494. • Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Information and Support Group meets on the first Friday of every month at 10.30am at the HACC Community Centre, Cnr Heffron Street and Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South. All welcome. For further information call Bronwyn on 5593 9319. • Tweed Community Men’s Shed: 4 Park St, Tweed Heads. Phone 0401 018 713, email thcmshed@ Open Monday to Friday 9am-12pm. Meeting Tuesday, Markets Sunday morning. Visitors and new members welcome. • Alateen Meeting starting at 5-6pm every Thursday. Do you have a parent, close friend or relative with a drinking problem? Alateen can help 8 -16 year olds. St Cuthbert’s Anglican Church Hall 13 Powell St (corner Florence St) Tweed Heads 1300 252 666. OTHER

• Lyall Sutcliffe and friends would like to thank all who supported the concert on the 26th of May for Rural Aid to help drought-stricken farmers. $613.45 was raised.

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Death Notices

Funeral Notice

Sheila Knell ‘nee Sheridan’

Late of Condong. Passed away peacefully on Thursday 27th June 2019. Aged 94 years. Dearly loved Wife of John (dec’d). Loved Mother and Mother-in-law of Diana & Alan, Bernadette & Gordon, John & Robyn, Mark & Corina, Margaret (dec’d) and Michael (dec’d). Cherished Nana Knell of her Grandchildren & Great-Grandchildren. Loved Sister of John (dec’d), Roslyn (dec’d), Tom (dec’d) and Shirley (dec’d). Family and Friends are warmly invited to attend Sheila’s Requiem Mass to be held at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Murwillumbah on Friday 5th July 2019, at 10.00 am. After the service, the cortege will leave for the Murwillumbah Lawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to Dementia Association would be appreciated, with a donation box and envelopes available. At Sheila’s request, please wear coloured clothing in celebration of her life.

Ph: (02) 6672 2144 Murwillumbah

Arthur Edward Ensbey

Late of Uki. Formerly of Grafton. Passed away after a long illness on Sunday 30th June 2019. Aged 88 Years.

White Lady Funerals

27/06/2019 McGuiness Funerals 02 6672 2144 ENSBEY Arthur Edward 30/06/2019

Ph: (02) 6672 2144 Murwillumbah

McGuiness Funerals 02 6672 2144 STAMFORD Gary 05/06/2019


CHAPMAN Desmond Ronald

Dolphin Funerals


Passed away peacefully on 25th June 2019,

0427 743 817 McLEAN Geoffrey 22/06/2019 Dolphin Funerals

late of Tweed Heads. Aged 97 years. Beloved husband of Laura (Laurie) for 67 years, dearly loved dad and father-in-law of Jane, Mark & Tracey, Christine & Alex, Mandy & Jon. Proud and loving “Pa”of Alyce, Anna, Oscar, Nathan, Poppy and Isaac, loved brother of Norma. A private family service for Des has been held.

A saintly personality, who externally was as soft as a rose, gentle as a breeze, always very sweet and humility personified Internally, she was a tiger, ferociously destroying illusion, relentlessly pursing Spiritual Truth, Reality the Beautiful. A beloved disciple of Srila B.R. Sridhar- Dev Goswami. The example of her uncompromising mood of devotion and spiritual practice will be a lasting legacy for all who knew her. Such souls are very rare in this world. When will we get the opportunity to associate with such a personality again ?


KNELL Sheila Rosamond

Dearly loved Husband of Marie. Loved Father and Father-in-law of Roslyn & Ian and Jennifer & Graeme. Cherished Pop of Bradley, Karl, Lance, Sonya, Nathan, Tania, Lisa, Beau, Chloe, Matthew, and Brianna. Loved Brother of Ivan. Family and Friends are warmly invited to attend Arthur’s Funeral Service to be held at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Murwillumbah, on Tuesday 9th July 2019, at 10.30 am. After the service, the cortege will leave for the Tweed Valley Lawn Cemetery, Eviron.

Death Notice

27/06/1950 – 06/07/2018

CRIMMINS Harry Isaac

07 5536 5300

In Memoriam

Sandra Janette Maloney

In Memoriam 51

Easton Funeral Services Tweed Heads (07) 5599 1500

0427 743 817 BADGER Brian Arthur 24/06/2019 Dolphin Funerals 0427 743 817 BROWN Maureen 25/06/2019 Dolphin Funerals 0427 743 817

In Memoriam

DRISCOLL Toni Louise 27/06/2019 Dolphin Funerals 0427 743 817 RADNEDGE Leslie Kenneth (Les) 28/06/2019 Dolphin Funerals

First annual Disappearance Memorial Festival including Holy Bhajans- Remembrances MahaSankirtan- Prasad Seva to be held at Coolamon Park 70 Crabbes Creek Rd, Crabbes Creek 10.00 am – 2.00 pm Saturday 06.07.20129

20th August 1937 - 25th July 1984

0427 743 817

Loved and remembered always

CURTIS Robert William (Rob)

Your families, Jeans and Gregs

29/06/2019 Dolphin Funerals 0427 743 817

All Welcome

WAIN Loretta Alenor 30/06/2019

Funeral Directors

Dolphin Funerals 0427 743 817

In Memoriams We can help you to honour your loved ones Phone Ruby 6672 4443

McGuiness Funerals

Tradition of care Murwillumbah (02) 6672 2144 Billinudgel (02) 6680 3084

Please refer to our website for funeral notices

w w w. m c g u i n e s s f u n e r a l s . c o m . a u

KNIGHT Kathleen Emma 25/6/2019 Easton Funeral Services 07 5599 1500 LEVENSON Gordon Alan 26/6/2019 Easton Funeral Services 07 5599 1500 SMITH Auriel Gwen 27/6/2019 Easton Funeral Services 07 5599 1500

52 The Weekly Classifieds Thursday, July 4, 2019 Tweed Valley

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals


CLASSIFIEDS Positions Vacant

Public Notice

Murwillumbah Saleyards 10:00am

Comprising: 20 Brahman x steers, 0-2tooth 20 Brangus x steers, 0-2tooth 30 Cross bred steers, 0-2tooth 15 Santa x steers, 0-2tooth 10 Angus x steers, 0-2tooth 40 Brangus x weaner steers 30 Angus x weaner steers 10 Charolais x weaner steers 10 Angus x weaner heifers 15 Speckle Park heifer, PTIC 2nd calf 10x10 Angus x cows & calves 10x10 Charolais x cows & calves 10 Angus x cows, PTIC Further Bookings Invited Brent Casey 0428 530 422

Jasen Somerville 0429 660 657





Annual General Meeting

WHEN & TIME: Tuesday, 30 July 2019; 6.00pm. WHERE: Johnny Francos Place (Restaurant), 9 Commercial Road, Murwillumbah All welcome; Will see you there. Enquiries: Please contact Marjorie Goward, 0404055289

1080 WILD DOG BAITING NOTIFICATION An Emergency and ongoing 1080 poison wild dog baiting program will be carried out on the following properties : 395 Baker’s Road, Byangum 520-522 Baker’s Road, Byangum 599 Baker’s Road, Byangum 599 Stoker’s Road, Dunbible 68 Sharps Road, Eungella 27.06.2019 To 13.10.2019 For further information contact 0412503503. Property owners are warned to keep their domestic pet dogs and cats confined to their property. 1080 poisoned baits will be laid in accordance with pesticide control ( 1080 Liquid Concentrate & Bait products) Order 2017 under section 38 pesticides Act 1999. Additional requirements may be imposed by NCLLS.

Adventurers Wanted

East Coast Asphalt is currently looking for an experienced truck and float driver. Mechanical qualifications viewed upon as highly favourable. You will be required to safely transport and maintain a range of HC trucks and asphalting machinery. You will be working on major road projects between Byron and the Gold Coast. You will be expected to deliver machinery to Site, repair equipment breakdowns and assist on rake and shovel when needed. This is a full time position with highly competitive hourly rates. Enjoy a great work/life balance with a strong safety-focussed crew Requirements: Preferred trade qualifications in diesel fitting or similar. White Card. HC Truck License. Strong work ethic. Excellent communication skills and able to work in a team.

2 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Hospitality Casual 20 hrs at Mavises & Tweed Gallery Café Must have transport’ Minimum 6 mth exp in restaurant environment Resumes to home@ Assistant Restaurant Manager Mavis’s Kitchen & Cabins Requirements: min 1yr experience Barista, bar & restaurant experience essential Event & Wedding set up must have transport Resumes to home@

TWEED HEADS COOLANGATTA TAXIS Requires Permanent, Part Time, Night Hours. Perfect for someone who wants to pick up an extra shift a week to earn extra cash to pay off the mortgage. Call 07 5536 3371.

Caravans/Campervans For Sale

Please send your resume to nicholas.butturini@

Caravans/Campervans For Sale

ADVENTURERS WANTED For epic journey. Sailing the Ganges, overnight train journeys, Pushkar Camel Fair, incredible curries and plenty of chai tea.You need a sense of adventure and an open mind. Seven spots left. Departs Delhi, October 2019. To register interest, call 0422 930 458 or email

WE’LL RUN IT ‘till you sell it!

Items Under $100 $15 per ad* Items Over $100 $45 per ad* Photos Extra - *Conditions apply

Talk to Ruby Today

02 6672 4443

Venus Lounge Gentlemen’s Retreat

Caravans/Campervans For Sale

IN / OUT CALLS 17 Morton St, Chinderah 02 6674 5020

Staff Required


JAYCO 2014, 21FT, SILVERLINE Club lounge T.V. 2 door fridge, microwave, Gas electric stove, slideout queen bed, full ensuite, inc. washing machine, heated towel rail, electric toilet, air conditioner, solar panel, awning, privacy screens on 3 sides, roof rafters, comes with all hoses and cords etc. excellent condition, $57,000. ph. 0409241288 or 0755241288

2004 WINDSOR MK 11 Pop Top caravan 18‘ Double bed, roll out awning, as new annex (never used) M/W oven, 3 way refrig, Everything in very good order, many extras incl. $15500 ONO call 0422732165

SUNCAMPER MOTORHOME on 3.Ltr 6 Cylinder Turbo Diesel Mercedes - 56,000 kilometres - 7 Speed Auto, Long-range Fuel Tank, Air Conditioner, Reversing Camera, 12/240w Invertor Fiamma Awning, Island Bed, External table, Diesel Heater, Rear Tunnel Boot, Microwave, 3 x Gas burner stove, 175 litre 3way Fridge, Electric Step, Swivel Front Seats, 3 Water Tanks, Separate Shower / Toilet, Bull Bar, Tow Bar, 2 x Gas Bottles, 2 x Solar Panels, 2 KVA Honda Generator, Vehicle just serviced - NSW Registration to 3/2020 - Excellent Condition. Only need Car Licence For further information contact Roy on 0429 029 636 or 02 6676-4438 $110,000 ono

Suncamper Motorhome on 3.Ltr 6 Cylinder Turbo Diesel Mercedes - 56,000 kilometres - 7 Speed Auto Long-range Fuel Tank Air Conditioner Reversing Camera 12/240w Invertor Fiamma Awning Island Bed External table Diesel Heater Rear Tunnel Boot Microwave 3 x Gas burner stove 175 litre 3way Fridge Electric Step Swivel Front Seats 3 Water Tanks Separate Shower / Toilet Bull Bar Tow Bar 2 x Gas Bottles 2 x Solar Panels 2 KVA Honda Generator Vehicle just serviced - NSW Registration to 3/2020 - Excellent Condition. Only need Car Licence For further information contact Roy on 0429 029 636 or 02 6676-4438

$110,000 ono

CAMPER TRAILER on 6 x 4. Sink, stove, tool box etc $1,000 Phone 0412 990 752

2004 JAYCO FREEDOM 15ft single beds cooktop, grill, microwave Dometic fridge, full annex ,roll out awning 12 months rego. Market value $14,100 Sell $12,850 ONO call 0402043527

2008 JAYCO PENGUIN POP-TOP comes with a double bed, plenty of storage, fridge, sink, cooker, table and an outdoor annexe. Is in excellent condition and has recently been serviced by Jayco. Rego till Aug 19. $9000 Ph: 04144 60286

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Cars For Sale

Cars For Sale

Thursday, July 4, 2019

For Sale

For Sale

The Weekly Classifieds 53

Real Estate For Sale


$200.00 for Extra Large Ute Load Split & Seasoned delivered to anywhere in the Tweed HOLDEN TORANA LX SUNBIRD SEDAN 2/77- Very good, original Condition, exceptional body never any rust. Very Nice interior. Price $30,000 firm. Phone 0402 315 308

TOYOTA COROLLA Ascent Station Wagon 2006 Auto. Good cond. Full logbooks. Regularly serviced. New tyres. New battery. Reg NSW Aug. $5000 ONO 0266761218

Phone 0405 537 143

FERGUSON REAR MOUNT SICKLE MOWER needs restoration comes with owners manual $500. 2 std TE-35 new roll bars $500 each. Lots of parts for Fergi TEA/TEF diesel engine, gearboxes etc . All must go 02 6677 7217 evenings

LOUNGE 6-Seater Corner Lounge $200.00 Phone 0408 248 218

3 BEDROOM RELOCATABLE HOME brand new fit out, timber floor, stone bench tops, 3 Air cons, Huge block, double driveway, big yard, hard wood decking, situated in over 50’s Village in Chinderah. $225,000 O.N.O. Call Shane 0407 649 511.

Room to Board 2011 HILUX WORKMATE DUAL FUEL LPG/ PETROL Central locking (incl. Canopy), Power windows, Reversing Camera, Premium Eclipse touch screen unit with voice activation, full ipod/ phone connectivity, Sat Nav, CD/DVD. One Owner, complete service history. Rego 21/12/2019 203000 km $11900. - 0417 253 767

2004 MITSUBISHI LANCER ES SEDAN 117,800kms, Log Books, One Owner, Automatic, Airconditioning, Power Steering, Dual Air Bags,Power Front Windows, Kenwood Blue Tooth USB Radio, Fully Serviced, New Brakes, New Timing belt Fitted, Water Pump, Registered to 19/8/2019 QLD Phone:0407120113 Price: $4,600.00ono

HYUNDAI GETZ Auto, One Lady owner, nonsmoker, Log books included, Blue tooth, tinted windows, roof rack with locks, Couplertec anti rust system, pink slip Available, immaculate condition, 1.65 hatch back 5 door. $5800 Neg 110,000 Km. phone 0434 985 189

2001 SUBARU LIBERTY GX Auto, Air, interior good condition, one owner, just serviced, comes with inspection report for rego with RMS, 293,551km $1,750 ph 0422 405827

Civil Works Equipment Hire

TABLE & 6 CHAIRS $800 O.N.O. Phone 0408 248 218

ALL PLANTS MUST GO – Huge variety, as little as $1.50, $2.50 & $5.00. Unusal plants, Broms and baskets, ferns, cacti, natives, succulents. Ph (02) 6679 1532

MOBILITY SCOOTER “Drive “ wheel model, only 2 hours use from new, cost over $6,500 asking $3,500, very good order, Farrants Hill, Phone 0400 523 157

Make some extra cash!

Try our classifieds... Talk to Ruby Today

02 6672 4443




PH: 0420 286 831

Lost and Found

Excavator, Dozer, Grader, Roller, Skid Steer, Dump Truck

Call Jeff NOW on 0418 575 907 MAZDA 323 ASTINA 2000 Five speed manual. Cold air. Very clean car, great condition all round. Clean interior. Great tyres. Taylor Made Cars Rego CT06JD $2.5k. DL16862 Phone: 0455 317 102

Companionship 63 YEAR OLD LOCAL LADY will get you out of the house for social outings, movies, lunch, coffee etc. Days, nights weekends. $30 ph. (plus expenses) Cheaper than a taxi! Call me for a chat. Jill 0401 610 830

HERITAGE POULTRY AND PURE BRED MAREMMA PUPPIES FOR SALE Blue Swedish or Buff Orpington Duck breeding pairs $80 each. Geese and buff orpington chickens available also. Puppies ready early August born 28th of May $600. Call or text Robyn 0414363966

COCKATIEL FOUND in the Kingscliff area. Call 0415 864 163

Western Qld Firewood

GAY LADIES 50+ meeting for coffee. For more information please ring 0476 050 584

Murwillumbah Snake Catchers

Max 0424 413 701

Reptile Relocation

Commercial To Let LIFE QUALITY & HEALTH, MURWILLUMBAH Modern, fully furnished room available, ground floor, own entrance, aircon, parking. Suit professional practitioner or business person. Reception services available. Email lqh@bigpond. or ph Anna 0487 200 132

MURWILLUMBAH 2 BRM UNFURNISHED FLAT Handy position, carport. No pets. $285 per week. Suit quiet tenant. 02 6672 3536, 0488 723 536 COOLANGATTA room to rent 200 metres from the beach, Club, shops, fully furnished, cooking facilities, No lease and No bond. Over 50’s from $225-$250 per week. 0755 363 233 BANORA POINT Self-Contained, 1 bedroom Unit, 10 mins to beaches, shops & Clubs, fully furnished, cooking facilities, bathroom, on street parking area . Friday and Sat Nights. $80.00 Per Night. $164.00 Bond. Phone 0417 106 875

FIREWOOD 8418 Tweed Valley Way Neil Mack Fencing Call Neil 0427 241 680

Tweed Shire Local Snake Catchers

To Let

“Locals Supporting Locals”


Snake Catcher

Sue 0428 771 223 02 6677 1224 Friendly Service, Licenced & Insured

Tweed Valley

2003 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS five speed manual brand new clutch. Cold air. Rego until June 2019. Taylor Made Cars. $2.5k rego CVP 05Y. DL16862 . Phone: 0455 317 102

QUIET & SAFE LARGE DUPLEX in side street off Kennedy Drive West Tweed, Great Neighbours, Share bathroom with one. 1 min to Bus stop & shops, working OR older person preferred. $180.00 p/w + 1 week. Phone 0408 369 629

DOG FOUND IN NUNDERI AREA Please call if you know who owns it. 0427 014 030

Accommodation Wanted SINGLE FATHER AND 12 YEAR OLD SON are requiring safe, stable accommodation to rent within the Tweed Shire or surrounding areas. Please call Shane on 0402 540 929 for further details.

Frog Found

WORKING GRANDMOTHER WITH 2 CHILDREN seeking long term accommodation in the Tweed/Tugun area. References available. Please phone 0421 472 017.

Double pass Winner!

MITSUBISHI CAMPER 2002 MODEL CH12kv, fridge, bed, annex, stove, low klm’s, auto, Ready to go around Australia, $6,500, Dl no 16862 Taylor Made Cars. 5 PROSPERO STREET, South Murwillumbah. 0455 317 102

A COUNTRY GENT Strong, very gentle, recently retired to Tweed River/Kingscliff area. Sharing the beach, barbeques on the river & sunsets with a happy Lady would be a delight. Genuine calls please 0451 947 067

FORD 3000 TRACTOR 3 cyl, 50 HP, Diesel, new engine 10 hours, full rebuild engine, Transmission, 8 speed HYD as new tyres, all round very good condition, $10,000 .Phone 0411 162 399



To claim: Present yourself at the Regent Cinema with Photo ID

CARAVAN WANTED Pop-top Caravan wanted. Phone 07 5596 5515


It was to be Tina’s day as she drew one shot while Becky couldn’t quite match it. Tina took the game out 25-24. Well done both ladies on a great game. In the zone over 60s fours played at Pottsville on Sunday, our team of Bob McBurney, Joe Andrassy, Peter Ayres and Terry Walsh were defeated by a couple of shots by the Evans Head team.

Holding four shots on the last end, Bob was unable to remove the Evans Head solitary shot to win the game. A good effort none the less. Open Triples Championships were the order of the day at Condong on Saturday. Ron Nelson (sub for Brian Pitt) Dave Reynolds and Raffles Kelly defeated Gary Cox, Joe Andrassy and Gary Miller.

Mick Chilcott, Dave Cranwell and Wazza Peart defeated Mick Knight, Bill Clifford and Jim Knight and in a second round game Bob McBurney, Peter Ayres and Jeff McDonald got in front on the last end to defeat Glen Brown, Gary Whittaker and dangerous Dave Lawler. Second round games will continue this Saturday.

Men’s B Grade Pairs nominations are now open and will close on July 18. All members are reminded that their annual membership fees are now due. Our membership draw is up to $900 and its worth turning up for a coldie and a meal on Friday night. It could just be your night. The Cane Stork.


THE LADIES Open Singles final was played last week and what a great game it was. Tina DeBelle and Becky Attard went shot for shot until they reached 24 all.

54 Local Sport Thursday, July 4, 2019

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Holding Shot with Judy Tuckey DISTRICT MIXED Pairs, conducted at Pottsville last week, resulted in 22 teams being nominated to contest the event. This fast moving game of threebowl pairs, with two sets of five ends per game and a one end tie breaker if required, produced an abundance of interesting tactics and classic bowling displays. Preliminary sections of four teams playing games over three rounds reduced the field to six teams left standing to contest the final rounds. Errol and Alana Sharp (Pottsville) defeated Eric and Lorraine Marsden (Cabarita); Kris Lehfeldt and Marie Comerford (composite) defeated Greg and Sue Goode (Cabarita);

and Brian (Bulla) Burton and Judy Wright (Byron Bay) defeated Tony and Anne Wonka (Kingscliff) to take them forward to a three-way final. Burton and Wright then went toeto-toe with team Sharp in a nailbiting hard-played duel that could have gone either way. However, team Burton had the upper hand and went on to take the game and progress to the final game in the comp against Kris Lehfeldt and Marie Comerford. The final, itself, was another hardfought battle. Brilliant bowling from both teams had spectators totally enthralled. Close scoring ensued

and with both teams winning one set each, a tiebreaker was required. A heart-stopping one end resulted in Lehfeldt and Comerford claiming victory. With all district championships now completed, the next platform for all category winners is the Regional Play-offs that will be conducted at Yamba Bowling Club commencing July 17. The draw for this tournament has been completed so please check with your respective clubs for details. Gala days are now popping up on the calendar. Ocean Shores’ Gala Day will be held next week on Friday, July 12. The Tweed Byron District Gala Day/Presentation Day is on the agenda for Monday, July 29, and will be at Byron Bay. See you on the greens. Good bowling everyone

District Mixed Pairs winners: Kris Lehfeldt and Marie Comerford

Raider’s Cale Rowston third in Aussie Powerlifting Titles

By Jo Kennett CASUARINA’S CALE Rowston has won third place in the Australian Powerlifting Titles, held in Melbourne on Sunday, June 30. Rowston, who runs Rowston Conditioning at Chinderah and has only recently returned to competition, competed in the 105kg weight class. “I squatted 272kg, benched 188kg, and deadlifted 330kg so 790kg total,” he said. “They were all personal best lifts which took me to third overall. “My weight class, 105kg, was the most stacked class of the whole comp so it was the most

competitive and the most exciting to watch. “It was really exciting to be involved in - we were the last one to compete, so it was great.” Rowston said strategy was key to a successful competition. “You get three goes at each one - the bench press, deadlift and the squat,” he said. “Each time you make the weight you go heavier; you can’t go backward. You either have to keep the same weight for the next lift or go heavier. “There’s a bit of strategy involved because if you go heavy, for example on your third attempt and fail your second-best result is counted.”

Rowston said he could probably have gone heavier in the squat and deadlift, but it could have backfired. “I probably could have done 275kg in the squat and a bit heavier in the bench press, the winner did 202kg and I did 188kg, but it was a smart decision,” Rowston said. “The heaviest deadlift was 341kg and I was second with 330kg which got me third. “I would have needed 335kg to get second overall but if I failed, I would have got fourth. So, we played it smart and lifted for third.” The Tweed Coast Raiders player who featured in last year’s premiership hasn’t played this year


and said he would back off with the power lifting workload. “I’m pretty tired and sore now and I haven’t done any running

Tapped apped in to the waves

With Terry Tappa’ Teece

world famous






With your host Terry ‘Tappa’ Teece





Tuesday – Nth Kirra SLSC Wednesday – Justin Lane Burleigh Heads Your venue????

apart from running water at the footy,” he said. “I’ll be doing less weights and start running with the Raiders at training and see how I go.”

THE 16TH year of the Occy’s Grom Comp starts this weekend with the venue at Duranbah Beach. But the current swell predictions show a three-metre swell through the opening day, so organisers may be forced to look for another venue for the first couple of days - if the forecast holds Duranbah will look like mum’s washing machine on overdrive. It will be an up-and-coming starstudded field with grommets coming from all over the world to compete, and the Skullcandy Grommet contest (formerly “Gromfest”) backs onto Occy’s Grom Comp making it a little circuit for the grommets of the world. Occy’s son, Jay Occhilupo, will be surfing in the Billabong Occy’s Grom Comp presented by Flight Centre for the last time – and the competitors in his division are more dangerous than ever. “Jay’s been charging, he’s been surfing really well – he’s definitely come a long way,” said Occhilupo. “The elder division (16 and under boys) is the toughest one to surf in, there’s a lot of talent in there.

“We’re going to have some big waves for the start of the event, which is going to be excellent.” Jackson Dorian, son of world-famous Hawaiian surfer Shane Dorian, will be touching down on the Gold Coast this week to compete at the event as well. If you have seen some of the footage of young Mr Dorian, he will be well worth going to watch, Jackson Dorian happy in big or small waves, in the air or on the face of the wave, or on a skateboard or surfboard. An all round wonderkid.


The QS 10,000 Balito Pro is underway, and the results of some local surfers will go a fair way to qualifying for the 2020 Championship Tour. Mitch Crews and Liam O’Brien are the only Gold Coast Tweed Surfers in round five, with the WCT surfers seeded into round six, including Jack Freestone who is looking to get his qualifying points up to have a back to qualify for 2020. Fun beach break conditions and you can watch the event live online via the WSL app from 3pm each afternoon.


Well the next chapter in the world tour will get underway next Wednesday. The long walls of Jeffreys Bay will deliver a result that at this point of the year could have drastic impact on the World Title hopes for quite a few surfers. I’m sure Stephanie Gilmore has taken note of all the song and dance made of Sally Fitzgibbons becoming world number one, and not much before for Stephanie. I am sure Steph is fired up for a big result and JBay is one of her favourite waves. I am calling a win for Steph and she grabs the yellow Jersey back! For the men, Filpe Toledo will be hard to beat, he has two wins there, and he will be looking dangerous. Jack Freestone is due for a good result and he can rock the boat of some of top seeds, and cause a few upsets. And what about Kelly Slater? he has been in top form, and JBay is one of his favourite waves. He will surely be one to watch, particularly if the waves are pumping. This will be fun to watch! Catch you in the Waves!!

Tweed Valley Weekly Locals Supporting Locals

Between the Flags

Cudgen Headland SLSC - Keith Kennedy

THE AUSTRALIAN IRB Titles will commence next week with the scrutineering of clubs’ IRBs and motors, prop guards and competitors protection equipment on Wednesday followed by the inter-state competition on Thursday then the club competition through to Sunday. The events enable competitors to put their surf skills to the test, racing over a series of rescue simulations which have been designed to create real life patrol and emergency callouts. The rescues test the ability of drivers and crew to respond quickly to situations.

Australian Titles were first contested in 1987 with Brunswick winning the point score and again in 1988 equal with Mona Vale and outright in 1990. North Burleigh won six before competition was suspended from 2002 to 2004 due to injury concerns. In July 2003, clubs were allowed to commence training for state and allowed to only compete in four carnivals and drivers had to have logged at least twenty hours in the previous twelve months. Cudgen hosted the 2004 NSW titles which was a one day only carnival and Australian titles recommenced in 2004 at Tallebudgera.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Cudgen hosted the three day event in 2014 and 2017 when fifty one clubs with over 700 members competed in 200 races. The Qld IRB Championships due to be held at Point Lookout on North Stradbroke Island last weekend was cancelled after strong swells forced organisers to deem the conditions unsafe for competitors. This weekend the ALBERT IRB training scheme will be hosted by the Brunswick Surf Club. It is mandatory that every club patrol must have an accredited IRB driver and at least one Advanced Resuscitation Technique member (ART). An ART course will be held at the Cudgen Creek Training Facility on July 20. Our annual Supporters Luncheon will be held a little earlier this year on Friday, July 12,

Border hockey hosts Qld Under 18s Championships By Toni Kelly Fleeton TWEED BORDER Hockey Association hosted the Under 18 Women’s Qld State Championships in Murwillumbah from June 30 to July 2. 20 teams from across the state competed in the three-day championships, vying for the top positions in Divisions 1 and 2 and the chance to gain selection in the Qld State and Country teams to play at the National Titles in 2020. Tweed came away with two wins on day one of the tournament, defeating Toowoomba 3-2 in the morning session and gaining the upper hand in the evening with a 2-0 win against Brisbane 2. Day two of the championships and the young Tweed team struggled as they conceded their Division 1 lead with losses to Fraser Coast and Ipswich. Day three and the final day of the tournament saw Tweed Border facing up against Townsville with both teams playing for seventh or eighth position in the overall classification rounds. The result ended with Tweed winning the game 5-0 giving them seventh placing overall.

Special thanks to the championship convenor and local volunteers, all technical officials, umpires, managers, coaches and players who have enabled the event to run so smoothly.

Tweed captain Ella Shultz attempts to drag the ball away from Toowoomba’s Peppa Carter. Photo by Toni Kelly Fleeton

Local Sport 55

Kingslciff Bowls Club donation of the IRB in 1990

so that those attending can enjoy the IRB racing spectacle and hospitality from the club balcony. Trivia answer: Our first IRB was purchased with the aid of grant money in late 1978 by Standard Sawmill, christened by Col Withey. Driver training took place during the winter break and at the end of the 1978-79 season the

Club obtained the highest number of driver awards in the state and second in Australia. In August 1990, the second was donated by the Kingscliff Bowls Club. This week: In which season did our Club admit female patrol members?

Kingscliff long jumper wins double gold By Jo Kennett KINGSCLIFF-BASED PNG athlete Rellie Kaputin has won gold in the long jump and triple jump at the Oceania Area Championships, held in Townsville from June 25-28, to qualify for the world championships. Coach Phillip Newton said Rellie’s wins were against strong fields of athletes from Australia and New Zealand. “Quoted by the IAAF as the boil over of the Championships, Rellie jumped a new PNG national long jump record of 6.50m to beat world number five ranked and Australian record holder, Brook Stratton 6.49m and number 11 ranked Naa Anang of Brisbane 6.42m,” Newton said. “Then Rellie also won the Triple Jump with a 13.04m jump beating Ellen Pettit 12.94m and Aliyah Johnson 12.87m. “Rellie is the only athlete at this IAAF permit competition to win two individual gold medals and her long jump and triple jump golds are the only gold medals not won by an Australian or New Zealand competitor.”

Rellie Kaputin in action

Rellie attributes her success to the technical improvements made by her coach and the improved strength levels gained from the hours she spends in the Xcell Health and Fitness centre at Kingscliff. Newton said that he and Rellie would now travel to Samoa to compete in the Pacific Games which are held every four years. They will then return to Kingscliff for six weeks preparation for the World Championships in Qatar in September.

Raiderettes fire shot over Ram’s bow, Cudgen just pip Northern United By Jo Kennett THE TWEED Coast Raiderettes have put the competition on notice in the Ladies League Tag after pulling off a last-minute 6-6 draw against last year’s winners the Marist Brothers Rams on Sunday, June 30, at Cabarita. After a hard-fought opening tussle, the Raiderettes, Paris Sinclair, made a break and scored out wide with 15 minutes to go in the first half. The conversion was unsuccessful. Five minutes later the Rams scored and also missed the conversion.

Raiders’ Teaghan Hartigan backing up from the Pacific Test

Early in the second half the Rams got a penalty, which they converted to put them in the lead 6-4. In the dying moments of play the Rams were called offside near the Raiderettes try line and an Emma Johnson’s boot took it to 6-6. Raiderettes assistant coach Paul O’Brien said they had a couple of hard calls, but the girls defended really well. “There was only one try against them and one penalty kick each in the second half, a really tight game so well done to the two leading sides in the comp,” he said. “We lost 6-0 in our first game, now it’s 6-6 and so I don’t think it will take much more to beat them.” O’Brien was effusive in his praise for coach Trudi Carter. “She could be coaching A grade,” he said. The Raiders got a scare in the first grade Round 13 game, down 12-4 at half time to the 10th placed Rams after dropping a lot of ball. Man of the Match Dom Murray said they had to step up for the win. “We were in a bit of a hole in the first half and we just needed that win,” Murray said. “We gave away a lot of penalties in the first half. Just piggy backs the tries they scored were out of nothing - we were always going to roll them in the rucks.

“The boys dug deep in the second half and got the win, so I was stoked. “Our halfback and fullback and five eighth stepped up so that was good. “We’ve got some games we should win coming up and we’re getting players back, we’ll be sweet.” The Raiders reserve grade won 30-6 and the Under 18s lost 46-14. Play of the day goes to the couple of young lads who came tearing around the side of Les Burger Field on motorbikes during the LLT game. One of them saw the crowd and did a big burn out, throwing turf into the air, before throttling up and crashing straight into the bushes to the cheers and laughter of the footy fans. You could almost hear Les Burger laughing from above.

Cudgen Hornets

Cudgen Hornets first grade team had a close game against an in-form Northern United, just securring the win 17-16. Coach Mark O’Grady said they had a few players out and had to bring some up from reserve grade. “We went pretty well the first half, it was pretty even but we were just in front when we went into half time,” he said. “They came out after the break and scored in the first set to make it even.

“The good thing was that they got three tries awarded off kicks two of them were off kicks and the other one was a penalty try so they didn’t break our line. “Next week we play Byron and we hope to get a couple of players back, but we will still be a bit down in numbers so we’re hoping to get through the next couple of weeks before we get a bye and players back.” The Hornets got a 20-0 win in the LLT. Coach Letitia Kelly said it was what the girls needed after going down to ladder leaders Marist Brothers in Round 12. “For us it was to get us back into the game and prepare us mentally to move forward,” she said. “We’ve had a bit of rough patch but it’s good to have our mojo back. “We’ve played them before, but we focus more on our game. We knew their strongest points and their weak points as well and we took advantage of that. “I was very impressed with how the Hornet girls did what they did at training and implement it in the game. “Next week we have Byron at Byron and we have a strong following, however we adapt to change well so will just continue to play our game and tick all the boxes.”

The Hornets reserve grade beat Northern 34-10 to maintain second spot behind Murwillumbah.

Murwillumbah Mustangs

Mustangs first grade had a bye. The Mares defeated Lower Clarence 12-8. Captain Jamie O’Grady said it was always tough playing at Yamba. “They always play well at home,” she said. “It was 8-8 at half time and then we came out trying to stick to our game plan and not adapt to theirs. “We definitely came out more positive and energetic and got the winning try. “We had people playing in different positions and both teams played with no subs, which really tests your abilities. “We got the win and that’s why we went down there.” The win moves the Mares from eighth to seventh on the ladder, while Ballina are their opponents away next week and have dropped from sixth to eighth, so good luck to the girls there. First placed Mustangs reserve grade had a 40-10 thumping of last placed Lower Clarence and the Under 18s had a convincing 28-16 victory over the Magpies to maintain that all-important fifth spot they made with last week’s win.

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