April 2011
Directions www.twinwest.com
Setting the Standard. Leading the Way.TM
The State of TwinWest’s Cities page 4
Freshman Minnesota Senator Benjamin Kruse—page 8
Top Tips from a Rainmaker—page 12
Journeys of Curiosity—page 9
TwinWest Launches Twin Cities’ First Online Business Expo—page 13
President’s Message Directions Premiers Online, Includes Enhancements Last month we published our final print edition of Directions magazine, we pledged the online version would reach more stakeholders, contain enhanced original content, and deliver strong value to advertisers. Today, your Chamber is excited to take the first step in implementing those promises with the electronic delivery of the April 2011 issue of Directions. Here are a few new features worthy of note: 1. Directions is screen friendly and can be easily read on your PC. 2. This publication is also print-friendly and can be downloaded as a PDF. 3. Many articles contain links to additional information. As an example, ―Link | Senator Kruse’s Legislative Biography” appears at the end of Freshman Minnesota Senator Benjamin Kruse’s profile on page 8. 4. Advertisements are also linked to the advertiser’s web presence, so learning about offerings is simple. Give it a try with the aCOUPLEofGURUS ad to the right! 5. The TwinWest calendar now contains links to event information on twinwest.com, taking a few steps out of registration. This issue of Directions features a story that would have been impractical to publish in the past based on production schedules and layout—a summary of the annual State of the City addresses. These February through March events detailed the accomplishments of TwinWest’s cities. Included with the article are links to local news stories about the events. Thank you to Dannette Coleman, TwinWest’s chair, for taking a tour of our cities during the State of the City Addresses. Also thank you to TwinWest’s government affairs director, Judy Johnson, for coordinating the events. And as important, I appreciate the city staffs and business association partners for their roles in producing valuable updates for the business community. Enjoy the April issue of Directions!
Bruce Nustad, president
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
The State of TwinWest’s Cities... 2010 Accomplishments and 2011 Opportunities Annually, TwinWest checks in with our cities and hosts a State of the City address or attends an event put on by an area business association partner. TwinWest thanks our elected officials, city staffs, partners, and attendees for making these annual update events a priority. The business community knows that strong local communities are important in providing the infrastructure and services businesses need to prosper. Read below for a summary of the State of the City events. Brooklyn Center February 24, hosted by the City and the Brooklyn Center Business Association City Manager Curt Boganey presented eight items relating to accomplishments for 2010 and opportunities for 2011. "The State of the City is well and getting better,‖ according to Boganey. The City celebrate its 100 year anniversary. The City’s fiscal situation was strengthened in 2010 when its bond rating rose from A1 to AA.
The City is safe and more secure, and the community continues to be an important part of the public safety infrastructure. There are good prospects for development in 2011, including the potential development of the Brookdale Center mall site. Eighty new home owners moved in to the City in 2010. The needs of the youth are being actively addressed. City infrastructure is improving, including the reconstruction of several neighborhood streets. Protecting the environment remains a community priority. Brooklyn Park Hosted online by the City The late-Mayor Steve Lampi provided an update in an online video for citizens and businesses. In 2010, the City created a core planning team to develop a new mission statement and strategic plan. New mission statement: "Brooklyn Park, a thriving community inspiring pride, where opportunities exist for all."
Efficiency and shared services were important operational issues this past year. Brooklyn Park just completed its first year of conducting rental inspections for Osseo. The City opened Village Creek Community Police Station to proactively reduce crime. Youth and children continue to be a focus of the community. Dramatic strides were made toward these transportation projects: future completion of Highway 610, the intersection of Highways 169 and 81, additional lanes along Highway 252, and the 93rd Avenue interchange. The City has been teaming up with private developers to purchase and rehabilitate properties, including receiving $8 million in grants. In 2010, the City issued 8,000 building permits and inspected 1,500 rental properties.
Crystal March 17, hosted by the City and the Crystal Business Association Mayor ReNae Bowman provided an update on the City. The City is committed to redevelopment, updating its infrastructure, and maintaining the vitality and livability of its neighborhoods through proactive code enforcement. The Crystal phase of County Road 81/Bottineau Boulevard’s reconstruction project is underway and will allow for a redevelopment project for a new physicians clinic building north of Bass Lake Road and east of County Road 81. Phase 11 (Broadway Park neighborhood) street reconstruction project is on schedule. The Economic Development Authority continues its voluntary acquisition of dilapidated, outdated houses for clearance and resale for new, market rate-single family homes. Continued...
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
...The State of TwinWest’s Cities Golden Valley February 25, hosted by the City and TwinWest Mayor Linda Loomis presented the State of the City Address. Through Envision Golden Valley, a long-range citizen-driven planning process, the City supports development that promotes employment and commercial diversity, connects people and places, and expands housing options that preserve existing neighborhoods. The I-394 corridor is planned and designated for a mixed use of office, retail, and residential housing. Menards is replacing its existing store with a new two-level building this year. Golden Valley is working with Hennepin County in planning for Douglas Drive improvements in 2016. Highway 55 improvements were completed in 2010 at Boone Avenue and General Mills Boulevard. Bassett Creek improvements were completed in 2010 in an effort to
minimize shoreline erosion and improve water quality in the Bassett Creek watershed. The City is working with citizens and community groups in planning celebrations and special events for its 125th anniversary this year. Link | Golden Valley Patch article Link | Golden Valley update video Hopkins February 23, hosted by the City, Hopkins Business and Civic Association, and TwinWest Mayor Gene Maxwell, members of the City Council, and then-City Manager Rick Getschow, provided a City update modeled after ―The View‖ television talk show. 2010 was an award winning year for the City, with official recognition going to Hopkins’ finance director, the Mayor and City Council as the ―Most Active City Council‖ through Hennepin County’s ―Step To It Challenge‖, the City communications staff for an excellence in government award relating to the City Web
site, and Hopkins Fire Chief Dale Specken as Minnesota Fire Officer of the Year, along with seven other awards. Several public works projects were completed, including streets in the Park Ridge neighborhood, 5th Street South, and 9 Mile Creek, along with other projects. The City worked hard to continue improvements to Blake Road Corridor, improving green spaces and connections. Planning for a future 8th Avenue South connection proceed. The project is an important connection between the future downtown Hopkins light rail transit station and Mainstreet. Former Brooklyn Center Police Commander Mike Reynolds was named Hopkins police chief, replacing retiring chief Craig Reid. TwinWest and the Hopkins Business and Civic Association thanked outgoing City Manager Rick Getschow for his service to the business community and wished him well as he takes the next step in his career at Eden Prairie. Link | Sun Newspapers article Link | Hopkins Patch article
Minnetonka February 4 hosted by the City, Minnetonka Rotary, and TwinWest Mayor Terry Schneider provided an update on projects and initiatives. Minnetonka is in a position where it receives very little state aid. The City advocates that the current Market Value Credit Aid program would be better administered through a direct State to property owner system. Major developments for 2010 included United Health Group Phase 2 plan with related interchange improvements at Highway 169 and Bren Road, the St. Therese (Glen Lake) project, Whole Foods, Panera Bread, and the exchange of sites between Walgreens and MGM. The Williston Center will be seeing needed improvements in 2011 as part of Minnetonka’s capital budget. The Southwest Light Rail Transitway remains a top priority. The City continues to explore shared services opportunities. Link | Minnetonka event video Continued...
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
...The State of TwinWest’s Cities New Hope February 8, hosted by the City and TwinWest Mayor Kathi Hemken and City Manager Kirk McDonald highlighted accomplishments. Over the past year, the City received over $2 million in program and project grants. These grants were especially important in maintaining core programs given today’s challenging economic times. Infrastructure remains a top community priority, and completion of the Bass Lake Road water main project tops the list, along with reconstruction of a section of Winnetka Avenue. Refining the vision for City Center at 42nd and Winnetka to include transit-oriented development remains a high profile project. New Hope received a Hennepin County sports grant to assist with improvements to the New Hope Athletic Field Complex. And an Xcel Energy grant funded an engineering study to review the needs for improvements to the New Hope Ice Arena.
New Hope continued its support of monthly local Business Forum meetings. The City produced the New Hope Business Brief, and entered into a second year for its Shop New Hope publication. Link | New Hope Year In Review Plymouth March 2, hosted by the City and TwinWest Mayor Kelli Slavik provided a review of accomplishments. Plymouth’s location continues to attract businesses, which keeps its tax base diverse and strong. The City has held a AAA bond rating for many years from Moody’s Investors Services, and received a top rating from Standard & Poor’s in 2010. Following last year’s number one ranking, the City was recognized by CNN’s Money Magazine as eleventh on the ―Best Places to Live‖ list. Select 2010 accomplishments include: Web site and technology upgrades, improvements to the Hilde Performance Center, the first annual Plymouth Farmers
Market, continued acquisition of property for the Northwest Greenway, reductions in crime rates, the Plymouth Fire Department’s 50th anniversary, and more than 1,400 volunteers contributing over 27,000 hours. 2010 brought a significant increase in infrastructure work compared to recent years. Relative to commercial development, Target Corporation plans to remodel its store on County Road 9 and Medtronic plans to invest $3.2 million to make building renovations at a business it purchased on Annapolis Lane. Plymouth is engaged in a planning study for the possible redevelopment of the Four Seasons Mall site. I-494 remains a high priority for Plymouth as city officials seek to advance plans to add a third lane in the corridor. Link | Sun Newspapers Article St. Louis Park February 25, hosted by the City and TwinWest Mayor Jeff Jacobs, City Manager Tom Harmening, and City staff hosted a ―show and tell‖ at the St. Louis Park Municipal Service
Center. Staff members spoke about innovations that have changed the way basic services are delivered. Example: Sphagnum moss is now being used to filter the City’s public swimming pool water. City crews demonstrated hightech sewer pipe clean out processes. The forestry crew discussed the City’s waste wood chips. Chips are now being collected at the western distribution wood waste site, saving tens of thousands of dollars a year and reducing tons of material being sent to landfills. The public works crew explained advancements made in the past decade with computerized salt and brine applications to roadways, saving taxpayer dollars and making streets safer while protecting the environment. The experience was designed to help the business community better understand the importance of well-run cities with an eye on the bottom line and innovation. Link | St. Louis Park Patch Article Link | Sun Newspapers Article
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
Legislative Latest An Update on the Business Community’s Agenda at the Capitol TwinWest, through our Government Affairs Committee, actively promotes a jobs agenda at the Minnesota Legislature. Key TwinWest priorities and legislative actions include: Taxes and Government Spending Budget solutions should address a permanent structural fix for future revenue and expenditures. The business community should not shoulder burdensome tax increases as this would stunt job growth. State government should work to prioritize spending to ensure a good return on investment, streamline services to be as efficient as possible, reform programs that are outdated and duplicative, and reign in future spending increases. Minnesota’s tax code should be competitive and streamlined to encourage economic development and business expansion. Education Reform TwinWest advocates for a strong K-12 educational system that best prepares students to enter the workforce upon graduation or upon the completion of a postsecondary college education or technical training. Additionally,
TwinWest believes strongly in closing the educational gap that exists in our state for many students. This session, major education reform initiatives are being introduced. One such reform measure, Alternative Teacher Licensure, was passed by the Legislature and signed into law on March 7 by Governor Mark Dayton. This new law now gives alternative teaching pathways to mid-career professionals and others so they can enter the classroom well-prepared and ready to give students a worldclass education. Early childhood education is also a priority for the business community. Targeted early childhood education will substantially improve the odds that pre-school children enter Kindergarten ready to learn. Streamlining Environmental Review and Permitting For many years, the business community has been frustrated by the amount of time required to receive environmental permits in Minnesota, slowing building projects and expansions. TwinWest supported legislation this session to streamline permitting and lessen the red tape that added time and
costs to project approval processes. On March 3, Governor Dayton signed into law a bill that takes major steps to streamline the environmental review and permitting process at state agencies, while still maintaining the state’s strong environmental standards. Transportation Good transportation systems are critical to a vibrant business community. Businesses rely on sound roads and infrastructure to move goods and services. And workers rely on good roads and convenient transit options to get to and from the workplace. This session, TwinWest is advocating for investments on several fronts. TwinWest supports continued funding for the Southwest Light Rail Transit line through a bonding bill this session. Critical federal funds hang in the balance for this high-ranking project, but state funds must be dedicated for the project to advance. TwinWest also urges progress on expansion projects including: a third lane the I-494 in Plymouth, the Highway 100 expansion in St. Louis Park, 610 completion from Brooklyn Park to Maple Grove, and Bottineau
Boulevard from Crystal through Brooklyn Park. TwinWest advocates for stable Metro Transit funding and supports opt out bus systems in the west metro suburbs in an effort to better meet the needs of businesses and employees. Energy TwinWest advocates for the repeal of the moratorium on future consideration of nuclear energy in the State of Minnesota. Even with aggressive conservation goals, energy consumption is expected to increase annually. Minnesota hasn’t significantly increased its base-load generation capacity since 1987. Reliable and affordable energy is important to all Minnesota businesses regardless of industry, size, or location. As always, to share your policy views and thoughts, contact TwinWest's government affairs director, Judy Johnson, at (763) 4502226 or judy@twinwest.com. Link | TwinWest Business Agenda
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
Profile Freshman Minnesota Senator Benjamin Kruse (R), District 47 Name: Benjamin Kruse Year Elected: 2010 Term: 1st District: Senate District 47 Contact: 124 State Capitol Building, 75 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55155-1606, office (651) 296-4154, fax (651) 2966511, sen.benjamin.kruse@senate.mn Education: University of Minnesota Family: Wife – Anita Committees: Commerce and Consumer Protection, Education, Local Government and Elections, Transportation What specific bills or initiatives are you working on this session? The bills and initiatives I am authoring this session are representative of the commitments I made to my constituents during the election. These efforts center on job creation, job retention, the Minnesota state budget, and local issues (Coon Rapids Dam, Mississippi River Critical Area, and Schmidt Wildlife Area). What has been most surprising to you as a newly elected legislator? The thing that has been most surprising to me as a newly elected legislator is the learning curve a new legislator must go through. As a legislator you are constantly surrounded by experts in the topic matter you are discussing. They can, at times, attack you with a flurry of acronyms that boggles the mind. You have to swallow your pride, ask questions, and get yourself up to speed. In many ways it is like receiving a college
education jam packed into a short amount of time. What’s one strength or strategy you gained in a past job that you’ve been able to apply to your role as a legislator? The one strength I have gained from my profession that I am able to use as a legislator is my ability to work with people. In both the hospitality industry and the real estate industry you are constantly working with people and finding best how to meet their needs. I believe that a legislator should have the heart of a servant. We are there to meet the needs of our constituents in every way we possibly can. This requires attentive listening, prompt action, and follow up if needed to make sure the need has been met. What outcomes or successes would you like to see after your first session in the Minnesota Senate? There are two specific outcomes that I would like to see after I have finished my first session in the Minnesota State Senate. First I would like to see a balanced budget that does not increase the tax burden on hard working Minnesotans and business owners. I would also like to see significant progress on the local legislation I am currently carrying. I am cautiously optimistic both of these will be accomplished. I would also like to see significant reform in education. Why is the business community important to you? The business community is important to me for
many reasons. The business community is the heart of our economy. Minnesota businesses provide the jobs that provide a sense of security to our families, pay the greatest share of the Minnesota tax burden, and make possible the function of government. They provide us with the necessities of life as well as entertainment. Many have philanthropic pursuits that meet the needs of those the government cannot. We owe our businesses a huge debt of gratitude. What is your favorite Minnesota activity or landmark and why? I enjoy all the lakes. I love water and water activities. The Mall of America is pretty great too. What is something from your past or present that people would be surprised to know about you? The thing that people may be most surprised to know about me is that I was once the legislative assistant to Representative Bob Gunther, who today still serves in the Minnesota House of Representatives as the chair of the Jobs and Economic Development Finance and Assistant Majority Leader. Link | Senator Kruse’s Legislative Biography Email | Minnesota Senator Benjamin Kruse
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
Small Business Awards “Journeys of Curiosity” Small Business Awards Luncheon May 24 On May 24, honor the entrepreneurial spirit, see the Entrepreneur and Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year finalists, meet TwinWest Foundation High School scholarship award recipients and donors, and hear Irish restaurant entrepreneur Kieran Folliard at the 2011 Small Business Awards Luncheon. WCCO’s Frank Vascellaro returns as the event’s emcee.
For more information, including tickets and sponsorship opportunities, visit www.twinwest.com/sbawards. Tickets: $45/members; $55 nonmember; $400 table of ten.
photo: WCCO
Small Business Awards Luncheon Tuesday, May 24, 2011 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Doubletree Hotel Minneapolis Park Place *TwinWest Foundation scholarship reception to be held prior to the luncheon.
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsor
Link | www.twinwest.com/sbawards photo: Mpls/St. Paul Business Journal
Keynote speaker Kieran Folliard, restaurant entrepreneur
Bronze Sponsors Emcee Frank Vascellaro, WCCO In-kind Sponsors Swank Audio Visuals - Audio Visual Quality Resource Group - Awards Fuzzy Duck Design - Design Gleason Printing Inc. - Print Master Communications - Video Sign-A-Rama - Signage Paeonia Floral - Floral Star Tribune - Media
Blanski Peter Kronlage & Zoch, P.A. CPAs Cass Screw Machine Products Cummings, Keegan & Co., P.L.L.P. DS&B, Ltd. Duke Realty Corp. Executive Suites of Minnesota Financial Concepts, Inc. Next Stage Business Radio Network Opportunity Partners Voyager Bank Xcel Energy
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
Members Welcome New Members Accord Benefit Resources, Inc. 945 Highway 169 North Plymouth, MN 55441 Cliff Hanson EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS & SERVICES Boulevard Chiropractic Clinic, P.A. 7200 Minnetonka Boulevard St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Rod Opferkew CHIROPRACTORS MASSAGE-THERAPEUTIC Gurstel Chargo, PA 6681 Country Club Drive Golden Valley, MN 55427 Bridget Sullivan ATTORNEYS COLLECTIONS Professional Travel Service 3545 Plymouth Boulevard, Suite 114 Plymouth, MN 55447 Bob Chamberland TRAVEL SERVICES & CLUBS Techs 2 Go 6442 Penn Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Henry Gabrielson INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
Renewing Members
The Cleveland Company 1650 West 82nd Street Bloomington, MN 55431 Doug Panner EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS & SERVICES INSURANCE The Magic of Suzanne Suzanne The Magician ENTERTAINMENT U Redefined, LLC 5049 Yvonne Terrace Edina, MN 55436 Jim Jaeckels MARKETING SALES PROMOTION White Crane Construction 5001 28th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55417 Lynne Pirkl REMODELING CONTRACTORS
25+ years The Marsh Medina Golf & Country Club YMCA - Northwest Branch 20-24 years Belt Line Properties, Inc. Deli Double Nannies From The Heartland Twin Realty Investment Co. 15-19 years Lease Finance Group, Inc. Pearle Vision Sears Imported Autos, Inc. Suburban Chevrolet WestHealth, Inc. 10-14 years Cardinal Stritch University Office Depot - Minnetonka 5-9 years Brown & Carlson, P.A. Brunswick Zone
5-9 years, continued Crown Marking, Inc. Edinburgh USA Faelon Partners, Ltd Hickey and Associates, LLC Homeward Bound, Inc. Integra Shield Financial Group LLC Stone Creek Apartments Venture Bank Wooddale Dental Group 1-4 years Arby's Catering - St. Louis Park Brentwood Park Townhomes and Apartments First National Bank Homewood Suites by Hilton Minneapolis/St. Louis Park Money Mailer Minneapolis West Next Stage Business/ Next Stage Business Radio Network Providence Academy Total Energy Concepts, Inc. University of Phoenix
Chamber Champions Thank you to these champions for referring new members to TwinWest. Michael Landstad, The Shops at West End Pamela Muldoon, Next Stage Business/Next Stage Business Radio If you know someone whose business would benefit from membership, contact TwinWest’s Jacqui Sauter at (763) 450-2228, or jacqui@twinwest.com. When your new member joins we’ll issue you $35 in TwinWest credit.
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
Members Jeff Wosje, April Volunteer Superstar!
Member Orientation Photo
TwinWest is pleased to announce that Jeff Wosje of Center National Bank is our April 2011 TwinWest Volunteer Superstar. Wosje has been actively involved with both the Government Affairs Committee and the TwinWest Capitol Action Network (TwinWest C.A.N.). Recently, he participated as a presenter at TwinWest’s 2011 Business Agenda session overview meeting with legislators and business leaders.
TwinWest welcomes these new members who attended Member Orientation in March. Next Member Orientation: April 6, 8:00 a.m., TwinWest office.
Wosje has also been a member of the TwinWest Gala Committee the past three years. He has made a huge impact on the event's fundraising through volunteering on the Gala's Silent Auction Subcommittee and is always one of the top auction solicitors. Finally, he has also helped grow our organization by referring many new TwinWest members. Jeff, you are a great asset to our business community. Thank you for all that you do!
Left to right: Jim Jackels, U Redefined, LLC; Bob Chamberland, Professional Travel Service; Tami Tushie, Star Tribune Media Company; Lindsay Nesmoe, Aagesen Chiropractic Clinic; Mark Harrison, Quality Business Solutions.
100 Members in 100 Days; $4,000 for Area Member Foodshelves The TwinWest Board of Directors announced in March that it is leading an effort to grow the Chamber by 100 Members in 100 Days. Aside from strengthening the business community and growing TwinWest, we will donate $4,000 to area member foodshelves on behalf of the business community when reaching our new member goal by July 8 . Contact TwinWest if you are interested in joining one of three organized membership teams, or participate on your own by introducing a prospective member to TwinWest. Our membership initiative to grow in today's increasingly confident economy and support our local foodshelves runs through July 8. Visit www.twinwest.com/100 for an update on the membership initiative progress. Link | www.twinwest.com/100 TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
Success TwinWest Top Tips from a Rainmaker: Building Sales Small business owners often have to do everything. For many of us, rainmaking—finding customers with money—can seem like the most dismal part of an alreadyoverbooked day. It doesn’t have to feel that way, says Greg Rye, owner of the R & R Business Development Company and professional rainmaker. Despite 30 years of sales success, Rye has not once made a cold call. ―Finding clients should be a natural extension of your connections to family, friends, and community.‖ The secret of rainmaking, according to Rye, ―is sharing your time, talent, and treasure with the people you meet.‖ He shares his tips here. 1. Get out of the office ―I’ve talked to people who are told to make 200 cold calls a day, hoping for one or two actual sales. It’s better to meet 100 people than call 1,000,‖ says Rye. Time spent at the desk, computer, or even phone is less likely to lead to sales. ―You have to be in the presence of people.‖ 2. Build relationships first
Rainmaking comes from authentic relationships. ―Get to know people and find out what they need. If you don’t have something that can help them, make it your business to connect them to someone who does.‖ Rye works 12 hour days, but is in the office only two or three of those hours. He has breakfast, lunch, or coffee with up to twenty people every day. His goal is to build relationships and help other people get what they need. 3. Never underestimate the person next to you ―Wherever I’m at, whatever I’m doing, I try to get to know the person next to me.‖ This starts with basic questions: What’s your name? Tell me about your family? What do you do? Rye says the key is to ―make it easy for people to be around you. Always find out what people’s needs are. Then, if you have a way to help them, whether it’s through something you sell or someone you know, help them.‖ 4. Serve It’s not enough to join the local Lions Club or chamber or charity board. You build relationships and a reputation by doing good things
By Vincent Hyman, freelance writer with other people. Join and serve your community with your talent, time, and treasure, and sooner or later some of the people you meet and help will need exactly what you sell—or will know someone who does. 5. Be around people who can buy what you sell With limited time, you do need to be strategic about what you get involved in. Serve in organizations that you care about. Among those, find a few that are populated by people who share your service mindset. Ultimately, some of these will turn into business relationships. Rye cautions that you think of selling as a byproduct of service, not the goal. 6. Get to know the right person Of course, for many business-tobusiness sales, you do have to get inside the company. But the right person to know may not be the president or purchasing agent. It just may be the receptionist. 7. Always exceed expectations Once you have a customer, always deliver more than they expect. Rye points out that this starts with
Greg Rye keeping promises manageable—but it depends on top notch service. ―With competition today,‖ says Rye, ―your price has to be in the market and your quality must be the best, but that’s not enough anymore. Your service must be extraordinary.‖ On a recent ―winning day‖ Rye didn’t sell any of his own services. But he did manage to connect a law firm, dry cleaning service, and financial planner in ways that made them all happy. ―My real mission,‖ say Rye, ―is to drain my brain. By that I mean if I have relationships and I don’t give them away, they have no value. When I leave this world, I want to have given away everything I have by connecting everyone I know. That’s the secret of sales—it’s not about selling at all. It’s about generosity of spirit.‖
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
Marketing & Sales Exhibit at the Twin Cities’ First Online Business Expo TwinWest is excited to launch an innovative approach to marketing your business in May. Coupled with our traditional, face-to-face Overtime Expo at Northland Inn, members are invited to try our online, innovative Anytime Expo for the entire month of May. These expos will jump-start marketing efforts as your organization heads in to summer. Do one, or both! Overtime Expo: In-person Showcase your organization at TwinWest's popular Overtime Expo, May 19, 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Northland Inn. Free to attend. Investment: $200/table. Anytime Expo: Online Highlight your business at the Twin Cities' first online business expo, May 1-31. Put anytimeexpo.com to work for you 24/7 for the entire month. Free to attend. Investment: $150/booth. Do both and save! Maximize your marketing message and save by having a presence at both the May 19 Overtime Expo and May 1-31 Anytime Expo. Free to attend. Investment: $300 for both/save $50.
Overtime Expo table details: - In-person - Traditional business expo - May 19, 2011 - Northland Inn - Brooklyn Park - 4:30-6:30 p.m. - $200/table - 250 expected attendees - Appetizers/cash bar - 30 exhibitors - Marketed to TwinWest members Anytime Expo booth details: - Online business expo - May 1-31, 2011 - anytimeexpo.com - 24/7 - $150/booth - Social networking friendly, links, logos, streaming YouTube video, sales documents - Fishbowl lead generation - 65 exhibitors (estimated) - Step-by-step booth set up instructions - Optional booth set up seminars - Marketed to TwinWest members and in the Twin Cities/local media Sponsorship Opportunity Be one of only four $400 sponsors of the Anytime Expo and we'll place your high profile banner at anytimeexpo.com. Contact Dan Thorp at tel. (763) 450-2220, or dan@twinwest.com, for details.
For more information on both marketing events, visit www.twinwest.com/expo, or call TwinWest at (763) 450-2220. Link | www.twinwest.com/expo Link | www.anytimeexpo.com
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
Inside Politics TwinWest’s Popular Inside Politics Education Series Kicks Off this Fall The old saying is probably true – government will either do something for you or it will do something to you, but it will do something. To be effective in today’s business climate, you need to understand how government works, and how you can be part of the process. TwinWest offers a dynamic, four-session series called ―Inside Politics‖ to teach you how government impacts your business, and how you can proactively impact government. Participants get the inside scoop from some of Minnesota’s top political experts. These insiders unlock political secrets and the inner workings of public service from city hall to the U.S. Capitol in a fun and experiential way. Tentative topics include: Inside Local Government October, 2011 Inside Elections November, 2011 Inside Federal Government January, 2012 Inside State Government February, 2012 Inside Politics kick-offs this fall. If you are interested in more information about the program, contact Judy Johnson, director of government affairs, at (763) 450-2226 or judy@twinwest.com. Link | www.twinwest.com/ip
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
Gala Wrap Up 26th Annual Gala a Success, Supports TwinWest and the TwinWest Foundation Five hundred business leaders attended the 26th Annual TwinWest Gala March 11. Co-chairs Lisa McDaniel, Voyager Bank, and Pamela Muldoon, Next Stage Business/Next Stage Business Radio, their Gala Committee, and staff put together a top-notch event that included a successful live and silent auction, entertaining black jack, fantastic food, and great networking. TwinWest thanks everyone who attended, the sponsors who supported the event, and auction donors for contributing to a great Annual Gala!
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
photo credit: Sandy Benson Photography
Bronze Sponsors
Link | www.twinwest.com/gala
Allegra Print & Imaging - Plymouth, Print Blue Water Theatre Company, Decor Cresent Moon Productions, Lighting Doubletree Hotel Minneapolis Park Place, Host Fuzzy Duck Design, Design Graham Jewelers, Raffle Grand Casino Mille Lacs & Hinckley, Entertainment High Five, Raffle Favor Liberty Carton Company, Decor J & F Reddy Rents, Inc., Transportation Morrie's Cadillac & Saab, Valet Signcrafters, Signage Star Tribune, Media Suzanne the Magician, Decor Swank Audio Visual, Audio Visual Total Entertainment Productions, Music
photo credit: Sandy Benson Photography
photo credit: Sandy Benson Photography
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
Sylvan Learning Center Business Showcase
STEM Summit
Link | www.twinwest.com/photos
Legislative Breakfast photo credit: Sandy Benson Photography
Annual Gala photo credit: Sandy Benson Photography
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
April Calendar... Friday, April 1 Network Connections Networking Group | link 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. TwinWest office, 10700 Old County Road 15, Suite 170, Plymouth Host tel. (763) 450-2220 Investment: $75/year. Pre-registration required.
Wednesday, April 6 Member Orientation | link 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. TwinWest office, 10700 Old County Road 15, Suite 170, Plymouth Host tel. (763) 450-2220 Investment: No cost to attend
Network Connections meets twice a month (the first Friday and third Thursday of each month at the TwinWest office), but practices referral exchanges each and every day.
Find out about everything the TwinWest Chamber of Commerce has to offer and maximize your membership.
To get there: Go west on Highway 55. Take a left a Revere Lane just after Highway 169. Turn right onto the frontage road. TwinWest is on the right. Saturday, April 2 Ribbon Cutting at Minnetonka Goodwill Store | link 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Goodwill Store, 13820 Wayzata Boulevard, Minnetonka Host tel. (952) 939-8200 Investment: No cost to attend. Join the TwinWest Ambassadors for a ribbon cutting at the Goodwill Store in Minnetonka. To get there: From Highway 169 go west on I-394. Take a right on County Road 61/Plymouth Avenue. Take a left on the north frontage road. Goodwill is just before I-494 on the right side.
To get there: Go west on Highway 55. Take a left a Revere Lane, just after Highway 169. Turn right onto the frontage road. TwinWest is on the right. Thursday, April 7 St. Louis Park Business Council | link 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. Wolfe Lake Professional Center, 5000 36th Street, St. Louis Park Investment: No cost to attend. The Saint Louis Park Business Council is for business and civic leaders who want to have a voice in local government and grassroots issues. To get there: Take Highway 100 to Highway 7. Turn left on Highway 7. Turn right on Belt Line Boulevard. Citizens Independent Bank is located in the Wolfe Lake Professional Center.
Thursday, April 7 Power Partners Networking | link 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. TwinWest office, 10700 Old County Road 15, Suite 170, Plymouth Host tel. (763) 450-2220 Investment: $75/year. Pre-registration required. Power Partners is a networking program that helps members exchange business leads and build relationships. To get there: Go west on Highway 55. Take a left a Revere Lane just after Highway 169. Turn right onto the frontage road. TwinWest is on the right.
Friday, April 8 Legislative Breakfast: The Future of Transportation & Transit Funding | link 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. Host tel. (952) 542-8600 Doubletree Hotel Minneapolis Park Place, 1500 Park Place Boulevard Investment: Members $30; Nonmembers $40.
Panel features Reps. Mike Beard and Linda Runbeck, Hennepin County Commissioner Jan Callison, Minnesota Transportation Alliance Director Margaret Donahoe. To get there: From I-394 take the Park Place/Xenia exit. Go south on Park Place Boulevard, and then turn right on 16th Street.
Thursday, April 14 Member Talk: What You Don’t Know May Come Back to Bite You | link 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. TwinWest office, 10700 Old County Road 15, Suite 170, Plymouth Host tel. (763) 450-2220 Investment: No cost to attend. .
This month's program features an interesting presentation on how to proactively approach and prevent bringing bed bugs home with you when traveling on business or leisure. Presented by Mike Misk, Rainbow Pest Experts. To get there: Go west on Highway 55. Take a left a Revere Lane just after Highway 169. Turn right onto the frontage road. TwinWest is on the right. Tuesday, April 19 TwinWest Prospective Member Forum: Your Questions Answered | link 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. TwinWest Chamber of Commerce office, 10700 Old County Road 15, Suite 170, Plymouth Host tel. (763) 450-2220 Investment: No cost to attend. TwinWest invites you to a one-hour forum to learn how to grow your network and improve the business climate through your local chamber of commerce. To get there: Go west on Highway 55. Take a left a Revere Lane just after Highway 169. Turn right onto the frontage road. Continued...
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
...April Calendar Wednesday, April 20 Government Affairs Committee Meeting | link 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. TwinWest Chamber of Commerce office, 10700 Old County Road 15, Suite 170, Plymouth Host tel. (763) 450-2220 Investment: No cost to attend. Discuss public policy issues impacting the business community. All members are welcome to participate. To get there: Go west on Highway 55. Take a left a Revere Lane, just after Highway 169. Turn right onto the frontage road. TwinWest is on the right. Wednesday, April 20 Emerging Leaders “On the Fast Track” Luncheon: The Economy with Tom Bengtson | link 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Golden Valley Golf & Country Club, 7001 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley Host tel. (763) 732-4100 Investment: Investment: $25 to attend Is the economy picking up steam? Will the struggling housing market cause a double dip recession? Join TwinWest’s Emerging Leaders when they hear from NorthWestern Financial Review Publisher Tom Bengtson. To get there: Take Highway 55 to Winnetka. Go north on Winnetka and take a right on Golden Valley Road.
Wednesday, April 20 Overtime at Medina Golf & Country Club | link 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Medina Golf & Country Club, 400 Evergreen Road Host tel. (763) 478-6021 Investment: No cost to attend, includes light appetizers. Enjoy great networking and an introduction to Medina Golf & Country Club at this afternoon TwinWest event. To get there: Take Highway 55 west. Turn right on County Road 101 North. Turn left on Evergreen Road. Thursday, April 21 Crystal/New Hope Business Council | link 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. Liberty Diversified International, 5600 North Highway 169, New Hope Host tel. (763) 536-6600 Investment: No cost to attend. The Crystal/New Hope Business Council is for business and civic leaders who want to have a voice in local government and grassroots issues. To get there: Take Highway 169 North to the 49th Avenue North exit and turn right. Turn left on to Independence Avenue North.
Thursday, April 21 Network Connections Networking Group | link 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. TwinWest office, 10700 Old County Road 15, Suite 170, Plymouth Host tel. (763) 450-2220 Investment: $75/year. Pre-registration required. Network Connections meets twice a month (the first Friday and third Thursday of each month at the TwinWest office), but practices referral exchanges each and every day. To get there: Go west on Highway 55. Take a left a Revere Lane just after Highway 169. Turn right onto the frontage road. TwinWest is on the right. Thursday, April 21 Power Partners Networking | link 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. TwinWest office, 10700 Old County Road 15, Suite 170, Plymouth Host tel. (763) 450-2220 Investment: $75/year. Pre-registration required. Power Partners is a networking program that helps members exchange business leads, provides business advice and builds relationships. To get there: Go west on Highway 55. Take a left a Revere Lane just after Highway 169. Turn right onto the frontage road. TwinWest is on the right.
Wednesday, April 27 Business Showcase at RMC West Metro Training Center | link 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. RMC West Metro Training Center, 10953 Bren Road East, Minnetonka Host tel. (952) 846-4484 Investment: No cost to attend, includes light lunch. Enjoy great networking and an introduction to RMC West Metro Training Center at this lunchtime TwinWest event. To get there: From I-394 go south on Highway 169. Take a right at Bren Road East. Keep right at the fork. Make a slight left to stay on Bren Road West. Take a left on Bren Road East.
Plan Ahead Small Business Awards Luncheon, May 24, 11:30 a.m. Link | more information
Register for Events To register for any TwinWest event: Online | www.twinwest.com/events E-mail | info@twinwest.com Call | (763) 450-2220
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011
Board & Leadership TwinWest Board of Directors Executive Committee Dannette Coleman, Medica, Chair Greg Korstad, Larkin Hoffman Attorneys, Chair-elect Nathan Agre, Blanski Peter Kronlage & Zoch, P.A. CPAs, Treasurer Steve Wise, Cass Screw Machine Products, Past Chair Bruce Nustad, TwinWest, President Directors Becky Bakken, Citizens Independent Bank Mike Corbin, General Mills Tom Harmening, City of St. Louis Park Annette Hruby, Costco Rick Kaufman, Owl Bookkeeping and CFO Services Michael Lehmann, Ferguson Enterprises Ron Leino, Liberty Carton, Co., an LDI Company Luke Litteken, CenterPoint Energy Samantha Metcalf, LarsonAllen LLP Pamela Muldoon, Next Stage Business/ Next Stage Business Radio Tim Raymond, Voyager Bank Matt Schadow, AmeriStar Agency, Inc. Bob Schlichte, Grand Casino Mille Lacs & Hinckley Mike Sowada, VISI Jon Thompson, Opportunity Partners Beth Ulrich, Fuzzy Duck Design
TwinWest Staff
Contact Us
Bruce Nustad, President Judy Johnson, Government Affairs Director Jacqui Sauter, Regional Sales Director Chris Kirwan, Member & Community Engagement Director Dan Thorp, Administrative Assistant
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce 10700 Old County Road 15, Suite 170 Plymouth, MN 55441 Phone | (763) 450-2220 Fax | (763) 450-2221 Link | www.twinwest.com
TwinWest Partners
Follow Us
Loretta Kenney-Lillejord, Owl Bookkeeping & CFO Services, Accounting Victoria Marley, Signature Events Representative
Flickr | www.flickr.com Twitter | www.twitter.com Facebook | www.facebook.com LinkedIn | www.linkedin.com YouTube | www.youtube.com
TwinWest Directions magazine is published electronically ten times a year by the TwinWest Chamber of Commerce, 10700 Old County Road 15, Suite 170, Plymouth, MN 55441, phone (763) 450-2220. Annual subscription rate of $40 is included in a TwinWest membership investment. TwinWest serves the communities of Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Golden Valley, Hopkins, Medicine Lake, Minnetonka, New Hope, Plymouth, St. Louis Park, and the surrounding areas.
TwinWest Chamber of Commerce
Directions—April 2011