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Most of us are familiar with "The Law of Attraction". This was the core principle explained in the the DVD released last year called "The Secret" . Thanks to their media blitz almost everyone has at least heard of it. Some believe and some do not, even among the believers there are a lot of people struggling to apply these principles in their life. What was taught in "The Secret' was nothing new, as a matter of fact these principles are very ancient and we most likely have pieces missing due to the way the idea was kept secret over the millennia. It was shared only among nobility and through secret societies since the dawn of time. Most likely these principles were originally taught by the same people who shared other knowledge that enabled our humanity to suddenly develop civilization out of nowhere about 6,000 years ago. There is no evolutionary path of civilization it just suddenly appeared. My personal belief is that it was planted here by beings from another advanced civilization somewhere out in outer space. Read this as "Gods" they tried to enable the basic principles that allowed our species to develop a society that placed some value on human life. I also believe there was cross breeding, as a matter of fact the Bible even says as much in Genesis 6:4 "when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." [KJV] These Sons of God would have shared their secrets of abundance with their children as any loving father would. The Law of Attraction and The Secret were born out of the fragments of this information that have survived to our time. I am quite sure there are missing links in the information we have today, however we can still achieve abundance in our life using the information that has survived. The biggest obstacle we all face is overcoming our subconscious programming. Since birth we have been told some things are possible and others are not possible. This negative training causes us to be unable to unlock the great secrets of the universe that God intended us to benefit from. We require a lot of reprogramming of our subconscious mind to overcome what we were taught from the cradle. I have memories of levitating as a baby, then my parents tell me that is not possible and from then on I can no longer levitate! The Secret was inspired in part by an older book called "The Science of Getting Rich" This little book spells out the same principles as The Secret but was written way back in 1910. In this book Wallace Wattles offers pretty much the same information as found in "The Secret" We need to learn to overcome the negative programming we received as a child if we are ever to manifest the riches that God intended for us to enjoy on this earth. I recommend the use of subliminal recordings, self hypnosis and a conscious effort to remove negative thoughts from our mind. Like flipping a switch keep a pleasant memory handy and substitute that each time you start to think a negative thought.
It can be difficult to reprogram your subconscious, but the rewards are great and will make it all worthwhile. You are the only thing that is keeping you from being able to apply The Law of Attraction in your life.
Richard Dine is a believer in the law of attraction and it's ability to create abundance in your life. He has arranged for everyone who would like it to get a copy of "The Science of Getting Rich" [http://maptomillions.com/wait.html] at no cost or obligation in order to spread the word. His website has many more resources available for you to profit from visit him at MapToMillions.com [http://maptomillions.com]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Dine
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