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I have a theory. You may or may not agree. Yet, I think if you were to observe your own experiences in life - and those of others - you may start to realize I'm on to something. My theory states that the more you improve yourself on the "inside," the better your life begins to unfold on the "outside." What do I mean by that? I mean life improvement starts in the mind. It starts with your thinking. As we upgrade the thoughts and images in our minds (the "inside"), our actions and results (the "outside") begin to improve as well. I have a confession to make though. I'm not the first person to feel this way. It's been written about by some of the great authors of our time. Napoleon Hill, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Joe Vitale, and even the great Bob Proctor agree with me. Or, should I say, I agree with them. In fact I would go so far as to say nothing in your outer world will change until you change your inner world. It simply cannot. That's not the way the mind works. Our minds are programmed right now with an image of ourselves and our life. That image is "cemented" in there if you will. Because of this, regardless of how many attempts we make to change your outer world through actions, your our minds won't let it happen. Ultimately, we end up finding a way to sabotage our success. If you don't believe me just take a look at your reality. Is it everything you want it to be? Are you earning as much money as you'd like? I know you're probably thinking it's because of the economy, your job, or your circumstances. And I'd be lying if I said those things don't play a role in your success or failure.
Yet, I think we all realize, deep down inside, those things aren't real the cause of success or failure. There are plenty of people earning high incomes in this economy. There are plenty of people who have made millions without much so called "talent." It's not the education, it's not the training. It's the beliefs. So if it all stems from beliefs, how do you change them? Visualization is a good start. Visualization has been taught to us since the beginning of time. Yet, how many of us actually do it? I know up until recently I hadn't realized how powerful a concept visualization really is. Visualization brings order to the mind. It tells your brain what's possible. It's almost as if when you visualize what you want, you are giving your brain a set of instructions telling it what to go out and make happen for you. Pretty powerful stuff right? The key to visualization is to do it with regularity. Similar to how you have a daily routine with your other tasks, you want to set aside some time each day to visualize your goals. This may seem difficult at first but I promise you will get good at with practice. Visualize your desired outcome. One tip to keep your mind from wandering while you do this is to keep a lot of movement going as you visualize. Picture the surroundings, the people, yourself, the circumstances. Put as much detail into the vision and keep your mind as focused on that outcome as you possibly can. Then, sit back and watch yourself being led towards your desired outcome. It's simply amazing what the mind will do for you when you give it the right instructions.
Brandon Jones is a Personal Success enthusiast. He enjoys sharing his insights, experiences, and observations on personal success and development through his FREE blog @ http://blog.yourpersonalsuccesssolution.com/Success-Solution/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brandon_J_Jones
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