==== ==== Become A Kindle Publisher With Content Made For You: http://www.warriorplus.com/linkwso/3f68yy/24775 ==== ====
I took up creative writing after I retired from the workaday world some fifteen years ago; starting with niche non-fiction then moving on to fiction and making a steady living all the while from my prolific and disparate output; including several best sellers that are still around today and still selling steadily. A few months after my 80th birthday I completed my latest novella "Mischief in Mayfair" and set about looking for a publisher but instead found myself facing a brick wall; on three counts: 1. Traditional publishers are in turmoil right now and only favour proposals if they purport to emanate from so-called celebrities. 2. Novellas are an abomination in the sight of both publishers and booksellers. 3. I am no longer flavour of the month in the conventional book trade and indeed some of my previous publishing houses are amazed to discover I haven't fallen off my perch yet. So what to do with my new novella? I have never employed the services of a literary agent on any of my writing projects and I did not intend to start now. So, as an avid online enthusiast my attention was drawn to Kindle Publishing Direct and I studied the concept in minute detail. Here is where I would go and in the process avoid the interminable wait for a response to proposals, haggling over the contract when you finally get a 'yes', hanging around for ages before proofs arrive, and even longer before your book is published. To Kindle I would go, not just with my new novella, but also my out-of-print fiction titles which ten years ago sold well as paperbacks (I have contracts that protect my electronic rights on all of these). So how is it going so far? Extremely well I am pleased to relate. "Mischief in Mayfair" is not only up and running but is already featuring high in the Kindle listings for its core keyword phrase.
My old paperbacks are enjoying a new lease of life as electronic books, reaching out to new audience of passionate cyberspace bookworms, and selling well just a few weeks after uploading. THE MORAL OF THIS TRUE STORY If your precious book is as yet unpublished or if you have a raft of traditionally published books that once sold as paperbacks, get cracking and start uploading to KDP. When you have a bundle of sales under your belt, go one step further and enrol your title(s) in the Kindle Library and you will earn even more. Kindle rocks...
JIM GREEN is a bestselling traditionally published author with 40+ titles in the realms of fiction and non-fiction. http://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B0034PAPH6
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Green
==== ==== Become A Kindle Publisher With Content Made For You: http://www.warriorplus.com/linkwso/3f68yy/24775 ==== ====