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Write Now (and “how-to” books
WRITE NOW! (edited by Spider-Man writer DANNY FINGEROTH), the magazine for writers of comics, animation, and sci-fi, puts you in the minds of today’s top writers and editors. Each issue features WRITING TIPS from pros on both sides of the desk, IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS, SAMPLE SCRIPTS, REVIEWS, TIPS FOR GETTING WORK, plus our exclusive NUTS & BOLTS writing tutorials, and more!
WRITE NOW! #1 Get practical advice and tips on writing from top pros on BOTH SIDES of the desk! MARK BAGLEY cover and interview, BRIAN BENDIS & STAN LEE interviews, JOE QUESADA on what editors really want, TOM DeFALCO, J.M. DeMATTEIS, and more!
(88-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #6 BRIAN BENDIS and MICHAEL AVON OEMING in-depth on making an issue of Powers, MARK WAID on writing Fantastic Four, BOB SCHRECK’s interview continues from last issue, DIANA SCHUTZ, SCOTT M. ROSENBERG, & more! OEMING cover! (80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #2 ERIK LARSEN cover and interview, writers STAN BERKOWITZ (JLA cartoon), TODD ALCOTT (“ANTZ”), LEE NORDLING (Platinum Studios), ANNE D. BERNSTEIN (MTV’s “Daria”), step-by-step on scripting Spider-Girl, 10 rules for writers, and more! (96-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #3 BRUCE JONES on writing The Hulk, AXEL ALONSO on state-of-the-art editing, DENNY O’NEIL offers tips for comics writers, KURT BUSIEK shows how he scripts, plus JIMMY PALMIOTTI, JOEY CAVALIERI, and more! New MIKE DEODATO cover! (80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #7 JEPH LOEB and CHUCK DIXON give in-depth interviews (with plenty of rare and unseen art), JOHN JACKSON MILLER discusses writing, MARK WHEATLEY on his new Image series, and more NUTS & BOLTS how-to’s on writing! TIM SALE cover!
(80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #8 Part One of “how-to”crossover with DRAW! #9, where DANNY FINGEROTH and MIKE MANLEY create an all-new character as ideas are proposed and mod ified to get a character’s look & origins! Plus interviews with DON McGREGOR & STUART MOORE! (80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #11 STAN LEE, NEIL GAIMAN, MARK WAID, PETER DAVID, J.M. DeMATTEIS, TOM DeFALCO, DENNY O’NEIL, and 18 others reveal PROFESSIONAL WRITING SECRETS, plus DeFALCO and RON FRENZ on working together, JOHN OSTRANDER on creating characters, and an all-new cover by FRENZ and SAL BUSCEMA! (80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #12 PAUL LEVITZ on the art, craft and business of comics writing, STEVE ENGLEHART’s thoughts on writing for today’s market, survey of TOP COMICS EDITORS on how to submit work to them, Marvel Editor ANDY SCHMIDT on how to break in, T. CAMPBELL on writing for webcomics, plus a new GEORGE PÉREZ cover! (80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #13 X-MEN 3 screenwriter SIMON KINBERG interviewed, DENNIS O’NEIL on translating BATMAN BEGINS into a novel, Central Park Media’s STEPHEN PAKULA discusses manga writing, KURT BUSIEK on breaking into comics, MIKE FRIEDRICH on writers’ agents, script samples, new RON LIM /AL MILGROM cover, and more! (80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #4 HOWARD CHAYKIN on writing for comics and TV, PAUL DINI on animated writing, DENNY O’NEIL offers more tips for comics writers, KURT BUSIEK shows how he scripts, plus FABIAN NICIEZA, DeFALCO & FRENZ, and more! New CHAYKIN cover! (80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #9 NEAL ADAMS on his writing (with art and a NEW COVER), GEOFF JOHNS on writing for comics, secrets of PITCHING COMICS IDEAS, MICHAEL OEMING and BATTON LASH on writing, plus more NUTS & BOLTS how-to’s on writing and sample scripts!
(80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #5 WILL EISNER discusses his comics writing, J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI on Hollywood writing, BOB SCHRECK details his work on Batman, DENNY O’NEIL’s notes from his writing classes, FABIAN NICIEZA, PAUL DINI, and more! CASTILLO/RAMOS cover!
(80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #10 Interviews and lessons by DWAYNE McDUFFIE, interviews with PETER BAGGE, GERRY CONWAY, and PAUL BENJAMIN, plus more NUTS & BOLTS how-to’s on writing and sample scripts, and a JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED cover! (88-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #14 BRIAN BENDIS interview, STAN LEE, TODD McFARLANE, PETER DAVID and others on writing Spider-Man, pencil art and script from MARVEL CIVIL WAR #1 by MILLAR and McNIVEN, JIM STARLIN on Captain Comet and The Weird, LEE NORDLING on Comics in Hollywood, and a new ALEX MALEEV cover! (80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #15 J.M. DeMATTEIS interview on Abadazad with MIKE PLOOG, DC’s 52 series scripting how-to by RUCKA/JOHNS/ MORRISON/ WAID, KEITH GIFFEN breakdowns, pencil art by JOE BENNETT, JOHN OSTRANDER on writing, STAR TREK novelist BILL McCAY on dealing with editors, and more!
(80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #16 Interview with Spawn’s TODD McFARLANE, Silver Surfer writers round table, script and pencil art from BRIAN BENDIS and FRANK CHO’s MIGHTY AVENGERS and from DAN SLOTT’s AVENGERS: THE INITIATIVE, an interview, Part 2 of a STAR TREK writers roundtable (continued from BACK ISSUE #23), cover by MIKE ZECK, plus a FREE DRAW #14 PREVIEW!
(80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #17 HEROES ISSUE featuring series creator/ writer TIM KRING, writer JEPH LOEB, and others, interviews with DC Comics’ DAN DiDIO and Marvel’s DAN BUCKLEY, PETER DAVID on writing STEPHEN KING’S DARK TOWER COMIC, MICHAEL TEITELBAUM, DOUGLAS RUSHKOFF on his comic series TESTAMENT, Nuts & Bolts script and art examples, and more! (80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
How-To Books
WRITE NOW! #18 Celebration of STAN LEE’s 85th birthday, including rare examples of comics, TV, and movie scripts from the Stan Lee Archives, tributes by JOHN ROMITA, SR., JOE QUESADA, ROY THOMAS, DENNIS O’NEIL, JIMMY PALMIOTTI, JIM SALICRUP, TODD McFARLANE, LOUISE SIMONSON, MARK EVANIER, and others, plus art by KIRBY, DITKO, ROMITA, and more!
(80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #19 Dennis O’Neil on adapting THE DARK KNIGHT movie to novel form, BRIAN BENDIS script and LEINIL YU pencils from SECRET INVASION #1, MAX ALAN COLLINS discusses his career, MARK MILLAR script and BRYAN HITCH FF pen cils, JIM OTTAVIANI on writing non-fiction comics, EVAANDER LOMKE explores writ ing books about comics, and more! (80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
WRITE NOW! #20 Focus on THE SPIRIT movie, showing how FRANK MILLER transformed WILL EISNER’s comics to film, interviews with MICHAEL USLAN and others behind the making of the movie, a look at what made Eisner’s comics so special, and more. Plus: an interview with COLLEEN DORAN, writ er ALEX GRECIAN on how to get a pitch green-lighted, script and art examples, and more!
(80-page Digital Edition) $4.99
PLUGGED IN! COMICS PROS WORKING IN THE VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY Offers invaluable tips for anyone entering the Video Game field, or with a fascination for both comics and gaming. KEITH VERONESE interviews artists and writers who work in the field: ELLIOT S! MAGGIN on the early days at Atari, plus current pros like JIMMY PALMIOTTI, CHRIS BACHALO, MIKE DEODATO, ZANDER CANNON, RICK REMENDER, TRENT KANIUGA, and others who made the leap to work in video games full-time.
(128-page trade paperback) $16.95 Only $5 ISBN: 9781605490472 • (Digital Edition) $4.99 Diamond Order Code: DEC121255 WORKING METHODS COMIC CREATORS DETAIL THEIR STORYTELLING & CREATIVE PROCESSES For this book, three short scripts are each interpreted in different ways by professional comic artists to illus trate the varied ways in which they “see” and “solve” the problem of making a script succeed in comic form. It documents the creative and technical choices MARK SCHULTZ, TIM LEVINS, JIM MAHFOOD, SCOTT HAMPTON, KELSEY SHANNON, CHRIS BRUNNER, SEAN MURPHY, and PAT QUINN make as they tell a story, allowing comic fans, artists, instructors, and students into a world rarely explored. Hundreds of illustrated examples document the artists’ processes, and interviews clarify their individual approaches regarding storytelling and layout choices. The exercise may be simple, but the results are profoundly com plex! Written by art professor JOHN LOWE. (176-page Digital Edition) $8.99 PANEL DISCUSSIONS TOP ARTISTS DISCUSS THE DESIGN OF COMICS PANEL DISCUSSIONS offers the combined knowledge of more than a dozen of the comic book industry’s top storytellers, covering all aspects of the DESIGN of comics, from pacing, story flow, and word balloon placement, to using color to convey emotion, spotting blacks, and how gutters between panels affect the story! Art professor DURWIN TALON has assembled the top creators in the field to discuss all aspects of the creative process, including WILL EISNER, SCOTT HAMPTON, MIKE WIERINGO, WALTER SIMONSON, MIKE MIGNOLA, MARK SCHULTZ, DAVID MAZZUCCHELLI, MIKE CARLIN, DICK GIORDANO, BRIAN STELFREEZE, CHRIS MOELLER, MARK CHIARELLO and others. If you’re serious about creating effective, innovative comics, or just enjoying them from the creator’s perspective, this guide is must-reading!
(208-page Digital Edition) $10.99 HOW TO CREATE COMICS FROM SCRIPT TO PRINT REDESIGNED and EXPANDED version of the groundbreaking WRITE NOW!/ DRAW! crossover! DANNY FINGEROTH and MIKE MANLEY show step-by-step how to develop a new comic, from script and roughs to pencils, inks, colors, lettering—it even guides you through printing and distribution, and the finished 8-page color comic is included, so you can see their end result! PLUS: over 30 pages of ALL-NEW material, including “full” and “Marvel-style” scripts, a critique of their new character and comic from an editor’s point of view, new tips on coloring, new expanded writing lessons, and more!
(108-page Digital Edition) $5.99

COMICS ABOVE GROUND HOW TOP ARTISTS MAKE A LIVING OUTSIDE COMICS COMICS ABOVE GROUND features comics pros discussing their inspirations and training, and how they apply it in “Mainstream Media,” including Conceptual Illustration, Video Game Development, Children’s Books, Novels, Design, Illustration, Fine Art, Storyboards, Animation, Movies and more! Written by DURWIN TALON, this book features creators sharing their perspectives on their work in comics and their “other professions,” with career overviews, never-before-seen art, and interviews! Featuring BRUCE TIMM, BERNIE WRIGHTSON, ADAM HUGHES, JEPH LOEB, LOUISE SIMONSON, DAVE DORMAN, GREG RUCKA and others! (168-page Digital Edition) $8.99