Product Photography Services — A Comprehensive Overview Two O Nine Photography Studio provides a group of different services. In this article I will detail the following groups of services: 1. Some Standard services that all photography studios should offer to the customers. 2. Additional services that professional studios offer — these services build on the standard services. 3. Advanced group of services that photography studios will offer in standard addition and additional services.
1. Some Standard services that all photography studios should offer Here is a list of some services that Two O Nine product photography studios provide. •
Tabletop photography.
Image editing.
Composite image creation.
Formatting, watermarking, and delivery.
2. Additional services that professional studios offer
Here is a list of additional services that Our studio offer. •
Tabletop and platform photography for larger and havvy products.
Apparel photography.
Food Photography.
Group product photography.
Data collection.
Production, project, and image management.
3. Advanced group of services that photography studios will offer in standard addition and additional services. So far I have detailed some of the standard of the main photography service, easily-available product photography studios offer as well as some other additional group of services specific studios offer. Now let’s look at some of the advanced services. These services are mainly provided by two types of photography studios: Full-service studio: these studios offer a full package of product photography services from small product photography to full-set and a large amount of photography to lifestyle. They are able to handle projects of large or small sizes and complexities.
Specialty studio: these types of studios are not offering a complete package of services but instead of some amazing offer one or more specific services. For example, a studio could specialize in food or apparel photography, 360 and 3D photography, lifestyle photography, or photography requiring complex sets. Here are 5 advanced photography services: •
360 product photography.
3D product photography.
Photography requires sets.
Lifestyle photography.
Onsite photography.
For more details please visit our website Two O Nine