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Traditional members of Six Nations, Oneida and Chippewa’s of the Thames reserves backed up Six Nations resident Don Tripp Monday at the Darling Street Courthouse in Brantford. With them was noted Native leader and historical expert Chief Del Riley of Chippewa’s of the Thames who was instrumental in the addition of section #35 to the Canadian Constitution Act of 1982. Riley gave a review of Canada’s history of assumed authority, broken Treaties and Onkwehon:we self-reliance in dealing with criminal matters. Tripp was convicted of selling an unregistered gun to an undercover police agent, as well as possession of Marijuana, five years ago. PHOTO BY NOHELIA TRIPP PM42686517
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JUNE 4TH, 2014
Tripp sentencing brings up constitutional questions By Jim Windle BRANTFORD – It has been five years since Six Nations Police arrested Six Nations resident Don Tripp and convicted of being in possession of unregistered firearms and possession of a quantity of Marijuana. Monday was the first day of hearings to determine sentencing for those convictions. Hearing the case is Justice Martha Zivolik who also handled the criminal trial. Under new Aboriginal Court procedures, Tripp was allowed to plead his case by offering historical background to the case by bringing in expert witnesses on the subject of colonialism, treaty making and the real history of First Nations people and their struggles against genocide. Around 20 supporters mostly dressed in traditional wear and Gustowas sat quietly in Courtroom #2 at the Darling Street Court House as witness Chief Delbert Riley took the court through 300 years of history in about an hour and a half. Riley was one of the principles that negotiated with then Minister of Indian Affairs, Jean Chretien, to have section #35 of the Canadian Constitution Act added after Indigenous backlash over the first draft of the constitution, which did not do anything to protect treaties made between Indians and the Crown. Chief Riley, now retired, was Grand Chief of the National Indian Broth-
erhood, the predecessor of the Assembly of First Nations, from 1980 to 1982. He of the Chippewas of the Thames, near St. Thomas, Ontario, where he resides today. He is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario and also presided over the Union of Ontario Indians. He is a recognized historian of early government/Indigenous relations, treaties and agreements. Chief Riley chose to hold the court provided eagle feather as opposed to swearing on the bible before taking the stand. Tripp’s legal advisor is lawyer, Sarah Dover who led Chief Riley through a brief history of Canada’s dealings with the Crown, as well as the historical and traditional ways of dealing with criminal matters. Dover began by asking about Mr. Riley’s personal background for the court. “I am a survivor of the Mohawk Institute residential school,” Riley answered. “I was in the Mohawk Institute for five years. I went in at six years of age and came out when I was 11. Between 1950 and 1955.” After his residential school experience, which even today he cannot talk about, he was “out on the street for two years,” he told the court. Eventually, Riley continued his education, finishing high school and attended University. Along the way had become politically active in his battle to protect the rights, treaties and culture of all Indigenous peoples,
Don Tripp. PHOTO BY JIM WINDLE including the Iroquois, or Haudenosaunee. Although retired, that does not mean by any means, that he is inactive. Riley is now writing papers and books on the subject of colonialism. “It’s been a long sentencing process where evidence for sentencing has been placed before the court,” said Dover about the day’s proceedings. “We have been going through an evolution of issues related to this case. Chief Riley has a wealth of knowledge about Canada’s legal history, including constitutional history, but particularly on residential schools. “Right now we are putting in all the necessary pieces needed to tell a story,” explained Dover. “Once those pieces are put in place, then you can get up and tell the story.” She explains that the last piece will be on com-
munity and clan approaches to justice that fits with this particular situation defense council would like the judge to consider in how indigenous law applies, practically to Don Tripp. “Today was to have been the last day where evidence was to be submitted, but it won’t be. Based on the time today, as was the agreement of the Crown, there will be another day set aside for taking evidence,” said Dover. Under cross-examination, Crown attorney David King asked Riley if he knew Tripp before these court proceedings. “Yes, we met about a month ago at a protest meeting about Bill C-33, the education bill,” Riley answered. “I made some statements about section 35 and he picked up on it and he came to see me and asked if I could be of help
in his particular situation.” “Did he tell you what charges he has been found convicted of?” King asked. “No,” Riley said. “That is not my area of expertise. Mine is primarily Aboriginal Treaty Rights.” “Did he tell you that he had pleaded guilty to selling a firearm to someone who turned out to be an undercover police officer?” King asked. Riley confirmed that he did know that, but added, “I am also aware that those treaty rights made this normal trade items for First Nations, to buy and sell and hunt with guns without any restrictions.” But the details, he did not know. “Did you know he has also been found guilty of possession of large amounts of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking?” asked King. “He also told me he had a doctor’s permit for that,” answered Riley. “He told you he had a doctor’s permit to traffic marijuana?” King retorted. At that point Dover objected the way the question was being presented by King, saying, “The question suggests that he was trafficking, as opposed to what was said on the guilty plea, so I did not want to leave the witness with the impression that he has admitted to trafficking marijuana, which AUTO SERVICE DEPT.
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he has not.” “I did not ask because I felt it was none of my business,” said Riley. “I prefer to confine myself to my area of expertise.” “Are you indicating that Mr. Tripp shouldn’t even be here in front of the Canadian court?” asked King. “First I think that there probably should be some sort of discussion or arrangement with the government on these kinds of matters, and essentially, he would be protected under section #35. That would be considered traditional (trade).”The next court appearance to conclude this part of the sentencing procedure is set for June 16th. Depending on scheduling. Possibly July 15, 16 or 17th, and then reconvene September 3rd.
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JUNE 4TH, 2014
Six Nations Elected Chief Ava Hill addresses UN By Jim Windle
principle upon which Canada was given its Nationhood. Yet Canada deprives us of this Right. Canada continues to practice colonialism toward the Indigenous Peoples in Canada through its words and actions. Canada’s policies, when dealing with land
“The presentation was very well received at the UN Permanent Forum,” said Hill. “Issues facing Indigenous people around the world are pretty much the same.” Hill says that after her 5 minutes at the mic, she had several people come to her and congratulated her on her presentation, including Oren Lyons. “You gotta keep at it,” says Hill. “Maybe it’s just howling at the moon, but I think we gotta keep howling until somebody begins to listen. I think it is certainly going to help with us because the other governments were sitting there and Canada is always presenting itself as a champion of human rights on the international stage, so I think we need to keep going there to expose what they are doing.
At another international forum last year, Canada was called up to report on all the good stuff they have been doing, and Six Nations Elected Council, along with many others, sent in their reports saying Canada is not doing what they are telling the Geneva Forum they are doing. “Nothing about us, without us,” says Hill. The following is Chief Hill’s massage, verbatim: “She:kon, I am Elected Chief Ava Hill, Mohawk of the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory and I will briefly present issues and concerns on how the actions of Canada undermines our Treaties of Peace, Friendship and Respect for Governance and Relationships that the Iroquois Peoples have with the Crown in Right of Canada, and how that under-
rights, Treaty recognition and implementation and self-government all have the effect of subjugating First Nations and keeping Indigenous Peoples as second-class citizens, living in third world conditions. CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
Six Nations Child & Family Services Six Nations Mental Health Presents
Elected Chief Ava Hill and District #5 Councillor Darryl Hill are pictured here at the United Nations where the Six Nations Elected Chief addressed the "Thirteenth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues" last week. Hill spoke of Six Nations' specific issues and how Prime Mine Minister Steven Harper's Canadian government is ignoring several articles of the "United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples." SUBMITTED PHOTO
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NEW YORK – Six Nations Elected Chief Ava Hill and District #5 Councillor Darryl Hill attended the “Thirteenth Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues” at the United Nations in New York City last week. Chief Hill had opportunity to speak to as many important issues specific to Six Nations, as she could squeeze into her allotted 5 minutes. “I think it is important to note that Canada had no representatives at the two day meeting on Indigenous issues,” Elected Chief Hill told Two Row Times. She began her five-minute speech by reciting several articles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, beginning with Article 3, which says: “All Indigenous Peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right, they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.” Article 5, which declares, “Indigenous Peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.” She quoted others as well.
mining subverts these articles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Canada’s own Constitution (Section 35) recognizes and affirms the Aboriginal Right to be self-governing. That is a
Community consensus disintegrates By Jen Mt. Pleasant
OHSWEKEN – Around 50 community members gathered at the Six Nations Landfill Site last Wednesday to let John Kearns of Kearns International know that his disintegrator was no longer welcome on the territory. Spokesperson Derek Sandy told the Two Row Times that a group of concerned community members have tried to approach the Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) at least three times to express their concerns about potentially toxic chemicals that are released into the air through the smokestack of this machine. A number of residents living near Kearns’ machine have complained about the unit emitting smells and black smoke. One resident who lives next to the landfill site was afraid to speak out in fear of losing his job, but told the Two Row Times that shortly after the machine started operation, one of his children
moved off the territory to escape the smell. “I smell it all the time, I know exactly when that machine back there is running because I can smell it and see the smoke.” Many of the protestors told Kearns that they feel like they are being used as guinea pigs and are afraid for their health and the health of their children. “Down the road, what happens if one of my children gets cancer from this machine? That’s why we are here today, to prevent that from happening,” one concerned man told a Six Nations Constable who were also on the scene to make sure a peaceful assembly was being maintained. On Monday, AW Recycling which is a Native owned recycling company on Six Nations, along with their supporters attended a meeting at SNEC to give a presentation on recycling and why it is a better alternative to waste incineration. Owners Bill Warner and Mark Annett also stated that despite
According to experts, ash from waste incinerators must be properly sealed in containers and shipped to special landfill sites for toxic materials. Ash from Kearns' machine appears as though it is being dumped in a manmade pond behind his unit at the Six Nations Landfill Site. Six Nations currently has no environmental protection laws to prevent this from happening. PHOTO BY JEN MT. PLEASANT rumors circulating in the community, they never started the protest last week although a couple of
their workers were there to show their support. Workers from the Six Nations Landfill Site were
also at the protest to show their support for shutting the machine down as well. John Kearns and AW Recycling have long locked horns on the importance of recycling on Six Nations. While AW Recycling say that 70% of municipal garbage waste is recyclable and should be recycled, Kearns states that with his machine, recycling is not necessary. Kearns also refuses to sort through his garbage to take out anything that can be recycled and therefore, almost everything is incinerated in his machine including aerosol cans, paint cans, all types of plastics and metals, etc. Annett told Elected Council, “We assumed control of the recycling center in August 2013. At that time, only 2% of the community were recycling. In October, we started collecting roadside, at no cost. On December 25, we signed the 400th home to our pick up list. And as of January 3, we seen an 18% increase of people recycling on Six
JUNE 4TH, 2014
Nations.” “As of January 31, we have calculated that with recycling since last August, we saved roughly 422,893 pounds of recyclable materials from going into the landfill site (or the waste incinerator). These materials include, cardboard, scrap steel, aluminum, PET, glass, HDPE and mixed plastics.” Not only that but AW Recycling has also saved thousands of cubic yards of landfill space, just by recycling alone. “We are here to discuss how our company can work with the community and Elected Council to help reduce waste. We are looking for the support and cooperation of Council to help educate the community on the importance of recycling. We need recycling education at all levels, not just the schools. We need to educate people through informative community meetings and to encourage and promote recyCONTINUED ON PAGE 18
Aboriginal Hospital Advocacy to Aboriginal Patient Navigator (APN) In 1994, a Coroner’s jury serving on the inquest into the death of an aboriginal patient made recommendations regarding the care of aboriginal patients. One of the recommendations from Dr. Acheson (Coroner for Ontario, May 1994) is that “Hospitals should initiate a committee with involvement from surrounding hospitals, the members of Six Nations Reserve, and appropriate support agencies, to study the issues of language, cultural sensitivity, improvement and delivery of health care services to aboriginal people, and traditional values, and beliefs with respect to aboriginal people”. Another inquest recommendation was that “an aboriginal health care worker be appointed to move amongst the area hospitals to act as an advocate on behalf of aboriginal people”. This resulted with the establishment of The Aboriginal Health Advocacy Committee and Aboriginal Health Advocates as a one year pilot project that became a source of help for the Six Nations Community over 20 years.
Progress has been made… We would like to acknowledge the Aboriginal Patient Navigator (APN) Program delivered by De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre in Hamilton. The Aboriginal Patient Navigator (APN) Program is able to work within the surrounding hospitals on a daily basis and continue necessary care from hospital to home.
It has been the Community Health Representatives (CHR)/ Aboriginal Hospital Advocate’s pleasure to provide service to our community members for the past 20 years and are pleased that the Aboriginal Patient Navigator Program is specifically dedicated to carry on this work. For more information on this new program, Aboriginal Patient Navigator Program, or if you have issues/concerns please contact the Aboriginal Patient Navigator Program, Tara Williams, at 519-752-4340 for assistance.
Thank you, The Community Health Representatives, New Directions Group, Six Nations
JUNE 4TH, 2014
Protesters force shut down of disintegrator By Jim Windle SIX NATIONS – Nova Scotian inventor, 77-yearold John Kearns of Kearns International, was caught in the middle of a political dispute between a group of about 50 Six Nations residents and the Elected Band Council last Wednesday morning when he was ordered to shut down his patented waste disintegrator and leave the reserve. The group of “concerned citizens” ordered Kearns to shut down his demonstrator waste disintegrator and, at the advice of Six Nations Police, Kearns left the reserve for his own safety after certain protesters allegedly threatened him on more than one occasion. Activist and businessman, Derrick Sandy, along with the family members and investors of a privately owned Six Nations recycling business along with a few others, led the group. Members of the Men’s Fire also backed up the protesters. They have been lobbying the Elected Council to shut down the machine which they claim is spreading toxic and cancerous elements into the air and the ash produced by the disintegrator, but to no avail, so the group’s position was, if Council wouldn’t shut it down, they would. Michael Montour, who heads up Public Works and is overseeing the project, spoke with Derrick Sandy and others to try and cool the situation down. “In 2006, we did a community based waste management plan and it was decided then to pursue waste management technology, and that is how this came to be,” he
told the group. “The technical report is an 80 page document that is full of technical data and charts. To tell you the truth, I can’t make heads or tails out of a lot of the things that it says.” A summary report along with scientific test results and other supportive materials is being prepared to make it more readable and understandable, but as of Wednesday, it has not been completed or made available. Robin Maracle then told Montour her take on what had happened that morning before he arrived on scene. “We talked to him very nicely and he wouldn’t tell us anything,” she said. “I’m worried about the workers at the recycling, my daughter’s back there. I’ve watched them in the night, we’ve been here for two or three days, and people are coming and going and he’s burning everything and not looking in bags. He is very arrogant and he said he will only look in bags if there are body parts in it and he will call the police and let them know.” According to Kearns,
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the protestors “were not interested in what the machine was doing,” he says. “They just wanted it shut down. It was quite obvious when they started saying ‘look at the smoke’. There was no smoke. The night before I got wind that there was going to be a protest, so at around 4 am, I had the men speed up to clear away all of the day’s garbage. When that was done, at about 6 am, it was shut down. When they came, there was no garbage lying around and the machine wasn’t even running, although the cool-down fans were still on, but it appears they had their minds made up and that was that.” Although Six Nations Police were there at the time, Kearns says he felt alone when the group came and is disappointed that they were allowed to get as close to him and the machine as they did. “It could easily and rapidly have gotten out of control,” he says. “They did threaten me saying they had three guns trained on me from the woods. I know people scoff at that, but you’d be foolish not to think about
it. They came to intimidate.” Kearns has filed a report but has no intention of filing charges. “I evacuated the area as quickly as I could after I heard that,” he says. “They made a ring around me and wouldn’t let me go. When there was a hole on the ring I put my leg through it and went indoors. Then I thought I’d be better to leave the area after I gathered up some things because it was getting nasty.” Maracle and Sandy say that Kearns was disrespectful to them, but Kearns says that whenever he tried to answer their questions, he realized he was getting nowhere and that the group was not in the mood to listen. Sandy and Montour continued their discussion outside. “OK, what would you like to see,” said Montour. “Shut that machine down and get him (Kearns) out of here,” was the response from those standing behind Sandy. One reporter asked Montour, “What do you say about him living there in contravention of the residence bylaw? Are you
aware of that and what does council say about him living here?” Montour explained that he was legally on reserve by invitation from the Elected Band Council. “He is here for the health and safety of the workers to make sure that machine operates properly. It’s a 24/7 operation, so he is the expert that is on hand to train our people.” “We should be green,” said Robin Maracle, one of the more vocal objectors to the Kearns Machine. “We’re all about Mother Earth. When garbage comes in, right away at the weigh station, get that sorted and sort the recycle and let’s burn maybe what we have to.” Montour responded, “That is exactly what we are trying to do.” Kearns explains why he brought his machine to Six Nations. “I was invited here. Bringing my demonstrator machine to Six Nations was a show of good faith and desire to give them solace and comfort that what we were offering was factual. This demo is a multi-million dollar machine, but it is
not the one Six Nations will be getting when the deal closes. That one will be custom built, indoors and using newer components and sensors and will be twice the capacity of this one. “The loaner was just to let them see, but it was understood that if it did what I said it would do, we would move on to the fixed facility,” he said. “It has proven itself and has been accepted by the adhoc committee so let it run its course. Council now must decide what it is going to do, but I have fulfilled all of my obligations and more.” The shutdown has put six Six Nations people immediately out of work, and may have prevented another 35 skilled Six Nations’ tradesmen from work building the permanent machine and renovating the existing building which was constructed to house the initial waste control unit, which never arrived. Kearns has agreed to attend a community meeting at the Six Nations Community Hall, this Saturday, June 7th beginning at 2 pm.
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JUNE 4TH, 2014
Mentors and role models invest in youth in Moraviantown By Jim Windle BUCKTOWN – Mentors and role models from a wide range of sports and the arts brought their personal stories of triumph over adversity, as well as their accumulative celebrity to around 200 youth at Moraviantown First Nation this past weekend. “The idea for the Youth Empowerment Summit really was the brainchild of Jessica Snake,” says Sherry Huff of Huff Media of Moraviantown, who is handling all the promotion and media for the event. “She is our manager for the Delaware Child and Family Services. She has partnered with the Delaware Nation and has held various events focusing on empowering youth. In the past it was a hockey tournament and it has now morphed into being more inclusive of kids who don’t play hockey. So that is what you are seeing now.” Two full days of activities and face-time with the celebrities, kept both the guests and the kids engaged. Six Nations was well represented by rocker Derek Miller and racecar driver Glenn Styres. “Oh, my God, the kids just loved Glenn Styres,” says Huff. “I was sitting over to the side there and Glenn was just kinda sitting around the table and a little guy, maybe 5-yearsold, was on his way to the washroom. He held up his hand to do a high-five as he walked by Glenn and he high fived the kid back. That was a little moment for me. Glenn was just awesome with the kids.” Also there with his band was Derek Miller who performed for the kids, signed autographs and talked with the youth about self-esteem and toughing it out when you have to, to fulfill your dreams. “It’s a lot of fun playing this kind of thing,” said the two-time Juno Award winning Six Nations musician. “To be able to come out and share your gift with people. As long as the kids are having fun that’s all that really matters.” Lindsay Willier (a busy working model) finished her degree at the same time she was competing
this summit. Canadian Woman’s Hockey Gold Medalists Jennifer Botterill and Megan Agosta thrilled the kids with stories about how they fulfilled their dreams along the way to the Olympics. Others, who invested in the next generation of artists, dancers, singers, models, and even racecar drivers, included, Olympic Boxer, Mary Spencer from the Cape Croker First Nation; ‘So You Think You Can Dance Canada,’ finalist James Jones, from the Tallcree First Nation, who has taught and performed across North America, Europe and Australia; Actor
Wesley French from the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, who has appeared in the film, Kissed by Lightning, Skinwalkers Native American Man and such TV shows as Defiance, Arctic Air, Health Nutz, Cashing in, We shall Remain, and Mutant X Deacon; Jr. B hockey star with the Chatham Maroons, Brayden Hopkins, who appeared in the APTN reality series, “Hit The Ice” with former NHL’er John Chabot. There were many others on hand as well.
Kamryn and Primo Whiteye not only had fun, but also were both inspired to go after their dreams at the two-day Youth Empowerment Summit, held at Moraviantown. PHOTO BY JIM WINDLE on the Canada’s Next Model TV show, which she was a finalist on. “That showed how determined to do it all she is, and she is a powerhouse,” says Huff. Willier, who is originally from Sucker Creek First Nation and immersed in her culture, talked to yWZ ^^/KE K& /Ed Z ^d the youth about her best džƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶ ŽĨ /ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚ ƚŽ > ^ WƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ KŶƚĂƌŝŽ EĂƚŝǀĞ tŽŵĞŶ͛Ɛ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƚŝŽŶ friend when she was growing up and the choices each dŚĞ ƉƵƌƉŽƐĞ ŽĨ ƚŚŝƐ džƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶ ŽĨ /ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚ ŝƐ ƚŽ ƐĞĞŬ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ ĨƌŽŵ ŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚĞĚ ƉĂƌƚŝĞƐ ƚŽ ƌĞŶƚͬůĞĂƐĞ of them made. ƌĞĐƌĞĂƚŝŽŶĂů ǁĂƚĞƌĨƌŽŶƚ ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ůŽĐĂƚĞĚ ŝŶ ůĞŵĞŶƚ dŽǁŶƐŚŝƉ͕ KE͕ ůĞŐĂůůLJ ĚĞƐĐƌŝďĞĚ ĂƐ WĂƌĐĞů ůŽĐŬ Her friend got into ϵͲϭ ^ ϯϲDϱϵϭ͖ ůŽĐŬ ϵ WůĂŶ ϯϲDϱϵϭ ůĞŵĞŶƚ dŽǁŶƐŚŝƉ ͖ ŝƐƚƌŝĐƚ KĨ EŝƉŝƐƐŝŶŐ͕ W/E ϰϵϬϮϯͲϬϬϭϬ Ͳ ĂƐ crack cocaine and started ŝƐ͘ “going down a different path.” Lindsay told her, dŚĞ ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ŝƐ ůŽĐĂƚĞĚ ŝŶ ůĞŵĞŶƚ dŽǁŶƐŚŝƉ͕ ĂƉƉƌŽdžŝŵĂƚĞůLJ ϰϬ ŬŝůŽŵĞƚƌĞƐ ŶŽƌƚŚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ dŽǁŶ ŽĨ ZŝǀĞƌ “I love you but I can’t go sĂůůĞLJ͘ DĂŶŝƚŽƵ >ĂŬĞ ŝƐ Ă ŐŽŽĚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ǁĂƚĞƌ ďŽĚLJ͕ ŽĨĨĞƌŝŶŐ ĨŝƐŚŝŶŐ͕ ďŽĂƚŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ƌĞĐƌĞĂƚŝŽŶĂů down that road. I love myŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚŝĞƐ͘ dŚĞ ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ŝƐ Ϯ͘ϰϳ ĂĐƌĞƐ ŽĨ ůĂŶĚ ĂŶĚ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞƐ ŵƵůƚŝƉůĞ ŚŽƵƐĞŬĞĞƉŝŶŐ ĐŽƚƚĂŐĞƐ ŽĨ self better than that and I want to go down a differǀĂƌLJŝŶŐ ƐŝnjĞƐ͘ dŚĞƌĞ ĂƌĞ ĐƵƌƌĞŶƚůLJ ŶŽ njŽŶŝŶŐ ƌĞƐƚƌŝĐƚŝŽŶƐ͖ ƚŚĞƌĞĨŽƌĞ ŝƚ ĐŽƵůĚ ďĞ ƵƐĞĚ ĨŽƌ ĞŝƚŚĞƌ ent path than you. I am ĐŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂů Žƌ ƉƌŝǀĂƚĞ ƵƐĞ͘ here to support you if you need me, but I can’t be with dŚĞ džƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶ ŽĨ /ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚ ŝƐ ĨŽƌ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ ƉƵƌƉŽƐĞƐ ŽŶůLJ ĂŶĚ ŝŶ ŶŽ ǁĂLJ ŽďůŝŐĂƚĞƐ LJŽƵ ƚŽ ĂŶ you,” and they went their ĂŐƌĞĞŵĞŶƚ͕ ŶŽƌ ŝƐ ŝƚ ďŝŶĚŝŶŐ ƵƉŽŶ ƚŚĞ KŶƚĂƌŝŽ EĂƚŝǀĞ tŽŵĞŶ͛Ɛ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƚŝŽŶ ;KEt Ϳ͘ WůĞĂƐĞ ƐƵďŵŝƚ separate ways. LJŽƵƌ ǁƌŝƚƚĞŶ ůĞƚƚĞƌ ŽĨ ŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ŝŶƚĞŶĚĞĚ ƵƐĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ĂŶĚ ůĞĂƐĞ ƉƌŝĐĞ͘ WůĞĂƐĞ ŶŽƚĞ Today, Lindsay WilƚŚĂƚ ƚŚĞ ůĞĂƐĞƌ ǁŽƵůĚ ďĞ ƌĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďůĞ ĨŽƌ Ăůů ŝŵƉƌŽǀĞŵĞŶƚ͕ ƵƚŝůŝƚŝĞƐ ĂŶĚ ĂŶLJ ŽƚŚĞƌ ŵĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ ĐŽƐƚƐ lier has a degree in Child ĂƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ͘ and Youth Services, she has a successful model ůů ŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚĞĚ ƉĂƌƚŝĞƐ ƌĞƋƵŝƌŝŶŐ ĂĚĚŝƚŝŽŶĂů ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ ing career which takes ŽŶ ƚŚŝƐ ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐ Žƌ ǁŝƐŚŝŶŐ ƚŽ ŝŶƐƉĞĐƚ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ĂƌĞ her around the world, and ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ ƚŽ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ ƚŚĞ ĨŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ ƉĞƌƐŽŶ͗ most importantly, she is happy. Her friend, on the ƌŝŶ ŽƌƐƚŽŶ other hand, has not had an džĞĐƵƚŝǀĞ ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌ easy go of it. She didn’t finKŶƚĂƌŝŽ EĂƚŝǀĞ tŽŵĞŶ͛Ɛ ƐƐŽĐŝĂƚŝŽŶ ish high school, she’s a sin&Žƌƚ tŝůůŝĂŵ &ŝƌƐƚ EĂƚŝŽŶ͕ KE gle mom to three children, Wϳ: ϭ<ϯ but it’s a challenge and a ŵĂŝů͗ ŽŶǁĂΛŽŶǁĂ͘ĐĂ struggle for her. &Ădž͗ ϴϬϳͲϲϮϯͲϭϭϬϰ “Now Lindsay is helping her friend and is there ůŽƐŝŶŐ ĂƚĞ͗ :ƵůLJ ϭϲ͕ ϮϬϭϰ to support her to help her reach her potential too,” &ŽůůŽǁŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ĐůŽƐŝŶŐ ĚĂƚĞ͕ KEt ǁŝůů ƌĞǀŝĞǁ Ăůů džƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶ ŽĨ /ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚƐ ĂŶĚ ǁŝůů ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ ƚŚŽƐĞ ĐŚŽƐĞŶ says Huff. “That was reƚŽ ĐŽŶĨŝƌŵ ǁŚĞƚŚĞƌ Žƌ ŶŽƚ KEt ǁŝůů ŶĞŐŽƚŝĂƚĞ ĂŶ ĂŐƌĞĞŵĞŶƚ͘ KEt ƌĞƐĞƌǀĞƐ ƚŚĞ ƌŝŐŚƚ ƚŽ ŶĞŐŽƚŝĂƚĞ ally real, because a lot of ǁŝƚŚ ŽŶůLJ ƚŚŽƐĞ ƉĂƌƚŝĞƐ ƚŚĂƚ KEt ĚĞƚĞƌŵŝŶĞƐ ŝŶ ŝƚƐ ƐŽůĞ ĚŝƐĐƌĞƚŝŽŶ ͘ kids were saying, ‘I don’t wanna go down that road. &Žƌ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ͕ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ǀŝƐŝƚ ǁǁǁ͘ŽŶǁĂ͘ĐĂͬŵĂŶŝƚŽƵůĂŬĞ I wanna be like Lindsay.’ It really does speak to where the kids are at in their own lives and they can relate to what they are hearing and who they are meeting at
JUNE 4TH, 2014
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JUNE 4TH, 2014
EDITORIAL: A different perspective on the Kearns machine When the settlers disembarked from the Mayflower and stumbled ashore in 1620 we gave them the benefit of the doubt that their intentions were basically good. Relying on Onkwehon:we wisdom, these adventurers survived the first few winters due to the generosity of their benevolent native hosts. The sincerity of this settler/host relationship culminated in a series of treaties known as the Covenant Chain (1676) and the Two Row Wampum (1692) asserting the co-equality and autonomy of each party. What transpired in the hundreds of years afterwards is nothing less than a living nightmare. The quality of life for the Onkwehon:we (original peoples) declined
proportionately to the amount of liberties and opportunities enjoyed by the visitor-settler colonies. The result was bloodshed, wars, famine, disease, poverty, displacement, abuse and racism that devastated tens of millions of indigenous people and the psychological effects still reverberate to this day. With this perspective one can properly understand the reluctance of native people to once again trust the white man who comes in the name of peace. Oftentimes an affluent and well concerned “Canadian” individual or family arrives on the reserve to help the poor, defeated “Indian brother” with second hand clothes, tins of food, and a good
message or two. It has happened to us so much there is even a name for this condition, we call it the “white saviour complex” and it usually ends badly due to ignorance and miscommunication. When the non-native pastors were removed from office at the Eagle’s Nest church at the old Salvation Army building March 23rd, 2014 it was because they broke the delicate trust that had been placed there by a local family. This kind of trust is precious because of the unlikelihood that it should even exist in the first place. When violated it is almost like a double-offense with the potential for compounded disappointment, pain and heartbreak. Onkwehon:we people are healing and de-
colonizing from centuries of upheaval. Part of the problem is that we can’t completely go back to the way we were because we now understand the system of domination we are engaged with. Yet becoming jaded cynics who reject everything offered to us may not be wise either. Perhaps this is at the heart of the Kearns’ Disintegrator issue that is currently facing us at Six Nations. How many grey haired white men have taken advantage of our unsuspecting elders in the past? How would the Disintegrator be received if it was the brilliant invention of a vibrant young Huron woman from Wendake? Imagine these words together: Brown skin,
COLUMN: Morning Coffee Thought
Your very own Elder By Giibwanisi I once made a comment where I referred to “My Elder taught me this.” And someone said, “Holy ever special, you got your own Elder?” Little did they know, that this specific Elder sat me down, and had some deep conversations with me, and said, “I’ve known you quite a long time now, I’d like to believe that you look up to me as your Elder...” He taught me about the Poigan (Sacred Pipe), he taught me about the roles and responsibilities of men to our Nations,
communities and people. He taught me, what it meant to “Serve the People”. He taught me about Humility, Love, Kindness, and Respect. I’ve known this Elder ever since I sobered up. He’s seen me through 3 relapses of sobriety and has helped me through my recovery to this very day. I once praised him for his work in helping me, but he dismissed it, and said, “I only showed you the door, you walked through it, the work that you’ve accomplished is yours.” In my own sobriety, I have struggled, and I have struggled hard. I was homeless, penniless,
and in many regards friendless, and without much family. (My drinking caused me to burn every single bridge I had). However, I was put on the road to recovery, and that road of recovery is something that many of us term, “The Red Road”. On this road, I have been to many ceremonies, that have shaped, and redirected my path of dysfunction back to normality. I owe my life, my sobriety, and everything that I am today to the “Red Road” and everyone on it. I went on a speaking tour earlier this year and as I was being given a ride to the airport, my friend who volunteered to drive
Volume 1, Issue 43 657 Mohawk Road Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, Ontario, N0A 1H0 Make all cheques payable to: Garlow Media Printed at Ricter Web, Brantford ON
me said, “Remember that when you are out there in the west, you are accountable to people. You are accountable to the Lodge keepers of the lodges you go to. You will be representing, not only yourself, but people who have taught you along the way. Make sure you conduct yourself with Respect... everything you say and do will reflect back on to the ones who give you teachings.” (That is a close to verbatim that I can recall). I’m really grateful that my friend told those words to me, because at that point I never really innerstood what accountability was. When I had come
flowing black hair, garbage disposal landfill technology. If this theoretical heroine pleaded with the community for grace to properly implement the technology I wonder if ears would be more willing to listen. Of course this is only one facet within a complex socio-political situation so I will digress. Important concerns have been raised by the community about the quality of Kearns’ disintegrator and it is good for everyone to have a voice and be heard. It is troubling if there is not a proper defense or demonstration of the disposal system and the white man is promptly ejected from the reserve without consideration or consultation. If allowed to build the $6 million
dollar machine who knows maybe Kearns’ would break the circle of trust but it seems like the community is unwilling to give him that chance. The ultimate solution of course would mean that Six Nations stops producing garbage and recycled more. In the end we hope that there are ingenious compromises that have not yet been discovered in ways to improve the Kearns’ system in a way that doesn’t put our people at risk and that reduces the toxic effects of the landfill “dump” that is like a pimplely zit on the face of our mother earth. Making a martyr out of a charming Scotsman from Cape Breton doesn’t achieve anything.
back from my trip out west, I had met up with another Elder, and was seeking direction and guidance. We got on the topic of mens roles and responsibilities (probably because I was giving a talk later that night for Ryerson University on what they were, and I wanted to polish up on what I thought I knew). Anyhow he told me something very basic, but altogether fundamental. He told me, “You have to first be responsible to yourself. If you are a man, and you want to father a child, how are you going to be a responsible father, if you can’t even be responsible for yourself? Bimaadziwin, ‘The Good
Way of Life’, you have a responsibility to yourself, to live in that good kind way. Treat yourself with kindness, and goodness. That is your responsibility to yourself.” I share these few anecdotes because a lot of discussion around these topics have surfaced in the last few months. Who are people truly accountable to? Who do you have to answer to? If your answer is no one (Other than your employer), then I suppose maybe that’s the reason the world is the way that it is today. Lack of responsibility and accountability.
Publisher: Garlow Media Founder: Jonathan Garlow General Manager: Tom Keefer Senior Writer: Jim Windle Production: Dave LaForce Business Manager: Kelly MacNaughton Advertising Coordinator: Josh Bean Web Manager: Benjamin Doolittle Circulation Director: Lucho Granados Ceja Social Media: Nahnda Garlow Writer: Jen Mt. Pleasant Advertising Sales: Sterling Stead, Jeff Ross & Melissa Jonathan Editorial Team: Jonathan Garlow & Tom Keefer Main office: (519) 900-5535 Editorial: (519) 900-6241 Advertising: (519) 900-6373 For advertising information: General inquiries: Website:
JUNE 4TH, 2014
Letters Praise for Brian Maracle
Dear Editors, As a non-Native resident of Brantford, and first generation Canadian of Hungarian heritage who understands the importance of keeping one’s heritage and language, I was pleased to hear that Brian Maracle is continuing his Kanien’keha’:ka language classes. I was first introduced to Brian and his book “Back on the Rez” (1996), and all of the interesting stories he had to tell about coming back to Six Nations to live. Even then, he wanted Elected Band Council to learn the language, and answer the telephone in Kanien’keha’:ka in the chapter ‘The Politics of Language’. The book still stands today as a great primer in Six Nations history, culture, everyday life and other issues for those of us who live nearby but have no clue about things like snowsnakes and Confederacy governance. I hope that the Band Council learns more than one word, and that the Six Nations languages flourish for generations to come. Mary Ann Gorcsi, Brantford
The system was never sovereign
Dear Editors, I was taught that the meaning of the word “Onkwehon:we” is literally “the shell that holds the spirit.” Our ancestors were wise and knew that a good spirit could be found in a body that had no lineage outside of the Rotinonhsón:ni confederacy. This is why we always had the adoption process through ceremony and in accordance with the Great Law of Peace/K aianerekó:wa. Even before European contact; as we know the Confederacy has adopted the Tuscarora Nation. When we allow other peoples to live amongst us, we name them and are responsible for guiding them. The difference
Send your letters to Letters may be edited for length and clarity. The opinions expressed in the letters or submitted opinion pieces are not necessarily those of the Two Row Times. with the adoption process is that we allow the adoptee a voice in our decisions. All adoptions are chosen carefully. And could take many years of observation. If it is seen that the person or nation requesting to be adopted has a good mind, respect for our ways, our people and is willing to abide by the Great Law of Peace/Kaianerekó:wa, they would be adopted under the title of “hung about the neck”/rotisennahkéhte which means that their adoption is conditional to their good behaviour and could be annulled. There are also honorary adoptions that could be offered to an individual or nation that accomplished an action of great magnitude. Such as a person saving one of our own’s life, or accomplishing a great deed for the welfare of our people. The adoptee would have our protection so long as they abide by the Great Law of Peace. (The forced adoptions of captives during times of war were an entirely different process and tactic that served a different purpose). The Great Law of Peace protects the identity of our children and future generations. As a matrilineal society, the men follow/live with the women. The women carry and pass down our identity and inherent rights through their clan. And are the managers of our family and land. In our ways no one is above anyone else. This is what our identity is (humanity). I keep hearing “what distinguishes us as a people is our language”. Our ways are more than just a culture. Knowing our language does not automatically provide a person with knowledge of the Great Law of Peace, which provides us our identity. Our people are more than a culture because our ancestors had preserved our identity through our treaties that protects our Nationhood status. Anyone can learn and practice a culture that doesn’t automatically give them the rights that the treaty people
uphold and are entitled to. Citizenship entails responsibility to each other. The Great Law of Peace is based on the natural laws of creation. Religion is what the foreign governments derived from. Religious perspectives refer to our way of life as just a philosophy and that it is up for interpretation. In reality, the law of creation is our guideline to function within the natural order of creation. Anything foreign to this has proven to be detrimental. i.e. man-made democracy that supports the destruction of our society and the environment. If an individual is proven not to abide by the Great Law of Peace, they would be given up to three warnings. If no improvement was made then they would be denied residency. And, if an individual is identified for committing treason (which the band council’s very existence commits daily), or a crime such as murder or rape (which the church has committed for centuries), or theft (which both the church and band council has committed of our lands), depending on the severity, they would be clubbed to death. If they survived the clubbing then they would be marked for life by either a severed nose or ear and cast out of the territory. Today, in our own territories, through manmade democracy, people are subject to the band council’s mechanisms that make it illegal to protect ourselves from preventing their exploitation of our rights. Accepting this way of existence, our people remain blinded and continue to support that system which is responsible for the destruction of what our ancestors fought and died for, our human and environmental rights. The Indian Act band council system causes our people to fight within, denies and oppresses our identity failing to recognize our dignity and rights; thereby transforming our people into objects not worthy of its respect. The tools of lat-
eral violence are financial dependence, the elimination of our identity of nationhood, the breaking down of family and the undermining of the true leadership (Longhouse people). Do you believe in the “old band council mentality” of blood quantum? Or our traditional (Kaninen’kehá:ka)/“Mohawk” ways? (It was noted in the records of a Jesuit priest that when non-Indigenous men would marry Indigenous women they would embrace the culture and would make it more difficult for
the foreign government to assimilate our people. In other words, our people were assimilating the non-Indigenous. Subsequently, the monarch was losing their subjects to our society. This is when the foreign government established rules that if an Indigenous woman married out she had to leave which consequently, broke down the matrilineal lineage. This was never our way. This was later perpetuated by the Indian act and is what the band council is still trying to enforce upon our own beliefs that blood
quantum is how we identify ourselves when in fact it’s by our clans). The imposed colonial system a.k.a. band council was never sovereign and does not work independent from the Canadian Government... never has! In the Spirit of the Kaianere’kó:wa/Great Law of Peace, Kahawinóntie Wakhskaré:wake, born of the clan family Tehana’karí:ne
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JUNE 4TH, 2014
The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave (Oh yeah, Americans and Canadians live there, too)
“Like the miner’s canary, the Indian marks the shift from fresh air to poison gas in our political atmosphere; and our treatment of Indians, even more than our treatment of other minorities, reflects the rise and fall in our democratic faith.” – Felix S. Cohen, 1953 There is little question that what the white man found when he washed up on our shores was a free and fearless people. But rather than learn our ways and study how a people could live without kings, queens, courts and prisons or slavery, discrimination and class warfare, the church – the very thing that created many of these institutions and practices – was relied upon to spread all of it to a free world. The Doctrine of Christian Discovery, which has plenty of foundation in the Bible, got its first shot as a standalone church doctrine with Portugal’s invasion of West Africa in the mid15th century. A pope’s decree that a Christian nation could claim the lands
and possessions of a pagan people and reduce them to “perpetual servitude” would begin four centuries of the African slave trade. In 1493, another pope would lay the foundation for all “Christian nations” to begin the rape of our own Turtle Island and secure the racist Doctrine of Christian Discovery as the law of the white man. In fact, it would be called the “White Man’s Burden.” Certainly, bits and pieces of our cultures, philosophies and traditions were borrowed when the need to shift colonial powers and authority would arise. But what was woven into the American fabric was only done so in rhetoric and not in practice. Laws of Nature, all created equal, governance by consent of the governed, inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; these not only sounded good, they were good. These along with the concept that individuals would be placed in the service of their people rather than as lords over them were, in fact, the way of our people, a way that allowed our people to thrive for thousands of
2014G.R.E.A.T. G.R.E.A.T. 2014 Summer Student Office 2014Student G.R.E.A.T. Office Summer
ATTENTION! Summer Student Office ATTENTION!
CLOSING DATE IS: CLOSING DATE IS: JUNE 6, 2014 NOON– Post-Secondary JUNE 6, 2014 NOON– Post-Secondary JUNE13, 6, 2014 Post-Secondary JUNE 2014 NOON– AT NOON .-Secondary jobs JUNE 13, 2014 AT NOON.-Secondary jobs JUNE 13,THE 2014 AT NOON .-Secondary COME INTO G.R.E.A.T STUDENT OFFICEjobs WITH
JOBS FOR YOUTH—OPEN HOUSE INTERVIEW SESSION JOBS FOR YOUTH—OPEN INTERVIEW SESSION WILL BE WEDNSDAYHOUSE JUNE 18, 2014. STARTING AT 3PM JOBS FORON YOUTH—OPEN HOUSE INTERVIEW SESSION WILL BE ON WEDNSDAY JUNE 18, 2014. STARTING AT 3PM UNTIL 5:30 PM. (Those students that are not able to WILL BE ON WEDNSDAY JUNE 18, 2014. STARTING ATmake 3PM UNTIL 5:30 PM. (Those areare not able toto make it, please contact our students office to that arrange an interview.) UNTIL 5:30 PM. (Those students that not able make it,it, please contact our office totoarrange anan interview.) please contact our office arrange interview.)
LOCATED IN THE LOCATED LOCATEDININTHE THE G.R.E.A.T. Multi Trades Building G.R.E.A.T. Multi Trades Building G.R.E.A.T. Multi Trades Building 1039 CHIEFSWOOD ROAD, TEL: 519 445 4074 1039 CHIEFSWOOD ROAD, 1039 CHIEFSWOOD ROAD, OHSWEKEN, ON. TEL: 519 445 4074 TEL: 519 445 4074 Email: OHSWEKEN,ON. ON. OHSWEKEN, Email: Email:
years. “The most consistent theme in the descriptions penned about the New World was amazement at the Indians’ personal liberty, in particular their freedom from rulers and from social classes based on ownership of property. For the first time the French and the British became aware of the possibility of living in social harmony and prosperity without the rule of a king.” – Jack Weatherford, Indian Givers: How the Indians of the Americas Changed the World, 1988. As the fake American history crumbles with more access to truth and our abilities to tell our own truths, many have begun to learn about the atrocities of the 500 years of the American Holocaust. And while acknowledgement of the wrongs and perhaps some attempts to right them is a good place to start, what’s missed in all this is Felix Cohen’s warning. Cohen’s analogy of us to the miner’s canary was not about saving the canary. It was about saving the miners. It is the white man with his “burden” and all that Cohen
was warning. It is more than just an analogy to suggest that the atrocities committed against our people paved the way for the poison gases of Auschwitz and those now affecting climate change. Raping our children and our women are crimes against humanity but raping our Mother Earth is a crime against Creation. And it’s not just all of man that will be affected but all of creation. But let’s be honest, most of Creation will not care less about toppled buildings, crumbled roads and flooded homes. Only man – with his attempt to defy nature – is in real trouble when nature strikes back. Cohen realized that in our people – the treatment of and relationships with us – lay a barometer for mankind. The fall in the white man’s “democratic faith” was based on an ignorant majority that could see its way to unspeakable crimes against the people closest to Creation and never realize that what kills the canary also kills the miner. But, in reality, we are still free. It is the white man that fell to Christendom, with emphasis
on the “dom” or domination. We have lost an inconceivable number of our people over five centuries to extermination, removal, assimilation and termination. We are still losing loved ones to poverty, alcohol, drugs and suicide. And we continue to lose many to assimilation, including those finding comfort in the colonial systems that continue to oppress our people. But we are not all lost. There are many among us that continue to say the Ohenton Karihwatehkwen. We acknowledge our relationship to Creation and bow to no man. We know we are free because our minds are free. We are not the caged canaries of the white man. We are a free people. And while many bound within the colonial systems poke those of our people, who were willing or succumbed to be their canaries, with their sticks, and begin to question their own fate, more and more will look to the free and the brave and desire to be among us. They’ll pray that we are not those “merciless savages” Thomas Jefferson wrote about and
that we still hold certain truths to be self-evident – even if they could not. – John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk, national expert commentator on Native American issues, hosts two weekly radio programs – “Let’s Talk Native…with John Kane,” ESPN Sports Radio WWKB-AM 1520 in Buffalo, N.Y., Sundays, 9-11 p.m. EDT and “First Voices Indigenous Radio,” WBAI-FM 99.5 in New York City, Thursdays, 9-10 a.m. EDT (“First Voices Indigenous Radio” programs are archived in perpetuity at John is a frequent guest on WGRZTV’s (NBC/Buffalo) “2 Sides” and “The Capitol Pressroom with Susan Arbetter” in Albany. John’s “Native Pride” blog can be found at He also has a very active “Let’s Talk Native...with John Kane” group page on Facebook. John is an accredited media representative for the “The Two Row Times” news publication. He is a member of the Native American Journalists Association (NAJA).
As we begin the month of June it also starts my push to cover another quarterly airtime bill due at the end of the month. On top of purchasing airtime for “Let’s Talk Native…with John Kane” on ESPN Sports Radio WWKB, I continue to make the trip to NYC to bring a Native voice and Native issues to the world on “First Voices Indigenous Radio” on WBAI. My weekly column in the Two Row Times continues to gain attention and if funding allows, I will attend my first Native American Journalist Association Conference in July. If you support the work I do, show it with a contribution. Send support directly to me or to Iroquois Promotions at PO Box 93, Versailles, NY 14168.
JUNE 4TH, 2014
Onongwatri:yo means ‘good medicine’ by Nahnda Garlow Last month, a slew of national mainstream newspapers published articles criticizing the CAS decision not to interfere with Makayla Sault using Ongwehowe Onongwatri:yo: instead of chemotherapy. I groaned with repulse every time I read one. Before you head off to “the Google” and look them up, do yourself a favour and just don’t. I can give you a pretty good synopsis because they all used the same formula. It goes like this. First, quote officials whose entire knowledge base on this case comes from second-hand inaccuracies. Next, make sure to include some asinine statement about how this is “not an Indian issue” paired with a Jehovah’s Witness reference. And finally bring it home by accusing the CAS of “not doing their job” and quote a random doctor repeatedly saying that “the poor child is going to die”. These so called “critical hard looks” at the Makayla Sault story are truly nothing more than ‘Spam’. We in the indigenous world are so familiar with mainstream media ‘Spam’-flavoured framing
on stories dealing with indigenous matters, that for the most part we don’t even take mainstream news seriously anymore. How often are indigenous truths spun out of control from the work of a network journalist? When was the last time network news covered an indigenous story and you walked away going, ‘Wow! What an accurate portrayal of what is going on with my people’? The fact of the matter is that it’s easy money for the mainstream media to frame stories for the enjoyment of that certain ‘newspaper purchasing’ segment of the Canadian population who get bwoot-lipped and cry injustice when indigenous people get additional consideration because of our indigenous heritage. Remember the phrase, ‘two-tiered justice’? It is absolutely laughable and highly embarrassing for indigenous people to watch these public tantrums go down. When indigenous heritage plays a part in the decision making process of officials regarding indigenous people, and when non-indigenous people get all salty about it - it only serves to reveal the shame they bear regarding their own Canadian identity. I can’t say for sure what drives the attitude
problem. My best guess is that it’s jealousy because they feel that everyone should be treated equally irregardless of race. Notwithstanding that the lives they lead today were built upon the sturdy foundation of Canada’s racist legislation and displacement of hundreds of thousands of indigenous peoples. Correct me if I’m wrong but, weren’t indigenous people the original inhabitants of this land who were conveniently moved out of the way to make room for the financial security and dominion of white settlers and their descendants? A security and dominion that those settlers descendants receive to this day while indigenous descendants struggle to reconcile generations of abuse and punishment for being ‘Indian’. How’s that for equality? The bottom line here is that the CAS officials who were consulted in Makayla’s case weren’t wimps, chickens, or halfwits. These were experts with years of understanding both the Missisaugas of the New Credit First Nation and the Child and Family Services Act. These workers are in touch with indigenous healers and have respect for the Onongwatri:yo: process that Makayla is on. This case is unprecedented because for
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maybe the first time in history, an official Canadian institution like the CAS is saying right from the get-go, “we recognize your medicine, and we acknowledge it as valid.” It was not the job of the CAS to decide if chemotherapy was better or greater than indigenous medicine. That would be paternalism. It was the job of CAS to see if Makayla Sault was a child in need of protection. In addition to their professional expertise, these social workers had full medical details directly from paediatric oncologists who treated Makayla, they had full contact with the Sault family, and a positive long-term working relationship with the political leadership of the New Credit First Nation. Armed with a full understanding of this case from all involved parties, the CAS determined that
Makayla is safe. What public service do mainstream media think they are providing by bringing in outsider “experts” with partial details in a closed case, to speculate that this child “will die” because of taking indigenous medicine? What credibility can they even lend to the discussion when they don’t have a willing voice from an indigenous healer to respond? It’s embarrassing to watch the mainstream media flounder around like fish out of water, hoping to spark a paternalistic debate with the indigenous community. I for one, and countless others in the indigenous community, are not going to engage in the fruitless work of taking sides on whether indigenous medicine or pharmaceuticals is better for this child in some cheap attempt to raise newspaper sales
and get more traffic to a website. I will however use my skills as a writer to hand over a megaphone to those of us stuck in the margin, wherever and whenever possible. If a patient diagnosed with cancer wants to take chemotherapy then maybe they should, but if they are indigenous and they want Onongwatri:yo: they can also choose that way. It is a birthright to us as indigenous people. It’s not a battle over who is right or wrong, just one of the treatment options in the journey of an indigenous girl living and working to keep her disease in remission. Mainstream media can pay to bring in all the experts they want and spend energy speculating the night away but the decision is made. Makayla will live her life taking Onongwatri:yo: and the rest lays in the hands of the Creator.
Kanata Village Solar Project Mohawks of the Grand River Thanksgiving Celebration We wish to acknowledge and give thanks for donations and support we have received from the following businesses: Solarize Energy Toews Power Systems Bolton Steel Tube Company Kingwood Homes Imperial Fence Atimia Tech Brantford Power Hanwha Solar Canada, Inc. Fronius Canada Guswentah Holdings Innovation NANFAN Development Services
The Mohawks of the Grand River also wish to show our appreciation for land acquisitions. Please join us to help in saying “Nyawen” to our friends.
Saturday June 7, 2014, 2 pm Kanata, 440 Mohawk Street, Brantford, Ontario
JUNE 4TH, 2014
Knighthawks three-peat Champion’s Cup By Jeremy Pike With one last Matt Vinc save at the buzzer, the Rochester Knighthawks made National Lacrosse League history by winning their third-straight Champion’s Cup title. The Knighthawks defeated the Calgary Roughnecks 16-10 in Game Two and came back for a 3-2 win in the subsequent tiebreaker mini-game in front of 9,188 fans at Blue Cross Arena on Saturday night. The final seconds were reminiscent back to the 2013 NLL Champion’s Cup Final. A flurry of chances for the Knighthawks’ opponents, and one final Vinc stop to preserve a one-goal win for the Cup. The first period of Game Two was a fast-paced physical affair. The Roughnecks jumped out to a 2-0 lead on goals from Shawn Evans and Curtis Dickson. Cody Jamieson cut the lead in half for the Knighthawks, but Daryl Veltman extended the Roughnecks’ lead to 3-1. Stephen Keogh brought the Knighthawks back within one, 3-2. Then Dan Dawson, who missed Game One of the Champion’s Cup Finals in Calgary, tied the game with a power play goal. “It was obviously hard for me to watch the game in Calgary last week,” Dawson said. “But it also puts... Things in perspective and makes you appreciate the little things in life that can be taken away from me real
easily.” Rochester struggled in Game One to score with Dan Dawson out, scoring only seven goals in Calgary compared to sixteen goals in Game Two and three in the mini-game. Joe Walters gave the Knighthawks their first lead of the game early in the second quarter. However, the Roughnecks went on a three-goal run, including two goals by Dickson to complete his hat trick and one by Jeff Shattler, to take a 6-4 lead. The Knighthawks responded with their own three goal run on goals by Keogh, Cory Vitarelli, and Jamieson to retake the lead, 7-6. A flurry of chances by both sides at the end of the first half went to the wayside, leaving the Knight-
hawks with a 7-6 lead over the Roughnecks at the half. Vitarelli opened the scoring in the third quarter with a Sportscenter Top 10 behind-the-back goal. That goal was the first in a three-goal run for the Knighthawks finished by goals from defensemen Paul Dawson and Scott Self, giving Rochester a 10-6 lead. The Roughnecks came back with a three goal run of their own with Shattler scoring twice to complete his hat trick and Dane Dobbie adding one to bring Calgary back within one, 10-9. That was as close as the Roughnecks would get the rest of Game Two. That goal by Dobbie was his only goal of the game after scoring fifty-one during the regular season.
Flowers by Leenie
Dan Dawson opened the scoring in the fourth quarter after snagging a rebound and diving across the crease, keying a fourgoal run for the Knighthawks. Jamieson scored his third goal of the night, followed by Dawson scoring his third, and Craig Point capped the run to give Rochester a 14-9 lead. Scott Ranger brought the run to a halt for the Roughnecks, bringing them within four. Keogh answered quickly for the Knighthawks with a falling behind-the-back goal. Jon Sullivan scored in transition to give Rochester a 1610 lead, their largest of the night and the final score of Game Two. Sullivan’s goal was the third goal scored by Knighthawks defensemen in transition.
Calgary jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the ten-minute mini-game on goals from Evans and Dickson. “Just to be down two-nothing with five minutes left,” Walters said. “It was a tough spot for us, but I think that just shows the heart of this team, to claw back. We knew if we got the first one, the ball will start dropping. We just took it one shift at a time.” “Gutsy effort by these guys,” Hasen said. “Never once panicked, and we knew we’d have our opportunities. It was just a matter of hoping they’d drop. We could have folded our tent, but that’s not what these guys are about.” Craig Point of Six Nations brought Rochester back within one, and Walters tied the game at 2.
Point notched the game winner, Vinc made the last stop at the buzzer, and the Knighthawks made history. Dan Dawson was named the 2014 NLL Champion’s Cup Finals series Most Valuable Player.
Doug Brown 401 Erie Avenue Brantford, ON N3T 5L6 Tel: 519-752-9531 Fax: 519-752-1231 Email:
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JUNE 4TH, 2014
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Nancy’s Full Service Gas Bar & Variety
Willy’s World on Chiefswood Rd. is another fine example of Demon and Nancy’s dedication to their community. Named after their son, Willy’s World was created to help provide cost effective options for everything from walkers to wheelchairs, and provides holistic health betterment opportunities for all Indigenous peoples. We now offer Willy’s World Colloidal Silver Water and Colloidal Gold Water. Educated staff, competitive pricing and a well stocked inventory make this store the place to go for all your needs and friendly advice
JUNE 4TH, 2014
Rebels Nation, Rebels Dynasty By Jim Windle
SIX NATIONS – Is it safe to call the Six Nations Rebels a Jr. B lacrosse dynasty? Other teams in the loop have had successful seasons, but the Rebels franchise is getting ridiculous. The total domination of the division and the league continued Friday night at the Iroquois Lacrosse Arena with a 22-2 pummeling of the Hamilton Bengals. Sunday they defeated Far East divisional leaders, the Akwesasne Indians14-7. To put in perspective just how good this franchise is, since the 2010 regular lacrosse season, they have lost only three games. In 2010 they finished with a 20-0 record, 2011 it was 19-1, 2012 was a “tough” year on them and they had to settle for an 18-2 regular season record. Last season they recorded another perfect 20-0 season and so far this year they are 13-0. Giving them an amazing 90 wins and 3 losses to date since 2010. Along the way they also picked up the last three Founders Cups as the best Jr B franchise in Canada, and have held the coveted chalice five times since 1997, four since 2007. The magic began in 1996 as the Six Nations’ Red Rebels when they successfully won a bid to add a Jr. B team to the communi-
ty to follow in the steps of the Jr. A Arrows, now the Arrows Express. The Red Rebels completed their inaugural season with a humble 7th-place finish in the Western Conference with a record of 5 wins, 17 losses. But the next year, they took everyone by surprise by winning their first J.A. MacDonald Cup as the OLA Jr. B Champions. The rest is history, and that is a fact. This year’s Rebels continue what has become a tradition as they set their sites on becoming the first OLA Jr. B Franchise to win the national Founders Cup four times in a row. If they do, they will break the record they set last season winning it three times in succession. There are many reasons for the Rebel’s amazing success, not the least of those being the involvement of former general manager Wray Maracle who took a great franchise and made it even better when he joined the Rebels organization in 2007. Maracle stepped down from that position this year due to health reasons. He is one of the team’s most ardent fans and rarely misses a game. Friday’s score is impressive enough, but the Rebels actually took it easy on the visitors in the third period or it would have been even more lop-
sided. Midget call up, Briley Miller, blocked 20 of 22 shots in the Six Nations goal. Miller is being groomed by goaltending coach and former NLL goalie Derek General for a very long career in lacrosse and a spot on the Rebels when he comes of age. He is a more than able backup to Chase Martin and Doug Jamieson this year as the team’s third stopper on the pecking order. Miller is 14-years-old, 6’ tall and 220lb with good lateral movement and more than capable with his stick for those breakout, transitional passes down floor and gains more confidence with every start he is given. Also in the lineup from the Six Nations Minor Lacrosse system was Travis Longboat who scored two and added an assist, Lyle Hahes Hill who scored once and assisted on two more, and Rickey Smith who contributed two assists. This is the level of talent coming up through the SNMLA feeder system, which bodes well for the dynasty to continue for years to come. Friday night the ILA turned into a shooting gallery in the first period as the Rebels easily built up a 10-0 lead, scoring the first 5 goals on 7 shots. In the
end the shots on goal were 62-22 against the hapless Bengals. Keaton Dale and Matthew Crocker shared the goaltending duties for Hamilton. The Rebs added 9 more in the second and coasted through the third scoring their last three goals. Leading the scoring parade was Tanner Baldin (3G, 3A), Alex Henry (4G, 1A), Dallas John and Lyne Smith (2G, 3A). But in the end, pretty well everyone on the Rebels bench except trainer Lauren Davie put numbers up. Coach Murray Porter has a problem any coach would love to have - too much talent and not enough room on the bench. The 13-0 Rebels met the 11-0 Akwesasne Indians, who lead the Far East Division, Sunday afternoon in Akwesasne and handed them their first loss of the season, 14-7. Six Nations took a 5-1 first period lead on goals scored by Zed Williams, Dallas John Layne Smith, Kessler Doolittle, and Mitch Green. Blaze Riorden scored for the Indians. The Rebels pushed that to an 8-1 lead in the first half of the second, with Tehoka Nanticoke-Hill, Layne Snith and Zach Williams contributing, but the Indians came alive in the second half
Article continues on website:
with three goals scored by Grayson Phillipsa, Oakley Thomas, and Seth Oakes.
2014 GREAT Summer Student Office
Grand River Employment and Training STUDENT OFFICE WHEN: THURSDAY JUNE 5, 2014 TIME: 12:00PM—6:00
LOCATED IN THE G.R.E.A.T. Multi Trades Building 1039 CHIEFSWOOD ROAD, TEL: 519 445 4074 Email: OHSWEKEN, ON.
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JUNE 4TH, 2014
Arrows Express almost robbed By Jim Windle
SIX NATIONS – Sunday night there was almost a robbery at the Iroquois Lacrosse Arena as the first place, 6-0 Six Nations Arrows Express were taken to the wall by the bottom dwelling 1-4 Toronto Beaches. It took a third period Arrows rally to take the game out of the fire and preserve their perfect record against a vastly improved Toronto team with a 10-7 win. Maybe the Arrows took this one a little too easy, but the Beaches and the Arrows Express were tied 2-2 by the end of the first period. Austin Staats opened the scoring at 8:01 from Josh Johnson and Quinn Powless, but Alec Tulett answered two minutes later and then Vhad Levick gave Toronto a 2-1
lead at 11:35. Josh Johnson evened the score from Brendan Bomberry and Staats at 15:20 to end the period. The Arrows looked a little more like the first place team in the second but not before Toronto took a 4-2 lead. Ian Martin took it upon himself to get his team back in the game with back-toback goals. Levick gave the Beaches the lead once again at 12:53. Staats, Martin and Jordan Durston restored the Arrows’ lead and its pride by the end of the second. Toronto made another rush to tie the score at 7-7, early in the third period. Bomberry, Powless and Martin put the pesky Beaches behind them and the 10-7 win on the record, but it was far too close for comfort, as the Arrows did not look
sharp all night. Give Toronto its due, however. They played a solid disciplined game and without doubt their best performance of the season, Doug Jamieson took the win in the Arrows net making 38 saves on 45 shots. The Arrows Express rolls into Whitby Tuesday night to face the 4-2 Warriors before returning to the ILA for Thursday night’s matchup with the 2-5 Peterborough Lakers, at 8 pm. They are back home Sunday June 8th against the 5-3 St. Catharines Athletics. RIGHT: The Arrows Express ran into an obstacle they didn't expect at Sunday night's OLA Jr. A game at the ILA. The Toronto Beaches, who came into the game in second last place with only one win in five starts this season. But Sunday that gave the 6-0, first place Arrows Express fits but hung on for a 10-7 win but had to come from behind late in the game to do it. PHOTO
Rivermen win in clash with the Titans By Jim Windle
SIX NATIONS – A huge third period was the difference for the Six Nations Sr. B Rivermen Sunday evening at the Gaylord Powless Arena, as the Rivermen pulled out a 10-6 win over the Oakville Titans.
As of Tuesday morning, Six Nations held down third place, two behind the second place St. Catharines Saints and four points behind the first place Ennismore James Gang. Jesse Johnson caught the Titans looking with a quick goal within the
first minute of play, assisted by Delby Powless and Chancey Johnson, but Oakville equalized at 1:53 with Cody Simson’s tying goal. Cody Johnson gave the Rivermen a 2-1 lead at 11:23 from Isaiah Kicknosway. Oakville came back
with a strong second period effort, outscoring the Rivermen 4-2 to go into the third period leading the Rivermen 5-4. Titans’ Mack Abbott tied the score at 2-2 at 2:23 of the second frame, before Six Nations’ Wayne VanEvery converted a transition play into a 3-2 lead, assisted by Powless and goaltender Warren Hill. Oakville tied it again at 7:03, and Six Nations
answered with Wayne VanEvery’s second of the period scored at 8:35 to give the Rivermen a 4-3 lead. Holden Vyse and Justin Gibson assisted. Garrett Kerr came back to even the score again, at 10:07 and Ken Coulson pulled the titans ahead 5-4 at 16:22. The Titans then ran out of gas in the third as the Rivermen took over starting with Logan Kane’s unassisted marker
at 1:19. Jesse Johnson, Wayne Hill, Wayne VanEvery and Danny Vyse secured the lead for Six Nations before Titans’ Sean Gillies temporarily stopped the bleeding at 18:17. Wayne Hill netted the final goal of the game at 19:18. The Rivermen paddle into Sarnia, Friday night for an 8 o’clock date with the Beavers in Six Nations’ only game of the week.
For every home game this season the Slash will be having a Lunch/Dinner Fundraiser meal for sale. Prices will vary for each meal.
June 7 2pm Home Buffalo - Pulled Pork (Corn soup and Ham & Scone) June 14 2pm Home Allegheny - Spaghetti (Beef, Chicken, Plain Sauce, Garlic Bread, Salad)
July 5
2pm Home Newtown - Cabbage Rolls (Mashed, Salad, Roll, Strawberry Juice)
All proceeds go to help support The Six Nations Slash team travel & expenses which may include a journey to the President’s Cup held in B.C. this August.
The Six Nations Rivermen are in third place after defeating the Oakville Titans, 10-6 at the GPA Sunday night with a. The Titans held a 5-4 lead heading into the third and came up with a six-goal power surge to recover the win. PHOTO BY JIM WINDLE
If you have ideas to help raise money for our team please contact Owner/General Manager: Jeremy Jamieson Call / text - 1 (519) 861-2428 Email -
JUNE 4TH, 2014
Kaha:wi Dance Theatre, Artistic Director Santee Smith; Photo by Cylla Von Tiedemann
The Red Ride Tour cruises into Toronto The Great Hall in Toronto filled ith soulful ails from the cello pla ed ris erksen last hursda , Ma . herish iolet lood hosted the ed ide a our that featured erksen ree , grunge rocker risti Lane Sinclair aida ree , and iolinist Laura rtman pache in the hall at ueen Street est. he tour started in ancou er on Ma and ended in rookl n ith musical guest ennifer reis erg on une . erksen, Sinclair, and others pla ed in man cities across anada including anff, algar , egina, innipeg, hunder a , and tta a on the musical ourne this ear. Sinclair and erksen created the concept of the
ed ide our four ears ago. e came up ith the name together ecause she had this little tin red atch ack so o er eer, talking a out the tour, e started calling it the ed ide our, said erksen in oronto. he sho has gro n to a date tour ith different artists. e re also including ad a andi ens of ed orks Studio. She s one of the artists. She came ith us from ancou er to hunder a and ill e in Montreal, said erksen a out andi ens, a portrait photographer. erksen mentioned ho eorge Leach, uno inner, oined the ed ide our at one point. ersken s de ut solo al um, he usp, on the anadian origi-
nal Music ard for instrumental al um of the ear. erksen left the algar stop of the tour so that she could record ith uff Ste. Marie. sk e, singer song riter ho no li es in oronto, took the ed ide our
stage for erksen then. he ed ide our has ecome a sho case for contemporar ndigenous musicians. t s no longer ust a out me and risti getting in a car or an and dri ing around. t s a out sho casing hose doing
reall cool things in each pro ince, in each territor that e re in, said erksen, cellist and composer. t s no ecome like a tra elling music festial, said erksen as she pondered the future of the tour and its ourne
ust no taken. he ed ide a our in oronto as presented ati e omen in the rts in association ith ull roductions. Got a Story Idea? Email today.
photo credits: David Hou & Ashley Bomberry
By Millie Knapp
Six Nations JUNE 13-14th 9:15 PM
FORT YORK Toronto JUNE 20-22nd 9:15 PM
Fort Niagara, US JUNE 28-29th 9:15 PM
Prince Edward Island
JULY 9th
The Honouring has been commissioned by The City of Toronto, Museum Services as part of the Indigenous Arts Festival., Woodland Cultural Centre Creation Residency and Niagara Parks Commission.
For more information | telephone: 416.923.7373
The Honouring 8.5x11" Poster.indd 1
I email: I website:
2014-06-03 1:40 PM
JUNE 4TH, 2014
Navajo Star Wars By Millie Knapp
Star ars kicks off imagine ilm and Media rts esti al s uild up to its th anni ersar in cto er. Star ars pisode e ope du ed in a a o and su titled in nglish is a co presentation et een imagine and the oronto nternational ilm esti al . udiences can e pect to e perience the iconic film in a ne a this une at the ell Light o , ing Street est in oronto. he film makes its anadian de ut ith this special free screening. Lucasfilm rarel grants permission to ha e this film pla ed. t has pla ed onl a er limited num er of times since its orld premiere on the a a o reser ation in . his could e a once in a lifetime opportunit to see this film, said ason le, imagine s e ecuti e director. he oint enture et een the a a o ation Museum, Lucasfilm Ltd., th entur o , and elu e marks a place in cinematic histor . c k no le d gement and respect for an ndigenous language in the aa o Star ars appeals to man hether it s sci fi geeks, film aficionados, or ndigenous peoples. e re talking a out language re italization and the resurgence of
Mohawks of the Grand River Invite the Six Nations public to join them at our
Thanksgiving Celebration Kanata, Mohawk Street, Brantford Saturday June 7, 2014. 2 pm languages. his is a rare ut a positi e e ample of hat can e done hen there s communit support, said le. Manuelito heeler, director of the a a o ation Museum in indo ock, riz., ill e in attendance at ell Light o on une . orn and raised on the a a o ation, heeler orks on inno ati e pro ects that preser e a a o culture. and imagine ha e made efforts to ensure that ndigenous people from local areas ill e in the theatre on une . anted to make e er effort that there as a communit presence at the screening. e re connecting them. is pa ing for uses from different reser es to come out to the screening, said le. uses ill e coming from Si ations of the rand i er ringing students from the Moha k language school there. uses ill dri e in ndigenous people from the hames alle area, too.
made other efforts to reach a local ndigenous audience donating tickets to ndigenous organizations in oronto. contest to in tickets ill e announced. .net or imagine s ace ook page ill gi e contest details soon. Starting in une, imagine ill make make periodic announcements of programming highlights for the coming ear. o in our th e citing ear, e ant to make sure that as al a s there s something for e er one at the festi al and e ust ant to make sure that e er one can come if the can, said le a out the imagine festial cto er . ree tickets are a aila le no for Star ars, Saturda , une , p.m, inema , ing Street est, oronto. all iff ell Light o o ffice to reser e our Star ars ticket or .
OUR CRAFT SECTION IS EXPANDING! We're currently looking to purchase local arts and crafts, come on down and show us what you have.
849 Highway 54, Six Nations (519) 753-2087
National Youth Aboriginal Entrepreneur Award
For more information contact Andre Morriseau, Senior Manager Awards and Communications 647-970-7661
The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business is calling for self-nominations for the National Youth Aboriginal Entrepreneur Award. This award recognizes an up-andcoming Aboriginal Entrepreneur under the age of 35. The recipient will receive a $10,000 financial award and be recognized at CCABs 2015 Toronto Gala. Eligibility for National Youth Aboriginal Entrepreneur Award •
Applicants must be Canadian residents of First Nation (Status or Non-Status), Métis or Inuit ancestry and between the ages of 19-35.
Self-employed for a minimum of one year.
Submit a 30-60 second video about you and your business.
Fill out the online application form (Before you do this, please have your video completed. You may not save your application form and so must be filled out in one sitting).
Deadline to apply is August 25th, 2014 by 5:00pm EST!
Selection Process The recipient will be chosen by a selection committee in the fall. The successful applicant will be notified by late October.
Disintegrator story from page 3
UN Story from page 4 Section of anada s onstitution are empt ords for Si ations ithout ade uate resources and the asserted efforts anada undermine our commitment to reak a a from this colonialism and uild our o n go ernance capacit . anada s ractice of he octrine of isco er . anada has ne er ade uatel e plained ho it ac uired title to ndigenous lands and resources, she said. he ere not ac uired through con uest or disco er . ndigenous nations in hat is no anada entered into treaties ith uropean settlers to share their lands and resources. ith the ro uoian eoples our title, or o nership to the lands ere ne er passed to the ro n. ndigenous or original title must e recognized as eing superior to the ritish concept of fee simple. t is more than a right of occupanc dependent on the good ill of the so ereign or the ro n. t is our original title that underlies the title of the ro n. ur itle as here efore the ro n came upon our shores. nce these fundamental assumptions are o erturned, then the process of determining ho the Si ations are to share and enefit from their traditional lands and resources can egin. nl then can self go ernment implementation egin in a meaningful a . anada s land claims policies are pro en failures. he pro ide financial compensation as the onl option. anada alone determines if the mismanaged our lands and assets. he return of land is not e en considered. he onl form for restitution is ased on the e tinguishment of our children s continued right to the lands and resources at issue. anada s form of compensation is in the form of take it or lea e it offers and is ased on their self ser ing discount formulas and insinuations that e ould ha e onl spent the mone an a . anada cannot afford e uita le and ust restitution in a timel fashion for hat the ro n s ha e done ith their onetime pa ment polic . anada is disingenuous ith the irst ations eoples and
the itizens of anada that the onour of the ro n is eing upheld, hen the e act opposite is true. n Ma , , at the enth Session of the ermanent orum on ndigenous ssues, Si ations hosted a side e ent documenting and e plaining our challenges in seeking ustice for our Land ights ith anada. he recommendations e made in are irtuall the same e made to anada s arliamentarians in ecem er . More than ear later anada re uffed our efforts for a fair and ust relationship compati le ith our self determination. anada is not interested in a fair and e uita le process ased on the principles and intent ithin the nited ations eclaration on the ights of ndigenous eoples. anada is more interested in e tinguishing original eoples ights and original eoples o nership of anada. he ro n s aim is to eliminate a fair chance for anada s ati e eoples to participate in the econom . ree rior and nformed onsent nd hile all these tactics dela and den the Si ations eoples ustice anada, ntario, and e en Municipalities are issuing permits, licenses and zoning appro als ena ling de elopments to ad ance on our reat Lands ithout our ree, rior and nformed onsent, she told the assem l . gain, e are denied an chance of pursuing our economic de elopment and uilding a sustaina le future. s Mr. ames na a, the s Special apporteur on the ights of ndigenous eoples, stated hene er someone goes onto someone s land, there needs to e permissions sought and some kind of agreement. anada s representati e, ndrea icher, in responding to Mr. na a s report responded anada does not interpret free, prior and informed consent as pro iding a eto o er legitimate decisions of a democratic and representati e go ernment. n other ords, ati e eoples in anada ha e no sa This story has been edited for length. For Ava Hill’s complete speech from the UN go to our website www.
JUNE 4TH, 2014
cling on a regular asis, stated nnett. nnett presented S ith three possi le options to help make ec cling more producti e and efficient for the communit . hree different t pes of rec cling s stems ere presented to lected ouncil hich include price ranges from , to , and ould re uire at least orkers per shift to sort through the materials thus creating o s in the communit . he third and pricier option ould include a magnet for the remo al of ferrous metals, an edd current for
the remo al of aluminum and a shredder. here ould e en e a process for filtering out organic aste. e need the support for implementation of education in the communit . e re looking for clarification as to the future of landfill on Si ations, stated nnett. ne of the iggest concerns among ouncillors as hether or not these t pe of rec cling s stems ere in place an here else. ronicall , S failed to ask that uestion hen signing deals ith ohn earns ho onl has disintegrators the one
on Si ations, one demo machine here he li es in o a Scotia and one he has et to sell. n the past ears that he has designed his machine, earns has een una le to sell his machine to an one else in the orld. espite ec cling pro iding a sustaina le and ia le alternati e to urning gar age, some ouncillors remained skeptical. t sounds reall good ut right no e re in a garage crisis. M concern right no is that e re onl at of the communit ho rec cles. e need to e at . o
long is that going to take honestl don t think that e can get of the communit to rec cle. e need earns machine running right no , stated elen Miller. lected hief a ill as also skeptical and although she does support rec cling, she stated, still don t think it s enough. ant earns machine to e there. ill told communit mem ers that there ill e a communit meeting this Saturda une at pm at the ommunit all and encourages e er one to come and oice their concerns.
Detailed Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study Highway 401 Interchange Improvements from Hespeler Road to Townline Road, City of Cambridge (G.W.P. 3060-11-00) The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained Stantec Consulting Ltd. to undertake the Detailed Design and Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study for improvements on Highway 401 from Hespeler Road to Townline Road in the City of Cambridge, Region of Waterloo as shown on the key plan. Subject to the outcome of the study, the project includes the reconstruction of the Highway 401 interchanges at Hespeler Road and Franklin Boulevard, including replacement of the bridges. To facilitate these improvements, the project will include reconstruction of Highway 401. The project also includes the rehabilitation of the Townline Road bridge, drainage improvements, illumination, overhead signs, traffic signals and retaining walls. A new noise wall is proposed along the south side of Highway 401 just west of Franklin Boulevard. The study will include the provision for pedestrian/cyclist travel across Highway 401 on Franklin Boulevard in accordance with the active transportation goals of the Region of Waterloo and the City of Cambridge. All of the proposed improvements will take into consideration the future 10-lane cross-section of Highway 401. The construction staging/traffic management strategy during the replacement of the Franklin Boulevard bridge will include a temporary full closure of this interchange with no access across Highway 401 during construction. PROCESS This study is following the approved planning process for Group ‘B’ projects under the MTO Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000). The Preliminary Design of the project was included in the Highway 401 from Hespeler Road easterly to the Wellington County/Halton Region Boundary study, which concluded with the publication of a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR). The TESR received Environmental Assessment (EA) clearance in November 2013. A Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held in 2015 to present the Recommended Plan for improvements as well as the proposed construction staging and traffic management plan. The date, time and location of the PIC will be advertised in local newspapers. A Design and Construction Report (DCR) documenting this study will be made available for a 30-day public review period with public notice advising of the start of the review period. The DCR is not subject to a Part II Order (‘bump-up’) request under the provisions of the Environmental Assessment Act. COMMENTS We are interested in hearing your comments regarding the project. If you would like to have your name added to the mailing list or to provide comments, please contact one of the following individuals: Mr. Adam Barg, P.Eng. Consultant Project Manager Stantec Consulting Ltd. 200-835 Paramount Drive Stoney Creek, ON L8J 0B4 tel: 905-381-3216 (+0 collect) fax: 905-385-3534 e-mail:
Roger Ward, LEL Senior Project Manager Ministry of Transportation 659 Exeter Road, 3rd Floor London, ON N6E 1L3 tel: 519-873-4547 toll-free: 1-800-265-6072 ext. 519-873-4547 fax: 519-873-4600 e-mail:
For up-to-date project information and to submit comments to the Project Team at any time during the study, please visit the project website at Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in the project, please contact one of the Project Team members listed above.
JUNE 4TH, 2014
Bill C-10 passes third reading By Nahnda Garlow OTTAWA ill passed a third reading in arliament last rida . arliamentar Secretar to the Minister of ustice o echert presented the ill sa ing organized crime as central to contra and cigarettes. uring his presentation echert said, hat e ha e in anada is a situation here illegal contra and to acco products are sold to children in school ards . e sa s this is a a of getting children hooked on nicotine, adding that gangsters ill occasionall thro in a mari uana cigarette to get kids hooked on drugs. M Shell lo er, Minister of anadian eritage and fficial Languages also rose in arliament and spoke dramaticall a out the dangers of contra and cigarettes sa ing that she full e pected ill to sa e li es, sa e families and pre ent the outh from eing sold cigarettes that are laced ith ecstas . Man mem ers of parliament spoke a out the risk to the li es of all anadians coast to coast that contra and cigarettes raises. o e er during the reading the identified onl manu-
facturers located on kesasne, ahna ake and Si ations three audenosaune irst ation communities restricted to the southeastern corner of anada. he contro ersial ill ill amend Section of the riminal ode of anada, making cigarettes produced on so ereign irst ations territor an act of rauds on the o ernment . nterestingl , the de ate continued to focus on ill eing a out sa ing people from d ing of lung cancer and rescuing anadians from gangsters, et not much discussion a out lost ta re enue and h these seemingl dangerous and criminall minded people ould e permitted to continue manufacturing cigarettes if the simpl agreed to pa ta es on to acco, hich is a proposed su section to the ill under the ise ct of . M rancoise oi in spoke as a memer of the Standing ommittee of ustice and uman ights ho had looked at ill after its second reading. er o ser ations ere that the ill as read to e heard a third time in e ruar ut as m steriousl shel ed. o she sa s that there are
Six SixNations NationsMental Mental Health Health
Mental MentalHealth HealthFirst FirstAid AidFor For Adults AdultsWho WhoInteract InteractWith With Youth Youth June 18 and June 19, 19, 2014 June 18 and June 2014
Free Free Training Training
8:30am— 4:30pm Registration 8-8:30am 8:30am— 4:30pm Registration 8-8:30am Where: Stoneridge Children’s Centre-Boardroom Where: Stoneridge Children’s Centre-Boardroom 18 Stoneridge Circle, Ohsweken 18 Stoneridge Circle, Ohsweken
ills eing uickl pushed through efore the summer reak. oi in commented ne has to onder if that means that e are eing more producti e or less democratic ecause e ill ha e less time to speak to these ills and fe er people ill ha e the opportunit to speak on each topic. think the ans er is o ious. oi in also addressed the pro push coming from the ational oalition gainst ontraand o acco. She said, kno that the ational oalition gainst ontraand o acco is made up of man people ho enefit from to acco sales. as not orn esterda , and see here their interests lie. n their testimon , some police forces also told us that the ill need resources. his is an e tremel important message that came out of the committee s e amination of ill . oi in also e pressed disappointment that a proposed amendment to , consideration regarding the ladue case for mandator sentencing of a irst ations person, as re ected the federal go ernment. oi in said, am still sad that the go ernment did not see
fit to appro e the amendment that e proposed to respect . . ladue. hat decision calls on the courts, hen sentencing, to consider the e tenuating circumstances of the accused hen the accused is from the irst ations, especiall considering that there are mandator minimum sentences. hat is the reuirement that resulted from that decision, ut according to la ers at ustice anada, ill ill take precedence o er . . ladue. oi in also stated that it is of the utmost importance that go ernments consult ith irst ations efore is made la . She said, irst ations and the go ernment need to discuss it as e uals. he go ernment did not ha e the decenc to do that efore it introduced the ill. he third reading as passed all memers of parliament ith no official opposition, ho e er much criticism as heard that the irst ations communities of ahna ake, k esasne and Si ations ere not properl consulted or inited to participate in it s creation.
SixSix Nations Mental Nations Mental Health Health 17451745 Chiefswood RoadRoad Chiefswood Whitepines Wellness Complex Whitepines Wellness Complex Ohsweken, Ontario Ohsweken, Ontario N0A1M0 N0A1M0 Phone: 519-445-2143 Phone: 519-445-2143 Fax: Fax: 519-445-0504 519-445-0504 E-mail: E-mail:
You have a You choice to lease one of our vacant offices are welcome to view these offices at: -Occupancy is July 1, 2014
entsents and and otherother adults in the of mental health problems and and approadults in identification the identification of mental health problems appropriate firstfirst aid intervention strategies. priate aid intervention strategies.
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14 spaces available To register please contact Crystal 14 spaces available To register please contact Crystal at or or For Individuals whowho workwork withwith youth St-Jean at For Individuals youth St-Jean 519-445-2143 ext 2244 519-445-2143 ext 2244 Food is provided Food is provided
ARI ES - Mar 2 1 / Apr 2 0 Aries, your energy is contagious this week, and others flock to you as if you ha e a magnetic pull. njoy the attention, but don t forget to seek some solitude as well. TAU RU S - Apr 2 1 / May 2 1 ake precautions as you prepare for an important project, aurus. If you rush through things, you are bound to make mistakes that could negati ely impact your career.
GEMI NI - May 2 2 / Jun 2 1 erything you touch turns to gold this week, emini. ou could set many things into motion with your cle er ideas and infectious charisma. Stay grounded.
CANCER - Jun 2 2 / Jul 2 2 n une pected encounter stirs up some old feelings, Cancer. njoy your trip down Memory ane and take ad antage of this opportunity to reconnect with an old friend.
LEO - Jul 2 3/ Aug 2 3 eo, tread lightly this week when working on an important project. pect scrutiny in all you do and plan accordingly. eep working hard, and your efforts will be noticed.
V I RGO - Aug 2 4/ Sept 2 2 pect the une pected this week, irgo. hings might seem as if they are going according to plan, but a few complications may arise so be prepared.
LI BRA - Sept 2 3/ Oct 2 3 great idea has sidetracked you for some time now, ibra. ut now it s time to get back into your normal routine and focus on the tasks at hand.
SCORPI O - Oct 2 4/ Nov 2 2 Scorpio, embrace unique ideas concerning your future this week. Consider all possibilities no matter how out of the ordinary they may seem.
SAGI TTARI U S - Nov 2 3/ D ec 2 1 Practical concerns could temporarily stall plans that are a bit fantastical, Sagittarius. ut don t fret, you will ha e an opportunity to put some plans in motion soon enough.
CAPRI CORN - D ec 2 2 / Jan 2 0 ou may e perience a conflict with others at work this week, Capricorn. It is best to roll with the punches instead of causing a stir. llow the situation to unfold.
AQ U ARI U S - Jan 2 1 / Feb 1 8 quarius, a hectic few weeks at work ha e pro en distracting. It might seem o erwhelming right now, but things will settle down in a matter of days.
PI SCES - Feb 1 9/ Mar 2 0 Pisces, you may want to be in isible in the crowd this week, but that scenario simply isn t in the cards. rin and bear the attention.
Mental Health FirstFirst Aid Aid is meant to assist professionals, health providers, par-par Mental Health is meant to assist professionals, health providers,
OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENT Need office space at a very reasonable cost? You are just the person we want to meet You have a space choiceat to alease of our vacant Need office veryone reasonable cost? offices Occupancy is July 1, 2014 You are just the person we want to meet
Grand Employment &offices Training welcome to view these at: You areRiver Business Centre Grand River Employment & Training 16 Sunrise Court Business Centre 16 Sunrise Court Ohsweken, Ontario Ohsweken, Ontario
Organizatio Organizatio n n
Please contact Steve Isaacs toIsaacs view offices @ 519-445-2222 Please contact Steve to view offices @ 519-445-2222
Come and see areas like X-Ray, Laboratory, Operating Room and others in a way that you have never seen before!
JUNE 4TH, 2014
Maracle Man’s serves up mouth-watering menu By TRT Staff t is said that most restaurants ha e a er slim chance of making it past their first ear of operation. ine out of ten restaurants ill close do n ithin one ear of opening their doors. Maracle Man s on Si th Line oad has eaten those odds. hat first started out as our a erage urger and fr place has no e panded their mouth atering menu to include different t pes of outine, loaded ootlong hot dogs, different chicken options, different t pes of su marine sand iches, com os, ings and a kids menu.
n an inter ie ith the Two Row Times, Maracle Man s o ner esse Maracle had this to sa , e definitel e ceeded our o n e pectations ith Maracle Man s. Some people e en told us that e ould not sur i e as a usiness. his ugust ill e our fourth ear anniersar and e alread ha e t o locations no . So it s een prett amazing so far. s a oung nk ehon e entrepreneur, Maracle has ad ice for people anting to start their o n usiness, hen first started out, took the usiness Management program hich as offered through rand i er
Come and Experience A Taste of Italy
Maracle Mans Owner Jesse Maracle along with his wife Julia, who also manages one of the locations. mplo ment and raining. su mitted m usiness plan and recei ed a grant and a loan. he loan had to e paid ack ith interest ut the grant doesn t ha e to e paid ack. Make sure ou ha e a reall solid usiness plan. o er all our angles. hen as doing m usiness plan, as orking at Sit n ull at the time and actuall sur e ed ho man people ere passing . asked people if the came to Si ations to eat and ho often. recorded do n the num ers. ith Maracle Man s, it as all
Come and Experience A Taste of Italy Gourmet Pizzas
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ga e up. here as definitel a personal sacrifice on m part. also o e m success to supporti e customers ho praised the food. Maracle Man s has recentl opened up a second location in the illage of hs eken. eople ould al a s ask me, esse, hen are ou going to open up a place in hs eken Maracle stated that he is e en thinking of opening up a third location off the territor . hether it s the Shepards outine, Maracle urger, risp hicken rap or their delicious
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a out a prime location so chose a spot ith the most traffic and the fact that there ere no other food esta lishments around here as a onus. he first months ere the toughest, stated Maracle. ut sta ed optimistic e en hen others ould tell me ouldn t do good. hat it came do n to as perfect timing and location. he first ear is a struggle as it is for an usiness that is ust starting out. orked most of the time and didn t pa m self too much. ut got through it and ne er
stra err uice milkshake, Maracle Man s has e er thing ou need for delicious meal. Maracle Man s offers deli er and take out. heir location in hs eken is ourth Line oad, across from the arena and ou can call in our order at . he second location is Si th Line oad, eside Sit n ull ariet and ou can call in our order at or te t our order at . usiness hours are Sunda to ednesda from am to midnight and hursda to Saturda from am to am. rom une to ugust their hs eken Location is open until am on rida and Saturda .
Beats Country Style
Located at 22 Ojibway Road and Indian Town Line 1 mile west of Hagersville, Ontario
Rhonda Johnson
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JUNE 4TH, 2014
Suburban Sidewalks to Field Rows By Joe Farrell ro ing up in the su ur an asteland of Mississauga m connection to farm life as limited to class trips and the odd famil isit to a farm. hen as fi e, distinctl remem er the hole communit gathering to atch the last standing arn urn do n in our su di ision. recentl learned that the onl farm operating in Mississauga ill e haresting for the last time this ear. can t recall gro ing much food hen as oung, ut do rememer m mother gro ing rhu ar . t the time asn t the iggest fan of it ho e er, it s gro n on me since. t is another delicious spring treat that ll eat ra fresh from the garden. s a kid, ne er imagined that ould
spend m life orking ith food. got into the culinar orld at orking in the dishpit. remem er closing then sitting at the ar sipping on cokes and socializing hen should ha e gone home to ed. ecame fascinated ith restaurant culture, the food and people it attracted. his led to man classes missed and m grades s iftl falling. ne thing learned from m earl e periences orking in restaurants, that asn t on m highschool curriculum as to not see pro lems, onl solutions. as arned to sta out of the restaurant industr and do something else ith m life. s e plored other paths al a s found m self going ack to the kitchen. ele rating and honouring the seed at the dge of the oods farm s spring meet and greet
POSITION Cayuga Language Teacher Quality Control 2 Program and Services Officer General Labourer Aboriginal Participation Coordinator Communications Specialist Administration Support ECE Facility Manager Assistant Facility Manager Inventory Clerk Lead Maintenance Supervisor Chauffeur
POSITION Groundskeeper Maintenance
made me think a lot a out the ourne that has rought me to here am no . am thankful to for all the people ha e met along the a . am continuall grateful to ha e the opportunit to share something lo e, to learn and gro ith others. s continue on this ourne that m on from the cit to the land recognize that m er much a cit o ho sometimes misses cit folk things like riding m ike through oronto rush hour traffic. hat has changed is m appreciation for life and the necessit in ha ing a relationship ith the land. as al a s told to alk proudl ith m head up, ut recentl an elder from Si ations shared that on the land ou need to look do n to see hat s gro ing at our feet.
EMPLOYER/LOCATION Athletic Fields, Recreation Bicentennial Trail Day Care
Job descriptions are available at GREAT Weekdays... Monday through Friday from 8:30 - 4:30 pm 16 Sunrise Court, Ohsweken
TERM Seasonal June â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oct Full Time (split shift)
SALARY $14/hr40 hrs / week TBD
large stalks of rhuar , chopped cup ater sp lemon uice cup sugar egg olks ring rhu ar and ater to a simmer and cook until tender. dd lemon uice. uree in lender or mash ell hand. Let cool slightl . ring a separate pot of ater to a simmer. n a o l hisk egg olks and sugar until the are thick and pale. Slo l incorporate the rhuar . hen continue hisking the mi ture o er the simmering ater to make it soft and foam . ontinue until it egins to u le slightl and ser e immediatel or lukearm.
Farmer Joe used to be a DJ in his early years in suburban Mississauga. He will be playing at the Edge of the Woods Summer Solstice Party (alcohol free) on June 21st. E-mail for more information or bookings.
Six Nations Youth Council Meeting
EMPLOYER/LOCATION SALARY Grand Erie District School Board, Brantford TBD Grand River Employment and Training TBD Grand River Employment and Training, Ohsweken TBD TBD Mohawk Asphalt, Six Nations Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games TBD Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation TBD Pan Am Games Secretariat, Toronto Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation TBD Pan Am Games Secretariat, Toronto Little & Littler Treasures Child Care, Six Nations TBD Pattern Energy Group, Cayuga TBD Pattern Energy Group, Cayuga TBD Six Nations Natural Gas TBD Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford $26,000 - $30,000 6Na Presidential Limousine, Six Nations TBD
Rhubarb Zabaglione
CLOSING DATE June 4, 2014 June 4, 2014 June 6, 2014 June 9, 2014 June 11, 2014 June 11, 2014
With Special Guest Darren Thomas
June 13, 2014 June 15, 2014 June 15, 2014 June 27, 2012 June 29, 2014 June 30, 2014
Phone: 519.445.2222 â&#x20AC;˘ Fax: 519-445-4777 Toll Free: 1.888.218.8230
Healthy Snacks
Want to be part of the Six Nations Youth Council? Come out to the meeting and have a voice in the future of Six Nations!
June 11, 2014
CLOSING DATE June 18, 2014 June 18, 2014
Be involved in your Community Partnering with the Community Supper and Social Thursday, June 5th from 5:00 pm- 8:00 p.m. Community Hall- 1738 Fourth Line Road
For More Information Contact: Crystal St-Jean Six Nations Mental Health (519) 445-2143
Chelsey Johnson Six Nations Social Services (519) 445-2071
22 22
MOSES: LEONA Unexpectedly, but peacefully at home on Saturday May 31, 2014 at the age of 84 years. Wife of the late Robert E. Moses. Loving mother of Judith Moses and Peter Lyman, Robert Moses Jr., Sandra and the late Glen Nicholson, and the late Ronald Moses and Richard Moses. Dear grandmother of Matthew, Nathaniel, Sabastian, Alexander, Sarah, Rachel and Sean, Jaime Lynn, and Melissa. Dear great grandmother of Hannah, Zachary, and Carter. Daughter of the late Frederick and Charlotte (Froman) Hill. Sister of Frederick, Eleanor, and the late Mary, Marjorie, Edith, Evelyn and Stanley. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Leona was an active member the Anglican Church, Mohawk Chapel and various organizations in the Six Nations Community. A Memorial Service will held at St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Ohsweken on Friday June 6, 2014 at 11 a.m. with Interment of Cremated Remains to follow in the adjoining cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the St. Peter’s Anglican Church. www. McNaughton: M. Elaine Passed away surrounded by her children at the Hamilton General Hospital on Saturday May 31, 2014 at the age of 79 years. Wife of the late Daniel (Gandi) McNaughton. Loving mother of Roselyn and Marty, Jaci and Shane, Phil, Muriel and Ronnie, Colleen and Bill, Daphne and Larry, Terry and Paula, Lisa and Joe, and Jodi and Reg. Dear grandmother of 33 grandchildren, 45 great grandchildren and 2 great great grandchildren. Daughter of the late Andrew and Mabel (Sherry) Jonathan. Sister of Virginia Jonathan-White, Jesse Carpenter, Elva Jonathan, Melvin Jonathan, and the late Alvin, Harvey, Truman, Verna, Hazel, Wilfred, and Lucy. Special friend of Joe Burke, Ron Kollee, Marguerite and Buck General and Curt Styres and Trish Jamieson. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Resting at the Hyde & Mott Chapel, 60 Main Street South, Hagersville after 2 p.m. Tuesday. Evening Service 7 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral Service will be held on Wednesday June 4, 2014 at 2 p.m. Interment Grand River United Cemetery.
In Memoriam
For Sale
Birthday Announcement
The McKinnon Park Girls Field Lacrosse Team won the silver medal in the 2014 Trillium Cup-OFSSAA sanctioned Ontario highschool girls field lacrosse championship on May 28-29th in Georgetown, On. In their pool play; MPSS defeated Stephen Lewis Secondary School from Mississauga 19-1, MPSS lost to Holy Cross from Peterborough 13-10; then in a quarter final game MPSS defeated Sinclair Secondary School from Oshawa 11-10. In the semi-final game, MPSS faced Holy Cross once again and defeated them 12-9. In the Gold Medal match, MPSS faced Donald Wilson Secondary School from Oshawa and the girls were defeated 14-7. They received the Silver medal. Congratulations McKinnon Park Girls!
Happy birthday Elaine Jimerson of Cattaragus NY There is only 1: “Lainers” “Queen of Mt.Olympus” “’re in good hands” “ who’s your favorite Indian” “hoka hey” “hey how are ya, hey how are you”
While it may have been only a few years since my family and I met you, I feel I have known you my whole life. For you have given me and my kiddies all the strength, love and the most everlasting friendship ever, not to mention a comfy couch when needed, which we will always treasure. And while you may have many lovable labels the one I love the most is THE ONLY CATT REZ MOMMA I WILL EVER KNOW AND LOVE! Have a great birthday my friend! From Rhonda Martin (Six Nations) And all my kiddies
In Memoriam
Henhawk, Ginger Sue Anne – Peacefully at home on Friday May 9th, 2014 at the age of 49. Daughter of Donna Henhawk(Raymond), the late Roy Henhawk(Shirley/ Pudge). Dear grandmother of one grandson Jreyke. Also sister of Chester(Linda), Susie, Pebbles, Wayne(Lou), Terry(Beau) Lorraine, Cathy(Stan). Loving mother of Donni and Bill. Ginger will be deeply missed by her genuine smile and warm heart. Loved by many and will be sadly missed by her family and friends. Was cremated where she had lived in Peterborough and a service will be held, June 14th, 2014 @ 1:00 pm at Medina Baptist Church.
For Sale
Birthday Announcement
JUNE 4TH, 2014
Happy 90th Birthday to Doug Anderson. Family & Friends are invited to stop by on Sunday, June 8th at 1pm – 5pm. 7658 Indian Townline.
For Sale
Do you take these from non-natives? If you do when does it come out? Is there a charge? Here is the info: 4th Annual Western NY Knife & Blade show, to benefit Hinsdale Fire Co. Hinsdale NY Sat 14/6/›14 at fire hall, Hinsdale One day 9am- 5pm to benefit fire co. See local knife makers, & retailers with various types & manufactured forms of cutlery. Watch “flint knappers” turn stone into edged cutting tools. Knife sharpening will be available Contact Ed, 716 257 3046, 716 244 1374
Front Row: Caitlyn Hill, Claudia Miller, Kristy Anderson, Shania Anderson, Dana Isaacs(c), Samantha Williams (goalie), Lynnzee Miller (c), Mya Miller Second Row: Kiana Hill, Jadyn Bomberry, Marissa Anderson, Taylor Johnson, Shay VanEvery, Kaylee Hill, Chaley Martin(goalie) 3rd Row: Sharon Williams (coach), Aiyana General, Chelsey Whitlow, Bailey Smith, Kennedy Montour, Neely Chase (assistant coach & trainer)
June Special 20% off All Supplements • Protein Powder • Performance • Vitamins • Recovery • Pre-workout • Supplements
“Get Fit..... Live Longer” 3771 6th line, RR #2 Ohsweken ,Ontario
JUNE 4TH, 2014 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2014
Card of Thanks
Card of Thanks
Nya:weh The Late Bell Jewell nee Henry There are so many people to thank for helping us before and after the passing our mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend Bell Jewell. Nya:weh to Dr. Amy Montour, Holly Cowan, Sherry Sandy, First Nations Nurses, Six Nations Personal Support Workers. When Bell began her journey to the Creator’s land we were overwhelmed with family and friends who brought donations of every kind and who came to our side to comfort and guide us. Nya:weh to Marion Henry, Linda Harris, Darla Isaacs, Sean Thompson, Tammy Martin, Peggy Logan, Rory Miller, Roy Henry, George Henry, Betty Henry, Rose Miller, Darleen Isaacs, Yvonne Bedard, Arnie Henry, Meryl Henry, Nancee Henry, Rachel Miller, Angela Longboat, Mary Sandy, Jeff Henhawk, Debbie Henry, Shannon Henry, Quaid Henry, John Henry, Christine Barnes, Jerry Henry, Matt Jewell, Willy Henry, Darren Johns, Nadia Henry, Bill & Doris Henry, Tom Deer, Ronnie Thomas, Eddy Thomas, Elan Henhawk, All the wake singers, Jules Jamieson, Elva Jamieson, Angel Harris, Iowne Anderson, Doris Spital, Denny Doolittle, Hills Water, Kim Powless, Cam Hill, Police Chief Glenn Lickers, Six Nations Police and Bill Lofthouse. A special mention to the Silver Fox Group and the Language Programs she attended. She loved spending her days with her friends. To everyone who travelled near and far who helped Bell begin her journey, we are forever grateful. Nya:weh swa gwe:goh Fran Henry Reva & Amber Silversmith
Card of Thanks
Card of Thanks
2014 Cayuga Nation Picnic June 14, NOON Till Last Dance @ the Cayuga/Share Farm 4061 Truesdale Rd. Union Springs, NY 13160 visible from Space in the Smithsonian Magazine photo of the fingerlakes. Good times, food, music, singing and dancing and Lacrosse and more food, and dancing around the fire after DARK. So far, Akwesasne Women Singers, Paleface, Crow Weaver Band Tulali Jennifer and Pura Fe, Dose a we Singers others not mentioned but asked are working on their schedules to get here. Fine print, No Drugs or Alcohol, not responsible for accidents. Bring your sticks and come play. For POTLUCK call Julie Uticone @315 5688494. For more info call 3158895120. The Cayuga Nation would like to thank all of the Citizens and friends of the Nation for the support we have received in our efforts to come back to our Cayuga Territory........ Come Home
Open House
CLUES ACROSS 1. Thyroid-stimulating hormone 4. Spigot 7. Military mailbox 8. Electric auto company 10. Fastest man alive 12. Expressed pleasure 13. Venice beach 14. Teletypewriter (abbr.) 16. A young man 17. Evade 19. Volcanic Japanese mountain 20. Danson, Turner & Kennedy 21. March holiday 25. Fruit drink 26. Come about 27. Capital of Yemen 29. Tayra genus 30. Mandela’s party 31. Vestment 32. Eye exam instrument 39. Plural of 47 down 41. Ingest 42. Coneless volcanic craters 43. The woman 44. Make a mistake 45. Horse gait 46. Father of Lot 48. The destroyer (Hindu) 49. Remove 50. Remains after deductions 51. Clairvoyance 52. Gourde (abbr.) CLUES DOWN 1. Contents lists 2. Condition of inedible food 3. Armed robbery 4. Traditional Asian beverage
5. Scarlett’s first love 6. Beg 8. Scotland’s longest river 9. Sums up 11. People of southern India 14. Expression of disappointment 15. Japanese electronics firm 18. And, Latin 19. Highest card in a suit 20. Paper Mulberry bark 22. Cattle farmer 23. Actress Lupino 24. Constitution Hall org. 27. Plant fluids
Answers for June 4, 2014 Crossword Puzzle
28. Small social insect 29. Shade tree 31. Model Carol 32. Classical singing dramas 33. Swiss river 34. Atomic #62 35. Felines 36. Paddling 37. Established beyond doubt 38. Personal property 39. Tennis great Arthur ____ 40. Stock certificate 44. Point midway between NE and E 47. Egyptian cobra
Open House
The family of Jean (Harris) Wilson invite you to our Open House – for her 80th Birthday Celebration. Saturday June 14th 1-4pm Meet Family & Re-Kindle Friendships Being held at: Niagara Regional Native Centre, 382 Airport Rd Niagara-on-the-Lake Best Wishes Only Please…..
3304 Sixth Line Rd. Ohsweken, Ontario N0A 1M0 Phone: (905) 765-7884 Fax: (905) 765-3154 RIMS & BATTERIES • UNBELIEVABLE PRICES
1 Alabastine Avenue, Caledonia, Ontario N3W 1K9 (905) 765-CARS (2277)
Cynthia Trimble
3304 Sixth Line Rd. Ohsweken, Ontario N0A 1M0 Phone: (905) 765-7884 Fax: (905) 765-3154
OLD SPICE High Endurance
Ladies Tank Top One Size Fits All
JUNE 4TH, 2014
3x Complete Shaving Cream
Assorted Colours
Killex 709ml Ready to use 1L Concentrate 1L Hose End
ZOMBIE SURVIVAL Firework Assortment Mortars Kinds vary
Baby Bullet
1L Hose End 1l Ready to Spray
GrubOut AntOut Gardal
Rose, Flower & Evergreen Dust
Contact Lenses
Leather Belts Mystical Ammo Crate Firework Assortment
Italian Ices 24 packs
Donuts Frozen Assorted Kinds Lemonade ONLY Available at 9183 Townline