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Grand River ‘Champion of Champions’ 2023 Winners
ner, 3rd MJ Stonechild, 4th Violet Printup.
Teen Women’s 13-17
Traditional 1st Paungbiisohn Trudeau, 2nd Georgia-June Abel, 3rd Katie Cottrelle, 4th Florence Osawimick-Sagassige.
Teen Women’s 13-17
Jingle 1st Sophie Shuckahosee, 2nd Ellie Booth, 3rd

Addyson White, 4th Kylie Two-Axe.
Teen Women’s 13-17
Fancy 1st Selese Syrette, 2nd Keysha Two-Axe, 3rd Alanna Paste, 4th Kiona Jacobs-Plain.
Girls 6-12 Traditional 1st Joycee Snake, 2nd Biidaazhe Two-Axe Kohoko, 3rd Cali Red Eagle, 4th
Layla Young.
Girls 6-12 Jingle 1st Azhibikoonz Trudeau, 2nd Tessa Snake, 3rd Kimimila Poafppybitty, 4th Bella White-Medicine.
Girls 6-12 Fancy 1st Violet Sutherland, 2nd Hailee Pinnance, 3rd Lilionna Klein, 4th Nimin Hupfield.
The Six Nations Tomahawks finished victorious at the 2023 Ontario Senior C Series Lacrosse 15-1, landing them in first place. Playoffs start August 18-20 and will be held at the Iroquois Lacrosse Arena on First Line at Six Nations of the Grand River.

Enrollment Allowance For High School Students

(Formerly known as Attendance Allowance)
Six Nations Band members enrolled in a high school in Brant County, Norfolk County or Haldimand County* are eligible for Enrollment Allowance.

What Has Changed?
Enrollment Allowance (formerly Attendance Allowance) is no longer based on attendance. Students are eligible to receive their allowance (via Direct Deposit) as long as they are enrolled in high school and obtain passing grades.
How to Receive Enrollment Allowance:

Enrollment Allowance can be obtained (via Direct Deposit only - cheques will no longer be issued) by submitting a completed EFT form & void cheque. It is given out in December, April & June of each year.
EFT Forms can be found at: sixnations.ca

For further inquiries & more information, please contact Rebecca McComber bmccomber@sixnations.ca per month