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Re-enactment at Bucktown
TECUMSEH RETURNS Tecumseh, as portrayed by historical reenactor David Morris of Newmarket, holds up the Two Row Wampum belt as part of his presentation of The Battle of the Thames, which attracted thousands to the Thamesville, Muncee Delaware, Moraviantown, Chippewa, Oneida territory last weekend. See more on Page 3. (Photo by David Laforce) COME FOR THE PRICES BE AMAZED WITH THE RETURN FOR
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Ontario dragged into Native Burger Stand case By Jim Windle BRANTFORD
The burgers and smokes are still being served up at the Plank Road, One Stop Smoke Shop on Highway #6, near Caledonia. Derek Sandy was in Brantford’s Superior Court Thursday, Oct. 3rd, to face charges filed against he and his partner Nolan Hill related to their smoke shop and burger stand located on the old plank road just outside of Caledonia near the Highway #6 bypass. Judge Harrison Arrell
was on the bench to hear the case, which goes much deeper than the burger stand or the smoke shop. The real issue regards title to the land the businesses are operating on. Under pressure from a group of Haldimand citizens, Haldimand County sought an injunction that would see both buildings removed. The burger stand had become the target of the Haldimand Health Unit who was refused admittance to the property after they posted a “closure notice” due to alleged health
and safety violations. The other part of the complaint concerned the operation of the smoke shack. It did not go as hoped for those who forced the issue into court. Defense lawyer Katherine Hensel argued that the two issues are separate and should be seen as such, which Arrell agreed with. “With Respects to the injunction that is being sought by the Haldimand Medical Health Office, it has been put off because Mr. Hill and Mr. Sandy don’t agree
Child Welfare Designation Community Meeting Thursday, October 24, 2013 6 pm to 9 pm Six Nations Social Services Gym UPDATE ON STAGE B of CHILD WELFARE DESIGNATION Policy and Procedures Six Nations Child Welfare Model WE NEED YOUR FEEDBACK! Light Snacks will be provided ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL 226-227-2168 Barbara General, MSW, Special Projects Coordinator
Derek Sandy, flanked by he and his partner Nolan Hill’s lawyers, Bev Jacobs (left) and Katherine Hensel (right) talks with Bill Monture, of the Men’s Fire, about the day’s proceedings in Brantford’s Superior Court. (Photo by Jim Windle) that the Haldimand Medical Health Office has jurisdiction,” said Hensel in recapping the case. “But they are concerned about health and safety themselves and they are working with a doctor and the HDI to improve health and safety of the burger stand. Therefore the judge ruled that the court does not need to resolve it at this time. It will come up again a little further down the road and hopefully by then the court will not need to resolve it if the issues can be resolved out of court.” But regarding the bigger issue of the land, Judge Arrell asked the Crown where the province was in all of this. He said that since the land is actually owned by the province and not Haldimand County, Haldimand had no right to order Sandy off and ordered Ontario to the court instead. “The court ordered that the province is to be added to the question of whether Sandy and Hill are operating their smoke shop and the food outlet on Haldimand land,” explained Hensel. “It is the Crown that has the duty to consult,” she said. “The Province claims that they own the land while the Haudenosaunee claim they own the land, So that is between the Haudenosaunee and the Province and not the County of Haldimand. He ruled that Ontario has to be part of the conversation either in the court or at the negotiating table.”
Also handling Sandy and Hill’s defense is Six Nations’ lawyer, Bev Jacobs who explained what happened in the court from her perspective. “Today we were trying to bring a few things to light,” said Jacob, “One thing we wanted was to bring in the province to be a party to the action, and we succeeded in that. The other is the issue with respect to the health and safety of the burger stand. We were successful there too because, with the Doctor, who is the food inspector, Hill and Sandy are working together they are able to address any areas of concern outside of any legal action. I think that was a good move.” Along with the Judge ordering Ontario to the court, she felt her legal team had a successful day in court. Outside the courtroom Sandy spoke with his lawyers and supporters. “I’m feeling proud as I always am,” said Sandy following the hearing. “We are Haudenosaunee and that is our land, and that’s about it. I really doesn’t matter what they say, because we know it’s our land and that’s what it comes down to.” The court stands adjourned until Ontario sees fit to get involved with the case and open up the can of worms the plank road land claim represents to the province and the federal government.
Shawnee Warrior and leader honoured in Moraviantown MORAVIANTOWN Thousands gathered in Moraviantown and Tecumseh’s monument to celebrate the life and sacrifice of the great Shawnee warrior and leader Tecumseh this past weekend. Tecumseh (March 1768 – October 5, 1813) was a Native American leader of the Shawnee and a large tribal confederacy (known as Tecumseh’s Confederacy) which opposed the United States during Tecumseh’s War and the War of 1812. Tecumseh has become an iconic folk hero in American, Aboriginal and Canadian history. Tecumseh grew up in the Ohio Country during the American Revolutionary War and the Northwest Indian War, where he was constantly exposed to warfare. With Amer-
icans continuing to encroach on Indian territory after the British ceded the Ohio Valley to the new United States in 1783, the Shawnee moved farther northwest. In 1808, they settled Prophetstown in present-day Indiana. With a vision of establishing an independent Native American nation east of the Mississippi under British protection, Tecumseh worked to recruit additional tribes to the confederacy from the southern United States. During the War of 1812, Tecumseh’s confederacy allied with the British in The Canadas (the collective name for the colonies of Upper Canada and Lower Canada), and helped in the capture of Fort Detroit. American forces killed Tecumseh in the Battle of the Thames, in October 1813. His con-
federation fell apart, the British deserted their Indian allies at the peace conference that ended the
War of 1812, the dream of an independent Indian state in the Midwest vanished, and American set-
tlers took possession of all the territory south of the Great Lakes, driving the Indians west or into
reservations. (Biography of Tecumseh provided by Wikipedia) Photos by Dave LaForce
Full Rainbow Frames Idle No More action by Steve da Silva
TORONTO - On the 250th anniversary of the Royal Proclamation of 1763, on October 7, the Idle No More movement took to the streets in over 50 places across Turtle Island and beyond to show the world that the movement for Indigenous rights has not faded. “We haven’t gathered here to celebrate that document which has led to the loss of so much of our land,” said one INM speaker. In Toronto, over a hundred people gathered
for a Unity in Action event under the specific theme “We Have the Right To Say NO”. Many denounced the Harper government for advancing policies of colonization that trace back to 1763 and before. Aaron Detlor of the Haudenosaunee Development Institute reminded the Toronto rally that we were gathered in the traditional treaty territory of the Beaver Hunting Grounds. “As a Haudenosaunee person,” Detlor proclaimed, “I am tired of asking. The time for asking is over.” Canadian colonial-
ism was hit from an international angle as well. Suraia Sahar, a young Afghani activist, brought it to people’s attention that it was twelve years ago to the day that Canada and other NATO-member countries invaded and occupied Afghanistan: “The Canadian military is still an occupying force in my native land of Afghanistan.” Sahar was flanked by fellow anti-war activist, Jules Tingangan, a Filipino-Canadian who is a veteran of the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Tingangan
denounced Canada’s role in Afghanistan, in which he was a direct participant, and announced his support for all peoples under occupation: “They sent me to another country to kill brown people just like me.” The gathering served to educate participants on the Two Row Wampum. Speaker Davyn Calfchild stated, “Everyone needs to learn about the Two Row and the nation-to-nation relationships it represents. It’s not just for Native people, it’s for non-Natives too.”
Through speakers and music, cold rain poured down. But when the final words were being spoken, sunshine broke through the clouds and a full rainbow framed the gathering. Under the newly pink sky, dozens of people lifted a 100foot Two Row Wampum to begin a march from the westside residential neighbourhood near Trinity Bellwoods Park into the downtown core.
Rally in Hagersville for Missing Women by Nahnda Garlow
The Second Annual Never to be Forgotten Rally was held Monday evening in Hagersville. About 50 people gathered peacefully at the stoplights on Main Street and held signs, and sang traditional songs, and shed tears in solidarity with the October 4th “Sisters In Spirit” vigils being held across the country. Men, women, and children from the indigenous community, as well as allies gathered together at the Country Style at New Credit Plaza afterward for guest speakers who shared their stories. Lacey Hill came to sing for the crowd the help ease the grief and drummers sang as well to help release healing.
One speaker was there to represent her sister Elaine, who was killed January 22, 2012. She addressed the crowd saying, “This man has taken everything from me and my family...everyday I miss her laugh, her smart remarks, I miss her in general.” Shelley Joseph was remembered by her sister in a poem. She simply said, “my sister was taken from us, live in my heart for a day. Feel what I feel, live what I live.” Andrea Greyeyes from the Muskee Lake Cree Nation came out to remember her cousin Karina Wolfe who has been missing since 2010. Organizer Val King shared that although the statistic of 700 missing and murdered women is used, this statistic is con-
firmed cases from one study which was shortlived. She says through her academic studies she discovered there are closer to 3000 cases of missing and murdered indigenous women in North America. Val says, “When you think of the Missing and Murdered Aboriginal women and girls, say a prayer for healing for them and their grieving families or light a candle in honor of them for they are Women warriors that should never be forgotten.” The Native Women’s Association of Canada has put out a Call to Action statement on their website. They encourage people to write letters to the Prime Minister and local government officials demanding ac-
tion and justice for the grieved families. The cry for a public inquiry into these cases is also being heard across the nation.
People are encouraged to get involved and sign a petition from the Native Women’s Association of Canada and send it to par-
liament pressing for an inquiry. For more information visit their website at
program. Michelle Thomas, Student Success Officer at Six Nations Polytechnic, along with Lacey Hill, Access and Student Recruitment Coordinator, Aboriginal Education and Student Services, Dianne Van Meeteren, coordinator for personal support workers working out of Hamilton and Brantford,
and Theresa Bain, admissions advisor at Mohawk College Hamilton were busy hammering out the details of the newly funded program. As of January 2014, qualifying Aboriginal students will receive one of 14 positions in the program with the costs of full tuition covered through a grant. Interested parties should enroll as early as possible since they spots are on a first come/first served basis. “One of our main objectives is to fill this 8 month program but any applicant for the grant must be status, however the program itself is open to all, Native and non-Na-
tive students wishing to enter into that field of work,” says Thomas. Lacey Hill recommends that any potential student needs to begin the process by December to ensure a place if they are hoping for one of the 14 funding grants. “There are 14 funding spots open at the moment, but after they are filled, a student can still apply through OSAP for funding,” says Hill. Would be students can apply through Michelle Thomas at studentsuccess@ or by calling her at 519-4450023. Once their application is screened, they will
have to go through and make sure that they have the requirements to be eligible for the grants. They need to have their Grade 12, with college or university English and Grade 10 math. They also take applications from mature
students. “That’s a bonus for us,” says Thomas, “because there are a lot of people who are changing careers and starting families, and want to get back into something, so mature students are always an option for us.”
Missing women -- Supporters at the Second Annual Never to be Forgotten Rally gathered in Hagersville on Monday. Drivers were also honking to show their support. (Photo by Nahnda Garlow)
New Support Worker program at Polytechnic By Jim Windle
SIX NATIONS – Representatives from various educational program partners met at Six Nations Polytechnic to discuss, amongst other things, the new funding being made available for this coming January’s enrolment in the Personal Services Support Worker
On the 20th anniversary year of Six Nations Polytechnic, a new program is about to begin in January of 2014, which is career training for Personal Services Support Worker. Preparing for the new fully funded program are, from left: Dianne Van Meeteren, professor of the program, being made available through their partnership with Mohawk College, Theresa Bain, Admissions Advisor for Mohawk College, Michelle Thomas, Student Success Officer for Six Nations Polytechnic, and Lacey Hill, Access and Student Recruitment Coordinator for Aboriginal Education and Student Services. (Photo by Jim Windle)
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Two Row Times Glossary
Common terms that are frequently used in this publication that may not be widely understood. We want to include everyone. Onkwehon:we (Oh-gway-howay) – Original people or complete person. It could be used interchangeably with the Algonquin word Anishnaabeg. An indigenous word for “Indian” does not exist but this could be considered the most accurate replacement.
ca between sovereign nations of the Haudenosaunee and the British. A belt of white wampum symbolizes the peaceful path or river of life and two parallel rows of purple wampum represent non-interference between Haudenosaunee and British vessels.
Haudenosaunee (Hoh-denoh-show-nee) – people of the longhouse also known as League of Five Nations, Six Nations Confederacy or Iroquois. Politically similar to the modern United Nations, the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca nations unified in purpose while maintaining autonomy and diversity. The Tuscarora nation was added to the council in 1720.
Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt – The dish or bowl metaphor was used to describe the agreement amongst indigenous groups who peacefully shared the hunting resources of the Great Lakes region. The general concept of the bowl can also be applied to represent the entire continent.
Wampum Belts – Channelled whelk and Quahog shells crafted into beads used for important political purposes among the Haudenosaunee and other eastern woodland nations. Because the oral traditions and histories of indigenous peoples were so important these belts embodied a living agreement and served as a memory device for successive generations to interpret. Two Row Wampum Belt, 1677 – the relationship agreement or “Prime Treaty” of North Ameri-
Turtle Island – the land of North America but it has also been interpreted to represent the entire earth. Kanien’kehá:ka (Gun-yee-gayhaw-gah)– literally translated “People of the place of the flint” and is the proper name for the Mohawk people. Mohawk could be a transliteration of the derogatory term “Mohowawogs” which means flesh eaters or perhaps cannibals. Gayogohó:no’ (Guy-yoh-go-ohno) – literally, people of the great swamp but is the proper name for the Cayuga people.
Full Newspaper available online at
@tworowtimes @jonathangarlow #SixNay
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK Got a letter to the editor? Send it to Volume 1, Issue 9 657 Mohawk Road Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, Ontario, N0A 1H0 Make all cheques payable to: Garlow Media
EDITORIAL: Grassroots Onkwehon:we at the Forefront A lot of traditional people from Six Nations were skeptical about the Idle No More (INM) movement. They were critical for many reasons. It was a “Pan-Indian” movement. And not only did it not emerge through traditional structures, but its most prominent spokesperson was Chief Spence, an Indian Act Chief. The critique put it simply: how can forms of action which aren’t about us rebuilding our clans, practicing our ceremonies and speaking our languages ever have any chance of real success? To many, Idle No More wasn’t worthy of support or opposition. Nonetheless, this hardline position seemed to fade as the INM movement grew. No matter the origins and missteps of INM, the people were undeniably in motion. Shopping malls were occupied for round dances, social media was exploding, and when rallies were held in Ottawa to support Chief Spence’s hunger strike, hundreds of people from Six Nations and New Credit made the long – and cold journey to Ottawa to add our voices to the thousands of others raised on Parliament Hill. When Chief Spence called off her hunger strike – which she had pledged to maintain until Harper meaningfully consulted with First Nations people – the movement took a real hit and lost credibility. While some questioned the hunger strike tactic, it provided a compelling reason for immediate mobilization against the Harper agenda. For once, it seemed as if an Indian Act Chief was willing to make the supreme sacrifice in leading a massive resistance to the status quo. But then Spence backed down from her hunger strike just when the movement really started taking off. Pressured by members of her Indian Act Band Council she broke her fast
and endorsed the AFN meeting with Harper. The Idle No More movement suffered a further loss of credibility months later when it sought to trademark its name and incorporate itself – an absurd thing for a genuinely Onkwehon:we movement to do. Further, the sovereignty summer events called by INM were not exactly a ringing success. Despite the brave face put on it by spokesperson Clayton Thomas-Muller in a recent interview on CTV, sovereignty summer did not live up to the hype. But INM is now back on the scene with the holding of some 63 events across Canada as part of an Oct 7th day of action to commemorate and draw the attention of Canadians to the 250th anniversary of the Royal Proclamation. These protests aim to remind all peoples that a mere 250 years ago the sovereign governing authority that the Canadian state draws its legitimacy from, explicitly stated that Indian people held title to their land and that any terms of its surrender must be negotiated with them. Now, with the escalation of the Mi’kmaq struggle in New Brunswick, things have changed. By itself, a broadbased but diffuse movement like INM poses little threat to the Canadian power structure. However, the danger to corporate Canada is that a nationally based social media movement like INM will coincide with and fan the flames of more grounded manifestations of indigenous resistance. This connection is now a real possibility as the anti-fracking movement in Elsipogtog has united a broad base of support in the Mi’kmaq, Acadian and anglophone communities in New Brunswick. This unlikely native and non-native alliance – which has seen Acadian lobster fisher-
man literally warring with the Mi’kmaq in the not so distant past – against the natural gas industry from permanently destroying their joint watersheds is a powerful manifestation of peoples’ unity. At Elsipogtog the leadership of the Band Council seemed to line up behind the Mi’kmaq Warriors Society. Just check out the very powerful and profound statements made by At Elsipogtog Band leadership in a major land reclamation announcement on October 1st on their Treaty Day (see article “Frack Off!” also in this week’s edition of TRT). Pointing out that the Canadian government had not been fulfilling its duties under the treaties and that the British Crown had also forsaken its responsibilities, the Band Council declared that “we as Chief and council of Elsipogtog are reclaiming all unoccupied reserved native lands back and put in the trust of our people. Furthermore, we have been instructed by our people that they are ready to go out and stake their claims on unoccupied Crown lands for their own use and benefit.” Could we be witnessing the emergence of a true grassroots Onkwehon:we movement which openly realizes that the only way that conditions are ever going to change is through native people directly exercising their rights? Sovereignty is what you make of it, and this is something that people from the Unist’ot’en camp of the unceded Wet’suwet’en Territory, the Klabona Keepers of the Tahltan Nation, the Mi’kmaq, the Oshkimaadziig Unity Camp, and even Six Nation’s own Derek Sandy and his burger shack are showing us. If Onkwehon:we people really and sincerely believe in their responsibilities to protect and take care of the land, then why not step up and do so?
Paper Carriers Wanted!! We Are looking for people who wish to supplement their income by delivering The Two Row Times. Earn extra cash by being part of the dynamic team at The Two Row Times. Must be reliable, responsible, have own car. Numerous routes available. Please drop resumes off at Icky’s 741 Sour Springs Rd. No phone calls please
Publisher: Garlow Media Founder: Jonathan Garlow General Manager: Tom Keefer Senior Writer: Jim Windle Production: Dave LaForce & Steve da Silva Advertising Director: Marshall Lank Web Manager: Benjamin Doolittle Social Media: Dylan Powell IT: Indicative Solutions Circulation Director: Lucho Granados Ceja Arts & Culture: Nahnda Garlow Editorial Team: Jonathan Garlow & Tom Keefer Main office: (519) 900-5535 Editorial: (519) 900-6241 Advertising: (519) 900-6373 For advertising information: General inquiries: Website: Printed at Ricter Web, Brantford ON
Mohawk Workers help bring UN to investigate Canada By Jim Windle
SIX NATIONS- A delegation of Mohawk Workers have been invited to Ottawa by Special Rapporteur James Anaya to discuss in greater detail matters earlier talked about when they met earlier this year in New York city. Members of the Mohawk Workers may have helped bring UN Special Rapporteur James Anaya to investigate Canada’s treatment of the Indigenous people of this country. The Mohawk connection began on Nov. 2nd, 2012, when the Mohawk Workers forwarded a complaint to the United Nations Human Rights Council, which is the department of Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, James Anaya.
Initially their report concerned the development of Walton Corporation on unceded Tutelo traditional land. Legal action and an injunction were launched to thwart land protectors from protesting at the site. “The Rapporteur invited us to write what is called a ‘synthesis,’ which is the combined complaints of the community put in a defined format which is what the UN would respond to,” says Jason Bowman, a researcher who has been working with the Mohawks to help bring their issues to the mainstream. “After Mr. Anaya read our complaint, he invited Mohawk Chief, Ted Squire, to send a delegation to meet with him in New York City, which happened May 20, 2013,” says Bowman.
“At that time, the delegation, which included Bill Squire, Ellis Hill and others, presented more detailed information.” They also detailed the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,
Harper to visit Canada, which was not responded to – neither rejected nor approved. “Shortly after the May 20th visit, he made another request, and this time Harper relented and approved that he
which Canada endorsed, and indicated which particular clauses were violated, how they were violated, and what redress was expected in compensation. The Rapporteur had already sent requests to
come,” says Bowman. “The request was for a much longer visit than what was approved and after that was made public, he then decided to prorogue parliament so there would not be a parliament sitting in
SIX NATIONS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRUST 4TH ELECTION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES (1) ONE Non Community Resident (Off-Reserve) Board of Trustee Member NOMINATIONS for one (1) Non Community Resident (Off-Reserve)) Board of Trustee Member will be held on SATURDAY - OCTOBER 19th, 2013 at the SIX NATIONS COMMUNITY HALL (Blue# 1738) located on the 4th Line west of Chiefswood Road Conc 4 Tusc Twp) from 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon standard time. ADVANCE VOTER’S POLL - SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9TH, 2013 at the SIX NATIONS COMMUNITY HALL from 9 AM - 2 PM for the Election of one (1) Non Community Resident (Off-Reserve) Board of Trustee Member. The Chief Electoral Polling Officer will immediately secure the ballots after the poll closes. Votes will be counted along with the election results of Saturday November 16th 2013. GENERAL VOTER’S POLL - SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16 , 2013 at the SIX NATIONS COMMUNITY HALL from 9 AM - 6 PM for the Election of one (1) Non Community Resident (Off-Reserve) Board of Trustee Member. The votes from the Advanced Poll and the Election Poll will be counted and the Chief Electoral Polling Officer will declare the results. TH
Dorothy Russell-Patterson Chief Electoral Polling Officer 2659 Fourth Line, R.R.1, Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0 • (519) 445-4204
session while the Rapporteur was here.” There are other Nations as well who have formal complaints at the same stage as the Mohawk Workers, however, Bowman believes that the Mohawk Workers complaint covers two very important issues, including the Rights of Indigenous people under the Indian Act, as well as the sovereignty issue. It is doubtful if the timing of Ayala’s visit is by design, but the date coincides with the 250th anniversary of the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which lays the foundation for defining the Crown’s relationship to all Indigenous Nations of Turtle Island. Some have accused AFN Grand Chief Shaun Atleo of being soft on Ottawa, but his speech
made on CBC television Monday was strong and powerful. Atleo was calm, yet persuasive and direct in his call to Harper’s Canada to immediately and meaningfully start dealing with Indigenous issues of poverty, clean water, housing, education and many other critical issues. His entire speech can be viewed at http:// w w w. c b c . c a / p l a y e r/ News/ID/2410876486/. The take home message from his 20-minute speech and Q&A on the 250th anniversary of the Royal Proclamation was that the Feds and Indigenous peoples of Canada are on a course of either “convergence or collision.”Atleo welcomed United Nations Special Rapporteur James Anaya’s fact-finding visit Monday.
12 (twelve) Councillors (2 per District) and 1 (one) Chief NOMINATIONS for one (1) CHIEF and twelve (12) DISTRICT COUNCILLORS will be held on SATURDAY - OCTOBER 19th, 2013 at the SIX NATIONS COMMUNITY HALL (Blue# 1738) located on the 4th Line west of Chiefswood Road Conc 4 Tusc Twp) from 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon standard time. ADVANCE VOTER’S POLL - SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9TH, 2013 at the SIX NATIONS COMMUNITY HALL from 9 AM - 2 PM for the Election of twelve (12) Councillors (2 per District) and one (1) Chief. The Chief Electoral Polling Officer will immediately secure the ballots after the poll closes. Votes will be counted along with the election results of Saturday November 16th 2013. GENERAL VOTER’S POLL - SATURDAY NOVEMBER 16TH, 2013 at the SIX NATIONS COMMUNITY HALL from 9 AM - 6 PM for the Election of twelve (12) Councillors (2 per District) and one (1) Chief. The votes from the Advanced Poll and the Election Poll will be counted and the Chief Electoral Polling Officer will declare the results. Dorothy Russell-Patterson Chief Electoral Polling Officer 2659 Fourth Line, R.R.1, Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0 • (519) 445-4204
“Tewatahtawi” - “We carry ourselves” In 1776, when a group of 13 British colonies broke off from their empire, there was more than just a battle that needed to be fought. First, there needed to be a rationale or philosophy that the rest of the world (Europe, in particular) could embrace for such a revolt. The rationale was laid out in the Declaration of Independence, which formed the United States of America. The Declaration stated, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” However, for Europeans that truth was not so self-evident. Under the yoke of Europe’s monarchies, all men were not regarded as equal and all rights came not from creation but from the thrones, the royal families. The “sovereignty” of the monarchs was derived from one of the biggest
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lies ever perpetrated by man: that “God” bestowed a “divine” and ultimate power upon chosen ones to rule over all others. The kings and queens of Europe ruled on the myth that they were chosen by God to wield ultimate and unlimited power over man and Earth. The vast majority, those not chosen by God, had no inherent right to liberty or the pursuit of happiness. All privilege came from the throne. Even life was a privilege dispensed or limited at the whim of these “rulers.” Conversely, for thousands of years the Haudenosaunee had lived in a world where only nature and the natural order of things provided the paths for life. Sovereignty was inherent; it was a birthright; and it was inalienable. Respect for the paths of all the elements of creation guided our own journey through the generations. The power and authority to carry ourselves was an individual right. It was our obligation. Our sovereignty was not a “collective right” but a right we defended collectively. Our people were not governed or led by a chosen few but, rather, were served by them. The consent of the people was essential
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for all major decisions. This was the original rationale adopted by this breakaway group of white men from Europe, which is now sold to the rest of the world as the “great experiment” that is the United State. The U.S. Declaration of Independence stated, as a matter of fact, that the “just powers” of a government derived those powers from the “consent of the governed.” The clear implication was that the power was from the people and any “authority” not derived from the consent of the people was not just. This concept came directly from the philosophy and path of the Haudenosaunee. Those who were chosen for specific responsibilities were not elevated as leaders but rather placed in the service of their people; they were servants of the people. The young United States also made a commitment to adopt this concept. But, as so often happens in the world of man, responsibilities are confused with authority, especially for those who lived for centuries under a hierarchy, male dominance and tremendous economic disparity. The influences of the European system, which were so engrained for
centuries and, thus, so hard to entirely dismiss, not only corrupted the intentions of their children but, ultimately, also took its toll on our ways. Make no mistake. Whether the citizens of the United States now look at their elected
ple, the debate over the authority of the people against the assumed and exaggerated authority of “tribal leadership” must be settled. In fact, what some regard as the “Nation” is “the People.” The “Nation” is not a council, a chief, a president, a chairman or
“Before we appropriated words such as “sovereignty,” the Haudenosaunee said, “Tewatahtawi” - “We carry ourselves.”
positions as “rulers” rather than “servants,” whether they now accept their birthrights as extinguished and their rights and privileges as “grants” from those “rulers,” we Haudenosaunee do not! Whether elected by popular vote or selected through clans, those chosen by the people are SERVANTS. Those that sit in council for their people have no authority on their own. Resolutions, decisions and proposals can only be reached with and by the consent of the people. Since Haudenosaunee sovereignty remains vested in the peo-
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Basement Flooring
a trustee. Again, these are servants of the people. Before we appropriated words, such as “sovereignty,” the Haudenosaunee said, “Tewatahtawi” — “We carry ourselves.” Our livelihoods are the means for our survival. The right to carry ourselves is the assertion of our inherent right, our sovereignty. This we always knew. The trade conducted within our territories and between our territories is the most vital and sustaining commerce we have. Our individual Native-to-Native trade is Nation-to-Nation
trade. An act of aggression by a government or agency against an individual conducting a lawful act on Native land or between Native lands is an act of aggression against all our people. Violating the sovereignty of an individual violates the sovereignty of us all. Our commerce is a sovereign act in our free use and enjoyment of our lands and the right to “carry ourselves” without interference, whether that commerce is carried out by individuals or an agency or designee of the people.
John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk, a national commentator on Native American issues, hosts “Let’s Talk Native…with John Kane,” ESPN-AM 1520 in Buffalo, Sundays, 9-11 p.m. The show streams live on the TuneIn App and on the Native Pride Blog. Join the conversation by calling 716-803-1520. He is a frequent guest on WGRZTV’s (NBC/Buffalo) “2 Sides” and “The Capitol Pressroom with Susan Arbetter” in Albany. John’s “Native Pride” blog can be found at www. He also has a very active “Let’s Talk Native...with John Kane” group page on Facebook.
…And Nasty Crawl Spaces too!
Mourn with those who mourn by Nahnda Garlow My spirit is stirring this week and I find it no coincidence that among the women I know, the feeling is mutual. My kids came home in tears, another girl I know shed mysterious tears at work. People everywhere I turn are confessing that they got hit with a good case of the cry-ball suddenly stuck in their throat for no reason at all. The spirits of the people are crying and they don’t know why. I think I do. Whether you call it intuition or spidey-senses, I feel inside that a greater healing is going on in the spiritual world around us. I’m not afraid to say it out loud, the Spirit is
moving and the Creator is addressing our grief as an indigenous nation. In commemoration of the missing and murdered aboriginal women
up words of condolence and healing. Everyone is sending out good prayers and chants to the Creator and sending love to those in mourning.
and girls, people have gathered to remember. Walking With Our Sisters opened a travelling ceremony that will go around the continent for seven years to address the grief of the people. Our people are lifting up songs, they are offering
I am in mourning with them. It runs parallel to the pain of the families of missing and murdered women and resonates so deep within me I can’t brush it aside. This week I went to the Sisters In Spirit rally in Hagersville. A row of
A greater healing is going on in the spiritual world around us
women were standing behind me singing in unison with the hand drum. I was supposed to be there taking pictures for the newspaper, but my heart was compelled to join in. So there I was...half singing along with the drum, half crying, snot running down my face and my little cardboard sign blowing in the wind. It took all of me not to fall down on the ground and start wailing. Not for myself, but because I know the pain of losing my niece too soon. I know what it is like to miss her. I miss her laugh. I miss her messy hair and her dirty toes. I miss her everyday and when I am not busy missing her it is only because I am busy trying to fill up my days with housework, interviews and printing so that I don’t
have time to think about her. When I do, I ache. My very insides groan because she is gone and I was powerless to stop it. And yet the world goes on, and we move on grieved with it. I don’t have much, but today I offer up my voice and my pain. If we only ever connect through the pages of a newspaper I offer it up to you my Haudenosaune brothers and sisters. I will stand here with you
in this place of pain and cry together with you. I will stand with you whose insides ache because you are aggrieved and I will cry out to the Creator together with you in their memory and ask for healing. May we never forget and may it never happen again. (For my old friend Jenni’s mom, for Tashina who I never knew, for Elaine and Shelley and Karina. For Jair, for Elle, for Shiyloh.)
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Elsipogtog reclaims land in anti-fracking struggle By Steve Da Silva
After months of arrests and mounting resistance against shale gas exploration in New Brunswick on Mi’kmaq territory, the anti-fracking movement upped the ante this past week with a fresh blockade and a proclamation of a massive land reclamation, which has forced conservative New Brunswick Premier David Alward to a negotiation table with representatives of the anti-fracking movement. A day after the September 30 blockade was established on Route 134 that blocked the entrance to an equipment storage site of SWN Resources Canada, Chief Aaron Sock, speaking for Chief and Council of the Elsipogtog First Nation, announced a sweeping Mi’kmaq land reclamation effective immediately. “Harper and the Conservative government have lifted restrictions to environmental protections of our lands and water” and “the provincial government is turning over all lands… to a corporation for their own benefit… we have lost confidence in governments for the safekeeping of our lands.” Sock added that “our notice of eviction has been completely ignored by the Provincial government and Southwest Energy, and… we have been compelled to act to save our water, land and animals from ruin.” “Let it be known to all the we as the chief and council of Elsipogtog are reclaiming all unoccupied reserve lands… We have been instructed by our people that they are ready, willing, and able to go out and stake
their own claims on all unoccupied lands for their own use and benefit.” The October 1 announcement was read at the blockade site to an exuberant crowd of hundreds who gathered from across Kent County and beyond. The New Brunswick government has been allowing SWN Resources to explore some 2.5 million acres of lands for the purpose of shale gas extraction through hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”. Fracking involves drilling deep wells that fracture shale rock beds and requires the pumping of millions of gallons of pressurized fresh water and toxic chemicals, including known carcinogens and neurotoxins, into a well to force the gas out. However, the provincial government’s case for hydraulic fracturing took a huge blow this past September when Louis LaPierre, the researcher at the New Brunswick Energy Institute who wrote the report encouraging the government to proceed with gas exploitation, was discovered to have lied for decades about having a PhD in Ecology. On Wednesday, October 2, a new Brunswick court issued an injunction against the blockade at the request of SWN, which is enforceable until October 12, 2013. But the papers have yet to be served by the RCMP, and Miles Howe of the Halifax Media Co-op has reported that the RCMP would not enforce an injunction until dialogue with the Premiere had ceased. On Sunday, October 5 Premier Alward and three members of his cabinet met with and
Chief Aaron Sock (center, button-up shirt) of the Elsipogtog First Nation flanked by warriors and protesters after declaring that his community is reclaiming all unoccupied Crown Lands, which comprise much of modern day New Brunswick. Photo Credt: Miles Howe of the Halifax Media Coop. the Elsipogtog chief and 15 representatives of the protesters for three hours in a Moncton hotel, with negotiations continuing in Fredericton as of Monday. The delegation reportedly excluded the Mi’kmaq Warriors Society, who Alward would not meet with, and who have reportedly been the main and most visible force at the blockade. The Warriors are independent of the Chief and Council. Two Row Times asked Elsipogtog counsellor Robert Levi whether the negotiations that had opened up related to the blockade or the larger land reclamation, and Levi told us that “I think the [reclamation] is a larger issue that will take on a life of its own. But since we have an injunction hanging over our heads, this is what needs to be resolved right now, since we want a peaceful resolution to the blockade and for no one to get hurt.” On October 7, the Mi’kmaq Warriors Society took their own initiative and hand-de-
livered a letter (via a Houston-based environmentalist group) to SWN Resources reading, “all projects, leases, and permits issued to SWN Resources by the Government [of New Brunswick] come to a halt until all Mi’kmaq-L’nu, and Wabanaki communities, as sovereign individuals
are Meaningfully Consulted, and that we are able to come to an informed decision as individuals.” All the while, the Acadian presence in the anti-fracking movement and at the most recent blockade has also been quite strong, which many see as a welcome
development between the two communities. Fourteen years ago, the crisis of Burnt Church unfolded 100 km to the north, where non-native fishers destroyed thousands of Mi’kmaq lobster traps to protest native fishing rights, which was followed by violent confrontations. However, Acadians and Mi’kmaq have also had strong of unity against a common oppressor in the region’s history. After the mass expulsion of the French-speaking Acadian people by the British in 1755, the remaining Acadians and the Mi’kmaq made a treaty that saw the two peoples unite in a guerilla war against the British that led to the 1757 defeat of a British detachment in 1757 in the Battle of Bloody Creek.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE #2 Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Highway 6 and First Line Intersection Improvements G.W.P. 3023-11-00 THE STUDY The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained McCormick Rankin to undertake the Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study for intersection improvements at Highway 6 and First Line, in Haldimand County. Subject to further consultation, the preferred plan includes: • I ntersection widening to include left-turn lanes on Highway 6, a southbound right-turn lane and an eastbound right-turn taper; and • Installing traffic signals and illumination. THE PROCESS The study is following the approved environmental assessment process for Group ‘B’ projects under the Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000), with the opportunity for public input throughout the study. Upon completion of the study, a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) will be completed and made available for a 30-day public review period. The TESR public review period will be announced in this newspaper. If the Class EA screening process indicates that the project will not result in any significant adverse environmental effects, then this project may be ‘stepped-down’ to a Group ‘C’ project. A notice will be issued and a review period will be provided if this decision is considered. PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE #2 The first Public Information Centre (PIC) was held on October 16, 2012. The purpose of the PIC was to provide the community the opportunity to review and comment on the study process, existing conditions, need and justification, generation of preliminary alternatives, and the next steps in the study. A second round of PICs has been arranged to allow the community an opportunity to review and comment on the results of the assessment and evaluation process, and to present the preferred alternative. The PICs will be held as a drop-in style, open house format, with informal presentations. Representatives of the Project Team will be available to answer questions and receive comments. The PICs will be held as follows: Date: Location: Time: Presentations:
Thursday October 24, 2013 Mississaugas of the New Credit Community Centre 659 New Credit Road, Building 4 Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Monday October 28, 2013 Hagersville Arena – Almas Room 36 Sherring Street North Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
If you are unable to attend the PIC, but wish to obtain further information or to provide comments, please contact: Mr. Dan Green, P.Eng. Consultant Project Manager McCormick Rankin 72 Victoria Street South, Suite 100 Kitchener, ON N2G 4Y9 tel: 519-741-1464 ext. 2234 toll-free: 1-866-741-8850 fax: 519-741-8884 e-mail:
Mr. Frank Hochstenbach, M.Eng., P.Eng. Project Engineer Ministry of Transportation, West Region 659 Exeter Road London, ON N6E 1L3 tel: 519-873-4575 toll-free: 1-800-265-6072 ext. 519-873-4575 fax: 519-873-4600 e-mail:
Mr. Greg Moore, B.E.S. Consultant Environmental Planner Ecoplans 2655 North Sheridan Way Mississauga, ON L5K 2P8 tel: 905-823-4988 ext. 1323 toll-free: 1-877-562-7947 fax: 905-823-2669 e-mail:
Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.
Walking With Our Sisters Memorial opens in Edmonton by Nahnda Garlow EDMONTON
When Metis artist Christi Belcourt heard about the disappearance of a number of indigenous women in her area, she was overwhelmed with emotion. “It hit me like a stab to the heart because I was thinking of their mom, because I am a mom.” This was the emotional breakthrough that birthed Walking With Our Sisters, a commemorative art installation to honour the lives of missing and murdered indigenous women across Turtle Island. The work opened with proper ceremony and protocol guided by elders at the Telus Centre Atrium on October 2 at the University of Alberta. This memorial was one of the many events across the country last week remembering the lives of those women lovingly referred to as our “Sisters In Spirit”, giving the indigenous community a place to grieve the lost. Belcourt initially put out the call on social media for people to mail in “vamps”; the top deco-
rated part of a moccasin, to be included in a memorial piece honouring the lives of the women and their grieving families. The goal was to have 600 vamps, one pair for each of the women to be honoured. Belcourt says, “I thought realistically we would get 400-500. And then when things started picking up I thought we would get 600 for sure. In one month we got over a thousand and they had just started arriving.” In total 1726 vamps were received by the Walking With Our Sisters Collective for this work, including several hundred from the Haudenosaunee community. As the exhibit grew, so did the purpose and intention behind the work. Notes were being submitted with vamps explaining that an intimate level of ceremony was observed while creating each piece. “A lot of people sent notes on Facebook that said if they weren’t feeling good that day or they were in a bad mood they would put the beadwork down because their grandmothers taught them the ener-
Vamps of the Kahnawake beading club courtesy of website gy you have gets transferred into the work you are doing,” said Belcourt. “Those vamps have a whole lot of energy in them. When all that love gets stitched into something I don’t know if it is something we can comprehend with our minds but it speaks to our soul, it speaks to our spirit.” As the vamps arrived, the collective realized the work was transitioning from a commemorative memorial to a ceremonial responsibility. The project shifted again after Belcourt’s partner had a dream. In it, there were two eagle staffs present at the showing of the vamps. An elder tied an eagle feather onto one staff in memory of her daughter. He made these eagle staffs according to the dream and said that one of them is for missing women and the other one is for women who have been killed. Those staffs are now present at the viewing for family members to tie on feathers for their loved ones.
The memorial is installed following a specific ceremonial protocol. “We create the space as a sacred space. In some areas we lay down sage, in some areas people choose to lay tobacco, or cedar depending on the traditions of the area we are in.” says Belcourt. The showing is begun with an opening ceremony and there are helpers who smudge with the show day and night. “It feels like a wake. You don’t want to leave them. It’s a really strange feeling everybody gets protective about them. It feels like we are in ceremony and nobody wants to go. At the same time it is a celebration of life, it is recognizing that their lives were valued.” As the collection is passed to the next community, it will be prepared as a sacred bundle and passed to an appointed “keeper of the vamps”; a traditional indigenous woman who works with elders of the community to ensure lo-
cal traditional protocols are observed. Belcourt says because of all the ceremonial aspects, the showing has grown into something of its own. “It is more than an art exhibit. It is very much creating a sacred space and doing that means it is not just a curiosity.” For this reason requests to take the show outside of North America have not been accepted. Belcourt
says, “It’s not meant to be outside of our territory because it is meant for us. We are inviting the non-indigenous community to come and experience with us.” While the journey has just begun, already an impact has been made across the indigenous nations of Turtle Island. Belcourt says, “It’s so much more than re-‘Tweet’ing something or hitting ‘like’. It’s transcended social media into the real world, and then back into social media again. It’s shown that social media can just be a platform for action taking place in the real world.” Walking With Our Sisters is on display at the University of Alberta until October 13. It is set to arrive in Kahnawake and Akwesasne in 2017 and Six Nations is scheduled to be the second to last stop on the tour in 2018. The tour will then be concluded with a traditional ceremony in Batoche, SK. For more information on the project you can visit the website
Band Council statement on Six Nations CAS controversy
On April 6, 1971 the Six Nations Council of the day passed a resolution to allow the Brant CAS to establish an office on the Six Nations Reserve to deliver child protection services. On April 3, 2012 the Six Nations Elected Council resolved that a notice be sent to the Brant Children’s Aid Society that the Six Nations Council was moving forward to assume control of Child and Family Services on the Six Nations Territory and that the former Resolution of 1971 would be rescinded. The Brant CAS was notified that Resolution 8 of April 6, 1971 was rescinded and would take effect on April 1, 2013. On March 12, 2013 the date to vacate was extended by six (6) months to October 1,
2013. Therefore, the Brant CAS and their Board of Directors had notice to move their NSB Office off the Territory eighteen (18) months ago. The unprofessional and disrespectful manner that the Brant CAS is using towards the Haudenausonee Confederacy Council to attempt to override the SNEC Resolution to vacate is being viewed by our lawyers for legal action. The local media is portraying the impasse as that the SNEC has backed down. This is patently untrue as the Council is still asking the Brant CAS to honour the Resolution and deliver their mandate from their Brantford Office. As a result, a letter from the Haudenausonee Development Institute
(HDI) purporting to be acting on direction from the Haudenausonee Confederacy Council directed the Brant CAS Board to disregard the SNEC Resolution. The HDI goes further in directing the Brant CAS Board of Directors to declare that the Haudenausonee Confederacy Council is the legal governing body of the Six Nations of the Grand River territory.
In 2009 the Confederacy Council gave instructions to the Clan Mothers to work with the community to create a Six Nations child welfare organization focused on strengthening families and protection of our children and youth. This came about as a result of numerous complaints against the Native Services Branch (NSB) actions around
child apprehensions under the guise of protection. Many of the concerns were from extended family of children who were apprehended. It was requested by extended family members that children be placed with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, but it was reported that the requests were denied by the Brant Children’s Aid Society (BCAS), Native Services Branch (NSB). As recently as Monday September 30, 2013 there have been reports of CAS/NSB sealing files of families currently in apprehension. On January 5, 2010 the Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) formed a designation working committee with a mandate to work with the
Clan Mothers to re-establish responsibility for the protection of our children and youth, and end the involvement of the Brant Children’s Aid Society with our families. This was a community based working group intended to keep politics out of the work needed to move to designation under Part X of the Ontario Child and Family Services Act. Two Clan Mothers have been working with the designation working committee as the spoke persons on behalf of the Clan Mothers. Bill Montour Elected Chief on behalf of the Six Nations Elected Council (Note: due to space constraints we are not able to print the complete version of this letter to the editor. The letter in its entirety can be read on the Two Row Times website at
Andy White, 75, musician from Akwesasne – Original Thundertones band member
Well-known musician Andrew Vernon White (1938 – 2013) passed away at his home at 370 McGee Road in Akwesasne, on October 2. He was born on January 1, 1938 in Akwesasne, son of the late Thomas and Elsie Terrance White. Andy attended schools in Hogansburg, St. Regis and Massena, New York. He was a U.S. Army veteran, serving honorably from 1961 to 1963. He married Monica Terrance in 1961 at the St. Regis Catholic Church.
He was a retired ironworker, since 2000, working out of Ironworkers Local #440. He belonged to the American Legion Post #1479 and Amvets Post #4. He was also active with the St. Regis Mohawk Senior Citizens club. Andy was a member of the Hogansburg Assembly of God. Andy was most wellknown for his founding of the Original Thundertones musical group as a guitar player, with the late Fiddler Joe Jacobs, also from Akwesasne. The group changed in musical lineup over the years but these two musicians kept it together. They played in many Onkwehon:we communities, as well as regional cities such as Toronto, Ottawa, Buffalo, and Rochester. They also played in
New York City. In 2006, the current Thundertones were nominated for a 2006 NAMMY (Native American Music Award) for their debut recording, “Legion Stomp.” The recording reflects the musical influences of the founding members. Both Andy and Joe were exposed to French-Canadian and New England fiddle music as youngsters. They also were influenced by the Don Messer Band, which played from the 1930’s to the 1960’s. Tom Messer created a fusion musical style that had Celtic musical roots he blended with regional folk fiddle playing. The Thundertones musical group continues playing today to new audiences. Mr. White is survived by his wife Monica; and children Cynthia M.
White of Six Nations, Vernon Andrew and Belinda White of Akwesasne, and Nicole and James McDonald of Akwesasne. Andy had five grandchildren, Vanna, Viktoria, Jesse, Megan and Teresa. He also had two chosen daughters, Veronica Marie Adams and Samantha Thompson, and a cho-
sen son, musician Terry Terrance. Andy is also survived by a brother, John “Bullets” White and his wife Gladys White of Akwesasne. Andy was predeceased by a brother, James Spike White, in 1988. Funeral services were held at the Donaldson Funeral Home in
Massena, New York on Friday October 4. Lonnie Thompson of Akwesasne spoke and Pastor Arthur Brandt officiated at the service. Cremation followed the service. Memorial contributions may be made to the St. Regis Senior Citizens club or to Hospice of the North Country.
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SIX NATIONS MINOR HOCKEY OPENS NEW SEASON Novice Reps drop first game of the new season 6-4
By Jim Windle OHSWEKEN - For the Novice Reps, the new season began with a hick-up, losing 6-4 to the Norwich Knighthawks on Sunday afternoon at the Gaylord Powless Arena in Ohsweken. Six Nations fell behind 3-0 before getting it in gear with Shaylen Martins point shot from John Hill which found
the bottom corner of the Norwich net to make it 3-1. Shortly thereafter Cruz General turned on the afterburners to slip past the Norwich defense and score to draw the Six Nations Novices 3-2, unassisted. In the third, Kalym Racette tied the game at 3-3 from Layton Meyers and Dayton Martin put Six Nations ahead 4-3 from Asher Martin. Aiden Kindury was the
power source for Norwood scoring a total of five of Norwich’s goals including the last three goals of the game that Six Nations just could not answer. Head coach Ron General will try to get his team on track before they play again this coming Game On! The action was hot and heavy Sunday afternoon as the 2013-2014 Six Nations Minor Hockey season opened at the Gaylord Powless Arena. The weekend. 1 o’clock game featured the Six Nations Novice Reps taking on Norwich. The visitors won 6-4. (Photo by Jim Windle)
Atom Reps hold on to 2-1 By Jim Windle OHSWEKEN - Sunday, the Six Nations Atom Reps opened the new season with a closely played 2-1 win over the visiting Norwich Knighthawks Atoms. Six Nations’ first goal came as a bit of a blooper when Brenden Anderson’s shot def lected off of a Norwich defender’s skate and into the back of the net to give Six Nations a 1-0. Preston Hill and Cole Powless assisted on the play. That score stood up throughout the rest of the period. In the second, Norwich’s Sam Jankovic fired a shot wide of the Six Nations net where it was picked up by
Caleb Vankerrebroeck who put the puck in front to Owen Kindury who buried it to tie the game at 1-1. Six Nations took advantage of a Norwich penalty when Anderson scored his second goal of the game, from Dayton Sawyer on a rebound. Early in the third period Calvin Jonathan came close to making it 3-1 when he burst in on the Norwich goal, all alone, but he was stymied by goalie Ben Serrador. There were fine saves made at both ends of the ice as Six Nations’ Cade Anthony and Serrador stood their ground.
N o r wich came very close to tying the game as the seconds wound down. Anthony made a great save just before the final buzzer to preserve the 2-1 win and begin the new season with a wellearned win.
The Six Nations Atom Reps looked good in their 2-1 win Sunday afternoon at the Gaylord Powless Arena. (Photo by Jim Windle)
SN Pee Wee’s crush Knighthawks 5-0 By Jim Windle OHSWEKEN - The Six Nations Pee Wee Reps lef t a 5-0 calling card in their season opener Sunday against Nor wich. It was 2-0 af ter 20 minutes of play thanks to goals by Sandy Por ter, unassisted, and Connor Smith from Isaiah W hitlow.
Mason Hill added another early in the second period with a high wrist shot, and Devon Jamieson made it 4-0, both unassisted goals. Six Nations Pee Wee’s fif th goal came with 4:37 lef t in the second period. There was no scoring in the third.
Sandy Porter scores for the Six Nations Pee Wee Reps in Sunday’s season opener at the GPA. Six Nations won 5-0.
Bantams lose 3-2 heartbreaker
By Jim Windle OHSWEKEN - Last season’s Ontario Champions, the Six Nations Bantams, took it on the chin in their first official game of the new season as the visiting Norwich Knighthawks took the good side of a 3-2 game at the GPA, Sunday. But at the beginning of the 201213 season the Bantams had not peaked yet either. Sunday, there was no scoring in the first eriod altho gh Six Nations could have found themselves behind 1-0 had it not een for the ick reflexes of Six Nations defender Nash Miller. Goalie Richard Johnson got most, but not all, of a Norwich shot and the puck fell behind him, sliding towards the goal line when Miller reached
in with his stick and scooped it out of danger, just before it crossed the line. It remained 0-0 until the second period when Norwich took a 2-1 lead. Scoring for Six Nations was Davin Whitlow and for Norwich it was Gage Debourgrave and Brady Van Ymeren. Six Nations’ Lyle Jonathan evened the score at 2-2 late in the third when he found the puck at his feet in a crowd in front of the Knighthawks’ net and swiped it past the netminder. Whitlow earned the assist. B t Norwich was not finished et went five seconds later, the Knighthawks’ Blair Couwenberg scored the game winner.
Six Nations’ Bantams’ Cecil Monture shadows Norwich Knighthawks’ Dan Colclur in Sunday afternoon’s 3-2 Six Nations loss at the Gaylord Powless Arena. (Photo by Jim Windle)
Six Nations Midgets open season with 6-4 character win
vision and wants to see this year’s Midget Reps arrive at the Ontario Championships this year. “It was nice to win with a comeback like that,” he said. “They showed a lot of heart, and we were missing three or four of our key players today.” here are seven first ear midget players joining this year’s squad and they are graduates from last year’s Bantam Champions. Six Nations established a physical resence in the first eriod hitSix Nations Midgets’ Kurt Gibson, #71, scores on Norwich goalie Ryan Wy- ting everything that moved, but it lie in Sunday afternoon’s season opener at the Gaylord Powless Arena. The Midgets came from a 3-0 deficit to win the game 6-4. (Photo by Jim Windle) was Norwich scoring the goals. an a man fli ed a ackBy Jim Windle Championship coach Terry “Bean” hander behind Six Nations startOHSWEKEN - After taking his Smith has moved up with a lot of Bantam Reps to the Ontario last year’s team to the Midget di-
ing goaltender, David Maracle to put Norwich on the scoreboard first wo more goals fo nd a dirt efore the end of the first, tting Six Nations behind 3-0 after 20 minutes of play. But the second period belonged to Six Nations. Jerry Staats replaced Maracle in the Six Nations net and the Midgets began to roll, starting with Hayden Smith’s rebound off of an initial shot by Travis Longboat, who earned the assist on the Powerplay goal. Six Nations continued to chip away at the Norwich lead and eventually Travis Longboat tied it at 3-3.
Norwich tied it at 4-4 in the third period before Six Nations scored two late goals to give them their first a win of the ear, in a strong come from behind character win to start the new season. Although pleased with the win and the effort, Smith wasn’t entirely happy with what he saw. “They are playing too much individually,” he said of his team’s impressive 6-4, come from behind win. he first order of siness at practice will be breakouts, according to Smith, in his quest to mold a team from a group of very talented young individuals.
2012-13 Bantam Ontario Champs
14 year old Mysti-Rayne Doxtador won the “Most Outstanding Player” award trophy for the 2013 baseball season. This being Mysti’s very first year of playing baseball, she also received an Honorable Mention for her endeavours while playing for the Six Nations Thunder peewee girls team. Mysti is eagerly waiting for the 2014 baseball season to begin. Awards were presented Sat, Oct 5 at the Six Nations Community Hall.
It was time for the hardware presentation for the Ontario Champion Six Nations Bantams on Sunday as former coach, Terry “Bean” Smith, now coaching the Six Nations Midgets Reps, proudly awarded the team individual trophies before the Bantam Game Sunday at the Gaylord Powless Arena. Receiving trophies were from left: beside Coach Terry Smith, Jerry Staats for the “Vezina Trophy” best goalie; Shaun General for Best Defenseman; Most Improved Player was Isaiah Aaron; Playoff MVP, and winner of the Jeff and John Smith Memorial Trophy for Top Achievement on the team was Travis Longboat; and Best Defenseman Dayton Hill. (Photo by Jim Windle)
Corvairs now 10-0 and still getting stronger
By Jim Windle CALEDONIA - The Caledonia Pro-Fit Corvairs are now 100, and so far anyway, have not had a real challenge at all this year. Saturday night they easily kept the string of wins intact with a 5-0 shutout win over the Welland Canadians. Friday night they doubled up on St. Catharines 6-3 in St. Kitts. The Corvairs took a 2-0 lead in the first eriod on goals by Kyler Nixon at 7:18 assisted by Jake Brown and Jeffrey Marlott, and Spencer Gourlay’s powerplay goal 9:06 from Matt Quilty and Connor Murphy. Neither team scored in the second. Cody Brown opened the third period with the 3-0 goal, only 15 seconds after the faceoff, assisted by Nixon and JC Thivienge. Matt Quilty made it 4-0 from Brooker Muir and Cosimo Fontana at the 2 minute mark. Cody Brown scored his second of the game to complete the scoring on a powerplay at 19:28 while Furlong and his defense protected the shut out. “I felt pretty good tonight,” said Colin Furlong, who played with the Kingston Frontenacs of the OHA last season. “I love
it here. They treat you good, great bunch of guys and I’m not used to being on a winning team. That is only my third Jr. Shutout ever and I’m in my fourth year, so that’s nice too.” Head coach Mike Bullard was away on business so GM Brian Rizzetto stood in behind the bench in his stead along with assistant coaches Mark Johnson and Jeff Hoppe. “We’re pretty impressed with our goals against right now,” said Rizzetto in an overview of how his team is coming together. “We like our team, and more importantly, the team likes itself and they play hard for each other.” The signing of Furlong to shore up the goaltending situation this year was a godsend, he says. “We weren’t too happy about the goaltending situation last year, so when Colin came along, we wanted to add him for sure,” said Rizzetto. But as good as this team is, Rizzetto still has a couple of new faces to introduce to the fans over the next week or two. Friday night, against the Falcons in St. Catharines, the potent Corvair powerplay was the difference in the game.
1957, all on powerplays. Friday night they are back They scored four extra man This coming Thursday at the Haldimand Centre in markers in eight chances for a night, October 10th, at 7:30 Caledonia for a date with Fort 50% success rate. pm, the Corvairs play in AnErie who is struggling along Spencer Gourlay opened caster at the Morgan Firestone with a 1-8-2 record. Then on the scoring late in the first eArena. Ancaster’s record to Saturday night, October 12, riod assisted by Cody Brown date is 6-3-2 and have potenit’s back on the bus this time to and Connor Murphy at 18:43. tial to play the giant killer if Chatham to face the Western The Falcons tied the score the Corvairs take them too Conference Maroons who are at 5:08 of the second period lightly. 4-4-1 so far this season. before Cody Brown notched Caledionia’s first owerplay goal from Marlott and Nixon. St Kitts evened the score again at 13:06, which is how the second period ended. Cosimo Fontana took the lead again for the Corvairs with their second powerplay goal at 1:40 of the third. But once again, St. Catharines stayed stride for stride with the Corvairs and evened the score at 3-3 with Tyler Jackson’s goal, also on a powerplay. When the Falcons ran into a string of penalties late in the game, the Caledonia Powerplay took over. Connor Murphy scored what would hold as the winner at 18:16, Cody Brown scored Kyler Nixon sweeps around Welland’s Miller Hatten. The 10-0 Corinto an empty net at the vairs have three games in three nights this coming week beginning 19-minute mark and Mar- Thursday in Ancaster followed by Friday night at home in Caledonia against Fort Erie, and Saturday night in Chatham. lott added the final goal at
APPLY NOW FOR THE Science and Technology Awards for Youth - (STAY) In School Awards T he S cience and T echnolog y Awards f or Y outh - S T AY in S chool Awards - recog niz e students with the hig hest av erag e in math and science courses. All S ix N ations students between 1 2 and 2 1 y ears of ag e attending G rades 7 to 1 2 during the 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 school y ear are elig ible. Applications can be obtained f rom our website at:
Applications must be submitted in hard copy and postmarked by
October 21, 2013
Minor Lacrosse hands out the hardware
OHSWEKEN - The Six Nations Minor Lacrosse Association handed out the hardware at its annual year-end banquet held Saturday at the Six Nations Community Hall. The main hall was full to capacity with a great meal and a lot of comradery.
Individual awards for participation as well as trophies for a number of other accomplishments were given to young future stars of all ages. SNMLA President Steve Montour was kept busy as a referee in a bench brawl but
he was very pleased with the turnout. He got the chance to congratulate every player, coach and bench staffer as well as their parents for another very successful season with both the Bantam Girls and Intermediate Boys 1 & 2 capturing Provincial titles.
Coaching Staff of the year honours were bestowed upon Colin Miller (left) and Fabian Abel at the annual Minor Lacrosse Banquet held Saturday at the Six Nations Community Hall. They coached the Midget #3’s, a team of very dedicated young players, according to both coaches. “We had a great bunch of guys this year who really wanted to play,” said Miller. “It was easy coaching them. We never had to call them for practice or anything, they were always there.” Coach Able agrees. (Photo by Jim Windle)
Bush Radio Lives On concert at Sanderson Centre
Some of the artists gather back stage for a quick picture at the Sanderson Centre
Derek Miller and Faron Johns
Artist Profile: Cheri Maracle - Mohawk Nation By Nahnda Garlow Mohawk performer Cheri Maracle takes her place front and centre in the third season of APTN’s drama series Blackstone. The Mohawk actress portrays Sarah Bull, a fiery character whose return to the reserve brings even more drama to the fictitious community of Blackstone. If you have never taken the time to watch Blackstone it’s worth checking out. The series examines the political and moral challenges facing Chief and Council of the fictitious Blackstone First Nation. Maracle says of her character Sarah, “She is a fiery woman; rash in her choices, and driven by survival. She is tough, smart, and can be unscrupulously ballsy.” In her first episode, Sarah Bull blasts back into town, finds out her sister is missing and that the home they shared has been rented out by the housing department. In response, Sarah goes around angrily confronting nearly everyone she
“Mohawk performer Cheri Maracle takes her place front and centre in the third season of APTN’s drama series Blackstone.” sees and ends up negotiating for another house on the reserve by sleeping with the Chief. “She is a spitfire, and was a blast to play, for sure. A very bold gal, and as an actor that’s just juicy! On a personal level I connected with her because I am very familiar with
the ‘stereotypical Indian upbringing’; drinking, violence, and often times pure chaos, with a dire sense of trying to stay afloat within that cyclone.” Cheri was in seventh grade when she got hit with the acting bug, “It was a movement piece
on the Creation story, Skywoman Falling From the Sky, and was performed by two actors; Rosa John, and her partner. I was struck by what they were doing and knew immediately that that was what I wanted to do. It was like I was hit by a lightening bolt...I knew.” When she was seventeen, Maracle moved to Vancouver to train in theatre at Capilano College and Spirit Song Native Indian Theatre School. Afterward she began building a professional career when she was only 20 years old as an indigenous performer in theatre, film and music. You may have recognized her as ‘Misty Moon’ from the Canadian comedy series “Blackfly”, or from her role as ‘Mrs. Wolfe’ in the APTN drama “Moccassin Flats”. Maracle also performs a one woman musical about the life of Mohawk poetess Pauline Johnson. Throughout the run of this production Maracle has developed a great respect for the writer, “She was an
insanely talented artist, and a really brave woman in her art and in her life. A trailblazer. A woman ‘before her time’. The more I study her, the more respect I gain for her, and the more understanding, passion, and empathy I have for her and the challenges she
faced back then.” For more information and upcoming dates for Paddle Song you can visit her website www., and don’t forget to check out Blackstone on APTN this fall, Wednesday evenings at 9pm.
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Article puts Cleveland Indians racism in proper perspective
Indigenous Peoples. The rapporteur is touring Canada over a period of nine days and is gathering information to present to the UN Human Rights Council. Anya’s stay coincides with an October 7th Idle No More “Day of Action” which generated over 63 protests nation-wide. The federal government will get a chance to respond to Anaya’s findings before a final report is presented to the United Nations.
Cheer Team Cheer Team
is hosting their
Thursday October 10th for Six Nations Community Youth Ages 13-18, male & female OPEN TO NEW RECRUITS ONLY October 10th
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm @ Emily C. General School No Previous Experience Required!
Must come in athletic attire New Directions Group
Cheer Team
In the photo from left to right: Kenneth Deer - Mohawk, Chief Roger Hill Seneca, Chief Stuart Jamieson - Seneca, Karl Hill - Cayuga, Chief Howard Thompson - Mohawk, Maia Campbell - Assistant to the Special Rapporteur, James Anaya - Special Rapporteur, Chief Sid Hill, Tadodaheh - Onondaga, Kanentokon Hemlock - Mohawk, Glenda Deer - Mohawk, Aronhiaies Herne Mohawk.
Cheer Team
The United Nations has dispatched James Anya, a law professor and special human rights envoy to assess the situation of indigenous peoples within Canada. Anya was on hand in Ottawa this weekend and met with a Haudenosaunee delegation who raised concerns regarding border crossing, identity, missing and murdered Indigenous women, and the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of
UN Special Rapporteur encounters Idle No More
. M . Y.I
Cheer Team
to derail the issue by raising the Fighting Irish as an acceptable example of racial iconography. Journalist Joanna Schroeder released this article for “Good Men Project” website on October 5, 2013 and has generated 6,284 likes and almost 10,000 shares since that time.
Cheer Team
Cheer Team
An article highlighting a controversial image released by the National Congress of American Indians has been circulating on Facebook this week. The poster uses fabricated mascots to expose the inherent racism behind the Cleveland Indians name and logo. Opponents of this article have attempted
The Grand River was turned into an enormous toilet bowl Monday morning when an estimated 860,000 litres of raw sewage was spilled from a pumping station in Waterloo when a power outage caused a malfunction. The incident occurred at 5:15 a.m. The Kitchener water intake was closed for several hours and Brantford, closed theirs Tuesday. The spill made its way down river passing Six Nations Tuesday night. It is not the first time a spill of this size has occurred in the KW area. See more on this story on our website. (Photo by Laura Lepper)
Cheer Team
Cheer Team
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NYA:WEH FROM SONICS/CKRZ 100.3FM Thank you to all the following people for their assistance or contribution to “BUSH RADIO LIVES ON”. All the wonderful performers who donated their talent and time: Old Mush Singers, Manitou Mkwa Singers, Lacey Hill, Logan Staats, Cheri Maracle, Carson Williams with Hot Brown Sugar, Frank McNaughton and Dancers, Jace Martin, Big Train Traditional Drum, Stoneridge Bluegrass, Robbie Antone, Faron Johns, Mark LaForme, ElizaBeth Hill, Murray Porter and Derek Miller! Plus all the back up musicians- too many to list!
Ms Shelby White Arbonne Independent Consultant District Manager DID#110093503 PO Box 403, 35 Moccasin Trail Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0 519.445.2983 C 519.761.7199 F 519.445.4208
Special thanks to: MC- Cheri Maracle, MC-Carolyn King and ElizaBeth Hill (it was her idea!), plus guest speakers- Chief Bill Montour and Tina-Louise Bomberry. Our Sponsors: Lone Wolf - Platinum Kim Thomas - Silver G.R.E.A.T. & The D.A.M. Studio - Bronze KT Tobacco & Omni Basements - Corporate
Let's celebrate!!
Volunteers: Sheila Hill, Tanis Hill, Tonya Thomas, Sharlene Wilson, Cathy Moses-Chadwick Staff and Board: Carolyn King, Charlene Bomberry, Wilma Green, Sherri Staats, Al Sault, Robin Maracle, Lori Harris and John Dable Contributions: KT Tobacco, MTS Native Services, New Credit Country Style, Flowers by Leenie, Coca-Cola Canada, Sobeys West Brant, Niagara Falls Trading Post, Lisa VanEvery, Six Nations Food Bank. We also want to thank the many people who donated to the station at the event. NYA:WEH to all for your support!
CLASSIFIEDS Birth Announcment Kyle Dawn Kaspar, September 27th, 2013 at 6:25am in Brantford, weight 6 lbs., 10oz Parents: Rebecca Duboy and John Kaspar, Big sister: Kendra Oct 19 - No Line 9! No Tar Sands Pipelines! Rally at National Energy Board hearings. 12pm, Oct. 19. Toronto Metro Convention Centre.
Enbridge is trying to pipe tar sands bitumen through Southern Ontario and Quebec, crossing the Haldimand Tract and threatening the health and safety of our communities and water, and allowing for the expansion of the most destructive project on the planet, the tar sands. Need a ride or gas money to get from Six Nations to Toronto? Thank you! The Six Nations Health Foundation would like
Fall Dance & Modelling Registration 2013 Michelle Farmer's Studio of Dance & Modelling 39th Season
Wed. Oct 2, 4-7:30pm, Thurs. Oct 3, 4-7:30pm Saturday October 5 9am-1pm
1824 4th Line, Ohsweken Classes available in Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Lyrical, HipHop, Musical Theatre & Professional Modelling Children, Teens, Adults , Recreation & Competitive Classes For more info: 226-388-4470 to thank everyone who made a donation or bought a ticket on the 42” HD television at the Six Nations Fall Fair. The draw was made at the August 29, 2013 meeting of the Six Nations Health Foundation. The lucky winner was Joe Hopkins. Nya:weh - Lillian Montour, Six Nations Health Foundation Thank you! Thank you Dreamcatcher Charitable Foundation for paying my registra-
tion for Team Iroquois Box Lacrosse Nationals Tournament, August 4. We won silver. Team Iroquois 6 vs. Team Ontar-
Please join us for Marlene Bomberry's 80th birthday party @ the Six Nations community hall Saturday Oct 12th from 2-4pm. Hao!!
io 7, in overtime. Fought hard for the gold! -Dreyton K. Martin
The world needs peace. The world does not need war. The people of the world prefer peace over war. The children of the world should not be dying from war. The children of the world prefer to play rather than die from war. The mothers of the world prefer peace. The people down South prefer peace over war. The people who live in the East prefer peace over war. All people from all directions prefer peace over war. The will for peace is universal around Mother Earth.
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CLUES ACROSS 1. Most favorables 7. 23rd Greek letter 10. Rated higher 12. Immature herring 13. Malignant skin neoplasm 14. Orange-red spinel 15. Hunted beings 16. Be obedient to 17. Excavate with a shovel 18. = to 100 cauris 19. Lose hold of 21. Highest card 22. Western Union message 27. The “Show Me” state 28. Early photo process 33. A public promotion 34. A group of statues 36. A single thing 37. Ireland 38. A raised speaking platform 39. Leavened bread 40. Farm animal shelter 41. Oral polio vaccine 44. Chinese fine silk silver 45. Chocolate-colored acidic pulp pod 48. ____ off 49. Hagiographa 50. Manuscripts, abbr. 51. Over the sea CLUES DOWN 1. Stare impertinently 2. Address a deity 3. Converts hide into leather 4. Matrimonial response 5. 13th Hebrew letter 6. Dentist’s organization 7. Fleshy fungus caps 8. Kill violently 9. License & passport
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, patience is a virtue you possess, and you must make the most of your patient nature this week. Keep this in mind when dealing with family and coworkers. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, keep things in perspective and you will have your cake and eat it, too. You can coolly handle tough situations, and that ability serves you well this week.
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Your imagination is working overtime this week, Gemini. Channel that creative energy and get started on a project you have long been considering.
10. Refereed 11. Arbor framework 12. Luxuriant dark brown fur 14. Group purchasing protest 17. Insecticide 18. An island group of the S acific 20. A wooden hole plug 23. A purine base found in DNA and RNA 24. Spanish park 25. Atomic #18 26. Married woman 29. And, Latin 30. Cantonese dialect 31. Causing physical hurt
CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you will be very content for the next few weeks. Enjoy these good times and invite those closest to you to enjoy them as well.
32. Short trips or tasks 35. Small craving 36. Paddled 38. Leuciscus leuciscus’ 40. Parting phrases: good-____ 41. Figure skater Yuka 42. Opera song 43. Create social or emotional ties 44. Opposite of LTM 45. Icahn’s airline 46. Air Reserve base (abbr.) 47. Russian manned space station
Answers for October 9, 2013 Edition
LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, your heightened sense of focus on a particular task has left you wondering how to proceed in another area of life. You may want to seek the advice of others.
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, you may be tempted to throw caution to the wind. While that may make for a memorable experience, it may not prove wise over the long haul. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 You could get caught up in a social whirlwind this week, Libra. Keep your feet on the ground or you may be swept away in all of the energy.
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Staying connected to your feelings is empowering, Scorpio. Even if others don’t feel exactly the same way that you do, they may go along with plans to make you happy. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, indulgent behavior won’t pay off in the long run. Moderation works best, and you’ll be glad you didn’t overindulge after the fact. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, work and family responsibilities have put you under a lot of pressure recently. You could be in need of a respite, even if that break is brief.
AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, it’s quite possible you will not get much done this week, as you may be too busy encouraging others rather than focusing on your own needs. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Compassion is your speciality, Pisces. Others appreciate your warm nature, so accept their gratitude and affection.
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