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Church community adapting to serving Mississaugas of the Credit during pandemic STAFF REPORT
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MISSISSAUGAS OF THE CREDIT — A local church on Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation has been finding creative ways to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic while still reaching out to serve their community. Ken and Sonya Sault, who lead the ministry at New Credit Fellowship Centre, have brought their congregation together during the provincial lockdown by hosting through drive-in church services in the parking lot and home food delivery through their church-run Food Share program. “During this time, our team has worked hard to maintain a safe place while keeping our doors open through our drive-in and outdoor services and adapting virtually via our live streamed services,” said Sault. Ministry driven initiatives across the province are a niche of essential community services that have had to adapt through the pandemic to ensure the people who need them most, often in the throws of a crisis, can still reach out. “We have noticed that the need has tripled
Kenny Sault has stepped up to help his community during the FILE COVID 19 pandemic.
during the lockdown measures which began in March 2020, including increased mental health supports, addictions, and suicide crisis prevention,” said Sault. The Fellowship Centre offers regular outreach services to the community — including regular visits to Iroquois Lodge, youth groups and bereavement support — all of which had to be adapted to cooperate with pandemic protections and lock-
down measures. In First Nations communities, where community needs often exceed the funding provided by the federal government for essential services, community organizations like the New Credit Fellowship Centre can fill the gap. Now the Sault’s ministry is adapting, offering virtual outreach where they can and providing contactless food supports to the community. “Being an active
resource in our communities has always been our heart. New Credit Fellowship Centre exist to extend a helping hand to anyone that would benefit from our outreaches & supports,” said Sault. Those supports include providing sanitary supplies and food relief during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our Food Share or any of our programs are open to anyone. We are also open to any food item donations, including fresh fruit and vegetables, milk and eggs to further benefit those who need it. It’s our greatest honour to serve our community, we are always available with 24 hour support,” said Sault. Sault says they are now
planning for the future to ensure the services they provide to Mississaugas will be able to grow. “We are currently working to build a new facility to house our growing outreaches, and have plans to build a youth centre and an outdoor bandshell to continue to gather safety outside no matter the weather or circumstance,”said Sault. Anyone interested in getting assistance through the Food Share program at the New Credit Fellowship Centre can contact the church on their Facebook page @ NewCreditFellowshipCentre. Folks can also view the live-streamed drive-in service at the same page every Sunday at 10:30 a.m..
The New Credit Fellowship Centre goes live on Facebook each PHOTO SUBMITTED week with singing and services.
May 12th, 2021
keeping you informed.
Despite chronic underfunding Six Nations Police reach 30 year mark STAFF REPORT
OHSWEKEN — Six Nations Police was one of the first First Nations communities to enter into an agreement with federal and provincial governments to establish it’s own Police Services. Discussions began as early as 1989 with an official agreement coming into force by 1992. That agreement provided Six Nations with the funding from provincial and federal governments to have a Six Nations Police force that would be internal to the community. The most recent agreement sets out an investment of $5.6 million per year for the Six Nations Police between 2018-2023 — boiling down to just 203 dollars per capita in comparison to the Canadian national average of 423 dollars per capita. Still, in a police force that has been chronically underfunded for the entirety of it’s existence — Six Nations Police can claim a victory of serving and protecting the membership and the territory. Six Nations Police Commissioner Steve Williams has served for 18 of the 30 years with Six Nations Police. He says that the greatest challenge facing Six Nations Police is the chronic underfunding. “We need a bigger budget. The province is willing
but the feds aren’t there. We’ve been asking for the last two agreements for funding for our drug unit but they just haven’t done it,” said Williams. Williams says the Six Nations of the Grand River Elected Council provided funding for the community’s drug enforcement team and that the expense for those officers is still not included in the Six Nations Policing Agreement. That agreement allocates for just 25 officers — a number that Williams says is shamefully under the national average. Currently Six Nations sits at about 90 officers per 100,000 — nearly half the national rate of 182 per 100,000. This is not unique to Six Nations. Police Chief Darrin Montour spoke to Two
Row Times and said that chronic understaffing to the 9 stand-alone indigenous police services in Ontario is perpetuated by slow-drip funding solutions offered by the province that are quickly gobbled up by OPP and RCMP needs, leaving actual indigenous officers in indigenous communities battling over what is left. Montour said that many of the federal announcements allocating hundreds of officers to indigenous communities translated into minimal new officers for indigenous police services with the bulk of those positions going to strengthen RCMP and OPP services. Another disparity that Montour says is an urgent need is the recognition of First Nations constables being declared essential workers.
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“Since the inception of the First Nations policing program nothing has really changed as far as First Nations officers being declared essential. That is ongoing dialogue we are having right now with both the federal and provincial governments,” said Montour. “We do the same training, deal with the same types of incidents and have the same types of stressors just like the municipal, federal and provincial officers have. We’re no different that way in how the job affects our people as well as the community. Our officers should have the same opportunities and funding avenues for technology, equipment infrastructure, officers and training.” Still, despite chronic underfunding and a constant struggle for resources for all 9 of Ontario’s First Nations police services — indigenous communities policing their own territories has a swath of victories to acclaim. The implementation of police services for and by Six Nations band membership for example, has put the community at an advantage over and above some of the remaining First Nations in Ontario that struggle with systemic racism in the OPP and RCMP forces that serve their community. Likewise, Six Nations Police have had to take a strategic approach to enforcement when it comes to drugs on the territory —
something Montour says is the top issue facing the community today. Unlike urban centres in the US where the overfunding of police services in comparison to health and social services has created a business of criminalization — Six Nations Police have needed to network with community agencies like Six Nations Health Services and other community service providers operating in mental health and drug awareness to plan a community wide response to the problem of drugs on Six Nations. In a recent study — Atlanta Police Services was reported to represent 13% percent of the city’s budget whereas just 3% was directed to transit, affordable housing and after-school programming. In real funding that means that for every dollar invested into Atlanta’s police department just 16 cents goes toward transit, affordable housing and children’s programming. In contrast — SNGR reported nearly $15 million in funding for Six Nations Health Services in 2020 — three times that of what is allocated to police. Montour says this has pushed SNP to work with community service providers to find integrated strategies to reduce criminality. Montour says what is happening in First Nations policing is the opposite of what is being called for in police services everywhere
else in North America. “The basis for all of that is systemic racism in policing, and there is, I agree with that. It’s everywhere. But you don’t hear [defund] with First Nations policing. We come out of the starting gate defunded. So it’s a matter of our officers having the community knowledge of what issues are out there and how do we deal with them. Is it enforcement or do they use their discretion? Or working with other agencies in the community to help rectify certain situations? I’ve always said that enforcement is just one strategy available.” Montour says it is that kind of care for Six Nations membership that makes the job of policing in your own community so tough, but also so critical. In the last two years, Six Nations Police has been working with Six Nations Health Services and several other regional service providers on the Six Nations Integrated Drug Strategy team — a table that works together to discuss how to mitigate the presence of drugs and drug addiction on the territory. “We can’t enforce the problem away,” said Montour. “I look at all the unfortunate incidents where there have been overdoses in our community. Those people have families. They miss them and it’s an unfortunate circumstance how their life ended. We’re trying to make it better for everybody.”
1721 Chiefswood Rd Ohsweken Ontario
(519) 445-4466
$ SAT 10-2 PM
May 12th, 2021
Convoy says no to development in Brantford DONNA DURIC
A convoy of Six Nations people and allies said ‘no’ to development in the City of Brantford Saturday afternoon. Dozens of vehicles made stops at various construction sites throughout the city with two Six Nations women – elder Norma Jacobs and Bonnie Whitlow – issuing statements at each stop expressing their reasons for opposition to development. The group, who bore the slogan “Grand Back” as they visited each development site, promoted a recent call for a moratorium on development of Six Nations’ lands within the Haldimand Tract along the Grand River. The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (HCCC) called for a moratorium last month with the caveat that proponents must obtain consent from the Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI) before proceeding with any development of the Haldimand Tract, six miles on either side of the Grand River, comprising over 900,000 acres from Lake Erie to Dundalk. “We are here because we’re upholding the moratorium by the Haude-
nosaunee Confederacy and we’re here to get our voices heard because this is our land and our voices have been kept silent for a long time,” said Jacobs. Jacobs said treaties between Six Nations and the Crown calling for peace and friendship have been broken. “That hasn’t happened for a long time and we’re tired of it,” she said. “We’re going to make sure this land along the Grand River is going to be kept sacred for our people and those coming generations.” Whitlow said developers must obtain consent from the HCCC before proceeding with development on the Haldimand Tract. “No development can proceed along the Haldimand Tract without the consent of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy,” Whitlow said, reading a statement from the HCCC at a housing development site on Garden Ave. in Brantford. “We understand that we share these lands with our allies and we all agree to uphold the agreements to live in peace, friendship and trust. The Haudenosaunee intend to exercise our jurisdiction over our lands and waters in a way that maintains the delicate balance between creation and humans, focusing on sustainability.” She said Six Nations Elected Council should not be consulted on land
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developments. “SNEC is meaningless in this situation,” said Whitlow. “They are not acting in accordance with the Great Law. While they may think they are, they are sadly mistaken. The elected council exists to undermine and undercut our traditional people. They do what Canada wants, not what we want and not what our traditional council wants.” Brantford residents were largely supportive of the caravan throughout the afternoon, honking, waving hi, and shouting
support. A Brantford citizens’ group, the Friends of Arrowdale, accompanied the caravan and supported the moratorium, as the group opposes the sale of the Arrowdale Golf Course, a large, 32-acre green space in the middle of the city. The city hopes to use the proceeds of the sale to build affordable housing and wants to develop a portion of the former golf course into a community park. The golf course also sits on Six Nations land within the Haldimand Tract.
SNGRDC and EDT 2020 Annual General Meeting OHSWEKEN— The Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation (SNGRDC) and Six Nations of the Grand River Economic Development Trust (EDT) are excited to host their second annual joint AGM. This year, the AGM will be held virtually through Zoom on Wednesday, May 19 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Community members are encouraged to attend as the AGM is a chance to ask questions and hear about
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SNGRDC and EDT activities and accomplishments from the past year. The SNGRDC and EDT will be reviewing financial and economic accomplishments from 2020 and look forward to sharing how the organizations will be moving ahead in 2021 post Covid-19. There will be an open Q&A period after each annual report and encourage questions from the community.
May 12th, 2021
Tripartite table launched on enforcement of First Nations laws By Canadian Press OTTAWA — A new political endeavour uniting federal, provincial and First Nations leaders in Ontario is seeking to facilitate discussions on the challenges facing First Nations communities on the enforcement of bylaws. The mission is a new collaboration with the Ontario Regional Chief RoseAnne Archibald, the members of the First Nations Leadership Council; Doug Downey, Attorney General of Ontario; Sylvia Jones, Solicitor General of Ontario; Greg Rickford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs and Minister of Energy, Mines, Northern Development; David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada; Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness; and Marc Miller, Minister of Indigenous Services. "The launch of this tripartite collaborative table is an important step in ensuring that access to justice is expanded in First Nation communities in Ontario.
Collaboration between the Chiefs of Ontario, and the Governments of Ontario and Canada can help bridge jurisdictional divides to deliver effective and equitable access to justice for First Nation communities. I am honoured to be a part of this process and look forward to working together and supporting the work of this Table going forward,” said Downey. “This collaborative table of officials and experts will provide a forum to identify the underlying obstacles and barriers to the enforcement and prosecution of First Nations laws and bylaws, and work towards developing recommendations on how to overcome them, said a statement about the project launch. The collaborative table will discuss and identify several key enforcement issues facing First Nations communities including COVID-19 related enforcement and prosecution as well as First Nations assuming greater control over the administration of justice within those com-
munities. "The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical need for First Nations' laws to be respected and implemented, in order to keep community members safe. First Nations Leadership work tirelessly to establish and maintain laws for the protection of their communities, but this is meaningless if those laws aren't enforced or prosecuted when necessary. I welcome the creation of the collaborative table as a necessary resource to remove these obstacles and create new pathways for enforcement and prosecution so that First Nations are able to keep their communities healthy and safe,” said Ontario Regional Chief RoseAnne Archibald "We are extremely pleased with the launch of this tripartite collaborative table, which will explore the barriers and obstacles associated with the enforcement and prosecution of First Nations laws and by-laws within First Nations communities in Ontario.
May 12th, 2021
First Nations group backs Line 5 shutdown, slams Ottawa for fighting By Canadian Press WASHINGTON _ The federal Liberal government is putting Canada's oil and gas industry ahead of the Great Lakes by opposing Michigan's efforts to shut down the Line 5 pipeline, says a prominent group of Ontario First Nations. The Anishinabek Nation said Thursday it is disappointed that Ottawa is pushing back against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's order that Enbridge Inc. stop operating the cross-border pipeline next week. The federal government is considering taking action under the 1977 Transit Pipelines Treaty with the United States that allows for the uninterrupted flow of energy between the two countries. And yet it is willing to ignore the treaties Canada has signed with the 39 First Nations in Ontario that are represented by Anishinabek, said Grand Council Chief Glen Hare. ``It is upsetting to see that the government of Canada will pick and choose which treaties to uphold based on convenience and profit,'' Hare said in a statement. ``Should anything that's being transported in these 67-year-old pipelines get into the Great Lakes, it would have devastating effects and irreparable consequences.'' But so too would shut-
ting down the pipeline, Liberal, New Democrat and Conservative MPs alike agreed Thursday during an emergency debate on what both the government and the official Opposition consider a potential economic and diplomatic crisis. There was little disagreement over the importance of the pipeline, which ferries Alberta crude and natural gas through Michigan and beneath the Great Lakes waterway known as the Straits of Mackinac to refineries in Sarnia, Ont. and beyond. It delivers more than half of the crude oil used in Ontario and 66 per cent of what gets consumed in Quebec, and provides vital home heating oil and propane throughout Michigan and Ohio. The operation supports 5,000 direct jobs in Sarnia and some 23,000 adjacent jobs throughout the region in both countries, to say nothing of oilpatch workers in Alberta and Saskatchewan. The MPs didn't see eye to eye, however, on where the blame should lie. Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole accused the government of dragging its heels and neglecting the needs of Canadian energy workers and producers, particularly those in Alberta. ``This Liberal government has failed to work effectively with the U.S. administration, and they failed to stand up for the
Canadian energy supply chain. They don't seem to care,'' O'Toole said. ``The prime minister needs to value the things we produce in Canada, the things people do _ getting their hands dirty to build things.'' Natural Resources Minister Seamus O'Regan pushed back hard against O'Toole's assertions, accusing him of playing political games on the backs of oilpatch employees. ``We have been clear from the start _ we would leave no stone unturned in defending Canada's energy
security,'' O'Regan said. ``We have been looking at all our options. We are working at the political level, we are working at the diplomatic level, we are working at the legal level _ it is a full-court press.'' Shutting down Line 5 would result in an additional 800 tanker cars and 2,000 trucks a day shipping oil and gas along the railways and highways throughout both countries, O'Regan said, creating a higher risk of spillage and unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions _ much of it in Michigan as trucks clog
busy border crossings. ``The protection of the environment of the Great Lakes is of vital importance; I don't think anybody in the House disagrees with that,'' O'Regan said. Michigan has already issued several permits for Enbridge's $500-million tunnel project, which would encase the twin pipelines in an underground tunnel to mitigate the risk of leaks and protect them from anchor strikes, he added. ``The reality of the situation is that Line 5 is safe. It's been safe for 65 years, operating in the Straits of
Mackinac without incident. And Enbridge is committed to making a safe line even safer.'' Michigan and Enbridge are engaged in court-ordered negotiations and scheduled to meet for a third time on May 18 _ six days after Whitmer's Wednesday deadline for shutting down the line. O'Regan said Canada still has several legal options, including making a claim to the U.S. under the 1977 treaty and joining the court case by filing an amicus brief.
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May 12th, 2021
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How better conversations can help reduce vaccine hesitancy for COVID 19 and other shots Myles Leslie, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy, University of Calgary New parents have many decisions to make soon after their baby is born. One of them is about vaccination. Between the cooing and crying, cards and bouquets, and yet another change of clothes, parents will be asked about inoculating their infant against childhood illnesses. Where once the answer would have been ``yes'' by default, the past few decades have seen more Canadian parents hesitate. Vaccine hesitancy While vaccination remains the norm, for a range of reasons exhausted mothers and nervous fathers are saying ``We'll wait'' or even ``No'' to vaccinations in maternity wards across the country. In an era of patient-centrism and individual autonomy, the parents' right to hesitate is accepted. But health-care professionals are often worried by both the individual risks and societal consequences of the choices that are being
made. Life threatening and altering diseases like polio or measles _ once eradicated or marginalized by vaccines _ are creeping back. Canadians' attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccines suggest hesitancy and its societal consequences are not limited to the choices of newly minted parents. Recent surveys in Canada, and globally, show many of us are hesitant about vaccines that have been produced with such herculean effort and enormous cost. So many, in fact, that the immunization thresholds required to tame COVID-19 are under threat. This hesitancy has been described in detail, and linked to people's politics, past community traumas and attitudes towards science and industry. However, just what to do about it has been less clear. While most Canadians will say yes to COVID-19 vaccines, many of us also know a friend or a family member who is, at least for the moment, saying no. Most of us know someone who mistrusts some element of the vaccine
_ from the speed of its production, to the intentions of its manufacturers or deliverers. Indeed, COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is said to be on the rise, nudged upwards by the various pauses, or stops, introduced by governments. How, under these conditions, might we turn a ``no'' into a ``maybe,'' or even a ``yes?'' Motivational interviewing My research team at the University of Calgary's School of Public Policy started our most recent work with just this question in mind. It turns out the answer was just a few provinces away in Quebec, and took us back to newborns and their parents. We have been working with Canadian federal and World Health Organization funding to support family doctors as they respond to the pandemic. To support better conversations about vaccine hesitancy, we met with Dr. Arnaud Gagneur, a hospital-based neo-natalogist in Sherbrooke. He and his colleagues are world leaders in improving dialogue around vaccination with new parents.
The technique they've been working with for more than a decade is called motivational interviewing and it has shown great success. Described in academic journals and media coverage, a motivational interview is based on a seemingly simple idea: find a vaccine-hesitant person's positive motivation. The art of accomplishing this lies in long and empathetic engagement with the person to get to the roots of their hesitancy. Those roots will often be negatively expressed: ``I don't like the way it was made,'' or ``It's a conspiracy, you know.'' Under the principles of motivational interviewing, these roots are to be respected and acknowledged, regardless of how gnarled they might appear. Attempting to chop them off with arguments and facts will only encourage the person to sink deeper into their hesitancy. Unless the person's concerns are acknowledged as valid, facts are more likely to hinder than help. The aim isn't to chop off the negative, but rather to have the pos-
itive reveal itself. This takes conversation, close listening, empathy and above all, trust. Shifting out of the negative reason and into an expression of a positive aspiration is something that takes time, not argument. This, in motivational interviewing, is the key to moving from ``I'm religiously opposed to the vaccine,'' to helping someone understand that vaccination may allow them to attend worship again soon. Progress in primary care Our team was originally dismayed by this. Of course it worked for Dr. Gagneur and his team, but they have huge blocks of time to talk to new parents about their hesitancy. Neither all that time, nor the intensity of a recent birth, are common features of family medicine as practised in Canada. Could the principles of motivational interviewing be distilled into the short encounters of most primary care visits? We were encouraged to seek an answer because family doctors have the expertise and the relationships to deal with
COVID-19 and its longtailed consequences. They have also been identified as key players in countering vaccine hesitancy. This is because they have the long-term relationships with patients who trust them, and the space to understand and validate the concerns those patients raise. Where many people might struggle to find the positive motivation in a friend or family member's hesitancy, a family doctor is better positioned to do so. With this in mind, our team has been working with doctors from across Canada to develop a pragmatic tool to help them navigate tricky conversations with people considering COVID-19 vaccines, or with parents making decisions about their children. The tool will be webbased and stocked with helpful examples. Along with the family doctors who have been so generous with their time in developing the tool, we are hoping it will contribute to better conversations about vaccine hesitancy.
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Advertising Sales Co-ordinator: Marshall Lank Advertising Sales Executive: Christine Patton Advertising Sales Executive: Rachel Binek Publisher: Jonathan Garlow Head of Production: Dave LaForce Editor & Social Media: Nahnda Garlow Writer: Donna Duric Website Manager: Benjamin Doolittle Senior Writer: Jim Windle Columnist: Rachel A. Snow Distribution Manager: Tim Reynolds Brantford Distribution: Christian Kovacs Distribution: Logan Martin-King Toronto Distribution: Mari Reeve
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May 12th, 2021
May 12th, 2021
A Salute to Nurses Today’s nurses perform a vital role in patient care and healing with their specialized skill, knowledge and compassion. During National Nurses Week and every day, we honor and appreciate these dedicated men and women whose commitment to caring is an inspiration to all of us. To nurses everywhere, thank you for making our world a better place.
National Nursing Week 2021 highlights struggles during pandemic STAFF REPORT
Recent news reports and surveys have highlighted high rates of burnout and mental stress nurses and healthcare workers are facing while fighting the Covid-19 pandemic in Canada. A recent Statistics Canada survey found out of 18,000 healthcare workers in Canada, seven out of 10 report worsening mental health as a result of working through the Covid-19 pandemic. The theme this year is
We Answer The Call and was developed by the Canadian Nurses Association to showcase the roles nurses play in a patient’s healthcare journey. National Nursing Week takes place annually from Monday to Sunday of the same week of fabled nurse Florence Nightingale’s birthday, May 20, 1820. May 13 marks National Indigenous Nurses Day. Sponsored by Johnson and Johnson, National Nursing Week 2021 encourages nurses to share their stories on social media using the hashtag #WeAnswerTheCall. Local and national
National Indigenous Nurses Day is May 13.
leaders have also voiced their support for nurses who answered the call during these unprecedent-
ed times: Brantford Mayor Kevin Davis said, “The pandemic brought to light the
courage and commitment that nurses work under every day and showed the important role that nurses play in our community. Thank you for all that you do to keep our community safe.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also expressed his gratitude for Canadian nurses saying, “This week is an opportunity for us to all say, ‘thank you.’ After the year we’ve been through, that couldn’t be more important. I know this has been an incredibly challenging year for you but despite that, you continue to answer the call every single day. You’ve
had Canadians’ backs since the start of this pandemic and we will continue to have yours. We will continue to do whatever it takes to ensure you have the supplies and equipment you need to stay safe.” “Brantford-Brant MP Phil McColeman also spoke out on the significance of this week of recognition saying, “Nurses continue to play a critical role in Canada’s fight against Covid-19 – answering the call of our communities to safeguard the well-being and health of people living in Canada. During National Nursing Week, we recognize their hard work and sacrifices.”
Thanks to Our Nurses!
For the incredible work they do each and every day, and for their extraordinary dedication and sacrifice through the COVID-19 pandemic, we thank our community’s nurses from the bottom of our hearts.
Please join us in thanking a nurse today!
National Nurses Week, May 10-16 SIX NATIONS
This message is brought to you by the Six Nations Police Service
May 12th, 2021
The psychological trauma of nurses By Karen J. Foli For the past five years, I’ve examined the types of psychological trauma that nurses experience. Along with Dr. John Thompson, my co-author, I’ve described them in our 2019 book, prophetic as it was published six months before COVID-19 first appeared in China. Prior to the pandemic, nurses faced ethical and personal safety dilemmas during disasters and other emergencies. They saw patients suffer, not only from illness itself, but because of health care interventions, otherwise known as medically induced trauma (think of a patient on a ventilator). In a survey of 32,000 nurses just completed by the American Nurses Association, 68% of nurses said they are worried about being short-staffed and 87% are very or somewhat afraid to go to work. Demands for resources largely ignored for decades A particularly big part of insufficient resource trauma comes from inadequate nurse staffing levels, which may lead to bad outcomes for both nurses and patients. The evidence for these outcomes, both compelling and consistent worldwide, is based on more than two decades of research. Having to forego what you know
is right when there’s just not enough staffing in a high-stakes environment feels like a betrayal of one’s spirit. A nurse’s sense of morality, of what is right and wrong, is endangered. The toll on patients and nurses Nurses, more than anything, strive to deliver high-quality care and connect with patients during their most vulnerable times. But often there isn’t the time. The inability to achieve that goal causes stress. Imagine being forced to choose between giving morning meds and sitting down with a patient newly diagnosed with cancer – or spending time with the family of a patient with COVID-19. Choices like that leave nurses focused on tasks and morally injured. As nurses, they felt like failures. One former bedside nurse quit, opting instead for office work, where her “level of trauma and stress is virtually nonexistent.” Some traumas may be unavoidable. That happens when the nurse fully engages with the patient and co-experiences suffering. This is called secondary or vicarious trauma. That’s why we need to offer trauma-informed care to both nurse and patient. Meaningful connections with others is critical, but so is psychological safety.
May 12th, 2021
Registered Practical Nurses struggling with pandemic stress, workload: poll STAFF REPORT
TORONTO —Pam Parks says she has a routine to pick herself up before she starts every one of her 12hour hospital shifts these days. The registered practical nurse drives the five minutes to work at an Oshawa, Ont., hospital with her car radio turned up and sings along in a bid to lift her spirits. She tries to take her mind, ever so briefly, off the stress, uncertainty and
large workload that awaits her in the emergency room that day, as the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic rages. Even after 33 years in the profession, Parks said the pandemic has opened her eyes to the fragility of our health care system and the distress both she and her fellow nurses feel. ``I get into the parking lot and sit, and regroup,'' she said, acknowledging that some days its hard to go into work. ``I hope that today will be a better day than it was yesterday,'' she said she tells herself. ``I hope for a
better day for everyone.'' Parks is not alone in her struggles to cope according to a new survey conducted by Oraclepoll Research for the Canadian Union of Public Employees and a separate survey conducted by the Service Employees International Union. Both polls are being released by the unions Sunday. The Oraclepoll of 2,600 registered practical nurses that belong to CUPE across the province shows that more than half of those surveyed said they were coping ``poorly'' or
``extremely poorly'' at work over the past year of the pandemic. Just over 80 per cent reported that their workload had ``increased a lot'', and 86 per cent said they believe the potential for medical errors has increased over the past 12 months. Over 90 per cent are worried about bringing COVID-19 home to their families, and 70 per cent reported facing increased violence from patients and their families. It has all led 30 per cent of the workers surveyed to consider leaving the
profession, the poll shows. A study of over 550 registered practical nurses conducted by the Service Employees International Union reflects similar levels of burn out. The internal research by the union finds that 94 per cent of RPNs experience working short regularly, and 72 per cent believe staffing insufficient. Parks said the pandemic is having a profound effect on morale, and she's seeing it play out every shift. Nurses who were already working short in many instances are now taking on additional duties to help connect families barred from hospitals because of COVID-19 restrictions, she said. ``We, as nurses, we're not only now looking after patients health care, but we're also their support service,'' Parks said. ``We're holding their hands and watching some who are at their last stage of life, trying to make sure they're not alone.'' Ashley MacRae, an RPN at hospital in Thunder Bay, Ont., said the survey results ring true to her. ``When you're giving everything you can, and it's not enough anymore, it's exhausting,'' she said. ``I just feel like when I talk to my co-workers, they're burned out, they're done.'' MacRae said registered practical nurses are making less than their registered nurse colleagues, and with the extreme workload and stress, many are looking for other jobs. She also worries that trauma experienced by RPNs during the pandemic will be felt for years, as they struggle with their mental health. ``A lot of the nurses I don't think will ever recover from seeing all of the loss and having to move on to the next loss and having to move on to the next patient and having to continue going on,'' she said. The president of CUPE's Ontario Council of Hospital Unions said the government must address the rising stress on nurses, offer them further mental health supports and increase wages to help with workforce retention.
Michael Hurley said RPNs are working at understaffed facilities, extended shifts, are subject to redeployment, mandatory overtime and most have not had a vacation since the start of the pandemic. ``How long can you expect people to be strong? How long can you expect them to be able to stand up to this?'' he said. ``They are trying to make sure that people get the care they need during COVID. All of this adds up to enormous pressure on individuals.'' Jackie Walker, with SEIU, said that union is asking the province and hospitals who employ RPNs to offer them more support. ``A really meaningful intervention needs to be taken by our provincial government and by employers to support RPNs financially, with their emotional and mental health,'' she said. Last spring, Premier Doug Ford announced a pandemic pay premium as a way of recognizing the sacrifices essential workers make as they fight the spread of COVID-19. It included a $4 hourly raise over a four month period and a monthly bonus of $250 if they work more than 100 hours in a month. Registered practical nurses were included in that program, along with 350,000 workers who were eligible for the pay premium. A statement from a spokeswoman for the health minister pointed to previously announced government supports, including the pandemic pay bump and recruitment efforts, and said the province is working with hospitals on mental health supports for workers. ``Our government values the contributions of Ontario's nurses, who provide patients with timely, safe and equitable access to high quality care,'' Alexandra Hilkene said. Oraclepoll Research says its telephone survey was conducted from March 29 to April 3, and has a margin of error of 1.6 per cent, 19 times out of 20.
May 12th, 2021
M AY 1 0 –1 6
Nursing Week in Ontario.
May 12 is International Nurses Day – a time to recognize and celebrate nurses’ vital role in our health care, and the pride they take in their profession. COVID-19 has made the past year extremely difficult. But despite the challenges and the risks, Ontario’s nurses are still standing, still strong, and still proud to do their part in the fight against this pandemic. In recognition of Nursing Week, support the nurses in your community. Let them know they’re respected and greatly appreciated.
May 12th, 2021
New indie board games build worlds without capitalism or colonialism By Kaelan Doyle Myerscough, OCAD University Thinking through alternatives to life under capitalism, the vestiges of colonialism or the catastrophic impacts of climate change is hard but necessary work. But could it also be play? The tabletop role-playing game scene — perhaps epitomized for some by high-profile games like Dungeons & Dragons — has expanded in the past 10 years. This scene has become a haven for independent and marginalized
game developers. There are games by Indigenous developers that imagine uncolonized futures and games by queer developers about queer love. Tabletop role-playing games cover a rich tapestry of subject matter from to networking under capitalism to life as an immigrant. More recently, a new genre is emerging: world-building games, in which players imagine other societies, places, worlds or cultures through play. World-building denotes the creation of internally
consistent fictional worlds that prompt audience participation and speculation. Interestingly, the term ``world-building'' also has a place in political activism, where it involves grassroots strategies to help communities imagine possible futures. World-building games challenge players to imagine radical alternatives for social and political organization. They represent a compelling way to rethink our own world: by inhabiting and thinking through a world in which things are
different. As a researcher of the politics of world-building and a game designer and instructor, I am interested in intersections between world-building, game-making and political imagination. I count my own games One Hour Worldbuilders and City Planning Department as part of this emerging genre. While the world-building games I discuss can be played in person, online play using video or text conferencing via platforms like Zoom, Slack or Discord
BE OPENING ON MAY 19, 2021! Masks are still required in greenhouse If you would like to look around the greenhouse you will be required to book a time slot between Monday-Friday 9am-3pm Curbside pick up is also still available. To Book Time Slot please call 519-770-0013 993 Highway 54, Ohsweken ON, N0A 1M0
has allowed tabletop role-playing gamers to create online communities of game designers and players. Rules generate ways of seeing the world Game scholars and designers use a concept called ``procedural rhetoric,'' first developed by technology studies scholar and game designer Ian Bogost, to describe how games propose political arguments through their rule structures. According to Bogost, structural norms encourage specific forms of engagement and interaction, thus shaping players' perspectives. As other scholars, like game studies professor Bo Ruberg and human-computer interaction researcher Katherine Isbister, have elaborated, game rules can also encourage players to enact emotional states through play. Emotional experiences can encourage them to see our world differently after the game ends. When players co-create a world The trend of collaborative world-building began with games like Apocalypse World. Unlike Dungeons & Dragons, which revolves around a game master who prepares scripts and encounters for players to experience, Apocalypse World discourages the game master from pre-planning the story of the game. Instead, players co-create the world through their in-game interactions. Apocalypse World, created for a post-apocalyptic setting, has inspired nearly 100 tabletop role-playing games in other milieux that use similar mechanics, like the fantastical Dungeon World, the cyberpunk The Veil and the queerly angsty Monsterhearts. So many have been created that they are now known collectively as ``Powered by the Apocalypse'' games. World-building games draw on the principle of co-creating worlds. Rather than tell the story of a single group of characters inhabited by the players (as is the case with Dungeon World and Powered by the Apocalypse games), world-building games focus on the histories of places over the course of centuries or millennia.
Instead of centring heroic narratives, world-building games emphasize messy historical trajectories, everyday perspectives and the processes by which places begin, change and end. Four players play The Quiet Year. Voice of the city Many world-building games eschew player-inhabited characters. In the map-making game The Quiet Year, for example, players stage discussions in which they voice the concerns of community stakeholders — but they do not state who they are, and often shift perspectives from round to round. In the city-building game ``I'm Sorry Did You Say Street Magic,'' at key moments players must embody what the game calls the ``voice of the city'' that encompasses the perspectives and experiences of the space. In Downfall, players narrate the death of a civilization through the eyes of three characters involved in its destruction, but players take turns inhabiting each character rather than controlling only one for the entire game. By the end of the game, every player sees the story play out from all three perspectives. These games encourage players to empathize with the perspectives of others, specifically those who are impacted most by instability, unrest and cataclysmic events. Traversing history Some world-building games ask players to leap back and forth through history and examine how societies remember and forget their histories. The 2011 game Microscope focuses on a timeline: players write down the beginning and end of the timeline and then take turns focusing on different eras in the middle, which might be separated by decades or centuries. The 2019 game The Ground Itself likewise asks players to think historically, but uses prompts and questions (for example: ``What secrets are kept in our place? Why are they kept? By who and from whom?'') to help players imagine the texture and feel of the same place at different moments in time.
May 12th, 2021
Did you have a baby through the Six Nations Birthing Centre? Tsi Non:we Ionnakeratstha’ Ona:grahsta’ Did have a babyand through the Six Sixyou Nations Maternal Child Centre Is Celebrating 25 Years Nations Birthing Centre? 1996 – 2021 Ona:grahsta’ Tsi Non:we Ionnakeratstha’ Six Nations Maternal Child Centre We would like to invite you toand submit a photo of your Is Celebrating 25 Years baby/babies or a family photo. 1996 – 2021 The photos will be used in a video to celebrate 25 years of the We would like to invite you to submit a photo of your Birthing baby/babies or aCentre. family photo. Please include baby’s name, The photos your will bename, used inphone a video number, to celebrate 25 years of thebirth Birthing Centre. date and a caption of what you would like the photo to be Please include your name, phone number, baby’s name, birth titled, example ~ The Hill Family or baby’s name and birth date and a caption of what you would like the photo to be date. or baby’s name and birth titled, example ~ The Hill Family You are also invited to submit a 30 second to 1 minute video, date. You are would also invited second to 1on minute video, if you liketo tosubmit makeaa30comment the 25th if you would like anniversary. to make a comment on the 25th anniversary. For more information or to submit your photos, please For more information or to submit your photos, please contact: contact: Melanie Burning – 519-445-4922 Melanie Burning 519-445-4922 Email: Email: Text: 519-757-2866 Text: 519-757-2866 Please submit photos and videos by Friday May 28/21 at 4pm. Please submit photos and videos by Friday May 28/21 at 4pm.
May 12th, 2021
Charlottetown to add Indigenous statue next to Sir John A. Macdonald CHARLOTTETOWN — The City of Charlottetown will add a representation of an Indigenous elder or child next to its downtown statue of Sir John A. Macdonald to serve as a reminder of the darker side of the former prime minister's legacy. The change is one of several recommendations from Indigenous groups on Prince Edward Island that were adopted by city council Monday night in an 8-1 vote. The statue in the P.E.I. capital of Canada's first prime minister, sitting on a bench with his arm outstretched and his top hat beside him, has been vandalized three times in the past year. The damage is part of a national trend, which saw one statue toppled in Montreal last August, as greater attention is focused on Macdonald's role as an architect of the country's residential school system, where thousands of children suffered abuse, or even death. The Epekwitk Assembly of Councils, which represents the Abegweit First
Nation and Lennox Island First Nation on P.E.I., wrote to the city in January recommending several changes to the statue, including a new plaque providing a fuller account of Macdonald's story. The group sought to have the empty space on the bench blocked off to remove the possibility of photo opportunities next to the statue. The assembly also called for ``the addition of another figure, such as an Indigenous child or elder, to offset the existing one and therefore visibly represent his impact on Canada's Indigenous peoples.'' In a statement Tuesday, the assembly said it hopes to see the changes implemented quickly. ``Certain recommendations such as filling in or sealing off the empty space on the bench next to the statue to discourage selfies and photo ops should be dealt with immediately, with the others implemented as quickly as possible,'' it said. ``The devastating impacts of the Indian Act, residential schools and the other laws
and policies that Sir John A. Macdonald was responsible for must also be told,'' the statement added. ``We believe it should be less about taking the statue down and more about telling our real history, our true shared history and, most importantly, all of our collective energy should be aimed at solving the very devastating injustices facing the Mi'kmaq in P.E.I. and Indigenous people across this country.'' Coun. Julie McCabe, who chairs the city's tourism and economic development committee, said the changes approved by council are significant. ``It's important to be able to come to a compromise and find balance in the reconciliation process and to work collaboratively with the Indigenous groups,'' she said in an interview Tuesday. She said consultation will have to continue with the artist and the Indigenous groups to come up with a design. McCabe said only then will they be able to discuss a budget for the changes. The original art piece cost about $75,000.
NOTICE OF VIRTUAL PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Empey Street Wastewater Pumping Station Upgrades Municipal Class Environmental Assessment The Study The City of Brantford is currently undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) for the upgrades to the Empey Street Wastewater Pumping Station (WWPS). The need for increasing the capacity of the Empey Street WWPS was identified in the recent City of Brantford Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Master Servicing Plan Update and is required to meet planned growth, including the areas within the City’s new settlement area.
WWPS. This will include the recommended preferred solution for the WWPS. This PIC will also allow the community to provide feedback to the project team.
The Study is evaluating various alternatives for the WWPS, which may include new construction on the existing property (twinning of the existing wetwell with emergency overflow storage tank), or an alternate property (new WWPS with emergency overflow storage tank). The project will also incorporate new twin forcemains, and other upgrades to the existing WWPS necessary to meet future service area demands.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this study or wish to be added to the study mailing list, please contact either one of the project team representatives below:
The Process The Study is being conducted in accordance with Schedule ‘B’ requirements of the Municipal Engineers Association “Municipal Class Environmental Assessment,” (October 2000, as recently amended in 2015) which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
Public Information Centre Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City is hosting a Virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) for the public to gain a better understanding of the opportunities being addressed, study findings, and the evaluation of alternatives for the Empey Street
PIC content and instructions on how to submit questions or comments to the project team will be available beginning May 27, 2021, at Comments will be collected until 4:30 PM on June 11, 2021.
Shahab Shafai, M.Sc., P.Eng.
Chris Gouett, M.A.Sc.
Project Manager City of Brantford Phone: 519-759-4150 ext. 5745 Email:
Project Manager AECOM Canada Ltd. Phone: 519-650-8614 Email:
With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record of the Study. The Study is being conducted according to the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, which is a planning process approved under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act.
May 12th, 2021
May 12th, 2021
Indigenous child dies from strep throat in Sandy Lake
GENERAL MEETING You are invited to Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation’s (SNGRDC) and the Economic Development Trust’s (EDT) Annual General Meeting. Come learn more about SNGRDC and what we are doing to create lasting benefits for the people of Six Nations.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 From 5:00PM-7:00PM Event will take place virtually on Zoom To view our Annual Reports, Financial Summary, and MD&A visit
TORONTO — The failure of a coroner to fully investigate the death of a four-year-old Indigenous boy was part of a systemic dereliction of duty that ought to face legal scrutiny, Ontario's top court heard on Thursday. In submissions to the Court of Appeal, a lawyer for the family of Brody Meekis said it was wrong for a judge to dismiss their lawsuit against the coroner before trial on the grounds he had acted within his discretion. ``It's an exercise of racist discretion,'' Julian Falconer told the court. ``The failure of coroners to attend death scenes in remote First Nations communities is a pattern: It is a pattern, respectfully, of dereliction of duty.'' Meekis died in the remote Sandy Lake First Nation in northwestern Ontario of complications from strep throat in May 2014 _ something antibiotics would likely have averted. Nurses at the nursing station had for
days refused to give him an appointment, instead telling his mother to give him Tylenol, court heard. He was the second Indigenous child to die under similar circumstances in a matter of months. Despite guidelines, the coroner, Dr. Wojciech Aniol, did not go to Sandy Lake to investigate the boy's death or interview his family or the nurses. Instead, he asked local police to investigate any family drug or alcohol abuse, court heard. ``When we talk about the loss of Brody Meekis and the needless death of Brody Meekis, we are left haunted by the question: If the coronial system had been functioning the way that it should have been for Indigenous people ? would Brody Meekis be alive today?'' The coroner's office also failed to talk to the family about the death investigation or its decision against calling an inquest, the lawyer said. Brody's family sued
Aniol, his superiors and the province for damages. They allege misfeasance in public office, negligent supervision and breach of equality rights. However, a lower court judge tossed the case in April 2019 as having no prospect of success. Essentially, the court agreed with the province that the coroner was under no legal obligation to go to a death scene and had acted within his discretion. The family appealed, arguing Superior Court Justice John Fregeau was legally wrong and the underlying issues need to be thrashed out at a full trial. Allowing the earlier decision to stand, Falconer said, sends the message that the death of a First Nations person is not as important as everybody else. The coronial system, he said, failed to do its job to shed light on the circumstances of Brody's death as required under the Coroners Act.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Meeting Requirements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Meeting Requirements:
• Supervise the management of the SNGRDC’s investments • Accountable to the Advisory Committee for SNGRDC’s investment & business plans and results of operations • Approve annual business plan & budgets for the SNGRDC and the businesses managed by it • Ensure that all businesses operate within the guidelines set out
• Board meetings once a month on the 1st Tuesday. • Quarterly Board meetings on 1st Saturday of each month • Quarterly informal business meetings with the Six Nations Elected Council. • Quarterly All Board Meetings • Special meetings as required.
• Determine amounts for distributions of funds to be made by the Economic Development Trust in accordance with multiple guidelines established by the Advisory Committee. • If determined by the Board of Trustees to be desirable, solicit, receive, evaluate and approve (or decline) proposals for funding from the Six Nations community.
• Board meetings the 1st Wednesday each month. • Weekend meetings are required throughout an application in-take. • Quarterly informal business meetings with the Six Nations Elected Council. • Quarterly All Board Meetings. • Special meetings as required.
For Further Details & To Apply: Visit E-mail Roxanne Wilkieson at: Please submit a sealed application, resume, and cover letter to: Corporate Affairs Manager – Roxanne Wilkieson 2498 Chiefswood Road (Six Nations Tourism) Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0 519-753-1950
For Further Details & To Apply: Visit E-mail Roxanne Wilkieson at: Please submit a sealed application, resume, and cover letter to: Corporate Affairs Manager – Roxanne Wilkieson 2498 Chiefswood Road (Six Nations Tourism) Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0 519-753-1950
May 12th, 2021
Ia’teieká:nereh to the Grand Erie Spring Indigenous Education Report Indigenous Leadership in Education Grand Erie District School Board welcomes a new System Principal Leader of Indigenous Education and Equity, Robin Staats. Robin is a Mohawk, wolf clan of Six Nations Territory, and her Ongweho:weh name is Tsisko:ko. Robin has a longstanding passion for education with 30-year career of teaching and empowering Indigenous students. She holds a Masters of Education from Brock University as well as her Principal’s Qualification (PQP).
SIERRA GREEN Grand Erie Student Trustee 2021-22 School Year
Indigenous Student Leadership
In her new role, Staats will work with First Nations, as well as Métis and Inuit communities, organizations, students, and families to support student achievement, advance truth, and reconciliation within the board. She will also create and implement curriculum and programs to build knowledge and awareness of all students about Indigenous history, culture, perspectives, and contributions.
An Evening with Dr. Pamela Toulouse Grand Erie Parent Involvement Committee (GEPIC) – April 29, 2021 Grand Erie staff, parents, and students enjoyed a virtual talk with Dr. Pamela Toulouse. Toulouse has over 25 years experience in education and has authored over 64 books, Ministry of Education documents, and many educational supports utilized across Canada in educational programs. Her insights on the innovative contributions of Indigenous populations was welcomed by the audience. She is well known for her work with The Seven Grandfather Teachings for the Ministry of Education and her book titled Truth and Reconciliation. Dr. Toulouse’s publications can be ordered at in Brantford.
NEW! Indigenous Student Hub
Grand Erie is delighted to welcome Sierra Green as the Indigenous Student Trustee for the 2021-22 school year. Sierra attends McKinnon Park Secondary School and will represent Indigenous students across Grand Erie. The trustee is selected by the United Indigenous Student Association, which has Indigenous student representatives from each of the 13 secondary schools in Grand Erie. The dedicated Indigenous student trustee position is part of Grand Erie’s Indigenous Student Leadership Initiative (ISLI). The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 63rd Call to Action forms the foundation for ISLI. Since the initiative was established, Grand Erie has met initial goals to increase the number of schools, staff and students participating, increase the number of Indigenous Engagement activities, and create a Board-wide Indigenous Student Council. The ISLI Year End Event will be happening May 27th. Details of the event will be shared with schools closer to that date.
Virtual Student Cultural Workshops The Grand Erie District School Board Cultural Mentors have been working diligently to plan a number of exciting cultural workshops for FNMI students. Registration is required and can be found within the Indigenous Student Hub in Brightspace. Visit: for more details.
ROBIN STAATS System Principal Leader of Indigenous Education and Equity
Robin joins a team of staff dedicated to ensuring the success of Indigenous students in Grand Erie. In addition to this role, Grand Erie employs a Native Advisor of Haudenosaunee ancestry to provide consulting and advisory services to the Board on issues affecting Six Nations students, a Community Liaison Person of Haudenosaunee ancestry to provide supplementary community liaison services enrolled at Grand Erie secondary schools, as well as three Native Education Counsellors of Haudenosaunee ancestry to provide supplementary counselling and liaison services to Six Nations students.
All self-identified First Nations, Metis and Inuit (FNMI) secondary students of the Grand Erie District School Board have received an invite to join our newly launched Indigenous Student Hub located within Brightspace (student on-line platform). The Indigenous Student Hub is full of wonderful resources with the goal of improving student success of all Indigenous students across the board.
The Creator’s Game Grand Erie welcomes teachings surrounding what is referred to as the Creator’s Game otherwise known as lacrosse. Lacrosse has been a means for gathering of Indigenous communities throughout history. Students enjoyed this cultural workshop accompanied by the traditional teachings associated with the Creator’s Game as a part of their Mohawk class. Grand Erie welcomes programs that are relevant to students and staff and to surrounding Indigenous Communities.
349 Erie Avenue, Brantford, Ont., N3T 5V3
Telephone: 519-756-6301 Toll Free: 1-888-548-8878
Follow and join the conversation @GEDSB on Twitter and Facebook. @granderiedsb on Instagram.
May 12th, 2021
Thank you to our police, 911 operators, and civilian staff who have worked tirelessly throughout this pandemic to keep our community safe!
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Thank a Frontline HERO! To the healthcare teams and essential workers who have been in our corner this year,
thank you!
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May 12th, 2021
Appeal court says Manitoba acted honourably in cancelling deal Manitoba's appeal court has ruled the Progressive Conservative government acted honourably when it cancelled a $67-million agreement with the province's Metis federation that Premier Brian Pallister called ``hush money.'' The Manitoba Metis Federation had applied to overturn a March 2020 Court of Queen's Bench review that concluded the government had the authority to nix the deal, which had been struck between the Metis federation and Crown-owned Manitoba Hydro. The 2017 agreement would have given the Metis group $67 million for supporting a variety of hydro projects such as a new transmission line to Minnesota, and the support also would have helped secure faster approvals at regulatory hearings. But cabinet cancelled the deal in 2018, with Pallister saying it simply paid for a group not to oppose projects. Chief Justice Richard J. Chartier wrote in the
appeal court ruling that the judge who issued the review decision in 2020 erred in saying it wasn't relevant to the case whether the government acted honourably. Despite that, Chartier said he is satisfied the government did fulfil its obligation to act with ``integrity and in good faith'' when dealing with Indigenous people, and he dismissed the appeal. ``In the end, I have not been persuaded that there is reason to intervene with the reviewing judge's decision on this ground,'' Chartier wrote in the appeal court's ruling, released Thursday. Manitoba Metis Federation President David Chartrand responded the federation will be seeking leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. ``We did not obtain justice yet, but the Metis people will persevere,'' he stated in a news release. Although the agreement was unsigned and had been taken by Manitoba Hydro to the government
for discussion, the federation argued it was legally binding and cabinet had no authority to issue a directive to stop it. Chief Justice Glenn Joyal of Court of Queen's Bench said in the earlier decision that the Progressive Conservative cabinet had the authority to issue binding legal directives, and that the government's decision did not have an impact on Indigenous rights. In upholding Joyal's decision, Chartier wrote that Indigenous peoples have a special relationship with the Crown, and that special relationship requires the Crown to deal honourably with Indigenous peoples. He said Joyal was incorrect in his evaluation that this requirement didn't apply to the deal with Manitoba Hydro. Chartrand, meanwhile, warned other Indigenous groups that if this can happen to the Metis federation, the Pallister Government can now reach in and cancel other agreements at any time.
PROFESSIONAL NAIL CARE PROGRAM STARTS JUNE 7 Are you interested in starting a home-based esthetics business? Are you interested in a career as a nail artist? In this 6-week Fanshawe partnership program, students will learn the anatomy and physiology of the hand and arm, foot, leg, and nail and will perform a basic and spa manicure/pedicure including proper cuticle care clipping and filing, sterilization and sanitization. Professional conduct and etiquette is extremely important in the esthetics industry and will be discussed and demonstrated in this course.
CONTINUE YOUR CAREER PATH! Complementary Training: Skincare Essentials, Esthetics Body Care, Esthetics Waxing, Make-up Artistry, Spa Business OR complete all courses above and receive the Esthetics Ontario College Certificate
REQUIREMENTS Grade 12 or equivalent Mature Student/18 years or older
WELDING (Continuous Intake)
May 31st; June 28th; August 2nd; August 31st; October 4th; November 1st; November 29; January 3rd; January 31st; February 28th; March 7th
COURSE OUTLINE Day 1: Working at Heights Theoretical/Practical Day 2: Rough Terrain-Theoretical, Cranes, Hoisting & Rigging, Rough Terrain Forklift Practical Day 3: Elevated Work Platform Boom/Scissor-Theoretical, Elevated Platform Boom/Scissor Day 4: Skid Steer Operator-Theoretical, Skid Steer Day 5: Global Harmonized System, Ground Disturbance and Trenching
Are you looking to start a career in a trade? Are you looking for a high demand occupation? Are you willing to travel for work and training? OSTTC has a unique approach to Welder Training based on the student. Our training programs are designed to teach proper welding skills and instill good work ethics. The apprentice course follows the Ontario Ministry Curriculum for the Metal Fabricator (Fitter) and Welder. Training is achieved through classroom and practical instruction, demonstration and participation. This course provides the Apprentice with building blocks required to advance their knowledge and understanding through on-the-job training.
Participants will require: Hard Hats, Work Boots, Safety Vest, and Harness for some of the Practical Training
18 Years of Age or Older
Require Formal Interview with Instructor Grade 12 or equivalent with exemplary marks in Grade 12 Math & Physics High School Transcript and Resume 18 Years of Age or Older Complete Academic Assessment
May 12th, 2021
know the score.
Sr. ‘B’ Clearview Crushers welcome bench staff talent from Six Nations STAFF REPORT
CLEARVIEW, ONT. — Last November the Ontario Series Lacrosse (OSL), Ontario's Sr. B. league, had a new team coming. The Clearview Crushers were voted by the league to allow the expansion application which brought the team to become the sixth club in the loop beginning with the 2021 season, if it is played. For Jay Smith, this will be his 20th year in coaching between field to box lacrosse, inside Six Nations, outside of Six Nations, National and International, and from ages of paperweight to senior. But being over two hours outside of Six Nations, it was a wonder as to how the coordination happened.
“Their management reached out to my son to see if he was interested in playing and through their conversations, they realized that they needed a coach,” said Smith, who is the father of well known goal scorer, Layne Smith. “They asked for my resume, I sent it in and they offered me the general managers position and I accepted. Through the course of a few meetings and discussions, they also offered me the head coaching position.” Along with himself, Smith reached out to Terry ‘Bear’ Hill, Nick Skye, and Nathan McDonald, with all three having been on the bench with the Six Nations Rebels in 2019 to achieve the Ontario title. The team will be playing out of the Stayner Arena, which is roughly 20 minutes from the tourist destination, Collingwood.
Clearview Crushers have some sweet merch, even mugs.
Jay Smith (centre) reached out to Terry ‘Bear’ Hill, Nick Skye, and Nathan McDonald, with all three having been on the bench with the Six Nations Rebels in 2019 to achieve the Ontario title. PHOTO
“So I’ll be coaching in cottage country,” said Smith. “I was the coach for the Oakville Junior ‘C’ team, but with no season last year due to the pandemic ad presumably no season this year, I resigned from the position with Oakville. Not anything to do with the club itself, they treated me great, but it was time to move onto bigger and better things so to speak. [I had to move onto things] that will take me in the direction that I want to go and also give me the chance to coach players that I’ve coached with from peewee, movie
on up. I will be coaching some other players from Six Nations that I coached from minor that have decided to come and join the team as well.” Although aware that the team will host Six Nations players, the Crushers are unable to announce commitments currently due to the uncertainty of the oncoming season. From the selection of the bench staff, the sound board are hoping to gear the team to enter the floor as strongly as possible. “When we brought Jay, Terry Nathan and Nick on board, we want to be the most competitive Senior
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‘B’ team there is. We don’t want to come in to be an average Senior ‘B’ team, we want to come in and set the standards for a new franchise,” said Director of Operations of the Clearview Crushers, Dylan Sheard. Both of the ownership, including Heard and Mitch Brock, who played in Stayner, explained that the franchise holds a lot of experienced names in the lacrosse sphere. “We had a coach who had school commitment problems, so we weren’t too sure how it was going to go. We were in the middle of looking for an assistant coach and when Jay came on, after meeting him a few times and talking to him over the phone, as an organization he just seemed like the missing piece for our bench staff,” said Sheard. This brought about their collaboration and Sheard expressed his faith in the newly appointed staff. “I’m just looking forward to get back on the floor and I look forward to working with Jay and his bench staff,” he said. But due to the ongoing pandemic, Smith said that he will know more about the coming season after the next league meeting that will take place in a little over a weeks times. “I am looking forward to a season, and if we have one, it’ll start no later than I believe it was July 5,” he said. “Having said that we’re looking at five home games and five away.”
Smith said that he will still be recruiting players, and will follow through with the league decision. In order to play their first game, Smith must have 12 players ready to sign. “There is no residency rule in Senior ‘B,’ so I can bring players in from wherever,” he said. “The Six Nations players that are interested in playing for us, and in saying that, we are bringing in at least one player from the WLA and we have reached out and discussed players coming from the Quebec League and at least one player from ‘Rama.” Smith explained that he is hoping to generate a highly defensive team, saying that the “offence will come.” He said that he will take into account how may left and right handed players are available, as he hopes to create fast transitional movement, with goal tending being a focus as well. “Senior lacrosse is a whole different bird so to speak in comparison to minor or junior lacrosse. By this level, they should already know how to play, they should already know the game and know to keep themselves in shape. For me, it’ll be adapting to the other players and adapting to coaching styles.” “If we land any local players, I hope to see a lot of new and old fans in the stands.” Last November, it was announced that the OSL declined an application from the Fort Erie Tigers.
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May 12th, 2021
Tehoka Nanticoke’s dismissal followed an offensive player of the week award STAFF REPORT
ALBANY, NEW YORK — A month ago, the University of Albany announced it’s Men’s Lacrosse Team’s decision to dismiss Tehoka Nanticoke, a Six Nations lacrosse talent, from the team. Pinning the dismissal on “internal issues,” the Great Danes have been set to focus their sights on competing without their lead offensive powerhouse. The senior attackman was the Great Danes’ lead scorer through five games with 19 goals and eight assists. It was later tweeted that Nanticoke’s dismissal was a result of a pattern of confrontations, including reportedly yelling at teammates and coaches during the Great Danes’ 16-10 loss to Stony Brook in March. Nanticoke led all scorers with four goals and an assist in what would turn out to be his last game with the team. He was later suspended for Albany’s previous game against nationally ranked UMass (a 13-12 win) due to his role in in a fight during an America East game at Binghamton on March 20. Nanticoke was the No. 1 high school recruit in the country four years ago. He starred for the Iroquois Nationals’ U19 team in Vancouver in 2016, played
Tehoka Nanticoke.
for the senior team in the 2018 World Lacrosse Men’s World Championship and the indoor team in the 2019 World Indoor Lacrosse Championship. As a freshman with Albany, he earned All-American honours with 50 goals and 32 assists in 2018. He drew national attention as a sophomore in 2019 when he was suspended and then reinstated over an Instagram post in which he tagged a stick-stringing company — calling into question whether the post was in violation of the NCAA’s amateurism rules. This issue grew in size as well, as knowledge of Nanticoke being one of the most followed college lacrosse players in the USA on Instagram, boasting almost 37,000 followers in 2019. He also had 4,388 followers on Twitter two years ago. But Nanticoke’s statement, found on Twitter, reflected his feelings toward the team after the fact: “You may or may not have heard by now, but I
am no longer a part of the Albany Men’s Lacrosse Team. This was a difficult group decision for me to no longer be a part of the program, but it is what is best for me personally and for the future of this team. With that being said, I will still be attending classes online with the university. Coach Marr is still riding and sticking with his commitment in keeping me on track to graduate. It will, and always will be, a goal of mine to graduate college ever since leaving home back in 2014. I have nothing but love for this program. I would not be who I am today without Scott Marr, Merrick Thomson, Liam Gleason, and John Maloney, Derrick Eccles, Tal Brund, and Connor Russell are all coaches who pushed me to be the best me day in and day out. Most importantly, my teammates this year as well as past teammates that I have had while being a part of this program are my brothers. I’ll ride and die with these guys for life. I love these men and I can’t wait for what this program has ahead of them.” On March 22, it was announced that Nanticoke had been awarded the America East Offensive Player of the Week. He was named alongside Defensive Player Ryan Cornell from Vermont and Rookie Ethan Robinson from UMBC, amidst the “internal issues.”
Brandon Montour sustains fine and undisclosed injury STAFF REPORT
NEW YORK — Florida Panthers defenseman Brandon Montour has been fined $5,000, the maximum allowable under the Collective Bargaining Agreement, for spearing Tampa Bay Lightning forward Pat
Maroon during NHL Game No. 857 in Florida., last Saturday. The incident occurred at 13:58 of the third period and Montour was given a minor penalty for slashing and a misconduct. The money goes to the Players' Emergency Assistance Fund. But Montour then missed Monday's season
finale against Tampa Bay due to an undisclosed injury, the Panthers' official site reports. Montour has found his offensive game since joining the Panthers at the trade deadline, as he has garnered two goals and two assists in 12 games. Once cleared to play, Montour should retake his place on the No. 2 power-play unit.
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May 12th, 2021
J O B B O A R D Position
SIX NATIONS COUNCIL Alternative Care Ogwadeni:deo, Social Services Resource Team Member Alternative Resource Care Ogwadeni:deo, Social Services Support Worker Child and Youth Worker Ogwadeni:deo, Social Services Mental Health Nurse Mental Health and Addictions, Case Manager Health Services Personal Support Worker Personal Support Services, Health Services Anti-Bullying Tasks Force Lead Child and Youth Health Services Esadatgehs (Quality) Lead Administration, Health Services Registered Dietitian Health Promotions, Health Services Housekeeper (2 positions) Iroquois Lodge, Health Services Engagement Coordinator Administration, Health Services Early Intervention for Psychosis Nurse Registered Early Childhood Education PT Registered Early Childhood Educator (multiple positions) Portfolio Lead Registered Lead
Mental Health and Addictions, Health Services Childcare Services, Social Services Childcare Services, Social Services
Closing Date
Education Administrative Assistant Policy Analyst
May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021
Full-time Contract
May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021
May 19, 2021
Contract Full-time Part-time Contract Contract
TBD TBD TBD TBD $25.00 $30.00/hour TBD
May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021 May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021 May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021 May 26, 2021 May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
May 13, 2021
Contract Contract (maternity) Full-time
Administration, Health Services Contract Diabetes Education Program, Contract Health Services Scheduler LTC/HCC, Health Services Full-time Administrative Assistant Administration, Housing Full-time School Social Worker Kanikonri:io (Good Mind) Child and Contract Youth Programs, Social Services Children’s Mental Health Worker Kanikonri:io (Good Mind) Child Full-time and Youth Programs, Social Services Indigenous Community Worker Kanikonri:io (Good Mind) Child Contract and Youth Programs, Social Services Maintenance Worker Ogwadeni:deo, Social Services Part-time SIX NATIONS AND NEW CREDIT Manager, Marketing Indspire Full-time & Digital Strategy Vice-President Academic (VPA) Six Nations Polytechnic Institute Full-time, permanent Marketing Coordinator Family Support Worker
Original Trader Energy Missisaugas of the Credit First Nation
Full-time Contract
Field Archeologist
Missisaugas of the Credit First Nation
Full-time, permanent
Job descriptions are available at GREAT Weekdays... Monday through Friday from 8:30 - 4:30 pm 16 Sunrise Court, Ohsweken
TBD Consideration of candidates will begin mid-April TBD May 12, 2021 $24.43 – May 13, 2021 $34.79/hr $47,641.50 - May 20, 2021 $67,837.50
Closing Date
Missisaugas of the Credit First Nation Full-time, $43,969.50 - May 20, 2021 permanent $62,329.50 Haudenosaunee Development Full-time $60,000 May 14, 2021 Institute (HDI) Communications Coordinator Haudenosaunee Development Full-time $60,000 May 14, 2021 Institute (HDI) Part-time Driver Niagara Peninsula Aboriginal Part-time $18.36/hr Open until filled Area Management Board Curriculum Developer Niagara Peninsula Aboriginal Full-time, $57,200.00 Open until Area Management Board contract $65,780.00 filled Instructor/Coordinator Niagara Peninsula Aboriginal Full-time, $53,040 Open until (Hamilton) Area Management Board contract $60,996.00 filled Community Counsellor Ganohkwasra Family Assault Full-time $50,000 May 19, 2021 Support Services Grocery/Produce/Stock Clerks Townline Variety and Gas – Part-time TBD Open Townline Grocery until filled Meat Cutter Townline Variety and Gas – Part-time TBD Open Townline Grocery until filled Baker Townline Variety and Gas – Part-time TBD Open Townline Grocery until filled Tow Truck Operator Mohawk Towing Full-time TBD Open until filled GREAT SUMMER STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES Please be advised, interested candidates must be registered with the GREAT student office. Please contact Carly Martin at (519) 445-2222 ext. 3133 to get started! SUMMER STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES SECONDARY STUDENT River Guide (2 positions) Grand River Rafting 8 weeks $14.25/hr June 18, 2021 Camp Leader (2 positions) Parks and Recreation 8 weeks $14.25/ hr June 18, 2021 Maintenance Assistant Housing Department 8 weeks $14.25/hr June 18, 2021 Landscaping Assistant Six Nations of the Grand River 8 weeks $14.25/ hr June 18, 2021 Development Corporation Building Maintenance Assistant Six Nations of the Grand River 8 weeks $14.25/hr June 18, 2021 Development Corporation Grounds Crew Sandusk Golf Club 8 weeks $14.25 June 18, 2021 Water Helper Kool Kidz Ice and Water 8 weeks $14.25/hr June 23, 2021 Ice Bagger/Packer Kool Kidz Ice and Water 8 weeks $14.25/hr June 23, 2021 Summer Library Assistant Six Nations Public Library 8 weeks $14.25/hr June 23, 2021 Sales Consultant/Inventory Clerk ILA Sports 8 weeks $14.25/hr June 18, 2021 The GREAT Job Board is brought to you by Employment Ontario and Service Canada. Only local positions are posted in the paper. For more positions in the surrounding area, visit our job board at! To apply for funding, book an intake appointment with an ETC @ 519-445-2222 (Toll-Free long distance at 1 888 218-8230) or email us at Phone: 519.445.2222 • Fax: 519-445-4777 Toll Free: 1.888.218.8230
May 12th, 2021 26
send notices to
medicine. This event is not just for our community, but those in our surrounding communities as well. The Kayanase Youth Connect FishTWO ROW TIMES TIMES TWO ROW ing Derby begins on Victoria Day week-
Risk. So dust off those rods and bring the kids, registration opens may 15th! Join our event on Facebook for more information along with the derby rules 25 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2014 and regulations.
Al lproceedst o be donat ed t o the
Kayanase Youth ConnectForSpeci es AtRi sk,
al ocali ni ti ati ve t o revi tal i ze ourwat erand speci esatri sk i n the Grand Ri ver .
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Chec kourev entpageonF ac ebookf ormor e i nf or mat i onandc ont es tr ul es !
Regi s t r at i on opensMay15t h atGr and Pas s age Out l et i nSi xNat i ons
Kay anas eY out hConnec t Fi s hi ngDer by Spons or edby : Mudc atMi l l i ng&F or es t r ySer v i c es , Gr andPas s ageOut f i t t er s , T woRowT i mes , andJ oeF or dFi s hi ng
26 37
May 12th, 2021 NOVEMBER 28TH, 2018
send notices to Obituaries
Metal Roofing Services
DALTON: Alexander Charles It is with heavy hearts, shock & disbelief that we announce the death of our boy, Asininini – Stone Man - Alexander Charles Dalton, at the age of 23. His journey here ended before we were ready, returning to the spirit world, leaving an unfathomable void. Alex was killed in a horrific hit & run 3 vehicle accident in the evening hours of April 23, 2021. Just taking a quick scoot ‘round the block testing out adjustments while working on his motorcycle. Before making it back home, he was stolen from our world in that unchangeable ripple of time.
Alex was buried at the King families Heritage Farm on Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation on Friday April 30th. Alex was blanketed in an outpouring of love from those closest to him and his family. We are all so grateful to have the love and support from our community, friends and family at this time.
Call or text 905-330-4123 or 519-774-9633
Alex leaves behind his Mom, Andrea King; his Dad, Wayne Dalton; his big sister Kaytee & his “little” brother Jake. Survived by his Nana Diane Dalton and Grandma Karen King predeceased by his Papa, Max King.
Alex remains in the hearts of The Browns; Auntie Katharine, Uncle Andrew, cousins Myles (Maddie) Sylas, Julius & Alysse. The Kings; Uncle Matt, Aunt Steph, Thyssen & Ethan. His cousins; Falcon King and Jazmin Sault, their mother Kari Ivany and recently predeceased by his Uncle Karl King. The Dalton’s; Uncle Larry, Auntie Silvana, Robert, Chiara & Sara. Alex will be remembered by the hundreds of relationships he has with his extended family on both King & Dalton sides and an immeasurable number of friends and CGC mine co-workers whose lives he touched as he travelled on his path. Special thanks to his pallbearers who represented his crews from all aspects of his life; Myles Brown, Keith Dalton, Craig King, Hayden Atkins, Julien LaFleur, Travis Sinclair, Ethan Lee, Callum McDonald and Brody Case.
Puppies Wanted
“The boy I call my first son left a positive impact on everyone he met. I’m so proud of him and honoured that he chose me as his life giver. He loved his existence. He loved his family. He loved his friends. He loved his trucks. He loved his toys. He loved hanging with his boys. He loved his freedom. He savored every moment. He smiled at everyone. He dreamed big, set unrealistic goals and did crazy stupid things! He was gorgeous. His blue eyes melted hearts. His magnetic energy filled rooms. His voice echoed love for everyone and everything that surrounded him. He walked the talk and honoured his connections to the world he inhabited.” –Andrea, aka “Ma” – Chi Adewewin Agwanjin Aazhoge Miigwan Aniishinaabe Kwe
Puppies wanted for good families Please call Bob Johnston after 4pm at 289-377-9623
In lieu of flowers, please help us bring Justice to our boy. Donations are being accepted through a GoFund me campaign to help raise money for a reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for Alex’s death.
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1. Contact a staff member from ECG
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May 12th, 2021 DECEMBER 19TH, 2018
CLUES ACROSS 1. Large, flightless birds 5. Lifts and moves heavy objects 10. Hyundai sedan 12. Wear away by erosion 14. Arranged alphabetically 16. Top prosecutor 18. __-de-sac: Short dead-end street 19. Digital audiotape 20. Linguistics pioneer 22. Singer DiFranco 23. Arms of the sea 25. Near-reach weapon (abbr.) 26. Ballplayer’s accessory 27. You get one at the beach 28. U.S. founding father 30. W. Australia indigenous people 31. Amounts of time 33. Put on the shelf 35. Russian dynasty member 37. City along the Elbe River 38. A peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf 40. Actor Damon 41. __ King Cole, musician 42. Company that rings receipts 44. Scatter 45. Basics 48. Part of a door 50. Indicates silence 52. Moved quickly on foot 53. Monetary units 55. A place to crash 56. Many subconsciousses 57. Group of countries 58. About line of latitude 63. Female follower of Bacchus 65. A dentist can treat it 66. Dull brown fabrics 67. Int’l nonprofit
27 27
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 It could be that you are very aware of things going on around you this week, Aries. Unfortunately, many of them will be out of your control. Still, keep an open mind.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Relax and settle down for a few days, Taurus. Take some time to enjoy the people around you and try to travel to some new locales along the way. A little vacation can be helpful. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Don’t be surprised if some relatively minor details cause a setback in the days ahead, Gemini. Some heightened focus might be in order. Try to zone in.
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, if you need to confront someone this week, do so tactfully. Remember the adage about catching more flies with honey. You’ll find that tactic is handy.
CLUES DOWN 1. Midway between northeast and east 2. Partner to cheese 3. One from Utah 4. A way to move 5. Playing cards 6. Baseball stat 7. Long river in western Asia 8. Grandmothers 9. Entertainment legend Sullivan 10. Steam bath room 11. One who kills 13. Food 15. Swiss river 17. Fleet 18. Taxi 21. Working class 23. More (Spanish) 24. High schoolers’ test
Answers for May 12th, 2021 Crossword Puzzle
27. Large heavily built goat antelope 29. Murdered in his bathtub 32. Tease good-naturedly 34. Morsel 35. Cause persistent resentment 36. A radioactive element 39. Perform in a play 40. Witty remark: Bon __ 43. A great place to kayak 44. Conclude by reasoning 46. In an unfavorable way 47. Complex of nerve tissues (abbr.) 49. Machine for making paper 51. Feline 54. Yugo’s hatchback 59. Check 60. Press against lightly 61. Wind-pollinated plants 62. __compoop 64. Commercial
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, this week could become a tad challenging as strong astrological energies are affecting people’s emotions. Maintain your composure at all costs.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Your organizational skills are about to increase productivity ten-fold this week, Virgo. Don’t be afraid to take big chances and even grab the helm on a large project.
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, write down new goals, as it seems your emotions have changed over the past several days. This way you can channel your ambitions accordingly.
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, this week you dare to go against the grain and make your voice hear. Embrace your self-confidence and don’t hesitate to take on a leadership role. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 Your presence will be remarkable this week, Sagittarius. You radiate confidence and energy for all to see, and the people around you could be counting on you for leadership.
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 It’s not possible to transform the people you know with a magic wand or a twinkle of your nose, Capricorn. Let others be who they are and appreciate their individuality. AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, if you are feeling a bit neglected and unloved this week, ask your partner for some support. He or she will take the cue and the spark will reignite.
PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Some conflicts within the family have you serving as peacemaker, Pisces. Negotiate with others to resolve their differences.
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May 12th, 2021
SixCOVID-19 Nations COVID-19 Six Nations Update Six Nations COVID-19 Update Update Six Nations COVID-19 Level: Black Update asResponse of:
Update as of:
5/11 5/11/21 14:57 5/11/21 14:57
Total Cases
Total Resolved
Total Cas
Total Cases Six Nations COVID-19 Response Level: Black Six Nations COVID-19 Response Level: Black 5/11/21 14:57 Update as of: Six Nations COVID-19 Update Six Nations COVID-19 Update 5/11/21 14:57
Six Nations COVID-19 Update
524 524
% of Active Cases Total Cases Total Resolved Total Deaths Six Nations COVID-19 Response Level: Black Currently Total Screened positive % of Active Cases Active Cases % of Active Cases Hospitalized self-isolation Total Cases for a VOC Six Nations COVID-19 Response Level: Black Six Nations COVID-19 Response Level: Black
Update as
Currently positiveCurrently 524 497 11 Total Tot ScreenedScreened positive Active Cases Hospitalized self-iso Active16 Cases 61 self-isolation 63% 524 497 for a VOCfor a VOC 0Hospitalized 524 Currently Total % of Active Cases Hospitalized 16 self-isolation 0 Total 61 Total 61 63% % of Active Cases Currently Screened positive 16 0 63% Currently Active Cases Screened positive Hospitalized self-isolation for a VOC
% of Active Cases Screened positive for a VOC
Active Cases
Updat Update as of:
Variants of Concern Update
61 for a VOC 16 Variants16 of Concern Update 0 63% Six Nations COVID-19 Update Variants of Concern Update 63% # screened positive 14:57 Variants of Concern Update Vaccination5/11/21 Update as of 2021-04-28 # partially Previously diagnosed COVID-19 case specimens that have under-gone further testing to determine if that person is infected with a variant of concern
Vaccination Update as of 2021-04
This does not include individuals who have been vaccinated off-reser future clinics have scheduled an appointment through the call centre their vaccination.
Active Cases
Update as of:
Previously diagnosed COVID-19 case specimens that have under-gone further testing to determine if that person is infected with a variant of concern
Total Resolve Total Cases
Upda 61 061VaccinationVaccinat
Previously diagnosed COVID-19 case specimens that have This does not include individuals # fully vaccinated % Previously diagnosed COVID-19 case specimens that have This does not include individuals who have be forThis a VOC (lineage not under-gone further who testing to determine ifoff-reserve. that person is booked in for future clinics have scheduled an a Lineage B.1.1.7 does not include individuals have been vaccinated Number vaccinated (received (received Band under-gone further testing to determine(UK) if that person is future clinics have scheduled an2appointment yet determined) infected withUpdate a variant of the concern future clinics have scheduled an appointment through call centre but have 1not yet received Vaccinationdoses) Variants of Concern Update as oftheir 2021 dose) infected with a variant of concern va
their vaccination. Variants ofhave Concern Update Vaccination Previously diagnosed COVID-19Total case specimens that This does notTotal include individuals who have been vaccinated off-r Cases Total Resolved Deaths Six Nations COVID-19 Response Level: under-gone Black further testing to determine if that person is future an appointment through the callwh ce Previously diagnosed COVID-19 case specimens thatclinics have have scheduledThis does not include individuals
# screened positive for a VOC (lineage not yet determined)
37 16
Active Cases
497 1152 11
# screened infected with a positive variant of concern their vaccination. under-gone further testing to determine if that person is future clinics have scheduled an app # partially # screened positive infected with Lineage a variant of%concern #for partially # fully vaccinated of On-reserve SN a VOC (lineage not # partially # fully vac B.1.1.7 Lineage B.1.1.7 (received for a VOC (lineage not Lineage2B.1.1.7 Band vaccinated (received (received Membersvaccinated partially vaccinated # screened positive yet determined) (received (receiv (UK) (UK) # partially # fully vaccinated 1 dose) 1 dose) doses) vaccinated determined) (UK) positive % of Active Cases yetfor a VOC (lineage not # screened Lineage B.1.1.7 1 dose) dose # partially #B vaccinated (received 2 (lineage Lineage B.1.1.7 (received vaccinated yet determined) for a VOC (UK) not Currently Total Screened positive (received 1 dose) doses) yet determined) (UK) 1 dose) Hospitalized self-isolation for a VOC
Variants of Concern Update
Previously diagnosed COVID-19 case specimens that have under-gone further testing to determine if that person is infected with a variant of concern
# screened positive for a VOC (lineage not yet determined)
Lineage B.1.1.7 (UK)
1152 37 1509 1152 18 18 9%1152 37 1152 18 37 1509 150 18 37 1152 0 61 Vaccination Update as of 2021-04-28
This does not include individuals who have been vaccinated off-reserve. Number booked in for future clinics have scheduled an appointment through the call centre but have not yet received their vaccination.
# partially vaccinated (received 1 dose)
# fully vaccinated (received 2 doses)
% of On-reserve SN Band Members partially vaccinated