Two Row Times, September 15, 2021

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THE SPIRIT OF ALL NATIONS WEDNESDAY September 15th, 2021 | | 519-900-5535 | Grand River Territory | FREE

Six Nations Fall Festival 892 Highway 54, Ohsweken 519-753-3835


213 King George Road, Brantford • 519-753-7006

www.fmaudiovideo www. .com

It was a different kind of welcoming to fall than Six Nations is used to this year with the annual Fall Fair showing up with a revised day-long festival version this year. The Six Nations Agricultural Society was host to the event which saw craft workshops at the Red Barn throughout the day. The Miss Six Nations pageant and Baby Show and local entertainment rounded out a day of horseshoes and other outdoor activities and demonstrations. DAVE LAFORCE






September 15th, 2021

keeping you informed.

Survey shows longCOVID symptoms By TRT Staff OHSWEKEN — Six Nations Health Services says residents who have contracted COVID-19 are reporting long lasting symptoms that continue even after their illness has resolved. According to a PostCOVID-19 Symptom Survey, respondents reported that 62% of people who have overcome the initial illness are still experiencing long-COVID symptoms.

The most common symptoms reported include: 55% reporting brain fog and difficulty concentrating; 46% reporting fatigue, and loss of taste and smell; and 36% reported breathlessness. SNHS says this is the first wave of the survey and are looking for more people who have overcome COVID to respond. Details on how to participate can be found on the Healthy 6Nay Facebook page.


24/7 CRISIS PHONE LINE 866-445-2204 or 519-445-2204

LIVE CHAT (MESSAGING) Link on under Crisis Support Live Chat

2 M / 6 FT

The Six Nations Mobile Crisis Services offers a 24/7 Crisis Line. A person seeking crisis support will be connected with a Crisis Response Worker.

The Six Nations Mobile Crisis Services offers Live Chat crisis response. Live Chat or Instant Messaging is done on your computer over the internet. Live Chat (Messaging) is available Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm



The Six Nations Mobile Crisis Services offers Texting crisis response. Texting is available Monday to Friday from 8:30am - 4:00pm. A person seeking crisis support through text will be connected with a Crisis Response Worker and receive messages through text.

IF YOU HAVE A FEVER, COUGH AND DIFFICULTY BREATHING, The SixSEEK Nations MobileCARE CrisisEARLY Services is a MEDICAL confidential service offering crisis Stay home if you feel unwell. If support to Six Nations of the Grand River. youfeatures have a fever, coughaand The new run through program difficulty breathing, seek medical which offers safe and encrypted attention and callconversations in advance. technology to keep confidential and secure.


Source: World Health Organization

Moment for Life run encourages self-care during pandemic DONNA DURIC


SIX NATIONS — Calls to the Six Nations Crisis Line have increased exponentially since the worldwide Covid pandemic was declared in March 2020 and Six Nations Health Promotions wants to encourage people to seek help if they are experiencing suicidal ideation as the community rides the fourth wave of the pandemic. Jade Johnson, Life Promotion Coordinator with Six Nations Health Promotions, said there have been increased calls to the Crisis Line, not just because of the pandemic but also the repeated discovery of children’s remains at former residential schools across the country beginning this past May. “Mental health has been suffering around the world for a lot of people. It was reported that the Six Nations Crisis Line was receiving increased calls this past year. We’re lucky on this reserve to have as many resources as we do. I know it’s hard to reach out.” The event is held every year on World Suicide Prevention Day. When the event first started about eight years ago, it was more

When the event first started about eight years ago, it was more of a memorial event, with a candlelight vigil for those who died by suicide, and it has since morphed into a “colour run”. DONNA DURIC

of a memorial event, with a candlelight vigil for those who died by suicide, and it has since morphed into a “colour run” – an event where packets of coloured powder are thrown at runners in a fun attempt to bring laughter and smiles to participants. And there were plenty of smiles and laughter during the beautiful late summer evening run at the Ohsweken track field last Friday night, with the sun casting a happy glow on participants and the crisp evening air creating the perfect atmosphere for an outdoor event celebrating life. Before Covid, it was better attended, said Johnson, and local services would set up informational

booths but to keep crowds down, organizers kept the event low-key this year and encouraged people to wear masks if they were not with people from their immediate household. “It’s kind of sad this year,” said Johnson, but acknowledged the evening felt bittersweet because people still came out to enjoy each other’s company. “It’s a gorgeous day. We couldn’t have it at all last year.” Participants got swag bags with information about suicide, signs for loved ones to watch for, and where to get help, locally and nationally. Johnson praised the national organization, Kids Help Phone, and encour-

aged youth to give them a call if they need someone to talk to. “This event, it’s supposed to be fun, it’s supposed to be joyous, it’s about promoting life. We’re promoting hope, meaning, purpose. People always have a good time here.” When it comes to the pandemic, Johnson encourages people to care for themselves by getting out, getting active, trying new things, and learning new skills. The community is currently riding out the fourth wave of the pandemic, with a recent spike in cases, but schools remain open and restrictions remain relatively calm when it comes to group gatherings.




September 15th, 2021



Meet the Healthy Bus Six Nations Health Services toured its new bus around the territory on September 9. The bus travelled to different location across the community so residents could take a tour and enjoy a free BBQ lunch. FB/Healthy6Nay

Feeling Overwhelmed and In Need of Counselling?

30% still unvaccinated on Six Nations By TRT Staff OHSWEKEN — Six Nations is reporting vaccination rates that are nearly 20% lower than the rest of the province. According to Six Nations epidemiologists, out of the 12,788 on-reserve resident band members, a total of 7,398 people have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. That is 57% of the population. For fully vaccinated on-reserve resident band members the total is 7,030 people or 54%. There are approximately 1277 youth on Six Nations under the age of 12, according to the community’s residency statistics from 2019. This means there are potentially 4000 on-reserve band members ages 12+ who are eligible for the vaccine and who have not been vaccinated — or 30% of eligible residents. Six Nations remains with one of the highest incident rates in all of Ontario. Six Nations now has nearly six times the incidence rate of the city of Hamilton, eight times the incidence rate of Brantford-Brant and 35 times the case load that neighbouring Haldimand-Norfolk is reporting. To calculate the daily rate of new infections,

researchers look at the average number of newly confirmed cases in the last 7 days per 100,000 residents. This calculation allows health officials to level and compare large cities to smaller towns, giving an equal analysis and gives a better indication of how the virus is spreading in the area. The per 100,000 infection rate is calculated by taking the number of cases, divided by the total number of people in that population, multiplied by 100,000. Provincially, when Ontario sees 40 cases per 100,000 they enter into Red alert level. If transmission levels continue to rise after a Red level alert is implemented, the province then moves into lockdown. Six Nations is currently reporting 258.05 cases per 100,000 people — more than six times the provincial threshold for imposing a lockdown. Six Nations was moved into an elevated ORANGE alert level in an effort to curb the outbreak. The shift in levels will restrict indoor dining and reduce indoor gatherings to no more than 10 people and takes effect on Monday. Elected Council is urging all residents 12 and over to get vaccinated immediately.

Now available Thursdays 9am-3pm Feeling Overwhelmed and By Telephone or Face to Face In Need of Counselling? Phone Lori McDonell 519 820-6522 or email Now available Thursdays 9am-3pm By Telephone or Face to Face

Phone Lori McDonell 519 820-6522 or email Counselling Modalities:

CBT, Trauma Informed, Brief Solution Focused, Narrative, Mindfulness: Client Centered approach EMDR for ongoing counselling Counselling Modalities: In partnership withBrief Indigenous Services & CBT, Trauma Informed, SolutionVictim Focused, Narrative, The Couch Counselling and Support Services Mindfulness: Client Centered approach EMDR for ongoing counselling IVS: Direct Line: 1-866-964-5920 In partnership with Indigenous Victim Services & The Couch Counselling and Support Services IVS: Direct Line: 1-866-964-5920



September 15th, 2021

COVID fourth wave driven by travel and family Ontario lays out guidelines for vaccine certifigatherings people in self isolation and severe symptoms of COVID month after a year and a cate enforcement 4 people in hospital. than those who are. half of remote learning, DONNA DURIC


The fourth wave of COVID-19 currently sweeping Six Nations is the result of travel and family gatherings among community members, according to Ohsweken Public Health. As Six Nations deals with the highest infection rate in the province, the community is also mourning the 12th death related to COVID-19. This is the first COVID death since April. SNGR issued a statement on Monday, expressing condolences to the woman’s loved ones for their loss. Meanwhile, the outbreak on Six Nations continues to rise. At the last reporting on Monday there were 46 active cases, 10 of which are the Delta variant. There were 181

In the last seven days, 6 of the infections were in people who are fully vaccinated. The increase in cases comes as the Delta variant winds its way through the community, with 24% of cases screening positive for the variant currently circulating the globe. Ohsweken Public Health estimates that the Delta variant arrived in the community around Aug. 26, when it received confirmation from a lab that a community member’s test results screened positive for the variant. OPH says the variant is of concern because it is more infectious and more aggressive than previous COVID-19 variants (Alpha and Beta). All Six Nations COVID swabs are screened for variants, said OPH. OPH also confirmed that those who are unvaccinated are experiencing more

Currently, around 50 per cent of on-reserve Six Nations residents have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine – far below the provincial average of close to 80 per cent. Because of the sudden jump in cases, Six Nations of the Grand River Elected Council moved the community into a heightened COVID alert state last week, according to its colour-coded alert system. The community is currently in alert level orange, with relatively moderate restrictions on gatherings. The next level is red, which imposes further restrictions on gatherings, and finally, black, the highest alert level, which discourages any contact outside the immediate household and only essential businesses are permitted to operate. Six Nations schools, which just re-opened this

remain open under this alert level. It’s not known if schools or businesses will be asked to close again as the fourth wave peaks in the community. There are currently 41 active cases as of press time, with 32 of those cases testing positive in the last week alone. Six Nations Health Services and OPH are urging community members to get vaccinated, saying the increase in cases places a higher burden on an already “overwhelmed” health care system. “SNHS and OPH continue to encourage community members to wear masks, avoid large gatherings, wash hands regularly, and get vaccinated to protect themselves and others who can’t be vaccinated due to age or health status.” Six Nations has a rate of 281 infections per 100,000 people. The City of Hamilton’s rate is 49 cases per 100,000 people.



TORONTO — Ontario has issued guidance for businesses that will soon have to enforce its new COVID-19 vaccine certificate system. Starting Wednesday next week, patrons will need to show proof of full vaccination and a piece of ID to enter settings that include restaurants, theatres and gyms. The province says businesses and patrons who don't follow the rules could be fined. The system will initially require patrons to show a paper or digital receipt of vaccination along with a form of government-issued identification, such as a driver's licence, birth certificate or health card. Businesses must ensure the name and date of birth on the vaccination receipt

match those on the identification document before allowing customers access to the venue. Businesses will not have to validate medical exemption notes that may be presented -- officials say a standardized note is in the works. The province says enforcement officers are starting to visit businesses this week to discuss the system's requirements, which apply to patrons but not venue workers. Businesses are instructed to contact law enforcement about harassment or threats over the policy. The government says all provincial offences officers -- including bylaw, police and public health inspectors -- can provide education on the system and issue fines related to it. On Oct. 22, the province aims to launch a QR code and verification app for businesses to streamline the process.


September 15th, 2021


Get to know Adrienne Rogers, NDP Candidate for Brantford-Brant JACE KOBLUN


Adrienne Roberts is a secondary school teacher with the Grand Erie District School Board who works to help students achieve their goals and acquire real-world experiences in the community. A passionate advocate for public education, she believes that education is a pathway to growth, innovation, and justice. Active in labour rights, she is the vice-president of her bargaining unit, serves on several committees for the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF), and is an executive member for the Brantford & District Labour Council. She is proud to be a third-generation union member within her family. A champion for change, Rogers says she knows what a difference it makes when government invests in the needs of families. Two Row Times caught up with Rogers last week to talk about her platform and her background. TRT – Where did you grow up and where do you live now? Rogers – I grew up in Ancaster. I lived in St. John’s, N.L., for a few years for school, and I currently live in Brantford. TRT – What unique skills do you have for the job? Rogers – Being a teacher, having the ability to listen to a variety of opinions is helpful because not everyone agrees on topics and issues. Being able to facilitate discussions and create a space to talk about new ideas is important as we work towards a consensus. We do that a lot in our classroom. And that’s a skill often overlooked in the political arena. We don’t just educate, we also facilitate. We have a lot of people in our classroom with different ideas and concerns who come from many different backgrounds too. It takes energy to hear and listen to everybody but it works when it’s done. TRT – What and where do you teach? Rogers – Right now I am on unpaid leave during this election. I am scheduled to be working at Hagersville

Secondary School after the election and I taught at Tollgate Technological Skills Centre for two years prior. I work in special education primarily. TRT – How would you describe the NDP platform in a few sentences? Rogers – The NDP is fighting for people. That’s the best way to describe it. The NDP is fighting for people in our communities. Our country. Everywhere. TRT – How is social media helping or hindering your run? Rogers – I’ve been on social media personally for a while now. For the election, I’m on a few different platforms. Instagram. Twitter a little bit. Facebook. I’ve tried TikTok but that’s a skill I’m still mastering. But I am on social media for sure. I’m enjoying Instagram in particular. I have some old students of mine who have reached out and connected with me through there which has been great. TRT – Where do you see yourself five years from now? Rogers – I could be running again, depending on what happens next week. My husband and I will still be here. I do a lot of community outreach here. Always there to help out at an event when help is needed and things like that. TRT – What is your comfort level dealing with tough issues? Rogers – I don’t mind getting dirty. I always say that real change comes when it gets messy. And sometimes you just have to get messy when we’re talking about some of these issues with centuries worth of undoing and resolving. It can be emotional, traumatic, messy. Real work takes place in those spaces and you have to be willing to get messy. I read a quote that says it’s only when you are still in discomfort that you are learning. If you’re not feeling any discomfort then you’re not learning. That is where true change and learning happens. TRT – When did you become interested in politics? Rogers – I’ve always been interested in sort of a peripheral way. I’ve followed politics and

NDP Candidate for Brantford-Brant Adrienne Rogers. SUBMITTED

different platforms since my 20s. I’m 46 now. Growing up we always had big discussions about politics at home and being a third-generation union member also, those types of conversations come up. I became a party member of NDP in 2017. TRT – How do you work as part of a team? Rogers – We are very collaborative, my team and I. I generally use the word ‘we’ when talking about election work. We have a core team that has been working together for a few years now. In between elections we still work together and do work in the community. We do food drives, wellness checks, community clean-up events. Some of our core executive team is always working together in some way. That’s why it’s ‘we’. We are a very diverse group too. We have youth, older people too. Different experiences help our team be more well-rounded and we get in there and work hard together. TRT – Why is running in this election the right thing for you to do right now? Rogers – I ran in the Haldimand-Norfolk election in 2019 last minute. But this is home so this time around is a very different experience. And a lot of my inspiration to run in this election comes from my students. They inspire me every day. They are angry. Frustrated. They feel hopeless about their future at times. And hearing that compels me to run because they need a voice. I am so overwhelmed with the support from youth that we’ve interacted with during this campaign. Listening to students and their concerns is

important. They are living through a climate crisis, an opioid crisis, a housing crisis, and also a pandemic. They need to be heard and listening to their sense of anxiety and hopelessness for the future made me angry too. That’s why I’m running. I want to show it can be done and we can make a change for their future. TRT – What are some of your areas of focus? Rogers – There are a couple of things right off the bat I would address. The opioid crisis for sure. Too many people have died and we need to start dealing with this crisis as soon as possible. More than 20,000 people have died in this country from overdose and that’s not even talking about the impact those deaths have had on families. We have a problem here in Brant-

ford and we need more support. We need plans for harm reduction. We need to deal with this trauma. Also, the NDP is committed to working through reconciliation in good faith. And one of the things we want to start with is making sure everyone has water. It costs people a lot of money to connect their main water line on Six Nations. We need to invest and make sure water can be delivered to homes and make it easier for people to have access to clean water. Clean water and housing are basic things in life and should be a priority. Another thing we would do on Six Nations as soon as we can is to put in a funding request for a building for Kawenni:io/ Gaweni:yo school. I had the privilege of meeting with the board at the school and they need a building.

TRT – Why is it important for young people to care about politics? Rogers – Young people care because it’s their future at stake. It isn’t about me. I’ve had my 46 years here on earth, and yes I’m hoping for another 40 at least but it's the young people’s future. Youth have anxiety about a lot of the issues we talked about and we want to make sure there is still a planet that will be there to nurture and support them. Youth are passionate and care but often they feel unheard or disregarded which makes things worse when they are constantly told their opinions and concerns don’t matter. They become apathetic. Rogers’ contact information can be found at




September 15th, 2021

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The case for voting NAHNDA GARLOW


Growing up on Six Nations as a child I came to learn that most people I knew didn’t vote in provincial and federal elections. I didn’t ever really question why or why not — but accepted that because our people are our own nation, that it was not something that many participated in. Growing up on the rez I experienced real rez life. I grew up on macaroni and tomatoes, hamburg gravy and bean soup. I went to the bathroom in a slop pail that I had to go empty back the bush. There was nothing else for us kids to do except to ride up and down dirt roads on our bikes and harvest frog eggs from the swamps or build forts in the sumac. And when we were tired out we’d haul water from the well and drink from the dipper. I mean, it was life on the rez. But as I become a teen and started going to school among people who didn’t come from the rez, it was surprising to me how they didn’t know about things like dippers and slop pails. For them, going to the bathroom didn’t include covering you number 2 with ashes — they simply flush and walk away. Getting a drink was turning on the tap. Moving into adulthood, I started to understand the divide between real rez life and the lives of the rest of Canada. The socio-economic stressors of rez life and the poverty that inherently came with it, while it built strong character and made me an interesting person — also was a huge hurdle —

one that we all struggle to this day to overcome. To me, this is why I believe that voting in the federal election is an essential part of fighting for the faces yet to come. Some may say that voting in the federal election is ‘stepping out of the canoe and into the ship’. I believe that this is a risk worth taking if it means that we as a community, or at least me as a community member, get to have a say in who we are dealing with regionally when it comes to our issues. I would rather risk other people’s perception of whether I am in the boat or the ship — instead of not voting and not having a say at all on who sits at the table with our elected leaders to work on the solutions we need. This election, I’m proud to say that Six Nations has TWO band members running for the Brantford-Brant riding and happily, all of the candidates have extensive working relationships with the Six Nations community, our history and our organizations. No matter how you personally perceive the choice to participate in federal elections — this is a historic campaign where Six Nations issues matter in a real way to all candidates in this riding and all are listening and willing to find real solutions. For those on the fence about whether to vote or not — I encourage you to step out and participate. For those who are opposed to participating — let’s activate the love among us and lend strength, support and encouragement to our band members who are in the running and wish them much luck!

Volume 9, Issue 8 Make advertising cheques payable to:

Garlow Media


If all parties agree that we need to end drinking water advisories in Indigenous communities, why haven't they By Kerry Black, Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair, Integrated Knowledge, Engineering and Sustainable Communities, University of Calgary While Canada's overall water quality is among the best globally — in 2016 a small town in British Columbia won gold for best municipal tap water in the world — First Nations have long struggled for access to safe drinking water. From mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows, Attawapiskat's decades-long battle for safe water, to Shoal Lake 40 and Nesktanga's battles for clean water, the commitment to solve drinking water for Indigenous communities has long been a statement made by many sitting prime ministers and hopefuls. As early as 1991, the federal government had committed to achieving equality amongst Canadians vis-a-vis access to safe water by the turn of the century. Thirty years later, many communities still have inadequate access to the recognized human right to water. Elections are a time for promises. For many political campaigns, committing to resolving the drinking water crisis has been an easy way to show support for First Nations and Indigenous Peoples without treading into controversial territory, it's a safe promise. The commitment to Indigenous water issues within election platforms is the

proverbial low-hanging fruit. Reconciliation and hollow statements This year's election is no different. From the NDP to the Conservatives, every election platform contains a commitment to reconciliation. And reconciliation is clearly a Canadian priority, in fact it's among the top five this election season. There has been a notable shift in this year's election platforms in the wake of devastating discoveries of unmarked graves at former Indian residential schools. So it could be argued that omitting Indigenous issues from your platform would be a catastrophic mistake. What is less certain is whether promises amount to anything more than hollow statements. If you want to be elected, you make promises with broad appeal. A vague promise is exactly what election platforms are. There are no clear paths or action plans. There is a lack of meaningful commitment within these Indigenous-centred election platforms. As stated by Regional Chief Cindy Woodhouse: ``First Nations don't appreciate being used as a wedge issue in the pursuit of power in Ottawa.'' Which party says what? The NDP have stated that ``reconciliation is at the heart of what we do,'' promising to lift drinking water advisories and address transportation and energy for Indige-

nous communities. The NDP have also committed to addressing public services, health care, justice, economic development, education, housing, children in care, the legacy of residential schools and Indigenous rights as their key themes. But they can afford to be more direct. According to the latest polls, the NDP have virtually no chance of forming the government. The Liberals' ``Platform for Everyone'' toes a line, trying to appeal to the masses. Their commitments to reconciliation relate to housing, along with justice, health care, children and the legacy of residential schools. And there is an emphasis on ending all drinking water advisories in their platform. While the Conservatives have commented that the lack of safe drinking water for Indigenous communities is a ``national shame,'' their platform targets advisories, high-risk systems and enhanced governance. Start making meaningful change Regardless of the political party, committing to fixing the water crisis seems to be an area of perceived consensus. And of course, it should be — the past decade has shown us the inequities faced by Indigenous communities. Water underpins many of the social and economic gaps that exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians.

Advertising Sales Co-ordinator: Marshall Lank Advertising Sales Executive: Christine Patton Advertising Sales Executive: Ashley Smith Publisher: Jonathan Garlow Head of Production: Dave LaForce Editor & Social Media: Nahnda Garlow Writer: Donna Duric Website Manager: Benjamin Doolittle Senior Writer: Jim Windle Columnist: Rachel A. Snow Writer: Jace Koblun Distribution Manager: Tim Reynolds Brantford Distribution: Christian Kovacs Distribution: Logan Martin-King

Oneida Business Park Suite 124 50 Generations Drive, Box 1 Main office: (519) 900-5535 Editorial line: (519) 900-6241 Advertising line: (519) 900-6373 Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0

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Like nutrition, child welfare, education and health crises, the effects of unsafe drinking water are profound. The Liberal government can tout their water wins, including the recent class action settlement, while competing parties comment on the work yet to be done and the lack of progress in ending water advisories. And while the focus of campaign promises on the human right to safe water is expected, it also means that neglected community infrastructure continues to fall down the list of priorities. Infrastructure is vital to community economic development and to the health and wellbeing of communities. The infrastructure gap in Indigenous communities is vast. Election promises are no longer enough. When will we stop making promises and start making meaningful change? These very election promises that span across all parties highlight areas of consensus. If there is agreement, then isn't it time to stop making it a campaign promise? Focus election promises on the ``how'' and ``when'' — because the ``why'' is painfully obvious. Let's set down the political partisanship and work collectively on true reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. True reconciliation doesn't start with campaign promises.

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September 15th, 2021


COVID-19 VACCINES AVAILABLE AT OHSWEKEN PUBLIC HEALTH Clinics every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday


Book online: By phone: 226-227-9288



September 15th, 2021

Reconciliation; pandemic; residential schools highlight of Six Nations candidates’ discussion DONNA DURIC


OHSWEKEN — As a much-hyped and controversial federal election looms near, vaccine passports appear to be a hot topic in all ridings among all candidates but even more so on Six Nations. One of the most outspoken candidates vying for the seat in Brantford-Brant is Six Nations man Cole Squire, a People’s Party of Canada candidate who is vehemently opposed to Covid vaccine passports and Covid public health regulations. Six Nations has a Covid vaccination rate about 30 per cent lower than the rest of the province, at about 50 per cent receiving at least one dose of a Covid vaccine, while the province’s tally sits close to 80 per cent. Squire has been vocally opposed to lockdowns and

stated on a Facebook post this past spring during the devastating third wave that hit the community that families who lost a loved one on Six Nations to Covid-19 were “lied to.” “It’s been really troublesome to see the topdown approach from the government,” he said of the government’s response to the pandemic. He said it’s been, “over the top and unprecedented. The only thing that’s certain in life is that we will die. That might be a bit blunt but that’s the harsh reality. We can’t just stop living our lives. We need to take a more rational approach to this.” He said the PPC is “totally pro-choice” when it comes to masks and vaccines. “When we’re looking at vaccine passports, that’s a totally different ball game. Myself and the people’s party – we’re totally against that. It’s absolutely egregious what’s going on.”

He said he’s not going to “promise millions of dollars” because Canada is a “broke nation. We need to have adults return back to Ottawa.” He said he wants to see everyone in Canada have the best opportunities and futures possible. “That’s what myself and the People’s Party of Canada is committed to.” Squire, a proponent of limited government, said he wants to see Six Nations economically independent from the federal government and ending the “parent-child relationship” between the two. “I’m a bit hard on our people. I want what’s best for them.” The virtual debate brought together Squire, Conservative candidate Larry Brock, Liberal candidate Alison MacDonald (who also hails from Six Nations), and New Democrat candidate Adrienne Roberts. Brock, a Crown lawyer

in Brantford and newcomer to federal politics, secured the Conservative candidacy after longtime Brantford-Brant Conservative MP Phil McColeman announced his retirement last December. “As a member of parliament it is my ultimate goal to be a very strong, articulate advocate for Six Nations,” said Brock. “I have many friends on Six Nations.” Brock criticized Trudeau’s failure to end boil water advisories on First Nations reserves, which was one of Trudeau’s biggest campaign promises, saying the Conservative Party views clean, potable water as a human right. He said one of his priorities is ensuring watermains are extended throughout the entire reserve. Only about 20 per cent of the community is currently served by the Six Nations Water Treatment. The rest of the reserve relies on trucked in water or contaminated wells. “It is absolutely inexcusable that we live in a leading, G7 nation and you’ve got 80 per cent of your population trucking in water from grocery stores or water tanks,” said Brock. “We can’t rely upon the well system.” Brock said a Conservative government would also fund a full investigation into all former residential school sites for hidden graves. “We have a plan…to address that. We want to fund the investigation at all former residential schools where unmarked graves may exist. We want to actually give teeth to the Truth and Reconciliation Report.” They also want to build a national monument in Ottawa dedicated to residential school survivors. When it comes to land claims, Brock said he was shocked to learn Six Nations’ land claims case filed against the Crown is almost 30 years old and will only be heard for the first time in fall 2022.

Brock also said that Conservatives would advocate for funding the Kawenni:io/Gaweni:yo private language immersion school to build its own school. The program is currently teaching students out of the Iroquois Lacrosse Arena. The building would cost roughly $10 million with an annual operating budget of $2 million. “Anything we can do to enhance…your language is a priority. It’s a priority for me and it will be a priority for the Conservative government.” Curbing human trafficking, which disproportionately affects Indigenous people, will be another one of his priorities. He said the pandemic has personally affected his family, as his wife is a nurse, and his family has been vaccinated. Brock said it’s “unfortunate” how divided the country has become between those who vaccinate and those who don’t but “we want to unite this country, not divide.” Brock didn’t make an impression on Six Nations Elected Councillor Nathan Wright, who said he’s never voted in a federal or provincial election. “None of the parties, including yours, have inspired me to vote in this election. I could be swayed. I’m always open-minded to swayed.” Wright said he was concerned about the Conservatives’ track record on climate change, as well as what appears to be a Conservative initiative to criminalize Indigenous people, “for standing up for Mother Earth. Your party has openly and publically been a climate change denier. We know climate change is real.” Brock clarified that the official policy of the current Conservative caucus is not to deny climate change. Roberts, as the NDP candidate, says she has a focus on youth. “Listening to them over the years, they’ve inspired

me. I want to make sure the future they want is available to them. They’re facing a housing crisis, a climate crisis, a pandemic, an opioid crisis and it’s a lot.” As a teacher, she said, education is a priority and she would advocate to get the funding for a new building for Kawennio/ Gaweniyo private language immersion school. An NDP government, she said, would also appoint a special prosecutor to hold still-living perpetrators of residential schools accountable for their crimes. MacDonald, a lawyer who specializes in representing Indigenous children, said she was “very afraid” to put herself at risk running for the seat as an Indigenous person for the Liberal party in the riding. The discovery of unmarked graves at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in late May prompted her to throw her hat in the ring. She said she was moved by the outpouring of love and support from non-natives after the discovery and renewed her resolve to run in the riding. “Now is the time to take a risk,” she said. “My biggest concern is voter apathy” on Six Nations, she said. “Please go out and vote. At least stand up so that the federal government sees what we can do in terms of solidarity. Voting does not mean you will be giving up solidarity.” MacDonald said she is loud, outspoken, and passionate, with a fiery disposition. She said the other candidates engaged in “lip service. I’m voter focused, just like I’m child-focused in my practice and in my life. The last thing this riding needs is a settler talking cheap.” Her priorities include child care and Indigenous housing. The federal election takes place on Sept. 20.

September 15th, 2021


Warmer than normal fall expected STAFF REPORT


TORONTO — Don't store away those cutoffs and sandals just yet; The Weather Network says there are still warm days to come this year. The network says in its fall forecast that much of Canada can expect some spells of warm temperatures in the next month or so, mixed in with the wide swings in weather the season typically brings. Chris Scott, chief meteorologist at The Weather Network, says many Canadians can expect above-normal temperatures and a typical number of rainy days. He says that September has so far brought in precipitation and cooler days to offer some relief to the blistering heat that led to devastating wildfires in B.C. and northern Ontario and parched conditions in the Prairies this summer. Scott says the cooler, wetter weather has put an end to the heightened fire risk that in some years continues into this month. ``We were worried we would go through September, as is sometimes the case, with the wildfire season still going full-throttle. That hasn't been the case. It's cooled down, we got a

bit of rain, so at least we put a lid on that.'' In British Columbia, which this summer saw the highest temperatures ever recorded in Canada, people can expect near-normal temperatures and slightly warmer-than-normal in the south. The number of rainy days should be normal, but are expected to be heavier than normal, said Scott. ``That is some beneficial news, given that things were so dry this summer, we think that we'll replenish a lot of that water supply across the fall.'' The Prairies have also seen an easing recently of the drought that hit crops this summer, while the fall should bring a mixed bag including some warmer-than-normal periods mixed in with some potential false starts to winter, he said. Ontario and Quebec can expect warmer temperatures across the heart of the season, though it's still a case of checking the daily forecast, said Scott. ``Pretty good news if you want to get out there and enjoy fall activities, a lot of people like the changing of the leaves as we get into October, and we think that overall the weather conditions will be

fairly conducive to that.'' He said to watch out though because around mid-November he expects the weather to shift to an earlier onset of winter than the region has seen in recent years. Atlantic Canada is also expected to see higher-than-normal temperatures, though with an active hurricane season there's also potential for excessive rainfall, while eastern parts of Northern Canada are also expected to see elevated temperatures.


Indigenous youth need support FREDERICTON — A report on youth suicide prevention in New Brunswick Indigenous communities is calling for provincial legislation that would recognize and support Indigenous languages and for more mental health funding. The report released Tuesday called ``No Child Left Behind'' makes 13 recommendations — or calls to action — to address the challenges faced by Indigenous children and youth.

First Nations Advisory Council co-chair Roxanne Sappier says there have been eight suicides of young Indigenous people in the province since the council began working on the report in April. She said while the national suicide rate among Indigenous people is three times higher than among non-Indigenous people, it is almost seven times higher in Indigenous males 15 to 24 years of age. ``The mental health and wellness issues that

First Nations deal with are unique,'' she told a news conference on the St. Mary's First Nation in Fredericton. ``Our identities and cultures have been disrupted by a long colonial history and its many impacts _ including intergenerational trauma as a result of residential schools, erosion of our languages, cultures and spirituality,'' she said. Sappier said the first call to action to address language is very important.

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September 15th, 2021

Get to know Larry Brock, Conservative candidate for Brantford-Brant JACE KOBLUN


Larry Brock has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Waterloo and a law degree from the University of Calgary. Since 2004 he has been the assistant crown attorney for Brant. Born and raised in Brantford, Larry and his wife Angela have twin, 12-year-old daughters. Along with being an active member of the Brantford Aquatic Club where his daughters swim, he has served the community with many volunteer organizations. Two Row Times caught up with Brock this week to talk about his platform.

TRT – Where did you grow up and where do you live now? Brock – I was born and raised in Brantford and still live here. I went to the University of Waterloo for my undergrad. And I also went to the University of Calgary for law school. Apart from those two education excursions, I’ve

lived my whole life and have practiced law in the city.

TRT – What unique skills do you have for the job? Brock – Leadership. Fierce advocacy. Humility. As a crown attorney, you have to exhibit strong advocacy strengths in representing your community. To hold offenders accountable. To ensure that you advocate for an appropriate sentence, but you also have to be mindful of an individual’s rehabilitation. As crown attorney, in each and every case I prosecute I try to temper my advocacy with humility and compassion. I try to enforce that everyone is redeemable. Everyone has good qualities. Over the last 30 years as a practicing lawyer, last 18 as crown attorney, I have had numerous opportunities to display leadership within my office and the ministry of the attorney general. I have led various initiatives to improve access to justice displayed within the office and in Indigenous


Larry Brock is the Conservative candidate for Brantford-Brant riding in the upcoming federal election. SUBMITTED

courts. I’ve been one of two crown attorneys over the last eight years who have made a difference in the lives of Indigenous offenders.

TRT – How would you describe the Conservative party in only a few sentences? Brock – I think a summary of where we stand as the Conservative party is as follows: Erin O’Toole and Canada’s conservatives are the only alternatives to secure Canada’s future. Restore competency. Embrace transparency and accountability to the government. And ensure






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TRT – How have you been using social media on your campaign? Brock – We have primarily used Facebook. Have not been involved much on Instagram or Twitter, but social media, in general, has most assuredly changed the nature of campaigning. It provides an immediate approach and advertisement to all followers. Also, we do not limit our Facebook page in any way. We open it up and have had it opened up for the entire campaign. It enables people to stay on top of my events. On top of key messaging from the party. And we have talking points that come up two to three times a day that is populated on social media. Social media has broken down traditional barriers of campaigning.

TRT – What is your comfort level dealing with tough issues? Brock – Given my background as a lawyer for 30 years, crown attorney for 18, I tackle difficult and heart-wrenching decisions on a daily basis. There isn’t a day that goes by in my criminal practice as a prosecutor that I don’t have difficult decisions to make and exercise courage in making the appropriate decisions. I’ve never shied away from a challenge. TRT – When did you become interested in politics? Brock – Goes back to my university days. I majored in political science in university and in high

school, I tried to engage in student council. I realized we live in a wonderful democracy that gives everyone the opportunity to engage in the process, whether at a student level, or municipality, or provincial, or even federally. I’ve always had that interest and I honed those skills in university. It wasn’t until I was an adult and graduated from law school that I really got active in politics. TRT – Why is running in this election the right thing for you to do right now? Brock – I feel I have reached sort of the pinnacle of my legal career. I could easily see myself continuing on as crown attorney for potentially another eight to 10 years. But I’ve always had this underlying feeling as crown attorney you are sort of suspended in the ability to really advocate for real change and reforms in the lives of citizens. I felt what better way to tackle and make a change in this riding than to be an instrument of that change.

TRT – What are your top three areas of focus? Brock – I want to actually give true meaning to the concept of nation-to-nation sharing and an economic union with our Indigenous neighbours. Secondly, there is a significant uptake of crime in this community. Which can be derived from an influx of narcotics into this city. A recent statistic says that every single day 14 people in this country are dying from opioid overdoses. And that number has increased during the pandemic in the last 18 months. Not a day goes by I’m sure that Brantford Police, Six Nations Police, or the OPP are not dealing with calls for service of overdoses. We need to tackle the root causes of addiction, and start to deal with crime, illegal gun issues, gang issues. I want to make my community safe again. I want those in Brantford downtown to feel safe again. We also need to deal with the housing issues. Those are areas of focus I feel very strongly about. TRT – What would

your areas of focus be on Six Nations? Brock – One of the biggest concerns I have is the lack of commitment that our current government has had with respect to its promise to end all boil water advisories. Although Six Nations never had a designated boil water advisory, it probably came pretty damn close. The fact that such a large percentage of the Six Nations population is not served by the water treatment facility is inexcusable. Back in 2015 or 2016, there was a study done to determine the cost of water mains to be built to cover all the residents and businesses of Six Nations, and it is only $120 million. When you take a look at what the government is wastefully spending on, it’s not including its commitment to water. It’s a commitment of mine to get shovels in the ground promptly on that issue. We believe that potable, suitable, drinking water is not a luxury but an absolute human right. We also want to put some teeth into getting some action done on some of these historically decades-old land claim disputes. We have to walk the walk and deal with these issues to provide some answers and certainty for the Six Nations community and adjoining communities.

TRT – Why is it important for young people to care about politics and political parties? Brock – Youth are the future generation and youth are going to inherit Mother Earth. And are going to inherit a country whose decisions right now are more critical than ever. Do you want a country that is embarking on a socialist agenda, that provides pretty much full government control over our assets, over our economy? Do you want to see yourself taxed to the highest degree? Do you want more of the same unethical government that makes undelivered promises? Or do you want a government that provides a secure future? Brock’s contact information and social media handles can be found at


September 15th, 2021

More than 150,000 people in Canada experience 'long COVID' symptoms TORONTO — More research is needed to understand the so-called ``long COVID'' condition and the burden it poses on the health-care system, a science advisory group said in a report Tuesday. The Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table, a group that provides guidance to the province on the pandemic, said the postCOVID-19 symptoms affect about 10 per cent of those infected and can last from weeks to months. ``There is under-recognition both for the public but also among clinicians of this condition because it is hard to define and quantify and because we don't have a lot of information around it,'' said Fahad Razak, the lead author of the report. A conservative estimate suggests about 150,000 Canadians who contract the novel coronavirus experience long COVID-19 symptoms, Razak said. In Ontario, between 57,000 and 78,000 people are affected. The most common of more than 200 different symptoms include fatigue,

shortness of breath, general pain or discomfort, anxiety and depression. Razak said individuals experiencing such symptoms have difficulty performing daily activities and require increased health-care resources. ``The burden will not only be on the health system, it will also be on other parts of society because a lot of the disabilities are not just about medical care, it's about the fact that individuals can't go back to work, it's that they need a supportive home, it's difficulty with work and family life,'' he added. The World Health Organization has reported that approximately one in four individuals who were infected with the virus experience symptoms of long COVID for at least one month. Meanwhile, one in 10 people experience symptoms that last beyond 12 weeks. The Ontario science advisory group said more research is needed on risk factors for long COVID. Vaccination reduces the chance of developing the

post-COVID-19 condition, Razak said. To date, nearly 84.5 per cent of Ontarians over the age of 12 have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 78.2 per cent have two doses. Razak said the latest report from the science advisory group looked at data from the earlier waves of the pandemic and did not take variants of the virus -- like Delta and Alpha -- into account. ``We don't have the data yet to know the impact,'' he said. ``The worry is that those variants are clearly more infectious so we're potentially running into a problem where we're going to see even higher rates of the post-COVID condition.'' There is limited Canadian data on health-care use patterns for patients with long COVID, including emergency department visits and hospital admissions, the science group said. A pan-Canadian study is currently being done to examine these patterns for long COVID-19 patients.


Feb. 1st

May 1st

Aug 1st

Oct. 1st

Application Deadline for Summer semester Apply on-line! Fall Marks/Progress Reports due for all continuing students. Levels 3 & 4 (Master or Ph.D. students) provide Letter of Good Academic Standing. Winter course registration/timetable and detailed tuition fees due. Application Deadline for Fall or Fall/Winter semester(s) Apply on-line! Winter Marks/Progress Reports due for all continuing students. Levels 3 & 4 (Master or Ph.D. students) provide Letter of Good Academic Standing. Summer course registration/timetable and detailed tuition fees due.


Cave with ancient drawings sold O’FALLON — A Missouri cave containing Native American artwork from more than 1,000 years ago was sold at auction Tuesday, disappointing leaders of the Osage Nation who hoped to buy the land to ``protect and preserve our most sacred site.'' A bidder agreed to pay $2.2 million to private owners for what's known as ``Picture Cave,'' along with the 43 hilly acres that surround it near the town of Warrenton, about 60 miles (97 kilometers) west of St. Louis. Bryan Laughlin, director of Selkirk Auctioneers & Appraisers, the St. Louis-based firm handling the auction, said the winning bidder declined to be named. A St. Louis family that's owned the land since 1953 has

mainly used it for hunting. The cave was the site of sacred rituals and burying of the dead. It also has more than 290 prehistoric glyphs, or hieroglyphic symbols used to represent sounds or meanings, ``making it the largest collection of indigenous people's polychrome paintings in Missouri,'' according to the auction website. That's exactly why Carol Diaz-Granados opposed the sale. She and her husband, James Duncan, spent 20 years researching the cave and wrote a book about it. Duncan is a scholar in Osage oral history, and Diaz-Granados is a research associate in the anthropology department at Washington University in St. Louis. ``Auctioning off a sacred American Indian site truly

sends the wrong message,'' Diaz-Granados said. ``It's like auctioning off the Sistine Chapel.'' The Osage Nation, in a statement, called the sale ``truly heartbreaking.'' ``Our ancestors lived in this area for 1300 years,'' the statement read. ``This was our land. We have hundreds of thousands of our ancestors buried throughout Missouri and Illinois, including Picture Cave.'' The cave features drawings of people, animals, birds and mythical creatures. Diaz-Granados said various means were used to create the art. Charred botanical material was used to draw. For one depiction of a mythical being, the artist created a white figure by scraping off the brown sandstone.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY For Grand River Post Secondary Education Office

The Grand River Post Secondary Education Office provides financial as well as other support services to Six Nations post secondary students in order that they may accomplish their goal of graduation from a college diploma or university degree program.

POSITION TITLE: Senior Administration Assistant

LOCATION: Ohsweken

DETAILS OF EMPLOYMENT: Full time employment 37.5 hours weekly. JOB SUMMARY: The Grand River Post Secondary Education Office (GRPSEO) is a very busy office environment that necessitates multi-tasking by all staff and for duties to be carried out in a professional manner consistent with a team approach. The Senior Administration Assistant with the GRPSEO reports to and is directly responsible to the Director of Post Secondary Student Services for: •

The organizational accomplishment of identified Board Ends policies; and

Operating within established Board and Operational policies and procedures to accomplish these Ends.

To do this the Senior Administration Assistant will not fail to: •

Be knowledgeable about all Board, Operational policies, and procedures of the Grand River Post Secondary Education Office.

Provide, establish and implement administrative support to the Director of Post Secondary Student Services.

Establish and implement administrative support to student services of the Grand River Post Secondary Education Office.

Provide, establish and implement administrative support to the Director of Post Secondary Student Services with respect to the operations of the Grand River Post Secondary Board.

Provide, establish and implement administrative support to the Post Secondary Funding Advisors.

Document and report all special project activities as required by the Director of Post Secondary Student Services.


11:59 pm May 1st to 9 am July 1st - The On-line Application on the GRPSEO Website is not available.

University Degree or College Diploma education with concentration in a relevant field such as office administration, public/community service work and evidence through work history of prior achievement in a related field.

Official transcripts are due from students funded for any of the three previous application periods (Summer/Fall/Winter). For all APPROVED FALL applications - Any documentation that was requested by the Funding Advisor to be submitted to GRPSEO by August 1, (as outlined in the “Check List of Required Documentation” form provided to the applicant), and not received by this deadline date will result in CANCELLATION of the approved application and loss of funding.

Prior successful experience in a multi-task work environment requiring professional level of time, information and project management skills is preferred.

Application Deadline for Winter semester – Apply on-line! Summer Marks/Progress Reports due for all continuing students. Levels 3 & 4 (Master or Ph.D. students) provide Letter of Good Academic Standing. Fall course registration/timetable and detailed tuition fees due.

STUDENTS MUST APPLY ON-LINE BY SPECIFIED DEADLINE. LATE APPLICATIONS CANNOT BE SUBMITTED AFTER THE DEADLINE. Please, check the local newspapers, our website at FaceBook or give us a call at (519) 445-2219 for more information.



• • • • •

Ability to organize tasks and manage time effectively with a high level of attention to detail. Ability to work efficiently with various software applications. This includes working knowledge and experience of Windows Operating System, Microsoft Office programs, Internet/social media and a proven ability to ensure accuracy of work dealing with data entry, editing. Proven ability to ensure accuracy of work dealing with research, analysis, communication and data. Demonstrated ability to: communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in written and verbal forms. Be dependable, flexible, and take initiative when necessary. (i.e.: work flex hours as required). Submission of a satisfactory police check. Must be bondable.

SALARY: To be determined dependent upon qualifications. CLOSING DATE: September 24, 2021 Applicants must submit their resume with (3) recent reference letters by: e-mail to Justine Henhawk-Bomberry, Director of Post Secondary Student Services at: or drop box located at the front entrance of the office located at 2160 Fourth Line Road, Ohsweken or by mail to the: Attention: Director of Post Secondary Student Services GRAND RIVER POST SECONDARY EDUCATION OFFICE P.O. BOX 339, OHSWEKEN, ON N0A 1M0



September 15th, 2021

The Original Indigenous names return to B.C.’s Sunshine Coast CANADIAN PRESS


Areas in British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast are undergoing name changes to respect the language, culture and heritage of local Indigenous peoples.

The Province restored the name of the Wilson Creek community to ts’uḵw’um, with the help of the shíshálh Nation. This name will be shared with the nearby creek. The water feature of Saltery Bay has also restored its name of sḵelhp. “This is a good step on

the path of reconciliation,” said Chief Warren Paull of the shíshálh Nation. “Recognizing the original names of the area has great meaning to our people and is one aspect of revitalizing our language. We appreciate the support of our provincial and regional district partners.

Working together, we are charting a new, respectful and co-operative future for shíshálh members and all those who live within our swiya.” Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, said working with partners like

the shíshálh Nation helps make meaningful progress towards reconciliation. "Honouring the language and history of Indigenous peoples is profoundly important, and so I am elated at the return of the traditional names ts’uḵw’um and sḵelhp to the shíshálh swiya/Sun-

Ontario Government Notice Invitation to Community Engagement Webinar #2 about the GTA West Highway and Transit Corridor Environmental Assessment Study THE STUDY The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is in Stage 2 of the GTA West Transportation Corridor Route Planning and Environmental Assessment (EA) Study. After confirming the Preferred Route and 2020 Focused Analysis Area on August 7, 2020 (please refer to the enclosed key plan or view mapping at, the GTA West Project Team commenced developing the Preferred Route to a preliminary design level of detail. The GTA West Study is being undertaken as an Individual EA in accordance with the Ontario EA Act and the GTA West Corridor EA Terms of Reference, which was approved by the Ontario Minister of the Environment on March 4, 2008. On May 3, 2021, the Federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change designated the GTA West Study under the Federal Impact Assessment Act. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT WEBINAR To further meet the public’s needs and address community questions, the GTA West Project Team hosted a Community Engagement Webinar in July 2021. We are hosting a second Community Engagement Webinar on September 29, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The GTA West Project Team will provide the same overview of the project as was presented in July, followed by a question & answer period. Expert panelists from a variety of disciplines (e.g. noise, air quality, fisheries, archaeology, etc.) will be in attendance to answer your questions. Public and Project Team member health and safety is of utmost importance. Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, this Webinar will be conducted as an online session hosted through the Zoom platform. For the best experience, we encourage you to join the Webinar on Zoom through an electronic device. If you don’t have access to an electronic device, you can listen to the Webinar through your telephone. If you join by telephone, please submit your questions in advance. A recording of the event will be posted on the project website. To register for Community Engagement Webinar #2, please visit the project website at consultation-2 and click on the Zoom registration link under the Upcoming Opportunities for Input section. If you have accessibility requirements, please leave a message at the toll-free telephone line at 1-877-522-6916. If you have questions that you would like to submit to the GTA West Project Team in advance of the Webinar, please e-mail them to project_team@gta-west. com, submit them through the contact form on the project website at or call the toll-free telephone line at 1-877-522-6916. COMMENTS As always, comments and input regarding the study are encouraged. This material will be maintained on file for use during the project and may be included in project documentation to meet the requirements of the Ontario EA Act. Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. If you have any accessibility requirements to participate in this project, please contact the Project Team at the e-mail address or telephone line listed above. Study information is available on the project website: Des renseignements sont disponibles en français en composant 289 835-2484 (Yannick Garnier).

shine Coast area,” she said. The 2018 Foundation Agreement between the shíshálh Nation and the provincial government includes consideration of several changes back to shíshálh place names. The agreement also includes the transfer of land to shíshálh, funds for shíshálh to purchase timber volume and commitments for co-operation on land-use planning and shared decision-making. “Colonial policy and the residential school system tried to extinguish Indigenous language and culture,” said Murray Rankin, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation. “By restoring these ancient placenames, we respect and honour the shíshálh Nation’s deep connection with the swiya and to their language and culture.” Recognizing Indigenous place names is part of B.C.’s work to advance reconciliation and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples through the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act. Following the B.C. Geographical Naming Policy, local and Indigenous governments, as well as relevant organizations, were invited to comment on the proposed name changes and bring forward any local or heritage considerations and comments. “Along with our board, I am well aware of the deeply meaningful naming practices of Indigenous peoples. We celebrate these name changes along with the shíshálh Nation and continue to offer our support as they work to further restore their place names in the region,” said Lori Pratt, chair, Sunshine Coast Regional District. For more information about the shíshálh Nation and additional audio of place names in the shíshálh swiya: https:// “The District of Sechelt council is pleased to have supported the return of Wilson Creek to its original name, ts’uḵw’um. This is one small but important part of building relationships, cultural awareness, respect and reconciliation,” said Darnelda Siegers, mayor, District of Sechelt.


September 15th, 2021

CAP files legal action against Government of Canada By The Canadian Press The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) filed a formal legal petition to the United Nations Human Rights Committee against the current Canadian federal government led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The formal legal complaint, filed on September 9 with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, outlines the Canadian government’s discrimination against Canada’s off-reserve Status and non-Status, Métis, and Inuit Indigenous peoples based on their indigeneity. The legal filing clearly makes the case that the Canadian government’s discrimination is based on the inaccurate and stereotypical assumption that Canada’s off-reserve Indigenous peoples are less Indigenous than their reserve-based counterparts, and that federal government programs and policy fails to meet their

needs. CAP said at the core of the UN legal action is the idea the Trudeau government denies rights to CAP and its constituents, Canada’s off-reserve Indigenous peoples. This was done by failing to involve them adequately, or at all, in consultation or negotiations about self-government, land claims, healthcare, education, infrastructure, or natural resources. “Canada, under the Trudeau government, calls this discrimination ‘a distinctions-based approach’ towards Indigenous policy-making. This has been in place since approximately 2016. As part of this policy, Canada has chosen only to engage in consultation and negotiation with three ‘recognized’ groups, none of whom represent the interests or voices of all off-reserve Indigenous peoples. In particular, Canada has failed to engage with or meet the needs of its urban Indigenous peo-

ple,” stated CAP National Chief Elmer St. Pierre. National Vice-Chief Kim Beaudin added, “Indigenous people in Canada still face widespread discrimination and racism in justice and health care. All this stems from a lack of recognition that should have followed the Supreme Court ruling on the CAP-Daniels legal battle. Prime Minister Trudeau has allowed a discriminatory approach to off-reserve Indigenous peoples that is wrong and is badly hurting grassroots indigenous peoples.” A large majority of Canada’s Indigenous people, and a majority of status Indians, live off-reserve. CAP added that off-reserve Status and non-Status Indians, Métis and Inuit peoples have faced a history of disadvantage and neglect in Canada. CAP’s national leadership was united in the decision to force legal action at the United Nations Human Right’s Committee.

Celebrating the rich and resilient history of Indigenous peoples and working to co-create a better future through Reconciliation. Learn more by visiting:

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September 15th, 2021

know the score.

Last weekend, Softball fans filled the stands for the first time in two seasons By TRT Staff SIX NATIONS — On Saturday, September 11, the Six Nations Agricultural Society offered a Fall Gathering at the Six Nations Fairgrounds and brought with it, scheduled games for the Provincial Women’s Softball Association. The U14 Bobcats, Heat and U16 Bobcast and Heat put on the first games at the Six Nations Ball Diamonds in two years. Craig MacDonald, organizer of the exhibition show case, said that it was worth it to the see the diamonds full of activity. “It was a nice day for ball; they haven’t had a ball game played in Ohsweken

The U14 Haldimand Heat had local players Georgia Bomberry, Kali Sowden, and Ryleen Davis on the roster. TRT STAFF

for young adults or children in two years. It was really nice to see all of the people filling the stands

and coming together and the games were a good showing,” said MacDonald. The first U14 match

brought together the Haldimand Heat, with local players Georgia Bomberry, Kali Sowden, and Ryleen

Davis on the roster, up against the U14 Brantford Bobcats, with local players including Honey Anderson and Naohes Martin. The next game brought together the U16 Milton Bats, with local players including Colby VanEvery and Trinity MacDonald, versus the U16 Brantford Bobcats, with local players including Kolbi Bomberry and Kyla Miller. MacDonald explained that the local players grew up playing together, but with the Covid-19 restrictions on Six Nations which put a pause on minor softball, they opted to play off-reserve to keep up their skills. The same restrictions that prompted

the show case 6 to prepare six weeks in advance. “I was really happy that we could have it because there were so many rules to even have a diamond and to bring in non-local teams here,” he said. “Public Health gave us the green light to go and it wasn’t easy, but it was great to watch the girls play.” “They were good exhibition games that we worked hard to put together, and with the weather, the day went great,” he said. MacDonald included that with “fingers crossed,” the exhibition will be brought together again next year.

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Stationary Gift Supplies Just a Li Crafts Stationary Seasonal Specialties Gift Supplies Just a L Just a Little Household Items CraftsBit Just a Little Stationary Justmore! a Little Bit Seasonal Specialt & so much Stationary Gift Suppli

Items Stationary GiftHousehold Supplies Stationary Crafts Gift Supplies & so much more! Crafts Gift Supplies Seasonal Speci Crafts Seasonal Specialties Crafts Household It Kaleb Thomas commits to D1 Baseball inSeasonal Missouri State Specialties Household Items SeasonalgoneSpecialties By TRT Staff Baseball,” wrote Thomas as well as with the Tri-City the Top Arm on the proson to play MLB under Items& so much mo Household & so much more! to Twitter. “I’d like to thank Giants and Ontario Rockies pect list. He accepted the his guidance. Household Items & so much Kaleb Thomas, a rightmy family, friends, HPP programs, and was coached invitation to represent the Missouri State University more! & so much more! hander from Six Nations Tigers coaches and teamwithin the Mississauga PBR- team Canada at the is known for its sponsorThe U14 Brantford Bobcats, with local players included Honey Anderson and Naohes Martin, and the U16 Brantford Bobcats, with local players including Kolbi Bomberry and Kyla Miller on the roster.

The U16 Milton Bats, with local players including Colby VanEvery and Trinity MacDonald on the roster. STAFF

of the Grand River made a verbal commitment to attend NCAA Division I Missouri State University to play for the Bears on August 23. “I’m extremely excited to announce my commitment to further my academic and athletic career at MSU Bear

Futures Games in Georgia. And Missouri State will provide a prolific coach: over the course of his 33year coaching career, Paul Evans produced a pitcher selected in the Major League Baseball draft each season besides one. That means 66 pitchers have


mates who have helped me become the person and player I am today!” Currently a Grade 12 student at Brantford Collegiate Institute, he will head to Missouri State University in the next two years. Thomas has played ball in Ancaster and Brantford,

Tigers High Performance Program and made a switch from shortstop to pitcher—a change not many players can embrace. Thomas is currently ranked fifth in the 2023 prospect on the Prep Baseball Report Ontario rankings. He is considered

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September 15th, 2021



NLL Rosters refining in the month of September, with local players By TRT Staff with notes from The National Lacrosse League, the largest and most successful professional lacrosse property in the world, will officially start its 35th season with Face Off Weekend, December 3-4th, 2021, with six games across North America. In preparation for the season, changes are being made on the inside to build strong teams to compete. On September 13: The Albany FireWolves have placed Patrick Kaschalk, Brett Erskine, Jake Harrington and Grant Ament on the Draft List. The FireWolves signed Jake Gilmore to a one year agreement. The Philadelphia Wings

signed Steph Charbonneau to a one year agreement. The Saskatchewan Rush placed Ryan Barnable and Jake Boudreau on the Draft List. The Rush signed Keegan White and Zach Gould to two year agreements. The Toronto Rock signed Justin Scott to a one year agreement. On September 10, The Albany FireWolves signed Jake Foster to a two year agreement. The Buffalo Bandits have placed Alec Tullett on the Hold Out List from the Active Roster. The Bandits signed Hunter Aggus, Tye Argent, Brent Noseworthy, Carter Stefaniak and Carson Rees to one year agreements. The Philadelphia Wings traded Daryl Waud and their sixth round selection

in the 2022 Entry Draft to the Panther City Lacrosse Club in exchange for their fifth round selection in the 2023 Entry Draft. The San Diego Seals placed Mike McCannell and Teddy Leggett on the Draft List. The Seals signed Reed Rezanka and Patrick Shoemay to two year agreements. The Saskatchewan Rush signed Troy Gutowski, Mackenzie Burke and Jordan Tabin to two year agreements. The Vancouver Warriors placed Owen Prybylski on the Draft List. On September 8, The Albany FireWolves signed Brett Manney to a one year agreement. The Buffalo Bandits signed Justin Robinson to a one year agreement. The Calgary Rough-

necks signed Adam Bland, Carter McKenzie, Daire Newbrough and Tyler Yanko to one year agreements. The Colorado Mammoth signed Noah Lebar to a two year agreement. The Georgia Swarm signed Jordan Ackie, Thomas Semple, TJ Comizio, Will Cecile, Aden Walsh and Owen Russell to two year agreements. The Halifax Thunderbirds placed Jeremy Winston on the Draft List. The Halifax Thunderbirds signed Graeme Hossack to a five year agreement. The Halifax Thunderbirds signed Alex Kedoh Hill to a one year agreememt. The Panther City Lacrosse Club signed Liam Phillips, Taite Cattoni and Nathan Grenon to two year agreements. The San Diego Seals

signed Zack Greer to a one year agreement. The Vancouver Warriors signed Will Clayton, Aidan Danby and Bryce Schmermund to two year agreements. On September 3, The Albany FireWolves have signed Greg Downing to a one year agreement. The Calgary Roughnecks have signed Kyle Waters to a two year agreement. The Halifax Thunderbirds signed Owen S. Hill to a one year agreement. The Thunderbirds signed Evan Tyler to a one year agreement. The New York Riptide have signed Bryce Tolmie, Tristan Hanna and Will Johnston to two year agreements. The Panther City Lacrosse Club have signed

Chad Cummings to a two year agreement. Panther City signed Dean Fairall to a one year agreement. The Philadelphia Wings have signed John Gagliardi to a one year agreement. The Rochester Knighthawks have signed Evan Kirk to a one year agreement. The San Diego Seals have signed Jacob Dunbar, Garett Winter and Chris Origlieri to two year agreements. The Seals have released Charles Claxton from the Inactive Roster. Jerry Staats was also selected in the 2021 Entry Draft but has been voided as a result of the players being ineligible per Bylaw II D. Staats, who has yet to complete 4 seasons of NCAA lacrosse and did not renounce his eligibility.

ASC Announce 2021 Tom Longboat Award Recipients

By TRT Staff with notes from the ASC website Aboriginal Sport Circle Announces the 2021 Tom Longboat Awards Recipients The Aboriginal Sport Circle is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 Tom Longboat Awards. This year’s winners are Kerri Einarson (Metis) and Conner Roulette (Cree/Anishnaabe), both of Manitoba. “It is an honour for the Aboriginal Sport Circle to celebrate the achievements of these outstanding athletes through the Tom Longboat Awards. Conner and Kerri are recognized within their sport and are inspirational role models for Indigenous athletes across the country,” states Rob Newman, ASC President. Conner Roulette, a member of the Misipawistik Cree Nation, is a First Nations athlete currently

residing in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Conner competes in the sport of hockey and has celebrated many achievements within the sport. Conner is a former National Aboriginal Hockey Championships participant where he skated for Team Manitoba. Conner competed for Team Canada at the U17 and gold medalled at the U18 World Hockey Championships. On July 24, 2021, Conner was drafted by the Dallas Stars of the National Hockey League (NHL). “My message to other Indigenous hockey players is to keep working hard, keep practicing, and keep focused on your goals and don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t achieve them,” said Conner Roulette. Kerri Einarson is a proud Métis from Camp Morton, Manitoba. Kerri competes in the sport of curling and has a long list

This year’s winners announced by the Aboriginal Sport Circle Announces for the 2021 Tom Longboat Awards Recipients are Kerri Einarson and Conner Roulette, both of Manitoba. With the 111st overall pick in the 2021 NHL Entry Draft, the Dallas Stars select Roulette (Cree/Ojibway) from the Seattle Thunderbirds. SUBMITTED PHOTO

of accomplishments in both women’s and mixed doubles. Kerri and her teams participated and won two National Championship tournaments in 2021: the Scotties Tournament of Hearts

and the Home Hardware Canadian Mixed Doubles. Playing at the 2021 World Championships, Kerri’s women’s and mixed doubles team’s performance qualified Canada for the 2022 Winter Olympics in

both disciplines. Kerri and her teams are currently working toward their goal of being named the team to represent Canada in Beijing in 2022, which will be determined at Curling

Canada’s national trials in November 2021. “I'm absolutely honoured to have won the Tom Longboat Award. It's so special to have my name listed among all of the other incredible athletes before me. I'm proud to be an Aboriginal woman in sport,” expressed Kerri Einarson. In 1951, the Indian Affairs branch of the Canadian federal government created the Tom Longboat Awards to encourage Indigenous assimilation through organized sports. Through the years, responsibility for the Tom Longboat Awards changed hands several times, eventually moving from government to Indigenous control, where it now stands as a proud emblem of Indigenous self-determination after the athlete it is named.





September 15th, 2021

arts. culture. entertainment.

Northern Ontario writer chosen for Indigenous Writer’s Circle Amazon’s Audible starts Indigenous writer’s mentorship program JACE KOBLUN


Corri Daniels is one of 15 writers chosen to be a part of Audible’s new Indigenous Writers’ Circle. Sixties Scoop Survivor Daniels said the experience is helping her build relationships and become the writer she always wanted to be. “Writing has helped me come to terms with who I am and helped me learn about the kind of person I want to be. The mentorship program has allowed me to build bridges and create relationships that I might not have had the opportunity to otherwise and has given me confidence and strength,” said Daniels, who is being mentored by writer, scholar and professor Dr. Norma Dunning. Audible, the online audiobook and podcast service owned by Amazon, started this mentorship program for emerging First Nations, Inuit and Métis writers in Canada looking

to elevate their stories. The other mentors are Tanya Talaga, Richard Van Camp, Kim Wheeler and Chelsea Vowel. The mentors will aid the writers in a series of workshops and sessions designed to help them not only grow as writers but also as entrepreneurs; learning about the tools available to help fund and promote their work. Daniels is Plains Cree from George Gordon First Nation in Treaty 4 territory north of Regina, Saskatchewan, but was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. She now lives in northern Ontario. She writes poetry and stories for her healing and her two daughters. She said being a Sixties Scoop Survivor has really shaped who she is as a writer. “I would say being a Sixties Scoop survivor has impacted my writing in a huge way because my life experience revolves around the fact that I was taken at birth and not raised with my family,” she said. “A lot of my writing has to deal with that loss of family and

from the past so we can pass that knowledge on to future generations. Storytelling of all types can be used to move us as people forward. That’s what our people have always done,” she said. Daniels said she wants to write a memoir someday that could help other Sixties Scoop survivors on their own healing journey. “I’ve been feeling fairly

culture and relationships. I try to reflect that in my poetry and in my stories. It’s who I am. Every breath that I take is breathed in and around the fact that I am an adoptee who has had this very painful experience. If I hadn’t lived the life that I did then I don’t know if I would write or feel as deeply as I do.” Daniels’ goal after the program is to have a manuscript written and prepared to present to a publisher. “What I hope to accomplish is to have a manu-

script ready to send out for publication. I hope to learn the steps I need in order to get to that point,” she said, adding that as much as she loves writing of all types, she loves poetry the most. “I really enjoy poetry more. I feel like so much beauty can be written down in so little on paper, and can say so much with a poem. I like that it doesn’t require too much structure and can be more free form,” said Daniels, who knew she had a passion for writing in Grade 10, but has taken it more seriously the last 10 years. Daniels said storytelling has long been a part of Indigenous culture, especially through oral teachings, and it helps people make sense of the world around them. “Storytelling is important because it helps us make sense of things. Helps us put things in some kind of order. Helps us learn

They got their start in film after being exposed to it as part of an animation program when they were younger. Wildhood ``becomes a very powerful story because of that journey to reconnect,'' they said. ``This one story is (about) knowing yourself, knowing who you are, knowing where you come from and knowing where you fit.'' Throughout the film, Link and his companions travel across the rural expanse of Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley, and Hannam says he relates to Link's simultaneous inward journey as he gets closer to his Mi'kmaq heritage after years of ignoring it. ``I didn't grow up in community, unfortunately,'' Hannam said. ``I didn't grow up with my language, I didn't grow up knowing these things, a lot of people don't for different reasons.''

However in the last 10 years or so they've been exposing themselves to their Mi'kmaq background and ceremonies, and learning the language, Mi'kmaw. ``My goal with this, with whatever I do, is that ... it builds a bridge and it connects us together ... not just as people but with the land that we live on and the animals around us and the things that we have to learn from each other.'' With the rustic and lush hillsides of the western part of Nova Scotia as the backdrop, Link's exploration of his Mi'kmaq culture is tied to his exploration of his family. Julie Baldassi, one of the film's producers from Younger Daughter Films, said ``Wildhood'''s examination of family is at the core of the film. ``The relationships we have with the people who raise us are just so crucial, whether they're positive

or negative or somewhere in-between,'' she said in a recent interview. ``It forms us. And finding that safe space within those relationships is everything.'' It was a challenge to create an emotionally intimate film while respecting pandemic distancing protocols, said fellow producer Gharrett Patrick Paon of Rebel Road Films. But he said it was ``very important'' for him to try to fill a gap in the film world by depicting Indigenous life in Atlantic Canada. Hannam echoed the sentiment, adding that thus far Indigenous representation in film has largely been mired in misrepresentation and inaccuracy. ``When I was young and I would watch films, the only Indigenous people I saw were in spaghetti westerns. They're not Indigenous people, they're Italian people and sometimes they're

Corri Daniels is a Cree Sixties Scoop survivor from Gordon First Nation in Treaty 4 Territory. She now lives in northern Ontario. SUBMITTED

say ‘This happened. It was real.’ People need to know about it,” she said. Daniels said meeting her mentor was like meeting an old friend. “Meeting Norma was like meeting an old friend. We hit it off right away. She critiques my work well and makes suggestions without outright telling me to undo or change the things I’ve done. She’s very encouraging and supportive and I’m grateful for her wisdom; she is a wise woman who has walked the road I’m taking. She can relate to me and that feels really good. “My experience in the mentorship program has been extremely positive. It is a very well run and very well organized program. All of the writers are treated with dignity and respect and all they want for us is to succeed.”

"If I hadn’t lived the life that I did, then I don’t know if I would write or feel as deeply as I do,” good about my poetry and short stories lately. I would really like to write an impactful memoir that could help other Sixties Scoop survivors, or others affected by the child welfare system, heal. I want to give those or who are no longer with us a voice and

N.S. filmmaker hopes to inspire more Indigenous representation



TORONTO — Two-spirit filmmaker Bretten Hannam says they hope their new film ``Wildhood'' will inspire and open doors for more movie makers to show the lives Indigenous people in the LGBTQ community, but also encourage viewers to see parts of themselves in the characters. Debuting at the Toronto International Film Festival, ``Wildhood'' follows a mixed-race teenager and his half-brother as they run away from their abusive father and life in an East Coast trailer park, in search of the teen's Mi'kmaq mother, who he previously thought had died. Phillip Lewitski stars as the two-spirit Link, Avery Winters-Anthony portrays

Link's younger half-brother Travis, and Joshua Odjick plays Pasmay, a pow wow dancer they meet along the way. Hannam is Mi'kmaq and two-spirit, a term used by some Indigenous peoples to describe their gender, sexual and spiritual identity. The filmmaker, who uses they/them pronouns, said the coming-of-age film took more than 10 years to make, in part because of industry resistance to the Indigiqueer storyline. They recalled facing criticism of the film's LGBTQ elements in early pitch meetings. ``I had actually let a few people read it and their response was never quite thrilled,'' the 37-year-old said in a recent interview. The filmmaker grew up in Kespukwitk, N.S., in the southern part of the province where they still reside.

in terrible makeup,'' they said. More than that, the little Indigenous representation that existed lacked any nuance of the different LGBTQ identities within Indigenous cultures. Hannam said they hoped their work will inspire and open doors for more filmmakers to show the lives of Indigenous and Indigiqueer people. ``There are so many stories ... and they all deserve to be told,'' they said. ``It's a big honour. It's very exciting to be able to share this story with so many people.'' Hannam, along with Baldassi, Paon, Lewitski, Winters-Anthony and actor Michael Greyeyes, attended the festival for the film's premiere at the Cinesphere IMAX Theatre on Sept. 11. It screens digitally on Sept. 17, and in-person on Sept. 18, at TIFF Bell Lightbox.

September 15th, 2021


Six Nations celebrates Fall Festival with COVID-19 precautions TRT STAFF


OHSWEKEN — It was a wonderful weekend for Six Nations to welcome the fall season and name the 2021 Six Nations Ambassadors. Though this year’s celebration was a shorter, daylong event there was still much fun for participants as well as local music throughout the evening.

The Six Nations Fall Fair pageant named Mikayla Ritchie as Miss Six Nations. Miss Teen Six Nations was awarded to Miteewkiizigaaw General-Bradford. Raynee Smith was crowned Miss Preteen Six Nations. Teyanna General took the title of Miss Mini Six Nations and Little Miss Six Nations went to Aubrey Cornelius.

The Six Nations Agricultural Society was host to the event which saw craft workshops at the Red Barn throughout the day. The Miss Six Nations pageant and Baby Show and local entertainment rounded out a day of horseshoes and other outdoor activities and demonstrations. DAVE LAFORCE




J O B Position Employer/Location SIX NATIONS COUNCIL COVID Response Nurse School Nurses, Health Services Cultural and Language Instructor Child & Family Services, Social Services Health Transformation Community Administration, Health Services Engagement Coordinator Housekeeper Iroquois Lodge, Health Services Food Services Worker Iroquois Lodge, Health Services Personal Support Worker Personal Support Services, Health Services Personal Support Worker Personal Support Services, Health Services Kanikonoriio Youth Life Administration, Social Services Promotion Advisor Indigenous Community Worker Kanikonri:io, Social Services Occupational Therapist Assistant/ Therapy Services, Health Services Physiotherapist Assistant Personal Support Worker Personal Support Services, Health Services Registered Practical Nurse Iroquois Lodge, Health Services Engagement Coordinator Administration, Health Services Maintenance Worker Ogwadeni:deo Social Services Admission/Concession Worker Parks and Recreation Case Manager LTC/HCC, Health Services Data and Quality Assurance Administration, Social Services Analyst IVS Manager Justice Program, Central Administration Personal Support Workers Personal Support Services, Health Services SIX NATIONS AND NEW CREDIT Cultural Facilitator Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation

Family Support Worker

Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation

Family Support Worker

Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation




Contract Full-time Contract


Full-time Part-time Contract (1 year) Contract) (6 months Full-time


Closing Date Position Field Placement September 22, 2021 Specialist - Skil ed Trades September 22, 2021 Human Resources Administrator September 22, 2021 Curatorial Research Assistant Maintenance Assistant September 22, 2021 Fundraising Assistant September 22, 2021 Front Desk Assistant September 22, 2021 HR Generalist Educations Assistant September 22, 2021 Music Instructor


September 29, 2021 Senior Administration Assistant

Contract Full-time


September 29, 2021 September 29, 2021



September 29, 2021

Full-time TBD Contract TBD Part-time TBD Part-time $16.00/hr Full-time TBD Full-time Up to $55,000 Full-time Full-time

September 29, 2021 September 29, 2021 September 29, 2021 September 29, 2021 September 29, 2021 September 29, 2021

TBD September 29, 2021 $21.00/hr September 29, 2021

Full-time $32,953.50 - September 16, 2021 $45,805.50 Full-time $24.43/hr - September 16, 2021 (Contract) $34.79/hr Contract $24.43/hr - September 17, 2021 $34.79/hr

Job descriptions are available at GREAT Weekdays... Monday through Friday from 8:30 - 4:30 pm 16 Sunrise Court, Ohsweken

September 15th, 2021

Employer/Location Six Nations Polytechnic

Six Nations Polytechnic Woodland Cultural Centre Woodland Cultural Centre Woodland Cultural Centre Woodland Cultural Centre Indspire Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation

Term Salary Full-time TBD (contract) Full-time TBD Contract $18.00/hr Contract $18.00/hr Contract $18.00/hr Contract $18.00/hr Full-time TBD Contract TBD Part-time $19,110.50 $26,720.34 Full-time TBD

Closing Date September 17, 2021

September 22, 2021 September 22, 2021 September 22, 2021 September 22, 2021 September 22, 2021 September 23, 2021 September 23, 2021 September 23, 2021

Grand River Post Secondary September 24, 2021 Education Office Building Attendant Staff Six Nations of the Grand River Full-time TBD September 24, 2021 Development Corporation Chiefswood Park Attendant Six Nations of the Grand River Contract TBD September 24, 2021 Development Corporation Bingo Sales Representative Six Nations of the Grand River Full-time TBD September 25, 2021 Development Corporation Office Administrator Six Nations of the Grand River Full-time TBD September 30, 2021 Development Corporation Chiefswood Park Attendant Six Nations Development Corporation Contract TBD September 30, 2021 – Chiefswood Park Marketing Coordinator Original Traders Energy Full-time TBD September 30, 2021 Finance Officer Assistant Haudenosaunee Development Institute Full-time TBD September 30, 2021 Cash Townline Variety Part-time TBD October 3,2021 Produce Townline Variety Part-time TBD October 3,2021 Meat Townline Variety Part-time TBD October 3,2021 Hot Food Deli Townline Variety Part-time TBD October 3,2021 Group Visits & Cultural Interpreter Woodland Cultural Centre TBD Until fil ed Etiya’takenhas Shelter Ganohkwasra Family Assault Full time TBD Open until fil ed Relief Counsellor Support Services Electoral Officer Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Contract TBD Until fil ed The GREAT Job Board is brought to you by Employment Ontario and Service Canada. Only local positions are posted in the paper. For more positions in the surrounding area, visit our job board at! To apply for funding, book an intake appointment with an ETC @ 519-445-2222 (Toll-Free long distance at 1 888 218-8230) or email us at Phone: 519.445.2222 • Fax: 519-445-4777 Toll Free: 1.888.218.8230

September 15th, 2021


Six Nations celebrates Fall Fair


send notices to Services

SIX NATIONS POLICE Constable - Contract Position Applications for a contract position for Constable with the Six Nations Police are now being called for. All applicants must fill out a standard application form available at the Six Nations Police Station. CRITERIA for applicants are as follows: Minimum Requirements to be considered for a career in First Nations Policing with the Six Nations Police Service, you must: -

Be 19 years of age or over and able to provide an official birth certificate or proof of age; Be physically and mentally able to perform the duties of the position having regard to your own safety and the safety of members of the public Have successfully completed at least 4 years of Secondary School education or its equivalent (official transcripts and diplomas will be required) Be of good moral character and habits, meaning that you are an individual other people would consider being trustworthy and having integrity, with no criminal record; certified by a physician to be fit for duty as a front line Six Nations Police Constable and able to pass physical tests which are required in the recruiting process Possess a valid driver’s license with no more than 6 accumulated demerit points, permitting you to drive an automobile in Ontario with full driving privileges Be able to pass a security clearance as well as background investigation, credit card and reference checks

If you have any criminal convictions under a Federal Statute you must obtain a pardon. Special Requirements – for the Six Nations Police Service, in order to address the unique and at times urgent needs of the Six Nations of the Grand River Community and Haudenosaunee culture, additional requirements include: -

Extensive knowledge of the unique social dynamics of the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory A sound understanding of Haudenosaunee culture, customs, traditions and social political issues of the Six Nations of the Grand River Six Nations of the Grand River Band Membership/Citizenship and residency is considered a preferred asset and Membership or extensive working experience with any Indigenous Nation will also be considered an asset

Metal Roofing

Desirable Qualifications: •

Six Nations Band member preferred

Assets: • •

Previous policing related experience Law and security courses, etc.

Closing Date: Applications must be received by 3:00 p.m. Friday, October 15, 2021 Applications in complete form are to be mailed or hand delivered to: Six Nations Police P.O. Box 758 2112 4th Line Road Ohsweken, Ontario N0A 1M0 Attention: Policing Administrator For further information, please contact the Policing Administrator at 519-445-4191. COVID-19 Restrictions will be exercised.

519 774 9633

insta: fjord_metal_roofing


22 37


September28TH, 15th,2018 2021 NOVEMBER


send notices to Obituary




SANDY: Sandra Roxanne

LICKERS: Phyllis

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Karl Webster on September 8, 2021 at the age of 58 years old. Lifelong lovey of Jennifer Murdock. Loving father to Rachel, Kimberly, Tyrone, Precious (Michael), Jenyka (Karley), Quintin, and Mineesha (Dex). Best grandpa of Chloe, TreyVon and Cyra, Braydin, Colin, and Katie. Loving brother of Curtis and Chester Webster. Predeceased by Donna White, Yvonne Jones, Marwood Sr., Jeanette, Gary, Barry, Martin, Olga, Gwen, Chester, and Karen Webster. Uncle to many nieces and nephews. Karl will be resting at his home, 3217 2nd Line after 5 pm. on Friday. An evening service will be held on Saturday at 7 pm. Funeral service will be held on Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 1:30 pm. Cremation will follow. Arrangements by Styres Funeral Home, Ohsweken.

Peacefully at Brantford General Hospital on Friday, September 10, 2021 at the age of 59 years. Faithkeeper of Lower Cayuga Longhouse. Reunited with her Pride & Joy Clayton James Sandy, and her twin Patrick Joseph Sandy, niece Sydney Rae, and nephew Kyle. Loving mother of Kaitlin, Jordon (Maria), and Tanya. Cherished grandma of Rayhn “BearBears”, Jaydon, Kalden, Keverson, and Kylen. Beloved daughter of Phyllis & Bryan Hill, and Josephine & the late Daniel Sandy. Dear sister of Lyle (Ang), Sharon (Phil), Ali, Duane (Peg), Jim (Cindy), Derek (Becky), Sonya (Curtis), Leiza, and Taylor Girl. Traditional friend of Letha Buck and Rose Miller. She will be sadly missed by several nieces, nephews, and cousins. Resting at her home 3418C, 4th Line, Six Nations after 6pm. Saturday. Funeral Service and burial will be held at Lower Cayuga Longhouse on Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 11am. Arrangements by Styres Funeral Home, Ohsweken.



Hill’s Snack Bar Come and enjoy the excellent food that Hill’s Snack Bar is famous for!

FREE The Achievement Centre, in partnership with The Ontario Native Literacy Coalition and Good Learning Anywhere is offering an online course: “Let’s Build a Sustainable Food System.” This self-paced, interactive online course provides a basic-level introduction to the protection, conservation, and restoration of Indigenous food systems.

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905-765-1331 3345 6th Line Road, Six Nations

Course Begins: September 20, 2021 To register or for more information, please e-mail: angel@ or text: 519-7575989.

November 2, 1927 – September 12, 2021 “Loving and kind in all her ways Upright and just to the end of her days, Sincere and true in her heart and mind, Beautiful memories she left behind.” Passed away peacefully at her home in Ohsweken, Ontario on September 12, 2021. Phyllis Doreen Lickers nee McCann, widow of the late Robert L. Jamieson, predeceased by her second husband Keith N. Lickers, and granddaughter Rebecca Jamieson, was in her 94th year. Beloved mother of Ron and Rebecca Jamieson, Mary Jamieson, Roberta Jamieson and Tom Hill, Keith and Cathy Jamieson, Mark and Linda Jamieson, Connie Jamieson, Kathleen Lickers and David Lickers and Barb Murphy. Phyllis was predeceased by sisters Vera, Muriel, Erma and brothers Lawrence, Stuart, Gerald, Trevor and Allan McCann. Phyllis is remembered in love by her grandchildren Darrin, Matthew, Erica, Jessica, Nathan, Lisa, Brenon and Devan and great grandchildren Carly, Jordan, Eddy, Layne, Hayden, Dylan, Daisy, Miles, Lyla, Jaymes, Brodie and Beckham. Phyllis came to Six Nations and the Lady Willingdon Hospital in 1947 to complete her final year in Nursing and she never left. She was known as a loving and caring nurse and was especially proud of how many healthy babies she helped to deliver. Later she joined her husband, Robert in operating Bobby’s Grill in Ohsweken where she formed life-long friendships with Marilyn Hill and Joyce Davey. For many years, she continued to provide pies, baked goods and her famous donuts to the restaurant while caring for children as a day care provider in her home. In later years, she gave her time to the Six Nations Public Library. She worked hard all her life and never shied away from offering love and support to people in need. Our family is indebted to Dr. Amy Monture and all the caregivers of the Community Care Team. It is with deep sadness that we say continue on your journey Mom and rest now in peace. A private graveside service will be held at St. Peter’s Anglican Cemetery, Ohsweken. Arrangements by Styres Funeral Home, Ohsweken.

In Memoriam


Porter - In loving memory of Wayne Arnold who passed away September 16th, 1979. Silent tears and memories, fill each day and night. A dear son and brother passed away, To enter a world of light. We hear his spirit in the wind, Feel his love in the warmth of the sun, See his youth in the gentle green, Of new things for everyone. We cherish his memory, so very dear, It helps to keep him close and near.

Always remembered by Kathy and Rod Hill and the Porter family. You are back in the arms of Ma and Dad.


September 15th,2018 2021 DECEMBER 19TH,

CLUES ACROSS 1. Religion native to some in China 5. Nursemaids 10. Coats a porous surface 12. Garment of long cloth 14. Containing a broader message 16. University of Dayton 18. Patti Hearst’s captors 19. Insane 20. Bristlelike structures in invertebrates 22. Taxi 23. Trainee 25. Comedian Carvey 26. Some couples say it 27. Belong to he 28. High schoolers’ test 30. Young goat 31. You drive on one 33. Denotes a time long ago 35. Space between two surfaces 37. By and by 38. A way to sell 40. A line left by the passage of something 41. Indicates near 42. Where wrestlers compete 44. Prosecutors 45. Body part 48. Soluble ribonucleic acid 50. Indicates silence 52. NFL’s Newton 53. Ancient Roman garments 55. Drunkard 56. Expression of satisfaction 57. Thus 58. Noisy viper 63. Plants of a particular region 65. Communicated with 66. Latches a window 67. Swarm with CLUES DOWN

23 27

ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 If you’re single, get prepared to mingle, Aries. If you’re attached, then your relationship will only grow stronger in the days to come. Romance is in the air, so embrace it. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, even if you’re feeling a little stuck in your relationships, do not push others away. There may be a solution you’re simply not seeing. Delve deeper. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, it may be time to break away from the typical routine — at least for a little while. This can offer you a new perspective that puts you on an interesting path. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 Someone close to you may be thinking of a reinvention and wants your opinion, Cancer. Support this person and all the changes he or she desires.

1. Split pulses 2. Brew 3. Ask humbly 4. Distinctive smells 5. Digressions 6. Partner to cheese 7. Father of Araethyrea 8. Made a cavity 9. Tin 10. Appetizer 11. Presenting in detail 13. Compound in guano and fish scales 15. Cool! 17. “__ than a doornail” 18. Popular literary form __ fi 21. Be the most remarkable 23. “Final Fantasy” universe character 24. Buffer solution 27. Muslim physician using traditional remedies

Answers for September 15th, 2021 Crossword Puzzle

29. Fantastical planet 32. S. American plant 34. Domesticated animal 35. The tops of mountains 36. Expression of disapproval 39. Skeletal muscle 40. Game show host Sajak 43. One’s interests 44. Identify the existence of 46. Partner to “oohed” 47. Does not accept medical help (abbr.) 49. Hammerin’ Hank 51. Lowest point of a ridge between two peaks 54. Elaborately draped garment 59. Check 60. Car mechanics group 61. One point east (clockwise) of due north 62. Austrian river 64. A command to list files


LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Good habits will pay off in the days to come, Leo. So if you’re ready to make some changes, think about those that will improve your overall health and well-being.

VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, if you’re feeling pressured to have fun, then you probably will not enjoy yourself no matter how hard you try. Try not to force things and take them as they come. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 A place you always enjoyed visiting may no longer hold the same appeal for you, Libra. That’s okay because everyone grows and evolves. Enjoy finding a new source of inspiration.

SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 You must make yourself available if you expect others to want to share ideas or information with you, Scorpio. So far you may have been a bit distant. Change this. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 Figure out where your comfort levels lie, Sagittarius. Only then will you know just how far beyond those levels you’re willing to push yourself to try new things. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, even though you have strong instincts about something, your emotions also may be running hot. Therefore, you might not be able to trust your instincts just yet.

AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, your energy levels could be waning, but that’s because you have been pushing yourself very hard lately. It’s time to rest to be recharged for later.

PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 Don’t let others be your sole focus this week, Pisces. Figure out how to put yourself first without ignoring those around you.

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September 15th, 2021

Are you planning to vote? You can register and vote at your polling station on election day if you: • are a Canadian citizen • are at least 18 years old • prove your identity and address Check your voter information card to find out where and when you can vote.

Your health and safety is our priority. At your polling station, poll workers will be wearing masks. There will also be:

Hand sanitizer stations

2 metres

Only one poll worker per desk behind a plexiglass barrier

Clear physical distancing markers

When you go to vote, don’t forget: Wear a mask

We will provide you with a single-use pencil to mark your ballot, or you can bring your own pen or pencil


Practice physical distancing by staying at least two metres away from voters and poll workers

If you think you have COVID-19, follow your local health authority’s guidelines and stay home.


2021-09-07 11:56 AM

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