WEDNESDAY SEptEmbEr 14th, 2022 | | 519-900-5535 | Grand River Territory | FREE THE SPIRIT OF ALL NATIONS PM42686517 SNOWMOBILES • SIDE X SIDES • ATVS • MOTORCYCLES • JET SKIS • LAWN MOWERS SALES • SERVICE • PARTS 1264 COLBORNE ST. EAST, BRANTFORD, ONTARIO PHONE 519.759.8140 Come see us for great savings 1045 Brant County Hwy 54 Ohsweken 519-770-3628 Six Nations Fall Fair returns, Miss Six Nations 2022 named Six Nations Fire and Emergency Services was at the Six Nations Fall Fair this weekend and showed this little guy the power of what a little, or a lot, of water can do. TRT

accommodate the 50 students currently regis tered at NATIONS/New Start but staff have been given no time to set up classroom space for their students and say there are no learning tools— no internet, no computers, no desks or other im plements needed by the students in the program ready for them to start classes on Wednesday.
Neither was the elected council informed of the change or that students
LOCAL keeping you informed.

would be invited to attend school at the ILA Ban quet Hall on Wednesday, September 14 but said he could not speak to TRT on any of the other questions or concerns raised by the community — instead directing all questions to the ourDaveDistrictDirectorCommunicationsforGrandErieSchoolBoard,Smouter.Smouterdidnotreturnrequestforcomment.
had not returned to any classroom this Additionally,fall.staff were informed the board would be moving the school off the territory to a tem porary home in one of the gyms at Hagersville Secondary School. Now, sources tell TRT that plan was cancelled and stu dents were told to come to the banquet room at the Iroquois Lacrosse Arena on Wednesday, September 14.Staff with the school say they are frustrated with the school board and for letting this problem fester for as long as it has, leaving students suffering the consequences and missing out on time in the classroom.Thecurrent temporary space at the ILA banquet room could technically
This, according to sources, was declined by the board and, as of press time, no new location for the school has been secured. Leaving the aca demic lives of some of Six Nations most vulnerable students, in limbo.
Two Row Times has learned that Principal Jeff Benner, who is also principal at Hagersville Secondary School, was in formed at the end of May this year that the landlord for the building the school was renting had raised the rent and was seeking a long-term lease from the Grand Erie District School Board.
TRT also reached out to Robin Staats, Principal Leader for Indigenous Education and Equity within GEDSB. Staats said she was not aware of the particulars of the situa tion, did not know who the principal of the NA TIONS/NewStart program was and declined to offer comment.
Six Nations alternative high school loses building, classes not in session
TRT has learned Six Na tions Elected Council was briefed on the situation and was informed that the school would be moving to Six Nations Polytechnic. However, according to staff and students, that did not come to pass.
In addition, no buses have been arranged to transport students to the new temporary location. That is a process that could take quite some time to organize, and stu dents and their families still have no answers as to what that will look like.
OHSWEKEN — For 50 of Six Nations secondary school students, the first week back to school this fall is not underway. The students of NATIONS/ New Start program have not returned to the class room, after the school lost its home back in May.
TWO ROW TIMES September 14th, 20222

their former building, at 2319 Third Line, in 2019 and was celebrated by the GEDSB as a major invest ment in furthering alter native learning options for indigenous students from Six Nations and Mississau gas of the Credit.
TRT reached out to NATIONS/New Start Principal Jeff Benner who confirmed the students
Now — those students who are the most vulner able — have yet to hear from the school board what the permanent solution is going to be for this year.
The NATIONS/New Start program provides an alternative learning environment for high school students who have struggled in the tradition al classroom setting. This can be due to learning challenges, health issues that have put the stu dent behind or other life circumstances that have brought the student to a place where the tradition al classroom setting is no longer the best learning Startenvironment.TheNATIONS/Newprogramsettledin
“This is my solemn oath,” he intoned.
After the official swear ing-in, Frazer said was hon oured to take on the role for the 58th elected council.
He has a little over a year to fill the role, as there will be a general election in the fall of 2023, four years into the 58th elected council’s term.“I’m very honoured to be a part of. Thank you very much.”Frazer and three other
He took his oath of office at a general council meeting Tuesday night, saying he was honoured to have been given the role.
“It’s quite an honour to represent Six Nations,” said Frazer. “As everyone knows, we’re probably the largest (First Nation) in Canada. Many, many nations look

community members sought the position after it was left vacant by former Councillor Wendy Johnson, who resigned in July.
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 14th, 2022 3
towards us as leaders. We have many issues that I think are coming forward, especially with the land.”
Frazer promised not to “betray the people’s trust” as he read from SNGR’s Oath of Office.
Frazer took home 89 votes, just ahead of his nearest opponent Alaina Vanevery, who took home 82Frazervotes. brings the total number of councillors on board back to nine seats.
Retired dentist Greg Frazer, who clinched his seat on Six Nations of the Grand River Elected Council at the Sept. 3 by-election by seven votes from his nearest opponent, has officially been sworn in.
Retired dentist sworn in as Six Nations councillor

Newly elected Councillor Greg Frazer signs his Oath of Office, sworn-in by SNGR Policy Director Dwayne Jacobs. TRT TWO ROW TIMES

The competition, which takes place annually during the Six Nations Fall
Miss Six Nations, Dawn Martin; Miss Teen Six Nations Weston Myers, Miss Pre-Teen Six Nations Kohen Schindler; Little Miss Six Nations Jurnee Perkins; Miss Mini Six Nations, Owerahwistos Doolittle

of Arts and Bachelor of Education.Shesaid she wanted to be an ambassador to represent the community “in a way that embodies our collective history. Six Nations is a vibrant and beautiful community and I’m proud to have lived and grown on these lands and waters.”Shetook the crown home at the annual fall fair on Saturday at the Six Nations Community Hall.
She joins dozens of women going back to 1946, when Norma Martin was the first Miss Six Nations, to represent the community at home and abroad.Since 1946, the commu nity titles have traveled to nearly every continent on earth.“Our ambassadors are sharing proudly with the world about who they are,” said emcee Ralph Sum mers.
Contestants received a score out of a potential 250 points in three areas, including private inter view, stage look and public speaking skills.
Coming up on almost 80 years, the Six Nations am bassador pageant crowned a fluent Mohawk speaker and educator as the new Miss Six Nations.
Miss Six Nations winner Dawn Martin is a Mohawk, Bear Clan who is an edu cator at Everlasting Tree School. She has a Bachelor


The score was out of 600 points in four areas for Miss Teen and Miss Six Nations, including an essay, a traditional presen tation and an impromptu question on stage.
Little Miss Six Nations winner Jurnee Perkins, 6, is a Cayuga, Turtle, who won the judges over with her bold on-stage person ality. Her walk and confi dence were unparalleled. She loves art, having fun with her cousins, playing sports and walking the runway. When she grows up, she wants to be a doctor.Congratulations to the winners.

Fair, was marked by laugh ter, applause and “awww wws” as the community’s best and brightest brought their poise and confidence to the Andstage.ofcourse, the competition wouldn’t be complete without the inevitable and adorable gaffes from the Miss Mini and Little Miss Six Nations contestants, who charmed the crowd in with their little waves and smiles in their traditional regalia.

That award is selected by MCFN Chief and Council.
Few people won’t know who Jordan Jamieson is.
First, committee meet ings will be temporarily placed on hiatus and all items that were discussed during committees will not be discarded, but rather shifted to the ap propriate council meeting to be more effectively addressed and resolved before full council.
Six Nations of the Grand River Elected Council is studying a new gover nance structure that aims to improve efficiency by eliminating committee meetings and adding another political liaison meeting to its monthly roster of meetings.
Council says under the Kentyohkwa Structure, the community’s access to elected officials will not change. The process to have an issue placed on the Council agenda remains the Furthermore,same.all council meetings will continue to be held virtually and will still be livestreamed on Facebook for community members to view.
Council said the Ken tyohkwa Structure is not fixed and will continu ously evolve to best serve council and the communi
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 14th, 2022 5
Elected Council testing new political structure
MCFN states: “The award is given to honour a person, who is not a member of MCFN, but whose career in any field has had a major impact or influence on advancing knowledge of our history, language, culture, beliefs, and traditions.”
most efficient use of time, resources, and staff.
Political liaison meetings will happen on the second and fourth Monday of every month at 9 a.m.

The young man is ev erywhere, playing drums, teaching at workshops and helping out at community events at Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and on the weekend, he was recognized for his tireless efforts as the recipient of the Community Volunteer Award at the Eagle Awards ceremony held at the com munity centre on Sept. 10.
General council meetings occur on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m.
Jordan the Volunteer of the Year
two significant changes.
SNGR said it hopes the new structure gives coun cil more time to address community issues and fo cus on political advocacy. The study was delayed due to the Covid pandem ic.
I am honoured to have received this recogni tion,” said Jamieson. “There is many people, friends and
ty. As council progresses through the preliminary study period, the commu nity will be kept informed through a mid-term up date in October and a final report in tohistoricallyquickly.todelayseliminateliaisonthecommitteesthatunderbeinfrastructure,humanononousCouncilNovember.hadheldvaricommitteemeetingsWednesdaysfocusingissuesencompassingresourcesandwhichwilltemporarilysuspendedthenewstructure.Councilsaidithopesbyeliminatingthoseandaddingissuestopoliticalmeetings,itwilladministrativeandallowissuesbeaddressedmoreCommitteeissueshavebeenbroughtgeneralcouncilmeet
helped to bring together common understandings of issues related to health and wellness of Indigenous people and communities. He has recently moved back home and is engaging in activities and commit tees at MCFN.
Dr. Donald Smith received the Friend of the First Nation Award for his research, speaking about MCFN’s history and his book, Sacred Feathers, which gives information about MCFN’s first chief Reverend Peter Jones.
Not only is he a tireless community volunteer but an all-around pleasant young fellow who always has a smile and kind word for everyone everywhere he “Truly,goes!
To accommodate this increased workload, the second major change happening under the Kentyohkwa Structure is the addition of another political liaison meeting.
General finance meet ings occur on the first and third Monday of every month at 9 a.m. and under the new structure, polit ical liaison meetings will occur on the second and fourth Monday of every month at 9 a.m.
ings for final approval.
Called cilstreamlineniorotherwillplaceMohawk)(meaningKentyohkwa‘group’inthestudytakesuntilOct.31.Councilgatherfeedbackfromcouncillorsandseadministrativestaff.Thestructureaimstothewaycounoperatesbymakingthe
family, knowledge keepers that I have to thank for guiding/inspiring me along the way, allowing me the opportunity to be a part of a community and I hope to be that for someone else. It has grounded me in a sense of identity and gives me an opportunity to be a part of many amazing projects surrounded by love and passion. Simply to me, (volunteering) means to give back the love that I receive.”Jamieson was joined by two other outstand ing folks as Eagle Award recipients.Dr.Malcolm King received the Trailblazer Award.Hea health research er at the University of Saskatchewan and uses his MCFN heritage to guide his work.MCFN states that his teaching and research has
Over the past few months, council has been discussing how to best implement this new structure.Underthe Kentyohkwa Structure, there will be
The Six Nations com munity deserves answers. Who decided to not extend the lease on the former building? Why? With busi ness rental space so hard to find on Six Nations, was a short-term extension on the lease considered until the school could find an interim solution?
The council also dis cussed that some staff are non-indigenous and were looking to solutions to allow those employees who so wish to observe the Queen’s funeral service as it is televised. The deci sion was left to the SAO to formalize but council was in favour of providing an hour for employees to participate but not to close offices on that day.
Truth andactivitiesReconciliation
reasons. What other pro grams did get approved for their funding and who makes those decisions?
dents can receive a picnic pack giveaway along with a social medial campaign to raise awareness about Orange Shirt Day and the Six Nations community.
Main office: (519) 900-5535 Editorial line: (519) 900-6241 Advertising line: (519) 900-6373
This is not the first time the alternative learn ing environment for Six Nations has been moved around. Since the program began in 2019 they have changed facilities a total of seven times. Never finding a permanent home for the
General inquiries: Website:
Advertising Sales Co-ordinator: Marshall Lank Advertising Sales Executive: Christine Patton Advertising Sales Executive: Ashley Smith
The timing could not be worse: it is the second year around for Canada’s new Truth and Reconcili ation Day and indigenous students from Six Nations are facing another year of being left at the bottom of the pile when it comes to solutions from the education systems that is supposed to be looking out for them.
Orange Shirt Day activities will be held on Six Nations on September 30. Six Nations ThruOrangeretariatwithpaign.andpicnic,activities.theCouncilspokeCoordinatorCommunicationsCaitlinCourttoSNGRElectedandpresentedplansforthisyearsThisyearwillincludeaadrivethrueventasocialmediacamSNGRwillpartnertheSurvivorsSectoprovideanShirtDayDriveEventwhereresi
Website Manager: Benjamin Doolittle Senior Writer: Jim Windle Columnist: Rachel A. Snow Writer: Jace Koblun
Distribution Manager: Tim Reynolds Brantford Distribution: Christian Kovacs Distribution: Logan Martin-King
In 2016 — the com munity invested millions and opened the doors to a 17,000 square foot Youth and Elders centre in the middle of Ohsweken. It has classrooms, gym facilities, wifi, clean washrooms, access to water a kitchen and is centrally locat ed. How can there be a facility such as this, built for Six Nations youth, and simultaneously 50 of the community’s high school ers don’t have a place to go for back to school?
Make advertising cheques payable to: Garlow Media
We reached out to GEDSB for answers to these and several other questions but didn’t get an answer back. In fact, we called and spoke to sev eral officials in the school board and its indigenous education office, all of whom gave us someone else’s number to call — passing the problem off to the next person in line.
Six Nations Elected Chief Mark Hill is off to Edmon ton to speak at a Special Interlocutor Panel and had to end his time at the meeting on Tuesday night early. SNGR Councillor Nathan Wright stepped in to chair the meeting.
Fibre Optic Internet Six Nations Cable oper ator Jeff Thomas says it will be 2-3 years until the all homes on Six Nations territory will be connected to his fibre optic internet lines. The first part of the line project will begin this fall and will see homes from Ohsweken down Fourth Line through to the Oneida Business Park connected to the high speed internet lines by Christmas.Thomas also says that he is looking to bring in SixTel, another Six Nations wireless provider, in a partnership to provide wifi capabilities in the interim to see a Six Nations inde pendent internet service provider with options.
SNGR SAO Darrin Jamieson said that the province was not observ ing the day as a holiday but acknowledged the long standing history between Six Nations and the Crown and said early discussions at council saw both pros and cons to acknowledging the day of mourning by closing schools and federal offices.
TWO ROW TIMES September 14th, 20226
The Orange Shirt Day Drive Thru event will be held at the Oneida Busi ness Park and starts on September 29, at 11:30
For months, officials have known that the students for the NATIONS/ NewStart program didn’t have a home. The prob lem seems to be a dispute over the former building, increasing rent costs and repairs needed to the building.Withonly one wash room for a school that was, in 2019, accommodating 100 students and water pipes that were in the hab it of freezing in the winter — our students who were already struggling through high school were not given a learning provided.cachementinnativecomparableenvironmenttowhatalterlearningstudentstherestoftheGEDSBareaarebeing
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Publisher: Jonathan Garlow Head of Production: Dave LaForce Editor & Social Media: Nahnda Garlow Writer: Donna Duric
entirety of their 23 years of operations.Thatisalong, long time for a school board to leave a program hanging in the balance.It’sapart of a larger, nation-wide problem of “orange-washing”. Indige nous “inclusion” is boasted by boards and corpora tions by including pictures of people learning bead work, maybe a corn soup and scone night here and there — when meanwhile the indigenous voices and experts within the system are subjugated beneath the voices of non-indige nous senior officials who really don’t know where or how to bring solutions and culturally appropriate change to the services they are supposed to be providing.GEDSBhas a long-standing education services agreement with Six Nations. The board receives funding from Indigenous Services Canada, also known as Six Nations trust dollars, to provide proper education to Six Nations students. This includes creating safe learning environments, having staff in place that can implement culturally competent policy chang es to ensure that no one winds up without a class room on September 6. Least of all those students already struggling to com plete high gettingmoveaccommodationsextendedwerereasons;portunitiesnativeStudentsschool.needaltereducationopforseveralperhapstheyhospitalizedforanperiodandneedastheyforwardtowardtheirdiploma.
New Councillor Greg Frazer was sworn-in and took his oath of office following his victory in the by-election, replacing outgoing Wendy Johnson.
Oneida Business Park Suite 124 50 Generations Drive, Box 1 Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0 Thank you for your advertising support!
And now we find, that as the board and it’s senior officials prepare to don their Orange Shirts and post to social media about how “Every Child Matters”… Six Nations students are being left in their orange dust without a classroom.
They may be a member of the LGBTQ2S commu nity who has experienced “othering” in a traditional classroom setting and is looking for a safe space to learn. Others may have challenges at home, or mental health conditions that require the student to be able to participate in lessons at their own pace. It is a critical landing pad for so many Six Nations students who are look ing for an opportunity to complete their high school education — and the NA TIONS/NewStart students deserve better than being left with no answers come back to school season.
Queen Elizabeth Day of Mourning Councillor Hazel Johnson raised that September 19 will be a national holiday and day of mourning for the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. Johnson was looking for confirmation on school closures, federal building and provincial building closures, etc.
Volume 10, Issue 6
As we walk into Truth and Reconciliation Month, GEDSB is failing to provide the basic necessities for indigenous students to have a successful learning environment. Which is shameful considering the boards motto is “Success for every child.” The whole reason why Truth and Rec onciliation Day exists at all — is because of systemic failures by the education systems put in place for indigenous students. It’s a big embarrassing stain on the orange shirts of all GEDSB senior officials and the truth needs to be heard so reconciliation can be made to make this right.
a.m..The social media campaign is going to ask community to share pho tos on how they are raising awareness and honour survivors by using the hashtag #SNwearsorange.
Why was the elected council unaware that the temporary solution to host students at Polytech was not happening and that in fact, class was not in session?Ifthefunding coming from Indigenous Services Canada is going towards the GEDSB to directly provide for the educa tional accommodations for Six Nations students — why was rental costs even a challenge? On the flip side — while this matter was left unre solved and a solution not found — what were they doing? What tasks did get completed? The funding for the building lease was not approved for various
Council briefs
TRT: What made you want to be a part of creating content?Owen: I very much felt led to do it. I know that this is something I have to do. And it wasn't so much about creating content, it was about sharing my story. I knew I needed to get it out there because it could offer value to people who are in similar situations as me. And I knew that Tiktok had the potential to push it out to a lot of people. I wanted to start using my voice and I wanted to start being a person that people can look to for TRT:inspiration.Whatisyour plat form in a few sentences?
a place of positivity and light. And it is where I am able to be myself, inspire, empower and educate. I want to live my best life and inspire through that. I can’t control how other people live their lives, I can just be an Iexample.wanttobe a person that Indigenous youth can look to and be like, oh my God, he is proud to be In digenous and proud of his heritage. And that's some thing that I should be proud of because I didn't have that when I was growing up. I grew up very ashamed. And that shifted for me seeing Indigenous cre ators online and how they related to their indigeneity in a positive way. And that really helped me become proud of it and I want to do that same thing for young
Owen has nearly 190,000 followers on the popular video-sharing app and he is currently a model and a dancer in Vancouver. The Two Row Times caught up with Owen in July to talk about his goals on the app, his insecurities, and how TikTok may be helping him navigate trauma so he can be his most healthy self.

TRT: What gap does your content fill in TikTok’s library of content?
Owen: This is difficult for me to encapsulate because I don't even know. I would say that my platform is
Owen: Me. My personal ity. The things that I have to say and how I share them.
creator Owen
Owen Unruh, he/him/ they, is two-spirit, Nêhiyaw (Cree), and has taken to TikTok to inspire Indige nous youth to feel comfort able in their own skin and to value sobriety. He aims to share parts of his journey reconnecting to his culture, family and identity. Born in Driftpile First Nation, Alta., Owen grew up in Fort Nelson, B.C., where he says he was conditioned to hate everything about himself growing up and that the content he makes now is in spite of his upbringing.
Owen: TikTok made its way into my life at a very in teresting time. I was going through addiction, having spent 10 years of my life in addiction. And just over a year ago I had finally gotten sober and I felt like I need ed to share my story online. I started with YouTube. But realized I was putting a lot of effort into making videos and not getting a good return. So I decided that TikTok would have been better suited for me.
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people.Iwas ashamed of my identity as a queer per son and as an Indigenous person. And for those reasons, I gravitated toward drugs and alcohol and tried to alleviate the pain of growing up in a world that didn't accept me. And I feel like having that represen tation of self-acceptance could have shown me that I could have accepted myself. I don't want to say that I could have gone in a dif ferent direction, because I think everything happened the way it was meant to, but it could be a good example moving forward.
Twenty-eight-year-old content creator Owen Unruh is inspiring people on TikTok to feel comfortable in their own skin and value sobriety.
That's the only thing that I can guess. Because I don't know that I do fill a gap. But I guess I do because people pay attention. I don't know if it's so much that I fill a gap in the library, but I sometimes fill a space in people's lives that they're looking to be filled. And that is TRT:something.Whatways has TikTok created a space for Indigenous content creators to tell their own narratives?Owen:Ifeel like I can tell my story authentically on TikTok. But at the same time, we're still seeing cen sorship of people of colour, we're still seeing lower exposure. You can have a white person on the app do the absolute bare f@#$ing
From addiction, to TikTok, to inspiring thousands
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TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 14th, 2022 7 JACE KOBLUN TWO ROW TIMES APPLY NOW Phone: 519-445-0919 ext. 267 Email: Or in person at 2176 Chiefswood Rd., Ohsweken
TRT: How did TikTok make its way into your life?
B.C. content Unruh his journey of addiction to self-love
To admit to the world that I was a drug addict. Because up until that point I was doing it very quietly and secretly and people didn't know. I had exposed my addiction earlier after being sober for five months by accidentally sharing parts of a relapse on Facebook Live. People tuned in and especially a lot of people from back home. It was really scary for a lot of people.Afterthe relapse, I slept and got some rest and a new perspective. I was like, OK, what do I do now? I was
Yes. To me, being two-spirit is a spiritual identity. It says that I have
two spirits within me. The male spirit and the female spirit. And I am a combi nation of both. And I am between two worlds, is how my kookum told me about it. And it is a gender identi ty. It is a sexual identity. It is a spiritual identity. It's not that cut and dry. I can't say how other Indig enous people can identify. But I will say that non-In

That's a really good question. I would say two things. Number one, if it's a message that I feel is inspired, I write it down first. The second thing, I pray and I keep it really simple. I just say speak through me.
TRT: Do you identify as two-spirit and how does the term resonate with you?Owen:

Owen: The first time a video went viral I had been in the transition stage of switching from YouTube as my main platform to
minimum. And people of colour creators have to work twice as hard or in novate three times as much to even get a little bit of exposure. Even if I'm telling my story authentically, it's still not what it should be. That being said, it is a place where Indigenous people are authentic and are shar ing their stories, humour, culture and a lot of other things. And I love that.
Owen Unruh told the Two Row Times newspaper he loves meeting the people he has helped inspire in real life. SUBMITTED PHOTO
digenous people can't iden tify as two-spirit. It doesn't make sense, right? There's a cultural thing.

From addiction, to TikTok, to inspiring thousands

TWO ROW TIMES September 14th, 20228 Spend three days reawakening your spirit in the natural world, with immersive trail walks with Indigenous Elders and outdoor educators, learning the Cultural Roots of Lacrosse and Values of Stick Making – then play some game fundamentals, and an interactive evening with an Indigenous Youth and Elders Drum Circle where they will share stories, songs and dance under the stars, and to close the weekend with a story walk and ancestor’s reflection. Limited capacity for each event, advanced registration is required. Single Event: $25 Full Weekend Programming: $60 (Choose up to 3 events at time of purchase) September 23 - 25 Ball’s Falls Conservation Area Friday, Sept 23: 360 Story Walk at Ball’s Falls 6-8 p.m. (twilight) Saturday, Sept 24: Cultural Roots of Lacrosse 12-2 p.m. & 3-5 p.m. Indigenous Stories by the Fire 6-8 p.m. Sunday, Sept 25: 360 Story Walk and Ancestors’ Reflection 4:30-6:30 p.m.EVENTS AllREAWAKENINGOurRelations Funding provided by the Government of Ontario TO PURCHASE TICKETS Scan or Funding provided by the Government of Ontario

no longer living my double life in secret where I was using drugs and putting an image on social media that life is fine. I knew I could sweep it under the rug and people would forget about it eventually, or I could start being honest and authentic for the first time in my life and start taking account ability for my actions. I can start actually living the life that I'm supposed to be living. That was a very huge step for me.
TRT: Thinking of your first video that went viral, what emotion did you feel the most?
Follow Owen on his TikTok account @owenun ruh2.
TRT: What sort of inter action with your followers brings you the most joy?

TRT: What was your biggest insecurity you were worried about making public?Owen:
TRT: What are some steps you take before recording to ensure you are being your most authentic
Tiktok. I thought I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I thought that I was supposed to be sharing my story, but YouTube wasn’t picking up. So I posted two videos on Tiktok and I went for a long walk. I went down to the beach and meditated. And I prayed. I just kept it simple again. I sat there with my eyes closed for like 10, 15 minutes. I picked up my phone and the two videos I had posted were going viral. I thought wait, what is happening? I felt really grateful and affirmed that I was on the track.
TRT: What is the best piece of advice you could give a new content creator?
Owen: I would say be consistent. It’s good to have a brand so you're not all over the place. Which is rich coming from me because I feel like I'm all over the place. Just share what you're already doing so you're not going out of your way to make content that's not authentic to you.

wanted.TRT:What ways has TikTok helped you navigate throughOwen:trauma?Itabsolutely helps me process the things that I'm going through. In the past, I would not express things and I would internal ize them, allowing them to eat me up inside. And I have learned now that creating content about the things that I'm going through helps me process it and it feels lighter in my body. And that has helped me stay sober. And it's helped me stay accountable.
Owen: I love it when I meet them in real life. And they say hi in real life. And they're like, oh my God, your video inspired me in this way. If someone says it really meant a lot to them that I’m sharing addiction things, that's the reason I started. And to know that my sharing has positively impacted people going through the same thing. That's what I f@#$ing
fentanyl, clonazepam, sto len property, and weapons charges.Police arrested and charged Alana Rachelle Hill, 26-years-old of Ohsweken, with the following criminal offences: possession of methamphetamine, meth adone, fentanyl, clonaze pam, stolen property, and weapons charges.
By TRT Staff

OHSWEKEN — Six Nations Police arrested and charged three people after a drug search warrant at a home in Ohsweken beside a children’s daycare at a residence on Bicentennial Trail.Police say on September 8, replica firearms, prohib ited weapons, and illicit drugs. Police also recovered a stolen motor vehicle from thePoliceproperty.arrested and charged Marc Christopher Staats, 36-years-old of Ohsweken, with a long list of charges including possession of metham phetamine, methadone,


Three arrested; drugs, weapons seized near daycare
Police also arrest ed and charged Gilbert Edward Hill, 62-years-old of Ohsweken, with the following criminal offences: possession of metham phetamine, methadone, fentanyl, clonazepam, sto len property, and weapons charges.


Baptist Church donates nearly $1,000 to community food bank
Marg Elliott (left) and Leslie McDougall (centre) from the Ohswek en Baptist Church presented Many Monture, chair of the Six Na tions Food Bank board of directors (right), with a cheque worth $796.26 on Sept. 2. The donation came from funds raised at the church’s Community Unity Fundraiser BBQ that was held on Au gust 27.

TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 14th, 2022 9 An Evening with Author David A. Robertson Wednesday, September 21 7:00 pm, Online The Adventures of Jay and Gizmo with Kristi White Thursday, September 29 2:00 pm, Online All events are free. Details and registration at Stay home if you feel unwell If you have a fever cough and difficulty breathing seek medical attention and call in advance IF YO OUGH AND DIFFICULTY BREATHING SEEK MEDICAL CARE EARLY 2 M / 6 FT S I X N A T I O N S M O B I L E C R I S I S S E R V I C E S The Six Nations Mobile Crisis Services offers a 24/7 Crisis Line A person seeking crisis support will be connected with a Crisis Response Worker The Six Nations Mobile Crisis Services offers Texting crisis response Texting is available Monday to Friday from 8:30am 4:00pm A person seeking crisis support through text will be connected with a Crisis Response Worker an d receive messages through text The Six Nations Mobile Crisis Services offers Live Chat crisis response Live Chat or Instant Messaging is done on your computer over the internet Live Chat (Messaging) is available Monday to Friday 8:30am 4:00pm The Six Nations Mobile Crisis Services is a confidential service offering crisis support to Six Nations of the Grand River The new features run through a program which offers safe and encrypted technology to keep conversations confidential and secure 2 4 / 7 C R I S I S P H O N E L I N E 866 445 2204 or 519 445 2204 L I V E C H A T ( M E S S A G I N G ) Link on sixnationscovid19 ca under Crisis Support Live Chat T E X T M E S S A G I N G 226 777 9480 C O N F I D E N T I A L S E R V I C E S Grandviews Xteriors Ltd Grandviews Xteriors is looking for 3 individuals to join our team. 2 installers and 1 labour. These individuals must have • 3-5 yrs experience min. Own tools.( gun, hose, belt, drill, tape, utility knife, chalk line • Reliable transportation to and from site. • Physical capable at of moving around at heights • Some heavy lifting (50+ lbs) • Knowledge of sheet steel, soffit, fascia, eaves, siding installations • Capable of working unsupervised, as well as a team member • Safety equipment and training Grandviews Xteriors ltd is a roofing/ xterior finish installation company covering a wide range of products and materials. Covering Six Nations, and community’s along the grand river water shed we strive for detail and great workmanship. If u are looking to apply please email resume to OPTOMETRISTS DR.ANNETTEDELIO& DR.KATHLEENLEONARD 345ArgyleStreetSouthUnit#104,Caledonia,ONN3W1L8 Phone:905-765-4362(iDOC) Fax:905-765-1362 Monday,Wednesday,&Friday-9:00-5:30 Tuesday&Thursday-9:00-7:00•Saturday-9:00-4:00 Sunday-Closed NewPatientsWelcome!

Six Fall Fair photo montage

injunction, which sought to barr anyone from step ping foot onto the prop erty or face trespassing charges.“That judgement was given without any evi dence,” said Williams. “This time we do have lawyers that are arguing on our Foxgatebehalf.”lawyer Paul D’Mello had argued in
TWO ROW TIMES September 14th, 202212 Job Description We are currently looking for a talented individual with advanced technical knowledge in computers, networking, software, strong problem solving and excellent customer service skills. A successful candidate should be able to use hand tools, able to work at heights (ladders or lifts be physically fit able to lift 50+ lbs Although not a job requirement but a candidate possessing tower climbing experience up to 200ft would be an asset. Responsibilities and Duties • Front line support for Ohsweken Speedway maintenance including but not limited to; Internet Connectivity, Track racing systems. • I.T. support for staff computers, business networks, Point of Sale Systems • Troubleshooting various computer/network issues • Perform regular upgrades to ensure systems remain updated • Keep records of repairs and fixes for future reference • Troubleshoot system failures or bugs and provide solutions to restore functionality • Providing technical support on site or via phone or email • Offer timely technical support and instruct users how to utilize computers correctly Qualifications Experience • Computer hardware: 2 years (Required) • Computer repair: 2 years (Required) • Advanced Networking 2 years • CompTIA A+ (Preferred) • Firewalls MikroTik, Cisco • 2 years experience Ubiquiti • Experience in wireless radio communication PTMP and PTP • Programming coding skills Visual Basic, • Experience with accounting systems • Experience with Virtual • Experience configuring and maintaining a Windows server envir • Experience network cabling with Cat6 and • Must have a valid Driver’s License and a Job Details Full time, Permanent Salary: $45,000.00 $75,000.00 Please send resumes to STUDENTS!POST-SECONDARYATTENTIONFORMOREINFORMATIONCONTACT: SIX NATIONS POLYTECHNIC MCMASTER UNIVERSITY MOHAWK COLLEGE Come to the Pop-Up Study Hall in Six Nations! Need access to stable wifi but you don’t have a need to travel to campus? Come join us at the Pop-Up Study Hall to access wifi at the Gathering Place while you take an online class, do research, and complete your coursework. Funded by Canadian Internet Registration Authority DATES September 28 October 5, 12, 26 November 2, 9, 23, 30 December 7, 14, 21 January 4, 11, 18, 25 February 1, 8, 15, 22 April 5, 12, 19, 26 HOURS 9:00am – 8:00pm LOCATION Gathering Place by the Grand, 2593 Chiefswood Rd, Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0
“I’m not advancing a Section 35 claim on the land as an individual,” Williams said. “But we as a community do. The hundreds of people that have made land back able to be there two and a half years later is what I would consider to be a commu nity, making a section 35 assertion without having to be in a courtroom to do it. Our wins don’t come in a courtroom; they come in the land. That’s what our people are doing. They’re assuring out right over ourTwoland.”days of hearings wrapped up Tuesday with no decision from Justice JohnWilliamsHarper.says he ex pects the judge will delib erate “for quite a bit” and deliver a decision most likely via email.

Land Back Lane injunction back in court

A provincial appeals court agreed it was unfair that the land defenders didn’t have a chance to originally argue against the first injunction grant ed by a local judge in July 2020 and threw it out.
“Nobody knew anything what was going on,” said Williams of the original
a Haldimand court on Monday that Williams had no right to claim the land under a Section 35 (of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms) assertion, which Williams said the lawyer kept “mind-numb ingly”Williamsrepeating.said he had never claimed the land for himself, but rather, the community as a whole is
Two days of hearings wrapped up Tuesday with no decision from Justice John Harper.
claiming the land, as it is part of a long-standing disputed parcel of land Six Nations says was wrong fully taken from them.

Foxgate Developments, which had been building a housing subdivision on McKenzie Road when it was stopped by Six Nations people and allies in the summer of 2020, is back in court seeking an injunction to oust the people from the land.

An injunction against land defenders in Caledonia that was struck down by Ontario’s highest court last December is back in provincial court.

Dozens of Six Nations people and allies have held the land for over two years, dubbed Land Back Lane.Skyler Williams, who is named in the injunction and has faced numerous charges in relation to Land Back Lane, said he’s confused why the issue is back in court when a higher court had already quashed the previous

injunction.“Itisthe question of the day,” he said. “I wish there was a way I could under stand it, Williamstoo.”said the origi nal injunction was granted in the summer of 2020 without giving Williams or other land defenders a chance to air their side.

TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 14th, 2022 13 SPORTS know the score.
The bout will be staged at the Mystic Lake Casino in Prior Lake, Minnesota, and earning the title could change the trajectory of Nichols career. The LFA is not considered one of the elite MMA organiza tions, but success at this level might lead to bigger opportunities.Aspiringtobecome a UFC fighter, in the last decade, Nichols won both amateur and pro world Muay Thai champion ships. She decided to have
her first MMA pro fight in 2013, which opened her up for a loss but subsequent an extensive training.Uponreturning to MMA fighting in 2017, Nichols won three straight match es, but then suffered backto-back losses in 2018.

After a break, she returned to the sport once again and this past Feb ruary, she won her first fight back in the arena.
24 games played.
Additionally, Thomp son was named Eamon McEneaney Attackman of the Year at the location within the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian. Thompson plays for the Cannons LC, and led the league with 44 total points and 26 goals, while adding 18 assists. It is Thompson's first Attackman of the Year award, after being a final ist for the honour in 2021.

By TRT Staff
Ashley Nichols to compete in Minnesota for UFC
After two seasons in the Bolts system, the Light ning gave him a threeyear entry level contract after his age 20/21 year announced on May 21 of this year. He will go to the Syracuse Crunch where
WASHINGTON, D.C. – For the lastenditarianWellesnamedLyleLacrosseseasonsecond-consecutiveinthePremierLeague(PLL),ThompsonhasbeentherecipientoftheCrowtherHumanAwardattheyear-PLLawardsceremonyFridaynight.
Lyle Thompson named Attackman, Humanitarian of the Year in PLL
A known hurdle for CHL players going to the AHL without men’s league experience is acclimating to the pace, relentless ness, and the theingeverywillremainplayers.intodevelopLightningoffensivewithhardresponsibility.heightenedDureauisconsideredaworkingleftwingersmoothhandlingandupside,andtheareknowntoyoungforwardscontributingNHLFornow,DureauwillanAHLrookiethathaveachancetoplaynightwhileimprovhisgameonandoffice.
Chippewa of the Thames MMA fighter preparing for title bout
Ashley Nichols is a member of the Chippewa of the Thames near London, Ontario. FILE
Tampa Bay Lightning Top 25 Under 25 include Jaydon Dureau, Cree
Lyle Thompson. TWO
The event will be avail able worldwide on ‘UFC FightPass’ at 9 p.m. ET.
Jaydon Dureau of the Ahtah kakoop First Nation ended the season as the team’s lead ing scorer with 31 points in 24 games played. SUBMITTED
Thompson is known for not only his prowess in divisions of the sport, but for utilizing his platform to raise awareness about the Indigenous issues, knowledge and history. Last year, Thompson was also featured in an issue of Sports Illustrated, using the opportunity to shed light on the tragedies of residential schools.

FLORIDA — Jaydon Du reau was a fifth round pick of the Tampa Bay Light ning at the 2020 Draft.

ST. CATHARINES – The Legacy Fighting Alliance (LFA) will bring the Wom en's Straw-weight Cham pionship to Minnesota, and will showcase Ashley Nichols, a member of the Chippewa of the Thames FirstNichols,Nation.36, is a mixed martial arts fighter and will be competing for the LFA’s straw-weight title with a weight maximum of 115 pounds on Sept. 16, against the current title-holder, Jacqueline Amorim of Brazil
That event was held at the Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino in Niagara Falls, NewNichols’York. pro MMA record is now 4-3-0, while Amorim, 27, is undefeated in the pro ranks, having won all five of her match es thus far.
he’ll have three years to prove he can be useful player to the Lightning.
Dureau is Cree from Ahtahkakoop First Nation and remains a prospect of Tampa Bay. Playing for the Portland Winterhawks, who have taken up a more tasteful logo, Dureau was an alternate captain and finished fifth in team scoring with 66 points in 49 games, which was also good for second in points perOngame.May 12 of last year, the Portland Winterhawks forward ended the season as the team’s leading scorer with 31 points in
26th Annual
On September 9 of 2020, USA Cycling announced that Neilson Powless, Oneida, would represent the United States in the Elite Men’s Time Trial and Road Race at the 2020 UCI Road World Champi onships in Imola, Italy on September 24-27, 2020.
Watson come to Las Vegas from Rochester as well, Owen Grant come to Vancouver, Alex Simmons come to Albany from New York, Jason Knox come to Panther City, Austin Ma dronic come to Saskatch ewan, Will Johansen come to Albany from Georgia, Zack Deaken come to New York from Philadelphia via Albany, Mathieu Gautier come to Panther City from Albany via Halifax, Seth Van Schepen come to Cal gary, Brett Dobson come
2022 NLL Entry Draft Results
Pro-cyclist Neilson Powless, Oneida, may choose to skip World Championships
The results for the full six rounds of the 2022 National Lacrosse League Entry Draft were re-leased on Saturday, September 10, amassing nearly 100 new players into the NLL circuit.Round

The results for the full six rounds of the 2022 National Lacrosse League Entry Draft were re-leased on Saturday, September 10, amassing nearly 100 new players into the NLL circuit. FILE
In 2020, Powless also made headlines by becom ing the first Native Amer ican to ride in the Tour de France.This year, in June, Pow less became the highest ranked American in the world of Pro-Cycling.

PHOTO BY X Stu Hill Memorial Family Feud Baseball Tournament

the potential benefits.
This year, many favou rites withdrew from the World Championship. Last year at Worlds, Pow-less finished ahead of many of the favourites, with names like Tom Pidcock, Mathieu van der Poel, Wout van Aert behind on the rank ings. With a successful Tour de France behind him that almost netted the maillot jaune, he isn't lacking for confidence but the risks may outweigh
Neilson Powless.
OHSWEKEN — The 26th Annual Stu Hill Memorial Family Feud Baseball Tournament was held in conjunction with this years annual Six Nations Fall Fair this past weekend. Featuring over 10 teams including the Hawks, Dirtbags, The Great Ones, Humpster, Red Dawgz, Gram Slam, The Loves, Martins, Redstix, Carnigans, Generals, and more at the Six Nations ball diamonds. On Sunday, September 11, the team that earned the memorial trophy were The Great Ones. Photo submitted. .
the year at the Japan Cup.
By TRT Staff with notes from
Powless may have bigger objectives coming next year, with the Tour de France leader's jersey evading him by a thin four seconds after stage 6, when Tadej Pogačar claimed the race lead in Longwy. The performance has led to much specula tion that he could be the USA's next big Tour de France hopeful.
One saw: Wake:Riat Bowhunter of Six Nations and Jackson ville University come to Halifax, Thomas McCo nvey come to Rochester from Las Vegas, Dylan
On September 5, he revealed that he may skip the UCI Road World Championships and focus on late-season races in Europe before closing out
Powless has continued to improve. Last year was his most successful, winning Spain’s popular single-day race, the Clásica San Se bastián; finishing fifth at the world championships in Belgium; and improving his performance at the Tour de France.
After finalizing his spot in fourth place in the Tour de Suisse, the ranking became his career-best at a World Tour stage race. The Tour de Suisse was held June 12-19 in buildup to the Tour de France, in which he raced in July, as one of six Americans to complete in 2022 and placed 13th. Tour de Suisse is notable for its rigorous climbing and high altitudes in the Swiss Alps.Since becoming a pro fessional cyclist in 2018,
Trys were scored by: Aaliyah with 1, Maliah with 1, Kaley with 2, Kara with 3, Sophia with 1, Gigi with 1, Simohn with 1, Takiyah with 2 and Jessie with 2
Payton Rezenka come to San Diego, Tyler Hendry cks come to Toronto from Halifax, Brian Cameron come to Toronto, Carter Zavitz come to Panther City from Buffalo, Deacon Knott come to Philadel phia from Colo-rado, Adam Noakes come to San Diego from Las Vegas, Isaac Ngyou come to Saskatchewan compen satory selection, Sam Haines come to Toronto as a compensatory selection, and Connor Nichols come to Calgary as a compensa toryRoundselection.Three saw: Teioshontateh McComber of the Nanaimo Timber men and the University of Albanycome come to Georgia from Panther City, Zach Cole come to Las Vegas, Parker Pipher come to Rochester, Aiden Solomon come to Vancou ver, Petey Lasala come to Panther City from New York via Albany,, Cam Badour come to Saskatch ewan, Chris Gray come to New York from Georgia, Nick Mussi come to Col orado from Philadelphia, Chase Cosgrove come to Vancouver rom Albany, John Piatelli come to Albany from Calgary, Jon McConvey come to Halifax from San Diego, Cole Kirst come to Halifax, Tucker Dordevic come to Toronto, Troy Hettinger come to Philadelphia from Buffalo, and Brett Beetow come to Georgia from Colorado.
is a continuation of work conducted by Indigenous researchers and leaders in the country that are keen to change the sports realm in Canada. The initial report, titled the Aboriginal Sport Circle: Indigenous Research Initiative, is not currently available to the public.
The first sharing circle, which was held held on September 6, included Ca nadian-based officials from Indigenous sports organi zations. The next session held on September 8, fea tured Canadian representa tives from non-Indigenous sports groups throughout the country. The September 13 sharing circle saw In
digenous researchers take part, with the final circle scheduled for September 15, set to include Indige nous athletes, coaches and officials.
Desiree Isaac-Pictou, a wheelchair basketball ath lete and a business admin istration student at the Uni versity of New Brunswick, is also a member of the IAG. The remaining members of the advisory group include Amanda Larocque, Wally Samuel, Dr. Margaret Ko vach, Shane Keepness and Dr. Lynn Lavallee.
Barrhaven Ottawa, and a final win to close the day over Toronto, again, 40-7.
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 14th, 2022 15
Waneek Horn-Miller is an IAG member.
OAKVILLE — On Sun day, September 11, the Oakville Crusaders Rugby Club Tournament com menced, with a sched ule that included bouts against the Oakville Crusaders, then Toronto City, Barrhaven Ottawa and Toronto again for the Iroquois Roots U14 girls.
Hopes high for research project to improve Indigenous sports in Canada
Once all available data has been compiled, a report will then be written, with recommendations that will be passed on to Sport Canada.Theresearch component for the project will be led by an Indigenous advisory group (IAG), which includes Elders, knowledge keepers, and others. So far, the IAG consists of nine individuals, including Dr. Janice Forsyth, the current vice-president of the Aboriginal Sport Circle. Other IAG members include Brigette Lacquette and Waneek Horn-Miller.

to Georgia from San Diego, Cam Wyers come to Buf falo from Toronto, Dylan Robinson come to Buffa lo, Owen Down come to Colorado, Jacob Saunders come to Las Vegas as an additional compensatory selection, Tye Kurtz come to Alba-ny as a compen satory selection, Austin Hasen come to Rochester from Calgary via Las Vegas as a compensatory selec tion, Zach Belter come to Buffalo as a compensatory selection, Brady Kearnan come to Georgia as a compensatory selection, Colton Lidstone come to Panther City from Albany,, Jake Govett come to San Diego as a compensatory selection, and Taggart Clark come to Philadel phia from Saskatchewan as a compensatory selec tion.Round
you Oakville Crusaders club for putting on a great tournament!”Nextweek, the team will head to Belleville for their second stop of the Fall 7’s Series.

month, with a total of 40 participants.
“All players put in a fan tastic effort and encour aged not only our team, but their opponents,” reads the Iroquois Roots Rugby Facebook page. "Thank you players and parents for making this an awesome day. Thank
The U14 girls team includes Jessica Green, La nai Henry, Takiyah Hines, Genevieve McAllister, Elaina McNaughton, Kaley Pratt, Kara Pratt, Maliah Squire, Aaliyah Yellow, and Simohn Yellow.
The company’s research acquisition will include hosting four, two-hour, virtual sharing circles this
Two saw: Jerry Staats of the Six Nations Chiefs and Syracuse Uni versity come to Hali-fax from Saskatchewan, Tyler Davis from the Six Nations Jr A come to New York as a com-pensatory selec tion, Mason Kamminga of the Six Nations Chiefs and Detroit Mercy come to New York, Griffin Hall come to Las Vegas, Thom as Vela come to Rochester, Sean Westley come to Las Vegas via San Diego from Vancouver,, Josh Dawick come to Toronto from Pan-ther City, Ronin Pusch Panther City from Georgia, Cameron Lumb come to San Diego from Philadel phia via Buffalo, Marcus Klarich come to Vancou ver from Albany via Van couver via Saskatchewan, Matt Anderson come to Philadelphia from Calgary,
CANADA — A new In digenous sports research project was launched at the start of September that will look to influence Sport CanadaEarlierdecisions.thissummer, an Indigenous-owned compa ny, called Archipel Research and Consulting Incorporat ed, won a bid to conduct the project. The company will call it “Indigenous Peo ples in Sport: Research and DataSomePlan”.objectives of the project include to lay out how many Indigenous ath letes participate in sports, and to gain insight into how to identify the needs of Indigenous athletes that compete in sports through out the Undercountry.theguidance of Sabre Pictou Lee, the CEO of Archipel Research and Consulting, the project hopes to define what sport means to Indigenous peo ple in’s research
Results of the final three rounds will be pro vided in print next week.
Iroquois Roots Rugby U14 girls go 2-2 in Club Tournament

The game results included the first game as 5-47 for the Cursaders, with the second game offering the Iroquois their first win 20-17 over To ronto City. The third game saw a loss for the Iroquois with a 21-38 score against
2022 NLL Entry Draft
The U14 girls team includes Jessica Green, Lanai Henry, Takiyah Hines, Genevieve McAllister, Elaina McNaughton, Kaley Pratt, Kara Pratt, Maliah Squire, Aaliyah Yellow, and Simohn Yellow. TRT
Registered Early Childhood Educator Child Care Services, Social Services
Personal Support Worker PT Personal Support Services, Health Services Part Time $21.00/ Hour September 14, 2022
Part Time $21.00/ Hour September 14, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Early Childhood Development Workers Child and Youth Health, Health Services
Full Time $23.00/ Hour September 28, 2022
Occupational Therapist Child and Youth Health, Health Services
Help Desk Specialist Computer Services, Central Administration Contract TBD September 21, 2022
SIX NATIONS AND NEW CREDIT Fleet Coordinator Brantford Police Service Full Time $30.00 to $40.87/ Hour September 12, 2022 Campus Manager Six Nations Polytechnic Full Time TBD September 14, 2022 Achievement Center Educator and Six Nations Polytechnic Full Time TBD September 15, 2022 Coordinator – Life Long Learning Planning Officer Grand Erie District School Board Full Time $67,539 to $76,749 September 15, 2022 Executive Director of Finance Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Full Time/ Permanent $100,000 to $115,000 September 15, 2022
Education Assistant and Tour Coordinator Woodland Cultural Center Full Time/ Contract TBD September 16, 2022
Gladue Writer – Brantford Aboriginal Legal Services Full Time/ Contract TBD September 21, 2022
Receptionist Brantford Region Indigenous Support Center Full Time $18.00/ Hour September 23, 2022
Full Time TBD September 14, 2022
Full Time $75,000 to $95,000 September 28, 2022
Community Food Animator Community Health and Wellness, Health Services Full Time $50,000 to $55,000 September 28, 2022
Supervisor – Maawdoo Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Full Time/ Permanent $51,313.50 to $73,345.50 September 15, 2022
Post Office Assistant Canada Post Temporary/ On-call $18.08/ Hour October 1, 2022
Civil Engineer Ontario First Nations Technical Full Time TBD September 16, 2022 Services Corporation
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
IT Technician Ohsweken Speedway Full Time/ Permanent $45,000 to $75,000 Until Filled
Cashier Styres Gas Bar Part Time TBD Until Filled
Gas Bar Attendant Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Part Time TBD Until Filled Park Attendant Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Part-time After School
Secretary/Bookkeeper Corrections, Social Services Contract $36,400 to $40,000 September 14, 2022
Health Advocacy Officer Home and Community Care, Health Services
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD September 21, 2022
Housing Outreach Worker Brantford Native Housing Full Time TBD Until Filled Tire Technician Hills Tire Full Time TBD Until Filled
Caretaker Maintenance Mechanic Parks and Recreation Contract $18.00/ Hour September 14, 2022
Speech Language Pathologist Child and Youth Health, Health Services Full Time TBD September 14, 2022
STM Family Service Ogwadeni:deo
Volunteer Coordinator Justice, Central Administration Contract TBD September 21, 2022
Library Assistant Woodland Cultural Center Full Time $18.00/ Hour October 6, 2022
Toll Free:
Caretaker Maintenance Mechanic Parks and Recreation
Registered Practical Nurse Iroquois Lodge, Health Services Contract $75,000 to $80,000 September 21, 2022
Maintenance Worker Iroquois Lodge, Health Services
Registered Nurse Diabetes Wellness Program, Health Services Contract $70, 000 to $74,147 September 21, 2022
Maintenance Mechanic
Administrative Assistant Iroquois Lodge, Health Services
Full Time September 28, 2022
Kitchen Help Sade:konih TOJ TBD Until Filled
Weekend Visitor Services Woodland Cultural Center Part Time $15.00/ Hour Until Filled
Chiefswood Park Food Truck Cook Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Seasonal $18.00 to $20.00/ Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Assessment Project Coordinator
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Maintenance Worker Brantford Native Housing Full Time TBD September 20, 2022
Part Time $16.00/ Hour September 21, 2022
Dementia Care Team-Elder Companion Home & Community Care, Health Services Part Time TBD September 21, 2022
Project Administrative Assistant Woodland Cultural Centre Full Time TBD Until Filled Operations Manager Kayanase
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
TWO ROW TIMES September 14th, 202216 Job descriptions are available at GREAT Weekdays...Monday through Friday from 8:30-4:30pm 16 Sunrise Court, Ohsweken
Full Time TBD Until Filled
Land Use Officer Lands and Resources
Bingo Hall Cook Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Education Curriculum Developer Woodland Cultural Center Contract TBD
Full Time $36,400 September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD September 21, 2022
ECC Junior Assistant (1) Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Contract/ Part Time $16.00/ Hour September 15, 2022
Personal Support Worker Iroquois Lodge, Health Services
Full Time TBD September 21, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Building Attendant Staff Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent TBD Until Filled Development Corporation
Concurrent Disorder Worker
School Social Worker Kanikonriio Child and Youth Programs, Social Services Full Time TBD September 14, 2022
Forestry Labourer Kayanase Summer Student TBD Until Filled Ground Maintenance Worker Kayanase Summer Student TBD Until Filled
Ogwadeni:deo Ogwadeni:deo
Personal Support Worker FT Personal Support Services, Health Services
MCFN Lands Claims Coordinator Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Full Time/ Permanent $40,297.50 to $56,821.50 September 15, 2022
I.T. Support Technician Ogwadeni:deo
Cook Child Care Services, Social Services
Phone: 519.445.2222 519.445.4777 www.greatsn.com1.888.218.8230
Part Time TBD September 14, 2022
Ęsadatgęhs Quality Lead Administration, Health Services
Communicative Disorders Assistant Child and Youth Health, Health Services
Drainage Superintendent Administration, Central Administration
Special Needs Resource Consultant Child Care Services, Social Services Contract TBD September 14, 2022
Cultural Advisor Grand River Employment and Training Part Time TBD September 16, 2022
Restorative Justice Worker Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Full Time/ Contract $36,662.50 to $51,350.50 September 15, 2022
Cook Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Casual $16.90/ Hour Until Filled
Psycho – Educational Consultant Grand Erie District School Board Temporary/ Contract $75,183 to $88,714 September 18, 2022
Mental Health Addictions and Mental Health and Addictions, Health Services
Radon Gas Monitoring & Exposure Administration, Central Administration Contract $50.00 to $55.00/ Hour September 14, 2022
Bingo Sales Representative Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation Until to
Filled Building Attendant Staff Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00
$20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation Supply Cook Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Contract/Casual $16.90/Hour Until Filled The GREAT Job Board is brought to you by Employment Ontario and Service Canada. Only local positions are posted in the paper. For more positions in the surrounding area, visit our job board at! To apply for funding, book your intake appointment with an ETC by calling 519-445-2222 (Toll-Free long distance at 1-888 218-8230 or email us at Position Employer/Location Term Salary Closing Date Position Employer/Location Term Salary Closing Date
Mental Health Nurse/Case Manager Mental Health and Addictions, Health Services
Assistant Caretaker Parks and Recreation
Full Time $22.00/ Hour September 28, 2022
Facilitator (RECE) EarlyON Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Contract $20.66 to $29.14/ Hour September 15, 2022
Rapid Response Team (2 positions)
Behaviour Unit Administrative Assistant Child and Family Services, Social Services
Child and Family Program
Maajaamin Child Care
Child Care Assistant Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Full Time/ Permanent $32,953.50 - $45,805.50 September 22, 2022
Library Technician - Delhi Grand Erie District School Board Part Time $23.30/ Hour September 27, 2022
Library Technician - Haldimand Grand Erie District School Part Time $23.30/ Hour September 27, 2022
Intake/Crisis Response Worker Child and Family Services, Social Services
Full Time $20.00/ Hour September 14, 2022
Full Time $55,120 September 14, 2022 Clinician – Mobile Crisis Community Crisis Response, Health Services Full Time TBD September 14, 2022
Full Time $18.00/ Hour September 21, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Nya:weh gowah to Christine Jacobs, Lance Williams, Olive Elm, Rev. Ros Elm, Elizabeth Doxtater, George Doxtater, Celeste Hill, Dale Martin and Jessica Jamieson. You gifted everyone with your knowledge of the language, traditions, and teachings that helped form the basis of our daily schedule. We owe a warm thank you to Everlasting Tree, Gaweni:yo and Six Nations Polytechnic for sharing our camp poster with families.
We could not have offered the Cayuga-Mohawk Language & Culture Camp without the strength and dedication of our committee ... Ros, John, Eva, Lois and family ... Trudy, Shania, Shayde.
We wish to extend our warm appreciation to Six Nations Health Services ... their friendly energetic staff brought new adventures to each day as well as the lunches you provided. Very special thanks to Charlotte and Sue Jacobs for the incredible supper and final lunch you created for us.
To the families who attended our Cayuga-Mohawk Language & Culture Camp in July and for the positive. feedback. We had fun and hope you did too, while learning and sharing Cayuga, Mohawk and Oneida words, phrases, cultural practices and related activities. We have completed our evaluation and already have plans for more interactive and responsive activities for next year!
“The preservation, revitalization and strengthening of Aboriginal languages and cultures are best managed by Aboriginal people and communities.” (TRC Calls to Action #14 iv). Working to strengthen partnerships in the spirit of collaboration will bring this to fruition. We are sincerely grateful to all in keeping with our guiding principles and helping with this call to action.
From Brightening the Spirit-Breaking the Silence of Suicide ...
Nya:weh Gowah
Chair-DorothyNya:weh,Russell-PattersonBrighteningtheSpirit-Breaking the Silence of Suicide
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 14th, 2022 17TWO ROW TIMES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20TH, 202226 ATTN: send notices to Thank You Help Wanted Forestry Services after 4pm at 289377 Roofing Contractor Year round installation Toka’t ihsere karihsta519-774-9633sheiatewennata’neenhsahskwahrénhstahkwe’,OjistohSquire

Love you my sister, may you rest in God’s embrace. You will always be loved and never forgotten.
Male or female person who is interested in outside land work + a few odd jobs. Min. wage - Please call 519-445-2442
Heaven has gained another Angel, Jodie Anne Montour Dec 8, 1978 - Sept. 9, 2022
TWO ROW TIMES September 14th, 202218 TWO ROW TIMES37 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20TH, 2022

Porter - In Loving memory of Wayne Arnold who passed away September 16th, 1979
The Miles to Go Cancer Support Group would like to thank the following businesses and individuals for the generous donations to the 14th Annual Night of Sharing and Caring Event: Penny Patterson, Delby Powless Sr, Skylite Gas Bar, Cayuga Convenience, Six Nations Parks and Rec, Village Pizza, MontHill Golf Course, Dixieland Grill, Tim Hortons, Lesley Isaacs, Hayden Hill and all the amazing volunteers and to anyone we may have missed. To all our family and friends for sponsoring and purchasing the 50/50 and raffle tickets. All money raised goes to those battling cancer to assist them financially.
In Memoriam ComingThankEventsYou
Help Wanted Lawn Sale
Help Landscape/GardenWanted:
Always remembered by Kathy and Rod Hill and the Porter family.
Male or female person who is interested in outside land work + a few odd jobs. Min. wage - Please call 519-445-2442
Help Wanted
Notice to Creditors

Silent tears and memories, fill each day and night. A dear son and brother passed away, To enter a world of light. We hear his spirit in the wind, Feel his love in the warmth of the sun, See his youth in the gentle green, Of new things for everyone. We cherish his memory, so very dear, It helps to keep him close and near.
LAWN SALE Friday September 16 Saturday September 17/22. DAILY. 10-3 pm Great Selection. $5.00 Bag Clothing 3034 Mississauga Road. 1st Line MCFN send notices to

We have lost a loving Daughter, Sister, Mother, Family member and Friend. Jodie passed away peacefully at the young age of 43. She was the daughter of Joanne, Dennis and stepdaughter of Albert. The sister of Neal, the very loving mother of Cody, Keisha, Ashton, Brayden. Loved by Clayton, sister in law’s Cindy, Valen, Lilly. Daughterin-law of Luanne, Jonas. She will also be missed by her sisters in crime Kim, Trudy, Melissa and Leslie. She will be greatly missed by other family and friends. The family will honour her life with visitation at Styres Funeral Home, 1798 4th. Line, Ohsweken on Monday from 6-8 p.m. where funeral service will be held on Tuesday September 13, 2022 at 1 p.m. Cremation to follow with burial of cremated remains at Chapel of the Delaware at a later date.

Help Landscape/GardenWanted:
For Sale
Notice Obituary ATTN: send notices to
You may feel that others are not giving you the respect you deserve, Scorpio. If this pertains to your career, start polishing your resume and putting out feelers.
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
Leo, your love life is a big roller coaster this week, and you may not know if you are on or off with this special someone. It may be time to sit down and have a serious discussion.

The perfectionist in you may be unhappy with the work of a loved one or colleague, Aquarius. Try not to critique the job they do harshly. Let constructive criticism prevail.
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PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 14th, 2022 19TWO ROW TIMESDECEMBER 19TH, 2018 27 SUDOKUAnswers for September 14th, 2022 Crossword Puzzle Container Sales and Modi cations Service Since 2007
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23
Capricorn, you may be feeling more emotional than usual and that may lead to some unfamiliar situations. Give yourself some space to process your emotions.
22. Bundle 23. A
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22

Do you need a confidence boost, Pisces? If so, surround yourself this week with all of those people who love and support you. ACROSS sarong way of binding Christianity historian term for bugs family hol unit number or not specified official ballplayer Type of gibbon Norma Jean’s stage name Bluish greens publicly Having the shape of a cube They star at wed god associ ated with reproduction sunfishes leak through Plant part Midway between south and southeast
Aries, think about waking up very early or staying up late to enjoy some quiet time. You can improve upon this sense of peace by enjoying the respite outdoors.
24. Military
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21

CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
It is possible that you have outgrown certain people in your social circle, Virgo. Don’t feel bad about removing those who fit this description. There are new friends to be made.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21

40. Ocean
CLUES DOWN Accumulate on the surface of Not a good feeling Got smaller Helped a golfer get around5.Military forces Partner to ways Low, one-horse seaport Inclined to favor Avid reader Lead singer of Heart Pigeon sound Vital part People who are not tears Pokes holes in the recepta Stone used to sur face roads French-Belgian riv Type of phone Long-lasting light of medication city Animal disease They’re in martinis Get away from 34. Dormouse Database manage ment system
LeBlanc Owner 90 Morton Ave. East, Unit 1-B • Brantford, ON N3R 7J7 Cell: 519.754.6844 • Tel:
Move at your own pace this week, Sagittarius. There is no reason to rush around. Take leisurely breakfasts and enjoy strolls around the neighborhood.
41. Slowly
• Fax: 519.751.3328 • Email:
36. Argued
17. Kids’
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23

CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22
1. Autonomic nervous system4.Kids love it in sum mer8.Dashes 10. Polynesian
You may be tempted to live the week in a fantasy world, Taurus. However, there are too many pressing issues that need your attention for you to tune out.
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20

Gemini, this will be a week to focus on financial gain, but don’t put too much swagger into your business negotiations; otherwise, your plans may backfire.
It may seem challenging to manage your professional responsibilities with your home life this week, Cancer. Take a day off and give yourself time to exhale.
Libra, confusion or an argument may cause a lack of passion between you and your romantic partner this week. It’s only a temporary situation and can be resolved.

Paul 519.751.1651
iday activity 21. Work
34. Places 35.
16. Early
18. Beloved
SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
TWO ROW TIMES September 14th, 202220