WEDNESDAY SEptEmbEr 21St, 2022 | | 519-900-5535 | Grand River Territory | FREE THE SPIRIT OF ALL NATIONS PM42686517 (LocatedInsideMorisonInsurance)322ArgyleStSouth,Caledonia289-757-77776ParkviewRd,Hagersville1-844-233-4317 STATEOFTHEARTPRODUCTS& EQUIPMENT COMPLIMENTARYHEARINGTESTS CERTIFIEDPROFESSIONALS LIFETIMEFREEADJUSTMENTS& CLEANING HearRight UnderTreatyRightsFirstNationspeopleare entitledtoreceiveHearingAidsatnocost. Comeseeusfordetails. HEARINGAIDSKEEPTHEMINDEXERCISED ANDSHARP! DON’TLETHEARINGPROBLEMSSTOPYOU FROMBEINGPARTOFTHEFAMILY! WEAREPLEASEDTOANNOUNCEOUR TEAMINCALEDONIA KellyGadoury HearingInstrument Specialist TaraHarview HearingConsultant SNOWMOBILES • SIDE X SIDES • ATVS • MOTORCYCLES • JET SKIS • LAWN MOWERS SALES • SERVICE • PARTS 1264 COLBORNE ST. EAST, BRANTFORD, ONTARIO PHONE 519.759.8140 Come see us for great savings 1045 Brant County Hwy 54 Ohsweken 519-770-3628 ONLINE FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 3070 Highway 6 Jarvis, Ontario Windy Knoll Farms Ltd. Earl Yenssen & Frank Smith plus local farmer consignments. To consign, call FREEMAN JOHNSON 289-880-7753 Gerald Bowman AUCTIONS & APPRAISALS Consisting of tractors, farm equipment, shop equipment & tools, garden tools, & miscellaneous items found on the farm. Auction opens on Friday, October 7 and closes on Thursday, October 13 with a soft close. Full listing and pictures will be posted on the Gerald Bowman website on October 1, 2022. Accepting Consignments of farm & industrial equipment or miscellaneous items from complete estates to single lots. CONSIGNMENTS WANTED. Equipment must be in the yard by Friday September 30, 2022. Monture sweep to keep golf championship at home SIX NATIONS - On Tuesday, September 20, the first inaugural Indigenous Golf Championship held at MontHill Golf and Country Club finalized with unique father-son wins in the top mens categories. John Monture Jr., (pictured) of Six Nations seized the gold for the Men's Overall Division, which decided that the tournament will again be held on Six Nations next year. His father, John Monture Sr., won gold in both the Net Men's and Senior Men's Divisions, earning the duo three gold pieces and a tournament trophy. TRT STAFF

All left westbound in a small grey foreign Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV).
Six Nations closer to high-speed Internet

“The actual fibre is in the ground. We did the testing. It’s all passed. We’re waiting on Hydro One. They ran into a problem with some of their hardware and they needed an upgrade.”
The technology has been years in the making during Thomas’s quest bringing fibre optics to Six
First Nations Cable owner Jeff Thomas, who spearheaded the project, said the fibre optic cable installation will see Six Nations well into the future.“We’re pretty excit ed about that. That’s a hundred gigabyte length we’ve established. That’s a phenomenal feat. I know there are municipalities that are crying for some thing like this. It’s a link to the future. It’s not just a band-aid or just enough to suffice what our needs are now. What we’re build ing is something for the future.”
The design for the proj ect is done, he said, which involves fibre optic cables running throughout the reserve.“We’re waiting. I’m hoping in the next week or so we should have good news.”Thomas is concerned about financing as he works to complete the project and he asked elected council to co-sign a loan application to the bank.
“Trying to get $11 mil lion out of the government is going to be a chore and a half,” he said.
“Once that’s in place, we’ll be able to start our project.”Thisline that’s already been installed, at a cost
They want to go live with the first cable on Oct. 3.
Six Nations Police responded to an armed robbery by three suspect on Tuesday, September 13 at around 4:49 p.m..
He said he had hoped by the beginning of this week, they’d be testing the system.
TWO ROW TIMES September 21St, 20222 LOCAL keeping you informed. Grandviews Xteriors Ltd Grandviews Xteriors is looking for 3 individuals to join our team. 2 installers and 1 labour. These individuals must have • 3-5 yrs experience min. Own tools.( gun, hose, belt, drill, tape, utility knife, chalk line • Reliable transportation to and from site. • Physical capable at of moving around at heights • Some heavy lifting (50+ lbs) • Knowledge of sheet steel, soffit, fascia, eaves, siding installations • Capable of working unsupervised, as well as a team member • Safety equipment and training Grandviews Xteriors ltd is a roofing/ xterior finish installation company covering a wide range of products and materials. Covering Six Nations, and community’s along the grand river water shed we strive for detail and great workmanship. If u are looking to apply please email resume to Stay home if you feel unwell If you have a fever cough and difficulty breathing seek medical attention and call in advance IF YO OUGH AND DIFFICULTY BREATHING SEEK MEDICAL CARE EARLY 2 M / 6 FT S I X N A T I O N S M O B I L E C R I S I S S E R V I C E S The Six Nations Mobile Crisis Services offers a 24/7 Crisis Line A person seeking crisis support will be connected with a Crisis Response Worker The Six Nations Mobile Crisis Services offers Texting crisis response Texting is available Monday to Friday from 8:30am 4:00pm A person seeking crisis support through text will be connected with a Crisis Response Worker an d receive messages through text The Six Nations Mobile Crisis Services offers Live Chat crisis response Live Chat or Instant Messaging is done on your computer over the internet Live Chat (Messaging) is available Monday to Friday 8:30am 4:00pm The Six Nations Mobile Crisis Services is a confidential service offering crisis support to Six Nations of the Grand River The new features run through a program which offers safe and encrypted technology to keep conversations confidential and secure 2 4 / 7 C R I S I S P H O N E L I N E 866 445 2204 or 519 445 2204 L I V E C H A T ( M E S S A G I N G ) Link on sixnationscovid19 ca under Crisis Support Live Chat T E X T M E S S A G I N G 226 777 9480 C O N F I D E N T I A L S E R V I C E S

On Oct. 3, the first part of a long-awaited fibre optic installation project will go live.
robbedStore gunpointat
is it identified all the problems on the network. It doesn’t matter who they are…everybody had trou ble with their networks and Covid proved that to everybody. This link we’re building is something out of the future. It’s some thing that is needed here and will sustain what our needs are for the future.”
But he’s confident it should be signed within the next two weeks.
By TRT Staff
Nations, from the plan ning, set up, proposals, mapping up to the actual installation, which was just completed this sum mer. The cable is installed from Middleport to First Nations Cable’s office on Fourth Line Road.
of $1.4 million, is what Thomas refers to as the backbone of the fibre optic“Thisproject.lastpart is the actual grant that we’re trying to establish.”
Fibre Internet uses a network of fibre optic cables to deliver highspeed data over greater distances.Thedata travels down the cables in what experts say is literally at the speed

He says it will take about two to three years to get high-speed Internet to all the homes on the reserve.Elected council agreed to advocate on Thomas’s behalf.
Police say the suspects are described as: a black male approximately 6'-3", 160 lbs, with thick hair, early 20's dressed in black clothing; a black male ap proximately 5'-4", 140 lbs, dressed in black; and a white male approximately 5'-3" 135 lbs, dressed in all black clothing with an under armour sweater on.
Thomas told Six Nations of the Grand River Elected Council at a meeting last week that the pandemic highlighted the dire need for faster Internet services on Six Nations, when everybody was working from home and holding meetings via Zoom.“One thing Covid did
Police are asking the public with any informa tion to contact police at 519-445-2811 or Crimes toppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at www.
SIX NATIONS — Two employees of a business at the corner of Onondaga Road and Sixth Line were shaken after the store they were working at was robbed at gunpoint.
The final step of the project, which Thomas calls the last mile, is the actual fibre to feed all of Six“TheNations.government has really given us a hard time with getting this contract signed.”

The high-speed Internet of the future is at Six Na tions’ doorstep.
Fibre optic cables will bring high speed internet to the Six Nations reserve soon, with the first batch of homes to see high speed con nectivity by Christmas. FILE
of light, meaning custom ers are more likely to get faster download speeds and a more reliable con nection to the Internet.

The city says it consult ed with First Nations com munities on the project,

The city said the same conversations are hap

As part of the City of Hamilton’s Chedoke Remediation plan, pre paratory work will start Wednesday, with in-water dredging to begin four to five days later.
including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, the Huron-Wendat Nation, SixNations of the Grand River Elected Council and the“ has taken all necessary steps to ensure wildlife and species at risk located within Chedoke Creek and Cootes Paradise are protected throughout the remediation process,” the city noted in a press release. “The dredging plan has received input from the MECP, Hamilton Conservation Authority, Ministry of Transporta tion, Transport Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Royal Botani calIn-waterGardens.”work will take place seven days a week between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Also, the access trail located behind Nicho las Mancini Centre will remain closed for the remainder of dredging activities.“TheCity of Hamilton continues to be commit ted to the health of the watershed and to ensur ing members of the public receive regular updates on the city’s efforts,” the statement said. “Given the significance of this proj ect, the city has launched a dedicated project web site to share timelines, permitting status details, a construction schedule and information on each offsetting mitigationremediation/projectidenti fied in the Cootes Paradise Workplan.”
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 21St, 2022 3
North and temporary con struction sites at the base of Longwood Road South near the Desjardin Trail as well as Macklin St. North across from Kay Drage Park. Kay Drage Park will remain closed for public access for the duration of construction activities.

There has been a month-long delay in cleaning up raw sew age polluting the Chedoke Creek watershed in Hamilton by the Haudenosaunee Development Institute. HAMILTON

Two Row Times
Construction mobiliza tion, including the con struction of the Dredge Material Management Area and other ancillary
monitors on site before clean-up work continues but spokespeople for the City of Hamilton’s watershed thetheprojectitorshavewithreachthewithtodepartmentmanagementsaidithasyetnegotiateanagreementtheHCCCregardingclean-up.“ThecityishopefultoanarrangementHDIandHCCCtoenvironmentalmonduringthedredgingatChedokeCreek,”citysaidinanemailto
Clean-up work on the sewage-polluted Che doke Creek is expected to resume today (Wednes day) almost a month after it was paused to consult with the itsHCCCcil.ConfederacyHaudenosauneeChiefsCounRepresentativesforthehadsoughttohaveownenvironmental
pening with Six Nations and Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation with regards to environ mental monitors during the dredging project at Chedoke Creek.
The targeted dredging work is anticipated to take four months to complete, wrapping up by Dec. 31 or sooner, in alignment with the deadline specified in an order issued to the city by the Ministry of Envi ronment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP).
works began in late July. The arrival and set up of the dredge machine began on Aug. 17. The city paused the work when Six Nations man Trevor Bomberry and HDI lawyer Aaron Detlor visited the work site on Aug. 18 amid concerns the HCCC was not consulted on the project.
On Sept. 14, city council agreed to begin negotia tions with First Nations stakeholders who have been part of city consulta tion efforts with regards to environmental moni toring agreements during the dredging process.
The city said excess noise, dust or smells are not expected as part of thisHowever,work. the city said over the coming weeks, residents may notice an increased level of truck traffic along Macklin St.
Chedoke Creek dredging resumes without HCCC agreement in place
The city has also reached out to the Hu ron-Wendat but has not heard back and added that both Six Nations and MCFN are “anxious to see the work commence.”
anybody who opens up is operating without the au thority of council,” he said.
They’ve drafted canna bis regulations that still need to be finalized, he said.The law would involve the creation of a commis sion and any community members wishing to create a cannabis business on-reserve would apply to the commission to obtain a license for that purpose.
ized plan, but be flexible, especially when going with other families.
Local fairs dot the land scape in late spring, summer and fall, offer ing fairgoers plenty of attractions and rides to fill warm days and evenings. Families who plan ahead for the festivities may be able to improve their experiences.Purchasepasses in ad vance. Some fairs enable visitors to purchase entry tickets, parking passes and even game vouchers online. There are advan tages to doing so, such as bundling discounts. Buy ing tickets in advance also cuts down on time spent waiting in line.
Cannabis sales sign up despite caution from MCFN Council
Ancaster Fair. Ancaster Fairgrounds; 630 Trinity Rd S.; Jerseyville, ON. September 29-October 2, 2022. Caledonia Fair. Caledonia Fairgrounds; 151 Caithness St E.; Cale donia, ON. October 4-10, 2022.
and fill it with bottled wa ter and other light snacks so that you can tame hun ger pangs and not bust the budget at the food court. Upcoming Fall Fairs in the area
TWO ROW TIMES September 21St, 20224
Think about safety. Fairs attract thousands of people and that can lead to confusion if children become separated from their parents. Write your mobile phone number down and put it in your child’s pocket or bag, so he or she doesn’t have to memorize it. Consider finding the tallest attrac tion at the fair, maybe the ferris wheel, and make that the meeting point if anyone becomes lost. Snap a photo of young sters when you arrive so that you’ll have a recent
Families who plan ahead for the fair may be able to improve their experiences. TRT

MCFN Chief Stacey La forme spoke with the Two Row Times and said, “it’s being dealt with” but could not get into detail.
Council had issued a public notice in early Sep tember stating, “Any facili ty or storefronts currently in business are doing so without the consent of the First Nation Council and is an illegal operation.”

Devise a basic plan. Look over the list of attractions and activities to gauge what you want to get out of the fair. Some fairs post their calendars online. With kids in tow, you’ll likely want to check out any children’s rides or animal exhibits and inter actions. Create a general
Norfolk County Fair and Horse Show. Norfolk County Fairgrounds; 172 South Dr.; Simcoe, ON. October 6-10, 2022.

Rockton World’s Fair. Rockton World’s Fair grounds; 812 Old HWY 8; Rockton, ON. October 7-10, 2022.
“Our position is that
MCFN has been working on creating its own canna bis control law but work was derailed during the pandemic, Laforme said.
image and know exactly what they are wearing if you need to engage law enforcement.Timeyour visit. If the fair runs during the week and into the weekend, weekdays are likely to be much less crowded. Also, while not ideal, a cool day or one with a slight drizzle will cut down on crowds and improve the ability to see more things and get on more Factorrides.infood. Fair food is an indulgence to enjoy when fairs come around. Rather than go overboard, pick one meal or item that the family will enjoy. Bring a backpack, if permitted,
September 20-24, 2022. International Plowing Match and Rural Expo. 2510 Befell Road; Kempt ville, ON. September 22-25, 2022.
Burford Agricultural Fair. Burford Fairgrounds; 6 Park Ave; Brant, ON.
A business on Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation is advertising cannabis for sale despite a recent state ment from council advising that it does not endorse any cannabis operations while leaders work on de veloping its own cannabis regulations.Asignon Townline Road is advertising cannabis for $50 an ounce, just two weeks after MCFN issued a notice stating its opposi tion to the sale of cannabis until their own laws and regulations are in place.
Prepare for a family day at the fair
Celebration of Nations 2022 Outstanding Achievement Award Winners

morals, and traditions, and for being the former director of the Akwesasne Freedom School would have been enough qual ification for him to earn this award. However, as an organizer of the historic White Roots of Peace, the traditional duringUnitedcommunitiesandlaunchededucationalIndigenouscaravanthatfromAkwesasnetraveledtoIndigenousallacrosstheStatesandCanadathe1970s,Tom
Outstanding Achieve ment for the Two Row Alliance - Tom McConnell Every now and then there emerges a person who has the ability to evade or overcome the barriers and impediments that prevent peoples of varied cultures and per spectives from engaging in the exchange of knowledge and holding rational con versations. And, of course, when it comes to commu nicating Indigenous his tories and current events; the layers are very deep (their antecedents being distant to most Canadian citizens) and therefore require sustained dialogue to advance respect.understandingcross-culturalandmutual
This remarkable com
“My music and my art is a continuation of my long way home. It is my way of showing honour and re spect to a culture that I’m just shaking hands with," says Tom Wilson.
Diane Longboat is a professional educator with a graduate degree in education who has lectured and taught at universities across Can ada and at national and international conferences on self-healing, person al transformation, and spiritual renewal as the guiding force for achieving
The 2022 Outstand ing Achievement Award
Porter became extremely well known and in demand for his compelling and motivational oratory filled with poignant lessons, instructions, guidance, and love.
The sixth annual Celebra tion of Nations showcased its fourth annual Outstand ing Achievement Awards. These awards were designed to reflect the ar tistic and intellectual pro gramming that has come to define and distinguish this innovative Indigenous expressive culture event.
As associate professor in the School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies at CarletonUniversity, Kahente Horn-Miller's works have centred on the devel opment of Haudenos aunee-specific research and pedagogical practices. Her research interests include Indigenous meth odologies, Indigenous women, identity politics, colonization, Indigenous governance, and con sensus-based decision making.Hergovernance work and community-based research involves inter preting Haudenosaunee culture and bringing new life to old traditions. Her performance piece, We are Her and She is Us, is a modern telling of the Haudenosaunee story of creation that centres on Sky Woman and her fall to earth.
Outstanding Achieve ment Award for Perform ing Arts - Tom Wilson
As a musician and songwriter whose work goes back to The Florida Razors in the early 1980s
Winners are: Outstand ing Achievement Award for Visual Arts - Christi Belcourt
Outstanding Achieve ment for Language and Culture - Tom Porter
Outstanding Achieve ment in Horn-MillerAdvancementIntellectual-Kahente
individual health, family health, community health, and responsible nation building.
munications professional brought to this task not only extensive experience, but an honest recogni tion of the task and what it would take to make a difference.
and Junkhouse and the Rodeo Kings in the 1990s, to the solo albums Planet Love and Dog Years in the 2000s, to taking on the fictional moniker of Lee Harvey Osmond for the production of his 2020 JUNO Award- winning album Mohawk, in the category of Contemporary Roots Album of the Year, this artist has earned his credentials many times over.Perhaps it is synergis tic, his taking on a new character and name for his last album, given that it wasn’t until mid-life that he learned the parents who raised him were not his birth parents, but that, in fact, he was adopted and his biological parents were Mohawk from the Kahn awake Territory.
"To ensure the objectivi ty and strengthen the cred ibility of the Outstanding Achievement Awards, this year the process transi tioned to peer group nom inations and selections," explained Celebration of Nations Artistic Producer Tim"AsJohnson.aresult, previous recipients made the nom inations and voted for the award recipients. And they did an extraordinary job. It gives us great pleasure to announce the 2022 Celebration of Nations Outstanding Achievement Awards."
The Celebration of Nations AchievementOutstandingAwardfor Visual Arts is bestowed upon Indigenous artists who produce culturally based and inspired art that revealsthoughtful conceptual ization, explores meaning ful subject matter, evokes feelings and emotions, resonates with appealing aesthetics and compo sition, and is exemplary of technical skill. As one of the most prominent Indigenous artists in the country, Christie Belcourt's paintings are housed in the permanent collections of the Gabriel Dumont In stitute, National Gallery of Canada, Canadian Museum of History, the McMichael Canadian Art Collection, and in the Parliament.
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 21St, 2022 5
For a lifetime of service to the people, of teaching Haudenosaunee philos ophy, principles, values,

Outstanding Achieve ment for Empathic Tradi tion - Diane Longboat

TWO ROW TIMES September 21St, 20226
questions about the fact that Sanderson's release was suspended in No vember 2021 because he failed to inform his parole officer that he was involved in an intimate relationship — a special condition of his release.
Saskatchewan stabbings: Why Myles Sanderson was granted statutory release from prison
Paroletools.Board not the only body involved
The majority of statuto ry releases, 65.9 per cent, were successfully com pleted with no issues at all. A breach of a condition occurred in 26.5 per cent of cases _ not a new crim inal offence, but perhaps
Focusing just on the Parole Board ignores the other equal partner in this system. The Correc tional Service of Canada is responsible for the case preparation and the com munity supervision.
behave on this form of release.
of Sanderson's difficult life and his involvement with the criminal justice system over many years.
First, there are ques tions about the system of statutory release that saw Sanderson leave federal prison in August 2021.
There have also been
The board's decision was a reasonable one for that moment in time. It appears to represent care ful consideration of the many factors that are in play when assessing risk and broader goals of pub lic safety in the near and long term. It is far from certain that a different decision would have been the key to preventing this tragedy. Senior Writer: Jim Windle Columnist: Rachel A. Snow Writer: Jace Koblun
General inquiries: Website:
Released with repri mand
between suspension and revocationTheParole Board's February 2022 decision to cancel comprehensivepagesrytosuspension,Sanderson'sratherthanrevokehisstatutorelease,isnearly10long.Itprovidesapicture
injuries he committed on Sept. 4 would have been prevented. The stabbing incidents left 10 people dead and 18 injured.
It describes how his release was suspended when his ex-spouse con tacted his parole officer to report that they had been living together and he had
Distribution Manager: Tim Reynolds Brantford Distribution: Christian Kovacs Distribution: Logan Martin-King
There have been widespread suggestions the Parole Board should have revoked his statutory release at the February re view. Implicit in that view is the idea that Sanderson would have theincarceratedremained—meaningmultiplemurdersand
Some may argue that to eliminate the 57 violence offences that occurred in 2019-20, statutory release should be eliminated. If only it were so simple. Without the supervisory safeguards that come with statutory release, releas ing thousands of inmates directly from prison each year would make us pro foundly less safe.
Advertising Sales Co-ordinator: Marshall Lank Advertising Sales Executive: Christine Patton Advertising Sales Executive: Ashley Smith
Sanderson had not committed a new criminal offence and he had turned himself in immediately. He had been sober for the four months he had been out, confirmed by regular drug tests. He had found work, attended therapy and engaged in Indigenous cultural activities. Sanderson had a new plan to live with someone other than his ex-spouse.
in this country. In that same year, there were 169,528 adults charged for violent offences.
By Lisa Kerr
issue, the Parole Board did not revoke his statu tory release. Instead, the suspension of Sanderson's release was cancelled and he was released with a reprimand. He returned to the supervision of Correc tions Canada, as well as local police.
In fact, parole revo cation does not mean indefinite prison. It means a recalculation of the statutory release date. The new date arrives at twothirds of remainingthe time before likelySandersonThatexpiry.warrantmeanswould have releasedbeenby summer. It is impossi ble to know whether a few differencepath.changedwouldinmonthsmoreprisonhavehisThe
failed to report it. The parole officer expressed concern for the safety of his ex-spouse. It seems his risk to re-offend was elevated at that time. Sus pension was a reasonable decision.Atthe revocation hearing three months later, the Parole Board had to undertake a fuller analysis. At such hearings, the board considers more than whether there was a breach of conditions — it had to decide whether there is a real risk of re-of fending.Thisinvolves careful consideration of numer ous factors. Sanderson had not committed a new criminal offence and he had turned himself in immediately. He had been sober for the four months he had been out, confirmed by regular drug tests. He had found work, attended therapy and engaged in Indigenous cultural activities. Sander son had a new plan to live with someone other than hisTheex-spouse.ParoleBoard opted to allow his return to the community.
Main office: (519) 900-5535 Editorial line: (519) 900-6241 Advertising line: (519) 900-6373
Unlike parole, this is not a form of early release at the discretion of the Parole Board of Canada. Rather, statutory release is an automatic system of structured reintegration triggered once two-thirds of a sentence is complet ed.The purpose of statuto ry release is public safety: it ensures that inmates do not leave a penitentiary without supervision and structure.Whena sentence is over, prison and parole officials are not able to tell a former inmate where to live, whether to abstain from alcohol, whether to communicate with a pa role officer and so on. As such, the statutory release period is a critical part of community reintegration through robust supervi sion
To break these numbers down further: 57 people had their statutory release revoked in 2019-20. These numbers account for a small fraction of violence
The only way that inmates can be detained past statutory release — until the end of their sentence — is if prison officials bring an applica tion to the board showing that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the offender is ``likely to commit an offence causing death or serious harm to another person'' before the expiration of theirThatsentence.isahigh bar to meet. No such application was brought in the case ofrepresentativeextremelystatistically,releaseonactionsnoSanderson.ofMajorityposeriskSanderson'swhilestatutorywere,unhowpeople
In February 2022, fol lowing a hearing on that
Volume 10, Issue 7 Make advertising cheques payable to: Garlow Media Oneida Business Park Suite 124 50 Generations Drive, Box 1 Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0 Thank you for your advertising support! Publisher: Jonathan Garlow Head of Production: Dave LaForce Editor & Social Media: Nahnda Garlow Writer: Donna Duric Website Manager: Benjamin Doolittle
a failure to communicate with a parole officer as required. Just 6.4 per cent were revoked with a new non-violent offence.
For advertising information:
In more than 98 per cent of cases over the past five years, statutory release is completed with out a new violent offence. These numbers have been improving over time. The rate of revocation for a violent offence went from 1.6 per cent in 2015-16 to 1.1 per cent in 2019-20.
The violent acts of Myles Sanderson in the Sas katchewan stabbings have raised many questions about why he was in the community of James Smith Cree Nation at all.
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 21St, 2022 7 SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 • 6 PM OUTSIDE THE NIAGARA PARKS POWER STATION Join us for an all-new FREE CONCERT event celebrating resolution, recognition, understanding and respect. FEATURING ALLEN DUFFY, BLAINE-BOMBERRY, JAMES N. WILSON AND MANY MORE! Before the concert, explore Niagara’s newest must-see attraction featuring captivating storytelling and the all-new tunnel leading to the river’s edge. TO LEARN MORE VISIT AT NIAGARAPARKS.COM/POWER FOR MORE INFORMATION NIAGARAPARKS.COM/TREATYVISIT

over the winter:
It's OK to sleep: Preparing for your next season of growth
cold.All living things have some sort of biological clock. For people, it's get ting weary at the end of the day and needing sleep.
Sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves. Sometimes we put our selves in or find ourselves in an environment that isn’t healthy but we stay because it’s easier than finding a new pot that fits us better. And sometimes, we forget that it’s OK to ask for help in that pro cess, or follow our plants' lead and hibernate when the season changes.
According to isgarden,,gardeningnearlyplantsgodormantinWhetherindoororoutinthethisperiodofrestcrucialtotheirsurvival
greenhouse or sunroom.
For dwarf cannas, brugmansias, and banana plants, bring them indoors and keep the dormant plants in a cool, dark spot.
For geraniums, coleus, and plectranthus, take and pot up some root cuttings so that you will have some fresh new plants in the
For palms, croton, bam boo, jasmine, cordyline, phormium, allamanda, bougainvillea, hibiscus and citrus, bring them indoors and overwinter them as houseplants. Store in a warm, sunny location, such as a heated
For tips on how to care for dormant andforoffersgardeningchannel.complants,thefollowingtipscertainhouseplantshowtocareforthem
Now I know we’re not plants, but I do know selfcare looks different for everyone. Asking for help could look like several
Most houseplants help each other grow when grouped together.


If plants actively grew during the winter, the water that is stored in their stems, trunks, and leaves would cause them harm when freezing tem peratures come, and they will. With winter comes less light which is another reason plants go dormant. The lack of light encour ages plants to spend less energy growing at a time they don’t need to be growing.Without this time to recoup, you can count on having a plant that is too exhausted or too damaged to flower, bloom or grow new leaves come spring. And every plant parent knows how awesome it feels to see new growth on a plant. And every person knows how good it feels to
to regrow and flourish. While plant dormancy during cold conditions is important, some plants also undergo dormancy during times of stress, such as extreme heat or drought.
see growth in themselves or celebrate new growth they see in a partner or friend. Side note, plants grow better when they are in groups.Eachplant gives off moisture that one beside it can use. One plant may attract the right pollinator for its friend, or keep in sects and pests away, and another can help enhance nutrient intake. This goes to show it’s important during these times of rest for us to surround ourselves with people who only have our best interests at heart.
different things. It could look like therapy. It could look like interacting with trusted friends. It could look like fleeing a bad situation. Or it could look like resting. When it gets cold, we do what we gotta do. And it’s starting to get
TWO ROW TIMES September 21St, 20228

Dormant.jpg: Some plants undergo dormancy during times of stress, such as extreme heat or drought. But most all do during winter. ANNIE SPRATT
For begonias, dahlias, caladiums, cannas, callas, ginger, sweet potato vines and colocasias, store the dormant tubers, bulbs, and corms in a cool, dark place during the winter and reintroduce them into your garden in the spring when the weather be comes warm.
Column The Aesthetic Snail
spring.Forhouseplants, the general rule is to stop feeding them but give them access to a sunny location throughout the winter, resuming regular feedingInsteadmid-spring.ofstressing about how you’re going to grow or how you’re going to afford to grow; take a step back and don’t forget how important it is to just be present and trust that your body might need a season of rest before it can flourish.
shall provide SNGREC with timely, quality, accurate and relevant advice on the whole spectrum of legal matters that apply to SNGREC initiatives
the process that we are following right now.''
Parole documents show Sanderson had a lengthy criminal history, includ ing 59 convictions as an adult. According to court records, that includes a violent incident in 2015 when he was charged with attacking one of the people killed in the recent rampage.Sanderson was released in August 2021 from his first federal prison sen tence. He was on statutory release, which requires people to abide by strict conditions and allows them to leave prison after serving two-thirds of their sentence in the hope they will reintegrate into

OTTAWA — Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino is defending the RCMP's decision not to release details surrounding the death of the man accused in a mass stabbing ram page in understandsMendicinoSaskatchewan.sayshethesense of urgency people feel about knowing how Myles Sand erson died after he was arrested on a rural stretch of highway in the province on Sept. RCMP7.said Sanderson went into ``medical dis tress'' and died in custody, but they have not released a cause of Saskatchewandeath. RCMP Assistant Commissioner Rhonda Blackmore said police won't provide more details until Saskatoon po lice and a provincial police watchdog have finished investigating.Sanderson was charged with first-degree mur
der after 11 people were killed and 18 others injured in James Smith Cree Nation and Weldon, Sask. Sanderson's brother, Damien Sanderson, was among the dead. Police named him as a suspect before finding his body near another scene.
``It's time for these fail ures to end. It's time for our words to transform into actions,'' he said.
He says the community has been dealing with trauma long before the slayings, and he hopes the federal and provincial governments will help them address it.
Cree Chief to meet with federal ministers to discuss stabbings
would meet with, but the discussions are to include the generations of trauma First Nations in Saskatchewan continue to face, including from the residential school system.

Burns is also calling for community policing and a rehabilitation centre to help people deal with addictions.``Others (First Nations) are affected with wereSask.,day,trauma,''(intergenerational)thisBurnssaidTuescitingthe2016shootingsinLaLoche,wherefourpeoplekilledandsevenothersinjured.``Ithinkalotofthis brings us together and we need to look at how do we protect our nation, Canada.''

TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 21St, 2022 9 CLOSING: Oct 5, 2022 WE'RE HIRING! Six Nations of the Grand River Central Administration To apply please submit a PDF Cover Letter and Resume directly to ottawa@leadersinternational com outlining your interest, qualifications, and experience DIRECTOR, SERVICE EXCELLENCE The DSE helps to set strategic goals for operational efficiency and increased productivity, facilitates the development of budgetary plans, and analyzes current operational processes and performances recommending solutions for improvement when necessary
The Correctional Ser vice of Canada and the Pa role Board of Canada are launching a joint investi gation into Sanderson's case, looking into why and how he was released from prison and wheth er the proper processes were followed. They say the findings will be made public.
Public Safety minister defends RCMP's refusal to say how Sanderson died in custody
Myles Sanderson. RCMP
NATION — The chief of a Saskatchewan First Nation that was the site of a series of deadly stab bings earlier this month is heading to Toronto for a meeting with federal cabinet ministers.
Chief Wally Burns of James Smith Cree Nation says his community has been left broken and sad dened by the violence.
Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu said she spent time last week with community members affected by the tragedy at James Smith Cree Nation and pledged the govern ment would be there to assist with their healing.
The In House Legal Counsel
The suspects, broth ers Damien and Myles Sanderson, also died — Damien from non-self-in flicted wounds and Myles from medical distress while in RCMP custody.
On Sept. 4, 10 people were stabbed to death and another 18 injured in the community and the neighbouring village of Weldon, Sask.
``There were a number of significant flaws in the system here that have to be addressed,'' Mendicino said``TheTuesday.onlyway that we're going to be able to address that is if we have an independent investiga tion that is carried out by the appropriate author ities, which is exactly
society.ByMay of this year, the Correctional Service declared him unlawfully at large and issued a warrant for his the House of Commons earlier Tues day, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre said while he believes in rehabili tation, the system must better protect communi ties from repeat violent offenders.Poilievre, who during his speech said he made a point not to say Sander son's name, said sympathy for those left to mourn the victims cannot be enough.
Burns wouldn't say which ministers he
Legault sorry for saying racism against Indigenous people at hospital is 'settled'
October 5, 12, 26
April 5, 12, 19, 26
days following the debate; however, Legault said it was only after reading an interview with Dube in a Montreal newspaper Tuesday morning that he realized he had offended Echaquan's husband.
In trial, prosecutors argued the elder Bilodeau took the law into his own
Gathering Place by the Grand, 2593 Chiefswood Rd, Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0

In a letter made public through his lawyer on Fri day evening, Dube wrote that the changes at the hospital have been largely cosmetic and that deeper systemic issues have not been addressed.
hands when he asked his son to bring a gun while he chased the truck Sansom and Cardinal were driving.
9:00am – 8:00pm
On Saturday, Legault accused members of the Atikamekw community of wanting to reopen a debate on systemic racism — which he denies exists in Quebec's institutions — rather than solve prob lems at the hospital.
The incumbent premier said he recognizes Indig enous people in Quebec still face racism. ``There are racist people in Que bec, particularly towards Indigenous people. We have to fight that; we can't accept that,'' Legault said Tuesday.
Funded by Canadian
QUEBEC — Coalition Ave nir Quebec Leader Fran cois Legault apologized on Tuesday for offending the husband of an Indigenous woman who filmed nurses mocking her as she lay dy ing in a Quebec hospital.
Dube and Atikame kw leaders condemned Legault's comments in the
The Canadian Press
Justice Eric Macklin said that Sansom and Cardinal were not only providers for their families, but also the community at large by doing things such as giving food for families in need.
``I offended you and I sincerely apologize,'' the incumbent premier said, adding that he wants to

February 1, 8, 15, 22
The Crown argued that the father and son were angry because they thought the two hunters were trying to steal from them.Anthony Bilodeau is expected to be sentenced later this year.
Legault said Tuesday the point he was try ing to make during the debate was that signifi cant improvements have been made at the hospital since Echaquan died. The
December 7, 14, 21
November 2, 9, 23, 30

Looking into the cam era during a campaign stop in Orford, Que., in the province's Eastern Townships, Legault direct ly addressed Carol Dube, husband of the late Joyce Echaquan, an Atikamekw woman who died in hospi tal in September 2020.
EDMONTON — An Alberta man found guilty of man slaughter in the deaths of two Metis hunters is appealing his conviction andRogersentence.Bilodeau was convicted in May and sentenced to 10 years in prison for the deaths of Jacob Sansom and Maurice Cardinal, who were shot and killed on a rural Alber ta road after a brief vehicle pursuit in March 2020.
September 28
``So they want to have a debate about words rather than ensuring that we fix the problems on the ground,'' Legault told reporters.Legault on Tuesday did not address his comments from the weekend.
hospital, he added, hired Indigenous liaison work ers to improve relations between the Atikame kw community and the health-care system.

TWO ROW TIMES September 21St, 202210 SALES&LEASINGOFHIGHQUALITYUSEDCARS,TRUCKS&VANS! HELPINGWORKINGFAMILIESRE-ESTABLISHTHEIRCREDIT! ASKABOUTOUREXTENDEDWARRANTIES! LEASERETURNS–SAFETIED–LATEMODELS–LOWINTEREST WESERVICEWHATWESELL–NOHIDDENFEES Lynden AUTODEPOT 230LyndenRoad,Brantford,ON,N3T5L8www.lyndenautodepot.com519.752.4535 2019FORDEXPEDITION PlatinumMax3.5LEcoboost PanoramaRoofNavLeather97,049KM $69,99500 PLUSHST&LICENSE FINANCINGAVAILABLE 2016FORDF-150 XLTSuperCab3.5L6.5ftBox BackUpCam114,668KM $23,99500 PLUSHST&LICENSE FINANCINGAVAILABLE 2018FORDF-150 XLTSuperCrew4X42.7LEcoboost 5.5ftBoxBackUpCam77,506KM $37,99500 2019GMCSIERRA1500 ElevationLimitedDoubleCab4x45.3L 6.5ftBox82,122KM $37,99500 PLEASEBRINGYOURSTATUSCARDANDPAYNOTAX STUDENTS!POST-SECONDARYATTENTIONFORMOREINFORMATIONCONTACT: SIX NATIONS POLYTECHNIC MCMASTER UNIVERSITY MOHAWK COLLEGE Come to the Pop-Up Study Hall in Six Nations! Need access to stable wifi but you don’t have a need to travel to campus? Come join us at the Pop-Up Study Hall to access wifi at the Gathering Place while you take an online class, do research, and complete your coursework.


Legault told reporters he never meant to offend when he said during a televised leaders debate last week that the racism situation at the hospital in Joliette, Que., is ``settled.''
The court heard that Sansom, 39, and Cardinal, 57, had been moose hunt ing near Glendon, Alta., in March 2020, so they could fill the family's freezer with meat as COVID-19 was shutting down businesses.
Alberta killer appeals
In October 2021, PaulEmile Ottawa, chief of the Atikamekw Council of Manawan, told report ers that members of his community were slowly regaining their trust in Quebec's health-care sys tem. He said he was ``very happy and particularly proud'' of the steps taken by the regional health board to improve the sit uation, adding that more needed to be done.
Internet Registration Authority
January 4, 11, 18, 25
Bilodeau's son Anthony, who was tried at the same time as his father, was convicted of second-de gree murder in Cardinal's death and found guilty of manslaughter in Sansom's death.Roger Bilodeau argues in his appeal that the trial judge failed to properly instruct the jury on party liability, particularly the underlying elements needed to prove common intention required in the Criminal Code.
``They were described as men who honoured Mother Earth and were knowledge keepers of their culture. No sentence can relieve the heartbreak, anger and hurt suffered by the victims' families and friends.''

meet with Dube after the election. ``I can only imag ine how hard it must be, what you went through.'' Echaquan, a 37-yearold mother of seven, filmed herself on Face book Live as a nurse and an orderly were heard making commentsderogatorytowardher shortly before her death at a hospital northeast of Montreal.Coroner Gehane Kamel concluded Echaquan's initial diagnosis was based on prejudice and she wasn't properly mon itored before finally being transferred to intensive care. Kamel has said Ech aquan would likely still be alive if she were a white woman and that systemic racism ``undeniably'' con tributed to her death.

Jan 4 Office Reopens 2022
The agency said 484 of the confirmed cases, or about 74 per cent, were in Toronto, and all but five cases were reported among males. The average age of
Sept 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
21 Office Closed: Family Day
Fax: (519) 445 4296 located at 2160 Fourth Line
for more information. EDUCATION…A PATH TO TOMORROW
Dr Susan M. Hill (Cha r)
DERSORTPMIANTREMIN: tiAttenon idonsiudchoolShiadeGr12HgStents:Ifyouarecerng lolheplibelliiudyiilcolegeorunverstysttwsoontmetoapyfortCege laloberoichiniUorverstyprogramsofyource.Rememtsoappyforpost iEducatdarRivandGhhiundcondsearyfngtrougrerPostSeconyon )*beldaildd(.iffOceSeeeanetesow 2021/22fSeostPcondaryDatesandEventsor Dec iiublPheadu/iaduaGrtePromotonGratotoPcaton 2&Dec3 ildlffiOceCosestaffpannng 23Dec dayildliffOceCoseHos 4Jan ffiOceReopens 2022 i*1ebFDeadlne for iS/Summerprng linpl(iipplAcatonsApyOne ) 21ebF lidliffOceCose:FamyDay 4Mar StudllFedequiWinterSemesterContactRrromAents )idvFundinghitkhec(CWYourGRPSEOAsor 15Apr diFooddliffOceCose:Gray 18Apr daydliffOceCose:EasterMon i*1MayDeadlne for i/W(lalFFallnter) ppl(iipplAcatonsAy 1May iaduiAcceptngGratePromotonItems 23May iidliffOceCose:VctoraDay 1June iffOSummerceHours:Openfrom8amto4pm 21eJun eoplndinalibsd:loicffOeCseOervanceNatoIgenousPes Day 1July adadloicffOeCse:CanDay iiiffO1AugcalTranscrptsDue 1Aug diliidliffOceCose:CvcHoay 1Sept iulkBactoRegarOffceHours:Open8:30amto4:30pm Sept5 LabdliffOceCose:ourDay Oct1 * ieadlDne for iWnter inlpl(iilAppcatonsApyOneat ) Oct10 iinkhadliffOceCose:TsgvngDay Oct31 iaduaiSubmidlDeanetotGrtePromotonItems 11Nov brbsdliffOceCose:OervanceofRememanceDay bllthkhlPeasececeocanewspapersandourwesteat r.ooespr.gwwwg )(llirogveusacaat5194452219formoreinformation.
Issue 84
Michelle Bomberry, S x Nations Council Rep
or give us a call at (519) 445 2219 for more informationOct31 GSubmotnedleaDiitraduatePromotionItems Nov11 DayeOCOfficelosed:bservanceofRemembrancppsneacoececesealPhkthllwaersandourwebsteatg.gwwwrpseo.orgoriveusacallat(519)4452219formoreinformation. se De 2&Dec3 ildlffiOceCosestaffpannng 23Dec dayildliffOceCoseHos 4Jan ffiOceReopens 2022 i*1ebFDeadlne for iS/Summerprng linpl(iipplAcatonsApyOne ) 21ebF lidliffOceCose:FamyDay 4Mar StudllFedequiWinterSemesterContactRrromAents )idvFundinghitkhec(CWYourGRPSEOAsor 15Apr diFooddliffOceCose:Gray 18Apr daydliffOceCose:EasterMon i*1MayDeadlne for i/W(lalFFallnter) ppl(iipplAcatonsAy 1May iaduiAcceptngGratePromotonItems 23May iidliffOceCose:VctoraDay 1June iffOSummerceHours:Openfrom8amto4pm 21eJun eoplndinalibsd:loicffOeCseOervanceNatoIgenousPes Day 1July adadloicffOeCse:CanDay iiiffO1AugcalTranscrptsDue 1Aug diliidliffOceCose:CvcHoay 1Sept iulkBactoRegarOffceHours:Open8:30amto4:30pm Sept5 LabdliffOceCose:ourDay Oct1 * ieadlDne for iWnter inlpl(iilAppcatonsApyOneat ) Oct10 iinkhadliffOceCose:TsgvngDay Oct31 iaduaiSubmidlDeanetotGrtePromotonItems 11Nov brbsdliffOceCose:OervanceofRememanceDay bllthkhPeasececeocanewspapersandourwesiteat r.ooespr.gwwwg )(llirogveusacaat5194452219formorenformation.
Apr 15 Office Closed: Good Friday
Please check the local newspapers and our website at
EBOOOUSKELINFACK TOMORROWTOPATHEDUCATION…A egcolepoUorstseDeDDe4JanF elin FMar4 equiCSemWinteresterontactRredFromAllStudentsFunding(CheckWithYourGRPSEOAdvisor) prA15 yGCOfficelosed:oodFrida prA18 dayCOfficelosed:EasterMonMay1*Deadline for )(alFlFall/Winter yppl(pplAicationsA www.grpseo.orgOnlineat) May1 ngeptccAiGraduatePromotionItems 23May yVCOfficelosed:ictoriaDa June1 pm4opeOOSummerfficeHours:nfrom8amt June21 gOCOfficelosed:bservanceNationalIndienousPeoplesyDa 1July ayCCOfficelosed:anadaDugA1OfficialTranscriptsDuegAu1 ayCCOfficelosed:ivicHolid 1Sept egRoacBktularOfficeHours:Open8:30amto4:30pm Sept5 ayCOfficelosed:LabourD Oct1 * eeadlDin for Winter Oyplp(ppAlicationsAnlineat Oct10 yngsgCOfficelosed:ThankiviDa Oct31 GSubmotnedleaDiitraduatePromotionItems Nov11 DayeOCOfficelosed:bservanceofRemembrancppsneacoececeseaPhkthllwaersandourwebsiteatg.gwwwrpseo.orgoriveusacallat(519)4452219formorenformation.EBOOOUSKELINFACKTOMORROWTOPATHEDUCATION…A
Sept 1 Back to Regular Office Hours: Open 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Michelle Bomberry, Six Nations Council Rep
Fall OhswekenP.O.Issue202284Box339ON,N0A
Phone: (519) 445-2219
Phone: (519) 445 2219
One of the great parts of my job as a livestock veterinarian is that I am able to play a contributing role to society with regard to food safety. Not only do vets treat sick animals, but we also provide valuable information and expertise to ensure producers are raising healthy animals that are safe for consumption.
Pursuing a career in veterinary medicine can be intimidating and sometimes discouraging given its competitive nature. My hope is that I can be a role model for other indigenous students in my community and show them that any dream is possible as long as you are willing to work for it. Indigenous veterinarians are also very underrepresented in the veterinary community. My other hope is to inspire more indigenous students like myself to pursue a career in veterinary medicine and potentially bring more accessible veterinary services to indigenous communities in Canada.
Advisory Committee on Immunization to provide guidance on if and how to start a second-dose strategy.Asofthis week, there have been 656 confirmed cases of monkeypox in Ontario.Monkeypox spreads
TORONTO — Ontario's chief medical officer of health says monkeypox activity in the province has peaked.Dr.Kieran Moore says the province peaked in total number of active cases the week of July 15, when roughly 16 to 18 cases a day were being identified
Winter 2021
Oct. 1 Application Deadline for Winter semester – Apply on-line!
July 1 Office Closed: Canada Day
Nov. 11 Office Closed: Observance of Remembrance Day
Winter 2021 Issue 84
P.O. Box 339
through PCR testing, while now that is down to only about one a day.
Dec 23 Office Closed Holidays
1 Accepting Graduate Promotion Items
May Office
June 21 Office Closed: Observance National Indigenous Peoples Day
Apr. Office
Post Secondary Dates and Events for 2021/22
Closed: Victoria Day
Oct 1* Deadline for Winter Applications (Apply Online at
Observance National Indigenous Peoples Day
Please check the local newspapers, our website at
FaceBook give us a call at(519) 445-2219
Attention Grade 12 High School Students: If you are considering college or university study, it will soon be time to apply for the College or University programs of your choice. Remember to also apply for post secondary funding through Grand River Post Secondary Education Office. (See deadline dates below*)
Aug 1 Official Transcripts Due
Aug. 1 Office Closed: Civic Holiday
Feb. 1 Application Deadline for Summer semester
Mar 4 Winter Semester Contact Required From All Students (Check With Your GRPSEO Funding Advisor)
Sept 5 Office Closed: Labour Day
Apr 18 Office Closed: Easter Monday
4 Winter Semester Contact Required From All Students Check With Your GRPSEO Funding Advisor
The Canadian Press
Public health says 19 people have been hospital ized with the illness in the province and two people have been in intensive care.
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EDUCATION…A PATH TO TOMORROW DERSREMINNTORTPMIA: otteAntin ngygGrade12HihSchoolStudents:IfouareconsideriegyudyyegcolleoruniversitstitwillsoonbetimetoapplfortheColleyyogyUorniversitprramsofourchoice.RemembertoalsoapplforpostyougngycondsearfundithrhGrandRiverPostSecondarEducation)(.OfficeSeedeadlinedatesbelow*DatySeostPcondaresandEventsfor2021/22 cDe GGraduatePromotion/raduatePhotoPublication 2&ecD3 ngpCOfficelosedstafflanni 23cDe dayCOfficelosedHolis 4Jan eopOfficeRens 2022 eeadl1ebF*Din for gprSSummer/in Oyplp(pplAicationsAnline www.grpseo.orgat) ebF21 ayyCOfficelosed:FamilD Mar4 equiCSemWinteresterontactRredFromAllStudentsFunding(CheckWithYourGRPSEOAdvisor) prA15 yGCOfficelosed:oodFrida prA18 dayCOfficelosed:EasterMonMay1*Deadline for )(alFlFall/Winter yppl(pplAicationsA www.grpseo.orgOnlineat) May1 ngeptccAiGraduatePromotionItems 23May yVCOfficelosed:ictoriaDa June1 pm4opeOOSummerfficeHours:nfrom8amt June21 gOCOfficelosed:bservanceNationalIndienousPeoplesyDa 1July ayCCOfficelosed:anadaDugA1OfficialTranscriptsDuegAu1 ayCCOfficelosed:ivicHolid 1Sept egRoacBktularOfficeHours:Open8:30amto4:30pm Sept5 ayCOfficelosed:LabourD Oct1 * eeadlDin for Winter Oyplp(ppAlicationsAnlineat Oct10 yngsgCOfficelosed:ThankiviDa

Sept. 1 Back to Regular Office Hours: Open 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Canada Day
Ohsweken ON, N0A 1M0
Aug. 1 Official any of the three previous application periods (Summer/Fall/Winter).
Throughout my academic journey, I have had a tremendous amount of support from my community. I would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone in my community who followed me on my vet school journey and provided words of encouragement along the way. I could not have done it without you all!
released Wednesday, Public Health Ontario said there were 656 confirmed cases of monkeypox in the prov ince as of the previous day, an increase of 25 from the week before.
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 21St, 2022 11
E mail:
May 1 Accepting Graduate Promotion Items
Jan. 4 Office Reopens 2022
Apr. Office Closed:
Audrey Powless Bomberry, S x Nations Council Rep
Toll Free: 1 877-837-5180
There are also 10 proba ble cases in Ontario.
Grade 12 High School Students: If you are planning to attend college or university beginning Fall 2023 remember to apply for post secondary funding no later than May 1, 2023.
Phone: (519) 445 2219
Ohsweken ON, N0A 1M0
Carol Jacobs Marion Martin
Rick Monture Barbara A. Martin
Moore says most of those new cases are trav el-related, particularly from American hot spots, rather than people acquiring an infection within Ontario.
Sept. 5 Office Closed: Labour Day
Dec 2&3 Office Closed staff planning
Audrey Powless Bomberry, Six Nations Council Rep
within available resources
all confirmed cases in the province is about 36, and confirmed cases range in age from under 20 to 74.
One challenge that Six Nations and other communities continue to deal with is preservation of indigenous language and culture. Although there are already programs in place, I think it will be very important to continue providing resources and education on indigenous language and culture throughout elementary school and high school.
Carol Jacobs Marion Martin
Feb 1* Deadline for Summer/Spring Applications (Apply Online at
Toll Free: 1 877 837 5180
May 1* Deadline for Fall (Fall/Winter) Applications (Apply Online at
Dr Susan M. Hill (Chair)
Dec Graduate Promotion/Graduate Photo Publication
P.O. Box 339
Oct. 31 Deadline to Submit Graduate Promotion Items

Feb 21 Office Closed: Family Day
July 1 Office Closed:
June Office Closed:
In 2016, I graduated with honors from the University of Guelph with my Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Animal Biology. In May 2022, I graduated with my Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) degree with distinction from the Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine. After obtaining my veterinary degree and license in May 2022, I began my full-time career at Upper Grand Veterinary Services in Guelph, Ontario as an Associate Livestock Veterinarian. Specifically, I provide ambulatory veterinary care and services for production animals that are used for food or fibre (cattle, sheep, goats, alpacas, llamas, chickens, ducks, pigs).
1 Summer Office Hours: Open from 8 am to 4 pm
Shir ey Bomberry
Grand River Post Secondary Board Members
their clothing or bedsheets, and symptoms can include rash, swollen lymph nodes andOntario'sfever. progress is remarkable, Moore said, and the province has seen an absolute plateau.

E mail:
Oct 10 Office Closed: Thanksgiving Day
Nov 11 Office Closed: Observance of Remembrance Day
Shirley Bomberry
Fax: (519) 445-4296 located at 2160 Fourth Line
Toll Free: 1 877 837 5180
I would say that the biggest challenge I faced throughout my post-secondary education was adjusting to living away from home. It was especially difficult during my clinical year at Michigan State University when I was constantly working long hours and could not come home for long periods of time. I have a very close relationship with my family, so it was hard at times when I couldn’t come home to visit or attend events that I normally would.
when people have close, physical contact with an infected person's lesions,
through higher
Rick Monture Barbara A. Martin
``To me, risk has di minished dramatically in Ontario,'' he said in an interview.Initslatest report
Closed: Easter Monday
June 1 Summer Office Hours: Open from 8 am to 4 pm
May 23 Office Closed: Victoria Day
Jan. 3 Office Reopens 2023
Dec. 23 Office Closed: Christmas Closure
I have had one goal in life since I was very young, and that was to become a veterinarian and help animals. Throughout my academic career, I took every step and opportunity I could to try and reach my dream career. Getting into veterinary school can be a difficult and competitive process since only a small fraction of applicants get an acceptance letter every year. Getting my acceptance letter to multiple veterinary schools in Ontario and the United States was one of the major accomplishments in my life that I am very proud of achieving.
Don’t be afraid to dream big! Anything is achievable and nothing is impossible. If something doesn’t turn out the way you planned, use it as an opportunity to grow, adapt, and try again. It took me three attempts to get into veterinary school. I never gave up after receiving two denial letters and now I am working in the career I have always dreamed of.
Monkeypox activity in Ontario peaked in July, top doctor says
Aug 1 Office Closed: Civic Holiday
Onkwehon:we with Grand River Territory lineage empowered education
1 Application Deadline for Fall or Fall/Winter semester(s) Apply on-line!
As an onkewhon:we person, I’ve always valued the perseverance and strength of our people. I take pride in being an Onkwehon:we person for that reason and I’ve always prioritized this value to remind myself to keep pushing and working hard during my academic career when times seemed tough. If it wasn’t for perseverance, I would not be where I am today.
My name is Megan Jamieson.I am Mohawk nation bear clan from Six Nations.
Fax: (519) 445 4296 located at 2160 Fourth Line
Oct 31 Deadline to Submit Graduate Promotion Items
Apply online.
Transcripts are due from students funded for
Oct. 10 Office Closed – Thanksgiving Day
Onkwehon:we with Grand River Territory lineage are empowered through higher education available resources
Good Friday
He says Ontario has immunized 32,175 people against monkeypox and is waiting for the National
Grand River Post Secondary Board Members

Building on the approved Individual Environmental Assessment, this project followed the MTO Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) for a Group ‘A’ project. It is anticipated that two (2) Design and Construction Reports (DCR) will be made available for review, documenting the detail design. The first DCR for the early works will be available on the project website at for a 30-day comment period from September 21, 2022 to October 20, 2022. A hard copy of DCR #1 will not be provided at public review locations. If you wish to review DCR #1 and require an alternate format, you may email the Project Team to discuss review options.
• Widening along Highway 6 for the speed change lanes and staging; and

• Constructing the Midblock Connection Road Bridge abutments and piers;
We are committed to providing accessible government information and services for all Ontarians. For communication support or torequest project material in an alternate format, please contact one of the project team members listed above. Comments and information will be collected to assist MTO in meeting the requirements of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The report is the latest in a series of reviews that scrutinized policing in the northern Ontario city, including some that have found evidence of system ic racism in how it handles cases involving Indige nous people. Indigenous leaders have called for the service to be disbanded altogether because of the erosion of trust.
revise the police board appointment process and require mandatory training for members about their roles and responsibilities. It said the chair of the board should be a citizen member to establish its independence from the city.
Design and Construction Report #1 Highway 6/Hanlon Expressway Midblock Interchange (Contract 2021-3004) Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment
Notice of Completion
• Implementing environmental protection measures (e.g., erosion control, fencing).
It also follows the recent suspension of chief
Traffic on the Hanlon Expressway will be maintained for the majority of construction, with some temporary lane closures required. It is expected that construction of Phase 2 - Midblock Interchange Remaining Works will be completed by late 2025. Additional details can be found on the project website at
It also advised the selection process for the chief and police board members should involve outreach to candidates from First Nations and other diverse back grounds, and should take input from standingthatforprioritycommunityIndigenousleaders.Thereportoutlinedcharacteristicsthenextchiefofpoliceincludeanunderofthecityand
The early work includes:
All stakeholders and members of the public who are on the project contact list will receive notification of future consultation opportunities as part of the Highways 6 and 401 Improvements Study. If you are interested in being added to the project contact list, please register on the website or contact the Project Team members at any time. Your comments are always welcome.

Interested persons are encouraged to review the report on the project website and provide comments by October 20, 2022 to the Project Team by emailing Additional information can be found at
Expert panel calls for Indigenous representation at Thunder Bay, Ontario, police, board
An independent expert panel is calling for more Indigenous representa tion in top positions of the Thunder Bay Police Service and the board overseeing it, in order to help achieve reforms.recommendedlongstandingpolicing
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is moving forward with Phase 2 of the Highways 6 and 401 Improvements Project (G.W.P 3042-14-00). Phase 2 includes the new Highway 6/Hanlon Expressway Midblock Interchange (G.W.P. 3059-20-00), north of Wellington Road 34, as shown on the key plan. Construction of the early works is planned to begin in Fall 2022, subject to approvals.

TWO ROW TIMES September 21St, 202214

Services Board in March to assess the culture of both organizations pre sented an interim report Tuesday, after consulta tions with community and police service members. That report said urgent measures are needed in the areas of chief selection, police board appointments and labour relations, and suggested the next chief should be Indigenous or another person of colour with po lice leadership experience.
work,'' Alok Mukherjee said from Thunder Bay, where he presented the report to the police ser vices board.
Peter Bamforth, P.Eng., CEng, MICE Consultant Senior Project Manager 610Dufferin/WSPChartwell Road Oakville, ON L6J 4A5
A final report is expect ed early next year that the panel says will focus on ``a roadmap for change'' to rebuild trust between the city, police board and community.Butinthe meantime, the panel said appointing a new police chief and re-constituting the board are areas that need imme diate attention to ensure the proper leadership is in place to oversee those changes.Itrecommended the board expand its mem bership to seven from five, and require that at least three of the members are Indigenous, including at least one person from Fort William First Nation, a community that's adjacent to Thunder Bay.
With the northern city's police service searching for a new chief and the board due for a changeover this fall, the chair of the expert panel said it's an opportune time to get the right leadership in place to oversee steps to rebuilding trust, particu larly among the region's Indigenous residents.
of police Sylvie Hauth, as well as human rights complaints and low mo rale among members of the police force who also have high rates of PTSD, Mukherjee said.
Mukherjee, former chair of the Toronto Police Services Board, said it's ``critical'' to have the right chief in place to move forward and ensure outstanding recommen dations from past reports outlining evidence of systemic racism and lack of trust in the police force can be implemented.
``It is an opportunity to put the right people in place and to provide them with the kind of resourc es they need to do their
Labour relations also stood out to the panel as a key area in need of improvement, the report said. It called for a swift commitment to trauma-in formed labour relations and training for all senior
Olga Khuskivadze, P.Eng. Project MinistryEngineerofTransportation West Region, Planning & Design 659 Exeter Road, London, ON N6E 1L3
The panel appointed by the Thunder Bay Police
``It's an opportunity to do the right thing.''
its status as a hub for the region, an understanding of First Nations govern ments, a commitment to a mentalracism,understandingworktrauma-informedcultureandanofpoverty,homelessnessandhealth.Thereisalsocallto
``The reason that we are urging the decision makers to put the right people in place is that will create the best possible condition for changes to happen,'' he said.
``She would call and ask to talk to him. She was just overstepping boundaries completely,'' Nyland said. Calls and emails to Bajwa from The Canadian Press went unanswered. Nyland ceased responding to messages seeking an interview.TheSaskatoon Police Service said in an email that its hate crime unit is investigating a report filed on Sept. 12 against a child-care provider in Sas katoon. Spokesman Brad Jennings said no further details could be provided as the investigation is Ministryongoing.TheSaskatchewanofEducation said it was also notified. It said ministry staff visited the child-care home the same day concerns were raised, and have increased mon itoring. Parents accessing the home's services have also been told of the inves
This little Metis boy had his hair cut without consent by day care workers. CP
tigation.Theministry said the home is still operating, although the status of its licence is being reviewed.
officers and managers.
After managers are trained on the practice, the report said steps should be taken to pro vide such training to all uniformed officers.
racism and trust as ``more scrutiny than any police board or police service has received in Ontario, if not the country.''
Expert panel calls for representationIndigenous
During Mukherjeeconsultations,saidthe breakdown of trust was a recurring theme, as was burnout among members of the police service.
Jana Nyland had been taking her 19-month-old son to Bajwa's Childcare for a year when he came earlier this month with his neck-length hair cut, paNOW reported last week. Irum Bajwa oper ates the daycare out of a home on the northeast side of ``WhenSaskatoon.Iaskedher the reason why she cut his hair, she told me she didn't like long hair on boys and that native children shouldn't have
The report also noted the fact that it is not the first to call for changes to policing in Thunder Bay. A summary described the lengthy series of previous reports on issues with
SASKATOON — A Sas katoon daycare is being investigated by the city police's hate crime unit and is having its licence reviewed after a Me tis mother alleged her toddler's hair was cut without her consent.
long hair,''' Nyland told the newsNylandoutlet.said she im mediately took her son and informed the daycare provider that she would be reporting the haircut to police.PaNOW quoted the mother as saying the operator had started to become obsessive about the boy, asking to keep him later in the evening and to have him stay for sleepovers. Nyland also said Bajwa was encourag ing the child to call Bajwa ``mom.''
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 21St, 2022 15
PaNOW was provided with a written statement from Bajwa acknowl edging she cut the boy's hair without his mom's permission but explained she did not know it was his first ``[The]haircut.firsthaircut
``This training be com prised of two parts: trau ma as it affects the mental health and well-being of members of the police service and trauma as it affects the lives and reali ties of Indigenous mem bers of the community,'' the report said.
is very important for everyone. Please cut your child's hair immediately after birth and put in safe closet for whole life until he/ she died (sic). It will save you from evil eyes, ghosts, witches, enemies, and any other invisible creatures,'' she wrote.
Nyland, a single mother, said she is pursuing legal action and has started a GoFundMe page to raise money for legal fees.
Police investigate Saskatoon daycare after boy's hair was cut without consent

The panel is now turn ing its attention to a final report.Mukherjee said he was pleased with the response when he presented the interim report, though it ``remains to be seen'' if its recommendations will be implemented while others have not been. He said the leadership changes, resources and training are ``critical ingredients'' to finally seeing change.
``In effect, Thunder Bay needs to get away from same old, same old.''

October 1st Niagara Regional Native Centre 8th Annual Traditional Powwow Meridian Centre St. Catharines Free admission Grand Entry 11am and 6pm Dedicated to honouring all Survivors.
Visit Facebook: Beyond the Orange Shirt Story Niagara Falls 2022 for event details
- a day of activities to Honour Res idential and Day ningFallsinSurvivorsschoolNiagarabeginwitha
Beyond Orange Shirt Story- Niagara Sept 30 2022

Phyllis Web stad of storiesvideothersspeakbedayOrangetheShirtstorywillonhandtoaswilltoprosurvivorand reflections. There will be a location for quiet reflection and support comsterlingfrazer.KoncontactFacebookStoryOrangeseeinformationForDayidentialIndiansurvivorsandrecognitiontoareManytheatPowerSeptsurvivorsforon30attheStationthebrinkofFalls.eventsintendedprovidehonourtoofResandschools.moreBeyondShirtonorBrianatkon@
September 28th 7:00pm Drums Across Niagara Oakes Garden Theatre, Niagara Falls, Canada and Niagara Falls Observation Tower, Niagara Falls, NY. Join drummers and singers as voices carry across the great Niagara River. Special tribute to Grandmother Lena Jack (Phyllis Webstad’s grandmother 1918 2019)

stories; Wednesday Sept. 28 7pm Drum across the Niagara River; Thursday 29
Beyond the Orange Shir t Story Niagara Falls 2022
September 30th 10:00pm Niagara Parks Commission fireworks
7pm Panel session at Performing Art Cen tre – Phyllis Webstad and other survivor
September 28th noon De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre Luncheon, First Ontario Performing Arts Centre contact for details
September 27th 11:30am Rotary Luncheon honouring Survivors Club Italia, Niagara Falls, Guest Speaker: Phyllis Webstad $50/person purchase tickets in advance contact Carrie Zeffiro at . Sponsored by Cogeco Your TV Niagara. Book sale and signing
September 26th Beyond the Orange Shirt Story Meridian Credit Union, First Ontario Performing Arts Centre and Niagara Catholic District School Board present an intergenerational perspective on the Indian Residential Schools. Guests Speakers include: Phyllis Webstad (whose story is the “Orange Shirt Story ”), Phyllis’ family, Dawn Hill, Roberta Hill, Willow Shawanoo and Mitch Case. This session will be available for a limited subscription to all School Boards the week of September 30th. Register through the First Ontario Performing Arts Centre 90 minute presentation will be live streamed and a recording available for board wide use the week of September 30th. Cost per school board for full access, $1000.
September 30th sunrise (7:00 am) Sunrise Ceremony and Ceremonial Fire Niagara Parks Power Station
Sacred fire at 7:00am, a formal orangeFallswithandtimesentationpreat10amendingtheturningand orange fire works display.
agara 2022 is a week of activities culmi nating in the Sept 30 National Day of Truth
and Reconciliation in Niagara Falls, On. Monday Sept 26-

September 30th 10:00 11:00am Orange Shirt Day Recognition of Survivors Niagara Parks Power Station Special guest speakers, Phyllis Webstad, Chief Fred Robbins
TWO ROW TIMES September 21St, 202216
Sept – Niagara Parks Power Station 6 pm Treaty: A Reconcilia tion Revelry30Fridayconcert;Sept

September 29th 6:00pm TREATY A Reconciliation Revelry concert Niagara Parks Power Station Special guest speakers, Phyllis Webstad, and Chief Hank Adam
September 26th 7:00pm Beyond the Orange Shirt Story Survivors Speak First Ontario Performing Arts Centre (St. Catharines) tickets available through https:// pay what you can at time of booking tickets. Event sponsored by Meridian Credit Union and First Ontario Performing Arts Centre. Book sale and signing.
Special Thank you to the following supporters and sponsors: Brock University / City Cruises Canada / City of Niagara Falls / Cogeco Your TV Niagara / Canadian Pacific Railway / De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre / First Ontario Performing Arts Centre / Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre / Grandmothers Voice / Great Wolf Lodge / Meridian Credit Union / Metis Nation of Ontario / Niagara Airbus / Niagara Catholic District School Board / Niagara Chapter of Native Women / Niagara College / Niagara Regional Native Centre / Rotary Club Niagara Falls, Sunrise / HIP (Honouring Indigenous People) / Westjet Airlines
Come and feel the healing power of Niagara Falls! Beyond Orange Shirt Story Ni
Photo Credit: Mark Zelinski
September 30th 8:00pm Niagara Falls turns orange every hour for 15 minute segments
Nation, and bronze went to Conrad Naponse of the Atikameksheng Anishnaw bek First Nation.
know the score.
championship at MontHill,” said Brendan Painter, Di rector of Golf Operations at Monthill. “The support our community has shown in helping fundraise and put on a first-class event for all competitors is amazing, and I can’t thank them all enough. We look forward to making this an annual event.”Alarge donation was made to the Dreamcatcher Fund through the champi onship, with Delby Pow
John Monture Junior and Senior dominate golf tournament at the beautiful MontHill Golf and Country Club
Local legend John Monture Sr. (left) won gold in Net Men's Overall and Senior Men's division. Six Nations' golfers Matt Jamieson and Scott Hill also placed in Men's Overall. John Jr. (right) won gold in Men's overall ensuring the 2023 tournament location. TRT
It was a triumphant day on Tuesday, as both John Monture Senior and Junior won Fordyear.stayandannouncingwentMen’stie,roundsAfterhardware.fourplay-offduetoaninitialthegoldmedalfortheOverallDivisiontoJohnMontureJr.,thatthetrophychampionshipwillonSixNationsfornextSilverwenttoIanoftheLacSuelFirst
Inaugural Indigenous Ontario Championship to stay on Six Nations
ForHill.Senior Mens, John
For the Senior Women’s Division, Kathy Jamison took gold, Shari Hunt took silver and Roxanne General took bronze.
The Net Men’s Overall Division saw three Six Nations based medalists including John Monture Sr., with gold, Matt Jamieson with silver, and bronze for Scott
Metachewan First Nation, and bronze to Katheryn Corbiere of the Ojibway FirstTheNation.NetWomen’s Over all Division saw Savana Smith of the Delaware Na tion win gold, Shari Hunt of the Saint Mary’s First Na tion win silver, and Nancy Jamieson of the Moravian of the Thames First Nation win bronze. Savana Smith also won gold, the only medal, for the Junior Girls Division.
The event marked the first Open Provincial Championship in Canada for Indigenous golfers and featured participants from across North America.

TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 21St, 2022 17 SPORTS
“For too long, Onkwehon:we have been underrepresented and lacked opportunity in the golf world. This event will showcase and identify great Indigenous golfers, but more importantly, our hope is that it leads to opportunity, access, and growth of the game in our First Nation communities,” added Jesse Smith, Championship Co-Chair. TRT
less providing thankful remarks.Entryinto the 36-hole tournament was open to Indigenous community members (First Nations, Métis & Inuit) to offer two full days of stroke play that contained various divisions, including Men’s and Women’s Gross, Men’s and Women’s Net Stable ford, and also recognizing the top junior and senior players.“Fortoo long, Onkwe hon:we have been under represented and lacked op portunity in the golf world. This event will showcase and identify great Indig enous golfers, but more importantly, our hope is that it leads to opportunity, access, and growth of the game in our First Nation communities,” added Jesse Smith, Championship CoChair.Sunday the 18th fea tured a kid’s golf clinic, opening ceremonies and dinner for participants of the event, as well as key representatives from the Host Association Golf Ontario, members of the local Indigenous com munity including Delay Powless, Cody Jamieson, Brendan Bomberry and Lyle Thompson, and distin guished guests represent ing the Provincial Govern ment.
SIX NATIONS — Monthill Golf & Country Club wel comed representing golf players from 41 Indigenous nations to the Inaugural In digenous Ontario Champi onship from September 18 to 20 in the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory.
“Having this event at MontHill Golf & Country Club is very special to us being 100 percent Indige nous owned. It was our late owner’s goal to host events of this nature, and I feel he will be smiling down at the 41 different nations com ing from all over gathering to play for a provincial
Monture Sr., earned another gold medal, Ted Williams of the Chippewa of the Thames First Nation won silver and Della Bomberry won bronze. For Junior Boys, Lucas Rogers of the Kettle Point First Nation won gold and Chad Styres of Six Nations won silver.The Women’s Overall Division saw gold go to Cheryl Mitchell of the Walpole First Nation, silver to Melanie Burgess of the
Tryoutslater. for Team Ontario will kick off in Thunder Bay on October 2 at several venues across the city, for the following sports: archery, soccer, athletics, softball, base ball, beach volleyball and canoe/kayak. A full sched ule of tryouts for Thunder Bay has been posted to the ISWO website and registration is now open. Tryouts will continue to take place throughout the year and into 2023. Here are the additional upcoming tryouts cur rently planned for Team Ontario in preparation for the 2023 North Ameri
The upcoming tryouts slated to take place in Kapuskasing, Six Nations, London, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Oshawa, Moose Factory, Timmins, Kenora and Sioux Lookout include varying sports. Visit iswo. ca for the most up-to-date information.
ONTARIO – September 16, 2022 – As Ontario’s designated Provincial and Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body, Indigenous Sport & Wellness Ontario (ISWO) is tasked with identifying, selecting, and managing the athletes, coaches, and team staff who will represent Team Ontario at the North American Indigenous Games
TWO ROW TIMES September 21St, 202218 Support Indigenous Media

Online tryout applications require a tryout fee and will be assessed using the same guidelines and selec tion policies as in-person tryouts, by Team Ontario coaches and managers.

TORONTO — The Six Nations Jr. Masters lacrosse team (left photo) came second in the OMLA provincial run. They defeated Muskoka, Riverside and Six Nations 2 team in round robin play. Then beat Kincardine in semifinals 7-4 Sunday morning before loosing to Merritton Weekend Warriors 9-5 in the championship. Six Nations only had eight runners and two goaltenders, but defeated teams with full benches. The team is run by captain Andy Hill, assistant captains Chris Vale and Derek Hill, with goalies Elan Henhawk and Brian Curnow, and runners Riley Squire, Zach Hill, Stephen Henhawk, Kyle Green, Marky Maracle and bench staff Al Henhawk and Joe Squire. The 2022 Ontario Masters Lacrosse Association (OMLA) saw the Six Nations Sr. Masters team (right photo) come in second in the Senior Division of the the OMLA provincials versus Halton Hills at the Toronto Rock Athletic Centre. They still had themselves a great season, and as pictured: Russ Davis, Roger Vyse, Fred Doolittle, Tyler Bomberry, Corey Bomberry, Jim Henhawk ,Brian Porter Brad Martin Josh Powless, Darren Wilson, Randy Renaud, Trent Hill, Brandon Hill, Tony Henderson, Rick Filon, Ryan McNaughton, Travis Bland, Kyle Jamison, Darren Williams and Ken Montour. SUBMITTED
Note that online registration is required to attend a tryout. For those youth unable to attend a tryout in person, an ‘online tryout appli cation’ will be available via the My ISWO Portal. TWO
can Indigenous Games currently: Kapuskasing for October 14 and 15, Six Nations and London for October 29 and 30, Sudbury for November 5 and 6, Sault Ste. Marie for November 26 and 27, Toronto for December 3 and 4 and 10 and 11, Moose Factory for January 13 to 15, Timmins January 27 to 29, Sioux Lookout on January 28 and Kenora on February 4 and 5. Registration opens approximately one month in advance of tryouts. Reg istration must be done in advance of tryouts. Dates and locations are tentative and subject to change. Tryouts for some sport categories will be taking place online only. For the most up-to-date info, visit
North American Indigenous Games try out dates set
Six Nations Masters teams both place second in Toronto competition

Indigenous2023. youth residing in Ontario that meet the age eligibility guidelines are welcome to try out for Team Ontario; the age eligibility for ath letes for NAIG 2023 are as follows: 19U are 2004 and later, 16U are 2007 and later and 14U are 2009 and
Indigenous Sport & Wellness Ontario will be hosting tryouts across the province of Ontario, in all regions, to select Indigenous athletes to represent Team Ontario at NAIG 2023, scheduled to take place in Kjipuktuk (Halifax), Dartmouth and Millbrook First Nation.

General said that her favourite part of the expe rience at the Games was the opportunity to take part in the opening and closing ceremonies. The Games featured more than 2,700 athletes com-peting in 26 “Thereevents.were a lot of us and we got to march in by our provinces,” she said, noting that she en-joyed the bagpipes that led Ontario.Inthe future, General competed in the first In digenous Ontario Cham pionship to be held at the MontHill Golf Course that finalized yesterday on Tuesday, September 20, and the Masters In dig-enous Games next July in Ottawa.
Jan. 3, 2023 Office Reopens
Aug. 1 Official Transcripts
Please check the local newspapers, our website at FaceBook or give us a call at (519) 445 2219 for more information.
Fast forward to July of this year, General ex plained that she might have torn her meniscus, a primary tendon in the knee, and is awaiting an MRI. But with her sights set on competing in Kamloops still, she wouldn’t allow it to stop her.
The Warriors an nounced his arrival at the start of September, joining as a free Scanlanagent.was kicked off of the University of Syracuse field lacrosse team after his arrest in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend in May of 2021. The player was later arrested for driving while intoxicated and without a licence a few months later in September. Both incidents happened in two different parts of New YorkScanlanState. made a deal in April of this year to avoid a criminal charges if he stays clear of the law for
Feb. 1st Application Deadline for Summer semester Apply on line!
May 1st Application Deadline for Fall or Fall/Winter semester(s) Apply on line!
11:59 pm May 1st to 9 am July 1st The On line Application on the GRPSEO Website is not available.
Mar. 4 Winter Semester Contact Required From All Students (Check With Your GRPSEO Funding Advisor)
May 23 Office Closed: Victoria Day
Oct. 31 Deadline to Submit Graduate Promotion Items
Sept 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
which minimizes the traumatic events ex perienced by domestic violence survivors. To indicate that we do not recognize the sensitivity of this topic was not out intention and for that, we sincerely apologize,” reads theThestatement.dealwith the War riors was sign for 1-year on September 6, but de tails of Scanlan’s contract with Vancouver were not announced. Inside La crosse wrote that Scanlan spent a year off the field before joining the Western Lacrosse Association’s Langley Thunder at the end of May; he scored 29 goals in 16 games as part of the Vancouver-based team.The same team com peted for the Mann Cup against the Major Series Lacrosse champion, the Peterborough Lakers, who won for the fourth time on September 17 over the Thunder.
Winter Marks/Progress Reports due for all continuing students.
Apr. 18 Office Closed: Easter Monday
Aug. 1 Office Closed: Civic Holiday
June 1 Summer Office Hours: Open from 8 am to 4 pm
For others looking for advice in the sport, Gen eral shared that tenacity is key.“Just keep trying,” she said. “To me, you have to go into a sport to have fun, so I like to win, but if I don’t win, I still love the sport. I like going in it for the experience and you can meet a lot of peo-ple. When you go into tourna ments, you hardly know anyone, so I met a lot of people, which is awe some.”Aspictured, from left, General stands with silver medalist Stacey Wheeler and gold medalist Lauren Lehman after the Canada 55-Plus Games medal ceremony finalized.
Levels 3 & 4 (Master or Ph.D. students) provide Letter of Good Academic Standing. Fall course registration/timetable and detailed tuition fees due.
Jan. 4 Office Reopens 2022
For all APPROVED FALL applications Any documentation that was requested by the Funding Advisor to be submitted to GRPSEO by August 1, (as outlined in the “Check List of Required Documentation” form provided to the applicant), and not received by this deadline date will result in CANCELLATION of the approved application and loss of funding.
Six Nations Roxanne General wins bronze at Canada 55-Plus Games
Nov. 11 Office Closed: Observance of Remembrance Day
Aug 1st Official transcripts are due from students funded for any of the three previous application periods (Summer/Fall/Winter).
Oct. 1st Application Deadline for Winter semester Apply on line! Summer Marks/Progress Reports due for all continuing students.
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 21St, 2022 19
from last month’s Canada 55-Plus Games held in Kamloops,AmongstB.C.the medal winners was Roxanne General, 67, of Six Nations, who earned a bronze medal in golf in the 65plus“Itdivision.feltawesome,” said General. “I just couldn’t wait to go. I waited two

Roxanne General (left) earned a bronze medal in the Canada 55-Plus games. SUBMITTED
After playing at the Greens of Renton in a qualifier, the Ontario Senior Games Associa tion re-gional games in Kincardine in 2020, saw
“I wasn’t giving it up because I tried so hard to get it, and when I got it, I had to wait two years. So I didn’t care how I golfed—I wanted to win, but to me, my goal was to finish.”
another year. That process, known as an adjournment in contemplation of dismiss al, is still underway with charges of mischief that remain pending under technicality. Scanlan’s deal to avoid conviction also contains a requirement not to contact the woman involved.Scanlan has since taken a 14-week domestic vio lence prevention classes. In terms of the incident itself, details were filed in a police report that outlets in New York State published at the time, detailing that the woman involved has bruising on her ribs and that she feared for her life.
2022 DEADLINE CALENDAR for / gweh?: weh n=:` Ohsweg,h]:n/h Onkwehón:we ne: Ohswekenhro:non
her win gold over Linda Wood, who won silver, and Melanie Hind, who won bronze, in the 55-plus category.Hergold medal quali fied her to move on to the Canada 55-Plus Games.
On September 17, USA Lacrosse issued an apolo gy for an article that was released the day prior that wrote that Scanlan had re leased a statement to City News Vancouver through the“USAWarriors.Lacrosse con demns any narrative
“I was only four strokes
VANCOUVER — The Vancouver Warriors have signed Chase Scanlan of the Seneca Nation’s Cattaraugus Territory, the power forward that was arrested twice last year.
July 1 Office Closed: Canada Day
Nov. 4 Fall Semester Contact Required From All Students (Check With Your GRPSEO Funding Advisor)
KAMLOOPS, B.C. — Ath letes representing “Dis trict 25” which encom passes Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk and Six Nations returned home with medals in three sports
Fall Marks/Progress Reports due for all continuing students.
June 21 Office Closed: Observance National Indigenous Peoples Day
Sept. 1 Back to Regular Office Hours: Open 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Sept. 5 Office Closed: Labour Day
Oct. 10 Office Closed Thanksgiving Day
May 1 Accepting Graduate Promotion Items

Apr. 15 Office Closed: Good Friday
Vancouver Warriors sign Chase Scanlan
Levels 3 & 4 (Master or Ph.D. students) provide Letter of Good Academic Standing. Summer course registration/timetable and detailed tuition fees due.
years ‘cause it kept getting cancelled.”Herjourney to the Games was one that was interrupted by both the pandemic and an injury.
behind silver,” she said.
Levels 3 & 4 (Master or Ph.D. students) provide Letter of Good Academic Standing. Winter course registration/timetable and detailed tuition fees due.
Dec. 23 Office Closed: Christmas Closure
Feb. 21 Office Closed: Family Day
Part Time TBD September 21, 2022
Full Time $22.00/ Hour September 28, 2022
I.T. Support Technician Ogwadeni:deo
Full Time TBD September 21, 2022
Full Time TBD September 21, 2022
Sanitation Time $19.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
5, 2022 Cultural Advisor Ogwadeni:deo Full Time TBD October 5, 2022 SIX NATIONS AND NEW CREDIT Maintenance Worker Brantford Native Housing Full Time TBD September 20, 2022 Gladue Writer – Brantford Aboriginal Legal Services Full Time/ Contract TBD September 21, 2022
Post Office Assistant Canada Post Temporary/ On-call $18.08/ Hour October 1, 2022
Senior Accounts Receivable Clerk Finance, Central Administration
Cook $20.00/ Hour October 5, 2022 October 5, October October
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Anishinaabemowin Instructor – Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Full Time/ Permanent $36,662.50 to $51,350.50 September 29, 2022 Ekwaamjigenang Children’s Center (ECC)
Truck Driver Public Works Part
Maintenance Iroquois Time TBD October 5, 2022
TWO ROW TIMES September 21St, 202220 Job descriptions are available at GREAT Weekdays...Monday through Friday from 8:30-4:30pm 16 Sunrise Court, Ohsweken
Ęsadatgęhs Quality Lead Administration, Health Services
Full Time $21.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Registered Nurse Diabetes Wellness Program, Health Services Contract $70, 000 to $74,147 September 21, 2022
2022 Academic Lead Education, Central Administration Contract $65,000 to $75,000
Occupational Therapist Child and Youth Health, Health Services
Registered Early Childhood Educator Child Care Services, Social Services
Phone: 519.445.2222 Fax: 519.445.4777
apply for funding, book
Executive Director of Finance Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Free long distance at 1-888 218-8230 or email us at Position Employer/Location Term Salary Closing Date Position Employer/Location Term Salary Closing Date
Library Technician - Delhi Grand Erie District School Board
Drainage Superintendent Administration, Central Administration
Full Time $45,000 October 5, 2022
Mental Health Addictions and Mental Health and Addictions, Health Services
Education Manager Education, Central Administration Contract $70,000 to $90,000
Part Time $21.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
our job board
Full Time $56,000 to $66,000 October 5, 2022
Early Childhood Development Worker Child and Youth Health, Health Services
5, 2022 Intake Worker Ogwadeni:deo Full Time TBD
Cultural Awareness Coordinator Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Full Time/ Contract $40,250 September 29, 2022
Cyber Security Analyst Grand Erie District School Board
Administrative Assistant Iroquois Lodge, Health Services
Speech Language Pathologist Child and Youth Health, Health Services
Full Time TBD October 5, 2022
Full Time TBD October 5, 2022
Community Food Animator Community Health and Wellness, Health Services
Part Time $23.30/ Hour September 27, 2022
Ogwadeni:deo Legal Ogwadeni:deo
Personal Support Worker Iroquois Lodge, Health Services
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Volunteer Coordinator Justice, Central Administration Contract TBD September 21, 2022
Personal Support Worker Personal Support Services, Health Services
Dementia Care Team-Elder Companion Home & Community Care, Health Services
Services, Social Services Contract
Part Time $16.00/ Hour September 21, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Health Advocacy Officer Home and Community Care, Health Services
Supply Cook Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Contract/Casual $16.90/Hour Until Filled
Full Time $78,249 to $88,919 September 26, 2022
Consultant Child
Project Administrative Assistant Woodland Cultural Centre Full Time TBD Until Filled Operations Manager Kayanase Full Time TBD Until Filled Forestry Labourer Kayanase Summer Student TBD Until Filled Ground Maintenance Worker Kayanase Summer Student TBD Until Filled Gas Bar Attendant Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Part Time TBD Until Filled Park Attendant Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Full Time TBD September 21, 2022
MCFN Lands Claim Coordinator Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Full Time/ Permanent $40,297.50 to $56,821.50 September 29, 2022
Admission/Concession Time $16.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Special Projects Coordinator Grand River Employment and Training Full Time TBD September 23, 2022
Education Curriculum Developer Woodland Cultural Center Contract TBD Until Filled Building Attendant Staff Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Full Time $18.00/ Hour September 21, 2022
Full Time $75,000 to $95,000 September 28, 2022
Bingo Hall Cook Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Mental Health Nurse/Case Manager Mental Health and Addictions, Health Services
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Concurrent Disorder Worker
Worker Parks and Recreation Part
Full Time $50,000 to $55,000 September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
STM Family Service Ogwadeni:deo
Child Care Assistant Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Full Time/ Permanent $32,953.50 - $45,805.50 September 22, 2022
Behaviour Unit Administrative Assistant Child and Family Services, Social Services
Assistant Community Health & Wellness, Health Services Contract
Caretaker Maintenance Mechanic Parks and Recreation
Receptionist Brantford Region Indigenous Support Center Full Time $18.00/ Hour September 23, 2022
Library Assistant Woodland Cultural Center Full Time $18.00/ Hour October 6, 2022 Gas Technician or Helper William Bros. Heating & Cooling Full Time TBD October 15, 2022 Construction Staff Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/ Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Assistant Caretaker Parks and Recreation
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Full Time $36,400 September 28, 2022
PowerSchool Coordinator Grand Erie District School Board Contract $78,249 to $88,919 September 26, 2022
School Caretaker Time $18.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Chiefswood Park Food Truck Cook Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Seasonal $18.00 to $20.00/ Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Child Care Services, Social Services Full Time
Bingo Sales Representative Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Part Time/ Contract TBD September 30, 2022
Personal Support Worker Personal Support Services, Health Services
Communicative Disorders Assistant Child and Youth Health, Health Services
Full Time/ Permanent $100,000 to $115,000 September 29, 2022
Land Use Officer Lands and Resources
Full Time $23.00/ Hour September 28, 2022
Director of Advancement Brantford Native Housing
Part Time $23.30/ Hour September 27, 2022
Registered Practical Nurse Iroquois Lodge, Health Services Contract $75,000 to $80,000 September 21, 2022
Special Needs Resource Care (Maternity) $27.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Human Resources Assistant Grand River Employment and Training Contract TBD September 23, 2022
Maintenance Mechanic
Library Technician - Haldimand Grand Erie District School
Help Desk Specialist Computer Services, Central Administration Contract TBD September 21, 2022
Cook Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Casual $16.90/ Hour Until Filled IT Technician Ohsweken Speedway Full Time/ Permanent $45,000 to $75,000 Until Filled Kitchen Help Sade:konih TOJ TBD Until Filled Cashier Styres Gas Bar Part Time TBD Until Filled Weekend Visitor Services Woodland Cultural Center Part Time $15.00/ Hour Until Filled Housing Outreach Worker Brantford Native Housing Full Time TBD Until Filled Tire Technician Hills Tire Full Time TBD Until Filled Building Attendant Staff Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent TBD Until Filled Development Corporation
The GREAT Job Board is brought to you by Employment Ontario and Service Canada. Only local positions are posted in the paper. For more positions in the surrounding area, visit at! To your intake with an ETC by calling 519-445-2222 (Toll-
Toll Free:www.greatsn.com1.888.218.8230
Lodge, Health Services Part
Youth Life Promotion Advisor Kanikonriio Child and Youth Programs, Social Services
(2 Vacancies) Public Works Part
Administrative $22.00 to $25.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Cayuga Language Instructor Six Nations Polytechnic Full Time/ Permanent TBD September 29, 2022
Caretaker Maintenance Mechanic Parks and Recreation Contract $18.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 21St, 2022 21TWO ROW TIMES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20TH, 202226 ATTN: send notices to Forestry Services Roofing Contractor Year round installation Toka’t ihsere karihsta enhsahskwahrénhstahkwe’, sheiatewennata’ne Ojistoh 519-774-9633Squire Families don’t have to search alone. We’re here to help. | 1 866 KID-TIPS (543-8477) is a program of is Canada’s missing children resource centre. We offer families support in finding their missing child and provide educational materials to help prevent children from going missing.

Clothes, Households, Custom Jewellery, CDs, Complete Longhouse Attire $200 Rain Date October 1st & 2nd, 9am - 3pm to
• 50/50 Draw - $150.00 Winner: Pam Sault
TWO ROW TIMES September 21St, 202222 TWO ROW TIMES37 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20TH, 2022 Notice Notice ATTN: send notices to For Sale Yard Sale Notice to Creditors A BIZZY B SHOP OPEN SEPTEMBER 17 18, 24 25 9 AM - 4 PM 3404 MISSISSAUGA ROAD NEW CREDIT ALL SUMMER SPIN TO WIN UP TO 70% OFF!

3 Stoneridge Circle
Net Profit for SNFA was $651.00 which will cover booth presentation expenses.

Six Nations Farmers Association
• Fruit Basket donated by John Monture - Winner: Joyce Longboat

• Beef Package donated by Dekoning Meats - Winner: Rick Brant
ATTN: send notices

• Pork Package donated by Frank Montour - Winner: Bev. MtPleasant
• Free Fresh Apples were given to all who desired one
September 24th & 25th, 9am - 3pm
Fall Fair Draws.
Thank you to all who supported the initiative which allowed SNFA to participate in our Fall Fair.

Taurus, you’ll finally gain greater control over your thoughts this week when someone close to you helps you see the bigger picture. Now you can focus on important things.
CLUES ACROSS 1. Crops sown in winter in India5.Nursemaids in East Asia 10. Investigates 12. Treated like a child 14. About religious belief 16. Widely used exclama 18.tionCar mechanics group 19. Not good 20. Indigenous people of 22.AlbertaEveryone has one 23. Fencing sword 25. Soaks 26. The human foot 27. Of she 28. Erythrocyte (abbr.) 30. Soldiers 31. Energy, style and en 33.thusiasmPlaywright O’Neill 35. Stone parsley 37. Small stones 38. Gas descriptor 40. Monetary unit of Samoa 41. Jeans manufacturer 42. NHL great Bobby 44. Cool! 45. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! 48. Winged 50. Partner to “oohed” 52. Defensive nuclear 55.53.weaponCoatedFurryhousehold friend 56. Chinese principle un derlying the universe 57. Prefix meaning “within” 58. Makes easier 63. Transferred property 65. Branched 66. Hillsides 67. Abba __, Israeli diplo mat CLUES DOWN 1. Eggs in a female fish 2. Military mailbox 3. Unit to compare power levels4.Line on a map connect ing similar points 5. One who accepts 6. Partner to cheese 7. Ancient Greek sophist 8. About hilus 9. 10.SoutheastWhereactors ply their 11.tradeBeloved Philly sand Asia 24. Relative biological ef fectiveness (abbr.) 27. Carthaginian statesman 29. Aged 32. Mauna __, Hawaiian vol 36.35.34.canoFirearmConsolationAnislandin the north 39.AtlanticPitching statistic 40. Disconsolate 43. A part of a river where the current is very fast 44. Call it a career 46. Behave in a way that degrades someone 47. Health insurance 49. Recommend 51. Baltic peninsula 54. Father 59. After B 60. Bar bill 61. Doctors’ group 62. 2,000 lbs. 64. Equal to one quintillion bytes
SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21

Your desire for excitement could lead you on a wild goose chase, Scorpio. You may find that it’s not excitement you need, just a change of scenery. Book a trip.
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
An unexpected financial windfall could come your way this week, Libra. While it could be tempting to spend all this extra money right away, save some for a rainy day.
TWO ROW TIMESSeptember 21St, 2022 23TWO ROW TIMESDECEMBER 19TH, 2018 27 SUDOKUAnswers for September 21st, 2022 Crossword Puzzle Container Sales and Modi cations Service Since 2007 Paul LeBlanc Owner 90 Morton Ave. East, Unit 1-B • Brantford, ON N3R 7J7 Cell: 519.754.6844 • Tel: 519.751.1651 • Fax: 519.751.3328 • Email:
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23

Pisces, a professional change will happen soon. All that hard work you have been putting in is sure to pay off in the weeks ahead.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22
Cancer, a change in routine is necessary. Lately you may have been feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, so take time to figure out what you need to do.
Virgo, your social circle could open up this week and expand your prospects even further. Use the new connections to get out of the house more than ever before.

Your love life may seem confusing this week, Gemini. It may wax and wane from fevered passion to apathy. Rough patches are not unusual and you need to see this through.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21

CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22

LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23

A turning point in your love life may come this week, Leo. It may hit you in a most unexpected way. Even a relatively simple gesture may sway your feelings.

Sagittarius, this week you may find that one day you are calm and collected, and the next you are all riled up. Find a balance between them both to get through the days.
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20

CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
Capricorn, though making sudden changes in your life seems like a good idea, it’s best to take some time mulling things over before you dive into any new situations.
Teaching what you know to others is a continuous theme for you this week, Aries. You want to impart wisdom any way that you can and you’ll have the opportunity to do so.
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22

Even the best plans can use a little tweaking from time to time. Go with the flow, Aquarius. Enjoy this more laid back approach and consider taking it more often.
PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
TWO ROW TIMES September 21St, 202224