Six Nations is considering monitoring wastewater at the local lagoon to track potential COVID variants of concern (VOCs).
The proposal comes from the Six Nations Emergency Control Group amid concerns from Six Nations Public Health that there is “significant under reporting” of self-admin istered at-home COVID tests.
Six Nations Public Health has ceased public testing and relies on com munity self-reporting.
“We don’t have the data on what strain of virus is circulating in the community,” says Michael Montour, chair of the ECG. “We’re just looking for
this to be another tool in our tool belt as we shift into the next phase of the pandemic.”
Council had previously turned down a request from the Six Nations Re search and Ethics Commit tee to monitor wastewater for COVID data collection.
This time, the purpose isn’t for research, but sur veillance, said Montour.
The wastewater would be analyzed by a team from the University of Waterloo to track variants of concern.
Knowing what variants are circulating in the com munity will help public health make recommen dations to prevent the fur ther spread of COVID this winter, said Six Nations epidemiologist Sara Smith.
Mark Servos, a profes sor with the University of Waterloo, said when you
get the the virus in the nose, you swallow it and excrete it, ending up in the local pipes and eventu ally, into the lagoon in Ohsweken.
Scientists would take a sample from there, extract it, clean it up and use the
methods in a PCR (poly merase chain reaction) test to determine which strain of virus is circulat ing.
“It’s not active virus; it’s pieces of the virus,” said Servos.
Michelle said she
thought it came to ethics and was denied
Because the waste water only comes from Ohsweken households, the monitoring will only catch one subsection of the community that goes into the lagoon.
“We don’t have any data so we just want a tool as we move into the next phase,” said Montour.
Smith retired it was a surveillance tool not a research project.
“It’s a tool to monitor COVID-19 in the commu nity. It doesn’t capture the entire community… but that is similar to other municipalities. Not everyone is on that line either. It’s thought of as a sample.”
Servos said surveillance would give a very strong idea of what’s happening in community but it won’t
tell everything.
Six Nations Public Health is only receiving about five self-reported test results weekly.
“Currently there’s such little available data,” said Servos. “We see it as ser vice. We volunteered to do this for Ohsweken.”
Smith said wastewater monitoring would help because if a variant arises and is found to be severe, then they can communi cate to community that the variant is now on Six Nations and people can then make risk-informed decisions.
Councillor Audrey Powless-Bomberry said it would be wise to consider wastewater monitoring for COVID-19 variants.
Council said it will revisit the proposal in the next few weeks.
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Six Nations of the Grand River Central AdministrationPamela Freeman fought back tears Monday as she told a coroner's inquest about holding her grand son the day he was born, seeing him grow into a precocious and enthusias tic child, and then griev ing his death a few short years later.
As a baby, Devon Freeman crawled around with his head down ``look ing like a big old bear,'' rushing to get a hug, his grandmother said. ``I can still feel it to this day,'' she said.
He grew to love cars and trucks, and his ability to recognize different makes and models at a young age surprised a few people, she said. He was interested in space and ``knew the entire universe and all the planets,'' with Saturn as his favourite, she said.
``You simply amazed me with your knowledge and excitement. Every day you were on the move,'' she said.
``I only had you for 16 years but I'm grateful for each one. You taught me a lot,'' she said. ``Your story does not end here. Love does not end here.''
The teen's death has left her grappling with ``sorrow and pain,'' as well as nightmares and anxiety, Pamela Freeman said.
The inquest has heard Devon Freeman was 16 when he was reported missing from the Lynwood Charlton Centre, a group home, in the Flamborough area of Hamilton in Octo ber 2017. His body was
found near the home more than six months later.
Both Devon Freeman and Pamela Freeman are members of the Chippe was of Georgina Island, where the inquest be gan Monday. It is set to continue Wednesday in Hamilton, and is expected to hear from approximate ly 31 witnesses over 17 days.
The coroner's counsel, Brett Moodie, said the inquest will explore the circumstances surround ing Devon Freeman's death, and systemic issues that contributed to it, including public policy and legal issues related to Indigenous children and youth in the child-welfare system.
On Monday, the inquest heard from two experts on child welfare: Cindy Blackstock, the execu tive director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada and a professor at McGill University; and Barbara Fallon, a professor at the University of Toronto and Canada Research Chair in Child Welfare.
The overrepresentation of First Nations children in Ontario's child welfare system is ``a persistent finding'' in studies since 1993, when the province began collecting that type of data every five years, Fallon said.
The data from 2018, the most recent available, show that First Nations children are seven to eight times more likely to be placed in care at the end of an investigation, she said.
The reasons children are identified for concern are also ``quite different''
for First Nations children, who are more likely to be listed for neglect or the ``amorphous category'' of risk of future maltreat ment, she said.
One of the limitations of the child-welfare system is that it looks at the child and the family but isn't able to properly consider the context for some of the risk factors that might emerge, many of which -- including substance abuse -- can be linked to the trauma of residential schools and the 60s scoop, Blackstock said.
``We've got to remem ber that we're in the midst of a lack of housing, the mental health issues of sometimes children and young people, the pover ty... and that often comes from the Indian Act,'' she said.
Child welfare isn't equipped to deal with those issues, and workers are at best only given the tools to help a child and family in the moment, Blackstock said. If they don't have the right tools in the early stages, ``the family goes into deeper and deeper and deeper crisis,'' she said.
Blackstock said that reducing inequalities in access to public services, and making sure public services are culturally relevant to the child, is ``really critical to kind of turning the tide on this.''
Solutions have been documented over decades in repeated reports and inquests, she noted. ``The problem isn't the lack of solutions, the problem is a lack of implementation of the solutions.''
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WINNIPEG — Angela Klassen Janeczko calls out to a young woman sitting behind a building in down town Winnipeg to see if she needs any water or food. They know each other by name and Janeczko has seen the young Indigenous woman struggle with hous ing and addiction for more than year.
Janeczko works with the Bear Clan Patrol, a neigh bourhood watch group in Winnipeg that walks through streets and alleys looking to help those most in need. She says they have seen rooming houses and apartment buildings be come derelict. At the same time, rent has also gone up and nearby houses are selling for record amounts.
It is disproportionately affecting Indigenous people in the neighbourhood, she says, and many are ending up in tents tucked behind buildings, along the river bank or in small commu nity parks. The COVID-19 pandemic just exacerbated the problem, she adds.
``Treat people with humanity and respect,'' Janeczko says, as she hands out some food to another
person nearby.
Statistics Canada's latest release of 2021 census data shows the Indigenous population is still grow ing, although the pace has slowed, and is much young er than the rest of Canada. However, the data says, they are also struggling with housing in a system that's already stretched thin.
The census says there are 1.8 million Indigenous people in Canada, account ing for five per cent of the total population. The In digenous population grew by 9.4 per cent from 2016 to 2021, almost twice the pace of the non-Indigenous population.
While the number of Indigenous people in insuf ficient housing decreased slightly, it is still much high er than the non-Indigenous population.
Almost one in six Indigenous people lived in a home in need of major re pairs in 2021, a rate almost three times higher than for the non-Indigenous population, and more than 17 per cent of Indigenous people lived in crowded housing.
Statistics Canada says because of difficulties in
collecting census data on First Nations and other Indigenous communities, some caution should be exercised in comparing census years. The agency says it made adjustments to track overall trends.
Wednesday's census release comes as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government set housing for Indigenous Peoples as a priority. It was also a part of the agree ment between the minority Liberal government and the New Democrats.
The 2022 federal budget committed $4.3 billion over seven years to help im prove Indigenous housing, a number the Assembly of First Nations says falls far short of what is needed. The national advocacy organization had asked to see $44 billion to deal with overcrowding and homes in dire need of repair on reserves.
Michael Yellow Bird, dean of the University of Manitoba's social work faculty, says it is a by product of colonization. Forced relocation, a loss of sovereignty and decades of underfunding have contrib uted to poverty and poor housing for Indigenous
people. The trauma and displacement caused by residential schools is also a factor, he adds.
Housing on-reserve also doesn't work the same as elsewhere, Bird explains, and it can be a complex administrative process for First Nations to work with Ottawa to tackle those long-standing issues.
The effect of unstable and overcrowded housing on- and off-reserve can be the same, Bird says. Poor housing is connected to major health issues, mental health problems, poor education outcomes and higher rates of suicide, he says.
``These things are all so connected,'' Bird says. ``It's the demography of these things that we know, that these critical factors are causing a number of different kinds of disorders in communities.''
The Liberals have promised to develop an urban, rural and northern Indigenous housing strate gy and have budgeted $300 million over five years so that the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation can work with Indigenous communities to build the plan.
Affordability has become an issue in many real estate markets in Canada, but In digenous people are more likely than their non-In digenous counterparts to be living in a low-income situation.
The census found 18.8 per cent of Indigenous people lived in a low-in come household. The rate was highest among First Nations people, particu larly those who lived on a reserve.
``Nearly one-quarter of Indigenous children 14 years of age and young er lived in a low-income household in 2021, which is over double the rate among non-Indigenous children,'' said Annie Turner, with the centre for Indigenous statistics and partnerships at Statistics Canada.
Research shows that Indigenous people are also disproportionately homeless.
Janeczko walks through an alley with a handful of volunteers as the call of ``sharp'' echoes each time they find a needle. The group picked up more than 325 needles in a couple of hours during the recent patrol. Not every person
without a home has addic tions, but it can be a way those community members cope, Janeczko says.
Winnipeg has the largest Indigenous population of any major city in Canada and it continues to grow. Janeczko says every level of government has committed to studying the housing problem, but the people most affected need help now.
A sign on a nearby garage reads that a person has permission to live there. The young man inside thanks the Bear Clan volunteers for food and water as they check on him. Inside the garage is a makeshift living area with a couch covered in blankets, a table and a handful of personal items.
Janeczko explains the property where the garage stands used to be a room ing house that had about 20 occupants. When the owner died it was aban doned, she says.
The housing needs in the neighbourhood are immense, so the loss of an affordable rental space left many people at risk of be ing on the street, she says.
``The housing need is here,'' she says.
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September 30 marks
Canada’s official second National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This is a day that is now a man dated part of the Canadian experience — “to honour the children who never returned home from res idential school, as well as their families and com munities”, according to the federal government’s website.
For two years now, Canada has officially taken time to talk about the resi dential school experience. And as an indigenous person, organization and community — the day is quickly becoming emo tionally overwhelming for a lot of people.
As important as it is to step into the local, provincial and national spotlight to raise aware ness about residential
school experiences and survivors it’s also import ant to recognize that not everyone who has a direct residential school experi ence wishes the day to be commemorated in the way that is becoming popular.
Here is an example. A few years ago, an event was coordinated that invited residential school survivors to a former school and a photog rapher who was at the event asked the survivors gathered to stand on the school steps and raise a fist in the air for a photo they were taking.
The photographer did not have residential school survivors in their lineage, and the ask was out of touch, but the sur vivors complied, quietly. For the photographer — it felt like it was an invita tion for the survivors to
have a moment of victory, documented.
The moment was un comfortable, and for some who witnessed the ask, it felt like survivors were being objectified.
Beyond the orange shirts, social media campaigns, photo op portunities and political grandstanding it is vital to treat the day the way it deserves to be treated, and not get caught up in gross acts of objectifica tion to raise the profile of creating awareness.
The death and genocide of indigenous children does not need to be dra matized. It does not need to be made into a specta cle of vicarious trauma for other people to under stand how harmful it was.
We need to focus on truth-telling in a way that does not turn the trauma
of our parents and grand parents into someone else’s ‘edu-tainment’.
We have to remember that our lived traumas are, in a way, sacred. Not that they are upstanding or holy in any way — but rather that they should be regarded with great respect and reverence in a way that perhaps no other part of our collective history is treated.
Imagine for a moment, a crying and frightened indigenous child inside of a residential school, who was just terrorized by a teacher. Now imagine that crying and frightened indigenous child being transported through his tory through to today and put on stage for everyone to look at as they cry and cower in fear. Not very appealing, is it?
We have to remember
that for many survivors — some who are still with us to this day — they carry very real, very accessible traumatic memories with them everywhere they go. Memories that can, in a split second, take them back in time and be relived emotionally all over again. We can’t objectify their pain. We have to be the authors of their protection, today. Even though they weren’t pro tected back then — they need to be protected now. Even though we are their descendants, and we have some rights to share sto ries for the benefit of the coming faces — we don’t have the collective right to re-tell people’s individual traumatic memories en masse for non-indigenous people’s benefit so they finally ‘get it’. They’re not going to.
Not every survivor, and not every inter-genera tional survivor is ready to raise the fist of victo ry in front of a former residential school. And as important a moment as it is for people who are ready to do that, organi zations have to remember that rushing the collective experience through the work of healing before people are ready to walk through that part can end up doing more damage by alienating people in their pain, leaving them little opportunity to have a col lective healing experience.
Consider creating quiet, reflective spaces for survi vors and intergenerational survivors to heal from their grief and trauma and walk away from turning survivor trauma into vi carious re-runs for others to consume.
The recent mass killings at James Smith Cree Nation have left many trying to understand what could have led to such a hor rific loss of life. As things stand, it is unclear that there was any one moti vator behind the violence that claimed 11 lives and wounded 18 others.
As scholars of settler colonialism in Saskatch ewan (Metis, and non-In digenous), we have some thoughts about what led to these terrifying events and unimaginable pain that this small community is left to grieve through.
Much attention has been placed on the causes of the men's actions and histories, as well as the victims. However, the story goes much further
than any of these indi vidual lives. Ending the story here implies that the problem rests within Indigenous communities.
Focusing on decisions made within the criminal justice system implies that this horrific event could have been avoided if a single person had been kept in jail.
Yet the three commu nities that make up James Smith Cree Nation deal with much wider realities.
Members of the bands at tended residential schools all around the area, from Prince Albert Indian Resi dential School to Gordon's Indian Residential School or St. Barnabas Residen tial School in Onion Lake.
In 2018-19, the nation fought a mining devel opment that threatened the land and ceremonial grounds. Chief Okimaw
Wally Burns of the James Smith Cree Nation band explained, ``the way things stand, everyone else gets the benefits of a mine, while we are left with all the consequences.''
Leaders from the community therefore attempted to balance en vironmental and cultural concerns with economic benefits for the communi ties. Looking to innovate and offer opportunities within their community and to their neighbours, they successfully launched an MRI company through a partnership with the University of Saskatche wan.
And in 2020, the three communities tried to de velop their own response to the pandemic, only to be frustrated by govern ment agencies standing in their way and asserting
control at the cost of the well-being of the commu nity.
All these stories are related. Residential schooling, the dangers of resource extraction, the challenges of economic development and govern ment control and pater nalism are all part of one system: settler colonial ism.
The violence of settler colonialism
Contemporary Sas katchewan is deeply shaped by early settler colonial tactics. The for mation of settler commu nities through road, rail and economic practices is directly linked to the oppression of Indigenous Peoples. There is deep ly rooted racism in the political culture of the province. The ongoing settler colonial violence in
Saskatchewan, specifically gender-based violence, is directly rooted in this history of settlement.
Settler colonialism is characterized by the mar ginalization and genocide of Indigenous Peoples who are forcefully sup planted by settlers. The state takes the land from Indigenous nations who had until then thrived and governed themselves, and gives it to those who come to settle and occupy the land. These practices foster the erasure of In digenous society and are inherently violent.
In Canada, we can see the violence of this erasure in a few key mo ments in the settlement of the nation. For exam ple, clauses concerning the surrender of Indige nous land were added to treaties after negotiations
had concluded. Indige nous peoples were then physically marginalized through the reserve system or road allowance communities, as the gov ernment regulated with the intent to eradicate Indigenous languages and cultures through policy, legislation and residen tial schools, often at the behest of churches.
Settler colonial violence in Canada might not be obvious. For example, Canada's reputation as a peaceful nation is built through myth-making based on perceptions of benevolence and sav iourism towards Indige nous Peoples and racially marginalized newcomers.
This national myth positions Indigenous cultures as uncivilized and in need of saving through
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From the eastern shores, Canada has been passing the buck on the continued fishing wars throwing the decision making power to the Department of Fisher ies or worse to the prov inces. Nationally Canada is doubling down on their land take over schemes.
It is not enough that Canada has control of the 99.98 percent of the land in this stolen country! No they are coming for that last .02 percent.
Canada has been pa rading around their new
terminate or assimilate the First Nations people.
Canada despises the Indian reminders. Canada hates looking at the brown faces mired in poverty and etched with intergenera tional trauma lines. Canada hates being made aware of the deplorable living conditions and statistics that are unchanging for the First peoples of this land.
Canada likes to release big announcements like the forty billion being “giv en” in the child and family services area. There will be twenty billion released for the class action for children unnecessarily removed from their homes and for those children that fall within the specific Jor dan’s principle parameters. A further twenty billion is going to reform the child and family welfare system.
rumours in health. Canada was able to ram through Bill C-91 the Indigenous languages Act and Bill C-92, the Child and Family services act with a compli ant national chief. Canada is looking like the Indians like they’re all just one big class action waiting to happen. Canada wants First Nations to give up their Indianness and just be regular Canadians.
Justin Trudeau like his white paper father before him, thinks the best way to get rid of the Indian problem is to legislate their rights out from under them. Justin Trudeau thinks this is fine as long as there is adequate notice and then a handful of traitor Indians go along with all his “best interests” messaging.
There is talk now that
services knows that six hundred bucks might not even cover one visit. How does Canada decide these things?
It almost seems like Canada has been made to look bad, stealing children with child welfare pro grams and after having an nounced the money to be paid out, Canada is going to cut corners elsewhere –notably in health.
Remember Jane Phil pott basically shut down First Nation and Inuit health branch by placing it under the Indigenous services department, before she was booted out of Trudeau’s elite circle of Liberal henchmen and henchwomen. Philpott was responsible for the opening move from the “terminate the Indian” playbook. Act one was to
or community level that these changes were agreed behind closed doors then ratified at the national and regional levels by our “qualified” leadership.
Indian Affairs chiefs and councils get in and try to get up to speed by listening to white lawyers or gov ernment Indians who tell them to take the deals.
What is happening at the Assembly of First Na tions right now? Well since National Chief Roseanne Archibald questioned contracts and payouts, the whole national office seems to have gone into silent mode. Sadly, if Can ada knew that contracts and payouts were happen ing haphazardly, they are complicit in the wrongdo ing. The last information that was publicly available was that former finance or
the initial chief or leader or council who ask for it. Then before anything can be found or reported on, there is an election and since nothing happened during the term of the whistleblowers, they are usually voted out.
You can just see Canada washing their hands of this misspending or “corrup tion” because they set up the terms of reference for the investigation then make the investigation so onerous that chiefs who are trying to get informa tion to their people are being undermined.
Canada wants to “cele brate” or having a national day for truth and reconcil iation. As uncomfortable as it is, Canada is going to have to start laying down more truths or our people are going to have to start
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board will come together on September 30 in a spirit of hope, truth and reconciliation to honour former residential school students and survivors, their families, and communities.
It is essential for all to remember that EVERY CHILD
In the spirit of truth and reconciliation, the City of Brantford stands with Indigenous people in our region and across Canada on September 30 th to remember and honour all of the Indigenous children that attended residential schools in Canada. Every Child Matters.
The City supports the Survivors’ Secretariat in their efforts to uncover, document and share the truth about what happened at the Mohawk Institute Residential School during its 136 years of operation. Learn more about their work and how to get involved by visiting www.survivorssecretariat.ca
On Orange Shirt Day we honour the First Nations children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada and we learn more about the history of those schools.
“Today, we raise awareness of the individual, family and community inter-generational impacts of residential schools, and to promote the concept of “Every Child Matters”. I urge everyone to learn more about the legacy of residential schools and to play a role in reconciliation.”
The County of Brant joins in wearing orange to commemorate lives lost and to honour the survivors of the residential school system.Mayor of the County of Brant, David Bailey
The Niagara Peninsula watershed is situated within the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, Attiwonderonk (Neutral), and the Anishinaabeg, including the Mississaugas of the Credit—many of whom continue to live and work here today.
In observation of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority will be closed to provide staff the time and opportunity to learn about Indigenous experiences and support cultural change.
We recognize the importance of engaging in learning activities to raise awareness and understanding of the devastating impact of Canada’s residential school system. This is a vital part of our commitment to shared stewardship of natural resources and to expand our knowledge of Indigenous culture and history in the watershed.
The Metis Nation of On tario is asking for recogni tion of Metis survivors of residential schools as the country prepares to mark the second annual National Day of Truth and Reconcili ation on Sept. 30.
The MNO says due to in complete records, conflict ing regulations and inaccu rate status accounts, Métis peoples have regularly been omitted from the Res
idential School narrative and that it is impossible to know exactly how many Métis children attended residential schools.
There are several points to consider when reflect ing on this history, includ ing:
-it is historic fact that Métis children attended residential schools.
-even during periods when the Federal Govern ment sought to ban Métis children from residential schools, church leaders continued to recruit Métis students.
-provincial governments and school boards were often unwilling to build schools in Métis com munities or allow them to attend public schools, resulting in many Métis children being sent to these institutions as a last resort for an education.
-from the 1950s onwards, many Métis chil dren attended residential schools that were operated by provincial governments in northern and remote areas.
-the Federal Govern ment’s position on ac
cepting Métis students was caught between an unwillingness to pay for education and a fear that if they didn’t attend these schools, they would never be assimilated. As a result, students would often go undocumented.
According to the Canadian Encyclopedia, governments and churches debated about whether Metis children should be permitted to attend resi dential schools.
Admission and dis charge of Metis students was influenced by the
location and religious de nomination of the school, and whether parents could contribute tuition funds or work in place of funds.
Metis survivors have shared accounts of feeling like outsiders in the resi dential school experience.
When the historic Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement was announced in 2005, it was limited to federally funded schools and many Metis survivors did not receive compensation under the settlement.
Many Metis people also
said they felt like outsiders in the Truth and Reconcil iation hearings that took place from 2008 to 2015, although some did partici pate and provide input on their experiences.
The TRC noted, based on accounts from Metis survivors, that they felt excluded and even dis criminated against by other residential school students.
A few books have been written to bring attention to the Metis experience in residential schools.
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Orange Shirt Day, and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, are both recognized on September 30. It is a day where the children who were sent to residential schools in Canada are honoured and we learn more about the true histo ry behind those schools.
In Canada, the Indian residential school system was a network of boarding schools for Indigenous peoples. Attendance was mandatory from 1894 to 1947 and the last resi dential school closed in 1996. The network was funded by the Canadian government’s Depart ment of Indian Affairs and administered by Christian
“Two primary objec tives of the residential schools’ system were to remove and isolate chil dren from the influence of their home, families, traditions and cultures, and to assimilate into the dominant culture,” reads “An Overview of the Indian Residential School System” on anishnabek.ca. It is estimated that more than 150,000 Indigenous, Inuit, and Métis children attended Indian residen tial school.
Where did the idea of wearing an orange shirt in support come from and how did the day become a holiday?
Phyllis Webstad was given an orange shirt by her grandmother for her very first day of school at St. Joseph’s Mission res
idential school in British Columbia. The “orange shirt” in Orange Shirt Day refers to that shirt. When Phyllis got to school, her clothes were taken away, including her new or ange shirt that was never returned. Phyllis told CBC news that the colour or ange has always reminded her of her experiences at residential school, saying, “How my feelings didn’t matter, how no one cared and I felt like I was worth nothing. All of us little children were crying and no one cared.”
Phyllis wants to convey the message that every child matters — every day. She started Orange Shirt Day in 2013 to educate people about residential schools and to fight bully ing and racism.
The orange shirt is
now used as a symbol of the forced assimilation of Indigenous children that the residential school system enforced. The day was made into a statutory holiday by the Parliament of Canada in 2021.
According to the Ca nadian Encyclopedia, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission issued its report in December 2015. It stated that residen tial schools represented cultural genocide. It stated 94 Calls to Action, and among them was the es tablishment of a national holiday to commemorate the horrors of the schools and to help in healing.
In March 2019, the House of Commons passed a bill designating Sept. 30 as an annual Na tional Truth and Reconcil iation Day.
Giant Tiger announced a new collaboration with national Indigenous charity Indspire to create an orange shirt to help spread awareness for Na tional Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
Designed by two-spirit Ojibway artist Patrick Hunter, the custom shirt is available now at Giant Tiger stores and online at GiantTiger.com, with 100 per cent of proceeds from the sale of the shirts donated to Indspire.
“There are many steps on the path towards reconciliation,” said Indspire's President and CEO Mike DeGagné. “From building relationships to reducing barriers, it is an ever-changing and par ticipatory action, and we value partners like Giant Tiger for walking this path with us to improve educational access for Indigenous learners.”
Indspire invests in the education of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people for the long-term benefit of these individuals, their families and communi ties and Canada. With the support of its fund
ing partners across the country, Indspire provides financial awards, delivers programs, and shares resources so that Indige nous students will achieve their highest potential.
“The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation opens the door to create a meaningful discussion about the effects residen tial schools have left on Indigenous communities and Giant Tiger wants to help Canadians spread awareness and participate in that dialogue,” said Aar on Wade, director, brand and customer communi cations, Giant Tiger. “To do this, we are proud to partner with Indspire and Patrick Hunter to create a shirt that is easily acces sible to families, while directing funds to create a lasting and tangible differ ence in the communities that we call home.”
Best known for his painting in the woodland art style, Hunter special izes in fine and digital art work and designs from his Ojibway roots, with the intent to create a broader awareness of Indigenous culture and iconography.
“What I love about this collaboration is that we are paying respect to residential school survi vors and also ensuring
the success of future generations,” said Hunter. “By wearing orange on September 30, the main stream culture and our communities are showing support by acknowledging and validating the trauma survivors had to endure as children and with a sin gular voice saying, never again.”
Giant Tiger is a long-standing partner of Indspire, supporting three programs through its Charitable Giving Fund, donating a total of $75,000 per year. The pro grams include, Indspire's annual Soaring: Indige nous Youth Empowerment Gathering; Indspire's Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards (BBF) pro gram, which is a bursary, scholarship and awards program for Indigenous youth in Giant Tiger communities; and Rivers to Success, an Indige nous student mentorship program that supports students as they graduate and become the leaders of tomorrow.
For more informa tion on Indspire and the custom-designed shirts, please visit www.giantti ger.com/truth-and-recon ciliation.
September 30, 2022 is the second annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. All Canadians have a role to play in the process of reconciliation.
The Law Society hosted its second program in a series of Indigenous events this year focused on Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. This event featured teachings from Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers, and insights from academics and members of the legal professions with a focus on reconciliation.
To watch the archived webcast, please visit the Law Society’s CPD Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Requirement page
Stay up to date on upcoming events by visiting the Law Society’s Events page
Equity Legal Education Series Every Child Matters became known as the slogan for the Orange Shirt Day grassroots movement started back in 2013. In 2021, the federal government began a National Day for Truth and Reconcil liation on the same day. TRT Designed by two-spirit Ojibway artist Patrick Hunter (pictured), the custom shirt is available at Giant Tiger stores and online, with 100 per cent of proceeds from the sale of the shirts donated to Ind spire. SUBMITTEDA new book aimed at pre-schoolers explaining the origins of Orange Shirt Day is hitting best-seller lists in Canada, less than a month into its release.
And the book is available just in time for Orange Shirt Day this Friday (Sept. 30) which is now also National Day for Truth and Recon ciliation, a federal holiday created last year to honour the memory of residential school survivors in Canada.
With Our Orange Hearts is a gentle, yet powerful in troduction into some of the feelings connected to the Or ange Shirt Day movement.
There’s sadness, grief and reflection but the book highlights the importance of sharing the orange shirt day story.
Orange Shirt Day, with the slogan Every Child Matters, began in 2013 by residential school survivor Phyllis Webstad.
She was seven years when she got a new orange shirt from her grandma, which was promptly removed and thrown away when she arrived for classes at the nearby residential school she attended in 1974.
Teddy (Yéił S’aaghí) An derson, founder of Medicine Wheel Publishing, which published the book, said the response has been over whelming so far.
“It’s hitting best seller lists,” he said. “It’s pretty exciting.”
It has reached number six in Canada on book manager.com and was the number on book in British Columbia last week.
“It’s crazy,” said An derson. “We had a huge response. It’s wild.”
The book is aimed at audiences aged three to six-years-old and is the fifth book they’ve released cover ing Orange Shirt Day.
“We’re a full-fledged publisher. We focus on Indigenous content. There’s lots of stuff for people of any age group.”
By focusing on a younger demographic, “we’re trying to plant a seed of reconcilia tion of what does a threeyear-old or six-year-old need to start that process?”
The book is illustrated by Indigenous artist Emily Kewageshig.
He expects hard copies of the book to be sold out this week.
But people can order copies of the book online from their website or at large retailers online like Amazon and Chapters.
“With Our Orange Hearts focus a lot on feelings,” said Anderson.
The proceeds of the pub lishing company’s books go back to supporting Orange Shirt Society.
Anderson said the book is perfect for people, “who want to engage in meaning ful conversations with their little ones around Orange Shirt Day…it’s a beautiful way to talk about difficult topics. And we think our book does that. Reconcilia tion can start at any age.”
Currently, there are 36 former Indian Residential Schools being searched for unmarked graves. Accord ing to the TTC, a total of 139 Indian Residential School sites are scattered across Canada. That means just 25% or one-quarter of the former residential school sites have investigations underway.
According to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission — there are 3213 documented instances of indigenous children who died at residential schools.
One third of the deaths on record did not note the student’s name, one-quarter were not identified by gender and in half the instances the cause of death was not noted.
The TRC estimates that due to a lack of reporting of indigenous children deaths the estimated number of children who died while attending residential schools is closer to 6000.
This would seem to ring true. Currently the 2207 graves uncovered would account for 68% of the children who died at residential schools. With only a quarter of schools with investigations underway and just 11% of those reporting graves discovered — it is clear that the math, the evidence, and the documented history are not adding up.
The following schools have reported graves discovered since 2021:
Kamloops Indian Residential School in Kamloops, British Columbia – 215
Brandon Indian Residential School in Brandon, Manitoba – 104 Marieval Indian Residential School in Marieval, Saskatchewan –751
Kootenay Island Residential School in Cranbrook/Ktunaxa First Nation, British Columbia – 182.
Kuper Island Indian Residential School in Penelakut Island, British Columbia – 160.
St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School in Williams Lake, British Columbia- 93.
St. Philips Indian Residential School in Kamsack, Saskatchewan –12.
Fort Pelly Residential School in Fort Pelly, Saskatchewan – 42. Grouard/St. Bernard’s Residential School in Grouard, Alberta –169.
George Gordon Indian Residential School in Punnichy, Saskatche wan – 14.
The following schools have announced investigations are under way.
Shubenacadie Residential School north of Halifax, Nova Scotia. A previous search of the school grounds identified no graves on site. They are investigating oral history to determine which other sites associated with the school should be examined to find unmarked graves.
Mohawk Institute at Six Nations of the Grand River, Ontario. Mount Elgin at Munceytown, Ontario.
Pelican Lake Residential School at Pelican Falls (Lac Seul First Nation) in Northern Ontario.
Grassy Narrows First Nation is searching the Macintosh Residential School site near Vermilion Bay.
Garden River First Nation is investigating the Wawanosh Home for Girls.
St. Mary’s Indian Residential School is being investigated by the Wauzhuskh Onigum Nation.
Fort Alexander Indian Residential School is being investigated by the Sakeeng First Nation. They are also investigating sexual abuse at the school as well as a grounds search.
The Dakota Tipi First Nations is investigating five former schools: Portage la Prairie, Sandy Bay, Assiniboia, Brandon and Fort Alex ander.
St. Micheal’s at Duck Lake, Saskatchewan.
Battleford Industrial School in Battleford, Saskatchewan. That school has 107 recorded deaths. The search began there along with another search at the nearby Delmas Catholic Residential School (Thunderchild) led by the Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs.
All-Saints – Lac La Ronge at Lac La Ronge, Saskatchewan.
Beauval Residential School outside Beauval, Saskatchewan.
Lebret Indian Residential School, also known as Qu’appelle, St. Paul’s, and Whitecalf. The Star Blanket Cree Nation is beginning a search there.
Holy Angels Residential School in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta began in March 2022.
Edmonton – St. Albert Youville Residential School near St. Albert, Alberta. They are looking at two sites around school and Metis River.
Lesser Slave Lake at Lesser Slave Lake, Alberta.
The Tseshaht First Nation is searching the Alberni Indian Residen tial School in British Columbia.
Christie Indian Residential School had two locations: Tofino and Opisat, British Columbia. The Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation has begin searching there.
Ahousaht Residential School in Ahousaht, British Columbia. The Sto:lo Nation is investigating the Coqualeetza (Sardis), St.Mary’s (Mission) and All Hallows (Yale) residential schools that operated on their territory. As well as Coqualeetza Indian Hospital site.
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This activity is open to everyone, all ages and abilities. You can colour in the lines, or out of the lines, even add you own elements to the design. The goal is to use and enjoy your own gift of creativity
After you’ve finished your design please take a photo of it and either:
A. Email it to: info@seeingred6nations com by Thurs Oct 6 at 5pm
NIÁ:WEN TO ALL OF Mon Fri. If you choose this option please include your contact information with your entry.
B. Post it on your Facebook or Instagram and tag @seeingred6nations by Thurs. Oct 6 at 5pm
C. Drop it off byThurs. Oct 6 at 5pm at Jukasa Studio front desk, Sixth Line and Cayuga Rd. 9 5
We will do a draw for prizes on Monday October 10 at Noon, live on Seeing Red 6Nations Facebook page (we’re not going to judge anyone’s art but prizes are still fun right! :)
By entering this contest you agree that Seeing Red 6Nations and Group of Six can share your entry on their Social Media If you have any questions please email info@seeingred6nations com
"At the start of August, a group of young artists called the Group of Six, from Six Nations, met in a grove of hickory trees. They were starting a new project that would be guided by what reconciliation means in Indig enous communities, among Indigenous people. They read the 94 Calls to Action from the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Final Report This report documents the legacy of Canada’s residential school system The ‘Calls’ from the report are directed to the departments, organizations and institutions that historically implemented a series of assimilation policies that Indigenous communities continue to heal from. This group of young artists concluded that they did no t see themselves in any of the Calls to Action, so they wrote their own.
We call our collective, continual experience intergenerational healing as we proceed toward intergenerational wellness We will be guided by our own calls to action We call upon all young people to use your creativity, talents, and gifts to contribute to intergenerational healing and intergenerational wellness."
To learn more about their work and their Calls to Action visit the Group of Six facebook page If you would like a PDF copy of their book, please contact them through messenger at Group of Six.
1831 — Mohawk Indian Residential School opens in Brantford, Ontario.
1876 — The Indian Act is enacted giving Government the exclusive right to create legislation regarding Indians and Indian lands.This Act identifies who is an Indian and establishes related legal rights.
1883 — Sir John A. Macdonald authorizes the creation of residential schools in the Canadian West. Sir Hector Langevin, Secre tary of State for the Provinces tells Parliament: “In order to educate the children properly we must separate them from their families. Some people may say this is hard, but if we want to civilize them we must do that.”
1885 — Amendment to the Indian Act – traditional Indian ceremonies, such as potlatches and the Sun Dance, are prohibited.
1907 — Medical Inspector for Indian Affairs, Dr. P.H. Bryce, reports that health conditions in residential schools are a “national crime.”
1920 — Duncan Campbell Scott, Deputy Superintendent of Indian Affairs, makes residential school attendance compulsory for children between the ages of 7 and 15.
1951 — Major revisions are made to the Indian Act – women are allowed to participate in band democracy, prohibitions on tradi tional Aboriginal practices and ceremonies are removed.
1958 — Indian Affairs regional inspectors recommend the abolition of residential schools
1961 — Amendment to the Indian Act – Status Indians can vote without having to give up their status.
1982 — The Constitution Act is amended and now recognizes and affirms the rights of “Indian, Inuit, and Métis peoples of Canada.”
1986-1994 — The United Church, the Catholic Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, the Anglican Church, and the Presbyterian Church all issue formal apologies for their participation in the residential school system.
1996 — The Final Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples is released. It calls for a public inquiry into the effects of residential schools on generations of Aboriginal peoples.
1996-1998 — Class action law suits begin to appear, including those headed by Willie Blackwater and Nora Bernard.
2005 — Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine announces a class action lawsuit against the Government of Canada over the legacy of the residential schools.
2008 — Prime Minister Stephen Harper apologizes to First Nations, Inuit and Métis for the residential school system.
2009 — As part of the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement (IRSSA), the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is launched and hosts events all across the country to listen to Canadians who want to share their residential school stories.
EDMONTON — The smell of burning sage filled the banquet hall of an Edmon ton hotel Wednesday as Indigenous elders, youth and women wearing colourful ribbon skirts lis tened to presenters at the first National Gathering on Unmarked Burials.
Reports from two days of sessions included informa tion about archives, search technology and protecting burial sites.
Indigenous community members, federal minis ters, and Catholic Church representatives responded to the reports with poten tial next steps.
Kimberly Murray, special interlocutor for missing children and unmarked burials, called for an In digenous-led investigation process that would follow Indigenous practices and protocols. This would act similarly to community, coroner and police investi gations.
``The work of recovery can be done in ways that re
spect Indigenous protocols and respects and honours the family, children, sur vivors and communities,'' said Murray.
One of the themes was pushing to get institutions like churches and universi ties to have records readily available for families of residential school victims.
``I encourage all those institutions to actually look in their archives and do the work, and not sit back,'' she said.
Rev. Carmen Lansdowne, a representative of the Unit ed Church of Canada who is a member of Heiltsuk First Nation in British Columbia, teared up while addressing her conflicting relationship with residential schools and the church.
Lansdowne's grandfa ther attended St. Michael's residential school in Alert Bay for 12 years. When revisiting the trauma, he went into a coma for three months.
``It is a very mixed blessing to be the spiritu al leader and the public representative of a church
that operated residential schools,'' said Lansdowne.
Murray was appointed earlier this year to work with Indigenous communi ties to help them search for unmarked burial sites.
She said her office will hold another gathering in Winnipeg in November and one in Vancouver in January.
Many investigations are being done at former residential schools across Canada following the discovery last year of what are believed to be 215 un marked graves at a former school site in Kamloops, B.C.
An estimated 150,000 Indigenous children were forced to attend residential schools in Canada.
The Truth and Recon ciliation Commission has documented stories from survivors and families detailing mistreatment at the schools, including emo tional, physical and sexual abuse. It said there were at least 4,100 deaths at the institutions.
WINNIPEG — The ex periences of residential school survivors are woven together with First Nations, Inuit and Metis teachings and traditional art forms that were stripped from students in the design of a new commemorative coin unveiled at a special cere mony Thursday.
The Royal Canadian Mint teamed up with the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, Indige nous artists and survivors to create a keepsake that acknowledges the truths and traumas behind the residential school system.
``For far too long, the terrible harms committed by the residential school system were not shared. The children (were) made to feel ashamed ? they were ignored,'' said Stephanie Scott, executive director of the centre.
``This keepsake acknowl edges the truth. More than that, it does so through the voices and the vision of the survivors themselves.''
Sikoak and Metis artist JD Hawk. The trio consulted survivors.
Eugene Arcand said working with the designers and the Mint gave survi vors the space to share their truths without fear of embarrassment, shame or blame.
Arcand is Cree from Muskeg Lake First Nation in Saskatchewan. He spent a total of 11 years attend ing the St. Michael Indian Residential School and the St. Paul's Lebret Students Residence in Saskatchewan.
The discovery of what are believed to be 215 un marked graves at a former school site in Kamloops, B.C., last year woke up the country to the atrocities Indigenous children and their families faced, said Arcand.
``For years we'd been sharing our stories, and nobody believed us. The 215 validated that we were telling the truth. We can never forget that.''
On one of side of the coin, ``Every Child Matters'' is written in English and French. Footprints appear on each side, representing ancestors walking with younger generations. In the centre, orange handprints form the shape of a sun.
The three artists created a collection of symbolic ele ments that form an expres sion of Indigenous cultures and perspectives on the other side of the coin.
Traditional tattoo line work, the northern lights and an ulu, a curved knife used in the North, repre sent Inuit.
The Metis sash, floral beadwork and a bison rep resent the Metis Nation.
A teepee, two women holding a cradle board, or tikanagan, and the sun are used to represent First Nations rights, culture and teachings.
LEFT: The Royal Cana dian Mint has issued commemorative coins to mark the National Day for Truth and Reconcil iation, with artwork by three indigenous artists.
The two-sided coin, which can be displayed or worn, was designed collab oratively by Cree artist Leti cia Spence, Inuk artist Jason
He said the release of the keepsake, a little more than a week before the second annual l National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, is part of a larger push to educate the public and help heal intergenerational
Spence, who is from Pimicikamak Cree Na tion, said she drew on her grandmother's experiences of being raised by a family member in her design: ``That idea of matriarchal love, and the love that a child feels.''
On September 30th, the team at St. Leonard’s Community Services will wear our orange shirts to honour those who survived residential schools, to remember all those who didn’t, and to pay our respect for their families and communities. This National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is a time to reflect on a dark chapter in Canada’s history.
It is by shedding light on those darkest passages that we learn from the past and move forward towards a brighter future. We stand in solidarity with our First Nations brothers and sisters. Because, the truth matters, reconciliation matters, and of course, every child matters.
Grand Erie recognizes National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a day to remember, honour the healing journeys of residential school survivors and their families, and to demonstrate a commitment to the processes of reconciliation.
The day recognizes the resilience of Indigenous peoples and communities and provides an opportunity for all people in Canada to engage in discussions or provide acknowledgement and support in addressing the brutal legacy of the residential school system.
Grand Erie schools across the district will be recognizing Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day with learning experiences and events.
Follow us on Twitter @GEDSB to see what Grand Erie is doing to support Truth and Reconciliation
349 Erie Avenue, Brantford, Ontario, N3T 5V3
Telephone: 519-756-6301
Toll Free: 1-888-548-8878
Follow and join the conversation
Email: info@granderie.ca
on Twitter and
on Instagram
Indigenous-led program ming situated in nature, from September 23 to September 25.
The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, Kakekalanicks Consulting, and Niagara Folk Arts Festival were pleased to welcome more than a hundred guests to Ball’s Falls Conservation Area for the first Annual “Reawakening All Our Relations” event featuring
The event kicked off on Friday with a 360 Story Walk from 6-8 p.m. This guided twilight Two-Row nature walk was led by lo cal Elder Dave Labbé who shared his knowledge of the natural world, history, and ecology of the forest, alongside outdoor educa tors who shared concepts from Western ecological
perspectives. The evening opened with smudging and closed in a circle with reflection at the fireside.
On Saturday, guests participated in an interac tive workshop, “Cultural
Roots of Lacrosse and Values of Stick Making” and engaged in meaning ful dialogue in a space of mutual understand ing. The night ended with Indigenous Stories by the
Fire, where Elders, artists, Indigenous youth singers, dancers, and storytellers engaged the audience in powerful stories, interac tive dances, and reflection.
Due to weather, Sun
day’s program was rescheduled for Sunday, October 16 at 3:30 p.m. Tickets are still available for purchase. Find out more at npca.ca/events.
Dreamcatcher Charitable Foundation is honoured to be the chosen as the official charity for the 1st Indigenous Provincial Golf Championship.
It was a privilege to be a part of the 2-day event, that showcased over 90 golfers, representing 41 Ontario First Nation communities. Congratu lations to all participants and tournament winners. Also, a big congratulations to tournament coordina tors, staff, and volunteers for running a successful event.
Thank you Golf Ontario and MontHill Golf and Country Club for the gen erous $30,000 donation to our foundation, with incredible donations like this we are able to assist more Indigenous youth, families and communities in pursuit of their dreams.
Dreamcatcher Charitable Foundation
Friday is the second annu al National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, also known as Orange Shirt Day.
The federal government made Sept. 30 a statutory holiday for its workers and federally regulated workplaces last year. And
it is up to each province and territory to decide whether to also make it an statutory holiday for workers in their gov ernments, schools and businesses.
Here is what they are doing: British Columbia
Similar to last year, B.C. has advised public sector employers, including those in public schools, that the day should be
observed as a statutory holiday by those who are normally entitled to federal and provincial stats. Essential services will operate as normal. The province has consult ed with residential school survivors, Indigenous partners and communi ties about creating a new holiday, and is seeking input from employers and employees. The province has said that the earliest changes can be made under the Employment Standards Act would be for 2023.
• live or own property in Guelph,
are a Canadian citizen, and
are over 18 years old this October
1. At advanced polls anywhere in Guelph October 8–10 and 14–16
In your ward on Election Day, October 24
Register to vote by mail at guelph.ca/vote by 4 p.m. on October 14
Alberta Alberta has left it up to employers to implement it as a statutory holiday. A spokesman with Indige nous Relations, Ted Bauer, says the province has chosen to commemorate the day through education and action, as work is being done to create a res idential school monument and garden. The United Nurses of Alberta has said Alberta Health Services told it to recognize the day as a named holiday after the union filed a griev ance.
Saskatchewan Saskatchewan says it is not considering additional statutory holidays at this time. Matthew Glover, di rector of media relations with the government, says Sept. 30 will continue to
be an important day for reflection, recognition and an opportunity for all cit izens to learn more about the legacy of residential schools.
The Manitoba govern ment is observing the day for a second year, while discussions continue about making it a statu tory holiday. Schools and non-essential government services and offices will be closed. The province says it is consulting with Indigenous and labour groups.
Sept. 30 is not a stat utory holiday in Ontario. Schools will be open and operating as usual. Erika Robson, a spokesperson for Minister of Indigenous Affairs Greg Rickford, says the day is a time for schools, workplaces and communities to honour those affected by the leg acy of residential school policies, and is similar to how Remembrance Day is observed across the province.
They day is not a stat utory holiday in Quebec. Last year, the government said it had no plans to make it one.
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia will be observing the day for a second year in a row.
Provincial government of fices, public schools, regu lated childcare and other non-essential public ser vices will be closed. Busi nesses have the choice to remain open. The day is not a general paid holi day. The government is in discussions with Mi'kmaw leaders and communities, as well as businesses and organizations, on how best to honour the day in the future.
New Brunswick
The province recently declared Sept. 30 a pro vincial holiday. All essen tial services, including health care, will continue to be delivered. The holi day is optional for private sector businesses.
Prince Edward Island P.E.I. said last year it would recognize the day. It is one of eight paid holidays in the province under the Employment Standards Act. Provincial government offices and schools will close.
Newfoundland and Labrador
The government says consultations continue with Indigenous gov ernments and organiza tions and the business and labour sector about making the day a public holiday under the Labour Standards Act. For now, provincial government offices, schools and other
entities will be closed. The province is encouraging businesses and other or ganizations to commemo rate the day.
The territory an nounced last month that changes had been made to the Labour Standards Act, Legislation Act and Public Service Act to make the day a statutory holiday, which applies to public service employees and those with territorially regulated businesses.
Northwest Territories N.W.T. amended the Employment Standards Act in the summer to add the day to its list of statutory holidays to be observed annually begin ning this year.
The territory surveyed members of public, First Nations, businesses and other groups to get feedback on what the day should look like. It says support was mixed for making it a statutory holiday. The government says it is continuing con sultations but the earliest Sept. 30 could become a stat would be next year. This year, the territory is observing the day and Yu kon government employ ees will not be required to work. Schools will be closed.
NORWAY HOUSE CREE NATION- An Indigenous community in northern Manitoba is set to begin its search for any un marked graves on the grounds of two former residential school sites.
Norway House Cree Nation is working with engineering firm Stantec to conduct the search.
Chief Larson Anderson says in a release that it is necessary to proceed with the project so the residen tial school survivors and their families can move on in their healing journeys.
The community had two residential schools _ one run by the Methodist
Missionary Society of Can ada and one by the Roman Catholic Mission.
A sacred fire was lit Sunday on the First Nationand is to remain lit until the ground search begins Thursday.
David Swanson, a councillor in Norway House, says the commu nity has been waiting in anticipation for its search to start since last spring, when what are believed to be 215 unmarked graves were found at a former school site in Kamloops, B.C.
The search at Norway House is scheduled to begin with a traditional ceremony including a blessing of the land.
Leadership in the community are to present the scope of the work
with timelines and answer questions from members.
Counsellors from the community's health division will be on hand to help anyone who may be affected by the search.
The National Centre for Truth and Reconcili ation says the Methodist Missionary Society began operating the Rossville School in 1899. The build ing burned down in 1913 and a replacement school was opened the following year.
A young boy was badly frozen and lost several toes when he ran away from the school in the winter of 1907 because of physical abuse, the centre has documented.
More than three decades later, the school burned down again. It was
replaced in 1954.
The residence was converted to a day school in 1967, when the proper ty was transferred to the provincial government.
The centre has docu mented 13 students who died while being forced to attend the school.
The second school was originally known as Jack River Annex and was funded as part of the Cross Lake School. It was run by the Roman Catholic Mission at Norway House.
The facility was direct ly funded in 1960 and became known as the Notre Dame Hostel until 1967, when the commu nity signed an agreement with the Frontier School Division for operation of the school.
The Canadian Museums Association is calling for legislation, money and a cohesive national strategy to support Indigenous-led reconciliation in the muse um sector.
The association detailed the work needed in a re port released Tuesday that includes 10 recommenda tions to help spur Indige nous self-determination at every level of a museum's operations.
``Moved to Action: Acti vating UNDRIP in Muse ums'' urges legislation to support the repatriation of Indigenous belongings and remains of ancestors, and dedicated funding for the repatriation process. It was funded by the Heritage Department and responds to a call by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to review museum policies.
Pointing to her sector's deep legacy of coloniza tion, association president Heather George said our understanding of history is richer when Indigenous Peoples have authority over how they are repre sented.
Still, she recognized there is uncertainty in some institutions over how to go about talking to communities about ar tifacts that have a painful history: ``fears of doing it wrong, fears of hurting people.''
There are also fears that it will gut collections, she acknowledged, but she noted there are many ways to address conten tious Indigenous material without entirely remov ing them from the public sphere, such as by creating a replica for the museum.
But delaying action risks ongoing harm, cautioned George, whose family on her father's side is Mohawk.
``There is a cost to inac tion,'' said George, curator of Indigenous history with the Canadian Museum of History and a guest curator at the Woodland Cultural Centre on the site of a former residential school, the Mohawk Insti tute, in Brantford, Ont.
``All the way, all along, Indigenous folks have been saying part of our healing and part of our dealing with the realities of colonization is having access to our material culture and our knowledge and bringing all those pieces back together.''
The report also lists 30 ways that museums can support decolonization, including by recognizing that Indigenous Peoples have intellectual sover eignty over all material created by or about them and by developing hiring policies that take Indig enous knowledge and experience into account.
A key step, says the report, is for museums to adopt ``meaningful Indig
enous governance with decision-making author ity, not simply advisory bodies.'' When items are repatriated, Indigenous rights holders must deter mine how best to care for them.
George said she's opti mistic that at least the rec ommendation for federal legislation is nigh, pointing to Bill C-15 _ the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peo ples Act, which received royal assent in June 2021. The bill requires the feder al government to prepare an action plan to achieve the objectives of UNDRIP within two years, or June 21, 2023.
Victoria-based artist Lou-Ann Neel, who served
on a ``reconciliation council'' that guided the CMA research, said the findings come after other studies have already is sued similar pleas. But she bemoaned the relatively little action to address ill-obtained material and repair Indigenous ties.
Necessary, too, is more information about the scope of what, exactly, museums have in their possession — legiti mate and otherwise, she added, recounting her shock years ago to stum ble across commercially sold carvings by her great-great-grandfather Charlie James and her grandmother Ellen Neel in a Victoria museum.
At the time, she
knew nothing about the long-standing artistic tradition behind them, she said, and has since heard similar stories of Indigenous people feeling disconnected from the work and lives of their ancestors.
``So much got taken that families didn't even know what they were looking for because they didn't know what was missing, because they never got to hear about it in the first place,'' said Neel, originally from Alert Bay, B.C.
``A lot of what happens is people will go in search under the current name of their tribe, and they'll find 10 to 15 other ways that their tribal name was spelled. So that's also a
The report traces a ``collecting frenzy'' through the 1800s and early 1900s that included sacred cultural belongings, burial items and human remains. The brunt of those actions are still felt today, said Neel.
``Some of the things that arrived in museums were done very legitimately or purchased or donated,'' Neel acknowledged.
``(But) we've got things that are sitting in there that are 100 years old that have no business sitting in the museum.''
The CMA represents more than 2,700 museums that range from small, vol unteer-led organizations to national institutions.
SYRACUSE — The Thompson Brothers will hold their second annu al Golf Tournament on Saturday, October 1, at the Bellevue Country Club in Syracuse, NY. The antici pated fund-raising event will support the mission of the Thompsons’ 4 The Future Foundation.
In 2020 the four Thompson Brothers, Lyle, Jeremy, Hiana and Miles launched the 4 The Future Foundation (4TFF) where sports meets culture, a charitable organization with a mission to share the roots and values of the Creators game of Lacrosse with diverse communities through pro gramming that inspires and encourages health
and wellness, education, youth leadership and honouring the natural world. Some programs that are put together by the 4TFF includes stick
and equipment grants, lacrosse clinics, programs and more. The Thomp son Brothers hope that 4TFF will be a way to give back to both Indigenous
and underserved youth, their communities and to the future generations to come. The annual golf tournament is a fun way to support a good cause
that will help to inspire and lead youth through the game of Lacrosse and more.
Last year the tourna ment hosted 112 golfers with an additional 50 people joining in the celebration. There was a silent auction with many Thompson-themed items to bid on and entertain ment by the fabulous Ripcords. This year the Foundation hopes to fill the course with 144 golf ers for an 18-hole scram ble with cash prizes for the top two foursomes.
“We’re excited to build off the success of not only our inaugural golf outing but the work that the Thompsons are doing in communities around the country to lift young peo ple through the power of lacrosse,” said Scott Marr, who is also the Event Chair. “The golf outing
gives us an opportunity to spread our message and enjoy the day with new and old friends.”
Nike prizes will be awarded for men's and women's longest drive, closest to pin and best dressed foursome. All golf ers will receive a gift bag with polo, hat, golf balls and more. UAlbany Coach Scott Marr will again serve as the event chair and the Ripcords will be back to perform after the dinner buffet.
Participantes that join in this October will be able to meet the Thomp son brothers and other Lacrosse players while supporting a cause that allows our youth, commu nities and future genera tions the opportunity to unearth their courage and passions to achieve their dreams.
PHILADELPHIA – The National Lacrosse League (@NLL) today announced on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 the largest schedule in its history.
With 135 games for the 2022-23 regular season, the schedule will get underway with Face-off Weekend on December 2-3, 2022. The NLL’s 36th year opens with six games, three matchups in Canada and three in the U.S., as part of a 22-week sched ule through April 29. Fans can view the entire slate online.
Face Off Weekend will include two TSN Game of the Week contests on Friday, December 2 will see the Philadelphia Wings versus the Halifax Thun derbirds, at 6 p.m. ET, and Saturday, December 3 will see the Vancouver War riors versus the Toronto Rock at 5 p.m. ET. All 135
games during the regular season are available on ESPN+ and through TSN’s platforms, including TSN. ca and the TSN app. The complete national broad cast schedules for TSN and ESPN and the League’s playoff schedule will be announced in the coming weeks.
“Our fans have been ea gerly anticipating Face-off Weekend since our sensa tional Final’s series capped an incredible season and playoffs in the spring,” said NLL Commissioner Brett Frood. “We expect that the passionate fan bases at the six venues opening the 2022-23 regular season will pillar momentum for the rest of the year, and the broad reach of TSN and ESPN ensures that fans across North America can join in the celebration.”
The Las Vegas Desert Dogs, the NLL’s 15th and newest franchise, will open on Week 2 at Panther City, and will play their inaugu ral home game on Friday, December 16, at Michelob
ULTRA Arena. The game at Las Vegas will be televised on ESPN2 at 10:30pm ET. The defending champi on Colorado Mammoth will hoist their 2022 NLL Championship banner on Saturday, January 7, 2023, against the Calgary Rough necks.
Some other highlights of the 2022-23 NLL schedule include: Four other Face Off Weekend games will be contested on December 3, including the Albany Fire Wolves at Buffalo Bandits, San Diego Seals at New York Riptide, Rochester Knighthawks at Georgia Swarm and defending champion Colorado Mammoth at Saskatche wan Rush: Each team will play 18 games (nine home and nine away) over the 22 weeks, there are five weeks in which all 15 NLL teams will be in action (Week 9, Jan. 27-28; Week 10, Feb. 3-4; Week 16, March 17-19; Week 17, March 24-25, Week 18, March 31-April 2).
know the score.Participantes that join in this October will be able to meet the Thompson brothers and other La crosse players while supporting a cause that allows our youth, communities and future generations the opportunity to unearth their courage and passions to achieve their dreams. FILE MINNESOTA— Ashley Nichols, Chippewa of the Thames First Nation, was submitted in the first round by Jaqueline Amorim, who was set to defend her LFA Strawweight Championship for the first time. Amorim’s title fight victory headlined LFA 142, which took place from the Mystic Lake Casino Hotel in Prior Lake, Minnesota, USA. Amorim used an armbar against Nichols during the first round, mov ing into the submission after being in the full mount and Nichols tapped due to the risky nature of the hold. Amorim took Nichols down halfway through the first round, but despite her performance on Friday ending within a round, the bout is now her longest appearance as a pro. Her previous five wins all came in under two minutes, with the shortest bout lasting just 10 seconds. Amorim became champion earlier this year, submitting Loveth Young in the first round of a fight via kneebar. Nichols is now the 6th ranked of 31 active Canada-based women fighters, pound for pound. She took to Instagram to write: “continuing to walk forward in supreme devotion and trust towards the not yet manifested. Grateful for those who still believe.”
crosse, Knott found a new way to shine.
Deacan Knott is one of many determined to make it to the top of the lacrosse world.
The 19-year-old goal tender from the Curve Lake First Nation played for the Lakers’ minor pro gram and worked his way up to the Jr. C and then the Jr. A Lakers.
He also travelled south of the border to play for a tournament team based out of New Jersey and got in net for an appear ance at the U.S. National Championships in 2019. He played last summer for the Arena Lacrosse league’s Oshawa Outlaws in the wintertime.
But Knott wasn’t a born and bred lacrosse player.
He was first brought to the sports world as a child following his father Ian Knott, one of the area’s
top fastball pitchers, to the ballpark. He often served as the bat boy and trav elled across North Ameri ca to fastball tournaments
with his dad.
Knott later turned to hockey and became a goaltender that set out to play in Ennismore, AA
in Peterborough, then a season of AAA with the Central Ontario Wolves, with some Jr. C with the Lakefield Chiefs and North
Kawartha Knights mixed in.
But after some friends suggested he transfer his net-minding skills to la
Following the Jr. A Lakers’ elimination from playoffs this summer, he was later invited to play for Canada at the World Junior Lacrosse Champi onships held in Winnipeg.
The tournament featured six teams including the U.S., Australia, Haudenos aunee, Poland and Israel, whose goalie was Knott's Lakers' mate Jackson Hainer.
Knott now stands as an opponent to the Haudeno saunee, but wasn’t always. He backstopped Canada to the gold medal, making 46 saves in the champi onship game, a 16-9 win over the Haudenosaunee. But Knott played for the Haudenosaunee in the 2018 tournament in Cal gary, while being named to the All World First Team.
Canada posted a 4-0 re cord with Knott playing in net for three of the games.
first year of a six-year agreement, however, were cited as only being offered a $2 raise with no oppor tunity to expand.
On September 21, it was noted in the Six Nations Minor Lacrosse Associa tion (SNMLA) Facebook group that the referee shortage in Minor Field is ‘dire’ and moved to affect game scheduling.
“In Week 1 we were forced to cancel games for the first time ever because of a referee shortage. Week 2 some dedicated people and a lot of sched ule shuffling meant every thing barely got covered,” wrote the moderator. “You are receiving this message because every effort is being made to make sure young people get to play the game of lacrosse and we have a chance to make sure this happens,” it read, directed to the parents of the group.
To help accommodate the shortage, the SNMLA announced a coaching clinic on September 21. The mens field clinic via zoom set to certify officials of all levels. New officials were to be pro vided a starter kit includ ing jersey, hat, whistle, and flag (1) so there are no hidden costs to join the team. The urgent games that needed to be covered are set to take place on
Saturdays until Thanks giving in Brampton.
This is just one mea sure being taken across the board to recruit and retain new officials.
Reported in earlier August, parts of Maine, Tennessee, New York, and Minnesota were seeing the early signs of strain in their fall sports seasons due to the ongoing referee shortages facing the USA.
As the calendar turned from August to September,
the fall sports schedule ramped up in full effect but the pool of available referees to officiate all the games had quickly evaporated.
According to a recent report from WGME 13, Maine high schools are already shuffling sched ules due to the referee shortage. Ronald Kramer, an official, sent a public letter to the Maine Prin cipals’ Association about multiple issues, including
pay and other problems that are leading to the shortages.
To fix it, it is hoped that a “true partnership,” will figure out a solution across youth, high school, and college sports, and establish a program to recruit and retain younger officials.
Another report from Western New York’s Eerie News Now wrote that referees involved in a spe cific contract section were
not planning to return to the field from August 29 through September 10, as their work contract expired on August 31.
The driving point, ac cording to the High School Sports Officials of West ern New York, was with the section that rules the organization is unwilling to increase referees’ pay in times of inflation even after their pay was frozen for two years. Officials sought a $4 raise in the
Finally, a Fox 9 Minne apolis report highlighted that every youth or ama teur sport in Minnesota is having trouble finding people to officiate games.
In October of 2021, it was reported that a Canada-wide shortage of referees and linesmen forced grassroots hockey organizations to cancel games, and many leagues reduced the number of officials required to work on the ice as the sport grapples with a series of pandemic aftershocks.
Administrators say the challenge extends through small towns and big cities, from youth games to beer leagues. On-ice officials have been subject to the same demographic shifts that have changed elements of life under COVID-19, they say, and there is no easy solution as arenas flickered back to life that winter.
A current statistic has not been provided for the number of recruited and retained officials across sport disciplines in Can ada, but many fall pro grams, like field lacrosse for the SNMLA, are seeing issues.
OPG’s Reconciliation Action Plan reaffirms our commitment to a continued journey of reconciliation with Indigenous communities across Ontario.
We see partnership as a way forward. The plan outlines our goals to grow our economic impact for Indigenous communities and businesses, while working to preserve our shared tomorrow.
Join us in this journey and help us bring our plan to life.
Learn more by visiting: opg.com/reconciliation
Where a brighter tomorrow begins.
The Ontario government started offering the biva lent COVID-19 booster dose to all Ontarians aged 18 and over, beginning with the most vulnerable populations, on Sept. 12.
“The bivalent COVID-19 booster is a safe and effective way for people to better protect themselves against the most recent ly circulating COVID-19 variants in Ontario,” said Dr. Kieran Moore, chief medical officer of health. “As vaccine protection decreases over time, I en courage all Ontarians aged five and over to receive the booster dose they are eligible for.”
Bivalent COVID-19 booster appointments will be available to and can be booked for the most vulnerable populations, including:
Individuals aged 70 and over; residents of long-
term care homes, retire ment homes, Elder Care Lodges and individuals living in other congre gate settings that provide assisted-living and health services; First Nation, Inuit and Métis individuals and their non-Indigenous household members aged 18 and over; moderately to severely immunocompro mised individuals aged 12 and over; pregnant indi viduals aged 18 and over; and health care workers aged 18 and over.
Appointments can be booked through the COVID-19 vaccination por tal or by calling the Provin cial Vaccine Contact Centre (PVCC) at 1-833-943-3900. Eligible individuals can also book an appointment directly through public health units that use their own booking systems, Indigenous-led vaccination clinics, participating health care providers and partici pating pharmacies.
Long-term care, retire ment home and Elder Care Lodge residents may re ceive their bivalent booster dose directly through the congregate home where they live.
“With the start of the respiratory illness season, it is especially import ant to make sure people stay up to date with their vaccines,” said Sylvia Jones, deputy premier and min ister of health. “COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters are the best tool to keep people healthy and out of hospitals, and to ensure Ontario’s economy stays open as kids go back to school and as the weather cools and people spend more time indoors.”
The bivalent vaccine, along with continued access to testing and antivirals and updated public health guidance, gives Ontarians the tools they need to make the best decisions.
This week Hydro One shared plans for its new equity partnership model with First Nations on new capital transmission line projects. The value of these projects exceeds $100 million. The model offers First Nations a 50 per cent equity stake in all future large scale capital transmis sion line projects.
The model also trans forms the benefits of infra structure development for First Nation communities into the future.
"For too long, First Nations have borne the impacts of infrastructure development in their tra ditional territories without seeing the benefits. We recognize that we did not always get it right, and this equity model signals a sig nificant shift in how Hydro One will work with First Nations," said Megan Tel ford, chief human resources
officer, Hydro One. "For our collective success we must continue to push existing boundaries. Hydro One is committed to its journey of taking meaningful action to advance Reconciliation and we will continue to listen to and learn from Indigenous communities with a focus on building trusting and long-lasting relationships."
This announcement follows the signing of an agreement in the spring with eight First Nations represented by Gwayakoc chigewin Limited Partner ship (GLP) for the Waasigan Transmission Line project. This agreement provides the First Nations repre sented by the GLP with the opportunity to invest in an equity stake in the project.
"I want to congratulate Hydro One on its new equity partnership model with First Nations commu nities for new large scale transmission projects. New transmission lines are crit
ical to supporting electri fication and the economic wellbeing of our province, and First Nations are criti cal partners in collectively achieving those goals,” said Honourable Todd Smith, Minister of Energy.
In total, nine First Na tions will have the opportu nity to invest in 50 per cent of the Waasigan Transmis sion Line project, which will bolster capacity and support economic growth in northwest Ontario.
"The new equity model demonstrates a deep and long-term commitment to creating a strong partner ship between Hydro One and Ontario First Nations communities. These relationships built on trust will transform the benefits of infrastructure develop ment for future generations for years to come,” said Honourable Greg Rick ford, Minster of Northern Development and Minister of Indigenous Affairs.
By TRT StaffOntario is partnering with Caldwell First Nation, the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation and the Three Fires Group to establish the Three Fires Nations-Ontario Southwest ern Ontario Infrastructure and Economic Opportuni ties Table.
According to a Sept. 15 press release, the new joint table will advance billions of dollars in critical infrastructure, transfor mational investments, and clean energy projects in the region. And create a space for meaningful dialogue and collaboration between First Nation leaders and the province.
“We are on a mission to build this province, and the creation of this economic opportunities table will be a game changer for the peo ple of southwestern Ontar io,” said Premier Doug Ford in the release. “We are going
to stand shoulder-to-shoul der with our First Nations partners to advance critical infrastructure projects and ensure everyone benefits from the opportunities that Ontario holds. Working to gether, we will build a better Ontario for the generations that follow us.”
Ontario established the Southwestern Ontario Infrastructure and Eco nomic Opportunities Table to accelerate key infra structure projects, support transformational clean energy project invest ments, identify and prepare investment-ready lands and advance discussions regard ing shared environmental priorities.
"This is an historic marker for Caldwell First Nation and we are excited to work in lockstep with the Province of Ontario in building our Nation and the surrounding Nations through this unprecedent ed announcement. We
are ready to move at the speed of business and look forward to advancing the agenda together with the Premier and his team,” said Chief Mary Duckworth, Caldwell First Nation.
The Ontario Government continues to work with First Nations to find new ways to bring First Nations Leaders to the table early. This partnership will en courage more opportunities for qualified First Nations providers to support the procurement of goods and services across the province and further strengthen Ontario’s economy.
“The creation of the Southwestern Ontario Infra structure and Economic Op portunities Table will lead to enhanced collaboration between the Government of Ontario and area First Nations leadership, and I look forward to the import ant work that lies ahead,” said Greg Rickford, Minister of Indigenous Affairs.
Celebrating the rich and resilient history of Indigenous peoples and working to co-create a better future through Reconciliation.
Administrative Assistant Iroquois Lodge, Health Services
Communicative Disorders Assistant Child and Youth Health, Health Services
Registered Early Childhood Educator Child Care Services, Social Services
Drainage Superintendent Administration, Central Administration
Personal Support Worker Iroquois Lodge, Health Services
Health Advocacy Officer Home and Community Care, Health Services
Behaviour Unit Administrative Assistant Child and Family Services, Social Services
Mental Health Nurse/Case Manager Mental Health and Addictions, Health Services
Land Use Officer Lands and Resources
Community Food Animator Community Health and Wellness, Health Services
I.T. Support Technician Ogwadeni:deo
Ogwadeni:deo Legal Ogwadeni:deo
STM Family Service Ogwadeni:deo
Speech Language Pathologist Child and Youth Health, Health Services
Early Childhood Development Worker Child and Youth Health, Health Services
Personal Support Worker Personal Support Services, Health Services
Personal Support Worker Personal Support Services, Health Services
Youth Life Promotion Advisor Kanikonriio Child and Youth Programs, Social Services
Senior Accounts Receivable Clerk Finance, Central Administration
Caretaker Maintenance Mechanic Parks and Recreation
Full Time $23.00/ Hour September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Full Time $75,000 to $95,000 September 28, 2022
Full Time $22.00/ Hour September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Full Time $36,400 September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Full Time $50,000 to $55,000 September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD September 28, 2022
Full Time TBD October 5, 2022
Full Time TBD October 5, 2022
Part Time $21.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Full Time $21.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Full Time $45,000 October 5, 2022
Full Time $56,000 to $66,000 October 5, 2022
Contract $18.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Special Needs Resource Consultant Child Care Services, Social Services Contract (Maternity) $27.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Admission/Concession Worker Parks and Recreation
School Caretaker (2 Vacancies) Public Works
Sanitation Truck Driver Public Works
Part Time $16.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Part Time $18.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Part Time $19.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Administrative Assistant Community Health & Wellness, Health Services Contract $22.00 to $25.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Maintenance Worker Iroquois Lodge, Health Services
Cook Child Care Services, Social Services
Part Time TBD October 5, 2022
Full Time $20.00/ Hour October 5, 2022
Education Manager Education, Central Administration Contract $70,000 to $90,000 October 5, 2022
Academic Lead Education, Central Administration Contract $65,000 to $75,000 October 5, 2022
Intake Worker Ogwadeni:deo
Cultural Advisor Ogwadeni:deo
Cook Iroquois Lodge, Health Services
Executive Administrator Administration, Health Services
Ęsadatgęhs Quality Lead Administration, Health Services
Full Time TBD October 5, 2022
Full Time TBD October 5, 2022
Part Time TBD October 5, 2022
Full Time TBD October 12, 2022
Full Time TBD October 12, 2022
Registered Nurse Diabetes Wellness Program, Health Services Contract $70,000 to $74,147 October 12, 2022
Assistant Caretaker Maintenance Mechanic Parks and Recreation
Caretaker Maintenance Mechanic Parks and Recreation
Occupational Therapist Child and Youth Health, Health Services
Registered Early Childhood Educator Child Care Services, Social Services
Medical Transportation Driver Community Health and Wellness, Health Services
Special Needs Resource Consultant Child and Youth Health, Health Services
Part Time $16.00/ Hour October 12, 2022
Full Time $18.00/ Hour October 12, 2022
Full Time TBD October 12, 2022
Full Time TBD October 12, 2022
Full Time TBD October 12, 2022
Full Time TBD October 12, 2022
Indigenous Victim Services (IVS) Justice, Central Administration Contract TBD October 12, 2022
Court Advocate
Administration Lead Administration, Health Services
Contract $75,000 to $82,500 October 12, 2022
Health Planning Project Coordinator Administration, Health Services Full Time $55,000
Cyber Security Analyst Grand Erie District School Board
PowerSchool Coordinator Grand Erie District School Board
Library Technician - Delhi Grand Erie District School Board
Library Technician - Haldimand Grand Erie District School
Cayuga Language Instructor Six Nations Polytechnic
Executive Director of Finance Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation
Full Time TBD October 12, 2022
Full Time $78,249 to $88,919 September 26, 2022
Contract $78,249 to $88,919 September 26, 2022
Part Time $23.30/ Hour September 27, 2022
Part Time $23.30/ Hour September 27, 2022
Full Time/ Permanent TBD September 29, 2022
Full Time/ Permanent $100,000 to $115,000 September 29, 2022
MCFN Lands Claim Coordinator Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Full Time/ Permanent $40,297.50 to September 29, 2022 $56,821.50
Cultural Awareness Coordinator Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation
Full Time/ Contract $40,250 September 29, 2022
Anishinaabemowin Instructor – Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Full Time/ Permanent $36,662.50 to September 29, 2022
Ekwaamjigenang Children’s Center (ECC) $51,350.50
Director of Advancement Brantford Native Housing Part Time/ Contract TBD September 30, 2022
Post Office Assistant Canada Post Temporary/ On-call $18.08/ Hour October 1, 2022
Library Assistant Woodland Cultural Center
Gas Technician or Helper William Bros. Heating & Cooling
Full Time $18.00/ Hour October 6, 2022
Full Time TBD October 15, 2022
Store Clerk Mohawk Trading Post Full Time TBD October 22, 2022
Construction Staff Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/ Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Cook Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Casual $16.90/ Hour Until Filled
IT Technician Ohsweken Speedway Full Time/ Permanent $45,000 to $75,000 Until Filled
Kitchen Help Sade:konih TOJ TBD Until Filled
Cashier Styres Gas Bar
Part Time TBD Until Filled
Weekend Visitor Services Woodland Cultural Center Part Time $15.00/ Hour Until Filled
Housing Outreach Worker Brantford Native Housing Full Time TBD Until Filled
Tire Technician Hills Tire Full Time TBD Until Filled
Building Attendant Staff Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent TBD Until Filled Development Corporation
Chiefswood Park Food Truck Cook Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Seasonal $18.00 to $20.00/ Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Project Administrative Assistant Woodland Cultural Centre
Operations Manager Kayanase
Forestry Labourer Kayanase
Full Time TBD Until Filled
Full Time TBD Until Filled
Summer Student TBD Until Filled
Ground Maintenance Worker Kayanase Summer Student TBD Until Filled
Gas Bar Attendant Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Part Time TBD Until Filled
Park Attendant Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Bingo Hall Cook Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Bingo Sales Representative Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Education Curriculum Developer Woodland Cultural Center
Contract TBD Until Filled
Building Attendant Staff Six Nations of the Grand River Full Time/ Permanent $18.00 to $20.00/Hour Until Filled Development Corporation
Supply Cook Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Contract/Casual $16.90/Hour Until Filled
Phone: 519.445.2222
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On Tuesday, September 20, 2022, Winnifred “Winnie” Miller passed away. She was 86 years old. Loving mother of Shirley. She now reunites with her son, Ed, in spirit. She was a treasured grandma to Katie, Kacie, and Sarah and adoring great-grandma to Lola Winnie. Dear sister of Winten “Wint” Miller and now greets her brothers and sisters, Margarette, Raymond, Peter, Howard, Deloris “Dee,” and Ruth “Joyce,” in spirit. She also reunites with her parents, Thomas and Ruth Miller. Also survived by many loving nieces, nephews, and friends. Winnie was a proud mother and grandmother, a Buffalo sports fan, and loved winning in cards or at the casino. She will be sadly missed and lovingly remembered by her family and friends. Her family honored her with a private family gathering, as this was her wish. Arrangements by Styres Funeral Home, Ohsweken. www.rhbanderson.com
Community Unity Free BBQ With your cash Donation
All proceeds go to the Golden Spoons
Hosted at Ohsweken Baptist Church
Saturday, October 8, 2022
From 10:00 a.m. to Noon
Come out and support our community Bake Sale 9:00 a.m. to Noon
1. Behringer SX2442FX Studio/live Mixer with dual Multi-FX processors, separate mains out, 2 monitor sends, separate subwoofer sent with volume control
2. 32 band musical EQ with Feedback Destroyer, Limiter ect.
3. 100 foot 16X4 snake with case
4. 1500 watt stereo amp
5. 2 Yorkdale speakers with stands
6. 2 Wharfdale monitors
7. 8 mies with case
8. 4 Direct boxes
9. Drum Kit mic set with condenser overhead mies
10. numerous mic cords
11. numerous speaker cords
12. numerous adapter cords
13. numerous mic stands
14. Professionally custom build metal trailer with metal lockable lid
15. power cords
Everything that is needed to rlo a 500-1000 outdoor concert.
Valued at 4-5 thousand. Listed price 4 thousand. Milt Elliott 416-450-2345 mjelliott@rogers.com
Six Nations of the Grand River Band of Indians v Canada (Attorney General) and His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario (Ontario Superior Court of Justice File No. CV 18 594281 [Toronto])
The Haudenosaunee Development Institute (“HDI”), under the authority and at the direction of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (the “HCCC”), has brought a motion to be appointed as a representative of all citizens of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy in respect of litigation commenced by the plaintiff Six Nations of the Grand River Band of Indians against the defendants The Attorney General of Canada and His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario (Ontario Superior Court of Justice Court File No. CV 18 594281 [Toronto], formerly Court File No. 406/95 [Brantford]) (the “Litigation”), and seeks to join/intervene as a party in the Litigation.
The Litigation concerns, among other things, rights stemming from the Haldimand Proclamation of 1784 and Simcoe Patent of 1793, and alleges breaches of treaty and fiduciary duty and a failure to account, and seeks remedies including compensation. HDI in its draft pleading seeks, among other things, “a declaration that the Haudenosaunee Confederacy is the collective rightsholder in respect of the rights and interests asserted in the action” by the plaintiff, and that the Six Nations of the Grand River Band of Indians “is not the collective rightsholder”.
HDI seeks to represent and bind all citizens of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, wherever they are located, and join/intervene as a party in the Litigation in order to represent the interests of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and its citizens which, HDI submits, are affected by the Litigation. HDI, accordingly, seeks a court order appointing it as a representative of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy in the Litigation. If that order is granted, all decisions and findings in the Litigation will be binding on the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, its Chiefs and Councils, and all its citizens, as will any agreements amongst counsel for the parties in respect of the conduct of the litigation.
Copies of the following court documents are accessible at this URL: https://www.gilbertslaw.ca/post/cv 18 594281
1. The parties’ current pleadings;
2. HDI’s motion materials and proposed draft pleading;
3. The order of Justice Sanfilippo dated September 21, 2022 attaching this Notice and the case management endorsement of Justice Sanfilippo dated September 21, 2022.
This motion is expected to be heard in January 2023. For parties looking for more information or who may wish to participate in this motion, please contact HDI’s counsel below no later than October 24, 2022:
Tim Gilbert, Gilbert’s LLP (tim@gilbertslaw.ca, 416 703 1100, with copy to tdumigan@gilbertslaw.ca and dylan@gilbertslaw.ca)
There will be no Craft Sale at JC Hill School for the Six Nations Art & Crafts Club this year. For Vendors that Prepaid their booth space in 2019, your monies can be picked up on October 1, 2022 – I will be parked beside the Library on the park side between 11 am and 1 pm – Grey Ford Tauras.
Marjorie Henhawk – Past Committee MemberCommunity Unity Don’t Be Alone
Come Enjoy a Complimentary
Thanksgiving Dinner
Sat. Oct. 1, 2022
4:30 – 6:00
At Youth & Family Centre 1527 4th Line
Hosted by Ohsweken Baptist Church
I’d like to acknowledge and thank my family and friends who came out to help me after I suddenly had to have emergency surgery to save my life on July 20, 2022. I didn’t have to ask, they just took charge, had an idea and organized a spaghetti fundraiser while I was off work for six weeks. I want to thank everyone who did the setup, sold tickets, bought meals, donated prizes, runners, cooked and cleaned up. Nya weh Shogwayadihs’oh for extending my time and for sending the Angels that watch over me, Dr. Fisola for her expertise in surgery, 3rd Floor nurses at Norfolk General Hospital for their amazing care, to my Mom, Ida Martin for still being the best Mom, Chris & Luanne Martin & family, Gary & Jule Jamieson & family, Beth King & family, Jeannie Martin, Nick Anderson, Rose Anderson, Josh, Leenah, Iris, Trystan, William & Annabel Martin, Riki, Jay, Liberty & Lennon Lickers, Mallory Martin & Thristan Herman, Joey Doolittle, Katsitsionhawi Hill, Owerahwistos & Iehnekanoronhstha Doolittle, Aunt Mary Longboat, Deb Aaron & Isaac Day, Isaiah Aaron, Liam Aaron and Tracy Aaron, Auntie Barb & Vicki. Nya Weh to everyone who sent food, monetary donations, helped at the fundraiser, sent healing prayers and hugs: Kev Martin, Miles to Go Cancer Support Group, Victor Bomberry, Carol Cunningham, Brenda Mt. Pleasant, Cheri Martin, Nick Martin, Tammy Skye, Karen Bomberry, Shan Jacobs, Kathy & Bill, Karen & Monte, Bedge Vyse, Dawn Russell, Dodie Russell, Katie Maracle, Rose Thomas, Heather LongboatComej & family, Rhonda Maracle, Dean Warren at Sandusk Golf Course, Chrissy Doolittle, Barb Miller, Louise Bottenfield, Al Sault & Sharlene, Rhonda Longboat, Amanda Snow, Terri Monture, Kelley McDonnell & Mark Hill, Tony Martin, Nancy Pierce, Tyler Bomberry, Rebecca Jamieson, Tess Inksetter & family, Brooke Vokes, Kim Sault, Faith Wilson, Amy Jacobs, Dianne Sault, Michelle Farmer Fuller & family, Phil & Linda Sault, Carolyn Martin, my CKRZ FM family (Amos Keye Jr, Diane Kohoko, Josh Miller, Al Sault, Kathy Montour, Ralph Summers, Josh & Jake), Sue Martin, Sandi & Mike Montour, Ganohkwa Sra Family, CKRZ Radio Bingo Brandi Martin & staff, my BRISC family (Trevor Martin, Brittany Powless, Jessica Miller-Williams, Sheryl Henry, Jay Smith, Alex Muldonado, Leigh Hill, Maxine Hess, Mya Myke), Leenie Hill, Cheryle & Barry Hill, Theresa Mt. Pleasant, Shannon Jamieson, Stacy Skye & staff at Cayuga Convenience, Nick Wyman & Serena Lucas, Lesley Davis, Patty Davis, Betts Doxtator from Everything Cornhusk, Darlene Butler, Rebecca Hill, Monica Staats, Roz and Jheri Jamieson from JJamieson Creative. If I forgot anyone, I deeply apologize and it’s not intentional. We tried our best to keep track of everything. Your generosity and kindness will be treasured forever. Special mention to Mallory Mae who has stayed with me while I recovered, organized my house and wouldn’t let me lift a finger.
Much love, Lori Harris
50. Broadway actress Daisy
55. Skipper butterflies
56. Hint
57. Daniel __, French com poser
59. English children’s au thor Blyton
60. Midway between east and southeast
61. Spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation
62. Patriotic women’s group
The woman
Tall, slender-leaved plant
1. Parts per thousand
2. Jump
Eaten as a vegetable
Residual paresis after anesthesia
Brunchtime staple
Makes money off of
Nocturnal S. American rodents
From a distance
12. It helps you see
Central Canadian indig enous person
Invests in little enter prises
23. They help in tough situ ations
24. Industrial port in Po land
Type of screen
Peyton’s little brother
Alcoholic beverage
Newspapers need it
29. Herbal tea
34. Distinctive practice
35. Exercise system __-bo 36. Explosive
37. Belonging to a thing 39. Presidential candidates engage in them
40. Of the Swedes
41. Meadow-grass
42. “Rule, Britannia” com poser
44. Hooray!
45. Greek city 46. One way to do it by ex ample
47. Imitated
48. “Game of Thrones” ac tress Headey
51. Swiss river
52. Drought-resistant plant
53. A French abbot 54. One point east of north east
58. Get free of
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20
Don’t push yourself too far this week, Aries. That is a surefire way to be overcome by stress and deplete your energy, which you need to get things done. Pace yourself.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21
Hold your tongue and try not to get into any heated arguments with people either at work or in your social circles, Taurus. Avoid controversial subjects.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21
There’s a strong pull toward wanting to play as well as getting work done, Gemini. Is there a way to delegate some work so you can focus on recreation? Figure things out.
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, you may have some exciting plans brewing but you might not know how to put them in motion. A friend may offer to help get the ball rolling.
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23
The planets are trying to tell you to slow down and take a day off, Leo. You just have to listen more closely or you could run the risk of burnout in the days to come.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, this week things may get a bit more intense than you anticipated. Intensity doesn’t necessarily mean you will have a bad time. Everything will be exciting and fast-paced.
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23
Libra, focus on your personal relationships this week, as you may need to modify a few things and do some housekeeping in your social relationships.
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22
Focus on the finer details of life this week, Scorpio. If you have been waiting to have a gourmet dinner or to take a luxurious trip, now is the time to do so.
SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21
There’s conflicting energy in the cosmos this week, Sagittarius. All of what you think was right may be turned on its head. Some new decisions may need to be made.
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
It may be challenging to figure out where you stand with someone this week, Capricorn. You thought you had it all figured out, but the tides have changed dramatically.
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
You’ll continue to face the difficult decision of whether to tend to your own needs or help someone close to you, Aquarius. It’s a fine line to walk with no easy answer.
PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
There’s a positive drive guiding you along, Pisces. If you’ve been putting off your to-do list, now you will have the energy to get things done.
Paul LeBlanc Owner