January, 1939
for 4);OD~, is able to foretell the end from the begin-
oMEIlI'OUS EVEIfrS ar. due to the world this year.
Spiritists, astrologers, and mediums, in touoh with Where do we stand. TODAY. in the prophethe demon world of Satan the sied course of events? nevil, may possess knowledge that will amaze and astound. Will there be another WORLD WAR? ~hey may make general preand what nations will be in it? dictions, so va~uely and indefinitely that people are deceived into believing the things they predicted came true. B~t only ning the original captivity of the Jews. God Almighty is able to fo~etell infallibThe Times of the Gentiles lasted ly and ~ccurately the future. See Isaiah 2520 years, as learned from Lev. 26, connected with Dan. 12:7; Rev. 12:6,14; 41:22-23; 46:9,10. Ezek. 4:4-6; and Num. 14:34. And exactly WHERE WE 8TAND TODAY 2520 years, to the exact DAY---on December 9th, 19l7---in exaotly the MANNER foreFirst, let us see just where we stand, told in Isaiah 31:5. with airplanes flying TODAY, in the Gequenoo 01 prophesied events.ovor, the oity of Jerusalem was preserved We have only recently,---tho fall of and delivered unha~ed, without the firing 1935---come to the end ot that prophesied of a shot~ This one prophecy-fulfillment, period called. liThe TIMES OF THE GENTILES." alone, is sufficient answer to any atheist Jesus told what would occu~ as the5e of the infallible inspiration of the Bible Gentile Times came to their end---and What as the Word of' the liVing God~ ~ would then next fQllo~. But Nebucha4ne%~r did not completely Notice His prophecy, recorded in Luke accomplish the downfall of J.rllsa18m and 21:24-25,27: the Jews until almo5t 19 years later. the "And. they" (the Jews) "shall fall by rall of 685 B.C. And. 2520 years later, the edge of the sword, "---as they did in the Fall of 1036, the Times of t.he Gentiles A.D. 70,---" and shall be led. away captive came to their final end. into all nations: " as they were. "And These Times represent a definite perJerusalem "hall be trodden down of the iocl turned 0"l8r by God to the Gentiles to Gentiles -:-7'iT' UNTIL the Times of -the .;;..;...;.;..;.~~ Gentiles establish their own Babylonish and pagan - be fulfilled. oivili~ation upon earth---to PROVE to men The Times of ~he Gentiles did not be- by their own e~perience that these ways gin in anyone day. They began ove~ a 19- which seem riCht to men---the ways or GET, year period, gradually tapering in. The contrary to God's law of GIVE---cannot very be,inning of this 19.year coming-in make men happy. or brinG peaee and prosperperiod was December 9th. 604 B.C. On that ity to the earth. Durin, this period, dar King Nebuc'nadnnur of Babylon sent his God kept Ilhands of拢~ /I He left men PREE armies into the city of Jerusalem, beginto conduct ~he worldl~ afr~irs in what4~er
T h •
J'ct.nuary. 1939
And then, wha.t nerl? What follow. the now soon-coming heavenly signs? Notice Revelation 6:1Z-17. Ver,el 12 and 13 describe thee •• ame heavenly .iGns. Verse14-l6 tell ot the SIGN or Christ's soon coming in the heavens, and the frantio terror it will oaU5e to all except true saints. And verse 17 announces the event to follow: "Tho GREAT DAY OF HIS WRATH is come." The DAY a THE IDRD'S that the terrible DAY OF THE LORD shall WRATH is that period called THE OAY ~ e~~--the t1~e of God's jUdgments upon THt LORD (compare Zeph. 1:14-15). ~~ world'S s1ns-~-the time of supernat .. Notice, too, wha~ the prophet Joel kr~t ai,ns and horrible plagues---the tUne says: "The sun shall b. ~ttrn.d into darker the final c;olh,p~e of this paganized ness, and the moon into blood, BEFORE the th~ li~.. i:ion in -the la.st: WORLD WAR! great and terrible DAY OF THE LORO come. II (Joel 2:31). The DAY or THE LORD tollows WHAT FOLLOWS THE GENTILE TIMES? the heavenly signst Jesus told. us plai.nl)' what shall now WORLD WAR CAN'T COME UNfIt follow. In His a.mazingo prophecy recorded THE DAY OF THE LORD in Luke 21:24·25,27, ~e said: "And they"---the Je... s ..- .. "shall fall by the ed~e of the sword, and shall be led And what II this mysterious "DAY OF away captive into all nAtion.s: and Jeru.. THE LORD?" ItiBnot peace, but distress • •alem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles The time when nations are in distress. UNTIL the Times of the Gentiles be ful.. The time of world war. The time when God 'ti"iI;d. 1I This has occurred. shall send PLAGUES upon all sinners. And tIien what? Joel say.s: "Alas for the day~ for "And ther~a.ll be signs in the sun, the DAY OF THE LORD is at hand, and as a and in the moon, and in the starsj and up" dostruction FROM THE ALMIGHTY shall it on earth distress of nations, with percome." (Joel 1:15.) God will send it. So p1exitYi the 6$a. and Waves roarinii men's it will involve s~pernatural occurrances. h.l.rts failin~ them for FEAR •••• " A time of DESTRUCTION---not peace. And then what next? Joel continues: "Blow ye the TRUMPET "And then shall they see the Son of in Zion, and sound AN ALARM ••• for the lIan coming in a cloud with POWER and ,reat DAY OF THE LORD COMETH. II (Joel 2: 1) and ,lory." he continues to deBcribe WAR, That prophecy is absolutely CERTAIN. Notice Zephaniah r 8 description: "The It is not difficult to understand, but great DAY OF THE LORD is near •••• the simple a little child can see it. In mithty man ahall cry thero bitterly. That '10 A.D. the Jews were driven into every day is a DAY OF~, a day of trouble and. nation. Jerusalem was trodden down of the DISTRESS, a day of wasteness and desoiaGentiles UNTIL-..-yes, UNT!L the very ~ tion, a day of darkness ..nd gloominess ••• the Tim.s of the Gentiles BEGAN to end. a day of the TRUMPET and alarm a,ain,t the The Jews are pouring back. The Times of fenced cities ll (WAR acain~rtiried the Gentiles came fully to their end in cities)~d I (God) will brin, distres. 1936. upon men, •••• because they have sinned And NCNI WHAT? What is now next to against the Lord." (Zeph. 1:14-11). occur? World war? No---not ~uite yet. In Revelation 15:1, we find that the Another event must oome FIRST---the SIGNS SEVEN LAST PLAGUES consumate, and complete, IN THE SUN AND THE MOON ANn STARSr the DAY OF GOD'S WRATH. These horrible W. di~resl just briefly here to explagues are described in the 16th chapter. plain that the "dark day" of Me.y 19, 1780, And the final 'cattle ot"the world war---at .nd the 1001.1 New Engla.nd meteor shower of ARMAGEDDON..--is fought at the time of the Hov. 13, 1833, did not fit the desoription sev.n~h and last of the.e last pl_,"e •• of theae prophecies, nor f1fi1 them---tho And-.-at this s~e time, ahall occur • • • they undoubtedly were a preliminary fore- THE SECOND COMING OF CHR!S1~ runner of the far ~reater world-wide si,ns now due, and we should heed the warning. nOES THE BIBLE FORETELL A COM! NG WORLD YlMi? These prophesied heavenly si~ns were not to occur until AFTER the Times of the GenThere is the picture of events, from tiles had ended, in 1936. And a~ the TIME this moment on, !N GENERAL. Now let us of the •• signs, will come also the SIGN fill in a part or the picture. of the COlI\ing of Christ (Mat. 24:29-30) Does the Bible toretell the particular. Which is explained in Rev. 6:14-16---and this tremendous supe~natural oecurranee of the WORLD WAR we all see 300n coming? h.s not yet taken place. still again, Listen: at the time of these miyaculous signs the "Behold the DAY OF THE LORD oometh, nations were to be in DISTR£SS-..-al1 naand thy apoil" (God is spealcin, to the cHy tions-·-men's hearts failinc tor rear of of Jer~sQlem) "~hall be divided in the the future. And that has never happ.ned midst of thee. For I will gathar ALL NAT10WS un~il just recently. It is the world con- a.gainst Jerusalem to batt.le ••• " World w_r1 dition TODAY: SO the TIMt IS HER£~! ALL NATIONS surely means world war. That of chose. But NOW 'th. time for SUPERNATURAL actior) has come ~ So, a~ain, where do we stand today? W. have just passed the Time8 0/ the Gentiles. We stand today in the very few short ye&r~ of interregnum between their enJi ftC and the Second Coming o£ Christ ~ ~ And It is dUTin~ this interregnum period WAy 'they
January, ] 939
P L A1 N
1914-1918 did not involve A~L nations. It not tought AGAINST JERUSALEM. The armi•• did not come in the air as a storm, like a CLOUD to COVER the land, a8 they will in this coming wo~ld war (Ezek. 38: 9,16). ~hey did not fight against Christ AT HIS COMING---as they will this time. No, that was not the WORLD WAR prophesied in the Bible. Yet, in a sense, it was the b.,innin& of it---for that war never really ended , "ARMISTICE" means recess, or tempora~ cessation, indiciating it is to be resumed. And indead, in this S8nse, the coming world war will merely recume it. Let us continue the above prophecy: " ••• and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravi~hod; and half of the city (Jerusalem) shall go forth into oaptivity, and the residue of the people shall not be out otf from the city." What nation, or power, will capture HALF of the city of Jer~6alem? We shall $ee, from ocher propheces. But THEN what will take place? "THSN"....-and not until then---"shall THE LORD forth, and fi~ht against those nations, as when He fouCht in the day or battle. And His feet 6hall stand in that !!:i. upon the mount 01' Olive s ••• II (Zech. 14: 1-4) • Notice, this WORLD WAR, with ALL NA... ~IONS involved, attackin, Jerusalem. half of the city being captured. olimaxes in THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. Notice that in THE VERY DAY H. oomes, He comes all the way to EARTH---to the Mount of Olives~ ..--coming AS He went, from the very spot to Which He shall return. Compare Acts 1:11-12. W&$
So here
we rind the same tim.-
order. F.Vst, the DAY OF THE LORD. Second, during this period, the WORLD WAR, c1ima.xing with ALL nations in Palestine, and third, the ~ccond comin, ot Christ, at the warls end.
The above prophecy shows world war shall come DURING the DAY OFTHt LORD. It show. that in that war HALF of the city of Jerusalem shall be captured. WHO will capture it? Turn now to another prophecy picturinc, in detail. the Second Comine of Christ---Revelation 19. Verses 11-18 describe the coming of Christ, as King ot king., and Lord or lards, to RULE THE NAtIONS and restore peace and happine~6. Then, as Ke comes, this final battle 1. described, in verses 19-20: '~nd 1 saw THE BEAST, and the kinEs of the earth, and t.heir armies, ,athered together to Make war again5t him that sat on i:.he horse" --(Christ)-- II • • • and THe BEAST was taken, and with him THE F"ALSE PROPHET • • • These both were cast alive 1nt.o a lake or fire burning with bri",stoll~l So here, in Palestine, at the head of the kings of the earth. and their 8rlniu, is one called by the 6~mbol. ""HE QtAST." Alao ~6'ooiat.d wlth him 1s a
T RUT H (reat a.postate re1i
ltader, called
liTHE FALSE PROPHET. Rioui I Who i5 "THE BiAST?" This "BEAST" i . pictured. again in Rev. 13, and Revelation 17. But the Bible interpretation of the symbol "BEAST" is
found in the 7th chapter of Daniel, where it 1s declared in plain language tha~ a "BEAST" is a KING (ver•• 17), or the KIN· DOM which he rules (Verses 23.24, 27). In Revelat ion 17, this II BEAS'!''' is associated also with a creat fallen church. The false church is called by the foul name "whore. 1I (Verse 1). She is a GREAr church, not a am_il one. She rules MANY NATIONS, speaking different languages, (Verses 1,15). She is oalled by the name of a great city (verse 18), havin, seven mountains (verae 9). She has had a kinc· dom OVER the civil kings of the earth, (verses 16,2) • The ONLY ,rea~ church which has dominated. many nations, ruled the s~ate governments, called by the name of a great city havin~ seven hills or mountains, ---is ROME~ The Roman Catholic Church~
The "BEAST" which she "r ode ll is elpecially described in verses 8, ll-l~; "The BEAST which thou sa-wert was, and is notj"---the ROMAN EMPIRE surely was, and is not today. But,---" and. .hall ascend out of the bottomless pit ."--- I hal l COME TO LIFE ONCE AGAIN~ Since~e ca.. to power, the one sole purpese of Muslolini has been to revive the old ROMAN EMPIRE to its ancient POWER and glory~ 7hat is the solo Fascist aiM~ Mussolini's soon-appear inc ~e-born ROMAN EMPIRE is the "BEAS'r" power, and MUSSOLINI UNDOUa'tEOLY IS THE I/BE:AST"~!
All students of prophecy are AGREED that this "BEAST" is the ROMAN EMPIRE. Even the Roman Catholics admit it~ Look at the footnote, bo~~om of the pa,o of Revelation, or Apocalypse, 17, in their official "Douay" transla.tion at the 8iD1., and there you will find it explaineQ a.n4 admitted. HON MU SSOLINI WILL DO IT
But Mus501ini will not be able, alone, ~.rritorry of the ancient Roman Empire. It completely surroundad the Mediterranean, and to revive the Empire. Mussolini must wrest the Meeiiterran.. ean from Great Britain. But it is the very LIFE-LINE of the British Empire, and would mean the death or the British Commonwealth~ Britain will never sacrifice one vital inch in the Mediterranean, or its .t~at.gic S8agates, without WAR. And Mussolini, alone, could never wnip Britain---with Franee aa an ally, and the U.S. certain to b. bro~cht
to oonquer all the
No, Mussolini, alone, will b8 unable to b~in~ abeut hie dream. But Mu•• olini is shrewd, clever, tar..se.ing. H. will FIND A WAY---and this 17th chapter of Revelation foretells just What that way must
Surely nothing could b. ~re thrillNotice how it finally will be accomp-
lished. the "ten horns" on this " BEAST"- - which are .. PART of the "beast" its.lt'·.... ei ve 1:he answer, found in verse 12: "And the ten horns which thou sawest are" ••• these t.en horns are WHAT? The interpreta:tion i l in plain language ••• "TEN KINGS, which have received no kingdom 1.8 yeti but receive power as kin,s one hour with the beast." TEN DIC!ATORS~ And what will these ten European Dictator$ be induc.d to do? "These have one mind, ~ ~hall I;iv~ their eow)r ~ s~Tenljth unto .:!:h!.~. {Verse 13 • What is thQi~Ofn::RlI, and "S'lRENGTH? II It is their ARMIES, their NAVIES, their AIR FORCES! The armed foreea of TEN EUROPEAN DICTATOR NATIONS SHALL BE GIVEN OVER TO THE ROMAN RULER! So, when Mussolini sees, as he already must see, that he cannot conquer the Mediterranean Sea, with its aurz-ound Lng terri'torry, tha reviving the Roman Empire, ALONE ---he will so manipulate political affairs that a union will be made with ten other diotator nations~ ThOl will be welded together~ Remember -the Iten horns" are all PAM' of the "BE:AST II which is the revived. ~oman Empire~ They become PART of the Empiret All their vast armies, naVies, and air forces welded together in ONE---all under ONE HEAD---all given to the ruler at ROldE~
Many have thought Hitler is proving to be the nttmber one man in Europe. We fear many will De surprised, when the more resourceful and astute politicia.n, Mussolini. emerges finally a3 number one man over all~ MUSSOLINI WILL FIGHT CHRISTl But is Musso1ini the "BEAST II wh~, with bhe "kings of the earth. and their armies, II (Rev. 19:19), war against Christ at His Seoond Coming;, as desoribed in Revelation 19? Notice the next verse, in Rev. 17: "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords and King of kings." (Verse 1~). Compare with Rev. 19:16. Compare His overcoming them, with their rate in Rev. 19:20~ Certainly the.e texts descrIbe the same power. Undoubtedly, then, the "BEAST" who will capture half the city of Jerusalem, .fighting at Armageddon against Christ at His Second Coming, is MUSSOLINI, with ten Eurcpean Dictators, and their InMiest It t. ooming in THIS GEN£RATIOH!t It is NEAR.--~ ~ ~ ~ dooYs~ For fud:her identifica.tion. let us look now at the only frassace in all the aibl. where the word 'ARMAGEDDON" is mentioned. It is Rev. 16:13-16: "And I saw three unc:lcan apirita like trogs come out ot the mou~h of the dr_gon, (the Devil---Rev. 12:9, and 20:2) and out or the mouth of the BEAST (Mus"clini), and out of the mouth of the FALSE PROPHET (the pope). For t.hey are the spirit.s of devils, working miracles, "( look out for these 1\1raQles~) II whi ch go forth unto the ki n,s of the earth snd or the whole world, to ,ather them to th6 ba~tl& of th.t ,re.t day of God Almi~hty ••• And ~hey gathered
J ttrtUQJ".'l, 1939
them togethe.r into a pla.ce ca.lled. 1n the Hebrew ton~e ARMAGEOtlON." The Hebre.w word Actually is "Har~ Megiddo. 1l The 1I}{" is not sounde.d, in the Hebrew, in pronouncinc;. The prefix "W.. r" means "ro r 't i f i ed . " Meg1cldo is A Pl,ACE--.. see Scripture quoted above. It i~ 70 miles north-west or J.~8alem, in the V.lley of Jezue1. It. port is Haitla. A fe. years ago, Britain fortified Haitta .t Goat of many millions or dollars. MEGIDDO IS NOW FOR'l'IFIED---theretore it ;finally has become HAR-MEGIDDO, or Armageddont The stace is set, and. ready~ Soon the "kin~s of the eJ.eth, and their anniel ll will be gathered there in the final battle of world war~ But, some ask, is this' battle at Armaceddon to be fought betore, or after the thousand year-reicn wi~h Christ? Notice the 1;ime-.etting. It is between the .ixth and seventh or the seven last pla.E\l.&I. It is at the very TIME ot the Second Coming, for these kin,s and their armies tight AGAINST CHRIst. Most certainly it i3 BEfORE the millennium, AT THE SECOND COMINGl
MUSSOLINI WILL TAKE EGYPT1 This same modern Roman kincdom i l described in the 11th chapter of Daniel. The liking of the ner-th" thru the early portion of this longest propheey in the Bible is always the kine of Syria, one ot the four divisions of Alexander's Gre.cian Empire. The "kin, of the eouch" was Egypt. But in the ancient days Ethiopia was a PART or Egypt, and the ONLY part that remained independent until our time. The prophecy covers in detail the &vents of these rival kingdoms which altarnately possessed Palestine, until ver •• 31, which took place in 168 B.C.---Antiochus Epiphanes boing then the llkin, of the north." From that time the prophecy oarrie. on thru the first comin, of Christ---ver•• 33 ---the "king of the north" noW' beinr; the power which ruled Syri, and Pale.tine, or ROME, which conquered and took over this terr~torry. It also took over the northern part of Egypt--~all but Ethiopia---.nd so Ethiopia Decomes all that is lett of "the kin, of the south." Verae -t:O comes to "the time of the end"---our day. King Men.lek of EthiopiL pushed at Italy in Eretrea in 1895, 11au,ht~ ering the Italian forces. fhen, in 1935, as we i'oretold '\::0 our rad.in audienee betorehand, Mussolini, now king or the ftorth t went against Ethiopia like a whirlwind--. in the air, overflowed tha~ land., PASSrNG OV£R~
Now wha~ shall Mualolini do naxt? Notioe verse 41: "He shall Inter al.o into the GLORIOUS LAND" (PALESTINE), ltal'\d many countriea ahall b. Qv.r~hrown: • • • and THE I.ANO OF EGYPT SHALL HOT SSCAP2." (verse 42). Great Britain now has Egypt. WHY dOl' MUlsolini want it? WHY is he stirring up 6~rire in Pal.,tine between Arabs and Jaw" B£CAUSE He MUsT TAKE THe SUEt CAN4L. IN OR-
Janu.art, 3939 T H' E
A Magasine of Understanding Edited by HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG VOL. IV.
1'10. 1
Published in conjunction with the RADIO CHURCH OF GOD KWJJ Portland, 1040 Key•• , 4:P.M. KORt Eugene, 1420 Keys., lO:A.M., Su.nday•• T he PLAIN TI'{lll'h is sent FRiE---no lubscription priee---to all who request it, as the Lord provides. This is a WORK Of FAITH, kept alive by the tithes and free-will orrerints ot God's people. Address the Editor, Box Ill, E~gene. NOTICE: Be ~ to notify us immediately of any change in your address. IMPORTANT.
'a.r'- S
2nd, the Su.e: Canal, entrance at the EAST; 3rd, Djibouti, the gate at tne SOUTH. at en~rance to the Red Se& from the Gulf of Aden. The fourth stratecical point is Tunisia, at which point, in the v.~ center of the Mediterranean, it narrows almo,t into a pa3S between Tunisia and ~he Italian island or Sicily. Musaolini i . planning and plottin, to take every one 01 these strategical point,~ In the February number of The PLAIN TRUtH 'We hope to continue this partiCUlar phase at the situation, ahowin, with & map, just WHY Mussolini first took Ethiopia, then backed Franco in the Spanish conflict, is now demanding Suez, DjiDuti, and Tunisia, stirring up .trite between Jew~ and Arabs in Palestine, as disclo.ed in the December PLAIN TRUTH. SOVIET RUSSIA ENTERS IN
But to oontinue the prophecy in the 11th chapter of Daniel. The ~3rd verse We are says the Libyans and Ethiopians shall be INDEPENDENT of men or religious organiza- at his steps---and they are already, provtions, sects, or denominations---wholly in, a,ain ~hat Muslolini is today the DEPENDENT upon our Father in heaven for liking of the north. II guidance, and for every dollar to carry Verse 44 shows that, after taking on this great work of FAITH. Only thus Egypt and at least part of Palestine, closcould we be free to SERVE GOD, and fearing or oontro1ing the Suez Callal, NEWS FROM lessly and boldly to preach the ~LE the EAST AND THE NOR'H .h~ll trouble him. TRUTH of -the Bible. We ask every believ- This refers to Russia~ Japan and China. er to PRAY EARNESTLY with us that the The events it involve. are d.scribed in Lord will send forth more laborers into the 58th ehapter of Ezekiel. There RusHis vineyard, helping with tithe. and sia, under ~h. name ot "Go," a goelless offerings that the true Gospel message may atheist na~ion·--is depicted coming again.t continue goin, to multiplied thousands, Palestine with the most vast manpower ever and souls may continue beings saved~ assembled on the armed battlefields of all history. There Russia is shown allied. with * * * * * * * * • EDITOR'S NOTE: We had intended illcluding MANY allies, including the descendant. ot two more articles in this issue---one Japeth, fatner of tnt YELLOW races---China shawin, the aims of Hitler nnd Mussolini and Japan today. in more detail, with a MAP illustrating Today Japan is Fascist, allied with WHY Mussolini went into Ethiopia, the Italy and Germany. Japan is winnin, in Spanish war, the Arab uprisin~---why he China, yet almost at the END ot her limitis interested in Tunisia and Suez. Due ed resources. It tates FOOD to feed an to the fact that, since pa(e 1 was printarmy, money to produce &rmaments and ammued, more requests have come in than we nition. Jap~n is economically weak, and can 8upply-~-most of them requesting this tho winning, it is a question or how muoh map---and also due to the fact we have lon,er she can hold out. Russia knows thi•• been delayed until this January number Russia has ONE MILLION SOVIET TROOPS, at must be completed and mailed out in Febthis very minute, on the Manchukuan borruar,y---we are shortenin, this issue. and der. Communist propa,anda has already holding ou't this ot:her very interesting turned millions of Chinese to Communism. material, with the map, until the next At the ri~ht J1loment, RUlsia wi11 ,trik., i.su., sa all oan have it. YOU WILL REwhen Japan is too weak to resist. 7hen CEIVE THIS IN THE NEXT NUMBER. either she will oonquer Japan, or ally with her, and take over the vast Manpower ********* of China~ No wonder th1s news will trou ble Mussolini. Then Russia and her yell~ What is PRO P H E S lED hordes t believin, the Pascist Dictato~ for 1 9 3 9 t ships and the Democraoies already have (Continued trom pa~. ~) exhau$ted themselves in war, will come into the fray, and ALL NATIONS will b. in it~ DER TO CONT~OL THE MED!TERRANEAN. And ~he final Dattle will be at ARMAQEDthis is absolutely necea~ary in order to DON~ Mussolini will have 35 million men ,e.estLhlish the Roman Empire~ in the rield. But Russi~ will vastly outNot~~. how shrewdly Musaolini has number him~ And WE will find o~rselv•• planned for years. There are three VITAL taeing annihiliation~ In desparation t we t&~&s. and ~ fo~rth ~trat.gic.l point, in will finally 4rop to our knees, a~ as L the M.dil&~ran._n. The vital gates are, NATION appeal to God (Jod 2). And. 'l'H£N 1st, Cibr&l~ar, the entrance ae the We.t. and then ONLY shall we be saved~
* * '" * * * * * NON-DENOMINATIONAL---utterly