"· I ~;
A fVlagazine of Understanding
Mo. 2.
erne z l nq FACTS!
Here are
AIlERICA St.. nds ach... t, ..s it be~i~ to oa.prohend tho horrible, tracio thine that i.e t ..1d11G pl..ae on tho blood-so&b4 battlefields of FrUlOo ..nil Bolei_~ .. stunned world beCin- to redia. the uuprep..redno.. ot tho DolDOoraol..--and that Adolph Bitler has introduoed • IlIIIf type oC . .rr...... with l.reer. superior tanb, .an JIIM1ern Mohanbed eClui~nt tor speedy. llchtninc w.. c. tocotber with ",ut~superior AIR pqwer, Aa thh 10 writ.ten tod..y, April 2Srd, allied and.. haYe boen thrown into ohaotic cantllsion, tho Qo~ ha"e puahod to the Intilhh ohannel ports. People eYorywhero ..re aoleanly a.~ ·18 DEIIOCRACY DOOMED?" Briony, .. nd to tho point, withouit alnoinc worels, ,... answor .--b..sed upon tb6 only two posslble aQuroo. ol" knoWl-.dC•• 1) tho rJ.C!! in +ho _rid tod&)". and 2) the Bible propbeui•••
IJa l&&:U.. !2!!n~ DollOoraoy _nt, yo_tordey. ln BnclCUld! ~ ~!!..~ DICTAlORSIUP ••• "baolute .a that or Adolph RUler or Iknlt:.o 1ll.. 01W~ Tho Kine 10 stUI the ... a, always. 110 will re.in on hh thr(ll1ll oyer tM Britbh Co_....alth ot N.. tion- until JeNa Ch.'ht o~. e.tld re..,y.. that nry throne to Jeru••1_~ But "inllton Ohurohill Nl. . ElI&land aa abso'"bll' .. RiU." dooa Ge."sv1 fho lkrfu_nt or Ohurohill OOIS Encland---(JQ18 nery lftch. or l .. nd . . . . .')' f'aot;ory. storo, and '---QJN8 ..ery _... and chll6---ba. ab.o4&te ~r oyer ...f1 parson. . . . ry dollar. eyory re._ro.. 'en.rday we he.. rd o r .hOrt_.a brOll40&4It trOll London th a.1nous _rd.: ....1\ will _ric J!hRA. and whot... , and tor .....t pay, the lkrfer_nt shall direot." Th. Bn&Ush people han aur ... naered the1r,r1cltta. t;a.1r llbartl••• yoluntarUf. •• t:.M only ....... to that _tt1olanoy Deed.. to aa.e tMa tr_ dat...t. And lIJIB' tbG Unitod state. ,ate lota the ftI'---U w. . .ro CF.RfAlN to do ,oollier or 1(-~r-4fllE ~ THINO flILL IW'PEW 1IERB! fhh h aOUlowloc1,od by all who II1(II. A. _ In S....l.nd. ~ ... Pr.dd.nt will MOl~tor ..baolut?rbir¥l nat
iLIIiiila 0
diera. but faot:ory-worlotrs, tu.era. "ery dollar at our _1liiy and woalth_ll will 119 CONSCRIptED! And it is THEJl. acaordiac to Bible propheoies, tho Great Tribulation ahall 0.-0. and tho MARl OF 1'118 BEAST wiU be enforo04t tho TIllE 18 At IWID~ It~. tille tor 'IlS to A)fAlS~ It is thon, too. that "THIS GOSPEL OF THE KUDD<Il 8HALL BB PREACHED .... POll a WITNESS .UIft'O ALL lATIONS." (Uat. 24:1•• 21). Each at u. h ... OUR PART 1A that! Are we ell the 1lArXLE-LIJE Fa\ OOOf lea, ""AIE~ Whether thh present W&I' is to 0011tll'al. \ln1nterrup~ed to Anupddon still 11 in dO\lbt. Anaaceddon, _ beUe.,., ....t b. at l.ast throe tW tour years _yo Italy . . not YET .ntered tho . .r, but _1 at any d..y. the b..ttl. bas not YET .hittad to the Mediterr.. nean••a lt .u.t. Il1t1.r . .11 aoon b(lIIbard. perhaps lrmuio, Kncl.. nd. Th. lIra •• nt bat.t:.le stlll 10 ln doUbt. but thI.. PROPJlE:jIED ...nt. . . han been teUl", of WILL POlUIr, "'car41.ss ot tid. battl•• 'QU BIBLE PROPllf:CY SAD And _ • •oOolldly,Bible fro~baG7 HJII &lao that IlOlOCllACI IS I)(l(IplD. a.Cardla.. at the CNto_ at tho pre.. alit furiow. battle. tlw ROUJI torose ~D will 1nnd. PaI. .U,.. and EQ'lIt. . .nd tl1ll IlRITISB will ba ttchtw tlwre to oppoa. th_t On thru the fri"ul&Uon. tho ~lnc ot GentUe fl.... the dreU1\ll DAY OF fIlE LORD with itl. OI.lpernatural PL.AIJU28. OR to AIlIIJ,lJEDOOIl tho wu will rap. mL OtIRIIif 8RALL COMB: 1'lIon. the Ioyar_nta ot tilt. _r~---th. ~.t, the ruoist. the leal, the ll!IIIool'ao1e.shall -aEOlllUl THI! IIJI)DaUI or OUR LORD AIIIl BlS.CHRIBt.· (~'f. 11:1$) • \then Caarhtl OOMO. the 1llYulnc GentU. hord•• attaeldnc .,.oM.laal_---lnolll41nc tM 1I<11oU1 'oro. . w1\h tlaR natipNI in.1Ulled. aid .ho 1lU88IA with her .-.ny alllea.--ahal1 be IllpernaturaUy de.t~4 11 their traobt (teoh. 14:12). "_ do IlO1' WIII.ratan:! thh horrible .nd to aPJI1), to the Ilritbh ani .a-rioan dec.nden. But when the _r tlna1l)' 1a BlDm by Ohrht Is oOll1nc. thin OHRIst shall rul. all _tlo... wJ.th • roll or ~ron. TIM UtINXII,. !8!OOIUCY, a.11 N1.e the .orlal
4:11: 40.. tD ::riii:l- M
What is the -
ClAY, Carl. - .JlDlahPl j;iJ John JOMII, a. 1M ard C.rl SDith. o~ ..nd tell_ ohuroh_bar. l.tt the ottioe tor l:holr' Jonday noon lUM;'. -th.. t .ure _. a wonderful .nnllOn Dr. J~hna~n delivered l~.t nir;ht. Bast expla.nation 1 oyor hoo.rd at where the aoul Co.....t do..th. -
-Sorry 1 lliuod It,- .aid CArl. -~
..... I.
h~ ~r"l~ln
Th.. t
itt alt,aya puaal.xl
Th.y are Ihooked, _sod. at 1Ib&t they t1l1d~ y.t it 11 . IIOi;ly ""at 'roU will tiOO, it' you, too. look tor the tNI FAcrS. &lid PnOOF, ~ttinr; )'(our d.tinitton fro. a reliable 8ibll Dlo~io. .l')'. tho . . aninr; Gr inopil'fld IIebrew word., aad the history or tho orir;in 01' the pr..ant: 0 0 oonclption. "1'0 • • urely, i. tood ttl' th-ehtt Here 11 an article tlat is DIFFER. :lrf, .urprhinc. retn.hinc, lllt"ra.tinr;.
Hero 1:1
"IYoll, 110I add that whltt _ oall doath is not roally doatb .t all, but ~ ly the rGIOll... ot the , ....,1 tTo. th.. body. Itt a only tho. body that die.---wo, our..lYe •• ar.. iJJmortal aoul.. ''<1 ....ld the .oul la I~ter1al-- not OQlSpo.ed 01' I:\Ilttor. but ot apliit, .. nd o .. n M"er di•• "bon • per.on /lie •• it' ha'a .avsd, the aou1 10.'" a the. body, and. Dr. Johntl ... Ixplained, at alao.t the .8r.I& Inatant. it .. rri"e. 1n
heayen "Ullo". ot -ay. whero i t entere a '-ad)" .11 pr~ pared an4 w.. Ul,,« (or It.• We11 what amut tho body propa.ro4 up in ""aYon, - a.md carl. ·'i. it ~\l.t like the 1.,., th,) .oul had Ih.d
'.n hcrt> on ...rth--.... j,t LC'OK tlw . _ , ·011 aur'. Dr. 'ohl\.lon ... id we would
G:tOlllple ot what
we Nan when we tall our radio ll"t..... r. "00 rftadora. "Our pe~ pla---tho popular ohuroh-coins HAJ'ORITY---are in '8ADYLON' toda:r~ All nations h...o baen 11~.
P!!!!!l! by tho pn~lln traditioM , thkt .... lU\tod troIS I Uoth"r R~ oloak.d •• Biblo Chriatillnity. l~.t poop10 today .ino'Faly be1in.o t~lnt. ju.t tho oppo.ite tr<). the TmITH. Oed' a 'lord has been p'rYlrted. turned up.idl-
"hat th••• two yow,,: "'n, diu1.nr; d"m undor tho Nbbiah. or inhftritod "rror, tilld is o~ ly utv\t Atrl010; • .,uld find .. nd beliftvO who l1'ou1<J n."\kB ..n unbi••ed Sft1lJY ot this que.tion. ~n.tbout n i l ' h.vinr; lWJUl w!t.. t _at ot •• ho.1 .. lYllly' h"ard, .an tauPat fro.. ohUdhcod. alld blindly accepted as truth. It 11 ten tiM. hard.r to UlIllllrn Irror than to l.arn ,,1.rC10 TIIJ1'B. thll is ttp tint ot a •• ri•• ooy.rl~ ~le .xoitinc ~ •• ntu.... ot Carl Wth ard John Jona. in their .Iaroh Cor PROOP. In tl\e nan halMl. tbe)t llaro what a!!l really 1!..
d1. until bit. an 014 .-n, then I ~ppo •• hi. .oul .nterl a bocly 1n he ••on that 11 Ml _ . h...nd loob like he hid 0 _ to look. here. an old taan. Do tho.a bodiea prepo....d up there m.p "rowing and o ~ juat ... our. do here. .n ready t'or what.-r .eoond . . die and 10 to beaYen'·
-at....,- _aed
don't know. Dr. Johnson dido't ... plain that.-Wall. I think . . lIlUat &da1t that . _ . a 11tt le .t ra.nr,e. ADd tben. what ot tbe re.urreot10n' What happeM to the bo4y the .C'U1 lb.. io. up t.a bea"en, twhon the earthly body 11 relUrrloted GIlt of the cra•• down here'w ·Oh, Dr. Jowon .aid the .oul Ie..... ita body in beaYen at ~tIa~ tUoe. and returne ..laoet inatantaneou.1y to ••rth and ant:.r. it. to~r body that died, a. that body 11 nlUrnote4 out ot the ",.11, .ai4 carl cravaly. -I ~ppo•• 1 oucht not to llll.atlon
euob thine', Ot oaur. Dr. J ohnaon knowl what the Bible eay•• But it doe. '0. . . littl••---
lort at
to .... I oan't WIlt Ood would ha tht.. body. p to he ••-
.n and .njoy a bett.r OM
up tlWre. and
look 'U4tly we 40 hare. JIl.t tho ...." ~all.tI ••1d O.rl. -I .uppo.. Dr. Johnaon bowa.· Then• •u4d.nl)' bur.Unc
1.a.. all that and .... tuna Mok bare an4 pt baok lato thll . _ 014 body. reawnoted aca1a. And then What bappeDl' Do _ .tl¥
lnto a lau"". --..tlLook• .rahat I know I
bore on o.rth iD OW' ....urreoted bocll ... or t .. k. another trip to be.nn II flllllt f!HERE do _ .pend eternitY'-Oh. 0"1'11- l&1lCha4 John
oUd\tn't to lall~ at 'll4h thi"". blAt it jult popped. into rq Il1M,--tMre ar. tluao; ••nta of people dytR& o".r the world "vot:)" cUr. anl1 it _at taJau an . .t\lllv b1l; _rebcMu. Ill' ln baa•• n to k1Np an ~ •• _
Wi•• -dUne.
·And .ay. liat.n~ I .ur""'. i t . bally di••• M. 101&1 .at.ra • bocI.7 that 11 boby-.b. alld 100b jllat lib the baby 4iel hen, 1Mt .it that . _ babr DOlWlllt
0_. _,
a 11ttl. lMpatl.Pt17. ~. oen't kngw all
tholO thiD(;l. W. h••• other thine' to 40 a"d tty.nIc abollt. Itt I up to u. to jut talll t:he p ...."he.. ' . _I'd tea- it. and 18t it CO .t t""t~· I .uppo•• 10.· rejoiMli Carl. -Still, thllt cloe. II. 'be Met Sa-
2 1M tMAOE Dan~
A CHARt. 8R<WI1«J PROPllECIES OF REIOH or "TDIES OF TIlE D1IIIiel 'I 0-.8 a.-1atioD 13 Rey. 17 The POOR BEASTS TtwI IW( The DEA3T .. DU.OB 8AlIlLON (Stats) (ChuNh) , OOA1' (state) (Ohurobj 1lI8EAS1'
" BIWi' llIaa U<JC Y.1l2.'9 -T.4 GOLD
IBre•• t ..: ?illiD (BF.AIl) an.. or SILn.,t Y. 6 T.S2.:19
~able 0 • •-".
of oWIDEt\ST IIlON etron; lile IJl'Jtl Y. S3. !wlth 10 to-~ I:ORIIS.v. '1.211 24
[l'he !JEIUlT nth lot .IIP.ADS .. 110 iJOOlIS. T. 1.2 he "WAf):
tall or tho
ILY 1'1(0111)
T. S Ilet ilUtlJI
bt ot 1.1st 11001, TEl 1<13 (pluOk~~ bvrootB 2iii or 2nlllORii mr TOIm (ro~od'
lO'e.e ." !borlUl.
kt~ at blIwel;
llnl ot 'lUI fOBI.:
3d itllUf
(r~rd UD'
T,.e.2022 2'-21 'th ot
5th ot
6th of
~.lonr":f: Livers •
L -
5th !lORK.
6th ikIIW.
34 ot re_1ninc
."h ot
'Itll It<I1l.
O:Ioaol"··s llcw't. 476-400 )..0.
Tho VAk~ U9-6~ A..D.
The OSTROOOTlI:I 49~.-554
O!lURCH '" PA-
PACY. ~... ot ROIIlAl\ BlIp.
TOOATi~ ot
Bmplro by Ju. tlnian. liM AJl. He rooo«ni..d
.upr_oy ot
tho pope, aubo rotted to hiAI
D<JL. lII:tpn 7'1'"
-" or_d by800 A.D. t --- ~n:01'.ot wl:Y OL ROWJl
'I IIOnl8
'ItII fit 1'El1 'fOSS
Cl.1l tho "rrand-
1'EfI TO?'::
Pepe ,
2-horlWd SCARLET Rulld thI "LAD- WlIWf Bo••,110 1lRAOOll'& Who rale oallod ·IllAOB H tl.~ BABYLON v.1l-28 Y.12 UI!IWW 111111 o~ ITa- HKI[ 181noo t;1II ot~ ·o.....t .-.lnill& ., hom.(hoale) [whore· DEIIDLY riddon _r1Odl !wClIfD Ht;A~. 80&'- lany ottha .L'.'r! (to-OOtlot tlc.- 'I hs.4e ~I ItillltJ 13rl 11&11. ortte 111: It ...~ ;{!.o.:l~1.:Qt but did 2nd of ~ 2nl BaD IDUIltd ro_lnint; ridden rldo tl,. 'I BORUB ~ 'vWc.Dn la.t T
Fulflla..4 in mSrORY The CBALDJWr
~ lwitllplt horn"
ht BEAD ot pre. EMPIRE (~ phetio )'lon) IiwlWlH 626·~8 Ifiid 11J'}AD IThe ot pro- Blll'IRE (u.t.. I'eraia). ~~10 YLOII 658-3110 8.C,.. Sd. 4th. onr.tCE. UDder =nl 6th A1elllUldar taw S ot Oreat. and Prop'..t- tour d1vbione. !La BABY-r.lltl :;:511-31 B.C. UEAD' ~iiOJI WpC proPlRE. 31 B.C. phet10 -476 A.D•• in i!ASYL01,. 2 dlvidoJW. n..e, , Bad with
!WI wltb 2 horne
(ImP/RIl) Tbldls ot BRASS " holllda. T.32.:l9 T. 6
., 00RJIlJ
3d BIWl tth Iloa& rl4cl.n it tolbytre.n Iowa thclt Ithe lut 7 horn. ..... HBAD lot Ian. '1
rlddon ~R". by
S are tlw 'I Q1)S
DtPw:,(a-n held). Ot 1lo tte Oroat orowned bv Pope. 116201 ....• .....n"'Dpl-
wb¥, (AUiltdan ~ Q!arllta
tt. ort ...OIItItc
6i;h or lib HEAD Ill.". 17. XlIIJlX*. (~elli renainillC (6 tallIm) helUl). Cr..... l~cldeD '1 ~nt.'S W.lUI I bv POlMl 1806. In lUi, jUit 1210 )'OAre .rtor"dol'dly iro-;nd..... 'lClI Maled. llii WSlILY R<l WI 1IIlI'IBK" 1t.::':lllt _II dluolnd. wS o dOI.d a rov .~0A.~roo Aflatua oa"uidw°iitt. SiSl
11th UII 'fO<;S !tORI. eth or
It• •,
TBII tOl~8 10th ';:(II
m>;, ~ riddon itiIiB
.... 1!D8II.
ro_ilt1ac T BOIlNS
1Iw. l~O
by o.n.baldl 18'10 to . . .
,[{lIM ~t Rntnd IIIOIi1I lad oende... .10 t o . _ ) 1!UP. by 10 llOlUI. ot D1t. ; lIDIUIU 01otatore • • ARJ4l;'l'ItO 10'. '""J(.l't 111•.DOE O!lIUO~
P L A I •
t RU
r H
Par T
hat Is the ."he
h..J1ILUOtIS. ri-:ht h...... in Amo.. ioa. ar" 11:1"..... t'ind Sat:an i. t ..anatonaod IVI wo..shipping the "iaa~ ot the 8olllJt;" into an "AlOEL OF LIGI:lr." In Rn. today. !Jl!!.l1Q. DQi ~ itt The t1Jllll 11 • 12:11 and 20:~. it 11 writt.n that .bon Gaming when thos" who ...Satan h... Dl:Cr::IWD the 1\,s. 'this talso ''''y at worship UllLEJi!!. you worship the wholo world. In U Cor • r 1lM,;" ot the Bout." 1l:1~-16..... t1nd S.tan ba. • hall be UARTYR!'.J>l And it is th"lI&. at this you will be _rtyrodHIS adnht.ra. pretendlnc :!!tt prollont r;onoratioll. -whO --Id.lled~ to 00 the adniat.ra ot are p....tioipating in thill popBG~ IF you .orriPit.oullnosD. t.h.. • po.ular tdo11try \Tho shall .utter ship thii'1I'Image" you tl.... d.ooittul, worker., the unspeakable tortur". at .hall .uft'er, rithout traraf'ol1lllng tho.sel.... s 1nthe SEY!':N LAST PLAGUES. _ro:.'. th" SEVEN LAST til tl-e .postles ot' Chriat~ The t i _ 18 AT HAND~ All pt.AC'IJES---the wr.th of \,h.reCoro the:v olailll to be ---inoludin~ ~ and roe---lIUat Almir,hty GOD1: CIIRISTIAX lI1.n1st.ra. they .oon d"oide. !>ithor we .h.ll ar. the UAHY, not the t'ww. baT.. to sul''!'or .t tho hand ot -------"oaus" alL prophaoi.. " eay IIAJI. or at the Rand of' 0001 1t\IY .ro all it la the NAIf'(, I\I't the who hav.. beep the ehur-che a bAffled ov-;;- tt;-t'ru. icW~i- DfX:~IVED. S.t.n'. _in labor tor .u ty ot this "Irt"r.ef"!l1!!" thOUSllnd lone y."'... has b.... n tho DECEIVING fl... hall t .. ll you t.n this arti"l... U OF TIIF. '/ORlJ>. Ha. h. nat, thanfn..... hood 1. ~ to t~o ... who ar.. wl11i", til know~ roli~lo~e or,_ni&o.tlon. aa noll a. 01vl1 lovor""",nt, •• hie inetl'l.llllOntalitTf IDKNTITY Of rHE "8&AST" Tho "'1'\'IQ-IIORNED BPAST· The "8EAS'l'" 18 d••oribed ln tho Uth ohapt4tr ot Reyelation, yersee 1 to 10. ThLs !low ""tioo .~ain tho 13th ohllltor ot wi ..rd "8P.AST"---abvio~aly e ~l u•• d to Ro...o lntlon, be~inni~ Y8r.O lIt piotu.... a r.al per.on or pow.. r---ro.o up "And I bohold .notho .. boa.t oooa1ne up e...t of' th 00., It - . Un e l ..opard, n. out ,.t the ••rth; ~l\$d two horn. teet .or the to.t ot • bear, ita IOlNth like. LAMII. &nil ho .pab a• • DRAOOII." Ubi a lion. It had .... n hoad. aftd t.n Wh_ _ hat---h this "bea.U" horn.. a- •• y it .111-';-the Unit.d Stato•• A oomplote artiel.. in the No.oRber. Some .IlY a ted.r.tion ot Prot••tant ohuroh19119, nllllher of Th. PLAIN TRUTH, MAio ... othen My U will be th.. P~rieao plain and oo~.in th.. ld.. ntity, •• r ..o.lod Union. Still other. t.ll Ua lt i • • ~i.nt by tho 2nd and 1th ohapten ot D.niol. and _taUo .tatlMl ot 1Iu. .011n1. now beine ~, ',! thAt lTth of Roval.Han. built. Wo.t ahurch or,.nie.tion. !Ql£!:!. tho "e-.t" 10 the R<*AN !IlPIIIE. It this v.ry vit&l .o.abj..et ooapl.tely. Qr ...y ba4 • "d.l<dly wound" in .76 A.D. Ita doad- tr.nkl~', ''Y/K 00 NOr lu«.ul" ly wound w.a tleal..d 1n 6K wh"n J~.tiAian !l!z this 1,nor.noo, wtIon tho an-r rutorod tho ..-pirG in tho fI ... t, .nd l.t h SO PLAINt y... wby lndMdf tI• • tIall oantiruod, a. prophesiod (veno 6) o_otq • •,.r tba' qlMlation 1.. thh artiol.~ 1260 :tea'" •• ;'he "Hel~ ROIUn 8elplro," 10 10& lnto tho er-bolio bottoalo•• pit" ln Tho ltIBLI UlTKJU>REtUIOU 181•• with .... polo..n'. det.at .t 'I.tarlce. Onoe IlOr. thh a1~hty &.pir. h to R._llIbur. tiret. TIIR BIBLE IITERPR£'l'3 ITS <IV" SYIQIIlL81 'IMn _n put their 0 ..... to Ufo. ri01l11: out of' it. "bot~. .011 l.torprot.tion on Blbl• • ~l •• th.ir 10.. pit" by a f ..""ration ot t.n naUon. oaA9Iu.ion' ar• •1. .y. r-l •• ~ (RItV.11:12-18). Thi •• Muuol1n1 h now Motto., .tt.r John .... OM "BUST". rapidly brinl;i~ t ... pt\••• nioh _ hav. proved to b. til- I«1!AH D1Tho "drl\r;on· r;aV" thl .. -,...•• t· It. PIRE. ha now ..... AJIOt'HER---. diUor.nt .oat and Gro"t authority. In Rov. 12:9. ~".t" rho up. fl. tlnyO l ...rllltd thAt al¥t 20:2. it is fl"l'ldrwd t ... "4r&(.,"" h a .~bol for ~.to.n tl~ d.vil. 80 thi. hal ·IIRAST" h 0. .Y-bol tor e 1I100doa. or beon !\Atan'. CIVll lov.r... nt on ...rth. (o.n. 1:11.23). an4 'he t .... If&. lI.tao had alao au eool•• 111.t.ioal. "pre.ont• •ither \he 1I:1n&d0ll or it. 1.~ or. . . the 04•• MY be (Dan. or CIIUROli 10nn_aU I. n O..rlnth18111
T 11
P L A I •
80 thla other abea at" with the two hor-n.. h the propheoy ot another- Idncdor ~ ..er_ont. In thea.. propheo1'•• Ood platu,... to u. the ..orthly Gentil. 'Q"r~ ...nt the wild be.at. who •• 6hara.oterhtloe a or1bo t"--. Thh two-honwd "boast· oPpo&r.d .... l.WB. But aotually 1t .poJoa ••• DIUGO"'--lt. tru.ohe.raot.rlat1o---ror ·out ot the .. bundano. ot tlw heart the aouth .peaJoath· (Mat. 12:$1). What doo. the trord ·LAIOI·, eyabolh., ln the B1. bl.T The ..n.... r h. omuS'r (Jno. 1 :211; R..". 17: B). And "DRAao•• h a opobol or the DEVIL (R.T. 1219; 20:2). 80 here h ItO_ iin«dola or co-~nt. _squoradl", an that ot 1:1IRIST. or the 1I1IllX* OF GOV. but aotuaUy boi", ~ ~ ~21.~! Mow notio" ollrllf\llly "ono 12: ·And ho exoorolsoth ALL 1blR2!!t ~ !J!!. ~ bout beror" h Q The rlrst "bolllt" h tho R.-n Elaplre. lllllre 11 AlYtI'IlER lO'Yer,."."" .lso oontrollod by Satan, pretendll1( to be CRRISl" S 'O'I.~ _nt, tho Itlllf;do,," ot Ood, taU"", .... o.r. ol.il1(. usll1(. omp1oyi~, ALL th" powor or tho f1rst k1h§d"lll, th" Ra.an Emplro. Now rlllEN' "" oxooroheth AU. tho power or tho r1rst> beawt beto.-a Id.....nd o"lUIoth tho ••rth and t ..... wh10h dt1.11 there1n to 'rOIlSIlIP til" tiret bo...t. who•• !!!!lU:L !!!.!1J"d !!.!!.!!. hea 1od •• (.0 reo 12):-S;. i t .... AP'I'ER tho doa.uy.o... d (ut .76 A.D.) ... hoalod. It.oe healed lIftIen Ju.tinl.n brou,ht about tl.o r••torotlon or tho ..-pire in tho Woat in 664 A.D. Con.oquont. ly thls R~LIOlOU3 ~&Yor~nt took oy.. r. .xa.rola"d. by rull", •• n tho power ot the RQpan Eaviro AFTER 664 A.D. DW " CIt!J/(CII (KlYF;RteU:1lT llllu;;
So hr:-rtl ha." piotlArod a ,o"or...nt ---a RF.LIOIOU3·C(yornment, appear1ne a. CIUUST'S loyorlmOnt. tho lllDOC'I 01' OOD, ootual1y rullne tl. ol.il Roaan &apire. AJTER ~ A.D. nos thoro .uoh a co.ornIndood th."...... ~ And only ONE:: Pr10r to 654. Ju.tln1 ..n had .ritton • l.ttor to the popo. koknvw1..d£1n« hi. wpro. .oy. And whon he ..o"nded the throne o.t ::<lIIWl in 6M. he . . . orowned by the POI'''' l.ef..,.• •h.-obo kno"led~ The R08IOn tAlpll'o. thuG r •• torod to oont llUe unUl 18U (U60 yoaro). boo_ Imotrn ... ·The HOLY Ho..lAN f14PIIU•• a W. road ln hhtory that tho POI'O' _ro oooe~od •• th.. Vioor ot Chrht. wtd oh _ano 111 PLACE or Chrht.· Tho toaohltl& _ . that tho hoond Comin, ot Chrht had ooourrod--Chrht had r.turllUd to .arth. . . KIlO ot kine. and ... LORD ot lord •• ln the por."Q ot tillt pape.. 'or tho entir. 1260 ~ora. tho .-poror. aooftptod th. pPpe. a • •uoh, rulinc ALL nation. with a ·rod ot iron . . Ohrht h to do tltlF.1 lie r.olly oc.e •• CoftJlequently thoy ca•• ""et thlil' ee-r to the popes. Tho R-..n Catholio Ohuroh ... orcania04 a. a OOVERftWENr·-a. a dud. two-told coyer...nt (itl two ·horn.· or lrtltf:do•• ---tor the ·hor.... • ap" bolla. ldtl(,dOl!l. 0110---'•• 0&11. ,:z.). It . .bodi.d CHDacH KaYer...nt. and lb al.o wu • stArR, or ohll co.,.r_nt. al_y.
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oooupyt.ne .. _rtUn ........t or tarri-torry c,.nr ~iah it. alono. l"\&led a. an lnd.pend.nt .00000olp .toto.---1n a4ditlan to ootue.lly nI11ne lrftr the ....t abU kined... oall04 "The Boly R _ Eap1 .... • ~.n todor, "Votiaan Oity· 10 a ••puato. lnd"poQlSent. If'fl''OiCn SfUI. It l.I lOr • part ot Italy. Mo.t Mtlona .ond _be.. . adoro to It. juat a. thoy do to tilw United ftate •• or to Italy. o.~. or Japan. Iotioa. thi. Moond ·lIean" . . . to wield ~r aYer ALL THE EARTH. booau•• lt .... to OAUSE tbe .... rth. and thaa that dwell ther.ln to WORSHIP thh tint ·be••t" "who•• doadly wound . . . heal.d··~tter liM: In tho E~olopedl. Britannioo. orti01. "laLUUIKIUY • JOu rill read tobe hi.tory ot thh nry ni:.--or how the "Hol,. R.-.n Etapi,..· oaUed the "i"«d- or Ood upon • .,.th.· They ola1ae4 tbo IItlJJllIfIUII had arrb..tl Notioo ... rao 141 ·ond pECEIVETI! th_ th..t dMlll on tho .arth by the . .ana ot toho•• airaolos whioh h. hAd power to do in tho .l~ht ot the bo.at.· Ver.o 18 "ho do.th ,reot .o~.r.,·
So notioe tho.o tllroo polnt.: 1) Thh ·bout- porto.... airool••• 2) He porrol1llOd th... ·in tho dpt ot· .. he "uol~ R...... I*piro.· or firet be•• t :I) With thea he DEcEIVED .11 nation.. Wh.re .1 ln the Bibl. propheti••• do we find th o idoni:ioal taoteT Fir.t. not. R 1'1. lloro i . ploturod a wogo". In II Cor. 1112; Eph. 6t 22-2'7. and oto_he,.., . 0 loam th.t "'-0-.n. 18 • 8)'Ilbo1 tor ClllJRCH. Thls ...,.an i • • tallen .Qa.n---an .. ~o.ta~ oh.. roh--; -.nd • ,r.ot nne. oon.d the ~r••t whore piotur.d a. nalLne ""er .any nation•• . .r ••• 1.16. In ".r•• S. thi. ,reot ~ DhurQh 1. ploturod alttlnc on • ·bo...~a 11&"1", ••"." head. and t.n ho rna. ':. A "0aAIl rldltl& a here. CUidoe. oontrolo. the borao. It doe. her biddine. It 10 ... n known by ALL who undor.t.nd Blblo prophe01 tohat thi. lTth ohapter or R••• lotion piotur.. the R..... n Catholio Churoh ntllll& o.or tho .o-oo110d -ao11 R~n &apir•• • Iotloo. "or•• 18 • •h. 1. ·thot ereot aity·--ROUE---~hiohroi~th OYer the kine. ot the earth.· Notioe • •er•• 2. the lnhablt.nt. ot th...orth tea•• be." DEC~IVEO by thie ~re.t "ohe omaroh. Aho .... 18:3•• he ha. 4.0.1"ed all PAtlona. led. notloe U \'he •• 2IS.... TM da)" ot Chrht--and the Coal", ot Chrhto.hall not 0 . . . . untU then be .. "oUl", "')'. and • "MAN OF SU,· be re... alod. Be ~lte hia••lt oboY. all that I.e oall.d God. All God~ Iw lite in a T-.pl. olot.04 to be toho T_pl. ot 004 •• how1n& h1aaeU to do . . ho pea pl. lnto aoooptlnc hla AI God. God 10 our 1l0LY FUIIKR. Thh -.n. the... would olala the .... Util•• Th1l wiolotd .... 11 to be DES'rROYED ..t. .nd b)'. Ohriot'. aum",. (TOre. e). IloUo. TOn. III ....." Ma...bo •• oum", h att.r the _rl<1l1& ot SahlI with ALL P«G:R and. IIOIIa (.001••) .114 lJlI\C WOIilIiRS. and with all DECKIVABUtlIaS of unript.ou.ne...• ..... 10 the _ . of • .,..t _1.81..
ApM,l....Jkl, 1940
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a.tla.l ...pi .... pertondna .1rllOl...."'" lyipt; wont.n. witlt whiob hi D.:cf.IYBS people ....rywber••
did not: kill ttwa-.he OAlfllBD th_ to "-
.rrw-Jnt ot tho
.how. that ttw o1rll
"'~)lLllctd 1Io~ R..-n . -
plr. ~ bet-.n 110.000.000 and. 100, 000.000 who _re dooar"H 'anathaaa tr_ Chr1.8t.· or "h.~10.· by the Cl\uroht fh10 doo.1Y1~ ~ll,tou. nlle.. rill Coapare with the W<IWI who rod. the .till be ..od....o oleCU' dnn to the "'~le lIea.t 111 R..... IT. ·And I . _ the WOCII&I\ .10 .lRIIAGEtlOOR and the koond Com. ... of DRlJREK "l\'1i TftE 1lLOOD OF TU SAlin'S • .lJlD ChM,.t~ In Rn. 111:13-l8, .re duorlbe4 mm t'IlB IlARTtRS or JESUS.' (VerN a). , three toul .plrlt.. They 0 ' " tr~ the Ctrhlnly the•••rt! 11M and tho . _ , ·draton.· .ldllh is the dn11; t-r_ the Raw tMa ~Nt&t Churoh. whioh _ . a "bea.t" whloh 10 tho ohU ROCIIAJ\ ruler t.o-told CaYCI~Dt. d.o.l....d th. ~opl• .....olbd hold. that p,,.lt1on now), and by SAIUIl TRKY BBOOLD IWtB AI ~ or TIlE trCll'\ 10\111 lWluth of the fall. prophet ...01RAS'l'. llot. 110, (Rn. l:S:14)-tbat 11 . . olatod WITH th. Roman rul.r--the pope. th10 ohurllb d...l ....d peoplo. 'Yor' oonti..." rae 14. 'they CU'e too 1Il'hat 18 an "DullE,' Tho diotionuy .p1.rlte ot do 11 •• 1I'0RlUIIl IO.RACLES •• ld~ ...y. a ·llkBM.... " • ·oopy. N1pre.ontaCo torth unto the tinc. ot the ••rth and tlon, -adele •••blanoe, oounterpart.· 80 oroth. whole world, to cather thltlll to tho here h a Croat CHURCH .ap"" "Lot u. battle ot that creat day ot' O<-d Alair.hty.· \M.ltB .. UQDKL. or ooutrt;.. rp.. rt. at t.h. olrtlAnd thoy ar.. father..d. tln.. 11y ... t ARUAGID- RomaR GOVKRJQIENT'-ror thllt 10 ....10 thl DO_! Rot. i t . y.. t tutur•• the R....n ru1- '1IEAS1'" h.--_ oovtRIlM&NT • • r, ... the RQllIan !ap1re 11 a';&1n re.tored, Juu. Cllriet I18VER ORGAKlZED KIS alonc .ith the pope---and &11 1P the pcMCl'URCHl He .. t up 11(1 ~NT~ Hh .r and influenco of the D£V1L: "orld!\( Churoh lnclude. &11 bnrn_p1n .&lnt. who WlRACLl':S ~ All prophealu oono.. rn11l(; th_ haYe and ar. 104 try the .Holy Splrit. 10 eh<oor the... po1ftra dol~ the SllJne thinr;a~ IlAlf OR GR<JJf or WEN £M ORGAHlZi I!!&1 Now notioe the 1 10 battle ot AAl.\ClllncH! It oan't be orcanhed. ~rMd, OF.DVON. It 1. in R 19:19.20. Rare 1. oontroll.d,~· kEH~ Chr1.t i. It. only piotured the t·--4....olinl or hh HEAD, and H10 IC1ncdoa 10 NOr ot tid. world1 auaoe .. or ; ·and \lITH hl. the Cabo proohdt WHERE. thon. did CIDJRUH OOVERJIWEft (the pope) that • .rrur;ht miraolos betoro orl,lnlLt.. t y.... WllEREf J!!Il, WItIt ;fllICII HE !!!£~ tb_ t"4t had -The t'1r.t ~in the real ...n•• at reoeh.d tho lURK ot thu Beut, ~ thoa tho ."rd. _ . Leo I, (~-46l A.D.)' ••yo !hit b!5!. ll or § hl Jllltld !ill lUAO;'. ttl. Cyolopodl" at Blbl1oal, Th.olo~'o&1. Nato 110; C:>III(l<lre .ith tile two-hornd and Eool..l1aaUo41 Llhr-.turo. Vol. T. bea.lI 01: Ro.... 13:' 1-17 • N . 6211. fo hl.. the tona ot OOVERIlIIKIIf 1) BOTH porfon. OIlraol... ot the R_n Eap1re .... th.. _.t _,.....lou. 2) II01'H ptlrfol"lll th_ betoro. IIr 1n thin« on o.I'th. It b e _ an obo.u1on. tho .1ihb ott tho "Ooast.· a. ..pplled It. princlpl•• to the CHURCH. II) WIrn tho.. , Barll Falao Yrephot. orr;ant.o<t t .... Churob into a lJ<WFJlI&IEHr. &nl\ Two-hnnlld Bout DECElVi the. th.t ro~inll the PAPACY. lb.l!. ~ 2QVl=:Rfl(EIff ha...e tlyo !lARK ot tho Bout---oa"•• t~ !!:. QROAlUZJ.TlQ/I 11. & ~ ~ ~ to roooivo that _rk~ (Rey. 13:16). Sny. llJOr.' Anaiont "htol")': Duri~ CertAinly, t.hon. 'hi .. two-honlOd tho roil>n oC Leo I, tho ChUro" _t up, bea.t and the ral •• pr"pMt alld the . n witlUn the Roawln Elaplr•• an .ool..l ••tlo&l ot dn, &(\d tho .oaan thAt r("do tho Bo....t. ~ (~o...o r_nt) _hioh. 1n It. oonatltu.re ~11 ono .nd tho ....... th1nc---the R~ tion and it. adalnhtr.. the .y.t_. . . . CATHOUC CKURCIl~ ....d 1t'. popo~ !..~ lhelf lle2.ll!h!!. 1l!Jperlal HOPEL." Noor did the twt)-hor""d bu.. t dood..... Tho Britannioa oalll the p.puy an the ~.ry Onllo who han the !lAR1t or tho ECCl.lS!ASTICA.l. WORLD DlPIRB~ lIeuU lie dld~ Contl ..... in Re.... 131 Thia DlAaE--ohuroh so....n -nt---o_'And d.o.. b .. th th•• tt.-t chw.n on poll.d poopl. to "ORBHlP TIlE CII1J¥lW And the .arth"---l!Q11 • .....yi~ to thltlll thot dnae the otau'oh ~rc.. n1.04 into • ~_ ctw.ll on tho .arth, th..t they .hould M.kII ufaOnt, thh 0raMp ot the DWIE an IK&Ul to the bctut, whioh had tho waunl I'ALSE .oralUp-lDOLITRYU bJ the &Word and did lh•• And he had But thia Cburoh beo_ & IIOIHKR, and p - r to Cho Utw unto the 1IlIa«0 or the OAlIOHfKR CWRcHES 0 _ OIIt ot twr. in 'proha.t. that tIl. 1Ju&e ot tho Bout .1I0uld t.at,· 0&11111« thea••1... ·I'R01'.IS'UJlf.· both ~. ..nd CAlJ8E a. _ny •• would nat And ALL ARB 0Il0ANIIBll. and haye CIlDRCB 001war.hip the U&ll&e ot tho Be •• t .hould ]a ERIlUr.IIl'. "Upon her flor .. tw&<! ..." • _ ~. AlfD ~ CAUSE'l'H Al,k. BOTH llI&ALL All> writ.ten. JaSTf'.kY. BABYLON THB OREAr. fIlE G1tW. RICH AJlU POOR. FREE "Ill> 1lO1CD. h Mllt.miIl OF lWll.OT1· (Rn. 17:8). Her 4aqhI!i1l1I!. ~ ~ ln their rlc ht hand, or 1n - hr 0&11.4 ....arlota." Topthor. ht ttwir toreheads: and that I)Q - ' P .-lC bu¥ th..y _ll.d ·8A8YL011.· ar. ~ 11 (trado • •arn • lh1~, hold & job). t.aohip& pal'" dootr1M. aDd ...... tw that Ilad the _rk. or tho _ ot 010&04 in the IWlI ot ·Ohrhtludty..• tho 1Io•• t. or ttw maber ot hh _ e · ADll ALL 1IAr10111 ..... d.oo1YC1Cl! (Ver... 14-11). 'I••• 0"'11:8 00'IER1IWn' 10 the -uuaB10, notloel fhi. two-l\3rned 'beut' ot thl 'B8.lBf.- WlMn ,"pl• • peak of "air Mt only CAUSSD poopl. to noo1.... tho IlAltI Churob, - they .an thair orpnhe4 ot the Bo••t (o_p-.r. ReY. 111120), 1Iut al- baUon. lIId t04a,y peop1• •0 _ to lDOLlD: eo OAUSIW the IWl!'YRD<J( Of SAl.ra. A. .he1r CIlURC8£ll~ ~hh ie "wor.blpplQ5 ttw -1W . . .ould not _roMp thh IWOB wn IIIA01 ot the JIASt•• ·C"tlF. DER,· God onuagd. to be Idllod. ThIt Cathelio ohuroh (J{c~. 1":.). Ood~;l.~t., HEEDl .\ .paoi&l &rt101o OD 'Churola 0'"or....D1O. e)r''.Il\n!:1G ftAnWr• •ollt C8-n 'l",et. Ar
0" ••
oor or