March 50Plus

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Arts & Entertainment Calendar page 2B

March 2015 Vol 29 No. 3





SPORTS Meet super woman Agnes page 1B

Long Term Care can be very expensive

Nursing & Rehab Directory page 14B

page 10A

Iwo Jima


When & Why for School page 3A


Real Estate Market is Headed Upward


MONEY SENSE By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky

page 9A


Financial Wellness page 10A


Let’s visit in the Jacksonville Area page 10B

The invasion of Iwo Jima was never expected to be a “Walk in the park,” but marines and machines were more than momentarily stymied as they came ashore to be stuck in several feet deep of volcanic ash. All the while, Japanese soldiers were reining mortar and machine gun fire at them. IsINit THE any wonMOVING der that our casualties were not even greater than RIGHT DIRECTION By Bruce Nemovitz the nearly astounding number they were?

Some people still are bewildered by the aggressive military thinking that led to this story. From its beginning, 70i years Financial Fi l Wellness W ll does signal a full lifetime for perhaps “Planting Tomorrow’s at least half of today’s society, but there is a segment of these people, Dreams Today” some reaching into By theBrad ageOlson, grouping of the 90’s, still with us today CFP – much older and wiser – comprised of those who realize that we’re IWO JIMA continued on page 21A




MONEY SENSE AGING By Karen Ellenbecker ISSUES & Julie Ellenbecker By Tom Frazier -Lipsky

Seniorcare & Family Care; APRON Emma STRINGS Answer Man When Care Still Mattered By Aunt Emma

Two of the most successful programs in the country were developed in Wisconsin in the early 2000s. Family Care reformed Medicaid long-term care pro-

grams to eliminate the institutional bias and to provide consumer choice as to where to receive long-term care services, i.e. in a

IT MAKES ME CRABB FRAZIER continued on page 3A

2A • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

It’s time to focus on AMD vision loss

Warning Signs AMD usually develops gradually and painlessly, and good vision in one eye can often mask problems in the other. As it progresses, however, you may notice: ■ Difficulty reading or doing close work ■ Distortion of colors, sizes, and details ■ Blurriness of faces, clocks and words ■ Edges and lines appear bent or wavy ■ Blind spots (dark or empty spaces) occurring in the center of vision “If you notice warning signs, schedule a comprehensive eye exam immediately to determine the presence, type and severity of AMD and whether or not treatment would help,” says David Scheidt, OD.

AMD damages central vision, causing difficulty with seeing clocks, signs, faces and printed words, as well as distortion of lines, colors, sizes and edges. by Cheryl L. Dejewski

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of central vision loss in Americans over age 50-impacting quality of life and independence. Prompt diagnosis and advanced treatment are key to protecting vision. The ophthalmologists at Eye Care Specialists provide the following information for our readers.

What is AMD?

“AMD is an eye disease in which the macula (a highly sensitive area of the retina) becomes damaged causing loss of straight-ahead central vision (as needed for driving a car, reading fine print and recognizing faces),” explains Mark Freedman, MD, one of the state’s leading ophthalmologists and continuing education lecturers. “‘Dry’ AMD is more common (90% of cases), tends to progress slowly, and be less severe. ‘Wet’ AMD is less common, but can progress quickly and cause profound loss of central vision. Without treatment, 70% of wet AMD patients become legally blind within two years.”

Risk Factors n Age: The risk of developing AMD

n n n n n n n n n

skyrockets from 2% for adults ages 50-59 to 30% for those age 75+ Heredity: A family history of AMD Gender: Females are at greater risk Race: Being Caucasian raises risk Smoking: Increases risk 2-5 times Circulatory problems Obesity and inactivity Light-colored eyes Prolonged sun/UV-light exposure A diet high in fat and low in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants


“If significant dry AMD is diagnosed, we usually recommend vitamin supplements, sun protection, and not smoking, to prevent or slow progression.

“If wet AMD is diagnosed, we review the risks, benefits and candidacy for injections of special medications, such as Avastin, Eylea and Lucentis,” explains Brett Rhode, MD, a partner at Eye Care Specialists, where thousands of AMD patients are diagnosed and treated each year. “These revolutionary drugs inhibit the growth of the abnormal blood vessels that cause wet AMD. Although there are NO guarantees, we have seen remarkable results with injection treatment. In the past, there wasn’t much we could do. Now, with regular in-office injections (about every 4-8 weeks), we are able to stop the progression of wet AMD in 90% of our patients and even have up to 30% gain improvement in vision,” says Daniel Ferguson, MD, who performs injections on a daily basis. (Injections are also used to treat diabetes-related vision damage.)



"Sight-robbing conditions often go undetected and untreated because they develop gradually in one eye and good vision in the other eye masks the problem,” explains Daniel Paskowitz, MD, PhD, an eye care specialist with credentials from Harvard and Johns Hopkins. "People age 50-plus should have a thorough dilated eye exam every two years to check for AMD and other hidden conditions (like glaucoma). We also stress not smoking, since it increases the risk of AMD by 2-5 times. And, we encourage wearing sunglasses and eating a diet high in healthy nutrients and low in fat and sugar. In addition, we give our patients a simple effective screening tool called an Amsler Grid that they can hold or hang on the refrigerator to easily check their eyes at home.”

Maintaining Independence

“AMD patients can stay independent and productive by following their eye care specialist’s treatment plan, utilizing low vision aids (handheld and closed circuit TV magnifiers, telescopic devices, talking books, etc.), contacting support/ transport services, and learning new ways to perform activities,” says Michael Raciti, MD, who treats patients at three Milwaukee-area locations.

Free Information Call 414-321-7035 for a FREE booklet on AMD, glaucoma, diabetes or cataracts. If you don’t have an eye care specialist, we invite you to call our office to schedule a comprehensive exam, which is typically covered by insurance.


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Mark Freedman, MD

Brett Rhode, MD

Daniel Ferguson, MD

Daniel Paskowitz, MD, PhD

Michael Raciti, MD

West Allis

10150 W. National Ave.



2323 N. Mayfair Rd.



735 W. Wisconsin Ave.


David Scheidt, OD

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

School puzzle:What about taxpayer support? Officials for both public and private schools are puzzled by Gov. Scott Walker’s budget for elementary and secondary education. They agree that more state taxpayer support is needed for each of them to succeed. Walker’s budget calls for expanding the voucher program that provides state help for the poor to send their children to participating voucher schools. The program has been limited largely to Racine and Milwaukee, but the governor’s budget removes participation ceilings. The governor’s budget calls for a $150 per-pupil reduction in state aid for each child in public schools in the first year of the new biennium. It also would scale back the size of the vouchers and lower income limits for participation. But the budget is cloudy for everyone because public school budgets would be tapped to provide the voucher money. Public school officials suggest the total loss, including the state cutback, could come to $127 million in the first year of the biennium.

FRAZIER continued from page 1A nursing home or in your own home or other community setting. SeniorCare provides assistance for low income older people to be able to afford their Rx drugs. One of the major reasons both these programs have been so successful is the extensive public input from consumers, advocates, and providers in the planning and implementation of them. Also, both programs were approved by the Wisconsin Legislature with overwhelming bi-partisan support. Governor Walker’s proposed state budget would completely change the very core of these programs and eliminate the public participation that has made them the envy of other states. The 85,000 SeniorCare enrollees would be required to purchase Medicare Part D Rx drug plans from private insurance companies with SeniorCare becoming a supplement to those plans. This would increase costs to enrollees by millions of dollars, and replace over $15 million in Federal matching

In addition, the shift in money would come even if the child entering a voucher school had not previously been enrolled in a public school in the district. Jim Bender, who, as president of School Choice in Wisconsin, has led MOVING IN THE the fight for more voucher schools, said RIGHT DIRECTION those schools “need funding or Byproper Bruce Nemovitz they won’t open more seats.” Lurking in the back of the financing question is whether more voucher schools would provide a better education. That fight bubbled up as public school administrators assailed the governor’s approach. John Forester, director of governmentAGING relations for ISSUES School Administrators Alliance, By Tom Frazier also noted the Walker administration expects a 4.7 percent increase in general

tax revenue in the first year of the biennium. “Despite overwhelming evidence that private school vouchers do not improve student achievement and lack adequate accountability to the public, MONEY SENSE Gov. Walker continues to pursue priBy Karen Ellenbecker Julie Ellenbeckersaid vate school voucher &expansion,” -Lipsky Forester. “The ultimate objective of voucher advocates is a statewide system of private-school vouchers for all Wisconsin children,” he added. The governor wasn’t buying criticism of his Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll budget ideas. “Planting Tomorrow’s ‘’To me, the losers are the peoDreams Today” By Bradthe Olson, CFPgovple who want to grow state ernment beyond the state’s ability to pay,” Walker said. But, to hear both the private and public school leaders, the financial picture for the upcoming APRON schoolEmma year is at best unclear. STRINGS The local school budget issues By Aunt Emma have gone largely unnoticed in the media because of the controversy over Walker’s budget plans for the University of Wisconsin System. His budget calls for a $300 million, two-year reduction in state support for the system.

funds and $52.9 million in rebates from pharmaceutical companies (rebates that constitute over 60% of total program costs). It would destroy the PLANTING TOMORROW’S administrative simplicity that has been DREAMS TODAY so popular among enrollees. A SeniorBy Brad Olson Care Advisory Council made up of consumers, advocates and providers was not consulted regarding these proposed changes. Family Care, which has eliminated waiting lists in 57 counties and is scheduled to be implemented in another seven counties in 2015, also would SPORTS experience huge changes. Among By Jack Pearson the more unbelievable changes would be to eliminate the requirement that the Department of Health Services (DHS) solicit proposals for contracts allowing DHS to contract with any applicants it chooses, eliminate the requirement that Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) have governing boards, and the requirement to create long-term care advisory councils. The Governor proposes to eliminate the IRIS program of self-directed care that has been extremely popular, especially

with persons with disabilities. By eliminating Family Care Districts that administer Family Care in some parts of the state, allowing DHS to contract with any organization it chooses, and being able to include primary and acute health care in contracts, it seems that the Governor and DHS plan to contract with one or more large private insurance companies to run Family Care. When Family Care was first developed with the extensive public input I referred to earlier, one of the major issues was whether or not to integrate long-term care and health care. A proposal to integrate was rejected at that time because we specifically wanted to avoid a medical model of care. It would seem to be nearly impossible to transition 40,000 frail older persons and people with disabilities on Family Care to a private insurance company without severe repercussions. For example, what happens to the over 15 years of developing an extensive network of service providers, and adding a profit to the cost of an already tight Family Care budget?


• 3A

Walker also proposed eliminating the “Wisconsin Idea” of public service that dates back more than a century. The governor retreated, first suggesting the Wisconsin Idea change was a “drafting error,’’ then said it was caused by confusion among his staff. The governor suggested the budget issue could be partially solved if the university faculty would teach an additional course. University officials predicted that other top-notch schools would raid the faculty ranks, offering other jobs to UW faculty who are leaders in their disciplines. Walker’s move attracted national attention because he is preparing to run for national office. Two weeks before he released his budget plan, the governor urged local school officials to encourage high schools students to think about going to technical and vocational schools A two-year technical school education “is just as noble and needed as those of their classmates who go on to a four-year college or university,” Walker said in a speech in Milwaukee.



SENIOR Answer Man

IT MAKES ME CRABBY Like SeniorCare, there is a Long-Term Care Advisory Council that was not consulted about any of these changes. Our Governor repeatedly says he is “returning government to the hard working tax payers of Wisconsin”. And, we know that there are winners and losers in every budget, but if these proposals are adopted by the legislature, the winners will be big insurance companies and big Pharma while the losers will be older consumers, people with disabilities, and the hard working tax payers of Wisconsin. It is my fervent hope that, 15 years later, our legislators will continue to show bipartisan support and that they still care.




calendar the WRIGHT SIDE of

KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone

By Enis Wright




By Jack Pearson

4A • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

By Enis Wright


The middle class President Obama, in his speech beginning this year in office, said he’d raise the taxes on the upper class of income earners. He claims that he wishes all taxpayers to be governed by the same rules. Still, he says that his version of middle class econom-

ics calls for two years of free tuition at community colleges, along with health care, decent homes and nice retirement in the final stages. I’m sure glad that I am part of the middle class.


Social Security to expand field office hours nationwide Social Security announces as a result of Congress’ approval of the fiscal year 2015 budget, the agency will expand its hours nationwide and offices will be open to the public for an additional hour on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, effective March 16, 2015. A field office that is usually open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. will remain open until 4:00 p.m. Offices will continue to close to TRAVEL the public at noon every Wednesday so employees have time to complete current work and reduce backlogs.

“This expansion of office hours reaffirms our commitment to providing the people we serve the option of top-notch, face-to-face assistance in field offices even as we work to expand online services for those who prefer that flexibility,” said Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security. “The public expects and deserves world-class customer service and thanks to approved funding, I am pleased we will continue our tradition of exceptional service,” she said.



Ellenbecker llenbecker psky


W ll Wellness

morrow’s oday”

son, CFP






Answer Man

By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky

DEAR SAM: I recently read that Madison and its exciting State Street rank 54th in a recent survey of college towns. I thought it was about i l Wellness W ll happened? number one. FiFinancial What has “Planting Tomorrow’s Dreams Today” QUESTIONINGLY, By Brad Olson, CFP JOHN JURISEWSKI




people who like the atmosphere of Madison as opposed to learning at its university can be relieved that it is not listed as are Yonkers, Newark and Schenectady with nine others as the worst college cities. These last just might be among the best TRAVEL places to send your kids to school. What really makes a great college town? No two people’s road maps are identical, just as no two lives are. ENJOY! SENIOR ANSWER MAN



JOHN: Obviously, not evN WHITE the DEAR WRIGHT WRITES SENIOR APRON ery person values a community by



the number ofSTRINGS bars it has Answer along a By Aunt Emma By Enis Wright certain popular street. Additionally,




the WRIGHT them are being SIDEwritten of in favor of bankers, who loan money out. Too By Enis Wright

often, the language in these contracts is too cumbersome for many of the people who sign on the dotted line to understand. But a writMcLoone ten contract certainly is better than a verbal one. As far as I am con-



KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone By Matt Pommer


cerned, a verbal contract is exactly worth the paper it is not written on. The guy who agrees to such a proposal perhaps would like the bumps endured while driving down a detour, smiling and still believing that honesty is the best policy. This may be true, but the policy is somewhere not to be found.



By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 8. Remember to set your clocks ahead an hour at daybreak (dawn). The reasoning: To allow us an extra hour of sunny time each day when evening would normally de-ll Financial Fi i lW Wellness “Planting Tomorrow’s scend upon us. Dreams Today” L L L L ByLBrad Olson, CFP Can you believe that only 98 percent of Americans supposedly have television sets in their homes? The other two percent must live in an area that can’t get decent reception or else they’re outdoor Emmahealth nuts. No one is too poor to go without television. L L L L LBy Aunt Emma Does the annual college spring break begin March 16? The calendar informs us that this is the date that National Wildlife Week begins. L L L L L We doubt that there’s an Irishman alive who doesn’t know that March 17 is the annual date for St. Patrick’s Day. He was a pious, godly, virtuous, holy and righteous person. Yes, he also drove the snakes from the emerald isle and utilized the common three leaf clover to demonstrate the triumvirate of God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. Even though he was very philanthropic, he did not invent Irish whiskey. L L L L L There’ll be a new moon March 20, also known to be the first day of Spring. We anxiously leap into this first season of the year. In fact, the early Romans had March as the first month of their year. It was called Martius and was named after their god of







KILLING TIME continued on page 13A


are all types of contracts oone beingThere made today and the best of





A great many veterans and well-wishers will be traveling with Gary G. Wetzel way later this month near to the War Memorial Center in downtown Milwaukee. Wetzel, while going far beyond his call to duty in Vietnam warfare, lost an arm and suffered other wounds while saving the MOVING IN THE lives of fellow Americans. When is RIGHT DIRECTION By Bruce went Nemovitz the last time you personally out of your way to help anyone? L L L L L A friend was saying, actually, I believe, bragging that he played golf in the 80’s. I do believe him as I play it at 86, but shoot for the late 90’s in more ways than one. L L L L L AGING While on the topic of ISSUES golf, it is a strange game. Can you imagine trying By Tom Frazier to explain the game to someone and tell him that the golfer who gets to hit the ball the most is the one who loses the match? L L L L L Most people can’t even recall when the federal tax deadline was in March, not April. I wonder how many PLANTING Catholics mention fudging a bit on TOMORROW’S DREAMS TODAY their income tax statement when they By Brad Olson go to confession? L L L L L While we may not buy the entire creation theory, we do believe in the story of Adam and Eve. Why? Because God just knew that Adam needed a person who could boss him around. We’ve read that a woman who really believes she’s just the equal of SPORTS her husband is lacking in ambition. By Jack L L L L L Pearson


Hartland, WI 53029




PUBLISHERS Tom and Maureen Slattery EDITOR Jim McLoone

find us on facebook at 50 Plus News Magazine


Nicole Hesse OFFICE MANAGER Paula Koeppen


MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS


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• 5A

6A • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

Smoking reduces a woman’s life expectancy by 10 years

Our board-certified family nurse practitioners will work with you to develop a personalized plan to prevent disease, improve your health and help you stay well. We’ll even send your visit summary directly to your doctor. Call 855-WALGREENS (1-855-925-4733) to schedule an appointment at a clinic near you. Located at select Walgreens:

Brookfield 2205 N. Calhoun Rd. South Milwaukee 2985 S. Chicago Ave. Mequon 11270 N. Port Washington Rd. Waukesha 221 E. Sunset Dr. Milwaukee 1400 E. Brady St. Wauwatosa 10800 W. Capitol Dr. Milwaukee 6030 W. Oklahoma Ave.

BY DAVID LIPSCHITZ As a general rule when it comes to health, women are far better off than men. Prior to menopause, their risk of heart disease and stroke is substantially less than for men, and the numbers of cancers occurring in both sexes is significantly lower. But when it comes to addiction, women do not do as well. Overcoming drug addiction, alcohol abuse and cigarette smoking is much more difficult. Until recently, the negative effects of smoking had only been studied in detail in men. For the first time, a study in the journal The lancet has shown that smoking reduces the life expectancy of women by an average of 10 years. The findings were obtained from “ The Million Women Study” conducted in Britain. The study includes 1.2 million women between the ages of 50 and 69 who at the time of this report have been followed for a total of 12 years. At the onset of the study and 3 years later, they were asked questions about lifestyle and habits. During the 12-year period a total of 60,000 women had died. At the start of the study, 20 percent of the women were smokers, 28 percent were previous smokers and 52 percent never smoked. The risk of death in those continuing to smoke at the 3-year mark was three times higher than those who had never smoked. And the more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk. In those who smoked 1-9 cigarettes daily, the risk of death

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was twice as high as nonsmokers. The authors of this paper conclude that smoking-related illnesses including lung disease, lung cancer, heart disease and stroke accounted for 66 percent of all deaths amongst women between the ages of 60 and 80. Because women only began smoking in earnest after 1940, this is the first study that clearly demonstrates that the long-term negative effects of smoking in women are no different than in men. The study clearly showed the great benefits of quitting smoking. In an accompanying editorial, Dr. Rachel Huxley, from the University of Minnesota, notes that women who stop smoking in their 40s reduced the negative effects of smoking by 90 percent, and discontinuing in their 30s essentially eradicated the risk completely. Most importantly, the effects of nicotine on the heart quickly disappear after quitting smoking. Not only are the number of heart attacks and strokes reduced, but fatalities decrease as well. It is never too late to stop. Sadly, most women start smoking in their teens and are less likely to stop than young men. Some believe that many women are reluctant to quit because of weight gain concerns. However, being overweight is far less risky than smoking, and strategies are readily available to help anyone stop smoking while providing useful tools for improving lifestyle that, through better nutrition and exercise, will minimize the chances of gaining weight. There is not a single smoker who does not want to quit. Unfortunately, nicotine is truly addictive. There are many smoking cessation programs that are now covered by most insurance policies. Nicotine replacement therapies, including patches and pills, are effective. In addition a prescription medication, Chantix can reduce the need to smoke as can the antidepressant Buprion. Many hospitals offer highly effective smoking cessation programs SMOKING continued on page 7A

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

Diet and inflammation contribute to conditions Inflammation isn’t something we’ve heard a lot about when it comes to diet, but the word seems to be more and more at the forefront. Inflammation contributes to the development of conditions, such as metabolic syndrome and cancer, and interestingly enough, diet plays a role. Researchers at the University of South Carolina developed a dietary inflammatory index of 45 foods, nutrients and phytochemicals to help gauge a food’s ability to increase or decrease inflammation based on its impact on inflammatory biomarkers. The DII was developed in a review of 1,943 research studies that evaluated the effect of diet on inflammation. Here’s the bottom line: The DII research shows that saturated and trans fats are among the highest pro-inflammatories on the list, while fiber, carotenoids, flavonoids, turmeric and ginger are among the lowest. The index is the first attempt to relate the intake of inflammation foods to health outcomes. Researchers went a step further and applied the DII to predict colon cancer risk in the Iowa Women’s Health study. They discovered that women consuming more pro-inflammatory foods had a 20 percent increased risk for developing colorectal cancer. The study was published in the Cancer Epidemial Biomarkers Prev., August 2014 and in the March issue of Environmental Nutrition. SMOKING continued from page 6A that include counseling and support groups. Most research indicates that the best way to quit is to set a date and stop “cold turkey.” And then nicotine patches or a support group may prove very helpful. The best approach by far is to never start in the first place. Thank goodness the “adult, macho and sophisticated image of smoking that appeal so much to teenagers have largely been dispelled. And the marketing of cigarettes to young people no longer occurs. Despite



: Do herbal enemas and other types that cleanse the colon protect against colon cancer?


: No well-controlled, scientifically accurate studies offer support for such suggestions. The mucus and bacteria that product advertisers talk about removing are a normal part of our digestive system, helping it to function and stay healthy. Suggestions that we need special procedures to remove toxins are unfounded. The kidneys and liver have intricate systems to filter and eliminate toxins. Toxins can come from food and from the breakdown of food. Studies do show that food wastes move through the digestive system considerably faster in people who eat high-fiber diets than in those whose diets are low in fiber. Some scientists suggest that fiber helps lower risk of colon cancer in part by reducing the time that any cancer-causing substances in waste are in contact with intestinal membranes. Other scientists credit the healthful substances that intestinal bacteria produce from fiber as cancer-protective. Not only are colon cleanses, sometimes called colonic irrigation, unlikely to protect against cancer, frequent use of high colonic enemas and other products for colon cleansing might even have negative health effects by reducing populations of health-promoting

nationwide antismoking campaigns and the reduction in advertising, too many young people continue to smoke. Whether a smoker or not, we all have a responsibility to maintaining a smoke-free environment for ourselves and our children, and to understand that smoking is an addiction and bad for our health. We must stay committed to a public health campaign that continually encourages our children and grandchildren to never smoke.

bacteria called the microbiota that live in your digestive tract. Safety of cleanses or irrigation depends on how they are done; irrigation with large amounts of coffee or other fluids have been linked with some deaths, mostly from the result of severe electrolyte imbalances. To lower risk of colon cancer and for better overall health, the American Institute for Cancer Research recommendations supported by strong scientific evidence are to eat a most-

ly plant-based diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans; get regular exercise; limit consumption of red meat, processed meat and alcohol; and maintain a healthy weight. Information courtesy of the American Institute for Cancer Research.

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8A • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

Where can you get Medicare advice? BY TOM MARGENAU Regular readers of my column know that I rarely tread into the murky Medicare waters because I am not an expert on that program. Many people mistakenly assume that Social Security and Medicare are essentially two parts of the same government program. So because I spent 32 years working for the Social Security Administration, they think I should know all about Medicare. In truth, Social Security and Medicare are two entirely separate government programs administered by two entirely separate federal government agencies. Social Security is managed by the Social Se-

curity Administration -- my former employer. But Medicare is run by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. There are a couple reasons why people think that SSA manages the Medicare program. One is that the payroll taxes for both programs used to be linked. Up until about 1983, there was just one payroll deduction that covered both Social Security and Medicare taxes. But for the past 30 years or so, there have been two separate deductions, one for each program. Yet to this day, many older folks think they are still the same tax and the same program. But the bigger reason for confusion about who runs Medicare is

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that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services does not have a network of field offices. So they have always relied on SSA to get people enrolled in Medicare. Because people go to their Social Security office to sign up for Medicare, they understandably assume that SSA is the place to go to take care of all their Medicare issues. However, once you are enrolled in Medicare, SSA is out of your Medicare picture. (And that’s why I am out of the loop when it comes to Medicare -- other than having some rudimentary understanding of the enrollment process.) So where can you go for help? I always refer my readers to volunteer Medicare advisors. They are called SHIP counselors in most states. That stands for State Health Insurance Assistance Program counselors. Although it can get a little confusing because they are sometimes known by the name HICAP. That stands for Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program. To find the SHIP or HICAP counselor near you, go to Medicare’s website: At the home page, you’ll find a link labeled “Find someone to talk to.� Open the link for your State, and the SHIP/HICAP counselor is usually the first one listed under “personalized health insurance counseling.� You will find phone numbers and websites for the counselors in your area.


: When I turned 65 about 10 years ago, I didn’t take Part B Medicare because I was working and I was covered by my employer’s insurance. When I finally retired, my wife was still working and I was covered by her employer’s insurance. She recently retired, so I went to apply for Medicare Part B. But I was told they would charge me with a stiff late-enrollment penalty unless I could prove I had other coverage these past 10 years. But getting proof of that coverage was not simple mainly because my wife’s former employer went bankrupt and it was a huge hassle getting records from what is now a nonexistent

company. Can you please share my story with your readers so they will be prepared if they find themselves in a similar situation?


: Well, I guess I just did. But let me explain your case to some of my readers who might be confused about what happened to you. There are two main parts to Medicare. Part A is hospital coverage. Part A is financed by the Medicare taxes withheld from your paycheck while you were working. So it is free once you reach age 65. Everyone should take Part A at age 65 -- just because you’ve already paid for it and it’s now free. The other main part of Medicare is called medical (doctor’s) insurance, or Part B. It was not paid for by your payroll taxes. It is funded by a monthly premium, usually deducted from your Social Security check. The premium is about $100 per month for most people, although wealthy people pay a higher rate. The law says you do not need Part B (and you do not have to pay for it) if you are working and covered by your employer’s insurance. Or if your spouse is working and you are covered by his or her employer’s insurance. If you do not take Part B at age 65 and do not meet the criteria listed in the prior paragraph, but later decide you want Part B, you will pay a premium penalty that amounts to 10 percent for each year you went without Part B coverage. But the guy who sent the above email to me (who went 10 years without Part B coverage) should not have to pay the penalty because he was covered by either his own employer’s insurance, or his wife’s employer’s insurance. And as he pointed out in his email, if you find yourself in a situation similar to his, you must be prepared to prove you had employer’s coverage for all the years you went without Part B Medicare.



MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky

The signs are all pointing in the right direction! By Matt Pommer

“Moving in the Right Direction”, A Senior’s Guide to Moving and Downsizing was my first book and the title describes what I see in the very near future for Wisconsin real estate! In the past, I have been very cautious to tap that toe of optimism in the waters that be, but so many factors are about to intersect which I believe will make this the year of the seller. The real estate recession really began in late 2006, a full 8 years ago. This changed the lives and direction of so many folks who would have made far different choices had the market continued on a steady predictable course. The wave of uncertainty left would be sellers unsure as to moving to a better situation. Young first time buyers who purchased in that period were burned and many ended in foreclosure or negative equity. The ramifications of the recession affected seniors by staying in their homes far longer than their situations dictated. It left the young would-be buyers who witnessed their cohorts falling into financial ruin deciding to stay on the sidelines…many living with their parents!


I believe that due to some very encouraging signs in the market, folks who need to move to a better, safer situation can and will move and there will be many millennial buyers (28-37 years of age) to purchase those homes. AGING What are these encouraging ISSUES signs Tom Frazier that cause me to exudeBy this optimism? Let’s start with availability of mortgages at historically low rates. Today’s rate for a 30 year fixed rate mortgage is on average 3.85 percent! Low rates mean lower payments, but add to the mix that the new minimum down payPLANTING ment is 3 percent! This will help many TOMORROW’S parents gift their children so their milDREAMS TODAY Brad purchase Olson lennials leave the nestByand their first home. Do you know that there are as many young people ages 28-38 as baby boomers? Yes, over 80 million young folks and only a frac-

tion own a home. That is a huge pipeline waiting to buy their first home. Rents have increased to the point where owning a Fi homei l now Financial Wellness W ll makes “Planting Tomorrow’s better financial sense than renting. So Dreams Today” many that lost their homes inCFP the reBy Brad Olson, cession are about to qualify again for a home. These past owners went into rental situations and are longing to get back to owning their own home once APRON again. Emma STRINGS Prices have remained stable with By Aunt Emma increases in the 3 percent range making home affordability at an all-time high. Coupled with low down payment requirements and low interest rates, there has never been a better time to buy. Therefore, if my predictions are correct, this may be the time for you would-be sellers to start downsizing and preparing your home for sale. Even if you don’t think you will move this year, why not start the process so that when the time comes to put your home on the market, it will be ready to show. Too many of us wait until some unforeseen factor such as health decline or loss of income dic-

• 9A

tate a rather sudden move. Then we are overwhelmed with the thought of preparing a home that has been lived in for many years. With the stock market at all-time highs, interest rates at historic lows, down payment requirements at an alltime low and optimism building positively, this should be a great time to follow your dreams to warmer weather, a more secure living environment, downsizing to a smaller home or purchasing a condominium. We never know what the future will bring so take advantage when the irons are in the fire. You never know what the economy will be even in a year, but with the signs we see right now…moving in the right direction is truly ready for the taking…the ball’s in your court! Bruce Nemovitz is a Senior Real Estate Specialist, as well as Certified Senior Advisor. Bruce has sold residential homes in the four county Milwaukee-Metro areas for 35 years. He works with his wife, Jeanne, at Realty Executives Integrity. Visit or call 262-242-6177 with any real estate questions.


SENIOR Answer Man







WRIGHT Is your home ready for the Springthe market? By Jack Pearson


Enis Wright We can help you prepare your home for the best time of the yearBy to sell!


Selling your home doesn’t have to be a burden. WE CAN HELP! CONTACT US TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTAION: (262) 242-6177 | |



Long-term care expenses can be devastating! By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky

By Matt Pommer

“I don’t want be a burden to my kids and I would like to leave some of our dollars for them to enjoy. Is there a way to pay for long term care costs and still protect some of my assets?” This was a direct quote from a recent client meeting. As a Certified MOVING IN THE Financial Planner, RIGHT with the majority DIRECTION of my clients over By ageBruce 50, Nemovitz this is the number one question I hear.

Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll “Planting Tomorrow’s Dreams Today”

By Brad Olson, CFP

Americans are not sufficiently prepared to pay for long-term care (LTC). Many of them go through



Homemaker Services Home health aide AGING ISSUES

$46,904 $50,336


By Aunt Emma

$63,035 $67,647

Adult Day Health Care





$87,363 $97,455

$117,409 $130,971



Semi-private room TOMORROW’S DREAMS TODAY Private room By Brad Olson


What are my options to pay for long term care? u FAMILY MEMBERS – (a form of self-payment currently accounts for 7.5% of LTC payments) (3) Keep cost low and by you and your family members assuming the burden and expense of the care by keeping your loved one at home. Over time this may have a significant impact on their lifestyle, personal and work commitments, and their physical and emotional well-being. u SELF-PAYMENT - (currently accounts for 24.8% of LTC payments) (3) To self-insure, that is, to cover the

Answer Man


By Jack Pearson





cost yourself, you must have sufficient income to pay the rising costs of long-term care. Keep in mind that even if you have sufficient resources to afford long-term care now, you may not be able to handle rising future costs without drastically altering your lifestyle. u MEDICARE - (currently accounts for 13.7% of LTC payments) (3) Medicare does not pay the largest part of long-term care services or personal care, such as help with bathing, or for supervision often called custodial care. Medicare will only help pay for a short stay in a skilled nursing facility, for hospice care, or for home health care if you meet the following conditions: • You have had a recent hospital stay of at least three days • You are admitted to a Medicare-certified nursing facility within 30 days of your hospital stay • You need skilled care, such as skilled nursing services, physical therapy, or other types of therapy.


Emma What are the costs, and what will they be in the future?

Private one bedroom

their lives simply hoping that they won’t ever need it. Unfortunately, in the event that you or a loved one does need long-term care, hope won’t be enough to protect you from potential financial ruin. The odds are that you will need some kind of long-term care as you get older, as 70% of people turning age 65 can expect to use some form of long-term care during their lives.

OLSON continued on page 19A


calendar the WRIGHT SIDE of By Enis Wright

KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone


MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

Close to retirement? Don’t miss these dates and deadlines!


: I am turning 60 next year and keep hearing about different age-related requirements and milestones. For example: FRA? RMD? And when can I start withdrawing money from my 401(k) without a penalty? I want to make sure I don’t miss something important. Could you help? -- A Reader


: Although a lot of us may try to forget our age as the years go by, when it comes to reaping the financial rewards of getting older, you’re wise to keep certain age-related milestones top of mind. But as might be expected for the rules and regulations surrounding retirement withdrawals and government benefits, it can get complicated. Therefore, it’s important to understand what you need to do -- and when -to help ensure that you don’t make a costly mistake and that you get all the economic benefits you’re entitled to. Here’s a checklist of basic ages to keep in mind and the significance of each. --AGE 55: If you have assets in an employer-sponsored qualified retirement plan, such as a 401(k), and leave your job (called separation of service), you can take a distribution without paying the 10 percent penalty for early withdrawal. You will, however, pay income taxes on the money. --AGE 59 1/2: At this age, you can take distributions from your qualified retirement plan or traditional individual retirement account without penalty. Once again, you will pay income taxes on the earnings or any contributions that were tax-deductible. If you have a Roth IRA and have held it for five years, you can withdraw these earnings both penalty- and tax-free. --AGE 62: This is the earliest time you can begin taking Social Security benefits (unless you are disabled). But realize that if you do, your payout will be permanently reduced by approximately 25 percent.

(And if you are still working and earn beyond a certain limit, benefits are further reduced on a temporary basis.) So before you decide to take Social Security at this age, consider how much more you could make over time by waiting. --AGE 65: At 65, you’re eligible for Medicare -- a very significant milestone, considering the high cost of health insurance and medical care. If you’re already receiving Social Security, you’re automatically enrolled in Part A and Part B. There’s nothing you need to do. If not, you can apply for both Social Security and Medicare at the same time. However, if you prefer to delay Social Security, you can apply for Medicare alone -- ideally three months before the month you turn 65. You can enroll for Medicare online ( medicare/apply.html), in person or by phone. (Note: You can choose to delay Part B coverage if you are covered by an employer plan.) Also note that once you are on Medicare, you are no longer able to make contributions to a health savings account. --AGES 66 AND 67: This is when you reach what the Social Security Administration calls your “full retirement age,” or the time when you can begin receiving “full” benefits. For anyone born in 1943 or later, FRA ranges from 66 to 67, depending on the year you were born. It’s important to note, however, that if you delay receiving Social Security beyond your FRA, your benefits will continue to increase until you reach age 70. When you’re ready to apply, there’s an online application at --AGE 70: As mentioned above, Social Security benefits don’t increase beyond this age. So if you haven’t already, file for your benefits now. --AGE 70 1/2: This is the age when you’re required to begin taking money from tax-advantaged retirement plans, such as traditional RETIREMENT continued on page 13A

• 11A

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Providing expert advice on Estate Planning, Medicaid and other Elder Law issues. Offices in New Berlin and Oconomowoc 262-785-1820 A TRADITION OF LEGAL SERVICE SINCE 1949



Visit Or call (888) 287-0951 Registration appreciated but not required Muskego Public Library

S73W16663 Janesville Road • Muskego, WI 53150 MARCH 31 Strategies for Social Security and Retirement Income 6:00-7:30

Mukwonago Community Library

511 Division St • Mukwonago, WI 53149 APRIL 7 Planning for Nursing Care and Final Expenses 4:00 APRIL 7 Getting To Know Medicare 6:00 APRIL 13 Strategies for Social Security and retirement Income 6:00

U.S.S. Liberty Memorial Public Library 1620 11th Avenue • Grafton, WI 53024 APRIL 8 Planning for Nursing Care and Final Expenses 4:00 APRIL 8 Getting to Know Medicare 6:00

Frank L Weyenberg Memorial Library

11345 N Cedarburg Rd • Mequon, WI 53092 APRIL 14 Getting to Know Medicare 6:00 APRIL 20 Planning for Nursing care and Final Expenses 4:00 APRIL 20 Strategies for Social Security and Retirement Income 6:00 APRIL 22 Getting to Know Medicare 6:00

Frank L Weyenberg Memorial Library 11345 N Cedarburg Rd • Mequon, WI 53092 APRIL 14 Getting to Know Medicare 6:00 APRIL 20 Planning for Nursing care and Final Expenses 4:00 APRIL 20 Strategies for Social Security and Retirement Income 6:00 APRIL 22 Getting to Know Medicare 6:00

Germantown Community Library

N112W16957 Mequon Rd • Germantown, WI 53022 APRIL 20 Getting to Know Medicare 6:00 APRIL 23 Startegies for Social Security and retirement Income 6:00

Muskego Public Library

S73W16663 Janesville Road • Muskego, WI 53150 APRIL 21 Planning for Nursing Care and Final Expenses 6:00

Classes in upcoming months will be held in

Delafield, Germantown, Grafton, Hartford, Mequon, Muskego, Mukwonago, Pewaukee, and Sussex

The licensed insurance professionals involved in the seminar are in no way connected to or affiliated with Medicare. The seminar will provide basic Medicare information while not mentioning any companies or specific products. There is an intention to gain insurance prospects. Form #TRC50Plus15

12A • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

We are here to assist you with Estate Planning, Elder Law, Title 19 Planning and Probate and Trust Administration. We prepare Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney for Finance and Health Care. Pre-planning allows you to decide who handles your financial and health care decisions (if you are unable to do so), and you decide who will inherit your estate. The thought of pre-planning can be overwhelming, especially with a disabled or special needs spouse, child or grandchild. There are options – including WisPACT Trust subaccounts which will not affect the individual’s public benefits. We can review and analyze your current Estate Plan and make recommendations for updates. This is especially important if it has been more than five (5) years since your plan has been reviewed or if your family has experienced a death, divorce or disability. We can explain your options in plain English. See my article on “Common Misconceptions About Estate Planning”. We have over twenty three (23) years of experience in Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Administration and Guardianship.

Common misconceptions about estate planning By Attorney Jane L. Walker Did you recently lose a loved one or a friend? Have you been thinking about your own incapacity or death? Before you do anything, READ THIS ARTICLE. MISCONCEPTION #1: If I become incapacitated, my spouse, without any other documents, can make medical decisions for me. FALSE! The truth is, that if you are incapacitated, in order for your spouse (or another person) to make medical decisions for you, you have to have a legally valid Health Care Power of Attorney document that lists the people you want to act on your behalf and that lists them in the order in which you want them to act. Do you have an updated Health Care Power of Attorney document? MISCONCEPTION #2: If I have a Will, my assets will not go through probate. FALSE! If you have a Will when you die and you have assets that need to pass through your Will, then your Will must be admitted to the Probate Court for administration. Is there a better alternative to probate for you? MISCONCEPTION #3: If I have a Will or a Trust, all my assets go according to those documents? FALSE! Even if you have a valid Will or a valid Trust, only the assets that have nowhere to go pass through the Will and only the assets that are in or come into your Trust will pass through your Trust. Therefore, if you have a life insurance policy with a legally enforceable beneficiary designation, then that asset will pass to the named beneficiary(ies) not through your Will or your Trust. So, if you did a Will or Trust and it said everything goes to your children equally, but you named only one child on a life insurance beneficiary designation form, then only that one child gets the money from that life insurance policy. Have you looked at your assets, your Will and Trust agreement and the beneficiary choices you’ve made to see if your assets will transfer the way you wish upon your death?

MISCONCEPTION #4: I can give $14,000.00 per year and it will not affect my ability to get Medicaid or other public benefits. FALSE! Were you thinking you could transfer property or money to your children and still remain eligible for Medicaid or other public benefits? Giving $14,000.00 per person per year is called the annual gift tax exclusion amount and it is the amount you can give without needing to file a Form 709 U.S. Gift Tax Return. However, potentially, any gift that you make can cause you to be ineligible for Medicaid or other public benefits for up to five (5) years from the date of the gift. Have you talked to an elder law attorney about pre-planning in the event you need public benefits? MISCONCEPTION #5: If I have a financial power of attorney document, the person I appoint can take care of everything on my behalf. FALSE! Your financial power of attorney agent can only act within the powers given under the actual document. Many people use the basic or statutory form; however, the statutory financial power of attorney does not include many essential powers needed if your appointed person (your agent) needs to do Medicaid (Title 19) planning for you. Do you have a statutory financial power of attorney document or a form that is more than five (5) years old and you and/or your spouse may need nursing home care? MISCONCEPTION #6: If the ADRC benefits specialist or the nursing home social worker helps me fill out a Title 19 application, they are watching out for me and my family. FALSE! Although the ADRC and the social worker are an excellent and free resource, their goal is to get the facts onto the paper and if possible, get the applicant on public benefits. They will not be able to give you legal advice so they won’t discuss with you the options available such as: i) how to keep more WALKER continued on page 13A

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

Questions about widow’s benefits


By Tom Margenau : I am very concerned that I may have messed up my future widow’s benefits from Social Security. I started taking my Social Security when I was 62. I am now 68. My husband is 78 and in poor health. He is not expected to live much longer. Will I get reduced widow’s benefits because I took my own retirement benefits early (before my full retirement age)?


: No, you did not mess up your potential widow’s benefits. How much your widow’s benefits will be depends on one thing only: How old you are when you become a widow.

As long as you are over 66, you will get 100 percent of whatever your husband was getting at the time of his death. Or to clarify that, you will get the difference between what you are already getting and what he is getting added to your reduced retirement benefit. Here is a quick example. Let’s say that when he dies, he is getting $1,900 per month and you are getting $1,300 per month. After his death, you will continue to receive your own $1,300 benefit, and you will get an extra $600 from your husband’s record, giving you a total monthly rate of $1,900. : My husband died on Dec. 28 of last year. I was very upset when I learned the bank returned the Social


RETIREMENT continued from page 11A IRAs, 401(k) accounts, Roth 401(k) accounts, Roth 403(b) accounts, SEP IRAs, SIMPLE plans and 457 plans. The minimum you must withdraw -- your required minimum distribution, or RMD -- is determined by a formula based on life expectancy and the amount you have in tax-advantaged accounts. Your tax professional can help you determine your RMD. You absolutely must take your first RMD by April 1 of the year after you turn 70 1/2, or else you face a hefty 50 percent penalty. And if you wait until that time, you must then take your second RMD

by Dec. 31 of that same year. So it’s really important to pay attention to this deadline. On the plus side, you don’t have to take an RMD from a 401(k) if you’re still working, you never have to take one from a Roth IRA. Being mindful of age-related dates and deadlines is only part of the picture. You also need to sit down and review your own financial picture -- retirement accounts, Social Security benefits, other sources of income -- and create a retirement budget and withdrawal strategy. It’s about not only not missing something but also taking every opportu-

WALKER continued from page 12A assets for the spouse who may be remaining in the community; ii) how to set aside extra money (in a special needs trust) for the applicant who will receive public benefits or for a disabled child; or iii) how to preserve the “family home” for a caretaker child. Do you have income or assets to protect? WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? You should decide if this is an area of your life worth paying for advice. Most initial conferences are only a few hundred dollars. If it is, then seek the advice of an attorney with experience in estate planning and

elder law. Attorney Jane L. Walker has over twenty (20) years of experience in estate planning and elder law. She can be reached at her office located at 100 E. Sunset Drive, Waukesha, WI 53189; by phone at (262) 542-4420; by fax at (262) 542-4134; or by email at jlwalker@ Elder law is for all of us who age! Disclaimer: This article is designed for general informational purposes only. The information presented in this article should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

Security check he got on Jan. 3. I have bills to pay and I needed that money! : As I’ve explained many times in this column, Social Security checks have never been prorated. The law says you must be alive an entire month to be eligible for the Social Security check due for that month. The check that was sent on Jan. 3 was his December Social Security payment. And sadly, he was not alive the entire month of December. There are two issues that may help you feel better about the lack of proration of Social Security benefits. One is that when his benefits first started, he got a check for the entire month, even though he might not have been eligible for the whole


nity to secure your financial future.

• 13A

month. For example, if he filed at age 66, and if his birthday was not until later in the month, he got a check for the entire month of his 66th birthday. And the more important and current issue is your possible eligibility for widow’s benefits. You didn’t say if you were due benefits or not. But if you are, you will get a widow’s check for the entire month of December, even though you were a widow for only three days of the month.

14A • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

Establishing your priorities regarding care Clear priorities are an essential part of a successful life. For most of us, our priorities are an evolving set of goals and values that guide our plans and decisions at each stage in life. More than anything, an estate plan is a simple declaration of these priorities. The challenge is converting your personal goals and values into a clear plan. An experienced attorney can quickly facilitate this process and establish the outlines of a plan unique to you. He will also help you to identify areas requiring further thought and discussion. Below is a short description of four basic areas of planning that will help you set priorities and think through your unique intentions. PLANNING FOR OLD AGE. An essential element of estate planning is arranging for the appointment of decision-makers and service-providers. These people will eventually take charge of your care and finances when you cannot. Simple tools like a General Durable Power of Attorney and Health Care Power of Attorney will be used to document your preferences. In establishing these plans, you should ask whether your primary goal is to preserve your assets for your heirs, or if it is more important to ensure that you have funds sufficient to provide high quality care in old age. Would you prefer inhome care, or institutionalized care? Does the quality of the nursing facility matter? Of course, these are not either/or kinds of questions, but for many seniors planning hinges on which of these considerations is a priority. Aside from financial considerations, there are also priorities to be established for the type and extent of care to be received at the end of life. For instance, would you refuse

nursing home care at all cost? Also, are there circumstances in which you would ask that life support be terminated? Is hospice care a priority? Once these priorities have been set, then the selection of decision-makers and service-providers can be made in a manner intended to facilitate your intentions.

PLANNING FOR DEPENDENTS. Thoughts of estate planning frequently focus solely on the transfer of assets at death. For many individuals it is a simple transfer of wealth to children or other loved ones. However, all beneficiaries are not created equal. Commonly there are beneficiaries who are minors or disabled, who cannot manage their inheritance on their own. Similarly there are those who engage in risky or unhealthy behavior, and thus cannot be trusted with sizable distributions. Should you restrict distributions for these individuals? Should you protect them from their creditors? Should your values dictate the timing, purpose and amount of these distributions? How much discretion should your heirs exercise on their own? How old is “old enough” to receive unrestricted financial distributions? Is it wise to protect a beneficiary from his/her faults and shortcomings? Your answers to these questions will guide distribution of your estate. In many respects this will be an unvarnished declaration of what you think of your assets and your heirs. This sort of statement should be crafted with great care.

PLANNING FOR THOSE WITH DISABILITIES. Beneficiaries with physical or mental disabilities present unique planning opportunities. Frequently, these challenges are addressed with a disability trust. Such trusts can be funded with as little as a few hundred dollars, but others hold as much as a million dollars. Some are funded by many family members, and others by a single individual. Regardless, a number of questions must be considered. Can you support a disabled beneficiary for life? Should you? Or is better to merely supplement government provided care? Frequently, government programs are the only available resource for social services and job training. Is it important to maintain eligibility for these programs, or is it more important for the beneficiary to be independent of government care? Are there religious considerations in determining the level or source of assistance? Should the plan include provision for the disable persons’ children? As always, your values and priorities are critical to establishing a plan. This is particularly true for people who will never be able to plan for themselves.

MANAGING COSTS AND TAXES. For those developing an estate plan, a primary goal is the minimization of costs and taxes. This is frequently accomplished by avoiding probate and minimizing estate taxes. Both are customarily accomplished by the creation of a Living Trust. Still it must be determined whether trustees or executors should be supervised. If so, then should it be by a court, by a co-trustee or by a financial institution? Are you willing to share control or even ownership of some of your assets in life in order to minimize costs and taxes at death? Your estate plan should be a reflection of you. A detailed discussion of your values and priorities should provide a foundation for that plan, and a record of what you think and who you are as a person. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT ATTORNEY TIMOTHY V. LANGER, OF LANGER & PETERSEN, LLC, AT OR (262) 367-3800.

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

• 15A


With as little as $25, you can start saving for your child’s education. When you save with Edvest, any earnings have the opportunity to grow tax-free. And, grandparents, relatives and friends that contribute to or open an account may be eligible for Wisconsin state tax advantages. Now that’s an investment that has potential to really bear fruit. Enroll or contribute at or call toll-free at 800.368.9484.

Consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses before investing in the Edvest College Savings Plan. Please visit for a Plan Disclosure Booklet with this and more information. Read it carefully. Investments in the Plan are neither insured nor guaranteed and there is a risk of investment loss. TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Plan Manager. Before investing in a 529 plan, consider whether the state where your Beneficiary resides has a 529 plan that offers favorable state tax benefits that are available if you invest in that state’s 529 plan. Non-qualified withdrawals may be subject to federal and state taxes and the additional 10% federal tax. The tax information contained herein is not intended to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties. Taxpayers should seek advice from an independent tax advisor based on their own particular circumstances. The Edvest College Savings Plan is administered by the state of Wisconsin. C21220.

16A • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015



Brewers 50/50 raffle program earns millions for charity The Brewers are in first place! If you’re a staunch Brewers fan, and had seen those words in some newspapers, you’d probably be overjoyed. But then you might ask, how can the Brewers be in first place? The season hasn’t even started. Fair question. The answer is that the commentary wasn’t referring to the Milwaukee Brewers baseball team, but rather to the team’s exciting 50/50 Raffle. Most of the 30 Major League Baseball teams have similar agendas, all also are designed to aid charities in their respective areas. Last year, the Brewers 50/50 Raffle, begun in 2010, brought in more than $2.2 million, which was the highest total in all baseball. And so, since the entire profits from that total are turned over to more than 200 worthy Milwaukee area charities, you still have a good reason to be joyful.



Raffle concept into the Foundation’s lineup. To say the raffle has been successful would be a major understatement. In 2010, the first year of the raffle, total sales were just over $800,000, a total that everyone then involved with the raffle thought was great. But then the next year that total more than doubled, and has risen steadily to last year’s more than $2.2 million. “The growth has been amazing,” Gore said. “The opening day winning ticket in 2010 was

calendar the WRIGHT SIDE of

By Jack Pearson

By Enis Wright


KILLING TIME with Jim McLoone

So many of the winners, Gore said, have also imparted heartwarming stories. “Some have said it would now be possible to pay for their kids’ education, or for a wedding or for the arrival of a new baby. Many said they had never won anything before.” (And perhaps the words will apply to the team as well sometime this summer, too. Who can tell?) A bit of background. The 50/50 Raffle is one of the many excellent community benefit programs within the Brewers Community Foundation. A few others include the 5K Famous Racing Sausages Run/ Walk; the annual Evening with Hank Aaron; four Drives for Charity events; four scholarship programs for area students, the Allan H. Selig, the Players and Coaches, the Bonan and the Miller Park Community Programs; to name just a few. In 2009 the Brewers announced that a Milwaukee woman, Cecelia Gore, had been named as the Foundation’s new Executive Director. She had previously served as the Program Director of the Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation. One of Ms. Gore’s first moves was to introduce a 50/50


$2,216 (opening day ticket sales are always the highest every year). This past year’s opening day ticket winner took home $35,253.” (All figures before taxes are taken out, of course.) “I still remember that first winner,” Gore said with a pensive smile. “He was a gentleman from northern Wisconsin. He told me he’d been out of work for some time, and was down here looking for a job. Someone gave him a ticket to the game, and since he said he loved baseball, he came. He said he only had a few dollars in his pocket, and was going to use them to buy a brat for himself, but at the last minute changed his mind and bought a raffle ticket. When he told me all this, he had tears in his eyes, and then said the money he’d won would make it possible for him and his family to carry on until he could find work again. He hugged me and said ‘Bless you

Brewers Foundation Executive Director Cecelia Gore, (second from the right), with four 50/50 Raffle sellers, from the left, Jackie Rottler, Kip Pergande and Brian Duffy. Last year Pergande led all 50/50 Raffle sellers in total sales with more than $166,000, the highest ever. and bless the Brewers.’ How could I ever forget that?” So many of the winners, Gore said, have also imparted heartwarming stories. “Some have said it would now be possible to pay for their kids’ education, or for a wedding or for the arrival of a new baby. Many said they had never won anything before.” All of this makes for a most heartwarming story, but how has the Brewers’ 50/50 Raffle achieved such tremendous success, more than any other team in Major League Baseball? I asked Ms. Gore about that. She smiled. “I can answer in two words,” she said. “Our fans. We have, truly, just wonderful fans. They love baseball, and want to help support it, and they love their community, and want to help support it as well. They are well aware that the raffle is completely for charity. It also helps that we have such a great selling team. They like the fans, and the fans like them; it’s a fun atmosphere. And the price is right, too. For only $2, you’re not only helping to support a very worthy cause, you’re given the chance to win thousands of dollars, too. It helps that the Brewers have such extensive parking lots where all that tailgating takes place. It’s an enjoyable

atmosphere. It may surprise you, but probably 70 percent of raffle tickets sold are sold out there. A lot of other baseball parks do not have such huge lots. Some, like the Cubs, don’t have any. And I don’t believe there is any other place in America where as much tailgating takes place as right here in Wisconsin.” From the very beginning, the Brewers have not changed the raffle’s procedure. Here’s how it works. Fans buy tickets from the orange attired sellers in the parking lots prior to the game, and then in the ballpark through the fourth inning. The winning ticket is then selected in a drawing, and the number is announced on the huge Miller Park Scoreboard. Half of the total money goes to the Brewers Community Foundation, the other half to the winning ticket holder. As noted above, a key reason for the raffle’s success has been its selling crew. Every one of them, Gore said, loves their work and every one does a terrific job. No one more than last season’s sales leader, Kip Pergande. His grand total? Would you believe a whopping $166,000? Kip, who lives only a couple of blocks from Miller Park, retired from his fulltime work three years ago, and

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

was looking for something to do. “Since I was so close to the stadium, and I liked baseball, I thought I’d give it a try. I’m very happy that I did. It’s a lot of fun, and I make a little spending money, but it’s much more than that. What it accomplishes is so worthwhile. Last summer I attended a Brewers Community Foundation outing for the children in one of its charities. Just seeing all those little kids with happy smiles on their faces, realizing that they are being helped by the Milwaukee 50/50 Raffle program, all made me feel so proud. Especially so since I knew I was part of it.” Over his three years on the raffle crew, Kip has sold the winning ticket 21 times. He chuckled when he told me that. “I don’t have to go out hunting for people to sell to now,” he said. “They come looking for me. They think I’m lucky or something.” You would assume that 50/50 sellers would be mostly teenagers looking for spending money during summer vacation away from school, or adults out of work looking for a bit of revenue to tide them over until they can find a job. In reality, they come from all walks of life, all ages, all income levels. Many of the sellers are teachers and other school officials, also with time available during the summer break. One of the sellers, Gore said, was the CEO of a local company. One whom I know personally is Dick Wallace, one of my long-time golfing buddies. “I ap-

plied for the job primarily because I love the game of baseball and enjoy being in Miller Park,” he said. “Those reasons apply to most of the sellers. The fans are another reason. They’re out at the ballgame to have a good time, and having a chance to win thousands of dollars with such

to report in an hour and a half before the game starts, but I always try to get there at least three hours early, so I can watch a little of the batting practice. Also, it’s not like a regular 8 to 5 job, five days a week. It’s only for the Brewers’ home games, so I have plenty of time for whatever

We have, truly, just wonderful fans. They love baseball, and want to help support it, and they love their community, and want to help support it as well. They are well aware that the Raffle is completely for charity. It also helps that we have such a great selling team. a small outlay for a ticket or two is part of that good time. That’s why so many of our sales are out in the parking lots before the game starts. I just walk by a group of tailgaters and someone in the group invariably shouts out, ‘Hey, fifty fifty guy. Come on over.’ He’ll buy a ticket or two, and then most of the others in his group want to buy, too. Before I leave, I’ve sold a couple dozen tickets or more. Also, nearly every tailgate group I visit wants me to have a brat or a coke or a beer with them. The tickets sell themselves. The whole process is a barrel of fun. Then after the fourth inning, when sales are shut down, we’re allowed to stay on and watch the game, free of charge, of course. We’re supposed

else I want to do.” Kip was the top seller last year, but the leader in each of the raffle’s four years was Ken Krzykowski of Milwaukee. Now a spry 76, Ken sold more than $120,000 in tickets in each of his four years on the job. Then, because of a short bout of illness that kept him at home for half of the summer, his 2014 sales dropped to just under $100,000. But overall, for his five years with the raffle, his total is well over a half million dollars. “It’s sort of funny,” he said, “But after I’d retired and decided to seek some game-time work with the Brewers, I applied for a spot as an usher. A couple of weeks later, the Brewers called and asked if I’d like to sell raffle tickets for a

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new program they were starting. I said, ‘What the heck, why not?’ And I’m glad I did. I really enjoy being out there, selling and talking with the fans. I couldn’t be happier.” Although the vast majority of Ken’s customers buy only one or two tickets at a time, he said he’s had several instances of a buyer handing him a hundred dollar bill and asking for as many tickets as that would buy. “I never try to talk a fan into buying more than he or she asks for,” Ken said. “It’s not necessary, anyhow. As Dick said, the tickets sell themselves.” A Milwaukee native, Cecelia Gore is a graduate of Alverno College, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in business and professional communication and a master’s degree in business administration. She serves as a member of several Milwaukee based non-profit boards including Alverno College, the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, the Public Library Foundation and the City Year.” During our talks, she gave me a Milwaukee Brewers booklet, “Making an Impact Beyond the Diamond,” that listed the names of more than 200 area programs which the Brewers Community Foundation helps support. There’s not room to list all of them, of course, but here’s a few: the Girls of Summer, the Milwaukee Urban League, the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Big Brothers and Sisters, Habitat for Humanity, the Salvation Army, the United Way of Milwaukee, the Sojourner Family Peace Center, the Wisconsin Humane Society, Neighborhood House, the U.S.O. and the Urban Ecology Center. Those are 12 of them; about a 20th of the total. So the next time you’re at Miller Park to see a Brewers game, and you spot one of those 50/50 Raffle sellers in their bright orange T-shirts and hats (most sellers are over age 50, by the way), call him/her over, or go over to them, and buy a ticket or two. Only a couple of bucks for one, less than the price of a soda. It’s for a very worthy cause, and who knows, maybe you’ll get the winning ticket.

18A • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

Giving Back

to the Community

Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc. President and CEO: Jackie Hallberg

Primary Mission: Goodwill provides training, employment and supportive services for people with disabilities or disadvantages who seek greater independence. Goals for 2015: Increase donations for Retro Rendezvous is Goodwill’s premier fundraising special event, held in October. Contact information: Cheryl Axford, 262-832-3229

HeartLove Place

Executive Director: Viola Rembert Primary Mission: HeartLove’s Place Mission is to assist Milwaukee’s central city families by teaching, encouraging, and mentoring individuals to accept personal responsibility, incorporate good judgment and fairness in their work ethic and build positive character. HeartLove Place vision: A community transformed by healthy families. Goals for 2015: HeartLove Place serves more than 5,000 families annually and goal is to raise enough support to sustain programs and services. Goals for 2015 are to increase donations to $160,000 from new

Volunteers Needed for the Goodwill Sale March 12 through March 28, 2015

Volunteers are needed to accept donations at five Boston Store locations Bayshore, Brookfield, Mayfair, Racine, Southridge Monday - Saturday: 10:00 to 2:00, 2:00 to 6:00, 6:00 to 9:00 Sunday: 11:00 to 3:00 and 3:00 to 7:00 Two volunteers are needed per shift so invite someone to join you! Assist Boston Store staff in collecting donations and distribute Goodwill Sale coupons. To schedule your volunteer opportunity, contact: Indicate: Store, Date and Time You will receive a confirmation and instructional information. Other Volunteer Opportunities: Senior Dining Center Day Services Workforce Connection Centers VITA Tax Service Program Special Events

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MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

Giving Back

• 19A

to the Community

Contact information: Una Van Duvall, Fund Development Director (414) 372-1550 x122.

Stepping Stone Farms, School of Horsemanship Executive Director: Lisa Sader

Primary Mission: To foster resilience, responsibility and self-esteem in at-risk youth and others by allowing participants to experience the healing power of horses. donors, expand agency visibility and secure 75 new volunteers to assist with HLP programs. Events or annual programs: Red Tie Gala-May 16, 2015-HeartLove Place, Golf Outing-September 14, 2015 Westmoor Country Club, CHAIRity Auction & Breakfast November 5, 2015.

What is at the top of your wish list? Board of Directors and/or Programs Committees Members, event and program volunteers, donor-support for Camp HeartLove Place & meal program, new and gently used items for ages 3 -17: books, toys, art supplies, camera still and video, sound and recording equipment.

OLSON continued from page 10A Medicare will pay for some of your costs for up to 100 days. You pay 100 percent of costs for each day in a skilled nursing facility after day 100. u MEDICAID OPTION (currently accounts for 43.8% LTC of payments) (3) - Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that covers medical bills for the needy. If you qualify, it may help pay for your long-termcare costs. Unfortunately, Medicaid is basically welfare. In order to qualify, you generally must have few assets or will need to spend down your assets. State law determines the allowable income and resource limits. If you have even one dollar of income or assets in excess of these limits, you may not be eligible for Medicaid. To receive Medicaid assistance, you may think about transferring your assets to meet those limits. This can be tricky, however, because there are stringent laws designed to

discourage asset transfers for the purpose of qualifying for Medicaid. If you have, or are engaged in any “Medicaid planning,” consult an advisor to discuss current Medicaid rules. The rules have changed over the years, so make sure you are dealing with current information. u LONG-TERM-CARE INSURANCE (currently accounts for 10.2% LTC of payments) (3) - A long-term-care insurance policy may enable you to transfer a portion of the economic liability of long-term care to an insurance company in exchange for the regular premiums. Also, LongTerm-Care Riders on Life Insurance or Annuities maybe a solid planning tool, as a number of insurance companies have added long-term-care riders to their life insurance contracts. For an additional fee, these riders will provide a benefit, usually a percentage of the face value, to help cover the cost of long-term care. This may be an option for you. Make sure you do not take the

Volunteer opportunities include: Horse/farm help, sidewalking with disabled, general handyman/woman help. Training is ongoing for volunteers, full and part time, physically fit. Contact information: Lia Sader Executive Director 414-379-2314

Ostrich approach to your long term care planning, so get your head out of the sand and address the issue. Maybe this is not the most fun thing to address today, but it definitely won’t be fun for you or your loved ones if you do nothing. There are planning ideas to protect your assets and not be a burden on your loved ones, so don’t wait! At Oak Tree Financial Services, we feel that this is such an important issue we staff an experienced Long Term Care Specialist who is available to meet and discuss what may be the best strategy for you. Call 262 649 9202 to contact our Long Term Care Specialist. Please free to call Brad with any financial planning and investment questions at 262-649-9202, or email him at Also, if you have an idea for a topic you would like him to address in a future article please contact him. Securities offered through Questar Capital Corporation (QCC)

The Salvation Army

Executive, Director: Major Dan Jennings Primary Mission: To meet human need in His name without discrimination. Goals for 2015: Increase monetary donations to meet human need as well as to increase food, coats, toy collection drives as well as striving to stay top of mind to the public beyond the Red Kettle Season. Events or Annual Programs include: Red Kettle Season, Golf Outing, Feed the Kids, Back to School, Coats for Kids, Toy Shop and Christmas Family Feast. What is at the top of your wish list? Increase donations to Red Kettles sites with businesses. Contact information: Faithe Colas Community Relations Director 414302-4300x2248 Faithe_colas@usc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services offered through Questar Asset Management (QAM) A Registered Investment Advisor. Oak Tree Financial Services, LLC is independent of QCC and QAM. Certain insurance activity is independent of QCC or QAM. The information in this article is not intended to be insurance, investment, tax or legal advice. You are encouraged to seek tax or legal advice from an independent professional. The content is derived from sources believed to be accurate. Neither the information presented, nor any opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security or insurance. 1 2014 Medicare & You, National Medicare Handbook, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, September 2013 2 2014 Medicare & You, National Medicare Handbook, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, September 2013. 3 2013Source: US Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging, and Health Policy Institute Georgetown University

20A • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

Irish veterans who served in overseas armies to be honored for first time

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Irish Veterans organization fundraising for a memorial and research exhibition center Cork, Ireland, 28th January 2015: The millions of Irish men and women, and their descendants, who have served in armed forces of other countries are to be honored for the first time by the Irish Veterans organization. Irish people and those of Irish descent have served in every significant conflict for at least the last 1,000 years and many continue to serve in overseas armies today, according to Irish Veterans. Sadly, their stories and contributions have largely gone unrecognized or ignored, and nowhere on the island of Ireland is their input collectively acknowledged. Irish Veterans is a registered not-for-profit founded by Irish veterans, and it aims to unite and create a global community for all military veterans who identify as Irish. Irish Veterans is raising funds to establish a permanent memorial and research exhibition center in Kinsale, County Cork, to commemorate those who served and tell their stories. They are actively seeking members to join them. The first 5,000 life members will be considered founding members, whose names will be engraved on a permanent plaque in the research exhibition center. James Sikora, joint executive director of Irish Veterans, himself an Irishman who served in the US Army, said: “It is incredible that the service and sacrifice of so many thousands of Irish people has gone unrecognized for so long. We need to ensure their sacrifices are never forgotten.” “We are now enrolling our first 5,000 life members, so that our goal of building a permanent memorial to our comrades can be achieved in

the next two years. This will be a veterans’ organization with a difference, as our members are part of a global group of people who strongly identify with serving in the military, and having Irish roots. This is about connecting the Irish veterans who are still amongst us, and honoring those who are not,” he said. Among the Irish Veterans is US ambassador Dan Murphy. Dan is himself a combat-wounded veteran of Vietnam and is the father of US Navy SEAL LT Michael P. Murphy, Medal of Honor, who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2005, and whose story was depicted in the film Lone Survivor. “We are delighted to support Irish Veterans in this worthwhile endeavor. In the Navy SEAL special operations community, our son, Michael, was known as the ‘fiery Irishman from New York’ and his Irish heritage had a very large impact on his persona and strong character. I am very proud to be named an ambassador for this important organization and look forward to honoring my son’s memory and the memory of other Irish veterans by telling their story and commemorating them,” said Dan. “We are appealing to people across the world with Irish connections to be part of this unique project as a way to connect with their peers and to honor those who have gone before them. This is Irish Veterans’ first fundraising drive, and all support is hugely important and greatly appreciated,” added James Sikora. Irish Veterans is currently funded entirely through membership fees and donations. To join Irish Veterans or to donate, please go to

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MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

IWO JIMA continued from page 1A where we are today free thinking, talking, reading, writing, traveling wherever our spirit calls and appreciative of our English (not Japanese language) through the valiant and decisive actions of those who defeated the aggressors, the Japanese military machine, after its sneak attack on Pearl Harbor at Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941. There definitely was a heaviness of heart that pushed the United States’ country-wide determination to win that war and we did so mightily and powerfully. This effort required almost a four year span of battling on land, sea and in the skies. Just arising from a decade of much joblessness known as the Great Depression and still with way-too-many people in extreme poverty, the peace loving, hardworking, thoughtful and sometimes quite hard-headed Americans were about to prove their desires to continue to speak English, which also meant the preservation of the union that the colonists had brought to us four-plus centuries previously. Our shores were meant for launching boats, fishing, pleasure yachting,

swimming and sun bathing. Absolutely and positively, would no battalions of enemy troops ever set foot on soil in the lower 48 states. The Japanese forces did briefly invade Alaska. In the months immediately following the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese persisted and occupied many of the South Pacific islands. We still were organizing, training and relocating troops, who ultimately would bring the war right to the Japanese home island via heavy aerial bombardment. The following is the story of bringing this great war to its almost conclusion via the Americans’ invasion of Iwo Jima, the island Japanese military thought would serve as an unbroken defense for the Japanese homeland just 600-plus miles away and already a bombing target for U.S. How wrong they were. The sleeping giant as we were referred to by a Japanese military officer in the movie, “Pearl Harbor,” had been awakened; its teeth were sharp, its grip tenacious and its military strategies unconquerable. Now to Iwo, itself, an island said

to be the final fortress if ever needed, to keep foreign troops from Japanese soil. It was and still is, of course, an island five and a half miles by two and one-half. It had been owned by Japan for 50 years at that time and its soil, coarse, black organic ash mostly wouldn’t grow crops, although there were sugar cane fields and a sulfur refinery. When it became obvious the Americans were ultimately coming, the Japanese evacuated all civilians and hurried what had begun as early as 1937 - the defense of the island. There were intricately dug networks of tunnels leading to hundreds of hillside caves, pill boxes, blockhouses plus two ft. deep ash in which ammunition and mortar shells were hidden. The natural topography was, in itself, a great defense. Yes, Iwo Jima’s Japanese commander was proud of his fortification of the island. He not only thought it to be impregnable, but each Japanese soldier had agreed that should he lose his life, he had to have taken 10 of the enemy before his death or with him.

Head Somewhere

Warm & Inviting! Like here with us.

• 21A

Why do we tell you this? Simply, so you will realize what our invading 60,000 mostly US Marines would face in taking this well-fortified island from the 23,000 Japanese defending it. Uncommon valor was common among the marines from the third, fourth and fifth divisions, who faced organized hell for weeks after they landed on the beaches on Feb. 19, 1945. The Japanese had intricate hiding places for their artillery that they unleashed as the landing marines hardly established a beach head before they had to scatter, running for cover and frantic at the degree of fire aimed their way. Jumping ahead from the first landings, and the fighting for each foot of terrain as marines’ feet kept sinking a foot or two into the soft ash with tanks and armored vehicles being mired in it, it would be more than a month before the widely known and much acclaimed photo of U.S. Marines could be photographed planting the U.S. flag on a high hill symbolizing the U.S. ownership of this barren IWO JIMA continued to page 22A


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22A • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015 IWO JIMA continued from page 21A volcanic island, except that the caves and tunnels even then still harbored perhaps thousands of Japanese willing to sacrifice, if necessary, their lives in honor of Emperor Hirohito. Spattered with dirt and spraying of sand from bullets striking the ground nearby, the mortar barrages and machine gun fire continued through the tough advancing times, possibly as little as a few yards an hour in the beginning hours of D Day on Iwo Jima. The Japanese torrent of fire at the beach was relentless. Seeing our military personnel taking dog tags off the dead and burying them as best they could was not uncommon. At times, but thank God not too often, the men digging the burial grounds were killed and ended up with their comrades therein. This is fact, not fiction. Before Iwo Jima was secured, we had up to 80,000 service personnel on the island; three Marine divisions plus air force and army services plus naval personnel on the ships. The operation’s leaders had to think of more than supplying ammunition for the guns. Food, water, clothing, medical supplies and other types of supplies had to be unloaded at shoreline and then taken to where needed. Obviously, the logistics problems were solved as the outcome tells us. Mount Suribachi was one of the most prominent landmarks on the island as it rose 556 ft. above sea level. Taking this mountain from the Japanese troops was imperative as they, otherwise, would continue looking down on the American troops and picking them off. As from its summit, there was a clear view of most of the island. The Japanese on the mountain were protected by caves, pillboxes, blockhouses, bunkers and tunnels; they had planned well for this invasion. In fact, the Japanese knew it was coming and that reality had set in the month previous to the first landing when U.S. dive bombers regularly bombed on the island and U.S. naval vessels swept both sides of the island, not being certain which side would find seas sufficiently calm enough to accommodate the D-day landing of troops, munitions and other necessary supplies. A Naval war veteran said some of the past island take-overs, even



the invasion of Saipan, looked at that time like playing cops and robbers by comparison to what was happening on Iwo. Japanese suicide pilots especially targeted the navy’s airplane carriers. Only one U.S. ship, the Bismark, was sunk in the Iwo action and no carriers. Tokyo Rose every night would broadcast how the Japanese were sinking the U.S. vessels. If you’d have believed her, you’d have thought we had to have 10,000 ships in the attack. Yes, they did manage to put a few battle wagons and cruisers out of action. There actually were so many ships in the area that one sailor reasoned that it was almost as busy as Puget Sound when the salmon were running. Taking Suribachi by the Americans did not really separate the men from the boys as one experienced marine had said would occur. What it did was make men of the boys. The fighting was fierce as our troops moved inland. Some of the caves from which Japanese were firing mortars and machine guns were sufficiently large to hold 100 Japanese with a labyrinth of tunnels and various entrances and gunnery positions. The going was tough. Many marines were killed taking these caves or blowing them closed. Mass firepower often was ineffective against these well concealed Japanese. Most of the Japanese stayed at their positions until they were killed or committed suicide. Some left the caves, coming out only when they were out of food and/or water.

The island was not what the American troops called secured until March 16 or D day plus 25. Troops had literally crawled a half mile or more through enemy gunfire with our artillery blasting away above and in front of the advancing marines. But resistance was still organized as late as D day plus 22. There were numerous stubborn pockets of Japanese soldiers. At 0800 that day the American leaders left the island, calling it secured. Thus, the end of a 36 day assault. It was many days after the U.S. brass had said we’d taken the island that final battles still were being fought in a cave here and there or on a terrain protected hillside. On March 18, D plus 27, Radio Tokyo admitted the Americans had penetrated their lines and had won the furious and death-costly battle for Iwo Jima. Yes, 6,821 hard fighting combat Marines had been killed in action or later died of their wounds. The total number of Marines wounded in these battles numbered 19,227, 16,446 of these enlisted personnel. These were Marines who gave their lives that we might live in peace, with selfless courage and a determination that any of our fighting men in any battlefield should never die in vain. The third, fourth and fifth division cemeteries are filled with too many bodies of young patriots, men like the guy next door or even your son. Yes, they gave their lives for ours. We are told that at least eight men who served as Marines on Iwo Jima are still alive, and in this area, if not

WILMER (BILL) AMENDA & ARDEN MENGE all in great health, as they have or soon will reach the ninth decade of their lives. The men we know about are chronicled herewith; as for the others, we’re sorry we couldn’t find you or that you declined to be included herein. CLAYTON CHIPMAN: This dedicated veteran now resides in Brookfield with a war library of over 1,000 books. He’s a wounded veteran from the fierce military action on Iwo Jima. Chipman entered the Marine Corps – there was no doubt as to which military service appealed to him and he was among the first in the 4th Marine Division II to hit the Iwo beach, labeled as Yellow No. One, Feb. 19. He stormed ashore amid gunfire that seemed to be coming from all directions to the left, right and ahead. He fought his way from one hill to another until he was wounded by the Japanese at 4:05 p.m. eight days later while he was assaulting Hill 382, also known to the Marines as “The Meatgrinder.” Chipman was transported to a hospital in Hawaii before returning to the United States. Yes, he was awarded the Purple Heart after being hospitalized with his wounds for four and one-half months. WILMER (BILL) AMENDA: A Brookfield resident now and still a spry 89, Amenda was a mere 19 years, six months when he first went into combat as a member of the 1st. Joint Assault Signal Company. Fighting for IWO JIMA continued on page 23A

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

IWO JIMA continued from page 22A 26 days on Iwo, Bill received two concussions from nearby exploding shells and once was catapulted several feet in the air by the force of shells falling in close proximity. Amenda graduated from Custer High School in June 1943 and two months later was in training as a Marine. He never questioned which branch of the service he wished to be a part of. After the Japanese surrender, Amenda was sent to China to join the 6th. Marine division. He was discharged in May 1946, just short of three years of military service mostly served in the Pacific theaters of action.

HENRY (HANK) ROMINSKY: This 91-year-old Franklin resident recalls his time as a Marine on Iwo very well. He was in the 28th Replacement Division. Rominsky, a tank mechanic, went onto Iwo to join the fighting forces crawling their way slowly upward from the landing beach on the second day of the invasion by our armed forces. Since the tanks were in no need of repairs then, Hank went ashore with the unit where his new job seemed to be busily placing napalm in flame throwers utilized by the slowly advancing forces against the often cave-hidden Japanese. Hank served on Iwo until March 22 as the United States forces took over. His unit was sent back to Guam,

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the 3rd. Marines’ home base. From there, Rominsky spent four months of occupational duty in China before returning home. Rominsky, a deferred farm employee at the beginning of the war in North Dakota, went to the draft board in Minneapolis and told the members thereof he wanted to serve in the military and he wanted it right then. He was assigned to the U.S. Navy, but before he knew it, a Marines’ recruiting officer talked to him, and found out his service preference was to be a Marine. The officer obliged him. ARDEN MENGE: Now age 90, he lives in Glendale with his wife, Ellen. Arden is a purple heart recipient, having been wounded in action on Iwo Jima

• 23A

during its lengthy invasion. Menge, a Marine corporal at the time, entered the Marine Corps in 1942 at the age of 18. Obviously very fleet of foot, his basic assignment on Iwo was a dangerous, yet very critical one. He was a runner, who carried battle strategy between military leaders in the advancing Marine units. He often had to cross the main airfield in sight of Japanese gunners and with little personal protection.

24A • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

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SECTION B • March 2015

If Clark Kent is Superman, Then is Agnes Reinhard Wonder Woman? EDITORIALS



By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky









in 14 of the past 17 National Senior Games and has won many Golds there, too, than any other Wisconsin athlete. The Wisconsin Senior Olympic Games, as are the games in all other states, are competed every summer. Every other year the National Senior Games take place, always held in a different U.S. city. In order for an athlete to compete in the Nationals, he or she has to first win in the particular event in the preceding state games, and also to win with a performance that is among the top in the country. This past summer, Agnes decided to attempt to qualify for nine different events in the coming Nationals, all in track & field; six running events and three field events. Most senior athletes would have been overjoyed to qualify in one or two. Agnes, however, won all nine of her chosen events, and her speeds were calculated to have been among the best in the whole nation. In the next National Senior Games this coming July in Minneapolis, Agnes will be competing in all nine of her chosen events. As to the total number of gold medals she has won in both the Wisconsin and the National Games, what would be your guess? Twenty? Fifty? The most gold medals an American athlete ever won in his or her regular Olympic career was 11, both by swimmers Mark Spitz in ’68 and ’72, and Matt Biondi in ’84, ’88 and ’92. Compared to the efforts of our little West Allis lady, Mark and Matt were pikers. It’s been estimated that Agnes has won more than 500 gold medals in the Wisconsin Senior Olympic, and another 50 or so in the huge National Senior Games. (Yes, those numbers are correct, as inconceivable as they seem.) In

the latter area, she has participated in 14 of those National Games, more than any athlete from Wisconsin ever. Making it to the Nationals is an extremely difficult task, in more ways than simply qualifying athletically. Expenses can be a killer. All participants must pay for all of their own costs, which include travel, accommodations, food, shoes and clothing, and also entry fees. They can total well into the thousands of dollars. So athletes such as Agnes (she and her husband Dick Reinhard are both retired and on a limited income) must really be dedicated and have to scrimp and save in order to do it. No Wisconsin Senior Olympic athlete, man or woman, has ever come anywhere close to Agnes’ medal winning totals. There may be someone in another state, but Senior Olympic officials here are not aware of anyone who has done so, and I have never heard of anyone. Something else, she has won all those medals in six different sports,


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Agnes Reinhard today, By at Brad 89. Over her long Olson, CFP career, she has won more gold medals than any other Wisconsin Senior Olympic athlete. And she’s still winning.


By Jack Pearson APRON Emma nique is a word dictionarSTRINGS ies define By asAunt “being the Emma only one of its kind, without an equal or equivalent, unparalleled.” The term is perhaps used excessively nowadays, and often incorrectly. But in this case, involving a remarkable lady from West Allis, Agnes Reinhard, it is quite appropriate. Agnes will be 90 on her next birthday, although she doesn’t look it or especially act like it. Attaining age 90, however, is not what is unique about her. More and more people today are reaching that age and above. What is unique about Agnes is even at that advanced age, she is still a truly incredible athlete, and in a number of different sports. Over the past four decades, she has won more Gold Medals in the annual Wisconsin Senior Olympic Games than any other competitor, male or female. She’s also competed

SENIOR Answer Man

Jeff Larson, Richard Reinhard, Agnes Reinhard, Jennifer Larson, Katie Larson and Amy Larson


track & field, swimming, the 5K run, cycling, badminton and the ultra-grueling triathlon. That, in itself, is almost unbelievable. Remember Gene Conley, who pitched for the old Milwaukee Braves? Because he also played for the Boston Celtics in basketball, he was considered to be quite a multi-talented fellow. But those were only two sports. Granted, Agnes always competed in her age class. When she was 60, for example, she competed in the 6064 class age class; when she was 66 she was in the 65-69 class, and so on. Often, because of the lack of competition for her in her age class, she often competed in younger age classes. But whatever way you look at it, her achievements are astounding. Time out for a bit of clarification. It you’re not at all that familiar with the Olympic Games and its records, don’t feel badly. It is most difficult, especially in Senior Olympic compeREINHARD continued on page 4B

HERMAN WHITE WRITESWhat’s Inside . . . . . . .


Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2B

ENTERTAINMENTNursing Rehabilitation

calendar the WRIGHT SIDE of

Center Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14B


2B • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015


“WITTY AND WISE!” –Vanity Fair

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SPORTS By Jack Pearson


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calendar the WRIGHT SIDE of


Through March 29 March 5 Big Nate: The Musical Nourish Your Noggin Todd Wehr Theater, Marcus O.A.S.I.SBySenior Center Enis Wright Center for the Performing Arts, 2414 W. Mitchell St. 929 N. Water St. Milwaukee Great play for kids 5 and up tell10 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. ing the story of a Nate the sixth This fun and interactive program Jim record McLoone grader withwith the world’s for is for anyone interested in brain detentions in school and how he health. and his friends can win the battle Registration is required of the bands contest. Visit mar414-647-6053 for tickets and more information. March 5, 12 & 19 Music Under Glass March 2 Mitchell Park Domes, 524 S. LayLiving with Alzheimer’s ton Blvd., Milwaukee Disease—Early stage Concert series starts at 6:30 p.m., Alzheimer’s Association food and beverages available 620 S. 76th Street, Suite 160, for purchase, regular admission Milwaukee applies. For details visit county. Tailored for individuals with or call 414early stage dementia and their 257-5611. care partners. Registration is required March 7 800-272-3900 or Family Free Day Milwaukee County Zoo, 10001 March 4 Bluemound Rd. Understanding Dementia Bring family, friends and neighAurora West Allis Medical Center, bors to the Zoo for free admis8901 W. Lincoln Ave., West Allis sion. Regular parking and conAn education program for family cession fees apply. Sponsored by caregivers. Will include an overNorth Shore Bank and FOX 6. view of dementia, communication Visit or call strategies, behavior changes. 414-771-3040. Registration required 888-8635502 or online at events.


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MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

March 8 Daylight Savings Time Spring ahead one hour at 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. March 10 Conversations about Dementia Alzheimer’s Association 620 S. 76th St., Suite 160 Milwaukee 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. The program will discuss difficult topics pertaining to a diagnosis of dementia. This is a free event, but registration is required at 800-272-3900 or March 10 – April 5 Five Presidents Milwaukee Repertory Theater 108 E. Wells St Intellectual and darkly funny premiere of America’s most exclusive club – the ex-presidents, from the Emmy award winning writer Rick Cleveland. Visit milwaukeerep. com or call 414-224-9490.

March 13 – 15 Love, Loss, and What I Wore Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, 929 N. Water St. Based on the book by Ilene Beckerman as well as the recollections of the Ephrons, this play tells funny and often poignant stories that all women can relate to. Visit or call 414-2737121 for details. March 14 St. Patrick’s Day Parade Downtown Milwaukee The Shamrock Club’s parade will take place at noon, 3rd and Wisconsin and finishing at Water and Highland. They will be collecting food items along the parade route for Hunger Task Force. March 16 An Evening with Mark Twain Brookfield Public Library 1900 N. Calhoun Rd., Brookfield Elmbrook Historical Society presents this free event, 7 p.m., with an

award winning teacher and author sharing Twain’s wit and wisdom. Visit for more information. March 17 Have a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! March 17 – 22 Beauty and the Beast Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, 929 N. Water St. Disney’s magical classic will keep you entertained throughout.

• 3B

Unforgettable characters, lavish sets, costumes and, of course, the beloved title song of this classical love story. Visit for tickets and information. March 20 – 29 Realtors Home & Garden Show State Fair Park, Expo Center 8200 W. Greenfield Ave. For all general information, visit (Closed March 23-24.)

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4B • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015 REINHARD continued from page 1B tition, where record keeping is usually quite casual. Most people are aware that the regular Olympic Games began in 1896, and are conducted every four years in a different country. Athletes who compete come from all over the world. They are the top athletes from their respective countries and are almost all aged from the late teens on up to the mid-30s. Medals are awarded for the top three places in each event: Gold for first place, Silver for second, and Bronze for third. Here in the United States, Senior Olympic competition was initiated 50 years ago. The Games began here in 1980. In the Wisconsin Games, there are 22 different sports. In some of them there are many different events. In track 7 field, and, for example, there are the six different running events, plus the shot put, the discus, the javelin, the hammer, the pole vault, the high jump, the long jump and the triple jump, a total of 14. In the swimming category, there are also 14. One reason Agnes has won so many Senior Olympic medals is simply because she has entered so many different events, usually between 10 and 25 a year. She has competed in all the Wisconsin Senior Olympics since

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Agnes competes in a number of different sports. Here she is at last year’s Senior Olympic Games, in the shot put, and winning, of course.

1981. She couldn’t enter those initial Wisconsin games in 1980 because the requirements then were that a participant had to be at least 55, and at the time she was only 54. (The rule has been changed since then and is now at least age 50.) So, an average between 10 and 25 would be about 18, and if you multiply 18 times 33 Games since ’81, you get a total of close to 600 events she has been in. So how many of that total do you think you would win medals in, I asked her. (As noted, medals are awarded for the first three places in an event, Gold for first, Silver for second, and Bronze for third.) She thought for a moment, and then replied, in a quiet matter-of-fact tone of voice. “Well, just about all of them. I really don’t recall ever not winning a medal.” Well then, I persisted, what percentage of your medals were gold? “Pretty much all of them were gold,” she said, “I always competed to win, you know.” That answer sort of floored me; I didn’t think there was any other way to compete. (But then it dawned on me that there were ways to compete and not try to win, for example, the Packers out in Seattle.) Seeing that I looked sort of puzzled, Agnes tapped me on the knee and said, “Really, I’m not trying to be difficult or secretive. I just never kept any accurate count of my medals. But I have them all in boxes down in my basement; you can go down and count them if you want to.” I thanked her, but declined the offer. Basements make me sneeze and I’m terrible at compiling lists of numbers, and besides, some of her medals may have been lost. But Agnes’ involvement with the Wisconsin Senior Olympics was and is much more than merely winning medals, as huge an accomplishment as that alone is. She has also: z Served on the Wisconsin Senior Olympic Board of Directors for many years. z Been an event coordinator, a huge job in itself, at many of the yearly Games. z Been one of the organization’s top workers in areas such as fund raising and promotion. z Put in thousands of hours volunteering to lead exercise classes and other activities at the YMCA. z Been extremely active in both the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts.

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

I became a nurse. And, of course, there was marriage and raising a family.” Agnes and Dick have four children and now they have seven grandchildren and three great grandkids. “One year when daughter Jennifer was in high school, and was on the school’s track squad, she’d often go out running after school and in the evening, to keep in shape. Well, I didn’t want her to be out there alone, especially at night, running up and down dark streets. So I went out and ran with her,” Agnes recalled. “I found to my surprise that I really enjoyed it. By that time I was already past the age of 50.” (Life begins at 50, the saying goes. For Agnes, at least athletic life began at that age.) “Then a couple of years later, the Wisconsin Senior Olympics was formed, and that’s how it all began.” Nevertheless, after compiling all of the above, I still wanted to come up with a verified total for all the medals Agnes has won. If you check back to the beginning of this article, it was noted that Agnes had won more than an “estimated” 500 gold medals. Why “estimated?” Why not the exact number? I decided to go to the very top to solve the puzzle. I called John White, the man now serving as president of the Wisconsin Senior Olympics. I discussed my story about Agnes, and my efforts to come up with an exact count of medals. “I don’t think I can help you on that one, my good man,” he said. “I don’t’ believe anyone can. Senior Olympic organizations such as ours just don’t have the manpower (I know,

That’s Agnes at her usual spot after a Senior Olympic event, on the podium in the first place level.

• 5B

it should be people power) to keep and tabulate and every year re-tabulate all those thousands of statistics. Keep in mind, too, that all of the Senior Olympic people, including officials such as myself, are volunteers. You could probably get some CPA firm to keep the records for you, but they’d charge a fortune and where would we ever get that kind of money? Historically, all of the Senior Olympic athletes have, if they chose to, kept their own records. I, for example, have kept complete records of every event I competed in, how I placed, and the time or distance involved. But no one else knows them. Let me give you an opinion on this matter, and I think it answers the question. When Senior Olympic athletes keep records of their own accomplishments, they are invariably honest about them, and try to be accurate. They don’t embellish. So whatever Agnes has told you about her own records is true and is about all you can go on. But has she won as many at 500 gold medals? You ask me and I’d say yes. I’ve seen her win most of them with my own eyes.” He paused and looked at some old Wisconsin Senior Olympic programs we’d been checking. “You told me you were going to use the words “Wonder Woman” in the headline of your story. I think you made a good choice. She is a ‘Wonder Woman,’ that’s for sure. All of us with the Senior Olympics are quite proud of her.” Actually, seniors all over Wisconsin should be proud of Agnes Reinhard, who is truly a wonder woman.



By Jack Pearson

It’s always helpful to have family support, something Agnes really loves and appreciates. Here she is, left to right, with her son-in-law, her husband, her daughter, Jennifer (who was also competing), and two granddaughters. You might assume that because of all her great successes in Senior Olympic competition, both here in Wisconsin as well as on the National level, that Agnes must have been a top flight athlete as a youth. “No, no, not so at all,” she said. “You must keep in mind that back in the ‘30s and ‘40s when I was growing up that no sports were offered to girls in the schools. Not at all in elementary school, nor in high school, and very little in college. So all during my school years my time was spent in studies, and in working part time. Then


can be delivered directly to your mailbox. We’re still only $20 for 12 issues. Please send check or money order to: AGING

Can it be prevented page 10A




Be wary of scams

Thinks Packers need better coaching page 17A

page 7A

February 2015 Vol 27 No. 2

Meet Medal of Honor Recipient


Gary Wetzel


page 3A

NEMOVITZ: Are you prepared for tomorrow? page 5A

AQUINE JACKSON: Talented & once with very fast feet page 1B

here is an old saying that people develop wisdom teeth after they’ve bitten off more than they can chew. Well, Gary George Wetzel, Oak Creek, really was not 12 ft. tall when he got out of the U.S. Army after serving so bravely and effectively during the Vietnam War. People just talk this highly about him. Nor did the modest Gary get all choked up about his conspicuous gallantry as he did bite off more than most soldiers could chew. This true American hero did what he did when he did because it was the right thing to do. For this action, detailed below, the comSTATE CAPITOL munity salutes you, former Sp4c Wetzel. COMMENT Born Sept. 29, 1947, Wetzel enlisted in the U.S. Army at By Matt Pommer age 18 and after basic training, he was assigned to the 173rd. Assault Helicopter Company. He was not infatuated with killing the enemy, but was in the army to help win the war. Wetzel is said to have never even considered sidestepping a duty, although as a kid, friends never knew Gary Wetzel to beMONEY SENSE By Karen Ellenbecker extremely adventurous. He was quiet and thoughtful. When & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky the occasion called for being considerate, he was in the “little guy’s” corner. To this day, his focus is mostly on doing what must be done while following MOVING IN THE the rules of the game. That RIGHT DIRECTION game where Gary Wetzel first made his mark was war and it By Bruce Nemovitz WETZEL continued on page 11A Emma




STRINGS Medicare Spending & Financing Answer Man By Aunt Emma

Hop aboard the Snow Train page 18A

I bet that you didn’t know that spending for Medicare is projected to be $1,200 lower per person in 2014 than was estimated in 2009, and $2,400 less per person in 2019 versus 2014. In dollar terms, that is $126 billion



By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky

By Jack Pearson



Subscription Dept. P.O. Box 230 Hartland, WI 53029




less spending in 2014 compared to what the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected in 2009. The gap between projected and actual spending is reflected in all parts of the Medicare proFRAZIER continued on page 3A



By Tom Frazier





By Bruce Nemovitz


page 2B


Is there a need for community policing?

Supportive Care Directory

Photography: Mark Brautigan, from HOG Magazine

z Run in many marathons, including four Boston Marathons. z Carried the 1996 Olympic torch during a leg of its run through Milwaukee. z Was the one who noticed, back in ’02, that a triathlon athlete seemed to have leadership qualities, and suggested that the WSO Board invite him to join. They did, and the man, John White, is now the WSO President. And, of course, she was elected to the Wisconsin Senior Olympics Hall of Fame in its first induction class.





with Jim McLoone

Answer Man

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Protect yourself from becoming a victim BBB’s top ten scams from 2014

Here are the scams the Better Business Bureau thinks were most prevalent this past year: 10. SWEEPSTAKES SCAM: You’ve won a contest! Or the lottery! Or the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes! All you have to do to claim your prize is to pay some fees or taxes in advance so they can release your prize… This is not a new scam, but it is a perennial problem. Don’t send money to anyone to receive a prize. 9. CLICK BAIT SCAM: This scam occurs when you are using your computer. This one takes many forms, but the most notorious of the past year was when the Malaysian Airline plane went missing and you see the words (“click here for video”). Other click bait schemes use celebrity images, fake news, and other enticing stories to get you to unintentionally download malware onto your computer. Don’t click on links from unsolicited emails, Facebook links or text messages. 8. ROBOCALL SCAM: The notorious “Rachel from Cardholder Services” reappeared in 2014. This scam claims to be able to lower your credit card interest rates and takes personal information – including your credit card number – and then charges fees to your card. If you are unsure about a call or email that claims to be from your bank, utility company, etc., call the business from the number on your bill or the back of your credit card and as questions. 7. GOVERNMENT GRANT SCAM: You get a call saying you’ve been awarded a government grant for thousands of dollars. It may even mention a program you’ve heard about in the news. All you have to do to collect your grant is pay a couple hundred dol-

50 Plus News Magazine

lars in fees by wire transfer or prepaid debit card. Don’t ever pay money to someone while thinking you will receive money from them. 6. EMERGENCY SCAM: This one is sometimes called the “grandparent scam” because it often preys on older consumers. You receive a call or email from your grandchild or other relative who says they are injured, robbed or arrested while traveling overseas and needs money right away. Never send money for an emergency situation unless you’ve been able to verify the emergency. 5. MEDICAL ALERT SCAM: Another one that preys on older folks. You get a call or a visit from a company claiming a concerned family member ordered a medical alert device for you in case you have an emergency. They take your credit card or banking information but you never receive the device. 4. COPYCAT WEBSITE SCAM: You get an email, text message or social media post about a terrific sale or exciting new product. You click through and it looks just like a popular retailer’s site. But when you order, you either get a cheap counterfeit or nothing at all… and now they have your credit card number! If this happens, don’t click through. Go to the actual retailer’s website first or call the retailer to see if this product is actually available. 3. “ARE YOU CALLING YOURSELF?” SCAM: Scammers can make a call look like it’s coming from anywhere. The latest trick puts your number in the Caller ID, which piques your curiosity and gets you to pick up the phone or return the call… and then they’ve snagged you in whatever scam they are running. It was almost a tie for the top spot this year, because BBB sees this one every day: 2. TECH SUPPORT SCAM: You get a call or a pop-up on your computer claiming to be from Microsoft (or Norton, or Apple) about a problem on your computer. They say if you give “tech support” access to your hard drive,

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

scams, many investment scams, and also online romance scams. Source credibility: The scammer uses techniques to look legitimate, such as fake websites or hacked emails that come from a friend’s account. Most email phishing scams spoof real companies, and many scammers pretend to be someone they are not in order to add credibility. PLAYING ON EMOTIONS: Scammers rely on emotion to get you to make a quick decision before you have time to think about it. An emergency situation or a limited time offer is usually their methodology. They count on emotional rather than rational decision-making. DON’T be pressured into making fast decisions, take the time to research an organization or person. You can always make a phone call first to that organization, check out a business online or contact the BBB at or 414-847-6000. For more information, here are some organizations you can turn to: z BBB Scam Stopper ( scam). Sign up for weekly Scam Alerts to learn about new scams. You can report scams here, too. z Investment scams, go to BBB Smart Investing, a partnership with FINRA Investor Education Foundation. z For charities, go to (BBB Wise Giving Alliance). z U.S. government services, go to: z Canadian government services, go to Service Canada.

JOIN the BBB for SHREDFEST as we help you prevent IDENTITY THEFT on Saturday, May 2 at SVA Certified Public Accountants from - 8:30 am – 11:00 am at 18650 W. Corporate Drive, Brookfield, WI - 3 BOX LIMIT.

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they can fix it. Instead, they install malware on your computer and start stealing your personal information. These companies would NEVER call you. If you get a pop-up or accidentally click on a link on your computer that seemed suspicious, shut off your computer immediately and re-boot your computer after a few minutes. Take time to run a virus and malware scan on your computer. And the top Scam of the Year, because it’s just so alarming, is: 1. ARREST SCAM: You receive an ominous phone call from someone claiming to be a police officer or government agent (oftentimes they claim to be from the IRS in the United States or the CRA in Canada). They state that they will arrest you for overdue taxes or for skipping out on jury duty… but you can avoid the arrest by sending them money via a prepaid debit card or wire transfer. Another variation on this is that you’ll be arrested for an overdue payday loan. Whatever the “violation,” it’s frightening to be threatened with arrest, and many people have paid out of fear. Remember, the IRS or any other government agency will NEVER reach out to you via a phone call to ask for money or personal information. Never provide your personal information (address, date-of-birth, banking information, ID numbers) or give money to people you do not know whether it is through e-mail, phone call or in person. Here are the major techniques scammers use to draw you in: ESTABLISHING A CONNECTION: The scammer builds rapport and a relationship with you. This is usually used face-to-face, as in home improvement

• 7B

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8B • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

March Poem By: Jim McLoone Time seems to be flying by, no, they’re really birds. On occasions, we’re at a loss for meaningful words. But, hurrah! Daylight is lasting longer each day. We count the days, but too many are in the way Before we can again bask in the warmth of May. Yes, St. Pat’s Day arrives on the 17th, quite soon. Many an Irish person then might enjoy a Blue Moon. Time was when it was a day for the Irish to celebrate. In fact, more than a few may have come home in a crate. Alleluia! March 20 arrives as the first day of Spring. If nothing else, into our step it will put some zing. Christians everywhere observe this time of Lent. Many attend services on their knees with heads bent. The 29th day of this month brings Palm Sunday. Recognizing Christ, palm fronds are presented in this way. With March as a month just short of planting season, Tractor repair keeps farmers quite busy, or so they reason. Will this month of March really bring an early Spring? Birds in the sky do appear heading northward on wing. Green grass, a few very early blooms and birds of song Lead us to know Spring really is here; we cannot be wrong.

• •




by Art Schmitz


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I went into George Webb’s Not too many years ago It was where my appetite led For me it was usual you know Soon an older man came in He looked somewhat decrepit His face had a permanent grin Which did the old man credit Seated on the closest stool He stared my way for a time Saying I don’t think you’re a fool Your eyes have a healthy shine

He told me he was eighty-one And could I equal that I said I could, and still have fun At eighty-two and a half Don’t you feel, he said to me That you’re living on borrowed time? Not as long as I can my bobber see With a fish on the end of my line And then I thought of life and death Of birth, the joy of living The scope of life’s great breadth Of getting and of giving Finally coming to the decision That life is a question replete Of life being not of precision But life being always complete

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS



• 9B


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10B • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

Jacksonville, is a treasure in the Atlantic Coast MONEY SENSE


By Karen Ellenbecker & Julie Ellenbecker -Lipsky

By Mary McLoone Having a son and his family residing about 20 or so miles south of Jacksonville, this is our flight into and out of destination and we will say that Jacksonville is not an easy destination Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll “Planting Tomorrow’s to reach from Milwaukee. But we ofDreams Today” outBrad ofOlson, the sprawlNG IN THE ten have been in and By CFP DIRECTION ing contiguous 840 miles that make up with the commercial district as well as ce Nemovitz Jacksonville. Some of these miles are the dining and entertainment meccas made up of river, others of beautiful that are found on both sides of the busy beaches and still someAPRON areas of spa- river. Emma cious swamplands thatSTRINGS are home for Answer Due inMan great part to the water, By Aunt Emma fish and fowl. Jacksonville boasts the country’s largFounded in 1822, Jacksonville’s est urban park system that includes the AGING vibrancy depends on the waterways; 46,000 acres Timucuan Ecological and ISSUES Tom Frazier the St. John’s River that runs into the Historical Preserve. Although old when Intracoastal Waterway, the large indus- its founding in considered, Jacksonville trial water-fed concourses in the river is surprisingly vibrant and is considdistrict and, of course, the U.S. Navy ered as a demographically young city. has a large military presence due to its Downtown Jacksonville has many strategic location on the Atlantic ocean. high rises with the focus of many beLANTING Actually, the navigable waterways pering urban living quarters. Networks of MORROW’S haps could add up, in total, to more bridges and even ample water taxi serAMS TODAY Brad Olson than 1,000 miles. vices serve the downtown areas while There is a pleasant riverwalk area making Jacksonville an easy city to that welcomes visitors and which quite travel in even when all of the water is easily links residential areas of the city con considered.

Matt Pommer


ack Pearson






Jacksonville Beach Fishing Pier On the north side, a mile or so from the airport, there are the Jaguars’ and Suns’ sports complex. The north side also is where French explorers are said to have first set foot at Ft. Caroline some 450 years ago. Among other interesting sites, the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens are in this area as is the Talbot Island State Park, a great place to watch the birds.

calendar Off-the-Beaten-Path Vacations MAeDnVtion code SAVE 14D to Unique. Wholesome. Safe. Fun. the WRIGHT per c$o2u00.00 SIDE of By Enis Wright

60 ple


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Downtown Jacksonville

You have to know and perhaps experience the Mayport Ferry which allows for a nice river crossing near the Mayport Naval Station. There are 22 miles of Atlantic Ocean beaches. You’ll want to experience Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and even Atlantic Beach. There are numerous upscale lodging accommodations all along the shores just south of downtown.

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

There are 22 miles of Atlantic Ocean beaches. You’ll want to experience Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach and even Atlantic Beach. There are numerous upscale lodging accommodations all along the shores just south of downtown. As you might have guessed, surfing is very popular on the beaches and many locals are said to catch their dinners while casting lines into the surging Atlantic waters. If shopping might be your thing, Jacksonville has many shopping districts in the heart of the city and in outlying areas, some much closer to swelling numbers of young people choosing to live in the suburban areas, often in apartments and/or condos. The older city of San Marco, just south of downtown, is a more quiet area that offers ample choices in dining, entertainment and shopping venues. The original Peterbrooke’s Chocolatier is located in San Marco. Traveling southward beyond the three beach cities is Ponte Vedra, about half an hour from Jacksoville. This city also is on the ocean, has ample accommodations and is the home of the PGA Sawgrass golfing complex where one of the first national tour events is held early each Spring. And, another half hour beyond that, is the historic city of St. Augustine. But both Ponte Vedra and St. Augustine are other complete stories, which have been previously covered in this 50 Plus News Magazine.

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Cottonwood Trails First Apartments is a month free senior complex with 1 year which offers income lease eligible 1 & 2 bedroom units for adults 55 plus. This is a non-smoking environment with heated underground parking, elevator service, laundry rooms on each floor, controlled entry access with private intercom, and a community room for social activities. Heat and water are included in the rent.

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• 11B

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12B • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

New Location

50 PLUS FEST May 7th

WAUKESHA COUNTY EXPO CENTER Resource Fair | Exhibitors Entertainment | Food | FREE Admission

Watch for complete show details in the April edition of 50 Plus For exhibition information call Saran Piehl at 262-367-5303 ext. 12

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

Old Ben had quite a barrel of pickles By Jim McLoone While remembering the sign in the Main Street grocery store of many, many years ago, “In God we trust, all others must pay cash,” I recall the old fellow, rather bent over from years of wear and tear on his body, who stood behind the cash register looking over his glasses. He also had a 12 portion muffin tin where he would put the pennies, nickels, dimes, etc. mostly spent by the kids who came in for penny candy. The inside store window had open boxes of various types of candy that kids would choose for themselves. Can you even imagine all of the handling some of those candy cigarettes, lico-

rice gummies and jawbreakers, among others, got over the course of time it took before a new candy carton was placed in the window? This was back to the time when few people had refrigerators so old Ben, the grocer, found another way to make a few cents. He had an ice making machine that was filled with metal ice cube making trays that, of course, contained water. Yes, he was the first in our hometown to sell ice cubes. I believe that he sold them for 12 regular size ice cubes for 10 cents. Naturally, he didn’t profit long on these as home owners and even renters began to replace their lake-derived ice blocks with regular

refrigerators. The ice blocks were cut in winter months and then stored in a huge building, block upon block, with sawdust covering them to slow melting even in summer months. I recall another item from the past, the pickle barrel and the dipper that people could use to reach into the barrel of pickles kept in brine. It was about three feet high and was there for self-service as long as I could recall. In fact, one day my dog accompanied me to the store, ran in when someone else opened the door and was inquisitive about that barrel near the counter. The good-sized dog plunged into it that day and was almost immediately pulled out and marched out the door and, sadly, me with it even though I hadn’t picked out my penny’s worth of candy yet.

• 13B

The above might be story enough, but old Ben just kept selling pickles from that barrel. I guess a bit of dog hair never contaminated those pickles. But I know, after my mom gave our dog a bath and me a chewing out, she never bought pickles at old Ben’s store again.

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Waukesha County Expo Center Resource Fair • Exhibitors Entertainment • Food • FREE Admission

Watch for complete show details in the April issue of 50 Plus. For exhibition information please call Saran Piehl 262-367-5303 ext. 12

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d Li


vin bilit g atio Me nU mo nit ry C are Ski lled Lice Sem nse i-Sk dN i l l ed Nur ur s sing ing Spe / In term ech edi ate The Car Occ rap e y upa t Res ional The pira rap tory y Phy T h era sica py Lon l Thera g-Te py rm C Tem are p or ar y Rec Car rea e tion al A c tivit Priv ies ate / En tert Roo ain Ope me ms nt nF A v aila am bl ily V Pet isita e Vis itat tion ion Hos A llow pic e ed Bea Care uty / Ba rbe Me r Sh dic are op Me dic aid

14B • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

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MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS


• 15B


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Reh a

iste Ass



d Li


vin bilit g atio Me nU mo nit ry C are Ski lled Lice Sem nse i-Sk dN i l l ed Nur ur s sing ing Spe / In term ech edi ate The Car Occ rap e y up a t Res ional The pira rap tory y Phy T h era sica py Lon l Thera g-Te py rm C Tem are p or ar y Rec Car rea e tion al A c tivit Priv ies ate / En tert Roo ain Ope me ms nt nF A v aila am bl ily V Pet isita e Vis itat tion ion Hos A llow pic e ed Bea Care uty / Ba rbe Me r Sh dic are op Me dic aid

16B • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015


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Reh a

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• 17B

vin bilit g atio Me nU mo nit ry C are Ski lled Lice Sem nse i-Sk dN illed Nur ur s sing ing Spe / In term ech edi ate The Car Occ rap e y upa Res tional The pira rap tory y Phy T h era sica p y Lon l Thera g-Te py r Tem m Car e por ary Rec Car rea e tion al A c t iviti Priv es / ate Ent erta Roo inm Ope ms ent nF A v aila am bl ily V Pet isita e Vis itat tion ion Hos A llow pic e ed Bea Care uty /Ba rbe Me r Sh dic are op Me dic aid

MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

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TRAVEL 18B • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015

Financial Fi i lW Wellness ll “Planting Tomorrow’s Dreams Today�

Is your hour glass slowly going downward? MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION

Bruce Nemovitz Hi, folks. Yes, IByam ready for a nice session with you this month. It seems, as my Henry says time and again, that life in sixties isn’t quite what he thought it might be. He says it seems that having fun is sort of like going to work when you’re on double pay for overtime. But there isn’t a lot AGING of time to enjoy it. He asks himself as ISSUES no one else can answerByit,Tom “Who was it Frazier that put that sand in the hour glass and was the first to determine that it should all leak out in an hour’s time? I told Henry that there was a time in my life when I stood in front of the mirror and made funny faces. Now, I just look into the mirror and see a funPLANTING ny face, one with wrinkles and crinkles TOMORROW’S when I am standing DREAMS there forTODAY a bit of By Brad Olson time with a special pen

By Brad Olson, CFP


I won’t write much today about that street car, except that the main promoter, Mayor Tom Barrett, appears to be un-swerved by opinions to the contrary of his own as he confronts those who disagree with him. I recall from English class in high school that author George Bernard Shaw said, among many other more remarkable words, “Even the youngest of us are wrong sometimes.� How old do you believe the mayor to be? Henry says he’s sure he will be around to ride the street car as it will go down tavern avenues. He also says that when he and his buddies are on that tavern-bound street car he hopes that they realize how old they are and act their ages.



Answer Man

By Aunt Emma

The mayor, who almost lives in Wauwatosa, surely will never be able to ride the street car to and from his office. He may have to wear a disguise when he gets on the bus as the driver would be hard-pressed to take him to the street car station for the last part of his daily arduous journey. Perhaps there will be postal cards promoting the street car. After some reviews of the street car, it was determined that it does have broad support in the city. Why even some men favor it. One last question about the street car and this came up at our coffee party Wednesday morning. Will there be senior discounts and movies to watch while we’re on it? (See, I’m already planning my trip to downtown?) Henry joins me in telling the mayor not to fret or be discouraged by the opposition. Hang in there. Keep working on it. After all, Ben Franklin was already about age 80 when he was a framer of the U.S. Constitution.


in hand touching up my graying roots. But, as you know, getting older is a lot more pleasant than not doing so. Henry and I discussed the Milwaukee downtown street car last month and then couldn’t send that column to the publisher as the aldermen already had approved it on a split vote. A while back, I read that the union drivers of the Milwaukee buses oppose the street car.





50 Plus Fest & Retirement Show


May 7 at Waukesha County Expo Center SPORTS By Jack Pearson

CA$H PAID • TOP PRICES Autos • Trucks • Vans

Running OR Not Serving 4 County Area Prompt Courteous Service FREE Pickup 7 days/wk Tow/Flat Bed Sevice


Place of Delafield

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SERVICES OFFERED the WRIGHT Top Cash Paid!! If you don’t wear it. . . . We buy it.

SIDE of By Enis Wright

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MARCH 2015 • 50PLUS

• 19B

We Saw You At…The Oconomowoc Chili Fest By Margaret Pearson You wouldn’t know it by the name only, but the 6th Annual Oconomowoc Chili Fest offered visitors a whole lot more than just delicious chili tasting. For example, all through the downtown area were ice sculpture exhibits, and on the frozen surface of nearby Fowler Lake were ice fishing, a hockey tournament, a snow softball game and family open skating. Some of the visitors were:

Sculptor Emma Darnell of Oconomowoc and granddaughter Lynn.

Penny Van Wyhe of Milwaukee, Susan and Tom Zielke of Dousman, and Nancy Hazelberg of Menomonie Falls, with sculptor Mike Austin of Burlington.

Cami and Bob Brzycki of Hartford, with sculptor Mike Lechtenberg of Brookfield.

Jim and Karen Warden of Waukesha, with sculptor Bill Thiel of Oconomowoc.


Kathy Radaj of Greenfield and Jackie Morgan of Oconomowoc.

St. Patrick’s Day!

Todd and Kay Morgan and Ida (who loves chili) of Summit.

20B • 50PLUS • MARCH 2015


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