Ty-Mawr Product Catalogue 2014/15

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T y-Mawr ˆ www.lime.org.uk

traditional & ecological building materials‌deunyddiau adeiladu traddodiadol ac ecolegol

Product catalogue 2014/15

Company Principles – breathing life into buildings! Founders and directors Nigel and Joyce Gervis

T y-Mawr ˆ being presented with the LABC All Wales Award as winner of the “Technical Innovation of the Year, 2013”

Established in 1995, by husband and wife - Nigel and Joyce Gervis, Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd has made an enormous contribution to resurrecting the use of traditional building materials in Wales as well as further afield and has become a market leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of environmentallyfriendly building materials and systems providing a ‘one-stop’ shop for clients throughout the UK.

Nigel, Joyce, Henry, Harvey and Cai on visit to India, 2013

They have received several awards for their work in this field and at the end of 2009, were named as one of the 52 ‘sustainability champions’ on Wales’ first Green List! for their contribution to sustainability in Wales and in 2012, Nigel Gervis, Technical Director, received the Marsh Award for Trainer of the Year (Traditional Building Skills) supported by CITB, Construction Skills and English Heritage. Their approach to buildings and building products is based on the following principles that are still central to the whole business, namely:

caring for buildings Caring appropriately for buildings requires an understanding of how they are constructed and hence how they function – only then is it possible to identify the right materials to repair them with. We understand the technical qualities of each of our products, this enables us to give the best possible advice and support for each project.






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Careful product selection is vital to ensure the health and longevity of your building.

caring for the environment All of our products are designed, assessed and selected to have minimal environmental impact. We continually work to monitor and improve the environmental credentials of all of our products e.g. we have developed plasters that use recycled glass as an aggregate (instead of extracting virgin sand) or hemp fibres which are fully renewable. We were the first company in Wales to gain our BS8555 Environment Management System Award under the UKAS Accredited Seren Scheme. It demonstrates our commitment to the environment - from the paper we choose, to the way in which we dispose of any waste. It runs through every aspect of our business, we are not merely producing and selling these products because it is fashionable, it is absolutely core to our business and always has been e.g. our head office and training centre no longer run on oil, they are heated through a heat recovery system installed on the manufacturing yard, backed up by a biomass boiler - this reduces our emissions by some 40 tonnes of carbon dioxide per annum!

quality We have been determined to maintain the quality of our products and services as the business has grown. In 2007, we gained our ISO9001 quality management system award helping to ensure that we continue to deliver the best possible products and services through approved procedures.

caring for health Our products pose no health hazard to those using or living with the materials. It is estimated that we spend

up to 90% of our time indoors, so the quality of the internal environment is important to our well being. Our materials do not contribute to indoor pollution; in fact some of them actually help to improve indoor air quality e.g. T y-Mawr ˆ THERMAFLEECE® sheep’s wool insulation actually locks in formaldehyde given off by heavily glued products and our plasters, paints and boards help to regulate humidity, this is key to maintaining appropriate comfort levels in the room.

sustainability We want to contribute to a sustainable future – we believe that one important aspect of this is through supporting local communities – we strive to buy and promote local and British products. Where this is not possible, we work to find the product with the best ecological and technical credentials and hope that in generating a market, a local product may eventually be produced. This has happened with several of our products, most notably our sheep’s wool insulation which is now made from Welsh wool, as well as reducing product road miles, this will contribute in a small way to sustaining the rural communities in which we live and work.

people We are committed to developing a skilled and experienced workforce in stable and interesting jobs, this we believe ensures exceptional service for our clients and makes a huge contribution to sustaining our rural communities in which our staff are all based. We are part of and invest in the Welsh Government’s Workforce Development programme, identifying training needs within our business and providing opportunities for development.

innovation Finally, we are excited about combining new and traditional materials in innovative ways. As a result, we have developed some award winning products: the insulated limecrete and sublime® flooring systems (pages 24-27) and the glaster® plaster and mortar (pages 17-19) and hemp lime plaster (pages 14-16) ranges.

Cover: Ty-Mawr ˆ Headquarters and Training Centre, Llangasty

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350


Unit 12 Distribution Warehouse, Brecon

Section 1

Section 3

Lime Products

Paints and Finishing Products

Introduction and Benefits of Lime Types of Lime

2-3 4

Choosing a Lime Product


Traditional Fat Lime Putty


Hydraulic Lime Aggregates for Mortars, Plasters & Screeds

Introduction Choosing a Wall Paint - Summary

49 50-51

Surface Preparation


Interior Plant Resin Wall Paints (Natural Emulsion)


8 9

Internal Mineral Wall Paints


Internal Casein and Clay Paints


Premixed Lime Putty Mortars


Colour Chart - Clay


Premixed Lime Putty Plasters


Exterior Silicate Paint - Summary Table


Lime Hemp Plaster, Batichanvre®


Exterior Silicate Paints

glaster® Plasters and Mortars

17-19 20-21

EcoCork Insulating Render


Limewash > Ty-Mawr ˆ Limewash, Shelter Coats, Casein, Tallow, Uniprotect


Premixed Hydraulic Lime Products

Limecrete Floor




Bedding Mortar


Tools and Ancillaries 28-29 > pozzolans, hessian, laths, reinforcing hair, primal, fine casting plaster, jute scrim, nail gun, mortar mills, pan mixer, hand tools

Wood Paints

Training Centre, Llangasty



Paints for Metal


Internal Wood and Floor Treatments


Ty-Mawr ˆ boys - Cai, Henry and Harvey

Section 4 Courses and Books

Section 2


Boards and Insulation


LABC Registered Insulation Systems > New Timber-frame > Warm Roof > Solid Wall Insulation > External Wall Insulation > Internal Wall Insulation


Choosing a Board/Insulation


Reed Mat, Reed Boards


Celenit Wood Wool Boards


Woodfibre Insulation Boards (Gutex)



> Introduction to Lime


> Lime Plastering


> Decorative Plasterwork


> Pargetting


> Energy Efficiency in Old Buildings


> Thatching


> Colour Day


> Limecrete Day


> Venue Hire, CPDs and Books


Woodfibre Insulation Boards (Homatherm) 40-41

Section 5

Thermafleece® Sheep’s Wool Insulation Original, EcoRoll, TF35



Services and Placing an Order


Hemp Insulation


Terms and Conditions


Cork Board


Deliveries and Distribution


Energy Efficiency Measures at Ty-Mawr ˆ


How to find us!


Airtightness & Windtight Systems


Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints

Courtesy: Barbrook Passivhaus

Local sourcing - 10% of carbon dioxide emissions is attributed to the production and transportation of building products – it is important to consider local sourcing where possible to minimise road miles! 1

Lime Products Introduction & Benefits Parthenon built in 432BC

Benefits of Lime - caring for buildings Lime has been used as the binder in mortars, plasters, paints and floors for centuries, it is usually blended with an aggregate to make mortar or an aggregate and fibre to make plaster/render. Lime has a proven track record, it has been used in architecture since 12,000 B.C. and there are plenty of examples from antiquity that still survive today (how many modern buildings will be standing in the next hundred or even thousand years, like the Parthenon built in 432BC). We were cement-free in the UK up until the 1920s, so buildings pre-dating this would primarily have been constructed using lime. It is staggering to think that all of the stone and brick buildings that we see around us every day like Victorian terraces, Georgian streets, farmhouses, churches, chapels, barns, village halls, castles, cathedrals, stately homes and abbeys are all built without cement - and those that have been repaired and cared for appropriately with lime are still standing. It is often thought that lime is not as ‘strong’ as cement and so has no place in buildings today, but lime has other qualities, qualities that have helped traditional buildings to survive (very sustainable having buildings that last for centuries!) and qualities that are now encouraging a new generation of builders/developers to incorporate lime into their new builds creating healthier, more sustainable homes. > lime products are vapour permeable - this is important in solid wall buildings as it means that any moisture is allowed to escape from the walls. This helps to control condensation and damp within the building (most modern renders, plasters, mortars and paints are impervious, trapping moisture in the walls, leading to problems such as condensation, mould growth and even degradation of the fabric of the building such as timbers rotting, bricks/masonry crumbling). > lime mortars are relatively flexible and will accommodate some movement in a wall without cracking, each joint of lime mortar is like a mini expansion joint. If lime cracks it can ‘self-heal’ when exposed to air unlike its modern counterparts which are harder and hence more brittle. This allows movement and flex within structures whilst allowing them to remain upright! (just look up at the beautiful domed ceiling in a great cathedral, only achievable because of this quality!) Often in earth quake zones, the ‘traditional’ buildings constructed of lime remain standing whilst modern ‘cement’ buildings fall down as they are more brittle. > lime mortars are sacrificial - so any salt or frost damage occurs in the mortar not in the more expensive components like brick/masonry.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Courtesy: The National Trust



LIME MORTAR POINTING (or lime render with vapour permeable paint) EVAPORATION OF MOISTURE




Solid Wall Construction Building - maintained with soft, traditional, vapour permeable materials.







Solid Wall Construction - repaired with hard, modern impervious materials potentially trapping moisture and leading to problems such as damp, condensation, mould growth, wet/ dry rot etc. Tel: 01874 611350

Lime Products Lime allows bricks to be reclaimed ready to be re-used, cement is so strong that this is not often possible!.

Impervious, hard cement render has been removed revealing rotten lintels and degrading masonry caused by trapped moisture.

Caring for the environment

Caring for health

We, as well as others, have been keen over the last few years to highlight the potential of lime within new builds as a cement replacement. The use of cement has grown enormously, by 2020, world production is expected to top 3,500 million tonnes, three times the level used just a decade ago. 10% of worldwide Carbon Dioxide emissions are attributed to the production of cement (this is comparable with the aviation industry). The cement industry itself has taken measures to reduce the impact but there are things we can all do like considering alternatives whenever we think about using it in our buildings/structures. The range of limes now available as well as the work we have been doing in developing ‘systems’ has made the possibility of this much greater. See new timber-framed buildings (page 30), upgrading ‘solid wall’ constructions (pages 32-33), warm roofs (page 31) and limecrete floors (pages 24-27).

> lime is considered to be less harmful to human health than many of its modern counterparts:

lime plasters and limewash are nontoxic, therefore they do not contribute to indoor air pollution unlike some modern paints.

Finally, lime products create a beautiful, lively, unique aesthetic that no modern material can replicate....well we think so...

The Lime Cycle Water-born Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is absorbed over time to form Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) Burning limestone in a kiln drives off Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O)

Slaked lime (putty) is mixed with selected sands to produce mortars and plasters, or with water to produce limewash


Limestone Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)





Limestone from the quarry


> lime enables other natural and sustainable products such as wood (including woodfibre, wood wool boards), hemp, straw etc to be used because of its ability to control moisture (if cement was used, these buildings would compost!).

lime plaster is hygroscopic (literally means ‘water seeking’) which draws the moisture from the internal to the external environment, this helps to regulate humidity creating a more comfortable living environment as well as helping to control condensation and mould growth which have been shown to have links to allergies and asthmas.


> lime mortars allow other building components such as stone, wood and bricks to be reused and recycled because they can be easily cleaned of mortar/ limewash.


> lime is burnt at a lower temperature than cement and so has an immediate energy saving of 20% (although kilns etc are improving so figures do change). A standard lime mortar has about 60-70% of the embodied energy of a cement mortar. It is also considered to be more environmentally friendly because of its ability, through carbonation, to re-absorb its own weight in Carbon Dioxide (compensating for that given off during burning and so forms the well known lime cycle - see opposite).

Introduction & Benefits

Impervious modern paints prevent the wall from ‘breathing’ – it will blister, peel and flake and can lead to problems of condensation and mould growth.

Slaking Lime Burnt Lime Calcium Hydroxide Calcium Oxide (Ca(OH)2 (CaO)

Burnt lime is also known as quicklime or lumplime

Heat S L A KIN G

Slaking burnt lime in either:

or iii) in damp sand to produce a hot mix

i) an excess of water to produce a putty

or ii) a shortfall of water to produce a powder (hydrate)

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Lime Products Types of Lime Courtesy: Sara Bennison

Courtesy: www.gelynisfarm.co.uk

Types of Lime

Hydraulic Lime (see page 8)

There are many types of lime on the market. It is crucially important to understand their differences and the way in which they perform, only then is it possible to make an informed choice about which lime to use for different applications and environments.

In more recent years, hydraulic ‘hydrated’ limes have been successfully produced from limestone containing clay and other impurities which gives it a faster initial set in more extreme conditions (including under water). There are many types of hydraulic lime and they are categorised according to the following (NHL - Naturally Hydraulic Lime): where the number refers to the compressive strength of the mortar after 28 days (please note the selection of aggregate and mix ratio will also effect the final strength).

Slaked/High Calcium/Putty/Air/‘Fat’ or Non-Hydraulic Lime (see page 7) This lime is produced by slaking fresh Quicklime in an excess of water. It is also known as non-hydraulic lime because it requires exposure to air in order to carbonate and does not set under water. This lime is regarded as the most appropriate lime for old buildings where maximum permeability and flexibility is required.

Courtesy: Singleton Birch

Premixed ‘wet’ products are made from this lime putty with the addition of an aggregate and/or fibre.

Lime Hemp Plaster


Lime Mortar

Top Coat Plaster

> NHL2 – contains less than 12% clay which means it is slower to set; > NHL3.5 – contains 12%-18% clay which gives a slightly faster set; > NHL5 – has up to 25% clay content which means that a much faster set is achieved. These limes have become increasingly popular over the last decade because of their comparative ‘ease of use’ and ‘strength’, compared to fat limes.

Base Coat Plaster

Tˆy-Mawr’s premixed ‘wet’ lime products that are ready to use!

Hydrated or ‘Bag’ Lime






This is the lime generally available in builders merchants. It is a non-hydraulic lime produced by slaking Quicklime with a shortfall of water which results in a powder. It is generally considered to be an inferior product to the fat lime putty described above for a number of reasons but primarily because it starts to degrade from the moment it is made and can actually fully carbonate in the bag before use. Widespread use of ‘bag’ lime has given ‘lime’ a poor name because of the instances where it simply has none of its original properties left by the time the end-user works with it, hence it fails, dusts etc. If ‘bag’ lime is the only option, then it should be purchased as fresh as possible and left to soak for two days in clean water. Although the resulting product is chemically the same as ‘fat’ lime putty, it is physically different, in particular it is less ‘sticky’.

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See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Singleton Birch hydraulic lime (see page 8 for full range).

Dry, premixed hydraulic lime mortar/plaster are now available - see following pages. Lime Putty Products

Hydraulic Limes NHL 2 NHL 3.5 NHL 5

Increased strength, reduced permeability and flexibility.

Formulated Limes Most recently Formulated Limes have been developed and made available on the market. They are a blend of controlled materials which result in mortars which have consistent and appropriate compressive strength while retaining some of the properties of lime-based mortars. We stock Hyperlime, a sustainable Tel: 01874 611350

Lime Products Choosing a Lime Product Lime work must be protected from rain, drying winds and sun not just frost!

Llancwyfan’s 14th Century Church, off the West coast of Anglesey, Wales. Courtesy: www.scharerconservation.co.uk

binder for use in masonry construction, mortars, plasters and renders (see page 8).

Pozzolans (see page 28) Pozzolans are ‘heated’ materials such as brickdust, Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA), Calcined Clay, that contain silica, alumina and iron which become reactive towards alkalis including lime. They are frequently used to help to give a fat lime mortar a ‘faster’ set (essentially creating an ‘artificial’ hydraulic lime) and are therefore helpful in many situations to broaden the applications for fat limes. It is believed that many historic mortars were ‘fat’ or ‘nonhydraulic’ as they often contain these ‘heated materials’ which change the performance of the mortar. Today, hydraulic limes are more commonly used, sometimes wrongly, for increased set and strength. Please see below for some guidance on specifying and choosing the right lime.

Properties Understanding the properties of the various limes will help to ensure a successful result through appropriate specification, see below.

Type of lime / binder Impurities which affect setting properties

Pure/Air Fat Lime Putty

Hydraulic Lime NHL2


Under 12% natural active clay minerals

Vapour Permeability (ng/Pa.s.m) Strength (N/mm≤)

Soft, slower set good permeability 0.5 - 2.0

2.0 - 5.0

> the environmental conditions – where the environment is very wet e.g. sea-defence walls, canal walls, cellars, copings, pavings; a hydraulic lime is more appropriate because of its ability to set under water. > the existing materials – repairing likewith-like – this will usually provide the most satisfactory solution both aesthetically and technically, however it should not be done without considering the performance of the original materials, as well as the future demands. > the time of year – the ideal time to do fat lime work, particularly external work, is during the spring and early summer, lime work should never be done when the temperature is likely to fall below 5°C before carbonation has taken place (which can take months). Therefore, if work can not be rescheduled to another time of the year consideration should be given to adding a pozzolan to a fat lime (e.g. PFA, GGBFS) to speed up the set or to using a hydraulic lime. Appropriate protection is vital.

Courtesy: www.roystondavies.co.uk

> the available time – occasionally work is programmed without enough time to support the use of the Hydraulic Hydraulic Natural/ materials specified, Lime Lime Roman rapid builds NHL3.5 NHL5 Cement necessitate rapid 12 - 18% 18 - 25% Natural mix of sets therefore natural active natural active limestone plus adding a pozzolan clay minerals clay minerals clay >50% to a fat lime or gth n e r St using a hydraulic lime should be Strong, rapid set considered (if poor permeability work can’t be reprogrammed!). 3.5 - 10 5.0 - 15.0 12.0 - 20.0

The above diagram shows the ‘trade offs’ that need to be considered when choosing a lime - the stronger the lime, the faster it sets but the compromise is ‘vapour permeability’ and ‘flexibility’

Choosing a Lime It is important for the well being of the building that the most appropriate lime product is chosen. Every situation needs to be carefully assessed e.g. in terms of: > softness of the stone, brick etc – this should be a major factor in selection. The mortar should always be ‘softer’ than the stone/brick.

Occasionally, the choice still seems to be based on the availability of skills, unfortunately, lack of experience means that often the stronger hydraulic limes or even cement are introduced into buildings where they have no place and will, in the long term, almost certainly contribute to damp problems and damage the very fabric of the building. Application guides, supplied with all of our lime-based products, provide far more detailed information and set out some ‘golden rules’ for successful results. Before beginning to use any lime product, it should be understood that lime is caustic and eyes and skin should be protected at all times.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Lime Products Choosing a Lime Product Craswell church - evidence of external lime plaster

On-site advice/supervision/training

both wet (made with lime putty) and dry (made with hydraulic lime products). The table below is designed to help you easily locate the products suitable for your particular application but please do not hesitate to call our product advisers if you still require help!

In the remainder of this first section on lime products, we highlight the choice of lime binders and aggregates available from Ty-Mawr ˆ enabling you to make your own mortars, plasters and limewash as well as the increasingly popular premixed lime products

St Astier Eco-Mortar C

St Astier Eco-Mortar F

St Astier Eco-Mortar WP (External Topcoat For C & F)

St Astier Eco Mortar R50

St Astier Eco Mortar R100

Thermocromex Coloured Render

Decoliss Decorative Plaster

Hourdex / Tradiblanc

Secil ecoCork Lime Render system


Premixed Fat Lime Mortar


glaster® - dry/hydraulic

St Astier Natural Hydraulic Lime 3.5


glaster® - wet/fat

St Astier Natural Hydraulic Lime 2


Lime Hemp Plaster – dry/hydraulic Plaster/Render

HyperLime 3.5


Lime Hemp Plaster – wet/fat Plaster

Singleton Birch Natural Hydraulic Lime 5 (Secil)


Traditional Fat Lime Plaster

Singleton Birch Natural Hydraulic Lime 3.5 (Secil)

Page Reference to confirm use

St Astier Natural Hydraulic Lime 5

Product Use

Singleton Birch Natural Hydraulic Lime 2 (Secil)

Lime Product Selection

















Available Premixed Internal Use

External Use

Exposed Locations (e.g chimney flaunching) ✓

Celenit Wood Wool Boards

Ty-Mawr ˆ Woodfibre Boards

Cork Boards


Soft Brick/Stone

Hard Stone

Hard Engineering Brick Concrete Block ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

✓ ✓

Cob, Rammed Earth, Strawbale

Insulation Block

✓ ✓

Plaster board

Over Gypsum Plaster

✓ ✓

Painted Backgrounds Limecrete

Bedding Mortar

This table is for guidance purposes only, as the selection of lime products also depends on the site conditions, temperature etc. Please seek advice if you are unsure.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Lime Products Traditional Fat Lime Putty Courtesy: National Museums and Galleries of Wales, Kennixton Farmhouse, St Fagan’s

Courtesy: J. Beavan, Timber frame - lime plaster, in-fill panels

We make our own lime putty - it is produced by ‘slaking’ a British quicklime in an excess of water. It is then allowed to mature. This fat lime putty can then be used to make plaster/mortar by blending it with an appropriate aggregate (see page 9), or diluted to make a limewash (see page 60).

Benefits > it is regarded as the most appropriate lime to use in the conservation of old buildings where it is important to maximise softness, vapour permeability and flexibility. > it keeps indefinitely and especially well in buckets when stored correctly. > our dedicated warehouse facility, semiautomated batching and stock rotation ensures that our putty is produced and stored to the highest standard. > we produce our own putties in Wales, in our manufacturing facility that is under our ISO9001 2008 quality management system using British quick lime.

Courtesy: Spitalfields Trust, Allt-y-Bela


1 tonne bulk bag 20 litre in bucket LIM-PUB LIM-PUBU Available in “Coarse” or “Fine”, please specify when ordering.

Please note: For prices and further information, see www.lime.org.uk. Large order discounts are available for this product, please call for a quotation. For information about delivery (see page 72).

Courtesy: www.pindropclub.co.uk strawdio

tips Fat lime putty is the ideal binder for plasters/mortars when used with soft brick/stone, straw, clay/cob buildings. Cement as well as hydraulic limes are too strong and hence incompatible longer term with many of these ‘softer’ buildings.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Lime Products Hydraulic Limes Private new build. Courtesy: D Morgan, Architect www.co2dl.co.uk

Hydraulic Lime is produced from limestone containing clay and other impurities which enables it to set without exposure to air (unlike fat lime products). It therefore means that these limes can be used in harsher conditions e.g. they are ideal for use in foundations, limecrete floors (see pages 24-27), sea-defence walls, chimneys, parapets, copings, paving etc.

Courtesy: Galboola Building and Civil Contractors

Hydraulic Limes are supplied as a powder to which water and sand must be added in the correct ratios – see page 9 for our recommended aggregates for use with lime. At Ty-Mawr, ˆ we stock Singleton Birch (Secil), St. Astier and Hanson Hydraulic Lime - we feel that it is important to have a full range so that we can be as objective as possible with our advice - strength, colour and environmental implications are all considerations. HYD-CC-NHL225

Hanson Hydraulic Lime NHL2 25Kg (56 bags per pallet) HYD-CC-NHL3525 Hanson Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5 25Kg (56 bags per pallet) HYD-CC-NHL525 Hanson Hydraulic Lime NHL5 25Kg (56 bags per pallet) HYD-SA-NHL225

tips Current Building Regulations requires a mortar designation iii – BS5628 for a mortar with a compressive strength on 3.6 N/ mm2 at 28 days for a modern 2 storey building – this is achievable with a NHL3.5 Hydraulic Lime making it a highly suitable product for more sustainable new builds! 8

St. Astier NHL2 Hydraulic Lime - 25Kg bags (40 bags per pallet) HYD-SA-NHL3525 St. Astier NHL3.5 Hydraulic Lime - 25Kg bags (50 bags per pallet) HYD-SA-NHL530 St. Astier NHL5 Hydraulic Lime - 30Kg bags (40 bags per pallet) HYD-S-NHL225 HYD-S-NHL3525 HYD-S-NHL525

Singleton Birch (Secil) NHL2 25Kg bags (40 bags per pallet) Singleton Birch (Secil) NHL3.5 25Kg bags (40 bags per pallet) Singleton Birch (Secil) NHL5 25Kg bags (40 bags per pallet)

Courtesy: Private Sector Housing, Pembrokeshire County Council

Benefits > variable strengths for most everyday applications: > NHL2 – for use in internal plasters, mortar for brick/’soft’ stone. > NHL3.5 – for external renders and mortars. > NHL5 – for external flaunching and mortars in extreme conditions/situations where high strength is required but low vapour permeability. > gain strength over time hence providing flexibility and avoiding the need for expansion joints. > considered to be more environmentally friendly than cement as they are burnt at a lower temperature and uniquely reabsorb some of the carbon dioxide given off during burning as they cure/carbonate in/ on the wall. > enable building components to be reclaimed and reused as they are ‘softer’ than cement. > set under water hence ideal for applications in contact with the sea, canals, rivers etc.

Approximate Coverage - use our quantity calculator on www.lime.org.uk for further help. Bulk desities vary - check manufacturers own data sheets, but as a guide, to make 1 tonne of wet mortar/plaster, 800kgs of aggregate are required: > For a 3:1 mix, 150kg lime required. For a 2.5:1 mix, 175kg lime required. For a 2:1 mix, 200kg lime required. See pages 5 and 6 for help choosing a lime.

Hyperlime Lime Putty Products

Hydraulic Limes NHL 2 NHL 3.5 NHL 5

Increased strength, reduced permeability and flexibility.

Hyperlime® is a new and efficient formulated lime powder. It is simple to use with quick setting times and good strength giving an equivalent moderately hydraulic mortar.

Please note: For prices and further information, see www.lime.org.uk. Large order discounts are available for these products, please call for a quotation. For information about delivery - see page 72.

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Lime Products Aggregates for Mortars, Plasters & Screeds To make a successful lime mortar or plaster, lime must be blended with an appropriate sand/aggregate. It is important to choose a well-washed, well-graded sand which will aid workability and minimise shrinkage. At Ty-Mawr, ˆ we have trialed and carefully selected an excellent range of appropriate aggregates in a wide range of colours and textures. This allows you to produce a mortar as close to the original as possible where required.

We carefully blend some aggregates to produce a perfect grading for lime mortars and plasters – see below – this saves time gauging different sands on-site as well as giving the plaster/mortar the best possible qualities in terms of aesthetics and ease of use to aid a successful job. For those concerned about the level of impact caused by sand extraction, we offer a range of recycled aggregates better for the environment.

Aggregates for Mortars - see page 11 for approximate colours of resulting mortars 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag

Old Red Sandstone Fine Old Red Sandstone Coarse Cotswold Shale Blaenavon London Cheshire Cumbrian Dark Blaenavon


Recycled glass aggregate

Aggregates for Backing Coat Plasters/Renders 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag

Backing Aggregate Cumbrian


Aggregates for Top Coat Plaster Internally 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag Externally 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag

Fine Silica





Recycled Glass Aggregates 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag 1 tonne bulk bag 25kg small bag

for basecoats and decorative plasterwork for basecoats and decorative plasterwork for shelter coats for shelter coats


Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints

Components for plasters/ mortars. Aggregate, horse hair, lime putty, hydraulic lime

Important - aggregates do vary over time and some quarries can run out or even close down, so please ensure you purchase sufficient quantities for each job if the colour is critical. See www.lime.org.uk for current prices, for further information about delivery - see page 72.


Lime Products Premixed Lime Putty Mortars Damage caused by cement pointing

Courtesy: St Paulinus Church, Llangors

Old and historic buildings will require pointing as the mortar gradually deteriorates over time.

Benefits of premixed mortar: > gives a consistent, accurate mix hence removes the potential for mixing and gauging errors on-site.

By using lime mortar to re-point, it will ensure that the building continues to function as it was designed (see page 2).

> minimises waste - enables you to ‘knockup’ as much as you require in a day, anything left over can be reused, so nothing goes to waste.

A well re-pointed and well maintained wall will not need re-doing for another century or so! Our premixed lime mortars are ready-to-use, wet mortars that simply require ‘knocking-up’ prior to use (in a drum or site mixer or by using a whisk bit on a drill and a bucket).

> helps to keep the site organised and clean. > colour and texture variations can be accommodated making sure regional variations are maintained.

They are produced by blending our fat lime putty with specially selected British Standard aggregates in our semi-automated production facility to ensure consistency and quality.

> high quality aggregate selection produces a very workable ‘fatty’ mix, minimising shrinkage.

Selecting a Mortar The whole of St Teilo’s 13th Century Church was reconstructed at the National Museum of Wales, St Fagan’s using only our fat lime mortar - just as it would have been originally.

tips We do not add cement to any of our products. To speed up the set or to increase the strength, see page 28 for pozzolans or call for advice.

Note: a lime mortar is not a cement mortar with a shovel of hydrated lime in it! 10

It is important when re-pointing an old building to select an appropriate mortar.

Send us a sample of your mortar (the size of a golf ball) for matching purposes.

Consideration should be given to both the colour and texture of the original mortar (unless it is to be subsequently limewashed).

Consideration must then also be given to the strength and flexibility required for a successful, long term mortar (see pages 5-6) or call us for advice.

Lime Mortar Selection Product List Application

Type of lime

Suggested Mix Ratio by volume


Pointing/ Fat Lime Mortar Building Stone/ Brickwork Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5/2 glaster® Lime Mortar Eco-mortar C

Premixed or ■ The exact ratio will depend on the sand/aggregate used. 3 Sand*: 1 Lime Putty ■ The colour, texture, workability and success of the mortar 2.5 Sand*: 1 Hydraulic Lime is predominantly influenced by the selection of sand/ aggregate. Dry, Premix ■ The softer the stone/brick, the softer the mortar must be. Dry, Premix ■ To match an existing mortar, send a sample to us.

Flag Stone Bedding

2.5 Sand*: 1 Hydraulic Lime Dry, Premix 2.5 Sand*: 1 Hourdex/ Tradiblanc

■ For smaller tiles, please contact us. ■ Samples are highly recommended.

2 Sand*: 1 Hydraulic Lime 2.5 Sand*: 1 Hourdex/ Tradiblanc

■ For exposed areas, or any high weathering applications. ■ For these extreme areas ensure work is done as early as possible in the year as soon as danger of frosts are over. ■ Drainage of paving areas is almost paramount.

Hydraulic Lime NHL5 glaster® Bedding Mortar Hourdex/Tradiblanc

Paving, Copings Chimneys,

Hydraulic Lime NHL5 Hourdex/Tradiblanc

*It is important to choose a sharp, well-graded, well washed sand (see pages 9). NHL= Natural Hydraulic Lime (see page 8).

Approximate Coverage (Please note this can vary greatly depending on the size of the stone/brick and depth of joints.) Pointing 1 tonne covers 40sqm of stonework. 1 tonne covers 100sqm of brickwork.

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Building 1 tonne lays 4sqm of stone – 450mm thick wall. 1 tonne lays 900 bricks – 225mm thick wall. Need help? Our quantity calculator on www.lime.org.uk will help to calculate the amount of material you require or call our advisers on 01874 611350. Tel: 01874 611350

Lime Products Premixed Lime Putty Mortars Courtesy: Private Sector Housing, Pembrokeshire County Council.

Ty-Mawr ˆ Range of Traditional Premixed Fat Lime Mortars

Cheshire (CH)

Shale (SH)

Cotswold (COT)

Old Red Sandstone Coarse (ORSC) Old Red Sandstone Fine (ORSF)

London (N)

Cumbrian (CU)

Dark Blaenavon (DBL)

Blaenavon (BL)

You should be aware that aggregates run out occasionally e.g. if the quarry closes. If it is important that you maintain the colour for the whole of the job, then you should ensure that you purchase sufficient supplies where possible.


1 tonne bulk bag LIM-MBCODE

20 litre bucket LIM-MBUCODE

25kg small bag LIM-MSBCODE

St Astier Eco-Mortar This dry premixed hydraulic lime mortar contains a natural resin that ensures great bond characteristics without impeding breathability. It is available in a standard range of colours as below. Please note that these products are mixed to order – call us to discuss the project, minimum quantities and lead times for mixes. Colour charts are available to purchase which contain samples of the actual mortar samples.

Approximate Coverage Building 70 std bricks (no frog) per 35kg bag. Re-pointing 1.4m2 for stone and 3.6m2 for brick or 23 linear metres at 10mm x 10mm joints.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints

Please note: the photographs show approximate representations. To be sure that you are ordering the colour and texture that you require, you can either purchase a sample box or you can send us a sample of mortar – we can then advise on the closest standard mix or design a close mix. Alternatively, you can purchase a single 25kg bag to produce your own test panel on site.

tips It should be noted that traditional fat lime products cannot be used in the same way as modern materials. Application guidelines are supplied with the products and free telephone support is provided but it is highly recommended that you use a contractor experienced with lime products. Courses are also available see pages 65-69, and further information on application techniques can be found in “The Lime Handbook” see page 69. 11

Lime Products Premixed Lime Putty Plasters A straw bale new build. Courtesy: www.quietearth.org.uk

Pierhead, Cardiff Bay. Courtesy: www.randmwilliams.co.uk

Lime plasters were commonly used in most buildings as the internal finish from the humble cottage to grand cathedrals, it is only in recent times that we have started to strip plasters off to reveal the stone or brick work. However, lime plasters have several attributes, as well as helping to maintain the well being of the building (moisture control and flexibility), lime plaster also has a ‘soft’ aesthetic which gives older buildings a particular ‘feel’. Their ability to control moisture also makes them a highly appropriate finish for use with other ecological materials such as straw, wood and earth, hence their increased use in new eco-builds.

It is produced by blending our fat lime putty with specially selected aggregates – coarse for roughcast and base coats, and fine for the top coats. This is done in our semi-automated production facility which ensures consistency and quality. Our premixed lime plaster can be supplied haired (synthetic or natural) or unhaired so that hair/fibre (see page 28) can then be added on site. We also produce a ‘Strawbale Mix’ which is an economic premixed plaster.

Lime plasters also improve the quality of the internal environment as they help to regulate humidity by absorbing moisture thus creating a healthier environment. T yˆ -Mawr premixed lime plaster is a ready-touse, wet plaster that simply requires ‘knockingup’ prior to use. For information on suitable substrates (see page 6).

Courtesy: Keith Griffiths, Roch Castle www.rochcastle.com Contractors Welsh Heritage Construction, Architects: Acanthus Holden

Benefits > gives a consistent, accurate mix thus removing the potential for mixing and gauging errors on-site. > minimises waste - enables you to ‘knockup’ as much as you require in a day, anything left over can be reused, so nothing goes to waste. > helps to keep the site organised and clean. > high quality aggregate selection produces a very workable ‘fatty’ mix with minimal shrinkage.

Approximate Coverage - refer to table on page 13 for suggested applications and build-ups. Base Coat - 1 tonne covers 30sqm at 9-12mm thick Top Coat - 1 tonne covers 120sqm at 3mm thick

h BPRrOiDtUisCTS 1 tonne bulk bag Base Coat LIM-SPUB - (unhaired)

20 litre bucket

25kg small bag



LIM-SPHB - (haired)



LIM-BBB - (for boards)



Top Coat (internal) (external) (internal) (external) LIM-FPB - (unhaired) LIM-FPBU LIM-FPEBU LIM-FPSB LIM-FPESB Haired top coat (useful for patching) is available please call 01874 611350 to discuss your requirements New Strawbale Mix LIM-SBMB



Please specify whether natural or synthetic is required. For prices and further information, see www.lime.org.uk. Large order discounts are available for this product, please call for a quotation. For information about delivery (see page 72).


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Lime Products Premixed Lime Putty Plasters Courtesy : Grandish Designs www.grandishdesigns.co.uk

Courtesy : Grandish Designs www.grandishdesigns.co.uk

Lime Plaster Selection Building Material°

Site Type

Suggested Base Coat / Levelling Coat

Suggested Suggested Top Coat – please note the top coat Build-up should not be stronger than the base coat

Suggested Build-up

Cob, Rammed Earth, Strawbale• (haired base coats)


Fat Lime Base Coat Plaster

2 x 9mm

Fat Lime Top Coat Plaster

1 x 3mm


Fat Lime Base Coat Plaster or Hydraulic Lime NHL2

2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm

Fat Lime External Top Coat Plaster or Hydraulic Lime NHL2

1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm

Reed Mat, Reed Board Internal** (haired base coat) External

Fat Lime Plaster for Boards

2 x 9mm

Fat Lime Top Coat Plaster

1 x 3mm




Celenit Wood Wool Boards (mesh base coat)

Internal** Walls and Ceilings

Fat Lime Plaster For Boards (unhaired) or Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5 (with Cumbrian aggregate)

1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm

Fat Lime Top Coat Plaster Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5/2

1 x 3mm 1 x 3mm


Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5 (with Cumbrian aggregate)

1 x 9mm

Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5

1 x 9mm


Fat Lime Plaster For Boards or Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5 (with Cumbrian aggregate)

1 x 6mm

Fat Lime Top Coat Plaster

1 x 3mm


Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5 (with Cumbrian aggregate)

1 x 9mm

Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5

1 x 9mm

Lath (internal only) Soft Stone (haired base coats)


Fat Lime Base Coat Plaster

2 x 9mm

Fat Lime Top Coat Plaster

1 x 3mm


Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5/2

2 x 9mm

Fat Lime Top Coat Plaster or Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5/2

1 x 6mm

Soft Brick (haired base coat)


Fat Lime Base Coat Plaster

2 x 9mm

Fat Lime Top Coat Plaster

1 x 3mm


Fat Lime Base Coat Plaster or Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5/2

2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm

Fat Lime Top Coat Plaster or Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5/2

1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm


Hydraulic Lime NHL2

2 x 9mm

Fat Lime Top Coat Plaster

1 x 3mm


Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5

2 x 9mm

Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5

1 x 6mm


Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5/2

2 x 9mm

Fat Lime Top Coat Plaster or Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5/2

1 x 3mm 1 x 3mm


Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5

2 x 9mm

Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5/2

1 x 3mm


Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5/2

2 x 9mm

Fat Lime Top Coat Plaster

1 x 3mm


Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5

2 x 9mm

Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5/2

1 x 6mm

Woodfibre Board (mesh base coat 8-10mm mesh on flat areas)

Hard Stone (haired base coats)

Hard Engineering Brick Concrete Blocks (10mm mesh or haired base coat) Insulation Blocks* (10mm mesh or haired base coat)

°Dub out uneven surfaces prior to applying first coat. •May require more coats due to waviness of bales. Strawbale mix is now available. *Insulation blocks have very high suction, be careful to maintain moisture content in render. **Lime Hemp plaster is preferred in these scenarios - see table on page 16. Please note: Manufacturers application guides must be followed. To reduce the environmental impact of your lime plaster, use glaster® see pages 17-19 or lime hemp plaster see pages 14-16 as alternatives to standard lime plasters. NHL= Natural Hydraulic Lime (to which plastering/rendering aggregate, see page 9, must be added in correct ratio). Exposed elevations may require additional coats.

Daub Clay and/or dung based daubs are primarily used now to repair the in-fill panels of timber framed buildings - wattle and daub. The daub is applied by hand to wattles which are interwoven branches, laths (see page 28), or rods. Daub has a plaster-like consistency and can include straw and animal dung. After the daub sets, it is then limewashed (see page 60) to make it more weather resistant. Haired

1 tonne bulk bag LIM-DAHB

25kg small bag LIM-DAHSB

Approximate Coverage – 1 tonne covers 20sqm at 15-18mm. Courtesy: Anglesey County Council

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Lime Products Lime Hemp Plaster Hemp crop 4 weeks after planting

Tˆy-Mawr’s Lime Hemp Plaster is a blend of lime (binder) and British hemp plant fibres/shiv and fine aggregate, to make a plaster which is suitable for old buildings as well as ecological new builds. Why lime? > has been successfully used in building for thousands of years. Ideal for timber frame infill

> helps to control condensation and damp, thus creating a healthier building. > enables other sustainable building materials to be used such as wood, straw, woodfibre boards, clay and earth. > can be recycled at the end of its useful life and will allow other building components to potentially be reclaimed and re-used. > is less damaging to the environment compared to its modern counterparts.

Why hemp fibre? > like all plants, the hemp plant absorbs carbon dioxide as it grows (which is good for the environment). > it is one of the faster growing biomasses, producing up to 25 tonnes of dry matter per hectare per year.

Patching with lime hemp. Courtesy: www.limerepair.com

> it is a low input plant – it does not require vast amounts of water or pesticides and uses no herbicides to grow, uniquely it also enriches and hence improves the soil in which it grows. > it is now grown in the UK enabling us to produce a fully British product. > it is renewable and therefore does not deplete a finite, natural resource (like sand) and so is more sustainable.


tips Lime Hemp Plaster is ideal for patching old plaster work and for dubbing out. 14

> most conventional backgrounds – stone, brick, block, our wood wool and woodfibre boards, reed mat, reed board and traditional battens/laths. > internally as a plaster which can be left as a textured finish or trowelled smooth (n.b. for a completely smooth finish, the standard top coat plaster (page 12) should be used.) It can then be left unpainted or painted with a vapour permeable paint.

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Hemp shiv

> internally for dubbing out (filling hollows) in the wall prior to plastering (to allow an even background for subsequent coats) or for patching old lime plaster. > externally for dubbing out and base coats for a traditional lime or glaster® top coat render.

Benefits > made from a natural, renewable plant fibre (instead of depleting a natural aggregate resource). > has greater flexural strength than traditional lime plasters making it extremely durable e.g. it is far more resilient for use on corners, reveals and other vulnerable areas of the building. > has some thermal properties and can therefore be used to help improve the insulation performance of the wall. It also adds to the thermal mass helping to keep buildings warm in winter and cool in summer. > can greatly improve the air tightness of old buildings, improving the comfort of the room and offering energy savings, (10-15% of heat loss in old buildings is through air leakage and draughts). > can be applied in much thicker coats than traditional lime plaster therefore is especially useful for ‘dubbing out’ hollows in walls prior to further plaster coats. > is a successful way of ‘patching’ old lime plasters e.g. where electricians/ plumbers have been ‘chasing out’. > is easier to use than conventional lime plaster (minimal shrinkage even on high suction backgrounds) offering labour savings. > is vapour permeable and therefore helps to regulate humidity safeguarding the functioning and health of the building. This makes it ideal for use in older buildings. > is beautiful - the medium plaster gives a soft textured finish otherwise the fine hemp, glaster® or lime top coat plaster can be used for a smoother finish.

Tel: 01874 611350

Lime Products Lime Hemp Plaster Courtesy: S.Holmes – demonstrating the strength of the plaster!

Tretower Court - Courtesy: CADW and Capps and Capps



The addition of hemp fibres to lime plaster dramatically improves the strength of the plaster, this gives it several advantages:

The addition of hemp fibre also improves the thermal properties of the plaster over sand lime. It will not achieve the same performance as some of the other solid wall insulation solutions including cork render - see page 33, but it does offer some advantages including:

> it is more robust and hence it is highly suitable for use in vulnerable areas (e.g. corners, reveals) within a building.

> less disruption internally.

> it has less ‘shrinkage’ which means less tending and that it is ideally suited to patching/repairing existing plaster.

Courtesy: S.Frost

> easier to achieve air tightness. > no risk of cold bridging.

> it also means that for most applications no meshing is required (when applied in 10mm plus coats) and no additional hair is required.

> maintains the thermal mass of the wall which helps to even out the temperature internally. > simplicity and hence far less labour.

Moisture The hemp fibres in the plaster actually retain a certain amount of moisture which is ideal for assisting carbonation (curing of lime). Given the correct environmental conditions. This also means that it is especially useful for use on ‘high suction’ backgrounds such as blocks where traditional lime plasters might fail. It is a ‘thirsty’ product and so is ideal in timberframe panels as it helps to wick moisture away from the timber. It is vapour permeable and so helps to regulate humidity, making a healthier environment see below.

Availability It is supplied ready to use and can be mixed in an ordinary cement mixer. The premixed products offer consistency of mix as well as a cleaner site and minimal waste. It is available as a ‘wet’ mix (made with lime putty) or as a ‘dry’ mix (made with hydraulic lime) to which water must be accurately added.

Finishing The medium hemp plaster gives a substantial textured finish while the fine hemp or glaster® (can be coloured) will give a light textured finish and traditional lime top coat plaster can be used to give a smoother finish.

Why is Relative Humidity important?


Buildings that are too dry/too humid create ideal environments for harmful agents to thrive which can have an effect on the occupants, we now understand that lime plasters (when finished with a vapour permeable paint see pages 49-64) help to maintain the optimal zone (as shown right) and so contribute to a healthy home.


Optimal zone

It should be painted with a vapour permeable paint (see pages 49-64).

Mould and fungi Mites Allergy and asthma Tracheal infections Chemical reactions Ozone production Relative humidity %










“The Lime Hemp Plaster is an excellent material which makes using lime an easy process. The ability to build up a significant depth in one go, rather then numerous layers speeds work up considerably. It is a very useful updating of a traditional material”. SS. CARDIFF 4/11 Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Lime Products Lime Hemp Plaster Courtesy: Preston & Massa

Lime Hemp Plaster Selection Building Material

Site Type

Suggested Base Coat / Levelling Coat

Suggested Build-up

Suggested Top Coat – please note the top coat Suggested Build-up should not be stronger than the base coat

Cob, Rammed Earth, Strawbale•


Lime Hemp Plaster (medium)

1 x 15mm

Lime Hemp Plaster (fine)

1 x 6mm**

Lath, Reed Mat, Reed Board


Lime Hemp Plaster (medium)

1 x 15mm

Lime Hemp Plaster (fine)

1 x 6mm**

Celenit Wood Wool Boards


Lime Hemp Plaster (fine)

1 x 6mm

Lime Hemp Plaster (fine)

1 x 6mm**

Ceilings Heavy Stress Light Stress

Lime Hemp Plaster (fine) (coarse mesh) Lime Hemp Plaster (fine)

1 x 6mm

Lime Hemp Plaster (fine)

1 x 6mm**

Woodfibre Board


Levelling coat: level background with 1 x 6mm standard hydraulic lime plaster (min 2 x 10mm), for adhering boards 5mm to back of board. Base coat Lime Hemp Plaster (fine)

Lime Hemp Plaster (fine)

1 x 6mm**

Soft Stone, Brick


Lime Hemp Plaster (medium)

1 x 15-25mm°°

Lime Hemp Plaster (fine)

1 x 6mm**

Hard Stone, Hard Engineering Brick, Concrete Blocks


Lime Hemp Plaster (medium)

1 x 15-25mm

Lime Hemp Plaster (fine)

1 x 6mm**

Insulation Blocks*


Lime Hemp Plaster (medium)

1 x 10-15mm•

Lime Hemp Plaster (fine)

1 x 6mm**

•May require more coats due to waviness of bales. °°Depending on suction. •Could be greater on well keyed, high suction backgrounds. **For a smoother finish, a Lime Top Coat Plaster (standard) can be applied in 1 x 3mm coat. *Insulation blocks have very high suction, be careful to control the suction. N.B. Drying times will be extended with thickness.

Approximate Coverage 1 tonne of wet mix

50sqm at 15mm or 125sqm at 6mm, 20kg bag of wet mix covers 1sqm at 15mm or 2.5sqm at 6mm

1 cubic metre dry hydraulic mix

60sqm at 15mm or 150sqm at 6mm, 20litres dry mix covers 1.2sqm at 15mm or 3sqm at 6mm






1 tonne bulk bag (wet/dry) LIM-HEM-B/HYD-HEM-B

20kg small bag (wet) LIM-HEM-SB

20 litre bucket (wet/dry) LIM-HEM-BU/HYD-HEM-BU









See www.lime.org.uk for prices and quantity calculator. This product appears in the plasters and renders calculator. Bulk discounts are available, please call.

Batichanvre® - NEW! Low density binder based on St. Astier Natural Hydraulic Limes for the production of hemp lime products. Suitable for: hempcrete floors, shuttered hemp for walls and hemp renders.

Approximate Coverage For Hempcrete and shuttering 2.6kg batichanvre & 10.5litres hemp per m2 per cm thickness For hemp renders 5.6kg batichanvre & 11litres hemp per m2 per cm thickness External hemp renders are recommended to be finished with EcoMortar WP, painted with a silicate paint or limewash with Uniprotect.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

glaster® Introduction

Shrewsbury Theatre, Shropshire. Courtesy: Austin Smith Lord Architects, A.J.Philip Plastering

glaster® is a blend of lime (binder) and recycled glass (aggregate), to make plasters, renders and mortars which are suitable for old buildings, ecological new builds or for those wanting to add a surface finish with a difference. Why lime? > has been successfully used in building for thousands of years. > helps to control condensation and damp, thus creating a healthier building. > enables other sustainable building materials to be used such as wood, straw, woodfibre boards, clay and earth. > can be recycled at the end of its useful life and will allow other building components to potentially be reclaimed and reused. Courtesy: Adam Richards Architects, London

> is less damaging to the environment compared to its modern counterparts.

Why recycled glass? > reduces the level of virgin sand extraction. > develops a market for a waste product.

Why glaster®? > technically excellent with some performance advantages over sand. > hand or spray application. > building and occupant health benefits. > can be coloured no need to paint. > produces a beautiful, unique aesthetic, (which can be varied by combining different colours of glass with natural pigments added to the lime).

Where? > most conventional backgrounds including stone, brick, block, wood wool and woodfibre boards.

Availability glaster® products are available in two premixed ranges: > traditional ‘ready-to-use’ wet premix – manufactured using traditional fat lime putty and recycled crushed glass. This product range is ideal for plastering internally or repairing old buildings where it is important to maintain the flexibility and vapour permeability of the building. It requires mixing, prior to application and is best used within a month of purchase. > dry hydraulic premix – manufactured using a hydraulic lime and recycled glass which is suitable in most ‘usual’ conditions e.g. for stone, brick or block work as a render, plaster or mortar. This range is supplied as a dry premix to which water must be added on-site and then mixed in a mill/site mixer. Silos are also now available. Please call to discuss your requirements.

Courtesy: B.Sargent Pargetted Peacock in glaster®

> as a mortar for building or pointing up stonework, brickwork or blocks. > externally as a render with a flat or roughcast finish. > internally as a plaster which can be painted, trowelled to a smooth finish or etched to reveal more glass.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


glaster® Plasters and Mortars

Deep orange glaster® render, Courtesy: Mr Barlow

Courtesy: Deri Morgan and www.co2dl.co.uk

glaster® plaster glaster® plaster is suitable for internal plastering as well as external rendering. It is available in a ‘coloured’ range – see below. Alternatively, it can be painted with a vapour permeable paint – see pages 46-65 for appropriate paints. We are also able to ‘tailor-mix’ a specific colour for you – please contact us to discuss your requirements. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of colour, due to the limitations in the print process, variations will occur. Please ask for samples!









glaster® external roughcast Using a coarser grade of crushed glass and by spray applying the product – a unique render finish can quickly be applied to blockwork, masonry, brick and building boards. The increased surface area of such a finish helps the evaporation of moisture, it is therefore an extremely effective finish for very exposed elevations.

glaster® plaster/render

Approximate Coverage

1 tonne wet premix

36sqm per 9mm coat

1 tonne dry premix

45sqm per 9mm coat

20 litre bucket

0.9sqm per 9mm coat

20 litre bucket

1.1sqm per 9mm coat


80% recycled content

Approximate Coverage

glaster® Plaster Product Selection Building Material•

Site Type

Suggested Base Coat

Suggested Build-up

Suggested Top Coat – please note the top coat should be softer and thinner than previous coats

Suggested Build-up

Cob, Rammed Earth, Strawbale° (haired base coats)


glaster® Fat Lime (haired) Plaster

2 x 9mm

glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster

1 x 6mm•

glaster® Fat Lime (haired) Plaster

2 x 9mm

glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster

1 x 6mm

glaster® Fat Lime (haired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm

glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster

1 x 6mm•


Reed Mat, Reed Board Internal (haired base coat)

Celenit Wood Wool Boards (mesh base coat) Woodfibre Board (mesh base coat)

Lath (internal only), Soft Stone

Soft Brick (mesh base coat)

Hard Stone (haired base coats)





glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm

glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster

1 x 6mm•


glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 9mm

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm


glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm

glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster

1 x 6mm•


glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 9mm

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm


glaster® Fat Lime (haired) Plaster

2 x 9mm

glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster

1 x 6mm•


glaster® Fat Lime (haired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm

glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm


glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster or glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm

glaster® Fat Lime (unhaired) Plaster

1 x 6mm•


glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

2 x 9mm 2 x 9mm

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm 1 x 6mm


glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

2 x 9mm

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm•


glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

2 x 9mm

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm

Hard Engineering Internal Brick, Concrete Blocks External (mesh base coat)

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

2 x 9mm

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm•

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

2 x 9mm

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm

Insulation Blocks* (haired base coat)


glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

2 x 9mm

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm•


glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

2 x 9mm

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Lime Plaster

1 x 6mm

Dub out uneven surfaces prior to applying first coat. °May require more coats due to waviness of bales.*Insulation blocks have very high suction, be careful to control suction. Available in a coloured range and with different coloured glass, when available. •or for a fine finish add Fat Lime Internal Top Coat Plaster, 1 x 3mm coat. Please note: finish coats are applied at approximately 3-5mm thicker than the suggested build-up and scraped back to stated thickness using a render scraper.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

glaster® Plaster and Mortars

glaster® render

Courtesy: M.Rosenthal

glaster® plaster 1 tonne bulk bag

20 litre bucket

25kg small bag

Fat Lime Unhaired *




Fat Lime Haired*




Fat Lime Coloured *




glaster® Fat Lime

glaster® Dry Hydraulic Dry Hydraulic Lime**




Dry Hydraulic Lime Coloured**




Dry Hydraulic Lime** (for spraying)




(*made to order, best used within one week, **best used within 4 months).

glaster® mortar This mortar is ideal for building or pointing blockwork, masonry and brick. It is available as a dry premix to which water must be carefully gauged on site.

glaster® mortar

Approximate Coverage

1 tonne of wet premix

Pointing 40sqm (stone) 100sqm (brick) Building 4sqm (stone @ 450mm thick) Building 900 bricks

25kg bag/20 litre bucket wet premix

Pointing 1sqm (stone) 2.5sqm (brick)

1 tonne dry premix

Pointing 50sqm (stone) 100sqm (brick)

glaster® roughcast external render

Building 4.2sqm (stone @ 450mm thick) Building 1125 bricks 20 litre bucket dry premix

Pointing 1.25sqm (stone) 2.75sqm (brick)

glaster® mortar

1 tonne bulk bag

20 litre bucket

25kg small bag

glaster® Fat Lime




glaster® Dry Hydraulic




tips Please note: For prices and further information, see www.lime.org.uk. Large order discounts are available for this product, please call for a quotation. For information about delivery (see page 72).

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints

For every tonne of recycled glass used - 2 tonnes of virgin sand is preserved 19

Lime Products Premixed Hydraulic Lime Products

St. Astier Thermocromex Coloured External Render Roussillon, France

St. Astier EcoMortar C, F and WP Grades (for plastering, rendering, also building and pointing - see page 11) This is an excellent range of premixed natural hydraulic limes designed to provide all the benefits of traditional lime plasters/mortars in all sectors of today’s building industry. EcoMortar contains a natural water retainer and air entrainer to improve the curing process, reducing the effects of moisture loss and aiding workability. Available in a wide range of colours. (see colour chart below). Suitable for: External rendering and internal plastering. (Type C construction grade – Type F Finishing grade (Medium waterproofing) – Type WP (Maximum waterproofing)). St. Astier Thermocromex, Uptown Post Oak, Houston

“Through Coloured Render - Thermocromex” being applied at Aberdare Town Hall. Courtesy Woodlands Developments.

Thermocromex External Render One coat, through coloured render based on Natural Hydraulic Lime and Cement. Excellent waterproofing, low capillarity, high breathability, elasticity and vibrant coloured finishes (see colour chart below). Can be supplied to a custom colour with substantial savings in cost of painting and maintenance. Equivalent strength to that of a NHL5 but with better breathability and flexibility. Suitable for: Lightweight cement insulation blocks, clay blocks, brick and stone.

Approximate Coverage 1.76sqm at 10mm per 30kg bag

Approximate Coverage Renders and Plasters 2.2sqm at 10mm thickness per 35kg bag

EcoMortar R50 & R100 Internal Plaster With the R Series it is possible to go over surfaces that normally require a multitude of coats or treatments. The R Series contains a natural resin that ensures great bond characteristics without impeding breathability. Combined with the absence of shrinkage this means that the R Series mortars are eminently suitable to be used also in low strength solid backgrounds. Suitable for: clean dry backgrounds where loose or friable parts have been removed and the plaster is not exposed to excessive humidity or rain.

Please call us for a colour chart or sample.

R100: Painted backgrounds (subject to paint being sound and well bonded), smooth concrete/cast concrete (free of demoulding oils), waterproofed surfaces, tiles, metal components (rust treated). R 50: Wood Wool Boards, plasterboards, timber elements, bricks, stones, construction blocks, non waterproofed cement surfaces, gypsum plasters, internal insulation panels, MDF and plywood.

Approximate Coverage 3sqm at 6mm per 30kg bag 6sqm at 3mm per 30kg bag For further information on wood wool boards (see page 37).


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Lithomex stone repairs BEFORE

Premixed Hydraulic Lime Products

Victoria Shopping Centre, Belfast St. Astier Hourdex floor screed (approx. 18000m2)

Hourdex (grey)/Tradiblanc (white) Based on St. Astier natural hydraulic lime with the addition of low sulphate cement, fast acting but not fast setting. For highly workable and breathable mortars. Gaining most of its strength within 7 days, equivalent to that of a NHL5 but with better breathability. Also available in white (Tradiblanc) for better sand reproduction. Suitable for: building mortars, renders stipple and base coats on new build. Also roofing, chimneys, floor tiling.

Approximate Coverage To make 1 tonne of wet mortar/plaster, 800kg of aggregate is required: For a 3:1 mix 125kg of Hourdex/Tradiblanc required For a 2.5:1 mix 150kg of Hourdex/Tradiblanc required For a 2:1 mix 175kg of Hourdex/Tradiblanc required

Lime Products

Lithomex stone repairs AFTER

Lithomex Stone Restoration and Repair Mortar A blend of Natural Hydraulic Lime, OPC, filler, lightweight filler and additive. It has characteristics similar to the host masonry with adequate bond strength and a good modulus of elasticity. Lithomex is vapour permeable (comparable to an NHL2) and durable. It can be dressed with similar tools to the original masonry and remains workable long enough to allow details to be fashioned.

Stages in Lithomex Stone Repair


It absorbs water sufficiently in wetting and drying periods to match adjacent masonry. Lithomex can be colour matched to your stone colour or is available in these 4 standard colours. Suitable for: Stone and brick.

Approximate Coverage 1.47sqm at 10mm per 25kg bag


Decoliss Decorative Plaster Decoliss is a premixed pure lime plaster developed to obtain a polished surface. It consists of natural lime, fine granulometry aggregates including talc and additives to assist the applicator against shrinkage and tearing. It does not contain cement or other pozzolanic components. Suitable for: Fine floated level NHL or Fat Lime backgrounds.

Old Red 1


Old Red 2

Approximate Coverage 17sqm at 1mm per 10kg bucket

Old Red 3 STAGE 4

Forest of Dean These standard colours are available in 4 shades. Colours are approximate please call for actual samples. Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York - Stone repairs with Lithomex

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Lime Products ecoCork Insulating Render New! - ecoCORK Insulating Render System – from the ‘skin’ of the tree to the ‘skin’ of the building.


Cork trees can grow up to 25 metres and live up to 300 years.

> excellent environmental credentials. > formulated exclusively with natural Hydraulic Lime. > incorporates natural and renewable cork aggregates. > recyclable product. > exceptional permeability to water vapour. > improves thermal performance of buildings. > improves the dynamic behaviour of the constructive solutions, with an excellent capacity for energy storage/thermal delay. > improves acoustic insulation, contributing to noise reduction of aerial sounds by up to 7dB. > light material (reduction of around 50% in bulk density for every m3, in comparison with other traditional lime mortars). > high labour efficiency. > reduction of the quantity of materials used in every m2 of construction. > reduction of CO2 emissions, in transport (up to 50% of the emissions in comparison to traditional renders). > reduction of 70% in volume in the consumption of natural but nonrenewable aggregates. > absorbs CO2 throughout carbonation. > high durability (excellent behaviour during freeze/thaw cycles).

Description The Secil ecoCORK is a lightweight render, formulated with natural cork aggregates and natural hydraulic lime offering a traditional lime render that also improves the thermal and acoustic insulation of the wall to which it is applied. It can be applied both externally and internally making it ideal for most building types. It is lightweight and easy to apply. Thermally upgrading your building has never been so easy.

Why lime? > has been successfully used in building for thousands of years.


> helps to control condensation and damp, thus creating a healthier building. See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

> enables other sustainable building materials to be used such as wood, straw, cork, woodfibre boards, clay and earth. > can be recycled at the end of its useful life and will allow other building components to potentially be reclaimed and re-used. > is less damaging to the environment compared to its modern counterparts.

Why Cork? > cork is a natural and renewable product that is extracted from cork trees every 9 years, in a life cycle that ensures a sustainable environment. With cycles of de-barking cork trees absorb up to five times as much CO2 than an unmanaged tree. Secil ecoCORK comes from Portugal where there are c.750,000 acres of cork tree plantations accounting for around a third of the world’s cork trees. There are strict preservation orders on all these trees. > cork tree plantations play an important role in the conservation of the soil, preventing desertification, producing oxygen and maintaining a high quality of water. The centuries old forests are the natural habitat for a very wide range of flora and fauna of international importance. By developing and using these products we all contribute to maintaining this unique ecosystem with it’s complex biodiversity. > Secil ecoCORK insulating render with the incorporation of cork allows a reduction of approximately 80% in volume of non-renewable aggregates. > the low volume density represents a reduction of almost 50% in weight compared to traditional mortars, which offers cost savings in transportation and reduces the environmental impact. > cork has been used in building applications for all kinds of purposes over many years. It is used for its thermal and acoustic absorbing qualities in roofs, walls and floors. > since the inter-connected pockets of air in cork are microscopic, cork is considered impermeable for liquid water yet breathable for water vapour. Tel: 01874 611350

Lime Products ecoCork Insulating Render Why ecoCORK?

Approximate Coverage

> good pedigree - Secil has been making lime products for over 100 years.

REABILITA Consolidation Plaster/Roughcast – 1.5sqm at 10mm per 25kg bag

> it is one of the few breathable external wall insulation systems without the need for boards. > it is a truly sustainable aggregate.

Secil ecoCORK Lime - Insulating Lightweight Plaster/ Render – 2sqm at 10mm per 14kg bag REABILITA Cal Finishing Plaster – 7sqm at 3mm per 25kg bag

> it is easy to apply. > it assists with building and occupant health as it helps to regulate humidity.

Secil ecoCORK Lime Insulating Plaster/Render



Secil ecoCORK Lime is specially formulated for manual application onto walls and ceilings, internally as well as externally.

Filling and leveling of facades, interior walls and ceilings

Particular Properties

Incorporates natural cork aggregates


Substrates prepared with REABILITA Consolidation mortar

Field of Application

Exteriors and Interiors

Type of Works

Renovation or new build

It must be applied over a roughcast, e.g. Reabilita product onto brick, cement block, concrete or stone masonry substrates.




REABILITA Consolidation Plaster/Roughcast

Recommended Thickness

Up to 2cm per filling layer

25kg bag

Thermal Conductivity (λ10,Dry)

0,1 W/m.K

Thermal Conductivity (class)

EN 998-1 (Thermal render Class T2)


Secil ecoCORK Lime - Insulating Lightweight Plaster/Render 14kg bag


REABILITA Cal Finishing Plaster 25kg bag


1. Wall 2. REABILITA Consolidation Mortar/Plaster/ Roughcast 3. ecoCORK Lime Plaster/Render 4. REABILITA Cal Finishing Plaster Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Innovation in

Lime Products Limecrete Floor Courtesy: www.limecrete.co.uk

Courtesy: Ward & Co, St John’s Church Cirencester


The insulating hardcore layer

We know that lime has been used since Roman Times either as mass foundation concretes or as lightweight concretes using a variety of aggregates combined with a wide range of pozzolans (fired materials) that help to achieve increased strength and speed of set. This meant that lime could be used in a much wider variety of applications than previously such as floors, vaults or domes.

This layer acts as a moisture capillary break when laid at the specified depth as well as providing the insulation for the floor. T y-Mawr’s ˆ Insulating Hardcore is a Recycled Foamed Glass which is thermally excellent as well as having good environmental credentials and engineering qualities.

Over the last two decades there has been renewed interest in using lime for these applications (following the domination of Portland Cement since the 1950s). As a result of this renewed interest and as a remedy to some of the problems associated with inappropriate use of cement in existing buildings, at T y-Mawr ˆ we have been involved in researching and developing insulated breathable floor systems since the company’s inception. The results of these efforts means that T y-Mawr ˆ now offer two LABC registered breathable floor solutions.

Courtesy: C.Wyatt

Ty-Mawr ˆ insulated Limecrete floor system

It has a low bulk density which offers energy and cost savings in terms of transport. It is dimensionally stable compacting to a consolidated layer which eases the task of laying the subsequent Limecrete/screed layers.

The limecrete slab The limecrete slab is a blend of T y-Mawr ˆ Hydraulic Limecrete binder and T y-Mawr ˆ Lightweight Aggregate – a naturally fired aggregate, which was extensively used by the Romans. The slab is lightweight, vapour permeable and helps with thermal resistance. It is this slab layer which is the main load-bearing element in the T y-Mawr ˆ insulated limecrete floor system.

The first is the T y-Mawr ˆ Insulated Limecrete floor system and comprises of two or three layers (depending on your choice of floor finish):

Land-drain (optional, not part of the system)

40mm Cork Board (Edge insulation optional )

Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Screed (optional depending on final floor finish)

Geotextile Run-off membrane

Ty-Mawr ˆ Lightweight Limecrete Geotextile Ty-Mawr ˆ Insulating Hardcore

Perforated pipe


Ty-Mawr ˆ Insulating Hardcore


© Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Innovation in

Lime Products Limecrete Floor BRE undertaking ‘drop’ testing on our limecrete floor

The Ty-Mawr ˆ screed (optional in the insulated Limecrete system) This layer is required in the insulated Limecrete system if bedding thin tiles or installing carpet as the final floor finish. Again, in trying to improve the ‘green’ credentials of the floor, we use an aggregate produced as a by-product of the steel making industry (as opposed to screeding sand) and a hydraulic lime floor binder.

Ty-Mawr ˆ sublime® floor system 2013 saw the launch of our sublime® floor system, the UK’s first LABC registered breathable floor system designed specifically for use with underfloor heating. When compared to older conventional Limecrete systems the sublime® floor offers a number of significant advantages. > reduced overall excavation depths: when compared to a conventional Limecrete system using a lightweight insulating slab layer plus a higher density screed layer to contain the underfloor heating. > reduced wet trades and processes: as only one wet mixed layer is required over the T y-Mawr ˆ Insulating Hardcore.

> reduced installation costs: both in labour and in the cost of materials when compared to our old system. > reduced installation and curing times: by eliminating the need for two layers curing times are reduced by approximately 3 weeks. > improved energy efficiency and response times of under floor heating systems: as the insulation material is now directly beneath the heat source the heat drift associated with other systems is significantly reduced. > reduced material quantities and therefore reduced delivery costs. > LABC Registered detail: recognised in all 376 local authority areas, the registered detail will help to streamline and simplify the planning application and building control process for your project.

Courtesy: Southampton Church www.limecrete.co.uk

As with the insulated Limecrete system the first layer in the build-up is the insulation/ hardcore layer. T y-Mawr ˆ Insulating Hardcore must be used for this layer due to its structural capabilities and is laid over our geotextile membrane. A second geotextile membrane is laid over the insulating hardcore as a separation layer before installing the geogrid to enable the underfloor heating pipes to be fixed in place. Once the heating pipes are installed the T y-Mawr ˆ screed can be laid.

tips 15% of heat loss in old buildings is through the floor!

Geotextile Land-drain (optional not part of the system)

40mm Cork Board

All Wales winner ‘Technical Innovation’

(Edge insulation optional )

Run-off membrane

Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Screed Geotextile Geogrid Clip rails for floor heating system

Perforated pipe Ty-Mawr ˆ Insulating Hardcore

Ty-Mawr ˆ Insulating Hardcore Geotextile Subsoil

© Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Innovation in

Lime Products Limecrete Floor

Courtesy: Sapcote Building Contractors - The Chapter House Floor, Worcester Cathedral

Floor finish

VBT mixer - ‘The Big Green Limecrete Machine’ used for bulk mixing and pouring of the limecrete slab. Courtesy: www. limecrete.co.uk

It is desirable, but not essential, that the floor finish should be vapour permeable e.g. stone slabs or unsealed quarry tiles are ideal but please note they should be laid and pointed up with a lime mortar (we can supply a premixed floor tile bedding grout - see page 27). We can also supply vapour permeable moisture and stain repellent treatments for unglazed floor tiles and natural stone floors. Timber flooring is also possible but should be laid loose on the floor for several weeks with the heating running on low before permanent fixing. An air gap must be maintained between the limecrete or lime screed and the floor boards. This air gap is necessary to prevent timber from warping. If installing underfloor heating with a wood floor finish, an aluminium tray system can be installed at this point. Please contact us for further details.

Why do I need a ‘vapour permeable’ floor?

tips Limecrete floors can be laid externally and in out-buildings at the right time of year or by using the right protection! 26

The replacement of original ‘vapour permeable’ floors such as earth, stone slabs and even timber in old buildings with modern impervious damp proof membranes and dense concrete slabs potentially causes rising damp problems by creating a build up of water pressure beneath the membrane/ slab, the moisture will move sideways until it reaches the existing masonry where it will be able to rise within the wall structure. This situation is often exacerbated then by use of waterproof cementitious renders and tanking on the walls which traps the moisture within the masonry. Replacing ‘modern’ hard floors with this lightweight, vapour permeable floor can very quickly begin to remedy this type of ‘old house’ problem.

“The floor’s performance has been very promising. Though we have lowered it by a foot, there is no evidence of the serious damp problems that were evident throughout the year around the edges of PR, 2009 the previous concrete floor.”

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

These qualities mean that our Insulated Limecrete floor and sublime® systems have been chosen by and successfully installed in significant historic building projects such as the Chapter House Floor in Worcester Cathedral, The Priory Church of St Mary and St Blaise, Chichester (12th Century), The Viscount Cowdray Estate, Surrey and by the National Museum and Galleries of Wales for the 13th Century Church at St Fagans, but it is just as appropriate in barns, farmhouses, terraces and cottages.

“…we had to find a method of controlling the relative humidity levels within the building so that both the historic, and new oak, timberwork would not be adversely affected. The use of a controllable underfloor heating system combined with an insulated limecrete floor… was seen as an ideal way of minimising such problems, enabling the building to dry out gently and naturally, whilst moderating the internal environment for staff and visitors.” EXTRACT FROM HERITAGE MAGAZINE BY DR GERALLT NASH, CURATOR, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WALES, ST FAGANS.

Why should it be insulated? In a response to global warming, governments the world over are setting targets to ensure that buildings become much more energy efficient. Part L of the current Building Regulations requires a U-Value (thermal transmittance) of 0.22 W/(m2K) for a new thermal element (ground bearing floor) and 0.25 W/(m2K) for a replacement thermal element. Unlike roofs, walls and intermediate floors, U–Value calculations for ground floors cannot be calculated in the normal manner with reference to the construction detail alone. Heat loss from ground floors depends upon the ratio of exposed floor perimeter to total floor area. It is therefore important to consider all elements if your floor is going to give you the best possible performance for your building. At T y-Mawr, ˆ we design the floor build-up for your specific project to help you comply with Building Regulations*, all you need to do is complete a simple form available on www.lime.org.uk

Tel: 01874 611350

Innovation in

Lime Products Limecrete Floor & Bedding Mortar

St Leonard’s Church, Yarpole & Marches Conservation Services. Courtesy: Ian Godding

“Thanks for your help in organising the materials. I’m very satisfied with the results of the floors they were much easier than I thought to lay - and much cheaper than all the quotes I got from other people.” DEL, MILTON KEYNES. * In certain circumstances Part L Regulations do not apply to listed building works, please discuss this with the Conservation Officer in your Local Planning Authority.

Is it approved for use in buildings? T y-Mawr’s ˆ limecrete flooring systems have LABC Registered Detail to show that they are capable of complying with current Building Regulations “subject to standard calculations being undertaken and supplied by T yˆ -Mawr for each scheme”. Factors that influence the design include: > wall thickness and construction type > floor area and perimeter length > substrate type > groundwater pressure > radon protection (permeable membranes do not offer radon protection) > intended use > budget

Strength In general terms, the maximum strength that it is possible to achieve using a lime based mix is around 16-18 newtons/mm2. This exceeds the strengths needed in domestic construction by a considerable margin of safety.

Are contraction/expansion joints necessary? Our research has shown that the considerations applicable to cementitious concretes with regard to expansion joints are not applicable to lime based concretes. Hydraulic Lime generates little heat during the initial chemical hydraulic set and limecrete has a good flexural strength to compressive strength ratio. These properties mean that huge savings can be made in terms of the labour and equipment usually required to fabricate dowelled and induced contraction joints in cement concrete ground bearing slabs.

Can it be used with underfloor heating? If you are planning to incorporate underfloor heating into your floor please see the details on our sublime® floor system, the first LABC registered breathable floor system to be specifically designed for use with underfloor heating. Heat loss through the floor is controlled by the insulation layer beneath (as detailed above). No other insulation material is required beneath the screed but it is advised that you use suitable edge insulation where the screed meets any external un-insulated masonry.

Installation It is not unlike laying a conventional cementbased concrete floor; a contractor used to using lime products and with experience of laying floors should be willing and able to install it. Excavation, layer depths and full installation instructions are supplied with the flooring components. Ty-Mawr ˆ is renowned for its product support, including telephone support and site visits. For larger floors, we have a range of mixers and silos available for hire to speed up the mixing process and work with several experienced installation contractors, please contact us for details. Contractors should be aware that the mixing time is longer than cement (approx 20 minutes in a mill/mixer), therefore more than one mill/mixer is sometimes useful.

Bedding/Jointing/Grouting Mortar This is a premixed mortar for laying tiles on thin beds of mortar up to 8-10mm. It has excellent adhesion and compressive strength properties. Made using hydraulic lime and fine aggregates. 20 kg bag


Approximate Coverage BEDDING 3.5 sqm @ 10mm combed bed GROUTING/JOINTING 16 sqm of 10mm deep 5mm wide tile joints when using 225mm sq tiles

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints

Floor Surface Treatment Surfapor M - this clear, vapour permeable finish is applied to floor tiles and slabs including stone, slate and ceramic to provide a protective finish to prevent staining from liquids such as wine from permeating the surface. Liquid water repellent yet vapour permeable! 1 litre


Approximate Coverage 12-18 m2 per litre, strongly dependant on the absorption properties of the application surface.

product support Please call us if you would like further information or assistance with a proposed project. We are able to offer production of samples, assistance with calculating quantities, application guides, specification clauses, site supervision and/ or training (onsite or at our training premises at Ty-Mawr) ˆ if required.


Lime Products

Wire Scratcher

Tools & Ancillaries

Lath Ceiling at River Cottage Restaurant in Bristol - designed by Simple Simon Design www.simplesimondesign.co.uk Image courtesy: Francis Taylor photography

Churn Brush

Bucket Trowel

Pozzolan - PFA Used to increase the setting power of mortars, plasters and renders.

PFA (Pulverised Fuel Ash) add 5 to 10% (of the total mortar by volume)

20Kg Bag


25kg Bag


Prompt Cement - a natural cement for extreme conditions and waterways.

25kg small bag


Tempo for Prompt cement - 1 bottle per 25kg bag

1 litre


Carbonated Lime Bits - an addition for lime mortars to replicate historic hot mix mortars.

It is important to closely monitor temperatures on your site when using lime - our Min/Max Thermometer is ideal. See www.lime.org.uk

Hessian It is extremely important to protect lime work from the rain, frost, direct sunlight and drying wind/breeze to allow carbonation to take place.

Mortar Fleece - for winter protection

1.83m x 50m


1.37 x 46m roll - Lightweight


15m x 30m roll


Corrugated Plastic Boards - for floor protection when plastering / pointing

(1m x 4m sheet)


Laths and Battens Riven (split) and sawn, oak and larch. Riven laths are stronger than sawn or softwood but all provide ideal backgrounds for lime plasters as they can be well wetted which assists the slow drying of the plaster giving a stronger key.

Riven Oak Laths (4fts) 200 running ft per bundle Riven Oak Laths (3fts) 150 running ft per bundle Riven Oak Laths (2fts) 100 running ft per bundle Sawn Oak Laths (8fts) 400 running ft per bundle Sawn Oak Laths (4fts) 200 running ft per bundle Sawn Larch Laths (8fts) 400 running ft per bundle Sawn Larch Laths (4fts) 200 running ft per bundle Oak Battens (4fts) 38mm 13/20/25mm


Approximately 1.5kg of hair per tonne of plaster or 2 x 0.9kg bags of synthetic fibre

Horse Hair Goat Hair Synthetic Fibre


10sqm per litre (varies enormously with different backgrounds)

1 litre


5 litres


25kg Bag


100mm x 100m 150mm x 200m


Reinforcing Hair Natural hair is supplied in tied bundles ready to be teased into the plaster mix - horse and goat hair are available. A synthetic fibre alternative is available for plasters that may need to be kept for longer than six weeks.

Primal A water based acrylic emulsion for consolidating plasterwork.

Fine Casting Plaster Fine casting plaster is suitable for fibrous plasterwork including cornices, ceiling roses etc.

Jute Scrim A hessian scrim for reinforcing plaster. Supplied in rolls.


Mesh size 5mm x 10mm

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Lime Products Tools & Ancillaries Pan Mixer

Wooden Float

Nail Gun - Coil Nail gun ideal for fixing laths. (2hp compressor required.)

Nail gun purchase Nail gun hire 12,600 nails per box 400 nails per coil


Render/Plaster Gun This easy to use gun enables up to 27sqm of render to be applied per hour. Compressor not supplied.

Mortar Mills - A mortar mill should be used to mix up mortars or plasters or to knock up premixed mortars or plasters prior to use.

Range of nozzle sizes supplied for different applications.

Render Gun


Render Gun Hire


Hire rates vary depending on mill size and period of hire.

Static diesel


Capacity 110 litres. Width 68cm Depth 97cm Height 108cm Weight 100kg

Pan Mixer


Pan Mixer Hire


Pan Mixer This forced-action pan mixer gives exceptional value for money. It is ideal for knocking up mortars and plasters. The compact style means it is ideal for almost every site - see above. Alloy Hawk non-slip - 12” x 12”


Block Brush (Economic Maxi)


Block Brush (Limewashing)


Brick Hammer


Bucket Trowel - 7”- see above


Churn Brush - see above


Finger Trowel - 10mm


Finger Trowel - 13mm


Gauging Trowel - 7”


Grouting Float (fine)


Harling Trowel - 165mm x 165mm


Inside Corner Trowel


Long Handle Churn Brush


Mortar Pick Double Pointed


Outside Corner Trowel Orange Sponge Float - 11” x 4


Paint/Plaster Mixer Bit for Drill - 420mm/620mm


Nail Board


Plasterers Hawk - 13” x 13” - now made from natural resins


Plasterers Trowel - 280mm x120mm Stainless Steel


Pointing Hawk - 6” - now made from natural resins


Pointing Trowel - 5”


Safety Glasses / Goggles


Trowel and Square Tool - 3/4”


Vinyl Gloves - Box of 100


Wire Scratcher - see above


Wooden Cross Grained Float for flat work - see above


Wooden Straight Grained Float for curved/uneven work - see above


Other specialist tools are available, please see www.lime.org.uk Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Boards & Insulation LABC-Registered Insulation Systems Timber frame new build, Courtesy: Bere Architects

Courtesy: Mr & Mrs Hogg

Buildings and the Environment Buildings have a profound effect on our environment; more and more of our clients are recognising this and hence the rationale for using environmentally-friendly building and decorating materials. The following help to illustrate this:

Tˆy-Mawr’s demonstration house at the NEC.

> buildings are responsible for a large proportion of Carbon Dioxide emissions in this country - 50% results from energy used in buildings, 10% from their construction.

> The Environment Agency’s trend data shows that around 2.5 million tonnes of C&D (Construction and Demolition) waste were handled in 2007 by waste facilities in Wales. Nearly half of this waste was landfilled, and only eight years of landfill space remains in Wales. > the development, use and maintenance of buildings result in the consumption of 6 tonnes of building materials per person per year in the UK. If we all choose low impact materials, we could really make an enormous difference! Here are some suggested applications using our sustainable building materials:

New Timber Frame - Increasingly, self builders as well as housing developers are looking for more sustainable, practical solutions for new builds not only to meet government targets to reduce the impact of buildings on the environment but also because they recognise that it is possible to have improved comfort levels in these constructions creating healthier buildings as well as saving energy costs. Racking board (if required)

Moisture variable vapour check

Service void (if required)

Benefits > excellent thermal and acoustic performance, achieving current building regulations.

Lime or Lime Hemp plaster (mesh if applicable)

> reduced on-going energy costs. Ty-Mawr ˆ wood wool boards

> comprises of natural and sustainable building material components.

Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece wool insulation Proprietery render and silicate masonry paint

Studwork Woodfibre boards

© Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013

Moisture variable vapour check Lime or Lime hemp plaster

(if required)

> resists spread of fire. > excellent environmental credentials.

Insulated washer fixings

Racking board

> creates a wall that is ‘vapour permeable’ which allows the building to actively control moisture which leads to a healthier living environment.

Service void (if required)

> local Welsh wool and British plasters minimising energy used in transport. > incorporates plasters made from plant fibres or recycled aggregates instead of sand.

(mesh if applicable)

> LABC-Registered through Local Auhtority Building Control.

Ty-Mawr ˆ wood wool boards

> Free u-value calculations and product support!

Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece wool insulation Studwork

Weather boarding Woodfibre boards fixed via battens

© Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Boards & Insulation Warm Roof

Courtesy: Royston Davies

Retrofit Solutions There are lots of ways to make old buildings more energy efficient using our materials - saving money on fuel as well as reducing carbon dioxide emissions, hence reducing the environmental footprint of the building.

There are many insulation materials on the market but some are damaging to the environment in their production as well as potentially causing landfill/disposal problems for the future, hence we have explored, produce and/or supply one of the largest ranges of environmentally-friendly insulation materials in the UK. Warm roof Courtesy: Elly Bailey

Heat Loss in Old Buildings 25% through the roof



45% through walls

va wA


15% through draughts and windows

15% through floor

Warm Roof - In existing buildings, 25% of heat is said to be lost through the roof, the warm

See page 48 for further information.

roof has become increasingly popular particularly in barn conversions or in situations where the original roof is being replaced. It is also widely used in new builds. Insulating Woodfibre Sarking board. Ridge protected with Breather Membrane or Primed & taped

tips Fully fill with Flexible Insulation from a choice of Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece Original/Ecoroll/TF35/Hemp/Holzflex mais/Flex CL (Recycled paper)

© Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013

Further Flexible insulation (from a choice of Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece Original/Ecoroll/ TF35/ Hemp/Holzflex mais/Flex CL (Recycled paper) between timbers and Wood Wool or Woodfibre T&G board. Finished with two coat lime plaster (meshed) and vapour permeable paint

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints

Heating our homes is one of the most energy hungry things we do, so good insulation is one of the best ways to reduce our CARBON DIOXIDE emissions. 31

Boards & Insulation Solid Wall Insulation - External External Wall Insulating Gutex woodfibre board

Feeringbury Barn, Essex - Courtsey Hudson Architects

Type of solid wall insulation

Saving per year

CO2 saved per year



1.8 tonnes



1.9 tonnes

*Estimated figures based on insulating a gas-heated, semi-detached home with three bedrooms. The Energy Saving Trust

solid walled buildings need to allow moisture to evaporate and therefore any insulation solution must work in the same way as the building to avoid the problems that we now know are associated with trapped moisture (see page 2). If all solid walls were insulated there would be a massive carbon dioxide saving of 16,000,000 tonnes per annum (equivalent to the emissions from 2.7 million homes for a year). How do I insulate solid walls? There are two methods of insulating solid walls: externally and internally. >

Solid Wall Insulation - In the UK, 1 in 4 of our homes has ‘solid’ walls, around 45% of the heat lost in an un-insulated solid walled home is through the walls. In the drive towards energy efficiency and carbon savings, we are all being encouraged to insulate our homes but OPTION 1


External Wall Insulation - is installed from the outside effectively wrapping the building. This type of installation method may change the physical appearance of the building (which will usually require planning permission) and will necessitate the removal of rainwater goods and may require adaptation of the roof and wall junctions as well as window and door openings as the wall is effectively being made thicker.

It is important to understand that there is not a standard off the shelf solution for all buildings and products should be specified on a building by building basis. For more information on our consultancy service (see page 70).

Lime plaster



Proprietery render and Beecks silicate masonry paint Woodfibre boards or Cork boards Insulated fixings © Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013

Base rail

Newly available - ecoCORK insulating render - see pages 22-23 - no requirement for boards.


Proprietery render and Beecks silicate masonry paint Woodfibre boards or Cork boards Insulated fixings Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece © Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013 wool insulation

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Base rail

Tel: 01874 611350

Boards & Insulation Solid Wall Insulation - Internal Lime hemp plaster Courtesy: S.Frost


Internal Wall Insulation - is applied from the inside and necessitates the removal of all fittings e.g. radiators, skirting boards, architraves etc. Protection from driving rain may be required externally.

The options shown below are graphical representations of some of our solutions but please contact us should you require an actual calculation and condensation risk analysis undertaken for your specific situation.

The boards can carry various plasters including our lime plasters, glaster® and lime hemp products, the application guides must be followed for successful results – see www.lime.org.uk or call us for details. The components in these options are described in more detail on the following pages.

OPTION 1 Lime plaster


OPTION 2 Lime plaster Adhesive (ADHERE Vit)

Lime plaster or lime hemp plaster Woodfibre boards adhered to masonry and fixed with insulated fixings

(mesh if applicable)

Lime plaster or lime hemp plaster (internal only) ecoCork board (mesh if applicable) adhered to masonry and fixed with insulated fixings (optional internally)

© Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013

© Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013


Moisture variable vapour check

Moisture variable vapour check

Stone wall or existing lime plaster

Stone wall or existing lime plaster

© Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013

Breather membrane

Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece wool insulation between studwork

Lime plaster or lime hemp plaster (mesh if applicable) Ty-Mawr ˆ wood wool boards and washer fixings

Lime plaster or lime hemp plaster © Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013

Woodfibre boards T&G and washer Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece fixings wool insulation Breather membrane between studwork

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints

(mesh if applicable)


Boards & Insulation Selection Table Calsitherm at Roch Castle: Courtesy Keith Griffiths, Acanthus Holden and Welsh Heritage Constructors Declared Thermal Conductivity (k) Value (lower the number the better)

Reaction to Fire Class (A to E) or Fire Resistance (EI or F rating)

Vapour permeability (lower the number the better)

Courtesy: www.roystondavies.co.uk



Further Comments info on page





Riven Oak (4ft, 3ft, 2ft), Sawn Oak (8ft, 4ft), Sawn Larch (8ft, 4ft)


Traditional background for lime plasters providing a good key, strength (riven is strongest) and can be wetted prior to plastering to aid carbonation.

Reed Mat





2m x 5m Rolls


Economic alternative to lathing, easy to fit but no insulation.

Reed Board


Reed Boards 2 with 18mm non- combustible plaster finish are fire resistant in accordance with DIN 4102

255Kg/m3 Boards

20mm - 1m x 2m


Economic alternative to lathing providing some insulation. Ideal for curved walls but not always easy to cut to shape at edges. Excellent vapour permeability.

Celenit Wood Wool Boards


25mm Board with 15mm Lime Plaster is rated as EI45 to BS EN 1362-1


15mm 533Kg/m3 25mm 460Kg/m3

15mm Walls, 25mm Ceilings, 36-37 2400mm x 600mm 1200mm x 600mm

Calsitherm Calcium Silicate Board


A1 - non flammable


200 - 240Kg/m3 30/50mm suitable for masonry only 1250mm x 500mm

see This board is directly applied to the wall using website kp-mortar, n.b. it must have a flat lime (not gypsum) plaster. Highly hygroscopic (assist with regulating humidity) and inhibits mould growth.

Gutex 0.038 Thermoroom Woodfibre Board




20/40/60/80mm 1780mm x 600mm


Woodfibre board manufactured using a dry process (no glue layers), ideal for the retrofit insulation of interior walls on older buildings and insulating under the rafters for interior plaster application - see page 6 for plaster build-ups.

Homatherm ID-Q11 standard





20/40/60/80mm 1250mm x 600mm


Ideal for the interior insulation of walls in masonry, brick and wood construction. Its hydrothermal properties will protect the building fabric, creates healthy comfortable living environment.

Homatherm 0.042 USD-Q11 protect




40/60/80/100mm 1825mm x 615mm


For internal plastering across studwork/rafters or joists. External as Sheathing Board.

EcoCork Board



110/ 120Kg/m3



This highly sustainable, durable board has excellent thermal and acoustic properties. It is a single ply board available up to 200mm completely glue free. It is made exclusively from natural cork.


Highly recommended for use with lime plasters for partition walls and ceilings providing excellent acoustic as well as some thermal insulation. Economic alternative to plasterboard! Water proof and freeze proof.





18/22/28/35mm 2500mm x 750mm


Superior sarking board for new roofs, roof refurbishments and external wall insulation behind a ventilated faรงade. High density and has a unique tongue and groove format for increased wind and water tightness. Effective protection against heat loss in winter and heat protection in summer months. Recommended for our warm roof system (see page 31).

Gutex Ultratherm 0.044




50/60/80/100/120mm 1780mm x 600mm


As above but seamlessly combined with an insulating board for better insulation.

Gutex Multitherm 0.039




20/40/60/80/100/120/ 140mm - 1270mm x 60mm


A moisture resistant insulating woodfibre board with single-ply homogeneous construction, is an ideal sheathing board for exterior walls under faรงade facing.

Homatherm UD-Q11 protect





22/35/52/60/80/ 100/120mm 2500mm or 1800mm x 610mm


For over rafter applications, the boards must be installed in a dry condition across the whole surface and be free of gaps. It can be used as emergency roofing (temporary covering) and exposed to weather for up to ten weeks.

Homatherm 0.042 USD-Q11 protect




40/60/80/100mm 1825mm x 615mm


For internal plastering across studwork/rafters or joists. External as Sheathing Board.

Gutex Multiplex Top


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Boards & Insulation Selection Table Courtesy: www.nickmilesbuildingcontractors.co.uk

EXTERNAL WALLS Traditional Laths N/A

Courtesy: www.roystondavies.co.uk






25mm 460Kg/m3 50mm 360Kg/m3 160Kg/m3

Riven Oak (4ft, 3 ft, 2ft), Sawn Oak (8ft, 4ft), Sawn Larch (8ft, 4ft) 25mm/50mm 2400mm x 600mm 1200mm x 600mm


20-160mm - 1250mm x 590mm


Traditional background for lime plasters providing a good key, strength (riven is strongest) and can be wetted prior to plastering to aid carbonation. Highly recommended for use with lime plasters providing excellent acoustic as well as some thermal insulation. Economic alternative to plasterboard!

Celenit Wood Wool Boards


Gutex Thermowall


25mm Board with 15mm Lime Plaster is rated as EI45 to BS EN 1362-1 E

Gutex Thermowall-gf





40-60mm 1276mm x 576mm


Homatherm 0.039 Energie PlusMassive (FD-Q11 standard) Homatherm 0.043 EnergiePlus: comfort (FD-Q11 protect) EcoCork Board 0.040




22-160mm - 1250mm or 845mm x 600mm





Tongued and Gooved 40-120mm 1300mm x 590mm




110/ 120Kg/m3





Tongued and Grooved 40mm and 100mm





40/120mm - 1250mm x 600mm


BS 5803-4



50/75/100mm - 400/600mm 42-44 x 1200mm Batts

Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. Slabs that fit securely between rafters, joists and studs. Contains 85% Welsh wool and 15% polyester binder with a high recycled content. BBA-approved and certified to last the life of the building. Ours is exclusively made with Welsh wool to help support our local, rural communities and to minimise road miles. THERMAFLEECE EcoRoll is a low density wool based insulation roll that is quick and easy to install. It contains 75% Sheep’s wool, 15% recycled polyester and 10% polyester binder with a high recycled content. This is a high density wool based insulation designed to meet higher energy efficiency requirements. No quilted wool-based insulation meets the performance set by THERMAFLEECE TF35. For use in roofs – lofts & warm roof, walls – timber frame & solid wall and floors – suspended ground floor & between floors. Hemp is a fast-growing, low-impact plant crop that produces fine fibres suitable for insulation. THERMAFLEECE Hemp, a blend of 60% UK grown hemp and recycled polyester, is a safe, efficient and durable alternative when plant fibres are the preferred choice. Highly recommended from an ecological point of view as glue free - using 100% natural starch as the binder. Semi-rigid woodfibre, friction-fit insulation can be inserted between rafters and studs, wood frame spaces and the service layers. Flexible batt form, made from recycled newspaper and recycled jute sacking. The material is treated with borax to resist insects and to make the insulation fire-resistant. The material is very comfortable to work with, and can be readily cut to fit where necessary. Installation is safe and easy, protecting the health of both installers and building occupants.

BOARD INSULATION FOR FLOORS Gutex 0.042 E Thermosafe-wd

Homatherm 0.039 HDP-Q11 protect FLEXIBLE INSULATION T y-Mawr ˆ 0.038 Thermafleece Original Wool


Thermafleece Ecoroll Wool


BS 5803-4



50/75/100/140/ 150mm x 370mm or 570mm wide Roll lengths vary


Thermafleece TF35 Wool


BS 5803-4



50/70mm - 370 & 570mm x 1200mm Batts


Thermafleece Hemp


BS 5803-4



50/70mm - 370 & 570mm x 1200mm Batts


Homatherm Holzflex Mais





40/60/80/100/120/ 140/160/180/200mm 1250mm x 570mm Batts





60/90/100/120/140/ 160/180mm - 625mm x 1200mm Batts


FlexCL Recycled 0.039 Newspaper

A single-ply, glue-free board, giving effective sound and thermal insulation for external application on masonry walls and fully supported timber. Excellent vapour permeability. A single-ply, tongue and grooved, glue-free board giving effective sound and thermal insulation for external application on timber-frame walls. Excellent vapour permeability. Glue-free woodfibre boards, especially suitable for the thermal upgrade of old solid walls - manufactured in small size and thickness up to 160mm thickness. Butt edged. Especially for timber frame construction with tongue and grooved edges. Single-layer of up to 120mm, highly insulating with low thermal conductivity. The installation can take place directly on the studding. This highly sustainable, durable board has excellent thermal and acoustic properties. It is a single ply board available up to 200mm completely glue free. It is made exclusively from natural cork. Highly resistant to compressive forces and so ideal for insulation under screed and floor coverings, and above and between rafter insulation and for the insulation of interior ceilings. Extra robust board so ideal for under screeds but can also be used for attic and roof insulation. Manufactured using the dry method.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Boards & Insulation Plaster Carriers & Boards Courtesy: Jones & Fraser Traditional Building

Celenit Wood Wool Boards Celenit is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of environmentally excellent insulation made from mineralised fir wood-wool bound boards. To guarantee constant quality, Celenit has developed probably the most innovative production plants in Europe. The panels produced conform to European UNI EN 13168 and are CE marked. The quality management system operated by Celenit is in compliance with the standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 (certificate No. 1351).

Reed Mat - is lathing supplied in a roll. Reeds from managed reed beds are laid parallel and bound using narrow gauge zinc wire to form a long sheet. It is suitable for internal use as a base for plastering on walls and ceilings. It can be used against a solid background or over studs or joists as a practical alternative lining material to gypsum plasterboard and lath-and-plaster. Reed mats are particularly suited to using with lime, clay or gypsum plasters in building restoration and new-build. 2m x 5m (10sqm per mat)



They are particularly popular as a background for our glaster® see pages 17-19 and Lime Hemp plasters see pages 14-16. It is, however, important to follow the application guides provided for a successful render/plaster finish.


It is suitable for internal use as a base for plastering on walls and ceilings.

> an environmentally friendly alternative to plasterboard.

The 20mm board can be used as a curved backing for plaster.

Reed is a versatile material, as well as its well-known use as a thatching material it has been used in lime floors and as a lime plaster carrier for centuries.

Unlike most other wood wool boards, these are waterproof, freeze-proof and damp-proof, making them appropriate for use in even the most severe temperature conditions.

Reed Board – is a semi-rigid building board. It is made from natural reeds laid parallel and tightly bound using thin gauge galvanised wire.

It can be used against a solid background or over studs or joists as a practical alternative lining material to gypsum plasterboard and lath-and-plaster.


These Wood Wool Boards have been used in buildings for over 40 years and have proved to be a very popular product as a lime carrier over the 15 years in which we have been promoting and selling them for use with our products.

It can also be used unfinished to create feature walls, as an insulation board or to act as permanent formwork. It can be used externally in landscaping schemes to form natural partitions. 20mm – 1m x 2m (2sqm per board)

> assists in achieving insulation values (heat and acoustic) and meeting requirements. > compatible with vapour permeable structures – absorb and release moisture naturally. > unlimited lifespan. > contains no harmful substances but are vermin and fungus resistant. > robust but easy to cut and work with on-site. > timber from sustainably managed forests (PCFC certificate). > now available in a range of natural colours (see page 37) for partitions and ceilings.


For suggested plaster build-ups onto these backgrounds, please see pages 6, 16 and 18.

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Boards & Insulation Wood Wool Boards

Celenit Wood Wool Boards

Washer fixing

Internal Walls

Internal Walls/Ceilings

External Walls

15mm - 0.6m x 2.4m/1.2m (130 boards per oversized pallet) BD-TPB-15

25mm - 0.6m x 2.4m/1.2m (88 boards per oversized pallet) BD-TPB-25

50mm - 0.6m x 2.4m (44 boards per oversized pallet) BD-TPB-50

Washer Fixings 100 washers/box BD-FIX-100

T yˆ -Mawr - Render Mesh 1m x 50m (5mm squares) BD-TRM-150-5

1m x 50m (10mm squares) BD-TRM-150-10

Celenit Ceiling and Partition Panels Celenit panels painted with potassium silicate biological colours, certified by naturalplusÂŽ for false ceilings and partitions.

tips Highly popular plaster carrier for use in older properties instead of plasterboard or for infill panels in old or new timber framed buildings.

Please note samples are available but they are manufactured to order, please allow 4 weeks.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Boards & Insulation Gutex Wood Fibreboards

Benefits > low thermal conductivity, which guarantees excellent protection in winter against cold. > highest possible volumetric heat capacity for the best protection against heat in summer. > superb vapour permeable design, which regulates humidity and produces pleasant interior living conditions. > unsurpassed absorption of impact and structural noise.

Courtesy: Mike Whitefield Construction Ltd.

Gutex has been manufacturing insulating boards from wood for over 75 years in the Black Forest, Germany. Today, they are a leader in innovative, environment-friendly manufacturing, capable of producing highly superior single-ply, wood fibreboard insulation in thicknesses up to 240mm i.e. they do not need to glue boards together as most other manufacturers do. GUTEX insulating wood fibreboards are the ideal choice for both home improvement and new buildings, fulfilling all technical and environmental requirements.

> can be used with our plasters (see pages 6, 16 and 18) and with our other insulation products in timber-frame, solid wall and warm roof build-ups (see pages 30-32). > easy, problem-free disposal and recycling. > manufactured from raw material obtained from local Black Forest forests where only sustained forestry practices are employed. > outstanding quality control and are subject to approval by an independent, authorised test and certification agency (FMPA, Stuttgart).

Call for a full colour brochure/PDF.

tips 40% less energy is required to produce dry manufactured insulation rather than wet manufactured insulation boards. 38

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Boards & Insulation Gutex Wood Fibreboards

1 GUTEX Multiplex-top

7 GUTEX Thermoinstal

Rain-tight sub plate with homogeneous single-ply construction. Also suitable for interior applications. Available thicknesses: 18, 22, 28 and 35mm Width x Length: 75 x 250cm

Compression resistant insulation board with single-ply homogeneous construction. Ideal for the thermal insulation of installation cavities, electrical power and plumbing lines. Available thickness: 50mm Width x Length: 60 x 125cm

2 GUTEX Ultratherm Rain-tight, durable, insulating sub plate board, with homogeneous single-ply construction. Available thicknesses: 50, 60, 80, 100 and 120mm Width x Length: 60 x 178cm

3 GUTEX Multitherm A moisture resistant insulation woodfibre board with single-ply homogeneous construction, is an ideal sarking board for exterior walls under facade facing. Available thicknesses: 20 - 160mm Width x Length: 60 x 127cm

4 GUTEX Thermosafe-homogen

8 GUTEX Thermoroom Insulation board with single-ply homogeneous construction. Ideal for the retrofit insulating of interior walls in older buildings. Available thicknesses: 20 - 100mm Width x Length: 50 x 120cm

9 GUTEX Thermosafe-wd Highly resistant to compressive forces with single-ply construction. Designed to provide thermal insulation for all walls and floors. Available thicknesses: 20 - 160mm Width x Length: 60 x 125cm

Universal insulating board with homogeneous construction and excellent properties for protection against summer heat and cold in winter. Available thicknesses: 20 - 200mm Width x Length: 62.5 x 120cm

10 GUTEX Thermosafe-nf

GUTEX Thermosafe

11 GUTEX Thermofloor

The original universal insulating board with multi-ply construction performs excellently in both hot or cold insulation applications. Available thicknesses: 20 - 100mm Width x Length: 62.5 x 120cm

Extremely versatile impact insulation board for all floor applications, including wet and dry screed. Available thicknesses: 21mm (20mm after installation), 31mm (30mm after installation) Width x Length: 60 x 120cm

5 GUTEX Thermoflex

Comes with joint strips. Especially suitable for wood flooring, providing the ideal substructure for screwfastening. Available thickness: 41mm (40mm after installation) Width x Length: 38 x 119cm

Flexible, resilient wood fibreboard for insulation between rafters and framework. Available thicknesses: 40 - 200mm Width x Length: 57 x 122cm

12 GUTEX Happy Step

6 GUTEX Thermoflat

The ideal plaster baseboard for GUTEX’s environmentally friendly thermal insulation composite systems. Available thicknesses: 20 - 160mm Width x Length: 59 x 125cm, 60 x 130cm, 60 x 83cm, 125 x 260/280cm

Compression proof insulating board for flat roofs. Available thicknesses: 100 - 160mm Width x Length: 60 x 123cm

Designed for diverse interior applications. Available thicknesses: 4 and 6mm Width x Length: 59 x 86cm

13 GUTEX Thermowall/-gf

Please call to check availability as not all boards are kept in stock. See www.lime.org.uk for current prices. Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Boards & Insulation

External Walls Energie:Plus comfort – homogeneous render base board for wooden framework construction > tongue & groove edged for airtightness and span timbers

Homatherm Woodfibre Insulation Boards Homatherm has been working with wood as a raw material since 1929, they are a highly innovative company working out of Berga in Germany. In 1994, they produced the world’s first flexible cellulose insulation board, the flexCL® which is still the world’s only cellulose insulation batt - see opposite. In 2002, they launched HOMATHERM holzFlex® - the first thoroughly threedimensional, cross-bonded, flexible woodfibre insulating board and in 2005 they developed it further with the development of holzFlex® Mais - the first flexible wood-fibre insulating board made of 100% natural materials.

> compact plaster baseboard > directly attached to studwork > manufactured using most innovative dry method

Format 1325mm x 615mm


40mm thick


60mm thick


80mm thick


100mm thick

Energie:Plus massive – homogeneous render base board for masonry and massive timber walls > butt edged > highly suitable for thermal upgrades on solid walls > manufactured using most innovative dry method

Format 1250mm x 600mm

These products can be used with our lime plasters – see pages 6, 16 and 18 for suggested build-ups.


22mm thick


40mm thick


60mm thick


80mm thick


100mm thick

Internal Walls ID-Q11 – internal wall insulation and plaster base board > for interiors of existing building renovations > suitable for masonry and timber walls > manufactured using most innovative dry method

Format 1250mm x 600mm


22mm thick


40mm thick


60mm thick


80mm thick

Internal Plastering & External Sheathing USD-Q11 – Protect – internal wall insulation and plaster base board across studwork, joist and rafters. External sheathing board beneath vented facades.

Call us for a full product brochure or for U-value calculations and condensation risk analysis for your project!


Format 1250mm x 600mm

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices


40mm thick


60mm thick


80mm thick


100mm thick

Please see www.lime.org.uk for technical sheets, prices and availability. Not all products are kept in stock, please call to check availability and plan your project.

Tel: 01874 611350

Sarking & Sheathing Boards UD-Q11 protect – energy and cost-saving sarking board, can also be used for sheathing > insulating rigid woodfibre, tongue and groove, sarking and sheathing board > ideal for renovation > can be used as emergency roofing for 10 weeks

Boards & Insulation Homatherm Sarking Boards & Flexible Insulation

> manufactured using most innovative dry method BD-HUDQ11-22

22mm thick


35mm thick

Format 22mm - 50mm 2520mm x 600mm


52mm thick


60mm thick


80mm thick

80mm - 120mm 1825mm x 615mm


100mm thick


120mm thick

Flexible Insulation holzFlex Mais – the only 100% natural woodfibre insulation which uses a natural starch binder instead of glue > flexible wood fibre batt > suitable for full fill insulation of studwork > for applications with high ecological demands > cross-linked uniformly in three dimensions > bonded with an ecological binder made from corn starch > manufactured using dry method Format 1200mm x 570mm


40mm thick


60mm thick


80mm thick


100mm thick


120mm thick


140mm thick


160mm thick


180mm thick


200mm thick

flexCL® - worlds only cellulose (recycled newspaper) insulation batt > friction fit cellulose insulation batts > best acoustic protection for roof, wall and floor applications > manufactured using dry method > cross-linked uniformly in three dimensions

Format 1250mm x 570mm


30mm thick


40mm thick


50mm thick


60mm thick


80mm thick


100mm thick


120mm thick


140mm thick


160mm thick


180mm thick

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Boards & Insulation Sheep’s Wool Insulation Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece in the Loft Courtesy : The Gliffaes Country House Hotel, Crickhowell www.gliffaeshotel.com

Sheep’s wool is a natural fibre from a fully renewable resource (ie sheep!). We have joined forces with THERMAFLEECE® to produce a wool insulation - T yˆ -Mawr THERMAFLEECE® - which is made exclusively for us from Welsh wool. It is therefore an

excellent choice for those wanting to build/renovate sustainably, whilst contributing to supporting our rural economies and way of life! Courtesy: www.printsofwales.biz

Regulates the rooms humidity like here in Wales’ only handmade paper mill www. creativepaper.co.uk

h BritisCTS U


Benefits > helps to keep buildings cool in summer and warm in winter. Cool in summer when the outside temperature increases and begins to heat the wool, it releases moisture; that has a cooling effect on the fibre which reduces the flow of heat to the inside of the building. This can reduce peak temperature by up to 7°c. Warm in winter - the absorption of moisture by wool insulation can increase peak temperature by up to 4°c when compared to buildings in which alternative forms of insulation are installed. > can absorb and desorb water vapour without compromising its thermal efficiency. It is therefore ideal for use in roofs, timber frame and solid walls as it avoids a damaging build-up of moisture by allowing water vapour to migrate through the structure (see pages 30-33). > uses only 14% of the embodied energy that is used to manufacture glass fibre insulation, therefore paying back its manufacturing energy cost seven times faster than glass fibre. > is harmless and can be installed without gloves or protective clothing. > has a life expectancy similar to that of the construction in which it is installed; other cheaper modern installations have a lesser life expectancy, making the whole life cost of wool much closer to those materials. > exclusive to T yˆ -Mawr, of the wool content, we can guarantee that there is a minimum content of 75% Welsh wool.

> can be recycled for other environmentally friendly applications at the end of its useful life. It contains no permethrin, pyrethroids, pesticides or formaldehydes. > it has a higher fire resistance than cellulose and cellular plastic insulants; it does not burn but rather melts away from an ignition source and extinguishes itself. T yˆ -Mawr THERMAFLEECE® is treated with a natural fire-proofing agent to improve its intrinsic fire resistance and complies with BS 5803-4 (Spread of Fire) achieving results of zero for ignitability, spread of flame and heat evolved. > is protected against attack by moths and beetles using a borax treatment. Borax is a natural mineral salt that is used in a wide variety of applications. The use of borax to treat wool is extremely safe and poses no risk to people or the environment. Our wool is treated with borax at the wool cleaning stage to ensure a consistent treatment that penetrates deep into the wool fibre. > has excellent acoustic properties which means that it can now be specified as part of your noise control scheme - 100mm between floors and partition walls will meet current Building Regulations Part E. > has full British certification as well as being successfully installed in thousands of square metres of loft, wall and floor applications. > now available in roll format (Ecoroll product) and in a higher density product (TF35) - see opposite!

tips When comparing the economics of different insulation products, remember to take into account the thermal value, density, vapour permeability, origin of the raw materials, as well as other components/ binders, not just the price as they can effect performance, long term cost and/or the environmental credentials of the product. 42

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Boards & Insulation Sheep’s Wool Insulation Courtesy: Atkins and Brecon Road Infant School, Merthyr Tydfil Thermafleece

Thermafleece Ecoroll

Thermafleece TF35

Thermafleece Hemp



Manufactured in the UK using Welsh sheep’s wool, it meets the highest quality and performance standards, which is supported with a BBA certification. It is a woolrich insulation made from 85% British wool and 15% polyester binder containing a high recycled content.

Made from 75% coarse wool of British hill sheep which is unsuitable for many common applications. Rather than going to waste, we transform it into a long lasting sustainable product that fixes carbon from the atmosphere for at least 60 years. The 15% polyester component is recycled and originates from ethical sources with 10% polyester binder.

THERMAFLEECE TF35 is a high density insulation product made from 60% British wool, 30% recycled polyester and 10% polyester binder with a high recycled content.

This is a fully British hemp product. It contains 60% hemp, 30% recycled polyester and 10% polyester binder with a high recycled content.

We have chosen these materials because they are from renewable sources – hence we are not contributing to depleting the world’s finite resources.






Thermal Performance





Thermafleece TF35 helps enable lower U-Values where space is limited.






All products can be used to comply with Building Regulations Part E (2003 edition).

Moisture Control





% w/w moisture saturation point per sq.m 100mm: Thermafleece Original – 34%, Thermafleece Ecoroll – 30% Thermafleece Hemp – 17%, Thermafleece TF35 – 34%






Thermafleece Ecoroll is compressed by 60%. Because insulation is a bulk material, compressing by as much as 60% can reduce the fuel consumption transporting finished goods by more than 50%.

Storage & Handling Limitations





Thermafleece Ecoroll in rolls requires less storage space and with a diameter of 45cm and length of 1.1m, packs of insulation can be easily moved through confined points such as loft hatches. For DIY situations, the products in batts are easy to handle.

Loft Situations





Thermafleece Ecoroll can be quickly unrolled in loft situations. With thicknesses of 370mm and 570mm, Thermafleece will fit easily between joists.

Warm Roof & External Walls





With a thermal conductivity of 0.035 W/mK Thermafleece TF35 is the best choice when it comes to achieving the lowest U-value in space limited situations such as warm roofs and external walls.


At the end of its long service life, it poses no threat to the environment and can be recycled for other environmentally friendly applications or disposed of safely through composting.

Composted but will leave the residual recycled polyester fibre that is suitable for recycling.

At the end of its long service life, it poses no threat to the environment and can be recycled for other environmentally friendly applications or disposed of safely through composting.

It can be recycled or safely disposed of at the end of its life.

Of the 400 million tonnes of building materials used in the UK each year – 109 million tonnes are destined for landfill – it is vitally important to consider how durable the material you are purchasing and installing is as well as how it is going to be disposed of at the end of its useful life. Wool insulation is expected to last 60 years or the life of the building and so will not need to be replaced as often as other more conventional insulation alternatives.

How to meet 240mm current building regulations for loft applications (0.16) with the depths available*.




By meeting building requirements the typical household can reduce its heating costs by up to 25% and their CO2 emissions by a staggering one tonne per year.

Embodied Energy 12.8MJ/Kg-1




This is compared to aerogel (53), glass mineral wool (49.6), or rigid polyurethane (101)**.

Global Warming Potential

– 0.2Kg CO2 eq.


Absorbs carbon dioxide as it grows as well as enriching the soil.

We want this to be zero or below to reduce global warming by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


* availability may change, please check these figures with us at the time of ordering. **Figures from www.greenspec.co.uk

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Boards & Insulation Sheep’s Wool Insulation

100mm - 400mm x 1.2m 21 batts/pack per pack (10.08m2) INS-T100400

75mm - 400mm x 1.2m 50mm - 400mm x 1.2m 27 batts/pack per pack (12.96m2) 42 batts/pack per pack (20.16m2) INS-T75400 INS-T50400

100mm - 600mm x 1.2m 14 batts/pack per pack (10.08m2) INS-T100600

75mm - 600mm x 1.2m 50mm - 600mm x 1.2m 18 batts/pack per pack (12.96m2) 28 batts/pack per pack (20.16m2) INS-T75600 INS-T50600

Courtesy : Mr and Mrs Hogg

150mm Coming Soon!




140mm x 570mm x 4.6m (2 rolls and 5.24sqm per pack)


100mm x 370mm x 6.5m (3 rolls and 7.22sqm per pack)


100mm x 570mm x 6.5m (2 rolls and 7.41sqm per pack)


75mm x 370mm x 3.5m (3 rolls and 9.44sqm per pack)


75mm x 570mm x 3.5m (2 rolls and 9.69sqm per pack)


50mm x 370mm x 13m (3 rolls and 14.43sqm per pack)


50mm x 570mm x 13m (2 rolls and 14.82sqm per pack)


90mm x 390mm x 1.2m (18 Batts and 8.42sqm per pack)


90mm x 590mm x 1.2m (12 Batts and 8.50sqm per pack)


70mm x 590mm x 1.2m (14 Batts and 9.91sqm per pack)


70mm x 390mm x 1.2m (21 Batts and 9.83sqm per pack)


50mm x 390mm x 1.2m (30 Batts and 14.04sqm per pack)


50mm x 590mm x 1.2m (20 Batts and 14.16sqm per pack)


permo frame (walls) per roll 50 x 1.5m


permo forte (roofs) per roll 50 x 1.5m




Installation guides are available for all applications – lofts, timber-frame etc – see www.lime.org.uk








• TH

Courtesy: www.nickmiles buildingcontractors.co.uk

140mm x 370mm x 4.6m (3 rolls and 5.11sqm per pack)


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Boards & Insulation “Make the most of the hemp seed, sow it everywhere.” GEORGE WASHINGTON, first president of the U.S.

Hemp Insulation British grown hemp

Hemp Insulation THERMAFLEECE Hemp is a plant fibre based insulation that is ideal for quick and easy installation. It contains 60% UK grown Hemp, 30% recycled polyester and 10% polyester binder with a high recycled content. THERMAFLEECE Hemp is available 1200mm long slabs in thicknesses up to 100mm.

lasting, safe to handle and contributes to a healthier indoor environment by regulating moisture in the building.

THERMAFLEECE Hemp fits securely between rafters, joists and studs providing excellent thermal insulation performance. What’s more, with a density of 26Kg/m3, THERMAFLEECE Hemp can provide great acoustic absorption. Like all THERMAFLEECE products, it is long50mm x 570mm (32 batts and 21.89m2 per pack) 50mm x 370mm (48 batts and


Benefits > highly sustainable, made with a fully renewable plant fibre. > grown and made in the UK, minimising road miles and hence reducing the environmental impact of the product. > helps to regulate humidity, leading to a healthier living environment. > thermal Conductivity: 0.040 W/mK. INS-TH50570

per pack)


70mm x 370mm (36 batts and 15.98m2 per pack)


70mm x 570mm (24 batts and 16.42m2 per pack)


100mm x 570mm (16 batts and 10.94m2 per pack)


100mm x 370mm (24 batts and


per pack)

There is much excitement about the potential of hemp in many products. > it grows several metres within months, infact it is the second fastest growing plant on earth (next to bamboo). It grows 4m within 100-120 days. > it is versatile - it can be used to produce over 30,000 products most are non-toxic, bio-degradeable and renewable! > it is 10 times stronger than cotton, it naturally repels weed growth and hemp has few insect enemies which means it requires no herbicides and few or no pesticides whereas cotton requires enormous pesticide use. Hemp also produces twice as much fibre per acre as cotton! An area of land only 25 miles by 25 miles square planted with hemp can produce enough fibre in one year to make 100 million pairs of denim jeans! > it is a great source of high-protein oil that can be used to make highly nutritious tofu, butter, cheese, salad oils, as well as shampoo, skincare products, paint, varnish, ink, lubricating oils, and plastic substitutes. Because 50% of the weight of a mature hemp plant is seeds, hemp could become a significant source for these products.

INS-TH100370 > it can be used as clean biomass. It has more potential as an energy source than any crop on earth e.g. it is estimated that if hemp was widely grown in the U.S. for fuel/energy, it could supply 100% of all U.S. energy needs! > it is used in buildings due to its natural strength, flexibility and durability, it has been widely promoted as part of the potential solution for achieving low carbon buildings. Given the right conditions, it is resistant to rot, is fireproof, waterproof, weather resistant and importantly provides insulation! Hemp lime plaster is easy to use and can be applied in much thicker coats than conventional lime plaster hence offering labour savings! It is also much lighter than sand plasters and so has transport savings too! > it absorbs carbon dioxide, for every kg of hemp produced, 1.4kgs of carbon dioxide is absorbed and locked in. In fact, many people now believe that the benefits of hemp are so intense that it has the capacity to reverse the Greenhouse Effect; as well as aid in purifying the air, water and soil.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints

tips Over 30,000 products can be made from hemp - some believe it actually has the capacity to reverse the greenhouse gas effect as well as aid in purifying the air, water and soil - see www.hemp-ty.co.uk 45

Boards & Insulation Cork Board

ecoCORK boards provide excellent thermal and acoustic performance which makes them highly suitable for external as well as internal wall and ceiling applications.


The use of 100% natural expanded cork boards on a building ensures maximum thermal insulation and a significant acoustic protection, simultaneously preserving the environment.


Natural and renewable (extracted from the cork-oak tree every 9 years), the cork supplied by Secil Argamassas in the T y-Mawr ˆ LABC registered Wall Insulation system is a breathable insulating material, free from any chemicals, synthetic resins or carcinogenic materials, which contributes for a healthy environment inside our homes. The cork’s low thermal conductivity offers a high energy efficiency, thus contributing to an environmental and economic saving. The board is applied using an adhesive mortar ADHERE Vit, which is a dry-bagged mix of Natural Hydraulic Lime and cork aggregates, it ensures secure fixing of the insulation cork panels. Lime plaster Adhesive (ADHERE Vit)


BD-CB20 BD-CB40 BD-CB60 BD-CB80 BD-CB100

Adhere Vit ecoCork - NHL based adhesive mortar - 20kg bag - 6m2 at 6mm thick Expanded Cork Insulating Board - 110mm 1000mm x 500mm - 2 boards/1m2 per pack Expanded Cork Insulating Board - 120mm 1000mm x 500mm - 2 boards/1m2 per pack Expanded Cork Insulating Board - 20mm 1000mm x 500mm - 15 boards/7.5m2 per pack Expanded Cork Insulating Board - 40mm 1000mm x 500mm - 8 boards/4m2 per pack Expanded Cork Insulating Board - 60mm 1000mm x 500mm - 5 boards/2.5m2 per pack Expanded Cork Insulating Board - 80mm 1000mm x 500mm - 4 boards/2m2 per pack Expanded Cork Insulating Board - 100mm 1000mm x 500mm - 3 boards/1.5m2 per pack

Please contact us if you require a u-value calculation for your project or if you wish to receive a quotation for the full systems build.

Benefits > > > > > > >

> > > > > >

excellent thermal protection. high thermal inertia. reduction of energy costs. superior environmental performance. 100% natural and renewable insulation. recyclable system. promotes the cork-oak tree forest, responsible for the annual capture of 5 million tons of co2, and for the biodiversity of 180 different species, in Portugal alone. breathable and healthy system. high dimensional stability of the insulation panel. low maintenance cost. material durability. excellent acoustic and anti-vibration protection. does not release toxic fumes in case of fire.

Lime plaster or lime hemp plaster (internal only) ecoCork board (mesh if applicable) adhered to masonry and fixed with insulated fixings (optional internally) © Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Boards & Insulation Energy Efficiency Measures at T y-Mawr ˆ The Brecon Beacon’s – Ty-Mawr’s ˆ Back Doorstep! Snow & climate change - somewhat counter-intuitively, but a warmer world could lead to more snow in some places. In warmer areas there is likely to be more evaporation, which means more moisture in the air and makes for more extreme precipitation. If this moisture travels to colder areas, this will still fall as snow but a warmer world does not mean that there will be no cold places!

Solar Thermal Panel built into the stone tile roof for hot water - shower and toilet block

Cold roof with Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece sheep's wool insulation on ceiling, reedboard underneath to carry lime plaster

Heat recovery from manufacturing yard (back-up heat source)

Insulating Woodfibre Sarking board. Ridge protected with Breather Membrane or Primed & taped

Warm roof

Counter batten Tˆy-Mawr THERMAFLEECE® Sheep’s wool insulation/ hemp insulation

Woodfibre sarking board

Woodfibre board or Celenit Wood wool board

Eaves ventilation 25mm

Loft insulation 250mm Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece (Welsh sheep's wool insulation)

glaster® plaster Fully fill with Flexible Insulation from a choice of Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece Original/Ecoroll/TF35/Hemp/Holzflex mais/Flex CL (Recycled paper)

© Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013

Further Flexible insulation (from a choicemesh) of (with glassfibre Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece Original/Ecoroll/ TF35/ Hemp/Holzflex mais/Flex CL (Recycled paper) between timbers and Wood Wool or Woodfibre T&G board. Finished with two coat lime plaster (meshed) and vapour permeable paint

Pilkington K glass for natural light

Lime hemp plaster on internal walls of Training Centre

New toilet block timber frame

Biomass log boiler supplying main heating

Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece 200mm sheep's wool between floors (under floorboards)

Newly made traditional sash windows with blinds

Replacement ceilings - 25mm wood wool board & 15mm medium lime hemp plaster

Racking board (if required) Racking board Moisture variable vapour check

(if required)

Lime or Lime Hemp plaster (mesh if applicable)

Woodfibre board Ty-Mawr ˆ

Services Service void


(if required)

Celenit wood wool board Tˆy-Mawr THERMAFLEECE® sheep’s wool insulation/ hemp insulation Lime plaster, hemp lime plaster or glaster plaster

wood wool boards

Insulated Limecrete Floor with underfloor heating Geotextile

EdgeLand-drain (optional not insulation part of the system)

Flagstones 40mm Cork Board (Edge insulation optional )

Run-off membrane



® screed The glaster Geogrid

Ty-Mawr ˆ Thermafleece Lime render wool insulation®

or glaster render

Proprietery render and silicate masonry paint


Breather membrane

Breather membrane

Woodfibre board

Celenit© Copyright Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013 wood wool board

Perforated pipe Ty-Mawr ˆ Insulating Hardcore


Clip railsslab for floor The Limecrete heating system

y-Mawr ˆ Breather Tmembrane Insulating

Woodfibre boards Insulated washer fixings


y-Mawr ˆ Lime Tˆy-Mawr TScreed bedding mortar

Not to scale ˆ Lime Ltd, 2013 © Copyright Ty-Mawr

Hardcore The insulating layer/ hardcoreGeotextile

Levelled & compacted Subsoil ground

These measures introduced over the last two decades at Tˆy-Mawr (Head Office, Training Centre, manufacturing base and home of the founders of Tyˆ -Mawr) have reduced our own carbon emissions by up to 40 tonnes per annum - we can all make a difference!

“You must be the change you want to see” M GANDHI

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Airtightness & Windtight Systems

General airtightness tips Tip 1 If there are downlighters involved in your build which break the airtight envelope, you will need to create an airtight seal around them using Optime Downlight Housing boxes.

Tip 3 Use Kaflex Cable grommets for points where cables break through the buildings airtight envelope.

Tip 2 Wherever pipework breaks through your airtight envelope use Roflex pipe grommets for a secure and versatile fully airtight seal.

Note: This is a basic introduction to achieving airtightness & vapour control in buildings. pro clima solutions provide a permanent airtight seal, but rely on correct and accurate installation.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Paints & Finishing Products Introduction to Natural Paints Painting is an integral part of the building process. Care should be taken to use paint with the appropriate characteristics for the job. Paints are designed not only as a decorative finish but as a protective coating. Ty-Mawr ˆ has carefully designed and selected a unique range of high quality, high performance paints for the DIY and professional market. As more and more paints come on to the market, it is important to understand what you technically require from your paint as well as considering how it is made. The table on pages 50-51 gives an overview of the main options internally and the selection table on page 57 gives some options externally.

The Ty-Mawr ˆ colour range - colours from the Welsh landscape This new colour range has been developed from research into the indigenous colours of Wales. Three categories of colour were studied: mountain colours, valley colours and coast colours, with a view to developing palettes for buildings to have a sense of belonging in their landscape and for harmonising interior design. These were recorded using the Natural Colour System (NCS), a very accurate classification for the identification of perceived colour. (For further information www.ncscolour.co.uk).

Benefits of the Ty-Mawr ˆ paint range > they are made from environmentallyfriendly, renewable materials; conventional paints are still often based on petro-chemicals (causing huge environmental problems) and fossil fuels like crude oil (that are too precious to burn). > there is no human health hazard to users or those living and working in the space afterwards. > VOC-free (volatile organic chemicals!) naturally. > their products have a full declaration of ingredients unlike many of the paints claiming to be ‘green’ on the market today. > they are highly vapour permeable and therefore compatible with other natural and traditional building materials. They can directly help to regulate humidity within a building. > Ty-Mawr ˆ range of colours is uniquely selected from those naturally occurring in the landscape. > mixed to NCS colours.

Selecting colours and designing palettes based upon the colours found in the natural world helps to reinforce a sense of local identity. The use of colour in the natural environment compliments Ty-Mawr’s ˆ commitment to thoughtful design and our holistic approach to environmental conservation. It is fitting that paints which work with the environment, allowing buildings to ‘breathe’, should find their provenance in bedrock, vegetation, earth and sea. Ty-Mawr ˆ have developed this concept to provide a range of technically excellent silicate mineral paints and plant-based emulsions for exterior and interior use respectively. Limewash colours can also be categorised within the NCS spectrum. This colour range helps to integrate buildings into their landscape setting, and draws natural colours to the interiors of homes creating strong associations with the land upon which they sit. Contact us for our latest colour chart or visit our website www.lime.org.uk Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Paints & Finishing Products Choosing a Wall Paint

Courtesy: Dr Pinhorn, Brecon

Suitable for T yˆ -mawr Paint Range

Lime Plaster

Surface Preparation

Please see technical sheets for full information. Surface preparation is key to a successful finish. These paints are not like vinyl paints which can ‘hide’ imperfections in the background so careful preparation, attention to suitable substrates (surfaces) and choice of primers are all important. The clay paint is the exception where the chalk fillers etc can cover most imperfections.

Plant Resin Wall Paint See page 53

One coat of Wall Primer, two coats of paint.

One coat of Wall Primer, or Resin Bonding Coat, two coats of paint.

One coat Penetrating Primer, one coat of Insulating White, two coats of paint.

One coat of Wall Primer, two coats of paint.

One coat of Wall Primer, two coats of paint.

Possible, check adhesion (one or two coats).

Requires a test but usually clean and directly paint old matt paints. Gently sand shiny paints.

Casein Powder Paint See page 55

Two to three coats.

Two to three coats.

Offers little durability.

Not suitable.

Two to three coats.

Check adhesion first. Two coats.

Requires a test and suitable preparation, glossy or oil based paints, must be sanded prior to painting. Two to three coats.

Earthborn Clay Paint See page 55

Apply a priming coat of 4 parts paint and 1 part water. One or two coats.

One or two coats. Apply a priming coat of 4 parts paint and 1 part water.

Two coats. Apply a priming coat of 4 parts paint and 1 part water.

One or two coats.

One or two coats.

One coat.

Must be de-greased and dry, one or two coats.

Eco-pro emulsion See page 55

Apply a priming coat of 4 parts paint and 1 part water. One or two coats.

One or two coats. Apply a priming coat of 4 parts paint and 1 part water.

Two coats. Apply a priming coat of 4 parts paint and 1 part water.

One or two coats.

One or two coats.

One coat.

Must be de-greased and dry, one or two coats.

INSIL Mineral See page 54

Sand or etch fresh plaster (if polished/closed surface). To control suction, apply one coat Fixative followed by 2 coats of accurately diluted paint.

Sand new plaster Not suitable. if necessary, apply one coat of INSIL Primer and one coat of paint (a second maybe required).

Carry out any repairs using compatible materials, clean with Beeck Mold Remover & water. Apply one coat of INSIL Primer and one coat of paint (a second maybe required).

To control suction, apply fixative. Check for efflorescence and use Silane Primer if required in well ventilated conditions. Apply one coat of INSIL Primer and one coat of paint (a second maybe required).

Check adhesion first. One coat.

Strip off old paint. Apply one coat of

Internally Three to four thin coats. Externally One coat T yˆ -Mawr Sheltercoat (work well into surface with soft brush), then three to four thin coats limewash.

Not suitable.

Not suitable.

Internally Three to four Not suitable. thin coats. Externally As for Lime Plaster.

Limewash See page 60

Gypsum Plaster

Wood-based Materials eg Chipboard

Not suitable.


Stone and Brick

Wall Paper

Old Synthetic Paints

INSIL Primer and one coat of paint.

Not suitable.

*Please see technical sheets for each product for full information, dilution rates etc and do a test panel first. ** It is thought that paints should have a vapour absorption of less than 0.1 to enable buildings to breathe, the figure should be as low as possible for very damp buildings e.g. 0.01.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Paints & Finishing Products Courtesy: www.bridgecafe.co.uk

Choosing a Wall Paint

Courtesy: www.bridgecafe.co.uk

Attributes… Old Mineral Paint eg Limewash

Clay, Plaster

Time between coats

How environmentally-friendly?

How vapour permeable (breathable**)?

Ease of application

Good quality brushes/rollers are essential - see page 64. Clean and brush off prior to painting.

One coat of Wall Primer and two coats of paint.

About 8-12 hours (depends on background, environment, temperature etc).

Two to three coats.

Clay plaster About 12 hours must be depending on moistened, two background. coats.

Highly recommended - predominantly plant-based, renewable ingredients.

Good vapour absorption -sd-value (H2O): 0.01m.

Ready to use, easy to apply but requires careful preparation, an even background (in terms of suction) and even, lap-free application with a high quality brush. NB a roller is not recommended for even coverage over large areas. Do not cut in.

Highly recommended - casein is a milk High vapour absorption protein, hence renewable and as it is -sd-value (H2O): 0.02m. supplied as a powder, is one of the least processed and most energy efficient in terms of minimising amount transported (as you add the water). Biodegradable.

Supplied as a powder, to which water is added (and pigment if colour required). Applied thinly and must be kept refrigerated after being mixed up and used within a couple of days (like milk!). Do not use if wall is damp and likely to remain damp (as it is a protein and can grow mold).

Clean and brush, One or two one or two coats. coats.

6-12 hours depending on temperature and relative humidity.

Recommended - made mainly from natural materials e.g. clays, chalk (which are not renewable but plentiful and a small amount of food-grade, synthetic preservatives (to prevent mould growth).

Good vapour absorption.

Ready to use, easy to apply, good coverage. Easily covers most backgrounds. Most like a modern paint to use.

Clean and brush, One or two one or two coats. coats.

6-12 hours depending on temperature and relative humidity.

Recommended - made in the UK from Water Chalk, Talcum, Phosphate, Methylcellulose, Sodium hydroxide, Titanium dioxide, Vinegar ester, Pigments, 0.1% synthetic preservative.

High vapour absorption -sd value (H2O): 0.02m.

Economic, high-performance trade paint for easy, no-nonsense application providing a high-quality breathable finish in a range of 12 colours.

Wash and allow Not suitable. to dry. Apply one coat of Fixative. Apply two coats of paint.

No sooner than 12 hours.

Recommended - made from natural minerals (not renewable but plentiful), free of solvents, biocides and preservatives, small amount of synthetic resin.

High vapour absorption -sd-value (H2O): 0.02m.

Ready to use, easy to apply Paint but requires careful preparation and correct primers, an even background (in terms of suction) and even, lap-free application with a high quality brush or roller.

Wash and brush Three to four off any loose. As thin coats. per Lime Plaster.

Min 12 hours depending on temperature and humidity.

Highly recommended - made from a natural mineral (not renewable but plentiful) and water. Few ingredients, minimal processing. Made here in Wales with British lime. Keeps indefinitely.

Most ‘breathable’ - high vapour absorption -sd-value (H2O): 0.01m.

Ready to use, is thin to apply and must be worked into the surface. Background requires preparation. Lime is caustic so goggles must be worn and skin must be covered. Lively (blotchy), beautiful finish.

Old walls are notoriously difficult and even modern plasters can have different additives/treatments that may effect the finish. Always prepare a sample. No responsibility can be accepted for any failures or losses incurred as a result of purely using this table - technical sheets must be consulted and samples are essential.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Paints & Finishing Products Surface Preparation



Surface Preparation


Traditional Sugar Soap (500g) – a water soluble low suds cleaner used for cleaning surfaces prior to decorating, can also be used as a general purpose cleaner. Readily dissolves in water, contains no hazardous ingredients.

Ty-Mawr ˆ General Purpose Filler – a soft, ready to-use filler for levelling out minor imperfections internally. Apply with a spatula or trowel. Sand when dry.









Approximate Coverage Paint and Varnish Remover Home Strip is an extremely effective waterbased, vapour free paint, varnish and coatings remover based on dibasic esters. Home Strip has a slightly longer dwell time than more dangerous solvent based strippers based on Methylene Chloride and NMP. It allows the removal of up to 5 coats in one application. Clings 100% to vertical surfaces. No discolouration of timber, washes off with just water. It does not dry out after short periods of time, allowing large areas to be stripped successfully, unlike some solvent strippers which quickly evaporate. Because Home Strip does not give off any fumes, there is no need to work out of doors or ventilate the area by opening doors and windows as you would with solvent strippers. Suitable for all woods, metals, stone, brick, marble, GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) etc. Recommendations: try a small test area first. 1 litre

5 litre



Approximate Coverage

Courtesy: www.eatdrinksleep.ltd.uk


1 litre will cover approximately 4 - 6 square meters, depending on coating and thickness.

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

0.55 square metres per kg. Casein Filler – is based on the natural milk protein casein and white lime. It is titanium dioxide free. It has excellent adhesive qualities, making it easier to fill cracks and holes in plaster and other surfaces. Once applied, it remains flexible and lasts exceptionally well. Suitable for interior or exterior use, Earthborn Casein Filler is water repellent yet breathable. It is supplied in powder form for mixing as required. You can even create coloured filler by mixing it with your choice of pigments. Drying time 4-8 hours, sand after 8 hours. 500g




Burnt Sand Mastic – used to form joints between timber window and door frames and masonry or rendered masonry, traditional burnt sand mastic has been in use for at least 200 years. It hardens slowly but remains sufficiently flexible for the purpose. It adheres tenaciously to most surfaces. 10 litres ACC-BSM10

Tel: 01874 611350

Paints & Finishing Products Courtesy: www.eatdrinksleep.ltd.uk

Plant Resin Wall Paints – these easy-to-use, highly vapour permeable, plant-based wall paints are suitable for most substrates internally (see pages 50-51). These paints are available in 2 versions depending on the application. 1 Hard Wearing Resin Wall Paint – the most durable of the wall paints – ideal for areas of heavy use including corridors, kitchens and commercial areas. Usually covers in one coat. Hard Wearing




Courtesy: www.noltonstables.com

It is slower drying than the other wall paints – allow 12-16 hours with an air and surface temperature of at least 13°C. 2 Standard Resin Wall Paint– a superb quality paint. Ideal for sitting rooms, bedrooms and most domestic applications. Usually covers in one coat. Please contact us for our latest colour chart or visit www.lime.org.uk Colours of Wales Range

10 litres PT-AGHWW10



5 litres PT-AGHWW5





250ml sample PT-AGHWWSAM

Interior Plant-resin Wall Paints

Approximate Coverage 6.5-8 square metres per litre.

You might also need

tips An excellent alternative to limewash where durability is equally as important as breathability or where the surface has been previously painted.

Wall Primer – a water borne economical primer for priming absorbent surfaces indoors, especially gypsum, before painting with one of the resin wall paints – see table on pages 50-51. Thin with 2 parts water. It can also be used to consolidate dusty stone walls internally. 10 litres


3 litres


1 litre


Approximate Coverage 25 square metres per litre. Isolating Insulating White – pigmented white primer suitable for covering stains over large areas e.g. full wall or ceiling surfaces. Slow drying leave about a week. 3 litres

1 litre



Approximate Coverage 8 square metres per litre.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Paints & Finishing Products Internal Mineral Paints

Courtesy: R & M Williams, St John’s Church

Mineral paints have been manufactured in Germany from waterglass for well over 100 years. Their popularity throughout Europe is based on their incredible durability as they actually bond to the surface to which they are applied - becoming part of the fabric of the building. Just as importantly, they function in the same way as the building i.e. they continue to let older buildings ‘breathe’. They have therefore been widely used amongst professionals involved in old and historic building conservation. As they have no artificial resins, solvents, biocides etc, they are also the choice of those concerned about the health of the painters and building occupants as well as those concerned about the environment. The product range is extensive, with paints that can perform in a huge variety of situations and on different backgrounds (outlined here for internal paints and on pages 57-59 for the external range).

Benefits > they have an excellent historic pedigree dating back to 1884. > mineral paints actually form active silica bonds with the background (i.e. they become part of the background). This is what gives them such incredible durability. > they have a “breathability” (water vapour permeability) comparable to limewash (with an Sd value of <0.02m), which results in healthier and drier buildings. > they are completely non-toxic and contain no VOC’s, this makes them safe for you and your family to work and live with. Please note these paints rely on a natural chemical reaction occurring to perform at their best - this requires the right primer to enable the silification process to take place - see table on pages 50-51. Always refer to the technical sheets. INSIL Internal Paints – a solvent-free, open pored interior silicate paint. This paint is not a pure silicate – it has 4% artificial resin which helps it to bond to difficult surfaces e.g. where modern emulsion may have been used. It is still highly vapour permeable and therefore ideal for rooms with a variety of backgrounds e.g. new plaster with old painted walls. Apply fixative to prime new lime plastered walls (see table on page 50-51). Please contact us for our latest colour chart or visit www.lime.org.uk

The Silification Cycle

INSIL White Paint 5 litres

12.5 litres



INSIL Primer – a white primer for gypsum plasters and plasterboards, use prior to applying Insil Internal Paint. For other surfaces, see table on pages 50-51 for preparation. INSIL Primer 5 litres

12.5 litres



Approximate Coverage


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices


8 square metres per litre.

INSIL Primer

7 square metres per litre.

Tel: 01874 611350

Paints & Finishing Products Internal Casein and Clay Paints

Courtesy: Wig Farm

Courtesy: Wig Farm

Casein (Powder) Paint – a soft distemper, white paint for internal use only. It is supplied as a powder to which water must be added. It can be used on wallpaper, wood, stone, clay, plasterboards and plaster and can be coloured by adding pigments (see page 61). It can also be used on furniture and can be combined with waxes to create decorative effects. It is vapour permeable and can assist in regulating the humidity of the internal environment. It has a soft chalky finish. It should not be used in persistantly cold or damp situations.

Glaze Binder (Beeswax) – an easy-to-use, transparent water thinable glaze binder for providing an illusion of depth and light scattering. Pigment can be added, see Ty-Mawr ˆ Pigment Range (page 61). Ideal on casein paints to give a satin-matt glaze and to make surfaces more serviceable.







1 litre PT-AGGB

Approximate Coverage 50 square metres per litre.

Approximate Coverage 8 square metres per litre.

Earthborn Interior Wall Paints Clay Paint is a unique, modern clay-based product, providing a quality finish that cannot be achieved with conventional paints. It provides a, tactile, flat matt effect. Healthier for yourself and the environment. White 5 litres PT-CPW5

2.5 litres PT-CPW25

100ml Sample PT-CPWSAM

Coloured (see page 56). 5 litres 2.5 litres 100ml Sample PT-CPC5CODE PT-CPC25CODE PT-CPCSAMCODE

Earthborn Eco-pro emulsion – the healthy, high performance alternative to conventional emulsions. Being water based, breatheable and acrylic and VOC free, Ecopro Emulsion helps create a healthier, more comfortable living environment. In use, Ecopro Emulsion has great covering power and is odour free. Once it’s on the wall, it provides a hardwearing, anti-static finish that’s very easy to live with. Available in 12 colours - see below. Great for:

Approximate Coverage 8-10 square metres per litre. Earthborn Wall Glaze – a water-based transparent glaze for interior use. It is multifunctional, it can be used as a glaze to protect painted surfaces (walls and wood) and make them wipeable. It can be used to stabilise powdery or sandy surfaces prior to painting. It also provides a means of paint effects by adding pigments e.g. colour washing, marbling, sponging. It can also be combined with pigments and used as a wood stain. Coverage varies depending on application as diluted with water.

Courtesy: Priory Mill

> all interior settings > kitchens, bathrooms and children’s rooms > newly plastered walls and ceilings 5 litre

10 litre



Approximate Coverage 8-10 square metres per litre.

tips If you can’t find the colour you want, you can send us a sample/cut out etc of what you are trying to achieve and we will do a tailor mix for you (within the limits of our natural pigments).

Now available in Trade or Midsheen.

1 litre PT-EWG1

Approximate Coverage



Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints



25 square metres per litre.


Paints & Finishing Products Earthborn Paints

Courtesy: www.priorymillfarm.co.uk

This range is available in pro-aqua (water-based) eggshell for interior woodwork - see pages 66-67 and clay paints (for internal walls) - see page 55. Call us for samples or a hand painted colour chart.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Paints & Finishing Products Courtesy: Welsh Heritage Decor

Exterior Silicate Paints - Summary Table

Courtesy: Welsh Heritage Decor


Natural Stone/ Clay brick

New Lime/Cement Renders

Old Lime/Cement Renders

Painted Render (mineral paint/ limewash)

Aerated Concrete*/ Lime brick/ strongly absorbent mineral surfaces

Painted Render (non-mineral paint/ synthetic stable)


Use Fungicide (if needed to remove lichen). After 24 hours, wash off with hot water using a jet wash.

Allow the new render to cure for 4-6 weeks. Open up surface using Etching Fluid (thinned with 3 to 5 parts water) or physically sand the surface.

Clean surface using Etching Fluid, (thinned with 3 to 5 parts water).

Use Fungicide (if needed to remove lichen). After 24 hours, wash off with hot water using a jet wash.

Use Fungicide (if needed to remove lichen). After 24 hours, wash off with hot water using a jet wash.

Use Fungicide (if needed to remove lichen). After 24 hours, wash off with hot water using a jet wash.


Carry out any repairs n/a using appropriate materials.

Carry out any repairs using appropriate materials, allow to cure. Uneven surfaces can be filled using the Volvox Filler trowelled on in 1-3mm layers to a max of 8mm. Allow 3-5 days to dry.

Check condition of paint and render. Carry out repairs using appropriate materials, allow to cure.

Carry out any repairs using appropriate materials.

Carry out any repairs using appropriate materials, allow to cure. Uneven surfaces can be filled using the Casein Filler trowelled on in 1-3mm layers to a max of 8mm. Allow 3-5 days to dry.

Priming/ stabilising

If salts are present, apply Silane Primer N using a solventresistant sprayer ensuring even coats. Allow to dry for 12 hours.

Apply Fixative thinned with 2 parts water over the whole area.

To stabilise the surface and equalise the absorbency, apply Fixative liberally, diluted with 2 parts water, using a brush.

Liberally apply Silane Primer (Silangrund) using a solvent-resistant pressure sprayer. Allow to dry for 12 hours.

Where any sanding of the surface has occurred, apply Fixative liberally, diluted with 2 parts water, using a brush.


IF REPAIRS HAVE TAKEN PLACE - to cover hairline cracks or to equalise any repairs, apply one coat of Quartz Filler (has a coarse grain) over the whole area using a mineral brush.

IF REPAIRS HAVE TAKEN PLACE - to cover hairline cracks or to equalise any repairs, apply one coat of Quartz Filler (has a coarse grain) over the whole area using a mineral brush.

IF REPAIRS HAVE TAKEN PLACE - to cover hairline cracks or to equalise any repairs, apply one coat of Quartz Filler (has a coarse grain) over the whole area using a mineral brush.



Apply two coats of Beeckosil diluted with Fixative (20% first coat, 5% second coat) using a mineral brush or sprayer (if experienced). It is vitally important to apply it evenly keeping a wet edge going so that it is lap-free. Complete single elevations in one go. Allow at least 12 hours to dry. Avoid painting in wet or cold weather (below 5째c).

Apply Fixative thinned with 2 parts water.

Apply two coats of RENOSIL Coarse/ Fine. First coat diluted with 10% water, second coat with 5% water.

*For new concrete, mould oil remover should be applied followed by Beeckosil (dilute with 10% Fixative for first coat and 5% second coat). Surfaces should be clean, dry, stable, salt and plant-free before applying the Beeckosil system. The paint does not hide differences in the background, therefore correct products should be chosen and all products must be carefully and evenly applied. It is ESSENTIAL that full technical sheets and application guides are consulted and test panels undertaken to ensure suitability. This table indicates the steps for most usual conditions, and is for basic guidance only. For any other surface, please contact us for application guides and technical sheets at tymawr@lime.org.uk.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Paints & Finishing Products Exterior Silicate Paints Benefits > they have an excellent historic pedigree dating back to 1884. > they have a “breathability” (water vapour permeability) comparable to limewash which results in healthier and drier buildings. > they protect against natural and chemical weathering, smog, and dirt penetration, algae and fungal growth and are incombustible and light fast. > they are completely non-toxic and contain no VOC’s, this makes them safe for you and your family to work and live with.

Preparations Fungicide – is effective against a large number of algae, lichen, bacteria and mildew on mineral materials. 5kg




Etching Fluid – to clean and prepare all old and new mineral surfaces including lime and cement renders. It must be used with extreme care.

Courtesy: County House, Brecon

Exterior silicate (mineral) paints have been manufactured in Germany from waterglass for well over 100 years. Their popularity throughout Europe is based on their incredible durability as they actually bond to the surface to which they are applied - becoming part of the fabric of the building. Just as importantly, they function in the same way as the building i.e. they continue to let older buildings ‘breathe’. They have therefore been widely used amongst professionals involved in historic building conservation. As they have no artificial resins, solvents, biocides etc, they are also the choice of those concerned about the health of the painters and building occupants as well as those concerned about the environment.

Courtesy: Usk Valley Construction


5 litres

10 litres



Quartz Filler – a fibre-reinforced silicate primer for bridging hairline cracks and or levelling out/ equalising the surface. Coarse grained. 8kg




Approximate Coverage Fungicide

6-7 square metres per litre.

Etching Fluid

50 square metres per litre.

Quartz Filler

2.5-4 square metres per litre.

These paints are highly technical, their excellent properties and great durability rely on correct primers and application (see table on page 57).

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Paints & Finishing Products Exterior Silicate Paints & Clear Finishing Products Fixative - a primer for absorbent mineral surfaces and thinner for the Beeckosil silicate paints. 5kg




Silane Primer – a water-repellent primer used to reduce the movement of water in the surface of a lime/cement render or limestone that may contain salts. It will help to prevent further coatings being damaged by sulphate attack. 5 litres

10 litres



Silane Primer N – as above but use this for sandstone, brick and weathered mineral renders. 5 litres

10 litres



Approximate Coverage Fixative

25 square metres per litre.

Silane Primer

1.3-5 square metres per litre.

Silane Primer N 1.25-3.25 square metres per litre.

Paints and Finishing Products Silicate Masonry Paint Beeckosil - this is the paint itself. On a flat surface, the coverage is - base coat (dilute with 20% fixative) - 10 square metres per litre, top coat (dilute with 5% fixative). 13-15 year life! Please contact us for our latest colour chart or visit www.lime.org.uk

BS Plus - an alkali-resistant hydrophobing agent for the clear protection of absorbent outdoor mineral surface e.g stone, brick, concrete, lime render. Water repelling (for up to 12 years externally) yet highly breathable. Provides long term protection from pollution keeping the underlying building material in good condition. It can also be used for extending the life of any of the silicate finishing products by up to 20 years. 5 litres

10 litres



Surfapore C - water-based vapour permeable coating for the clear protection of absorbent outdoor mineral surface e.g stone, brick, concrete, lime render. Water repelling yet highly breathable. Provides protection from pollution keeping the underlying building material in good condition. It can also be used for extending the life of painted surfaces. 1 litre

4 litres



The result : an inseparable, microporous and thus extremely vapour-permeable yet waterrepelling, durable paint finish.


Uniprotect - is a protection coating applicable externally or internally on surfaces such as concrete, stone, bricks, clay and terracotta and when mixed with lime paint onto lime renders and gypsum. Uniprotect is clear and will not affect paint colours. It is tested to provide protection against chemical, physical and biological agents such as acid rain, frost, bio growth and dirt. It will also increase the resistance of lime paint coatings against adverse weather conditions. 12.5 litres LIM-SA-UNI125

12.5 litres, 5 litres and 1 litre PT-BSMPCODE Silicate Masonry Paint Renosil - passive silicate paint designed for previously painted surfaces, difficult to treat surfaces and thin-coat acrylic renders. On a flat surface, the coverage is - base coat (dilute with 10% water) - 10 square metres per litre, top coat (dilute with up to 5% water).

Approximate Coverage Beeckosil/Renosil 9-10 square metres per litre. Paint BS PLus

varies with stone type

Surfapore C

8-10 square metres per litre.


5-10 square metres per litre.

Restored with Beeck’s Silicate Paints. Courtesy: Bridge End Inn, Talgarth and www.theconservator.co.uk

12.5 litres, 5 litres and 1 litre PT-BSMPRCODE

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Paints & Finishing Products Limewash Henry next to Kennixton House, St Fagan’s

Courtesy: The Dragon Inn Crickhowell

T y-Mawr ˆ Limewash A traditional mineral paint made from fat lime putty. It “sets” when exposed to carbon dioxide in the air. It is the ideal paint to use on lime plaster, masonry, brick etc as it is highly vapour permeable. It has a matt finish and a ‘depth’ which most modern paints lack. It reflects light and appears to ‘glow’ in sunlight. Courtesy: Sker House

Cai in front of Ty-Mawr ˆ Granary

Ty-Mawr ˆ Granary

In some circumstances, it may be necessary to help limewash bind (eg very exposed conditions). Casein, tallow, Uniprotect or raw linseed oil can be added for this purpose, but remember that additives may compromise the ‘vapour permeability’ of limewash to some extent. Please note we do not recommend the addition of PVA.

T yˆ -Mawr Limewash is available as a creamy off-white or a bright white to which pigments can be added. It is also available in a range of colours - see below, or we can tailor-mix a specific colour for you (see page 61). A coloured limewash tends to have a slight colour variation across the surface; this slight blotchy effect is quite normal and is generally considered to be part of its beauty. The adhesion of limewash relies on suction from the surface to which it is applied. It sticks well to lime plasters and renders, stone, brick and similar materials, but does not adhere so well to modern materials and finishes (see pages 50-51 for alternatives). Depending on the condition of the surface, it may be wise to apply a shelter coat. A shelter coat will provide an excellent ‘key’ for the subsequent coats of limewash as often, when limewashing over bare stone, especially if the stone is hard and non-porous, it can be difficult to get pure limewash to stick and/or remain on the surface.

Off-white Bright White Off-white Shelter Coat Bright White Shelter Coat

20 litre bucket LIM-LW20 LIM-LW20W

10 litre bucket LIM-LW10 LIM-LW10W




Colour Range - see below 20 litre, 10 litre, 1 litre


For Uniprotect see page 59. For Casein, see page 55.

Approximate Coverage - three coats (minimum). 3-4 square metres per 1 litre per coat.

Block Brushes for limewashing see www.lime.org.uk

Colours for guide only. Call for a Limewash chart for a better representation.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Paints & Finishing Products Pigments Pigments

Courtesy: Penpont Estate

Ynys M么n 150ml PIG-YNYS-150 1 litre PIG-YNYS-1L

Raw Sienna 150ml PIG-RS-150 1 litre PIG-RS-1L

Yellow Ochre PIG-YO-150 PIG-YO-1L

Marigold PIG-M-150 PIG-M-1L

Strong Yellow PIG-SY-150 PIG-SY-1L

Burnt Umber PIG-BU-150 PIG-BU-1L

Warm Yellow Ochre PIG-WYO-150 PIG-WYO-1L

Olive PIG-OL-150 PIG-OL-1L

These powder pigments, can be added to our limewash (see page 60) and casein paints (see page 55). These colours are approximate - it is advisable to purchase samples if you require an accurate representation. By combining pigments or varying the quantity of pigment used, the colour range is infinite.

Paint Matching and Mixing We offer a paint matching service (within the limits of our pigments) and are able to tailor mix paints to achieve the colour you are looking for. Please call to discuss your requirements. Paint Matching


(charge varies with complexity) Tailor Mixing


(charge varies with complexity)

Mushroom 150ml PIG-MU-150 1 litre PIG-MU-1L

Stone Green PIG-SG-150 PIG-SG-1L

Strong Red PIG-SR-150 PIG-SR-1L

Ultramarine Blue 150ml PIG-UMB-150 1 litre PIG-UMB-1L

Green PIG-GR-150 PIG-GR-1L

Black PIG-BLK-150 PIG-BLK-1L

Plum PIG-PL-150 PIG-PL-1L

These colours have been achieved using 25ml of pigment per litre of natural resin wall paint (see page 53). The quantity of pigment required varies depending on the intensity of the colour required. Limewash requires more pigment than any other paint. As a very rough guide, 500ml 1 litre of pigment is usual in a 20 litre bucket of limewash. Bulk quantities are available, please call for 25kg bag price. Please note sources do occasionally cease, please call to check availability. Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of colour, due to the limitations in the print process variations may occur. We recommend the purchase of sample pots for testing in situ.

tips Pigmented limewash and casein paints dry approx 50% lighter on the wall. 61

Paints & Finishing Products Wood Paints EU ECOLABEL

Earthborn Wood Paints Earthborn Pro Aqua Eggshell is a waterbased paint for interior wood surfaces. This product is totally oil and acrylic free and has virtually no odour. It is VOC free and certified not to emit any harmful emissions during or after use. Incredible coverage, stunning finish, no need for undercoat or primer. Drying time of less than 1 hour.

Licence No: UK/7/1

Coloured (see page 56) White 2.5 litres


2.5 litres


White 750ml




White 100ml sample


100ml sample


Approximate Coverage 11 square metres per litre.

Plant-based Wood Paint Primers Plant-based Penetrating Primers – a universal primer for mineral or organic surfaces indoors, especially on cork, floor tiles or wood based materials, before applying the Hard Resin Oil (see page 64). 3 litres


1 litre


Undercoat (Precoater) – a white-matt diffusible undercoat for wood and metal surfaces, interior and exterior use. Ideal priming coat for the internal and external plant-based wood paints and as an intermediate coat for the Corrosion Protection Paint on metal (see page 63). 3 litres




Approximate Coverage 10 square metres per litre.

Approximate Coverage 8 square metres per litre. Wood Primer – for both indoor and outdoor use. Dries tack-free and is non-swelling regarding water. Contains no biocides. Ideal for priming wood etc.


3 litres


1 litre


Exterior Wood paint – a highly weather resistant plant oil paint for external and severely weathered wood, and external steel. Ideal on doors, windows and rainwater goods. Available in white and the standard range of colours (see page 63), also available in a wider range of colours, please contact us for our latest colour chart or visit www.lime.org.uk 3 litres


Approximate Coverage



11 square metres per litre on planed wood.



See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Paints & Finishing Products Wood/Metal Paints and Protection

Courtesy: www.underthethatch.co.uk

Interior Wood Paint - a pigmented plant oil paint for coating wood and metal indoors, furniture and items in daily use. Gives a durable, matt eggshell finish. Available in white and the standard colours below, also available in a wider range of colours, please see www.lime.org.uk or contact us for our latest colour chart. Please note – dust free after 8 hours, safe to coat after 24-36 hours. Must be diluted according to manufacturer’s instructions using balsam lacquer thinners (see page 64). The absence of acrylic in these paints means that they move and flex with the wood with changes in moisture and temperature without peeling or flaking. They are also ‘vapourpermeable’ and so allow the wood to ‘breathe’. These properties mean that they are more durable than most modern ‘more economic’ wood paints. (interior, eggshell finish) 3 litres






Approximate Coverage 10 square metres per litre. Full Colour

Clear protection for External Wood Surfapore W - A clear wood protection providing complete protection for decking, fences/posts, facade and roof shingles, timber lintels, windows, doors, garden furniture and sheds. Water-based paints or varnishes can be applied on top of treated surfaces without any problem. Apply by brush, roller or spraying. 1 litre


Approximate Coverage 6-8 square metres per litre dependant on properties of substrate.

Paints for Metal Corrosion Protection Paint – a corrosion inhibiting priming paint for ferrous metals and steel, for indoor and outdoor use. Not for use on galvanized sheet. It contains plant oils which absorb oxygen while drying and cross link to become an elastic, water-repellent film. (Special order item). Can be finished with the plant-based wood paints on pages 62-63. 3 litres




T y-Mawr ˆ range - Sweet Ciciley Interior Wood Paint

Approximate Coverage 10 square metres per litre.










We are also able to tailormix colours to match a colour - please call us on 01874 611350 for advice.



These paints are mixed to order at our premises in accordance with ISO9001:2008 Quality Management System. Please call in advance to place your order and allow plenty of time for delivery of large orders.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints

Courtesy: www.bridgecafe.co.uk


Paints & Finishing Products Wood Treatments

Courtesy: www.priorymillfarm.co.uk

Floor and furniture treatments Resin Oil Protection – a hard-wearing solvent free varnish for furniture, doors, toys and floorboards. Not suitable for surfaces in frequent water contact. Non-yellowing. Highly suitable for light woods. Finish with Furniture or Liquid Wax. Silky, dirt-repellent surfaces. Apply with a brush or a cloth. 1 litre

Liquid Wax – a hard-wearing natural wax for wooden surfaces, especially parquet floors, cork and floor tiles, shelves, doors or tables that have been pretreated with Hard Resin Oil, or Resin Oil Protection. When dried and buffed, a silky surface is obtained. 1 litre


Approximate Coverage


20-30 square metres per litre.

Approximate Coverage 25 square metres per litre. Hard Resin Oil – a hard-wearing, dirt-repellent oil for treating floors. Suitable for wood, cork and open-pored stone or terracotta floor tiles. Satin-matt finish for solid wood, the Wood Primer should be used to prime the surface, for cork or terracotta, the Penetrating Primer should be used. Samples should be prepared especially when applying to oak, tropical or resin-rich conifers and stone. 10 litres

3 litres



Approximate Coverage 10 square metres per litre. Resin Oil Sealer – abrasion-resistant, waterrepellent sealer for solid-wood furniture, doors, work tops and work tables. It is used as a protective coat on primed wood. New wood should be primed with Wood Primer (see page 62). Satin 750ml


Earthborn Furniture Wax is a traditional, clear wax for the maintenance of all interior wood. It can be used in conjunction with Earthborn Claypaint to provide a durable and decorative finish on painted furniture. 400ml


Approximate Coverage 50 square metres per litre

Accessories Balsam Lacquer Thinners – a pure plant based solvent from peels and pressings of citrus fruits. For thinning oil based AGLAIA products and cleaning paint brushes. Use instead of white spirits. 1 litre


Brush Renew – brushes that have been hardened by different paints can be softened back to an ‘as new’ state. This product can be used time and time again – invaluable! Ph neutral, non-toxic, safe to use and store. 0.5 litres


Paint Brushes & Rollers - British Made

Approximate Coverage

Fitch 3/4” Brush

11 square metres per litre.

Regency Brush – Hand made in the UK. Good for heavier oil-based paints and lacquers. Walleted.

Maintenance Products Furniture Polish – for use on all internal wooden surfaces that have been oiled, waxed or sealed. It combines the qualities of vinegar, alcohol, balsamic turpentine oil and plant extracts, dissolving household dirt and grease. It fills small marks to produce a fresh, silky sheen. 250ml





Citation Pure Black Bristle Brush – 100% Pure black bristle, copper bound. Walleted. British made. 4”/6” 100/150mm


Lambswool Roller with Frame 9”/225mm


See www.lime.org.uk for extended range.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Courses and Books Courses T y-Mawr ˆ has been running specialist courses in traditional and ecological building since 1996 on the site of their head office on the shore of Llangorse Lake (see above), near Brecon. The restored training centre (see right) is based in a beautiful complex of Grade 2* listed buildings, formerly a farmstead, in the heart of the Brecon Beacons National Park in Mid Wales. The refurbished Training Centre was opened on June 22nd 2009 by Their Royal Highnesses, The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall. The site is still the family home of the founders of T y-Mawr, ˆ Nigel and Joyce Gervis, and their children and is an on-going restoration project.

introduction to lime This one day course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to lime in building. The day starts with an illustrated talk on the properties and use of lime in building accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). It then focuses on practical demonstrations, providing opportunities for hands-on work. This course is suitable for anyone involved in the repair of old buildings or in the construction of ecological new-builds – contractors, homeowners and specifiers.

Training Centre

“Just like to thank you for a very informative and interesting day. It was really good to meet people with so much enthusiasm for restoration and traditional materials. The more I get involved with lime mortars, the less faith I have in cement. Keep up the good work!” DB, CARMARTHENSHIRE.

Opening of Tˆy-Mawr Training Centre by Their Royal Highnesses, The Prince of Wales & The Duchess of Cornwall, June 2009.

The agenda for the day includes: > lime – properties and use. > slaking demonstration and mortar analysis. > selection of limes and aggregates. > building and pointing with lime. > plastering / rendering / roughcasting. > limewashing and surface finishes. Every course delegate will receive a copy of the Lime Handbook, included in the price, (see page 69).

“..I really enjoyed what was taught and am now convinced that lime is the way forward for me. I have made a pact with myself not to put concrete render up for anyone from now on and will start to spread the word...” S.A. See www.lime.org.uk for dates, prices or to book a course.

Nigel Gervis, Technical Director receiving the Trainer of the Year Award (Traditional Building Skills), 2012 from Mr Brian Marsh, OBE, Founder of the Marsh Award Trust.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Courses and Books lime plastering Flat Plasterwork, External Rendering & Roughcasting This one day practical course, starts with a brief history of lime in building and lime plasterwork. The day then focuses on practical demonstrations and hands-on work using both fat lime putty and hydraulic lime plasters. This course is suitable for anyone with a basic knowledge of lime and/or plastering. The agenda for the day includes: > lime - properties and use (in summary). > lime plastering. • preparation of substrates. • selecting suitable limes and aggregates for each job. Every course delegate will receive a copy of the Lime Handbook, included in the price, (see page 69).

• application. • tending and protection of work. > limewashes and surface finishes.

“…You really helped salvage stage one of our renovation programmes as no-one was prepared to help us…You were patient, thorough and extremely helpful, we couldn’t have moved forward without the skill you instilled into us…Many thanks for an enjoyable day, the plaster all over my feet and the fact that my next door neighbour now asks me for advice!”. JT, VALE OF GLAMORGAN

decorative plasterwork This one day course focuses on practical demonstrations as well as providing ample opportunity for hands-on run work and casting enrichments. This course is suitable for tradespeople and those who have a basic understanding of plastering. The agenda for the day includes: > illustrated talk - introduction and history of decorative plasterwork. > taking profiles. Courtsey Jeff Orton

“Thank you very much for the lime course that you ran for the National Trust…You generously imparted bucketsful of practical advice and more importantly, you transfer your enthusiasm for lime and doing the right thing by the building most successfully.” MP, CARMARTHENSHIRE 66

See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

> how to make a running mould. > running in-situ. > gauging mixes. > mitring. > enrichments – moulds and casting.

Tel: 01874 611350

Courses and Books Summer School 2010 at T y-Mawr ˆ The Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment


“Week two at T yˆ -Mawr was heaven. To be in that place, surrounded by passionate, knowledgeable people was truly a privilege.” JOSH

Led by one of the leading craftsman in the UK, this one day course is designed to provide an introduction to the craft of pargetting. It will cover the history and development of pargetting styles from late Tudor to the Arts and Crafts movement. There will be demonstrations and hands-on work with carved wooden stamps and freehand work depicting flora, birds and mammals in the Jacobean style. You will work on your own panel which can be taken away at the end of the day.


See www.lime.org.uk for dates and prices.


energy efficiency in solid walled buildings

Warm Roofs

This information day looks at the principles behind improving the energy efficiency of traditional, solid wall buildings using natural/ ecological building materials, without compromising their vapour permeable structure. Many of the products and systems discussed during the day will be illustrated by real examples carried out in the on-going renovation of the buildings at T y-Mawr. ˆ


> woodfibre boards combined with natural fibre insulation. > the insulated Limecrete Floor. > sublime®. See www.lime.org.uk for dates and prices.

Principles of old buildings > how solid wall buildings function. > why is moisture management important. > what is the impact of choosing the wrong materials.

Upgrading the insulation value of old buildings Solid Walls > lime hemp plasters and cork renders. > cork boards. > woodfibre boards combined with sheep’s wool/hemp insulation and composite boards. > wood wool boards with sheep’s wool/hemp insulation.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Courses and Books

Bird Hide on the edge of Llangorse Lake.

tips Gift vouchers are available for courses - please contact us for further information.

thatching This one day course is designed to provide a practical introduction to thatching. The day is centred around the practical application of a thatched roof on a purpose-built display. It is suitable for builders, homeowners, architects and other enthusiasts. The agenda for the day includes:

“We both enjoyed the course very much and found it useful, valuable and inspirational! It was great to meet new people, eat nice food and spend time in such a lovely place. Thank you!”. MD, POWYS

> vernacular styles across the UK with an emphasis on Welsh thatch. > what is and isn’t repairable. > new and repair thatch projects. > selection of materials.

See www.lime.org.uk for dates and prices.

> the possibility of growing and harvesting your own straw and water reed. > practical application.

colour day Tˆy-Mawr Colour Day is ideal for architects, conservation officers, planners, development control and homeowners. The course covers how colour works, the Natural Colour System, identifying colours in the landscape, the creation of colour palettes and synthesis of colour schemes. The day is taken by a colour specialist who has created colour palettes for architects and local authorities from one off buildings to street frontages and entire towns.

limecrete day Our Limecrete Day discusses the appropriate use, specification, construction and laying of limecrete floors. This day takes delegates through the technology of limecrete floors and the awardwinning, slab-less sublime® floor, where to use them, site preparation, mixing, laying and aftercare.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Courses and Books The Lime Handbook

Courses for Architects, Surveyors and Conservation Officers CPD Seminars We offer a RIBA accredited CPD seminar -‘Lime: Traditional Building Products for Today’s World’ as well as seminars on Limecrete Floors, glaster® and upgrading walls and roofs using sustainable, insulating materials.

Bespoke Courses We design and deliver training courses tailored to meet your individual requirements either at Tˆy-Mawr or on your site. Over the last few years these have included courses on “Paints” and “Insulation” for the National Trust; on-site training on lime pointing for British Waterways staff and volunteers from the Waterway Recovery Group; “lime” and “energy efficiency” courses for e.g. The Churches Conservation Trust, Building Conservation Officers, Townscape Heritage Initiatives and Building Control. In 2010, we designed and ran a course in Amman, Jordan for the Royal Botanic Gardens on using lime and local, sustainable materials in their new cement free builds and are currently developing courses for conservation in Northern India.

Educational Visits and Venue Hire Opportunities for visiting groups > to share in a long term restoration project providing an exemplar of caring for our built heritage whilst reducing the impact of buildings on the environment. > for hands-on experience for students of Environmental Design, Construction and Building Conservation from schools, colleges and universities. > to experience ongoing archaeological excavation of the site of a former Elizabethan manor house for schools and interested groups. > to camp with a group of friends in a beautiful location (activities can be arranged e.g. pizza oven building, coracle making). > to enjoy a unique location to hold a meeting, conference or training event, or to study the natural or cultural heritage of the area.

“The room was perfect for our needs… as was your hosting – very friendly and professional right from the point of booking. We will definitely use T yˆ -Mawr whenever we can in future.” PLANED (LOCAL ACTION NETWORK FOR ENTERPRISE AND DEVELOPMENT) Technical Director, Nigel Gervis delivering training at the bespoke course: Royal Botanic Gardens, Jordan.

“This Lime Handbook” has been written and produced by Nigel and Joyce Gervis, founders of Ty-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd. The handbook sets out to make lime more accessible as a building material giving projects a much better chance of success. It covers the following areas: - the history and properties of lime - guidelines for specifying different types of lime for different applications - step by step illustrations on the stages of lime plastering and pointing/ building using colour photographs - the purposes and application methods for shelter coats and the stages of limewashing Finally, it introduces the reader to the techniques for using glaster and lime hemp plaster, as well as limecrete floors and how to incorporate lime in upgrading the insulation value of solid wall constructions, new timberframe buildings and in warm roofs. Lime Handbook


Please note: delegates attending our Introduction to Lime and Lime Plastering courses will receive a free copy! also 10% discount off selected lime products for all lime course delegates.

Nigel and Joyce Gervis and their family have strived to make Tˆy-Mawr an accessible place designed to inspire others and to provide opportunities to share their appreciation and enjoyment for the buildings and the location. Call us to discuss your ideas! Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Services and Placing an Order Services We have almost 2 decades of experience in supporting the products in this catalogue. Our product support team are able to: > advise on the most appropriate product for your particular set of circumstances and where necessary send through a comprehensive free technical sheet on the products or systems that you are interested in specifying/purchasing. Samples are also available for many of the products and paints or can be produced. “..thank you for receiving us...It was a superb introduction for us all - especially for myself as the project manager, and my architect ...he is really fired up by what he learned and saw, the visit has opened up a new area for him…As far as my own project is concerned, the visit was invaluable. I now know exactly where I am going with it, and returned excitedly to brief my 2 young builders, who incidentally will be booking a course with you soon. Anyway, thank you very much for all your help and encouragement and your hospitality”. DM, 6/4/11.

> meet with you to discuss a particular project at our own premises (Ty-Mawr, ˆ Llangasty, or at our distribution unit in Brecon).

Placing an order If you wish to place an order, you can: > call one of our sales advisers on 01874 611350 > visit our website www.lime.org.uk and use the on line shop (where you will build up discount points) > email sales@lime.org.uk > fax your order to 01874 658502 > post your order to Tˆy-Mawr, Unit 12, Brecon Enterprise Park, Brecon, Powys. LD3 8BT > visit one of our stockists (see www.lime.org.uk)

> visit sites to assist clients/architects to assess the building condition with a view to suggesting appropriate materials and repair techniques. A report with photographs can also be produced. > produce research reports looking into the history of a building, provide heritage asset advice on listed and unlisted buildings, carry out historic farmstead assessments and advise on new build within the historic environment. > undertake u-value calculations for our range of insulation products and help advise on compliance with Building Regulations where appropriate. This is a free service when the intention is to purchase/specify products from Ty-Mawr ˆ or one of our stockists. > undertake dynamic modelling of specific situations to consider impact of using our products. > provide comprehensive training in the use of our products (see pages 65-69). We are also able to deliver training courses on specific sites as well as at our premises.

Award winning website www.lime.org.uk

Site Visit Report

Help! Please Note: We are not an advisory

service for anything other than our own product range, the following are useful starting points if it is more general advice that you are seeking. > for old buildings and building limes: ■

CADW/English Heritage/Historic Scotland

the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings on 0207 3771644

> for environmentally-friendly buildings:

> deliver RIBA-accredited CPD seminars.

> undertake a mortar analysis and matching service (see pages 10-11).

the Centre for Alternative Technology on 01654 705991 or www.cat.org.uk

the Association of Environment Conscious Buildings on 0845 4569773 www.aecb.net

> match and tailor mix limewashes, wall and wood paints (see pages 49-64).

*Chargeable services.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

Terms and Conditions Ty-Mawr ˆ Team, Royal Welsh Show 2013

Summer School, Prince’s Foundation for Building Community - relaxing on the front lawn at Ty-Mawr, ˆ 2012

1 DEFINITIONS “Customer” means any person or business who purchases Goods and Services from the “Supplier”. “Goods” means the articles specified in the Proposal or any part thereof, whether by means of sale, hire, rental or otherwise and whether the property of T y-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd or distributed by T y-Mawr ˆ Lime Ltd as agents for another.

The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the Supplier has full information concerning the delivery. The Customer is responsible for the unloading of the delivery unless otherwise arranged with the Supplier. The Supplier cannot accept any responsibility for the way in which goods are used or stored or for any consequential loss of any description incurred by the Customer or for any damage caused directly or indirectly by the goods.

“Supplier” means T y-Mawr ˆ Lime Limited of Llangasty, Brecon, Powys LD3 7PJ.

The Customer must check the goods upon receipt and note any discrepancies, damages etc on the delivery note.


The supplier does not operate its own delivery service. All deliveries are carried out by independent haulage contractors on the customer’s behalf.

These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all contracts for the supply of Goods and Services by the Supplier to the Customer and shall prevail over any other documentation or communication from the Customer.

3 THE ORDER The Supplier reserves the right to accept or refuse any order given on the basis of its quotations. In the event of the refusal of any order, no damages or expenses of any kind shall be payable by the Supplier. The Supplier offers a mortar and paint matching service, and whilst the supplier endeavours to colour match to the sample supplied by the customer, an exact match may not always be possible due to the limitations of the specialist materials used. The Supplier offers guidance on the most suitable product for the Customers application however no responsibility can be accepted for the suitability of the products for the specific application on-site. It is the responsibility of the Customer to check the guidance given in the technical application guides and to undertake trials on site to ensure the suitability of product. This is especially important in old buildings where it is not always possible to know exactly how the substrate has been treated in the past.

4 PRICE AND PAYMENT The price for the Goods and Services shall be as specified in the quotation (valid for one month) /order. The goods shall remain the property of the Supplier until payment has been received and cleared through the Suppliers bank, but they shall be at the risk of the Customer from the date of delivery. If the Customer fails to make any payment within the agreed terms (account customers 30 days net, unless agreed otherwise), the Supplier shall be entitled to charge interest on the outstanding balance at the rate of up to 8% above the HSBC base rate. Account facilities are available on application, providing the application is successful following credit checks and references.

The customer does have the option of arranging their own collection and delivery.

6 CANCELLATIONS, RETURNS AND REFUNDS Goods Any complaint about the goods must be notified in writing to the Supplier within 3 days of delivery of the goods. The decision by the Supplier about any alleged defect shall be final and conclusive. Any orders cancelled prior to dispatch by the Customer shall be subject to any charges incurred as a result of the order being placed e.g. manufacturing / labour charge, bank charges and an administration charge (minimum of £25). The Supplier can only assist with the estimate of quantities of goods required. It is the Customer’s responsibility to check any calculations before determining the actual quantity ordered. The Supplier cannot accept any responsibility for any costs incurred or any consequential loss as a result of incorrect quantities being ordered. The Customer should satisfy themselves using the technical sheets provided that the product is suitable for their particular application. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the colour of products in this catalogue and on the website but due to the limitations of printing and/or technology, we strongly recommend that sample products are purchased for testing in situ prior to the full order being placed. The Supplier can not be held responsible for any direct or indirect loss or damage caused by any inaccuracies. As part of their quality management system, the Supplier does not accept returns as most of the goods are time and environment sensitive.

The Supplier reserves the right to refuse to extend account facilities.

If returns are authorised by the Supplier, they will be subject to a collection charge at cost and a handling charge of 20%.

All major debit and credit cards are accepted.


Printed price lists are subject to alteration without notice by the Supplier.

Course fees are refundable up to two weeks prior to the course date minus a £15.00 administration charge.

The price charged shall be that ruling at the date of order irrespective as to when the goods arrive at the Customers premises. All printed prices exclude VAT and Delivery.

5 DELIVERY Refer to the delivery section of the website for full terms and conditions of delivery.

There can be no refunds for cancellations that occur within 2 weeks of the course but you can transfer your booking to a new date (subject to availability) for a £20.00 administration charge.


The risk in the goods shall pass to the Customer on delivery/acceptance of goods.

The Customer is responsible for the disposal of any waste arising from the goods and should comply with all applicable laws, regulations and waste management licences relating to such waste.

The Supplier reserves the right to change the requested delivery date and will endeavour to contact the Customer to inform of any changes.


The Supplier shall not be liable for any loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses caused directly or indirectly by any delay in the delivery of the Goods. The Supplier will not be responsible for any re-delivery charges incurred as a result of any access restrictions, unsuitable surface to offload on to, or for any other reason outside of its control.

The Supplier shall not be liable under any circumstances to the Customer or any third party for any indirect or consequential loss of profit, consequential or other economic loss suffered by the Customer howsoever caused, as a result of any negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise. Version 13/1 please refer to www.lime.org.uk for any updates.

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Deliveries & Distribution

Hiab/crane off load

Curtain sided lorry for palletised deliveries


2. Door to door deliveries using our preferred hauliers – we have a range of lorries from 6.5 tonne to 26 tonne, with and without crane offload as well as transit vans - these deliveries are charged at a per mile rate. Given time we can arrange ‘shared’ deliveries if you do not have a full load as long as we have other deliveries going in your direction.

Our sales advisers will calculate the most economic delivery option for your order or you can choose to collect. The options are: > Collect from one of our sites - please place your order in advance, we can then ensure that your goods are ready for you to collect. Locations include: • our distribution warehouse in Brecon (just off roundabout of the main A40, A470 trunk roads) Units 5 and 12, Brecon Enterprise Park, Brecon, LD3 8BT. • T y-Mawr ˆ Farm, Llangasty, Brecon, LD3 7PJ - by arrangement only. > Collect from one of our distributors - our materials are increasingly available through a growing network of stockists, please see distributors map on www.lime.org.uk to find out about the one closest to you. > Getting your order delivered to your site - some of the products are not easy to distribute - we rely on your co-operation to advise us about any access restrictions, ability to offload, etc - we will then confirm these via an Order Confirmation so that you know what to expect and when. However, when the goods are despatched from our premises, the Terms and Conditions of our preferred hauliers apply. The options are: 1. Palletised Deliveries - via national carriers for palletised goods which are delivered on rigid, flatbed, curtainsided lorries (various sizes are used so we must be notified if you have any access restrictions). These lorries do not have crane offload and can only offload with a tail lift which must be requested. In order for the tail lift to be able to offload your goods you must have a hard flat tarmac/concrete area, gravel is not a suitable surface. Pallet sizes are:


• Quarter pallet - weight up to 250kg, dimensions 1.2m x 1.2m x 0.6m high.

Next day deliveries are possible if goods are in stock and order is placed as soon as possible before 10am!

• Half pallet - weight up to 500kg, dimensions 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m high. • Full pallet - weight up tp 1200kg (can only tail lift a maximum of 1000kg), dimensions 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m high. Delivery is charged per pallet and rates vary depending upon the postcode and the number of pallets.

• 26 tonne artic lorry with crane offload - you must ensure that you have an area big enough to store the full load AND for the lorry to turn around on site. The lorry’s dimensions are 55ft (long) x 8ft 6in (wide) - it is your responsibility to ensure that this vehicle has easy access through gates, up lanes, to turn, etc. • 14 tonne flatbed lorry with crane offload - the lorry’s dimensions are 34ft (long) x 8ft 6in (wide) it is your responsibility to ensure that this vehicle has easy access through gates, up lanes, to turn, etc... You must also ensure that you have an area big enough to store the full load AND for the lorry to turn around on site. Please note: the crane is front loaded therefore can not offload anything in front of the cab area of the lorry. • 21 tonne flatbed lorry with crane offload - as above but with a trailer - the overall length of the vehicle is 68ft - it is your responsibility to ensure that this vehicle has easy access through gates, up lanes, to turn, etc... You must also ensure that you have an area big enough to store the full load AND for the lorry & trailer to turn around on site. Please note: the crane is front loaded therefore cannot offload anything in front of the cab area of the lorry. • 6.5 tonne flatbed lorry with crane offload - the lorry’s dimensions are 28ft (long) x 8ft 4in (wide) it is your responsibility to ensure that this vehicle has easy access through gates, up lanes, to turn, etc… You must also ensure that you have an area big enough to store the full load AND for the lorry to turn around on site. Please note: the crane is front loaded therefore can not offload anything in front of the cab area of the lorry. • 1.5 tonne High-top Transit Van - with no offload. 3. Parcel Couriers are used for orders of up to 50kg and are charged at a per kilo rate. The couriers will not usually leave the goods without a signature unless it is requested at the time of placing the order so that a special code can be applied to the ticket. This must be requested, otherwise a re-delivery charge will apply if no-one is able to sign for the goods. Delivery Timescales > We have two x 10,000sqft distribution warehouses to ensure that we have adequate stocks to meet the majority of orders. If there is a time delay we will advise you of an estimated delivery day as soon as possible. > As we use a number of different delivery methods, the terms and conditions of the specific haulier will apply, see www.lime .org.uk for full terms and conditions. See www.lime.org.uk for the latest version.


See www.lime.org.uk for technical data and latest prices

Tel: 01874 611350

How to find us Distribution warehouse, Brecon

< To Llandovery A40


Please call before visiting A470

Ty-Mawr ˆ Training Centre Ty-Mawr ˆ Llangasty, Brecon LD3 7PJ Tel: 01874 658000

Enterprise Park

Unit 5 A470

Unit 12 Ty-Mawr ˆ

to Llangorse

Llangorse Lake Brecon Bypass - A40

< A470 to Cardiff

Brecon Beacons National Park

A40 to Abergavenny

Dual carriageway ends


to Llanfihangle Talyllyn

Ty-Mawr ˆ Training Centre

to Pennorth Old Ford pub


Pennorth Village

Llangasty Parish Hall

Units 5 and 12, Brecon Enterprise Park, Brecon, Powys LD3 8BT Tel: 01874 611350

Llangasty Church

Beacons Nurseries

To Crickhowell >

Ty-Mawr ˆ Headquarters and Training Centre on the southern shore of Llangorse Lake in the Brecon Beacons National Park

Specialist Manufacturer and Distributor of Traditional and Ecological Building Materials and Paints


Thank you for requesting or picking up our catalogue, we hope that you find it inspiring and we look forward to working with you!

Local stockist:

NIGEL & JOYCE GERVIS Printed on FSC accredited paper. Design: www.ridlerwebster.co.uk Disclaimer - every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information and diagrams in this catalogue, however Ty-Mawr ˆ can not be held responsible for any direct or indirect loss or damage caused by any inaccuracies in this catalogue. © Please do not infringe our copyright by photocopying or otherwise reproducing the text or illustrations in this catalogue.

Distribution Warehouse Unit 12, Brecon Enterprise Park, Brecon, Powys LD3 8BT Tel: 01874 611350 Fax: 01874 622774 Training and Manufacturing T y-Mawr, ˆ Llangasty, Brecon, Powys LD3 7PJ Tel: 01874 658000 Fax: 01874 658502

Website www.lime.org.uk Email: tymawr@lime.org.uk

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