Paintings of The Nativity

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Paintings of



1523 Lotto chose to portray the Nativity in an interesting way. To create a bucolic ambiance, he included practical objects into the composition’s foreground. There is a mousetrap in the bottom right corner, on which Lotto signed the work. On the other hand, he also depicted symbolic objects like the crucifix in the background. By doing this, Lotto encapsulated two crucial events in the life of Christ into one scene.

1530 Correggio’s interpretation of the adoration of the shepherds glows with warm color radiating from the infant Christ. This symbolizes the biblical truth that His very presence casts out the darkness. The bearded figure on the right poses a similar position to St. Jerome as he had been portrayed in Correggio’s earlier painting Madonna with St. Jerome.

1600s Reni approached the Nativity scene with a set of lighter value colors. This Baroque style oil painting captures the essense of jubilee, especially portrayed on the faces of the shepherds. Interestingly, Mary is clothed similarly to that of Jesus in Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting of The Last Supper.

1622 Infulenced by the work of Carravaggio, Van Honthorst displayed the adoration of the shepherds in a tenabristic settting. This means that he used a single light source to create emphasis. He also left the periphery areas of the painting in a dark vignette. The infant Christ glows as He reserves His rightful place as the focal point of this piece.

1624 Rubens painted the theme of the adoration of the magi several times throughout his career. This version is filled with emotion. He captured the many expressions present among those beholding the newborn Christ. Some have looks of peace, some wonder, and others curiousity. Even the camel seems enticed by this glorious event.

Merry Christmas “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins� Matthew 1:21

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