2 minute read

Idea 1


I started to experiment with shapes and structures by making paper models that I would have used shapes or ideas from my research to create unique structures. With my models I took plan , elevation and perspective style photos and drew these with how they could look furnished and being used. It is important for me to stick to the theme and make sure there is clear contrast but it also needs to be able to hold a shop and café area within the space.

Juxtaposing Structures


With my theme of juxtaposition, the structure consists of 3 different sections: the curved pavilion roof reaching into the triangular prism, with a half open section that lays on top of the triangular room. Each of the section I highlighted in different to colours how though all connected all parts of the model contrast one another.

3 colours showing the 3 contrasting shapes and designated area within the structure. Straight lines against curves. Closed next to open.

To showcase the models scale I added trees and people to show it would look like in existence with the build being quite tall but 1 storey.

Within the model the triangular is prism to the clothing store which may have multiple levels of clothing displays within . It is important for this area to be fully closed so the clothes are not ruined and are able to be show cases all year round. Next to this there is the bar area which may be half open and half closed to create an inside outside feel which will be perfect for the summer months when people come to use Grays Beach Park. There is a curved structure acting as a pavilion connected the 2 parts making it seem more cohesive which will be used for the children where there can be playground equipment closer to the café where the parents or guardians may be spending time.

Front Elevation

In this model I played around with making curves or natural shapes using straight lines by folding paper were put together they would lose their sharpness and turn more subtle. To show case this models scale I added tress and people which could be under the models' roof . This building would be of a smaller size perhaps used more like a pavilion.

Juxtaposing Sections

The models end shape juxtaposes with what it is made off. The circular roof is made like a fan with lots of folds which from the side looks triangles. The model creates lots of curves even though its made of only straight lines.

Through the model's plan view you can see how the space is split in half which can be used for its 2 functions. With the circular shape the structure can be placed within the triangular plot where the more relevant side would face the housing and street and the café perhaps towards the park. At the model's highest peak is where the people would be and nearer the back would be used for stock or clothing displays.

In the front elevation you can see that mannequins can be displaying items and brining attention towards the building as well as the food windows where you are able to order food and take it to somewhere in the surrounding area to eat. Problem with this model is that there isn't much space due to the slant in the roof, which causes the end to not be as useable. Though from a distance the rood may look like lots of sunrays. I believe this model would serve better as a pavilion and act as

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