Component 1 Part 2

Page 18

Component 1

Grays Beach Park Tymoteusz Rutkowski


Juxtaposition is the placement of visual elements near one another, generally using the contrast between them to highlight unique qualities of each. This can be made through many ways whether it is through colour like complimentary colour or it can be through shapes of the buildings or their sizes. For example, you can have an historic building with a futuristic geometric structure coming out next to it or a disformed section. Contrast can be made through many ways for when u see 2 things that are not the same yet it is important that they are cohesive and don’t look tacky next to each other and that they were made on purpose. Juxtaposition within the space can make it unique and not only a space but also an attraction.

In my project of Grays Beach Park in the building I'm designing I want to be able to create a structure which will be multi-functional that will be made of multiple contrasting structure which will fit in the theme. In one of the interiors, I would like to play with colour theory and complimentary colours to make a space seem lively. I want my build to be unique and work as an attraction itself that people will want to come to the park to be able to see it, as well as being a place with facilities in the local area.

Idea 1

I started to experiment with shapes and structures by making paper models that I would have used shapes or ideas from my research to create unique structures. With my models I took plan , elevation and perspective style photos and drew these with how they could look furnished and being used. It is important for me to stick to the theme and make sure there is clear contrast but it also needs to be able to hold a shop and café area within the space.

Juxtaposing Structures


With my theme of juxtaposition, the structure consists of 3 different sections: the curved pavilion roof reaching into the triangular prism, with a half open section that lays on top of the triangular room. Each of the section I highlighted in different to colours how though all connected all parts of the model contrast one another.

3 colours showing the 3 contrasting shapes and designated area within the structure. Straight lines against curves. Closed next to open.

Plan View

To showcase the models scale I added trees and people to show it would look like in existence with the build being quite tall but 1 storey.

Within the model the triangular is prism to the clothing store which may have multiple levels of clothing displays within . It is important for this area to be fully closed so the clothes are not ruined and are able to be show cases all year round. Next to this there is the bar area which may be half open and half closed to create an inside outside feel which will be perfect for the summer months when people come to use Grays Beach Park. There is a curved structure acting as a pavilion connected the 2 parts making it seem more cohesive which will be used for the children where there can be playground equipment closer to the café where the parents or guardians may be spending time.

Front Elevation
Plan View

Front Elevation

In this model I played around with making curves or natural shapes using straight lines by folding paper were put together they would lose their sharpness and turn more subtle. To show case this models scale I added tress and people which could be under the models' roof . This building would be of a smaller size perhaps used more like a pavilion.

Juxtaposing Sections

The models end shape juxtaposes with what it is made off. The circular roof is made like a fan with lots of folds which from the side looks triangles. The model creates lots of curves even though its made of only straight lines.

Plan View

Through the model's plan view you can see how the space is split in half which can be used for its 2 functions. With the circular shape the structure can be placed within the triangular plot where the more relevant side would face the housing and street and the café perhaps towards the park. At the model's highest peak is where the people would be and nearer the back would be used for stock or clothing displays.

In the front elevation you can see that mannequins can be displaying items and brining attention towards the building as well as the food windows where you are able to order food and take it to somewhere in the surrounding area to eat. Problem with this model is that there isn't much space due to the slant in the roof, which causes the end to not be as useable. Though from a distance the rood may look like lots of sunrays. I believe this model would serve better as a pavilion and act as

Back Elevation

Idea 2- Development

To develop my previous model, I decided to the existing fan and circular shape and make 2 sections overlap which adds layer and depth. The circular fan sections lays on top of the oval stretched out fan which lays below it. This creates 2 distinct places where I can place a store and a food place.

Plan View

The lower section will become a store that will enhance the geometric and straight nature of the fan. It uses the triangular shapes as windows and as interior sections of stands and clothing racks. The triangles will stretch outside and where the build can be surrounded by tall trees increasing in size around. The taller build will enhance the circular and natural natures with oval and organic shapes in the form of a central bar and oval jar seating inside.

Side Elevation

Exterior View

These 2 sections will made of the same structure but through their interiors and exterior landscape each will enhance different parts of the structure. Interior View

Natural Organic

Natural and Organic Architecture is all about using the forms and shapes that nature creates In order to make buildings and structures. Whether it's through using the natural colour scheme of greens and browns or its materials likes wood and stone. The structures are very organic and have lots of movement and flow as they have a natural flow inside and from the ground up. This architecture is used to blend the boundary between nature and man-made buildings as they can both work together to make a coherent space. These spaces do not only create functions and facilities but also enhance nature and let people admire it. In all space it is important to have greenery to add life into the area.

My other Theme for Grays Beach is Natrual Organic as I can use this theme alongside Geomtric and modern archirtecture to create this contrasting building. As this is a Park building it important to keep with the nature in the area and make the building seem part of it and enhance the surrounding trees and greenery and not take away from. Contrasting to the complimentary colours, a natural interior with calm whites and green would be the complete opposite where in this space people can work and study making it a multifunctional space.

Experimenting with Shapes

On the mesh side it can be used as an indoor outdoor market stool which can be used for many activities as the markets can be moved making it an multifunctional space.

Plan View

To develop my models further I decided to experiment with shapes to be able to create an interesting and unique shape. I wanted the structure to consist of 3 different segments which is seen through out my development. These 3 sections could contrast each other no all act in their own unique ways. With the rough mesh contrasting the wave coming of the other side of the central part. I showed how the build can be used with a central bar with additional outdoor seating

I created an alternate shape to the centre on sketch up to try out a different shape and how it could as it’s a structure on its Own. But due to the nature of the shape there would be a lot of useless space with a thin centre.

Plan View

I wanted to experiment with the idea of a central piece to my model and created various shapes that it could be . With the triangular like shapes it gets much smaller at the back make it less functional and makes the space less able to be used . It’s important for the design to be interesting but also functional


Playing with the idea of 3 different areas I created these curved structures which could be solid or cut though for a more flow and airy space. These could be layers for a different look adding additional interest to the solid structures. These would be the style of tents which both could hold small stalls or act as seating areas rather then massive buildings

Plan View

Idea 3

In this structure you can see how small the actual building it but it is being engulfed by this natural twisted structure which would act as a frame for nature to grow as that would the focal point and bring people into the park to look at it. It would also add height into the space and act as a waypoint for people to find the area.

In this model I looked at another theme of Natural and organic where I created a smaller structure such as a small kiosk like building which isn't the focal point but the structure around it bring people. The structure is natural and organic and warps around the building like a snake or some vines . This surrounding structure could be used for real plants to use to warp around and hold on which would create a green structure.

Juxtaposing Shapes Plan View

I like this model as it is different to my other models as its natural and organic form make it unique. A problem with this model is its scale with it having a smaller blueprint it would cover a small space of the plot.

To show the model I created drawings of the structure to show how the vines could grow around the structure and with years develop to be fully overgrown.

I believe for such a large park there should be a much grander building at the end which will have same for many facilities. This kind of structure make be great on its own or as a centre piece to act as an information booth for guests who enter the park.

Front Elevation

Idea 4

In my 4th model , I created a model which consisted of 3 elements all made in different techniques which create 3 different effects and styles which all heavily juxtapose and contrast to one another.

There are 3 distinct sections with the cone like structure which could act as a space for the café or restaurant style space. Place next to and on top there is a crumbled structure which has a modern geometric look to it and all this is accompanied by a pavilion stretching over the space which acts as roof for the outside space – in a modern linear style.

Plan View

Juxtaposing Structures

Front Elevation

In the model in the crumbled section which though seems geometric but it has a natural look to it through how naturally the paper is crumbled. This part would be a thrift store which would be able to sell clothes to people coming to visit and add an activity within the space which would bring many teens and adults in the area where while being there, they would be able to use the other parts of the park and building.

With the cone structure having an organic shape it contrasts to the other parts as well as the pavilion which has a linear triangular shape. In the cone there would be a café with space for seating, social area, work studies which would be able to used by all ages.

Side Elevation

This is my favourite idea as it takes 3 juxtaposing structures to more a cohesive space that would bring people into the area.

Plan View

Idea 4 Development

In this model you can see the 3 sections which all act as individual sections that are able to hold different functions such as an information centre with toilets for the park as well as an shop that can be in the more rough and geometric side of the building .

In the model all 3 sections contrast and juxtapose to each other with the flow and airy cut out pavilion to the side , spherical central piece as designed during the development process and the geometric and straight side to the building


Plan View

In sketch up I took thee idea of 3 sections and presented it through an oval central piece that has 2 sections on its side with the geometric side contrasting the other circular wave like shape that is relevant to the area due to its location next to the river Thames. I enjoyed the idea of having something different on either side but it had a feeling of imbalance with on side acting heavier then the other .

In the plan view you can see how the structure can be laid out with a restaurant on one side , store on the other and an additional space in the centre. This makes good use of its space and could fill the plot where it would be built. This would create an multi functional space in the area which can be used both by tourists and the local community

Above is a potential plan view for the space which would include seating , toilets , information point and the potential vintage or clothing store would make it a multifunctional space and act more then a park entrance

Front Elevation
Plan View
Side Elevation


Development the 3 section model even further. I took one one the central shapes and added these 2 contrasting shapes on either side which acting of this blank canvas in the middle. Theres a modern wave like structure on one side which could be made of glass and metal adding a futuristic look. On the other side there’s this pavilion like structure consisting off sharp geometric shapes which all intersect into each other to create a covered area but still have gaps where the wind can flow through.

Plan View Side Elevation

In the plan view it shows how this design and the altered design can e made into a multifunctional space. In this design sharp structure is used as a roof over other markets that could be placed underneath that would be made in the similar nature of the structure in triangular form . Where when the triangles are put together it creates a solid structure which could act as a restaurant. The wave structure is already enclosed so can acts either a store or bar .

In this alternation joined the triangles together to create a solid shape which allows for it to be of a per ant building that can hold a food court or shops inside. The middle shape was changed in order to make the space more functional with more useable space allowing better floor plan for toilets green space and the central information booth.

Plan View
Side Elevation

Ideas in Sketch up

Plan View

I designed the geometric shape in sketch up and split it up so that it can be used for different functions. It uses the previous ideas of the 3 sections but with less contrast .

Taking idea from the department of health building an the Idea of 3 sections. I created a structure that is symmetrical with 2 geometric sides coming of the side which can be used for different functions such as café and roofed area for market stalls.

Plan View

Side Elevation

By playing around in sketch up and different shapes , I created a structure which can be split up in many ways with different levels for a shop and café space with the wrap around section which can act as a viewing platform on the the parks field , with lots of seating.It has a central building with many parts coming of it making it seem different and unique from each side. He different parts can be made. Of different materials, in different colours sin order to juxtapose and contrast each other.

Plan View

Colour Theory

Warm Colours

Cool Colours

Uses of Colour

Blue: serenity, peace, and calm , little sad but also productive

Green: peace, rest, and refreshment. It is a soothing colour and can help uplift your mood. Used to visualize nature and has a relaxing and youthful vibe.

Yellow: brings brightness, warmth and energy into a room. Brings happiness.

Pink: calming and feminine, pink stands for love and kindness. Romantic feel.

White: innocence, purity, and completion. White helps a space look large. The right shade of white can make a room look modern and stylish.

Contrast of warm and cool


Complimentary Colours

Interior 1

I looked at this interior of a restaurant as inspiration for my café interior. I liked the way this restaurant has many different type of seating such as booths, large tables, sofas and chairs.

Plan View

I like the shade of blue they use, as the deep blue adds a sense of royalty into the space and makes the interior seem rich. The blue is contrasted by its complimentary colour, orange with inch is seen in the light shades. These lights contrast the blue and white interior however , they enhance the blueness and don’t have a stark and harass contrast between them. We can see the plan view of the space with the variety of seating that the place has to offer. The range of dads eating makes the the room seem more interesting and not like its all completely the same experience. It also adds to the experience with the customer being able to sit somewhere else every time bringing the customer back. I enjoy how the space uses the accent blue colour as. It breaks up all the white and adds intrest into the space.


Interior 2

I enjoy the idea of colourful interiors , and I looked into existing interiors which use a lot of colour but not in a bright and obnoxious way. In this café interior , there’s are 2 colours used , pastel purple and pastel green. These 2 pastels colours are very muted and do not sharply contrast each other.

Due to green being next to purples complimentary colour yellow, the contrast isn’t as harsh but still contrast each other. Both these colours can be looked at as cool colours but through the warm lighting , gold additions and shade of colour they don’t seem so cool and create a cosy playful atmosphere.

I studied the space through elevations and perspective drawings of the space which made me realise how these interiors are quite simple which us seen in the black and white drawings but through th use of colour it adds an atmosphere , mood and interest into the space. Usually making the space more fun, as people usually walk into a shop or café expecting white and neutral colour schemes. Similarly in the red and pink space , where the colours are not contrasting each other against the colour wheel , but they still create 2 different moods. With the baby pink being very playful an young , and the deep red making it more mature and also has a romantic feel to the space. Colour impacts how people feel within a space.

Historic Architecture

Historic architecture it’s known for its detailed design on buildings and it sense of grandness and luxury. These buildings are typically known to consist pillars surrounding the building as well as the triangular roof which is famously used in roman architecture. I wanted to look at this architecture style as I enjoy how it can easily be contrasted against modern design or any other type of architecture. This type of architecture is known to use the colour pallets of greys and besieges an whites as it adds to the luxury look that it holds. These buildings are usually built really tall and act as if they are above the surrounding area .Though this can be portrayed in many ways with some being hyper detailed with angels, statues and domes.

Due to the importance of pillars and the roof structures on historic buildings I wanted o look into these in more detail. Such as looking at the different types of pillars and the many different types of roof styles which can be found within a building . By taking these principles of historic design I am able to recreate a building with this style in a different material such as concrete which is new and it will juxtapose itself as well as contrast anything that’s within its surroundings.

With white being more cold and formal but pastel colours or natural colours being more warm , bright and welcoming. There is also the contrast in height and architectural style with this short black modern building next to this tall red Victorian style build. Where the red building has more of a historical and grand look to it, where the black one is being shadowed.

For my research of contrasting space I went into London and saw a range of building that juxtapose while being next to each other. There is contrast of colo0urs where 2 buildings in the space architecture but different colours can contrast and create 2 completely different looks and feels.

Contrast of Colours Black & White against Natural Colours Black against Red Short next to Tall
- Primary Research -

With buildings being built at different time periods, I took photo of modern builds next to traditional or historical builds. To analyse this architecture, I drew elevations which showcase the difference in lines and structure between the 2 builds. For example, the National History Museum has this glass alien like build next to this historical structure yet since they are both so large still has a grand look. The use of juxtaposition can show power or also be an way to distinguish between buildings and see a visual separation.

Modern against Historical
Modern against Traditional

W.DRESSES - Secondary Research -

The W.DRESSES building is interesting to me due to its architectural style. The upper half of the building is built in a historical. Roman architecture style however given a modern twist through its concrete like material and simple and clean look. This contrasts the bottom half which has organic shams surrounding he base which layer on each other adding movement and flow.

The bottom tier juxtaposes the upper half with its wave like shape that surrounds the building. It creates an interesting look with these 2 styles being next to each other which usually wouldn’t be seen in close proximity. I like the way how its this large grand building which acts with an smaller purpose of a wedding dress shop which could have been easily designed a square shop, but the architect added interested to the building and made it unique and memorable.

Principles of Historic Architecture

Throughout Architecture , all building whether classical or contemporary from roman architecture , pyramids of Giza to modern building, the golden ratio can be seen throughout. The ratio generally takes the form of the golden rectangle – any shape that can be wholly divided into up into a square and a rectangle that, when combined, establishes a ratio, approximately equating to 1:1.61. With this ratio, these historic buildings have this pleasant look to them where its all perfectly planned out and all the proportions are accurate. By studying the golden ratio and examples of historic buildings I can use this idea within my own ideas to create older looking buildings and contrastthem.I can create this classical building with brand new concrete and contrast it with pops an colour and other contemporary sections to give it an different and elevated look.

Using the idea of the golden ration and proportions I created an ideal shape and front to an historic building.I can use the juxtaposition of materials when creating a building in this classical style and juxtapose it further with surrounding structures and materials.

Golden Ratio & Proportions

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