Component 1 Part 3

Page 6

Component 1

Grays Beach Park Tymoteusz Rutkowski

Milstein Hall - Cornell University

Secondary Research -

With my theme of juxtaposition and contrast in mind, I looked at a building with a completely different purpose such as a university and looked at how this building uses this theme. The building consists of the main university part which has the gran shape with the dome like roof. But then there’s a large square which connects 2 buildings together. This part of the building has a modern look to it with a lot of glass and steel frame which can be seen throughout the building


. This part of the building acts as a connector which makes the university one whole thing . This modern look juxtaposes they old looking university and adds a more modern , and youthful look . Which will attract more people to the university .

I studied the space by looking how the building intersects with the other parts of the university, through elevation views.In my own model , I would like it to be made of multiple parts but similarly connected all together through a structure that doesn’t make it all seem randomly put together.

Merging Historic with Contemporary

Sant Fransesc Church (Santpedor, Spain)

The Bundeswehr Military History Museum is the military museum of the German Armed Forces, the Bundeswehr, and one of the major military history museums in Germany. Using the design of architect Daniel Libeskind, the Neo-Classicist facade on the historic building has been interrupted and contrasted against with the deconstructivism architectural style. The architect uses this glass structure to break it up and add interest to the classical building. In this way he merges the historic ad contemporary style.

Museum of Military History (Dresden, Germany)

The Sant Francesc convent, located in the small Catalan town of Santpedor, was built in the early 18th century by Franciscan priests. The church got renovated and had contemporary elements added to the historic church , which add contrast and a sense of youth to the church.

The Elbphilharmonie iis a concert hall in the HafenCity quarter of Hamburg, Germany, on the Grasbrook peninsula of the Elbe River. The architects built the building in a Modern architecture and Postmodern Architecture style. I like the building in the way the modern glass façade is placed onto the old warehouse looking building , with the contrast being vertical unlike the usual horizontal, with the juxtaposition happening in the middle of the building.

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)

Merging Styles


The front of the building consists of a circular pattern panel which acts like an additional façade o the building which breaks it up. This is inspired y the façade on the paseo de Garcia in Spain , as they have an extra layer to add interest to the building. The building also has circular discs intersecting the building allowing shaded space on the side on the building which can b used for outdoor activities. And there’s a handle like structure coming of the side similar to pop art , adding intrest

Front Elevation
Side Elevation

This middle consists of a central old looking building with the traditional aspects of pillars giving a grand look. This building was inspired by POP art and how artists take old roman statues and modernise them through colour and intersecting them with other objects. To develop the design ,I designed it to expand across in order to create an arch which would act as the entrance into grays beach park , as there is no proper entrance or gate into the space

The model would consist of seating space inside an outside, a restaurant and a multi layer shop area in the cylinders to the side. Making this building a multifunctional entrance into the park.

View Side Elevation

Potential Model 3

Front Elevation

I wanted to explore the juxtaposition and contrast between modern and old by creating a older looking building in modern materials such as concrete and placing it into a modern surrounding with pops of colour. The model is placed. In front of a large wall which covers up the industrial area that is located behind the site.

Side Elevation

The wall behind the model is contrasting against each other with one have a smooth , eye like pattern and the other having sharp geometric pattern which juxtapose each other. This wall is meant to act as a interesting background for the structure but still allow light to come through all the holes within the pattern. The structure is made of 3 main piece, with the triangular rectangular part that over hangs and lies alongside the neighbouring road. And the old building placed on a modern parallelogram which is open and allows people to walk all the way through and around the structure.

Each section would juxtapose each their and act as different purpose , with the ground floor being open for seating and up above there’s a café bar and a shop allowing the space to be multifunctional and used by visitors visiting the park and the local community.

Plan View

Developing the Model

I developed the model further by adding more detail into my model , with the pillar being seen In the developed model , where these pillar would extend Dow in the final design and change shape into seating arrangements and arches. The long rectangular building will have triangular cut outs acting as windows for the space.

Plan View
Side Elevation Front Elevation

The mode as been inspired by my previous research , with the wall being inspired by the paseo de Garcia facades , the rectangular building inspired by the zoo pavilion an its wooden nature with triangular windows.And the main structure inspired by the W.D building with the juxtaposing top and bottom , with top being similar to historic architecture and the bottom is a modern , clean, parallelogram acting as a base for the building.

Side Elevation

Potential Materials and Colour Scheme for the Building in real life

Side Elevation Front Elevation

Sketch Up Development

I created the original model idea within SketchUp adding further details such as the Grays sign , detail on the triangular windows as well as playing with the form of the pillars. Instead of the pillars going straight down they interact with the building and can go through the bottom of the building acting as archways , seating and dividers to split up the big empty space.

Right Elevation Front Elevation Back Elevation
Left Elevation

By playing with the forms of the pillars I wanted to see how I can simply use the geometric nature of the pillars to turn them into more seating arrangements, in cubes , loops and different shape which can be scattered in the area and linking with the building.

Thinking about the location of Grays Beach, there is a large industrial area behind the park which has a massive warehouse and big storage building which ruin the idea of a healthy park. I created a divide which will block off the unpleasant look of the industrial area with one side having a circular pattern allowing light to pass through which juxtaposes with the 4 diagonal stripes on the opposite side.

Development Model

By experimenting with shapes and looking at a range of historical and contemporary architecture I created a model which combines these ideas and creates the type of juxtaposition and contrast with the classical building being made from polished concrete giving it a modern look and its raised upon this parallelogram which holds this structure flowing next to it with triangular windows which juxtapose its natural curves.

The structure is placed next to a road leading into a neighbourhood in the south of Grays with the building’s left elevation facing the homes which have the multifunctional space of the art gallery at the bottom flowing into a vintage clothing and record store at the top. The building’s front elevation faces the park where u have the classical café with a modern contemporary twist. With a viewing platform surrounding the 3 sides of the building, you can look down the park on the local stage for local performers.

Perspective Views

Back Elevation Front Elevation Left Elevation

Perspective Views

Perspective Views

Looking at the perspectives of my final model showcases how the area places as a whole all together. The buildings from the front elevation seem to be quite geometric with many straight lines, including the classical architecture building inspired by the golden ratio.

Plan View

This leads to the landscaping with many straight lines with the trees being very uniform and in these straight planters. This juxtaposes with the left elevation where you can see the structure flowing up the side of the building and continuing to flow beyond the building. On this side we see the wall having a circular pattern, and trees being placed in circles with depth adding to the floor around the structure with circles.

The whole building plays as a whole multifunctional space which works as a place for visitors that visit the park as well as the local community. The area includes an art gallery which can display local art by the community as well as a stage that performers from the local community can use. Inside the building, there’s a record store and vintage store as well as a café that can be used by anyone that comes to the park and acts as additional activities to do in the park. This makes the space available to be used by people of all ages.

Perspective Views Isometric Views

Elevation Views

Front Elevation

Back Elevation

Using techniques such as laser cutting I cut out pieces for each section of the building and intersected these pieces to make a cohesive structure. The wall blocking the industrial acts functional as well as due to its design and playing with the juxtaposition of circles and flow against straight geometric lines make it aesthetically pleasing.

Back Elevation

Front Elevation

Left Elevation

Each of the elevations shows different views and different parts of the area. The front elevation showcases the classical architecture and the left elevation highlights the wooden building that flows from the ground floor to the 1st floor. The Back elevation shows how the wall acts to block off the industrial area and make it not seem part of the park. In the design, I made sure to integrate the design of the building into the landscaping with the wall and floor of the area being split in half with juxtaposing sections.

Left Elevation Back Elevation Front Elevation

The Final Outcome - Building

I elevated the original design to add further interest and by adding the flowing section juxtaposes and stands out against the many geometric and straight lines used in the building inspired by classical architecture. The flowing section would be made of wood, with the base being dark grey juxtaposing against the polished contemporary concrete of the classical building.


The building is made up of these multiple parts which are inspired by architecture I have researched. The building has the old historic part made in a contemporary way with concrete and pops of colour. Then this wave building linking the ground floor to the 1st floor. Both clearly juxtapose and contrast each other, following the theme.

Left Elevation
Right Elevation
Right Elevation Front Elevation Back Elevation Front Elevation
Back Elevation

The Final Outcome - Building

Perspective Views

In the 3D model the building is placed into context with the road next to it and the flats next to the build which makes sure it can a community space as well as a space for people to visit. The building is placed at the edge of the hill where its able to look over Grays Beach Park.

Plan View
Isometric Views

The Surrounding Area

Plan View Perspective View

Front Elevation

Right Elevation

Back Elevation

Left Elevation

The building is placed as close to the edge of the hill hence closest to the park so that the building can also be used to overlook at the park and you able to be in this building as well as see what's happening outside. There are plenty of trees and greenery surrounding the building despite its location next to masses of houses and the large industrial estate behind the building. It uses the triangular wall behind to mask and hide the industrial estate as well as provide shade and privacy to the location.

Perspective Views

Perspective Views

The perspectives and the eye view show a person within the location may experience it and what they would see with a new part of the location or buildings architecture at every corner.

Eye View Perspectives

The Auditorium

The auditorium is a place behind the building and close to the houses on the other side of the road. This location has lots of layered seating which allows for many people to enjoy this space to hang out and chill. This place can also be used for the arts with a stage and a place for people to perform and people to watch or where different sorts of arts can displayed , away from the small art gallery in the building.

Plan View Perspective View

The auditorium, as well as the whole location, can be used by the local community as well as people traveling into the area which is easily accessible due to the train station being only a 10min walk away. The area can be used for events to bring he communities together and bring people outside of their homes. This adds another attraction into the existing park which is used by many children in the local neighbours and now making the area can target all age groups and have something to do for all.

Eye View Perspectives

Café Interior

The café is in the old classical architecture section of the building which has old tiles, and large curtains covering the big windows. Some of the windows in the building are painted in shades of purple and yellow so it adds a pop of colour to the outside making it seem more youthful and contemporary. This blends the interior and the exterior. The ceiling of the space has a wavy divider going through it with half being purple and half clear to let the light shine through it. This creates a lavender haze look and adds interest to the roof.

Café Ceiling Plan View

The inside of the café holds the lift making the space accessibility friendly, and the interior holds a range of different types of seating. With more on-the-go seating of bar stools at the circular café bar. And home-like seating at purple sofas and coffee tables and classical tables and chairs with purple and yellow accent colours. The use of the complimentary colours makes them contrast but also play along with each other to make a cohesive interior for the entire building.

Store Interior

I used the colour theory, or yellow and purple with the 2 colours being complementary to add a pop of colour to the space. The yellow is youthful and adds joy and happiness to the space as well as the purple has a sense or royalty and warmth, making the space seem rich and expensive. In the store interior, there are splashes of colour flowing throughout with the clothing racks and vinyl racks in the same colour scheme. Purple and yellow are also used in the café blending in the 2 spaces even with their different architectural styles.

Plan View

The cut-away sections allow to look inside the building and see where this interior or located and how they look from an elevation. You can see the art gallery at the bottom where the pant stairs follow the curve of the building up into the vintage clothing and vinyl store which leads to the old-style café with the lift for accessibility.

Left Elevation
Right Elevation Front Elevation Back Elevation Front Elevation Left Elevation

Interior Design

Plan of First Floor

Vinyl and Vintage Store


Plan of Ground Floor

Gallery Plus Plant filled Stairs

Toilets plus Seating

The interior design of all sections of the interior uses the purple and white colour scheme making it cohesive and not seem too much even with the bright yellows and purples. The first floor holds the art gallery as well as the studios and lifts in the parallelogram. With upstairs being the café and vintage stores.

Art Gallery and Stairs

Additional sections of the building include the toilets located on the ground floor so they are easily and quickly accessed by people in the park as well as only bellow the store and the café. The staircase flowing through the space has a staircase of green plants adding further colour to the space. There is a stage outside for local performers which can be used by the community. And the ground floor holds the art gallery highlighting the importance of local art and culture which can be enhanced in the space.

Plan View

During component 1, I was working with the client of Thurrock Council to redevelop the area at the back of Grayd Beach park. The park is used by many people in south of Grays as it is a place for people to socialise and hang out. The area was missing an indoor space as it was a great part with activities for children but not much for teens or adults or older people. Looking at Statistics of the area it was clear that the area had to be used for all ages to bring as many people as possible out from their homes and into the community. I was planning of doing this through adding a retail space, café, and a space to show of the local arts


By following my theme of Juxtaposition and Contrast, I looked at a variety of existing buildings that had many purposes and see how they used architecture to bring people into the area or into the building. Some of the buildings that stood out to me was the La Gareene Zoo Entrance pavilion which has these triangular windows which overlook the entirety of the zoo, and in my final design I have used this triangular window to create a view onto the Grays Beach Park. I also enjoyed looking at the dancing building and how they incorporate windows onto curved buildings. Using the theme of Juxtaposition, I looked at principles of historic architecture and buildings like the W.Dresses building which use the principles of historic architecture and recreate it in modern materials, where in my outcome I have used this idea with a modern material such as concrete.

Combing contemporary and historic architecture was my main idea for my outcome, where in my final model you can clearly see a contrast in style, shape, material. This curved section is made of wood which holds the art gallery as well as the retail space for vintage clothing and vinyl which adds another activity into the space for young adults and adults in the area. This curved part heavily juxtaposes to the concrete historic building which was create following the principles of historic architecture such as the golden ration and made contemporary with pops of colour and raised above with pillars going to the floor above a modern grey parallelogram. This part allows an outdoor viewing platform 270 degrees around the building as well as a café inside. The whole area is accessible with a lift into the building.

In this way I have followed my brief and theme of Juxtaposition and contrast to create a building which is able to create activities for all ages and make an official entrance into the park which will bring the local community as well as visitors from afar into the park. This whole design is enhanced through the surrounding area of the building with the auditorium and lots of greenery and places for sit for anyone visiting. Through my final solution it will bring more people into the park in Thurrock council.

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Articles inside

Store Interior

pages 32-33

Café Interior

pages 30-31

The Auditorium

pages 28-29

The Surrounding Area

pages 24-25

The Final Outcome - Building

pages 20-21

Elevation Views

pages 18-19

Perspective Views

pages 16-17

Development Model

pages 14-15

Sketch Up Development

pages 12-13

Developing the Model

pages 10-11

Potential Model 3

pages 8-9

Merging Styles

pages 6-7

Merging Historic with Contemporary

pages 4-5

Secondary Research -

pages 2-3

Store Interior

pages 32-33

Café Interior

pages 30-31

The Auditorium

pages 28-29

The Surrounding Area

pages 24-25

The Final Outcome - Building

pages 20-21

Elevation Views

pages 18-19

Perspective Views

pages 16-17

Development Model

pages 14-15

Sketch Up Development

pages 12-13

Developing the Model

pages 10-11

Potential Model 3

pages 8-9

Merging Styles

pages 6-7

Merging Historic with Contemporary

pages 4-5

Secondary Research -

pages 2-3

Store Interior

pages 31-32

Café Interior

pages 29-30

The Auditorium

pages 27-28

The Surrounding Area

pages 23-24

The Final Outcome - Building

pages 19-20

Elevation Views

pages 17-18

Perspective Views

pages 15-16

Development Model

pages 13-14

Sketch Up Development

pages 11-12

Developing the Model

pages 9-10

Potential Model 3

pages 7-8

Merging Styles

pages 5-6

Merging Historic with Contemporary

pages 3-4
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