Fregata Typeface Presentation

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Цель: разработать супергарнитуру для набора текстов, заголовков статей в современных журналах и рекламе Задача: создать текстовый удобочитаемый шрифт Качества шрифта: лёгкий, изящный, вежливый к читателю

Book Serif Black Serif Book Sans

Fregata Book Serif для набора основного текста

Характерные особенности гарнитуры

Характерные особенности гарнитуры




Century Schoolbook





abcdefghi jklnopqrstu vwxyz


fffifhfbfkfl ffi ffl




абвгдеёжзи йклмнопр стуфхцч шщъыьэюя ўіїґљѓњђћќџѕєј


0123456789 ?!°&_…‘’”“@„'"•.,:; —–=+/#©´$£€[\]()¶ &`<*>÷~%±≈{|}«-»‹›№§ ∆≥‰^≤™≠ƒ®¬√∞µ†‡

36 pt

Confessing that he did not much care for the countryside, he spent only a few carefully shaded summer weekends at Ardis, his magnificent manor near Ladore. 18 pt

12 pt

Confessing that he did not much care for the countryside, he spent only a few carefully shaded summer weekends at Ardis, his magnificent manor near Ladore. He had revisited only a few times since his boyhood another estate he had, up north on Lake Kitezh, near Luga, comprising, and practically consisting of, that large, oddly rectangular though quite natural body of water which a perch he had once clocked took half an hour to cross diagonally and which he owned jointly with his cousin, a great fisherman

Confessing that he did not much care for the countryside, he spent only a few carefully shaded summer weekends at Ardis, his magnificent manor near Ladore. He had revisited only a few times since his boyhood another estate he had, up north on Lake Kitezh, near Luga, comprising, and practically consisting of, that large, oddly rectangular though quite natural body of water which a perch he had once clocked took half an hour to cross diagonally and which he owned jointly with his cousin, a great fisherman in his youth. Poor Dan’s erotic life was neither complicated nor beautiful, but somehow or other (he soon forgot the exact circumstances as one forgets the measurements and price of a fondly made topcoat worn on and off for at least a couple of seasons) he fell comfortably in love with Marina, whose family he had known when they still had their Raduga place (later sold to Mr Eliot, a Jewish businessman). Confessing that he did not much care for the countryside, he spent only a few carefully shaded summer weekends at Ardis, his magnificent manor near Ladore. He had revisited only a few times since his boyhood another estate he had, up north on Lake Kitezh, near

36 pt

Сможет ли человеческий консерватизм противостоять натиску совершенствующейся техники в такой сфере, как письменность? Задавая этот вопрос, мы можем, 18 pt

12 pt

Сможет ли человеческий консерватизм противостоять натиску совершенствующейся техники в такой сфере, как письменность? Финикийско-греческие римские буквы и индийско-арабские цифры стали по воле судьбы элементом нашего повседневного бытия, бытия европейцев. И я полагаю, что мы поступим правильно, если сохраним эти знаки и в будущем – с любовью и тщанием… Сможет ли человеческий консерватизм противостоять натиску совершенствующейся техники в такой сфере, как письменность?

Сможет ли человеческий консерватизм противостоять натиску совершенствующейся техники в такой сфере, как письменность? Задавая этот вопрос, мы можем, пожалуй, вспомнить, что согласно выводам Карла Густава Юнга душу современного человека формирует не только его сиюминутное окружение, но и опыт тысячелетий. Финикийско-греческие римские буквы и индийско-арабские цифры стали по воле судьбы элементом нашего повседневного бытия, бытия европейцев. И я полагаю, что мы поступим правильно, если сохраним эти знаки и в будущем – с любовью и тщанием… Сможет ли человеческий консерватизм противостоять натиску совершенствующейся техники в такой сфере, как письменность? Задавая этот вопрос, мы можем, пожалуй, вспомнить, что согласно выводам Карла Густава Юнга душу современного человека формирует не только его сиюминутное окружение, но и опыт тысячелетий. Финикийско-греческие римские буквы и индийско-рабские цифры стали по воле судьбы элементом нашего повседневного бытия, бытия

Fregata Book Sans для набора заголовков и коротких текстов

Пропорции знаков

характерные особенности гарнитуры




abcdefghi jklnopqrstu vwxyz




абвгдеёжзи йклмнопр стуфхцч шщъыьэюя

HEADING Confessing that he did not much care for the countryside, he spent only a few carefully shaded summer weekends at Ardis, his magnificent manor near Ladore. Confessing that he did not much care for the countryside, he spent only a few carefully shaded summer weekends at Ardis, his magnificent manor near Ladore. He had revisited only a few times since his boyhood another estate he had, up north on Lake Kitezh, near Luga, comprising, and practically consisting of, that large, oddly rectangular though quite natural body of water which a perch he had once clocked took half an hour to cross diagonally

and which he owned jointly with his cousin, a great ďŹ sherman in his youth. Confessing that he did not much care for the countryside, he spent only a few carefully shaded summer weekends at Ardis, his magnificent manor near Ladore. He had revisited only a few times since his boyhood another estate he had, up north on Lake Kitezh, near Luga, comprising, and practically consisting of, that large, oddly rectangular though quite natural body

Fregata Black Serif для выделения слов в тексте

Пропорции знаков

Характерные особенности гарнитуры

Характерные особенности гарнитуры




abcdefghi jklnopqrst uvwxyz




абвгдеёзи йлмнопр стуфхцчш щъыьэюя

Confessing that he did not much care for the countryside, he spent only a few carefully shaded summer weekends at Ardis, his magnificent manor near Ladore. Confessing that he did not much care for the countryside, he spent only a few carefully shaded summer weekends at Ardis, his magnificent manor near Ladore. He had revisited only a few times since his boyhood another estate he had, up north on Lake Kitezh, near Luga, comprising, and practically consisting of, that large, oddly rectangular though quite natural body of water which a perch he had once clocked took half an hour to cross diagonally and which he owned jointly

with his cousin, a great fisherman in his youth. Confessing that he did not much care for the countryside, he spent only a few carefully shaded summer weekends at Ardis, his magniďŹ cent manor near Ladore. He had revisited only a few times since his boyhood another estate he had, up north on Lake Kitezh, near Luga, comprising, and practically consisting of, that large, oddly rectangular though quite natural body of water which a perch he had once clocked

Black Serif для сильных слов





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