typetimes specimen

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Students demand more font licences

They are not sure what a licence is though q p28

Official contest season in potatoe sack jumping started The traditional game is a strong part of the holiday seson q p35

Newspapers engage in minus tracking competition Testing the boundaries of legibility q p56

Gerard Unger promoted to deity status

Type designers concurred: “He is a freaking genious” q p13

brings you a series of unverified news from several questionable sources A TypeTogether publication. No commercial value.

Run lobster, run!

Prague, Czech Republic | April 1, 2012

8-foot marijuana plant found. It was being grown in a blind woman’s yard. q p132

Repairman accused of swallowing ring. He faces felony theft charges and 3 years in prison. q p65

Nudists protest against tower block. It overlooks a naturist club in Surrey. q p65

16 sequels nobody has ever heard of. 1 Ace Ventura, Jr. 2 National lampoon’s Christmas vacation 2 3 American psycho 2 4 Home alone 4 5 Road trip: Beer pong 6 War of the worlds 2 7 I’ll always know what you did last summer


Photo sxc.hu

Instead of plunging headfirst to their death in a pot of boiling water, 534 live lobsters escaped the dinner plate and belly flopped to freedom into the dark waters of the Atlantic Ocean. By Lauren Keiper, Reuters. gloucester, Mass | Fri Aug 5, 2011

A group of Tibetan Buddhists flanked the sides of a whale-watching boat at dusk on Wednesday, sprayed the lobsters with blessed water, clipped the bands binding their dangerous claws and released them one by one into the deep water below. The 30 Buddhists of all ages trekked to this northern Massachusetts fishing hub to buy 600 pounds of lobster from a seafood wholesaler and save the critters from imminent death. The lobster liberation was scheduled for August 3, which is Wheel Turning Day on this year’s Tibetan

lunar calendar, the anniversary of the first sermon Buddha taught. On this holiday, the merit for positive actions is multiplied many times.

a ceremony that included prayers, mantras and walking boxes of the lobsters in a circle around blessed objects. This develops a karmic con-

“ Even if they get captured again, they’ve had a longer life” “Even if they get captured again, they’ve had a longer life,” said Wendy Cook, former director at the Kurukulla Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies in Medford, north of Boston. Buddhists from the center typically liberate masses of the expensive seafood a couple times each year. Cook, a yoga instructor, led

nection for the animals’ future lifetimes and help ease future suffering, she said. Monk Geshe Tenley, Kurukulla Center’s resident teacher, who was wearing a saffron robe, released the first lobster. In India, Geshe Tenley said, cows, sheep and even goats are purchased

and saved from slaughter. But here in New England, saving the lobsters and extending their lives – even if just for an hour – is most practical and a real way the group can make a difference in the lobsters’ existence and their own. “It’s rethinking the way you normally see these creatures,” said Victoria Fan, a graduate student who participated in the ceremony steps away from a sign for $15.99 lobster dinners. “You’re supposed to view them equally. Their happiness is as important as your happiness, their suffering is as important as your suffering,” a very excited fan said. q p9


The definite Lobster Cookbook

The definite Lobster Cookbook loni by Andrea Bracca

2  World

TypeTogether Specimen 2012 — Abril Text, Abril Display & Tablet Gothic


Town to grow cannabis to pay off debt

A small town in northeastern Spain, believes it has found a novel way to pay of its debt: cultivating cannabis. REUTERS  Tucked in the hills of one of Spain’s most picturesque regions, the Catalonian village of Rasquera has agreed to rent out land to grow marijuana, an enterprise the local authorities say will allow them to pay off their € 1.3 million debt in two years. Local authorities are keeping the location of the site top secret while Spain’s attorney general investigates the legality of the project. The Catalan regional government has also asked the village for further information about the plan. Spanish towns are swamped in debt after a decade-long construction boom that imploded in 2008. Almost one in four Spanish workers is jobless and many cities are months behind in salaries for street cleaners and other municipal employees. Spain’s central government

is now forcing local authorities to tighten their belts even further as a euro zone debt crisis drags on, forcing greater fiscal austerity onto most countries using the single European currency. The mayor of Rasquera, with 900 inhabitants, said the project will not only benefit locals, but also eliminate organized crime and the tax evasion associated with the cannabis industry thanks to government supervision. “We want to put an end to mafias, we want to finish with the black market, we want to put an end to the underground economy,” said Bernat Pellisa, Rasquera’s mayor of nine years said. “The only thing this humble mayor wants and has tried to do is to supervise all this in order to benefit society and the neighbors of our village,” he added.

The Barcelona Personal Use Cannabis Association (ABCDA) will pay Rasquera 54,170 € a month from July 2012 for a 15 hectare plot of land and local authorities hope the farm will generate 40 jobs in the village. Villagers Welcome Plan The proposal has sparked debate on the legality of cannabis in the EU. Spanish law allows the cultivation of cannabis as long as it is for “personal and shared use.” Trafficking, however, is punished with up to six years in jail. The mayor said residents of Rasquera have welcomed the initiative, as long as it abides by the law, and that he is responding to the wishes of the people. “It’s a potential solution for the government to pay our debt. They are working to check out if it’s legal and if they can regularize it. And if it is possible, then perfect,” Rasquera resident Josep Francesc, 22, said. For a 67-year-old woman who didn’t want to give her name, the project would only be acceptable if

Cannabidiol The Cannabis plant has a long history of use as medicine. PHOTO FREEPICTURE SOURCE

“It’s a potential solution for the government to pay our debt” Josep Francesco, 22

the cannabis was used for medical purposes. “They say it is going to be used by laboratories, to produce medicine. If that is the goal, then welcome. There is almost no medicine that doesn’t use drugs. But if it is used in a different way, then I don’t agree,” she said. As cannabis must be planted in March, € 36,000 ($47,200) has already been paid and cultivation could begin shortly. Marta Suarez, spokeswoman of ABCDA, said the plantation in Rasquera was not a business-orientated project. “The goal is not to maximize our profits or produce as much as possible, but to produce with quality in a controlled environment to supply users...in a responsible, appropriate and informed manner,” she says. ABCDA has 5,000 members and is based in Barcelona, the capital of the Catalonia region. E

Infidelity facts & Statistics When Does Infidelity Occur?




Percentage of marriages where one or both spouses admit to infidelity, either physical or emotional

Percentage of men and women who admit to having an affair with a co-worker.

Percentage of women who say they would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught

Will Slovaks walk over Chuck Norris to Austria? BRATISLAVA  Slovaks have been voting overwhelmingly in favor of naming a new pedestrian and cycling bridge near their capital for 1980s action film and TV star Chuck Norris. The two other top names in the running for the bridge, which will span the Morava river and cross the border to Austria, were Maria Theresa after an Austro-Hungarian empress and the Devinska cycling bridge in honour of the closest village. Norris, a martial arts expertturned film star, is known for playing tough guy characters in such

classic movies as Lone Wolf McQuade, Missing in Action and The Delta Force. The actor’s work has become a popular source of kitschy fun among Slovaks and a mainstay for local jokes about macho strength and invincibility. The final decision will be up to a regional assembly. But regional Governor Pavol Freso has said it would follow the wishes of the people in the Internet ballot where Norris leads as the top choice for the bridge’s name. “As we have so far been building it in full sight of the public, we will seek that the name is accepted by the public as well,” he said. The voting will run until April. As of Thursday, 1,157 votes have backed Norris, 74% of the total. E R EU T E R S

While infidelity can occur at anytime in a relationship, there are certain times when it is more likely to occ ur than others. In addition, there are certain relationship factors which can dramatically increase the potential for infidelity. Throughout the life of nearly all relationships, there are four timetable events which can breed infidelity. After the First Year of Mar-

riage. This generally is a time at which most people would not consider the likelihood of infidelity to be that great. For this reason, it is also the time when affairs are the least detected. After the first year of marriage, the whirlwind ends, and routine begins to set in. The emotional high that both partners had been experiencing is gone. This leaves a void. It is similar to the effects of drugs. Once you are high and come back down, you want to get high again. The new husband or



Salva la vida gracias a sus enormes implantes mamarios La modelo estadounidense de origen brasileño Sheyla Hershey, de 32 años, ha protagonizado un suceso del que ha salido con vida gracias a sus grandes pechos, que amortiguaron el impacto del choque de su coche contra un árbol. Hershey, residente en la pequeña ciudad de Humble, Texas, se dirigía a su casa cuando su coche se salió de la carretera y se estampó con un árbol. La modelo no llevaba puesto el cinturón de seguridad y el airbag no se activó pero sí lo hicieron sus airbag artificiales, los implantes mamarios que le concedieron

el Guinness y que en esta ocasión amortiguaron el impacto. «Me salvaron la vida, mis pechos amortiguaron el impacto del golpe. Sin ellos, estaría muerta», ha afirmado Hershey en un informativo de la televisión local. Sin embargo, los implantes mamarios le han ocasionado bastantes problemas a Hershey. En verano de 2010 sufrió una infección en ellos y unos mese después fue sometida a una intervención para quitarle parte de los implantes. E

wife may no longer consistently supply what is needed to find that high. Affairs occurring after the first year of marriage are almost never detected, and are typically just flings. There is no real emotional attachment to the other person and the cheating partner can still feel love their new husband or wife. Regardless, if it happens here, the chances of it happening again later on in the relationship have increased substantially. E


“Me salvaron la vida! Mis pechos han amortiguado el impacto del golpe. Sin ellos, estaría muerta.” Sheyla Hershey

World  3

TypeTogether Specimen 2012 — Abril Text, Abril Display & Tablet Gothic

Fonts used


Vatican lists “new sins” The list includes pollution By Philip Pullella


REUTERS  Thou shall not pollute the Earth. Thou shall beware genetic manipulation. Modern times bring with them modern sins. So the Vatican has told the faithful that they should be aware of “new” sins such as causing environmental blight. The guidance came at the weekend when Archbishop Gianfranco Girotti, the Vatican’s number two man in the sometimes murky area of sins and penance, spoke of modern evils. whose outcome is difficult to predict Asked what he believed were to- and control,” he said. day’s “new sins,” he told the Vatican The Vatican opposes stem cell newspaper L’Osservatore Romano research that involves destruction that the greatest danger zone for of embryos and has warned against the modern soul was the largely un- the prospect of human cloning. charted world of bioethics. Girotti, in an interview headlined “(Within bioethics) there are areas “New Forms of Social Sin,” also listed where we absolutely must denounce “ecological” offences as modern evils. some violations of the fundamental In recent months, Pope Benedict rights of human nature through ex- has made several strong appeals for periments and genetic manipulation the protection of the environment,

“the greatest danger zone for the modern soul was bioethics” Gianfranco Girotti

saying issues such as climate change had become gravely important for the entire human race. Under Benedict and his predecessor John Paul, the Vatican has become progressively green. It has installed photovoltaic cells on buildings to produce electricity and hosted a scientific conference to discuss the ramifications of global warming and climate change, widely blamed on human use of fossil fuels. Girotti, who is number two in the Vatican “Apostolic Penitentiary,” which deals with matter of conscience, also listed drug trafficking and social and economic injustices as modern sins. But Girotti also bemoaned that fewer and fewer Catholics go to confession at all. He pointed to a study by Milan’s Catholic University that showed that up to 60 percent of Catholic faithful in Italy stopped going to confession. In the sacrament of Penance, Catholics confess their sins to a priest who absolves them. But the same study by the Catholic University showed that 30 percent of Italian Catholics believed that there was no need for a priest to be God’s intermediary and 20 percent felt uncomfortable talking about their sins to another person. E

Mann ist Vater von 15 Kindern... und noch Jungfrau!

Die Nachkommenschaft von Trent Arsenault ist groß: Der 36-Jährige ist Vater von sage und schreibe 15 Kindern. Das Kuriose an der Sache: Der Mann ist noch Jungfrau – dafür aber eifriger Samenspender. Papa einer ganzen „Fußballmannschaft“ samt vier Ersatzspielern, ohne jemals näheren Kontakt mit einer Dame gehabt zu haben – nein, Trent Arsenault ist kein gewöhnlicher Vater. Der 36-Jährige ist aus Überzeugung „unberührt“. Als 16-Jähriger schloss er mit einem Freund einen Pakt, sein Leben der Wissenschaft zu widmen und niemals zu heiraten, berichtet das „New York Magazine“. Der Freund betrachtet das heute als eine Art Jugendspinnerei. Arsenault dagegen, der in einer streng religiösen Familie aufwuchs, hielt sich an sein Versprechen - und für ihn bedeutete das auch: kein Sex. Bis heute ist er nicht vor den Traualter getreten – und nach eigenen Angaben immer noch Jungfrau. Das hindert ihn aber nicht daran, Paare fleißig beim Kinderwunsch zu unterstützen. „Hundert Prozent

hervorgingen – eine Mutter bekam Dollar-Strafe (75.000 €) und einem Zwillinge. Drei weitere Schwan- Jahr Gefängnis. In wenigen Wochen gerschaften seien „in Bearbeitung“, wird er laut „The Australian“ herheißt es. Normalerweise müssen ausfinden, ob die Strafverfolgung Paare für eine anonyme Samenspen- andauern wird. Die Behörde stehe de hohe Gebühren berappen, beim kurz vor einer Entscheidung. „Fertility Center of California“ etwa Während seine selbstlosen Spensind bis zu 615 $ (ca. 460 €) fällig. denbemühungen laut „Huffington Doch Arsenaults Samenspenden Post“ Arsenault zwar durchaus viele brachten ihm Ärger mit den Behör- Sympathien eingebracht haben, finden ein: Die amerikanische Über- den manche auch Anstoß an seinen meiner sexuellen Energie verwende wachungs- und Zulassungsbehörde Aktivitäten. Im Internet stellt er sein ich für die Spermienproduktion, da- FDA (Food and Drug Administration) „Trainingsprogramm“ in Videos nämmit kinderlose Paare Kinder haben behauptete, dass Arsenault nicht die lich öffentlich zur Schau. Dabei ist können”, erklärte er in der US-Fern- entsprechenden Vorkehrungen vor unter anderem zu sehen, wie er mit sehsendung „Anderson Cooper“. Krankheiten bei seinen Samenspen- ungewöhnlichen Hilfsmitteln wie eiDerzeit ist der große, schlaksige den getroffen habe. Sie drohten dem nem Wasserball oder tiefgekühlten Software-Entwickler der wohl be- 36-Jährigen mit einer 100.000 US- Bio-Blaubeeren masturbiert. E kannteste Erzeuger Kaliforniens – und laut „Huffington Post“ wahrscheinlich auch der am meisten diskutierte Vater in den Vereinigten Staaten. Arsenault fungiert als EinMann-Samenbank. Seinen Samen spendet er seit 2006, im Internet kann man sich auf der Website „Trentdonor.org“ alle wesentlichen Infos über Arsenault und sein „Produkt“ einholen. Nach Information des „New York Magazine“ hat er bereits 500 Spenden getätigt, für die die Empfänger nichts bezahlen müssen. Dadurch kam es zu 14 erfolgreichen Schwangerschaften, aus denen 15 Kinder

Abril Text Conceived specifically for intensive editorial use, whether it is in newspapers, magazines or digital media, Abril is a versatile solution strong in function and aesthetics.

Regular Italic Semi Bold Semi Bold Italic Bold Bold Italic Extra Bold Extra Bold Italic

Abril Display The titling weights, based on a contemporary revamp of classic Didone styles, display both neutrality and strong presence on the page.

Regular Italic Semi Bold Semi Bold Italic Bold Bold Italic Extra Bold Extra Bold Italic Black Black Italic

Tablet Gothic Tablet Gothic delivers the sturdy, straightforward and clean appearance expected from a grotesque, but it allows itself a good measure of personality to make it stand out on the page.

Thin Light Regular Semi Bold Bold Extra Bold Heavy Find these SemiCondensed styles to be used on this spread:

Thin Light Regular Semi Bold Bold Extra Bold Heavy Other members of Tablet Gothic not used on this spread:

TG Compressed TG Condensed TG Narrow TG Wide

4  EL MUNDO Fonts used

Coranto 2 Design: Gerard Unger Coranto 2 is a refined newsface with distinctive character and clarity delivering elegance and refinement to the page.

Regular Italic Bold Bold Italic

Coranto 2 Headline Headline version of Coranto 2 is more condensed and therefore space-saving and has an even taller x-height for good legibility.

Regular Semi Bold Bold

LFT Etica Design: Leftloft The starting point were the common “cold” sans serifs, ubiquitous and often badly applied in their everyday visual environment. The challenge was to obtain the same force, versatility and colour, but with a much warmer feel.

Light Light Italic Regular Italic Semi Bold Semi Bold Italic Bold Bold Italic Extra Bold Extra Bold Italic


Sêmen humano é antidepressivo RIO DE JANEIRO


egundo a pesquisa, os participantes que nunca ou raramente utilizam camisinha durante suas cópulas com seus parceiros ou bebem seu esperma após a felação, apresentam um grau de felicidade superior aos que sempre ou regularmente utilizam preservativos. Gallup explica que o “consumo” do sêmen eleva o nível de felicidade das pessoas, enquanto que as que evitam contato com seus hormônios tentem a ter mais probabilidade de desenvolver disturbios depressivos ou demonstram ser menos felizes. “O esperma contém grande quantidade de hormônios, como estrogênio,

TypeTogether’s main interest is finding innovative and stylish solutions to old problems for the professional market of text typefaces, with a focus on editorial use. This is where the greatest challenges are faced: creating typefaces that perform well in continuous reading, that also have a high degree of personality. TT also provides custom modifications and specially tailored typefaces.

prostaglandinas e ocitocina”, explicou a dra. Maria Massa Neta, psicóloga e sexóloga do Stupid News. “Esses hormônios estão ligados diretamente ao centro de prazer e felicidade das pessoas. Por isso recomendo a minhas pacientes beber o sêmen de seus companheiros toda manhã. Isso promove a felicidade do casal”, concluiu. Entretanto, tal descoberta não é recente. Algumas empresas já desenvolvem produtos derivados do sêmen humano e pretendem lançálos no mercado em breve. O laboratório Pfizer, por exemplo, aguarda apenas o registro da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) para começar a distribuir o Pirocolina, que tem a Espermacilina como princípio ativo, para tratamento da

O esperma contém grande quantidade de hormônios, como estrogênio, prostaglandinas e ocitocina Maria Massa Neta

‘Flammable’ bras hold back Swedish female conscripts The bras issued to Swedish female military conscripts easily catch fire and are prone to coming undone, making them inappropriate for the battlefield, claims a conscripts’ rights group.


Pizza in Naples may be baked using coffin wood ROME

TypeTogether was created in 2006 by type designers Veronika Burian and José Scaglione, both graduates of the MA in Type Design at the University of Reading.

TypeTogether Specimen 2012 — Coranto 2, Coranto Headline 2 & LFT Etica

Italian prosecutors believe pizza in the southern city of Naples may be baked in ovens lit with wood from coffins dug up in the local cemetery, Italian daily Il Giornale reported on Monday. “Pizza, one of the few symbols of Naples that endures... is hit by the concrete suspicion that it could be baked with wood from coffins,” Il Giornale said. Investigators in Naples are setting their sights on the thousands of small, lower-end pizza shops and bakeries that dot the city on suspicion that the owners may “use wood from caskets to keep ovens burning.” Naples’ graveyard has long been hunting ground for thieves: last year, 5,000 flower pots were stolen from the cemetery. “A gang might have set up a market for coffins sold to hard-hearted owners of bakeries and pizzerias

looking to save money on wood,” Il Giornale said. According to tradition, Neapolitan pizza should be cooked in a stone oven with an oak-wood fire. Neapolitan pizza was invented between 1715 and 1725, with the world-famous Margherita variant first cooked up in 1889. Tradition has it that queen Margherita of Savoy asked one of Naples’ famed pizzaioli to come up with a dish for the people. The result, which provides the basis for most pizzas enjoyed around the world, represented the colours of recently unified Italy: green basil, white mozzarella and red tomatoes. Italy’s estimated 25,000 pizzerias employ around 150,000 people and account for a turnover of 5.3 billion euros (6.5 billion dollars).


The lack of combat-ready underwear for Sweden’s women in uniform has been a continuing sore point for the Swedish Conscription Council (Värnpliktstrådet). “Our opinion is that the Swedish Armed Forces should have ordered good, flame-proof underwear,” Council spokesperson Paulina Rehbinder told The Local. “There should be suitable apparel for women.” The poor quality of the standard-issue sports bras prompted a group by female soldiers at the LV 6 military base in Halmstad to voice their displeasure to represen-

depressão, nas formas injetável ou xarope. A indústria de alimentos e laticínios Elegê espera lançar a bebida láctea “Leite de Minhápica”, integral e desnatado, ainda esse ano e depende apenas da liberação do registro do novo produto pelo Ministério da Agricultura. A linha de cosméticos Embelleze chegou a lançar o creme facial Espermodex, mas problemas com seus fornecedores a levaram a suspender a comercialização do produto. O ator Alexandre Frota, por meio de sua assessoria de imprensa, declarou estar estudando a viabilidade de atuar como fornecedor de matéria prima para esse novo nicho de mercado. SIGNATURA

tatives from the Council recently. The women complained that the bras’ fasteners have a tendency to come undone when the women performed rigorous exercise, forcing the female soldiers to take off all of their equipment in order to refasten the brassieres. In addition, the bras aren’t flame resistant and, once lit, can melt onto conscripts’ skin, the GöteborgsPosten (GP) newspaper reports. The Council’s Rehbinder accuses Sweden’s military establishment of dragging its feet on the issue. “It has not been a priority for the higher ups because women make up only around five percent of the Swedish armed forces,” Rebinder said, adding that the problem of suitable clothing has existed for more than two decades. But she hopes a fresh batch of Swedish military recruits may help press the issue with the Armed Forces’ top brass. “Earlier this year the National Service Administration (Pliktverket) informed them that around 2‚000 female recruits were due to enter the service next year. That got them moving,” she said. THE ONION

Global Headlines Ready, steady, grow for London 2012

London Olympic organizers are asking gardeners to give British athletes some flower power this summer by planting flowers and vegetables in the national colors.

Mattel to issue William and Kate dolls for royal anniversary The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are really getting dolled up for the first anniversary of their royal wedding.


TypeTogether Specimen 2012 — Coranto 2, Coranto Headline 2 & LFT Etica

Bear-safety lecture in Yellowstone interrupted by bear The brown bear of northwest North America, its brown fur has cream or white hair tips on the back, giving a grizzled appearance often shortened to grizzly


Just two days after a rare fatal mauling by a mother grizzly in Yellowstone National Park, a black bear interrupted the taping of a television news segment on bear safety. The odd close encounter on Friday featured a group of kayakers assisting a hiker in her effort to avoid the bear, and was captured on video by a visiting cable news crew. Park officials said on Monday that the bear seen in the footage appeared to be minding its own business and posed no immediate threat to the hiker. In the fatal bear attack on Wednesday, Yellowstone’s first since 1986, an adult female grizzly with two cubs charged after and killed a park visitor who was believed to have inadvertently startled the animal while hiking with his wife.

43% Europamüdigkeit Beteiligung an Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament sinken immer weiter nach unten quelle: spiegel

That incident resulted from the grizzly acting to defend her young against a perceived threat, park officials said last week. The bear involved was allowed to roam free afterward, but its whereabouts are being monitored for the time being. On Friday, a CNN news crew was working at a different location with Yellowstone bear biologist Kerry Gunther and park spokesman Dan Hottle. They were taping a bear-safety story when they spotted hiker Erin Prophet and a nearby black bear. As Prophet backed away from the bear, she found herself at the edge of a lake where the bear was headed. Dave Beecham, one of three people in a nearby kayak, paddled over to help Prophet swim away from the bear. Although the bear never charged and did not appear to be directly threatening her, Prophet told the camera crew that she was scared,

Afraid the grizzly bear was going to come after us DAVE beecham

and glad for the help. “When the guys in the kayak offered to pull me across, that seemed like a better plan because the bear seemed like it wanted to be down there by the edge,” Prophet said. Beecham, visiting the park from Oregon, had his son and fatherin-law in the kayak during the incident. He later told KGW news of Portland that he felt compelled to help, but he was also “afraid the grizzly bear was going to come after us.” Hottle said the black bear, initially misidentified as a juvenile

grizzly, appeared disinterested in Prophet and was just trying to get to the water. “That was what we refer to as an incident within an incident,” Hottle told Reuters on Monday, joking that he worried some might think the encounter was staged. Hottle had taken the news crew to Joffe Lake, a five-minute drive from park headquarters in Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming. As Gunther was about to demonstrate how to use a concentrated pepper spray designed to deter bears, someone nearby sounded the alarm about the bear. He said he doubted the incident would have raised eyebrows were it not for the presence of news cameras in the wake of an exceptionally rare fatal mauling two days earlier. Yellowstone spokeswoman Linda Miller said the park has received hundreds of media inquiries about the fatal attack. Sales of bear spray were up sharply at a camping supply store in Cody, Wyoming, near the park’s East Entrance. “People are definitely talking about it when they come in,” said Amber Bryant of Sunlight Sports. “Some people have actually changed their minds and decided not to go hiking at all.” She added that most customers have decided to proceed with their backcountry plans. Gunther told reporters last week that the fatal bear attack was a “1-in-3-million” chance encounter, and that bear-related injuries in the park normally average just one each year. The Onion America’s finest news source

Facebook místo občanky? Umělec ukazuje, jak by to vypadalo ČESKO

Dokážete si představit, že by váš profil na sociální síti Facebook byl důležitější něž třeba cestovní pas? Německý umělec Tobias Leingruber zaměřující se na svět komunikací lidem ukazuje, jak by budoucnost s fejsbučenkou mohla vypadat. Aby stvořil dokonalou vizi, Leingruber vytvořil podobu budoucích Facebookových identifikačních karet, které ukazují pravé jméno, uživatelské jméno, pohlaví, bydliště, datum připojení k Facebooku a QR kód s odkazem na profil. Začátkem března už tyto průlazy rozdával

lidem v supermarketu v Berlíně, 16. března se pak chystá na konferenci Unlike Us do nizozemského Amsterodamu. Vyjádření firmy Facebook se deníku Metro nepodařilo získat. Její názor na Leingruberův projekt ale je celkem jasný, protože stránku, na níž akce běžela, nechala shodit. Kam jedete? A jaké máte jméno na Facebooku? Ukazuju jako umělec budoucnost, kde Facebook dokáže kontrolovat lidské životy více, než jednotlivé státní vlády, říká Leingruber. Na webu používáme připojení k Facebooku každý

den, aniž bychom si uvědomovali, co to vlastně pro nás znamená. Spousta lidí si myslí, že internet je něco jiného než skutečný život, ale neuvědomují si ten vliv, který na jejich život má, vysvětluje umělec. Na nápad mladý Němec přišel, když cestoval a celník se ho v žertu zeptal: Jaké máte jméno na Facebooku? Leingruberovi přišla tato věta vtipná, ale zároveň trochu děsivá. Facebook v Česku používá 3 652 080 uživatelů, z toho 50,9 % žen a 49,1 % můžů. Nejrozšířejnější je ve věkové skupině 25–34 let, která tvoří 28,2 % všech uživatelů.

DAILY QuoteS “For the first time, we have statistical evidence of what we’ve suspected for the past 40 years: Life really isn’t worth living.” Jack Farness

“In the last one, they flipped over a semi and blew up an entire hospital, so don’t tell me they can’t use a little movie magic to bring back Heath Ledger.” Erin Matthews

In Svezia la prima chiesa con musica techno STOCCOLMA—Credevate di averle viste tutte con i canti gospel e il battito di mani a ritmo? Beh, vi sbagliavate di grosso, in Svezia la chiesa ha appena trovato un metodo incredibile per attirare a se i giovani, la musica techno! L’evento musicale religioso è avvenuto a Stoccolma dove il prete ha deciso di organizzare una serata anni ’90 per avvicinare i giovani alla chiesa. “È stato divertentissimo” – racconta una ragazza – “La chiesa non è il luogo che frequenterei abitualmente, ma dopo stasera sicuramente ho cambiato idea!” Ovviamente non tutti si sono mostrati favorevoli all’iniziativa, alcuni hanno concluso che nel paese sono già presenti moltissime attrazioni per lo svago e che la chiesa dovrebbe rimanere un luogo di raccolta e di spiritualità.

Caught watching porn in parliament Three Indian politicians from a morally conservative party, including a women’s affairs minister, resigned on Wednesday after being caught watching porno­graphy on a mobile phone during a session of state parliament.

Karmina sans

comparison, area economy karmina, 9/10 pt

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Gojazni đačić s biciklom drži hmelj i finu vatu u džepu nošnje. Nechť již hříšné saxofony ďáblů rozzvučí síň úděsnými tóny waltzu, tanga a quickstepu. Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy. Høj bly gom vandt fræk sexquiz på wc. Voix ambiguë d’un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwi. Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg. Jó foxim és don Quijote húszwattos lámpánál ülve egy pár bűvös cipőt készít. Svo hölt, yxna kýr þegði jú um dóp í fé á bæ. Mężny bądź, chroń pułk twój i sześć flag. Luís argüia à Júlia que «brações, fé, chá, óxido, pôr, zângão» eram palavras do português. El veloz murciélago hindú comía feliz cardillo y kiwi. La cigüeña tocaba el saxofón detrás del palenque de paja. Sexy Kapuziner Mönch Jo vergärt fades Quellwasser zu süßem Bier. Völlig weißes Pony mit Zöpfen jagt quer über die mexikanische Prärie.

abril text, 9/10pt

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Gojazni đačić s biciklom drži hmelj i finu vatu u džepu nošnje. Nechť již hříšné saxofony ďáblů rozzvučí síň úděsnými tóny waltzu, tanga a quickstepu. Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy. Høj bly gom vandt fræk sexquiz på wc. Voix ambiguë d’un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwi. Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg. Jó foxim és don Quijote húszwattos lámpánál ülve egy pár bűvös cipőt készít. Svo hölt, yxna kýr þegði jú um dóp í fé á bæ. Mężny bądź, chroń pułk twój i sześć flag. Luís argüia à Júlia que «brações, fé, chá, óxido, pôr, zângão» eram palavras do português. El veloz murciélago hindú comía feliz cardillo y kiwi. La cigüeña tocaba el saxofón detrás del palenque de paja. Sexy Kapuziner Mönch Jo vergärt fades Quellwasser zu süßem Bier. Völlig weißes Pony mit Zöpfen jagt quer über die mexikanische Prärie.

Coranto 2, 9/10pt

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Gojazni đačić s biciklom drži hmelj i finu vatu u džepu nošnje. Nechť již hříšné saxofony ďáblů rozzvučí síň úděsnými tóny waltzu, tanga a quickstepu. Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy. Høj bly gom vandt fræk sexquiz på wc. Voix ambiguë d’un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwi. Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg. Jó foxim és don Quijote húszwattos lámpánál ülve egy pár bűvös cipőt készít. Svo hölt, yxna kýr þegði jú um dóp í fé á bæ. Mężny bądź, chroń pułk twój i sześć flag. Luís argüia à Júlia que «brações, fé, chá, óxido, pôr, zângão» eram palavras do português. El veloz murciélago hindú comía feliz cardillo y kiwi. La cigüeña tocaba el saxofón detrás del palenque de paja. Sexy Kapuziner Mönch Jo vergärt fades Quellwasser zu süßem Bier. Völlig weißes Pony mit Zöpfen jagt quer über die mexikanische Prärie.

Capitolium News 2, 9/10pt

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Gojazni đačić s biciklom drži hmelj i finu vatu u džepu nošnje. Nechť již hříšné saxofony ďáblů rozzvučí síň úděsnými tóny waltzu, tanga a quickstepu. Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy. Høj bly gom vandt fræk sexquiz på wc. Voix ambiguë d’un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwi. Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg. Jó foxim és don Quijote húszwattos lámpánál ülve egy pár bűvös cipőt készít. Svo hölt, yxna kýr þegði jú um dóp í fé á bæ. Mężny bądź, chroń pułk twój i sześć flag. Luís argüia à Júlia que «brações, fé, chá, óxido, pôr, zângão» eram palavras do português. El veloz murciélago hindú comía feliz cardillo y kiwi. La cigüeña tocaba el saxofón detrás del palenque de paja. Sexy Kapuziner Mönch Jo vergärt fades Quellwasser zu süßem Bier. Völlig weißes Pony mit Zöpfen jagt quer über die mexikanische Prärie.

abril display regular

alternate numbers for fun: 0123456789!

vast support abril text bold italic

tablet gothic compressed extrabold & tg narrow regular

Wiedergefunden; Der Zündapp

34 poštovní zásilky abril fatface & fatface italic

capitolium 2 regular & bold

Voix ambiguë d’un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwi

28.05.1973 Edição tablet gothic narrow semibold

tablet gothic wide thin

Wat oliemaatschappij BP ook probeert, het lukt maar

19.20¢ 5.20¢ 9.60¢ 18.50¢ 9.40¢ 9.60¢ 22.70¢ 8.80¢ 7.90¢ 4.50¢ 6.30¢ 0.50¢ 8.20¢ 33.30¢ 1.20¢ 3.50¢ 1.70¢ 8.50¢ 14.70¢ 0.70¢ 10.40¢ 5.30¢ 4.10¢ 10.60¢

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Karmina

murphy’s graphic design laws 1 Speed. Quality. Affordability. Pick 2. 2 If the run is wrong, it’s never the press operator’s fault. 3 Spell checkers don’t. 4 Grammar checkers don’t, either. 5 If 3 designs are shown to a client, your least favorite will be chosen. 6 If two designs are shown, a third will be requested. 7 If provided, then 1 of the first 2 will be chosen. 8 The best designs never survive contact with the client. 9 Your best idea is already copyrighted. Source: Murphy’s laws site


top 10 films 1 (1)

2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (-) 5 (-)

Wild Hogs (Walt Becker) €183,040 Blades of Glory (Josh Gordon) €176,483 Mr Beans (Doug Hammer) €124,156 Alpha Dog (Nick Cassates) €105,118 Fracture (Gregory Hoblit) €88,476

tablet gothic condensed 73,295: vs Sunderland 09/03/1935 Division One 392,726: vs Sampdoria 06/04/1995 ECWC SF 12-0: vs Loughborough Town 12/03/1900 Division 2 0-8: vs Loughborough Town 12/12/1896 Division 2 11-1: vs Darwen 09/01/1932 FA Cup Round 3 0-6: vs Sunderland 1893 F1, Derby 1899 F1 Kenny Sansom: 77 England David O’Leary: 558 1975/93 Thierry Henry: 2005/06

Abril Text character set

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZabcdefghijj klmnopqrstuvwxyzßæœ abcdefghijklmnopqrst uvwxyzæœ([{ªº&@*-–—”’‘ “/\?!¿¡}])$¢ƒ£¥€№012345678 9%‰ff fi fl fb fh fk fj ft ffb ffh ffk ffi ffl fft ffj tt st sp ct ch ck Th $¢ƒ£¥€№¤01234 56789%‰$¢ƒ£¥€00123 456789$¢ƒ£¥€01234567 89%‰3/56½⅓⅔¼¾��� ���⅛⅜⅝⅞����� �������12/340123456789( -.,+=−)abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx yz01234567890123456789(-.,+=−)abcd efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567 89(-.,+=−)abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz{[(_)]}*,.:;/|¦\ ?&@^~† ‡§•¶®©™ªº¿¡«»‹›…–—“”‘’ ‚„#”’°¬+<=>≠≤≥±÷−×⁄∞∑√ ◊∏π∫∂∆≈µΩabcdefghijk lmnopqrstuvwxyzA BCDEFGHIJKLMUVNOP QRST12345 6789123456789 ÁÀÂÄÃÅǺĀĄĂÆǼÇĆČĈ ĊĐÐĎÉÈÊËĒĚĖĘĔĜĠĢĞ ĦĤÍÎÌÏĨİĬĮĪĴĶĻĿĹŁĽÑŃŇ ŅŊÓÒÔÖÕŌŐØǾŎŒŔŘ ŖŠŚȘŞŜŤŢŦȚÚÙÛÜŪŲŮ ŰŬŨŴẂẄẀŸÝŶỲŹŽŻÞ áàâäãåǻāąăæǽçćčĉċđðďé èêëēěėęĕĝġģğħĥíîìïĩiĭįīĵķļ ŀĺłľñńňņŋóòôöõōőøǿŏœŕ řŗšśșşŝťţŧțúùûüūųůűŭũŵ ẃẅẁÿýŷỳźžżþĸijÁÀÂÄÃÅ ǺĀĄĂÆǼÇĆČĈĊĐðĎÉÈÊËĒ ĚĖĘĔĜĠĢĞĦĤÍÎÌÏĨİĬĮĪĴĶĻĿĹ ŁĽÑŃŇŅŊÓÒÔÖÕŌŐØǾŎŒ ŔŘŖŠŚȘŞŜŤŢŦȚÚÙÛÜŪŲŮŰ ŬŨŴẂẄẀŸÝŶỲŹŽŻÞij

lft etica extrabold & extrabold italic

L’eterno ritorno Stáhněte si výpověd coranto 2 headline regular & bold

lft etica display thin

PlantinMoretus coranto 2 regular & bold italic

Oyarzabal reconoce “un horizonte de esperanza”

3151‰ great tablet gothic wide heavy

abril display italic

“Ruderklub Frankonia” lft etica light & semibold

La India pierde el contacto por radio

13/478 Cammerdown capitolium news 2 regular

comparison of design features and construction between Abril text and abril display Several details in Abril Text had to be adapted for printing at smaller sizes; they include increasing the x-height, making the serifs thicker and more robust, reducing contrast between thin and thick lines and solving the connection elements on the ‘k’ differently.


TypeTogether Specimen 2012 — Karmina, Karmina Sans & Ronnia, Ronnia Condensed


Planeten-Duo geht auf Tuchfühlung Wer derzeit nach der Abenddämmerung den Blick nach oben schweifen lässt, der kann bei klarem Himmel zwei rätselhafte, nahe beieinander liegende Lichter sehen. Die Folge: Bei Werner Walter, Betreiber einer bundesweiten UFO-Meldestelle, steht das Telefon nicht mehr still. Außerirdischen-Besuch oder falscher Alarm? Wir haben uns von dem UFOExperten aufklären lassen. Georg Müller D-PRESSE.com

Roboholky z vrakoviště tancují u tyče Video △ Připadá vám striptýz pro ženy ponižující? Dobrá zpráva. V budoucnosti je nahradí robotky. Ve Velké Británii už se na tom pracuje. Již několik let pracuje čtyřiačtyřicetiletý sochař a techik Giles Walker z Velké Británie na robotkách, které by zvládaly složitou choreografii tanečnic u tyče. A jeho snažení fandí spousty lidí po celém světě. Poprvé své roboty představil v roce 2006 na akci, kterou připravovala nezávislá iniciativa Mutate Britain. Naposledy se svými robostriptérkami nadchl o víkendu návštěvníky největšího počítačového veletrhu CeBIT v německém Hannoveru. Zájemci si dokonce mohli robota i koupit. „Moji roboti nejsou žádné drahé technologické vymoženosti,“ řekl Metru Walker. „Ve skutečnosti je mnohdy vytvářím na koleni a používám k tomu součástky, které najdu na vrakovišti. Jako motory jim slouží motorky ze stěračů od auta,“ svěřil se inovátor. Pohyby robotů procházejí vývojem a dnes už jsou velice realistické. „Musel jsem hodně chodit do striptýzových klubů a dívat se na vlnící se zadky, abych mohl ten pohyb věrně napodobit,“ přiznal se Walker.

Werner Walter glühen die Ohren in diesen Tagen. Der Grund: Immer mehr Meldungen über mysteriöse Lichter am Himmel gehen bei seiner bundesweiten UFO-Meldestelle ein. Die meisten der Anrufer beschreiben das Gleiche: zwei ungewöhnliche, leicht versetzte Lichtpu,nkte am Nachthimmel. Sie blinken nicht, weshalb es sich dabei nicht um Flugzeuge handeln kann. Kommen sie nun doch, um uns zu holen, die Außerirdischen? Jupiter und Venus gehen derzeit auf Tuchfühlung Mit dieser Frage geraten die Anrufer bei Werner

Unbewohnte Insel bekommt öffentliche Toilette Eine unbewohnte Insel im hohen Norden Schottlands bekommt eine öffentliche Toilette. Das stille Örtchen soll rund 50 000 Pfund (60 000 Euro) kosten, berichtete der britische Sender BBC am Montag unter Berufung auf den schottischen Naturschutzverein Scottish Wildlife Trust. Die Toilette werde für die rund 6000 Vogelbeobachter gebraucht, die jährlich im Frühling und Sommer auf die etwa 309 Hektar große Insel Handa pilgerten. Bisher gibt es nur eine kleine Schutzhütte mit eine Toilette für die Freiwilligen, die dort arbeiten. Das Fundament für das Häuschen müsse mehr als zwei Meter tief sein, damit es dem starken Wind standhalte. Da es kein fließendes Wasser gibt, müssen die Benutzer Sägespähne streuen. Gesäubert wird alle zwei Jahre.

Walter an den Richtigen. Seine UFO-Meldestelle mit Sitz in Mannheim hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, angebliche UFO-Rätsel mit natürlich-wissenschaftlichen Erklärungen zu lösen. Und so kann Walter auch in diesem Fall Entwarnung geben: Die Lichtpunkte sind lediglich einer äußerst spannenden astronomische Konstellation zu verdanken, die insgesamt etwa drei Tage andauert, wie Walter im Gespräch mit Yahoo! Nachrichten erklärt. Dabei wandern die Planeten Venus und Jupiter ungewöhnlich nah aneinander vorbei. Wer die beiden Lichter noch sehen möchte, der sollte

sich beeilen. „Morgen Abend Himmel - ein so gutes Foto wie das hier gezeigte von gehen die beiden Planeten Tom Hottel dürfte derzeit wieder auseinander“, so der nicht vielen gelingen. Experte, der auf „gutes UFO„Im Prinzip ist das Wetter“ hofft. der moderne Stern von Für Walter ist das SchauBetlehem“, sagt Walter spiel eine Art „kostenloses Open-Air-Kino“ – der „Film“, schmunzelnd – winkt aber ab, als wir ihn nach einer der hier gezeigt wird, ist entsprechenden Prophezeieine seltene Sondervorstelung fragen. Walter glaubt lung. „Die beiden Planeten weder an ein UFO noch an nehmen nur ungefähr alle eine kosmische Botschaft. zehn Jahre diese Konstellation an“, erklärt er. Mit einem „Die Planeten haben uns gar nichts zu sagen, die sind Außerirdischen-Besuch nämlich stumm.“ Das muss dürfen wir also zwar nicht er vermutlich auch noch in rechnen, dafür bietet sich den nächsten Tagen einigen uns aber immerhin die aufgeregten Anrufern erkläGelegenheit, ein seltenes ren – so lange, bis das RenSchauspiel zu verfolgen. dezvous zwischen Venus Walter jedoch ärgert sich und Jupiter beendet ist. g persönlich über den trüben


LOUISA, LA DONNA CON LA FOBIA PER I BOTTONI Luca e Paolo absurdity is nothing Si chiama Louisa Francis ha 30 anni, viene da Newcastle in Inghilterra e rappresenta una delle pochissime persone al mondo a soffrire di Koumpounophobia, ovvero la paura per i bottoni. Quando la donna vede un bottone infatti, è presa da un attacco di panico e rimane quasi paralizzata dalla paura. Tutto iniziò all’età di circa 7 anni, dopo che insieme ai suoi amici aveva fatto un gioco con i bottoni che la terrorizzò a tal punto da farla scappare di corsa. Da allora Louisa rabbrividisce al solo pensiero dei bottoni. «Il peggior incidente che mi capitò fu quando mi trovavo ad Asda (una catena di supermercati), la cassiera indossava una giacca completamente ricoperta di bottoni e come se non bastasse, anche il suo bracciale

era fatto con bottoni. E proprio questi, ogni volta che passava un prodotto allo scanner, si avvicinavano a me facendo rumore; mi hanno fatto venire un attacco di panico e non sono più riuscita a mantenere la calma. Sono scappata senza prendere la spesa, mentre tutti mi guardavano.» – ricorda con ansia la donna. I bottoni in casa Francis sono vietati, tutti i suoi vestiti e quelli di sua figlia Bobby hanno la zip o semplicemente si indossano senza essere allacciati. «So benissimo che non possono farmi niente e che da soli non si muovono neanche, ma c’è qualcosa in me che scatta quando ne vedo uno.» «Gli unici bottoni che riesco a sopportare sono quelli di ferro dei jeans, perché hanno una forma diversa e un aspetto diverso rispetto a quelli di plastica.» Ma coma avrà fatto a fare le foto per i giornali? •


TypeTogether Specimen 2012 — Karmina, Karmina Sans & Ronnia, Ronnia Condensed

Fonts used


Manchester MAN a Suspect in Infamous Art HeisT By David Moran the granbys patch com manchester  The FBI believes that a 75-year old Manchester man might have information about one of the most infamous art heists in history, according to the Hartford Courant. Robert Gentile, a 75-year old Manchester resident with alleged mod ties, appeared for a bail hearing in a U.S. District Court in Hartford on Wednesday on a drug arrest in February,

To this day, the Gardner Museum continues to offer a $5 million reward. according to the Courant, but federal prosecutors told the judge that they believed Gentile had knowledge of the whereabouts of 13 priceless paintings stolen from Boston’s Isabella Stewart

Gardner Museum in March of 1990. The theft occurred early on the morning after St. Patrick’s Day, according to the Gardner Museum, when two thieves dressed as police officers gained access to the museum, bound the security guards and made off with 13 paintings in total, including works by Rembrandt, Edgar Degas, Edouard Manet and rare work by Vermeer. The Courant estimates that the 13 paintings could be worth more than $500 million. •

RONNIA Ronnia’s personality performs admirably in headlines, but is diffident enough for continuous text and small text alike.

How to Become An Internet Music Sensation More and more bands are recording, releasing, and promoting their music at home using their own computers. Here are some ways a burgeoning musician can make a splash on the Internet: ► Take advice from your video’s helpful YouTube comments section ► Use GarageBand or another sound-editing application to make your voice sound hilariously deep. People love to laugh! ► Justin Bieber is only 17; he probably has time to check out your video if you tweet at him ► Earn your credentials as an online hard rocker by getting wasted at your computer and

trashing a hotel’s comments page Marrying into Coldplay has long been an acceptable way to break into music These days, interacting with your fans is paramount—consider naming all the tracks on your new album after your 12 YouTube subscribers Is everyone you know a fan of your band on Facebook, Myspace, Tumblr, Twitter, and Blogger? If they aren’t, spend as much time as possible building that following and rest assured, coming up with songs with an actual chorus will follow Be an innovator, whatever the fuck that means


Actor Matthew McConaughey Agrees

Pop Stars To Consolidate If the merger is successful, additional pop mergers have been planned, including a combination of Eric Clapton and Phil Collins.

los angeles  Aging pop stars Elton John and Billy Joel will combine into one artist, tentatively named Billy John, record industry executives announced Monday. The two stars’ identical babyboomer audience, as well as the similarities in their inoffensive, adult-oriented songwriting style, were cited as reasons for the change. Face it, in today’s market, there’s just less and less room for more than one artist in this niche, Billy John

spokesperson Sol Herberger said. A computer-generated image combining the two singers into one person has already been signed as the new spokesman for Coke, and a deluxe box set will be released this December. If the merger is successful, additional pop mergers have been planned, including a combination of Eric Clapton and Phil Collins. • The Onion

To Star In Whatever By The Onion AUSTIN, TeXas Actor Matthew McConaughey announced Tuesday that he has accepted a 6, maybe $7 million offer to star in Whatever. “I’m happy to do Whatever. You know I’m easy, brother,” McConaughey said of his upcoming role as a laid-back dude. “As long as the beer is cold and I can take my shirt off,

I’m in. Well, all right.” Whatever, slated for release either late this year or next, will be directed by this one guy with whom McConaughey has worked before, and will also star Kate Hudson. median pay, pop stars 2009 $85 460 €64 055 2010 $83 541 €62 617 2011 $79 329 €59 460 2012 $82 623 €61 929 source Singers Alliance

Matthew David McConaughey (born November 4, 1969) is an American actor. After a series of minor roles in the early 1990s, McConaughey gained notice for his breakout role in Dazed and Confused (1993). He then appeared in films such as A Time to Kill, Contact, U-571, Tiptoes, Sahara, and We Are Marshall. McConaughey is best known more recently for his performances as a leading man in the romantic comedies The Wedding Planner, How to Lose a Guy.  m

Thin Thin Italic Light Light Italic Regular Italic Semi Bold Semi Bold Italic Bold Bold Italic Extra Bold Extra Bold Italic Heavy Heavy Italic Cond Thin Cond Thin Italic Cond Light Cond Light Italic Cond Regular Cond Italic Cond Semi Bold Cond Semi Bold Italic Cond Bold Cond Bold Italic Cond Extra Bold Cond Extra Bold It Cond Heavy Cond Heavy Italic

Karmina Karmina is a text typeface developed to withstand the worst printing conditions.

Regular Italic Bold Bold Italic

Karmina Sans Karmina Sans, companion to its serif cousin, displays cleary its its own features and personality.

Light Light Italic Regular Italic Semi Bold Semi Bold Italic Bold Bold Italic Extra Bold Extra Bold Italic Heavy Heavy Italic



Fonts used

cAPITOLIUM 2 Design: Gerard Unger Capitolium was orginally designed for the Jubilee of the Roman Catholic Church in 2000. It is a modern typeface for the twentyfirst century and strongly related to the traditions of Rome’s public lettering. Unger later adapted it to the needs of the newspaper environment.

Light Regular Italic Bold Bold Italic

CAPITOLIUM NEWS 2 Capitolium News is a thoroughly modern newsface, with classic letterforms linked to a strong tradition. The update to this beautiful font family, Capitolium 2, includes the addition of over 250 glyphs featuring full Latin A language support, new ligatures, 4 sets of numerals, arbitrary fractions and superiors/inferiors.

Regular Italic Semi Bold Semi Bold Italic Bold Bold Italic

Tablet Gothic Tablet Gothic’s rounder styles Wide, Normal and Narrow achieve great results at very small sizes, producing a beautiful texture and highly readable text blocks.

Thin Light Regular Semi Bold Bold Extra Bold Heavy You can also find Tablet Gothic Wide to be used on this spread:

Thin Light Regular Semi Bold Bold Extra Bold Heavy You can find the complete list of all styles and weights of Tablet Gothic at the last page of this specimen.

TypeTogether Specimen 2012 — Capitolium 2, CapitoliumNews 2 & Tablet Gothic


Padre de trillizas afirma que solo un a es suya

Die Wahrheit über das weltbekannte Nessie-Bild

Das weltweit bekannteste „Beweisbild“ von Nessie zeigt das Seeungeheuer in klaren Umrissen aus dem schottischen See Loch Ness auftauchen. Seit der Veröffentlichung der Aufnahme im Jahr 1934 strömen Scharen von Touristen dorthin – in der Hoffnung, das Monster selbst zu sehen. Doch die Erklärung für das mysteriöse Foto ist nicht nur sehr einfach, sondern auch höchst unterhaltsam. Im Jahr 1934 ging ein Bild um die Welt. Darauf zu sehen: Nessie, das ominöse Monster von Loch Ness. Aufgenommen wurde es von dem Arzt Robert Kenneth Wilson. Neu war die Nachricht, dass in den Tiefen des Sees ein Monster leben soll, schon damals nicht. Bereits um 565 wurde es erstmals schriftlich erwähnt. In der „Vita Columbae“ des Abtes Adamnan wird berichtet, wie der Heilige das Leben eines Mannes rettete, der im Loch Ness von einem Ungeheuer angegriffen wurde. Seitdem beri-

chteten immer wieder angebliche Augenzeugen von der Sichtung des Monsters und beschrieben es in allen möglichen Größen und Formen. Doch keines der Fotos zeigte Nessie so klar und deutlich sie das von Wilson, veröffentlicht in der britischen Zeitung „The Daily Mail“. Es zeigt den typischen langen Hals mit dem kleinen, reptilartigen Kopf, den bis heute jeder mit Nessie in Verbindung bringt. In Wahrheit handelte es sich bei dem Seeungeheuer um ein selbstgebautes Monster mit einem Spielzeug-U-Boot als Untersatz. Die Idee dazu hatte Marmaduke Wetherell, der zuvor für die „Daily Mail“ gearbeitet und sich über das schlechte Arbeitsverhältnis geärgert hatte. Um sich bei seinen Vorgesetzten zu rächen, beauftragte er Wilson und einen anderen Mann namens Maurice Chambers damit, eine künstliche Nessie zu bauen, sie zu fotografieren und der Zeitung anzubieten. Der Schwindel flog erst im Jahr 1994 auf, als Wetherell seinem Sohn am Sterbebett die Wahrheit verriet. 60 Jahre lang galt das Bild vielen als Beweis des schottischen Seebewohners – und dem Mythos Nessie konnte die Demaskierung bis heute keinen Abbruch tun.  n

Cactaceæ: Echinocereus engelmannii (California). The flowers of cacti are as beautiful as the plants are vegetatively peculiar.

“A yurt is a portable, bent wood-framed dwelling structure. The structure comprises a crown or compression wheel (tüýnük) usually steam bent, supported by roof ribs which are bent down at the end where they meet the lattice wall.”

Luis Daniel, de 20 años, tiene claro de que si una mujer da a luz a mas de un bebe en el mismo parto, significa que ha tenido otras relaciones con distintos hombres. El joven afirma que solo una de las tres hijas nacidas del vientre de su mujer es suya. Los médicos intentaron convencer al joven que es imposible su razonamiento y que por lógica, es el padre de las tres niñas. Pero todo a sido en vano, ya que sigue afirmando que las otras dos criaturas son fruto de varias infidelidades de su mujer. Glenys Cenith, su mujer, afirma que no ha compartido cama con ningún hombre, y que simplemente es un caso mas de trillizos. Lo mas insólito es que no es solo el joven, casi todo el pueblo de San Pedro en Colombia piensan igual. Todo se debe a que no están acostumbrados que las mujeres tengan mellizos, gemelos o trillizos, y piensan que la esposa del muchacho estuvo con tres hombres distintos o incluso sea un castigo divino.  n Noticias que te puede interesar: n Gato detecta cáncer de mama a su dueña y salva su vida n Se divorcia de su esposa porque cree que es una extraterrestre n Una joven adicta a beber gasolina n Tres de las muertes mas curiosas e insólitas de la historia n Le dispararon pero la cartera paró la bala

Amanda, la donna follemente innamorata della Statua della Libertà Chi nella vita non ha mai desiderato di essere sempre allegro e felice? Una fortuna che purtroppo non a tutti è concessa. Un uomo tedesco però sembrerebbe aver scoperto il segreto del buon umore e da qualche anno non fa altro che ridere. Stiamo parlando del signor Huug Bosse, che nulla ha a che fare con il noto stilista Hugo Boss. Il signor Boss fino a qualche anno fa era un uomo normale, senza nessun particolare disturbo. Tutto cambiò però quando si sottopose nel 2010 ad un’operazione chirurgica per porre rimedio ad un problemino all’anca. Durante l’intervento gli fu sostituita completamente una parte dell’anca e l’uomo fu sottoposto ad anestesia totale. Da allora l’uomo non riesce a portare avanti una conversazione senza scoppiare in una fragorosa risata. La causa di questa condizione non è tuttora nota, anche se i medici sospettano che possa essere una conseguenza dell’anestesia. Sicuramente il video vi strapperà un sorriso, la sua

aktuelle zinstrends Bindung Zollzins Effektivzins 5 Jahre 2,56% 2,62% 10 Jahre 3,04% 3,09% 15 Jahre 3,39% 3,56% 20 Jahre 4,05% 4,27% 25 Jahre 4,88% 4,10% Quelle: ImmoScout

risata infatti per i primi 5 minuti può apparire divertente; la moglie però dice ormai di non poterne più. “Convivere con una persona che non fa altro che ridere, anche nei momenti più importanti, è sicuramente irritante con il passare del tempo. Neanche la figlia e il fratello lo sopportano più” racconta la moglie. Huug però non si rende conto della situazione e continua a ridere imperterrito. Per lui infatti nulla è mai cambiato e il fatto che gli altri si arrabbino con lui non fa altro che provocargli altre risate. E voi riuscireste a vivere con una persona così? State rivalutando il valore della felicità perenne?  n

Nejdivnější věcí, které se dostaly do vesmíru www.absurdityisnothing.net Přece jenom, tam nahoře už byla spousta roztodivných věcí, proč byste se tam nemohli podívat vy? Scottie ze Star Treku to málem zvládnul. Začneme ale člověkem, který nakonec zůstal jen na půli cesty. Po smrti herce Jamese Doohana, který v kultovním americkém seriálu Star Trek ztvárnil šéfinženýra vesmírné lodi Enterprise Scottyho, se v roce 2005 málem splnilo jeho přání, aby část jeho popela

byla rozprášena mimo zemskou atmosféru. Ale při třetím pokusu se raketa, která ostatky nesla, vznítila a vybuchla nad Tichým oceánem. Nezapomeňte na svou oblíbenou zbraň. K 30. výročí od natočení Hvězdných válek vzal NASA v roce 2007 repliku meče ze snímku Návrat Jediho a vyslal ji do vesmíru s raketoplánem Discovery. Podle dostupných informací tento let doprovázela Síla.  n


TypeTogether Specimen 2012 — Capitolium 2, CapitoliumNews 2 & Tablet Gothic


Top 5 Worst Sequels


Here are five things you need to know today

pparently the Academy most awful line ever uttered on the Awards were held Sunday silver screen. At the end, when John evening – nothing but Travolta’s protagonist is asked at the the latest news on The end what he planned to do next afGranbys Patch! – which of course ter quitting the Broadway show he got me thinking about movies. Un- was dancing in, he responds thusly: fortunately, I think I’m in a bit of a “Strut.” Yep, that’s a plan. dark place today, so I’m only thinking of the bad ones – of which there 4. Jaws: The Revenge (1987) – This is are plenty. But there is an even the fourth (!) installment of the darker place – the basement to the scary, man-eating shark franchise. basement if you will – where an Lorraine Gary and Michael Caine awful movie would not have been couldn’t save this steaming pile of spawned but for the initial success awful. Spoiler alert: the shark – which of an original work. evidently had a Godfather-like venOK, understanding the premise detta against the Brody family and that the sequel is never as good as followed Gary’s character down to the original, there are some especial- the Caribbean to avenge the death ly terrible follow-ups. Here is my list of its breathren (no lie – just say “no” of the top 5 worst sequels of all-time. kids) – actually roars when it’s electrocuted at the end. Who knew Great 5. Staying Alive (1983) – Full disclo- Whites have vocal chords? sure: I hated Saturday Night Fever. Hated. It. So truthfully this 1980s 3. Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights follow up to the 1970s “classic” re- (2004) – Full disclosure: I hated the ally never stood a chance with me. original Dirty Dancing. Hated. It. Anyway, Staying Alive has the dis- The soundtrack to the first film is tinction of containing the singularly permanently ingrained in my head,

Si sottopone a 10 operazioni chirurgiche per somigliare ad un personaggio manga Ormai viviamo in un mondo in cui la chirurgia plastica e i ritocchi sono diventati la norma e non più l’eccezione. Ma chi non si meraviglierebbe nell’incontrare una giovane donna Singaporiana del tutto uguale alle ragazze che si vedono sui manga? Stiamo parlando di Jacqueline Koh, una donna di 29 anni che negli ultimi 2 anni ha subito 10 operazioni di chirurgia plastica per assomigliare sempre più ad un fumetto giapponese. Per raggiungere l’obiettivo sono stati necessari 136mila dollari e svariate ore in sala operatoria per ricostruire e modificare naso, bocca, zigomi, mento, seno e occhi. Tutto è cominciato con un trattamento di Vaser Lipo, una particolare operazione simile alla liposuzione. In quel caso, l’esperienza fu traumatica, il medico face un lavoro poco professionale e Koh, finì per ingrassare invece di dimagrire. Nonostante questo la donna non si è fatta scoraggiare ed è tornata più convinta che mai da un altro chirurgo,

sottoponendosi ad un processo di rinvigorimento della pelle e del viso. A seguire le altre operazioni che hanno interessato gran parte del suo corpo, la più complessa delle quali, probabilmente è stata quella per ridefinire la forma del viso. La ragazza, oltre all’aspetto da perenne cosplay, dichiara di averlo fatto anche per potersi sentire più bella (voi dite che ha raggiunto l’obiettivo) e nega di aver in programma altre operazioni per il momento. Per quanto riguarda la reazione delle altre persone, Koh, ci svela che moltissime donne le hanno sul suo blog personale per chiedere consigli e informazioni riguardanti il suo chirurgo personale. Quasi nessuno secondo lei avrebbe avuto da ridire sul suo nuovo aspetto.  n

Tutto è cominciato con un trattamento di Vaser Lipo, una particolare operazione simile alla liposuzione.

I’m only thinking of the bad movies. as the movie was released in 1988, in the days before you had no choice but to either play cassette tapes that broke frequently or listen to terrestrial radio. I did not, as they say, have the time of my life. HA! ZING! Anyway, if you have to wait 16 years for a sequel to come out, you know there are problems. As if you couldn’t tell by the lack of Jennifer Grey and only a cameo by Patrick Swayze. Oh, and a little thing like changing the setting from the Catskills to (naturally) Cuba. Oof. 2. Grease 2 (1982) – Are you seeing a pattern here? If the sequel doesn’t have the original stars, then, generally, it doesn’t stand a chance. Welp, this one did have Michelle Pfeiffer in it. But none of the charm of the first movie, which I also hated, but not as much as the two previous originals

Gericht: Wunschnachname „Kö“ geht nicht de.nachrichten.yahoo.com Eine transsexuelle Frau ist in Düsseldorf mit dem Versuch gescheitert, ihren Nachnamen in „Kö“ umzuwandeln. „Kö“ sei kein Nachname, sondern eine Abkürzung für die Prachtmeile Königsallee in der Landeshauptstadt, entschied das Düsseldorfer Verwaltungsgericht am Donnerstag (Az.: K 120/10). Das Kürzel gehöre zum Allgemeingut der Stadt.

Nach der Geschlechtsumwandlung hatte die Klägerin den mütterlichen Nachnamen ablegen wollen und bei der Stadt den zwei Buchstaben langen Familiennamen beantragt. Die Wahl sei zufällig darauf gefallen, betonte die Frau. Sie wolle die Initialen A.K. behalten. Die männlichen Vornamen hatte sie bereits in weibliche ändern dürfen. Das Namensrecht erlaubt, aus wichtigem Grund den Nachnamen zu ändern und einen neuen auszuwählen. Einen Rechtsanspruch auf einen Wunschnamen gebe es aber nicht, betonten die Verwaltungsrichter. Die Klägerin will das Urteil anfechten.  n

Exhibition Mexico City Historical examples of special Barbie collection

on this list. But Grease 2 did have Michelle Pfeiffer in it. Wait, I said that already. 1. Caddyshack II (1988) – Oh man, what a let down. Comedies should never have sequels to begin with, because they tend not to expand on the original idea, but instead are a rehash of the same gags that appeared in the first movie. But this one… well, I

guess we could see this train wreck coming when they substituted Jackie Mason for Bill Murray, Ted Knight and Rodney Dangerfield. And the gopher talks in this one. Oh, and Chevy Chase had already started his sad decline into irrelevance before landing his role on TV’s Community several years ago.  n Ted Glanzer


L’uomo che non riesce a smettere di ridere a crepapelle Chi nella vita non ha mai desiderato di essere sempre allegro e felice? Una fortuna che purtroppo non a tutti è concessa. Un uomo tedesco però sembrerebbe aver scoperto il segreto del buon umore e da qualche anno non fa altro che ridere. Stiamo parlando del signor Huug Bosse, che nulla ha a che fare con il noto stilista Hugo Boss. Il signor Boss fino a qualche anno fa era un uomo normale, senza nessun particolare disturbo. Tutto cambiò però quando si sottopose nel 2010 ad un’operazione chirurgica per porre rimedio ad un problemino all’anca. Durante l’intervento gli fu sostituita completamente una parte dell’anca e l’uomo fu sottoposto ad anestesia totale. Da allora l’uomo non riesce a portare avanti una conversazione senza scoppiare in una fragorosa risata. La causa di questa condizione non è tuttora nota, anche se i medici sospettano che possa essere una conseguenza dell’anestesia. Sicuramente il video vi strapperà un sorriso, la sua risata infatti per i primi 5 minuti può apparire divertente; la moglie però dice ormai di non poterne più.

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Durante l’intervento gli fu sostituita completamente una parte dell’anca e l’uomo fu sottoposto ad anestesia totale. “Convivere con una persona che non fa altro che ridere, anche nei momenti più importanti, è sicuramente irritante con il passare del tempo. Neanche la figlia e il fratello lo sopportano più” racconta la moglie. Huug però non si rende conto della situazione e continua a ridere imperterrito. Per lui infatti nulla è mai cambiato e il fatto che gli altri si arrabbino con lui non fa altro che provocargli altre risate. E voi riuscireste a vivere con una persona così? State rivalutando il valore della felicità perenne?  n

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