Things t h a t ev er y c a r owner m u s t know to keep the car in good shape?
Taking care of your car tyres is very i m po rta nt for your safety, comfort, reliability, a n d efficiency of fuel. Always check the condition of your tyres t i m e to t i m e especially in winters or rainy season. At low speeds it is difficult to inspect the condition or faults i n the car.
Get your car checked regularly from car repair centre i n Dubai, UAE to avoid a n y surprising issue or before going to a n y long trip. Following are the essential tips for maintenance of car.
Inspect your vehicle regularly Check your vehicle once every week. Check your tyres for any wear or tear. You should also check the rotation of the car after travelling for numb er of miles.
Check tyre pressure Fuel economy is affected by tyre pressure. It also affects the comfort a n d creates issues in handling the car. Inflate your tyres to the r e c o m m e n d e d pressure only. Low inflation ca n d a m a g e the tyres a n d increase the consumption of fuel. You should also fit tyre pressure monitoring system in your tyres to check t h e m regularly.
Check your air filters Clogged air filters reduce the flow of air in the engine which results in lowering the performance a n d fuel economy. Take your car to the service centre if you need car ignition repairing in dubai,UAE.
Wheel ba lan cin g After re c o mm e nd e d intervals check your wheel balanced check. Imbalanced wheels causes vibration a n d unwanted tyre wear. Maintaining wheel balancing is important for the safety a n d performance of the car.
Check oil Various mo v i n g parts of the levels
car engine create friction when brushed against each other. This leads to reduction in engine performance. Check your oil level of the engine to reduce the noise created b y the parts of your vehicle.
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