Tyresรถ in figures 2009
Social services
Childcare, schools and education 15 Culture and recreation
Municipal finances
Municipal Council
Land area
69 sq km Residents per sq km
Population Popul ation 2001–2008 Year Number 2001 39,434 2002 39,720 2003 40,097 2004 40,605
Year Number 2005 41,134 2006 41,476 2007 42,047 2008 42,332 Source SCB
POPUL ATION CHANGES 2008 Births Deaths Immigration Emigration Net population growth
Men 248 132 1,196 1,157 +155
Women 266 125 1,228 1,237 +132
Total 514 257 2,424 2,394 +287 Source SCB
Popul ation 2008 Total population
Tyresö Stockholm county 42,332 1,981,263
Sweden 9,256,347
Proportion (%) Women 50.2 50.6 Men 49.8 49.4 0–17 years 26.2 21.8 18–64 years 59.7 63.8 65– years 14.1 14.4 Married 34.3 31.9 Divorced 9.9 10.3 Foreign background 18.6 26.9 Foreign born 13.8 20.2 Foreign citizens 6.2 8.9 Average age 37.8 39.0
50.3 49.7 20.8 61.4 17.8 34.1 9.4 17.9 13.8 6.1 41.0 Source SCB
NUMBER OF RESIDENTS sorted BY HOUSING AREA Area Bollmora Trollbäcken Tyresö Strand Krusboda Öringe Brevikshalvön Lindalen Raksta, Solberga, Bergholm
Total 15,065 12,115 3,816 3,772 2,564 2,173 1,821 907
Other: 99 residents
Source SCB
55% of all the Tyresö inhabitants who moved during 2008, moved within the municipality. 7
Housing HOUSING,
detached* and multi-dwelling units
Housing units of which detached* of which multi-dwelling units
2006 16,182 8,002 8,180
2007 16,299 8,039 8,260
* Not including holiday homes
2008 16,410 8,098 8,312 Source SCB
Completed housing construction Detached Multi-dwelling units
2006 41 32
2007 37 80
2008 59 52 Source SCB
HOUSING projection 2009: 120 dwellings of which 60 detached houses 2010: 350 dwellings of which 60 detached houses
Employment NUMBER OF JOBS HELD IN THE MUNICIPALIT Y 2007 Day population (jobs)
Day population: jobs held in the municipality, regardless of residence
Municipal residents holding employment 2007 Night population
Night population: residing in the municipality, regardless of workplace
COMMUTERS 2007 Commuting in Commuting out
Men 2,521 7,827
Women 1,737 7,136
Total 4,258 14,963
Men 348 332 289
Women 250 244 214
Total 298 288 252
Total income 2007 SEK thousand, age group 20–64 years
Average income Tyresö County Sweden
Source SCB 10
Job seekers, March 2009 Proportion, % 20–64 years Unemployed Labour market progr. Of which, 20–24 years Number, 20–64 years
Tyresö Men Women 3 2 2 2 1 1 6 4 364 302
Total Tyresö 3 2 1 5 666
Total Total County Sweden 4 6 3 4 1 2 4 10 45,923 304,702 Source SCB
Job seekers, March 2008 Proportion, % 20–64 years Unemployed Labour market progr. Of which, 20–24 years Number, 20–64 years
Men 2 2 0 4 266
Tyresö Women 2 2 1 3 274
Total Tyresö 2 2 0 4 540
Total Total County Sweden 3 4 2 3 1 1 3 6 33,606 205,768 Source SCB
Social services SERVICES FOR THE DISABLED 2008 Number of Persons receiving assistance Of whom, persons in special housing persons with a personal assistant persons with daily activities
2006 471
2007 480
2008 498
121 81 96
114 94 98
126 82 111
2007 148,692
2008 130,953
354 176 59
ca 400 159 84
SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY 2008 Number of 2006 In-home service hours 134,934 Persons with in-home service, average per month 317 Beds in municipal elder-care 176 Beds in private elder-care 59 Beds in elder-care in other municipalities, paid yearly by the municipality 12
Financial support and benefits Number of 2006 Households receiving financial support and/or benefits 213
Childcare, schools and education NUMBER OF CHILDREN AND PUPILS, autumn term 2008 Registered in municipality 2006 Childcare (0–5 years) 2,506 Day-care units in private homes (0–5 yrs) 160 of which caring for own child/ren 12
2007 2,570 146 21
2008 2,623 147 47
After school care (6–10 years) Preschool class (6 year)
2,085 570
2,122 586
2,240 * 628 **
Compulsory school including special education of which, school years 1–5 of which, school year 6 of which, school years 7–9
5,684 2,916 678 2,090
5,627 2,866 638 2,123
5,502 2,917 575 2,010
Upper-secondary school incl. special education
* 76 % of 2 946 6-10-year-olds go to youth recreational centres ** 98,1 % of 640 6-year-olds attend pre-school class
The birth rate in Tyresö is higher than the national average. In 2008, the average of children per woman in Tyresö was 2,14, and 1,91 in Sweden. 15
Municipal childcare units Independent childcare units
Number 23 17
Municipal day-care units in private homes Independent day-care units in private homes
1 14
Municipal compulsory schools Schools run by private (independent) operators
14 3
Municipal upper-secondary schools Private upper-secondary schools*
1 1
Per cent 100
93.3 % 82.4 %
80 60 40
Municipal 57.5 %
Independent 42.5 %
17.6 %
20 6.7 % 0
Childcare units Day-care units Compulsory schools in private homes * The privetly-run upper-secondary school closed in March 2009.
POPUL ATION according to LEVEL OF EDUCATION 31 December 2006, refers to age group 20–64
Level of education, %, Tyresö Compulsory schooling Upper-secondary education Post-secondary education Unknown
Men 15 52 31 2
Women 12 50 37 1
Total 14 51 34 1
Level of education, %, County Compulsory schooling Upper-secondary education Post-secondary education Unknown
Men 15 42 41 3
Women 12 40 46 2
Total 13 41 43 2
Level of education, %, Sweden Compulsory schooling Upper-secondary education Post-secondary education Unknown
Men 17 50 31 2
Women 13 46 39 2
Total 15 48 35 2 Source SCB
Culture and recreation LIBRARIES
The municipality has three libraries - in Tyresö Centrum, Trollbäcken and Tyresö Strand.
Library visits Library visits per resident Virtual visits to web site Total collection (books etc) Total circulation Circulation per resident
2006 312,038 7.59 32,223 121,700 251,553 6.11
2007 286,221 6.78 66,166 112,067 248,541 5.88
2008 281,071 6.64 88,895 113,493 261,022 6.17
In 2008 there were 449 scheduled activities at the library open for children only or for children with parents.
RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, May 2009 Facility Number Boating club 2 Bowling hall 1 Fitness centre 6 Golf course, 18 hole 1 Guest harbour 1 Gymnasium 10
Facility Number Indoor sports centre 7 Miniature golf course 2 Open-air recre. area* 1 Racket sports centre 1 Recreational centre 2 Part-time recre. centre 3
Facility Number Riding school 1 Sporting ground 2 Swimming beach 13 Swimming centre 1 Tennis courts 4
* recre. = recreational 19
Cultural activities 2008 Number of Visitors to Tyresรถ Art gallery Exhibitions Pupils visting and/ or participating at the image-workshop Pupils attending the cultural school* Pupils participating in projects organized** by the cultural school** Events run by the department for culture Visitors at public events of which, under 18 years of age visitors at cultural events in pre-school, primary and secondary schools
2007 29,400 9
2008 24,000 10
583 985
350 994
750 111 8,587 4,491
480 137 11,080 6,050
* outside of regular school-day ** during school-day
The municpalities in the southern region of Stockholm county have agreed upon key indicators for municipal services in order to faciltate comparison between them. 20
Environment The recycling plant Petterboda had 70,763 visits in 2008.
WASTE COLLECTION Ton Bulky waste Electronic waste Hazardous waste - lesser chemicals - small batteries Household waste
2006 7,944 578 127 8,9 9,357
2007 7,272 675 114 6,7 8,834
2008 7,593 546 184 7,2 9,332
2006 226
2007 210
2008 220
Household waste Kg per resident
Household waste
2007 2008
Cardboard/ Hard plastic Metal Magazines/ paper packag. packag. packag. Glass newspapers 11.89 1.15 0.61 16.74 51.54 11.12 1.44 0.80 17.78 44.94 Source FTI
Municipal finances NET EXPENSES,
sek m
Childcare and education 917.6 Social services 473.6 Culture and recreation 72.5 Streets/parks/city planning 66.1 Adult education 26.0 Other 79.0 Total 1 634.8
Childcare and education 56.1 % Streets/parks/city planning 4.0 % Adult education 1.6 %
Social services 29.0 %
Culture and recreation 4.4 % Other 4.8 %
sek m
Tax revenue 1 589.6 Government subsidy for maximum childcare fee 21.2 Other revenue 371.8 Total 1 982.6
Municipal Council 2006 Seats in the Municipal Council Moderate Party Centre Party Liberal Party Christian Democratic Party Green Party Social Democratic Party Left Party All parties
Men 13 1 2 2 1 8 0 27
Women 9 1 2 0 2 8 2 24
Total 22 2 4 2 3 16 2 51 Source SCB
In 2009 we pay SEK 31.58 per SEK 100 of taxable income. Of this total:
19,48 goes to the Municipality 12,10 goes to the County 23
Graphic design: Lisbeth Byman Design Photos: Håkan Lindgren June 2009
Mailing address SE-135 81 Tyresö, Sweden Street address Marknadsgränd 2 Telephone +46 (0)8-5782 91 00 Fax +46 (0)8-798 95 94 E-mail kommun@tyreso.se www.tyreso.se 24