3 Strategies to Go Beyond #1 Rankings

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3 Strategies to Go Beyond #1 Rankings Posted by Tyson Downs on 10/3/14 5:21 PM Find me on:

How Can I Take My Online Marketing to The Next Level? I received this question earlier today from a personal injury attorney that I work with. For their main keyword, cityname personal injury attorney, as well 5-6 as variations of that term ( personal injury lawyer cityname, personal injury attorney in cityname, etc), they already have the #1 & #2 organic ranking, #1 Google local rankings, and often show up in a directory on page 1. That's 3-4 spots on page 1 that they are occupying. So they are thrilled with their results, as they are getting much more exposure now, and as a result, more website visitors and more incoing calls, but what next? What more can they do? If you're in this situation, you may have asked yourself the same things. Here are 3 strategies that you can do to go beyond #1 rankings: Email Marketing Content Marketing Social Media

So I know what you are thinking. "Tyson, we've heard all this before! We know about email marketing. We know it's important to put out good content! Social Media-We've heard it a million times! Tell me something new." Well, when you think about it, how many 'new' things is there? Not a lot. And just because something is new, doesn't mean that it is better, right? New doesn't mean that you should try it. Let's jump right into it.

1. Email Marketing-Start collecting names today

Why? Why do I need to start collecting email addresses? I know I wouldn't ever go to a dentists website (or any other local business) and a enter in my email address. Well, first, you are not your clients, or your ideal client. I wouldn't either the way that most of them market! If they are collecting emails on their website (and kudos to those that are), it is usually a 'sign up to get our newsletter' forms. Not too enticing.

If I were actively looking for an orthodontist for my daughter that has open bite and open bite and I came across an orthodontists' website and he had an 'opt in' to get a free PDF entitled: Child Braces, Don't Make 1 of These 5 Mistakes do you think I'd put in my email address? Yes I would! It is solving my problem. Do you see the big difference that that slight difference in positioning can make? Once you have people on this list, you can then have your email autoresponder, such as Aweber or Get Response send them that free report that you had created. (You can easily have this created by your marketing consultant or hire out to have it done. A small, 1-3 pager shouldn't cost anymore that $500 MAX, possibly much less than that depending on who you hire. In your autoresponder sequence, set up the following: First email thanking them and giving them their free report Second email (3-5 days later), thank them again, introduce them just a bit to your practice, why you are different, and give them another freebie (depending on your budget, this could be an simple as a coupon they can use for future services, movie tickets, entry to win something, etc.) Third email (3-5 days later), remind them about the freebie offer in case they haven't signed up, and then ask them to connect with you on social media. Then set up your blog posts (I hope you are blogging) to go out automatically through your autoresponder every month, allowing you to stay on top of your list, and in front of potential customers. If done right (written properly), this method-the law of reprocrocity-can be very effective in building your email list. One of the most important parts of your emails is your subject. For help with emails, I suggest reading whatever you can get your hands on from a friend and copywriting rockstar, Scott Bywater. Another that can help you with your emails so you can get the best results is Neville. I don't know him personally, but I am on his email list, and his emails are ones that I open each time. He knows his stuff. Time Needed: Setting up your autoresponder account-10 minutes, one time Setting up your series of 3 emails-30 minutes, one time Creating a free report-couple days for somebody else to create Adding autoresponder opt in to website-10 minutes, one time Setting up blog posts to go out as emails-5 minutes

2. Content Marketing-Become a thought leader What the heck is content marketing? Just a fancy term for using content, you know, text, videos, images, social media, to provide value, to provide answers to questions and as a result, you get incoming leads to your website.

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Why? Because you put out awesome content providing value and answers to potential customers questions and you then share that. Need an example? Here's a video I made and put it up on YouTube. As you can tell, I'm obviously no public speaker, not particular polished, not charismatic, nothing special at all. BUT, I am giving content that can help somebody who is trying to understand how to use Google Analytics to take their website to the next level. I know what you are thinking. I don't have anything to write about. I'm not good on video. I couldn't do that. Nobody will watch it. Ya, I've had the same thoughts. If you don't know what to write, just think about the questions that people ask when they come into your office. Are you a dentist? Do people ask something about the best way to clean their teeth? Write about that! Naturally add a keyword here or there, and that's it! Think it isn't providing value? It is, trust me. Give answers to questions that area already being asked. Back to your other objections-I'm not good on video, well, obviously neither am I! It could even be argued that I am downright terrible. That I'm in the top 10% of the worst YouTubers out there! I'm 100% introvert and as I said and as you saw, not a public speaker, and not polished, not engaging, not a lot of things. But if I can do it, you surely can. Plus video allows you to build relationships with your target customer that you may not have been able to do through text. Are you still thinking, I couldn't do that-Nobody will watch it? Stop it. Stop thinking negative and just do it. I don't have fancy equipment. I simply record my videos with my iPhone, using this tripod, and this mic. Time Needed: Write a blog post-15-30 minutes per week Record a video & upload to YouTube-30 minutes a month Create a PowerPoint and put on Slideshare-30 minutes a month

3. Social Media-Like Campaigns & Retargeting

Let's think about it. If you come along a local business such as a dentist, or an attorney and their social media page has 1000 likes, it's only natural to think, hey, these guys must be good, how would they have so many likes when other businesses have 50? Did you know that you can set up a likes campaign on Facebook and target people in a specific zip code that are a certain age that have certain interests that have a specific income level that are homeowners? Think about the possibilities. You can target people in a specific part of your city that have more disposable income to drive them into your cosmetic dentistry practice. You can target people in your zip code and the neighboring zip code

and get in front of them, increasing brand awareness, getting your offer in front of them, and getting additional likes, which will build your relevancy, and authority. Likes campaigns are just the tip of the iceberg. You can build your email list this way, generate leads this way and more. If you need help understanding how to set up a likes campaign, be sure to read this post by the leading expert in Facebook ads, Jon Loomer. You can also put a little snippet of code on your website that places a 'cookie' on that persons computer. Then when they go back to Facebook later that day, if you are running a retargeting campaign, they will see your ad. Talk about creating brand awareness! Time Needed: Create initial Facebook campaign-2 hours Add retargeting code to website-5 minutes Tweaking ads for better conversions-30 minutes per week

CONCLUSION: Just because you are ranking #1 for your most important terms, doesn't mean that you can sit around and relax! Now is the time that you can really up your game and make sure that you are making the most of those website visitors and your awesome rankings. Are you in the marketing for an online marketing agency? Click the image below to download a free report.

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