2018⟶2020 PORTFOLIO

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PORTFOLIO OF CHIEN-TZU KUNG. 二〇一八 ⟶ 二〇二〇 鞏芊孜設計作品集


Hi, I am Chien-Tzu Kung.

嗨,我是鞏芊孜。 Tel +886976-558-982 Mail j27073021@gmail.com Vimeo vimeo.com/user68955503



Et Al Design Studio Intern 平面設計工作室 | 實習生

Middlesex University Graphic Design 密德薩斯大學 | 平面設計系

July 2020 – November 2020

2018 – 2020

Design Museum Create and Make Volunteer 設計博物館 | 志願者

Chaoyang University Of Technology Visual Communication Design 朝陽科技大學 視覺傳達設計系 | 企劃組

October 2019 – March 2020

General Village English Guide 將軍村 | 英文導覽員 July 2019 – August 2019

2016 – 2020

Mingdao High school Design & Art Department 明道高級中學 | 設計群 2014 – 2016

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Contents 目次


印像出版社 Impress Publishing

A catalogue, a poster and a promotional idea.

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回到過去 Back To The Past Packaging design.


夢的解析:第八章 The Interpretation Of Dreams : Chapter 8 A zine and a concept film.


悠后漫騎 A Leisurely Cycling In Hauli Brand Identity.


現實中交流的電光源與意識 Awareness : Electric Light In Reality

An online interactive platform mock-up, an immersive exhibition, a promotional video and posters.


鳥類遷移 Secrets Of Bird Migration A zine.

Impress Publishing

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印像出版社 Impress Publishing

印像出版社是一家小型專業出版社,他們的使用各種印刷 方法,包括數位印刷,石版印刷和凸版印刷。他們在出版 物上使用的這些技術使這些書籍成為藝術品。 型錄的概念是來自於該出版社的出版作品如藝術品般的被 製造出來,於是概念便為「印像出版社 = 圖書館 + 美術館」。 包裝的透明盒子則延伸了館內展覽櫃的想法,像是將作品 置於其中。小型裝置則代表了型錄的整個概念。印像出版 社不只是出版商,更是一種美術館結合圖書館的概念。 Impress is a small, specialist, publishing house founded in 1979. They aim to use various printing methods including digital, lithography and letterpress. The techniques they using on the publications made the books became artworks. The notion of visual identity is "Impress = Library + Gallery". The crystal case of the catalogue keeps the idea of the exhibition box. The small installation represents its concept. The identity is aim to express that Impress Publishing is not only a publisher but also a combination of gallery and library.

Impress Publishing

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Impress Publishing

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Impress Publishing

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Impress Publishing

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Impress Publishing

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Back To The Past

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包裝設計 | 回到過去 Packaging Design | Back To The Past

「回到過去」是一間位在倫敦的品牌理髮廳。這裡不單是 男仕理髮廳,也販賣了品牌自製的商品。就如同品牌名字 一般,「回到過去」希望引領顧客沈浸在這耐人尋味的美 好時光並享受此地的優雅氛圍。 品牌的設計風格則是基於品牌的核心:往日時光。包裝上 素描風格的插畫旨在模仿老式包裝,並且試圖展現出包裝 內精心製作的商品。在品牌配色上,則使用海軍藍、柔黃 和純白色的選色來突顯出雅緻的品牌精神。 Back To The Past is a London-based barbershop. As the name can tell, Back to the past is a brand that wants to lead the customers to the phenomenal old-time and enjoy the classy atmosphere. The design style is based on the core of the brand: The past. The sketch illustration aims to imitate the old-fashioned packaging and present its wellcrafted look. The navy blue, mellow yellow, and pure white appearance bring out its classy and stylish brand spirit.

Back To The Past

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Back To The Past

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Back To The Past

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The Interpretation Of Dreams : Chapter 8

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夢的解析:第八章 The interpretation of dreams : Chapter 8 ⟶ Video Link : https://vimeo.com/259562289

佛洛依德的夢的解析一共有七章,而這個計畫是將自身的 夢述說成第八章。 記憶被扭曲、被刻畫成不同的故事承載於夢中。而夢的特 性鮮明於混亂、無邏輯亦或是有邏輯的隨機展現。所以在 概念影像之中,我以週遭事物為基礎視覺化夢境,並以此 為根本與觀眾產生相對應的共鳴。 The Interpretation of Dreams has 7 chapters and this project is created as chapter 8, a chapter about my dream. In dreams, the memories have been distorted and shaped in different stories. The characteristics of dreams are none logical and chaotic. Therefore, I visualize the dreams based on my daily life and try to relate with the audiences.

The Interpretation Of Dreams : Chapter 8

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The Interpretation Of Dreams : Chapter 8

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The Interpretation Of Dreams : Chapter 8

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A Leisurely Cycling In Hauli

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3.5 X

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悠后漫騎 A Leisurely Cycling In Hauli

后豐鐵馬道,位於臺中后里的自行車道。沿途有著雄偉壯 觀的花樑鋼橋橫跨在大甲溪寬廣的溪谷上,還有著具有歷 史故事的九號隧道。幽靜的午後,悠然的后里。這裡乘載 歷史的脈絡、自然的刻畫及人文的的情感。 形象以后豐鐵馬道的本質為主軸。以單車、夕陽及時間的 意象與在地氛圍產生最直覺的聯想,標誌則以手繪線條呈 現柔和的感覺,藉此投射出此地具有情感的樣貌。 Houfeng Bikeway is Taiwan first bike path converted from an abandoned railroad track. Dajia River, the Japanese Steel Bea Bridge and No.9 Tunnel Growth Rings are surrounded here. In Houfeng Bikeway, you are able to see its history and experience the atmosphere here. The visual is based on the most iconic impressions of Houfeng Bikeway. Includes bikes, sunset and the time. With the impressions, unique hand-drawing style strokes of the logo project the emotions of this distinctive place. Designers : Chien-Tzu Kung, Wei-Guang Wu and Ying-Syuan Lu.

A Leisurely Cycling In Hauli

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A Leisurely Cycling In Hauli

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A Leisurely Cycling In Hauli

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A Leisurely Cycling In Hauli

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A Leisurely Cycling In Hauli

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Awareness : Electric Light In Reality

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現實中交流的電光源與意識 Awareness : Electric Light In Reality ⟶ Video Link : https://vimeo.com/443008135

電光源如何與現實的視覺交流? 它們和我們之間的關聯是什麼? 此項目的宗旨是探討電光源與現實之間的關係。 在現代, 電光源的特性是不同和多樣的。它們的定位不僅在照明, 還提供了我們看待事物的各種方式。 電光源能進一步影響 我們的感觀,從而改變我們對空間及事物的看法和認知。 它們能影響我們的情緒,也能給意識帶來截然不同的幻覺。 本項目希望觀者能體驗不同的觀點所構成的世界。為了能 將觀者帶入這個探討的過程,整個項目將表現手法專注於 「沉浸」一詞,藉此讓觀者成為本項目的一部份。 How does the electric light communicate with vision in reality? What is the relation between them and us? The project focuses on discussing the relationship between electric light and reality. The character of electric light is different and diverse in modern days, not only for lighting but it also provides various ways we see things. The electric light influences our perceptions further to change our perspectives and cognitions to space. It could affect our emotions, and could also bring the illusion to our awareness. To lead the spectators into the world that people haven't experience, the whole project will focus on the word "immerse". This programme includes a long version whole website tour , an exhibition and a promotional video for it. Photography : Guilherme Stecanella and Xavier von Erlach.

Awareness : Electric Light In Reality

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Awareness : Electric Light In Reality

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Awareness : Electric Light In Reality

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Awareness : Electric Light In Reality

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Awareness : Electric Light In Reality

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Secrets Of Bird Migration

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鳥類遷移 Secrets Of Bird Migration

在所有物種中,遷徙在鳥類中最為最明顯。 此計畫旨在以 不同的方式視覺鳥類的遷徙過程。作品以「}」為主,使用 多種字型、字重模仿不同的鳥類遷徙。 此外,基於鳥類品 種和遷移方式的多樣性,作品中的多種紙材是為了呈現來 自於不同鳥類品種的細緻羽毛。 Migration is most evident among birds. The idea of the project aims to visualize bird migration differently. Mainly with "}", the project used different fonts and font weights to imitate bird migrations. Additionally, based on the varieties of birds' types and the diversity of migrating ways, the different texture papers in the project are used on presenting the subtle feathers from different species.

Secrets Of Bird Migration

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Secrets Of Bird Migration

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Secrets Of Bird Migration

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Tel +886976-558-982 Mail j27073021@gmail.com Vimeo vimeo.com/user68955503

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