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Aim for the moon.

Portfolio 林子瑜 2018 2022
If you
瞄準月亮。假如失手的話, 你還可能射到星星。 經過三年的積累,沉寂已久將瞄準更大的目標,假如我們
for the moon.
miss, you may hit a star. ---- W. Clement Stone
將月亮設定為靶心,在射擊的過程中一不小心偏離航道, 也能夠射中星星,尋找未來的路途也許可能會失敗,但過 程中的美好,才是最值得慶祝的結果。
目錄 01 05 02 06 03 07 識別設計 廣告設計 活動主視覺 活動主視覺 文字設計 海報設計 編輯設計 表現技法 草圖 3D Modeling 04 08 09 10
聯絡 0910684691 LINE sjshow1313 電子郵件 林子瑜 學歷 國立高雄師範大學視覺設計所(畢) 1996 Taiwan, Chiayi 專長 視覺識別設計 編排設計 平面設計 動畫設計 Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star. ---- W. Clement Stone 瞄準月亮。假如失手的話, 你還可能射到星星。
得獎經歷 實務經驗 2018年 2017年 2018年 2018年 放視大賞視覺傳達設計類入圍 教育部防災動畫短片 教師社群助理 形象組動畫影視組組長 JAGDA Internatinal Student Poster Award 入選 美感與設計課程創新計畫南區基地學校-活動設計 美感與設計課程創新計畫南區基地學校-活動設計 臺灣國際學生創意設計大賽入圍 2021年 2021年 2021年 2022年
識別設計 2022 01


東方元素與瑞士平面設計風格的碰撞底下,能否讓皮影戲這項 傳統藝術有無翻身的可能?本篇想藉由瑞士平面設計風格製作 視覺識別系統設計,希望透過視覺識別系統的再設計引發大眾 關心,亦將這項傳統藝術繼續傳承,成為台灣文化異於他國的 特別之處。利用簡潔俐落的瑞士平面設計風格再加入東方偶戲 元素做為本次識別的重要基底,經多方嘗試後,最後產出簡單 幾何又具有皮影戲的識別。

12 #ffffff 輔助字體 高雄市皮影戲博物館 Kaohsiung Museum of Shadow Puppet 源雲明體L 高雄市皮影戲博物館 Kaohsiung Museum of Shadow Puppet 源雲明體SB 高雄市皮影戲博物館 Kaohsiung Museum of Shadow Puppet 源雲明體R #000000 #9d1d22
14 中文標準字 動態標準字 英文標準字 數字標準字
15 延伸圖形 基本花紋
22 此專案為實務專案,早在民國39年營業至今, 位於現在高雄市 新興區大港埔附近的空地上,就開始聚集了許多小吃攤,久而久 之便形成以小吃聞名的 「 大港埔夜市」,之後逐漸擴大成六合夜 市。創作使用漢字的元素加入商標設計,利用「六」「合」二字組合 成高字,以表高雄在地夜市,在配色方面選擇活潑的橘色,因高 雄市位居海港的城市,故選擇藍色作為最後的標準色。 專案參與: 郭蕙瑄、范綺軒、張慈恩、林子瑜、賴奕璇、楊鈞媛、許勝紫
24 #83ccd2 #000000 #ed6c00 輔助字體 高雄市六合夜市 Liuhe Tourist Night Market 思源柔黑體Regular 高雄市六合夜市 Liuhe Tourist Night Market 思源柔黑體Heavy 高雄市六合夜市 Liuhe Tourist Night Market 思源柔黑體Bold MG
25 指示標誌 英文標準字
周邊產品設計 圍裙/紙杯/鴨舌帽 悠遊卡/ 帆布袋/紙袋
大型裝置設計 指示標誌billboard/ 羅馬旗/ 攤位
專案參與: 郭蕙瑄、范綺軒、張慈恩、林子瑜、賴奕璇、楊鈞媛、許勝紫
此專案為虛擬專案,主題為博物館識別設計,最終選擇偵探博 物館作為本次主題,從偵探印象著手開始發想,為了符合偵探 的概念,在商標加入放大鏡的元素讓整體更加符合偵探的氛 圍,並沿用放大鏡元素在指示標誌,讓整體識別系統更加一 致,展開圖形的部份使用商標上有的指紋作為後續展開,並應 用在信紙、迴紋針、等視覺應用。
34 #003548 #a08224 #e9e5e2 輔助字體 英文標準字型 數字標準字型 偵探博物館 DETECTIVE MUSEUM 源泉圓體R 偵探博物館 DETECTIVE MUSEUM 源泉圓體B 偵探博物館 DETECTIVE MUSEUM 源泉圓體M


Key Vision

活動主視覺 02 2022
43 高雄師範大學設計研究所所展主視覺/2020

2021 Font Design

文字設計 03 2022

2019 Editorial Design

編輯設計 04 2022
裙 衫 甜 美 的 凌 亂 引 燃 衣 裳 的 歡 鬧 ; 肩 上 輕 盈 的 圍 巾 披 露 出 微 妙 的 散 亂 ; 不 安 於 室 的 繫 帶 , 四 處 蠱 惑 猩 紅 的 胸 衣 ; 袖 口 怠 忽 職 守 , 因 而 絲 帶 紊 亂 地 飄 垂 著 ; 迷 人 的 浪 , 引 人 注 目 , 在 洶 湧 的 襯 裙 裡 翻 騰 ; 粗 心 大 意 的 鞋 帶 , 繫 綁 著 荷 立 克 我是落葉靜止的風帶我飄吧 我是空 拈花微笑即一滴雨所有的雨 覺有情 愛曾經是你身上最活躍的忘川宇宙埋葬齋戒縮成種子他入睡時愛恨情仇悲傷苦悶也送走了 我們其實不需要 菩提心的老歲月沙皇般的能源 揮不去 邊界上人的思念 回車諾比的夢 0417視設碩一 610893002林子瑜 "我懊悔從前小心看護你的傷寒症,"她告 訴我,"我寧願看你死,不願看你活著使你 自己處處受痛苦。"我發現我不會削蘋果, 經過艱苦的努力我才學會補襪子。在待人接 物的常識方面,我顯露驚人的愚笨。我的兩 年計劃是一個失敗的試驗。除了使我的思想 失去均衡外,我母親的沉痛警告沒有給我任 何的影響。 在待人接物的常識方面,我顯露 驚人的愚笨。我的兩年計劃是一 個失敗的試驗。除了使我的思想 失去均衡外,我母親的沉痛警告 沒有給我任何的影響。 天才夢 詩與胡說 我想起路易士。第一次看見他的詩,是在雜誌 的"每月文摘"裡的《散步的魚》,那倒不是胡話, 不過太做作了一點。小報上逐日笑他的時候,我 也跟著笑,笑了許多天,在這些事上,我比小報 還要全無心肝,譬如上次,聽見說顧明道死了,我非常高 興,理由很簡單,因為他的小說寫得不好。其實我又不認識 他,而且如果認識,想必也有理由敬重他,因為他是這樣的 一個模範文人,歷盡古往今來一切文人的苦難,而且他已經 過世了,我現在來說這樣的話,太豈有此理,但是我不由的想 起《明日天涯》在《新聞報》上連載的時候,我非常討厭裡面 的前進青年孫家光和他資助求學的小姑娘梅月珠,每次他到她 家去,她母親總要大魚大肉請他吃飯表示謝意,添菜的費用超 過學費不知多少倍。梅太太向孫家光敘述她先夫的操行與不幸 的際遇,報上一天一段,足足敘述了兩個禮拜之久,然而我不 得不讀下去,純粹因為它是一天一天分載的,有一種最不耐煩 的吸引力。我有個表姊,也是看《新聞報》的,我們一見面就 罵《明日天涯》,一面嘰咕一面往下看。 我越唱越頹廢 像不曾去計算這季節 我讓聲音煮沸 想知道誰會心碎 我越嚼越沉醉 像分不清珍貴或廢鐵 我讓眼淚佐味 燉糖份甜美遮掩 不曾為你端出檯面 是我心血 唱歌唱呀唱得唱出愚昧 飛呀飛的飛出了天邊 換來一盆滋味 夢想夢呀夢得夢出偉大 不曾為你編進冊葉 是我失眠 唱歌唱呀唱得唱出愚昧 飛呀飛得飛出了天邊 蘇打綠 0417視設碩一 610893002林子瑜 裙 衫 甜 美 的 凌 亂 引 燃 衣 裳 的 歡 鬧 ; 肩 上 輕 盈 的 圍 巾 披 露 出 微 妙 的 散 亂 ; 不 安 於 室 的 繫 帶 , 四 處 蠱 惑 猩 紅 的 胸 衣 ; 袖 口 怠 忽 職 守 , 因 而 絲 帶 紊 亂 地 飄 垂 著 ; 迷 人 的 浪 , 引 人 注 目 , 在 洶 湧 的 襯 裙 裡 翻 騰 ; 粗 心 大 意 的 鞋 帶 , 繫 綁 著 荷 立 克 我是落葉靜止的風帶我飄吧 我是空 拈花微笑即一滴雨所有的雨 覺有情 愛曾經是你身上最活躍的忘川宇宙埋葬齋戒縮成種子他入睡時愛恨情仇悲傷苦悶也送走了 我們其實不需要 菩提心的老歲月沙皇般的能源 揮不去 邊界上人的思念 回車諾比的夢
0417視設碩一 610893002林子瑜

我想習慣遺忘的模樣 把笑容變成日常 想像著平安匯成河流 將悲傷往水裡丟 我想說聲 再說聲 去吧 我想看著妳離開 跟在妳後面流浪 我猜妳會回頭望 不捨最後留下來

"我懊悔從前小心看護你的傷寒症,"她告 訴我,"我寧願看你死,不願看你活著使你 自己處處受痛苦。"我發現我不會削蘋果, 經過艱苦的努力我才學會補襪子。在待人接 物的常識方面,我顯露驚人的愚笨。我的兩 年計劃是一個失敗的試驗。除了使我的思想 失去均衡外,我母親的沉痛警告沒有給我任

同張臉同時間換個地點,或是同地點同時間速食 陌生的臉;在渴望的夢中尋歡幾遍,已經將現在 都變成未來的舊照片。愛追求到最後只剩零碎, 我們也只能選擇跟幸福擦肩;交替的身邊的不同 氣味,沉澱出所有殘缺的不可或缺。夏日已老, 我已熟悉黑夜。像盲目的魚群渴望海水,愛情是 嘆息燃燒起的一陣暴風煙;就像沒有路的森林繞 了幾回,熱情是刺激慾望必然的反射行為。愛追 求到最後只剩零碎,我們也只能選擇跟幸福擦肩; 交替的身邊的不同氣味,沉澱出有殘缺的不可或 缺。寂寞已老,我已屬於黑夜像拉鍊般走過街, 拉開回憶的情節。當然,死去的範圍,包括你的 某一面;雖然─先不論多傻─你也曾幻想,在無 花果樹裡尋花。放棄未來的渴盼,告別昨日的狂 野,明天在什麼世界,身邊還會有個誰,失去感 情的能力─無論要求或給予─曾有的愛還在不 在?多少次寧願都重新開始,過去一直去,未來 一直來,只有現在 推著上山巨石 親愛薛西佛斯 不知道第幾次 命運被他堅持 他午睡他狂歡 她教大地拾穗 而你靠你蹣跚 支撐自己輪迴 永恆回歸不斷 日光子夜循環 當他被吃了肝 其實你不孤單 你重扛巨石 輕視著眾神 你去否定了 否定你的 雖然反覆
親愛薛西佛斯 0417視設碩一 610893002林子瑜
詩與胡說 我想起路易士。第一次看見他的詩,是在雜誌 的"每月文摘"裡的《散步的魚》,那倒不是胡話, 不過太做作了一點。小報上逐日笑他的時候,我 也跟著笑,笑了許多天,在這些事上,我比小報 還要全無心肝,譬如上次,聽見說顧明道死了,我非常高 興,理由很簡單,因為他的小說寫得不好。其實我又不認識 他,而且如果認識,想必也有理由敬重他,因為他是這樣的 一個模範文人,歷盡古往今來一切文人的苦難,而且他已經 過世了,我現在來說這樣的話,太豈有此理,但是我不由的想 起《明日天涯》在《新聞報》上連載的時候,我非常討厭裡面 的前進青年孫家光和他資助求學的小姑娘梅月珠,每次他到她 家去,她母親總要大魚大肉請他吃飯表示謝意,添菜的費用超 過學費不知多少倍。梅太太向孫家光敘述她先夫的操行與不幸 的際遇,報上一天一段,足足敘述了兩個禮拜之久,然而我不 得不讀下去,純粹因為它是一天一天分載的,有一種最不耐煩 的吸引力。我有個表姊,也是看《新聞報》的,我們一見面就 罵《明日天涯》,一面嘰咕一面往下看。
0417視設碩一 610893002林子瑜
卻漸漸懂得 每一步都是自己的 不愛永恆 但求現在 真實活著的人生。
0417視設碩一 610893002林子瑜 是我的海 如果時間一直走的那麼快 我怎麼對你依賴 是我的海 陽光的下午慢慢感染 當海不藍 飛起的夢想都變塵埃 這些日子以來 突然間變成一片空白 這段日子是否 沉睡中忽然哭醒過來 太多意外 沒想要勉強我感慨 太多困難 會讓人害怕看未來 你知道我不想離開 你知道我有多無奈

Bronwyn Bancroft (born 1958) is an Australian artist,notable for being amongst the first Australian fashion designers invited to show her work in Paris.

Born in Tenterfield, New South Wales, and trained in Canberra and Sydney, Bancroft worked as a fashion designer, and is an artist, illustrator, and arts administrator.In 1985, Bancroft established a shop called Designer Aboriginals, selling fabrics made by Aboriginal artists including herself. She was a founding member of Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-operative. Art work by Bancroft is held by the National Gallery of Australia, the Art Gallery of New South Wales and the Art Gallery of Western Australia. She has provided art work for more than 20 children's books, including Stradbroke Dreaming by writer and activist Oodgeroo Noonuccal, and books by artist and writer Sally Morgan. She has received design commissions, including one for the exterior of a sports centre in Sydney.

Born in Tenterfield, New South Wales, and trained in Canberra and Sydney, Bancroft worked as a fashion designer, and is an artist, illustrator, and arts administrator.In 1985, Bancroft established a shop called Designer Aboriginals, selling fabrics made by Aboriginal artists including herself. She was a founding member of Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-operative. Art work by Bancroft is held by the National Gallery of Australia, the Art Gallery of New South Wales and the Art Gallery of Western Australia. She has provided art work for more than 20 children's books, including Stradbroke Dreaming by writer and activist Oodgeroo Noonuccal, and books by artist and writer Sally Morgan. She has received design commissions, including one for the exterior of a sports centre in Sydney.



The collection included the Bettina Blouse a white shirt named in honour of Bettina Graziani, which was then painted in one of René Gruau's works.The New York Times magazine published an article entitled "A Star Is Born" and l’Album du Figaro also wrote a feature stating that "In one night, Hubert de Givenchy became one of fashion’s most famous children with his first collection."Models such as Suzy Parker and Dorian Leigh became muses of the house.In terms of innovation, he used ‘shirting’, a raw cotton

The collection included the Bettina Blouse a white shirt named in honour of Bettina Graziani, which was then painted in one of René Gruau's works.The New York Times magazine published an article entitled "A Star Is Born" and l’Album du Figaro also wrote a feature stating that "In one night, Hubert de Givenchy became one of fashion’s most famous children with his first collection."Models such as Suzy Parker and Dorian Leigh became muses of the house.In terms of innovation, he used ‘shirting’, a raw cotton

In 1960, the brand decided to change its positioning by focusing its business on a ready-to-wear fashion brand for women with a sportswear approach.Henceforth, the brand offered a range of leather goods such as bags, loafers, gloves and clothes. Céline Vipiana remained the designer from 1945-1997.In 1964, the launch of the new fragrance "Vent fou" and the new ‘American Sulky’ collection of accessories gained success. The trench became the chief product of the house.Prompted by the popularity of leather, Céline opened a leather goods factory in Florence.In 1973, Céline redesigned its logo with the intertwined "C" Sulky canvas, linked to the Arc-de-Triomphe, which appeared as a symbol for Parisians.At that time, Céline began its expansion in the world with the opening of various boutiques in Monte Carlo, Geneva, Hong Kong, Lausanne, Toronto and Beverly Hills.

In 1960, the brand decided to change its positioning by focusing its business on a ready-to-wear fashion brand for women with a sportswear approach.Henceforth, the brand offered a range of leather goods such as bags, loafers, gloves and clothes. Céline Vipiana remained the designer from 1945-1997.In 1964, the launch of the new fragrance "Vent fou" and the new ‘American Sulky’ collection of accessories gained success. The trench became the chief product of the house.Prompted by the popularity of leather, Céline opened a leather goods factory in Florence.In 1973, Céline redesigned its logo with the intertwined "C" Sulky canvas, linked to the Arc-de-Triomphe, which appeared as a symbol for Parisians.At that time, Céline began its expansion in the world with the opening of various boutiques in Monte Carlo, Geneva, 0501視設碩一 610893002林子瑜

0501視設碩一 610893002林子瑜

Bronwyn Bancroft (born 1958) is an Australian artist,notable for being amongst the first Australian fashion designers invited to show her work in Paris. CELINE is a French ready-to-wear and leather luxury goods brand that has been owned by LVMH group since 1996.
0501視設碩一 610893002林子瑜
一次又一次 見到你煩惱能消失 使出搞笑的本事 日子 0501視設碩一 610893002林子瑜
In 1952, Hubert de Givenchy and Javani Robert Durfy founded his own luxury house and launched a new collection Les Séparables with some floaty skirts and puffy blouses made from raw cotton.Givenchy achieved critical acclaim with Vogue magazine praising his "wonderful first collection"14.
一次又一次 見到你煩惱能消失 快樂的好日子每一個好日子使出搞笑的本事微笑堅持每一個有你的好日子說好要一輩子好不好你 要珍惜著 日子 每一個好日子 快樂的好日子 每一個有你的好日子 說好要一輩子
1952, Hubert de Givenchy and Javani Robert Durfy founded his own luxury house and launched a new collection Les Séparables with some floaty skirts and puffy blouses made from raw cotton.Givenchy achieved critical acclaim with Vogue magazine praising his "wonderful first collection"14.

The etymology of the word is not entirely clear. Several different senses of the word have different histories or origins.

The etymology of the word is not entirely clear. Several different senses of the word have different histories or origins.


Pussy is a noun, an adjective, and in rare uses a verb in the English language. It has several meanings, including use as slang, as euphemism, and as vulgarity. Common meanings of the noun include "cat", as well as "coward or weakling", and "the human vulva or vagina", or as a synecdoche, "sexual intercourse with a woman". Because of its multiple senses including both innocent and vulgar connotations, "pussy" is often the subject of double entendre.

Pussy is a noun, an adjective, and in rare uses a verb in the English language. It has several meanings, including use as slang, as euphemism, and as vulgarity. Common meanings of the noun include "cat", as well as "coward or weakling", and "the human vulva or vagina", or as a synecdoche, "sexual intercourse with a woman". Because of its multiple senses including both innocent and vulgar connotations, "pussy" is often the subject of double entendre.

One of the basic pieces of furniture, a chair is a type of seat. Its primary features are two pieces of a durable material, attached as back and seat to one another at a 90° or slightly greater angle, with usually the four corners of the horizontal seat attached in turn to four legs—or other parts of the seat's underside attached to three legs or to a shaft about which a four-arm turnstile on rollers can turn—strong enough to support the weight of a person who sits on the seat (usually wide and broad enough to hold the lower body from the buttocks almost to the knees) and leans against the vertical back (usually high and wide enough to support the back to the shoulder blades). The legs are typically high enough for the seated person's thighs and knees to form a 90° or lesser angle.

One of the basic pieces of furniture, a chair is a type of seat. Its primary features are two pieces of a durable material, attached as back and seat to one another at a 90° or slightly greater angle, with usually the four corners of the horizontal seat attached in turn to four legs—or other parts of the seat's underside attached to three legs or to a shaft about which a four-arm turnstile on rollers can turn—strong enough to support the weight of a person who sits on the seat (usually wide and broad enough to hold the lower body from the buttocks almost to the knees) and leans against the vertical back (usually high and wide enough to support the back to the shoulder blades). The legs are typically high enough for the seated person's thighs and knees to form a 90° or lesser angle.

0501視設碩一 610893002林子瑜 CHAIR
花請聽我說話 在無意中 我踩壞你的衣裳 花請原諒我吧 在無意中我讓你那麼受傷 你曾說曾經你說過我藏著秘密 我不夠透明我不夠真心 0501視設碩一 610893002林子瑜
Thomas Jacob Hilfiger (born March 24, 1951) is an American fashion designer best known for founding the lifestyle brand Tommy Hilfiger Corporation in 1985. After starting his career by co-founding a chain of jeans/fashion stores called “People’s Place” in upstate New York in the 1970s, he began designing preppy for his own eponymous menswear line in the The company later expanded into women's clothing and various luxury items such as perfumes, and went public in 1992.In 1997,Hilfiger published his first book, titled All American: A Style Book, and he has written several since, including Tommy Hilfiger through Assouline in 2010.Hilfiger's memoir, American Dreamer: My Life in Fashion & Business, co-written with Peter Knobler,was published
0501視設碩一 610893002林子瑜
Thomas Jacob Hilfiger (born March 24, 1951) is an American fashion designer best known for founding the lifestyle brand Tommy Hilfiger Corporation in 1985. After starting his career by co-founding a chain of jeans/fashion stores called “People’s Place” in upstate New York in the 1970s, he began designing preppy for his own eponymous menswear line in the 1980s. The company later expanded into women's clothing and various luxury items such as perfumes, and went public in 1992.In 1997,Hilfiger published his first book, titled All American: A Style Book, and he has written several since, including Tommy Hilfiger through Assouline in 2010.Hilfiger's memoir, American Dreamer: My Life in Fashion & Business, co-written with Peter Knobler,was published November 1, 2016. Thomas Jacob "Tommy" Hilfiger was born March 24, 1951 in Elmira, New York,the second of nine children.
建築介紹 手冊設計 建築介紹手冊設計/2020



When I get messed up at the party I make a scene and get upset But when I wake up in the morning

When I get messed up at the party I make a scene and get upset But when I wake up in the morning

Historically, in the United States and South Africa, "boy" was not only a "neutral" term for domestics but also a disparaging term towards men of color; the term implied a subservient status.The use of the term "boy" to describe men of color has not always been used as an insult, however; for example, Thomas Branch, an early African-American Seventhday Adventist missionary to Nyassaland (Malawi) referred to the native students as boys:There is one way by which we judge many of our present boys to be quite different from some of those who were here long ago: those that are married have their wives here with them, and build their own houses, and all are busy making their gardens. I have told all the boys that if they wished to stay here and learn, those that had wives must bring them. This is having a good effect on them. They stay longer, and are more attentive to their work and their studies.

Historically, in the United States and South Africa, "boy" was not only a "neutral" term for domestics but also a disparaging term towards men of color; the term implied a subservient status.The use of the term "boy" to describe men of color has not always been used as an insult, however; for example, Thomas Branch, an early African-American Seventhday Adventist missionary to Nyassaland (Malawi) referred to the native students as boys:There is one way by which we judge many of our present boys to be quite different from some of those who were here long ago: those that are married have their wives here with them, and build their own houses, and all are busy making their gardens. I have told all the boys that if they wished to stay here and learn, those that had wives must bring them. This is having a good effect on them. They stay longer, and are more attentive to their work and their studies.

Eagles are large, powerfully built birds of prey, with heavy heads and beaks. Even the smallest eagles, such as the booted eagle , which is comparable in size to a common buzzard or red-tailed hawk , have relatively longer and more evenly broad wings, and more direct, faster flight – despite the reduced size of aerodynamic feathers. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from some vultures. The smallest species of eagle is the South Nicobar serpent eagle , at 450 g and 40 cm . The largest species are discussed below. Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large, hooked beaks for ripping flesh from their prey, strong, muscular legs, and powerful talons. The beak is typically heavier than that of most other birds of prey. Eagles' eyes are extremely powerful. It is estimated that the martial eagle, whose eye is more than twice as long as a human eye, has a visual acuity 3.0 to 3.6 times that of humans. This acuity enables eagles to spot potential prey from a very long distance. This keen eyesight is primarily attributed to their extremely large pupils which ensure minimal diffraction of the incoming light. The female of all known species of eagles is larger than the male.

Eagles are large, powerfully built birds of prey, with heavy heads and beaks. Even the smallest eagles, such as the booted eagle , which is comparable in size to a common buzzard or red-tailed hawk , have relatively longer and more evenly broad wings, and more direct, faster flight – despite the reduced size of aerodynamic feathers. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from some vultures. The smallest species of eagle is the South Nicobar serpent eagle , at 450 g and 40 cm . The largest species are discussed below. Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large, hooked beaks for ripping flesh from their prey, strong, muscular legs, and powerful talons. The than that of most other birds of prey. eyes are extremely powerful. It is estimated that the martial eagle, whose eye is more than twice as long as a human eye, has a visual acuity 3.0 to 3.6 times that of humans. This acuity enables eagles to spot potential prey from a very long distance. This keen eyesight is primarily attributed to their extremely large pupils which ensure minimal diffraction of the incoming light. The female of all known species of eagles is larger than the male.

This article is about the bird. For other uses, see Eagle .Eagles redirects here. For other uses, see Eagles.

This article is about the bird. For other uses, see Eagle .Eagles redirects here. For other uses, see Eagles.

58 610893002_視研一_林子瑜
610893002_視研一_林子瑜 EAGLE


A skateboard is a type of sports equipment used for skateboarding.


A skateboard is a type of sports equipment used for skateboarding.

A skateboard is a type of sports equipment used for skateboarding. They are usually made of a specially designed 7-ply maple plywood deck with a polyurethane coating for smoothness and durability and wheels attached to the underside. The skateboarder moves by pushing with one foot with other foot balanced on the board, or by pumping one's legs in structures such as a bowl or half pipe. A skateboard can also be used by simply standing on the deck while on a downward slope and allowing gravity to propel the board and rider. If the rider's leading foot is their right foot, they

A skateboard is a type of sports equipment used for skateboarding. They are usually made of a specially designed 7-ply maple plywood deck with a polyurethane coating for smoothness and durability and wheels attached to the underside. The skateboarder moves by pushing with one foot with other foot balanced on the board, or by pumping one's legs in structures such as a bowl or half pipe. A skateboard can also be used by simply standing on the deck while on a downward slope and allowing gravity to propel the board and rider. If the rider's leading foot is their right foot, they


Lisa del Giocondo was an Italian noblewomanandmemberoftheGherardini familyofFlorenceandTuscany.Hernamewas giventotheMonaLisa,herportraitcommissionedbyher husbandandpaintedbyLeonardodaVinciduringthe ItalianRenaissance.LittleisknownaboutLisa'slife.Born inFlorenceandmarriedinherteenstoaclothandsilk merchantwholaterbecamealocalofficial,shewasa mothertofivechildrenandledwhatisthoughttohave beenacomfortableandordinarymiddle-classlife.Lisa


Lisa del Giocondo was an Italian noblewomanandmemberoftheGherardini familyofFlorenceandTuscany.Hernamewas giventotheMonaLisa,herportraitcommissionedbyher husbandandpaintedbyLeonardodaVinciduringthe ItalianRenaissance.LittleisknownaboutLisa'slife.Born inFlorenceandmarriedinherteenstoaclothandsilk merchantwholaterbecamealocalofficial,shewasa mothertofivechildrenandledwhatisthoughttohave beenacomfortableandordinarymiddle-classlife.Lisa




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2020 Poster Design

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70 社會議題海報設計 網路時代快速崛起人們能夠迅速發送留言,以至於社交媒體隨 處可見惡意抨擊及謾罵,負評臭的有如一大坨狗屎,一不小心 就能在下個角落看見。該系列海報藉由活躍於現今的社交媒體 平台作為海報的主體,並結合具有符號意象的狗屎,傳達人們 發言的重要性
72 MOVE海報設計 Jagda International Student Poster Award入選 輿論像風向儀一樣,總是盲目的跟隨風向移動。海報的構 成使用風向儀結合社交媒體平台商標作為主體,並利用此 社交媒體的標準色為海報的基本色調,透過海報圖像體現 人民意見如風向儀般隨風轉動,暗諷現代人跟風盲從見風 轉舵的價值觀

2020 Piecework

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2020 Presentation Techniques

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草圖 09 2022


3D Modeling

模型 10 2022

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