Advancing Our Vision University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center Annual Report 2020
Table of Contents
Regenerative Approaches to Vision
14 Increasing Access to Care
15 Joanne Angle Public Health Award
The Chair’s Perspective
Advancing New Approaches to Clinical Care for Patients 2
New Multidisciplinary Facial Nerve Clinic
Innovative Congenital Ocular Disease Clinic
10 Accelerating Virtual Care 20 Tissue Banking to Treat Corneal Disease 22 Conducting Clinical Trials During a Pandemic 12 Nanoparticle Therapy in Cancer 30 Saving Children's Sight in Ethiopia 32 Cloud-based AI Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy Precision Approaches to Visual Health 4
Promising Tool to Measure Patient Outcomes
25 Personalized Care for Corneal Ulcers 17 Medication Adherence in Glaucoma Patients Front cover clockwise from top left: Jennifer Weizer, M.D., David Zacks, M.D., Ph.D., Gabrielle D. Lacy, M.S., Lev Prasov, M.D., Ph.D. center: Londa Reid-Sanders, BGS, COA, OSC
Molecular Regulation of Photoreceptor Cell Death
11 Photoreceptor Survival
16 Providing Care in Communities
11 Stem Cells and the Retina
Insights on Safety From the COVID-19 Pandemic
21 Novel Research Methods 23 JDRF Center of Excellence 24 Breakthroughs in Diabetic Retinopathy 29 Restoring Sight in Photoreceptor Degeneration
17 Danger in Delaying Treatment 18 Patient Safety Continues to Drive Clinical Operations 26 Advancing Research Safely Kellogg Updates
31 Company Funding
24 Alumni Highlights
Accelerating Changes in Education
27 Endowment to Support International Program
Artificial Intelligence to Improve Surgical Skills
28 Legacy Bequests
12 Ophthalmology Bootcamp
31 New Faculty
19 Training Tomorrow's Leaders Virtually
32 First-Year Trainees
Creating a Better Future for Eye Health for All 6
Vision Impairment and Cognition
Kellogg International Initiatives
33 Departing Residents and Fellows 34 Faculty Honors and Recognition
13 An Ecosystem for Greater Diversity in Ophthalmology
Maskless photos that are included in the report were either taken prior to March 2020 or using strict physical distancing protocols.
Kellogg's leadership team from top left: David Antonetti, Ph.D., Jill Bixler, M.D., Wayne Cornblath, M.D., Sherry Day, O.D., FAAO, Angela Elam, M.D., Christopher Gappy, M.D., Thomas Gardner, M.D., M.S., Catherine Huebner, COA, B.S., Thiran Jayasundera, M.D., M.S., Denise John, M.D. FRCSC, Shahzad Mian, M.D., Perry Schechtman, B.S., M.P.P., Roni Shtein, M.D., M.S., Joshua Stein, M.D., M.S., Jennifer Weizer, M.D., Maria Woodward, M.D., M.S.
and procedures. We quickly designed and implemented new safety equipment, developed hybrid virtual care based on existing e-health programs, and used risk profiling to guide deferral of care.
Kellogg team members volunteered to care for COVID-19
patients in inpatient settings at the University of Michigan Hospital and the VA, as well as at a planned field hospital (which was fortunately not needed). In addition, our faculty and staff continued to emphasize efforts to care for those who find it difficult to access eye care in Michigan. These actions exemplify the ideals of Kellogg, and I’m proud to work with such inspiring individuals.
The Chair’s Perspective
2020 was a remarkable year for innovation in other ways,
with several major grants awarded to Kellogg faculty. Grants included many new NIH Research Project Grants (R01) and major awards from JDRF and Prevent Blindness. We also
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
launched the Multidisciplinary Facial Nerve Clinic and the Multidisciplinary Ophthalmic Genetics Clinic — two important
This past year has certainly been unlike any other in Kellogg’s
programs that will further our ability to provide patients with
recent history. While COVID-19 presented many challenges,
the most comprehensive vision care possible.
it also spurred us to achieve in new ways. Our response to the
pandemic sped up the implementation of several elements of
showcases the ingenuity and tenacity of our faculty, staff,
our strategic plan, including new models of care, reducing
trainees and alumni, the dedication and generosity of our donor
health-care disparities, and using data sciences to personalize
partners, and the perseverance of our valued patients. We are
care. It challenged us to re-think many aspects of our operations,
grateful to every member of the Kellogg family for a remarkable
from research to clinical care, which will improve the lives of
year. Imagine what we will do together in 2021!
Thank you for reading this year's Annual Report, which
our patients long beyond the pandemic. In this year’s Annual Report, we are proud to share with you some of the 2020 accomplishments of our Kellogg faculty, learners, staff and alumni.
Paul P. Lee, MD, JD
F. Bruce Fralick Professor and
To ensure the health of our patients, clinicians, learners
and research teams, Kellogg drew upon our longstanding
Chair, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
commitment to a culture of safety, adopting enhanced protocols
Director, W.K. Kellogg Eye Center 1
Andrew Joseph, M.D. and Shannon Joseph, M.D., M.Sc., examine Latisa Robinson in the facial nerve clinic at Kellogg.
Michigan Medicine Establishes Multidisciplinary Facial Nerve Clinic
More than 20 Michigan Medicine experts from gether to create the Michigan Medicine Multidisciplinary Facial Nerve Clinic (MFC). The MFC is one of only a few programs in the world to offer fully integrated multispecialty care for facial nerve conditions in one convenient location — providing the most advanced and evidenced-based medical and
neck tumors, trauma, surgery and
Facial paralysis can be devastating for someone’s functional,
aesthetic and emotional well-
retraining therapy for rehabilitation.
— Shannon Joseph, M.D., M.Sc.
The facial nerve controls muscles
used in everyday functions such as eating, speaking, smiling, blinking and closing the eyes. Damage to the facial nerve can result in paralysis of the affected muscles, paralytic ectropion
congenital abnormalities.
surgical therapy, as well as facial
Hunt syndrome, brain tumors, head and
9 different subspecialties have joined to-
paralysis include stroke, Lyme disease, Ramsay
being, says Jennifer Kim, M.D., an otolaryngologist specializing in facial plastic surgery and a leader of the MFC. “Daily activities like eating and speaking are negatively impacted.” “Without timely and integrated care, patients with facial nerve disorders
can suffer from significant ophthalmic
consequences,” says Shannon Joseph, M.D.,
M.Sc., an ophthalmologist specializing in oculoplastic
(the turning out of the eyelid), or synkinesis (uncoordinated or
surgery who led the initiative to establish the MFC with
unintentional facial movements). The most common cause of
otolaryngologists Dr. Kim and Dr. Andrew Joseph. For example,
facial paralysis is Bell’s Palsy. Other underlying causes of facial
when patients are unable to fully close their eyelids due to facial
nerve damage. “The eye isn’t protected properly. The patient
Finding Answers and Hope at the Multidisciplinary
may experience dryness or irritation, or even develop corneal
Facial Nerve Clinic
abrasions, scarring or ulceration — all of which can lead to vision impairment and possibly loss of vision,” states Dr.
Latisa Robinson was diagnosed with Bell’s
Shannon Joseph.
palsy as a child. Bell’s palsy is a condition that causes weakness or paralysis of the fa-
In the MFC, comprehensive eye care providers perform baseline ophthalmic evaluation and offer patients non-surgical
cial muscles. It wasn’t until Ms. Robinson
management, including ocular surface lubrication and protective
came to the Michigan Medicine Multidisci-
contact lenses for those with incomplete eyelid closure. “Some
plinary Facial Nerve Clinic (MFC) in
patients respond very well to scleral contact lenses which help
October that she discovered her facial nerve had never healed correctly. As a
preserve their corneal health,” says Colleen Podd, O.D., one of the contact lens specialists. The specific needs of each patient
result, she continued to experience complications of facial
determine if additional specialists, such as neurophthalmologist
paralysis that included issues with her left eye not fully closing.
Lindsey De Lott, M.D., M.S., are needed. “For complex patients
“No one really knew how to treat my condition until I
with underlying neurological diseases, the MFC ensures that
came here,” she says, noting the convenience of the MFC,
they receive an integrated treatment plan,” says Dr. De Lott.
which allowed her to have all appointments on the same day
“Our mission at the Multidisciplinary Facial Nerve Clinic is to offer comprehensive and integrated patient-centered care
at the same location (the Kellogg Eye Center). “Everything was set up for me. It was very thorough.” Robinson says treatment at the clinic has improved her
in one place.” says Dr. Joseph. “Our team is committed to providing patients with the best experience possible.” For more information visit our website at: conditions-treatments/facial-nerve
condition and she looks forward to even greater improvement over time. The Detroit resident says she’s happy to make the drive to Michigan Medicine. “The Facial Nerve Clinic was a lifesaver for me,” she says. “I would do it in a heartbeat.”
Molecular Regulation of Photoreceptor Cell Death
leading to their death. Immune cells in the retina, called microglia, respond to detachment by moving toward the stressed photoreceptors and accumulating in the subretinal space between the photoreceptors and the back of the eye.
David Zacks, M.D., Ph.D., and Steven Abcouwer, Ph.D.,
have received an R01 grant to explore how both photoreceptors and microglia respond to retinal detachment, asking fundamental questions such as: What determines the life and death of the stressed photoreceptors? What triggers the movement of microglia to the subretinal space? And, once they arrive there, are microglia protective or destructive? David Zacks, M.D., Ph.D.
The two predict the answers
to these questions will reveal ways Death of the photoreceptors, the retinal cells that detect light, is
by which photoreceptor survival
the root cause of vision loss in many forms of retinal degenera-
can be promoted and vision can
tive diseases. Retinal detachment occurs when the neural retina
be preserved following retinal
is physically separated from the back of the eye, causing the
detachment and other retinal
photoreceptors to be starved of oxygen and nutrients, eventually
degenerative diseases. Steven Abcouwer, Ph.D.
Promising Tool to Measure Patient Outcomes Worldwide, approximately 2 million people suffer from some form of inherited retinal degeneration (IRD). These slowly progressing diseases, caused by varying genetic alterations, can lead to permanent vision loss. The effects of retinal dystrophies are unique to each patient and type of disease. All can significantly
Until recently, treatments for IRDs were
unavailable. However, new therapeutic advances such as gene therapy are now options for IRD treatment. As noted in last year’s report, Kellogg offers the first FDA approved gene therapy, Luxterna. Clinical trials are under way at Kellogg to evaluate the efficacy of additional gene therapies. These and future regenerative medicine trials would benefit from standardized outcome
Gabrielle D. Lacy, M.S., a University of Michigan
medical student and first
— Gabrielle D. Lacy, M.S.
author of the MRDQ paper,
the benefits to patients. That’s why doctors and researchers
at the Kellogg Eye Center have developed an instrument to capture standardized patient-reported
between the provider and the patient. It
Retinal Degeneration Questionnaire (MRDQ) has been validated in a subset of the IRD population after extensive
stresses the importance of patient-centered care. “This is a
tool to help bridge the communication
outcomes (PROs) for use in IRD trials. The Michigan
gives patients an opportunity to express their concerns and to make sure their needs are being addressed.”
patient interviews, initial field testing, and data analysis.
K. Thiran Jayasundera, M.D., M.S.
Gabrielle D. Lacy, M.S.
measures and testing protocols to assess
impact a patient’s quality of life.
The current version of the MRDQ will undergo further
K. Thiran Jayasundera, M.D., M.S.,
assessment. “This process will require administration of the
of the Kellogg Eye Center and lead
questionnaire to a larger sample of participants with varying
investigator of the the National
IRDs,” says MRDQ study co-investigator David C. Musch,
Eye Institute funded MRDQ study,
Ph.D., M.P.H. These additional studies will measure on a
notes that, as new treatments are
larger scale how well the MRDQ captures changes in visual
developed, it is important to evalu-
function and allow the MRDQ to become a standardized
ate whether or not the responses
measurement tool for future IRD clinical trials.
to treatment are meaningful to the
patient. For example, a patient may
on daily tasks that will effectively capture patient experiences
have 20/20 visual acuity, but be un-
as well as bolster research efforts in this field,” says Michigan
able to walk through an unfamiliar
Medicine statistician Chris Andrews, Ph.D.
“This novel PRO measure addresses the impact of IRDs
room due to a severely constrained visual field or background illumination.
“We might see improvements in the testing of patients,
but what we don’t know is how the treatment is enhancing the
Other contributors to the MRDQ study include Kellogg Eye Center researcher Rebhi Abuzaitoun, M.D., and faculty
patient’s everyday life,” says Dr. Jayasundera. “The MRDQ
members Maria Fernanda Abalem, M.D. Ph.D., M.Sc.;
addresses this.”
Julie Rosenthal, M.D. M.S.; and Joshua Ehrlich, M.D., M.P.H.
Artificial Intelligence to Improve Surgical Skills Artificial intelligence (AI) is driving progress in the surgical treatment of cataracts, one of the world’s leading causes of visual impairment.
At the Michigan Medicine Kellogg Eye Center, machine
learning — a branch of artificial intelligence that studies computer algorithms to identify patterns in large amounts of data — is being used to assess and improve the capabilities of residents
Nambi Nallasamy, M.D., and Bradford Tannen, M.D., J.D., spearhead efforts to improve residents’ cataract surgery training.
performing cataract surgery, the most commonly performed surgery in the world.
A team of researchers and clinicians, led by Bradford
Tannen, M.D., J.D. and Nambi Nallasamy, M.D., is using AI to analyze videos of cataract surgeries to identify surgical factors associated with better outcomes. The results are expected to provide critical feedback to improve the skills of cataract surgeons, especially those in training.
While much of a resident’s time is spent learning clinical
skills, Dr. Tannen and Dr. Nallasamy saw the need to develop a more comprehensive and objective method of
continuously improving surgical skills. This traditional model of real-time surgical evaluation by the attending physician during surgery, which, says Dr. Nallasamy, “is subjective and often lacks longitudinal observation and support.”
“We thought, what we’re
doing isn’t ideal,” says Dr. Tannen. “Why don't we use AI
new system is intended to supplement the
Yibing Zhang (above) and Tingyang Li (below) work on the development of deep neural networks for cataract surgery videos.
and machine learning to capture
— Bradford Tannen, M.D.
and extract data from surgeries and share it with our residents? The data would be compared to patient outcomes to determine the most effective procedures. Essentially, the data will show what makes a good surgeon.”
For example, he says, “We can see that this specific
technique led to a good outcome while other maneuvers may be less successful. In terms of residency training, this will be an important tool to help them know if they’re making progress.”
“By using artificial intelligence to automate the analysis of
surgical videos and provide automated assessments of surgical skills, we have the opportunity to accelerate the pace and success of mastery of surgical skills,” says Dr. Nallasamy.
Joshua Ehrlich, M.D., M.P.H.
Linking Vision Impairment and Cognition Blindness and visual impairment affect 1 in 11 Americans
individuals as they age. “We are implementing a new battery
age 65 and older. With the aging of the U.S. population, the
of vision tests in NHATS that will open the door to novel
number of older adults impacted by visual disability is expected
research to understand the role of vision on late-life health
to continue to increase rapidly over the next 30 years.
and disability,” says Dr. Ehrlich.
Joshua Ehrlich, M.D., M.P.H., Assistant Professor of
Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, along with colleagues at
ships among vision, cognition and aging led to his work with
the Kellogg Eye Center and the Institute for Social Research,
LASI-DAD. “In this study of 4,000 adults 60 and older across
is working to understand the impact of visual impairment on
18 states and territories in India, we’re trying to understand risk
the physical and cognitive health of an aging population.
factors for dementia, including the impact of visual impairment
“We’ve found that as vision gets worse, so too does cognitive
on brain health and whether the eye is a biomarker of future
health,” he says.
cognitive changes,” says Dr. Ehrlich. “We’ve found that lower
levels of vision are related to poorer cognitive performance
Drawing on population health and survey research,
Dr. Ehrlich’s research seeks to optimize the health of older
across all domains of cognition.” In addition, the study aims to
individuals and populations with visual impairment, both in
estimate the prevalence of dementia and cognitive impairment.
the U.S. and globally. Some of his most exciting recent work
draws upon various epidemiologic studies, including the Nation-
scientific advances, Dr. Ehrlich and other researchers have
al Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS) and the Diagnostic
recently established the SENSE Network (,
Assessment of Dementia for the Longitudinal Aging Study in
an international network of sensory aging researchers. This
India (LASI-DAD).
global collaboration is working to accelerate research examining
the role of sensory function — including vision — on health
The NHATS — a U.S.-based study of more than 8,000
adults 65 and older — examines health and disability in
Dr. Ehrlich’s interest in better understanding the relation-
With the goal of fostering collaboration and catalyzing
and aging.
New Clinic Focuses on Identifying the Genetic Basis of Ocular Disease With accelerating advances in genetics, successful patient diagnosis and medical management of congenital and complex eye diseases often requires the combined expertise of ophthalmology, medical genetics, genetic counseling and pediatric subspecialty care. The Kellogg Eye Center’s Multidisciplinary Ophthalmic Genetics Clinic provides medical and ophthalmic genetics care to patients with inherited ocular conditions. The clinic also enables doctors to more accurately interpret and explain complex genetic testing options and results to patients and their families. This “one-stop” clinic benefits patients by enhancing communications and discussion among geneticists
Lev Prasov, M.D., Ph.D.
and specialists for the best patient care. “The clinic enables us to expand upon our
States and the forerunner of the university's Depart-
excellence in genetics, foster interdepartmental and cross-institutional collaboration, and provide quality care for patients with unmet needs,” says ophthalmic geneticist Lev Prasov, M.D., Ph.D.
On the diagnostic front, the
clinic facilitates the identification of inherited eye diseases and determination of patient eligibility for clinical trials of novel therapies. Clinical evalua-
ment of Human Genetics. Dr. Falls’ observational and clinical skills became legendary in the U-M Medical School, and his
tion as a founder of medical genetics in the United States. The clinic also broadens Kellogg's and Michigan
Medicine's multidisciplinary
approach from inherited retinal degenerations and congenital glau-
tion helps identify which conditions are likely genetic and whether
a patient will benefit from genetic
— Lev Prasov, M.D., Ph.D.
testing. Genetic testing helps determine the need for additional medical screenings, counseling, and ocular disease monitoring.
pioneering work earned him distinc-
coma to a full spectrum of congenital and inherited disorders. “Our knowledge and experience
will expand as the role of genetics in
ophthalmology continues to grow in the
years to come,” says Dr. Prasov.
“On the research side, our primary goal is to make
advancements that will provide the best care for our patient population,” says Dr. Prasov. “By identifying patients and
The Multidisciplinary Ophthalmic Genetics
families with complex, rare diseases who are interested in
Clinic Team
participating in research studies, we can accelerate our
Ophthalmic Geneticist: Lev Prasov, M.D., Ph.D.
understanding of the diseases, improve genetic testing for
Pediatric Medical Geneticists: Jeff Innis, M.D., Ph.D.,
future patients, and develop molecular therapies.”
Amanda Pritchard, M.D.
The Ophthalmic Genetics Clinic is carrying on the tradition of Harold Falls, M.D., who helped establish the University of Michigan Heredity Clinic, the first of its kind in the United
Genetic Counselor: Adelyn Beil, M.S., M.P.H., C.G.C. Electrophysiology support: Naheed Khan, Ph.D.
1. Annie Wu, M.D., Kellogg resident, enjoying a meal with the mid-level ophthalmic personnel at Aravnd Eye Hospital. 2. Patient waiting room at St. Paul's during COVID-19. 3. Kellogg ophthalmology resident Olivia Killeen, M.D., at National Taiwan University with NTU faculty member. 4. Dr. Usha Kim, head of oculoplastic surgery at Aravind with Dr. Nelson. 5. UM Medical student Sahal Saleh on a break during his research in Addis Ababa.
Global Engagement 2020: Building on our Relationships In 2020, The Kellogg Eye Center Jacobson International
• As part of a funded research project, U-M medical students
Ophthalmology Program — newly named by a generous
Alex Bernard, Sahal Saleh and Tochukwu Ndukwe and Kellogg
gift from the Jacobson Foundation (see page 27) — engaged
ophthalmology resident Jara Crear, M.D., traveled to Ethiopia
with partners in Ethiopia, India, Ghana, and Taiwan. The
in early 2020. There they screened children and adults for ocular
strength of the program’s existing relationships and use
abnormalities using a cell phone application developed jointly
of virtual education and virtual health enabled Kellogg to
by Kellogg faculty member Hakan Demirci, M.D., and the
adapt and to overcome many COVID-19-related limitations.
School of Engineering. The results of this project will aid in the
2020 Global Activities Include: • Kellogg launched a global ophthalmology fellowship with Dr. Timothy Soeken. After completing his ophthalmology residency in the United States Air Force, Dr. Soeken is spending
development of coordinated care for retinoblastoma patients, and will unite ophthalmic providers throughout Ethiopia in the care of this blinding and potentially life-threatening disease of young children (see page 30).
his first year as a fellow in corneal and external ocular diseases
• Kellogg ophthalmology resident Annie Wu, M.D., traveled to
at Kellogg. He will transition into a one-year global fellowship
Aravind Eye Hospital in India in January 2020 to study whether
designed to enhance his ability to help lead international oph-
technicians providing preoperative eyedrops from multiuse
thalmic and health activities, with travel planned to India and
containers was safe. In the U.S., once a bottle of drops is opened
Ethiopia for additional training. Upon completion of his fellow-
for use, it is discarded, resulting in substantial financial and
ships with Kellogg, Dr. Soeken will return to the US military
environmental waste. Dr. Wu and colleagues videotaped and
to lead its humanitarian medical missions across the globe.
analyzed over 1,800 occurrences of preoperative eyedrop
administration at Aravind and found no recorded instances of
Building for the Future:
contamination, as well as no positive bacterial cultures from
COVID-19 pandemic underscores the importance of global
used bottle tips, demonstrating that multidose preoperative
relationships. Lessons learned from colleagues around the world
drops can be a safe and cost-effective alternative to single-use
enabled us to adapt more quickly and to share best practices.
drops. The findings are published in Ophthalmology.
Our University of Michigan partners at Beijing University shared
• Kellogg ophthalmology resident Olivia Killeen spent four weeks at National Taiwan University (NTU) in Taipei, Taiwan, where she assessed the safety of donor corneal tissue from
clinical research methodology for early-career faculty at Aravind Eye Care System in India. Kellogg hopes to offer expanded programs based on this model in the future. • Our pediatric ophthalmology faculty, led by Drs. Monte Del Monte and Grace Wang, worked
care teams alike (see page 18).
When the World Ophthamology Congress in South Africa converted from a live to a virtual meeting, it was possible for many more eye professionals to
education and mentorship program in
Singapore and across Asia provided insights into safety protocols safety in our clinics and facilities for patients and our health
(see page 20).
Ehrlich are working to create a remote
Wuhan at the height of the initial outbreak. Colleagues in for eye and health care that enabled us to proactively increase
patients with hepatitis as a means of expanding the supply
• David Musch, Ph.D., M.P.H., and Dr. Joshua
the expertise of their physicians and nurses who worked in
participate and take advantage of the education offered, according to Donna Donato, the Jacobson Pro-
gram director. Moving meetings and conferences to a virtual set-
with partners in Ghana to successfully launch a pediatric ophthalmology fellowship. • Dr. Ehrlich serves on the Lancet Global Health Commission on Global Eye Health, which is charting a course forward for the global eye health community at the
ting will continue in the future, says Christine Nelson, M.D., chief of oculoplastic surgery, a Board Director of the World Association of Eye Hospitals (WAEH), and a co-director of the Kellogg International Ophthalmology program, along
with Joshua Ehrlich, M.D., M.P.H., Jonathan Trobe, M.D., and H. Kaz Soong, M.D. Since the onset
completion of the WHO-led Vision 2020 initiative to eliminate
of COVID-19, WAEH has held regular webinars, organized and
avoidable blindness. The Commission’s report is forthcoming in
attended by participants across the globe. Kellogg faculty and
the journal Lancet Global Health in 2021.
staff led and organized a WAEH webinar on clinical operations and safety during COVID-19.
Kellogg oculoplastic fellow Dane Slentz, M.D., working with residents at St. Paul's in February 2020.
Kellogg Ophthalmology resident Annie Wu, M.D. (right) works on a new drop protocol with surgeons at the Aravind Eye Hospital.
Accelerating Our Virtual Care Programs Kellogg’s long-standing commitment to expanding access to eye care through e-health proved prescient during the COVID-19 pandemic. To balance the needs of patient care while minimizing potential exposure to the virus, new treatment models and protocols needed to be implemented quickly, says Jennifer Weizer, M.D., ophthalmology professor and Kellogg Safety Committee Chair.
While some patient care may be provided virtually, Kellogg
researchers have found that some critical data, (e.g., images
Kathleen Moss, COA, assists a patient at a Virtual Plus visit.
of the retina or assessments of the cornea) must be collected in-person. Therefore, our virtual care team came up with new ways to collect the patient data they needed while minimizing
Virtual Plus
contact between patients and care providers.
As COVID-19 took hold, it became clear that some patients Drive-up Services
in need of more extensive testing still feared coming into the
“During the initial stages of COVID-19, we began with drive-up
clinics, says Shahzad Mian, M.D., Vice Chair for Clinical
intraocular eye pressure (IOP) checks at the Kellogg Eye Center
Sciences and Learning at Kellogg. “We quickly realized the need to have more options for ophthalmology patients with severe
for patients with such conditions as glaucoma, which require
conditions. For these patients, we implemented
ongoing monitoring and management,” Dr. Weizer
the Virtual Plus program,” he says.
says. A follow-up eHealth visit, or virtual visit, discuss the patient’s condition.
“We continue to provide this
drive-up service for at-risk patients or those who don’t feel comfortable coming into the center or our community office locations,” she says. When the patient drives up to the clinic site, a technician suited up in personal protective equipment uses a handheld instru-
The program enables a patient in need of ancillary testing or treatment
ment to measure the patient’s IOP.
“This is a very efficient and
focused way for us to test patients in as
betes to quickly and directly get needed services, eliminating waiting periods and the need to move from one room to another. After testing is complete, the patient schedules a virtual visit with a physician to discuss the results. “With Virtual Plus, patients can see us individually without
Mian. “We want to provide care at a level equivalent
safety aspects of a quick check.”
to pre-COVID-19, without patients having safety concerns.
Mia Woodward, M.D., M.S., co-director and Rebecca Wu,
M.D., operational director of the program, found that patients
services as we expand in all locations,” he says. In addition
greatly appreciate the new system. Dr. Woodward noted that
to the main Wall St. facility, Virtual Plus is currently available
“patients felt that fewer person-to-person interactions made for
at the Canton, Northville and Huron River Drive locations.
a safer appointment.”
macular degeneration and dia-
important from a safety perspective,” says Dr.
“We found that patients like the convenience and A large quality assessment analysis of the project led by
for conditions such as glaucoma,
crowding the waiting room, which is
safe a way as possible,” Dr. Weizer says.
was then scheduled with the doctor to
“Our goal is to provide our community with quality
Generating Retinal Cells from Stem Cells How do a couple of universally expressed proteins in stem cells and developing embryos influence an individual cell’s ultimate fate—whether it becomes, for example, a retinal cell, a heart muscle cell or a stomach lining cell?
time turn off genes that coax stem cells to become other non-
That’s the question that Rajesh C. Rao, M.D., and his
colleagues at the University of Michigan will set out to answer
retinal cells.
in a $2M, 5-year R01 grant from the NIH.
become retinal cells,” says Dr. Rao. “This will have implications
Their grant will explore a signaling pathway they recently
“This work will help us better understand how stem cells
discovered that involves WDR5, MAX, and p53 (proteins that
in more efficiently generating retinal cells from stem cells for
help turn genes on and off). These proteins control how stem
uses in cell transplants in age-related macular degeneration and
cells turn on genes to become retinal cells while at the same
other diseases in which their own retinal cells die.”
need for therapies that improve photoreceptor survival and ultimately, vision.
Disruption of nutrient availability and regulation of cell
metabolism is thought to be a unifying mechanism in photoreceptor death. To this end, improving the understanding of metabolism in retinal cells and how it is altered in disease was recently identified as a specific knowledge gap in the field of retinal degenerations. The proposed research will interpret the complex interplay between photoreceptor metabolism and oxidative stress, and how they intersect to affect photoreceptor survival.
To conduct his research, Dr. Wubben will utilize the
resources, mentoring, and internationally recognized expertise
Photoreceptor Survival
in metabolism and metabolomics at the University of Michigan. His primary mentor is Charles Burant, M.D., Ph.D., the Director of the Michigan Regional Comprehensive Metabolomics
A K08 grant has been awarded to Thomas Wubben, M.D.,
Resource Core (MRC2) and A. Alfred Taubman Medical
Ph.D., for research focused on the retina’s photoreceptors, which
Research Institute at Michigan Medicine, due to his expertise
change light into a series of biological processes the brain can
in metabolomics. He will be co-mentored by Santiago Schnell,
then process as an image. Photoreceptor death is the ultimate
DPhil (Oxon), F.R.S.C., the chair of the Department of Molecular
cause of vision loss in many retinal disorders, including inherited
& Integrative Physiology, who is an internationally renowned the-
retinal degenerations, retinal detachment, and dry age-related
oretical and mathematical biologist. In addition, Dr. Wubben’s
macular degeneration. No successful treatment options currently
advisory committee includes cancer biologist Costas Lyssiotis,
exist to prevent photoreceptor loss, so there is an urgent unmet
Ph.D., and vitreoretinal specialist Cagri Besirli, M.D., Ph.D.
Bootcamp Gives Residents a Leg Up As part of the Kellogg Eye Center resident training program, Ophthalmology Bootcamp provides residents with opportunities to develop skills in both clinic and operating room settings.
Twice a year, in July and January, the Kellogg Eye Center
holds a two-day course focused on cultivating and developing the clinical and surgical skills of residents in the ophthalmology
Emily Chang, M.D., at the scope during Ophthalmology Bootcamp.
program — before they experience the pressure of taking care of patients and performing surgical procedures on their own.
“Our residents need to develop skills in the clinic and
operating room,” says Shahzad Mian, M.D., vice chair for
including a phacoemulsification wet lab where residents practice
clinical sciences and learning at the Kellogg Eye Center. “Each
cataract surgical skills using synthetic, cadaver, and animal eyes.
resident works one-on-one with doctors on specific skill sets.
Our goal is to make sure they are as well prepared as possible
perform surgical procedures that imitate an actual patient,”
before interacting with patients.”
says Dr. Mian.
In a hands-on clinical setting, residents learn practical skills,
“We also have virtual simulations that enable residents to
Second year ophthalmology resident Tomas Meijome sums
ranging from how to safely gown up before surgery to perform-
up the Ophthalmology Bootcamp as an essential step in his
ing key surgical maneuvers, while also having the opportunity
training. “Having a workshop like this where you’re able to
to ask questions and hone their surgical techniques.
do everything on your own from start to finish is one of those
crucial moments of transitioning from an intern to a resident.”
The course features a medical curriculum with online
components, case presentations and a skills transfer lab,
New Patent for Nanoparticle Therapy in Cancer Howard R. Petty, Ph.D., is professor of
ophthalmology and visual sciences, and of
model, Dr. Petty and his colleagues discovered
microbiology and immunology at Kellogg,
that the new nanoparticle not only killed tumor
where he’s been engaged in research for
cells in the eye, but also extended the survival
nearly 20 years.
of experimental mice bearing 4T1 tumors, a cell
line that is extremely difficult to kill. “Our work
Along with fellow researchers at Kellogg,
Dr. Petty has developed a new nanoparticle
has shown that we can extend the survival of
therapy — Nanoparticle Therapy in Cancer —
mice with this type of tumor.”
that uses a tumor cell's protective mechanism
against itself, essentially short-circuiting tumor
Demirci, M.D., and Cheng-mao Lin, Ph.D., on
cell metabolism and killing tumor cells.
extending this work and ensuring the safety of
the nanoparticle therapy.
This patented technology may help treat
ocular cancer, possibly improving visual and survival outcomes for patients.
In a four-year study conducted on a mouse
Dr. Petty is now working with Hakan
An Ecosystem for Greater Diversity in Ophthalmology The Kellogg Eye Center has a history of fostering diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives to address disparities in eye care and improve the underrepresentation of minority populations in ophthalmic care delivery, research participation and provider education.
Dan Balikov, M.D., Ph.D. (center) mentors MOP participants Jonathan Herrera (left) and Tochukwu Ndukwe (right)
While minority populations com-
prise 31% of the U.S. population, notes Dr. Ariane Kaplan, Kellogg's medical
Ariane Kaplan, M.D.
student clerkship director, only 6% of
experience in basic ophthalmology surgical skills via a surgical
practicing ophthalmologists come from
simulator and suture practice.
under-represented in medicine (URM)
cohorts. She points to studies that show
a key aspect of the program for Ndukwe, who says Kellogg
patients are more likely to trust health-
ophthalmologist Joshua Ehrlich, M.D., M.P.H, was an influential
care physicians they can identify with —
mentor who “supported my passion for health equity research.”
those with similar ethnic backgrounds,
Being connected with resident and faculty mentors was
“Faculty mentoring enables students to foster relationships
cultural experiences and race.
The Michigan Ophthalmology Pipeline
(MOP) program at Kellogg encourages medical students from diverse backgrounds to explore ophthalmology early in their education. The innovative longitudinal mentorship program brings together medical students, ophthalmology residents and Kellogg faculty to create a supportive ecosystem. The goal of MOP is to both
tion for residency as well as career advice along the way,” notes Dr. Kaplan, who led the creation and development of the MOP program. The program also provides
encourage interest in ophthalmology and to help students to build
— Tochukwu Ndukwe
strong residency applications regardless of the specialty they choose.
at Kellogg, which can help with letters of recommenda-
assistance to help mentees better prepare for national board examinations. For participating residents, the program provides an opportunity to gain early experience as a physician-mentor and develop the skills necessary for a lifetime of teaching and leadership. “Our MOP program is important
because it gives medical students early
Fourth-year medical student Tochukwu
exposure to ophthalmology, which is not a
Ndukwe, one of two MOP students applying to
requirement within the medical school curriculum
ophthalmology residency programs this year, says the
and often goes unexplored,” says Dr. Kaplan. “We want to
mentorship has helped him in significant ways. “I was able
get it on their radar earlier.” The benefits of promoting diversity
to get involved in the field in my first year of medical school.
in the ophthalmology field expand beyond medical students and
That’s when I realized ophthalmology was for me,” says
residents, says Dr. Kaplan.
Ndukwe. “Early on, I got a better sense of the world of
ing medical careers in ophthalmology, we will better represent
the patient populations we serve, which may help reduce
During the program, medical students receive one-on-one
“As we see more students from diverse backgrounds pursu-
mentorship from Kellogg’s ophthalmology residents and faculty,
observed disparities in eye care and vision health.”
including clinical and OR experience. This frequent, personal
connection provides the guidance and experience helpful for
in ophthalmology really made me who I am, and makes me want
early success. In addition to clinical skills, students get hands-on
to pay that forward,” says Ndukwe.
“The program’s emphasis on inclusion to increase diversity
Londa Reid-Sanders, BGS, COA, OSC, guides a patient through testing at the Hope Clinic.
Increasing Access to Care While routine eye examinations are vital to pre-
Clinic in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and the Hamilton
venting vision loss from common, treatable served populations don’t receive needed care. Among the reasons: poor access to reliable transportation, lack of local services, and mistrust in the health care system.
To address these issues and
roadblocks to care, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded the Michigan
Michigan. The Hamilton Community Health Network is a Federally Qualified
Screening and Intervention for Glaucoma and eye Health through
Health Center that provides medical care for people with Medicaid, while the Hope Clinic provides medical care for the uninsured or underinsured. This network of care is critical, says Paula Anne NewmanCasey, M.D., M.S., Kellogg glaucoma specialist and Principal Investigator for the CDC grant. “Individuals
who have poor access to medical care,
Telemedicine (MI-SIGHT) Program to run between 2019 and 2024. This
such as those who live in many inner city
program is evaluating whether having eye
or rural areas and those who live in poverty, bear
screenings available in community clinics improves the
eye diseases, many people in under-
Community Health Network in Flint,
a disproportionate share of vision loss and blindness,”
rate of detection of severe eye diseases, including glaucoma,
she says.
in underserved populations.
pressure and diabetes, which can lead to worse eye health,
The MI-SIGHT PROGRAM enables ophthalmologists from
They often suffer from health issues such as high blood
the Kellogg Eye Center to provide care through telemedicine at
including cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy,
two Michigan clinics serving low income populations: the Hope
among other diseases. “Many of these patients are not getting
appropriate eye screening and follow-up,” says Dr. NewmanCasey. She and her colleagues want to help improve these rates by encouraging people to take advantage of the MI-SIGHT Program now offered at the Hamilton and Hope clinics
In the MI-SIGHT Program, ophthalmic technicians like
Londa Reid-Sanders, BGS, COA, OSC, take measurements and photographs of people’s eyes at the community clinics. Testing information is then sent through electronic health records to Kellogg ophthalmologists for assessment and management decisions. The ophthalmic technicians help those in need of eye glasses choose a low-cost pair. The technician then sees the patient back at a second visit one month later to review the results and doctor’s treatment recommendations. The technician helps patients with severe conditions schedule additional eye care, if required, and can connect them with resources for insurance or charity care through the University of Michigan MSupport program.
Reid-Sanders also serves as clinical research coordinator
for the program. She believes MI-SIGHT is important as many people fail to get vision care because of the stigma surrounding a lack of insurance. A significant number of those she tests are diagnosed with eye disease and require ongoing treatment. “This gives people hope that they will be able to get the best vision care they need.”
“We provide the necessary treatment as well as patient
education regarding ongoing eye health,” says Dr. NewmanCasey of the services provided at the Hamilton and Hope clinics. “We want to help patients who would otherwise have greater difficulty obtain the needed follow-up care for their chronic disease. We hope that providing education and support to schedule follow-up care will improve people’s ability to get ongoing care. There are so many logistical barriers — the more we can remove, the better.”
Dr. Newman-Casey and her MI-SIGHT team believe estab-
lishing patient trust is key to successfully engaging people in eye screening and follow up care. “People are more likely to engage in care when there is trust, and people already know and trust their community clinics,” she says.
Recognizing Excellence Angela Elam, M.D., Assistant
engage populations of people most at risk of vision loss from
Professor of Ophthalmology and
glaucoma and who are least likely to have access to eye care.
Visual Sciences at the Kellogg Eye
Center, received the 2020 Joanne
lower incomes, older individuals and those living in rural areas
Angle Public Health Award from
may not have the same access to virtual care as others,” says
Prevent Blindness, a national eye
Dr. Elam, citing such issues as lack of access to technology and
health organization, and Fight for
insufficient broadband access. “With many of these individuals
Sight, the first nonprofit organization
already at higher risk for eye disease, the health disparities gap
in the U.S. to promote eye research.
may widen if telemedicine becomes their only option. That’s
The $25,000 grant was awarded
why we need to bring services such as telemedicine to trusted
“Studies show that racial and ethnic minorities, people with
for her study entitled “Engagement in Telemedicine-based
community sites. We need to meet patients where they are.”
Glaucoma Screening in the Community Clinics.”
praised Dr. Elam and her team, saying, “Their work to engage
“Many Americans are at risk for blindness or vision loss
Michael Brogioli, executive director of Fight for Sight,
due to glaucoma, some because they have limited access to
underserved communities is especially critical during
appropriate treatment for the disease,” says Dr. Elam. In light
this extraordinary time.”
of this, her study focuses on identifying strategies to better
Laxmi Devisetty, M.D., and Joan Lippincott with patient Richard Turner at the Kellogg Eye Center in Grand Blanc.
Michigan Medicine and Kelloggʼs Commitment to Provide Care in Communities As COVID-19 was spreading across Southeast Michigan in
effect on this community. We wanted to ensure that our
March 2020, faculty at the Kellogg Eye Center realized the
patients continued to have access to urgent and emergent
potential dangers of limited access to critical eye care for
care during this time.”
In keeping with the Kellogg Eye
Center’s mission to provide access to essential eye care to all patients, Michigan Medicine and Kellogg made the decision to continue services at our community office in the Grand Blanc/Flint, Michigan, area.
“The services we provide
are key to helping patients maintain their vision,” says
Areas of Grand Blanc and Flint are traditionally underserved and experience health disparities, says Dr. Mian. “We are committed to providing patients the best opportunities “Many of these patients need care
on a regular basis for eye challenges —
that will worsen without the neces-
and some have devastating conditions
sary treatment,” says ophthalmolo-
want to make sure people are seen
cornea specialist Shahzad Mian, M.D. “During the height of
COVID-19, we closed most com-
— Laxmi Devisetty, M.D.
munity office locations and continued urgent and emergent care at the Kellogg Eye Center in Ann Arbor in line with CDC, AAO and state recommendations and requirements. Our patients
to maintain their vision.”
patients in vulnerable populations.
gist Laxmi Devisetty, M.D. “We on time and that they don’t delay their eye care.” Looking toward the future, the goal is to expand the Grand Blanc/Flint office location to provide even greater care
in the community.
“We know our patients are maintaining their
in the Grand Blanc and Flint area are farther away from
vision in partnership with our community colleagues, and we
Ann Arbor than other clinics and often not able to make the
plan to continue to be in the communities where our patients
commute. Shutting services down would have had a dramatic
live,” says Dr. Mian.
Danger in Delaying Treatment Timely treatment for serious eye diseases such as macular degeneration and glaucoma is critical — even in the face of COVID-19. These progressive conditions can cause vision loss if not treated regularly. But like many Americans, the fear of contracting COVID-19 drove Richard Turner’s decision to delay treatment for macular degeneration, which nearly cost him his eyesight.
Paula Anne Newman-Casey, M.D., M.S.
Study Promotes Medication Adherence in Glaucoma Patients “Approximately half of glaucoma patients do not take their
Kellogg ophthalmologist Laxmi Devisetty, M.D., of the Grand Blanc satellite location, has been treating Turner since his return in June. “The good news is that we were able to resume treatment with injections, and were able to recover almost all of his vision,” she says, noting that he’s back to his regular monthly appointments. To ensure a safe environment for patients like Turner and clinic staff, Dr. Devisetty has implemented safety measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in her office. “Every patient and staff member wears a mask, we have protective barriers in place, our waiting process has been changed to minimize time in our waiting rooms, and we monitor everyone who comes to the office," says Dr. Devisetty. "We call the patients ahead of time and if they're sick or not able to come in we've been doing virtual visits.” Dr. Devisetty wants people to realize the risk of delaying treatment. “The biggest thing we want to accomplish here is to make sure people get the appropriate treatment at the right time and not lose their faculties, especially vision, because it's a life-changing situation and we have the appropriate precautions in place.” No one knows this better than Turner, who says he’s grateful for the treatment he’s once again getting at the center, adding, “Your life changes when your eyes don’t work.”
medication as prescribed,” says Kellogg ophthalmologist Paula Anne Newman-Casey, M.D., M.S. There are many reasons, including the fact that vision loss with glaucoma isn’t noticeable for a long time. “Often, patients don’t realize the benefits of eye drop medication until it’s too late.”
Dr. Newman-Casey was awarded a five-year R01 grant
by the NIH to study how a personalized glaucoma coaching intervention may improve medication adherence among glaucoma patients. The Support Educate Empower (SEE) Personalized Glaucoma Coaching Program Trial will begin enrolling in April. During the six-month program, paraprofessionals trained in motivational interviewing will provide counseling and education to glaucoma patients in an effort to improve medication adherence.
This randomized-controlled study of 230 glaucoma patients
will compare those who are coached during three in-person sessions and five between-visit phone sessions with patients who receive gold-standard written information about glaucoma and its management over the six months.
“This is the way of the future,” says Dr. Newman-Casey.
“People are living longer and the prevalence of glaucoma is predicted to increase as the population ages. Glaucoma selfmanagement support is key to improving outcomes for these patients, and leveraging a team that includes both a doctor and a health coach is an important part of the solution.”
Patient Safety Continues to Drive Clinical Operations Kellogg’s clinical leadership has been focused on increasing safety in our clinics for many years. This commitment to safety enabled Kellogg to quickly adapt to the challenges of COVID-19 and to improve safety for patients and our care teams. “We have great support from leadership to think outside the box in designing new ways of doing things,” says Beth Hansemann, COT, continuous improvement specialist at Kellogg. Building on this long-standing commitment to a “culture of safety,” Kellogg clinics adopted a process of proactive planning for multiple scenarios, implementing steps common across scenarios, rapidly assessing performance and quickly making needed adjustments.
Beth Hansemann, COT, and Jennifer Weizer, M.D., lead Kellogg’s safety team.
Safety Processes and Equipment: Kellogg clinics were the first in Michigan Medicine to implement patient screen-
Ensuring a Safe Environment: In addition to regular
ing, masking for all staff, and the use
cleaning, eye protection, hand sanitation, and physical distanc-
of plexiglass barriers for encounters.
ing, airflow and air quality concerns have been identified as
Rather than waiting for commercial
potential risk factors for the spread of COVID-19, especially
suppliers, Drs. Rebecca Wu and Shahzad
in indoor environments. Working with environmental health at
Mian, together with other faculty and
Michigan Medicine, Kellogg rooms were rechecked to make sure
staff and Dr. Lauro Ojeda of the School
that all air flow had HEPA filtration and that air exchanges met
of Engineering quickly designed, tested, had manufactured, and
or exceeded Joint Commission standards of at least 6 exchanges
installed enhanced slit-lamp shields. The shields were larger than
per hour.
any then commercially available. Subsequent studies showed that shields of this size would block more than 99% of droplets
Applying Data Sciences: Kellogg’s Dr. Joshua Stein, Direc-
between a patient or physician or technician. The success of
tor of Analytics, along with Dr. Mian and clinical leadership,
these slit lamp shields has spurred development of safety shields
created a risk algorithm for glaucoma patients that provided a
for other instruments that previously had no shields of any
personalized estimate of both the risk of vision loss and the risk
kind, such as the special viewing system for clinical examination
of severe COVID-19 outcomes. This “score” facilitated the ap-
of the periphery of the eye (“indirect ophthalmoscope”), led by
propriate rescheduling of patients when clinical care was limited
Dr. Lev Prasov.
to urgent and emergent patients by state regulations. Doctors Caring for Patients with COVID-19: Kellogg’s teams, led by
used this data to better balance the risks of vision loss with risks from COVID-19 infection, while enabling patients to understand their risk profile.
Dr. Roni Shtein, medical director of
our main Wall Street clinic, rapidly
Changes Here to Stay: Together with the advances in
established a safe way of seeing our
data sciences, COVID-19 has catalyzed significant changes in
COVID-19 patients with urgent eye
how eye care can be delivered. Kellogg’s “drive through” and
problems while maximizing safety for
“virtual plus” clinics (see page 10) as well as other innovative
everyone else. “We encourage as little
approaches pioneered during the pandemic are here to stay.
contact as possible with minimal face-to-
“We’ve been open to new ways to make things work, and we’ve
face interaction for COVID-19 patients.”
been able to continue our journey to increase safety for patients
Although the number of patients seen in this “Red Clinic” has
and staff.” says Jennifer Weizer, M.D., ophthalmology professor
been small, “We’re prepared,” says Dr. Shtein. The protocol
and Kellogg Safety Committee chair. “We’re confident that we’ve
keeps our non-COVID-19 patients safe so they can come to
learned important lessons for the future if we have another out-
Kellogg for their eye care issues with peace-of-mind.
break and for issues such as the seasonal flu.”
Left: Emily Schehlein, M.D., works with EyeSi, a cataract surgery simulator. Right: Bradford Tannen, M.D., J.D., led the transition to virtual lectures for the Kellogg residents.
Training Tomorrow’s Leaders Virtually Even before COVID-19 transformed the way we interact,
done in a physical lab, including suture and incision techniques
Kellogg was enhancing the way we teach our residents with
as well as surgical skills performed on a model, cadaver or
our “flipped classroom.” In this model, learners review online
animal eye. They can now participate in an online Q&A session
materials, such as lectures, prior to an in-person discussion.
with an instructor.
This method proved to be so popular that our faculty worked
Tools like a virtual simulator allow residents to practice
to move more education online, making it accessible
cataract surgery, says third-year resident Emily
to a wider audience. When COVID-19 state these efforts allowed us to quickly adapt while still giving residents a top-notch education.
“COVID-19 changed the way
we interact with one another, but our teaching approach enabled us to have more robust discussions with larger class sizes, guided by faculty and virtual visiting profes-
cataract surgeries, were canceled during the spring — and we needed to find ways to
continue our surgical training during
Fortunately, we have an excel-
lent wet lab and the EyeSi, which
surgery and what it’s like to be in
sors,” notes Bradford Tannen, M.D., J.D., program director of the Kellogg residency. “Our faculty helped
THE EARLY MONTHS OF COVID-19. — Bradford Tannen, M.D., J.D.
create more complex training content focused on surrogate surgical rounds, patient care and even surgical training.”
this critical period in our residency.
mandates limited in-person meetings,
Schehlein, M.D. “All elective cases, including
Adopting a virtual wet lab curriculum has enabled
allows us to simulate cataract the eye.” “More and more we’re using virtual training as an effective method of teaching surgeons when we can’t do live instruction. We’ve learned this is helpful in creating an increasingly
structured curriculum,” says Dr. Tannen.
“Our newly developed content is better than
what we had before,” he says. “We now have the ability to
learners to continue to expand their surgical competencies while
give residents robust clinical and surgical training opportunities
maintaining safe, physical distancing in a cost-effective format.
if we ever again experience a future reduction in live training
Residents are able to practice skills and techniques traditionally
opportunities as we did during the early months of COVID-19.”
Resident Research Focuses on Tissue Banking to Treat Corneal Disease Olivia Killeen, M.D., didn’t have to look far when the time came to choose a residency program. The University of Michigan medical school graduate was impressed with the Kellogg Eye Center and its focus on health services research in ophthalmology. “Not a lot of ophthalmology programs are doing this type of research,” says the third-year resident, noting that the opportunity to connect with like-minded faculty mentors was a major draw. Health services focuses on the delivery of health care, including how it can be improved and made accessible to a larger population, says Dr. Killeen. “We have very advanced interventions in ophthalmology, but they’re not accessible to a lot of people,” she says, citing insurance considerations and those living in rural areas as just a few of the issues preventing optimal care for many patients. Dr. Killeen’s interest in expanding access to eye care led to a study of corneal transplantation. 20
The objective of the study was to look at corneal tissue supply and demand, and to come up with ways to increase the global supply. Because many countries don’t have enough donations of corneal tissue, patients there aren’t able to get corneal transplants to cure their blindness. The study took her to Taiwan, where Kellogg ophthalmologist Kaz Soong, M.D., connected her with the cornea department at the National Taiwan University Hospital. She set out to determine if hepatitis B in donor corneal tissue was transmissible to patients. “We discovered that transplanting corneal tissue from a donor with hepatitis B to a recipient with hepatitis B was safe,” says Dr. Killeen. “This protocol could be used safely in other countries with endemic hepatitis B and could have significant implications for improving the supply of corneal tissue around the world.”
Blending Clinical Care and Research for Novel IRD Therapies Daniel Balikov, M.D., Ph.D., a first-year resident, is following in the footsteps of his mother, an ophthalmologist specializing in glaucoma, and his grandfather, a general ophthalmologist. For Dr. Balikov, the Kellogg Eye Center was a perfect fit for his residency, as he was seeking an institution with strong clinical training and research opportunities that would integrate his biomedical engineering background into the field of ophthalmology. “The Kellogg Eye Center offers opportunities to examine a large volume of patients with both common and uncommon ocular diseases, and it gives me the chance to work with a team of mentors who share similar excitement for translational research,” he says. Dr. Balikov’s focus is on inherited retinal degenerations (IRDs), which result in the deterioration of cells within the retina and, ultimately, vision loss. He has applied for three grants aimed at helping
restore vision in IRD patients. Two grants, one of which was funded by the VitreoRetinal Surgery Foundation, focus on designing a polymer scaffold that helps stem cell-derived retinal tissue more closely mimic the human retina. If successful, this scaffold system will make it easier for vision researchers to discover unknown causes of IRDs and test new therapies to restore normal vision. In the third grant, Dr. Balikov proposes a method to grow blood vessels around and into a type of artificial retina. Retinal blood vessels play pivotal roles in influencing retinal health. These blood vessels could open the door to novel discoveries about retinal disease and accelerate the timeline to developing new therapies for patients. “I hope to be able to bring something back to my future patients with the work I’m doing,” Dr. Balikov says. “It is one of the most satisfying rewards for any physician scientist when that dream becomes a reality.” 21
Pamela Campbell, COT, CRP, and Grant Comer, M.D., M.S.
Conducting Clinical Trials During a Pandemic This year the Kellogg Clinical Research Center (KCRC) has more than 56 active clinical trials. These trials include gene therapies, new drugs and devices for age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, dry eye and many other eye conditions. In addition to working on trials directly linked to vision and eye health, the KCRC supports other Michigan Medicine departments, providing expertise on the potential ophthalmic or visual side effects of treatments for non-vision related diseases, including cancer and genetic conditions. Many of our research coordinators even
Lindsay Godsey, M.S., COA, CCRP, Clinical Research Project Manager
volunteered and assisted Michigan Medicine colleagues with COVID-19-related clinical studies during the early
stages of the pandemic.
during this time, helping the KCRC remain state-of-the-art
for investigators and patients.
Due to state restrictions put in place in response to
the COVID-19 pandemic, non-urgent clinical trials were
suspended in the spring of 2020, similar to clinical care.
study activity has continued to grow, notes Grant Comer,
Facilities were remodeled and new equipment installed
MD., M.S., KCRC’s Medical Director.
As the coronavirus restrictions have been lifted, clinical
Thomas Gardner, M.D., M.S.
Moving Toward a New Concept in Type 1 Diabetes Research More than 100 million American adults are living with diabetes
diabetes,” says Dr. Gardner. Specifically, why certain patients
or prediabetes, which is why 350 Michigan Medicine faculty
experience serious complications and others don’t, he says.
members are committed to diabetes research. Among them is
a significant and growing Kellogg cohort focused on research
might be able to do a better job of preventing complications as
surrounding the effect diabetes has on the retina.
we tailor treatment based on each patient’s unique profile with
this disease,” Dr. Gardner says. “Instead of treatment focused
This dedicated focus has led to a partnership of the
“Using precision medicine, similar to cancer treatment, we
Elizabeth Weiser Caswell Diabetes Institute (EWCDI) and the
mainly on diet, exercise and insulin doses, we’re developing
JDRF to establish the JDRF Center of Excellence (COE) at the
treatment specific to individual patient needs.
University of Michigan. Through the use of team science, the
COE is committed to pursuing type 1 diabetes (T1D) cures and
from protein and lipid metabolism, to the function of pancreatic
to reducing disease burden through improved treatments.
beta cells, to the use of insulin pumps to regulate blood glucose,
to addressing chronic complications affecting the kidneys,
“The Center of Excellence further establishes Michigan
“We’ve set a very ambitious research agenda that ranges
as one of the premier diabetes centers in the country,” says
nerves, brain, heart and eyes, to the psychosocial impact on
Thomas Gardner, M.D., M.S., professor of ophthalmology
patients and families.,” says Dr. Gardner. “In short, we hope to
and visual sciences.
redefine how diabetes harms people and to use that information
to improve the quality of life for those with the disease.”
The COE’s goals include safer, more effective diabetes
management and improved health for individuals living with
T1D. The JDRF is the global leader in funding T1D research,
mology and combines the expertise of faculty members from
and its $7.37 million grant over five years will anchor the COE.
the Departments of Internal Medicine (Division of Metabolism,
In addition, Regent Ron Weiser and his family have contributed
Endocrinology and Diabetes; Division of Nephrology; and
towards the EWCDI.
Division of Gastroenterology), Pediatrics, Biomedical Engineer-
ing Neurology, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
“With this grant, we’re moving toward a burden of disease
concept where we look at long-term consequences of type 1
The study is administered by the Department of Ophthal-
in the medical school and college of engineering.
Alumni Highlights Encouraged by the mentorship they received during their training, three Kellogg Eye Center graduates have gone on to impressive positions at top institutions throughout the United States. Steven E. Brooks, M.D. (Fellowship,
1992-1993), recently become the William S. Hagler Professor of Ophthalmology and Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Medical College of Georgia, the academic Steven Abcouwer, Ph.D.
Patrice Fort, Ph.D.
health sciences center for the University of Georgia.
Breakthrough Discoveries in Diabetic Retinopathy
Prior to accepting this role, he
was the Anne S. Cohen Professor of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Chief of Pediatric Ophthalmology at Columbia University Medical Center and the Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York.
Steven Abcouwer, Ph.D., and Patrice Fort, Ph.D., were
awarded an R01 grant by the NIH for their studies of novel
ophthalmology and adult strabismus. He is a national leader
aspects of retinal physiology and function that are important
in the field of complex strabismus, strabismus surgery,
in the early retinal changes caused by diabetes. Their team’s
pediatric ophthalmology and retinopathy of prematurity
studies examine how and why ganglion cells — the retinal
(ROP). An excellent clinician and physician scientist, he
neurons that send vision signals to the brain — exhibit a very
has made a number of important contributions to the field,
high rate of protein synthesis, and how and why this is negatively affected by diabetes.
An early manifestation of diabetic retinopathy is called
diabetic retinal neuropathy, which damages and causes the slow death of ganglion cells. It has long been known that the retinal neurons that detect light, called photoreceptors, exhibit a high metabolism including rapid production of proteins. “However, until our recent work, it was unknown that the rate of protein production is even higher in the ganglion cells,” says Dr. Abcouwer. “We also demonstrated that reduction of this rate of protein synthesis in ganglion cells is an early indicator of the effect of diabetes, which may explain why these cells are damaged in diabetes.”
These studies by Dr. Abcouwer and Dr. Fort and their
research team are expected to significantly augment knowledge of retinal physiology and lead to treatments that will both prevent diabetic retinal neuropathy and reduce the risk of diabetic retinopathy.
Dr. Brooks’ clinical focus is on all aspects of pediatric
including his work on fat adherence syndrome and his description of a new modification for muscle transposition surgery in the field of strabismus.
“I was a fellow in pediatric ophthalmology and
strabismus with Dr. Monte Del Monte and Dr. Steven Archer in 1992-93. The fellowship training I received at Kellogg was second to none and I hope, in return, that I have made my mentors proud.”
Jonathan M. Holmes, M.D.
(Fellowship 1992), was appointed Professor and Chair of Ophthalmology and Vision Science at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Tucson on July 31, 2020. Prior to accepting this position, Dr Holmes was the Joseph E. and Rose Marie Green Professor of Visual Sciences and Professor of Ophthalmology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
Dr. Holmes is currently the co-chair of the Pediatric Eye
Disease Investigator Group, a NIH-funded network conducting clinical trials in pediatric eye care and strabismus. He has additional NIH funding to develop patient-reported outcome measures across the spectrum of childhood eye conditions. Dr. Holmes is also an internationally recognized strabismus surgeon focusing on complex ocular misalignment and double vision in children and adults.
“My fellowship with Dr. Monte Del Monte and Dr. Steven
Archer at Kellogg gave me the toolbox I needed to carry into the rest of my career. More than anything, they taught me how to think, how to approach novel problems in strabismus and pediatric ophthalmology. I am forever indebted to them.”
Integrating Data Sciences and Imaging to Create Personalized Care for Corneal Ulcers Innovative research by Mia Woodward, M.D., M.S., in the
Brenda L. Bohnsack, M.D., Ph.D.
field of corneal ulcers, also known as microbial keratitis (MK),
(Residency, 2007-2010), was recently
has earned her a National Eye Institute R01 grant. The study —
appointed new Division Head of
a collaborative effort with Aravind Eye Care and other investi-
Ophthalmology at Ann & Robert H.
gators from U-M and Duke University — is focused on creating
Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
images and data tools to understand the severity of corneal
and associate professor of ophthal-
ulcers, a leading cause of blindness worldwide, and to help
mology at Northwestern University
physicians with treatment and risk stratification decisions. There
Feinberg School of Medicine.
are currently no uniform strategies to measure a patient’s MK
condition or risk factors. This study will provide novel insights
Dr. Bohnsack was previously a
faculty member at Kellogg after having
into the features associated with clinical outcomes for MK,
been a resident at Michigan. She served as the Pediatric
which will allow clinicians to have practical, low-cost strategies
Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus Fellowship Director
and technologies (imaging and electronic health records) to
and was the Helmut F. Stern Career Development Professor.
quantify MK features and to risk-score patients.
Her clinical interests include diagnosis and management
Applying readily available low-cost technologies to new
of congenital eye diseases and childhood glaucoma. A
care models will enable eye problems to be addressed before
renowned vision researcher, Dr. Bohnsack’s work involves
they cause damage to the eye and permanent vision loss in com-
investigating molecular mechanisms underlying ocular devel-
munities across the US and around the world. By personalizing
opment in the embryo to better understand congenital eye
treatments earlier and more accurately, Dr. Woodward's study
diseases and pave the way for new treatment strategies.
seeks to improve patient outcomes, especially in vulnerable populations.
Phillip Kish, Ph.D., helped keep researchers and their projects safe during the COVID-19 shut-down.
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Advancing Research Safely
— Phillip Kish, Ph.D.
2020 was a banner year for research at Kellogg. This Annual Report highlights some of our new research, which include 7 new R0-1 NIH grants and major foundation grants. All are
designed to provide insight into how best to treat, cure or
prevent vision loss, ranging from bench laboratory experiments
laboratories to continue to function,” says Dr. Kish. “Our goal
to clinical trials to health services and implementation science.
was to ensure that every lab would be able to resume work with
a minimum of preparations and to ensure that precious and
The world of research — like every other aspect of our
“There is an incredible amount of maintenance needed by
lives — was significantly impacted by COVID-19. Laboratories
sometimes irreplaceable samples were not lost due to equipment
and clinical studies were suddenly paused for nearly 3 months,
failures.” Once restrictions were eased, increasing lab operations
except for urgent situations and care for patients in therapeutic
in phases presented another set of challenges, says Dr. Kish.
trials. A longstanding culture of continuous safety improvement
enabled Kellogg to quickly adopt new protocols to protect our
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Environ-
researchers and their vital work — and then to ramp up when
mental Health Services at the University, as well as Medical
state restrictions were eased.
School guidelines,” he says. This included analyzing the number
of people the labs could realistically hold while maintaining
Phillip Kish, Ph.D., Laboratory Research Specialist Lead in
“We needed to follow the guidelines and protocols set by
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences and Lab Safety Liaison for
appropriate physical distancing. These new practices often
the department, built on the culture of safety he and his safety
resulted in innovative ways of scheduling, changes which will
predecessor, Mohammad Othman, Ph.D., helped develop. Prior
continue. “It’s outstanding how well everyone at Kellogg has
to COVID-19, Dr. Kish would regularly visit with laboratories
complied with best practices,” says Dr. Kish, with recognition
to discuss concerns and highlight safety opportunities. When
by Michigan Medicine for success in keeping the labs safe
laboratories were closed, Dr. Kish continued his inspections to
while pursuing our research endeavors.
maintain the safety and function of essential laboratory equip-
ment and research materials. By making sure this equipment
rooms are under construction to help our scientists advance our
and warning systems remained operational, he ensured that no
mission to treat, cure and prevent vision loss. The new facilities
disasters befell Kellogg laboratories and that operations would
will be an ideal environment to discover new treatments for
be able to efficiently and safely resume upon their reopening.
eye diseases such as choroideremia and macular degeneration.
As Kellogg moves forward, two new stem cell research
$1 Million Endowment Supports Long-term Success of International Program A new gift from an old friend — the Jerome Jacobson Foundation — will ensure Kellogg can continue to grow international partnerships to save sight, drive research progress, and educate the next generation of ophthalmology leaders at the University of Michigan and globally.
“Anything we can do to help the rest of the world is the
Left to right: Outside St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College, (top right) a waiting room outside (bottom right) Dr. Tsedeke Alemu, retina specialist at St. Paul's, Dr. Nelson, Lia Tadesse Gebremedhin, M.D., the Minister of Health of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and Scott Lawrence, M.D.
• Ophthalmology residency training and pediatric eye
screenings in Ethiopia at St. Paul's Hospital Millennium
College of Medicine
• Pediatric ophthalmology and other subspecialty fellowship
programs set up in Ghana
• Joint research and training experiences in India • Screening and eye surgery in Jamaica • Joint training opportunities and high-impact clinical and
epidemiological research in Kenya
• Collaborative research projects and educational exchanges
right thing to do,” says Louis Rubinfield, a foundation trustee.
in Brazil
“We are excited about Kellogg’s partnerships, especially in
• Research projects in Vanuatu, to detect diabetic retinopathy
Africa and the Caribbean, and want to allow those who will
using a camera developed at Kellogg
be supported by the endowment to get better training and to impact the world. That’s a big wish, but everything takes one
small step at a time.”
with glaucoma as a young adult and was deeply grateful for the
care he received at Kellogg, which helped him maintain his sight
The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Mr. Jacobson, who passed away in 2008, was diagnosed
is one of the most active participants in the Medical School’s
throughout his life. A distinguished economist who worked for
Global REACH program, the platform for international
the State Department during the Kennedy Administration, Mr.
collaborations. The Jacobson Foundation has been making
Jacobson was knowledgeable about international issues, includ-
annual gifts to support Kellogg’s international activities for
ing trade policies. Supporting Kellogg’s international work is
many years. The $1 million gift — establishing the Jerome
very meaningful, says foundation trustee John R. “Dick” Breen.
Jacobson International Program — will continue that support
in perpetuity, fueling joint efforts noted in prior and this year’s
in these exchanges between doctors and countries and how it
Annual Reports:
benefits everybody in the long run.”
“I am always amazed at how much potential is involved
Supporters’ Bequests Fuel Legacies of Research Progress and Educational Innovation
Jeanette R. Duckworth of Lansing began giving to the
Ferdinand A. “Dutch” Bower (1883-1971)
W.K. Kellogg Eye Center Annual Fund in 2002. Ferdinand A.
and Agnes M. Bower (1883-1975)
“Dutch” and Agnes M. Bower of Flint supported a fund in the
With more than a dozen automotive patents to his credit,
name of a longtime ophthalmology department chair. And James
Ferdinand A. “Dutch” Bower moved up the ranks at General
B. Thompson and Mary Ann Brandt of Okemos, Michigan,
Motors to become chief engineer at the Buick Motor Division.
made gifts to honor a faculty member who helped Ms. Brandt
In the 1920s and 30s, he was credited with improving ride
through her care for a rare systemic disease that impacted her
comfort and many other automotive advances, including an
vision — greatly improving her sight and her life.
innovative lubricating and filtering system, brake mechanism,
and oil pressure regulator.
Through estate gifts realized by Kellogg this year, these
individuals chose to continue their legacies of giving — and
Mr. Bower and his wife, Agnes M. Bower, were thoughtful
will have an enduring impact on the activities and care, research, and education. Jeanette R. Duckworth (1923-2018)
A University of Michigan School of Nursing graduate, Mrs. Duckworth pursued a career in nursing administration throughout the state. After retiring from Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, she
“lived a rich and rewarding life
and generous philanthropists. In the 1960s, they made arrangements to establish the F.A. & A. M. Bower Charitable Trust to ensure the causes they cared about would con-
deaths. They included the Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home, the Flint Institute of Arts, the Flint Institute of Music, and the Roman
Catholic Diocese of Lansing.
Kellogg Eye Center to the list,
— Paul P. Lee, M.D., J.D.
filled with cooking, needlework, Snoopy cartoons, family, and University of Michigan football,” according to her obituary, which ended with, “Go Blue!” Her husband, Ralph J. Duckworth, a quality control engineer in the automotive industry, passed away in 1998.
tinue to receive funding after their
success of our work to advance eye disease
Through her estate plan, Mrs. Duckworth added to her
long-term support of U-M, leaving two-thirds of the balance of
In 1969, they added the supporting the F. Bruce Fralick Ophthalmology Fund. F. Bruce Fralick, M.D., was the fifth chair of U-M’s Department of Ophthalmology
and Visual Sciences, serving in the role from
1938-1968. After Mrs. Bower died in 1975, the trust distributed gifts to the Fralick Fund annually until it was ended in January 2020, per the Bowers’ wishes. Kellogg received a percentage of the trust’s final assets at its dissolution.
her trust to the School of Nursing and one-third to the Kellogg
Eye Center. The eye center has established an endowment to
James B. Thompson (1949 -2019)
honor her wish to provide financial assistance to those studying
Mary Ann Brandt (1949 -2017)
to advance vision care and research for future generations. The
When Mary Ann Brandt was first introduced to former Kellogg
Jeanette R. Duckworth Student Support Fund will forever assist
faculty member Stephen J. Saxe, M.D., her vision was becoming
individuals who are choosing to dedicate their lives to health
foggy and she had already lost her hearing. Her symptoms were
care and helping others.
caused by an uncommon systemic disorder known as Wegener’s
A Plan for Estate Giving: Best Practice Includes Gift Letter
granulomatosis, an aggressive disease that causes inflammation of blood vessels, destroying tissue by limiting blood flow throughout the body.
The fine network of vessels in the eye is vulnerable to
People make bequests because they believe in an institution
the condition, and Dr. Saxe guided Ms. Brandt’s care through
and because it expresses their values, says Jane Langeland,
five major eye surgeries and many other procedures. He also
Michigan Medicine’s director of planned giving. “The sense
prescribed new drug therapies to quiet the vessels and prevent them from reforming. Ms. Brandt remained steadfast, supported
of purpose and personal satisfaction someone can feel by
by her husband, James B. Thompson. Her vision eventually
making a gift to benefit the community is very meaningful.”
returned to 20/40. Physicians from across U-M also helped Ms.
Brandt overcome a long list of ailments arising from Wegener’s
Eye Center in your estate plans, ensuring that we know
disease, including listlessness, memory loss, and difficulty speak-
how the funds should be used once they are received can
ing and walking.
be important for achieving your goals.
To show their gratitude and help ensure that similar care
and new breakthroughs would be available to others, the couple
A best practice is to use general bequest language in
your will or revocable trust and then to create a separate,
made a bequest to establish the Brandt Thompson Vision Re-
more detailed letter that outlines your wishes, says Ms.
search Fund in honor of Dr. Saxe. Created after Mr. Thompson
Langeland. That letter can be updated without having to
died in 2019 — Ms. Brandt passed away two years earlier — the
go back and update your will or revocable trust, giving
fund will support autoimmune disease vision research or retinal
you the flexibility to make changes over time.
disease research. It will be endowed for 20 years and then
expended at the discretion of the Kellogg Eye Center director.
While there are many ways to include the Kellogg
“We want to use these resources just as you intend
and to their maximum benefit,” she says. “Your gift will be
“Philanthropy makes a great difference in what Kellogg
can achieve, and we are proud and grateful to be a part of the
impacting the future of delivery of care.”
legacies of each of our supporters,” says Paul P. Lee, M.D.,
For more information on supporting the Kellogg Eye Center,
J.D., the F. Bruce Fralick Professor and chair of the Department
please contact Lindsay Baden at 734-763-0875 or
of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. “It is inspiring to see, or visit
people make an investment in something they care about — and a privilege to do that work in their memory.”
Restoring Sight in Photoreceptor Degeneration For over a century, the retina
Named intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells
was thought to only use a
(ipRGCs), these novel photoreceptors drive subconscious physi-
unidirectional circuit to process
ologic responses to light such as pupil constriction, enhancement
visual information: photorecep-
of alertness, and regulation of sleep/wake timing. In a previous
tor cells called rods and cones
NIH-funded project, Kwoon Y. Wong, Ph.D., and his students
convert light into electrical
discovered that ipRGCs signal not only out of the retina, but also
signals, which are analyzed
intraretinally to second-order cells called amacrine cells. Unlike
by second-order cells before
most neural circuits, this “backward” signaling pathway does not
reaching retinal output cells
utilize neurotransmitters; instead, ions diffuse from ipRGCs to the
called ganglion cells, which
amacrine cells through intercellular channels called gap junctions.
then signal to higher brain
areas to produce conscious
the structure and function of this unusual circuit. Because this cir-
Dr. Wong has been awarded an NIH R01 grant to elucidate
visual perception. This simple view became more complicated
cuit remains light-sensitive in rod/cone-dystrophic retinas, studies
in 2002 when some ganglion cells were found to function as
of its properties could lead to innovative strategies for restoring
sight in patients suffering photoreceptor degeneration.
Left: Ophthalmology residents at St. Paul's. Right: Dane H. Slentz, M.D., oculoplastics fellow at Kellogg, examines a patient's neuroimaging during his trip to Ethiopia in February.
Saving Children’s Sight in Ethiopia Retinoblastoma, a rare but devastating childhood cancer of the
eye photos to detect ocular cancer and other eye diseases, such
eye, is treatable with timely diagnosis and care. The condition
as cataracts. The goal is to get this tool, first introduced to
most often impacts those under 5 years of age. Worldwide, it
nearly 20 Ethiopian ophthalmologists during the February visit,
is estimated that thousands of children develop retinoblastoma
into the hands of primary care physicians as well as providers
each year.
who give immunizations to infants. Twelve hundred patients
have already been screened. In addition to the screening
In the United States, retinoblastoma is typically caught
during routine exams, enabling ophthalmologists By contrast, in Ethiopia, by the time many children see an ophthalmologist, the cancer is so far along that they have an abnormal protrusion or displacement of the eye. At this point, it is often too late to save their vision and sometimes their lives.
In an effort to intervene and
help halt the devastating effects of Retinoblastoma, the W.K. Kellogg
and families about the early symptoms of retinoblastoma. “We are proud to be working with ophthalmologists in Ethiopia who are dedicated to making a
Eye Center is partnering with five academic medical centers in Ethiopia
THESE CHILDREN. — Christine C. Nelson, M.D.
to create a national focus on identifying and treating retinoblastoma. In support of the partnership, “We were fortunate to spend two weeks in Ethiopia in February, before the coronavirus pandemic hit, to launch our pilot project for
difference for these children,” says Dr. Nelson. The effort is funded by an anonymous gift from a foundation that supports global health programs. “None of this would be possible without philanthropic support,” Dr. Nelson says. In an additional effort to improve ophthalmic screening and care for retinoblastoma in Ethiopia, Dr. Nelson is leading the coordination
of fellowship training for Ethiopian ophthalmologists in eye plastics and orbital surgery. This
screening for retinoblastoma,” says Christine C. Nelson, M.D.,
advanced training is a natural complement to Kellogg's exist-
the Bartley R. Frueh, M.D. and Frueh Family Collegiate Profes-
ing collaboration with the ophthalmology residency training
sor in Eye Plastics and Orbital Surgery as well as a co-director
program at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College
of Kellogg’s Center for International Ophthalmology.
in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The additional training adds to our
joint development of current and future fellowship training in
The pilot screening program uses a cell phone app jointly
developed by faculty and trainees at Kellogg and the U-M College of Engineering. The app uses artificial intelligence and
to intervene early and prevent blindness.
program, the partnership is teaching pediatricians
glaucoma, retina and pediatrics at St. Paul’s.
Kellogg's New Faculty Amanda Kiely Bicket, M.D., M.S.E., is a glaucoma specialist dedicated to improving the surgical experience of those with glaucoma by means of both surgical device design and patient-centered outcomes research. She completed an ophthalmology residency at Johns Hopkins’ Wilmer Eye Institute and a glaucoma fellowship at Duke Eye Center before joining the faculty at Johns Hopkins in her hometown of Baltimore.
Company Funding to Enhance Retinal Survival David N. Zacks, M.D., Ph.D., found a perfect fit at the Kellogg
Eye Center in 2002 and hit the ground running after earning a combined M.D. and Ph.D. from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and finishing his ophthalmology training at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in Boston.
Dr. Zacks’ clinical activity focuses on diseases and surgery
of the retina. His main area of research centers on why retinal cells die during diseases such as retinal detachment, macular degeneration, and glaucoma, and on developing therapeutics aimed at preserving retinal cells and improving visual outcomes for patients with these types of diseases.
Dr. Zacks’ commitment to the study of retinal disease led
to his role as one of three co-founders of ONL Therapeutics in 2011. The name ONL is an acronym for the ONL — Outer Nuclear Layer — a part of the retina where his research has yielded promising new therapies. He says the Michigan Medicine Office of Tech Transfer was instrumental in helping
Mónica Díaz-Coránguez, Ph.D., is a Research Investigator in the Antonetti Lab. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Dr. David A. Antonetti's laboratory at Kellogg Eye Center. Her research focuses on blood-retinal barrier dysfunction and also on the development of new therapies that might be effective in several blinding eye diseases, including diabetic retinopathy. Adam Jacobson, M.D. completed residency training in New York and a fellowship in pediatric ophthalmology at the Kellogg Eye Center. His interests include medical education and pediatric glaucoma. He is currently one of the associate medical student clerkship directors and manages patients with pediatric glaucoma at the University of Michigan. Nathan W.A. Liles, M.D., M.P.H., completed residency and fellowship training at Kellogg and is a Pediatric Ophthalmologist. His education and research interests include public health outcomes and clinical outcomes research, data analytics and integrating technology to enhance trainee and patient education.
him set up the company and to enabling him to continue to work to bring his discoveries to market.
“It was through ONL Therapeutics that we received
funding for our patent — a medication therapy to treat retinal disease,” he says, noting that the drug, of which Michigan Medicine is co-inventor, is currently being tested in a phase one clinical trial involving patients with retinal detachment.
Sarah Michelson, M.D., completed residency training at the University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center before joining the faculty at Michigan Medicine. Her clinical interests include comprehensive ophthalmology and cataract surgery, and she has a passion for medical education and teaching.
“Our goal is to keep retinal cells alive and preserve vision.”
Among those Dr. Zacks credits for the company’s ground-
breaking accomplishments is Kellogg associate professor of ophthalmology Cagri Besirli, M.D., Ph.D., who also specializes in neuroprotection research. He also credits Michigan Medicine Office of Tech Transfer and Kellogg, saying, “Both are at the forefront of developing new therapies — I’m grateful to be here.”
Pamela E. Williams, M.D., recently returned to Michigan after 16 years in private practice in Baton Rouge, LA. She completed her surgical internship and ophthalmology residency at Indiana University in Indianapolis, Indiana, and remained in Indianapolis for her Pediatric Ophthalmology fellowship. Her special interests include strabismus and amblyopia treatment and Retinopathy of Prematurity. 31
Cloud-based AI Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy Stephen G. Odaibo, M.D., completed
his fellowship in Medical Retina at
2020 FIRST-YEAR RESIDENTS Anvesh Annadanam, M.D. B.S. – Biomedical engineering, Johns Hopkins University M.D. – Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Michigan Medicine in 2015, and credits his experience at the Kellogg Eye Center as a major influence in his career path and role as CEO and founder of RETINA-AI Health, Inc., an artificial intelligence company focused on retinabased detection of disease.
Dr. Odaibo recently led the company's Series A financing
campaign that raised $5.2M during a six-week period. The
Daniel Balikov, M.D., Ph.D. B.S.E. – Bioengineering, Biomedical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. – Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University M.D. – Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
capital will be used to move the company’s cloud-based AI detector of diabetic retinopathy through FDA approval. The innovative technology, which takes a retinal image and returns a PDF report within a few seconds, is intended for use in the primary care setting.
Dr. Odaibo says his fellowship in Medical Retina at the
Kellogg Eye Center was instrumental in making him the type
Nikhil B.S. – M.D. –
Bommakanti, M.D. Bioengineering, Cell and Tissue Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians
of retinal specialist he has become. Entering the match with advanced degrees in mathematics and computer science, he was looking for a fellowship where he could fully integrate his prior training and prepare for a multidisciplinary career. With Kellogg as his first fellowship choice, Dr. Odaibo says “There is a curiosity here about the full scope of eye disease — and this enabled me to hone my skill set toward innovation in
Otana Jakpor, M.D., M.Sc. B.S. – Global Health, Biological Sciences, University of Southern California M.Sc. – Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine M.D. – Harvard Medical School
the retina space.”
Dr. Odaibo spends 90% of his professional time as CEO
of RETINA-AI Health, Inc., and 10% caring for patients. He is on the faculty at the MD Anderson Cancer Center and the University of Houston.
Omar Moinuddin, M.D. B.S. – Loyola University Chicago M.D. – Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
“Kellogg offered the influence and training that I was look-
ing for — not just in terms of what was known, but also in terms of anticipating the future of healthcare delivery and preparing to help shape that future. The focus on academics and innovation at Kellogg played a critical role in my development.”
FIRST-YEAR POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW Molly Naylor earned her Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Michigan through her study of plasma membrane repair in striated muscle. Molly is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in Dr. Jillian Pearring’s laboratory, studying outer segment growth in photoreceptors. 32
David Skanchy, M.D. B.S. – Physiology and Developmental Biology, Brigham Young University M.D. – McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas - Houston
Jeffrey Yu, M.D. B.S. – Cell and Molecular Biology, Stanford University M.D. – University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine
Philip Garza, M.D., M.Sc. Glaucoma Fellowship Stanford University Palo Alto, CA
Sarah Michelson, M.D. Clinical Lecturer Kellogg Eye Center Ann Arbor, MI
Rohan Jalalizadeh, M.D. Vitreoretinal Fellowship The Retina Institute St. Louis, MO
Erik Sweet, M.D. Private Practice Baptist Eye Surgeons Knoxville, TN
Ryan Lange, M.D. Private Practice Eye Associates Northwest Seattle, WA
Megan Tuohy, M.D. Cornea Fellowship Kellogg Eye Center Ann Arbor, MI
Eric Weinlander, M.D. Cornea Fellowship John Moran Eye Center Salt Lake City, UT
Ari Brandsdorfer, M.D. Corneal and Refractive Surgery Consulting Ophthalmologists Farmington, CT
Tatiana Deveney, M.D. Neuro-Ophthalmology Kellogg Eye Center Ann Arbor, MI
Grace Dunbar, M.D. Corneal and Refractive Surgery Confluence Health Ophthalmology Wenatchee Valley Hospital and Clinics Wenatchee, WA
Robert Hyde, M.D. Vitreoretinal Surgery Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Illinois Chicago, IL
Adam Jacobson, M.D. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Kellogg Eye Center Ann Arbor, MI
Jared Kelstrom, M.D. Glaucoma and Anterior Segment Surgery University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, TX
Jocelyn Lam, M.D. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Eye Health Northwest, PC Portland, OR
Nathan Liles, M.D., M.P.H. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Kellogg Eye Center Ann Arbor, MI
Lauren Rushing, M.D. Medical Retina and Uveitis Johnson Eye Clinic Johnson City, TN
Dane Slentz, M.D. Orbital and Ocular Oncology The Medical Eye Center Manchester, NH
Peter Yu Cheng Zhao, M.D. Fellowship, Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery Kellogg Eye Center Ann Arbor, MI
Steven F. Abcouwer, Ph.D. Member, Study Section, Diseases and Pathophysiology of the Visual System, National Institutes of Health Chief Editor, Journal of Ophthalmology Scientific Review Editor, Molecular Vision Editorial Board, American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism Editorial Board, Journal of Diabetes Research Member, Academy of Distinguished Alumni, University of Missouri-Columbia Chemical Engineering Amanda K. Bicket, M.D., M.S.E. Patient Preference Subcommittee, American Glaucoma Society Quality Committee, American Glaucoma Society Jill E. Bixler, M.D. Comprehensive Ophthalmology Panel, American Academy of Ophthalmology Practicing Ophthalmologist’s Curriculum Committee, American Academy of Ophthalmology Kari E. Branham, M.S., C.G.C. Member, Early Onset Retinal Dystrophy Variant Curation Expert Panel, CliniGen Member, Retinal Disease Gene Curation Expert Panel, ClinGen Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Foundation Fighting Blindness Member, Genetics Review Committee, Foundation Fighting Blindness Clinical Consortium Co-Chair, Ophthalmology and Hearing Loss Special Interest Group, National Society of Genetic Counselors Honoree, Invitae/National Society of Genetic Counselor Code Talker Award Theresa M. Cooney, M.D. Best Doctors in America Castle Connolly Top Doctors Chair, Mentorship Committee, Michigan Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons Sherry H. Day, O.D., F.A.A.O. Board member, Vision Rehabilitation Committee, American Optometric Association Chair, Academic Medical Center Optometrist SIG, American Academy of Optometry Monte A. Del Monte, M.D. Americas Top Doctors Best Doctors in America Castle Connolly Top Doctors Consultant, International Affairs Committee, American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Editor, Global Case Report Quiz, World Society for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Newsletter
JULY 1, 2019 — SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
Monte A. Del Monte, M.D. (cont.) Invited International External Reviewer, Appointment and Promotion Committee, University of Ghana Invited Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Grant Review Committee, Knights Templar Eye Research Foundation Invited Lecture, 22nd Marshall M Parks Memorial Lecture, American Academy of Ophthalmology Invited Pilot Oral Examiner, American Board of Ophthalmology, Virtual Oral Examination Member, Travel Grant Selection Committee, The American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus International Travel Grant Selection Committee Past- President, Costenbader Pediatric Ophthalmology Society Editorial Board, Eyewiki, The Eye Encyclopedia, American Academy of Ophthalmology Strabismus Consult Leader, World Society for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Karen S. Deloss, O.D., F.A.A.O. Chair, Maintenance of Fellowship Committee, American Academy of Optometry Hakan Demirci, M.D. Best Doctors in America Organizer, Moderator, Speaker, Great Lakes Ocular Oncology Study Group Tatiana Deveney, M.D. Frank B. Walsh Best Abstract by a Fellow, North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Meeting Joshua R. Ehrlich, M.D., M.P.H. Advisory Committee, Center for Vision and Population Health, Prevent Blindness Annual Meeting Program Committee, Clinical/Epidemiologic Section, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Chair, AGS Cares Task Force, American Glaucoma Society Editorial Board, Ophthalmic Epidemiology Reviewer, Special Emphasis Review Panel, Glaucoma and Retinopathy: Biomarkers, Diagnostics and Translation Studies in Development and Aging, National Institutes of Health Secretary, International Society of Geographic and Epidemiologic Ophthalmology Angela R. Elam, M.D. Joanne Angle Public Health Award, Fight for Sight and Prevent Blindness Vision Health Equity Taskforce, Prevent Blindness Jerome I. Finkelstein, M.D., F.A.C.S. Best Doctors in America
Patrice E. Fort, Ph.D., M.S. Grant Reviewer, Diabetes UK Grant Reviewer, UK Medical Research Council Guest Editor, Frontiers in Genetics; Frontiers in Neuroscience Editorial Board, PlosOne The International Society for Eye Research Reviewer, Special Emphasis Panel, Institutional Training Grant Applications, National Eye Institute Scientific & Medical Oversight Committee, Review of Program, Retinopathy Sessions, American Diabetes Association Study Section, ETTN12, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Bruce A. Furr, C.O., Ph.D. Editorial Board, Journal of Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility Thomas W. Gardner, M.D. M.S. Advisory Committee, American Diabetes Association of Eye Health Advisory committee, Lions Eye Institute for Transplant and Research Best Doctors in America Castle Connelly Top Doctors Editorial Board, Diabetes Care Gian Battista Bietti Gold Medal Award, Italian Society of Ophthalmology Member, National Advisory Eye Council National Institute of Health Program Chair, Diabetic Retinopathy, American Diabetes Association Task Force, Clinical Practice Guidelines Updates on Diabetes Mellitus, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Peter F. Hitchcock, Ph.D. Fulbright Scholar Award, United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Fulbright Commission España Grant Reviewer, Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM), France Grant Reviewer, Medical Research Council, United Kingdom Grant Reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation, Bern, Switzerland Grant Reviewer, Vienna BioCenter, Vienna International Postdoctoral Program, Austria Study Section, Special Emphasis Panel, Maximizing Investigators' Research Award, National Institutes of Health Study Section, Special Emphasis Panel, Membrane Biology and Protein Processing, National Institutes of Health Bret A. Hughes, Ph.D. Member, Study Section, Special Emphasis Panel, Center Core Grants for Vision Research, ZEY1 VSN (07), National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Mark W. Johnson, M.D. Associate Editor, The American Journal of Ophthalmology Associate Examiner, American Board of Ophthalmology Best Doctors in America Castle Connelly Top Doctors Daniel R. Martin, M.D. Distinguished Lecture in Vitreoretinal Disease, Cleveland Clinic Editorial Board, Retina Editorial Board, Retinal Physician
JULY 1, 2019 — SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
Mark W. Johnson, M.D. (cont.) Program Co-Chair, Retina Subspecialty Day, American Academy of Ophthalmology The Macula Society: Credentials Committee Finance Committee Vice President Paul P. Lee, M.D., J.D. Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology Chair, Data Resource Committee Trustee-at-Large President-Elect, Board of Trustees Best Doctors in America Castle Connolly Top Doctor NAEVR and AEVR Board of Directors President Shared Vision Award, Eversight Society of Heed Fellows, Board of Trustees US News and World Reports Top Doctors Paul R. Lichter, M.D., M.S. Best Doctors in America Castle Connolly Top Doctor President’s Award, American Glaucoma Society US News and World Reports Top Doctors David C. Musch, Ph.D. M.P.H. Advisory Group, US Project, Cochrane Collaboration Eyes and Vision Group Co-Chair, Public Health and Disparities Research Panel, 2020 Vision for the Future strategic plan, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Consultant, Preferred Practice Pattern – Cataract/Anterior Segment Panel, American Academy of Ophthalmology Editorial Board, Eye and Vision Editorial Board, JAMA Ophthalmology Editorial Board, Retina Grant Reviewer, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong Member, Special Emphasis Panel, ZEY1 VSN(03) (K08/K23/K99), National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Methodologist, Preferred Practice Patterns Committee, American Academy of Ophthalmology Data and Safety Monitoring Committees: Chair, FLAME Trial Treatment to Prevent Recurrence After Surgery for Trichiasis, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Chair, Lowy Research Institute, Neurotech & MacTel Group (CNTF treatment for macular telangiectasia) Chair, SCORE-2 Trial, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Life Achievement Honor Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology Member, ADVISE Uveitis Treatment Trial, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Member, META-MUST Uveitis Treatment Trials, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Christine C. Nelson, M.D., F.A.C.S. James A. Katowitz Pediatric Award, American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Paula Anne Newman-Casey, M.D., M.S. Board of Trustees, American Glaucoma Society Member, Glaucoma Subcommittee, Annual Meeting Program Committee, American Academy of Ophthalmology Yannis Paulus, M.D., F.A.C.S. Co-Chair, 52nd Annual Conference of the Michigan Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeon Continuing Medical Education Committee, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Editorial Board, International Journal of Ophthalmic & Eye Science Editorial Board, International Journal of Ophthalmic Research Editorial Board, Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers & Imaging Retina Editorial Board, Photonics Executive Committee, Therapeutic Laser Applications, Technical Group, Optical Society of America Finance Committee, American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS) Fundraising Committee, International Society for Eye Research Grant Reviewer, Dutch Research council (NWO) and the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) Grant Reviewer, Moorfields Eye Hospital Eye Charity NHS Foundation Trust Grant Reviewer, United Kingdom Research and Innovation Medical Research Council Senior Member, Designation by Board of Directors, Optical Society of America US patent, “Method and Apparatus for removing microvessels” US Provisional Patent filed 01/29/2020 Xudong Fan, Xueding Wang, Xuzhou Li , Wei Zhang, William Yanli Wang, Xiaoqin Wu, Xiaotian Tan, Brendon Baker, Yannis M. Paulus. Number 62/967,209 “Multi-Modal Imaging For Cell Tracking” US Provisional Patent filed 05/15/2020 Paulus YM, Xueding Wang, Wei Zhang. Application number 63/025,486, “Low Energy Photoacoustic Microscopy (PAM) and combined PAM, dye-based microscopy, and optical coherence tomography” US Provisional Patent filed 06/11/2020, application no. 63/037,669, Jacob Lutz, Vichal Muthanna, Mario Russo, Rachel Sun, Andrew Yu, Yannis M Paulus. “Apparatus for testing age-related macular degeneration and method of using the same” Young Investigator Committee, International Society for Eye Research Howard R. Petty, Ph.D. APS Select Award, American Physiological Society
JULY 1, 2019 — SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
Lev Prasov, M.D., Ph.D. Expert Panel, ClinGen Ocular Clinical Domain Working Group Gene Curation, Glaucoma and Neurophthalmology Guest Editor, PLoS Genetics Lead Guest Editor, Genetics in Ophthalmology 2020, Journal of Ophthalmology Member-in-Training Outstanding Poster Competition Award, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Sek-Jin Chew Travel Award, Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Donald G. Puro, M.D., Ph.D. Best Doctors in America Castle Connolly Top Doctors Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) US News and World Reports Top Doctors Rajesh C. Rao, M.D. Distinguished Professor Lecturer, Department of Ophthalmology, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Expert panelist, Regenerative Medicine, 2020 Strategic Planning Meeting Committee, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Invited Panelist Workshop, Audacious Goals Initiative for Regenerative Medicine: Understanding Human Retina Biology & Perception, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Vice Chair, Clinical Translation Committee, International Society for Stem Cell Research Therese Sassalos, M.D. Member, American Uveitis Society Anjali Shah, M.D. Member, Fellowship Metrics Committee, American Society of Retina Specialists Joshua D. Stein, M.D., M.S. Chair, Board of Directors, Patient Care Committee, American Glaucoma Society Editorial Board, JAMA Ophthalmology Michael A.Kass Lecture, Washington University School of Medicine Study Section, National Institutes of Health Vice-President, Chandler Grant Society
JULY 1, 2019 — SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
Alan Sugar, M.D., M.S. Best Doctors in America Editor-in-Chief, Cornea, Journal of the Cornea Society Eversight Eye Bank: Associate Medical Director Medical Advisory Committee Research Committee Tissue Consult Group Eye Bank Association of America: Medical Advisory Board Paton Award Committee Research Committee Grant Reviewer, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, California Stem Cell Agency Troutman Award Committee, Cornea Society
Kwoon Y. Wong, Ph.D. Editorial Board, Current Eye Research Grant reviewer, Academia Sinica (Taiwan) Grant Reviewer, Fight for Sight (UK) Grant reviewer, Israel Science Foundation Study Section, Recurring Special Emphasis Panel, Vision Imaging, Low Vision and Bioengineering Technology Development (VIBT), National Institutes of Health Proposal Evaluation Committee, Spark Grant, Swiss National Science Foundation
Debra A. Thompson, Ph.D. 2020 John A. Boezi Memorial Alumnus Award in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Michigan State University Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Foundation Fighting Blindness
Maria A. Woodward, M.D., M.S. Chair, Eye Bank Association of America Research Board Member, Detroit Ophthalmology Club Board Member, The Cornea Society Council Member, Cornea Society Grant Reviewer, Eye Bank Association of America Leadership Development Program, American Academy of Ophthalmology Member, IRIS Registry Analytics Committee, American Academy of Ophthalmology Member, Research Committee, Eye Bank Association of American
Sara L. Weidmayer, O.D., F.A.A.O. Editorial Review Board, Review of Optometry Regional Vice-Chair, Admittance Committee, American Academy of Optometry Secretary, Michigan Foundation for Vision Awareness James Weiland, Ph.D. Vice-President Conferences, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Sarah Dougherty Wood, O.D., M.S., F.A.A.O., Diplomat A.B.O. Guest reviewer, Cornea and American Academy of Optometry Secretary-elect, Optometric Glaucoma Society Section member at large, American Academy of Glaucoma
Rebecca A. Wu, M.D. Castle Connolly Top Doctors
Jennifer S. Weizer, M.D. Best Doctors in America
Virtual CME Programs Each year, Kellogg offers an informative series of continuing medical education (CME) programs designed to share new approaches to the diagnosis and management of eye disease across subspecialties. For more information or to register for these programs, visit: For questions, contact Jennifer Burkheiser, CME Coordinator, at (734) 763-2357 or
2020 FACULTY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY AND VISUAL SCIENCES Fernanda Abalem, M.D. Steven Abcouwer, Ph.D. Robin Ali, Ph.D., B.Sc. David Antonetti, Ph.D. Steven Archer, M.D. Stephen Armenti, M.D., Ph.D. Bernadete Ayres, M.D. Cagri Besirli, M.D., Ph.D. Amanda Bicket, M.D., M.S.E. Jill Bixler, M.D. Brittany Boland, O.D. Kari Branham, M.S., C.G.C. Coye Carver, M.D. Roland Chen, Ph.D. Grant Comer, M.D., M.S. Theresa Cooney, M.D. Wayne Cornblath, M.D. Sherry Day, O.D., F.A.A.O. Lindsey De Lott, M.D., M.S. Monte Del Monte, M.D. Karen Deloss, O.D. Hakan Demirci, M.D. Laxmi Devisetty, M.D. Courtney Dewey, O.D. Monica Diaz-Coranguez, Ph.D. Joshua Ehrlich, M.D., M.P.H. Angela Elam, M.D. Samantha Elliott, M.D., Ph.D. Susan Elner, M.D. Victor Elner, M.D., Ph.D.
Abigail Fahim, M.D., Ph.D. Jerome Finkelstein, M.D. Patrice Fort, Ph.D. Carlton Foster, O.D. Bruce Furr, C.O., Ph.D. Philip Gage, Ph.D. Christopher Gappy, M.D. Thomas Gardner, M.D., M.S. Daniel Green, Ph.D. Paul Grenier, O.D. Peter Hitchcock, Ph.D. Christopher Hood, M.D. Bret Hughes, Ph.D. Diane Jacobi, O.D. Adam Jacobson, M.D. K. Thiran Jayasundera, M.D., M.S. Vanitha Jeyaraj, M.D. Denise John, M.D., F.R.C.S.C. Mark Johnson, M.D. Shannon Joseph, M.D., M.Sc. Ariane Kaplan, M.D. Harjeet Kaur, M.D. Naheed Khan, Ph.D. Denise Kim, M.D. Zvi Kresch, M.D. Amy Lagina, O.D., F.A.A.O. Scott Lawrence, M.D. Paul Lee, M.D., J.D. Helios Leung, O.D., Ph.D. Paul Lichter, M.D., M.S.
Executive Officers of Michigan Medicine Marschall S. Runge, M.D., Ph.D. Executive vice president for medical affairs, dean University of Michigan Medical School, C.E.O., Michigan Medicine David A. Spahlinger, M.D. President, Michigan Medicine, and executive vice dean for clinical affairs University of Michigan Medical School Patricia D. Hurn, Ph.D. Dean, School of Nursing The Regents of the University of Michigan Jordan B. Acker, Michael J. Behm, Mark J. Bernstein, Paul W. Brown, Sarah Hubbard, Denise Ilitch, Ron Weiser, Katherine E. White, Mark S. Schlissel (ex officio) © 2020 Regents of the University of Michigan A Non-discriminatory, Affirmative Action Employer
Nathan Liles, M.D., M.P.H. Cheng-Mao Lin, Ph.D. Xuwen Liu, M.D., Ph.D. April Maa, M.D. Michael Mandell, M.D. Matthew McKee, M.D. Shahzad Mian, M.D. Sarah Michelson, M.D. David Musch, Ph.D., M.P.H. Mikiko Nagashima, Ph.D. Nambi Nallasamy, M.D. Christine Nelson, M.D. Paula Anne Newman-Casey, M.D., M.S. Gale Oren, M.I.LS., A.H.I.P. Karan Patel, M.D. Yannis Paulus, M.D. Jillian Pearring, Ph.D. Howard Petty, Ph.D. Colleen Podd, O.D. Shreya Prabhu, M.D. Lev Prasov, M.D., Ph.D. Donald Puro, M.D., Ph.D. Rajesh Rao, M.D. Alan Robin, M.D. Julie Rosenthal, M.D., M.S. Therese Sassalos, M.D. Jill Schafer, O.D. Thielen Seng, O.D. Anjali Shah, M.D. Manjool Shah, M.D.
Roni Shtein, M.D., M.S. Terry Smith, M.D. Kaz Soong, M.D. William Sray, M.D. Joshua Stein, M.D., M.S. Alan Sugar, M.D., M.S. Jeffrey Sundstrom, M.D., Ph.D. Bradford Tannen, M.D., J.D. Sally Temple, Ph.D. Debra Thompson, Ph.D. Jonathan Trobe, M.D. Grace Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Sara Weidmayer, O.D., F.A.A.O. James Weiland, Ph.D. Jennifer Weizer, M.D. Adrienne West, M.D. Donna Wicker, O.D., F.A.A.O. Pamela Williams, M.D. Kwoon Wong, Ph.D. Sarah Wood, O.D., M.S., F.A.A.O. Maria Woodward, M.D., M.S. Rebecca Wu, M.D. Thomas Wubben, M.D., Ph.D. Guan Xu, Ph.D. David Zacks, M.D., Ph.D. Amy Zhang, M.D. Jason Zhang, M.D.
Annual Report Team Editor: Julie Rosenthal, M.D., M.S. Faculty Contributor: Christopher Gappy, M.D. Writers: Jane Gleeson, MargaretAnn Cross Editorial Assistant: Sara Reynolds Design and Art Direction: David Murrel Photographers: Michigan Photography: Scott Soderberg Department of Communication: Chris Hedly Kellogg Eye Center Department of Ophthalmic Photography
FOR PATIENT APPOINTMENTS, PLEASE CALL 734.763.8122 For additional copies, please contact us: University of Michigan Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences W.K. Kellogg Eye Center 1000 Wall Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105
University of Michigan W.K. Kellogg Eye Center Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences 1000 Wall Street Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Kellogg Among Nation’s Best in Eye Care #
The University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center is proud to be ranked in the top 10 in the country by U.S. News & World Report—recognizing our outstanding care for patients with complex eye conditions. Kellogg has seen extraordinary growth in all aspects of patient care, research and education since the department was established in 1872. Every day, our clinicians, scientists, trainees and staff work together to shape the future of eye care and vision science. We are proud to be part of Michigan Medicine, which recently celebrated 150 years of caring for patients.
~ Our Purpose ~
To improve lives through curing, preventing and treating eye disease