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Kellogg Addresses Technician Shortage with Ongoing Training Program

“We need more technicians!” It’s a plea heard from ophthalmology practices across the country and in the corridors of Kellogg Eye Center and its community clinic sites. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are only about 60,000 ophthalmic technicians to assist the country’s 19,000 practicing ophthalmologists.

Kellogg addressed the need for technicians by developing its own competitive technician training program in 2012. The program has graduated an average of two classes per year, each with three to nine students, since 2013.

Director of Technical Education Timothy Costello, CRA, COA (background) and Rachel Wishart with Cathy Huebner, B.S., COA

The program attracts applicants from many different backgrounds. “Some are looking to gain clinical experience before further medical training, some are transitioning from other allied health areas, and some are entering healthcare for the first time.

The 12-week program combines classroom and clinical instruction. Coursework is designed to build the comprehension and hands-on skills required for certification by the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO).

“The early weeks are weighted toward classroom instruction, introducing students of all backgrounds to the basics of ophthalmology,” says Karen Ward, Director of Technical Education at Kellogg, who has guided the training since 2018. “Students then transition to practical experience, rotating through subspecialty clinics, working with experienced technicians to learn the latest skills, including facilitating video and virtual visits”

To date, the program has graduated 74 technicians. “Several have gone on to leadership positions at Kellogg,” says Clinical Administrator Catherine Huebner, “making contributions in our clinics, ophthalmic imaging unit, and clinical research.”

“The strong support of faculty and leadership made the program possible,” she adds. “We continue to make changes each year to enhance the skills of our graduates, including more exposure to imaging and other testing that has become critical to eye care.”

For more information about the program, please contact: Catherine Huebner cathhueb@med.umich.edu Karen Ward karmward@med.umich.edu

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