2 minute read
Manual Steering System
c. Lay one-half of the ball guide (15) groove up on the bench and place the remaining balls in it. The number of remaining balls should just fill the guide. Close this half of the guide and plug each open end with lithium-base, Mobilux EP1 lubricant (or equivalent) to prevent the balls from dropping out.
d. Push the ball guide into the guide holes. If the guide does not push in all the way, tap lightly on the ball guide with the handle of a screwdriver.
e. Fill the second ball circuit as specified in steps b through d. Secure the ball guide to the ball nut with the clamp retainer screws (16). Be sure to use lockwashers under the screws.
f. Rotate the ball nut on the worm and check for smooth operation. If the ball nut sticks or binds in any area, remove the ball guides and check for damage at the ends of the guides.
g. Install the lower and upper worm thrust bearings (14 and 21) onto the worm shaft and insert the shaft and ball nut assembly into the steering gear case.
CAUTION Do not allow the ball nut (24) to rotate to the end of the worm shaft (20). Damage may result to the ball guides (15).
h. Apply non-hardening Permatex (or equivalent) to the threads of the adjuster lock-nut (17). Assemble the cup and adjuster plug (18) and the worm thrust bearing grease seal (19) onto the worm shaft (20), then place the partially assembled unit in a vise with the worm shaft horizontal.
i. Tighten the adjuster plug (18) until all end play is removed from the steering gear worm shaft (20). Tighten the adjuster locknut (17).
j. Coat the threads of the side cover capscrews (3) and the lash adjuster (12) with non-hardening Permatex (or equivalent). I)o not apply the compound to the internal threads, and do not allow the compound to contact the side cover bushing (9). k. Start the pitman shaft (5) into the side cover bushing (9), then use a screwdriver to turn the lash adjuster (12) counterclockwise to pull the pitman shaft into the side cover bushing as far as it will go. l. Rotate the steering gear worm shaft (20) by hand until the ball nut is about centered on the shaft, then handpack the steering gear case with lithium-base, Mobilux EP1 lubricant (or equivalent). m. Tape the serrations on the end of the pitman shaft (5) to prevent seal damage. Install a new gasket on the side cover and carefully lower the pitman shaft assembly part way into the case. Ensure that the case is completely filled with lubricant. Lower the pitman shaft assembly the rest of the way into the case. n. Make sure some lash exists between the ball nut and the sector gear, then install the side cover capscrews and tighten to 30-foot-pounds (40 N.m). o. Adjust the steering gear assembly as specified in paragraphs 6-150 and 6-152.
6-25. INSTALLATION. (See Figure 6-5.)
6-26. Installation is essentially the reverse of removal. Align the scribe marks made in step 1 during removal. Position the steering gear shafts and pitman arm as shown in Figure 6-5 step 4. When tightening the allen-head capscrew that blocks the steering gear in place (see step 2, Figure 6-5), tighten the capscrew only until it touches the gear. case. Excessive torque on this capscrew can damage the steering gear case. Adjust the pitman arm stops as specified in paragraph 6-153.