1 minute read

Engine - Engine and crankcase

Engine - Cylinder heads

Cylinder head - Static description


Boomer™ 3040 CVT

Boomer™ 3045 CVT

Boomer™ 3050 CVT

Cylinder Head and V alve T rain Components

The cylinder head incorporates the valve rocker rocker push and A swirl ber located between the injector assembly and the main combustion chamber the cylinders provides improved starting and greater fuel ficiency Initial combustion starts the precombustion chamber and the expansion curs a strong swirl pattern created the main combustion chamber for more complete combustion the air - fuel

The air intake manifold separate from the cast aluminum valve cover all these The exhaust manifold bolted the left - hand side the cylinder head each the Cylinder heads have integral valve Standard size valves only are

The cylinder block assembly contains the connecting timing and engine oil

The crankshaft supported five main The front bearing positioned a bore front the The other bearings are split liners located holders bolted the block. The camshaft supported four ball bearings located the

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