College of education FALL-SPRING 2013-14 Catalog
Judy Dunmire
Math Instructional Specialist 479-788-7790
Stephen Brodie
Science Instructional Specialist 479-788-7248
Darlynn Cast
Director – Institute for Math and Science Education 479-788-7257
Vision UAFS Institute for Math and Science Education will be a premier regional professional development service provider connecting pre-K through 12th grade education with the University.
Mission UAFS Institute for Math and Science Education prepares and provides educators with resources to succeed in an ever-changing educational environment while advancing 21st century skills.
Janice L. Martinez Administrative Specialist 479-788-7244
Institute for Math and Science Education
Institute for Math and Science Education The goal of the IMSE is to assist pre-K through college math and science teachers in meeting the math and science needs of their students through professional development, model lessons, coaching and hands-on training. We offer customized services to meet the needs of individual schools or school districts in preparation for their ACSIP or CLEP plans. The IMSE provides a variety of services for teachers and school districts: • Analysis of standardized assessments • Vertical and horizontal curriculum alignment • Curriculum mapping • Standard-based curriculum and instruction implementation • Coaching and mentoring/ instructional facilitation • Content knowledge development in math and science
Introduction...................................1 Professional Development: September............................ 2-4 October................................. 4-7 November............................. 8-9 December...............................10 January.......................11 and 14 February........................... 15-17 March................................ 18-19 April.........................................20 College Ready Workshop...........20 National Board Workshops.........21 Partnership Grants.....................22 Arkansas STEM Centers...... 23-24 Registration Form ................ 12-13 Campus Map.... Inside Back Cover
• Inquiry-based instruction in math and science • K-12 science safety • Integrating technology in math and science instruction • PATHWISE training • Professional growth plan development • Professional learning communities development 1 on/i m se • (p h on e ) 4 7 9 -7 8 8 -7 2 4 4 • ( fa x ) 479- 424- 6244
FALL WORKSHOPS SEPTEMBER 2013 Math/Science River Valley Cohort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 11 Time: Noon-3 p.m. Registration Fee: No Fee Grade Levels: K-12 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Judy Dunmire (Math Only) The River Valley Math and Science Cohort is a monthly meeting of K-12 science and math teachers who are interested in collaboration and implementation of the Math Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Each meeting consists of a whole-group update of state and national math and science changes. Content groups then meet separately for in-depth investigations in core subject areas.
Next Generation Science Standards Introduction/Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 12 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $75 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: K-12 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie This one-day training will introduce participants to the K-12 Science Education Frameworks and the Next Generation Science Standards. Participants will gain a general understanding of the Science and Engineering Practices, Core Ideas and Crosscutting Concepts. Specific time will be used for investigating the
2 University of Arkansas - Fort Smith • Institute for Math and Science Education
Institute for Math and Science Education interactive, online standards in specific grades and content areas. Handouts will be provided. This workshop will provide six hours of ADE-certified professional development.
Next Generation Summer Institute: Practices, Core Ideas and Concepts (Grades 7-12). . . . . . . . . Sept. 16-17 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $150 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: 7-12 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie This two-day institute will present participants with an opportunity to delve into each of the three dimensions of the NGSS and evaluate the new standards for the changes in content breadth and the teaching approach that is the foundation for the new standards. In-depth investigations will be devoted to each of the three dimensions and the process for interweaving each into the learning environment. Participants will finalize their training with an overview of the interactive online NGSS website, along with creating a sample lesson using the new dimensions and standards. Handouts will be provided. This workshop will provide 12 hours of ADE-certified professional development.
Geometry Progressions (Grades 3-5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 17 Time: Registration Fee: Grade Levels: Where: Presenter:
8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $75 (includes lunch) 3-5 Echols Building – ECC Judy Dunmire
Participants will receive activities that follow geometry progression drafts provided by Bill McCallum, one of the authors of Common Core. The purpose of these activities is to help students build deeper understandings of the 3 on/i m se • (p h on e ) 4 7 9 -7 8 8 -7 2 4 4 • ( fa x ) 479- 424- 6244
foundations of geometry. These classroom-ready investigations are designed to promote classroom discussions among students. The task of interpreting the documents and creating lessons has been done for you. This meets six hours of professional development.
Engineering Design for the 7-12 Secondary Science Classroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 26-27 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $150 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: 7-12 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie The engineering design process can be conducted regularly in any science classroom. This training will provide the participant with an introduction to the design process for conducting engineering activities. Sample lessons for short-term and long-term projects will be investigated for building on key components of the NGSS. Handouts will be provided. This workshop will provide 12 hours of ADE-certified professional development.
October 2013 Math/Science River Valley Cohort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 9 Time: Noon-3 p.m. Registration Fee: No Fee Grade Levels: K-12 Where: Echols Building – ECC and Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie/Judy Dunmire The River Valley Math and Science Cohort is a monthly meeting of K-12 science and math teachers who are interested in collaboration and implementation of the Math Common Core State Standards and
4 University of Arkansas - Fort Smith • Institute for Math and Science Education
Institute for Math and Science Education Next Generation Science Standards. Each meeting consists of a wholegroup update of state and national math and science changes. Content groups then meet separately for in-depth investigations in core subject areas.
Next Generation Summer Institute: Practices, Core Ideas and Concepts (K-6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 14-15 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $150 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: K-6 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie This two-day institute will present participants with an opportunity to delve into each of the three dimensions of the NGSS and evaluate the new standards for the changes in content breadth and the teaching approach that is the foundation for the new standards. In-depth investigations will be devoted to each of the three dimensions and the process for interweaving each into the learning environment. Participants will finalize their training with an overview of the interactive online NGSS website, along with creating a sample lesson using the new dimensions and standards. Handouts will be provided. This workshop will provide 12 hours of ADE-certified professional development.
Other Problem Situations: Multiplication and Division (with online follow-up) . . . . Oct. 18 Time: Registration Fee: Grade Levels: Where: Presenter:
8:30-11:30 a.m. $125 (includes lunch) 3-6 Echols Building – Room 117 Judy Dunmire
This course will investigate the three different types of multiplication and division situations (equal grouping,
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multiplicative comparison and area/array). These include: •
Symmetrical and asymmetrical problems.
The structures of different problem situations.
How the problems are alike and different.
How children’s thinking about problem situations is different from adults’ thinking about them.
A beginning examination of the implications of using area/array problems in developing multiplicative understanding.
Children’s strategies and level of development.
Connections to operations and algebraic thinking.
Instructional implications. CGI training or the course Problem Situations: Multiplication and Division and the Nature of “Equals” is recommended, but not required, before participating in this course. This meets 15 hours of ADE-certified professional development.
Participants will meet for three hours to become familiar with the website and begin the first section of the professional development course. The follow-up professional development will take place over seven weekly online sessions. The participant may choose any time of the week or weekend to respond to the discussion prompts. The follow-up consists of watching and responding to videos, applying activities in the classroom and posting results in a discussion forum. This professional development requires at least six, but no more than 10, participants. Participants do not need to be from the same district. The course meets 15 hours of ADE-certified professional development. 6 University of Arkansas - Fort Smith • Institute for Math and Science Education
Institute for Math and Science Education Filling the Gaps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 21 Time: 8:30-11:30 a.m. Registration Fee: $35 Grade Levels: K-16 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Judy Dunmire Participants will learn to use free online software to identify learning gaps, provide individual instruction and assess learning. Khan Academy continues to improve and expand the website to meet the needs of educators. It is an excellent tool to assess students efficiently. Participants will explore the videos available and the assessment tool to decide how they will use it in their classroom. This meets three technology hours of professional development.
Next Generation Vertical Curriculum Alignment for the K-6 Classroom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 28-29 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $150 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: K-6 Where: TBA Presenter: Stephen Brodie This training will look at the changes that will be required by the Next Generation Science Standards in K-6 science content. Special attention will be given to content shifts in various grade levels, as well as the changes in breadth and depth of knowledge required of students in the K-6 classroom. Participants will investigate methods for making the transition to the new standards and design a skeletal curriculum framework for their school or district. Handouts will be provided. This workshop will provide 12 hours of ADE-certified professional development. 7 on/i m se • (p h on e ) 4 7 9 -7 8 8 -7 2 4 4 • ( fa x ) 479- 424- 6244
November 2013 Project-Based Learning in the K-6 Classroom. . . . . . . Nov. 4-5 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $150 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: K-6 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie The Next Generation Science Standards will require students to gain a deeper understanding of core concepts as well as the ability to use the engineering design process and other problem-solving strategies. This two-day training session will be an introduction to the concept of Problem-Based Learning in the elementary classroom. Participants will work with multiple problems that can be used in the classroom, as well as generating rubrics to assess student work. Handouts and book will be provided. This workshop will provide 12 hours of ADE-certified professional development.
Math/Science River Valley Cohort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 13 Time: Noon-3 p.m. Registration Fee: No Fee Grade Levels: K-12 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie (Science Only) The River Valley Math and Science Cohort is a monthly meeting of K-12 science and math teachers who are interested in collaboration and implementation of the Math Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Each meeting consists of a whole-group update of state and national math and science changes. Content groups then meet separately for in-depth investigations in core subject areas. 8 University of Arkansas - Fort Smith • Institute for Math and Science Education
Institute for Math and Science Education Making Connections: Fractions, Decimals and Percents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 18 Time: Registration Fee: Grade Levels: Where: Presenter:
8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $75 (includes lunch) 2-6 Echols Building – Room 117 Judy Dunmire
Many students – and more than a few teachers – may struggle with fractions, often because they try to memorize procedures without understanding how the procedures work. Common Core Standards require that students develop, build, apply and expand fraction understanding. This professional development has a focus on fractions, decimals and percents as a single unit of instruction. Included in the provided activities are first experiences with fractions (rational numbers), building ratios and proportional relationships, and making connections between fractions, decimals and percents.
Project-Based Learning in the 7-12 Classroom . . . . Nov. 21-22 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $150 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: 7-12 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie The Next Generation Science Standards will require students to gain a deeper understanding of core concepts, as well as the ability to use the engineering design process and other problem-solving strategies. This two-day training session will be an introduction to the concept of Problem- Based Learning in the elementary classroom. Participants will work with multiple problems that can be used in the classroom, as well as generating rubrics to assess student work. Handouts/Book will be provided. This workshop will provide 12 hours of ADE-certified professional development.
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December 2013 Next Generation Vertical Curriculum Alignment for Secondary Science Content. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 2-3 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $150 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: 7-12 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie This training will look at the changes required by the Next Generation Science Standards in 7-12 science content. Special attention will be given to content shifts in various grade levels, as well as the changes in breadth and depth of knowledge required of students in the 7-12 classroom. Participants will investigate methods for making the transition to the new standards, and design a skeletal curriculum framework for their school or district. Handouts will be provided. This workshop will provide 12 hours of ADE-certified professional development.
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Institute for Math and Science Education
Spring Workshops January 2014
Math/Science River Valley Cohort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 15 Time: Noon-3 p.m. Registration Fee: No Fee Grade Levels: K-12 Where: Echols Building – ECC and Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie/Judy Dunmire The River Valley Math and Science Cohort is a monthly meeting of K-12 science and math teachers who are interested in collaboration and implementation of the Math Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Each meeting consists of a whole- group update of state and national math and science changes. Content groups then meet separately for in-depth investigations in core subject areas.
Developing Proportional Reasoning, Grades 4-7. . . Jan. 16-17 Time: Registration Fee: Grade Levels: Where: Presenter:
8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $150 (includes lunch) 4-7 Echols Building – Room 117 Judy Dunmire
This course will investigate the development of proportional reasoning concepts and skills, beginning with multiplicative comparison and relating measurement units in Grade 4 to using proportional relationships to solve multi-step problems in Grade 7. Topics include: •
Analyzing multiplicative-comparison multiplication and division problems, including measurement conversion.
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University of Arkansas - Fort Smith
IMSE Workshop Registration Form
First name:____________________________________________________ Last name:____________________________________________________ Date of workshop:______________________________________________ Time of workshop:______________________________________________ Title of workshop: ______________________________________________ Location of workshop:___________________________________________ Home address: ________________________________________________ Home city:____________________________________________________ ZIP:_________________________________________________________ Home phone: ( )________________________________________________ Cell phone: ( ) _________________________________________________ Personal e-mail:________________________________________________ School district name: ___________________________________________ School name: _________________________________________________ School address:________________________________________________ School city: ___________________________________________________ The UAFS Institute for Math and Science Education is an ADE approved professional development provider. The registration fee for workshops covers only materials of the workshop and does not pay for the services of the ADE Math and Science Specialist.
ZIP:__________________________________________________________ School phone: ( ) _______________________________________________ School fax: ( )__________________________________________________ School e-mail:__________________________________________________ Grade level(s) you teach:_________________________________________ Subject(s):_____________________________________________________ *Your check should be made payable to “UAFS Institute for Math and Science Education.”
If you are unable to attend, please find your own substitute. We are unable to issue refunds. To pay by check, mail to: University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Institute for Math and Science Education Attn: Jan Martinez 5210 Grand Avenue/P.O. Box 3649 Fort Smith, AR 72913 To pay by purchase order, FAX this form to: 479-424-6244 Purchase order #: _______________________________________________ PO contact name:_______________________________________________ PO contact address:_____________________________________________
BELOW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Date paid:___________________________ Date PO invoice sent:__________________ Method of payment:______________________________________________ Receipt #:___________________________ Date email confirmation sent ____________ Workshop ID:___________________________________________________
Revisiting the multiplicative rate of 10 in the Base 10 number system, including decimals.
Developing the concepts and language of ratios and rate, including unit rates and percent.
Determining if two quantities are related proportionally, including representing proportional relationships with algebraic representations.
This course does not have a pre-requisite, but connects nicely to ideas discussed in the course Other Problem Situations: Multiplication and Division. This course sets a foundation for the course Functions – Grades 6-12. This meets 12 hours of ADEcertified professional development.
Common Core Literacy: Should You Fold? . . . . . . . . . Jan. 21 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $75 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: K-6 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie How can foldables be used to integrate Common Core literacy into science? Spend a day selecting foldables that can increase your students’ understanding and retention of science concepts in the elementary classroom. Handouts and websites will be used to help participants find useful 3-D graphic organizers that can be used throughout the year. This training will provide six hours of ADEcertified professional development.
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Institute for Math and Science Education February 2014 Developing the Base 10 System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 3-4 Time: 8:30-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $150 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: K-6 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Judy Dunmire In this class, we will make sense of the Base 10 system generally through number and properties of operations. We will begin by looking at the roots that begin in kindergarten based in the counting sequence, then generalizing place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers in fourth grade, and finally making connections for fifth and sixth grade to the decimal system. This class is based on the multiplicative structure of the Base 10 system and properties of operations with the only difference between grade levels being the magnitude of the numbers. CGI training or the course Problem Situations: Multiplication and Division and the Nature of “Equals” is recommended, but not required, before you are eligible to participate in this course. This course is a prerequisite for the courses Strategies, Algorithms and Recording Systems: Multi-digit Addition and Subtraction and Strategies, Algorithms and Recording Systems: Multi-digit Multiplication and Division. This meets 12 hours of ADE-certified professional development.
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Functions, Grades 6-12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 10-11 Time: Registration Fee: Grade Levels: Where: Presenter:
8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $175 (includes lunch and book) 6-12 Echols Building – Room 117 Judy Dunmire This course uses as a required text the book Developing Essential Understanding of Expressions, Equations and Functions: Grades 6-8 from National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The sessions will explore the five big ideas from the text and extend these ideas through high school. The five big ideas explored in this course are:
Representing and analyzing functions
Solving equations
There is no pre-requisite for this course, but the course will align with two other courses in this series: Algebraic Thinking as a Bridge to Functions – Grades 3-6 and Developing Proportional Reasoning – Grades 4-7.
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Institute for Math and Science Education Math/Science River Valley Cohort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 12 Time: Noon-3 p.m. Registration Fee: No Fee Grade Levels: K-12 Where: Echols Building – ECC and Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie/Judy Dunmire The River Valley Math and Science Cohort is a monthly meeting of K-12 science and math teachers who are interested in collaboration and implementation of the Math Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Each meeting consists of a whole-group update of state and national math and science changes. Content groups then meet separately for in-depth investigations in core subject areas.
Do Your Students Measure Up?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 19 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $75 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: K-6 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie How do numbers, feet, and grams work together? This hands-on training will use science content to help students strengthen their Common Core Math concepts in the elementary classroom. Six hours of ADE-certified professional development will be awarded.
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March 2014 Algebraic Thinking as a Bridge to Functions, Grades 3-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 4-5 Time: Registration Fee: Grade Levels: Where: Presenter:
8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $150 (includes lunch) 3-6 Echols Building – Room 117 Judy Dunmire
This course will investigate the development of algebraic thinking to functional thinking using the multiple algebraic representations: table, graph, equation (with varying quantity represented) and problem situation. Participants will consider how to build upon students’ use of algebraic properties when using operations to solve various problem situations to foment the use of the multiple representations to examine relationships between paired quantities. The topics include: •
Examining the behavior of arithmetic when quantities in the problem change.
Generating tables of values that represent given rules and comparing them.
Creating ordered pairs and graphing them in the coordinate plane to analyze relationships between the pairs of numbers.
Relating tables and graphs to simple equations.
This course does not have a pre-requisite, but prior coursework dealing with the role of algebraic thinking in the development of operations and algorithms will be helpful. This course sets a foundation for the course Functions – Grades 6-12.
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Institute for Math and Science Education Math/Science River Valley Cohort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 12 Time: Noon-3 p.m. Registration Fee: No Fee Grade Levels: K-12 Where: Echols Building – ECC and Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie/Judy Dunmire The River Valley Math and Science Cohort is a monthly meeting of K-12 science and math teachers who are interested in collaboration and implementation of the Math Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Each meeting consists of a whole-group update of state and national math and science changes. Content groups then meet separately for in-depth investigations in core subject areas.
Common Core Literacy and the Science Notebook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 18 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $75 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: K-6 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie Use notebooking techniques in science to help students build their technical writing skills for Common Core Literacy. Handouts and useful websites will be provided during this hands-on training to assist teachers in integrating science and literacy in the elementary classroom. This training will provide six hours of ADE-certified professional development.
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April 2014 Graphing Made Simple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 10 Time: 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $75 (includes lunch) Grade Levels: K-6 Where: Echols Building – Room 117 Presenter: Stephen Brodie A graph should be a simple way to display information through a picture. This handson training will help teachers use classroom science activities to teach Common Core Math concepts that build student understanding of graphing and visual literacy. This training will provide six hours of ADE-certified professional development.
2013 College Ready Workshop Date Nov. 16
Workshop MMT Cohort 3.3
Campus UAFS
MMT – Mathematics Master Teacher: A three-year commitment that covers topics in mathematics that are taught in the 7-12 standards as well as AP mathematics with the content sequenced/ tailored to the needs of the teachers in each group.
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Institute for Math and Science Education
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards UAFS Support Site
The Institute for Math and Science Education serves as a National Board Support Site for Arkansas and Oklahoma teachers who are pursuing National Board certification. There are three National Board Certified Teachers within the UAFS College of Education and one in the College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics; three are trained as NBSS facilitators. The NBSS brings together networks of NBCTs from the surrounding region to assist and support teachers who are actively pursuing certification. The NBSS meets with national board candidates once a month, from September to May, providing expertise, materials, and resources. The NBSS builds collaborative professional learning communities among teachers at every level and content area, promoting teacher quality and professionalism. Date Sept. 14, 2013 Oct. 12, 2013 Nov. 9, 2013 Dec. 14, 2013 Jan. 11, 2014 Feb. 7-8, 2014 Mar. 8, 2014 Apr. 12, 2014 May 10, 2014
Grades K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12
Main Topic “Unpack the Standards and Get Organized” “Strategies for Entry Four” “Descriptive, Analytical and Reflective Writing Strategies” “What is Evidence?” “Video Taping Strategies” “Pull-It Together” Retreat “Get Ready to Pack the Box” “Get Ready for the Assessment Center” Makeup date for inclement weather
DateS 2014-15 Sept. 13, 2014 Oct. 11, 2014 Nov. 8, 2014 Dec. 13, 2014 Jan. 10, 2015 Feb. 6-7, 2015 Mar. 14, 2015 Apr. 11, 2015 May 9, 2015 21 on/i m se • (p h on e ) 4 7 9 -7 8 8 -7 2 4 4 • ( fa x ) 479- 424- 6244
Commitment to Excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Funded by the Arkansas Committed to Education Foundation and Arkansas STEM Coalition The UAFS Institute for Math and Science Education and area school districts have partnered for a second year for the Commitment to Excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Grant, through the Arkansas Committed to Education Foundation. This competitive grant awards funds to elementary schools for purchasing math, science and technology equipment to better integrate STEM curriculum into the grade 3-6 classrooms. The current 2012-13 partnership grant has been awarded to two additional area school districts. Waldron Middle School and Cedarville Elementary/Middle School have been awarded $3,000 each for the purchase of equipment to increase STEM education in the classroom. Both districts will use these grant funds to purchase electronic tablets for interacting with online virtual labs and websites, as well as a variety of STEM-related tablet applications for increasing student understanding. Additionally, these grants allow for the Institute’s math and science specialists to provide teacher training for all of the provided technology. The first grant year provided $4,000 in STEM equipment to Hackett Elementary (Hackett School District), Fairview Elementary (Fort Smith School District), and Marvin Primary (Mulberry School District).
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Institute for Math and Science Education
Arkansas Network of STEM Centers Arkansas State University-East Arkansas Community College ASU Delta STEM Education Center Dr. Cynthia Miller, Director Center for Excellence in Education POB 2338, State University, AR 72467 Phone: W: (870) 680-8016 C: (870) 897-5124 FAX: (870) 972-3559 Email: Math Specialist: Dianne Bounds (870) 217-9572 Science Specialist: Linda Kellim (870) 217-9571 Arkansas State University ASU Rural STEM Education Center Dr. Julie Grady, Director POB 2338, State University, AR 72467 Phone: W: (870) 680-8100 C: (870)578-8750 FAX: (870) 972-3559 Email: Math Specialist: Wallece Brewer (870) 897-5104 Science Specialist: Debby Rogers (870) 637-2944 Harding University Center for Mathematics and Science Education Dr. Tony Finley, Director Mr. Allen Henderson, Asst. Director Box 12254, Searcy, AR 72149 Phone: (501) 279-4242 or (501) 279-4167 FAX: (501) 279-5717 Email: Math Specialist: Tim Brister (501) 279-4621 Science Specialist: Ben Carrigan (501) 279-5854
Henderson State University South Arkansas Mathematics and Science STEM Center Ms. Betty Ramsey, Director Box 7663 / 1100 Henderson Street Arkadelphia, AR 71999-0001 Phone: (870)230-5417 FAX: (879) 230-5099 Email: Math Specialist: Carrie Barber (870) 230-5417 Science Specialist: Annette Brown (870) 230-5417 Southern Arkansas University Center for Teaching Excellence in Math & Science Dr. Scott R. White, Director POB 9181, Magnolia, AR 71754 Phone: (870) 235-4278 FAX: (870) 235-4936 Email: University of Arkansas Center for Math & Science Education NASA Educator Resource Center Ms. Lynne H. Heher, Director 346 N. West Ave., #202 Fayetteville AR 72701 Phone: (479) 575-3875 FAX: (479) 575-5680 Email: Math Specialist: Cathy Jones (479) 575-3875 Science Specialist: Lesley Merritt (479) 575-3875
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University of Arkansas at Fort Smith Institute for Math and Science Education Ms. Darlynn Cast, Director College of Education 5210 Grand Avenue/Box 3649 Fort Smith, AR 72913-3649 Phone: (479) 788-7257 or 788-7244 FAX: (479) 426-6244 Email: Math Specialist: Judy Dunmire (479) 788-7790 Science Specialist: Steven Brodie (479) 788-7248 University of Arkansas at Little Rock Match and Science Education Partnership VACANT-Director College of Education, Dickinson Hall 308 2801 South University Little Rock, AR 72204 Phone: (501) 569-8149 FAX: (501) 569-8242 Math Specialist: Karen Rivers (501) 569-8062 Science Specialist: Keith Harris (501) 569-8149 University of Monticello UAM STEM Center Ms. Pam Beard, Director UAM Box 3608, Willard Hall Monticello, AR 71656 Phone: (870) 460-1667 FAX: (870) 460-1563 Email: Math Specialist: Gail Snider (870) 460-1473 Science Specialist: Gina Richard (870) 460-1613
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Center for Math/Science Education Dr. Shelton Fitzpatrick, Director Mail Slot 4978/1200 North University Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Phone: (870) 575-8051 or 9863 FAX: (870) 575-4672 or 8852 Email: University of Central Arkansas UCA Institute for STEM Professional Development and Education Research (UCA STEM Institute) Dr. Umadevi Garimella, Director 201 Donaghey Ave, 212 Main Conway, AR 72035-5003 Phone: (501) 450-5663, or (501) 450-3426 FAX: (501) 450-5009 Email: Math Specialist: Belinda Robertson (501) 450-3621 Science Specialist: Minnietta Ready (501) 450-5868 Education Renewal Zones Contact: Estelle Matthis, ERZ Director Arkansas Department of Education Capitol Mall, Room 205B Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 682-4240 Email:
24 University of Arkansas - Fort Smith • Institute for Math and Science Education on/i m se • (p h on e ) 4 7 9 -7 8 8 -7 2 4 4 • ( fa x ) 479- 424- 6244
Location Code
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5210 Grand Ave. P.O. Box 3649 Fort Smith, AR 72913-3649 888-512-5466 479-788-7000
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Institute for Math and Science Education
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Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage
Permit No. 479 Fort Smith, Ark.
Institute for Math and Science Education Echols Building Room 108 5210 Grand Avenue • P.O. Box 3649 Fort Smith, AR 72913-3649
479-788-7244 •