Published by the Student Body of the Fort Smith Junior College, Fort Smith, Arkansas.
To Elizabeth Wellshear, registrar, Jaycee booster, and friend of all troubled college students, we the staff of the 1939 Numa respectfully dedicate this book. Junior College life would be vastly different from the happy existence that it is were it not for Elizabeth's cheery smile and seemingly endless patience. She shares our joys and our sorrows, our victories and our defeats. Her presence calms us in periods of excitement, and helps us along when our thoughts are depressed. In the years to come when we think of the happy days in Fort Smith J u n i o r College, our thoughts will return to Elizabeth, to admire, to thank, and to always remember.
Elizabeth Wellshear, Registrar
Pictures, rather than words, characterize the 1939 Numa. We have attempted, in presenting this book, to include the best description of everyday Junior College life that our means would afford. We hope that this book's contents will serve to recall your memory to one of the happiest periods of your life. To Delmer Ashworth, A. W. Blake, and J. W. Reynolds of the Junior College faculty, Wells Riggs of the K. C. Studios, and to Campbell D. Glover and Henry Dunn of the Fort Smith E n g r a v i n g Company, we wish to express our t h a n k s for their patience in dealing with the staff and their willingness to help whenever asked. THE NUMA STAFF, Jack Mills, Editor
Now we are ready for the great sea of life, But always in our memories will rule The place that has meant so much to us.
Announced by all the trumpets of the sky, Arrives the snow, and driving o'er the fields, Seems nowhere to alight; the whiied air Hides hills and woods, the river, and the heaven.
For the structure that we raise, Time is with materials filled; Our todays and yesterdays Are the blocks with which we build. -LONGFELLOW
We have been sailing together in one great ship, But now we must sail alone. In place of the, ship we have shared together Is a little craft of our own.
J. W. Reynolds . . . assistant dean, is to the students the immediate supervisor of the junior college. He is pictured as representing the adminstration because he determines the policies of the college and applies them directly for the good of the students and the college.
School Board
Fort Smith Junior College, along with other Fort Smith schools, has serving on its school board a group of men of the highest types in the business and legal professions of the city, men who have a great interest in the student body. Included on the board are, left to right: W. L. Curtis; Frank W. Dyke; J. W. Ramsey, secretary; J. R. Woods, president; Dr. A. A. Blair; W. G. Shipley, vice president; and J. P. Woods. Though most of the students seldom come into contact with these men, each realizes that many improvements made in the junior college in the past, as well as those planned for the future, originated in this group of board members.
President of the College
To J. W. Ramsey, president of the college and secretary of the school board, we express our sincere thanks for his efforts in behalf of the school. Because of his efforts there has been an ever-increasing enrollment and a wide expansion in the curriculum to include many new subjects. Not only have we seen the advancement that the college has made under his supervision, but also we can sense its wonderful possibilities for the future. With Mr. Ramsey as its head, we can feel sure that Fort Smith Junior College will become one of the leading educational institutions in this section of the country.
Business Manager
J. C. Gibson, business manager for the school system, is in truth "the man behind the scenes." He serves all the public schools of Fort Smith. All purchases made, all payments, and all receipts must be handled through his office. When the junior college was added to the group of schools for which he keeps his efficient records, he had a large part in p r o m o t i n g the b u i l d i n g of the stadium classrooms and in making possible the growth of the junior college. We appreciate his help and anticipate great results from his continued service.
Noted for his readiness to confer with the students on their problems, Elmer Cook may best be described as a man who makes our concerns his concerns, a man who is spurred onward by his desire to help us overcome our difficulties. In our development into a recognized junior college we owe much to his unwavering loyalty, his sympathetic interest, and his guidance. We are depending on his aid in the future to help us build a bigger and better junior college.
Assistant Dean
"We'll see if it can't be arranged." Every junior college student can visualize Mr. Reynolds saying these words after a helpful session in his office. We will remember him as our adviser, our teacher, and-our disciplinarian. He is undoubtedly an outstanding character in the; school, and in the community. J. W. Reynold's name will always be remembered as that of a booster and leader in the Fort Smith Junior College, a man whose untiring efforts toward a more ideal institution has helped us gain our present standing and will aid for years to come.
GALEN ABBOTT Auto-Mechanics B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg; Graduate Work, K. S. T. C., Pittsburg
DELMER ASHWORTH Journalism and English
A. B., West Texas State Teachers College; B, J., University of Missouri
ESSIE BERRY Foreign Language A. B., Ouachita College; Graduate Work, U n i v e r s i t y of Arkansas, University of Oklahoma /
BRUCE BEVENS Director of Intramural Sports B. S., University of Oklahoma; M. A., Cincinnati University
A. W. BLAKE Printing Parsons (Kansas) Junior College; B. S., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg; Graduate Work, K. S. T. C., Pittsburg
CRAIG M. BLEVINS Arts and Crafts
B. G., Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg; Graduate Work, K. S. T. C., Pittsburg
J. R. BURROWS Accounting M. Accts., Bowling Green Business University; Special Work, University of Tennessee
DOLPH CAMP Mathematics B. A., H e n d r i x College; M. A. • Peabody College
KENNETH CLARK Woodworking and Drafting B. S., Kansas S t a t e T e a c h e r s College, Pittfburg
OPAL CLARK Music Parsons (Kansas) Junior College; Kansas S.ate Teachers College, Emporia; B. S., State Teachers College, Pittsburg; Arkansas State Teachers College
ROYAL S. CURRY Shorthand and Typing Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma; A. B., Southwestern College, Winfield, K a n s a s ; Graduate Work, Oklahoma A. and M., Stillwater; Wichita (Kansas) Business College
MARY HAAS Hoime Economics A. B., Lander College; M. S. University of T e n n e s s e e ; Graduate W o r k , Columbia University
HELEN FRASIER Education and Psychology B. A., University of Arkansas; M. S., University of Arkansas
MARY R. HYNES Librarian Library School of St. Louis Public Library; Western Reserve University
RUTH HAMILTON Latin A. B., Galloway College; M. A., University of Iowa
LUELLA KREHBIEL English A. B., M. A., University of Kansas; University of Colorado
MRS. MARY GEORGE MARTIN Physical Education A. B., Galloway College; Graduate Work, Colorado University
BEN I. MAYO Physical Education A. B., Hendrix College; Graduate Work, University of Michigan; University of Illinois; Northwestern University
B. S. E., University of Arkansas; Graduate Work, C o l u m b i a University; Certificate, Rice School of the Spoken Word; Central School of Speech, London
A. B., M. S., University of Wichita; Graduate Work, University of Oklahoma; Texas Christian University
William Woods College; Washington University; University of Illinois; B. S., M. A., University of Missouri
J. W. REYNOLDS Social Science
A. B., Arkansas State Teachers College; M A., University of Iowa
ADDISON WALL Band and Orchestra
B. S., University of Arkansas
B. A., Drury College
Sophomores . . . thirty-six of them, are the upper classmen in the junior college this year. Jack Gleason, president, is standing in front.
Sophomore Class Sponsor
Co-operation, sympathy, willingness, ability—any number of words could be used to describe Miss Helen Frasier, the sophomore class sponsor. We extend our appreciation to Miss Frasier for her co-operation with us in all school activities, her sympathy for us in our difficulties, her willingness to help whenever asked, and her ability as a teacher.
Luther Hodges, Vice President (First Semester)
Bill Mosley, Vice President (Second Semester)
Nancy Vaughn, Secretary (Both Semesters)
Jack Gleaso'n, President (Both Semesters)
Sophomore Class
Barrelle Addis
Thelma Been
French Club, '38-'39; I. R. C., '39
Home Economics Club, '38-'39; Chantons, '38; A Cappella Choir, '39
Deronda Black wood
Wayne Boozman
French Club, '38-'39; Numa Staff, '39
French Club, '39; I. R. C., '38-'39
Betty Bower
Thy ra E. Broekman
I. R.'C., '39; French Club, '39; Theta Phi 'Kappa, '38-'39; Chantons, '38; Student Board, '38-'39
I. R. C., '38-'39; Home Economics Club, '38; Chantons, '38; Lion's Din Staff, '39; Num a Staff, '39
Armistice Byrum
DuVal Cantwell
Lion's Din Staff, '39; French Club, '38-'39; Theta Phi Kappa, '38-'39
Sock and Buskin, '39; Band, '38-'39; I. R. C., '38
Lelah Dunn
Jack Exall
I. R. C., '39
Tennis Team, '38-'39; Basketball, '38'39; I. R. C., '33
Martha Lee Fancher French Club, '38; I. R. C., '38-'39; Sock and Buskin, '38
Duke Frederick Sock and Buskin, '38-'39; French Club, '38-'39; I. R. C., '38-'39; Golf Team, '38-'39
Jerry Geren
Jack Gleason
President of Student Body, '39; Band, '38-'39; President of Freshman Class, '38; Basketball, '39; Student Board, '38-'39; Sock and Buskin, '39
President of Sophomore Class, '39; I, R. C., '38'39; Lion's Din Staff, '39; Basketball, '38-'39;- Sock and Buskin, '39; Student Board, '38-'39
Lawrence Haley Numa Staff, '39; Basketball, '38-'39; Lion's Din Staff, '38-'39; Sock and Buskin, '39; I. R. C., '38-'39
Luther Hodges I. R. C., '39; Band, '38-'39; Student Board, '39; Vice President of Sophomore Class, '39; Tennis Team, '38-'39; Sock and Buskin, '38-'39
Fleeta Johnson
Pike Mabray I. R. C., '39
Kuper Madden Vice President of Student Body, '39; Student Board, '38-'39; Sock and Buskin, '38-'39; I. R. C., '38-'39; Lion's Din Staff, '39; Basketball, '39
Jack Mills Numa Staff, '38-'39; Sock and Buskin, '38; Lion's Din Staff, '39; Theta Phi Kappa, '38-'39
Kenneth Morgan
Bill Mosley Band, '38-'39; Sock and Buskin, '38; Golf Team, '38-'39;
Dennard Riggin
Katheryn Scott
French Club, '39; I. R. C., '39
Chantons, '38; I. R. C., '38
Alberta Shoemaker
Pauline Spears Home Economics Club, '38-'39; I. R. C., '38-'39
Preston Stevenson
Elizabeth Steward
I. R. C., '38-'39; Basketball, '38-'39
Home Economics Club, '38-'39; Numa Staff, '39; French Club, '39
Josephine Stewart
Nancy Vaughn
French Club, '38-'39; I. R. C., '39; Numa Staff, '39; Student Board, '39
I. R. C., '38-'39; Student Board, '38'39; Chantons, '38; Sock and Buskin, '38-'39; Numa Staff, '38-'39; French Club, '38-'39
Betty Jane Wheeler French Club, '38-'39; I. R. C., '38-'39; A Cappella Choir, '39; Theta Phi Kappa, '38-'39
Margie Williamson Home Economics Club, '38-'39; I. R. C., '39
Early Ann Payne
Meredith Young I. R. C., '38-'39; Basketball, '39
Billy Mike Kolb
Anita Jameson French Club, '39; I. R. C., '39
Freshmen . . . with Ralph Moore and Norman Hall as presidents, are shown here wearing their green caps which were symbolic of their innocence of college life last fall. Strict obedience to upper classmen was in order during their entire first semester.
Freshman Class Sponsor
Dolph Camp, the freshman class sponsor, is a man whose advice, comments, and encouragement are welcomed in all activities, in school and out. Our lives will be greatly influence by our contact with him and our sharing his high ideals and sunny disposition.
First Semester
Second Semester
NORMAN HALL, President
RALPH MOORE, President
BUDDY STROZIER, Vice President
DAN CRITES, Vice President
JEAN MURPHY, Secretary
freshman Class
JACK BAKER The ladies' man
CAROLINE BURNS Dress designer and pianist EDWARD BARROW Golden silence is his wealth
L. B. BURRIS From the wide open spaces
BARBARA COLLINS Quiet—like we all should be JAMES COLEMAN . . . and a printer, too
TOM COLLINS Why not hear more from him OPAL CORMACK Dependability personified
MARY A. COTTON Known for her 'cello
DAN CRITES A wonderful personality
DAVIS Brainsdx—'way up high
DENNY CROFTON Handsome clarinet player JAMES DODD Ze
GUY GRAHAM A brass band of silence
arteest! MARGARET EDMONSOND Some mathematician
HUGH GOOD Man of ambitions
NORMAN HALL Two loves—music and girls KATHERINE ANN GRIER Wants to be a journalist
ANNA BETH HARRINGTON FRANKLIN HAWKINS Boy, can she sing Loves friends and fun ALICE MAUDE HASLER A merry heart MARY TERESA HESS PAUL HODGES Here because she's here Look at that grin BILLY HILL Lots of perseverance AHNAWAKE HOLLAND LUCIA LEIGH HUNT Seems to be bashful Sweet—and smart BILL HUNT The "Lion's Din" in person
REBECCA L. LEONARD Another Ginger Rogers
CLIFFORD LYON . . . of the J. C. "Lions" PAUL LOVOI Studious? And how!
MARY McATEE Accomodating librarian
Anyhow, JAMES McKEE He wants to be an engineer
J. L. MOODY College crooner
BILLY MACK he means well
MABEL MORRIS Skilled in archery CHESTER MOORE Mathematics shark
JEAN MURPHY Popular from 'way back
ROBERT RUTTLE Dancing feet. Oh, boy! FELTON NOE The candid cameraman
MARY NEWELL SALLIS Has little to say, but . . .
RUTH STACKABLE Always gets the last word ELBERT SCOTT Sly humor
BUDDY STROZIER Brains with brawn
PRESTON SWOFFORD Feminine fancier HOWARD SWOFFORD Sleeping Beauty Swofford
BETTYE SUGGS She's got something there
SHERMAN THOMPSON Keeps us in stitches
EUGENE TAYLOR Let's praise him for spunk EDDIE TIDWELL GLENN WARD To hear him is to know him A bashful fellow FLOY ELLIS VAN ZANDT A beauty—and with brains! DOROTHY WEINBERGER MILDRED WILDER Changeable as the weather Wise, witty, and an artist LUCILLE WHITE Personality plus
ELLA WILLIAMSON Yes, she has a sister
HELEN ERFURTH Always patient RALPH MOORE Active in everything
EVERETTE McKINNEY He'll make his mark
HARRY SECREST Handsome, but a little shy
The Jaycee Buggy . . . symbolizes the good times to by students during their college life. carefree days which will always be bered are being spent each year college halls.
be had Happy rememaround
Student Body President Lion's Din Editor Numa Editor College Beauty Most Handsome Boy
Jerry Geren Bill Hunt Jack Mills Bettye Suggs Kuper Madden
Most Popular Girl
Josephine Stewart
Most Popular Boy
Jack Gleason
College Wit
John C. Thornton
Most Studious Girl
Betty Bower
Most Studious Boy
Paul Lovoi
Best All-Around Girl
Nancy Vaughn
Best Ail-Around Boy
Kuper Madden
Cutest Girl
Mary Newell Sallis
College Fool
Sherman Thompson
College Flirt
Thyra Ellen Brockman
Most Indifferent Soul Most Bashful Person
Margaret Edmonsond Harry Secrest
Miss Josephine Stewart Most Popular Girl
Miss Bettye Suggs Most Beautiful Girl
SHERMAN THOMPSON, College Fool MARY NEWELL SALLIS, Cutest Girl BETTYE SUGGS, College Beauty BETTY BOWER, Most Studious Girl PAUL LOVOI, Most Studious Boy HARRY SECREST, Most Bashful Boy NANCY VAUGHN, Best All Around Girl MARGARET EDMONSOND, Most Indifferent Person JOHN C. THORNTON, College Wit JACK GLEASON, Most Popular Boy KUPER MADDEN, Best All Around Boy JERRY GEREN, President of Student Body JOSEPHINE STEWART, Most Popular Girl
I'll bet you that thing smells bad—Just loafing—Josie and Kuper playing hands—Sherman giving rapt attention— Sherman not giving rapt attention - - Billy Hill (Or could you guess?)—And it's six inches deep!—Mr. Reynolds suffered along with the rest - Barelle "protects" Elizabeth from the barrage of snowballs • Ex-champ "Cedric" Frederick—Tommy on the lazy man's bike—Why Wayne! Tsk!—Chemists ( ? ) —We wonder if she thinks she's on a horse—It feels as bad as it looks—A galaxy of stars for professional football—Just Kuper - - Touchdown!
Mittie and Franklin—"Snowbound" -- Night activity at the stadium — Hess and her O. A. O.—Preston pings a pong - - Duck, Barelle! — Weinberger g e t s her face washed - - S a i d t h e cop, "Don't you boys think you should have a license for this 'thing'?" - - Mrs. Raymond Funk, nee Aline Lane — The sending end of a J. C. snowball fight—The receiving end - Prexy Geren — Josie surveys her domain—The print shop — Touch football — No football now.
Classtime. Fight's over — The gallery at a football game—When did that get out ? - - Cbncessionairres — That smile is faked -- The Jaycee Buggy — Undoing nature's handiwork so Jaycee's won't faw d o w n They've got you now, Jerry - We told you about that girl, Pierce—Why, Nancy— One of them "coup d' etate's" we hear about; or is it "tete a tete"? —Don't believe it, folks—The library, quiet for once—Hess (She can't stand still) - Been and McKee (Wonder what Mary Teresa will say?)
Calendar Sept. 12—First day of school. 123 enroll to break last year's record. Freshmen (and sophomores) search frantically for snap courses. Sept. 16—Economics theme: "In defense of My Existence." Where is that guy who said economics was a snap course ? WAS is right! Sept. 19—Why do colleges have a first-period class ? Sept. 20—Elections. Geren, president. Railroads beaten at their own game. Sept. 21—Freshman reception. Norman Hall is given his little green cap. Sherman Thompson has heart failure when hq is collared by Mr. Cook. Sept, 22—Paul Hodges ably woos a broom in kangaroo court. Sept. 26—John L. (Ferdinand) Smith makes Guy Graham "produce." Remember, boys ? Sept. 28—Bill Hunt made editor of The Lion's Din. Caroline Burns "swings out" for thirty minutes or so in kangaroo court. Sept. 29—Jigger Jordan convinces her sophomore listeners that the freshman is the lowest form of animal life. Oct. 3—Freshmen decide that there are definitely no> snap courses in J. C. Oct. 5—I. R. C. ha.s first meeting. John L. elected president. Oct. 6—First Lion's Din. Extra! Extra Oct. 7—Intra-murals open with tennis tournament. Oct. 10—New romance hinted. Edmonsond goes after Crites. Oct. 12—Freshmen discover that labs prevent them from going to shows in the afternoon at matinee prices. Ten drop chemistry. Oct. 13—Tryouts for "The Fool." Number of male candidates for lead greatly diminished when director announces that there is no love-making to be done in the play. Oct. 15—Student directories issued. Boys note that Floy Ellis may be reached at 3459 any time before midnight. Isla Rhea Berry goes for a ride in the Jaycee "buggy." Oct. 16—Freshmen in third-period English class have handed in their themes one hundred per cent on time. They'll learn. Oct. 19—Lion's Din issued. Ashworth says, "It's time." Oct. 21—Mr. Reynolds announces to his classes that "cuts are not to be regarded as additional holidays in the Fort Smith Junior College." Oct. 24—Jack Mills chosen to be editor of 1939 Numa. And he swore off after being Bruin editor. Oct. 25—Pink slip day. Thirty-five out of thirty-eight economics students wonder why they took such a course. Plot to assassinate Professor Curry uncovered. Leaders are Thompson, Traylor, and the Patton boys. Oct. 26—Geren loses shirt to Frederick betting on Central State. Oct. 27—Traylor proposed to at J. C. party—before unmasking!
Oct. 28—Mr. Camp's algebra class averages 23.7 per cent on his character test. Mr. Camp changes the subject back to algebra. Oct. 29—Economics class learns that there is a law of diminishing returns. And, that it applies to grades! Oct. 31—Student B'oard members arrested while trying to blow up good old "Alma Mammy"—Hallowe'en. Nov. 2—Two-day holiday for teachers meeting at Little Rock. Ping-pong tournament gets under way. Nov.7—Third-period freshman English students are beginning to catch on. Nov. 8—Miss Montague "trucks" like a veteran in fourth-period speech class and sings "A Tisket, A Tasket." Nov. 9—Preston Swofford replaces Mr. Reynolds as speaker in history. We're hot just sure what his subject was—but we can guess that she lived on Greenwood Avenue. Nov. 10—Compulsory assembly—just for a novelty, of course. French club organizes with Barelle Addis as president. Parley Voo Francay ? Nov. 11—Frosh algebra class learns that Mr. Camp does give algebra tests. Nov. 15—Rev. Coffman imitates candid-cameraman Mills in assembly. Nov. 17—1939 Numa to be dedicated to Elizabeth Wellshear, registrar. Nov. 21—Ted Shawn and his men dancers perform in high school auditorium. Personally, we think they can't begin to compare with Sherman's "shining." Sherman says thanks and opens dancing class. Nov. 22—All school party in gym. Derdyn string trio in assembly. Local poultry houses put up guards against escaping Thanksgiving dinners. Nov. 23—Economics victims learn that the law of diminishing returns has something to do with a man putting seeds or something on his land; then when the landdoesn't produce it has something to do with economics. Nov. 24—Sherman finds temperature extremely high in economics class. It must have been something he "et." Jeeps become touchball champs. We're out again for turkey dinners. Nov. 28—We're in again—but it's only twenty-three days until Christmas. Nov. 30—J. C. football team defeats Harvard 12-0. Quote the "Lion's Din." Dec. 1—Santa Glaus parade proves more attractive than school to J. C. student body. Jean Murphy reminisces about the good old days when she was "Merry Xmas." Dec. 2—Freshies learn that a 1000-word theme cannot be written between 3:30 and 5:00 o'clock. Dec. 5—More pink slips. Professor Curry scores again. Dec. 6—Boys decide to enter a team in the city basketball league. Dec. 8—Mr. Camp discovers that his algebra class when given a lecture on mathematical induction immediately goes to sleep. Dec. 9—"The Fool" is a real success. Kuper plays the title role perfectly. Dec. 12—It is rumored that the fourth-period English class has coyly been serenading Miss Krehbiel. Dec. 13—J. C. band plays in assembly, featuring Jack Stephens and his acrobatics.
Dec. 16—Jack ;Exall defeats Frederick to ascend new heights as Jaycee ping-pong champion. Dec. 20—Christmas program in assembly—A Cappella choir. Who held his nose when the boys' double quartet sang? Dec. 21—Kerwin's report theft of one leather golf bag valued at $1.98. J. C. throws Christmas party in the stadium. Xmas spirits flow freely. Dec. 22—Alumni party in cafeteria. Josie tells Kuper that it's not the gift,-but the giver. No more school until 1939. Jan. 3—Students return enthusiastically to school, eager for plenty of hard work. (Resolution to be honest broken—oh, dear!) Jan. 4—Frosh learn that research paper is due in English Friday. Oh, well. Jan. 10—Mr. Reynolds chides us for acting so dignified all the time. After all, we do deserve a little fun. We should cut loose and have a good time. Jan. 11—Ferdinand's birthday. Jan. 13—Friday, the thirteenth, and Fireshman English final. Troubles never come singly. J. C. Roughnecks play (and live up to their name) in high school assembly. Jan. 18—Box supper in Room;S-5 Hugh Good and Floy EJlis take Easter basket. What, no bunnies? Jan. 19—Hugh ;surrounded by three doctors and a stomach pump. Floy buys ice for prospective funeral spying: "Well, he'll need that more than he'll need flowers." Hugh gets well, quick! Jan. 20—Report cards. Students go home', and . . . . Jan. 23—Second semester begins with snow. Teachers had better duck. Jan. 24—Who's who election in assembly. Twenty-three candidates for college fool. New class officers elected. • Jan. 25—Partition built in J. C. office. Brockman gfcis caught talking to Mario on the office phone. Sweet nothings, we'll bet. Jan. 26—Sixty new books added to J. C. library. 'Librarians mobbed by ; mass of Jaycees eager for more knowledge. Jan. 30—Shetman brings his Ford pick-up to school. Watch out, girls! Feb. 3—Big snow. Battles galore in the stadium. Touchball changes to snowballs. Fifty J. C. girls get faces washed'for first time in three months. Feb. 6—Gleason enters ballet dancing class at York Conservatory. Feb. 7—J. C. student body learns all about present international conditions from J. Fred Patton, assembly speaker. Feb. 10—Students discover from Lion's Din that the library has many more new books, but make no rush as they know all there is by now. Feb. 14—Lincoln High School glee club swings out in assembly. Feb. 16—Jaycee bowlers begin strenuous schedule. Feb. 17—Practice speculation in economics class results in stock market panic. Elbert Scott and Meredith Young become millionaires and bequeath the Fort Smith Junior College a new $5,000,000 building. Feb. 18—Stock market crash. Scott and Young join WPA. Feb. 21—Education class says that co-education was once a race for supremacy of the sexes, but now its neck and neck.
Feb. 22—Strenuous bowling season ends. Pooches win by landslide. Feb. 24—Sherman suggests five-day week-end as a solution to unemployment problem. Economics class votes unanimously in favor of it. Feb. 28—Mr. Camp's math class turns to poetry with the following ditty: Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm flunking trig, and so are you. Mar. 2—Editor Mills says to Editor Hunt: "Kissing a girl is like opening a bottle of olives, the first comes hard, but the rest are a cinch to get." Mar. 8—I. R. C. meeting. Delegates tell about speeches and program at the convention. More interesting events are revealed in session afterwards. Mar. 11—Jaycee home economics girls attend state convention at Conway. Mar. 14—Student body finds everything imaginable wrong with the junior college. Several "speakers" show promise of becoming excellent politicians. Mar. 15—Stadium session resolves to denounce compulsory assembly rule. Evidently, the novelty is wearing off. Mar. 16—Boozman quotes: "Here's to the love that lies in a woman's eyes—and lies and lies and lies." Mar. 17—Sherman caught in the library—studying, too! Mar. 20—Miss Krehbiel lets sophomore English class out five minutes early. Shock paralyzes everyone momentarily, then riot ensues. Mar. 21—Miscellaneous assembly. More corn shucked about Jaycee faults. Mar. 22—Unknown male duo serenades fourth-period English with hvmn. Mar. 23—Baseball enthusiasts learn all about the sport from picture show. Mar. 24—Several columns of Lion's Din missing. Four attempts made on Editor Hunt's life. Such a coincidence! Mar. 27—English and economics classes in uproar as as girls clad in gym suits run toward the tennis courts. Mar. 28—Norman Hall fascinates audience when band plays at Saint Scholastica's. Academy. Must be that training he took from Charles Atlas. Mar. 31—Calendar must stop sands of time in order to be turned in early enough to be published.
Student Board . . . activities control student life in junior college. The board is the legislative body and is composed of twelve members elected for one-year terms. It is one of the most important organizations of the school.
Theta Phi Kappa Members of Theta Phi Kappa represent the leaders in scholarship, character and service in the junior college student body. To be eligible for membership a student must carry a minimum of twelve hours and be in the upper ten per cent of the school in scholastic standing. Pictured above, left to right, top row, are: Betty Bower, L. B. Burris, Armistice Byrum, Franklin Hawkins, and Bill Hunt; bottom row, Paul Lovoi, Jack Mills, Ruth Stackable, Floy Ellis Van Zandt, and Betty Jane Wheeler. The society was organized in 1932 to honor students for scholastic achievements, to promote good citizenship, and to encourage character development. Miss Luella Krehbiel, sponsor, is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, national senior college scholastic fraternity.
Luella Krehbiel, Sponsor
Betty Bower Luther Hodges Lucia Leigh Hunt Bill Hunt Josephine Stewart Ruth Stackable Nancy Vaughn
Jerry Ceren, President
Floy Ellis Van Zandt, Secretary
Student Board and
Jack Gleason Norman Hall
Kuper Madden, Vice President
Band The junior college band, under the direction of Addison Wall, is organized to entertain the student body with programs throughout the year, and to advertise the school by playing at other schools and organizations in this territory. Members of the group shown above are, front row, left to right: Tom Collins, alto clarinet; James McKee, bass saxophone; Denny Crofton, clarinet; Jerry Geren, saxophone; Bill Mosley, saxophone; back row, Gene Apple, cornet; Norman Hall, cornet; DuVal Cantwell, cornet; Dan Crites, trombone; Junior Pense, drums; Jack Stephens, t r o m b o n e ; Arthur Moran, trombone; Caroline; Burns, piano; standing, Mary A. Cotton, string bass; Pierce McKennon, piano; and Addison Wall, director. Both classical and popular selections are included in the repertoire of the organization.
Addison Wall, Director
Lion's D i n S t a f f Editor . Editorials Features . Bill Hunt, Editor
Sports Social Activities Special Assignments
Mechanical Staff Journalism Adviser Printing Adviser
. Bill Hunt Armistice Byrum . Buddy Strozier Eddie Tidwell Jack Gleason Lawrence Haley . Kuper Madden Thyra Ellen Brockman . Jack Mills Hugh Good James Dodd Helen Erfurth Howard Swofford James Coleman Jack Mills Delmer Ashworth A. W. Blake
Numa Staff Editor and Publisher Assistant Editor Sophomore Editor Assistant Sophomore Editor Freshman Editor Organizations Editor Features Editor Typist Snapshots Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Art Editor Business Staff
Jack Mills Nancy Vaughn Josephine Steward Elizabeth Steward Opal Cormack Alice Maude Hasler Denny Crofton Mary Newell Sallis Felton Noe Lawrence Haley Dan Crites James Dodd Thyra Ellen Brockman James Coleman Deronda Blackwood
Jack Mills, Editor
"TheFool" Presented by Sock and Buskin Directed by Miss Margaret Montague and Mrs. James Deare Daniel Gilchrist, a young minister with high ideals, is dismissed from his church at Christmas for preaching about rich men entering the kingdom of Heaven. He goes to the slum district of the city in an attempt to aid the human derelicts. For leaving his church, Clare Jewett, his sweetheart, leaves him for Jerry Goodkind, a rich man's son. Jerry's father is trouble with strikes at his mines and sends Gilchrist to settle them. Gilchrist attempts to end the strikes with his idealistic methods, but Mr. Goodkind will not accept his terms. In the meantime Jerry begins associating with other women, and, to escape his wife's wrath, entangles Gilchrist in his shady affairs. Gilchrist is attacked by a group of miners, but is saved by the miraculous recovery of Mary Margaret, a pretty girl who was crippled beyond hope of walking unaided. Jerry confesses his sins, clearing Gilchrist. Mr. Goodkind realizes that Gilchrist's way is the only method of ending the strikes, accepts his terms and restores his former rank.
Cast of Characters Mrs. Gilliam Mrs. Thornbury "Dilly" Gilliam Barnaby Mrs. Tice Jerry Goodkind Dr. Wadham Charles Benefield Clare Jewett George Goodkind Max Stetman Joe Hennig Mack Grubby Umanski Daniel Gilchrist Pearl Hennig Mary Margaret Miss Levinson Mrs. Mulligan Mrs. Henchley Tony Malduca
Caroline Burns Alice Maude Hasler Dorothy Weinberger James McKee Opal Cormack Hugh Good Jerry Geren Billy Hill Lucia Leigh Hunt DuVal Cantwell Pierce McKennon James Dodd Luther Hodges Buddy Strozier Jack Gleason Kuper Madden Nancy Vaughn Rama Lou Rodgers Aline Lane Lucile White Juliet Lofton Duke Frederick
International Relations Club
J. W. Reynolds, Sponsor
Jack Exall presided over meetings of the International Relations Club this year. The club, with James W. Reynolds as sponsor, engaged in various cultural and social activities with guest speakers presenting current political and economic problems as they existed in world affairs. Students belonging to the club are: Jack Exall, Kuper Madden, Thyra Ellen Brockman, Nancy Vaughn, Martha Lee Fancher, Margie Williamson, Helen Erfurth, Elbert Scott, Clifford Lyon, Eugene Taylor, Franklin Hawkins, Lawr'ence Haley, Betty Jane Wheeler, Lucia Leigh Hunt, DuVal Cantwell, Betty Bower, Luther Hodges, Ruth Stackable, Preston Stevenson, Irene Spears, Barelle Addis, Anita Jameson, Ella Williamson, Preston Swofford, Jack Gleason, and Meredith Young.
A Cappelta Choir One of the most active organizations in either junior college or the high school is the College-Hi A Cappella Choir which was organized in October of 1938. Its purpose is to present choral group sanging without accompaniment, with its members, totaling nearly fifty, being chosen from the junior college and high school glee clubs. The choir presented three Christmas programs in the city, appeared once before the Musical Coterie at the Jenkins Music Hall, gave some college advertising programs during March and April, and presented a festival concert in May. Officers of the organization are: Pierce McKennon, president; J. L. Moody, vice president; and Ruth Stackable, secretary. Miss Opal Clark is the director. Junior college members are: Ruth Stackable, Rebecca Lee Leonard, J. L. Moody, Anna Beth Harrington, Russell Traylor, Lucile White, Hugh Good, Betty Jane Wheeler, Pierce McKennon, Billy Hill, and Thelma Been.
Opal Clark, Director
French Club
Essie Berry, Sponsor
Officers for the French Club, "Les Demons Francais," during the past year are: Barelle Addis, president; Deronda Blackwood, vice president; and Dorothy Weinberger, secretary. The group strives to promote interest in the study of France, its people, and its language. Miss Essie Berry is the sponsor. Those taking part in the activities are: Barelle Addis, Deronda Blackwood, Barbara Collins, Hugh Good, Katherine Ann Grier, Lucia Leigh Hunt, J. L. Moody, Mary McAtee, Dennard Riggin, Robert Ruttle, John L. Smith, Ruth Stackable, Elizabeth Steward, Josephine Stewart, Buddy Strozier, Bettye Suggs, Floy Ellis Van Zandt, Nancy Vaughn, and Dorothy Weinberger.
Home Economics Club Junior college home economics students, directed by Miss Mary Haas, have formed a club for social and cultural purposes related to their studies. Early Ann Payne is president and Thelma Been, vice president. The group meets occasionally to discuss new trends in home economics and engage in social activities. Girls participating in the group are: Jean Murphy, Isla Rhea Berry, Alice Maude Hasler, Coila Harding, Helen Gray Vick, Mary Louise Jordan, Mary Lou Hix, Anna Beth Harrington, Elizabeth Steward, Pauline Spears, Thelma Been, Margie Williamson, and Early Ann Payne.
Mary Haas, Sponsor
Basketball . . . is the most popular boys' sport in the junior college. This action picture shows a game being played between the Lions and another team from the City League. Intramural teams also engage in this sport.
Bruce Sevens Coach Bevens can mark this year, his second with the junior college, as another successful one in the basketball campaigns carried on in Fort Smith. His d rection has enabled the Lions and the intra-mural teams to complete a successful season, and it has aided the junior college boys in their search for an organized physical development program.
Mrs. Mary George Martin Junior college women's sports no longer lack for participants since Mrs. Martin began her work two years ago. Under her direction the girls organized themselves into teams to play many different games for their physical development. Her superior training has the approval of every junior college girl and will carry her far toward becoming a leader in women's sports.
Intra-Mural Sports
Elbert Scott, Captain
Russell Traylor Dan Crites Duke Frederick Billy Mike Kolb Preston Swofford Lawrence Haley Morgan Scott Paul Hodges James McKee Hugh Good Denny Crofton Bill Hunt
Buddy Strozier, Captain James Coleman Ernest Logan Ralph Moore Bob Miller Clifford Lyon Billy Hill
W. C. Davis Tom Collins Billy Mack
Preston Stevenson Robert Ruttle Jack Exall
Intra-Mural Sports
Jack Gleason, Captain Pierce McKennon R. G. Patton Norman Hall Bill Mosley Homer Smith James Dodd Marlowe Wight Kenneth Morgan Jack Baker
Jerry Geren, Captain
Jaybirds J. L. Moody Edward Barrow L. B. Burris
Wayne Boozman Kuper Madden Robert Scott Felton Noe Pike Mabray Luther Hodges Franklin Hawkins John L. Smith Jack Stephens Meredith Young Howard Swofford Harry Secrest
Archery Archery is the most popular sport carried on by the girls' physical education classes, yet it is by no means their only activity. The girls enjoy many other games, including badminton, tennis, soft ball, volley ball, and basketball. Left to right: Anita Jameson, Fleeta Johnson, Katheryn Scott, Ella Williamson, Martha Lee Fancher, Betty Bower, Betty Jane Wheeler, Pauline Spears, Lelah Dunn, Margaret Edmonsond, Armistice Byrum, Josephine Stewart, Elizabeth Steward, Thyra Ellen Brockman, Lucia Leigh Hunt, Bettye Suggs, Anna B'eth Harrington, Mary Teresa Hess, Barbara Collins, and Alberta Shoemaker.
Basketball Squad
Being unable to have regular practice and playing against men who had much more experience than they, resulted in the junior college basketball team's ending the season in third place in the City League competition. The team was composed of Jack Gleason, captain, Jack Exall, Preston Stevenson, Elbert Scott, Buddy Strozier, Pierce McKennon, Ralph Moore, Billy Mike Kolb, Preston Swofford, James Coleman, and Clifford Lyon. Stevenson was high point man for the junior college and the league. Other members of the league were: Fort Smith Chair Company, Junior Chamber of Commerce, and Draughon's Business College.
Tennis and Golf Teams Tennis is rapidly becoming one of the major sports in junior college. Much interest was shown this year by boys and girls alike in intra-mural and mter-collegiate competition. This year's team was composed of Robert Ruttle, Paul Hodges, Luther Hodges, and Jack Exall. Several matches were played with the local high school team besides participation in the state tournament for junior colleges at Russellville. Composed of Bill Mosley, who averages 72 for 18 holes, and Duke Frederick, averaging 76, the golf team also competed with the high school team and entered the s ate tournament for junior colleges at Russellville for its year's activity.
Minor Sports Ping Pong Jack Exall was crowned champion of the junior college ping pong enthusiasts this year, defeating Duke Frederick, the champion of 1938, 21-9, 21-19, 21-14 in the finals. Intramural competition was keen due to evenly distributed skill of the four teams participating.
Bowling Intra-mural bowling league activities this year were dominated by the Pooches, who did not lose a game during the entire season. The winning team was composed of Kuper Madden, Jerry Geren, and Wayne Boozman. All matches were held at the Red Crown Alleys.
Track High school seniors nosed out the Lions to take, by a one-point margin, first place in the annual track and field meet between the Lions and the three classes of the local high school Final scores were: seniors, forty-eight; junior college, forty-seven; juniors, forty; and sophomores, three. Buddy Strozier and Pierce McKennon, of the Lions, took second and third places in individual scoring honors, scoring fifteen and one-half, and twelve and one-half points, respectively. Other winners for the Lions were: Jack Exall, Clifford Lyon, Ralph Moore, L. B. Burris, and Jack Stephens. In addition to this meet, the intra-mural teams held regularly scheduled contests for inter-collegiate supremacy.
Football With a record of not being tied or scored upon during the entire season, the Jeeps touch football team emerged victorious from the 1938 season. The Jaybirds and the Orioles tied for second place honors in the intra-mural competition. Members of the winning team were: Buddy Strozier, captain, Robert Buttle, Jack Exall, Bob Miller, Ralph Moore, James Goldman, and W. C. Dayis.
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