NUMA 1984

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Changing The Scene Westark has gone through some changes which in the long run would benefit students pursuing a degree. Most of the changes occured to help students perform better in the academic field though some still doubt the replacement of noncredit grading to /% This year marked another milestone for the college} the newly installed IBM computer system. Students majoring in business and data processing have much to say about this, 'The new system has helped me to understand more of the courses / am taking this semester/' Gary Prada, business major said.

THE league of women voters registers a student 1 vote.

A couple of WCC students try out the new phone in the BB.

Student publication members distribute yearbooks.

Ozark Ecology class take a break.

T.P. Davis takes pictures for the

student yearbook.

Lisa Bell lives through experiences of the handicapped.


Tonya Snuggs gets in the act.

Cheryl Peters gives guidelines.

A group of students are experiencing handicapped fife.



Hong grins and bears it.

The "Annies" are ready for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Gil lEagles makes a student just won a horse race.

think he

A group of students gather together to discuss the days events.

What would your Westark scrapbook include? Students who have shared the same experiences usually put the same things in their scrapbooks, Melinda Hermani, Wendy Quick, Scott Shadd, and David Welsh said they would put programs from the theatrical productions in which they've been involved.

The media appreciation dinner attracted media professionals such as Tom Biake.

A student seeking information surveys info booth.

the The student/faculty picnic offered food for the interested.

David Meeks listening to a lecture at St. Edwards.

Students anxiously await their mid-term grades.


A detour is created by workers building a new bridge on 50th and Grand.

The science building had its roof retarred this year.

Tammy Stout answers phone for counselors.


Joel Stubblefield takes advantage of the SAC welcome picnic.


Lisa Condren takes student ID pictures

at the beginning of the fall


Some student's scrapbook would include pictures of getting their student ID made and getting their school calendar. Often they even keep their ID's and calendars to look back at and see what they did throughout the yean Other students would want to include mementos of the Media Appreciation Dinner, maybe they saved their name tag or their napkin, or maybe they even got an autograph of a T, V, anchorman to keep in their scrapbook.


Follow WCC Journalism major Rusty Mizell, now with KFSM television, was a guest at the media appreciation dinner.

Students learn how to use a new

The library

is a quiet place to




The Odd Couple THE CAST


Speed Murray Roy Vinnie Oscar Madison Felix Unger Gwendolyn Pigeon Cecily Pigeon Directed


and Designed by David

. . Ken Pevehouse Jim Snow Chris Hurt ... . David Welsh ...... Harold Hile Mark Covey Sandi Pevehouse Lori Arnold Young

Stage Manager


Mark Covey Properties Winnie Roe, Susan Llewellyn, Steve Ralls, Mark Vickery, Mohammed Ebhounum. Amy Young, Verne McCabe, Tom Attee, Ken Revehouse, Janet Newell. David Welsh Program Cover Lori Arnold, Rachael Smith Box Office p^^ffi,^^ P/ummer



Death Of A Salesman

THE CAST Willy Linda Happy Biff Bernard . . The Woman Charley . . .

Jeremiah . Betty

B, Davis Klusmeier Jeff Vire Brad Cason Curt Vinson . CJ. Washington . . Brad Kidder, Sr.

Uncle Ben .. . Howard ... Jenny Stanley Miss horsy the Letta

John Dunn Scott Shadd . . . Wendy Quick . Brad Kidder, Jr. Melinda Hcrniani . . . Sheallv Thrift

THt CRtW Assistant Director Beth Revelle Set Construction Randy Allen Wendy Carson Brad Cason Mitch Clegg Mark Covey John Dunn Ronald hianagan John frost Melinda Hermani Eric Peterson Ken Pevehouse Wendy Quick Steve Ralls Beth Revelle Scott Shadd Sheally Thrift Curt Vinson Jeff Vire CJ. Washington Eric Washington David Welsh Properties Wendy Carson Moira Daugberty Wendy Quick Scott Shadd C.J. Washington Program Wendy Quick Moira Daugherty Pete Howard Steve Wilson Sound 1 ighting Mark Covey Brad Kidder, Jr. Beth Revelle Ken Pevehouse Road Manager Mark Covey Stage Managet Beth Revelle Make Up Wendy Quick Pam Reed Costumes Wendy Quick C.J. Washint^ton


Life With Mother Superior THE CAST Kate Donavan Ramona Saplin Marvel Ann Moore Lillian Quigley .... Peggy Schtessman Miss Toomey Mother Superior .. Mary Clancey Jane Moore Winifred Wertheim Sister Angela Florence Mackey Miss McBride Mr. Goettinger ... Sister Blanche ... Roger


.. . Nikki McDaniel Leah Carter Charlotte Sharum Katie Weber Wendy Hardgrave Sheally Thrifts Wendy Quick Heather Askevif Amy Young Leigh Pry or Melinda Hermani . . . Lanier Hocott J ante Weber Oil Rogers Pepper Popa .. . Mac McGinnis

Fireman, Save My Child

DRAT, THE CAST an old-fashioned mother her son, our manly hero another son, the despised the maid our persecuted heroine the village gossip the funny feller a bookkeeper


Wendy Quick Cy Gardner Scott Shadd Sheally Thrift Melinda Hermani Janie Weber Gil Rogers Heather Askew

Miss Westarl<

Cheryl Prewitt Blacl<wood, Miss America 1980, entertained Friday night with gospel contemporary songs.

Miss Arkansas Regina Hopper was here both nights of the pageant.

Miss Oklahoma, Trelynda Kerr, was with us Thursday night.

Left — Kim Herring, Miss Westark 1983, sang and gave her farewell speech.

Below ~ Kym Michele Koch was crowned Miss Westark 1984.


'A Tribute To Gershwin''

This year's pageant on April 5 and ft ''A Tribute to Gershwin/' was the largest ever with 24 girls from ages 17 to 23 participating. On Thursday night, SOO people came to watch the girls show off in evening gown and bathing suit, Friday night was talent night where 1200 people viewed some of the best talent at Westark, Judges for the pageant were Linda and David Bragg from Benton; Clarine Smith from Hot Springs; Jeanne i Whitely from Grove, Oklahoma; and Pam Herriman from Fayetteville, Sam Jones, anchor of the Channel 2 weekday news in Tulsa was MC for the pageant, Kym receives a $500 scholarship, an $800 wardrobe, and two dinners to Trotline Restaurant, The first runner up receives a $350 scholarship, second runnet up a $250 scholarship, third runner up a $150 scholarship, talent winner a $100 scholarship, and Miss Congeniality a $100 scholarship, by Angie B Ozelmas

Kym modeled a lace-trimmed, linen-look dress for the Miss Westark fashion show.

For the talent competition, a cute ballet dance.




Kym wore a low cut, sequintrimmed, brown gown for the evening gown competition.

Kym looked very chic in the bathing suit competition.

Melissa Hays was first runner up. For her talent, Melissa did a tap dance.

The Finalists

The girls voted Libby Brooks to be Miss Congeniality. Libby danced ragtime in the pageant.

Susie Boyer was third runner up. She also did a tap dance for her talent.


The pageant began and ended with the parade of

Standing before the panel of judges are Miss Alwina Waldon, Cathy Basinger, Libby Renee Debbie Meek, Stephanie Lynn Carr, LaShawn Pair, Marcia Lyie, Julie Russell, and Kimberly


Dan Harrold sang "isn't She Lovely" to the contestants while they wait for the final results.

Westark contestants Kari Beth Latta, Karen Marie Johnston, Melissa Hays, Angie Davis, Brooks, Pam Reed, Tammy McGee, Janet Morrow, Kym Michele Koch, Karen Rhea Mitchell, Talley, Vicki Pendleton, Cami Harvel, Tasha Wilson, Susie Boyer, Rechenda Greene, Missy Brannon.

Miss Westark royalty, from left to right, Libby Brooks, Miss Congeniality; Melissa Hays, first runner up; Kym Koch, Miss Westark; Julie Russell, second runner up; and Susie Boyer, third runner up.


Westark Keeps The Beat

Quentin and his date show their stuff the student mixer dance.


At the Halloween Dance the winners were, from left to right, Cami Harvell — best female costume, Mac McGinnis — best male costume, and Jimmy Franklin and Kelly Johnson — best couples costumes.

Excitement rises as the dancers dap their hands to the beat of the Voltage Brothers at the homecoming dance. From witches and vampires to clowns and punks, they were all there at the Halloween Dance. 26

Second place winners were Barry Richardson.

Youngblood and Rennee

Grady Turner and Missy Grice were first place winners in the Halloween Dance contest.

Many students enjoyed

the student mixer

dance. 27

Season Of Entertainment III

This year's Season of Entertainment III has seen a big growth in student participation and general attendance. The basic purpose of the Season of Entertainment in terms of students is to create more participation and involvement. It also brought a lot of community people to our campus. It takes several months of planning to determine the shows brought to Westark each year. The SAC has to consider the budget, the appeal to the people, and also have consideration of other organizations who bring productions to Fort Smith, 'Economics has a lot to do with the shows we bring to Westark," St^ ey Jones commented. 28

The SAC brought five productions this year — National Opera, The Chinese Magic Circus, Annie Get Your Gun starring Helen Cornelius and Dave Rowland, Babes in Toyland, and Blues in the Night starring Delia Reese, Also included in the Season of Entertainment were two band concerts, two choral concerts, and three plays. Each year the Season of Entertainment shows have been free to students, but there is a possibility that there will be a fee for students at a discount of the original price, 'There are always more students at the productions they have to pay for than the ones that are free. They feel that they are getting more for their money," Jones said, by Angie Ozelmas 29

Westark Joins In Raft Race The Student Activities Council sponsored a group of students to participate in the United Way Raft Race 1983, The raft race is a community project to raise money for area charities. This was the first year the SAC participated in the event. Each year the SAC attempts to increase the involvement of students in community projects, by Angie Ozelmas

Tonya Snuggs was captain of the


The entrants

Tonya Snuggs and Lori Arnold attempt to help the boat along with their oars. 30

are preparing

their rafts for the race.

Robert Ohide and David Bergstrom off.


David Bergstrom, Tonya Snuggs, Robert Chide, Lori Arnold, Lisa Beat tie, and Bill Bowen were a tired crew after the race.

All rafts were towed in if not finished

The crew brought back what was left of the raft.

by 4.30.


Just A Swangin With My Favorite Memory Neither rain nor cold winds could keep the 10,000 people with concert tickets away from Harper Stadium, Saturday night April 7, Fans from many miles away came to see and hear Merle Haggard and John Anderson perform. It was a night that will not be forgotten very soon. My boyfriend, Ric, with camera and I arrived at 7 o'clock expecting to best the crowds. We didn't, the place was packed. As we walked through the backstage gate and out beside the stage, the crowd went crazy. They were waving, smiling, and yelling. All this went over our heads-to the camera crew above us filming the event. We wandered around for an hour before the emcee announced, 'Here's John Anderson." John started his show with his 1980 hit She Just Started Liking Cheating Songs, The crowd was pleased when Anderson performed other hits like; I Just Came Home to Count the Memories, Would You Catch a Falling Star?, Chicken Truck, Coin' Downhill and his latest Let Somebody Else Drive. But I doubt if anyone within 50 miles was able to sleep through the roar as the Anderson band started into the recent #1 hit Swangin'. After John's show, we went to his bus to meet his band. By the way, John sounds the same whether he's talking or sang in'. During the intermission we heard from Freddy Powers, The Strangers and Dana Haggard. Ms. Haggard was never introduced so we never knew who she was. She is Merle's daughter. The Hag arrived in Fort Smith before noon that day agd went downtown to a local store to buy a pair of boots. He was caught by participants in Fort Smith Pride's ''clean sweep." Haggard, being the good natured person he is, picked up a broom and helped sweep Garison Avenue. That night shortly after ten the

Hag was on stage singing his 1969 classic Silver Wings to start his show. Haggard has too many hits to perform them all in full in one concert, so many songs were combined into a medley. After the concert we stood in knee deep mud, rain, and cold winds, inhaling exhaust fumes from Anderson's bus, waiting to meet Mighty Merle. After 30 minutes Hag's manager came to the door and said 'Suzanne, Merle is ready for you and your friend." I learned that I have lots of 'friends.' People I've never seen before said things like; "I'm with her" and "I'm her sister" trying to follow me onto the bus. I wonder if these same people would loan me a dollar. When inside the bus. Merle introduced us to his dog, 'Tuffy." We sat and talked for a while, during which-time Merle asked me to thank everyone for attending the show. Merle said "without the D. J.'s that play my songs and the consumers that buy them I would not be in Fort Smith." by Suzanne V. Parker

Westark Olympics This yean the Student Activities Council sponsored the first annual Westark Olympics, There was five different events — an obstacle course, a three-legged race, cow chip tossing, mud wrestling, and a greased pig race. The winners were awarded Olympic type medals.

Robert Ohlde clears the hurdle in the course.

Dusty Smith, and Robert Ohlde race through the obstacle



Winners were Khoi Ta, Missy Grice, Pepper McGinn is, Steve Jarrell, and Dusty Smith.

Pepper McGinn is (bottom) mud wrestling champion.

and Missy Grice (top) struggle to be



Bill Crowder

The last group of students enter the halls of the Vines to prepare for graduation.

examines his zipper with the aid of Jack


Angie Davis is excited graduating.

Tonya Snuggs sure looks thrilled graduating.

at the prospect



Instructor Don Tannehill patiently waits for exercises to begin.


International Dinner - Cultures

Somlit, from Laos, plays the Khen pipe. BaBara eritertams with middle-eastern dancing.


Above — Muhammad Hadi, Stephanie Bertin, Yazen Kakaaji, and Wail Kakaaji dance the 'Vebke," an Arabian folk dance. Left — Icons and artifacts from Brazil and many others were on display upstairs in the student union.

The International Dinner, March 17, provided lively entertainment and delicious food for a sell-out crowd of 260. Represented at the dinner were people from Syria, Jordon, France, Palestine, Lebanon, Kuwait, Singapore, Hmong, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Estonia, Peru, Venezuala, Japan, Indonesia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico, Bolivia, Sri Lanka, The Gambia, Egypt, Guatamala, Ireland, Iran, Hong Kong, Columbia, and the Virgin Islands. The crowd was entertained by folk and middle-eastern dancing, origami (paper folding), folk songs, Laotian Khen pipe, steel drums, and many other forms of entertainment.

Left — Aluwole Forster was master ceremonies.

Right — The audience origami (paper folding) Takeshi.

practices along with


Of The World At Our Doorstep

Dan Leary performed songs and dialogue. BaBara captures the mood with her exotic dancing.

Stephane Bertm, Ana Maria Guerrero, Sonia Ramirez, and Muhammad Hadi are in full swing with a South American dance.

The purpose of this event is to share and learn about different cultures, foods, arts, entertainment, and dress, and to make friends from different cultures. It also helps international students become closer friends,'' says Khoi Ta, Not only students, but other people from different cultures living in the community participated in the dinner. Many local companies and grocers were helpful in donating items for the dinner, Westark cafeteria, faculty, and counselors were also in on the activities. It seems impossible, but the international dinner keeps getting better and better every yearr proudly exclaimed Jane Pryor, by Angie Ozelmas

Right, Phos Woodley is drumming with his Carribean steel drums.


Left, Abd Khirfan, BaBara, and Issam Hamad.


Entertainment And Food Galore!

BaBara enchanted



Hassam Abdallah and Hong F. Kok are busy serving the guests.

Isao Shing Vouchi from Japan and "Mimi" explaining to the guests their respective


from Hmong are countries.

Ousama EL Masri from Syria gives BaBara a big kiss.

Gabriela Kinslow and Jorge Garcia are performing Dance.

the Mexican

Hat Angela and Carlos Avila are with a gallery displays from their country.

Above — This is only a fraction evidence of the food galore.

Thien Huynh and Van Dang sing Vietnamese songs.


of the 260 guests. Below — Hong is

beautiful 39


Arde/la Muthadi

sharpens her typing skills in the lab.

John Collins studies a computer And the star of the show is definitely



program. computer.

(Seated) Betty Price, Doris Van Home, Francis Bedell, Diana Payne, Cindy Boyd, Katherine Taylor, Sharon Winn, and Emma Watts. (Standing) Gary Smith, Nolan Lickey-Chairman, Bill Lacewell, David Craig, Paull Leggett, Ron Richard, John Collins, and Ray Sparks. (Mugs) Steve Lovick and Brenda Cantwell.

Brenda Cantwell has a captive audience as she explains basic to a seminar. Usually, students

could be found in the computer

lab working their

The newly expanded

typing lab made supervision



of classes a lot easier.


Community Service

Students were asked to thumb through a fall semester catalog of Community Service classes and pick the one that sounded the most interesting. The class most often mentioned was a Firearms instruction taught by Campus Security officer Maurice Thompson.


Sandi Sanders-director, Ron Winfrey, Kathy Drap, Janet Led ford, Chrystal Set tie, Vonita Roberts, Mary Cam

Board of Trustee Nancy Llewellyn taught a class on making hors


Students were also asked to look through a spring catalog of offerings and choose a class or seminar or fair that best illustrated the meaning and purpose of Community Service. The response was overwhelmingly the Senior Opportunity Day held in May.


Developmental Education


Mike Cooper, Winnie Kinsey, Nina Abernathy, Terri Smith, Margaret Newell, David Jackson, Nit a Prock, Martha Efurd, Cameron, Joanna Hudson.


A scrapbook of the developmental education division, most students agreed, would include snapshots of the skills lab full of students working on improving in areas that need work.



A visit to the Technical Complex may get you a view of a carpentry


project house being moved to its new location or a lonely, dark figure in the welding lab.

(Seated) Mary Copeland, Bonnie Harmon, Frederick Hop, John Samuels, Ken Butler, Lee Cummings, Stan Cagle, Harold Hile-Ac ting Chairman, Jerry Center, Doug Stat ham, Tim McNeil, Larry Fox.

Students get hands on training in areas including small engine repair and machine shop. Even Fire Prevention (above) is included the technical program.



Health Occupations

Lyman Long uses a former student (just kidding) to illustrate techniques in emergency medical technology. Homer Robertson assists with a student blood pressure check and gets pinned as health occupations students of the year . .


(Vertically, left to right) Monica Snyder, Gale Hightower, Daria Porter, Anita Hammack, Patti Tollitson, Deborah Austin, Judy Jvnes, Suzanne McGraw, Lyman Long, Carolyn Branch-chairman, Mary Hammack, Ruth Burns, June Lewis, Calline Dipboye, Susan Chaney, Kathleen Kannett, Jerry Lee, Ophelia Smith,

(Above) That is a real live person who is being used for EMT class demonstrations, 'Annie' lays in waiting for her duties as a CPR dummie while students take exams at their 'desks,



Student Publications photographer Tripper Sears practices his skills throughout the year filling photo assignments for the yearbook and newspaper. Art major Nancy Taylor spends time sketching in the Ballman-Speer art studios. And, of course, the joy of working backstage where all the glamour is in the theatre scene shop.


(Kneeling) Don Tannehill Gene Wells, Daniel Leary, Henry Rinne. (L to R) Don Lee, Greer Farris, David Young, Tom Walton, Betsy Altmann, Pete Howard, Gwen Brotherton, Kathleen Keck, Kathleen Cameron, Dr. John Preas, Barbara Bartlett, Nancy Zechiedrich, Nancy Dover, Carmen Beshoner, Joy Lowe-Chairman, Logan Green.


Doris Burns shows off her animal collection


in Ceramics


Student worker Donna Rodgers assists a student in the new English lab that was opened spring semester. Music majors voice class.

work on assignments


Patti Hammock delivers her speech as so many students do the last week of Introduction to Speech Communication class.


Natural Science

Biology instructor

Jim Houston was surprised in class by a birthday party.

Students enjoy the scenery during a break in the Ozark Ecology class trip.


Charles Irish, Doyle Coe, Tom Buchanan, John Deaton, Sister Columba Mosely, Tom Clark, Christy Cobb, Larry Weigand, Cheryl Pacheco, Dr. Carol Home, Jim Houston, David Meeks, BUI Holder, Odene Forsythe, Sunny Fike, Dr. Mike Hightower-chairman

Girls do it, and boys in ballcaps do it. Disecting

is enjoyed by all.

Above are members of the Ozark Ecology class of David



Social 3 Behavioral Sciences


Rappeport surprised

The Child Development


the faculty Christmas party by making an appearance as Ms. Santa Claus.

Center entertained

and educated a record 50 children this year.

Harold Callahan, Dr. Pat Porter, Jim Wyatt, Dr. Delece Gordon, Lonnie Watts, Pam Hurt-student worker, Barbara Hutchinson, Ed Levy, Maurice Thompson, Dan Brietenberg, Remy Lewis, Dr. Dan Butlerchairman

Dr. Butler has written

several published articles about his favorite



Robert Chide displays 'offensive assertiveness' as taught in Tennis class while Maurice studies his Spanish, a must for Law Enforcement officers.

Student Activities The SAC is Westark's own form of student government. It's major purpose is to encourage students to participate in school activities. The SAC sponsors many events that both students and non-students attend throughout the yean From all the major dances to the Miss Westark Pageant to the various stage productions, the SAC is involved right in the middle of them. This year a new event was added to the intramural games also sponsored by the SAC. The first Westark Olympics was a fun-filled occasion that was highlighted by a mud wrestling match! The SAC is also many student's second family. The friendly atmosphere tends to draw the students closer and make them feel more at ease expecially for the new students, by Dusty Smith




I 1

Tonya Snuggs, Ken Pevehouse, and Lori Arnold attend a

Cami Harvei officers. 58

Brian Love, and Jackie Hutchinson


were spring SAC

SAC gave director birthday party.

Stacey Jones a

SAC members are Tonya Snuggs, Tina Ursch, Carol Price, Wendy Carson, Lisa Beat tie, Cami Harvel, Lori Arnold, David Bergstrom. Ken Pevehouse, and Dusty Smith.

Publications In this organization, students are given the opportunity to gain practical journalistic experience and develop their interests in many areas of mass communication. Students produce a bi-weekly newspaper. The Lions Pride, and a yearbook, Numa, The student staff is given academic credit and are eligible for performance scholarships, by Cyndy Prater

Myndy Prater, spring LP editor, getting for deadline.


Back row, Todd Drake, David Wehh, Du$ty Smith David Martin, John Dunn, and Debbie Sherrii. Front row, Cami Marvel, Lisa Beth and Lori Arnold. Under table, Angie Ozelmas and Jay Steel. Jkm Walton i$ the Director Publications.


Front row. Hong F, Kok, Terry Bibbs, John Dunn, and Todd Drake, (again?) row, Nancy Steel, Karen Gordon, Pepper Popa, Hobert Ohide, Cyndy Prater, Yvonne Ligon.



Second and

t i i ^

Nancy Steel was editor the fall semester.

of the newspaper




Members of the 'S3- '84 cheerleader squad are. Joan Franklin, Tasha Wilson, Sherri Rye, Cami Harvel, Carl Foote, Kim Brannon, Libby Brooks, Laura Osborne.

Libby and Joan are thrilled

at hearing they made the squad.

Kim gets a hug as her name gets



Drill Team Members of the drill team for '83-'84 are: Margret Waii<er, Angie McLemore, Allison Anderson, Lisa Condren, La Shawn Talley, Lori Christian, Carta Densmore, Cindy Ro bison, Angela Hen son.

Angela, along with LaShawn and Margret during tryouts.





Soccer We$tank's soccer club had a winning season this yean Some of the colleges they played were College of the Ozarks. Carl Albert. John Brown University of Arkansas, and Ouachita. Although not as popular in the United States, soccer is played world wide Coach Woodley anticipates that in the I990's soccer will become a regular sport activity in the United States, He says soccer demands skill and endurance and teaches discipline. The soccer team has 15 regular members and is open for anyone who wants to play. As Coach' Woodley says. ''Soccer is a catharsis of exuberance," by Angie Ozelmas

Dr. George Woodley is the coach of the soccer team.

Where's the ball Abd?!

Soccer f^l^J^^fribers are, top row. Hong F. Kok, Essam Yousef, Wayei Kakaji, Jazan Kakaji, Phos Woodley, Fong K Kok and Coach Woodley, bottom row, Isam Hamad, Stephane Bertin, Steve Jafi, and Abd Khirfan. 63

French The purpose of the French club is to promote appreciation and understanding of the French culture, to provide practice in using French language in social situations, and to sponsor the showing of French films and video tapes to French classes. The French club meets the first Monday of every month. At the meetings the students converse, play games, watch films, and sing — all in French. They also learn to cook French dinners, and the students take turns cooking for each meeting, by Angie Ozelmas

French club officers are Debbie SherriU, Ann Valenti, President; and Laurie Lewis,

Members of the French club are Ann Valenti, Laurie Lewis, Tara Broussard, Stephone Bertin, Gary Baber, Tracy Sister Carmon Beshoner, Leslie Shields, and Debbie SherriU.


Secretary/Treasurer; Vice-president.


Spanish Club

Spanish Club members are (bottom row) Tim Gunter, Mike Groomen (second row) Nancy Zechiedrich, Angie Davis, Melissa Powers, Kim Meneses, and Shawn Tompkins; (third row) Richard Moreau, Mattie Jo Brewer, Patricia Ames, Bunryo Kao, and John Stapp-, (top) Donald Tibbits.

The Spanish Club works a bake sale in the student union.

Below — A Southside student demonstrates handmade goods from Guatamala to the Spanish Club.

Students are busily their spanish.


The Spanish Club, sponsored by Nancy Zechiedrich, promotes friendship and understanding of the Hispanic culture, heritage, and language. They hold bi-weekly meetings with occasional Spanish guest speakers. At the meetings, everything is conducted in the Spanish language. Annually, they have a River Fest booth, and they also offer a trip to South America, by Angie Ozelmas



Student Nurses Westark offers a nine month program in which students can receive a technical certificate qualifying them as members of an operating room team. Formally called operating room technicians, their primary function is to pass surgical instruments to the surgeon as he operates. The technicians must have a basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. In other words ORVs will know not to pass the gastric surgical instruments to a surgeon operating on bones. They must also be able to apply the principles of aseptic techniques and practice asepsis. For this they study basic microbiology to understand the process, prevention and control for infection.

Debbie Gregory, Linda Komp, and Laurie Smith are three of the nurses that passed the state board exam.

Melody Copeland and Deborah Lamz help an invalid in the nurses


Nurses demonstrate •^ot to dress.

The nurses practice

how to lead blind

how to dress and how

people. 67


Music Guild

Kim Townsend, president, future musical event.

Music Guild members are (sitting) Kim Katz, Janet Morrow, and Denise Alexander; (standing) Chris Moss, Leia Bailey, Gaylon White, Kim Townsend, Michael Banic, and Stephen Mayner.

The Music Guild is the student chapter of the American Choral Directors Association. They hold meetings once a month. They attend different musical events and try to attend a convention of the parent organization each year. This past year the music guild sponsored a group of students to attend a performance of the opera Carmen in Little Rock, by Angie Ozelmas

Members meet about planning a trip.

discusses a

Concert Band This year the concert band, directed by Henry Rinne, performed two concerts. The band is open to all students who have had experience with band instruments. Members of the concert band are Dana Welch, Vanita Means, Leia Bailey, Sondra Jones, Alan Hincle, Chris Moss, Joe Cokely, Michelle Qualheim, Stacy Sangster, Shannon Boyd, Robbie Parker, Alma Garner, Denise White, Lisa Bell, Steve Mayner, Bliss Alexander, and Tom Chatman,


Pep Band

Members of the pep band play at every home game.

Joe Cokely keeps that spirit


Mr. Rinne directs

the band.

The pep band is always there to keep spirit and urge our team to victory. 71

Jazz Band

Jazz band members are Robbie Parker, Joey Crane, Sheryl Duncan, Ed Hoffman, Herb Brock, Andre Sanders, Deron Freeman, Chuck Sumners, Tom Chatman, Alan Hinkle, Chris Moss, Joe Cokely, Cleo Toran, Bliss Alexander, (and lying down), Henry Rinne- director.

The jazz band performs various styles of jazz and pop music. They have concerts on campus in the breedlove building, the student union, and throughout the community. They also perform as the Miss Westark Orchestra each year at the Miss Westark Pageant, by Angie Ozelmas

Alan, Chris, Bliss, and Ed are busily for the next concert.


Bliss, Joe, Herb, and Sheryl concentrate

on their


Wind Ensemble The Wind Ensemble, directed by Henry Rinne, is a performing ensemble that plays standard concert band repertoire. The ensemble is open to any students who has previous band experience. The ensemble has concerts every semester in the Breed love auditorium. They also perform in nursing homes, area schools, the Westark student union, and at graduation, by Angie Ozelmas

t Shannon Boyd and Sondra Jones concentrate on their music at one of their rehearsals.

Members are (bottom row) Dana Welch, Vanita Means, LeIa Bailey, Sondra Jones, and Henry Rinne; (top row) Alan Hinkle, Chris Moss, Joe Cokely, Michelle Qualheim, Stacy Sangster, and Shannon Boyd. Not pictured are Robbie Parker, Alma Garner, Denise White, Lisa Bell, Steve Mayner, Bliss Alexander, and Tom Chapman.



Choir members are (front row) Angie Ozelmas, Angie Davis, Janet Morrow, Kim Katz, Tracey Peer, Debbie Edwards, Leia Bailey, Helen Hurst, Valerie Sumners, and Dawn Dowty; (back row) Shannon Boyd, Andre Sanders, Tim Gunter, Stephen Mayner, Alan Hinkle, Michael Banic, Brian Gary, Chris Moss, Gaylon White, Lonnie Hurst, and Logan Greendirector. Not pictured are Denise Alexander, Stephanie Carr, Bryan Grober, Connie Harrald, and Kim Townsend.

The Westark Choir, directed by Logan Green, presented many concerts throughout the year. The choir had a concert in October, and they performed with the Fort Smith Symphony Orchestra in December, In March, their spring concert featured music sang a capella. In April, they performed Aesop's Fablesf which was set to music and staged. Officers of the choir are Stephanie Carr, president} Kim Townsend, vice-president} and Angie Davis, Secretary/Treasurer, This past year at the October concert, the choir presented Green with a plaque commemorating his twenty years of service, by Angie Ozelmas

The choir practices for their next concert Townsend accompanies.

as Kim

The choir practices May concert.

for the


their newest selection

Vocal Ensemble The vocal ensemble, directed by Logan Green, scheduled many performances this yean They appeared at many different area high schools in assembly programs and for music majors. They also performed in many nursing homes and for banquets and luncheons. In March, they were on KPOM television on the noon show. The ensemble has a variety of entertainment to offer — ranging from serious a capella music to cute and funny skits.

Ensemble members are, (front row) Janet Morrow and Stephanie Carr, sopranos; Dawn Dowty and LeIa Bailey, altos; (second row) Brian Shock and Bryan Grober, tenors; Michael Banic and Gaylon White, basses; Shannon Boyd, accompanist.

Ensemble members act out what feeling the music


Green and Shannon Boyd look on as the ensemble practices.


International Club The purpose of the International club is to provide activities, ideas, and fellowship for international and American students. In the fall semester they had a picnic. They also had a picnic after the International Dinner to celebrate the success of the dinner and also to say goodbye to the students who are either changing colleges or going home to their home country. Oriental cultured people celebrate Chinese New Year to bring luck. So the international club invited Northside Vietnamese students to have a dance here to participate a traditional custom of celebrating Chinese New Year. Many club students help with community activities by helping classes here and in other schools, assisting plays, and interpreting for individuals. By Angie Ozelmas

Northside students came to Westark to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Below — the International Ben Geren Park.

Jane Pry or, Alvaro Meneses, Mohammad Hadi, and Cheng Luan Lee discuss plans for the International Club.

Dr. Kincannon speaks to the International




Club had a picnic


STEP Students Together Effectively Progressing (S, T.E,P.) is responsible for meeting the social and cultural needs of the black community. S.T.E.P. seeks to introduce a variety of programs and events which prove entertaining and educational. Furthermore, this organization seeks to improve interracial relationships.

S.T.E.P. officers are Karen Gordon, Lori Christian, LaShawn Talley, Rodney Reese, and Patsy Roberts.

S. T.E.P. meets upstairs in the union.

S. T.E.P. also sponsored a fashion show this year. S. T.E.P. sponsored an Easter Egg hunt at Lincoln Day Care Center. 77

Phi Theta Kappa - PTK

PTK members are (first row) Judith Wrappe, Linda Wells, Meredith Martin, Margie Thomas, Leroy Swaim, Jimmy Stacy, and Colleen Hutcheson-, (second row) Duane Griffin, Tara Broussard, Anne Bogner, Janice Belcher, Janet Bedford, Lauren Ball, and Christine Stack; (third row) Larry Willhite, Becky Griffin, Janice Dunn, Jane Coon, Barbara Cobb, Angela Southerland, and Tara Young: (fourth row) Patricia Johnson, David Jackson, Paula Hutchinson, Betty Henderson, Becky Hassler, and Rosemary Snodgrass; (fifth row) Paul Longley, Patia Linton, Beth Kinhaid, Jane Kimsey, Julie Jones, and Rachel Smith: (sixth row) Vanessa Owens, Judy Riser, Elaine Robertson, Donald Schwartz, and Ronald Schwartz. Not pictured are Sondra Coffman, Julie Ammons, and Cindy Dodd.

Westark's chapter of PTK, chartered in April 1947, is one of the oldest in the state. It is classed as an honorary group whose main purpose is to recognize scholarship among students. In order to be a member of PTK, one must be enrolled in college with an accumulated 12 hours of work leading to a recognized degree. One must also have a grade point of 3,5 and have established academic excellence. Students join by invitation only, and then there is a $15 membership fee. The fee provides certificates, membership manuals, and quarterly magazines for members. Each year, the Fort Smith Chamber of Commerce honors two year students at a banquet. At commencement, PTK members will be noted on the program, wear a gold cord, and have a honor society seal on their diploma, by Angie Ozelmas

Dr. Home is explaining of PTK at the initiation 78

the purpose and meaning ceremony on March 14.

Phi Beta Lambda-PBL The purpose of PBL is to provide opportunities for post- secondary and college occupations and business teachers education. PBL is an integral part of the instrumental program and in addition promotes a sense of civic and personal responsibility. Some of the goals of PBL are to develop business leadership, practice efficient money management, and create more interest in and understanding of American business. This year PBL's fund raiser was accepting donations for tickets for a drawing} the winner received a frozen turkey and a country cured ham. Last fall the chapter officers went to a leadership conference at Fairfield Bay. In the spring they went to the state leadership conference where they competed in various events, by Angle Ozelmas

Above — Accounting is just one of the many subjects studied by PBL members. Left — Bill Lacewell and Doris Van Home, sponsors; Kim Johnson, secretary; Dorothy Miller, treasurer; Brian Gary, president; and Jonsye Whitson, vice- president. Members are (first row) Cynthia Moore, Jetta Gayken, Kim Johnson, Dorothy Miller, Linda Phillips, Cathy Armstrong, Jackie Hutchinson, and Emma WattS; (second row) Joe Cokely, Mike Evans, Brian Gary, Richard Hecker, and Mike Parsons. Not pictured are Polly Baron, Ann Willmon, Belinda Cook, Mary Beth Hightower, Lois Lentine, Janet Lowery, Cindy Brown, Patricia Johnson, Randy Highnight, Ada Carter, Jane Kimsey, Ann Crow, Kim Moore, Riley Kincey, and Mike Bray.


Baptist Student Center

Brian Gary discusses points that the Baptist Student offers.


Above — A student studies in the at-home atmosphere the Baptist Student Center.

Left — There is always something going on in the Student Center.



The Baptist Student Center, financed by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, is available for all students of any denomination or race. The BSC has luncheons every Wednesday with a special guest speaker. On Friday mornings they have a student-led devotional, and they have Bible Studies on Monday each week. Also, each year they have a movie night for the students to gather and have fellowship, by Angie Ozelmas


Monica Abernathy Judi Adams

Linda Adams Jodie Al-Jafari Julie Allen

Ginger Allen Patricia Ames Julia Amnions

Patrick Anderson Mitch Andrews Hon Kiat Ann

Fred Apperson Abdollrahman Arjoman Lori Arnold

Bubba Ask ins Janet Askins


John Autry Tim Babb

Gary Baber Pam Bader Awadat Bahiat

Kenneth Bailey Victoria Bailey Jerri Baldwin

Ricky Joe Baldwin Sandra Bales Forrest Ball

Lee Barnard Polly Baron Becky Bartlett

Cathy Basinger Karen Bateman


Clifton Rattles Charlie Baugh

Lisa Beat tie Jeff Belcher Jafjies Bell

Lisa Bell Joe Benham Kathy Benham

Kristen Benn Carmen Bennincfield David Bergs from

Terry Bibbs Amy Bird John Blaise

Johnnie Blanl<enship Douglas Bocver


L harlcs BoHins William Boothman

Pepper Bourhn Sheryl Bowl in Villa Bradbury

Mike Bradley Louie Bras hears Marcia Bredernita

Janet Breedhve Matti Jo Brewer Slier i Brew ton

Alan Brigance Beverly Brody Libby Brooks

Jim Brooks Becky Brown


Bill Brown Gene Brown

Irene Brown Marion Brown Tara Broussand

Shannon Brunner Eva Bryant Roactia Burkhart

Becky Bugh Shari Bulling ton Gina Burch

Jeffrey Burgess Terri Burgess Stephanie Carr

Wendy Carson Dusty Carter


Roy Cast mow Teresa Caves

Missy Cavin Jack Chambers Thomas Chat man

Boon Soon Chig Jennifer Chmieles Benita Christian

Allan Camp Ricky Clayton Brenda Cobb

Renee Cochran Rick Coker Sheri Cole

Kelli Collins Pam Cook


Linda Cooper Paula Jean Coote

L iaa Condren Chris Conrad Morganne Cowan

[Gertie Cox Rhonda Cox Danny Crab tree

Earle Craft Joey Craine Alice Crawford

Deanna Cronbaugh Craig Cross Jennifer Cress

Shelly Cumbie Douglas Cusick 90

Philip DanAngela Davis

Shirley Davis Kiiri Dean Keri Didier

Caria Dinsniore Chnstcnc Disftiuke Cindy Dodd

Mike Dot son Dawn Dowty Stephanie Doyie

John Dunn Joseph Duquette Moira Dughey

Mncheai Bottoms Cynthia Brown


L isa Eddings Dana Edwards

Debra Edwards Jody Edwards Kevin Edwards

Micheal Edwards Tammy Eggers Larry Esealant a

Michaelle Etheridge Dee Evans Tracy Evans

Jim Fairbanks Jimmy Fennell Steve Fincher

Bob Fletcher Jackie Floyd


Ouwole Forster Janet Fowler

Patti Francisco Betty Franklin Joan Franklin

Jodie Franks Annette Freeman Charlotte Freeman

Chris Freeman David Freeman Barbara Fudgeon

Adriene Garnar Raymond Garth Brian Gary

Jetta Gayken Amy Gean


Donne Gibson Rone Gibson

Amy Glenn Ginj Shelton Sherry Goins

Cathy Goodwin Michelle Goodwin Karen Gordon

Denise Goss Paula Grady Ann Greek

David Greene Rechenda Greene Missy Grice

Beth Mark 94

Griffin Griffith

Norma Griffith Christina Grogg

Michael Groomer Kristin Gross Alan Guise

Mikle Guise Tim Gunter Mohamed Hadi

Tamniie Hall Isam Hamad Zanara Hamilton

Kelly Hamhn Pat Hammock Linda Hankinson

Tina Hanks Oucntin Hanna 95

Connie Harrald Johnny Harts field

Cami Harvel Monica Harvel Dianna Heathcott

Todd Heatherington Dawn Hecker Richard Hecker

Kenna Hendrix Jeffery Henry Patty Hensley

Melinda Hermani Adam Hicks Linda Hicks

Mary Beth High tower Leah Hilton


Teresa Hint on Rebecca Hobson

Craig Hodges Kim Holland Tracy Hollimon

Terrence Holman Stacey Holtrey Dom Hong

Randy Hooker Kathy Hop Patti Hosier

Theresa Howard Cindy Hulsey Dennis Hulsey

Lee a Hun sucker Fredrick Hunt


Cody Hunter Jackie Hutchinson

Paula Hutchinson Brad Hyman Cami Ingram

Shellie Inman Kelly Ivy David Jackson

Maurice Jackson Karri James Stephen Jarrell

Jeff Jenkins Kimberly Johnson Linda Johnson

Wilda Johnson Lois Jones


Lynn Jones Sondra Jones

Kim Katz Kimberly Kay Cassius Ke!ley brew

Alexander Kennard Kay Kennedy Jack KhiUmg

Abed Khirfan Soubanh Khounsonbath Eva Kimbell

John Kimbell Patrick King Sarah King

Laura Klein Tami Kleiner


Myrna Klemple Shirley Knave

Bryan Knight Tom Knight Hong Fatt Kok

Lester Kok Gary Kuykendall Curtis LaRue

Steve Layes Deena Lee Lois L en tine

Renae Leslie Bobby Lewis Teresa Lewis

Yvonne Ligon Kok Jit Lim


BiUy Little Monica Littlejohn

Paul Longley Carl Lott Brian Love

Dana Luker Christine Lynch Jodi Magnani

Sandra Mandell Brad Maronar John Marsh

Cathy Martin David Martin Meredith Martin

Kathy Chris

Mason Matlock


Lynn Matsler David Maxey

Laurie McAlister Darcie McCall Roger McConnel

Janice McCorniick Greg McCrarey Sean McDouga!

James McElhanee Robert McFarlin Jr. Pepper McGinnis

Todd McGowan Angela McLemore Debbie Meek

Charles Melton Janet Menshek


Mark Merrill Dail Metcaff

Sandi Miller Susan Miller Rebecca Ming

Leslie Mitchell Sami Mohammad Widal Mohammed

Robin Moody Cynthia Moore Lisa Moore

Shawnee Moore Linda Morgan Philip Morgan

Janet Morrow Ann Morse


Mike Moss Ardella Muhtadi

Marvin Murdock Taw fig Musa Brad Myers

James Nauman Renee Neai Julili Nelson

HI. Nevels Nick Nixon Bartin Nogues

Bassem Nuri Robert Chide Laura Osborne

Roger Osborne Angie Ozelmas


Shelley Parker Phil Pay ton

Tracey Peer Dorothy Pegues Pam Pendleton

Vicki Pendleton Margaret Pereez Trina Peters

Eric Peterson Ken Pevehouse Terry Pevehouse

Trvone Hong Phvong Craig Pierce Karen Pogter

Deniece Poole Jerry Poole


Melissa Powers Cyndy Prater

Carol Price Nada Price Renee Primm

Donald Pruitt Beth Pryor Brenda Puck

Vernon Pulliam Patty Purser Michelle Qualhein

Wendy Quick Sarah Raible Joni Rainwater

Debbie Ray Pam Reed


Brent Reeves Ricky Rendell

Wilson Renolds Lawrence Reves Linda Richards

Sara Richison James Richmond Virginia Riddle

Jonna Rider Gaines Roberts Patsy Roberts

Kevin Robinson Cynthia Robison Royce Robison

Larry Rodden Donna Rodgers


L isa Rogers James Ross

Kecia Ross Paula Russell Sherrie Rye

Tony Sagely Charles Sallazar Andre Sanders

Melanie Salter field Tim Scheurer Donald Schwartz

Ronald Schwartz James Scott Sharon Scott

Todd Seaborne Jacqueline Seiter


Mark Seiter Lisa Selph

David Sharum Melanie She!ton John Shiflett

Bruce Shopfner Tim Simard Jamie Simpson

Todd Small Dusty Smith Jeanne Smith

Linda Smith Renee Smith Ron Smith

Tina Smith Tonya Snuggs


Angela Southerland AmJad Spall

Ellen Spicer Brenda Springer Mike Springer

Jim Stacy Kim Stafford Cindy Stateler

Jay Steel Nancy Steel Karen Stephens

Trad Stephens Frank Stevenson Linda Stevenson

Paul Stiegler Rick Stickler


Brenda Stout Annette Strauser

Scott Stubblefield Katherine Sulhvan Valerie Sumners

Sandra Symond Hesham Al Tabbal LaShawn Talley

David Taylor James Taylor Carol Thrift

Leigh Ann Tippit Shawn Tompkins J ana Townsend

Kim Townsend Andrea Treat


David Angie

Tucker Tudor

Terance Turnage William Tuttle Andrew Valenti

Darin Vanourn Drew VanWormer Charles Vaughn

DeAnna Vaughn Kim Vaughn Curt Vinson

Alwina Waldon Dianne Walker Carol Walters

Brenda Wat kins Linda Watkins


Pam Watkms Donna Weaver

Sara Webb Regina Webber Michelle Weisienfels

Caria Wells David Welsh Donna What ley

Charles Wheeler Dee White Buddy White

Denise White Teresa White Norman Whitfield

Jonsye Whitson Janet Wiley


Dr. James Burgess Chairman

Bill Thompson Vice-Chairman


Conaly Bedell Secretary

Sam Sicard Treasurer

Shanon Bridges

Board Of Trustees





Edward (Sandy) Sanders




Joel Stubblefield


A New President . . ... A New Challenge 119

James Underwood

- Finance and


Richard Hudson - Planning and



Dr. Sue Kincannon - Student

Dr. James Shane -



Director Of Staff Development Dr. Gordon


Director Of Evening And Special Programs

Director Of Public Information Sondra La Mar


Student Nurse Ellene Rebsamen

Director Of Student Activities Stacey Jones

Athletic Director Jim




Counselors (Top) Dr. Lee Mynatt - director. Dr. George Woodley, Rick RitscheL (Bottom) Cheryl Peters, Dr. Ron Formby, Jane Pryor.

Admissions 3 Records

(Back) Glenda Hendrix, Kym Koch, Rhonda Perry, Tina Smith. (Front) Betty Nixon, Holly Schluterman, Mary Edmisten. Dennis Cashdirector 123

Financial A id Chandra Rush, Gabe Peters-director, Garrett.

Personnel, EEC Kathleen Lease

Co-Op Ed, Placement Sandy Stocks


Pam Cool< (seated), Lois


Lafe Hutcheson, Ferrari.

Jack Gorham,


Sue Street, Margie Hicks, Max Burns director, Pat Parker, Carolyn Fillipelli

Gary Perry, Betty


Administrative Secretaries Linda Miller, Bobbie Young, Connor Turner, Eva Pryor, Coletta Turner

Duplicating Kelly Ivy


Olvwole Forster, LaNelle Stiles, Mayumi Takada, Gene Stiles, Toni Stiles, Lourdes Garcia.

Cafeteria Campus Shop Bill Sopshire, Kim Stinebaugh, Sexy Sam, Monica Abernathy, Connie Kennedy-manager


Data Processing Richard Hecl<er, Donnie Gideon, L iz Balls, John Collins, Pam Fout, Ray Sparks-director.

Business Office (Back) Debbie Breedlove, Dianne Law, Janet Didier, Shirley Nelms. (Front) Caria Coplin, Genelle Yates -manager, Larry Farrar.

Word Processing

Faye Jones, Irene Stricklin, Brake.


Forst, Ruth Ann Nelson, Katy

Custodians (Top) Tom Tallent - director, Geneva Reese, Anthony Dodson, Hanl< Johnson, Billy Windham, Joe Bagley, Don Ford, Bud McKinney.

Bill McKee-director, Clifford Perkins, Jack Canady, Jeanne Stephens-secretary, Ken Mcintosh, Neat Chamberlain, Curits Stevens, Mike Daniels-Shipping 3 Receiving,



Kneeling: Greenwood, AR Marianna, AR Marianna, AR Bixby, OK Pocola, OK Lavaca, AR West Indies

Joey Walters Marvin Murdoch Carl Lett Kennard Alexander Jimmy Howard Tommy Hobbs Phos Woodley Mike Edwards, Manager Standing: Coach Gayle Kaundart Luthur Oilyard P. J, Steigler Terrance Turnage Maurice Jackson Cassius Kelleybrew Mike Moss Chris Matlock Rodney Reese Charlie Wright Coach Wes Kaundart Not pictured: Mark Pace



fort Smith, AR Greenwood, AR Memphis, TN Beebe, AR Lonoke, AR Fort Smith, AR Fordycet AR Dayton, Ohio Memphis, TN


Little Rock, AR


6T 6*6"

67" 6T/2 6*6" 6*6"

Maurice "Big Mo " Jackson (32) puUs down a rebound during the game against Conners.

Luther Gilyard (42) blocks Carl "Dog" during the annual blue-white game.


Terrance "Tree for Westark.


The Lions learned this year just how much people expect from them. They finished the season at 22 would bring cheers, to m took a 53-36 beating fro.n opening round of the state • Lion faithful just marked thi.^ rebutldng year. "We're one of the few /rtt can go 22-9 and consider ar Coach Wes Kaundart said. c freshman all year, and they wer to win the conference. I think that', what kind of freshman group we bruu^^u , Indeed, the Lions entered the year with sophomores, and only one forward. Chn. had any measurable experience. But Matlock combined with freshmen Terrance Turnage, /vi Jackson, Carl Lott, and Kennard Alexander to fo the starring lineup that fashioned a 9-3 mark in the Bi'State east conference and shared the league crown with Eastern State. "We played pretty sound defense all year/' Kaundan pointed out. ''But at times, we couldn't get the shots to fall on offense. We would look good for five or ten minutes, but then we would hit a cold streak/' by Brad Myers

\y c.ujri. 's Kennard Bacone.



hoots tor two

against 133

Following m the footsteps of the Houston Cougars, the Lions basketball team has formed a new fraternity called the Kappa Jammas, The name of the fraternity came from a suggestion by a freshman center Terrance 'Tree" Turnage, '7 got the idea from practice this summer while we were fastbreaking and playing around/' Turnage said, "we also use it as a power move to the basket," Living up to their name. Kappa Jamma got off to a good start this year as West ark had several blocked shots, and a thrilling slam dunk by Rodney Reese at the buzzer in the opening game against Southern Tech, by Brad Myers

Chris Matf0ck

(44) $et$ a rebounJ

Coach Kmndart gies some advice artd Terrance Turnage,



to Mauncc


The Lions were edged out in several close games, dropping a heart- breaking six games by six points or less. When you take those games and put them in the win column, a more experienced team could have gone 28-3, 'We lost several dose games that Westark fans have been accustomed to winning in the past," Kaundart pointed out. ''But this is the first time that weve had to start this many inexperienced players. A freshman doesnt have the consistency of a sophomore, and we made some mistakes at the ends of some games that cost us." One of the reasons for the high loss total was the schedule. The Lions played one of the toughest in the nation, including five teams that were ranked in the top 20 at some point in the year. "We always play a good schedule, but this year was even tougher," Kaundart pointed out. "This year was a good year for our conference; we probably had more good teams in it than ever before. And when you added in schools like Seminole, Walker College, and Crowder, it makes it tough." by Brad Myers


Marvin Tapa Smurf" Murdock get ready hr a rebound.

(10) and Murray

"Big Mo"


Cassius "Slim" Kelleyhrew pass to a teammate.

Looking for two points

(34) hof(s

is Maurice


"Big Mo"



"Sfr Ri?ir"^ee<e

/SO) wjfls

for j p^ss from

Connors gets in a shot off fiennard A le xander.


West ark's




Turnage (52) and


Terrance "Tree" against NEO.


(52) jumps to shoot

Going after a rebound is Car! Lott




(10) shoots for two


1983-84 Westark Lady Lions # 25 12 20 31 22 23 15 10 24

NAME Diane Walker Sarah Raible Tonya Clements Sanara Bogan Karen Stephans Pam Watkins Jalynn Miller Rhoda Bailey Tanya Sharum

HOMETOWN Mena, AR, Charleston, AR, Hot Springs, AR, Marianna, AR, Van Buren, AR, Mountainburg, AR, Muldrow, OK. Greenwood, AR, Sallisaw, OK,




That's about the only way to describe the 1984 season for the Lady Lions. The women roundballers had never had a winning season, but Coach Jo Bottoms led this year's squad to an impressive 17-O record and defeated the No. I team in the nation. Tm really proud of the effort that our girls put out this year/' Bottoms said. "This was one of the hardest working groups Vve ever had. When it came time for a game, they were totally serious and they gave it their all all of the time." The one-two duo of Sandra Bogan and Sarah Raible were two big reasons for Westark's success. Bogan, a 5'S" freshman from Marianna. and Raible. a 57" sophomore from Charlestom. finished first and second in the Bi-State east conference scoring charts, averaging over 40 points per game between them. But Bogan and Raible didn't do it alone. Freshman Pam Watkins and sophomore Karen Stephens were there to provide valuable defense and rebounding, and freshman Tonya Clements provided a stabilizing factor from her point guard slot, freshman Jalynn Miller played well after becoming eligible at the semester break, and Tanya Wilson, Diane Walker and Rhoda Bailey supplied depth to the squad. The Lady Lions served notice of their abilities right off the bat when they won their first three games by lopsided margins. It was the best start ever for a Bottoms team, and it was merely a hint of things to come. "I was surprised at how well we came out and played early in the season,'' Bottoms pointed out. ''We jumped out and played extremely well in our first three games. As a matter of fact, we didn't really top those performances until late in the season."

Diane Wa/ker (25) try$ to get the bait as her opponent falls.

138 Sarah Raible (12) waits tor a rebound-

Karen Stephans (22) waits for a pass team-mate Sandra Bogan (31).


NEC player trys for the ball against Sarah Raible.

Sarah Raible (12), Tonya Clements (20) and Tanya Sharum (24) guard NEC,

Tonya Clements (20) looks for a team-mate

to throw the ball. 139

Sandra Bogan (31) reaches to get the ball.

Karen Stephans (22) shoots over Carl Albert's


On Feb. /A the Lady Lions topped any performance ever put together by the Wes tarl< women. Bottoms' squad came into the game with a 13-11 record. Connors State stepped into the Westarl< Fieldhouse with a 24-0 record and the nation's No. I ranl<ing. But the Lady Lions tool< an early lead and hit a school record 23 of 25 free throw attempts to hold on for a stunning 70-60 victory. "The Connors game was a nice reward for the girls," Bottoms reflected. "We realized that we were limited in some areas, but we tried to overcome our deficiencies by hard work. The girls played hard for 40 minutes that night." The win saved the Lady Lions some momentum and they went on to win five of their last six regular season games. But a heartbreaking 79-66 loss to Phillips County in the opening round of the state tournament brought the season to an abrupt end. "I was real disappointed for the girls after the state tournament," Bottoms said. "It was a shame to see them lose after they had played so well for the past month. Going into the tournament I really thought we had a chance to win." by Brad Myers

Sonya Brown

Kathy Hop 142





1983-84 Basketball Homecoming Court

Homecoming court and their escorts are Laura Osborne with Skip Ray, Stephanie Griffith and Eric Peterson, Joan Franklin with Kevin Cole, Sonya Brown with Barry Youngblood, and Kathy Hop with Alien Frey.

Joan Franklin gets congratulated by Charlie Wright after Homecoming game against Connors.


Freshmen Joan Franklin was crowned the 1984 Homecoming during the coronation ceremony held Saturday, Feb. II.




Charlie Baugh Bobby Lewis, and Grant Rhoades; ' Coach Ron Richard.


Ron was surrounded shot.

by the JOOO plus crowd

- ' -•

^ cry


die crowd as well as he concentrated

on his

Lee, along with NBC Sports announcer Charlie Jones (a Fort Smith native) questions during a press



Trevino Lee Trevino vi$i hole exhibition on v for the benefit of tl.^of Lee's playing compan llljjillllfliH of the golf team),

l i i i i M

Trevino birdied 17 and 18 to finish even par 72 tying Richard, Packard shot 77,

Lee entertained the crowd as well as instructing them during his clinic.

Lee blasts from the sand on 6. 145

Baseball When ft rains, it pours. And it poured on the Lions baseball team in 1984. The Lions had 28 games cancelled or postponed by wet grounds, more than enough to annoy coach Bill Crowder. Tve fiever seen it rain this much before," Crowder said. 1 thought that it was cold and bad last year, but this year tops everything. It seemed like it would be nice for two or three days, but every time we were scheduled to play it would rain." The Lions had trouble in closing in for the kill in many instances, managing to sweep only three doubleheaders. But it was a late season tailspin that accounted for the 19-29 record, the first losing season in Crowder's 19 years at the helm. 'When it cleared up at the end of the season we had to squeeze in a lot of games in a short period of time and we just got tired," Crowder said. ''When you get in a situation like that you have to have eight or nine good pitchers, and not many junior colleges have that many." But the weather also played a major factor. "There's no question that all the rainouts affected us," he said. It threw off our hitters because it was so wet that they couldn't even take batting practice. Then it

threw off our pitching because it was too wet to throw. We tried to work out as much as possible, but there's only so much you can do indoors." The Lions were at the .500 mark when a road trip into Kansas produced a split with Labette College and a sweep of Fort Scott to run Westark's record to 15-14. But the Lions hit the skids from there, dropping 15 of their last 19 games and II of their last 12. think we should be in good shape for next year," Crowder pointed out. *'We lost a few games because we tried to play a lot of people, which I think is important. We let a few kids get in there and build up some experience that will help us out a lot in the future." Westark had several top performers, including shortstop John Marsh and catcher Skip Ray. Marsh ted the Lion hitters, while Ray impressed several major league scouts with his outstanding defensive play. The squad also feature the one-two pitching punch of Ranee Bighorse and Rob Gee to go along with the power hitting of Doug Soever, who cracked eight home runs, including five in a nine-game stretch. "We produced a few kids who will be able to go on to four-year schools and play," Crowder said. "That's one of our goals every year. If we can bring a kid in here and help him continue his education and improve on his baseball skills, we feel like we*ve done our job." by Brad Myers



Ranee Bighorse shows us his pitching southpaw side.

Greg Davis displays his hitting


form, it was a foul ball.

form, from


Brad Mar one y loosens up between session.

Will O'Neah John Marsh, and third base.

and Doug Boever


of a fall

catch a runner


in a rundown



Todd Williams listens to Coach Crowder giving him some tips on playing second base.


Randy Ward digs for second base on what turned out to be a stand up double* Will O'Neal lays down a sacrifice


Will O'Neal reacts to a ground ball hit him at first base.

toward Will can go after the low ones, too.


Members of Atomic Dogs were.- Scott Barton, Todd Williams, Dave Jennings, Jim Barnard. Randy Ward, Russ Cbiiders, and Greg Multha.

Volleyball champs were: Charlie Wright, Carl Lott. Maurice Kennard Alexander, Mark Pace, and Terrance Turnage.


Jackson, Marvin


Cindy Culpepper once again led the female category in average white 3's Company mugs for the camera - David Meeks, Robin Bryan, and David Bergstrom.

The intramural $eason featured competition in flag football, bowling, basketbalL and volleyball. Flag football opened the IM season with only three teams, Stars, Mustangs, and Cougars, Stars boasted an undefeated season. The players were: Joey ^endoza, Johnny Spence, Eric Peterson, Scotty Denne, Shannon Rhea, James Taylor, and Tom Wing* Star frame pushed all the other IM bowling teams into the gutter as they came out in the lead in the fall, 3's Company and Gutter Strutters were the only teams that showed a chance of catching Star Frame, Spring semester found 3's Company leading at the end. Basketball crown was up in the air until the playoffs between Atomic Dogs and 76ers. Atomic Dogs trotted off with the crown with a 3-1 record. Other teams who participated were: Maniacs, Hawkeyes, and Skoal Bros, Eight members of the Lions basketball team won the volleyball crown in a round robin tournament held the week before spring break. Three other teams Cougars, Bears and Syrians also participated. Bears were runners-up.

Hassam A b da Hah 38 Monica Abernathy 84, 127 Nina Abernathy 47 Judi Adams 84 Linda Adams 84 Admissons And Records 123 Bliss Alexander 70, 72. 73 Denise Alexander 69 Kennard Alexander 132, 133, 135, 152 Jodie Al-Jafari 84 Julie Allen 84 Ginger Allen 84 Randy Allen 19, 148 Betsy Altman 53 Patricia Ames 65, 84 Julia Ammons 84 Allison Anderson 61 Patrick Anderson 84 Mitch Andrews 84 Hon Kiat Ann 84 Fred Apperson 84 Abdollrahman Arjoman 84 Kathy Armstrong 79 Lori Arnold 16, 30, 59, 84 Heather Askew 20, 21 Bubba Askins 84 l^ni^t AcLinc >?4


John Autry 85 Tom Atter 16 Angela Avial 39

B Tim Babb 85 Ba Bara 36, 37, 38

Liz Balls 128 Mike Banic Baptist Student Center 81 Jim Barnard 152 Lee Barnard 85 Polly Baron 79, 85 Barbara Bartlett 53 R^rky Bartlett 85 ^ Barton 152 y Basinger 85 1 Bateman 85 m Battles 86

The Baugh 144 Beattie 31, 86 aly Bedell 116 cis Be4$ 43 t Bedford 78 j Janice Belcher 78 Jeff Belcher 86 James Bell 86 Lisa Bell 5, 59, 70, 86 Stephane Bert in 36, 37, 63, 64 Joe Benham 86 ^mm^^^ /Tar/?/ Benham 86 Kristen Benn 86 ^ Carmen Benninefield 86 % David Bergstrom 30, 81, 86, 153 Carmen Beshoner 53, 64 Terry Bibbs 59, 86 Ranee Bighorse 148 I Ralph Bilyeu 147 I Amy Bird 86 I John Blake 86 J Tom Blake 9 ) Johnnie Blankenship 86 Board Of Trustees 116, 117 Douglas Boever 86 Sandra Bogan 137, 140 Anne Bogner 78 Charles Bollins 86 William Boothman 87

Cindy Boyd 43 Shannon Boyd 70. 73, 74, 75 Villa Bradbury 87 Mike Bradley 87 Carolyn Branch 5/ Kim Brannon 60 Lovie Bra shears 87 Mike Bray 79 Marcia Bredernita 87 Debbie Breedlove 128 Janet Breedlove 87 Mattie Jo Brewer 65, 87 SDeri Brewton 87 Shanon Bridges 116 Dan Brietenberg 57 Alan Brigance 87 Herb Brock 72 Beverly Brody 86 Libby Brooks 60, 87 Jim Brooks 87 Bill Brown 84 Cindy Brown 79, 91 Gene Brown 88 Irene Brown 88 Marion Brown 88 Sonya Brown 142, 143 Tara Broussard 64, 78, 88 Shannon Bruaner 88 Robin Bryan 153 Eva Bryant 88 Tom Buchanan 55 Becky Bugh 88 Shari Bullington 88

Gina Burch 88 Jeffrey Burgess 88 Dn James Burgess 116 Terri Burgess 88 Doris Burns 53 Max Burns 125 Business Division 42, 43 Business Office 128 Dan Butler 57 Ken Butler 49

C Cafeteria 127 Stan Cagle 49 Harold Callahan 57 Harold Cameron 47 Kathleen Cameron 53, 62 Allan Camp 89 Campus Shop 127 Jack Canady 129 Brenda Cant well 43 Mary Carr 45 Stephanie Carr 14. 15. 88 Ada Carter 79 Dusty Carter 88 Leah Carter 20 Wendy Carson 19. 88 Dennis Cash 123 Brad Cason 19 Roy Castillow 89 Teresa Caves 89 Missy Cavin 89

Jerry Center 49 Neal Chamberlain 129 Jack Chambers 89 Susan Chaney 51 Joyce Chapman 166, 167 Tom Chatman 70, 72. 73, 89 Cheerleaders 60 Boon Soon Chig 89 Russ Childers 152 Jennifer Chmieles 89 Benita Christian 89 Lori Christian 61, 77. 89 Choir 74 Dennis Clark 144 Larry Clark 117 Tom Clark 55 Ricky Clayton 89 Mithch Clegg 19 Tonya Clements 137. 139 Barbara Cobb 78, 89 Christy Cobb 55 Renee Cochran 89 Doyle Coe 55 Kevin Cole 143 Rick Cole 89 Sherri Cole 89 John Collins 42, 43, 128 Kelli Collins 89 Belinda Coke 79 Joe Cokely 70, 71, 72, 73, 79 Community Service 44, 45 Lisa Condren 12. 61. 90 Chris Conrad 90


lliilll^^ Pam Cook 89, IJ4 Jane Coon 78 Linda Cooper 90 Mike Cooper 47 Co-op Education 80 Paula Jean Coote 90 Mary Copeland 49 Melody Copeland 67 Caria Coplin 128 Counselors 123 Mark Covey 16 Morganne Cowart 90 Bertie Cox 90 Rhonda Cox 90 Danny Crabtree 90 Earle Craft 90 David Craig 43 Joey Craine 72, 90 Alice Crawford 90 Deanna Cronbaugh 90 Craig Cross 90 Jennifer Cress 90 Ann Crow 79, 90 Bill Crowder 34 Shelly Cumbie 90 Cindy Culpepper 153 Lee Cummings 49 Douglas Cusick 90 Custodians 129

D Van Dang 39


Mike Daniels 129

Angela D^^^, % 74, Jeremiah Davts 19 Greg Davis 148 Shirley Davis 91 T,P, Davis 5 Kim Dean 91 Death of a Salesman 18, 19 John Deaton 55 Scotty Denne 153 Developmental Education Division 46, 47 Packard Dewitt 144 Janet Didier 128 Keri Didier 91 CarIa Dinsmore 61, 91 Calline Dipboye 51 Christene Dismuke 91 Cindy Dodd 91 Anthony Dodson 129 Mike Dotson 91 Nancy Dover 53 Dawn Dowty 75, 91 Stephanie Doyle 91 Todd Drake 59 Kathy Drap 45 Drillteam 61 Sheryl Duncan 72 John Dunn 19, 59, 91 Duplicating 126

Joseph Duquette 91

E Gil Eagles 7 Mohammed Ebhounum 16 Lisa Eddings 92 Mary Edmisten 123 Dana Edwards 92 Debra Edwards 92 Kevin Edwards 92 Micheal Edwards 92, 132 Martha Efurd 47 Tammy Eggers 92 Larry Esealanta 92 Michaelle Etheridge 92 Dee Evans 92 Mike Evans 79, 92 Tracy Evans 92

Jim Fairbanks 92 Larry Earrar 128 Greer Farris 53 Jimmy Eennell 92 Mary Ferrari 125 Sunny Fike 55 Carolyn Fillipelli 125 Financial Aid 124 Steve Fincher 92 Fireman Save My Child 21 Ronald Flanagan 19

Bob Fletcher 92 Jackie Floyd 92 Carl Foote 60 Don Ford 129 Dn Ron Formby 123 Ouwole Forster 36, 93, 12 Odene Forsythe 123 Pam Fout 128 Janet Fowler 93 Larry Fox 49 Patti Francisco 93 Betty Franklin 93 Joan Franklin 60, 93. 143 Jodie Franks 93 Annette Freeman 93 Charlotte Freeman 93 Chris Freeman 93 David Freeman 93 French Club 64 Allen Frey 143 John Frost 19 Barbara Fudgeon 93 Cofetta Furner 126

a Jorge Garcia 39 Lourdes Garcia 127 Cy Gardner 20 Adriene Garnar 93 Aema Garnar 70 Raymond Garth 93 Lois Garrett 124

Brian Gary 79, 81, 93 Jetta Gayken 79, 93 Amy Gean 93 Donne Gibson 94 Rone Gibson 94 Donnie Gideon 128 Luther Gilyard 132, 133 Amy Glenn 94 Sherry Goins 94 Golf 144, 145 Cathy Goodwin 94 Dr. Delece Gordon 57 Karen Gordon 77, 94 Jack Gorham 34. 125. 167 Denise Goss 94 Graduation 34,35 Paula Grady 94 Ann Greek 94 Logan Green 62, 74, 75 David Greene 94 Rechenda Greene 94 Debbie Gregory 67 Missy Grice 27. 33. 94 Beth Griffin 94 Becky Griffin 78 Duane Griffin 78 Mark Griffith 94 Norma Griffith 95 Stephanie Griffith 142. 143 Bryan (prober 75 Christina Grogg 95 Michael Groomer 95 Kristin Gross 95

Ana Marie Guerrero 37 Alan Guise 95 Mikle Guise 95 Tim Gunter 74, 95

H Merle Haggard 32 Tammie Hall 95 Muhannad Hadi 36. 37, 76, 176 Isam Hamad 37. 63, 95 Zanara Hamilton 95 Kelly Manlin 95 Mary Hammack 51 Pat Hammack 53, 95 Linda Hamilton 95 Tina Hanks 95 Quentin Hanna 95 Wendy Hardgrave 20, 74 Bonnie Harmon 49 Connie Harrald 96 Johnny Hartsfield 96 Cami Harvel 26, 60, 96, 166. 167. 175 Monica Harvel 96 Becky Hassler 78 Health Occupations Divisions 50. 51 Dianna Heathcott 96 Todd Heatherington 96 Dawn Hecker 96 Richard Hecker 79. 96. 128 Betty Henderson 78. 96


Glenda Hendrix fJ3 Kenna Hendrix 96 Bruce Henna 174 Jeffery Henry 96 Patty Hensley 96 Angela Henson 61 Melinda Hermani 8, 19, 20, 21, 96 Adam Hicks 96 Linda Hicks 96 Margie Hicks 125 Harold Hile 16, 121 Alan Hinkle 70, 72, 73 Gale High tower 51 Mary Beth Hightower 96 Mike Hightower 55 Leah Hilton 96 Teresa Hin ton 97 Rebecca Hob son 97 Tommy Hobbs 132 Lanier Hocott 20 Craig Hodges 97 Bill Holder 55 Kim Holland 97 Tracy Hollimon 64, 97 Hollo ween Dance 26, 27 Terrence Holman 97 Stacey Hoitrey 97 Homecoming 142-143 Dom Hong 97 Randy Hooker 97 Frederick Hop 49 Kathy Hop 97, 142, 143 Dn Carol Home 55


Patti Hosier 97 Jim Houston 54, 55 Jimmy Howard 132 Pete Howard 19, 53 Teresa Howard 97 Joanna Hudson 47 ^ Richard Hudson 120 Cindy Hulsey 97 Dennis Hulsey 97 Humanities Division 52, 53 Leca Hunsucker 97 Frederick Hunt 97 Coay Hunter 98 Connie Hutchenson 78 Barbara Hutchenson 57 Lafe Hutcheson 125 Jackie Hutchinson 78 Paula Hutchinson 78, 98 Helen Hurst 74 Lonnie Hurst 74 Chris Hurt 16 Pam Hurt 57 Brad Hyman 98

I Shellie Inman 98 International Club 76 International Dinner 36-39 Intramurals 152-153 Charles Irish 55 Kelly Ivy 98, 126

J David Jackson 47, 78 | Maurice Jackson 98, 132, 133, 134 135, 152 Steve Jafi 63 Karri James 98 Stephen Jarrell 33, 98 Jeff Jenkins 98 Dave Jennings 152 Hank Johnson 129 Kelly Johnson 26 Kimberly Johnson 79, 98 Linda Johnson 98 Patricia Johnson 78, 79 Wilda Johnson 98 Charlie Jones 145 Lois Jones 98 Lynn Jones 99 Judy Jones 51 Julie Jones 78 Sondra Jones 70, 73, 99 Stacy Jones 28, 29, 78, 122

K Yazen Kakaaji 36, 63 Wail Kakaaji 36, 63 Kathleen Kannett 51 Bunryo Kao 65 Kim Katz 69, 99 Kimberly Kay 99 Gayle Kaundart 62, 132 Wes Kaundart 132

Kathleen Keck 53 Cassius Kelleybrew 99. 132, 135 Alexander Kenna 99 Connie Kennedy 127 Kay Kennedy 99 Abd Khirfan 37. 63. 99 Soubanh Khounsonbath 99 Brad Kidder. Sr, 19 Brad Kidder. Jr, 19 Jane Kimsey 78 Riley Kincey 79 Betty King 126 Patrick King 99 Sarah King 99 Dr, Sue Kincannon 76. 120 Winnie Kinsey 47 Gabriela Kinslow 39. 99 Laura Klein 99 Tami Kleiner 99 Myrna Klemple 100 Betty Klusmeier 19 Shirley Knave 100 Bryon Knight 100 Tom Knight 100 Kym Koch 123 Hong F, Kok 6. 59. 63. 100. 167 Lester Kok 100 Linda Komp 67 Gary Kuykendall 100

L LRC 125

Bill Lacewell 43. 79 Lady Lion Basketball 136-141 Sondra Lamar 121 Deborah Lamz 67 Curtis LaRue 100 Dianne Law 128 Layes 100 leary37.53 1 Lease 124 Janet Ledford 45 Cheng Luan Lee 76 Deena Lee 100 Don Lee 53 Jerry Lee 51 Paul Leggett 43 Lois Lentine 19. 100 Reae Leslie 100 Ed Levy 57 Bobby Lewis 100. 143 June Lewis 51 Laurie Lewis 64 Remy Lewis 57 Teresa Lewis 100 Nolan Lickey 43 Life with Mother Superior 20 Yvonne Ligon 59. 100 Kok Jit Lim 100 Patia Linton 78 ^^Wn Baseball 146-151 Lion Basketball 132-135 Billy Little 101 Monica Littlejohn 81. 101 Susan Leiewellyn 45. 117

Lyman Long 50. 51 Paul Longley 101 Carl Lott 101. 132. 152 Steve Lovier 43 Brian Love 101 Joy Lowe 53 Janet Lowery 79 Dana Luker 101 Christine Lynch 101

M Maintenance 129 Jodi Magrani 101 Sandra Mandell 101 Skip Maniwald 144 Brad Maronar 101. 149 John Marsh 101 Cathy Martin 101 David Martin 59. 101. 167 Meredith Martin 78. 101 Ousama El Masri 38 Kathy Mason 101 Chris Matlock 101. 132. 134 Lynn Matsler 102 David Maxey 102 Stephen Mayner 69. 70. 73. 74. 102 Laurie McAlister 102 Verne McCabe 16 Darcie McCall 102 Roger McConnell 102 Janice McCormick 102 Greg McCraney 102


Nikki McDaniel 20 Sean McDouga! 102 James McElhanee 102 Robert McFarlin, Jr, 102 Tammy McGee 167 Pepper McGinnis 20, 33, 59, 102 Mac McGinnis 20, 26 Todd McGonian 102 Suzanne McGraw 5/ Ken Mcintosh 129 Bill McKee 129 Bud McKinney 6/, 129 Angela McLemore 102 Tim McNeil 49 Vanita Means 70, 73 Debbie Meek 102 David Meeks 10, 55, 153 Joey Mendoza 153 Alvaro Meneces 153 Kim Meneses 65 Charles Melton 102 Janet Menshek 102 Mark Merrill 103 Dail Metcalf 103 Dorothy Miller 79 Johnny Miller 137 Linda Miller 126 Susan Miller 103 Rebecca Ming 103 Miss Westark 22, 23, 24, 25 Leslie Mitchell 103 Sami Mohammad 103 Widal Mohammad 103

Robin Moody 103 Cynthia Moody 103^ Lisa Moore 103 Shawnee Moore 103 Richard Moreau 65 Linda Morga 103 Philip Morgan 103 Janet Morrow 69, 74, 75, 103 Ann Morse 103 Sister Columba Mosely 55 Chriss Moss 69, 70, 72 Mike Moss 104, 132 Ardella Muhtadi 42, 104 Marvin Murdock 104, 132, 152 Greg Murtha 152 Taw fig Musa 104 Music Guild 69 Dn Lee Mynatt 123 Brad Myers 104, 167

N Natural Science Division 54, 55 James Nauman 104 Renee Neal 104 Shirley Nelms I2S Julili Nelson 104 HI, Nevels 104 Janet Newell 16 Margaret Newell 47 Betty Nixon 123 Nick Nixon 104 Bart in Nogues 104

Numa Staff 166, 167 Bassem Nuri 104

Robert Ohide 30, 31, 33, 57, 59, 166, 167 Odd Couple, The 16, 17 Olympics 33 William O'Neal 149, 150 . Operator 127 Roger Osborne 104 Vaness Owens 7S Angle Ozelmas 74, 104, 166, 167

Mark Pace 152 Cheryl Pacheco 55 Pat Parker 125 Robbie Parker 125 T G, Parker 144 Diana Payne 43 Phi Pay ton 105 Tracey Peer 74, 105 Dorothy Pegues 105 Pam Pendleton 105 Vicki Pendleton 105 Margaret Pereez 105 Clifford Perkins 129 Gary Perry 126 Rhonda Perry 123 Personnel 124

Cheryl Peters ft US Gabe Peters 124 Trina Peters 105 Eric Peterson 19, 105, 153 Ken Pevehouse 16, 19, 105 Sandi Pevehouse 16 Terry Pevehouse 105 Phi Beta Lambda 78 Phi Theta Kappa 79 Trvone Hong Phvong 105 Craig Pierce 105 Pauline Plummer 16 Karen Pogter 105 Deniece Poole 105 Jerry Poole 105 Daria Poret 51 Dn Pat Porter 57 Melissa Powers 106 idy Prater 59, 106, 166, 167 John Preas 53 ^President 118 Cheryl Prewitt 68 Renee Primm 106 Nita Prock 47 Donald Pruiit 106 Beth Pryor 106 Eva Pryor 126 Leigh Pryor 20 Jane Pryor 76, 123 Public Information 121 Brenda-Puck 106 Veron Pulliam 106 Purchasing 126

Patty Purser 106

a Michelle Qualheim 70, 106 Wendy Quick 8, 19, 20, 21, 106

Sarah Raible 106, 137, 138, 139 Steve Ralls 16 Sonia Ramirez 27 Joni Rainwater 106 Dorothy Rappeport 56 Debbie Ray 106 Skip Ray 143 Pam Reed 19, 106 Ellene Rebsamen 122 Geneva Reese 129 Rodney Reese 77, 132, 135 BrentÂŁeeves 107 Max me Reeves 127 Ricky Rendell 107 Beth Revelle 19 Grant Rhoades 144 Ron Richard 43, 144 Linda Richards 107 Renee Richardson 27 Sara Richison 107 James Richmond 107 Virginia Riddle 107 Jonna Rider 107 Henry Rinne 53, 71, 72, 73, 174

Judy Riser 78 Rick Ritschel 123 Gaines Roberts 107 Patsy Roberts 77, 107 Vonita Roberts 45 Elaine Robertson 78 Homer Robertson 50, 61, 107 Kevin Robison 107 Royce Robison 107 Larry Rodden 107 Donna Roddy 107 Donna Rodgers 53, 167 Winnie Roe 16 Gil Rogers 20, 21 Lisa Rogers 108 James Ross 108 Kecia Ross 108 Chandra Rush 124 Paula Russell 108 Sherri Rye 60, 108

Tony Sagely 108, 147 Charles Sallazar 108 John Samuels 49 Andre Sanders 72, 108 Edward (Sandy) Sanders 117 Sandi Sanders 45 Stacy Sangster 70, 73 Melanie Satterfield 108 Tim Scheurer 108 HoHy Schluterman 123

Donald Schwartz 78, 108 Ronald Schwartz 78, 108 James Scott 108 Sharon Scott 108 Todd Seabarne 108 Tripper Sears 52, \66, 167 Season Of Entertainment 28, 29 Jacqueline Seiter 108 Mark Seiter 108 Secretaries 126 Lisa Selph 108 Chrystal Settle 45 Sexy Sam 127 Scott Shadd 8, 19, 21 Dr, James Shane 120 David Sharum 109 Roger Sharum 20 Tanya Sharum 137, 139 Leslie Shields 64 Debbie Sherrill 59, 64, 109, 167 John Shiflett 109 Brian Shock 75 Bruce Shopfner 109 Sam Sicard 116 Tim Simard 109 Jamie Simpson 109 Todd Small 109 Diana Smith (6 Dusty Smith 33, 109, 174 Smith 67 elia Smith 51 Rachel Smith 16, 78 Renee Smith 109

Curtis Stevens 129 Ron Smith 109 Frank Stevenson 110 Terry Smith 47 Linda Stevenson 110 Tina Smith 109, 123 JPaul Stiegler HO, 132 Rosemary Snodgrass 78 ck Stickler 110 Jim Snow 16 Sleile Stiles 127 Tonya Snuggs 6, 30, 31, 34,'109, 176 Gene Stiles 127 Monica Snyder 73 Toni Stiles 127 Soccer Club 63 Kim Stinebaugh 127 Social and Behavioral Sciences Sandy Stocks 124 Division 56, 57 Brenda Stout III Bill Sopshire 127 Tammy Stout III Angela Southerland 78, 119 Annette Strauser III Am Jad Spall 110 Sue Street 125 Spanish Club 65 Joel Stubblefield 118, 119 Ray Sparks 43, 128 Scott Stubblefield III Lucille Speakman 117 Student Activities 58 Johnny Spence 153 Student Activities Director 122 Ellen Spicer 110 Student Nurse 122 Brenda Springer 110 Student Publications 59 Mike Springer 110 Katherine Sullivan III Jim Stacy 78, 110 Valerie Sumners 74, III Christine Stack 78 Sandra Symond III Staff Development 121 Kim Stafford HO John Stapp 65 Cindy Stateler 110 T Doug Statham 49 Khoi Ta 33 Jay Steel 59, 110 Hesham Al Tabbal III Nancy Steel 59, 110 Mayumi Takada 127 Step 77 Tom Tallent 129 LaShawn Talley 61, 77, HI Karen Stephens 110, 137, 139, 140 Don Tannehill 34, 53 Jeanne Stephens 129 David Taylor HI Trad Stephens 110

DeAnna Vaughn 112 James Taylor III, 153 Vice-President 120 Katherine Taylor 43 Mark Vickery 156 Nancy Taylor 52 Curt Vinson 19, 112 Technology Division 48, 49 Jeff Vire 19 Carol Thrift III Kim Vaughn 112 Sheally Thrift 19, 20 Margie Thomas 78 Bill Thompson US W Maurice Thompson 44, 57 Alwina Waldon 112 Leigh Ann Tippitt III Dianne Walker 112, 137, 138 Patti Tollitson 51 Margaret Walker 61 Shawn Tompkins 65, III Carol Walters 112 J ana Town send III Joey Walters 132 Kim Town send 69, III Tom Walton 53, 166, 167 Andrea Treat III Gerald Ware 144 Lee Trev mo 145 Randy Ward 150, 152 David Tucker 112 CJ, Washington 19 Angie Turdor 112 Eric Washington 19 Terance Turnage 112, 132, 133, 135, Brenda Watkins 112 152 Linda Watkins 112 Grady Turner 27 Pam Watkins 112, 137 William Tuttle 112 Emma Watts 43 Dn Gordon Watts 121 U Lonnie Watts 57 James Underwood 120 Donna Weaver 113 United Way Raft Race 30, 31 Sara Webb 113 Regina Webber 113 Nanie Weber 20, 21 Katie Weber 20 Ann Valenti 64 Larry Weigand 55 Doris Van Home 43 Dana Welch 70, 113 Darin Vanourn 112 Caria Wells 113 Drew Van Wormer 112 Gene Wells 53 Charles Vaughn 112

Linda Wells 78 David Welsh 8, 16, 19, 113, H4 Donna Whatley 113 Charles Wheeler 113 Denise White 70, 73, 113 Gaylon White 69, 74 Teresa White 113 Norman Whitfield 113 Jonsye Whitson 113 Janet Wiley 113 Larry Willhite 78 Todd Williams 149, 152 Billy Windham 129 Sharon Winn 43 Steve Wilson 19 Tasha Wilson 60 George Woodley 63, 123 Phos Woodley 37, 63, 132 Word Processing 128 Judith Wrappe 78 Charlie Wright 132, 143, 152 Jim Wyatt 122 Y Genelle Yates 128 Amy Young 16 Bobby Young 126 David Young 53 Barry Young blood 27, 143 Isao Shing Youchi 38 Essamy Yousef 63, 53 Z Nancy Zechiedrich

Robert, Cami, Angie, Joyce, Cyndy, Tripper with Tom in back taking the picture.




Scrapbook Well, this is the end of our scrapbook. It's time for those last minute pictures that students hurriedly paste in their scrapbook. Some of the soccer students would want to keep this picture of their coach learning all about soccer. A few others might want to keep record of how much money they paid back to the library for tax purposes. And others still might want to remember the book store as it was at the beginning of the semester when all the students

A student pays an overdue book fine at the library.

Dr. Woodley decides to learn all about soccer since he is going to be coach.

were rushing to buy used books so they wouldn't have to buy expensive new ones, or the book store at the end of the semester when students were rushing back to sell their books back to the book store only to find out they wouldn't buy most of them back because there would be a new book in the fall. Yes, those frustrating days at the end of the semester — how we love them all.

Have you ever seen the book through a through a mirror?



Alchohol Awareness Day brought forth



was performed





DoublePage Memories



Everyone is watching Mac McGinn is. Gil Eagles hypnotized him to believe he's the Road Runner.


Work in progress as students prepare for "Annie Get Your Gun.' SAC members keep a watchful eye out at the Homecoming dance.

The cafeteria offers different food items to please students.

The Westark Church of Christ parking lot was used by WCC students.


Scrapbook Webster's New World Dictionary defines ''scrapbook as a book in which to mount clippings, pictures, etc. Westark defines ''scrapbook'' as a series of people, places, events, special moments, and memories of life at a community college. Many students collect all kinds of things for their scrapbook. Some students may want to remember how they dressed in college. Other students may want to remember the diasters that happened during the year. Wendy, Linda, and Tonya are only a few that show this fashion footwear.

Westark's baseball field fence was blown down in April by very high winds.

Hoppy knows he has a good hand.

Left-Henry Rinne plays the electric piano.

Right-Dusty Smith shows us the latest punk fashion.

Still others would want to remember those fun times in the union where they forgot all about those tests to study for or those term papers that were due the next day. And others would want to remember their instructors as they were out of the classroom. We put together this scrapbook to help you remember your days at Westark in 1984, 174


Dr. Ron Formby reveals information about his tree in the student union.

"Annie Get Your Gun" stars pose with Joe! Stubblefield and Cami HarveL

Students play in the sunshine.


The Vine's Building is the center point for most business students.

Fine art students occupy the Breedlove building frequently.

Whether you are a full-time or part-time student, the Fullerton Union is a common meeting place.

Students at WCC have many fond memories of the last calender year because of the various activities going on, '7 have to pick the SAC for the scrapbook because they did so much great sutff/' Tonya Snuggs said, 'The international dinner; I was the master of ceremony/' Mohamed Hadi, a student from Jordan, said.



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