UAFS Spring 2023 Commencement Program

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Commencement The One Hundred-and-Eighth

Spring 2023

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)

The One Hundred-and-Eighth Commencement

Saturday, May 13, 2023

College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences - 10 a.m. College of Arts and Sciences - 1 p.m.

College of Business and Industry - 4 p.m. The Stubblefield Center Fort Smith, Arkansas 1

Chancellor’s Message Graduates and Guests, On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the University of Arkansas System, the Board of Visitors, and our faculty, administration, and staff, I extend our sincerest congratulations to our graduates and their families and friends on this day of celebration. Earning a degree not only puts our graduates in the minority of Arkansas residents, research shows that obtaining a college degree increases lifetime earnings potential, ensures a better quality of life, and provides social mobility for the graduates and their families for generations to come. Although graduates may have completed important milestones in their lives, their educational journeys are far from over. Whether it’s learning a new skill to transition to a different job, learning from mentors and role models in life, or pursuing advanced degrees, our graduates will continue to gain knowledge throughout life that will benefit them as individuals and will create stronger communities. Days like today are joyful reminders of why we come to work each and every day: to educate students who create better lives through college educations. We thank you for giving the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith the privilege of being your university of choice for formal education and look forward to seeing today’s graduates added to a long list of Lion success stories.

Terisa C. Riley, Ph.D.

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) Chancellor ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Mensaje de la Rectora Alumnos por graduarse e invitados, A nombre de la Junta Directiva del sistema de la Universidad de Arkansas, de la Junta de Inspectores y de nuestro profesorado, administradores y empleados, extiendo nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones a nuestros alumnos hoy a graduarse y a sus familias y amigos en este día de gran celebración. Obtener un título universitario no sólo establece a nuestros titulados en una minoría selecta dentro de los residentes de Arkansas, sino también, como estudios al respecto han demostrado, aumenta su potencial de ganancias monetarias por vida, garantiza una mejor calidad de ésta, y proporciona movilidad social: para los que se gradúan y para sus familias en generaciones por venir. Aunque los titulados hayan ya alcanzado una meta importante, su recorrido educacional no ha terminado. Ya sea aprendiendo una nueva habilidad para cambiar a un nuevo empleo, aprendiendo de sus mentores y modelos, o completando títulos más avanzados, nuestros titulados continuarán a lo largo de sus vidas acumulando conocimientos que los beneficiarán como individuos y que crearán comunidades más sólidas. Días como hoy son recordatorios felices del por qué aquí asistimos al trabajo cada día: para educar a estudiantes que van a crear mejores vidas a través de títulos universitarios. Agradecemos a ustedes el que hayan otorgado a la Universidad de Arkansas - Fort Smith el privilegio de ser la universidad escogida para su educación formal y esperamos ver a los que hoy se gradúan en la larga lista de éxitos acumulados por nuestros Leones.

Dra. Terisa C. Riley

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) Rectora ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) Un agradecimiento especial a la Dra.Program Mary Sobhani y la Dra. Rosario Nolasco-Schulteiss por la traducción del mensaje de la rectora. H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors graduate (bronze medallion) A special thanks to Dr. Mary Sobhani and Dr. Rosario Nolasco-Schulteiss the translation of the chancellor’s message. s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, whitefor tassel)


University of Arkansas System Administration Donald R. Bobbitt, Ph.D. President

University of Arkansas System Board of Trustees

Morril Harriman, Chair Tommy Boyer Steve Cox

Kevin Crass Ted Dickey Kelly Eichler Edward Fryar

Sheffield Nelson Nathaniel Todd Jeremy Wilson

University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Administration and Academic Deans Terisa C. Riley, Ph.D. - Chancellor Shadow Robinson, Ph.D. - Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Lee Krehbiel, Ph.D. - Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Blake Rickman, M.S. - Vice Chancellor for University Advancement and Executive Director of the UAFS Foundation Carey Tucker, M.S. - Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Paul Hankins, Ph.D. - Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Dean Cantú, Ph.D. - Dean of the College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences Latisha Settlage, Ph.D. - Dean of the College of Business and Industry

University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Board of Visitors

Jerry Glidewell, Chair Michael Barr Gary Campbell

James Cox Sandra Johnson Eileen Kradel 4

George McGill Rodney Shepard Cathy Williams

College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences Graduate Processional

Madison Dickerson, M.S.W., Marshal for the College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences

Call to Order

Janet Renwick, Ph.D., Chair of the Faculty Senate


Shadow Robinson, Ph.D., Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

National Anthem

University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Wind Ensemble - Alexandra Zacharella, D.M.A., Conductor Adonis Wilson, Music Education Student, Soloist


Shadow Robinson, Ph.D.

Commencement Address

Susie Marks, M.S., Executive Director, Arkansas Nurses Association

Conferral of Degrees

Terisa Riley, Ph.D., Chancellor

Graduate Recognition

Dean Cantú, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences Master’s Degrees Bachelor’s Degrees Associate Degrees Certificates

Alma Mater

University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Wind Ensemble - Alexandra Zacharella, D.M.A., Conductor Adonis Wilson, Music Education Student, Soloist


Janet Renwick, Ph.D.


College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Processional

Kevin Lewelling, Ph.D., Marshal for the College of Arts and Sciences

Call to Order

Janet Renwick, Ph.D., Chair of the Faculty Senate


Shadow Robinson, Ph.D., Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

National Anthem

University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Wind Ensemble - Alexandra Zacharella, D.M.A., Conductor Adonis Wilson, Music Education Student, Soloist


Shadow Robinson, Ph.D.

Commencement Address

Benny Gooden, Ed.D., Executive Director of Institutional Relations, Arkansas Colleges of Health Education

Conferral of Degrees

Terisa Riley, Ph.D., Chancellor

Graduate Recognition

Paul Hankins, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Bachelor’s Degrees Associate Degrees

Conferral of Engineering Degrees from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Kevin Hall, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Academics, College of Engineering

Alma Mater

University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Wind Ensemble - Alexandra Zacharella, D.M.A., Conductor Judith Rylee Norton, Biology Graduate, Soloist


Janet Renwick, Ph.D.


College of Business and Industry Graduate Processional

Ahmad Rahal, Ph.D., Marshal for the College of Business and Industry

Call to Order

Janet Renwick, Ph.D., Chair of the Faculty Senate


Shadow Robinson, Ph.D., Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

National Anthem

University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Wind Ensemble - Alexandra Zacharella, D.M.A., Conductor Adonis Wilson, Music Education Student, Soloist


Shadow Robinson, Ph.D.

Commencement Address

Brandon McFadden, Ph.D., Professor/Tyson Endowed Chair in Food Policy Economics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Conferral of Degrees

Terisa Riley, Ph.D., Chancellor

Graduate Recognition

Latisha Settlage, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Business and Industry Bachelor’s Degrees Associate Degrees Certificates

Alma Mater

University of Arkansas - Fort Smith Wind Ensemble - Alexandra Zacharella, D.M.A., Conductor Adonis Wilson, Music Education Student, Soloist


Janet Renwick, Ph.D.


Commencement Speakers College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences Susie Marks, M.S. Susie Marks has served as executive director of the Arkansas Nurses Association since 2019. She works daily to advocate for the nursing profession in the state of Arkansas and with sister organizations from around the country. Susie is a native Arkansan and has worked in the nonprofit community in central Arkansas for 30 years. She has more than 25 years of experience in community, economic, and workforce development along with 20 years of experience working with boards and commissions. She also has more than 15 years of experience as a board/ volunteer training facilitator providing organizational leadership to staff and nonprofit volunteers. Her many years of experience have given her a deep appreciation of the work nonprofits do to make the community a better place. Susie’s academic background includes a Master of Sport Science in sports management/ marketing from the United States Sports Academy in Daphne, Alabama, and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Susie has been active in outreach in her church for 19 years, currently serving the past eight years as volunteer athletic director managing sports programs for youth ages 3-18. Prior to becoming athletic director and still today, she serves as a volunteer coach for basketball and softball.


Commencement Speakers College of Arts and Sciences Benny L. Gooden, Ed.D. Dr. Benny Gooden retired as superintendent of schools in Fort Smith, Arkansas, in 2016 after holding this position since 1986. His active service in public education spans fifty years with 41 as a local school superintendent. Prior to coming to Fort Smith, Dr. Gooden held superintendent positions in Boonville and Crawford County, Missouri. He has also served as an assistant superintendent, high school principal, assistant principal, and secondary vocal and instrumental music instructor. Since his retirement from the superintendency, Dr. Gooden has been associated with the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education in Fort Smith where he currently serves as senior executive assistant to the provost. Dr. Gooden’s academic training includes a Bachelor of Arts from Harding University, a Master of Education from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and a Doctor of Education from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has taught at the graduate level for Arkansas Tech University, the University of Central Arkansas, and Southeast Missouri State University in addition to teaching for the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, for more than 25 years. He was named Arkansas Superintendent of the Year in 1992, recipient of the Dr. Dan Pilkington Award by the Arkansas School Boards Association in 2000, and the Phoebe Apperson Hearst Award by the National PTA in 1999. He was presented the Citation of Merit by the University of Missouri College of Education Alumni Association in 2010, the Outstanding Education Alumnus award by Harding University in 1990, and the Distinguished Alumnus Award by Clinton High School in 1991. He received the Distinguished Service Award by the American Association of School Administrators in 2014, the same year he was named Administrator of the Year by the Arkansas School Band and Orchestra Association and was presented the Arkansas Teachers for National Board Certification Advocate in Education Award. He received the Educational Excellence Award from AdvancED in 2015. Dr. Gooden is married to Martha, and they have three children and seven grandchildren.


Commencement Speakers College of Business and Industry Brandon R. McFadden, Ph.D. Dr. Brandon R. McFadden is a professor and the Tyson Chair in Food Policy Economics in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Before his current position, he held faculty positions in the Department of Applied Economics and Statistics at the University of Delaware from 2018 to 2022 and the Food and Resource Economics Department at the University of Florida from 2014 to 2018. Dr. McFadden is a Fort Smith native and a College of Business and Industry graduate. He completed the Bachelor of Science in marketing at the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith in 2009, a Master of Science in agricultural economics at the University of Arkansas in 2009, and a Doctor of Philosophy in agricultural economics with a minor in statistics at Oklahoma State University in 2014. His research uses experimental economic methods to study consumer behavior and behavioral economic concepts to understand decision-making. He has published more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is currently working on funded projects totaling more than $11 million.


Spring 2023 Graduates

College of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts

Arthur Arbaugh

● Sabrina Louise As’ous

Caston Baimbridge Benjamin Baker Lilli’anne Marie Bates Camron Dru Brady Matthew Steven Bridges Andrew James Christiansen Matthew C Anderson Elizabeth Michelle Counts Logan Cox Johnny Anthony Cruz ■ Joy Rachelle Danbom Seth M Dungan Summer Breeze Eaton Emma Isabell Espino ■ Kaylee Lorynn Grider ◆ Christopher Lane Jester Charles Dewayne Jett Shemar D Johnson Michael Steven Meidell Lee ● Brieana Rose McAfee Daryl Lamar McElrath ■ Sean Christopher Moore ◆ Hayden Harris Nance Kim Phan Hala Jaylee Riley ● Samantha Shae Roberts Jillian Jolie Mia Rose ◆ Chance Jackson Sanders Jason Samuel Savitt Sydney Jean Seegers Noah Shankle ■ Benjamin T Sherer Manesha Antoinette Vann Megan Sonnenmoser ■ Katelyn Danielle Sosebee Justin Lee Stafford ◆ Erica Marie Verkamp Lydia E Victoriano

Andrew Riley Henry Randall Mattox Jr Shaylyn Roberts Brandi Shelton Alex Shipley

Bachelor of Music Education ■ Ethan Williams

Bachelor of Science

● Muhammad Abdulrahim ◆ Jeffrey Charles Abernathy

D’erra Adrow Logan Daniel Aguilera Lydia Ashley ■ Arleen Maria Atanacio Fregoso Hayden Douglas Bagley Riley Beneux Cherokee Rain Blanchard Micah Elizabeth Brasher Cole Ray Brown ◆ Quin Broyles Kourtny Bullock ■ Alex Burns ● Laurissa Campbell Andy T Chokbengboun Sophia Cline ◆ Bethany Colley Michael Hewett Coonce Colby Elizabeth Creech James R Crotty Adrian Cuevas-Herrera Jacob Dawson ■ H Michael Scott Allen Dunham Michael David Shawn Edgar Andrew Edmonds Abraham Estrada Bobbi Jean Evans ● Sara Fatherree-Duke ◆H Ethan Reece Fielding ■ Nicholas C Ford Yolonza D’Anna Ford Dillon Foster Ashley J Galdamez Weston Graham

Bachelor of General Studies Kyle Cha Karna L Clay Aneesia Rasheed Harris

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Spring 2023 Graduates (continued)

Kiersten Renae Green Shreetika Gyanwali Rebecca A Smith Daniel Caleb Harris Madison Leighann Guenther ◆ Gunner Heft Kelhan Morgan Howell ◆ Cassaundra Huggins Jennifer Ibarra-Reyes Haylea Ann Jacobs Kayla Jenkins Brennan Keith Johnston Haliel Juarez ■ H Payton Renee Karr ◆ Katrina Abigail Khamsomphou Dilfer Kongphouthakhoun ◆ Ryan Thanh Lam Caleb Lawley Johnne Le Camille A Lear Claudia Marisol Macall Jacob A McLain Ethan Mathew Moore Maria Ines Morales Matthew Rhodes Neal Zane A Neal ● Tran Nguyen Madison Norkeo Judith Rylee Norton Rachel O’Brien Cesar Perez Eibi Perez Israel Perez Keisha Deann Postoak Johnny Lee Pruitt III Melanie Ramirez Levi Reid Rachel A Riser Ashley Dawn Robbins Riley Roper Kelsey Erin Schacherbauer Natalie Bryanne Scherrey ◆ Hailey Schmitt ◆ Kaleb Shaffer Victor Andrew Shores ■ Addison Lane Skelton ● Madison Slusser ◆ H Hannah Maurine Masingale

Jeremiah Smith ◆ Geneva E Steinauer Palamy Thepouthay ◆ Stephanie Tinsley Kyler Tracy Lauren Renee Trampp Jonathan Cory Turco ◆ Hien Vo ◆ Baylee Ranae Wallace Foy Watford ● Avreigh Noelle Watson Micah Faith Weaver Cladie Belle White ● Abby Claire Wilson Souvanhny Tina Xayasane ■ Andrew Timothy Mclain Yarbrough Katelyn Rebecca Yother ■ H Matti Youngblood ■ Sarah Danielle Zluticky

Associate of Arts

Natalie Alcocer Orduno Terra Allen Alexsandar Amor Krislyn Alexis Andrews Ricky Albert Anglin Arianna Elizabeth Arriola Ilse A Arroyo Kaysha Danae Hopewell s Kelsie Dawn Baker Junelle Balagtas Humberto Barrera-Leon Jaylin E Barroso Corey Bass Darlene Betancourth Britney Jean Bibb Violet Blurton s Lilly Norma Jean Brasuell Ariana L Bray Kayla J Brundidge s Angel Shannon Burkhart Brianna Calvillo s Alexa Guadalupe Cano Jennifer Suheidy Carrera Llewlyn Jim Cason II s Coryn Chaffin Katy Marie Chavez Tanner Luke Christie

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Spring 2023 Graduates (continued) s Tyler Clunn

Reece Grayson Lovell s Sophia Ellen Mammarelli s Yazareth Manjarrez Stephanie Mata Layton Ryan McClure s Maddux Nicole McDonald Shyann Michelle McDowell Sheilah Elezebeth McKesson s Sophia McLain Fatima McNeal Kenia Mendez Vivar Willow M Mendez Rosa E Mendieta Kyler Chase Mendiola Mark Allen Miller s Haylee Grace Moore Paula Najera-Diaz Samuel Nash s Le Nguyen s Thy Ngoc Ha Tay Nguyen s Nelly Briana Ortiz Sarah Lynn Patton Ke’Sean Payne Kassy Dawn Pense s Yesica Marlene Perez Christine Thao Pham s Adysen Blayke Phelps Vince Phetchareun Justice Livia Phillips Catherine Geneva Polk s Peyton Powell Nerissa Lynn Recinos s Katie J Redhage Bryan Phillip Rhamy Amanda Rice Jade Madison Ulmer s William A Romero Jasmine Asusena Rosa s Maria Guadalupe Salas Katelyn Nicole Wright Salmeron Ricardo Angel Sanabria s Darby Sawney Mira Schmidt Sara Sewell Elizabeth Ann Simpson Kari Sosa s Raquel Rayne Spencer Kendall Spinas

Samantha Kate Cobos s Jillian Cochran Andrew Collier Jennifer Michelle Copeland Destiny Marie Davis s Braylin Dawson Zayne Dean Taylor Paige Doss Jenna Kate Drake Kristen R Driscoll Richard Lane Dyer s Jessica Sara Edwards s Caitlin Elliott Katherine May File Emma Gann Karen Garduza s Megan Elyse Gillham Elise Godfrey Kobe Blake Godwin Madison Gould s Bryce Tanner Green Hunter W Greenfield Antonio James Haynes Siera D Henderson Joanna Hernandez Gabriella Denis Hernandez Donato Briana Daley Hice s Polly Khuyen Hoang Lily Kay Hobbs s Logan Holland s Amaica Whitley Howard s Jacquelyn Kelley Howard s Reanna Huntington s Ryan Don Bennet Jacobs s Hunter Jeffcoat Sela Johnston Brianna Randolph - Jones Kiara Kesterson Alisha Khan Christanie Nakole King Molly Grace Kelley s Alyssa Kroth Kim Ngoc Thien Le s Parker Elizabeth Lemley s Rylee Lewis Samantha Lewis s Kandi Lynn Lloyd

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Spring 2023 Graduates (continued) Debbie Nohemi Temal s Lisa T Thai Mariah Joy Thomas Samantha Faye Thompson Ellie Tiffee Myanh Thi Tran Lynne Tynon Elias Eustacio Underwood-Zavalza Tatiana Donyea Utsey Gini Vandalak Cassandra Danielle Vang Rudy Alexander Vasquez s Natalie Odeth Verdin Laney Wagner Mary-Kate Wewers s Seth Whatley Katelyn White Garrett Landon Whitlock MiKayla Williams Morgan Williams William Troi Winters s Shayla N Woolsey

Jordan Paige Geoates Samuel Giles s Dominic Isaiah Giusti Daniel Trent Graham Geoffrey M Graham s Laynee Graham s Ethan Gregory Mackenzi Kina Griffin Oscar Alexander Gutierrez Cody Silas Harris Erin Elizabeth Joanna Harris Houston Corey Haught Marissa J Haynes Michael Trevor Helmer Callie Grace Helms Hailey Nicole Henderson Paige Henson Shelbi Lynn Higgins Jessi E Hill James Tyler Holmes Hannah Le Huynh Dillon Isham Andrew Christopher Chuckwuyem Iyamah William Jacobsen Amanda Michelle Jones Isabella Nicole Jones Tory Ryan Knight Adrianne Kuykendall Kiersten Dawn Larucci Jasmine Leon Huerta Marvin J Locke Telissa Logan Joseph Mahan Gerardo A Mancia O’Hara McAllister Mackenzie McBride Tiffany D McGrew Emma Jean McKinney Grace Elise McPherson Joanna Paola Melendez s Austin Bryant Miller Isabella Mora s Sarah Mckenzie Moss Paw Thu Mwe Thu M Nguyen Haruka Okutsu s Jessica Michelle Ozuna s Kimberly Amber Palomar

Associate of General Studies

Evan Anderson s Samantha Bri’Anna Baughman Coady Edmund Bowen Joseph Garland Boyd Oliviannea Kaylee Boyd s Krystal Boylan Jamie Michelle Brown Madison Lynn Brown Caroline Marie Burgess Kristian Moore Colby Wayne Clunn s Austin O’Bryan Coon Michael Logan Coulter Cassie Nicole Covey Millie Crites Brian G Delgado Elmer Delgado Makayla Diaz s Karen Arely Donahue Robert C Ellis s Zoe Evans Jordan Foster Madisen Gaona Alexis Garcia

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Spring 2023 Graduates (continued)

Associate of Science

Suzanna Payne Alexandra Peters Kaitlin Marie Peterson Angelina Phimmasone Mckenzie J Piper Cesia Pirir Equite s Dezra Bailey Pitchford Matthew Campbell Poplin s Shelby Potter Breanna Nicole Rice Dylan Clynch Rollins William Hoss Sawyer s Jennie Claire Schley Jasper Spiotto Nathan Andrew Stapleton Gabriella-Noel Nozomi Stokes Esther Suarez s Courtney Ashton Swilling s Sandra D Torkelson Eko Tuel Brenden Ulrich Aimee Thao Vu Kristin Wagoner Hannah Lynn Watkins Octavia J Williams Christopher Glenn Williamson Allison Fay Willsey Deonna Woodard s Cole Wright

Cameron Brisson Macksimus N Burke Alexander L Earls s Caden Cody Fuller Colton J Gordon s Hart Hickman s Dylan C Jetton s Bryzen Tyler Kimes Cody Ray Merrell Austin L Plotts s Elijah Rich s Dylan Ridenour Issair Rodriguez-Herrera Asa Smith Jake C Stockburger

College of Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering

Alec Haven Broomfield Thuan Phuc Ho Tory Daniel Sutton

Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering

Cameron B Adams Ghaleb David Al-Aidi, with highest distinction Kasey Allen Baker Allison A Green Hunter Nicholas Hobbs Justin Rongey

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Spring 2023 Graduates (continued)

College of Business and Industry Bachelor of Applied Science

Jacob Thomas Bryant Lawhon Phommadeth Timothy Lekdavanh Kenneth Allen Martin Jose Alberto Martinez ■ Matthew McKnight Veronica Medina Caroline Marie Mikel Rashid Minhas Dara Therese Rafanan Miranda Carson Drew Nash Ben Neidecker Cinthia D Olvera Rebecca Kate Reed Nicolás Retamales Balbontín Carson Rhine ◆ Evan Parker Ridenhour Jesse Ruiz ■ Kendall Marie Sandoval Jamie Beth Schuster Noah Sexton Kevin Sheppard ■ Kaitlyn Ann Simmons ◆ Michael Harrison Strout Rebecca M Symonds Ilse Crystal Tilley Nathan Ulmer Esther Abigail Victoriano Kenneth Michael Walker Adison Marie Williams John Zachary Woolbright ◆ Jamie Marie Wroten

Jackson Lee Gregory Preston Michael Morrison

Bachelor of Business Administration

Jaquelin Arista Zachary R Ayotte Sheetal Bastola Rijal Gregory Bearden Jessie Bickerton Yessica Billalba ◆ Tania J Bonilla Rivera Keaton Mark Boyd Syed Jabran Bukhari Jeffery Burgen Matthew Burk Kassie Cagle ■ Jillian Faith Chaney Wyatt Bishop Church Mikaila LeeAnn Meeks ◆ Maria Briseyda Cruz-Chavez Petra Csizmadia Kyle Curtis Karen Icxel Delafuente ◆ Azzia Mary Melody Denham Natalie Renee Durant David Chukwugozirim Ekezie Joshua Uriel Estrada Alexis Paige Freeman-Carver Luiz Felipe Ferreira Lima Joshua M Geoates William Logan Grant James Cade Green Bryant Head Brandon Heitz Trevor Ty Hess Ryan Lee Hockenberry Jacob Randall Howell Brayden Johnson Cheyenne Jasire Johnson Megan Beth Johnson Connor Johnson Trevor Johnson Tyler Shea Jones Marvelyn Kartika Heron Fisher Kautsch

Bachelor of Science

Vincent T Allard Rebecca Anne Ameis Matthew Alan Appleyard Sebastian Glenn Barber Anna Barron Morgan Kade Brewer Jamikel Brooks ■ Alyssa Burns Jazmine L Carpenter Yolanda (Martin) Cartwright Elizabeth Stacey Castro Haylee Dawn Caviness Bryan Thonethap Chanthakhot

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Spring 2023 Graduates (continued) Felicia Chindasack ■ Felicity Grace Choate Stacey Cooper Samantha Lynne Covey Haley Nicole Crutcher Nicholson Leiloni A Culley Colton Davis Christi Mishelle Davis Griffin Thomas Ellenwood Noah Engel Adrienne A Fields Jason Michael Finley Max Stephen Frazier Clyfton Ferral Hearn ● Cordelia Hook Freida Ann Houpt Shawn P Howard April Elizabeth Hunt Elisabeth Grace Jones Gregory Allen Kittle Stacey Curtis Marie Linden-Cox Dustin A Lopez Alainnah Marie Martinez Tony Wyatt Matlock Jody L Mayfield Ashley Raye Menard Courtney Murrell Jr ● Rosie Hong Nguyen Delana Laverne Noahubi ◆ Randy Joe North Aaron Patrick Pasquinzo Diana Paola Ramirez Ashli Jordan Rowe Richard Schafer Sr Charles Daniel Shue III Amber Nichole Smith Matia Stewart Stephanie Vilayphon Vannaraj Terrell Edward Washington Andrew Tyler Winfrey Abigail T Wofford ◆ Kaitlyn Woodham

Zachary Arthur Childress Seth C Collins Matthew Allen Dolan Jacob M Freeman Christian Millard Fillmore Gothard s Tanner Harmon s Kaela R Hartman Cayden Hearn Caden Jerry Guy Horton Devon G Hunt s Abigail R King Christopher Lee Limon Jr s Chance Jordan Lister David Lott s Emmanuel Rosas Martinez Joshua Moore Dalton S Ortiz s Felipe Ortiz s Dylan Marin Pena Luis Pirir Luis Angel Romero Avery Slates Sonlly Nhiatou Vang Seth Williams Saleem W Yasin

Technical Certificate

Associate of Applied Science

Mary Aldridge Michael Arellano s Emily Anne Barnes Frederick M Canady Jr

Caleb Burton Samuel Gray Byars Angel Casarreal Zachary Arthur Childress Brandon Cole Garrett Couthren Noah Davis Matthew Allen Dolan Jacob M Freeman Christian Millard Fillmore Gothard Tanner Harmon Dylan L Heron Abigail R King Arturo Latin Jose Maciel William Maguire Emmanuel Rosas Martinez Dylan Marin Pena Nathan Phung Jacob Robertson Avery Slates Emma Smith

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Spring 2023 Graduates (continued)

College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences Master of Education Tiffany M Bush Josie Lynn Scott

Loren Daylé Icenhower ◆ Melissa Kea ● Cambrie Jo Keel Kylie Keeter ◆ Sarah Davina Lee ■ Jacob M. Martin Bailee Allen Mattox Zelly Ray-Lee Molina Licari Amy N Morrison ◆ Christopher M Owens Melissa Perez Nancy Pruitt ◆ Kaylee Nicole Purifoy Malorie Hampton Emilee Rogers Haley Marie Vinson Brinkley Schlinker Kylie Elizabeth Scott ◆ Carissa Danae Shull Rachel E Smith ◆ Lillian Taylor Hailey Nicole Thomas Jaquline Tyara Thomas ◆ Kasidey Thompson ◆ Cindy Torres-Dodson ■ Tena Tran ◆ Chasity Vargo ◆ Jon Kevin Villeda Alissa Jordan Wagner Cameron Walker Taylor Walker Brianna Walls Rylea Shay Weaver Haley Wiedel Amber Marie Williams Courtney Young

Master of Science

Stephanie Ann Boese Kia R Bursey-Walker Lydia MaKumba Harris McKensey E Ingram Anna Marie Nelson Heather Danielle Pahl Kyly Megan Plumlee Jaime Vargas Reggie Arnell Walker

Bachelor of Arts

● Hannah Jean Boyett America Cruz ◆ Letzy Falcon Bella Freeman Rebecca Gail Rose Gonzalez Jocelyn Vanessa Henriquez ◆ H Elizabeth Hutcherson Katherine Elizabeth Lockhart ◆ Emily Matlock ◆ Madison Nicole Mizell Hayden Nash Zoie A Parker Jaden C Petree ◆ H Grace R Walker

Bachelor of Science

Merissa Denille Buchanan ■ Izabelle Bullington Kelsea Joanne Caldwell Shelby Ann Carballo Hazen Shaed Cates ● Ashley Cuellar ◆ Shelby Lynn Dahlem ● Emma Noelle Friery ■ Chelsea KaLyn Gonzagowski ◆ Kenzie Paige Gonzales ◆ Tiffany Gregory Hannah Lynn Holland ■ Laney Lizabeth Houghton Hannah M Hull

Bachelor of Science in Nursing ◆ Violet Angeline Adams

Courtney Barbry Sara Cathryn Bender Brittnie Deann Brassfield Kymberly Dawn Christiansen Amber Nicole Coffee Katelynn June Dutton

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Spring 2023 Graduates (continued)

Krystal Estes Stephanie Fangang Kemayou Sarah Rae Fell Jaleigh Foster Alyxandra Diane Gilbreth Katherine C Griffin Madison Anne Hancock Bailey C Hoffsommer ■ Robert Howard Jr Madison Grayce Huggins Adora Kiatoukaysy Julia Knox ● Barbara Mendez Sierra Moseley Jessica Ruth-Marie Parette Stefany Paola Rivera Dakotah Sanders ◆ Sarah Elizabeth Shuler Krista Singleton Shantal Sh’lea Smith Sherri Lynn Smith Emily Smithson Alyssa Danielle Stockburger ● Megan Thompson Dan Nhat Duy Tran Jennifer Vicencio Saidee Lynn Wieser ◆ Hunter Willsey

Ciera Braxton Still ◆ Alesha Minh Thach Sierre Elizabeth Louise Thompson Irene Torres ● Ashlee Nicole Turner ◆ Amber Michelle Walker ◆ Faith M Walker Amber N Williams Brandon Joe Wilson Cori Holten Wylie

Associate of Applied Science

Pony Amonsin Cheyenne Murphy Anderson Brian Foju Ategwa Mary Grace Balch Judith Renee Becker Emily Claire Blythe Kera Nicole Boster Marisela Calderon Hannah Jubilee Cervantes Jaycie Lynne Curry Kyli Breann Davidson s Lana Brynn Edwards Luis Esparza Bethany Carol Flores Julianna Gallagher Kelsey Renee Harris Natalie Belle Inness s Sherilyn Mckenzie Kendrick s Sarah Mary Lee s Bayleigh Marie Lipham Sierra Renee Christian Luman Eric Marcos Cynthia Denise Martin s Natalie Rosas Martinez Curtis Blaine McFarland Peace McLeod Michelle Denise Mendoza Carlee Ally Briann Partin Cassie Pixley Kaylie Lane Raggio Ricardo Romero Susan Caroline Romero Gabriela Sandoval Jaci Danielle Six Madison B Smith Christina Lyn Strunks

Bachelor of Social Work

Hayleigh Elizabeth Anderson Dana Jeanette Andreassen Kimberly Sue Andrews ◆ Sara Elizabeth Benton Ashley Dawn Beyerle Jennifer Lyn Black Jordan Taylor Brown Laura Hernandez Madison Dowdy Kylie Paige Eveld ● Anya Elizabeth Harris ● Sadie Simone Haury Jenny M Hunt Jazmine Akira Jackson Hali Marie Newman ● Katelin Nichole Shackelford ◆ Samantha Dawn Smiley Madison Paige Smith

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Spring 2023 Graduates (continued) Judith Vilma Vasquez Rachel Beth Wiginton

Technical Certificate

Marisela Calderon Kristie Cheyne Wendy Mechelle Cirkles Kaitlyn Jane Cobbler Bethany Carol Flores

Julianna Gallagher Kylie Grantham Cordelia Hook Cynthia Denise Martin Sarah Jane Michael Kyndalle Nikole Reed Christina Lyn Strunks Amanda Jo Turner

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Summer 2023 Graduates

College of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Arts

Associate of General Studies

Presley Dade Kindrix Maranda Lee Leeper Mark Allen Miller Kathleen E Newman Mary Kathryn Richey Hunter Michelle Vinson

Bachelor of General Studies Abby N Cagle Parker Tilman Hargrove Cassandra Danielle Vang

Bachelor of Music Education

Kinsey Elizabeth Barnett Travis Keith Cox Lydia Elizabeth Harrison Victor A. Martines Nathan Alexander Maull Tara Kierstin McKinney Emma R Ogilvie Lauren M Strang Lexie Lynn Tankersley Dylan Tucker Kyle Alexander Vandenberg Phillip Wayne Wheeler

Associate of Science

Aanika Reilly Destiny Paige Riddle

Checotah J Benton Jesse Davies Jacob W Dawson s Noah L Dieter s Benjamin J Elliott s Nathan Matthew Gibson Caden M Gray Gavin A Moore s Jay Shah Colton Silvey Rachel St Onge

Bachelor of Science

Natalie Alcocer-Orduno Sofia Victoria Delpozo Austin Evans Brandon Robert Lee Evans Dianna D. Evans Karen Garduza ◆ Tyler Daniel Lesley Willow Marie Mendez Jerry Rico ◆ Mariah Joy Thomas William Trolinger

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Summer 2023 Graduates (continued)

College of Business and Industry Bachelor of Applied Science

■ Kalen McCrary Griffin Ashley Nicole Hesson Thimithy Joungho Lee ◆ Samantha Lewis Hannah Marion Elsa Carina Mendez Courtney Alyssa Marie Nickerson Dylan Clynch Rollins Ashley Raven Green Matthew Christopher Scheurer Gabby Shores Jamie Ray Sisson Jada Savannah Toney Octavia J Williams

Brooke D Monterrosa

Bachelor of Business Administration Skylar Abbott ● Evan Anderson Simone Ainsworth Campise Siera Lea Carney Heather Jannette Clark Allison Hobson Alexander Hoyos Bilbao ● Hannah Le Huynh Elizabeth Johnson Cydney Alexis Miner Braiden Andrew Partin Benett Leigh Raible Jessica Allen Rosas Morgan Danielle Taylor Anthony Hoang Vo Cyndi Kim Vo

Associate of Applied Science

Bachelor of Science

Daniel Alejandro Hernandez Donato Arnold Skyler Phanprathoum Nathan Phung Marco Solis

Technical Certificate

Jodie Marie Cabanillas Alexander Grant Cooper Jordan Foster Andrew G Gardner Kaitlyn Gish

Joshua Paul Bean Brayden David Dunlap Daniel Alejandro Hernandez Donato Elsa Carina Mendez Seth Walter

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Summer 2023 Graduates (continued)

College of Health, Education, and Human Sciences Bachelor of Arts

Associate of Applied Science

Terra Allen Ariana Bray ● Emerald Murron Brown Jennifer Michelle Copeland Desiree LaShae Devrow Skye Reyana Key Erin McKenzie McCarroll Sierra McEntyre Michelle Nguyen ◆ Nerissa Lynn Recinos ■ Jade Madison Ulmer Debbie Nohemi Temal Jaiden Watts Mikayla Michelle Williams

Kristie Cheyne

Technical Certificate

Bachelor of Social Work Christy Ann Acosta

Madelyn Castro Paola De La Fuente Stephanie Delgado Jackeline Diaz Andrea Fenner Levi Hess Ryan Kantola Mikayla Narramore Nalannie Nguyen Mariah Osburn Ayumi Sayvongsa Kimberly Sedano I’Niyah Shaw Austin Traywick

■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 GPA (blue, white, and maroon cords, white tassel)


Academic Regalia Academic ceremonies, with their gowns, mortarboards, tassels, hoods, and maces are colorful traditions handed down from European universities of the Middle Ages. The traditional attire worn at commencement is evidence of academic achievement. Its use, which originated at English and European universities during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, came to the United States in 1754 with the founding of King's College (now Columbia University). In 1895 the Intercollegiate Commission, comprising a group of leading American educators, met at Columbia to draft a code which would regulate the design of gowns and hoods for various degrees, as well as to fix the colors that indicate the various faculties. This code has been adopted by most of the colleges and universities in the United States, with revisions in 1932 and again in 1959.

Gowns Although most doctoral gowns are black, some are the color of the university conferring the degree. The doctoral gown is trimmed in velvet, with three two-inch bars on the sleeves and a five-inch border extending from the back of the neck down the two sides in front. Although usually black, the velvet may be a color that indicates the nature of the degree. Gowns worn by master's, bachelor's, and associate degree earners have no such facing. The level of the degree held is indicated by the gown’s cut. Doctoral gowns have full sleeves which are round and open. Baccalaureate gowns have long, pointed sleeves, and master's gowns have long, closed, fuller sleeves which reach nearly to the wearer’s knees. The arm goes through a slit giving the appearance of short sleeves. Hoods The hood seems to have had a more practical origin. During the Middle Ages, monks wore hoods to protect their tonsured heads in the winter and as a container in which to collect alms. It is the most significant part of academic dress. Its shape and size indicate the degree of the wearer. The color of the hood’s velvet edge denotes the nature of the degree, and the color of the silk lining denotes the institution which granted the degree. The length of the hood indicates the level of the degree, with the doctoral hood being the longest. Traditional Colors Accounting, Business.............. Drab Arts, Letters, Humanities....... White Economics.............................. Copper Education..........................Light Blue Engineering........................... Orange Fine Arts..................................Brown

Health.............................. Sage Green Journalism............................Crimson Library Science.......................Lemon Music........................................... Pink Nursing.................................. Apricot Oratory (Speech)............Silver Gray

Philosophy........................ Dark Blue Physical Education.......Salmon Pink Science, Computer Science...... Gold Social Science, Social Work... Citron Theology..................................Scarlet

Mortarboards The mortarboard cap has been conventionalized from the skull cap which was worn by monks of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. It is usually black. Tassels are worn over the left front quarter by degree holders; candidates wear the tassel over the right front quarter until the degree is conferred. The Chancellor’s Medallion The Chancellor’s Medallion is worn as a symbol of office at ceremonial observances as part of the chancellor’s regalia. It has as its central element the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith seal. Each small banner link on the chain of the medallion represents the names of the institution from 1928 to present.

The Mace The mace is a gift from the first graduating class of engineers of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville/ University of Arkansas - Fort Smith. The University of Arkansas - Fort Smith seal adorns the top of the mace. The four sides of the base include the names of this institution from its creation to the present: 1928-1964 Fort Smith Junior College, 1965-1971 Westark Junior College, 1972-1998 Westark Community College, and 19982001 Westark College. The institution became the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith in 2002. The academic mace represents the dignity of the University. At universities throughout the world, the mace symbolizes internally the authority of the chancellor on behalf of the university and the immunity of the university to undue external interference.


Commencement Stoles and Cords The stoles and cords of the honor societies and registered student organizations below are approved for graduates to wear at Commencement.    Academic Excellence Award.....................................................Gold medallion inscribed with the seal of the University    Alpha Lambda Delta.............................................................................................................Three cords of white, red, and gold   Alpha Omicron Pi...............................................................................................................................Red stole with Greek letters   Alpha Sigma Lambda..................................................................................................................Single cord of gold and maroon    Applause............................................................................................................................................Two cords of black and white    Arkansas Blood Institute Donor...........................................................................................................Single cord of lime green    Baha’i Club................................................................................................................................... White stole with royal blue trim    Beta Alpha Psi...................................................................................................................................... Two cords of red and black    Beta Gamma Sigma.................................................................................................................. Two cords of royal blue and gold    Black Student Association.....................................................................................................Two cords of navy blue and green   Bookstore Excellence................................................................................................................... Double cord of black and white    Campus Activities Board................................................................................................................. Single cord of teal and white    Chancellor’s Leadership Council....................................................................................................................... Single silver cord   Chemistry Club...............................................................................................................................Single silver cord of turquoise    College of Business Student Leadership Council............................................................... Single cord of maroon and silver    Criminal Justice Club.................................................................................Braided cord of navy blue, white, black, and silver    Cub Camp................................................................................................................................ Single cord of navy blue and silver    Delta Gamma......................................................................................................................................Pink stole with Greek letters    Distinction in Professional Development...................................................................Braided cords of gold, silver, and blue    Filipino Student Association..................................................................................................Single cord of blue, red, and gold    First-Generation College Graduate............................................................................................ White stole with blue lettering    Freshman Council..................................................................................................................................Single cord of forest green    Future Educators Association Professionals............................................................ Triple cord of light blue, green, and red    Gamma Phi Beta.................................................................................................................................Pink stole with Greek letters    Garden Club........................................................................................................................................................... Single cord of tan    Geology Club.................................................................................................... Single cord of forest green, navy blue, and gold    Graphic Design Association Honor Society..........................................................Single cord of cyan, magenta, and yellow    Green Team.............................................................................................................................................. Single cord of dark green    Hmong Student Association..........................................................................................................Single cord of green and pink    Honors Activity Council..........................................................................................................Single cord of light blue and gold    Interfraternity Council.......................................................................................................Single cord of blue, green, and silver    International Leadership Council............................................................................................................Single cord of sky blue    Japan Club............................................................................................................................. Three cords of red, black, and white    Kappa Delta Pi..................................................................................................................... Two braided cords of jade and violet    Kappa Kappa Psi......................................................................................................................single cord of black and light blue    Kappa Sigma.................................................................................................................................. Scarlet stole with emerald trim


K-Pop Appreciation and Dance Club................................................................................. Single cord of pink and light blue    Lions’ Chronicle...............................................................................................................Single braided cord of gray and black    Math Club......................................................................................................................Single cord of black, white, and maroon   Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students.....................................................Single braided cord of Green and White    Myles Friedman Honors Program Graduate........................................................ Bronze medallion inscribed with letter H    National Association for Music Education.......................................................... Single cord of royal blue, white, and gold    National Society of Leadership and Success.................................. Two cords of black and platinum with platinum stole    Native American Student Organization............................................................................Single cord of black, red, and gold    Non-Traditional Student Organization..........................................................................................................Single cord of teal    NuMedia..................................................................................................................... Single cord of black, silver, and dark blue    Omnia Vox................................................................................................................................Single cord of lavender and white    Panhellenic Council.........................................................................................................Single cord of purple, green, and teal    Pi Kappa Phi.......................................................................................................................... Royal blue stole with Greek letters   Pride at UAFS.................................................................................................................................................. Single rainbow cord    Psychology Club.............................................................................................................................. Single cord of gold and blue    Radiography Student Association................................................................................Single cord of black, white, and silver    Residence Hall Association and Resident Assistants.........................................................Ash stole with light gray letters    Rotoract............................................................................................................................................... Silver stole with blue letters    Sigma Nu...........................................................................................................................................Gold stole with Greek letters    Skills USA...........................................................................................................................................Two cords of red and white    Soccer Club at UAFS............................................................................................... Single cord of black, white, and navy blue    Social Work Network.......................................................................................................... Single cord of citron and navy blue    Student Alumni Association............................................................................................... Single cord of light blue and navy    Student American Dental Hygiene Association.................................................................................................Lavender stole    Student Government Association...................................................................................... Double cord of red and royal blue    Student Government Executive Board..................................................................................... Navy stole with dark red trim    Student Nurses Association........................................................................................................... Two cords of blue and white    Student Veterans Association.............................................................................................................Red, white, and blue stole    Surgical Technology Student Association............................................................................................................Ceil blue stole    To the Smalls (TOTS).........................................................................................................Two cords of forest green and white    Tradition Keepers of the University.............................................................................................. Two cords of blue and gold    TRIO Student Support Services.............................................................................................................. Single cord of maroon    Veteran of the United States Armed Forces..................................................................... Single cord of red, white, and blue    Vietnamese Student Association......................................................................................................... Red stole with gold trim    Volleyball Club.........................................................................................Single braided cord of royal blue, white, and silver    Western Arkansas Technical Center Graduate....................................................................... Two cords of purple and green


Faculty Awards and Promotions Stephen Husarik, Ph.D. – Excellence to the University, to the Profession, and to the Community Service Award Jack Jackson, Ph.D. – Excellence in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Award Lindsy Lawrence, Ph.D. – Lucille Speakman Faculty Master Teacher Award Nicha Otero, Ph.D. – Lori Norin Faculty Appreciation Award Jane Wineland, M.A. – Luella M. Krehbiel Adjunct Teaching Excellence Award

The faculty below were promoted to the position indicated.

Lisa Cady, M.Ed., Business and Industry – Senior Instructor Svetla Dimitrova, Ph.D., Sociology – Associate Professor Cheryl Holden, D.H.Sc., Healthcare Administration – Associate Professor Jordan Mader, Ph.D., Physical Sciences – Associate Professor Kayla Murray, Ph.D., Mathematics – Associate Professor Jourdan Scoggins, M.S.N., Nursing – Senior Instructor Nicole Stancil, Ph.D., Media Communication – Associate Professor G. Bret Strauch, Ph.D. – Professor Maurice Testa, Ph.D., Physical Sciences – Associate Professor Daiho Uhm, Ph.D., Mathematics – Professor Sarah Winterberg, Ph.D., English – Associate Professor Alexandra Zacharella, D.M.A., Music – Professor

The faculty below moved to emeritus status.

Katie Harper, M.F.A.


Alumni Welcome Welcome, Alumni! The walk across this stage is a short one, but the walk to it is long. It’s full of late nights and early mornings, difficult homework and more difficult tests. But you persevered. Congratulations on your great achievement! Graduation day is one that you will always remember. We’ll remember this day, too, because it’s the day you joined the Alumni Association, a free membership that holds great value. In the Office of Alumni Engagement, we are always looking for new ways to help you develop connections – both professionally and with your fellow Lion alumni. You can attend professional development sessions to expand your networks as you create and advance your career; fun, casual events where you can meet other local alumni; and maybe sooner than you can imagine today, you’ll be attending events with your children and your friends’ children. Keep up with your peers both near and far with Lion Lines, a quarterly newsletter to inform you about campus activities and other upcoming events. Lion Lines also includes Class Notes where you can share changes in your life such as new jobs, promotions, marriages, and children. The university’s annual magazine, The Bell Tower, highlights significant events on campus and prominent members of the UAFS family. Your class notes also are published in the magazine. To make the most of your Alumni Association membership, visit and explore the Alumni Office webpage. Here you’ll find information about events like homecoming, our annual shrimp boil, and Little Lions events. For the latest news, follow @uafsalumni on Facebook and Instagram. When your contact information changes, please update your information through our website so that we can best connect with you. As you graduate with more than 1,000 other members of the class of 2023 today, you’re probably not thinking about your membership in the Alumni Association. But you are joining a vast group of more than 51,000 graduates of UAFS, Westark College, Westark Community College, Westark Junior College, and Fort Smith Junior College. Celebrate your achievement. You deserve it. But remember, while you may be glad that you’re past your final exams and research papers, we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities given to you through your Alumni Association membership to build new connections and grow old bonds. After all, you’re still a member of the Pride. Once a Lion, always a Lion. Congratulations again, graduates, and welcome to the newest members of the UAFS Alumni Association! Yours with Lion Pride,

The UAFS Alumni Association


Alma Mater All praises sing to the school we hold dear, A part of our hearts will forever be here. Your banner of wisdom our future will guide, The friends that we cherish at our side. Let our song ring out for the White and Blue, To UA Fort Smith we will ever be true. Composed by William Murphy


■ Denotes summa cum laude 3.90-4.00 GPA (white stole, blue cords, white tassel) ● Denotes magna cum laude 3.80-3.89 GPA (white stole, white tassel) ◆ Denotes cum laude 3.60-3.79 GPA (blue stole, white tassel) • 479-788-7000 H Denotes cum honore, Myles Friedman Honors Program graduate (bronze medallion) 5210 Grand Avenue • GPA P.O. Box • Fort Smith, s Denotes with distinction, associate graduate with 3.6-4.0 (blue, white,3649 and maroon cords, white tassel) Arkansas 72913-3649

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