1 minute read
Gina identifies as a second-generation bisexual Chinese-American.
in peru, hunkering pups sprint alongside mopeds cattle dogs weave through dirt-road traffic to nobody and nowhere in china, skinny white hounds roam near squid kabob stands danes bob and beg for food from everyone and everywhere the concept of a stray dog has become so novel to the American people and their ideals which consist of domesticated dachshunds and docile dobermans here, when dogs run free, we chase after them and the white lady down the street yells at my mom when my dog pees on her pristine lawn
“your dog’s pee turns my lawn yellow” we looked it up –yes, there is a trace amount of nitrogen in dog urine yes, nitrogen does turn manicured grass yellow but only in atomic concentrations in the same spot, over and over two years later I saw the for sale sign up on white lady’s lawn oh man. did we do that? even though that lady has left, we still live in a truman show-esque neighborhood even my purebred dog is on a leash but where my mom is from, dogs run free.