DPT Alumni Newsletter June 2012

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Physical Therapy Alumni News Volume 1, Issue 1 Inside this issue:

History of the UAB Department of Physical Therapy Part 1: The Beginning

History of the UAB Department of Physical Therapy 2 Part 1: The Beginning. Cont. from pg. 1 PT Alum Honored with State Award


Brown named Director of PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences Program at UAB


Contributions for Gossman Lectureship Needed


Letter to PT Alumni


PT Chapter of the UAB NAS


Gift giving


Dr. Shaw receives highest award from state PT group


Clinical Education


Current Faculty


Student Retreat


Alumni Action


Alumni Advisory Committee Jenny Wilson (08’) - President, PT Chapter of the UAB National Alumni Society David Bryson (‘89) Jonathan Delk (’99) Chantel Jones (‘07) Donna Kay King (‘86) Cheryl Knowles (‘82) Donald Lein (‘88) Tana Lieb (‘09) Sonya Pearson (‘06) Reid Warren (‘10) David Morris (‘90) -Faculty representative

June 2012

In 1967, the first graduates of a program in physical therapy received their baccalaureate degrees from the University of Alabama. Note that it was not the University of Alabama at Birmingham, because UAB was not in existence in 1967. The Medical Center was growing and was the location of three divisions of the University of Alabama. These were the medical and dental schools and the University of Alabama Hospitals and Clinics. [note: It was important to officials of UA that the "hospitals & clinics" be recognized as equal divisions of the university - such as the College of Arts & Sciences, School of Law, etc.] The University of Alabama had an extension center located in Birmingham. Students in physical therapy came to the Medical Center

for the final two years of their physical therapy education, with their degree being granted from the Tuscaloosa campus. The history of the development of an educational program in physical therapy goes back long before 1967, in fact, all the way back to the mid 1950’s when the first physical therapist was hired to develop a physical therapy department at University Hospital. Prior to this time, physical therapy services were available to those in the military stationed in Alabama. In VA hospitals, Crippled Children’s Clinic and Hospital (which stood where the Spain-Wallace Building of University Hospital now stands). Patients with polio from all over the state came to Crippled Children’s Hospital, but there was no physical therapy service available

for the general patient population in the Birmingham area, so University Hospital set about to provide this service by hiring a young physical therapist by the name of Joan Silverberg; we now know her as Dr. Joan Bergman. University Hospital administration saw the need for more physical therapists in the area and pushed for the development of an educational program. Cont. on pg. 2

The first graduating class of UAB

Physical Therapy program

2011 Alumni Leadership Award presented to Ellen Strunk The 2011 Department of PT Alumni Leadership Award was presented to Ellen Strunk, PT, MS, GCS, CEEAA at the Department of PT Pledge ceremony on May 14. Ellen is Founder and President of Rehab Resources & Consulting, Inc, a company providing consulting services and training to providers in post‐acute care settings. She

specializes in helping customers understand Medicare prospective payment systems in the skilled nursing facility, home health and rehab agency settings. Ellen has held numerous professional leadership positions including serving on the Board of Directors for the APTA Section on Geriatrics and holding the offices of Secretary and Treasurer for

the Alabama Chapter of the APTA.

Ellen Strunk and Dr. David Morris

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Physical Therapy Alumni News

History of the UAB Department of Physical Therapy Part 1: The Beginning Cont. from pg. 1

At that time, the nearest programs in physical therapy education were located in Florida and North Carolina. The hospital asked young therapist Silverberg to assist in this endeavor and she agreed to begin preliminary work. By the late 50’s contact had been made with APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) and steps begun to develop a curriculum in physical therapy. Working with education consultants from the Tuscaloosa campus, the groundwork was laid for a degree to be offered by the College of Arts and Sciences with a major in physical therapy. There was strong support for our program in the basic sciences at the Medical Center; and with the establishment of Spain Rehabilitation Center (SRC) in the mid 60’s, the stage was set for accepting physical therapy students. The school was located in SRC and the first two students began in the fall of 1964. Clinicians at both University Hospital and SRC served as classroom and clinical faculty. Among these early classroom and clinical faculty were physical therapists Barbara Garrett, Pat Kelly, Ali Schraube, Pat Peinhardt, and Inge Danielcik (see photo). APTA recommended that a full time program director be sought. Miriam Jacobs, a physical therapist who had worked with Dr. Jonas Salk during the polio epidemic and vaccine development, was working on her Ph.D. in the Department of Anatomy here at the Medical Center. She was recruited for the Director’s position and came on board in 1966. By 1967 an additional full time faculty member was recruited; a young clinician by the name of Marilyn Gossman (see in the picture). Her time as a typical faculty member was relatively short because she became acting Program Director in 1968. UAB was officially established in 1969 and the early 70’s saw growth in faculty, student enrollment, and clinical faculty. That growth continued with the establishment of a program for the physical therapist assistant in

1972 (we welcomed Betty Canan as program director), a post professional degree program in 1973, and a post baccalaureate degree program in 1977. The growth of the program in physical therapy at UAB has continued and continues today. Our graduates (fellow alumni) are across Alabama, the nation, and foreign countries as well. It has been a busy 48+ years and the future looks promising for many more years to come. Thanks to Joan Bergman for sharing these historical facts.

Marilyn Gossman teaching one of the first Physical Therapy classes.

Alumni News Needed We are looking for news items about UAB PT Alumni. If you know of news items (e.g., promotions, awards, births, marriages, etc..) please forward them to David Morris, PT, PhD at morrisd@uab.edu. Please submit appropriate identifiers (e.g., maiden names, year of graduation) so that alumni will recognize their classmates.

Volume 1, Issue 1

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PT alum honored with state award UAB Physical Therapy alumni Emmett Parker, PT, MS, ATC, was recently honored with the Alabama Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association’s 2011 Chapter Leadership Award. Parker’s activities as chair of the chapter’s Government Affairs Committee (GAC) were cited in the nomination submitted for the Award. In this position, Parker has reorganized the chapter’s advocacy structure resulting in numerous legislative successes and a new level of political influence for the physical therapy profession in Montgomery. He will also receive the 2011 APTA State Legislative Leadership Award at the APTA State Policy and Payment Forum in Austin, TX later this month. Parker is the president of Accelerated Physical Therapy, Inc. in Birmingham. He received his Master’s of Science in Physical Therapy from UAB in 1994. Emmett Parker, PT, MS, ATC

Brown named Director of PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences Program at UAB In the Fall of 2011, a PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences was opened at UAB. The program, housed jointly in the departments of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy, will prepare graduates for the field of rehabilitation as academicians and scientists. David Brown, PT, PhD was appointed as the inaugural director of the program. Dr. Brown’s research examines locomotor and balance dysfunction in people with neurological impairments. He is founder of KineaDesign, LLC, a firm specializing in human interactive mechanotronics. Dr. Brown’s research complements the department’s initiative for improving outcomes for people with neurological deficits and will provide excellent research opportunities for the students, says Sharon Shaw, PT, DrPH, Chair of Physical Therapy.

Dr. David Brown, PhD

To learn more about the PhD in Rehabilitation Science degree, visit the Department of PT website by clicking here.

Contributions for Gossman Lectureship The PT Department has identified the Marilyn Gossman Lectureship Program as a priority for alumni fundraising for the coming year. Established in honor of the late Marilyn Gossman, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Chair of the Department of PT from 1968 to 1998, the program will be an annual event. The recipient of the Lectureship Award will be a PT of prominence who, like Marilyn, has had a significantly positive influence on the profession at a national and/or international level. The Lecturer will come to Birmingham to engage in a variety of activities (including the Annual Lecture) to benefit the Alabama PT community. Donations for the lectureship can be made to the Marilyn R. Gossman Memorial Fund (see gift giving pg.5).

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Physical Therapy Alumni News

Letter to PT Alumnus Letter to PT Alumni Dear UAB Physical Therapy Alumnus, As President of the Physical Therapy (PT) Chapter of the UAB Alumni Association, I want you to know about the UAB National Alumni Society (NAS), our upcoming plans for PT Chapter activities, and to encourage you to participate. The PT chapter is a component of the larger UAB NAS and is available to graduates of past and present educational programs offered through the UAB Department of PT (PTA, PT-BS, PT-MS, PT-DPT, PT-DScPT) at any time during the programs history. The UAB NAS membership fee is $50 and membership in the PT Chapter does not require an extra fee (unless you choose to join more than one Chapter). However, individuals must designate their desire to join the PT Chapter on the membership form when applying; they are not automatically enrolled as a Chapter member.

Jenny Wilson, PT, DPT

UAB NAS membership benefits include free parking at UAB, UAB library access, discounts on tickets to the Alys Stephens Performing Arts Center, reduced rates for enrollment in the UAB MedjetAssist Program, and Barnes & Noble at UAB discounts (for more benefits click here). The main benefit of designating PT Chapter membership is that a portion of your membership dues then become available to the Department of PT to promote Department initiatives. For example, the PT Department has identified the Marilyn Gossman Lectureship Program as a priority for alumni fundraising for the coming year. Establish in honor of the late Marilyn Gossman, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Chair of the Department of PT from 1968 to 1998, the program will be an annual event. The recipient of the Lectureship Award will be a PT of prominence who, like Marilyn, has had a significantly positive influence on the profession at a national and/or international level. The Lecturer will come to Birmingham to engage in a variety of activities (including the Annual Lecture) to benefit the Alabama PT community. While UAB NAS membership funds cannot directly fund the lectureship program, they can be used to raise funds for the program and others that will benefit the UAB Department of PT and its Alumni. Your membership in the PT Chapter of the UAB NAS has great potential to benefit the UAB PT Department and the Alabama PT Community. You can join online by clicking here. Your membership fee is tax-deductible. Please remember to designate that you would like to join the “Physical Therapy” Chapter. I urge you to join me in “giving back” to the program that led us to rewarding careers in PT by becoming a member today. Also, please share this email with any other UAB PT/PTA graduates who may not be on our mailing list. Sincerely, Jennifer Wilson, PT, DPT DPT Class of 2008

PT Chapter of the UAB NAS Sarah S Armstrong Camille C Bryson David G. Bryson Sheree C Chapman York Renee L Clayton Stephen M Foster Chantel M Jones Deborah C. LeCroy Karlie M Lewis David M. Morris Ann H Newstead

Sharon E Shaw Cathy Sherman Emily Donohue Speer William D Temple Lydia Futch Thurston Terrance T. Wallace Olive Elizabeth Whitehead Kathryn K. Whitfield Jennifer R Wilson Brenda L. Yancey Willard Randy Yancey

PASS IT ALONG While we try to maintain alumni contact information, our records are not always up to date. Please share this newsletter with any colleagues and/or friends who are alumni of our program. Also, please encourage them to send their name, current home/work address, and email address to Betsy Coleman at becol@uab.edu.

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Volume 1, Issue 1

Gift Giving Below are the gifts and pledges received during the period of January 1-December 31, 2011. Please forgive any errors or omissions. For corrections, contact the School of Health Professions External Relations Office at (205) 996-5469. Bergman-Pinkston Professorship in Physical Therapy Ms. Jean E. Crago Mrs. Betty G. Denton Ms. Jacqueline M. Stone Marilyn R. Gossman Memorial Fund Byerly Physical Therapy, LLC Mrs. Christine M. Cedotal Mrs. Donna B. Cummins Mrs. Betty G. Denton Mrs. Phyllis Ellen Edwards Mrs. Kathyrn E. Goodman Ms. Rhonda S. Kotzen Physical Therapy Scholarship Fund Ms. Virginia Kay Carlton

SHP Physical Therapy Gifts Mr. Ray A. Anderson Mrs. Kathy O. Bucks Mrs. Karen Duncan Carlisle Dr. Diane E. Clark Mrs. Laura Lea Cobb Mrs. Janice Goodwin Cross Mr. Albert J. Dimicco Ms. Edith C. Ezell Mrs. Gwen S. Fassbender Mrs. Pam Fitzsimmons Mr. Stephen M. Foster Mr. Curtis G. Glupker Mrs. Mary T. Godfrey Mr. Bruce L. Grubbs Mrs. Louise J. Hoff Ms. Melanie M. Hubbard Ms. Tina Isabella

Ms. Carmen Y. Jackson Mrs. Carol Shands Link Ms. Sara r. Narbecki Mrs. Amy P. Pearman Dr. Patricia L. Perez Mrs. Charlotte L. Peterson Mrs. Katherine S. Pinion Mrs. Pat M. Redwine Ms. Carolyn L. Sherer Mrs. Jane E. Synder Ms. Lynda L. Spangler Mr. Johnny M. Tidmore Ms. Mary Jane Wells Mr. Jeffery Bond Wheeler Mrs. Nancy T. White Shirley A. Shaddeau Memorial Scholarship Endowment Ms. Betty C. Canan

To donate to the School of Health Professions, click here. Contribution opportunities that are specific to the Physical Therapy Department include the Bergman-Pinkston Professorship in Physical Therapy Fund, The Marilyn R. Gossman Memorial Fund, The Physical Therapy Scholarship Fund, SHP Physical Therapy Gifts, and The Shirley Shaddeau Memorial Scholarship Endowment.

Shaw receives highest award UAB Department of Physical Therapy Chair Sharon Shaw, P.T., Dr.P.H., received the Marilyn Gossman Professionalism in Physical Therapy Award from the Alabama Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association. This is considered the chapter's most prestigious honor to recognize a member demonstrating outstanding professionalism in any of the areas of physical therapy service, practice, education, and/or research. A physical therapist in Alabama since 1971, Shaw was recognized for her longtime service to Alabama as a clinician and

educator, as well as for her service. She was a former director of UAB Hospital's Physical Therapy Department and influential in developing the nationally recognized burn treatment team. She was the director of the UAB physical therapist assistant program. Shaw was one of the founders of AIDS Alabama and has served in a variety of leadership positions for the organization. Marilyn Gossman, PT, PhD. FAPTA, after whom the award was named, is the former UAB Division of Physical Therapy director. Shaw stepped in as the

interim director after the untimely death of Gossman in 1998. Shaw became the director a year later. Shaw helped elevate the division of physical therapy to department and transitioned the physical therapy program from a master's to a doctoral degree. The department also just started its PhD. in Rehabilitation Science program jointly with the Department of Occupational Therapy. Sharon Shaw, PT, Dr. P.H.

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Physical Therapy Alumni News

Clinical Education Tips Letter to PT Alumni Millennial learners, born between 1980 and 2000, are the physical therapy students that you are currently teaching in your clinics. This generation of students’ learning characteristics includes preferences for active learning processes, frequent feedback, and structured environments. Given these learning characteristics, researchers have found that actively involving students in writing objectives and goals helps provide them with a structured learning environment, which sets them up for successful affiliations. I would strongly urge that CIs do this activity on the first day. CIs and students should collaboratively write goals on a weekly basis to reach the objectives agreed upon the first day of clinic. I would also urge CIs to provide feedback every week on the student’s progress on the weekly goals. To help you do this, we recently added a weekly planning form on our clinical education SharePoint site.

Student receives Therapy South Scholarship UAB Physical Therapy student, Keith Thomas, recently received a scholarship from TherapySouth. The scholarship was created to assist students during their second year of school. Keith is also excited about the opportunity to learn from the experienced clinicians at TherapySouth during a full-time clinical education experience. Keith Thomas, SPT

Four second year students selected to participate in Project TransTeam beginning 2013 Project TransTeam addresses the acute personnel shortages in early intervention/early childhood special education (EI/ ECSE) particularly found in Alabama. UAB faculty members have developed an exemplary model of transdisciplinary personnel preparation to increase the quantity of early childhood interventionists representing multiple disciplines to serve as effective team members in meeting the needs of young children (birth through eight) with disabilities and their families. Students from Early Childhood Special Education, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy are involved in this program. Physical Therapy students selected were Alicia Brightwell, Jackie Fields, Ashley Parish, and Haley Smith. They will gain knowledge, skills, and experience in pediatric intervention through team based learning and will also complete clinical education experiences in pediatrics for one of their long term clinical affiliations. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital recently invited Haley Smith to participate in their clinical education program. To secure this highly sought clinical opportunity, Haley submitted an application, essay, and letters of recommendation.

Haley Smith, SPT; Ashley Parish, SPT; Alicia Brightwell, SPT and Jackie Fields, SPT

Thank you to all of the clinics that offered slots for 2013. Your support of our program is greatly appreciated.

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Volume 1, Issue 1

CURRENT FACULTY (2012) C. Scott Bickel, PT, PhD 2006, Assistant Professor

John D. Lowman, PT, PhD 2005, Assistant Professor

David Brown, PT, PhD 2012, Professor and Program Director for PhD in Rehabilitation Science

John McCarthy, PT, PhD 2001, Associate Professor

Jennifer Braswell Christy, PT, PhD 2002, Assistant Professor

Patrice Murphy, MS, PCS 1977, Assistant Professor

Diane Clark, PT, DScPT 2007, Assistant Professor

William K. Ogard, PT, PhD 1996, Assistant Professor

Cali Fidopiastis, PhD 2009, Assistant Professor

Claire Peel, PT, PhD, FAPTA 1996, Professor

Matthew P. Ford, PT, PhD 2001, Associate Professor

Patty Perez, PT, DScPT 2000, Assistant Professor

Cecilia L Graham, PT, PhD 2002, Associate Professor

Sharon E. Shaw, PT, DrPH 1985, Associate Professor and Chair

David M. Morris, PT, PhD 1991, Associate Professor, Vice-Chair

Donald Lein, Jr., PT, PhD 2010, Assistant Professor

Class of 2014 begins course of study

In January 2012 the UAB Department of Physical Therapy enrolled 50 students. Pictured here, the class enjoyed the first year retreat at Camp McDowell. The students and their hometowns are:

Carlie Ainsworth, SPT - Montgomery, AL Ashley Akers, SPT - Hoover, AL Kelly Atkins, SPT - Cedar Rapids, IA Brianna Bailey, SPT - Elba, AL Christopher Baker, SPT - Springville, AL Ann Bernreuter, SPT - Vestavia Hills, AL Jessica Brook, SPT - Mobile, AL Kayla Brook, SPT - Clanton, AL Rachael Brown, SPT - Huntsville, AL Taryn Cappadona, SPT - Kennesaw, GA Blaise Carie, SPT - Decatur, IL Rebecca Chancey, SPT - Montgomery, AL Daniel Clements, SPT - Homewood, AL Laudrey Cody, SPT - Golden, MS Joshua Cooke, SPT - Colonial Beach , VA Chris Davis, SPT - Orlando, FL Bridgette Dean, SPT - Panama City Beach, FL

Hilary Dukes, SPT - Hartselle, AL Michael DuBois, SPT - Daphne, AL Brooke Elmore, SPT - Gordo, AL Kelli Hansen, SPT - Pinson, AL Allison Hart, SPT - Pelham, AL Christie Hart, SPT - Dunstable, MA Laura Hester, SPT - Birmingham, AL Ashley Huffstutler, SPT - Longview, TX Haley Johnson, SPT - Red Level, AL Allison Kneip, SPT - Mobile, AL Justin Knight, SPT - Smithville, MS Nathaniel Lang, SPT - Susan Moore, AL Ashley Lynch, SPT - Talladega, AL Christopher Mills, SPT - Auburn, AL Tiffany Moates, SPT - Lincoln , AL Stefanie Moore, SPT - Cullman, AL Meghan Morales, SPT - Peachtree City, GA

Rebecca O’Neal, SPT - Birmingham, AL Lindsay Powell, SPT - Homewood, AL Terry Rhoades, SPT - Leeds, AL Ryan Richardson, SPT - Hoover, AL Rebecca Rodgers, SPT - Huntsville, AL Lauren Roy, SPT - Clanton, AL Matthew Sexton, SPT - Birmingham, AL Ian Singletary, SPT - Birmingham, AL Drew Stanford, SPT - Hoover, AL Meredith Syx, SPT - Guntersville, AL William Temple, SPT - Utica, MS Amiee Webster, SPT - Louisville, KY Aaron Weeks, SPT - Birmingham, AL Shedel Williams, SPT - New Orleans, LA Katie Yearwood, SPT - Cullman, AL

Alumni in Action Department of Physical Therapy SHPB 360 1705 University Blvd. 1720 2nd Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35294-1212 Phone: 205-934-3566 Fax: 205-975-7787

The UAB Department of Physical Therapy recently hosted two alumni events; a reception that was held in conjunction with the Alabama Chapter of the APTA Fall Conference in Birmingham in August 2011 and a reception held at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting in Chicago in February 2012. Pictures from the events show alumni and faculty catching up.

Birmingham: Sharon Shaw, Cheryl Knowles and James Jackson

Chicago: Scott Bickel, Jenny Wilson and Don Lein

UAB PT Class of 1998

It’s time for a 13ish Year Reunion Date: 7/27/12 and 7/28/12 Location: Throughout Bham! Who: YOU! Please, please, please RSVP!!!

We’re on the Web www.uab.edu/pt

Birmingham: John Lowman, Leanne Gibbs Akin

Chicago: Diane Clark, Carolyn Kelly, and Fran Wedge

Please come join us as we celebrate 13 1/2 years of life after UAB. This 2 day event will be Legen...wait for it...dary. 7/27/12 Reception at Embassy Suites Hoover Location: 2960 John Hawkins Parkway, Birmingham, Alabama Tel: 1-205-985-9994 7/28/12 AM events include golf for whoever. Other events TBD. PM events depend on number attending but idea is private room for dinner at Fleming’s Steakhouse at The Summit. After dinner gathering TBD. Contact Brad Lipscomb, MS, PT for questions and insightful answers Phone: 334-618-2900 E-mail: balwcl@gmail.com Facebook us at UAB PT Class of 1998

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