School of Health Professions Building Campaign

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hrough its first four decades, the UAB School of Health Professions has experienced rapid growth and dramatic


change—all while setting the standard for healthcare training

Jon Vice

and research. In recent years, the SHP’s mission has remained as ambitious as ever, and the result has been continued growth that now exceeds the amount of space available on campus. In the coming months, the school will begin construction of a major addition to the Health Professions Building. The project will add two floors of much needed laboratory and classroom space. And you can help. Please consider a gift to the SHP Building Campaign. Your contribution can help ensure that our school continues its journey as a worldwide leader in health research and education.

BUILDING CAMPAIGN CO-CHAIR Mike Williams As I reflect on the 30-plus years since I received a master’s degree from the hospital and health administration program in the School of Health Professions, I am reminded that any success I have experienced has been built on the foundation of my experiences at the school and the personal relationships that began during my days on campus. Though I live in Texas, my work has taken me all over the country. No matter where I am, I often connect to colleagues through the commonality of relationships to the SHP, its faculty, and alumni. As the reputation of the school and its programs has grown, I have often looked to the residency pool for new talent, and I always consider a UAB degree a differentiator in any recruitment process. My commitment to this capital campaign reflects my desire to see the school have the facilities and technology to continue to attract the highest caliber of faculty and students, which will ensure the availability of outstanding healthcare administrators for which it has become known.

The master of science in health administration program helped lay the foundation of my 38year career in pediatric administration. Since I graduated from the program (Class of 7), I continue to stay involved by being a preceptor, chairing the 25th Anniversary Endowment Campaign, and consistently making financial contributions. I see this as an investment in my degree as the program continues to grow—recently rising to number five in the U.S. News & World Report rankings. What I’ve seen in the last decade at the SHP is an increase in student enrollment from 1,100 to more than 1,900; from 70 to 100 faculty; and from $2.5 million to $10 million in research funding. The only area we have not expanded is building space, forcing some programs to meet off campus. We are considered one of the top health professions schools in the nation. Now we need the facilities to equal the educational opportunities we provide. I hope you will join me in making a financial contribution to support our school to keep it among the best of the best. Our future healthcare leaders are counting on it.



Since 2001, the School of Health Professions student population has increased from approximately 1,200 students to more than 1,900, and the school’s research funding has nearly quadrupled. “We’ve had this huge growth, but with no additional space,” says SHP Dean Harold Jones, Ph.D. “We’ve reached the stage where the lack of space is becoming a hindrance to further growth.”

Creating a 21st Century Classroom For the past several years, many SHP programs have had to make the most of whatever space they can find, including borrowing classrooms from other schools on campus or even renting hotel conference rooms and equipment. By adding new space to the SHP Building, the school will get much-needed space while also adding the state-of-the-art amenities needed to accommodate a modern-day classroom and to keep it all “in house.” “In the long-term, this addition will save us money and improve the quality of what we do,” says Gerald Glandon, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Health Services Administration. A building project of this magnitude always involves some trepidation, but Jones says the SHP has long been aware that this change was coming and has taken the necessary steps to ensure the school will be capable of moving forward. In spite of the recent economic downturn, Jones says the school managed to put aside between $5 and $6 million over the past decade. “We’ve consciously thought about the need to put money aside for this.” he says. “We’ve been able to do that by being really efficient in what we’re doing, and because of the growth we have experienced. However, this project will cost between $13 and $14 million. To ensure this addition will sustain us for the next decade, we need to do this the right way. That’s going to take financial contributions and support to help us to reach our goal.”


AMY DOWNS is a long way from home— two thousand miles to be exact. But even on the West Coast, the Oregon native knew the outstanding reputation of the UAB School of Health Professions. “The school has an impressive and farreaching alumni network,” said Downs. “It’s much more affordable than comparably ranked schools. I knew that a degree from UAB

Students need a place

to practice presentations and to work with the latest technology. The addition will give future SHP students that capability.

would give me the most bang for my buck.” Downs is in the master’s program for health administration with an expected graduation date of 2013. “I was drawn to health administration because it’s a dynamic field that combines aspects of many different subjects, such as business, medicine and politics,” said Downs. “The program’s emphasis on project work and hands-on experience was particularly important to me. Also, the cohort model made it extremely easy to adjust socially, despite being from so far away.” As Downs prepares for another semester of school, she reflects on her time here so far and the potential for future students with the new addition. “The two new floors to the school will help foster the needs of our future healthcare professionals,” said Downs. “Students need a place to practice presentations and to work with the latest technology. The addition will give future SHP students that capability.” Amy Downs, MSHA student, class of 2013

FUTURE ALUMNI PROFILE Jim Burkhart President and CEO Shands Jacksonville Medical Center I am a graduate of the masters in hospital and health administration program (1979), and I am currently enrolled in the executive doctorate program in health administration at UAB. I have been actively involved in the Alumni Association and am very supportive of our great institution. Over the years, I have witnessed the continued growth of the School of Health Professions and the emergence of its health administration program to a U.S. News and World Report top five ranking. While this recognition is well deserved and the School of Health Professions continues to develop top-tiered masters and doctorate level education, we have not kept pace from a facilities perspective. I have watched as the School of Nursing and other health-related programs have built new facilities, while the many vital health professions programs have outgrown theirs. During my time as a doctoral student, I have witnessed first-hand the overcrowded classroom situation, which has caused classes to be relocated numerous times—and we have even had sessions where the designated room could not accommodate the class. For those of us who are invested in UAB, we would strongly advocate for the additions being proposed for the School of Health Professions. Future students deserve the best facilities when they attend the best school for graduate education. Jim Burkhart, SHP, 1979

I have watched as the School of Nursing and

other health-related programs have built new facilities, while the many vital health professions programs have outgrown theirs... Future students deserve the best facilities when they attend

the best school for graduate education.



o recognize the generous gifts from our friends, we have identified several naming opportunities for the School of Health Professions building addition. Facilities can be named for the donor, the donor’s family, as a memorial, or in recognition of an individual, group, organization or corporation. Gifts can be made with a single payment or extended over a five-year period. Gifts can also be made in the form of cash, securities, real estate, and may be made immediately or through a planned gift. The planned vehicles include a charitable annuity trust, charitable unitrust, charitable lead trust, gift annuity, deferred gift annuity, life insurance, retirement plan or through the terms of a will.


Create a charitable lead trust

• Funds can immediately be applied to the building project.

• The School of Health Professions will receive a current

• Donor receives an income tax deduction for the amount of the check. Please check with your tax advisor for more information. • Checks can be made payable to the University of Alabama at Birmingham and mailed to Katie Adams at Webb 624, 1530 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35294.

Provide marketable securities (stocks and bonds)

stream of income for the term of the trust. The term of the trust can be the life of the donor or a set number of years. • The remaining assets, including any appreciation not already expended, are distributed to your heirs as you designate in the trust agreement without incurring any additional taxes. The assets are also removed from your estate and will not be subject to inheritance tax. • Trust can be funded with cash and /or securities. For more information regarding the creation of a lead trust, including calculations of values and tax benefits, please contact

• Funds can immediately be applied to the building project.

Elizabeth Ponder at (205) 934-0759 or

• Please check with your tax advisor for more information.

Elizabeth can also provide additional information on other

• Your broker can deliver securities to UAB’s broker.

charitable gift planning options.

Please contact Daphne Powell at (205) 934-1807 or for delivery instructions.

We would be happy to discuss these and other giving options in greater detail. Also, if there is someone whom you think we should contact who would be interested in this initiative, please refer those names to Katie Adams at (205) 996-5469 or



he UAB School of Health Professions offers numerous opportunities to commemorate an individual or recognize a person or persons, family, group, organization, foundation, or corporation. The following is a list of opportunities, along with the contribution levels required to name them.

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

Common Area


Offices (20)


Common Area




Offices (36)


Program Director’s Office (6)


Associate Dean’s Office (4)


Endowed Chair’s Office




Common Area


Conference Room




Conference Rooms (2)


Small Meeting Room


Masters Student Area


Doctoral Student Area


Conference Room


Chair’s Office


SHP Dean’s Office


Labs (2)


Large Meeting Room


Executive Learning Center


G I F T/ P L E D G E F O R M


hank you for your support of the UAB School of Health Professions. Please complete and return this form to make a contribution to the building fund-raising project.

Gifts and pledge payments may be made by check (payable to UAB), credit card, or by donation of appreciated stock. If you wish to make a donation of stock, please contact Daphne Powell, Director of Stewardship, at (205) 934-1807 or daphnep@uab. edu to receive further information and instructions. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Please choose one of the following three options:

❑ My gift of: $_____________ is enclosed. OR

❑ I pledge: $__________________. My initial gift of $___________________ is enclosed. I would like to pay the balance of $_______________________ over: ❑ 1 year ❑ 2 years ❑ 3 years ❑ 4 years ❑ 5 years. Please send me a pledge reminder each year during the month of: _____________________ beginning in ___________ (year). OR

❑ I pledge: $__________________to be paid over: ❑ 1 year ❑ 2 years ❑ 3 years ❑ 4 years ❑ 5 years. Please send me a pledge reminder each year during the month of: _____________________ beginning in ___________ (year).

Please complete the following information:

Please record this gift/pledge as: ❑ Joint ❑ Individual ❑ Other _________________________________________________ Name(s) _________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City ___________________ State ______ Zip __________

For contributions by credit card

Daytime phone number _____________________________

❑ MC ❑ Visa ❑ Discover ❑ American Express

Email ___________________________________________ ❑ I am interested in making a gift of appreciated stock, please contact me at _____________________________________ (phone or email address).

Card Number _______________________________________ Exp. Date _________________ Amount $________________ Name on card _______________________________________

❑ I am a UAB employee and am interested in making my gift through payroll deduction. Please contact me at ____________________ (phone or email) to discuss the payment schedule.

Please complete and return to: Katie Adams, UAB School of Health Professions, Webb Bldg. 624C, 1530 Third Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35294-3361

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