The Philosophy of UAB Nursing Scholarships

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THE PHILOSOPHY OF UAB NURSING SCHOLARSHIPS A Special Edition of Board Br iefs Published on behalf of the UAB School of Nursing Board of Visitors

Takeysha Thompson, BOV member Barrett Brock MacKay, and Lindsay Norris

A Celebration of UAB Nursing Scholarships BY ANITA SMITH

This publication is a tribute to all donors who contribute to UAB nursing scholarships. Exceptionally qualified students at the UAB School of Nursing receive scholarships funded by a diverse group of donors that include organizations, foundations, institutions, corporations, and individuals. Among those, the biggest single generator of nursing scholarships is the School ’ s Board of Visitors.


scholarship luncheon at The Club recently celebrated the far-reaching impact of scholarships at the UAB School of Nursing. UAB President Carol Z. Garrison saluted scholarship donors: “You are investing in the future!” Addressing an audience filled with nursing scholarship donors and recipients, Dr. Garrison praised the high quality and high rankings of UAB’s nursing school and noted that she received her mas 2 | UAB School of Nursing

ter’s degree at that School. She said that high-quality UAB nursing education “is important to this University and important to me.” The Dean’s Tribute to the Board of Visitors and Junior Board of Visitors: As UAB School of Nursing Dean Doreen C. Harper looked around the luncheon audience, she saw ample Board of Visitors representation. During the community Board’s 20-year history, it has directly raised or inspired the donation of mon-

ies that have made possible hundreds of scholarships for UAB nursing students. Now with the strength of 46 active members and 5 emeritus members, the Board also lends inspiration and guidance to a second community-support organization, the Junior Board of Visitors, founded in 2006. “The Board of Visitors and the Junior Board of Visitors represent a unique model that is really a tribute to this University!” said Dr. Harper.

BOV members Barbara O’Neal Eddleman and Carolyn F. Boone

Johanna McAnally, Joshua Baker, and Lindsey Wallace

BOV member Jean Tomlinson, Jeannie Horton, and BOV member Alma McMahon

Selecting the Scholarship Recipients: When it comes time to select recipients of UAB nursing scholarships, a scholarship-selection committee convenes at the School to review applications. Even with the scholarship program’s growing success, there are still more qualified applicants than there is money to go around. While the majority of the scholarshipselection committee consists of School of Nursing faculty, the committee also has representation from the Board of Visitors (BOV). The BOV members who most recently served were Rita Spencer and Carol Sandner. As one who recently retired after decades of working as a nurse, Rita Spencer called it “amazing and wonderful” to see the excellent qualifications and diverse backgrounds of UAB nursing students who applied for scholarships: “We had scholarship applications from so many remarkable students. I was impressed with students who aren’t stopping with a baccalaureate degree; they’re going on for higher degrees in nursing. I also was impressed with students who have continued to achieve at a high level even

when considerable hardship and tragedy has come into their lives.” Carol Sandner said she approached the scholarship-application review with memories of quality nursing care rendered

“ You

are investing in the future! ” - UAB President, Carol Z. Garrison

to her and her late husband; she also was inspired by her own daughter’s service during years she worked as a nurse. “It was a great experience to help review scholarship applications from bright, dedicated UAB nursing students,” she said. “I feel that if someone can afford to support a nursing scholarship, there is nothing better he or she could support – in terms of what scholarship recipients will be doing with their careers and what they will be giving back to society.” For years, BOV members’ participation in scholarship-application review has

been coordinated by Arlene Henley, the BOV’s first Scholarship Chair. She said many BOV members have been inspired to support scholarships after being positively touched by nurses, and that taking part in scholarship-application review tends to further inspire them: “As BOV members participate in this scholarshipreview process, they really understand why we need to work so hard on getting these nursing scholarships!” Impact on Scholarship Recipients: As Director of Student Evaluations and Scholarships at the UAB School of Nursing, Stephanie Hamberger interacts with scholarship recipients. “Scholarships have a huge impact on all our recipients. Also, scholarships help increase the caliber and talent of our student body at the undergraduate and graduate levels,” she said. “I see scholarship recipients who are in ‘do or die’ situations financially – students able to pay their way through nursing school only with help from scholarships. What words come to mind to describe the overall impact that scholarship donors have on our recipients? I could start with ‘awesome’ and ‘wow!’ ”

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Candace Orr, Lauren Little, Christina Porter, Mahalia Daniel, Julie McCall, Ashley Parrish, and Chad Broadhead

Tommy Skinner and BOV member Arlene Henley

BOV member Catherine Styslinger and Gretchen Ryle

the nation’s leading nursing schools. A master’s-level graduate of UAB’s nursing school who worked for years in medical genetics and adolescent medicine nursing, the BOV Chair said: “We know that by supporting scholarships at UAB School of Nursing we support education of students who will become caring, effective nursing leaders – leaders in patient care, teaching, and research.” It was a thrill, said outgoing Junior Board of Visitors ( JBOV) Chair Ginny DeBardeleben, to come face-toface with a recipient of a JBOV nursing scholarship. At the luncheon, she sat next to the first recipient under the JBOV’s new pediatric nursing scholarship endowment. “I listened to that sweet girl who obviously has such a heart for children – our own scholarship recipient, who is so excited about becoming a pediatric nurse. I knew that, sitting there beside me, was an example of a culmination, a bottom line if you will, of all the JBOV’s hard work in getting our pediatric scholarship program started!” Another Scholarship Opportunity: UAB School of Nursing Dean Doreen C. Harper says the School’s scholarship program has developed to the point that there now is more opportunity to increase a focus on “using these scholarships to attract the very brightest and best students.”

Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Linda Moneyham, UAB President Carol Z. Garrison, and Dean Doreen C. Harper


School of Nursing has a mission of educating and creating nursing leaders.” - Doreen C. Harper, UAB School of Nursing

Often very capable students are under great financial stress in juggling studies with working multiple jobs, Dr. Linda Moneyham told the luncheon audience. In her roles as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer, she sees students’ challenges up close. Praising scholarship donors, Dr. Moneyham said, “Your generous gifts make it possible for students to focus on their studies and contribute to their success.” Impact on Scholarship Donors: BOV Chair Sue Ellen Lucas speaks of the win-win of (1) supporting scholarships for capable nursing students, and (2) knowing these are students in UAB’s nursing school, considered among 4 | UAB School of Nursing

“We will still continue our need-based scholarships,” said Dean Harper. “In addition, we can have a number of scholarships that we can use to compete at a high level to attract some of the most talented students to our School.” Dr. Harper said this aligns with the School’s vision and strategic plan, and with UAB’s overall scholarship focus. “Our School of Nursing has a mission of educating and creating nursing leaders. To do this, we must continue to attract many students who are among the best and brightest.” BOV Chair Sue Ellen Lucas had this reflection on the Dean’s focus: “This falls in line with what top college and university athletic programs do. They use scholarships to attract the best athletes. Here Dean Harper is talking about using scholarships to continue to attract the very brightest and best nursing students. This is exciting!”

A MESSAGE TO UAB NURSING SCHOLARSHIP DONORS Dear UAB Nursing Scholarship Donors of the past, present, and future,

First of all, I want each UAB nursing scholarship donor to know how much the UAB School of Nursing and its students appreciate what you do. Every dollar given in suppor t of nursing education at this School makes a huge difference. Jeannie E. Horton, Senior Director of Development

Your scholarship gifts make possible great things. Some of these gifts make the difference in whether very bright, driven, caring individuals are able to make ends meet financially and attend this School to fulfill their dreams of becoming nurses. Some of your gifts help this School to compete successfully to attract “student superstars” – the best and the brightest. Some of your gifts enable us not only to attract and educate top nursing students, but also to inspire many of them to remain in Alabama as they go forward with their nursing careers. As you embrace UAB nursing scholarships

as a philanthropic interest, there is no question that you deeply touch each student who receives a scholarship. However, your gift goes far beyond that. In embracing UAB nursing scholarships, you are making an investment in society’s best interests far into the future. Through the nursing scholarships that you support, you are touching every patient these scholarship recipients will care for in the future, every bit of knowledge these recipients will uncover through their research, every I see students being educated to become future nursing student these recipients will nursing leaders in an internationally known teach, and every top position these future School of Nursing that operates within an in- nursing leaders might hold in any arena. ternationally known University, on a campus To each of our scholarship donors, we at the where UAB Hospital has attained “magnet hospital” recognition awarded to only an elite UAB School of Nursing make a commitment to invest and use your scholarship gifts wisely group of hospitals for exceptional nursing. and strategically. From our students, faculty, At the UAB School of Nursing, students are exposed to healthcare experiences on par with and staff, a heartfelt thank you to each scholarship donor for your generosity. the best in the world. As part of that, this School’s nursing students are participating in the latest progressive models to gain some Sincerely, of their education alongside other healthrelated students on this campus – such as in medicine, dentistry, health professions, public Jeannie E. Horton health, and optometry. This is “win-win” on Senior Director of Development top of “win-win.” UAB School of Nursing When I accepted this development position at UAB’s nursing school in October 2010, I had already been in development for 20 years – 10 of those years at UAB. After having been an admirer of this School of Nursing from vantage points elsewhere on UAB’s campus, for months now I’ve had an opportunity to see this School from the inside. As it speaks to nursing scholarships, let me share with you some of the things I see.

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UA B N u r s i n g S c h o l a r s h i p s : a F i t t i n g



Jarman Lowder

hen I think of Jarman, I think of her beautiful smile. There’s a photograph of her from her nursing-school days – wearing the nursing uniform, cape, and hat – that really shows off her unbelievable million-dollar smile.” Thomas H. “Tom” Lowder was speaking of his late wife, Jarman Fearing Lowder, who, at age 60, died March 29, 2011, following a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. In 2001, Jarman’s nursing career and her membership on the UAB School of Nursing’s Board of Visitors became the inspiration for Tom and Jarman, through the Thomas H. and Jarman F. Lowder Foundation, to add the UAB School of Nursing to the list of their foundation grant recipients. As part of a Jarman Lowder, UAB School of Nursing Alumna 1973 larger gift to UAB, the Lowders designated a $500,000 commitment to create and support the Jarman F. Lowder Endowed Scholarship in Nursing at UAB’s nursing school. Today, the Lowder Endowed Scholarship totals more than $2 million. Scholarships awarded to UAB nursing students serve as a memorial to Jarman, a 6 | UAB School of Nursing

1973 graduate of the UAB School of Nursing. Tom said that for him, and for his and Jarman’s daughters Brooke, Heather, and Kelly, these scholarships are a source of satisfaction. “We have experienced the value of great nursing,” said Tom. “When Jarman was hospitalized, we saw that the difference between good care and great care is all about nursing!” The inspiration for the Lowder nursing scholarships was bright, bubbly Jarman, selected in high school as “best all around,” cheerleader, and homecoming queen. The Jarman that Tom recalls also was an endearing woman grounded in her Catholic faith and deeply caring of people and animals. Too, Tom remembers Jarman as his physically active wife who ran and biked and scuba-dived with him. Jarman retired from her nursing career early to be a full-time homemaker, mother, and strong supporter of the career of husband Tom, currently Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Colonial Properties Trust. But, noted Tom, Jarman didn’t stop being a nurse just because she no longer was employed as a nurse. “When our daughters were young, Jarman volunteered in Crestline Elementary School’s Health Room,” said Tom. “Since Jarman had trained and worked as a real nurse, she could tell the difference between when kids were really sick or when Little Johnny came in faking it because he wanted to get out of the classroom.” Jarman was a person that friends called on for healthcare advice. “She got calls from people wanting to know about this or that regarding their family members’ health,” said Tom.

Also, Jarman supported community health-related causes. She received a Clara Barton Award for being the lead volunteer in the local Red Cross chapter. When invited to serve on the Board of Visitors at her alma mater, she said “yes.” Tom speaks of how meaningful it is for him to get to know more about recipients of Lowder nursing scholarships at UAB. “In thank-you notes I’ve received, some recipients have written that prior to receiving a scholarship they had to work two or three jobs, and that the scholarship helped them to work less and concentrate on their studies,” said Tom. “In speaking with recipients at nursing-school events, it has been great to hear how serious they are about entering nursing, and to hear them tell what they want to do in their nursing careers.” Tom said that gaining insight into recipients reinforces his belief that Lowder scholarships are making worthy investments in nursing students who will go on to help and serve others. “To me, making possible these nursing scholarships is supersatisfying,” said Tom. “This is what I call ‘the real thing!’ ”

Tom and Jarman Lowder

Jar man


ulia Stanton is a UAB nursing student who holds a Jarman F. Lowder Endowed Scholarship. She also is a young woman who holds in her heart and mind a poignant memory of the late Jarman F. Lowder. “When I entered my clinical experience in nursing school, my very first patient – my very first – was Jarman Lowder,” said Julia. This was in January 2011, when Jarman was hospitalized at UAB Highlands Hospital. At the time, Julia didn’t hold a Lowder scholarship and didn’t know as much about Jarman Lowder as she does today. “But I knew Mrs. Lowder had been a nurse, and of course I was well aware she was my first patient,” said Julia. “As I took her vital signs and did other things for her, I felt there was something very special that I wanted to live up to. I felt so honored, so touched to be helping to take care of her.” Julia also was impressed by Jarman’s family members. “Mrs. Lowder had been sick for a long time, and I

was struck by the great strength that existed in that family.” This 27-year-old nursing student who hails from Jacksonville, AL was drawn into nursing after she had a close-up view, on an international level, of the giving spirit of the UAB School of Nursing. This occurred when Julia was in the midst of earning a UAB bachelor’s degree in political science. As part of her international-relations studies in political science, she made a trip to Guatemala. There she saw in action some outreach work being led by UAB School of Nursing faculty member Dr. Lynda Wilson, who is Deputy Director of the school’s Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on International Nursing. “In Guatemala I met Dr. Wilson and saw an example of the work that UAB’s nursing school is doing to help impoverished people in developing countries. I was able to

Tom Lowder, Julia Stanton, and Jasmine Grimes

volunteer in a clinic in Guatemala for children with cerebral palsy. That trip left quite an impression on me.” The trip left such an impression that, after Julia earned her degree in political science, she enrolled in UAB’s School of Nursing. Slated to graduate in August, she wants to work in Birmingham as an emergency-room nurse. “I also plan to do some traveling to developing countries, to help people in need, just like the UAB School of Nursing is doing.” In the meantime, Julia said that having scholarship support has been an incredible help to her in nursing school. “I believe a nursing scholarship is something beautiful,” said Julia. “It tells me that donors have hope and trust in the future of our generation of nurses.” UAB School of Nursing | 7


Sarah Lawrence


t age 27, Board of Visitors (BOV) scholarship recipient Sarah Lawrence already has almost a decade of patient-care experience as she pursues her goals. She plans to become (1) a nurse who takes care of patients, (2) a nurse scientist who conducts research, and (3) a nursing-school faculty member who teaches future nurses. “I am being taught by wonderful UAB School of Nursing faculty members who combine those three roles beautifully, and I believe I can do the same,” said Sarah, a UAB senior nursing student. On her 18th birthday, Sarah embarked on her patientcare journey by passing the examination to become an emergency medical technician (EMT). Over the next six years, intermingled with her college studies, Sarah logged hundreds of hours taking turns at driving an ambulance and caring for patients in the back of an ambulance. She and her EMT ambulance partner responded to calls regarding sick or injured patients at homes, businesses, accident sites, and sometimes on the streets. Sarah saw patients facing not only physical issues but also emotional issues. That led her to major in psychology as she earned a bachelor’s degree at the University of Alabama, in her Tuscaloosa hometown. Sarah’s psychology-major degree landed her a job at UAB’s 1917 Clinic, a nurse-managed clinic for patients living with HIV/AIDS. There she saw nurses in action, including some UAB nursing-school faculty, and she was inspired to become a nurse.



as, ‘Why hasn’t this patient taken better care of himself ?’ I recall circumstances I’ve seen as an EMT and at the 1917 Clinic; I think, ‘Maybe this patient was homeless, or lived somewhere that didn’t have electricity.’ ” Sarah is filled with gratitude for those who have guided, inspired, and supported her. From her EMT days, she’s grateful to her EMT ambulance partner Charles Roe – a middle-aged man - Sarah Lawrence her dad’s age. “Charles taught me a lot about patient care and how to treat people with respect.” From her days at the 1917 Clinic: “As I interacted with different types of nurses – including nurse practitioners, palliative care nurses, oncology nurses – I could see how their decisions were driven by what was best for their patients.” Sarah has heartfelt gratitude for scholarship donors: “In investing their money to help me become a nurse, these donors have given me a vote of confidence that I take very seriously. I feel a commitment to each one who has ever donated a penny, and I feel a responsibility to make sure I use their investments wisely.”

investing their money to help me become a nurse, these donors have given me a vote of conf idence... ” While maintaining high grades at UAB’s nursing school, Sarah also serves on the School’s Evaluation Committee and the Student Nurses Association Board. “Scholarships enabled me to stop working and focus on my studies, with time for extracurricular and volunteer activities,” said Sarah. In addition to BOV scholarship support, she has received an Alabama State Nursing Scholarship and a Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Scholarship. Sarah’s experiences move her to analyze the ‘why’ behind patients’ behavior: “In hospitals I hear questions such 8 | UAB School of Nursing



Dr. Moneyham is Yeow Chye’s advisor, the chair of his doctoral committee. “It’s amazing to be working with this famous nursing authority I had read so much about!” said Yeow Chye. In his future research, Yeow Chye plans to combine his engineering and nursing knowledge: “I want to design equipment to improve patient outcomes.” As a starting point, he wants to design equipment to adapt to patients’ cell phones, to remind them of tasks such as keeping healthcare appointments and taking medications. As part of his doctoral studies, Yeow Chye is researching why some HIV/AIDS patients don’t keep scheduled healthcare appointments. Fourteen years have passed since Yeow Chye came to the United States at age 20. After completing his doctorate, he would like to remain n leaving his homeland of Malaysia to come to in Alabama. “I want to teach, the United States, Yeow Chye Ng was driven practice as a nurse practitioby his love of technology and his desire to ner, and pursue my research earn a degree in engineering. He earned that - Yeow Chye Ng” interests.” engineering degree, at the University of AlaYeow Chye already is an bama at Huntsville (UAH), and worked three years in the adjunct faculty member at UAB’s nursing school – teachengineering field. ing a clinical assessments/fundamentals course to students Then another interest, nursing, beckoned to Yeow Chye. in the School’s Accelerated Master’s in Nursing Pathway. He earned baccalaureate and master’s degrees in nursing These students have something in common with Yeow from UAH and became certified as a Family Nurse Practi- Chye; prior to entering nursing school, each of them earned tioner. a degree in a field other than nursing. “I can relate to their His next step, entering a nursing doctoral program, led individual backgrounds,” said Yeow Chye. him to apply to and to be accepted by the UAB School of A Board of Visitors scholarship is giving Yeow Chye Nursing’s PhD program. a financial boost in his doctoral studies. Yeow Chye said UAB’s nursing school held a compelling academic draw that a nursing scholarship has positive impact on a recipifor Yeow Chye – widely known faculty member/nurse ent both financially and as a show of support: “Receiving scientist Dr. Linda Moneyham, currently the School’s Asa scholarship gives a person the knowledge that there are sociate Dean for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic others who appreciate what he’s doing. I believe that by Officer. Dr. Moneyham is especially known for her research supporting nursing scholarships donors can set off chain rein HIV/AIDS. actions. A person who receives a scholarship can realize the “Before coming to UAB, I knew of Dr. Moneyham’s opportunity he has been given, and later this can motivate work,” said Yeow Chye. “I had seen her name keep popping him to contribute to additional scholarships to help future up in nursing literature. I thought, ‘This is a person I want nursing students.” to work with, someone I would like to have as an advisor in my doctoral studies.’ ” UAB School of Nursing | 9

“ Receiving



scholarship gives a person the knowledge that there are others who appreciate what he ’ s doing. ”

BOV member Anita Smith, Priscilla Hartley, Gretchen Ryle, and BOV member Fay B. Ireland

Christion Lynch and Phillip McCallum

UAB School of Nursing Scholarships The Board of Visitors of the UAB School of Nursing is dedicated to suppor ting scholarship assistance for deser ving students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Since 1992, the Board’s annual fundraiser alone has generated almost $1 million for nursing scholarships. Additionally, more than $4 million has been invested in endowed UAB nursing scholarships as a result of donations made or inspired by members of the Board of Visitors. We are grateful to all our scholarship donors for par tnering with us to provide vital suppor t to our nursing students so they can focus on advancing their education and preparing to lead the next generation of nurses in our state, nation and world.

Endowed Scholarships Alice McCallum Endowed Nursing Scholarship Alma B. McMahon Endowed Nursing Scholarship American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship Barbara and Emmet O’Neal Endowed Nursing Scholarship Benjamin and Roberta Russell Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Dorothy G. Sterne Nursing Scholarship Fund Dr. Charles E. Flowers, Jr., Endowed Nursing Scholarship Dr. Elwynn “Chick” Hale Endowed Nursing Scholarship Dr. Paul W. Scokel III and Mary Lou Scokel and William A. Honeycutt and Christine R. Honeycutt Endowed Scholarship Eileen Marie Mahan Endowed Scholarship Fund Eileen S. Meyer Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Board of Visitors Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Elizabeth Jane Harper Memorial Scholarship Fund

Board of Visitors Veterans Nursing Care Scholarship

Elizabeth Stullenbarger Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Brock Family Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Emmet and Mary Anne Craft O’Neal Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Carolyn Farrior Boone Endowed Nursing Scholarship Catherine S. and Lee J. Styslinger, Jr., Endowed Nursing Scholarship Delia and John Robert Endowed Nursing Scholarship 10 | UAB School of Nursing

Ensley Post 35 Nursing American Legion Scholarship Ethel M. and Jesse D. Smith Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship Endowment Fay B. Ireland Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Florence A. Hixson Nursing Scholarship Endowment

Ruth Tonn Ahrgal Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Francis S. Falkenburg Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Rylee/Casper Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Gladys Farmer Colvin Memorial Scholarship Fund

Student/Alumni Endowed Nursing Scholarship

James Coleman Lee, Sr., Endowed Scholarship in Nursing

Terri J. Broach Nursing Scholarship Endowment

Jarman F. Lowder Endowed Scholarship in Nursing

The Hill Crest Foundation Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Jean Riley Tomlinson Endowed Nursing Scholarship

The School of Nursing Dean’s Merit Endowed Scholarship

Jernigan Nursing Scholarship Endowment

The School of Nursing Faculty and Staff Endowed Scholarship

Jo Ann Barnett Endowed Nursing Scholarship John Wilson Rodgers Endowed Memorial Scholarship Junior Board of Visitors Endowed Pediatric Nursing Scholarship Lanette Crumpton Sherrill Endowed Nursing Scholarship Lois Drolet Luckie Nursing Scholarship Endowment Mable E. Lamb Endowed Nursing Scholarship Margaret and Bradford Kidd Endowed Nursing Scholarship Margaret Parks Kendrick Nursing Scholarship Endowment

The Worthington-Cargo Family Endowed Nursing Scholarship Thelma Walker Mitchell Endowment for the School of Nursing Thor-Louck Endowed Scholarship in Nursing William Groce Campbell Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Sponsored Scholarships

Marie Carter Bonner Memorial Scholarship Fund

Mary Anne Blake Memorial Nursing Fund

Marie L. O’Koren School of Nursing Alumni Association Scholarship

Violet Terrell Clark Nursing Scholarship

Marie S. Ingalls School of Nursing Endowed Scholarship Martha F. Tilt Endowed Nursing Scholarship Mary J. Harwell Nursing Scholarship Fund Mary Nash Endowed Nursing Scholarship Nancy Eastman Harp Oncology Nursing Scholarship Fund Peggy Spain McDonald Endowed Nursing Scholarship Rachel Z. Booth Endowed Nursing Scholarship Reese Phifer, Jr., Memorial Nursing Scholarship Robert Luckie Family Endowed Nursing Scholarship UAB Hospital Chief Nursing Officer Dr. Velinda Block, Dean Doreen C. Harper, and BOV member Margaret Kidd

Comer Nursing Scholarship The School of Nursing Dean's Scholarships Walter and Anne Jenkins Nursing Scholarship Twila Steffy Nursing Scholarship Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Scholarship

The Board of Visitors of the UAB School of Nursing presents an annual fundraiser, Applause for the Cause: Educate A Nurse, to increase awareness and generate financial support for nursing scholarships. To learn more, visit or call the development office at (205) 975-8936. Julie McCall, Meghan Cash, Matthew Whitney, Megan Pace, and Chad Broadhead

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UAB School of Nursing

Board of V isitors Sue Ellen Lucas, Chair Rober t E. Luckie, III, Co-Chair Jane Arendall Kimberlee Benos Carolyn F. Boone Lella Bromberg Br uce E. Bur ns, M.D. ZoeËCassimus Joy Deupree, PhD Punky Eastwood Barbara O'Neal Eddleman Juanzetta Flowers, DSN Melinda Helveston Arlene Henley Everett Holle Fay B. Ireland Donna Jer nigan Joie Jones Margaret Kidd Rose Mar ie Lee Anita Smith Lunsford

Barrett MacKay Charles A. McCallum, Jr., M.D. Nancy Meisler Anne Michaels Paula Midyette Pam Miller Bobbie Parsons George Perdue, Jr. Henr y B. Ray, Jr. Donna Reddinger Carol Sandner Kay Scr uggs Kate Sexton William E. Somerall, Jr., M.D. Rita Spencer Wanda Simon Cather ine Styslinger Leah Taylor Douglas C. T ilt, M.D. Jean Tomlinson R. Edward Var ner, M.D.

Celia Wallace Elizabeth Wallace Nancy Watts Nancy Wor thington Emer itus: Karle Falkenburg Alma McMahon LaVona Rushton Jeanie Sherlock Lanette Sherr ill In Remembrance: Elwynn Chick�Hale, EdD Joy P. Harber t Minnie Gaston Glor ia Goldstein Howton Mar ie Ingalls Rita Kimerling Jar man Lowder Rober t E. Luckie, Jr.

UAB School of Nursing

Junior Board of Visitors Ashelynn Falkenburg, Chair Jim Beatty Mar y Kather ine Cabaniss Gerr y Cabaniss Meredith Calhoun Ivy Cardwell Sidney Clapp Anna Cook

David Darden Ginny DeBardeleben Lindsey Dr uhan Kate Hamilton Carolyn Jordan Er in Kattus Julia King Elizabeth McCoin

Dottie Mitchell Sarah Peinhardt Webster Ray Laura Rober tson Wendy Sanders Megan Spain Paige Taylor Angie Wood

Off ice of Development and Alumni Relations Doreen C. Harper, PhD, RN, FAAN Devon Davidson Dean and Fay B. Ireland Director of Alumni Affairs and Endowed Chair in Nursing Annual Fund 205.934.5360 205.975.9419 Jeannie E. Hor ton Senior Director of Development 205.975.2443 jhor

Andrea Cof ield Major Gifts Off icer 205.996.7453 acof

Emily Craig Program Manager 205.975.8936 Contact Us 1530 3rd Avenue South, NB 218 Bir mingham, AL 35294-1210 Fax: 205.934.0269

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