UAB Nursing Magazine Summer 2012

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Partnering to improve access and quality health care for communities

COVER STORY: THE CRITICAL JUNCTURE 4 The UAB School of Nursing uses innovative partnerships to improve access to quality health care.




Alumna Sheena Champion, MSN, ANP, paves the way for health care in rural Alabama.



UAB nursing faculty are making advances in health care through scientific research.




A new exhibit at the UAB School of Nursing will display UAB’s extensive Florence Nightingale collection.


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From left : Michael Rambin, BS, current BSN student, Cindy Selleck, DSN, ARNP, associate dean for clinical affairs and partnerships, and Loretta Lee, PhD, CRNP, FNP-BC, faculty member, outside the nursemanaged PATH clinic at M-Power Ministries in Birmingham, Alabama. Photo by Rob Culpepper UAB NURSING MAGAZINE STAFF: EDITOR Kim Davey ART DIRECTOR Meredith Robinson WRITER Valerie Fraser Luesse PHOTOGRAPHY Rob Culpepper, Steve Wood


Dean’s Letter: We all have them—those moments, those singular experiences, that shaped us. As a young student in New York City, I remember my first experience working with patients who did not have direct access to quality health care. I can still see some of the tenements I walked into, places where women with precious few resources were struggling to care for their children. My fellow nurses and I worked very hard, not just to get them referrals to clinics, but to coordinate their care from start to finish and help them keep their babies healthy. In my second job as a public health nurse, I worked aboard an OB-GYN van where we held pediatric clinics. Sometimes I had to go and knock on doors to remind women of their appointments. They were surprised to see me—but they followed me! They had never had anyone to encourage them or teach them how to access care. If I had stayed in the van, waiting for the community to come to me, all those valuable resources would have been wasted. I had to deliver them—literally—door to door. But that’s what nurses do. Nurses

are at the critical juncture of access to education, service, and research. We solve problems. We bridge gaps.

We are masters of logistics, moving back and forth from the most minute details to the broadest, translating science into practice and education. Nurses look at every patient’s unique and complex situation with one goal—improving lives. And without access, the promotion of good health and the delivery of high-quality health care can’t happen. In this issue, we would like to share the UAB School of Nursing’s commitment to partnerships that break down barriers and provide nursing education and health care access to diverse populations throughout Alabama and beyond. Here at the UAB School of Nursing, we are committed to access, and we have developed innovative, creative approaches through our science, practice and teaching to reach a host of populations. In this issue, you’ll see why I’m so very proud of our faculty, students, and alumni, as well as the many interprofessional UAB teams working together to make access to education, research, and health care a reality.

Doreen C. Harper, PhD, RN, FAAN Dean and Fay B. Ireland Endowed Chair in Nursing

We coordinate care across the hospital, the clinic, the home care setting—wherever patients are.




written by valerie fraser luesse photography rob culpepper

// steve


The UAB School of Nursing partners at the critical juncture to improve access and quality health care for communities.


Sheena Champion, MSN, ANP, practicing at the Wilcox Medical Clinic in Camden, Alabama.



f individuals, families, and communities don’t have access, then they don’t have the opportunity for a better life,” asserts DEAN DOREEN C. HARPER, PhD, RN, FAAN. “So part of nursing’s mission is to help everybody—no matter where they are or what their background might be—understand how to navigate a very complex health care system. It’s part of our role as nurses to empower people to ask the right questions so they can make the best possible decisions about their health care and their lives.” The first step in meeting this challenge is recognizing that there’s no such thing as “one size fits all.” Every population


has unique characteristics that impact access. In Alabama’s rural Black Belt region, only a handful of health care providers struggle to serve thousands of people, many of whom lack health insurance. Urban centers like Birmingham have no shortage of providers, but 70,000 people here have no health insurance. Just as formidable as geographic and economic barriers are social and psychological ones, with the stigma or fear of illnesses preventing patients from seeking help. In response to these great needs, the School of Nursing has marshaled resources, forged partnerships and interprofessional teams, and fully engaged the three powerful engines that drive UAB Nursing—education, research, and service.

REACHING The Rural South


ith 55 rural counties—a huge percentage of the state—and many health disparities, Alabama offers an ideal proving ground for innovation in rural health care. The toughest challenge is training providers who are willing to live in and serve these remote communities, said CINDY SELLECK, DSN, ARNP, associate dean for clinical affairs and partnerships: “The School of Nursing is collaborating with the UAB School of Medicine and other health professions to enhance interprofessional primary care education and encourage the next generation of providers to commit to working in medically underserved areas. Together, we’ve submitted a grant application to establish Alabama’s first statewide Area Health Education Center (AHEC), which would place students in underserved communities throughout the state. If students get positive clinical experiences with health professionals who enjoy what they’re doing, they’re more likely to stay and serve those people and those communities.” It’s no surprise that the most likely candidates to serve rural communities are people who grew up there. That’s where the School of Nursing’s distance-accessible education comes in, said LINDA MONEYHAM, PhD, RN, FAAN, senior associate dean for academic affairs. “Each semester, our students learning at a distance come to campus for intensives, which include a series of competency-based classroom and clinical simulation experiences,” said Moneyham. “But their didactic coursework is completed online, and they complete clinical practice requirements near their homes. We have students from all over the state of Alabama and beyond, students who probably wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have this option.” (Sheena Champion, MSN, ANP, is one such example. Learn more about her on page 14.) Graduate programs in nursing—including nurse practitioner, nursing administration, clinical nurse leader, and nurse educator tracks, as well as doctoral programs—are available as distance accessible programs. Also distance-accessible is the RN Mobility program, which enables RNs to complete their bachelor’s degrees. “Over the last 10 years, schools of nursing across the United States have doubled the number of enrolled graduate students in this country,” said Harper. “We’ve done it through distance technology. If we had required all of these students to

Loretta Lee, PhD, CRNP, FNP-BC, and Cindy Selleck, DSN, ARNP

Undergraduate student collaborating with Ron Orso, MD, at the PATH clinic.

come to our universities to complete their degrees, we would have actually exacerbated the nursing shortage and hindered access because we would have pulled registered nurses away from their jobs. Distance-accessible education has given us a creative solution to maintaining stability while growing a highly educated workforce.” Delivering quality care to rural communities involves more than training advanced-practice nurses to serve them. It also involves cutting-edge research.


Karen Meneses, PhD, RN, FAAN

A leader in rural health care within the School of Nursing is Associate Dean for Research KAREN MENESES, PhD, RN, FAAN. Co-leader of the Cancer Control and Population Sciences Program at the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center, Meneses has been an oncology nurse specialist and scientist for more than 20 years, experiencing the whole spectrum of cancer care. Her research focuses on support for women with breast cancer as they transition from active treatment to post-treatment survivorship. Most recently, she has been working with rural breast cancer survivors. “We have several research teams going,” Meneses explained. “They’re all very project-specific, but the overarching focus is breast cancer. We have a team here in Birmingham and team members in Florida who are working on the Rural Breast Cancer

“We believe in a community-based, participatory research model, where you ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY, tailor the work that you do to the needs of the population, and then CONTINUE THOSE RELATIONSHIPS . . .” -Karen Meneses, PhD, RN, FAAN Survivor Intervention Project. We have another team looking at cost-effectiveness research around the breast cancer survivors study. And then we have two projects being conducted here in the state of Alabama, Reach Out to Breast Cancer Survivors in North Central Alabama and the Black Belt Project.” These interprofessional teams comprise senior scientists, nurses, clinical research staff, statisticians, health services researchers, and a health economist—experts from a wide range of disciplines. Their ultimate goal is a better quality of life for breast cancer survivors, especially those with limited access to health care and education. “The more prepared survivors are, the better their lives are going to be,” says Meneses. “Our role is strictly nursing support and education. We don’t interfere with their provider, though in some cases we help them connect with a provider. We’re here to give them the tools they need to seek and find quality care.” How best to go about that? The answer depends on each survivor community. North Central Alabama is predominately Caucasian, with a growing Latina community, while the Black Belt has a large African-American community. There’s little stigma attached to breast cancer in the North Central counties, so breast cancer survivors are open to support groups and counseling, Meneses said, but the Black Belt is a different story. “Women here don’t even tell friends and neighbors they’ve been treated for breast can8 | UAB SCHOOL OF NURSING

cer, and some delay treatment because they don’t want anyone to know they’ve been diagnosed,” Meneses explained. “Part of that comes from the fear that they’ll be a burden to their families, and part of it is the stigma of a cancer diagnosis and the fatalistic view that they’re going to die. The need for education and counseling is tremendous. And the level of patient education we’re talking about can’t happen during a 15-minute follow-up with a provider.” In her previous position at the University of Central Florida College of Nursing, Meneses received a research grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop an intervention for rural breast cancer survivors in Florida. The best delivery system for counseling these women turned out to be the telephone—no travel required, and everybody can get to one. After coming to UAB, Meneses received a lo-

cal Komen for the Cure service project grant to extend cancer survivorship education outreach into three North Central Alabama counties. She has added bilingual researchers to her Alabama and Florida teams to begin reaching out to Latina breast cancer survivors. In the Black Belt, she teamed with CLAUDIA HARDY, MPA, UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center Program Director for the Deep South Network for Cancer Control, under the leadership of ED PARTRIDGE, MD, and MONA FOUAD, MD, MPH, who built an incredible infrastructure for cancer education and prevention in the Black Belt counties. “We tapped into an existing program of support, based on a community health adviser model,” Meneses explained. “Had we not worked closely with local health advisers to engage the community, they would never have trusted us and let us in. The Deep South Network had made great strides in improving screening and early detection for breast and cervical cancer. The missing component was what happens after cancer treatment, which is our team’s area of expertise. We were delighted to work with this population.” Two of the biggest mistakes researchers have made in the past, Meneses said, are assuming that what worked for one group will necessarily work for another, and abandoning the community once the research project is complete. “We believe in a community-based, participatory research model, where you engage the community, tailor the work that you do to the needs of the population, and then continue those relationships so that you can sustain a program over the Anne Alexandrov, PhD, RN, CCRN, FAAN

long term. Five years from now, I would love to see, within each of these communities, a presence about cancer survivorship. I’d like to see the networking and engagement continue. I’d like to build up a champion or two within the survivors in those communities, empowering them to serve as a navigator to other women who’ve had breast cancer and to support family members who have questions about cancer. It would be fantastic for us to see that every woman treated for breast cancer has all the resources she needs to take the next step in the survivorship process. Treatment lasts for a year at most. These women are survivors for the rest of their lives.” One of the great benefits of a UAB nursing education is that students get to join faculty members on research teams. DAWN AYCOCK, MSN, APRN-BC, CCRC, and KISHA COLEMAN, MSN, CPHM, RN, are both doctoral students working with ANNE ALEXANDROV, PhD, RN, CCRN, FAAN, who oversees the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program at UAB. Aycock is pursuing her PhD from Atlanta, while Coleman is completing her DNP in Birmingham. Alexandrov’s volunteer work in the Black Belt led Aycock to a research project there, with assistance from Coleman. Pairing Aycock’s research expertise with Coleman’s clinical training is one of the many ways the School of Nursing teaches students how to collaborate and translate research into practice. On the first Saturday of every month, UAB volunteers led by KAREN ALBRIGHT, DO, in the School of Public Health lend their support to a traveling clinic created by a local Black Belt physician and her husband, a minister. “I think it’s very

“I think it’s very exciting to be able to bring doctoral students in and allow them to GET INVOLVED in this work with an INTERPROFESSIONAL TEAM . . .” -Anne Alexandrov, PhD, RN, CCRN, FAAN exciting to be able to bring our doctoral students in and allow them to get involved in this work with an interprofessional team,” said Alexandrov. “Dawn is interested in what perception these people have of their risk for stroke, versus their actual risk, based on their risk factors and lifestyle choices. This is one of the first research studies ever to come out of this region, focusing on a population that is so significantly underserved. Kisha, who works for an insurance company, generally deals with patients who have resources, who have health insurance, so she has not seen firsthand some of the access issues we’re dealing with. She’s assisting Dawn as part of her DNP coursework so that she can be much more effective in her job and become a better health care advocate.”


OVERCOMING Social Stigmas

H Linda Moneyham, PhD, RN, FAAN

Mirjam-Colette Kempf, PhD, MPH

Gwen Childs, PhD, RN

Comfort Enah, PhD, RN 10 | UAB SCHOOL OF NURSING

IV/AIDS is one of the most complex epidemics ever addressed by the health care community. Besides combating the physical effects of the disease and trying to halt its spread, health professionals also must address patients’ mental health issues and psychiatric issues, many of which are related to the the social stigma associated with infection. A scientist in the UAB Center for AIDS Research and senior scientist in the UAB Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center, LINDA MONEYHAM is a pioneer in HIV research. Her extensive work includes developing a telephone intervention for counseling rural HIVinfected women, who often feel so stigmatized that they will not attend support groups, no matter how badly they need help in coping with depression. That work makes Moneyham an ideal collaborator for epidemiologist MIRJAMCOLETTE KEMPF, PhD, MPH, a faculty member at the School of Nursing and associate scientist at UAB’s Center for AIDS Research and Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center. Kempf has focused her research on understanding—and addressing—barriers to health care among HIVinfected women living in the South. Telemedicine will play an important role in her current research. Though women only account for about a third of the total HIVinfected population in the United States, Kempf said, their numbers have been steadily increasing since the nineties—disproportionately so among African-American women in the South. Because depression has been identified as a key factor that prevents HIV patients from adhering to HIV care, Kempf has received a grant from the National Institutes of Health to adapt an existing intervention. “For HIV patients, adherence is critical,” Kempf explained. “Skipping even two doses of a medication can lead to resistance—and ultimately death—if treatment options are exhausted due to resistance.” Harvard researchers developed an intervention using cognitive behavioral therapy to address this issue. “Our goal is to adapt this intervention to HIV-infected African-American women living in the Deep South,” Kempf said, “We hope that, by making it culturally acceptable and delivering it through telemedicine, we will be able to develop a successful intervention for this underserved population.” Misconceptions about HIV/AIDS have created great hardships for patients. “HIV/AIDS is no longer a fatal disease,” she said. “It’s a chronic disease. Someone who is receiving and adhearing to treatment can live as long as someone who’s not infected. And yet, many people still have the belief that mere contact—shaking hands or kissing or touching—will cause you to become infected. That is not true.” “These people deal with stress, with depression, with the fear of stigma,” said JIM RAPER, DSN, JD, CRNP, FAANP, FAAN, who recruited three School of Nursing faculty members to help address mental and psychiatric

From left to right: Shana Rutkowski, BA, current nurse practitcioner student, Teena McGuinness, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, and Jim Raper, DSN, JD, CRNP, FAANP, FAAN

issues at the 1917 Clinic on UAB’s campus. TEENA McGUINNESS, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, SUSANNE FOGGER, DNP, CRNP, PMHNP-BC, and KATHLEEN TROUP, MSN, CRNP, PMHNP-BC, all collaborate with Raper to offer psychiatric and mental health care at this world-class, multidisciplinary facility. In continuous operation since 1988, the 1917 Clinic offers primary care to some 2,000 adult HIV patients, about 40 percent of whom have no ability to pay. Patients here have access to specialists in everything from neurology to dermatology to dentistry. “I chose to practice at 1917 because I knew the director is also a nurse practitioner, so I would have a colleague there who would be open to using the facility to train psych-mental health nurse practitioners and increase access to mental health services,” said McGuinness. “Also, I knew people living with HIV often have depression and anxiety rates of 40 to 50 percent, and my skill set would be valued. If you treat psychiatric disorders in people living with HIV, they are more likely to adhere to their HIV medication, live longer, and have a better quality of life.” McGuinness, who directs the Honors in Nursing program at the UAB School of Nursing and serves as coordinator of the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner track, said that three of her honors students have conducted projects at 1917. McGuinness is currently precepting psychmental health nurse practitioner students in the clinic. Raper, who earned his doctorate at the School of Nursing, has a secondary appointment on the nursing faculty, in addition to his primary appointment as associate professor in the School of Medicine. He said nurses have a special contribution to make in HIV treatment: “One of the major indicators of whether a patient will remain engaged in care is the relationship that patient has with his or her care provider. If they believe that you care about them, if they believe that you hear them, that you’re trying to help them, if you take time to touch them and make them feel like a person, they have a much higher rate of return to the clinic for appointments. You have to build a relationship, and you have to build trust. I think nurses have always known that.” As Raper and other nursing faculty offer compassionate care and treatment, other HIV researchers in the School of Nursing are focused on prevention. GWEN CHILDS, PhD, RN, and COMFORT ENAH, PhD, RN, are associate scientists at the UAB Center for AIDS Research and the Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center.

Artist, Darrell Ezekiel





Childs is targeting 12- to 14-year-old African-American girls. “Here in Alabama, when you compare AfricanAmerican girls age 15-19 with other ethnicities, the difference in the infection rate for STDs is shocking,” said Childs, who is trying to reach these girls before they become sexually active.

“Parents want us to talk to their daughters because the girls often won’t talk to them. The 60 girls we’ve interviewed so far say they really want us to teach their parents how to talk to and listen to them.” -Gwen Childs, PhD, RN

“Many of the girls in my study don’t realize they can get tested without their parents’ permission, so they’re afraid to seek care,” she said. “I talked with junior and senior girls who actually thought there was a cure for HIV. They think abstinence is a joke, so we’re exploring ways to persuade them to at least delay sex until they’re older. In the meantime, we need to find effective, realistic ways to educate them about how this disease is transmitted and help them make better decisions about sex.” Childs said she expected resistance from parents in the Birmingham community, but the reverse happened: “Parents want us to talk to their daughters because the girls often won’t talk to them. The 60 girls we’ve interviewed so far say they really want us to teach their parents how to talk to and listen to them.” For Enah, who works with male and female AfricanAmerican adolescents in the rural South, privacy concerns are a major barrier to HIV prevention and treatment. “Everybody knows everybody, so even though free condoms are available through their local health department, they don’t want to be seen coming out of a clinic,” Enah explained. “Also, there are fewer options for partners, so if one person is infected, he or she has the potential to spread the virus to more people. And then there’s the lack of entertainment for rural kids. They hang out with each other, and like they say, ‘things happen.’ And if they do get infected, they don’t want anyone to know.” Enah is developing a portable, educational video game that could be played privately on a computer or cell phone. “Right now, I have pilot funds, with the primary goal being to develop a workable prototype and then work toward individualizing it,” she said. “This will be a long-term project and will require additional funding. But without a tailored intervention to teach this group about HIV transmission and prevention, rates will just keep rising.”


PARTNERING with the community


iven the complexity of modern health care and the many barriers to access, partnerships are essential to help providers connect with the people who need them most and to allow students from a range of disciplines to learn from each other. “For years, we educated our own students within each school, and when they graduated, we sent them into the workforce, where they were expected to work collaboratively with professionals from other fields,” explained CINDY SELLECK, associate dean for clinical affairs and partnerships. “But they didn’t know how to work together because we hadn’t taught them. Health care is becoming much more team-based, and you have to learn how to work as a team.” She cited a new DentaQuest grant, which brings together students from the schools of Dentistry, Nursing, and Medicine to learn about oral health in the classroom and clinical arena. Teams of these UAB students are doing physical and oral assessments on children. In the process, they’re teaching each other assessment techniques from their particular fields. In another interprofessional program, the Geriatric Education Center at UAB sends students from the schools of Medicine, Optometry, Health Professions, Dentistry, Social Work, and Nursing to a local retirement center, where they interview community residents, individually, from their own professional standpoints. Then the students come together to design teambased care plans. UAB School of Nursing and UAB School of Dentistry parnter through DentaQuest grant at local elementary school.

“Collaboration is a core value of this university and our school,” said Dean Harper. “Our disciplines, our science, our educational programs, and our practice are delivered as a team to produce better clinical outcomes for the people we serve. Nursing is at the forefront of care delivery, and nurses are at the epicenter of the health care team. Working together and collaborating with our colleagues from other disciplines, we find better solutions than any of us could find alone.” Last year, the School of Nursing partnered with M-POWER Ministries to establish a nurse-managed daytime PATH (Providing Access to Health Care) clinic. M-POWER runs three evening clinics, which focus on acute care and do not take appointments. The daytime clinic, also located at M-POWER in Birmingham’s Avondale community, does allow appointments with School of Nursing faculty and provides chronic care management. None of its patients have health insurance. Some are homeless. “We’re serving a group of very appreciative, needy people who fall through the cracks and need access to essential services,” Selleck said. The PATH clinic offers a rich educational opportunity for students in nursing and other health care disciplines, Selleck said: “This year we’re working on a grant application that would fund a three-year pilot project built around interprofessional practice, with Nursing, Medicine, Social Work, and Nutrition partnering to open the clinic additional days each week.” The clinic wasn’t the school’s only partnership with M-POWER. After tornados ravaged a number of Alabama communities in April 2011, nursing students began collecting relief supplies for tornado victims and looking for other ways to help. When M-POWER sent out a call for nurse practitioners to volunteer in devastated Pratt City, nursing faculty were there within 24 hours. Whatever the barriers to good health might be— distance, income, education, social stigma, or anything else that stands in the way—the UAB School of Nursing is committed to overcoming them. “When you think about access today, we have face-to-face access, telecommunication, electronic access, and so much more,” said Harper. “And I think we have to explore all of those channels and put them to use for the community. Across our three missions of education, research, and service, the one thing you can never eliminate is this: No matter how advanced health care becomes or how many hightech tools we have at our disposal, nursing touches people. Nurses will always be wherever people are, wherever patients are in need of care. Nurses will always be there, partnering to improve access and mobilize resources for patients to lead happier, healthier lives.”

Undergraduate student Michael Rambin, BS, with faculty member Doug Oliver, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, NE-BC


partnering to improve

and moblize resources for patients to lead HAPPIER,

HEALTHIER LIVES.” -Dean Doreen C. Harper, PhD, RN, FAAN



Champion for Rural Health written by valerie fraser luesse photography rob culpepper

Sheena Champion, MSN, ANP, graduated from UAB last May and returned home to rural Wilcox County, Alabama. Here only

three doctors serve over 12,000 people. Champion works with Willie White, MD, at the Wilcox

Medical Clinic in Camden, where her advanced training in primary care is sorely needed.



hen I was growing up, we had more doctors in Thomasville, but now they’ve closed the hospital there,” Sheena Champion says. “So for people on my side of the county, the only hospital and ambulance service is in Camden, which is 30 minutes away—30 minutes to reach you and another 30 to get you to the hospital.” Because Dr. Willie White, with whom Champion collaborates, must divide his time between the clinic and the emergency room, any serious emergency at the hospital used to mean a two-hour wait for his clinic patients. Now Champion can care for clinic patients, consulting with White, who is within walking distance at the hospital. This is interprofessional teamwork at its best. White helps Champion understand the needs of the community and hone her assessment skills, while she, as a nurse practitioner, enables the clinic to offer better access to quality health care and improve patient outcomes. Champion says White also grew up in a small town and has been a wonderful mentor. “Everybody in the county knows him,” she says with a smile. “It’s amazing when we go out. People will flag him down on the street, tell him about that pain in their elbow, and ask, ‘How’s the flow in your office, Doc?’ You would never see that in Birmingham.” Her work with White has opened her eyes to the great need in her community. “I knew we needed health care, but now I see so many other things,” Champion says. “We have many youth with diabetes, mainly because of obesity—no exercise and poor eating habits. Kids need recreational activities, but there’s no gym here. The rate of hypertension and diabetes among people in their thirties is incredible. I also see people who need mental health services, but seeking help is kind of taboo here. So you have to spend extra time with patients, explaining that counseling can really help and that they need to get over their fear of being labeled.” Champion spends five days a week at the medical clinic. She stays with her grandmother in Wilcox County during the workweek but spends some of her weekends at her own home in Birmingham to be closer to her friends. Already, she has gotten an invaluable education in the power of caring in patient-provider relationships. She remembers a local woman who called the clinic and asked that the “nice young lady” do her pap smear instead of White. “That was her first pap smear in years,” Champion said. “I didn’t realize some people would avoid aspects of their care just because Dr. White is a man.”

Another patient had all kinds of reasons why he couldn’t take the medication she was trying to give him. “Between doing his assessment and persuading him to take his medication, I must’ve spent 40 minutes with him,” Champion said, “but he finally said, ‘Okay, I’ll take it just for you.’ He showed up for his follow-up visit, too. So with a little extra effort, I made him much more aware of his health. That’s one win for me —and one for him, too!” Clearly, Champion’s experience in Wilcox County has taught her the best way to improve the health and quality of life for any community—one patient at a time.

I knew we needed health care, but now I see so many other things. . .”

-Sheena Champion, MSN, ANP

Sheena Champion, MSN, ANP, with Willie White, MD

Dowtown Camden, Alabama

Willie White, MD


Karen Heaton, PhD, CEN, FNP-BC , outside Buddy Moore Trucking in Birmingham, Alabama



owhere is the School of Nursing’s leadership more evident than in research, where extramural funding has increased by 197 percent over the past four years, and peer-reviewed publications by nursing faculty have increased by 94 percent over the past three years. What’s truly impressive about those numbers are the communities they represent—the many people whose lives have been touched, for the better, by UAB nurse researchers. “Research doesn’t end with what we discover,” said DEAN DOREEN C. HARPER, PhD, RN, FAAN. “That’s just the beginning. We have to translate and disseminate that new knowledge. A big part of our research agenda is to feed what we’ve learned back to the community so that the quality of their lives can be improved.” At this advanced level, research takes resources. That means successful grant applications are essential, not just to the advancement of research but also to the scholarly development of nursing faculty. Completing a successful grant application can take a year—longer if you’re new to the


process, said Associate Dean for Research KAREN MENESES, PhD, RN, FAAN. Meneses created a program whereby tenuretrack faculty who conduct research are assigned a mentor from among tenured faculty with research expertise. Faculty members meet with their mentors about once a week for guidance in developing their program of research and scholarship, devising a timeline, and balancing their research hours with teaching responsibilities. Mentors also help new researchers connect to university-wide interdisciplinary research centers, where interprofessional teams work with them in developing their ideas and proposals. These centers also provide pilot funds to support researchers in making new discoveries. “Together with our department chairs, we’ve expanded our mentoring program beyond research to include education pedagogy,” said Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs LINDA MONEYHAM, PhD, RN, FAAN, who chaired the School of Nursing’s Research, Teaching, and Service and Scholarship Committee. “This allows faculty in the tenure and non-tenure tracks to have teaching mentors so we can help new faculty better understand the teaching role. We’re also providing the same support to faculty in clinical practice. It’s all about facilitating these faculty members, removing any barriers to their success, and better preparing them to teach, research, and serve the community.”

Wolf Lindh of Monroeville, Alabama-based Hornady Transportation Inc., has logged over 1 million miles of safe driving.

safety of the truckers. “Dr. Meneses guided me in that and also helped me communicate that this is not a one-shot project. We’re already looking to the future and to further studies.” Heaton said she wanted to study truckers because “they’re salt-of-the-earth people who work hard to make a living under difficult circumstances, and they have significant risk for work-related injuries.” Her first goal is to translate a lecture-based sleep, alertness, and fatigue management program into a distance-accessible format. written by valerie fraser luesse photography steve wood “There’s an existing program which was created in the nineties, and it’s still very good,” Heaton explained. “But it’s presented live in classrooms, which are difficult for truckers to access. However, many drivers now travel with laptops so they can com They’re the most visible invisible workers in America. municate with employers and family members or play games That’s how KAREN HEATON, PhD, CEN, FNP-BC, describes the and watch movies during down time. Most large truck stop 1.5 million long-haul truckers crisscrossing America’s highchains offer WiFi. So I thought that might be a good venue ways. “We see the vehicle, but we never see the person behind for delivering health information.” the wheel,” said Heaton, who recently received a two-year Heaton is working with 80 truckers to determine grant for $380,900 from the Centers for Disease Control (1) whether they like the distance-based program and and Prevention (CDC)/National Institutes of Occupational find it helpful, and (2) whether the program components Safety and Health (NIOSH) to study the sleep health of motivate them to make healthy changes in their sleep long-haul truckers. practices. To establish her study, Heaton worked with her “The safest amount of sleep for driving is seven to department chair, KATHLEEN BROWN, PhD, RN, and her faculty eight hours a night, and truckers tend not to get that for all mentor, KAREN MENESES, PhD, RN, FAAN.“Throughout the sorts of reasons,” Heaton explained. “Usually, when a crash process of preparing my grant application, Dr. Meneses involves a commercial vehicle and a passenger vehicle, the would comment and guide,” said Heaton. “My study involves driver of the passenger vehicle is at fault. Still, truckers have development of an intervention, which is her area of experthe highest rates of work-related motor vehicle crashes and tise. She also has reviewed grants for years and knows what the highest number of days missed because of injury.” reviewers are looking for, and we sent the application to two Heaton said that drivers sometimes sleep even more outside experts for feedback. Dr. Meneses was instrumental erratically at home, where they’re trying to make up for lost in helping me think through the process of choosing my retime with their families. She hopes to continue her work and search team. And then the research centers on campus helped explore that issue, the ultimate goal being to create muchme connect to researchers and resources.” needed health and safety interventions for these drivers—and Successfully targeting the CDC/NIOSH meant for the families who wait for them back home. convincing these agencies that Heaton’s project could have an impact on public health and safety, as well as the health and



From left to right: Carolynn Jones, MSPH, RN, Lynda Wilson, PhD, RN, FAAN, Kimberly McCall, PhD, MPA, Marti Rice, PhD, RN, FAAN

GLOBAL CLASSROOM How do you overcome cultural differences and teach health care professionals around the world to accept and practice a uniform code of ethics? That was the challenge addressed by PERC—Promoting Enhanced Research Capacity for Global Health—a distance-accessible international training program aimed at teaching best practices to clinical research coordinators and giving them the necessary skills to share that training with their colleagues. The principal investigator for PERC was LYNDA WILSON, PhD, RN, FAAN, assistant dean for international affairs and deputy director of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Center for International Nursing. Wilson’s research team included MARTI RICE, PhD, RN, FAAN, CAROLYNN T. JONES, MSPH, RN, CYNTHIA I. JOINER, PhD, MPH, MSN, RN, JENNIFER K. LABORDE, MN, RN, KIMBERLY McCALL, PhD, MPA and PENELOPE JESTER, MPH, RN. The Project received funding through April 2011, with UAB nurse researchers now looking at ways to expand and build on the successful program they’ve developed. “The lack of structured training programs often creates uncertainty among research coordinators, potentially compromised research, potential ethical breaches, and unsafe working environments,” Wilson explained. “So this is a major issue that has become even more critical as the number of worldwide clinical trials has increased.” A clinical trial can involve anything from testing a new drug to finding ways to empower women to use condoms and microbicides for HIV prevention. Some of the trials being conducted in other countries are funded by the United States, with the federal government requiring that uniform standards be met. But in developing countries, despite minimal exposure, clinical coordinators often have no idea what those standards are, why they’re in place, or how to apply them in complex research settings. Cultural differences create still more issues, 18 | UAB SCHOOL OF NURSING


sometimes preventing patients from questioning physicians and fully understanding their rights as a clinical trial participant, explained Carolynn Jones, who developed the PERC curriculum, so a primary goal of PERC is to protect the rights of those participants. The School of Nursing believes the best way to promote ethics and best practices is to train local coordinators to take ownership and protect their own populations. The school is dedicated to this educational leadership domestically and internationally. In tandem with the PERC award, the school launched a post-baccalaureate certificate and master’s degree in Clinical Research Management (CRM) in 2009 for both nursing and other health professionals across UAB. “The role of a clinical research coordinator isn’t traditionally taught in undergraduate nursing programs, but it’s a huge role in the pharmaceutical industry and academic medical centers like UAB, where most clinical trials are conducted,” Jones said. She developed the CRM courses and the distanceaccessible curriculum for PERC, modeling it after four earlier programs she created, beginning in 2005. Using a network of contacts from those earlier studies, Wilson’s PERC team received an overwhelming 690 applicants from 50 countries, eventually filtering those down to a sample of 166 English-speaking coordinators, with far-ranging backgrounds—physicians, nurses, pharmacists, midwives, and social workers. To overcome spotty internet access in some countries, courses were offered in multiple formats—online, on CDROM, and in print. Each of the five interactive courses built on the others and included a community-building activity and social networking. Participants’ competencies were tested before and after each class, with noticeable improvement after their training. The data are still being analyzed, but the capacity-building activities of students in the two PERC offerings have reached an astounding 3,000-plus.

Sharing world her words with the

written by valerie fraser luesse photography steve wood



renderings expodisplays

lorence Nightingale is recognized worldwide as the founder of modern nursing. Besides authoring textbooks and policy papers, she wrote scores of personal letters aimed at improving the health and welfare of people throughout the world. UAB has a significant collection of these letters, as well as several other artifacts from Nightingale’s personal life—all part of a 1958 gift to the Reynolds Historical Collection of UAB’s Lister Hill Library by Lawrence Reynolds, MD.

Rendering of the future Florence Nightingale exhibit to be housed at the UAB School of Nursing

For decades, the collection has been preserved in the library’s archives. But now the School of Nursing has partnered with Historical Collections to develop an interactive display that will make digital reproductions of the collection available to faculty and students in nursing and other health professions, as well as to the general public. The Nightingale exhibit will be located in the lobby of the School of Nursing so that every student and guest will have an opportunity to see it.


they touched me. we had to find a way to share these with everyone.”



-Barrett Brock MacKay, MSN ‘79


hanks to a gift from Board of Visitors member Arlene Henley and the Delia and John Robert Charitable Trust, an incredible collection of Nightingale’s letters has been digitized and is available full-text in an online exhibit called The Life and Letters of Florence Nightingale at “The website gives context to these letters by historically informing them, making them of special value to school groups and others interested in the work and contributions of nursing’s founder,” said MICHAEL A. FLANNERY, MA, MLS, professor and associate director for historical collections. “This has been made possible through the efforts of Lister Hill Library and our colleagues at the Mervyn H. Sterne Library. Most important, however, has been our collaboration with Dean Doreen Harper and the School of Nursing. This project couldn’t have been accomplished without her enthusiastic support and her appreciation of the significance of these letters. That they are held here in Alabama makes them the crown jewels of nursing in the South and of the UAB School of Nursing.” “To have these treasures here and not display them, not share them, not disseminate their content to the people of Alabama and, really, the world—that would be a tragic waste of historically significant insights into nursing,” said DEAN DOREEN C. HARPER, PhD, RN, FAAN. Her passion for the project inspired BARRETT BROCK MACKAY, MSN ‘79, an active member and former Chair of the Board of Visitors. “Dean Harper told the Board about the letters and helped arrange for us to get an appointment to see them with the curator at the Reynolds Library,” said MacKay. “As I read those letters, they touched me. Florence Nightingale is the icon of nursing. And to have her letters right there in a plain little box—a real piece of her—I thought we had to find a way to share these with everyone.” Sometime ago, MacKay’s parents established The Harry B. and Jane H. Brock Foundation, which donated the seed money to launch the Nightingale exhibit at the School


From left: Harry and Jane Brock, and Barrett and Rick MacKay

of Nursing. Over the years, MacKay explained, members of her family have developed special interests in a variety of educational and community service projects in Birmingham. The Nightingale exhibit, she said, was particularly special. “If I’m passionate about something, if I think it’s worthwhile, they‘ll always be supportive,” MacKay said. “As a family, we’re all on board for each other.” In fact, their interest has been so great that Barrett and her husband, Rick, have also invested personally in the project and encourage others to, as well. The Nightingale collection includes a newspaper clipping, a photograph of Nightingale, a print from a painting of her, and 50 letters written by her from 1853 to 1903. During much of that time, she was in poor health but, through her letters and other writings, she continued to advocate for improving public health conditions in India. Nightingale

past, present, future...

Florence Nightingale Exhibit

had begun her nursing career during the Crimean War, attending British troops in Turkey, where soldiers were comforted by her solitary night rounds and began calling her “Lady with the Lamp.” Nightingale was a steadfast advocate for good hygiene, sanitation, and nutrition—not just in British army hospitals but wherever she saw the need. The Nightingale Collection at UAB opens a window on the latter part of Nightingale’s life and offers many lessons on policy, advocacy, and public health, as well as nursing. Her prolific writing came, in part, from a desire to develop data-driven policy changes to improve healthcare worldwide. “I think this collection will be a wonderful tool for students,” said MacKay, who remembers studying Nightingale as a nursing student at UAB. “Nightingale was a visionary pioneer, and the amazing work that she did 100 years ago is still relevant today. Her letters will teach and inspire anyone who reads them—especially nursing students.” UAB’s exhibit will give students an opportunity to explore evidence-based practice as it was first defined over a century ago and discover the links between the

past, present, and future

Florence Nightingale Exhibit

of modern nursing. Also, as one of only seven World Health Organization Collaborating Centers in the U.S., the School of Nursing will use the exhibit to advocate for global health. “We are so very thankful for the generous support of donors like Barrett and her family, who are making the exhibit project possible,” said Senior Director of Development Jeannie Horton. “This is a significant piece of history that we’re honored to share with the world. The Nightingale exhibit will allow us to give students of all ages a wonderful hands-on learning experience and keep an important piece of history alive.” Construction will begin summer 2012, with plans for a fall 2012 opening. Donors may sponsor an individual Nightingale letter or group of letters, or they can make a general gift to support the overall project. For more information, contact Jeannie Horton at (205) 975.2443; e-mail; or visit and click “Donate Now.”

tingale Exhibit

Renderings, pictured right, of the future Florence Nightingale exhibit to be housed at the UAB School of Nursing


The UAB School of Nursing deeply appreciates the ongoing support of our alumni and friends. It is an honor to recognize, through the following list, supporters whose generosity continues to be of vital importance to the school in achieving its mission and vision. The following individuals, corporations, and foundations made gifts or in-kind contributions to the School of Nursing between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2010. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this listing. For correction, please notify the UAB School of Nursing Development and Alumni Relations Office at (205) 975.8936 or

Leadership Gifts

$100,000 and Above Hill Crest Foundation Inc. Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation

$25,000 to $99,999 The Harry B. & Jane H. Brock Foundation The Comer Foundation Luckie Family Advised Fund

$10,000 to $24,999 University of North Carolina Minnie H. Rast Jean Riley Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Walls Sr.

$5,000 to $9,999

Mary Anne D. Blake Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Herman D. Bolden Burr & Forman LLP Robert and Lois Luckie Charitable Foundation The UAB Educational Foundation UAB Health System

$2,500 to $4,999

Alabama Christian Foundation Alacare Home Health & Hospice Jean C. Bates (BSN 1980) and Steven M. Bates Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ferguson HealthSouth Corporation Dr. Constance S. Hendricks (MSN 1981, BSN 1974)


Everett H. Holle Komen Foundation Barrett B. MacKay (MSN 1979) and Rick M. MacKay Harry E. Murphy* SOS Foundation of Jefferson County Sterne Agee Group Inc.

$1,000 to $2,499

Altec Industries Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Arendall B.L. Harpert International, LLC Brookwood Medical Center Dr. Suzanne E. Austin and Dr. Thomas M. DiLorenzo Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bagby Mr. and Mrs. James B. Boone Jr. Dr. Rachel Z. Booth and Richard B. Booth Mr. and Mrs. Skip M. Brock Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg Jr. Dr. Larry W. Carter Children’s Health System Clayton State University Foundation Inc. CLP Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Davidson Dr. Gregory S. Eagerton (MSN 1991, BSN 1985) and Sallie R. Eagerton (BSN 1988) Charles E. Flowers Society Dr. Juanzetta S. Flowers (DSN 1985, MSN 1983) John F. Germany Robert R. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Helveston Fay B. Ireland Donna C. Jernigan John & Delia Robert Charitable Trust Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Benny M. LaRussa Sr. Rose Marie Lee Jean W. LeGrand

Jarman Lowder (BSN 1974)* and Thomas H. Lowder Sue Ellen Lucas (MSN 1980) and Michael L. Lucas Dr. and Mrs. William R. Lucas Dr. Charles A. McCallum Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. McCallum III Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. McCallum McCallum Charitable Foundation Inc. Nu Chapter Sigma Theta Tau Int. Dr. Marie L. O’Koren (MSN 1958) Mr. and Mrs. Craft O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. James T. Parsons Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Philips III Julia W. Powell (BSN 1971) and Joe D. Powell Dr. James L. Raper (DSN 1994) Mr. and Mrs. James M. Reddinger Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rushton III Samford University Servis First Bank Barbara Ingalls Shook Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Simon Dr. Bettye Jane Smith Mr. and Mrs. Murray W. Smith St. Vincent’s Hospital Dr. Patricia L. Starck (DSN 1979) Starnes Davis Florie LLP Steward Machine Co. Inc. The Thompson Foundation Surpora S. Thomas (BSN 1985) and Jules G. Thomas Lucille R. Thompson Transatlantic Reinsurance Company UAHSF-Kirklin Clinic Dr. Janet S. Wyatt (MSN 1974) and Edward P. Wyatt

$500 to $999

Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Brock III Ann M. Bunn Mr. and Mrs. John F. Callaway Jr. Virginia E. DeBardeleben Dr. Joanne M. Disch (MSN 1976)

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Dunaway Jr. Tom A. Findlay Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Glasscock Dr. Doreen C. Harper and William A. Harper Larry G. Hornsby (BSN 1981) and Carol C. Hornsby (BSN 1981) W. Bradford Kidd* and Margaret C. Kidd Dr. Martha G. Lavender (DSN 1988, MSN 1984) and Tim Lavender Emily McNew Mr. and Mrs. Guy K. Mitchell Jr. Dr. Carolyn L. Murdaugh Marjorie C. Nunan Royal Cup Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Sherlock David E. Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vance Suttle Sabrina S. Williams (MSN 1982, BSN 1978)

alumni gifts under $500 Alumni are recognized below by graduation date through 2010 for the listed degree. Alumni with multiple degrees are listed under each of their respected graduation dates.


Alene H. Eastham (DIPL) and Edwin M. Eastham


Martha B. Bottomley (DIPL)


Helen C. Capell (DIPL) and James H. Capell


Virginia B. Black (DIPL) Joy Chapman Fleming (DIPL) Sarah E. Bayne Roach (DIPL)


Jo Cory Hewlett-Rich (DIPL)


Mary E. Whitehead-Dickinson (DIPL) and William Dickinson


Gwendolyn Anderson Leo (DIPL) Clara Jean Reach (BSN) and William A. Reach Dorothy L. Scarbrough (BSN) and John W. Scarbrough Joyce Miller West (DIPL) and Charles R. West

Martha Webber Richards (DIPL) and Frank H. Richards


Carol Ann Grooms (DIPL) Kay Buchanan Howell (DIPL) and Eugene Milton Howell Dr. Sarah R. Johnston (BSN) and Ralph E. Johnston Patricia M. Morris (DIPL) and Charles F. Morris


Elizabeth S. Guerra (BSN) and L. R. Guerra


Verona A. Marbut (DIPL)

Barbara Duncan Cook (BSN) and Timothy D. Cook Sr. Velma L. Denson (MSN) Gloria Coley Keel (DIPL) Joann Purdy Shea (DIPL) and Ronald E. Shea Martha G. Skipper (BSN)




Dr. Elizabeth W. Cleino (MSN) and Dr. Edward H. Cleino Martha W. Faulk (DIPL) and Larry Faulk Dr. Jean A. Kelley (BSN) Martha Jackson Hill (DIPL) and Hoyt W. Hill


Patricia Holliday Dorsett (DIPL) and George W. Dorsett Margaret I. Ritchey (BSN) and Charles R. Ritchey Janice B. Scholl (BSN)


Jo Ann Caldwell (DIPL) Norma King Mobley (MSN) and John M. Mobley


Patricia Canavan Brown (BSN) and Robert D. Brown Nancy Brown Currie Friday (BSN) Martha Jackson Hill (BSN) and Hoyt W. Hill Dr. Sarah R. Johnston (DIPL) and Ralph E. Johnston B. Kay Kinnear (BSN) Peggy Williams Medlin (BSN) and Robert E. Medlin Bettie Jean Edwards Morales (DIPL) Joyce Miller West (BSN) and Charles R. West


Ruth C. Abrahams (BSN) and Edwin G. Abrahams Martha Jackson Hill (MSN) and Hoyt W. Hill Rosaland M. Hughes (BSN) and Carl Hughes Genell W. Smith (DIPL) and Dr. Edward H. Smith


Kay P. Blakeney (BSN) and Adolph Blakeney Barbara S. Grant (BSN) and Dr. Charles P. Grant Dr. Marguerite K. Handlin (BSN) and Harry C. Handlin Barbara Z. Johnston (DIPL) and Ronald F. Johnston

Carol Burkley Aquilino (DIPL) and Chris Aquilino Peggy Oberman Argent (DIPL) and Larry D. Argent Martha Howell Conner (DIPL) Sandra M. Davis (BSN) Suzanne J. Dickerson (BSN) Anna Hawkins Donaldson (BSN) and Bill Donaldson Rebecca Kessler Edwards (BSN) Nancy M. Esham (DIPL) Dr. Dorcas Cobb Fitzgerald (BSN) Dr. Kathleen Goldblatt-Bond (BSN) Dr. Mildred L. Hamner (MSN) Martha Jo Holsomback (BSN) and Ken Holsomback Sally Jordan Lee (BSN) and Raymond E. Lee Martha Tibby Loveman (BSN) and Dr. Alan C. Loveman Joyce G. Mason (BSN) and Samuel A. Mason Sara L. Newport (BSN)


Dr. Mary C. Henderson (MSN) Jackie B. Huskey (DIPL) Sybil W. Jordan (DIPL) and Jerry W. Jordan Betty Jane Matthews (DIPL)


Brenda L. Digerness (DIPL) and Dr. Stanley B. Digerness Dr. Marguerite K. Handlin (MSN) and Harry C. Handlin Dr. Maxine B. Jones (MSN) Dr. Mary L. Reilly (BSN) and Thomas G. Reilly Gloria Parker Weimer (DIPL) and George V. Weimer


Dr. Janet S. Awtrey (MSN) and Alvin L. Awtrey Dr. Sarah R. Johnston (MSN) and Ralph E. Johnston


Kay Stephens Barnett (DIPL) and Dwayne Barnett Carolyn B. Chalkley (BSN) Dr. Dorcas Cobb Fitzgerald (MSN)

Nancy Nettles Harrell (BSN) and Dr. R. Ronnie Harrell Dr. Jean B. Ivey (BSN) Janyce R. Osborne (MSN) and David C. Osborne Sarah J. Sellers (DIPL) Delores Kay McEwen Sherman (BSN) and Stephen W. Sherman Sara Thompson (DIPL) and Earl Thompson Dr. Beverly B. Tidwell (BSN) Joyce Miller West (MSN) and Charles R. West


Shelby J. Bailey (BSN) Kay P. Blakeney (MSN) and Adolph Blakeney June C. Cook (BSN) and Frank J. Cook Dr. Wendy A. Dimicco (MSN) and Albert J. Dimicco Dr. Anne W. Foote (BSN) and James A. Foote Janice B. Scholl (MSN) Edwina M. Taylor (BSN) and John E. Taylor Laura C. Young (BSN) and David E. Young


Ruth C. Abrahams (MSN) and Edwin G. Abrahams Joselyn Bacon (BSN) Carolyn B. Chalkley (MSN) Linda B. Desserre (BSN) and Denis R. Desserre Dr. Ann Edgil (BSN) and Robert P. Edgil Dr. Barbara L. Hyde (MSN) and Orin Terry Davidson Dr. Ann T. Sirles (BSN) and Aden Sirles Judy A. Taylor (BSN) Peggy Williams Medlin (MSN) and Robert E. Medlin Mary Katherine Peacock (MSN) Janis G. Williams (BSN) and Ronald B. Williams


Myna D. Goldston (BSN) and Steven L. Goldston Sharon H. Hamilton (BSN) and Ronnie C. Hamilton Shirley W. Hester (BSN) and Charles O. Hester Dr. Judith K. Holcombe (MSN) and George W. Holcombe Joyce G. Mason (MSN) and Samuel A. Mason Sandra Dianne Reid (BSN) Dr. Ann T. Sirles (MSN) and Aden Sirles Deborah J. Stoddard (BSN) and Michael Stoddard Judy A. Taylor (MSN) Mary H. Wegenka (BSN) and William E. Wegenka Catherine L. Whelton (BSN) and James P. Whelton


Nancy H. Barton (BSN) and J. C. Barton Rebecca Hinkle Campbell (BSN) and Daniel A. Campbell Patricia J. Cleveland (BSN) Sandra M. Davis (1973) Sue Denson (BSN) Dr. Anne W. Foote (MSN) and James A. Foote Dr. Sandra A. Greniewicki (BSN) and

Daniel W. Greniewicki Judy A. Hiatt (BSN) and William Atchison Dr. Gail M. Hill (BSN) Virginia R. Ingram (BSN) and Wes Ingram Janie D. Kelley (BSN) Princess L. M. Kemp (BSN) and Charles H. Kemp Sr. Patricia Owens Moore (BSN) and Roy Moore Martha H. Nixon (BSN) and Dwight Nixon Karen N. Phillips (BSN) and Kenneth N. Phillips Patti Ware Reese (BSN) and Nathaniel T. Ellis Delores Kay McEwen Sherman (BSN) and Stephen W. Sherman Dr. Myra A. Smith (BSN) and David S. Smith Dianne Watts (BSN) and Kenneth E. Watts


Judy A. Bourrand (BSN) Patricia R. Davidson (MSN) Dr. Sandra H. Faria (BSN) and James M. Faria Etta H. Felton (BSN) Mary J. Goldsmith (BSN) Sara M. Goolsby (BSN) and J. Albert Goolsby Adelia O. Grant (BSN) and Ottis E. Grant Dr. Sandra A. Greniewicki (MSN) and Daniel W. Greniewicki Deborah S. Hoover (BSN) and Dr. L. James Hoover Dr. Kathleen W. Ladner (MSN) and Gordon L. Ladner Ann P. Luther (BSN) and Randy Owen Luther Mary J. Prosser (BSN) and Bill E. Prosser Ginger S. Quinn (BSN) and Charles N. Quinn Jane R. Tarlow (BSN) and Leonard Barasch


Melinda D. Beswick (BSN) and Paul G. Beswick Dr. Sylvia E. Britt (MSN) and Dr. George N. Britt Dr. Joan B. Carlisle (BSN) and Terrence B. Carlisle Patricia J. Cleveland (MSN) Dr. Debra C. Davis (BSN) and Phillip Randy Davis Dr. Ann Edgil (MSN) and Robert P. Edgil Dr. Sandra H. Faria (MSN) and James M. Faria Pamela D. Ferguson (BSN) and Robert A. Ferguson Madeline G. Harris (BSN) Deborah P. Hodges (BSN) and Dr. Stanley M. Hodges Wendy W. Kendrick (BSN) Julia E. Orosz (MSN) Cdr. Patricia T. O’Fallon (BSN) and Thomas Paul O’Fallon Dale Tomlinson (BSN) Patricia A. Wilson (BSN) Anita B. Wallinger (BSN) and David L. Wallinger



Shelby J. Bailey (MSN) Melinda D. Beswick (MSN) and Paul G. Beswick Patricia Amy Carr (BSN) and Larry D. Carr Carolyn L. Collier (BSN) Charlotte W. Cramer (MSN) Loretta M. Davis (BSN) Martha Ann Dawson (BSN) Dr. Pamela N. Fordham (MSN) and C. G. Fordham Dr. Carol Z. Garrison (MSN) and Julian W. Banton Gayle W. Hart (BSN) Billie K. Horak (MSN) Sally Jordan Lee (MSN) and Raymond E. Lee Lois S. Luther (MSN) and R. Barry Luther Diann Roper (BSN) Linda F. Rose (BSN) Karley Kay Wigton (BSN) and Lyle A. Wigton Linda T. Wilkinson (BSN) Annettia Y. Wright (BSN) and Joseph Wright


Kimberly McAleer Coffman (BSN) and David L. Coffman Rebecca Daugherty (MSN) and Dr. James Patrick Daugherty Maj. Kathryn V. Duncan (BSN) and Riley C. Duncan Dr. Jennie Echols (BSN) and Richard Hurst Barbara J. Eisenhart (MSN) and George V. Eisenhart Dale Baxter Evans (BSN) and Olan Neal Evans Amy S. Griffin (BSN) and David R. Griffin Pamela W. Hattemer (BSN) and Thomas L. Hattemer Deborah S. Hoover (MSN) and Dr. L. James Hoover Virginia N. Hudson (BSN) Sybil W. Jordan (BSN) and Jerry W. Jordan Roscoe D. Kelley Jr. (MSN) and Denise S. Kelley (MSN) Daria W. Lightfoot (BSN) and Dr. William M. Lightfoot Dr. Sheila M. Marable (BSN) and Reginald C. Marable Sr. Dr. Kathy A. McCaleb (BSN) and Paul W. McCaleb Paula M. Midyette (BSN) and Mark E. Midyette (BSN) Bromleigh G. Naftel (BSN) and Dr. David C. Naftel Glenda E. Nagrodzki (BSN) and Dr. Paul M. Nagrodzki Dr. Lynn P. Norman (BSN) and Jeff C. Norman Dr. Doreen N. Perkins (BSN) Sharon C. Price (BSN) and David J. Price S. Kimberly W. Rawson (BSN) and William Mark Rawson Dr. Mary L. Reilly (MSN) and Thomas G. Reilly Dianne M. Richmond (BSN) Donna M. Sawhill (BSN) and Gregory W. Sawhill Susan D. Smith (BSN) and Gary L. Smith Adrienne M. Webb (BSN) and Wayne W. Webb James W. Wick (BSN) and Delee Wick



Judy A. Bourrand (MSN) Glenda R. Brewster (BSN) and Larry H. Brewster Kenneth Dale Brown (BSN) and Allie Adkins Brown Dr. Debra C. Davis (MSN) and Phillip Randy Davis Anna Gawlinski (MSN) Cathi Gentry (BSN) Diana P. Hendon (BSN) and Bernard Hendon Deborah C. Johnson (BSN) Mary Y. Kelley (BSN) Jill M. Klein (MSN) Martha Nall Long (BSN) and Randal O. Long Anita Spencer Lord (MSN) Nelnee B. McBrayer (BSN) and Bobby McBrayer Elizabeth G. McCulloch (BSN) Muriel Mitchell (MSN) Cammie M. Quinn (MSN) and Jerry M. Quinn Thomas Clay Peterson (BSN) Dr. Linda F. Reed (BSN) Melanie O. Schultz (BSN) and Michael Schultz


Jane A. Abernathy (BSN) and Dr. Richard E. Abernathy Col. Mary Ann Austin (MSN) and Warren R. Austin Dr. Pegge L. Bell (MSN) and Tex R. Bell Melissa G. Bibb (BSN) and William K. Bibb Loretta Bischoff (MSN) Shari W. Busby (BSN) and Donald H. Busby Dr. Joan B. Carlisle (MSN) and Terrence B. Carlisle Patricia S. Daniel (BSN) and Frank C. Daniel Lois E. Dorough (BSN) Peggy A. Duke (BSN) Rebecca Kessler Edwards (MSN) Ann Humphrey Garwick (BSN) Maj. Alonzo L. Haynes (BSN) and Patricia Haynes Brenda Vaughn Henson (BSN) and Jim Henson Dr. Anna F. Hite (MSN) and Ray Hite Susan T. Irwin (BSN) and Wally Irwin Anne E. Lansu (MSN) Dr. Cynthia N. Massey (BSN) Denise Q. McKenzie (BSN) Sondra T. Oldham (BSN) Marilyn S. Patterson (BSN) and Steven T. Patterson Dr. Deborah L. Scott (MSN) Diane H. Rasbury (BSN) and James K. Rasbury Suzanne Fitzpatrick Richards (MSN) and Bruce William Richards Renita S. Rigney (BSN) and Dr. E. Douglas Rigney Debra S. Rose (BSN) and John Rose Colleen M. Samples (MSN) and Shay Samples Mary G. Snyder (MSN) Sheila G. Sparks (BSN) and Michael F. Sparks Elizabeth E. Willey (BSN)


Dr. Janet S. Awtrey (DSN) and Alvin L. Awtrey Linda S. Baas (MSN)

Pamela T. Carpenter (BSN) and Monty Carpenter Linda L. Cleary (BSN) Anna Hawkins Donaldson (MSN) and Bill Donaldson Dr. Jennie Echols (MSN) and Richard Hurst Dr. Ann Edgil (DSN) and Robert P. Edgil Dale Baxter Evans (MSN) and Olan Neal Evans Lt. Col. Barry L. Felt (MSN) Dr. Delois Skipwith Guy (DSN) and Henry L. Guy Donna L. Harrell (BSN) Dr. Lora Lacey Haun (MSN) and Duane L. Haun Dr. Anna F. Hite (DSN) and Ray Hite Dr. Phyllis N. Horns (DSN) and Frederick F. Horns Nancy Renee Johnson (BSN) and Steven Kent Johnson Janet M. Lyon (MSN) and Gaylord C. Lyon Paula M. Midyette (MSN) and Mark E. Midyette (BSN) Patricia Owens Moore (MSN) and Roy Moore Rachael A. Moore (MSN) and David E. Moore Patsy J. Myers (MSN) and Jere L. Myers Martha H. Nixon (MSN) and Dwight Nixon Elaine S. O’Keefe (MSN) and Ronald W. O’Keefe Sharon C. Price (MSN) and David J. Price Mary J. Prosser (MSN) and Bill E. Prosser Kimberly W. Rawson (MSN) and William Mark Rawson Dr. Linda F. Reed (MSN) Linda F. Rose (MSN) Amy A. Sanders (BSN) and John B. Sanders Jr. Frances B. Simpson (BSN) Dr. Myra A. Smith (MSN) and David S. Smith Mindy L. Spigel (MSN) and Barry S. Spigel Emily T. Williams (BSN) and John B. Williams Jeannette G. Woodall (BSN) and Jerre M. Woodall Sharon E. Yeldell (MSN) and Albert Yeldell


Lora Elizabeth S. Abernathy (BSN) and Gary D. Abernathy William David Ahrens (MSN) and Judy A. Ahrens Dr. Sylvia E. Britt (DSN) and Dr. George N. Britt Allie Adkins Brown (MSN) and Kenneth Dale Brown Dr. Garris Keels Conner (MSN) Sheree Daniels-McGraw (BSN) Peggy A. Duke (MSN) Carol Ann Durham (BSN) and Ralph W. Damsgard Denise T. Dye (BSN) and Steven Alan Dye RADM Joan M. Engel (MSN) Dorothy Isabel Farish (BSN) and Frank R. Farish Jr. Judy T. Hartmann (BSN) and Nick Hartmann Dr. Karen L. Heaton (BSN) Marilyn M. Henry (MSN) and James P. Henry Lynda S. Holt (BSN) and Ira Holt

Kathy S. Hudgens (BSN) and Dr. Kyle Randall Hudgens Quentine S. Johnson (MSN) Jane O. Malloch (MSN) and John W. Malloch Jr. Mary S. Martineau (MSN) and Sean C. Martineau Dr. Kathy A. McCaleb (MSN) and Paul W. McCaleb David Wayne McGregor (BSN) and Bonnie Burton McGregor Fleeta M. Mills (MSN) Cynthia D. Parker (BSN) and Clayton Parker Dr. Faye H. Shaffer (MSN) and Dr. Calvin R. Shaffer Dr. Marcia K. Stanhope (DSN) Brig. Gen. Sue Ellen Turner (MSN) Karley Kay Wigton (MSN) and Lyle A. Wigton


Jan Walden Biasini (MSN) and Dr. Fred J. Biasini Dr. Deidre M. Blank (DSN) and Michael S. Blank Rachel Ann Brannon (MSN) Sandy Kay Ennis Cappucci (BSN) and Dario Ted Cappucci Patricia Amy Carr (MSN) and Larry D. Carr Kimberly McAleer Coffman (MSN) and David L. Coffman DeNene G. Cofield (BSN) and William B. Cofield Carolyn L. Collier (MSN) Sue Denson (MSN) Patricia Holliday Dorsett (MSN) and George W. Dorsett Dr. Sandra B. Dunbar (DSN) and David H. Dunbar Patricia S. Furner (MSN) and Raymand L. Furner Helen Elaine Gray (BSN) and Calvin Kirby Gray Sr. Rachel Hammer (MSN) and Michael W. Hammer Dr. James L. Harris (MSN) Marilyn Jenkins Johnson (BSN) Martha Nall Long (MSN) and Randal O. Long Alan P. Mayes (BSN) Oyweda W. Moorer (BSN) Melanie O. Schultz (MSN) and Michael Schultz Laura P. Secord (BSN) and William D. Tankersley Katherine Miller Shulman (MSN) Susan D. Smith (MSN) and Gary L. Smith Dr. Elizabeth Stullenbarger (MSN) Dr. Geneva Turner (MSN) Linda M. Weld (MSN)


Alisa C. Austin (BSN) William H. Benford Jr. (BSN) Kenneth Dale Brown (MSN) and Allie Adkins Brown Anne K. Bruno (BSN) and Anthony Bruno Vicki L. Brymer (BSN) Patricia B. Burlin (MSN) and Charles A. Burlin Dr. Susan M. Cohen (DSN) Lisa J. Cooley (BSN) and Jeffery M. Cooley Gwen M. Cox (BSN) Starla S. DeBord (BSN) and Ron A. DeBord

Naomi R. Fehrle (MSN) Patricia B. Garrett (BSN) and Jim Garrett Dr. Susan J. Gennaro (DSN) and William P. Fehder Christine I. Green (BSN) Dr. Sarah H. Gueldner (DSN) and Richard C. Gueldner Shirley W. Hester (MSN) and Charles O. Hester Cynthia A. Johnson (MSN) and Galen M. Johnson Wendy W. Kendrick (MSN) Mary Ann King (BSN) Dianne M. Lameier (MSN) Dr. Sheila M. Marable (MSN) and Reginald C. Marable Sr. Capt. Elzena McWilliams (BSN) Bromleigh G. Naftel (MSN) and Dr. David C. Naftel Susan A. Nelson (BSN) and Thomas L. Nelson Janet M. Newell (BSN) and Douglas Newell Dr. Lynn P. Norman (MSN) and Jeff C. Norman Dr. Doreen N. Perkins (MSN) Diane H. Rasbury (MSN) and James K. Rasbury Vera M. Richardson (BSN) and Leroy Richardson Helen A. Roman (MSN) Wanda G. Sandlin (BSN) and Ronnie Sandlin Vanda L. Scott (MSN) Tena N. Simmons (BSN) and John M. Simmons David H. Slabaugh (MSN) and Jane E. Slabaugh Katrina H. Smith (BSN) and Matt R. Smith Dr. Claudette G. Varricchio (DSN) Elizabeth E. Willey (MSN) Laura C. Young (MSN) and David E. Young


Penelope M. Bosarge (MSN) and James R. Bosarge Dr. Susan Stevens Collins (DSN) Richard Wilburn Daniel (BSN) Dr. Debra C. Davis (DSN) and Phillip Randy Davis Dr. Sheila Parham Davis (MSN) and Melvin Davis Dr. Martha Ann Dawson (MSN) Karen Faircloth (MSN) Kathy M. Gaston (MSN) and Kerry R. Gaston Sula M. Gillespie (BSN) and Allen Gillespie Katherine S. Greenwood-White (BSN) Ermie Deta Herring (MSN) and Maj. Joe D. Herring Kimm B. Hoey (BSN) Pamela Carole Leverett (BSN) Susan H. Longley (BSN) and Frank X. Longley Eric C. Murdock (MSN) and Karen D. Murdock Glenda E. Nagrodzki (MSN) and Dr. Paul M. Nagrodzki Audrey M. Oyama (BSN) Dr. Ellen Tate Patterson (DSN,MSN) and Burton R. Patterson Dr. Jennan A. Phillips (MSN) and Richard S. Phillips Frances Q. Stanfield (BSN) and Herb J. Stanfield Dr. Elizabeth Stullenbarger (DSN) Susan B. Suttle (BSN) and Scott Suttle

Keri Hayes Waring (BSN) and Benjamin S. Waring II


Dr. Natalie C. Baker (BSN) and Dr. Timothy D. Baker Dr. Gloria Weber Calhoun (DSN) Dr. Anne W. Foote (DSN) and James A. Foote Dr. Judith K. Holcombe (DSN) and George W. Holcombe Cherie P. Huey (BSN) and John Bruce Huey Carthenia W. Jefferson (BSN) Ann Elizabeth Justinger (BSN) and Bruce A. Justinger Dr. Nancy A. Keller (DSN) Lt. Col. Vivian A. Kelley (BSN) and George Kelley Karen O. Lacks (BSN) and Charles R. Lacks Teresa Clary Lanning (BSN) and Richard Jim Lanning Jr. Cathy R. Mims (BSN) Leigh M. Paeschke (BSN) Mitzi Shawn Patrick (BSN) and Charles E. Patrick Elizabeth A. Prosch (BSN) and William F. Prosch William W. Ryland (BSN) Dr. Ann T. Sirles (DSN) and Aden Sirles Hattie B. Stokes (BSN) Dr. Richard Anthony Taylor (BSN) Valorie H. Tucker (BSN) and Edward A. Tucker Gloria R. Wilson (BSN) and Charles Wilson


Lydia D. Andrews (MSN) Maj. Carrie B. Barnes (BSN) Kimberlee W. Benos (BSN) Mary Ann Braun (MSN) Pamela T. Carpenter (MSN) and Monty Carpenter Dr. Garris Keels Conner (DSN) Kimberly M. Crosby (BSN) and Danny L. Crosby Karen Danita Evans-Carmichael (BSN) Melissa M. Flynn (MSN) Cecilia D. Goodspeed (BSN) Dawn D. McCarty (BSN) and Joseph S. McCarty Allison Todd Northen (BSN) and Charles S. Northen IV Dr. James C. Pace (DSN) and Margaret O. Pace Dianne F. Phillips (BSN) Laura P. Secord (MSN) and William D. Tankersley Ella D. Wells (BSN) and Bobby Wells


Carol E. Davenport (BSN) Larry Wayne Dean (MSN) and Jennifer Dean Rebecca B. Jacobs (MSN) and Mark D. Jacobs Pamela Carole Leverett (MSN) Elizabeth M. Lindsey (BSN) and Leland Lindsey Delora Meads McLaughlin (BSN) Dr. Karen H. Morin (DSN) Alean F. Nash (BSN) Stacia N. Patrick (BSN) Dr. Erica R. Pryor (MSN) and Charles W. Pryor Dr. Cynthia S. Selleck (DSN) and Thomas Crown Windia U. Wilbert (BSN)


Julie Hall Boggan (BSN) and R. Steven Boggan Charles N. Bradley (BSN) and Janet R. Parrish Bradley Ann H. Caulder (BSN) and Leon Caulder Dianne L. Fiedler (BSN) and Raymond J. Fiedler Nancy Dupree Hale (BSN) Renee Leach Hankins (MSN) and Lull Hankins Barbara Z. Johnston (MSN) and Ronald F. Johnston Gretchen A. Kennamer (MSN) and David B. Kennamer Dr. Rita B. Monsen (DSN) and Robert G. Monsen Ramona A. Mullinax (BSN) and Christopher L. Mullinax Dr. Bonita Ann Pilon (DSN) and Richard H. Smith Dr. Faye H. Shaffer (DSN) and Dr. Calvin R. Shaffer Lisa L. Robinson (BSN) and Franklin Robinson Dr. Susan E. Trippet (DSN) Dr. Janice L. Vincent (DSN) and Gregory L. Vincent


Angela L. Carmichael (BSN) Dr. Sandra H. Faria (DSN) and James M. Faria Dr. Pamela N. Fordham (DSN) and C. G. Fordham Connie L. Gentle (BSN) and Thomas W. Gentle Dr. James L. Harris (DSN) Dr. Alfred E. Lupien (MSN) Dr. Deborah L. Scott (DSN) Dr. Lynn M. Stover (BSN)


Dr. Natalie C. Baker (MSN) and Dr. Timothy D. Baker Dana K. Ellis (MSN) Sherri R. Ewing (MSN) and Donald V. Ewing Patricia B. Garrett (MSN) and Jim Garrett Dr. Susan W. Gaskins (DSN) Christine R. George (BSN) Dorothy A. Goldsmith (BSN) Sherry Harmon (BSN) and William J. Harmon Madeline G. Harris (MSN) Dr. Bonita G. Helms (MSN) Cynthia T. McCombs (BSN) Delora Meads McLaughlin (MSN) Adeline Ann Mitchell (BSN) and Bob Mitchell Lisa L. Robinson (MSN) and Franklin Robinson Sheila G. Sparks (MSN) and Michael F. Sparks Lorie Maxwell Startup (BSN) and Gregory G. Startup


Dr. Joan B. Carlisle (DSN) and Terrence B. Carlisle Dr. Merrian Elizabeth Douglass (DSN) and Franklin Douglass Dr. Pamela S. Stewart Fahs (DSN) and James Edward Fahs Maria A. Ford-Clark (BSN) and Maurice Clark Dr. Jean B. Ivey (DSN)

Dr. Kathy A. McCaleb (DSN) and Paul W. McCaleb Dr. Joan S. McGill (DSN) Oyweda W. Moorer (MSN) Dr. Ann R. Peden (DSN) and Harlan C. Peden II Dr. Jennan A. Phillips (DSN) and Richard S. Phillips


Cheryl A. Glass (MSN) and John Edward Glass Angela Michelle Harris (BSN) and Todd W. Harris Charlene D. Lewis (BSN) Adeline Ann Mitchell (MSN) and Bob Mitchell Charles N. Quintero (BSN) Dr. Sheron L. Salyer (MSN) and John R. Salyer Elizabeth Toomey (BSN) Dr. Anne L. Turner-Henson (DSN) and Robert F. Henson IV


Dr. Joan C. Connell (DSN) Timothy Fleming (BSN) and Juandolyn Fleming Dr. Reet Henze (DSN) and Dr. William Henze Jr. Randy L. Moore (BSN) and Angie M. Moore Cdr. Patricia T. O’Fallon (MSN) and Thomas Paul O’Fallon Dorothea Poole (MSN) Lashawn D. Rodgers (BSN) Diana M. Rose (BSN) Dr. Lynn M. Stover (MSN) Dr. Linda W. Thompson (DSN) Valorie H. Tucker (MSN) and Edward A. Tucker Elizabeth B. Turney (MSN) and James Turney Sallie E. White (BSN)


Rose Mary Ainsworth (MSN) Laura M. Coleman (BSN) Richard Wilburn Daniel (MSN) Dr. Joy P. Deupree (BSN) and James L. Deupree Kathy C. Garner (MSN) Sula M. Gillespie (MSN) and Allen Gillespie Rebecca Ann Hardin (BSN) and Wendell Hardin Dr. Gail M. Hill (PhD) Dywane Lafayette (BSN) and Constance Gray Lafayette Dr. Barbara S. Moore (DSN) and Joe Moore Marilyn S. Patterson (MSN) and Steven T. Patterson Janis E. Porter (MSN) Wanda G. Sandlin (MSN) and Ronnie Sandlin Rosetta B. Stanford (MSN) Tara C. Underwood (BSN) and Neal Underwood


Lydia D. Andrews (MSN) Sula M. Gillespie (MSN) and Allen Gillespie Margaret A. Key (BSN) Kathryn W. McWilliams (BSN) Clara C. Orji (BSN) Dr. Mary K. Robinson (DSN) Dr. D’Ann W. Somerall (BSN) and Dr. William E. Somerall Jr.


Melissa M. Wilbanks (BSN) and G. Scott Wilbanks


Laura M. Coleman (MSN) Serena M. Coulombe (MSN) Gina C. Dobbs (BSN) Dr. Lygia O. Holcomb (DSN) and Kenneth L. Holcomb Debra A. Litton (BSN) Dr. Nancy L. Mele (DSN) and Douglas J. Mele Eleanor R. Rittenour (BSN) Dr. Ling-Ling Shih (DSN) Dr. Beverly B. Tidwell (DSN) Mary Ann Winokur (MSN) and Dr. Tom Winokur

Dr. Marie D. Bolivar-Cano (MSN) and Donald M. Cano Dr. Jennie Echols (DSN) and Richard Hurst Leigh G. Godfrey (MSN) Laura W. Lewis (MSN) Angela Z. McCrackin (BSN) and Chris McCrackin Sandy D. Morgan (MSN) Sandra F. Powell (BSN) and Julius Powell III Julianna G. Rizo (BSN) Michelle D. Smeltzer (MSN) and Brian L. Smeltzer Dr. Lynn M. Stover (DSN)




Dona B. Barnes (BSN) and Braxton Barnes Ansley R. Cooley (BSN) Dr. Norma G. Cuellar (DSN) Dr. Joy P. Deupree (MSN) and James L. Deupree Dr. Linda R. Forte’ (DSN) Cathi Gentry (MSN) Patricia S. Hillman (MSN) and Murray D. Hillman Dr. Ashley L. Hodges (MSN) Allison Z. Kelly (BSN) Krystina Madej (BSN) Ramona A. Mullinax (MSN) and Christopher L. Mullinax Dr. Ayda G. Nambayan (DSN) Dr. Vivienne Andrea Parodi (DSN) Diana M. Rose (MSN) Jennifer L. Ryder (BSN) Veronica C. Sampson (BSN) Leslie W. Spooner (MSN) and Andy Spooner Sylvia D. Tetzlaff (BSN) Dr. Jeanette L. Vandermeer (DSN) Windia U. Wilbert (MSN)


Jennifer W. Buckley (BSN) and Kevin S. Buckley Dona B. Barnes (MSN) and Braxton Barnes Gayla Culpepper (MSN) and Thomas M. Culpepper Kimberly P. Gregg (MSN) and Dewayne Gregg Dana B. Griesbach (MSN) Amye W. Groves (BSN) and Dr. John R. Groves Dr. David H. James (BSN) Chaquetta T. Johnson (BSN) Lt. Col. Vivian A. Kelley (MSN) and George Kelley Wendy R. Nordquist (BSN) Dianne M. Richmond (MSN)


Dr. Leanne C. Busby (DSN) and Dr. Michael Busby Anetra J. Jones (BSN) and Larry D. Jones Sonya R. Kirchharr (BSN) and William L. Bross Dr. Mona Parker Lester (DSN) and Dr. Frank M. Lester Dr. D’Ann W. Somerall (MSN) and Dr. William E. Somerall Jr. Edwina M. Taylor (MSN) and John E. Taylor

Michelle D. Dennis (BSN) Dr. Denise H. Elliott (DSN) Chaquetta T. Johnson (MSN) Linda T. Wilkinson (MSN) Janey D. Worth (MSN)


Melissa G. Bibb (MSN) and William K. Bibb Dr. Wendy A. Dimicco (DSN) and Albert J. Dimicco Dr. Betty Sue McGarvey (DSN) April M. Ray (BSN) and Dr. Jason Thomas Banks


Dr. Linda P. Grimsley (DSN) and Alan Grimsley Patrick A. Hubbard (BSN) Janie D. Kelley (MSN) Dr. Linda G. Gibson-Young (MSN)


Nancy F. Dubois (BSN) Janna Lowery (MSN) and Jeff Lowery Dr. Sheila M. Marable (DSN) and Reginald C. Marable Sr. Dr. Rhonda M. McLain (DSN) Randy L. Moore (MSN) and Angie M. Moore Clara C. Orji (MSN) Dianne F. Phillips (MSN)


Amy L. Brooks (BSN) and Keith W. Brooks Rockell N. Burks (BSN) Daphne W. Butera (BSN) and Joseph B. Butera Lee K. Callaway (MSN) and Kevin Callaway Dr. David H. James (MSN) Jada M. Knight (BSN) Pamela L. Sanker (BSN) Michele H. Talley (MSN) and Robert M. Talley


Delisa Alford (BSN) Alice S. Bristow (BSN) and Don Bristow Dr. Stephen L. Howell (MSN) Dr. Summer B. Langston (MSN) Dale Tomlinson (MSN) Dr. Cynthia N. Massey (MSN) Leslie D. Pitts (BSN) William A. Wood (MSN) and Christina Wood


Amy L. Brooks (MSN) and Keith W. Brooks


Mary K. McKibbin (BSN) Rhonda E. Nichols (BSN) Jenna R. Osman (BSN) and Wyatt Osman Jonathan D. Williams (BSN) and Vanessa A. Williams


Dr. Karen M. Coles (MSN) and John W. Coles III Gina C. Dobbs (MSN) Melinda K. Ford (BSN) Dr. Ashley L. Hodges (PhD) Sistern Jabang (BSN) Elisa B. Miller (BSN) Timiya S. Nolan (BSN) Jennifer L. Patterson (MSN) Chelsie N. Skinner (BSN) Dr. Larry Z. Slater (BSN)


Dr. Marie D. Bolivar-Cano (DNP) and Donald M. Cano Laura Brooks Debiasi (BSN) and Marcus O. Debiasi Stephanie J. Ensminger (BSN) and David Ensminger Calie E. Franklin (BSN) Christine R. George (MSN) Jennifer Green (BSN) Sistern Jabang (MSN) Dr. Summer B. Langston (DNP) Dr. Doreen N. Perkins (DNP) Leslie D. Pitts (MSN) Pamela L. Sanker (MSN) Sarah K. Seay (BSN) Katrina H. Smith (MSN) and Matt R. Smith


Dr. Natalie C. Baker (DNP) and Dr. Timothy D. Baker Amye W. Groves (MSN) and Dr. John R. Groves Dr. Cynthia N. Massey (DNP) Dr. Shannon A. Morrison (PhD) Allison Todd Northen (MSN) and Charles S. Northen IV Dr. Darrell A. Owens (DNP) Dr. Richard Anthony Taylor (DNP)

friends gifts under $500 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Adams Adams Computer Tech LLC Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Allen Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Allen Jr. Deborah A. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. D. Leon Ashford Ashford Cottage Dr. and Mrs. J. Max Austin Jr. Dr. Neela Badrie Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Bagby Alyson M. Bagby Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. William S. Baird Baptist Health System Inc. Dr. Laine Barnes and Dr. Zachary L. Barnes T. E. Barnes III Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Bayer John G. Beard Sr. Ena-Faye Davies Bennett Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Biggs

Birmingham Hide & Tallow Charitable Foundation Inc Daisy L. Bobo Dorothy D. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bratton Marion C. Breyer Harry B. Brock Jr. Brookwood Medical Center Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Broughton Thomas A. Broughton III Susan B. Brouillette Dr. Kathleen C. Brown and Dr. Harry L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. James W. Brunstad Judge and Mrs. John N. Bryan Jr. Dr. Tara M. Bryant and Dr. James Edward Bryant Mr. and Mrs. John D. Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Buckner Andrea C. Burton James J. Bushnell Mr. and Mrs. J. Dowe Bynum Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cabaniss III Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Cain Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Caldwell III Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. Ehney A. Camp III Dr. Mary Lynne Capilouto and Dr. Eli I. Capilouto Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Cardwell Mr. and Mrs. David A. Carlson Ronald D. Carlton Frank M. Carnaggio Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Chambliss Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Chester Dr. Becky J. Christian Dr. Yolaine Civil Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Clapp Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Clark Cobbs, Allen & Hall Inc. Linda L. Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Collat Sr. Dr. Maude Diseker Collier Robin R. Colter Mr. and Mrs. A. Philip Cook Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cook III Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Cook Corporate Realty Associates Inc. Dr. James Cottrell Savanna A. Cowan Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Cumbus Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Cummings Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Dangler Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Darden Mr. and Mrs. Jack Darnall IV Dr. Eula Das and Samuel A. Das Dr. Carol J. Dashiff Mr. and Mrs. Ian E. Davey Mr. and Mrs. T. Blake Davidson Dr. and Mrs. William Ross Davis Dr. Mardell Davis Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Davis Virginia Ann Davis Mary Ellen DeBardeleben Mr. and Mrs. Whitney DeBardeleben Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. DeBuys Jr. Bruce Shelton Denson Dr. Charlie Dickson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Dreher Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Druhan Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Dunbar Jr. Barbara Ann Dunham Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Earle Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Eastwood II Dr. Yvonne D. Eaves Dr. and Mrs. Devin E. Eckhoff Joan McCoy Edmonds Cora Edwards Dr. Beth L. Elias

Denise Elliot Mr. and Mrs. W. David Ellis Entergy Services Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Falkenburg Ashelynn Falkenburg Mr. and Mrs. Neal A. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. D. Lawrence Faulkner Dr. and Mrs. I. William Ferniany Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Fleenor Pamela H. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Fowlkes III Elizabeth Ann Franklin Mr. and Mrs. James S. M. French Toula Fulford Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Gallaher Jr. Dr. Virginia D. Gauld and Ernest W. Gauld Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gewin Jody Hamilton Gilchrist Dr. and Mrs. Adam E. Gordon Valerie St. Pierre Gordon Gracious Transitions Dr. Rebecca M. Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. W. Roger Guin The Hackney Foundation Mr. and Mrs. T. Morris Hackney Hair Palace II Leonard A. Hall Stephanie S. Hamberger Mr. and Mrs. Buckner W. Hamilton III Bill L. Harbert* Katherine A. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Harris Dr. and Mrs. Griffith R. Harsh III Dr. and Mrs. Jimmie H. Harvey Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt R. Haskell Mr. and Mrs. David Hassinger Hinson S. Hassinger Ann B. Hayes Arlene D. Henley Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hess Mr. and Mrs. George S. Hiller III Ann B. Hillhouse Dr. Kathryn J. Hoar and Wayne N. Hoar Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. James J. Holloway Dr. and Mrs. David Carl Hufham J.I.L. Enterprises Inc. Ben Ivey Jackson Joyce L. Jacobson James M. Scroggins P.C. Carolyn J. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Johnson Sallie R. Johnson E. Fran Johnson Mildred L. Johnson Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Amanda P. Jones Dr. Angela Jukkala Dr. Shirley Salloway Kahn and Dr. Donald R. Kahn Katy Smith Campbell & Associates P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Caldwell Dr. Michael A. Keller Dr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Killion Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peyton R. King Mr. and Mrs. Whit King, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Kinsey Dr. Kathryn C. Knowlton Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Koehler Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kreider Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Krueger Jr. Judy Stone Kyper Christopher C. Kyper Mr. and Mrs. George Lane Dr. Nancy F. Langston Mr. and Mrs. Benny M. LaRussa Jr. Rebecca Laurent Barbara J. Lee

Dr. and Mrs. Ron Lepke Day’s Hair Salon Janet Smith Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Luckie III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Luckie Anita Smith Lunsford Margherita Macia Jack W. MacKay Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Blake Maddox Barbara B. Mandy Mr. and Mrs. Seton Marshall Martha Ann Walls Management Trust Mr. and Mrs. Jim E. Massengale Mr. and Mrs. Coke S. Matthews III Mr. and Mrs. Willard McCall Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. McCallum Mr. and Mrs. Seth H. McCoin Margaret K. McCollum Dr. Teena M. McGuinness and John P. McGuinness Mr. and Mrs. David C. McLeod Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. McMahon Bonnie McQuitter-Banks Dr. Thomas W. Mears Polly Meeks Dr. Karen M. Meneses Dr. and Mrs. Max Michael III Anne B. Michaels Dr. Kathleen J. Mikan and Kurt W. Mikan Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Milligan Gail L. Mills Dr. Rebecca S. Miltner Debra M. Mims Nancy A. Mole Dr. Linda D. Moneyham and Gary E. Moneyham Mr. and Mrs. Buell V. Moore Mr. and Mrs. John D. Moore Mr. and Mrs. David Morris Dr. Jacqueline A. Moss and David Allan Moss Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moxley Charlotte S. Murdock Mr. and Mrs. Ingram D. Tynes J. Reese Murray Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. John C. Neiman Jr. Harriette B. Nellum Mr. and Mrs. Alex W. Newton Noland Health Services Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John P. North Jr. Dr. Rodney W. Nowakowski J. Edmund Odum Jo Ellen O’Hara Dr. Douglas A. Oliver Henry Craft O’Neal Judy A. O’Steen Dr. and Mrs. John Owen Dr. Ralphenia D. Pace and Mr. Henry D. Pace Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Albert D. Pacifico Dr. Patricia A. Patrician Mr. and Mrs. James H. Patton IV Dr. Patricia F. Pearce Dr. Claire Peel Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Perry Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Peters Photography by Frank Carnaggio Barbara L. Pierzakowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pitard Kay C. Pomeroy Olusola Popoola Psi Gamma Zeta Mary E. Pugh-Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Radecke Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Ray Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Ray Jr. RealtySouth Elberta G. Reid

Eulene K. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Robertson Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Robinett Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Robinett Jr. Dr. Beverly H. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Robinson Cindy Robison Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Rookis Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fitts Sanders Rosalyn B. Santos Mr. and Mrs. William H. Satterfield Laverne Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. William H. Saxon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scarborough Terri G. Scarborough Jenny B. Schuessler Peggy M. Scott Mr. and Mrs. James M. Scroggins Dr. Marty Thomas Sellers Dorothy K. Sellers Kathryn Sellers Tonia C. Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Sezemsky Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Simon Dr. Janene R. Sims and Dr. Brian Sims Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Slive Mr. and Mrs. Lathrop W. Smith Jr. Marie Hall Smith and Dr. Paul H. Smith Jr. Carolyn E. Smith Kathryne Smith Ruby O. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Smith Reona C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Murray W. Smith Hatton C. V. Smith William Eugene Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. South III Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Sparks Dr. Rachel E. Spector Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Spicer Jr. Sharon Stark Jennifer S. Steinrock Mr. and Mrs. Bart Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Bryson D. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Stewart Jr. Merrill H. Stewart Jr. Stillman College Nannie D. Stone Mary A. Strozier-Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Styslinger Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Styslinger III Randall L. Sullivan Mae R. Tant Jesse R. Taylor III The Comer Foundation The Thomas H. and Jarman F. Lowder Foundation Sarah W. Thomas Rodney Thomas Janet Thompson Genie Thompson Michael D. Thompson Thompson Tractor Co. Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Thornton Dr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Tilt Mr. and Mrs. Leroy W. Tilt III Jeremy C. Touart UAB National Alumni Society Dr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Urist Dr. Katisha T. Vance and Aldos L. Vance Owen Vickers The Honorable J. Scott Vowell and Dr. Cameron M. Vowell Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wahlheim Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Waitzman Sr. Dr. Deborah K. Walker and Eric P. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Wallace

Marion A. Wallace Tricia C. Wallwork Dr. Durinda N. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Mike Watson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. West Dr. and Mrs. Margery M. Whatley Mr. and Mrs. Clima J. White Mr. and Mrs. H. Pennington Whiteside Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alton C. Whitt Jr. Dr. Anne M. Williams and Glenn D. McDonnell Molly J. Williams Yvonne C. Willie Ms. Elizabeth Miner Willis Dr. Lynda L. Wilson and Dr. Craig M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. David W. Wood II Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Worthington Dr. Mary Annette Wright Virginia G. Yates and Edward J. Hanz Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.

Gifts In-Kind and Special Thanks B Metro Magazine Bud’s Best Cookies Davis Wholesale Florist Dish’n It Out, LLC Anita Smith Lunsford Flower Magazine Hoffman Media Ice By Design Icing on the Cookie Jim ‘N Nicks BBQ Luckie & Company Mike Strawn Photography Jon Michael Ogletree Outback Steakhouse Pure Barre Birmingham Royal Cup Coffee Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail Sampson Stevens & Associates Susan Strickland, “Scribblers,” The

Birmingham News Whole Foods Market Wood Fruitticher

*Denotes deceased

Corrections from UAB Nursing Magazine 2010 Kenneth D. Brown, MSN (’83), BSN (’78), RN, was honored as a Recognized Leader by the UAB School of Nursing in 2010, but graduation date and photo were incorrectly noted. Priscilla LeMone Koeplin, RN, DSN (‘91), FAAN, was not listed as one of our alumni who are Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing Audra U. Lalisan, MSN (’94), BSN (’90), CRNP, CRNA was honored as a Recognized Leader but her photo was incorrectly identified.



UAB School of Nursing


NOVEMBER 4TH: No Show Ball Fundraiser

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