Sharpening Our Focus

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Our Mission


Our Vision


Our Values


Strategic Priorities


Strategic Priority 1: Engage Communities


Strategic Priority 2: Define Excellence


Strategic Priority 3: Organize for Excellence


Plan Implementation


Path Forward Principles


Appendix A: Strategic Planning Working Group


Appendix B: Strategic Planning Timeline


Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Strategic Plan 2014–2017


INTRODUCTION Sharpening Our Focus is the four-year rolling strategic plan for the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (FoMD) at the University of Alberta (U of A). Sharpening Our Focus is the product of wide-ranging and ongoing consultation with faculty members, learners, support staff and administrators of the FoMD, aligned with the University of Alberta’s Dare to Deliver academic plan. Sharpening Our Focus is an extension of prior strategic planning work undertaken in the Faculty, including Our Vision – Our Future (2010) and State of the Faculty (2011). The information collected and analyzed in these past planning exercises cleared a path for the FoMD to undertake a “deep dive” and active consultative process with its stakeholders in 2012-13. In the process, faculty members, staff and learners updated mission and vision statements, defined three main strategic priorities and formulated a new strategic plan for the organization to effectively advance its mission and vision.


Sharpening Our Focus

OUR MISSION The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry serves the public good through excellence in medical and health professions education, research and patient care. We build partnerships essential to a high-performing academic health sciences centre.

OUR VISION To build an exceptional socially accountable Faculty through leadership in education, research and patient care and to be recognized as graduating highly skilled doctors for Canada.

Hinton physicians Erin Côté (’09 MD) and Mike Caffaro (’90 MD) enjoy the diversity of rural medicine.

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Strategic Plan 2014–2017


OUR VALUES SCHOLARSHIP To discover, interpret and disseminate new knowledge that promotes and restores health.

RESPECT, COMPASSION AND CARING To use these ideals to guide how we teach our students, care for our patients and work with our colleagues.

INTEGRITY To carry out our responsibilities to patients, students and colleagues while maintaining the highest moral standards.

SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY To engage all levels of the broad community in order to address their priority health concerns.

EXCELLENCE To be dedicated to the highest standard of conduct in teaching, research and patient care.

PARTNERSHIP To partner in education, research and health care for the greater good of the communities we serve.


Sharpening Our Focus

Imran Raghavji (‘13 MD) sees a patient in a U of A family clinic.

STRATEGIC PRIORITIES The Faculty has defined three strategic priorities that will enable it to serve the public good. The Faculty will meet the health needs of the communities it serves through leadership in the education of healthcare professionals and scientists and through partnerships essential to advancing a high-performing academic health sciences centre. Each priority has a desired outcome to be realized by 2017 and supporting actions for implementation. The following strategic priorities will guide the FoMD in realizing its shared vision for the future: 1. Engage Communities 2. Define Excellence 3. Organize for Excellence

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Strategic Plan 2014–2017


STRATEGIC PRIORITY 1: ENGAGE COMMUNITIES DESIRED OUTCOME: By 2017, the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry will increase engagement with its constituents in order to become a more socially accountable medical school. Through this engagement, our Faculty will empower communities to improve their health status, in particular in rural Alberta and First Nations communities. ACTION 1: Survey peers and adopt a framework to become a more socially accountable medical school. OUTCOMES

»» A socially accountable framework is in place.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Framework effectiveness as compared to INDICATORS best practices. TIMELINE

»» February 2014 – July 2014

MD Class of 2017.


Sharpening Our Focus

ACTION 2: Deploy a more distributed MD education model that has a robust business plan to fund innovation initiatives, and that is inclusive of national and international health advocacy perspectives. OUTCOMES

»» Durable, public/private partnerships with northern/rural communities and interest groups.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Number of Integrated Community Clerkships and/or INDICATORS clinical campuses. TIMELINE

»» December 2015 – June 2017

ACTION 3: Position the medical school to advance community engagement

initiatives through the continued evolution of the Academic Health Network (AHN) in Alberta. OUTCOMES

»» Alberta medical schools drive provincial academic medicine framework.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Provincial agency funding of framework-aligned projects INDICATORS and programs. TIMELINE

»» June 2014 – July 2017

ACTION 4: Build a robust medical school endowment by working with

community-based health-care foundations and donors to achieve organizational excellence. OUTCOMES

»» Organizational alignment leads to greater foundation/donor engagement.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Increase in medical school endowment by INDICATORS $250 million. TIMELINE

»» January 2014 – December 2017

ACTION 5: Extend opportunities for inclusive Academic Health Sciences Centre (AHSC) leadership interactions to public and private stakeholders. OUTCOMES

»» Strong unified, external message and communications.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Results-based budgeting increases and private INDICATORS sector investments. TIMELINE

»» October 2013 – December 2017

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Strategic Plan 2014–2017


STRATEGIC PRIORITY 2: DEFINE EXCELLENCE DESIRED OUTCOME: By 2017, the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry will be recognized as one of the top three medical schools in Canada. ACTION 1: Position high-impact scholarship as the enabler of excellence in education, discovery science and patient care. OUTCOMES

»» New platforms for scholarship established across all missions; automatic Annual Report Online entry.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Number of publications from faculty members and INDICATORS learners in high-impact journals. TIMELINE

»» July 2014 – June 2017

ACTION 2: Broaden the accepted definition of “research” to include

community-based research, educational scholarship and organizational innovation. OUTCOMES

»» Faculty Evaluation Committee (FEC) understands research as more than basic science.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Faculty Evaluation Committee promotion based on broad INDICATORS definition of research and scholarship. TIMELINE

»» Annually

ACTION 3: Improve organizational culture and reward greater internal and cross-faculty collaboration. OUTCOMES

»» More inter-professional education (IPE) and translational science programs.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Number of team grants. INDICATORS »» Number of IPE courses. TIMELINE


»» September 2015 – December 2017

Sharpening Our Focus

ACTION 4: Prepare medical graduates to understand and serve the humanistic needs of society. OUTCOMES

»» New curriculum and degrees in health policy and public health.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Number of graduates with special certification and/or INDICATORS degrees in health policy and public health. TIMELINE

»» December 2013 – December 2017

ACTION 5: Establish a robust faculty development program for clinician educators. OUTCOMES

»» All clinician educators certified by FoMD before interactions with learners.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Improved clinical rotation evaluations by learners. INDICATORS »» Number of certified clinician educators. TIMELINE

»» Annually

Sarah Forgie, associate professor of pediatric infectious disease, is a 3M national teaching award winner.

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Strategic Plan 2014–2017


STRATEGIC PRIORITY 3: ORGANIZE FOR EXCELLENCE DESIRED OUTCOME: By 2017, the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry will fully integrate its processes and cultivated strong partnerships in order to foster organizational excellence. ACTION 1: Review efficacy of mobile platforms and information systems for optimizing clinical teaching and research. OUTCOMES

»» Medical students and faculty are part of holistic learning environment. »» Clinical research implementation barriers are mitigated.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Cost-efficiency measures related to IT. INDICATORS »» Number of clinical trials and patients enrolled. TIMELINE

»» May 2014 – April 2017

ACTION 2: Craft a brand re-positioning plan to enhance the medical school’s reputation, in collaboration with the University of Alberta. OUTCOMES

»» FoMD members and learners have a PR “toolkit” (i.e. templates, visual identity and protocols) developed by the University of Alberta (U of A) to support the brand.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» All source revenues increased 10% per annum. INDICATORS »» Annual reputation surveys demonstrate measurable improvement. TIMELINE

»» February 2014 – July 2014

ACTION 3: Identify and inventory existing education, research and clinical networks. OUTCOMES


»» Enhanced network participation and cross-network connectivity.

Sharpening Our Focus

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Number of SCN leaders and participants. INDICATORS »» Number of network generated programs and IPs. TIMELINE

»» June 2014 – December 2014

ACTION 4: Facilitate opportunities for productive research and education interactions between clinical and basic scientists. OUTCOMES

»» Translational science institutes established. »» Translational science education programs established.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Number of translational science endowed chairs. INDICATORS »» Number of masters of translational science students. »» Number of BSc biomedical science students. TIMELINE

»» Ongoing

ACTION 5: Recognize and reward team-based and other non-traditional academic activities and achievements. OUTCOMES

»» More robust enrichment programs and career options for non-traditional professional development.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Number of MD faculty with dual degrees (i.e. MBA, Med, etc.). INDICATORS »» Number of graduates from leadership and/or PD programs (i.e. ELAM, AAMC, AFMC, etc.). »» Number of Academy Medical Educator members. TIMELINE

»» December 2013 – December 2014

ACTION 6: Consider functional and structural changes that will facilitate organizational advancements. OUTCOMES

»» More effective organizational pathways for individual and team success.

KEY PERFORMANCE »» Reduced number of structural units. INDICATORS »» Increased number of functional units. TIMELINE

»» June 2013 – June 2014

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Strategic Plan 2014–2017



Sharpening Our Focus is a living document—the product of wide-ranging and ongoing consultation with faculty members, learners, support staff and administrators across the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and the University of Alberta (U of A). Plan participants, including our students, department chairs and dean’s staff, will work together to implement the strategic plan. Each person will be part of an Action Team. The Faculty Strategic Committee (FSC) is chaired by the dean. The FSC is composed of two senior scientists, seven department chairs, three vice-deans and the chief operating officer. The FSC ensures the plan’s continuing development, co-ordination and implementation and follow up. The FSC will also address resource requirements and regularly monitor the plan’s outcomes to mitigate any unexpected issues. The FSC may assign plan-based actions to department chairs, divisional directors, dean’s staff and/or directors. Such individuals will be called an Action Team Leads. The Action Team Lead will organize, align and co-ordinate assigned actions in the strategic plan. Leads will assemble teams to complete actions. Leads will manage their team’s progress and will be the key point of contact, providing regular reports to the FSC. Leads will work collaboratively with the FSC to select appropriate action team members. Each Action Team Member will be committed to positive and collaborative cross-disciplinary teamwork, and to effective two-way communications. Members will convey information in a timely manner to ensure successful actions. Members will be committed to and driven by the pursuit of excellence.


Sharpening Our Focus

The dean has final approval of all elements of the plan. He will champion and co-ordinate plan implementation by guiding the Faculty Strategic Committee, and by advocating for the plan within the University of Alberta and broader community.

Action Team Member

Action Team Lead

Faculty Strategic Committee


PATH FORWARD PRINCIPLES Sharpening Our Focus maps the future of our 100-year-old Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry as it enters its second century. Our strategic planning process is grounded in extensive participation and wide consultation, and was informed by research and analysis. The plan’s strategies will remain realistic, achievable and sustainable. As a living document, Sharpening Our Focus will continue to evolve beyond 2017. This overarching strategic document will be informed by and shape the development of departmental plans that sub-operationalize key actions within this plan. The strategic plan will be monitored and evaluated on an annual basis each January.

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Strategic Plan 2014–2017




D. Douglas Miller


University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

Jo-anne Nugent

Executive Director, Strategic Support

Office of the Dean

Clark Svrcek

Medical Student

MD Class of 2014

Joseph Abraham

Medical Student

MD Class of 2014

Bethany Ostrowerka

Medical Student

MD Class of 2015

Emeka Nzekwu

Medical Student

MD Class of 2015

Mara Tietzen

Medical Student

MD Class of 2015

Ryan Rozsko

Medical student

MD Class of 2015

Fraser Brenneis

Associate Professor & Vice-Dean, Education

Office of the Dean

Vivien Wulff

Chief Operating Officer

Office of the Dean

Dennis Kunimoto

Professor & Vice-Dean, Faculty Affairs

Office of the Dean

Michael Mengel

Associate Professor & Interim Chair

Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology

Michael Walter

Professor & Chair

Department of Medical Genetics

Lee Green

Professor & Chair

Department of Family Medicine

Peggy Sagle

Professor & Interim Chair

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

James Young

Professor & Chair

Department of Physiology

James Hammond

Professor & Chair

Department of Pharmacology

Xin-Min Li

Professor & Chair

Department of Psychiatry

Sharpening Our Focus

Robert Lambert

Professor & Chair

Department of Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging

Bruce Fisher

Professor & Associate Dean, Education

Faculty Affairs

Ramona Kearney

Professor & Associate Dean, Education

Postgraduate Medical Education

Tracey Hillier

Assistant Professor, Associate Dean, Education

Undergraduate Medical Education

David Zygun

Professor & Divisional Director

Division of Critical Care Medicine

Daniel Livy

Associate Professor

Division of Anatomy

Michael Murphy

Professor & Chair

Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine

Charles Holmes

Professor & Chair

Department of Biochemistry

Jill Konkin

Associate Professor & Associate Dean, Community Engagement

Division of Community Engagement

Barbara Ballermann

Professor & Chair

Department of Medicine

Ian MacDonald

Professor & Chair

Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences

Sandy McEwan

Professor & Chair

Department of Oncology

Susan Gilmour

Professor & Chair

Department of Pediatrics

Doug Hedden

Professor & Chair

Department of Surgery

Paul Major

Professor & Chair

Department of Dentistry

Kent Stobart

Professor & Associate Dean, Education

Undergraduate Medical Education

Chris McCabe


Department of Emergency Medicine

Hanne Ostergaard

Professor & Associate Dean, Research

Graduate Studies

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Strategic Plan 2014–2017




U of A president

University of Alberta unveils institutional strategic plan: Dare to Deliver

January 2011

The University of Alberta unveils its four-year Dare to Deliver strategic plan

Interim Dean Yiu

FoMD renewal process begins: State of the Faculty

August 2011

School leads and vice-deans focus a day-long retreat on discussing the desired state of the FoMD.

September 2011

A faculty-wide electronic survey is conducted.

October 2011

Members of faculty leadership, including the interim dean, vice-deans, department chairs, associate deans, assistant deans and senior faculty administrators, focus a two-day retreat on mapping the path forward for the FoMD, in particular for the next 12–18 months, while awaiting the appointment of a dean.

December 2011

A FoMD short-term strategic planning and priorities analysis is completed and appropriate actions are taken regarding its findings.

Dean Miller

FoMD launches formal strategic planning process: Sharpening Our Focus

October 2012

The newly appointed dean launches Sharpening Our Focus—a vision intended to reinvigorate the strategic planning process—with Dean’s Executive and Faculty strategic committees.

March 2012

Faculty forums are held at the two main teaching sites, the Royal Alexandra Hospital and the University of Alberta Hospital. The dean engages faculty members, staff and learners in the process of creating strategies for the organization’s path forward.

March – May 2013

Seven working groups, each comprising a member of the Dean’s Executive Committee, faculty members, community leaders, primary partners (i.e. AHS leaders) and learners, are tasked with answering foundational “big questions” about the FoMD and its goals as they relate to its core mission.

Sharpening Our Focus

June 2013

Senior faculty leaders articulate the organization’s purpose and declare its overall goals by updating the FoMD’s mission, vision and values statements for broad dissemination and feedback in August 2013.

August 2013

The Faculty Strategic Committee, comprising the dean, department chairs and senior administrative professional officers, is tasked with providing ongoing feedback.

September 2013

A faculty-wide survey is conducted to help further define the strategic goals and tactics.

September 2013

Faculty forums hosted by the dean at both major teaching hospitals and in the Medical Sciences Building gather feedback from faculty members, staff and learners regarding the key strategic goals and tactics put forward for discussion by the working group.

September 2013

Department chairs and divisional directors are provided an opportunity to offer direct feedback regarding the mission, vision, strategic priorities and the future development of the strategic planning process.

October 2013

An executive summary of the FoMD strategic planning process is completed.

October 2013

Feedback regarding the strategic priorities is captured from meetings with various student groups, associate and assistant deans and administrators.

November 2013

An inclusive strategic planning retreat is hosted to finalize strategic priorities, implementation, timelines and outcomes assessments.

November 2013

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry strategic plan is finalized.

December 2013

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry strategic plan is presented to internal partners and external stakeholders for feedback and refinement.

January 2014

Faculty Strategic Committee approves plan.

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Strategic Plan 2014–2017


Executive Director, Strategic Support University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry 2J3.01 Walter C Mackenzie Health Science Centre Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2R7 Tel: 780-492-9651

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