Broşură de prezentare - Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ din Iaşi + versiune engleză
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Blvd. Carol I, Nr.11, 700506 Iaşi, România Phone.: +40 (232) 201010 Fax: +40 (232) 201201 E-mail: Web:
Broşură de prezentare - Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ din Iaşi + versiune engleză
Broşură de prezentare - Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ din Iaşi + versiune engleză
We often wonder at the thousands and thousands of students that have been walking up the Copou Hill for a century and a half now, in order to come and study at the University of Iaşi. After all, there are many other places, in Romania and abroad, where the knowledge required for a profession and the way to lead a beautiful and prosperous life can be acquired. Maybe there is a kind of protective spirit of this place, a genius loci, that could account for the continuous succession of entire generations of students and professors. But this is a genius loci that we share with all the other local sister universities, which were brought to life by the same visionary founders and built according to the same spirit of molding the human condition. Iaşi is the “place” that receives, arms wide open, the creative energies and high ideas of the University. “The city on the seven hills”, “just like Rome”, as an old local poem depicts it, is the unofficial capital of Moldavia, historical province situated in the north - eastern part of Romania. Officially mentioned for the first time in a document that goes back to the 15th century, the city captivates its visitors through the heteroclitic and picturesque blend of modern signs and old cultural patterns, which proves, without a shadow of a doubt, the devotion to the spiritual tradition and its continuity until the present day. In fact, the entire region represents a millenary source of the vestiges which “talk” about the existence of ancient civilizations, vestiges which were for a long time considered “valuable lost assets” for European history. However, to evoke or invoke just the spiritual side is an old custom that seems to be inappropriate in the era of high technology. Still, the three compartments of human intelligence (analytical, emotional and social) represent a discovery of recent times. They belong to the individual. The university remodels and consolidates them, transforming the individual into a person and conferring him uniqueness. Most probably, it is these three intelligence compartments that form the genius loci of our University.
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iaşi
Rector’s Foreword
Our university generously offers the opportunity of self becoming to all those who wish to get well educated and do not find the spur and the circumstances of high quality learning only in the external material environment. Before having the chance to become specialists in different social or scientific fields and build our professional careers, we are bearers of “reason and faith”, although we frequently deny it. The first and foremost lesson learned from the history of countless generations of students and professors is that of the way of being in the world. Intellectuals will name this characteristic of the university-educated man spiritual noblesse. In a remarkably distinct and singular continuity, the University of Iaşi opens the way towards spiritual noblesse.
Professor Vasile IȘAN Rector
Broşură de prezentare - Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ din Iaşi + versiune engleză
02. About the University
2 Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iaşi
About the University
Short History We take pride in being the first modern university of Romania, inheriting values, reputation and educational knowledge. Established in October 1860, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi is the oldest university in our country. Its history follows the patterns of the Romanian nation. The University of Iaşi, as it was named at first, was founded in 1860, only one year after the establishment of the Romanian state, and it was both a result and a catalyst of the rise of the Romanian national spirit. It was no historical accident that the city of Iaşi became the host of the highest institution in Romanian education: for ages, Iaşi had represented a privileged cultural area, preserving both the native and the European cultural spirit in a conquered territory. In the 17th century, the Academy in Iaşi was already synchronized with the European spirit and model. Courses were taught in Greek, the language of culture in the European Orient. The 19th century saw the rise of the nationalist spirit, Romanian language, culture and conscience. The solemn inauguration of the University of Iaşi, on October 26th 1860, was to mark a long evolution and it represented the first great step from medieval high school to modern higher education. With only three faculties at the beginning - Law, Philosophy and Theology, the university developed into a truly European academic centre. The mobility of the teaching staff, students, books and ideas placed the University of Iaşi on a professional and scientific level that was widely recognized.
Broşură de prezentare - Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ din Iaşi + versiune engleză
After World War II, the structural change of the political regime in Romania determined deep transformations in higher education, too. It also imposed a new ideological horizon, a dominant immobility and dogmatism that obstructed initiatives. Higher education was isolated while traditional relationships established with the great Western schools and trends became very difficult to maintain. In our university, the structure of faculties changed several times after 1948. The eight faculties (Mathematics - Mechanics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology - Geography, Law, Philology, History - Philosophy and Economics) ensured the training of specialists for fundamental education and research fields. It is important to underline that what was imposed in terms of dogmatism and ideology had only a formal official value, while most of the teaching staff continued to keep their dignity and academic status. Concessions were formal, not basic. It was a price that had to be paid for saving both academia and academics. The falling of the totalitarian regime in December 1989 opened new perspectives for Romanian education. The reconstruction activity was spontaneous and radical, involving all fields: structure, curriculum, communication system, human resources. University autonomy, decentralization and freedom of decision lead Romanian higher education towards new horizons. Still in a difficult financial situation, it has been gradually regaining its place in the European community. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi has the revelation of freedom of thought and of action. We feel it in the quality of teaching and research, in the determination to achieve a work of excellency.
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04. About the University
2 Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iaşi
About the University
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (UAIC) is the first modern Romanian university and it has kept this privileged position not only for historical reasons. Nowadays, it ranks first in the country in terms of research, education and institutional transparency.
The university today The latest and most relevant higher education rankings that were made by Ad-Astra Association have placed Alexandru Ioan Cuza University on the first place at national level for the last five years. This university, which first opened its doors to only 70 students back in 1860, currently has more than 38.000 students, 15 faculties and almost 200 study programmes at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level. Its educational offers are among the most diversified, including specializations taught in English (mostly at Master and Doctoral level), jointly achieved in collaboration with partner universities from abroad, as well as courses created in cooperation with the business sector, which offers employment to the best graduates.
The perfect way to better understand what Alexandru Ioan Cuza University means and represents is Graduation Day – a unique annual event in Romania – when about 6000 students celebrate their graduation by walking from the main university building to the city centre. This ceremony is vivid proof that the particular place Iaşi has gained in the history of Romanian higher education has been maintained. It testifies to the amazing capacity of this city – and of its higher education institution - to keep forever young and innovative in spirit. No wonder that the most performing system of e-learning – BlackBoard Academic Suite was implemented here, that the progressive assessment system is currently used and exceptional results have been obtained in the research field. The first quality assessment of higher education in Romania, achieved by ARACIS (The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) concluded that six universities in the country attract more than 50% of the total available funds for
research. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi is one of them. Due to its academics’ expertise, its modern infrastructure and its 500 currently running research projects, the university value in research has been confirmed on numerous occasions: the first prize in the “Top of Excellence in Research” 2008, obtained by a research team in Physics, the Award for scientific papers published in ISI journals - in 2006 and 2007. Besides the international cooperation in research projects, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University has concluded more than 260 agreements with prestigious universities from all over the world. It is a member of the Coimbra Group, Utrecht Network, EUA (European University Association), IAU (International Association of Universities) and AUF (l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie). These dynamic international relations have made it possible for about 1500 students and academics from UAIC to benefit from study and teaching / research periods abroad every year and participate in various international workshops, seminars, conferences etc.
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International cooperation 05.
3 International cooperation The changes that took place in Romania after 1989 have opened up new prospects for free cooperation with universities from all over the world. Joint projects with international partners have brought not only more diversity and dynamism to academic life, but also an added value to the quality of teaching and research. Since 1998, the Socrates – Erasmus Programme has represented the main component and most significant part of the international academic exchanges at UAIC. Almost 3000 UAIC students have spent one or two semesters in one of the EU partner universities. In the academic year 2008 – 2009, 450 students benefited from Erasmus mobility grants. A total number of 750 teaching assignments have taken place along the 11 years. About 500 incoming students and 800 teaching staff from EU have studied or taught at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University within the Erasmus framework. Between 1990 and 2009, 63 cooperation agreements have been signed with universities from EU, Switzerland, Norway, USA, Canada,
Chile, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Israel etc. Some of the most significant and constant exchanges took place between UAIC and AlbertLudwigs-Universität Freiburg (30 years of partnership were celebrated in 2005) as well as between UAIC and Universität Konstanz (in 2004 and 2009 the two partner universities celebrated their 10th and 15th anniversaries both in Iaşi and in Konstanz). UAIC has actively promoted exchanges with universities from neighbouring countries, especially with The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. It seems that the preferred destination of UAIC students is Konstanz, Germany (about 150 students benefited from study periods within the framework of the bilateral agreement or DAAD and Herbert Quand scholarships, while 272 students benefited from Socrates – Erasmus grants between 1998 – 2009). From among the privileged partnerships of UAIC, mention must be made of the collaboration with Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany (the oldest cooperation agreement), with Université de
Poitiers and Lille 1, France, as well as with the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. 2005 and 2007 represent the most relevant years for the university internationalization strategy, when it became a member of two of the most prestigious EU multiple partnerships: Utrecht Network and Coimbra Group. Together with its traditional partners, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University has organized various summer schools that have gained international recognition, in fields like biochemistry, plasma physics, ecology, computer science, economics, human rights, sociology, etc. For the last 38 years, UAIC has also hosted a longlasting international summer school of language and civilization, in cooperation with the Romanian Ministry of Education. Students from Europe, America, Asia and Africa come to Iaşi every summer to learn Romanian, attend civilization courses and enjoy the cultural life of the city and region. They are the university best ambassadors in the world.
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06. Research
4 Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iaşi
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi is well-known both in Romania and in Eastern Europe for the research experience of the exceptional researchers in this field, constantly having a leading place in national rankings. We are proud that some of Romania’s exceptional scientific minds work on internationally financed projects and in prestigious European networks.
Main Research Areas The university identified the fields of interest for the scientific research activity according to the national strategy for scientific research and the international programmes launched by the European Commission, the United States of America and other developed countries. Its aim has been to offer Romanian scientific and cultural community a better chance for recognition. The following research priority areas have been identified: Properties of Natural and Artificial Nanostructures Systems; Ÿ Studies of Environmental Impact, Risks, Natural and Anthropic Hazards; Ÿ Theoretical and Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (Natural Language Processing, e-learning, GRID systems); Ÿ Social Representation of Poverty, Power and Minorities; Ÿ Strategic Trends in the Global Economy; Ÿ Intercultural Studies. Ÿ
At the same time, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University attaches the greatest importance to interdisciplinary scientific research and the development of projects on the borderline between science, religion and philosophy or science and humanities.
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Human Resources and Logistics
Our research staff is made up of about 895 members, 100 young researchers and 150 technical and administrative staff. They carry out their activity within the 15 scientific research departments in the university faculties and the two Departments for Interdisciplinary Research subordinated to the University Senate. The Research Departments include 21 Research Centres, 4 Research Centres of Excellence and 2 testing laboratories: ACVAPUR – Laboratory of Water Quality Assessment Using Bioindicators and LAICA – Laboratory of Instrumental Analysis and Analytical Chemistry (the last one accredited by the Romanian Accreditation Association). The Centres of Excellence undertake research in 4 fundamental areas: Ÿ Physics and Advanced Technologies; Ÿ Mathematical Analysis and Applications; Ÿ Applied Psychology; Ÿ Human Geography and Territorial Planning.
Ion Gugiuman Research and Students Training Station, Rarău; Aquaculture and Aquatic Ecology Research Station, Iaşi; Anastasie Fătu Botanical Garden of Iaşi .
Through national-level digital library projects, all students and teaching staff have free access to the most important online science libraries, and also to the following databases of research literature: Science Direct, Web of Science and ProQuest. Most research funding in our institution comes from three major sources: the university own funds and national and international funding. In 2009, over 200 research projects and grants were funded by national funds and 14 by the European Framework Programmes FP6 and FP7, with a total budget of over 3.600.000 Euro.
The Departments for Interdisciplinary Research include 3 interdisciplinary education and research platforms: Ÿ ARHEOINVEST (Archaeology, Geography, Geology, Biology and Physics); Ÿ AMON (Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Biology); Ÿ MEDIAEC (for all the Faculties and research fields).
Starting with 2009, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University provided financial support for a series of institutional research projects and programmes undertaken within the Departments for Interdisciplinary Research: Ÿ “Dictionnaries – Encyclopedias” Programme; Ÿ Monumenta Linguae Dacoromanorum (MLD) Centre for BiblicalPhilological Studies; Ÿ Multimedia Atlas of Romanian Prosody (AMPRom); Ÿ TRADITIO Editing and Translation Centre.
Moreover, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University owns several units and facilities for research and students’ practical work, most of them located outside the city of Iaşi: Ÿ Ioan Borcea Marine Biological Research Station, Agigea; Ÿ Petre Jitariu Biological Didactic and Research Station, Potoci; Ÿ Simion Mehedinţi Research and Student Training Station, Tulnici;
Every year the University hosts many national and international scientific events organized in collaboration with governmental institutions, NGOs, professional and student organizations. Over 100 scientific events were organized by UAIC in 2009, out of which 13 were co-funded by the National Authority for Scientific Research.
Outcomes The Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation granted the following awards for scientific research to Alexandru Ioan Cuza University: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
2006 – Award for international scientific publications; 2007 – Award for scientific papers (published) in ISI journals; 2008 – Award for the work and results of a research team from an accredited institution of higher education conferred to CARPATH Center (Faculty of Physics) in the national competition Top Research of Excellence.
In recognition of their scientific work, many members of our academic staff have been granted awards by the Romanian Academy and the National University Research Council. Other scientific results in 2009: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
208 books published by Romanian publishing houses; 7 books and 13 chapters in books published by international publishing houses; 386 scientific papers presented at international conferences and published in journals included in international databases; 395 scientific papers indexed in ISI database; 2 patents cessioned to the University and 9 individual requests for patents applications; 291 doctoral theses.
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08. Educational Offer
5 Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iaşi
Educational Offer
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University offers about 10,000 places every year for Bachelor and Master study programmes in one of its 15 faculties, candidates having the opportunity to choose from 168 study programmes which cover both the socio-humanistic and the sciences fields of study. Graduates can also take a PhD degree in one of the 13 Doctoral Schools of the University.
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PCS (Scientific research program)
4 2
PPUA (Advanced University Training Program)
5 3
Doctoral Studies
6 semesters = 180 ECTS
PCS (Scientific research program)
Years of study
Master studies
4 2
3 1
Master studies
60 - 120
Master studies
3 - 4 semesters = 90 - 120 ECTS
Years of study
The Doctoral Degree represents the third Bologna cycle, the highest level of formal study or research in a given field. In order to enroll, it is compulsory for candidates to have both a Bachelor and a Master degree. A doctoral student will attend a taught program during the first year (60 ECTS – courses, seminars etc.) and will continue the activity for other two years of scientific research (120 ECTS). In order to obtain the doctoral degree, the candidate will finally have to submit and defend a thesis/ dissertation.
Bachelor studies Bachelor studies
Bachelor studies - only for the following study programmes: Law, Technological Physics, Geology Engineering, Pastoral Roman-Catholic Theology, Pastoral Orthodox Theology
Bachelor studies
semestre 180 - 240
Bachelor studies
Years of study
6 – 8 semesters = 180 - 240 ECTS
Studies at Master level – the second Bologna cycle, last for two years and correspond to a number of minimum 90 and maximum 120 ECTS. At some faculties, courses can be taken either full time or ODL (Open and Distance Learning). The Master degree is granted to individuals who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice. Within the area of their study, graduates acquire advanced knowledge of theoretical and applied subjects.
Studies at Bachelor level correspond to a number of minimum 180 and maximum 240 ECTS. At Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, there is a standard 3 - year study period at Bachelor level (except for the following specializations: Law, Technological Physics, Geological Engineering, Pastoral Orthodox Theology and Pastoral Roman-Catholic Theology, which last for 4 years). Bachelor studies 3 years
Bachelor studies 4 years
Master studies 2 years
Doctoral studies 3 years
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10. Educational Offer
University of Iaşi
22, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO 700505 Phone: + 40 (232) 201072; 201073 Fax: + 40 (232) 201472; Email: Website:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Biology BACHELOR’S DEGREE Biology Ecology and Environmental Protection Biochemistry
MASTER’S DEGREE Dean: Professor Ioan MOGLAN Teaching staff: 50 Students: 1325
Biodiversity and Productivity of Ecosystems Microbial and Cellular Biotechnologies Molecular Genetics Bioanthropology Biology of Development Bioprocedures in the Agricultural and Food Processing Field Environmental Counselling Ecological Education for Sustainable Development
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Biology is one of the most studied, commented upon and modern branches of nowadays science. Many of the issues of today's society are related to biology: green energies, environmental protection, pollution, bio-products, life comprehension at molecular level, biochemistry, genetics and genetic engineering. All these topics, along with the ones that will shape our future or better explain our past, can be studied and better understood at the Faculty of Biology. The Faculty of Biology has a long-standing tradition, making it renowned for its expertise in various domains. While honoring its heritage, the faculty also takes into account the ever-expanding field of research in this domain. Fundamental research in vegetal and animal taxonomy, genetics, vegetal and animal physiology or biochemistry are harmoniously combined with applicative research activities in the field of biotechnologies, environmental protection, biological and integrated combat of plant pest and phytoremediation. The Faculty also has excellent laboratories for monitoring and diagnosing the water quality, for molecular genetics, bioarcheology, ecotoxicology etc. Being a “green faculty” indeed, the Faculty of Biology invites both students and researchers to learn from nature and in the middle of nature, in amazing landscapes, where the faculty has research and practical training facilities such as: Ioan Borcea Biological Research Station at Agigea, on the Black Sea coast, serving as a base for research activities that take place in the Danube Delta and the natural parks in Dobrogea; Petre Jitariu Biological Station in Neamţ, the Laboratory for Aquaculture and Aquatic Ecology at Potoci, from which the faculty professors carry out research activity in the mountainous surrounding area; the Research Station for Aquaculture and Aquatic
Ecology near Iaşi, where interdisciplinary research takes place, with special focus on the breeding of aquatic organisms. In addition to this, teachers and students have free access to materials and collections of the Botanical Garden and the Museum for Natural History in Iaşi. Several European cooperation programs have been developed with international partners, such as faculties from Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden etc. In collaboration with the University of Konstanz, the faculty organizes an annual summer school of limnology for Romanian and international students. Graduates of the Faculty of Biology have wonderful career prospects and a wide range of professional development opportunities. Being able to understand the environment protection phenomenon, young graduates will work out measures and efficient strategies for the protection and preservation of the natural capital. They can be employed by companies that use different biotechnologies (pharmaceutic companies, milk-processing factories, cosmetic and beauty products industries etc), or they can work as researchers in the field of museums, in zoological and botanical gardens or in health institutes as biochemists or parasitologists. Graduates will also be able to teach in high-schools and higher education institutions, or work in research institutes with a biological profile, in laboratories for prognoses and warning belonging to the county inspectorates for plant protection, in agencies for environmental protection, in laboratories for breeding of species endangered by extermination.
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12. Educational Offer
University of Iaşi
11, Carol I Boulevard Iaşi RO 700506 Phone: + 40 (232) 201063 / 201363 Fax: + 40 (232) 201313 Email: Website:
Dean: Professor Dumitru GÂNJU Teaching staff: 45 Students: 446
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Chemistry BACHELOR’S DEGREE Chemistry Technological Biochemistry Chemical Informatics Environmental Chemistry MASTER’S DEGREE Coordinative Applied Chemistry Didactics of Chemistry Chemistry of Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Compounds Chemistry and Biochemistry of Heterocyclic Systems Dynamics of Chemical Systems applied to Environmental Chemistry DOCTORAL SCHOOL Chemistry
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Chemistry was a compulsory subject for students of Philosophy in 1860. Today, with more than 400 students registered, the Faculty of Chemistry has been developing its interdisciplinary approach by creating new fields of study like environmental chemistry, alimentary chemistry, computer science chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry - in order to keep up with the human knowledge progress. The Faculty of Chemistry intends not only to prepare specialists in the traditional branches of organic and inorganic chemistry, but considering that the society is getting more and more concerned about the quality of food, water and about finding proper medicines for curing threatening diseases, it is important to offer wide-ranging fields of study like Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Computer Science Chemistry, Technological Biochemistry, Natural Products Chemistry etc. In order to reach high standards of performance, the Faculty of Chemistry has made remarkable efforts and succeeded to create modern laboratories like that for environment analysis and the one for organic chemistry. The cooperation with international universities is one of the faculty’s achievements. Together with the University of Poitiers - France, the faculty offers students the possibility to take courses in chemistry or biochemistry, taught in French by Romanian and French professors. Thanks to bilateral agreements with prestigious universities in France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Hungary and Austria, students and teaching staff can be beneficiaries of several study and research mobilities at these universities. The educational offer has been undergoing a process of diversification during the last years. Therefore, new bachelor and master specializations were accredited in order to face the requirements of the labour market. Graduates of these specializations can work as chemists in: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ
laboratories for quality and control analysis of alimentary goods; laboratories for chemical analysis; customs offices and anti-doping control centres; pharmaceutical industries; cosmetic industries, industries of detergent, paintwork and building materials; the environmental control and protection; production and distribution companies for chemical equipment and substances.
They can also teach in high schools and academic institutions, or work in research institutes.
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14. Educational Offer
University of Iaşi
11, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO - 700506 Phone: + 40 (232) 201058; 201158 Fax: + 40 (232) 201158 Email: Website:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Law BACHELOR’S DEGREE Law
MASTER’S DEGREE Dean: Professor Tudorel TOADER Teaching staff: 34 Students: 3107
Criminal Law European Law Business Law
DOCTORAL SCHOOL Criminal Law Processual Criminal Law International Commerce Law
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The 3rd of June 1830, when Christian Flechtenmacher held the Romanian inaugural Law course, represents the beginning of Romanian higher education in the field of law. When the University of Iaşi was founded on 26th October 1860, the Faculty of Law was the only faculty that already had a great number of teaching staff and students registered in all its three years of study. There has been a constant preoccupation for building up a group of experts with a solid professional portfolio in order to face the challenges and requirements of a society undergoing a modernization process, but also in order to help them respond to the needs of a state that has been consolidating. After decades of regression caused by the totalitarian regime, the revolution of December 1989 facilitated the recovery of the faculty’s previous mission: the declaration of principles and values of a constitutional state based on respect towards the fundamental rights and liberties. The academic programmes of the Faculty of Law are adapted to the demands of a modern society, where high standards of competition fit in a free market economy. The bachelor level is structured in four years of study (full time and ODL) and finalized in an exam and diploma thesis. At the moment, master studies are structured in three specializations: Criminal Law, European Law and Business Law. The doctoral school of the Faculty of Law gives doctoral students many possibilities to develop an exciting career, ensures high standards of the courses, a well prepared teaching staff as well as excellent practical juridical and research activities. In the framework of the LLP-Erasmus mobility programme, the Faculty of Law signed bilateral agreements with prestigious European universities. Both students and teaching staff may be beneficiaries of study and teaching mobilities at partner universities from France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Finland, Greece and Republic of Moldavia. A close partner of the Faculty of Law is the European Institute of Human Rights of Strasbourg. The European Protection of Human Rights Summer School and several research and study mobilities take place in Strasbourg in cooperation with the mentioned Institute. Graduates of the Faculty of Law have many options regarding their professional career. They can work as magistrates (judges or prosecutors), notaries, lawyers, attorneys, legal experts, or in the local or central public administration, as diplomatic agents at the Ministry of External Affairs, as business consultants at Chambers of Commerce, specialists in internal and international commercial relations, or as executors or mediators.
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16. Educational Offer
Teaching staff: 147 Students: 13692
Dean: Professor Dinu AIRINEI
Acquisitions, - Distribution – Logistics Intercultural Management Management of Organisations Human Resources Management and Development Public Administration International Business and Cultural Strategies Environmental and Natural Resources Management Marketing Analysis and Strategy Marketing and Communication in Business Banking and Financial Markets Finance – Insurance Accounting, Expertise and Audit Information Accounting Systems Economics and International Business Business Economics and Law Tourism and Hotel Management Quantitative Methods in Economics Information Systems for Business Statistics, Actuarial Affairs in Assurances and Health
Business Administration Entrepreneurship Agribusiness and Environmental Management Trade Management Project Management Tourism Management Agri-food and Environmental Management International Business Business Information Systems Business Accounting Managerial Accounting, Audit and Control Financial and Banking Management Financial Management and Audit for Public Institutions Insurances and Reinsurances Human Resource Management Quality Management Negotiations-Public Relations Marketing and Business Communication (distance learning) Administration and Public European Finances Modern Governance and Local Development
University of Iaşi
22, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO - 700505 Phone: + 40 (232) 201070 Fax: + 40 (232) 201470 Email: Website:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Business Administration (in English) Trade, Tourism and Services Accounting Food and Agriculture Economics General Economics International Business and Economics Management Marketing Business Information Systems Economic Statistics and Forecasting Public Administration Finance and Banking Accounting and Management Information Systems
Management Marketing Finance Accounting Cybernetics and Statistics International Economic Relations
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17. In Iaşi, academic education in the field of economics is deeply rooted in pre-war times. The study programmes provided for the 12,000 students in economics cover all three study cycles: bachelor, master (specialized and complementary) and doctoral. The Business Administration bachelor degree was accredited and initiated in 2009; it is a programme taught in English, which addresses both Romanian and foreign students, including the incoming Erasmus students. Research activity within the Faculty is focused on: creating a dynamic environment which stimulates the development of the teaching staff individual performance, developing large research projects and having work groups focused on these projects, stimulating teaching staff involvement in international scientific conferences, editing a scientific journal and a specialized collection of theoretical studies and empirical research, initiating editorial series on major economic research topics, giving an annual award for outstanding academic accomplishment. Students and teaching staff can access the latest information in the field of economics in the on-line faculty library. The library contains almost 25,000 items, consisting of Romanian and foreign books and scientific journals, subscriptions to Romanian and foreign periodicals on paper, electronic documents and other audio-visual documents in the field and subscriptions to the Thomson Gale database and the Info Trac Journals (Britannica online, Universalis on-line etc). The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration signed bilateral and cooperation agreements with over 40 top universities in Europe and the United States. Besides student and teaching staff mobilities, these agreements facilitate contacts with international teachers who come to teach at the faculty and the development of internationally accredited master’s degrees, such as: the double-degree master programme Statistics and Actuariate in Insurance and Health offered by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and the University of Poitiers, France and the double-degree master programme Acquisition – Distribution – Logistics offered by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and Pierre Mendes University in Grenoble, France.
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18. Educational Offer
University of Iaşi
3, Toma Cozma Str., Iaşi RO-700554 Phone: +40 (232) 201026; 201027 Fax: +40 (232) 201126 Email: Website:
Dean: Associate Professor Marin CHIRAZI Teaching staff: 29 Students: 1833
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Physical Education and Sports BACHELOR’S DEGREE Physical Education and Sports Kinetic Therapy and Special Motricity
MASTER’S DEGREE Management and Marketing in Sports Fitness and Corporal Aestetics Leisure Sport Activities and Extreme Sports Kinetic Therapy in Sport Traumatology
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Gabi Szabo, Constantina Diţă, Mihai Covaliu and Laura Badea, Romania's international champions, are graduates of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. They started to practice sports at an age when most children start learning the alphabet. We do not take credit for their medals. The merit of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports is that of having theoretically prepared them for their future careers, their degree being a certificate of their academic performance. The youth of our faculty has always been one of its strong points: the teaching staff of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports is one of the youngest in the university, always concerned with the renewal of the specializations and degrees offered. The teaching staff are proud of the national and European awards, as well as of significant scientific achievements (research grants, nationally recognized bibliographic materials, awards in invention exhibitions). Our students take part in National University Championships, in all sports fields and they achieve significant results. Over 20 European or world champions and over 50 national champions have studied at out Faculty. The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports provides its students with fitness, gymnastics and bodybuilding halls, an open-air tennis/ basketball field with synthetic carpeting and artificial lighting, handball and volleyball fields, a small-size stadium with a 200m track, a synthetic-surface football field and an area for jumping and throwing. Besides all these, students have the opportunity to practice outdoor sports during trips for swimming-canoeing training, a unique opportunity in a Romanian sports faculty. The activity of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports also involves scientific research, an area where the emphasis is placed on interdisciplinarity, combining physical education with other fields, like management, marketing, psychology, biology and medicine. The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports has signed agreements with universities from France, Portugal, Moldova, Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey, Italy and Norway as well as with all the sports faculties in the country.
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20. Educational Offer
University of Iaşi
11, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO-700506 Phone: +40 (232) 201054; 201055; Fax: +40 (232) 201154; Email: Website:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences
Philosophy Sociology Political Studies Social Work Communication and Public Relations International Relations and European Studies Cultural Studies
MASTER’S DEGREE Dean: Professor Nicu GAVRILUŢĂ Teaching staff: 58 Students: 4197
The Family and the Management of Family Resources European Master of Children`s Rights Protection Social Planning and Supervising Probation, Mediation and Social Work with Crime Victims Public Policies and Institutional Management European Studies in Integration and Security Political Marketing and Communication Communitarian Security and Violence Control Applied Philosophy and Cultural Management Public Relations and Advertising
DOCTORAL SCHOOL Philosophy Sociology Political Sciences Communication Sciences
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21. In 1860, the Faculty of Philosophy formed the nucleus of the University in Iaşi, together with the faculties of Theology and Law. Since 1990, the faculty has gradually widened its specialization area with study degrees for Social Assistance, Political Science, Communication Science and European Studies. The Faculty has also developed its collaboration relationships with foreign education institutions: the International Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies in Paris, the Jean Monnet Faculty of Paris Sud Orsay University, the Social Science University of Toulouse, the University of Science and Technology in Lille, the Free University in Brussels, The Seraphicum University in Rome, Konstanz University, the Social Science Institute in The Hague and Central England University in Birmingham. Bachelor, master students and PhD candidates in our faculty may benefit from study mobilities abroad, within European programmes like LLPErasmus or Leonardo da Vinci, based on the cooperation agreements of the faculty with over 40 foreign universities from Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, England, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Graduates of the Faculty of Philosophy and Socio-Political Science may choose a career in pre-university or higher education, scientific research, local or central public administration, communication and mass-media, sociological research, culture (counselors, experts, managers) or nongovernmental organizations.
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22. Educational Offer
University of Iaşi
11, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO-700506 Phone: +40 (232) 201050; 201051 Fax: +40 (232) 201150 Email: Website:
DEAN: Professor Dumitru LUCA Teaching staff: 59 Students: 509
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Physics BACHELOR’S DEGREE Physics Medical Physics Biophysics Computational Physics Technological Physics MASTER’S DEGREE Plasma Physics, Spectroscopy and Self-Organization Biophysics and Medical physics Modeling and Simulation Advanced Materials. Nanotechnologies Kinetic Therapy and Medical Recovery through Physics Methods Methodology of Teaching Physics Physics and Environment Protection DOCTORAL SCHOOL Physics
Stânga Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iaşi
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Educational Offer
23. In order to really get to know the Faculty of Physics of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, one should forget for a moment the exercises and problems solved in high school. Here, at our university, physics is the science that keeps the world moving. Current specializations, like Computational Physics, Biophysics and Medical Physics, Technological Physics, Plasma Physics, Nanotechnologies, represent the basis of life-saving discoveries, protect the planet’s energy resources or help us discover and understand the universe. The faculty offers bachelor degrees in classical fields of physics, but also in the above mentioned interdisciplinary degrees. The are followed by 4 scientific master degrees in Plasma Physics and Optical Spectroscopy, Medical Physics and Biophysics, Advanced Materials, Nanotechnologies, Modelling and Simulation. The faculty also offers 3 professional masters: Methodology of Teaching Physics, Physics and Environment Protection, Kinetic Therapy and Medical Recovery through Physics Methods. All study cycles and programmes provide technical support through high performance equipment. Among various other research equipments, our faculty prides itself with the most professional super-computer in Romania, which is worth over 3 million Euros. The doctoral school of the Faculty of Physics offers study and research conditions for more than 90 PhD students, most of them being full-time students guided by 16 doctoral supervisors. Research approaches interdisciplinary areas as: bio-nano-technologies, information sciences, biophysics, medical physics, plasma and surface and interface physics, innovative materials. The Faculty of Physics is internationally known for its scientific achievements published and quoted in the world’s most prestigious scientific magazines. In 2008, the CARPATH Excellence Centre, a benchmark in Romanian research in physics, won the prize for the best research team in the Romanian universities. The University’s top position in the Ad - Astra ranking system is mainly due to the physicists contribution. Being part of various national and international projects, the faculty encourages its master level students to get involved in research grants, for which they are paid. Each year, over 20% of the teaching staff perform teaching, documentation or research mobilities in universities from Europe, North America, Asia or Australia. PhDs are offered post-doctoral scholarships or they are temporarily hired as researchers. The Faculty of Physics of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University is a top faculty in Romanian education, offering its graduates the possibility to choose careers like: medical physicists, scientific researchers, computer science physicists, biophysicists, engineers, teachers at pre-university or higher education level.
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24. Educational Offer
Faculty of Geography and Geology University of Iaşi
22, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO - 700505 Phone: +40 (232) 201074; 201075 Fax: +40 (232) 201474 Email: Website:
Dean: Professor Ovidiu-Gabriel IANCU Teaching staff: 68 Students: 2637
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
BACHELOR’S DEGREE Geography Tourism Geography Land Planning Hydrology and Meteorology Environmental Geography Geochemistry Geology Engineering
MASTER’S DEGREE Natural Hazards and Land Planning Tourism and Regional Development Tourism and Regional Development (in French) Present Environment and Sustainable Development Exploration and Environmental Geology Environmental Geochemistry Environmental Geochemistry in English
DOCTORAL SCHOOL Geography Geology
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25. They say globalization makes the world smaller. In the Faculty of Geography and Geology globalization enlarges the area of research, enhances the complexity of knowledge and enriches the contents of the degree programmes, training people to understand the changing world today. Higher education in geosciences has roots in the first years of the University of Iaşi. In 1863, Professor Grigore Cobălcescu was appointed course holder at the Department of Natural Sciences in the Faculty of Sciences. This was the beginning of geological education. In the evolution of higher education at the University of Iaşi, it is worth mentioning the foundation of the Department of Ancient History and Geography within the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters in 1884.
graduates are currently working abroad, since geologists have one of most mobile professions in the world. The Faculty is involved in one of the most ample research European projects in the country, called ESPON. Its contribution to the project is making a database at the level of communes in the European Union. Besides research partnerships, the University collaborates with other well-known universities in the European Union, such as France, Belgium, UK, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Spain and other regions (Switzerland, Japan, USA etc). A large number of teaching staff benefitted from research time abroad, documentation and training internships, as well as joint PhDs (France).
The education provided by the faculty is mainly based on knowledge in the field of earth sciences. However, the curriculum includes practical training as well: students in Geography and Environment Sciences practice their skills in one of the three resorts of the Faculty – one is located in the Rarău Mountains, another one at Tulnici, Vrancea Depression, and another one at Mădârjac, Moldavian Platform.
The Faculty has an internationally competitive research infrastructure. There are important scientific collections in mineralogy, petrology and palaeontology as well as modern laboratories of Teledetection and Photo Interpretation, Cartography - Topography, Climatology and Meteorology, optical microscopy, GeoInformatics, X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Infrared (IR) and Raman Spectroscopy, Geoarchaeology, Analysis of Organic Materials and Geochemistry.
The Faculty makes sure that its students in Geology and Geological Engineering take contact with the business world through partnerships with various companies in the extracting industry, such as Dafora Mediaş, RAFO Oneşti, Petrom, Roşia Montană Gold Corporation and visits to mining exploitation sites in the Eastern and Western Carpathians. This may be one of the reasons why 50% of the
The Faculty of Geography and Geology opens new perspectives to its graduates for careers in education, tourism, territorial planning, urbanism, meteorology, hydrogeology, gas geology or technical and experimental mineralogy, the analysis and monitoring of the soil, water and air quality, natural hazard management, evaluation of precious stones, museography or research institutes etc.
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26. Educational Offer
University of Iaşi
22, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO - 700505 Phone: +40 (232) 201090; 201091 Fax: + 40 (232) 201490 Email: Website:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Computer Science BACHELOR’S DEGREE Computer Science Computer Science in English
MASTER`S DEGREE Dean: Professor Gheorghe GRIGORAŞ Teaching staff: 47 Students: 1777
Distributed Computing (in English) Computational Optimization (in English) Computational Linguistics (in English) Software Engineering (in English) Information Security (in English)
DOCTORAL SCHOOL Computer Science
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In 1992 the first Faculty of Computer Science in the country was founded in Iaşi. The updated curricula are modern and compatible with those of the traditional well-known universities in the world. New research directions in the Faculty have gone international. Since 1993 every two years EUROLAN – Euro-Romanian Summer School on Natural Language Processing – has gathered famous international researchers. The Faculty edits SACS – Scientific Annals of Computer Science Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, a DBLP indexed review (Computer Science Bibliography). The Faculty of Computer Science has been taking part at university consortia to develop research projects under FP5, FP6, FP7: BALKANET, AMASS (, Language Technology for eLearning (, Artificial Language Evolution on Autonomous Robots ( The faculty teaching staff members are part of the Scientific Committees in important conferences, symposia, congresses at national and international level. At its10th celebration the Faculty held a live videoconference with the Microsoft Campus in Redmond where numerous graduates of our university work. The partnership with Microsoft means laboratories for students, software licenses, and attendance of events in the country and abroad. In the Imagine Cup competitions, the faculty teams had leading positions each edition, starting with the 1st prize at Short Film Festival in Sao Paulo 2004 and ending with 1st prize at Software Design in Cairo 2009. The Faculty has obtained notable results in other contests like ACM, Google Summer of Code, Design Challenge: Mozilla Lab, various online informatics and mathematics Olympics. Students take part at various activities through the Association of Students in Computer Science in Iaşi, the oldest student association in Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. The Faculty of Computer Science has established collaboration agreements with internationally renowned universities and research centres. The contacts with the international world have been
continuously developed since 1992. Among them, we could mention: Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Université de la Méditerranée de Marseille, Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg (France), Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina Braunschweig (Germany), Universidad de Granada (Spain), University of Wolverhampton (UK) etc. The Faculty has been developing joint research projects with numerous universities in the world, such as University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – USA, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Leiden University, Humboldt-Universität, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Seoul National University, Brown University – USA, Neuchâtel (Switzerland), Max Plank Institute in the Netherlands, Vassar College – USA, NUS Singapore. The Faculty of Computer Science has signed valuable partnerships with companies such as Adobe, Continental, IBM, BitDefender and Microsoft, where many students choose a career upon graduation. Some of them continue their studies with a PhD in universities or research institutes.
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28. Educational Offer
Faculty of History University of Iaşi
11, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO-700506 Phone: +40 (232) 201056; 201057 Fax: +40 (232) 201156 Email: Website:
Dean: Professor Alexandru Florin PLATON Teaching staff: 29 Students: 921
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
BACHELOR’S DEGREE History Archaeology Archive keeping History of Art Museology Art History European Studies
MASTER’S DEGREE European Institutions and Ideologies of Power International Relations, Institutions and Organizations Ancient Archaeology, Civilization and Art Cultural Patrimony and Tourism History of Romanian Communism Jewish History and Hebrew Studies Aegean-Mediterranean Studies Museology and Restauration
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After the foundation of the University of Iaşi in 1860, history classes were initially taught at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters for several decades, then at the Faculty of History – Geography, later on at the Faculty of History – Philosophy, and finally of the Faculty of History since January 1990. The Faculty of History has one of the most proficient research platforms in archaeology in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe called Arheoinvest. This multidisciplinary platform represents a multi-million Euro investment, which allows the scanning of archaeological vestiges up to 20 m below ground level, carbon dating analyses, 3D reconstruction of ancient cities. The Faculty also owns specialized laboratories in biology (Archaeogenetics), geography (soil study) and conservation. The results of the scientific research activity in the Faculty of History are nationally acknowledged through numerous awards from the Romanian Academy and merit awards from the Ministry of Culture and Cults. The Faculty of History has several research centres: Centre for the History of the Jews and Hebrew Studies, Centre for Aegean-Mediteranean Studies, Centre for the History of International Relations, Centre for Classical and Christian Studies, Centre for Communist and Post-Communist Studies and two excellence centres: the Interdisciplinary Centre for Archaeohistorical Studies and Gheorghe I. Brătianu Centre of History. The main research fields are: world history (courses in world history have been taught since the foundation of the faculty), prehistoric and ancient archaeology (a nationally and internationally acknowledged school), the editing of documents in the Romanian Middle Ages, historic genealogy, important phenomena and events of the modern contemporary history. New directions have been developed according to the most recent historiographic evolution: history of social and collective mind, history of culture and ideas, political anthropology etc. The Faculty of History has concluded cooperation agreements with several foreign universities leading to student mobility and teaching assignments to Bari (Italy), Liège (Belgium), Angers, Reims, Dijon (France), Amsterdam (the Netherlands), Berlin, Konstanz (Germany), Thessaloniki (Greece) etc.
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30. Educational Offer
BACHELOR’S DEGREE Ÿ Romanian language and literature (A)
a foreign language and literature (B) Ÿ A foreign language and literature (A)
a second foreign language and literature (B) Ÿ A foreign language and literature (A)
Romanian language and literature (B) Ÿ Classical philology combined with a modern foreign
language and literature Ÿ Comparative and Universal Literature – a foreign
language and literature (B) A - First specialization B – Second specialization Foreign languages may by chosen among: English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish American Studies Translation and Interpreting Journalism
University of Iaşi
11, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO - 700506 Phone: +40 (232) 201052; 201053; Fax: +40 (232) 201152; Email: Website:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Letters
DEAN: Professor Ştefan AVĂDANEI Teaching staff: 147 Students: 2293
Romanian Literature and Literary Hermeneutics Romanian General Linguistics Francophone Studies German Culture in European Context Applied Linguistics –Teaching English as a Foreign Language Foreign Languages, Literatures and Civilizations (English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish) Romanian Language, Literature and Civilization Methodology of Teaching French as a Foreign Language and Intercultural Education World and Comparative Literature Translation and Terminology American Studies Techniques of Editorial Production in Printed Press, Audiovisual and Multimedia
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Famous for its linguistic education and specialists in classical and Slavonic languages, the Faculty of Letters was established in 1860. It was one of the first faculties founded in the university. Among the great personalities who taught at the Faculty of Letters, the following are worth mentioning: V. A. Urechia, Alexandru I. Philippide, Titu Maiorescu, Garabet Ibrăileanu, Traian Bratu, Charles Drouhet, Iorgu Iordan, Constantin Balmuş, Octav Botez, George Călinescu, Dan Simonescu, Şerban Cioculescu, Petru Caraman, Jean Livescu, Alexandru Dima, N. I. Popa, Gheorghe Ivănescu, Şt. Cuciureanu, Ariton Vraciu. The faculty teaching staff takes this tradition further as authors which have often been granted the Romanian Academy Award or the Writers’ Union Award. All fields of study have a scientific coordinator and some of them cooperate with professors in foreign universities under joint doctoral degrees. The Faculty of Letters presently coordinates a unique research project in Romania – a critical edition of the 1688’ Bible done by professors from Iaşi, Bucureşti, Freiburg and the Romanian Academy. Monumenta Linguae Dacoromanorum Project aims at simultaneously presenting the facsimile reproduction of the original text accompanied by its transcription, other Romanian versions and the achievement of a modern version. The Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences, which works within the Faculty of Letters, offers its students practical training, useful in preparing them for the real life in a newsroom: the “Alma Mater” university newsletter, a weekly student magazine, an online news agency – for practice in printed press and the university radio station – for developing broadcasting media skills. The Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences developed a partnership with the multinational media company Ringier, setting up the faculty’s own video-production studio. Through its structure and programmes, the Faculty of Letters provides training for teachers in pre-university and higher education, for researchers in the philological field, as well as for professionals in communication sciences, translation and interpreting.
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32. Educational Offer
University of Iaşi
11, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO - 700506 Phone: +40 (232) 201060; 201061; Fax: +40 (232) 201160; Email: Website:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Mathematics BACHELOR’S DEGREE Mathematics Mathematics – Computer Science
MASTER’S DEGREE Dean: Professor Ovidiu CÂRJĂ Teaching staff: 52 Students: 593
Fundamental Mathematical Structures Mathematical Models and Applied Statistics Financial Mathematics Scientific Calculations and Programming Engineering
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The Faculty of Mathematics, well-known worldwide for its excellency in education, contributed to opening wide research directions initiated by distinguished academics, such as: A. Myller, O. Mayer, C. Popovici, S. Sanielevici, M. Haimovici, A. Haimovici, D. Mangeron and others. The mathematicians of our faculty were also exceptional professors and helped to quickly rank the faculty amongst the best in the country. This tradition has continued and nowadays the Faculty of Mathematics has numerous worldwide renowned specialists among its teaching staff. The faculty library, named “A. Myller” Mathematics Seminar, almost one century old, has become the best mathematics research library in Romania and equals similar collections belonging to libraries in famous international universities. The research activity is divided into two main excellence centres: Mathematic Analysis and Applications and Algebraic, Geometric and Topologic Structures and Applications. The Faculty has a modern infrastructure with research laboratories, an astronomic observatory and planetarium. Nowadays, the specialists of the Faculty of Mathematics are renowned specialists at national and international level. The teaching staff and graduates of the faculty have established good professional relationships as visiting professors at universities and prestigious research institutes in USA (Princeton, Berkeley, IBM and Microsoft), France, Canada, Italy, Germany etc. The excellent quality of the education offered is also proved by over 100 PhD Diplomas obtained by graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics, who attended PhD programmes at famous universities in Europe and USA: Cambridge University, Ecole Normale Supérieure-Paris, Université Paris VI, Université Paris XI, Université de Pau, Princeton University, Massachussets Institute of Technology, Duke University, Michigan University etc.
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34. Educational Offer
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences University of Iaşi
3, Toma Cozma Str., Iaşi RO - 700554 Phone: +40 (232) 201028; Fax: +40 (232) 210660; Email: Webste:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
BACHELOR’S DEGREE Psychology Pedagogy Special Psychopedagogy Pedagogy of Pre-school and Primary Education
MASTER’S DEGREE Dean: Professor Ion DAFINOIU Teaching staff: 52 Students: 2886
Human Relations and Communication Staff Evaluation, Training and Psychological Counseling Psychology of Conflict Mediation Educational Psychology and Counseling Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Family and Couple Therapy Intercultural Relations and Strategies Diagnosis and Intervention for People with Special Needs Conflict Mediation in Education Management of Adult Education
DOCTORAL SCHOOL Psychology Education Sciences
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35. The beginnings of Psychology taught at academic level in Iaşi go back before the foundation of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, since psychology was one of the subjects studied at Academia Mihăileană and Seminarul de la Socola. Unanimously acclaimed for its first-rate education in social psychology and orientation in the clinical domain and psychotherapy, the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences offers an excellent research foundation, with numerous laboratories and specialised instruments. Students and professors are direct beneficiaries of a large research and investment project in e-learning. The Blackboard Suite platform allows quick access to classes, discussions on certain topics, personalised tracing of each student’s academic evolution, on-line courses and seminars. There are two research centres within the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences: the Research Centre in Applied Psychology (excellence centre) and the Research Centre of Fundamental and Applicative Pedagogy in the field of multireferential performance in educational, professional and community fields. The partnerships concluded with excellent European universities offer both students and teaching staff the opportunity to benefit from Erasmus study mobility grants and performance scholarships in countries like Spain, France, Germany, Finland, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
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36. Educational Offer
University of Iaşi
9, Cloşca Street, Iaşi RO-700066 Phone: +40 (232) 201328; Fax: +40 (232) 258430; Email: Website:
Dean: Professor Rev. Viorel SAVA Teaching staff: 30 Students: 1585
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Orthodox Theology BACHELOR’S DEGREE Pastoral Orthodox Theology Methodology of Teaching Orthodox Theology Social Orthodox Theology Sacral Art
MASTER’S DEGREE Hermeneutics and Biblical Theology Systematic Theology in Contemporary Context Church’s Life – History and Present Practical and Pastoral – Missionary Theology Cultural Heritage
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37. Initially one of the four founding faculties of the University, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology was reopened in 1990, thanks to the efforts of Patriarch Daniel, the head of Romanian Orthodox Church, who was Archbishop of Iaşi at the time. The only one of its kind at regional level, the faculty has excellent teaching staff, educated at prestigious European universities: Freiburg im Breisgau, Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Tübingen (Germany), Leeds, Oxford, London, Glasgow (UK), Neuchâtel, Geneva (Switzerland), Bologna, Florence, Rome (Italy), Thessaloniki (Greece), Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), Jerusalem (Israel). Theological research is mainly focused on contextualisation of theology, as a discourse, religious discourse and communion with God in the church, in today’s world, with its religious, ideological, political, scientific and cultural orientations. Theological research at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology is also focused on the analysis of the relationship between theological faith and philosophical or scientific reason on four main directions: the role of Romanian orthodox theology in cultural and ecumenical European integration; interdisciplinary research with faculties in the field of social and humanist sciences; Romanian cultural and spiritual heritage, as part of universal heritage; scientific investigation of cultural inheritance. The mobility programme involves all teaching staff, since direct relationships between professors and students from European institutions are encouraged. The Faculty of Orthodox Theology has concluded bilateral agreements with universities in Italy, UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Greece, Bulgaria, Austria, Finland and Norway. Classes, seminars, laboratories and practical activities take place in a large building next to the Metropolitan Cathedral, with over 50 classrooms and its own chapel. The specialization Sacred Art was first introduced in Romania at our university and benefits of an exceptional equipment, accessible to all students.
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38. Educational Offer
University of Iaşi
11, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO - 700506 Phone: +40 (232) 201115 Fax: +40 (232) 201114 Email: Website:
Dean: Associate Professor Rev. Emil DUMEA Teaching staff: 4 Students: 80
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology BACHELOR’S DEGREE Didactic Roman-Catholic Theology Social Roman-Catholic Theology Pastoral Roman-Catholic Theology
MASTER’S DEGREE Strategies of Christian Charity
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39. The Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology was founded within the Roman-Catholic Archdiocese of Iaşi in 1991, in order to respond to increasing requests of catholic and non-catholic young people to have access to academic catholic education. There is a close relationship between the Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology and the Roman-Catholic Theological Institute of Iaşi in teaching theological subjects, research activities and promotion of catholic culture. The faculty also has a Department of Scientific Research focused on theological and social issues. The faculty takes on the mission of promptly and efficiently responding to promoting openness towards the international academic community, valuing the tradition of the universal Catholic Church, of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and of the Roman-Catholic Theological Institute.
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40. Educational Offer
University of Iaşi
Address: 1 Veronica Micle Street, 700505, Iaşi Phone/fax: +40 (232) 201318 E-mail: Website:
Director, Coordinator Education Programmes Professor Gabriela Carmen PASCARIU Executive Director Professor Alexandru-Florin PLATON
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Centre for European Studies MASTER’S DEGREE European Studies Regional Development
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41. The Centre for European Studies functions as an interdisciplinary department, training specialists for a wide area of activities that emerged after Romania’s accession to the EU. In only ten years, the Centre gained prestige among specialized institutions, being integrated in the European Documentation Centres Network (2008) and Jean Monnet Excellence Centres Network (2010). The Centre for European Studies offers educational programmes and professional training through specialized MA studies and short-term post-graduate courses, does research in European studies, being involved in numerous European projects, promotes information, debate and dialogue about Europe and the integration process through conferences, seminars, specialised publications. The priority research fields promoted within the Centre, by participating at projects with national or European funding, are: regional development and convergence; economics and international business; government systems and European policies. The activity of the Centre is focused on Master programmes (European Studies, Regional Development), optional Jean Monnet courses, specialized courses in Project Management and European Administration, integrated programmes of courses, researches and publications within the Jean Monnet Excellence Centre. The educational programmes of the Centre have the advantage of correlating a specialisation obtained at bachelor level with interdisciplinary professional training in European studies. Thanks to the acquired abilities, new possibilities of insertion on the labour market have appeared, both in the private and public sectors, such as: European institutions; central and local public administration; justice and internal affairs; cultural, research, education, media institutions; non-governmental organisations; companies with activities on the European market; consultancy on European programmes management enterprises; institutions involved in applying European policies.
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How to apply
42. How to apply
EU Candidates Candidates from EU member states may apply directly to our university. Admission requirements, tuition fees and scholarship availability are the same as for Romanian candidates. The documents required for registering must be translated into Romanian or English, authenticated to the public notary and the study diplomas must be recognized by the National Centre for Degree Assessment and Academic Recognition CNRED For the candidates who want to study in Romanian, a Romanian Language Certificate is required. This can be obtained by passing a language test at the Department of Romanian for Foreign Students. Candidates who can prove that they have attended at least 4 years of study in Romanian do not need to pass this language exam. If a candidate does not know the language of study, he/she must attend the courses of the Preparatory Year in order to learn Romanian. During the first semester, students will learn Romanian as a foreign language while during the second semester, they will learn the Romanian vocabulary specific for the chosen fields of study. Further information about enrollment of EU citizens is available on our website, at
Non-EU candidates Undergraduate and Master studies
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iaşi
Send the required documents and the application form to Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. We will check your file and, if everything is in accordance with regulations, send our formal approval to the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports in Bucharest so that they could issue the Letter of Acceptance and send it to you. Based on the Letter of Acceptance (and payments where requested), applicants will receive the study visa from the Romanian Embassy in their country. Upon arrival in Romania, you should first contact the Department of International Relations. In order to get enrolled, you must submit the original study documents. For detailed information about the application procedure, as well as tuition fees and available funding opportunities, please see our International Students webpage, at
Contact Department of International Relations 11, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO - 700506 Phone: (+40 232) 201201 Email :
PhD studies Only university graduates with a Bachelor Degree and a Master Degree are entitled to enroll as doctoral students at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. The enrollment is possible after passing a preliminary examination. The examination usually takes place in the first decade of September each year. For detailed information about the application procedure, as well as tuition fees and available funding opportunities, please consult our International Students webpage, at
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Recognition Procedures
Academic Recognition represents the assessment of a degree obtained abroad by comparing it to the Romanian education system. The National Centre for Degree Assessment and Academic Recognition (CNRED) is the Romanian authority for the academic recognition of: Ÿ Pre-higher education degrees; Ÿ Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees; Ÿ PhD degrees.
CNRED may grant recognition in the following cases: Ÿ Recognition of degrees for UE citizens in order to continue their education at a higher level in an accredited Romanian university; Ÿ Recognition of previous studies taken abroad by Romanian citizens. Ÿ EU citizens can apply and enroll directly at the chosen university / faculty, provided they have previously had their study certificates / diplomas recognized by the Romanian Ministry of Education - National Council for Degree Assessment and Academic Recognition (CNRED). Ÿ In the case of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, applicants shall send their degree assessment files directly to our Department of International Relations by Friday, 4 June 2010 at the latest for the summer admission session to take place between 12 - 17 July and by Friday, 30 July 2010 at the latest for the autumn admission session to take place between 6 - 11 September 2010). The latter deadline is also valid for the admission to doctoral programmes.
For more information on who recognizes what, see CNRED website: Romanian Grading Scale The Romanian grading scale runs from 1 to 10 and grades have the following meanings: 1- 4 fail, 5 - 6 sufficient, 7 satisfactory, 8 good, 9 very good, 10 excellent. Recommended ECTS grades: 1-4=F
10 = A
The total number of ECTS credits for one semester is 30 (thirty) and for one academic year is 60 (sixty).
Romanian Language Courses The Department of Romanian for Foreign Students organises Intensive Romanian Language Courses, Beginner level, (12 hours/week for 10 weeks) both during the 1st semester (October - December) and 2nd semester (March - May). FEES: Ÿ Free of charge : Ÿ incoming Erasmus students registered at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Ÿ guest students from universities members of the Coimbra Group and Utrecht Network Ÿ 200 Euro : Ÿ incoming Erasmus students registered at other universities in Iaşi Ÿ beneficiaries of other European Programmes Ÿ 400 Euro - other students
If you want to attend an Intensive Romanian Language Course, you are invited to fill in the APPLICATION FORM, available at
Romanian Language Courses
Romanian Language Courses
and return it in due time to our Department of International Relations. The course is generally appreciated by guest students for its 6 ECTS credits, for the possibility to study in a multicultural environment and to quickly integrate among Romanian students. At the end of the course, a language certificate is delivered, mentioning the total number of classes, the level of the course as well as the number
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44. Testimonials
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iaşi
Victoria Băncilă Bularda Supervisor Document Management Center, AFG Trust, Burlington, USA Graduate, Faculty of Geography and Geology I worked as a geologist engineer for nine years before I decided to change my career. Even so, I always told myself that I was lucky to have studied Geology in Iaşi, as everything our teachers and our study curricula have taught me has proven to be useful for my career as a geologist engineer, as a highschool teacher, as administrator of my own company or as manager of financial companies. Not only has the faculty developed my knowlege, but it has also tought me everything I needed to know to succeed in life.
Remus Cioată
Branch Manager, Unicredit Ţiriac Bank, part of Unicredit Group Graduate, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (1999)
Looking back at those troublesome times, I appreciate even more the personal effort and the teaching quality of the professors of this distinguished university, both aspects directly reflecting upon my professional results as well as my entire life experience.The harmonious combination between the beauty of a 20 year old life and the picturesque setting of the city as well as the numerous nights spent with my friends have made the four years I have spent here unique and unforgettable.
Adrian Covasnianu Geograph at S.C. Arcadis TGH S.R.L. Graduate, Faculty of Geography and Geology (2006) It was an honor to be taught for 4 years by a prestigious group of professionals that encouraged me to continue with other 2 years of postgraduate studies. Although I was still a student, I understood that, in order to be able to succeed on the job market, I needed all I could learn at the university. This is how I was able to find a job in my field immediately after graduation.
Răzvan Fetecău Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada Graduate, Faculty of Mathematics (1997) At the very good School of Mathematics in Iaşi I’ve encountered exceptional professors. As I myself started teaching at Stanford, I realized that what we teach at Calculus in the first year they teach much later, at a lower level, in the United States. I benefited from a very fine education in Iaşi and I remain grateful to professors I have had a lot to learn from.
George Jucan CEO, Open Data Systems Inc. Graduate, Faculty of Computer Science As a student, you can grasp – more or less - the feeling of what it means to study at „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University. But it is only years later that you understand the true significance of the student years. What is important is not only the knowledge itself, but rather the habit of learning and the moral value of education. When they are seeded in youth, they need time and experience to become visible in the personality of an individual.
Daniela Munteanu Brand Manager, Colgate-Palmolive Graduate, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (2003) The 1999 - 2003 period represents an extraordinary chapter of my life. These are the years that I would not change, for anything else in the world. This period has quenched my thirst of knowledge, my willingness to get involved, my team spirit and, at the same time, my need of freedom, be it freedom of speech or simply freedom to live. I was guided by mentors with undisputed integrity who have shaped my path, both professionally and personally. Thank you, UAIC
Broşură de prezentare - Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ din Iaşi + versiune engleză
Ovidiu Lungu Postdoctoral fellow, Unité de Neuroimagerie Fonctionelle (UNF) Laboratoire de Plasticité Cérébrale et Apprentissage Moteur Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, Canada Graduate, Faculty Psychology and Education Sciences Stock brokers, experts and novices alike, are trying to catch an illusion: to detect the maximum and the minimum of the stock exchange, in order to make the highest profit. Up to now, nobody has managed to achieve that because the truth of the matter is that one can tell which the highest and lowest points are only after having surpassed it. This is also true for everyday life: we can only tell that we’ve been on the top of a wave by looking back at our life. It is only now, 20 years after my first steps inside the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, that I am able to recognize the fact that I witnessed and participated in some of the high points. I am a privileged case, as I am one of the few to have known the Faculty of Psychology from three different perspectives: as a student of the first generation of graduates in 1990, as a teacher and now, as a researcher abroad.
Liviu Nicolaescu Associate Professor, Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA Graduate, Faculty of Mathematics (1987) The memories of my faculty years in Iaşi are pleasant, and I will always be grateful to my professors who, even through those tough years have not betrayed their vocation and tried hard to educate new generations of mathematicians. I have carried many of their words with me and I share them with my students as I hope they will mean the same to them as they meant to me. I’ve been credited with their trust and all they asked of me was quality. The doors of the Mathematical Seminary “Alexandru Myller”, a remarkable cultural getaway, have been open for me since I was a highschool student, and I have always been treated with friendship, like a young colleague.
Radu I. Siminiceanu Researcher, National Institute of Aerospace – NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, USA Graduate, Faculty of Computer Science (1997) The founding of the faculty of Computer Science was a groundbreaking act, ahead of its time. Looking back at the years I have spent as a doctoral student, I have reached the conclusion that the professional level of the mathematicians in UAIC was exceptional. Through the years I have participated in lectures held by distinguished personalities in our field, Turing Award or field Medal winners.
Ana Olariu PhD – Researcher, Wellstat Therapeutics Corporation, Gaithersburg, MD, USA Graduate, Faculty of Biology Biology has always been my passion. When I was accepted as a student at the Faculty of Biology in 1983, I had the chance to be guided by prestigious mentors who knew how to inspire young minds with curiosity and the drive for research. After I completed my PhD in 1998 at the Faculty of Biology in Iasi and postgraduate studies at Utrecht University, in Holland, I started an international career in neurosciences at University of Nagoya and, more recently, at the National Institutes of Health, in the United States. I now work as researcher at the Wellstat Therapeutics Corporation in the USA. Making use of my specialization in neurosciences, a cutting-edge direction in biotechnologies, I am contributing to the discovery of new treatments for neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases. Leaving aside the melancholy that I feel for our Biology school, I know that what I have built professionaly has a strong scientific basis and I owe this to the quality of education at the University of Iaşi.
Nic Surpatanu Microsoft, Moutain View, CA Graduated from Faculty of Computer Science More than anything, the years I spent in the faculty taught me how to think multidisciplinarily, to find the information I needed all by myself, to look at a problem from various angles. It was an unforgettable time and I can only thank my teachers and colleagues who had the patience to guide me during my four years as a student.
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46. About Iaşi
8 Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iaşi
About Iaşi
Iaşi has stood for centuries as the most important political, economic, social and cultural centre north-east of Romania. Owing to its location, Iaşi was the crossroads for the main trade routes coming from Poland, Hungary, Russia and Constantinople. The first written evidence of the economic importance of Iaşi and also of its very existence comes from a 1408 charter by which the Moldavian ruler Alexandru cel Bun (Alexander the Good) granted commercial privilege to the Polish merchants of Lvov. On the other hand, the same geographical location proved disadvantageous from a military point of view: the town and the whole region had to face innumerable attacks especially of the Tatars and Turks. A 15th-century Moldavian ruler, long-celebrated for his courage (he won over 40 battles) and for his religiousness (after each battle he had a monastery built) was Ştefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great), a name you will find in many institution and street appellations. At the middle of the 16th century Iaşi became the capital of Moldova (Moldavia) and witnessed, for the next three centuries, some of the greatest historical events. The first, though short, union of the three Romanian historical provinces was sanctioned in Iaşi in 1600. The famous 1848 Revolution, which was to spread all over the country, burst out here. Iaşi was also the place where the first Romanian higher education institution was founded, Academia Mihăileană, and the first newspaper in Romanian was issued. The picturesque position of Iaşi, its spreading over seven hills, determined the Italian Marco Bandini (1644) to call it ‘a new Rome’. Stylish, cosy and richly rewarding, Iaşi is brimming with history and art. The impressive number of interacting scientific and cultural institutions (six universities, over sixty schools and high schools, a branch of the Romanian Academy with several research institutes, two theatres, an opera, a philharmonic, dozens of museums and art galleries, libraries, several publishing houses, many radio and TV stations, cultural centres of main European countries, all in a 500,000-inhabitant town) explain why Iaşi is considered to be ‘the cultural capital city of Romania’, as it was named for the first time at the inauguration of our University in 1860.
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48. Entertainment in Iaşi
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Around Iaşi
Broşură de prezentare - Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ din Iaşi + versiune engleză
Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iaşi
Entertainment in Iaşi
Iaşi is considered to be the first and the oldest cultural capital of modern Romania, playing host to unique monuments of art (The Palace of Culture, The National Theatre, The Philharmonic, The Opera House, The Trei Ierarhi Church). With its more than 200 monuments of architecture and art (both religious and laic), museums, memorial houses, theatres, art galleries, parks, a Botanical Garden, Iaşi is a museum in itself, ranking among the most attractive tourist sites of Romania. The usual museum visit hours are between 10 a.m – 5 p.m.//9 a.m. - 3 p.m., from Tuesday to Sunday. Between September and July, there are about 10 shows staged every week in the two halls of Vasile Alecsandri National Theatre. In the three main cinemas of the city, the latest films are shown at each cinema for one week, from Friday to Thursday. All the year long there are a lot of concerts of famous Romanian singers and bands in the main clubs of Iaşi. There is a wide range of restaurants, cafes and pubs, and Internet cafes all over the city. The Students’ House (Casa Studenţilor) organises conferences, shows, symposia, literary and musical evenings, theatre plays staged by students, meetings with artists and scientists. You also have the possibility to participate in the various programmes organised by the French and German Cultural Centers and by the British Council, which are all very close to the University main building.
Around Iaşi You may want visit the most important monuments of art in Iaşi, as well as the most important religious sites. Iaşi is extremely rich in religious monuments of all ages, from the Middle Ages (the ‘embroidered’ Church of the Three Hierarchs) to the modern times (the Metropolitan Church). You may also want to visit the beautiful sites around the city (Ciric lake and forest; Bârnova, Bucium and Poieni Forests). But most of all, make sure to take a trip to the famous chain of monasteries in Northern Moldavia. Most of them are painted monasteries dating back to the 15th – 16th centuries. To give just a few examples: Ÿ the Monastery of Voroneţ is unique in the world due to the mysterious origin of its deep-blue colour and to the
painting of the “Last Judgement” on its western exterior wall; Ÿ the Monastery of Putna has a powerful symbolical meaning for the Romanian people because it was built by
the most famous Moldavian ruler, Ştefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great), whose grave is also at Putna; Ÿ the Monasteries of Suceviţa, Moldoviţa, Dragomirna, Arbore, Bistriţa, Agapia, Văratec and many others are all
beautifully-painted unique monuments of art and religion.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Rector’s Foreword
page 01
About the University
pages 02 - 04
International Cooperation
page 05
Educational Offer
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pages 06 - 07
pages 08 - 41
Biology Chemistry Law Economics and Business Administration Physical Education and Sports Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences Physics Geography and Geology Computer Science History Letters Mathematics Psychology and Education Sciences Orthodox Theology Roman-Catholic Theology Center for European Studies
pages 10 - 11 pages 12 - 13 pages 14 - 15 pages 16 - 17 pages 18 - 19 pages 20 - 21 pages 22 - 23 pages 24 - 25 pages 26 - 27 pages 28 - 29 pages 30 - 31 pages 32 - 33 pages 34 - 35 pages 36 - 37 pages 38 - 39 pages 40 - 41
How to Apply
pages 42 - 43
pages 44 - 45
About Iaşi Entertainment in Iaşi Around Iaşi
page 46 page 49 page 49