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Around the Community Operation Weatherize Albany

This past month the Office of Sustainability, in partnership with the City of Albany Sustainability Advisory Committee, launched the Albany Clean Energy Conservation Corps. This group of volunteers were trained in energy conservation and basic weatherization skills. The program is designed to create educational outreach material on clean energy options to homeowners and renters, reduce energy use and provide hands on experience for area students to prepare the next generation of sustainably conscious citizens. Techniques learned include: weather stripping, caulking, installing spray foam, window covers, outlet/light switch insulators, door sweeps and energy efficient light bulbs. Weatherizing homes can save up to 25-40 percent on heating and cooling expenses. It also contributes to the reduction of global greenhouse gases. Volunteers completed trainings in October with service days – aka Operation Weatherize Albany happening the first three Saturdays in November. If you are interested in participating in next year’s event contact Program Manager Jenina Guzman at gogreen@albany.edu Engagement