When you are a beginn
ner or need a refresher
APA Style is not difficult, but i write in APA Style before, it ca
if you have never been asked to an be a daunting process.
Where do
you start?
Here are twelve basic tips yo
ou should follow:
The first step is to format your paper • Use 1” margins. • Use a serif font such as Times New • Number the pages (using the same
• Indent the first line of each paragra
r correctly. To accomplish this:
Roman. font).
aph 5-7 spaces.
Formatting, cont. • Double-space your work.
• Place two spaces after punctuation,
• Use headings to separate the sectio
• Be consistent with tense (Many facu as in: The author states that…) and sharing your opinion.
, such as a period.
ons of your paper.
ulty members prefer present tense, d write in third person unless you are
Citing Your Sources
The next step is to make certain you
are properly citing your sources.
• To avoid plagiarism you must cite
• When writing a literature review directly quoting the source where
• The Owl at Purdue offers an expla paraphrasing and directly quotin
e your sources correctly.
you are either paraphrasing or e you found the information.
anation of the differences between g.
Examples of In-Text Citatio
When Parap
There is literature that suggests that does not guarantee success in a subs area or discipline (Bashford, 2000).
White and Mitchelmore (1996) conc successful calculus class is an abstra
t success in a prerequisite course sequent course in the same content
cluded that a prerequisite to a act-general concept of a variable.
More Examples of In-Text C
For Direct Quotes U
Citations, cont.
Under 40 Words
“Adult literacy is closely intertwined w child’s inheritance is determined by i
with children’s education because a ts parent’s estate” (Daniel, 2003, p. 8).
Citing Your Sources, cont.
Indent (Use what are called “block qu directly and the quote is 40 words or
uotations�) when you quote the source r more.
It has been argued that the whole of society would ben students by the development of a more educated work According to Psacharopoulos and Woodhall (1986):
Education yields direct and indirect benefits b obvious direct benefit is that educated worker educated. Thus, the direct benefit of educatio society it is the higher productivity of educate national income over their entire working live
*Notice that the period comes before the page number.
**Remember that these need to be double-spaced, alth space. In my opinion it is easier to simply double-space
efit greatly through the long-term retention of force and a better-informed citizenry (Lee, 1986).
both to the individual and to society. The most rs receive higher incomes than those who are less on for individuals is higher lifetime earnings, and for ed workers and the additional contributions to es. (p. 38)
hough in a block quote you have the option to singlee the entire paper.
Citing Your Sources, cont.
Include a reference page
listing all of your sources.
Becker, G. S. (1993). Human Capital. Chicago, IL
Brownstein, A. (2001). Tuitions rise sha way. Chronicle of Higher Education, 48(10), A52-A
Phillips, J. M., & Gully, S. M. (1997). Ro achievement, and locus of control in the self-effi Applied Psychology, 82(5), 792-802.
Psacharopoulos, G., & Woodhall, M. (19 investment choices. New York: Oxford Universit
Schroeder, C. C. (2000). Understandin Priorities, 15.
Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: Rethi attrition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Tinto, V. (n.d.). Student Success and th communities. Retrieved January 3rd, 2003, from S Website: http://soeweb.syr.edu/Faculty/Vtinto/F
L: The University of Chicago Press.
arply, and this time public colleges lead the A54.
ole of goal orientation, ability, need for icacy and goal-setting process. Journal of
986). Education for development: Analysis of ty Press.
ng today’s students in a changed world.
inking the causes and cures of student
he building of involving educational Syracuse University, School of Education Files
Book Reference Author’s last name and initials and year of publication
Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: Rethinking the University of Chicago Press.
*Note there are two spaces following punctuation. **The title of the book is in italics and only the first w
Book title
causes and cures of student attrition. Chicago:
word is capitalized.
Where book was published
Reference to an Article Author’s last name and initials and year of publication
Brownstein, A. (2001). Tuitions rise sharply, and Higher Education, 48(10), A52-A54. A52-A5
Volume Number (in italics)
Issue Number (not in italics)
*Notice the “hanging indentation”, where the second spaces.
Title of Article
d this time public colleges lead the way. Chronicle of
Page numbers
Title of Journal
d line is indented-It should be indented five
Mullins Library-University of Arkansas
Reference to a Website Author’s last name and initials and year of publication if one is available.
Title o on we
Tinto, V. (n.d.). Student Success and the building January 3rd, 2003, from Syracuse University, Scho http://soeweb.syr.edu/Faculty/Vtinto/Files
of item ebsite
g of involving educational communities. Retrieved ool of Education Website:
Name of website