Oct. 27, 2011

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Halloween Festivities Bring Monday Night Fun

LAUREN HUSBAND STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Junior Maple Hill Resident Assistant Chelsea Clem decorates her door in celebration of Halloween.

by CAITLIN MURAD Staff Writer

Halloween often takes students back to their childhood memories of haunted houses, trick-or-treating and the glow of jack-o-lanterns flickering on a brisk fall night. Away from home, it is sometimes difficult to keep Halloween from feeling like a typical Monday night, but luckily Northwest Arkansas offers many Halloween activities to scare you, entertain you and bring you back to childhood. UA residence halls host annual Halloween festivities for students to enjoy. Each year, Reid Hall residents hold a haunted house on the bottom floor of their hall, complete

with fake blood, smoke machines and plenty of Halloween treats. “Last year I went to the Reid Haunted House,” said Bridget Baird, UA sophomore. “The whole study room was decorated like a haunted house. A ton of people came, and there was Halloween Oreos, cookies and M&Ms.” If you are looking for something to scare you a little more than the Reid Haunted House, Nightmares Haunted House has been open for 25 years. It is located in Bentonville and is open on Fridays and Saturdays and the Sunday and the Monday of Halloween weekend from 7 to 11 p.m. Tickets are $13 a person, but

it includes admission to the house and a spooky bus ride. Another idea is to get some of your friends together and go on a pumpkin hunt. A pumpkin hunt is similar to an Easter egg hunt except instead of Easter eggs, you hide miniature pumpkins for people to find. You can do this in a dorm, house or outside. The person who finds the most pumpkins gets a prize. With some friends, you can also put on a scavenger hunt in the dorm or around campus. At www.scavenger-huntfun.com, you can find lists of Halloween items to find and


Five Months Later, Restoration Efforts Still Strong by CHAD WOODARD Asst. News Editor

Kaleb Cox drove down the streets of his peaceful hometown, streets he had been on “thousands of times,” this time on his way to his brother’s high school graduation. That was May 22. By the next morning, the place had become a post-apocalyptic wasteland, with houses reduced to rubble and trees shattered in splinters. “I have no landmarks to go by and I have no idea which street I am on or which street to turn on,” said Cox, a senior history major. “That’s just a really weird feeling to be in a town where you knew everything and you are completely lost, because there is nothing to go by anymore.” Cox is from Joplin, Mo. He was one of 43 students who traveled with the Associated Student Government to Joplin, Mo., last week to volunteer in a city ravaged by an EF-5 tornado. “The goal was to come up and help with the Joplin relief efforts,” said Laura Weiderhaft, ASG director of service outreach. “I have been up here a couple of times and seeing the amount

of work that needed to be done makes me feel like I need to do whatever I can to help continue with the relief efforts,” she said. “It doesn’t just stop with clearing up the houses.” The students who traveled to Joplin for the trip worked with AmeriCorps. The students gathered wood on the land of a family whose home was destroyed by the tornado so that the family could sell the wood and rebuild their home, Weiderhaft said. This volunteer effort was different from previous occasions, she said. “The first two times I was here, I was pretty close proximity and at that point when you were doing work you would work all day, for hours, and feel like not much had been accomplished,” she said. Weiderhaft noticed improvement in this visit from previous trips, which were soon after the tornado struck, she said. University Relations and University Advancement staff coordinated the trip with ASG to present the University of Arkansas as a source of help to communities nearby, she said. Cox felt a special need to help rebuild the community he saw

partly destroyed by the tornado, he said. He was in Joplin the night the tornado hit. “As I was driving back, the sky was just black and it started raining about a mile from my house,” he said. “I couldn’t see more than probably 20 or 30 yards in front of me, because the storm was so bad I could barely control my car, because of the wind.” He was trying to get home. “The tornado sirens were going off, but around here we get tornadoes all the time, so, you know, we learned to ignore them, because they always hit the outlying rural areas, usually places with no people,” he said. “But that’s not what happened that night.” This tornado was the seventh deadliest tornado in the United States. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimates that it killed more 150 people. In fact, 2011 is preliminarily the fourth deadliest tornado year in U.S. history, with 549 fatalities, according to NOAA. Only three years had more fatalities: 551 in 1917, 552 in 1936 and 794 in 1925.

see RESTORATION on page 6


In the path of a deadly vortex, approximately seven miles of homes and businesses in Joplin, Mo. were cleared out on the evening of May 22. More than a thousand people are still missing. Despite the devastation, survivors and volunteers carry on with hope.








by CONNOR WOODY Staff Writer

Hugo 3D has now flatlined with both critics and the general public, and Martin Scorsese hopes to be its defibrillator with his take on a family movie, involving an orphan boy who encounters a variety of bizarre characters as he lives a secret life in a Paris train station. If anyone can revive the increasingly annoying gimmick that audiences were promised would revolutionize movies, it’s Scorsese, who has directed (very) arguably the best movie of the ‘70s (Taxi Driver), ‘80s (Raging Bull) and ‘90s (Goodfellas). I would watch “G’s to Gents” if Scorsese

was behind the camera. Melancholia Around 18 people on campus will see this drama/art house/mystery/sci-fi/psychological disaster movie by Lars Von Trier, who probably didn’t gain a lot of mainstream fans when he made the proudly repulsive Antichrist, about a couple’s dead child and their descent into complete depravity or when he was indefinitely banned from the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year when he told a room of international reporters that he sympathized with Hitler. Still, his controversial movies are undoubtedly well-made, and this one looks to have achieved originality in a way that only Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life

has done this year. J. Edgar This movie obviously deserves attention with Leonardo DiCaprio starring and Clint Eastwood directing, but what I’m most excited for in this bio-pic of one of America’s most interesting figures is the screenplay by Dustin Lance Black. Black was a relative unknown before his Oscar-winning screenplay for 2008’s Milk, which was entertaining and irreverent where most biographies are dry and skimmed-over. J. Edgar will be a big movie that tries really hard during a time in which movies that try anything other than to make money only come along a few times a year.

Jack and Jill Whoever coined the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover” never had to sit through You Don’t Mess with the Zohan. If there’s one thing I’m not ashamed to admit I love, it’s a funny Adam Sandler movie. The problem is that Adam Sandler isn’t the same Adam Sandler that made ridiculous premises like Big Daddy and Water Boy likable on effort alone in the ‘90s. He has made more mature movies over the last decade, but he seems to be content with letting his default persona be the same gibberishtalking goof that threw sticks at roller skaters in Big Daddy and punched Bob Barker in the stomach in Happy Gilmore. Sandler dressing up in drag to

Green Submarine: A Sandwich Like No Other

play his own twin sister at the age of 45 is a more obvious ploy to cash in on past relevancy than Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign. Young Adult Jason Reitman and stripperturned-Oscar-winning screenwriter Diablo Cody, the duo behind the instant classic Juno, reunite for another smarmy and smart comedy starring Charlize Theron, Patrick Wilson and Patton Oswalt. Reitman’s post-Juno movie, last year’s Up in the Air, did everything Juno did right—the likable and conflicted characters, interesting dialogue and unconventional plot—in a more restrained way. Meanwhile, Cody wrote the painfully annoying Jennifer’s Body,

where the quirky dialogue got so quirky that it ended up outhipstering itself (Jealous=limegreen Jello, beautiful=salty?). It will be interesting to see if Reitman can mold Cody’s selfconscious dialogue into something great again. We Need to Talk About Kevin I would advertise the fact that critics have been calling Tilda Swinton’s performance in We Need to Talk About Kevin the best of her career, but the truth is that critics say that with almost every movie she releases. Swinton and John C. Reilly star here as the parents of a high schooler who carries

MOVIES on page 3


by EMILY RHODES Staff Writer

LAUREN HUSBAND STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Green Submarine chefs serve up the Bang Pow Chicken, which is a combination of pan-seared chicken breast with siracha aioli, leaf lettuce, roma tomatoes, cucumber slices and bean sprouts on a hearty baguette. Although the location is modest in appearance, the Green Submarines’s subs are nothing short of gourmet.


Forget everything you know about “five-dollar footlongs” and “subs so fast you’ll freak.” There is a new meaty monster in town and it is one beefy beast. The Green Sub-

marine Espresso Café and Sub Shop is a fairly new setup to our town. The small business serves up plates of sandwiches that are so good you’ll wish you had the gastrointestinal capacity of a bovine just so you’ll have room for more. If you’re as big of a Razor-

back fan as you say you are, surely you follow our beloved teams on Twitter. I found myself on Jake Bequette’s Twitter page sometime last year, and what he might lack in stimulating material, he makes up for in Woo Pigs and occasional tweets about

Green Submarine. Although I have never met the endearing defensive end, I decided to take a leap of faith last summer, with only his words to guide me. As it turns out,


October is almost over, and with Halloween right around the corner, it’s time for a tasty autumn treat. Over fall break I made this sweet peanut brittle with my seven-yearold sister-in-law, Audrey, on our cooking night. Because we didn’t have time to carve pumpkins while we were in Tulsa for the weekend, this recipe made the perfect fall dessert to make with family. These peanut brittle bars are perfect for sharing with friends and family, or for a sweet and spooky treat, wrap these in fun Halloween print bags and hand them out to trick or treaters.

Peanut brittle is probably one of the easiest things to make and can be cooked in both a saucepan and a microwave. With only six inexpensive ingredients, brittle is cheaper than buying bags of candy to hand out and is much tastier. I cooked my brittle in the microwave, so this candy can be made both on and off campus. Ingredients ½ cup Karo light corn syrup 1 cup white sugar 2 tbsp. honey 1½ cups dry roasted peanuts ½ tbsp. butter 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 tsp. baking soda




THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2011 MOVIES from page 2


With Halloween quickly approaching, there’s no better way to get into the holiday spirit than by planning the perfect costume. While costume stores can be expensive for a one-time wardrobe change, thrift stores, vintage stores and cheap stores at the mall can be much more feasible resources for finding the perfect elements of a Halloween costume. Just browsing in thrift stores like Potter’s House and The Attic or vintage stores like Cheap Thrills can give you inspiration for a cheap and original costume. If you’re still lost for ideas, get inspiration from anything around you - your favorite TV shows, movies, music or books. Throwback options in any of these pop culture categories are fun and easy to find costumes for -- think Saved By The Bell, Miami Vice, Dirty Dancing or Michael Jackson music videos. Staple wardrobe items of the 1980s or 1990s -- neon, leggings, flannel -are easy to obtain. Current pop culture icons pride themselves in standing out, making it that much easier to know exactly how to dress up as

Lady Gaga, Flavor Flav or Nicki Minaj. Costume inspiration can come from any American icon -- professional athletes, politicians or even the Statue of Liberty. If you’re going out with a date on Halloween night, there are plenty of options for dynamic duos to choose from. Disney movies are full of them - Woody and Bo Peep, Alice and the Mad Hatter, and Pocahontas and John Smith are classic options. Throwbacks in the couples’ pop culture category can bring up some classics -- Danny and Sandy from Grease, any combination of characters from The Wizard of Oz, or, a little closer to home, the ‘90s duo of Cory and Topanga from Boy Meets World or Nickelodeon’s Doug and Patty Mayonnaise. For more recent pop culture costume options, there are always Jay-Z and Beyonce, Angelina and Brad, or Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber. Other classic couples’ options are John F. and Jackie Kennedy, Johnny Cash and June Carter, Mario and Luigi, Batman and Robin, Popeye and Olive Oyl, Fred and Wilma Flintstone or your own rendition of the couple painted in American Gothic. If dressing as any of these couples doesn’t

sound appealing, go for inanimate objects. Bacon and eggs, peanut butter and jelly, or peas and carrots are all quality potential options. If you’re creative enough to make a costume and you want to be original, couples’ ideas can be derived from any compound noun -- you probably aren’t going to run into any other Taco Bells or Olive Gardens at Halloween parties. Despite the countless great ideas out there, even the best of holiday intentions can lead to frantically searching your closet on Halloween night for anything that could pass as a costume. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t embarrass yourself by trying to create something incredible in five minutes. Keep it simple -- every sheet hopes to be a toga, and every closet has what it takes to create Tom Cruise’s classic sunglasses and boxers combination in Risky Business. Monochromatic outfits can also create versatile options. All blue makes a Smurf, all green makes a jolly giant, and if you have it, all gold makes an Oscar. An all-black ensemble can lead to limitless ideas -- adding a black shirt as a headwrap is all it takes to make a ninja, and black fabric attached from the bottom of sleeves to hips makes a very convincing bat. If nothing else, Halloween is an unparalleled opportunity to wear whatever you want and get away with it. Whether classic or original, wear the costume you’ve always dreamed of wearing.

out a Columbine-like massacre. Swinton’s character must then contemplate what made her son commit such an atrocity and how much he was responsible for his actions. Be ready for a bleak, tiring and ultimately rewarding movie. The Sitter Arkansas’ own David Gordon Green continues his strange shift from individualistic art-house movies to low-

Good Eats


GREEN SUBMARINE from page 2 Bequette really knows his subs. The place keeps you coming back for more, and that’s exactly what its faithful customers are doing. With a timely break in my class schedule, I decided it was time to revisit Green Submarine. Faithful sidekicks in tow, one being new to the Green Sub experience, we embarked on an adventure that would leave our taste buds in a fit of frenzy from all the fantastic flavors filling our…faces? After a minor glitch in the navigation due to a communication error, we were off to Wedington and Betty Jo, where our dining destination was waiting. We’ve established Jake Bequette’s admiration for this local eatery, and once we stepped foot into the shop, who do we see? Yes, the one and only, Tyler Wilson. I guess our Hogs really like to pig out on the finest delights. Once my comrade overcame the initial state of being “starstruck,” we continued to the counter and ordered. As was recommended to me, I went with the chi-

FESTIVITIES from page 1

potle pork sub and added grilled onions. Because I’m all about the “fancies,” I requested some grilled mushrooms to top it off. Our food was brought to our booth (as a warning, there is little to no seating no matter what time of day—it’s really that small). Our feast…t’was a sight for sore eyes and an empty stomach. Our group excitedly mumbled through each bite. The Cubana sub to my left and house salad across from me looked scrumptious, but one cannot deny the gloriousness that is the chipotle pork sub. Everything about this concoction was perfect. The pork was juicy, the melted cheddar cheese blanketing the mounds of pulled protein. The chipotle pesto was slathered on generously and gave the sub a surprising twinge of taste, as did the accompanying balsamic glaze that danced around the plate. Even the homemade bread had a lot of flavor, nothing competing for attention. The jumbo-sized goodness that filled my plate was soon gone, as was my Green Submarine-shaped hole in my heart… surely to be back with the mere mention of For a more low-key way to get into the Halloween spirit, there is always the option of watching a marathon of your favorite Halloween movies. You can start your marathon off with some of the classics such as Halloweentown or Hocus Pocus.

“green” or “submarine.” The side effects of a sublime meal that was so artfully prepared should come with warning labels. “Do not operate heavy machinery after consumption. May cause sub-themed daydreams and induce drowsiness or food coma.” As I returned to class, I couldn’t help but be in a good mood. The euphoria experienced after dining at Green Submarine is one that is not shaken off easily. Every time I closed my eyes, images of pure green walls filled with local artists’ paintings would flash by and the occasional winged and haloed figure of an angelic sub would lazily float through my memory. And so, if you are one for a simple sort of soul food that is oh so worth the $6-10, Green Submarine should be at the top of your experiment list. Caution: Chick-fil-A syndrome does apply here— Green Submarine is not open on Sundays. Plan your cravings accordingly. Green Submarine is located on 3327 West Wedington Drive and is open Monday through Friday 10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

been a tradition in my family during Halloween,” Britt said. “After we carved the pumplists of things you can take kins, we used to make pumppictures with on a photo scavkin seeds that we salted and enger hunt. toasted in the oven.” For an off-campus activity, For the animal lovers among you can visit the corn maze us, the fourth annual Howlin Bentonville. It is located O-Ween Pet Pageant will be off the Cave Springs on the Fayetteexit on Interstate ville Square at “I love carving jack-o-lanterns, 540. In past years, 5 p.m. on Oct. because it has always been a tradithe maze has been 29. Students tion in my family.” in the shape of a racan go watch - Caitlin Britt, sophomore zorback. It also has a or can even kiddie entrance for enter their a shorter and less scary jourYou can’t have Hallow- own pet in the competition. ney. een without joining in the Students who want to enter “If you go to the maze when tradition of carving pump- their own pup in the parade it is getting dark, you can kins. You can find a pumpkin of pets can contact Shelly bring flashlights and try to patch at the Church of Christ Walters at the Fayetteville find your way through the on Old Wire Road, where Visitor’s Bureau at (479)571maze,” said Samantha Corral, you can hand pick a pump- 4731. UA sophomore. “That makes kin to carve. Caitlin Britt, UA Even away from home, it really fun, because no one sophomore, said that carving there is plenty to do in Fayhas any idea where they are pumpkins is one of her favor- etteville to celebrate Hallowgoing, and you are just look- ite parts of Halloween. een with friends, from pumping for the light from other “I love carving jack-o-lan- kins to spookhouses and evpeople’s flashlights.” terns, because it has always erything in between.

brow comedies with The Sitter. Let’s hope that this one is more like Pineapple Express and less like Your Highness. Jonah Hill stars as a terrible babysitter. Usually I have an aversion to child actors, but Max Records, the kid from Where the Wild Things Are, doesn’t oversell everything. Plus, the idea of Jonah Hill, one of the greatest ever at stringing together lines of creative profanity, directing his angry and sarcastic jabs at children is funny in a Bad Santa kind of way.







Traveler Quote of the Day “It’s been five months since the tornado hit, and AmeriCorps said they had between 700 to 900 volunteers this weekend. It is really cool that this long after an event that it’s still [on people’s] minds and they are still traveling to come volunteer and help out our community.”

-Kaleb Cox, senior history major, “Five Months Later, Restoration Effects Still Strong,” page one

ABOUT THE ARKANSAS TRAVELER The Arkansas Traveler, the student newspaper of the University of Arkansas, is published every day during the fall and spring academic sessions except during exam periods and university holidays. Opinions expressed in signed columns are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Traveler. The editor makes all final content decisions. One copy of The Arkansas Traveler is free to every member of the UA community. Additional copies can be purchased for 50 cents each. Mail subscriptions for delivery within the continental United States can be purchased for $125.00 per semester. Contact the Traveler Business Manager to arrange.


Trick-or-Treating Should be for Adults Too Fayetteville Spotlight

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TAYLOR WHITE Sports Designer

Three aid workers with the Danish Refugee Council were kidnapped in Somalia Tuesday.

: (


An earthquake hit Turkey Tuesday killing more than 450 people and injuring more than 1,300 people.

: ((

News Designer

Features Designer

The Huffington Post named Arkansas as one the top 11 states for the highest student loan default rate.

Lindsay Lohan is posing nude for Playboy for $1 million.

The Ugly


Graphic Designer Graphic Designer

The top 1 percent in America doubled its income during the last 30 years, according to a Congressional Budget Office report.

: (


: ((

Lead Designer/ Web Developer

The parking lot next to the HPER will be closing soon, so that construction for the athletic facility can begin.



Associated Student Government members and students went to Joplin, Mo. Saturday to help with the recovery.


Account Executive 575-8714 travad3@uark.edu

Barrett Lewis is a columnist for the Traveler. His column runs bimonthly, every other Thursday.

The Bad


Account Executive 575-8714 travad3@uark.edu

The Razorbacks play Vanderbilt Saturday at Vanderbilt.


Campus Account Executive 575-7594 travad4@uark.edu

ers. But I think there is a valid point to be made when it comes to Halloween. Even with my interest in other holidays dulling, those other holidays at least have ways for adults (who do not have children) to enjoy them. Thanksgiving and Christmas are all about family, birthdays are still birthdays and fourth of July is the only holiday that actually gets better the older you get. None of these holidays’ traditions require parties for one to enjoy them to their fullest. Halloween, it seems, does. So, in the end, I’m not sure what I’m asking for. No one can change a society’s perspective that adults should stick to parties instead of trick-or-treating, and I’m not sure there are many people who would risk looking immature to say they would rather treat-or- treat than party. I just think it’s a shame that the holiday is now more about parties than anything else, and that priority is forced upon us. Basically, someone let me borrow your little brother so I can use his child status to harvest candy for my stash. I promise I’ll give him right back,



Evangelical pastor Pat Robertson said the Republican field was too extreme and it could cause them to lose the general election.


Account Executive 575-3899 travad2@uark.edu

The Good


Campus Account Executive 575-7594 travad4@uark.edu

movie characters and a creature made of light (hundreds of glow sticks attached to my body). This year, knowing that my Halloween plans consist of just going to parties, I have no desire to spend more than $50 on something that I will wear only twice, at best, for the entire year. I don’t mean to sound like an old cynic, apathetic to the customs of society. I just wish those customs were made available to a grown man who just wants to be a little kid again. Yeah, I want to trick-ortreat. Parties are fun, but there will always be time for that. Nothing beats the childlike glee of obtaining a big bag of candy, of which only half is likely to be consumed. I know this year if I were to go out, I’d find more resistance than ever to the idea of a college student wanting to trick-or-treat. But why? Does society really expect us to settle for getting drunk and making bad decisions instead of being safe and having a nice, sober time? I don’t actually have the courage to go and trick-ortreat this year. I don’t want to make parents, who expect to see people a few feet shorter than myself, feel uncomfortable. I’m not a “man child”, and I know my place isn’t getting candy from strang-

The Traveler’s The Good, The Bad and The Ugly



For most young adults, there’s not much excitement left in big annual holidays and events. We figured out where the Christmas presents were coming from long ago, you can only party so much on New Year’s Eve and birthdays slowly start descending the hills of depression. Halloween has always been different for me. While I enjoyed it as a child, my love for Halloween didn’t peak until high school, when the joys of Christmas and other holidays had dulled. It was later in high school when I learned I could push the boundaries of who can and can’t trick-or-treat. At this point I had money, and money meant better, more creative costumes. In college I had reached the end of people’s willingness to give candy to a grown man. My focus had to switch to parties, and this was fun


Sales Manager 575-3839 travad1@uark.edu


Traveler Columnist

for a while. Seeing everyone trying to outwit the other with their costume choice was a fun social exercise and good times were had by all. Sadly, I have reached the end of this phase. The unfortunate truth is that there isn’t another phase for me to go to next. While acting like a 12 year old in high school and trickor-treating with my friends, regardless of what the rules were, I met a lot of people who were intrigued by our costumes. They gave us candy, even though we weren’t little. But every year, more and more people turned us away. One year we actually had someone close the door on us. It’s like, fine, I guess I’ll just go do crack behind my parents’ house. Obviously I am joking, but the point is still valid. What is there to do on Halloween if you’re not a little kid, don’t have offspring and don’t want to party? Knowing that my choices are limited, I’m left with only the option of parties. I’m sure I’d go regardless, but I’m just not excited anymore. The spirit of Halloween has left me, and I fear that it won’t be back for some time. My general apathy toward Halloween has caused my costume choices to suffer as well. In the past I’ve been a private detective, several

Only 9 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing.




by NICK BROTHERS Staff Writer

I And Love And You The Avett Brothers Folksy, grandiose, upbeat and warm are the words that best describe the music The Avett Brothers put together for their album I And Love And You. The band’s sound varies from track to track. Some have somber tones, some have bluegrass influences, and others even fall under the criteria of pop-rock. There’s just something about the warm sound of Scott Avett’s voice, combined with their encasing melodies, that makes this album so good. The grand and dramatic “Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise,” the pleasant and mellow “Laundry Room,” the laid back acoustic rock in “And It Spread,” and the spunky pop-rock of “Kick Drum Heart” showcase the band’s talent and make this album worth multiple listens. The tone of I And Love And You is rich, and the music of the album closely resembles the mood of autumn with its varied temperatures and overall mellowness. Be sure to check out The Avett Brothers if you find yourself a fan of Mumford & Sons or Fleet Foxes. You won’t be disappointed.

Fate Dr. Dog The album Fate by Dr. Dog features a fantastic mix of sounds. Its melodies are reminiscent of ‘60s psychedelic rock, and at times the band sounds like the Beatles with their three-way harmonies. And, in fact, on Nov. 8, the band will perform live at George’s Majestic Lounge. What’s great about Dr. Dog is the two vocalists in the band: the soulful, bluesy and passionate voice of Toby Leaman (bass), and the melodic and tender tenor voice of Scott McMicken (lead guitar). The rest of the band all add in their harmonies to make a big vocal sound. Some of the best tracks are “The Rabbit, The Bat, and The Reindeer,” with its fun and light keyboards and gripping breakdown; “The Old Days” for its catchy arpeggio keyboard lead and bumping bass; the mellow “The Breeze”; and the heavy emotive vocals from Leaman on “The Beach.” The album is a great listen all the way through.

O Damien Rice It’s been said that there are few that truly understand the emotional human heart better than Damien Rice. His music and lyrics are passionate, real and moving. O is the more complete of his two albums; the other album, 9, is also great, but not as consistent track after track. The tracks on O are best described as acoustic with folk influences, and it’s just moody enough. O will perfectly complement a warm cup of coffee or espresso at a local coffee shop, or as you’re walking through the chilly fall weather. The warm and vulnerable “Delicate”; the layered acoustic “Cannonball”; the folky and later passionate “beautiful mess” part of “I Remember”; the beautiful orchestral melodies of “Amie”; and just about every single track on the album have the potential to be classics. Rice seems to be close to lyrical genius, too, and as you listen, you’re bound to find a lyrical phrase in one of the songs that will directly explain a feeling you just can’t explain. He’s got a knack for speaking to the soul with his music. With the warm and passionate sounds of Damien Rice and company, the album will surely enhance the mellow feelings of autumn and leave you wanting more.

PEANUT BRITTLE from page 2


Start this recipe by buttering a cookie sheet and preparing a glass bowl for microwave cooking. Put the corn syrup, honey and sugar into the glass bowl, stir until incorporated and then microwave for four minutes until the mixture is runny, yet thick. The mixture may be sticky – don’t add water or other liquid as the extra microwave time makes the sugar liquefy more. Once the sugar and syrup have cooked, add the peanuts into the glass bowl and mix around. Then, microwave again for four more minutes before adding the butter and vanilla. Once the peanuts and other ingredients (apart from the baking soda) have been added, microwave the entire mixture for another two minutes until the mixture is running and fully incorporated. The liquid sugar will still be transparent at this point, but the mixture should be sticky and soft. Once the baking soda has been added, the mixture will turn toffee colored. Add the soda and stir for one minute until the mixture foams and becomes light and gooey, and then pour it onto the greased cookie sheet. Spread the mixture into a half-inch thick layer quickly, as the brittle will harden as the heat escapes. Once the brittle has been spread, leave to harden and cool for about 30 minutes. I made this recipe in under 15 minutes, not including the cooling time, and it made a 9x13 pan full of brittle. The brittle is creamy and sweet, yet the perfect treat to enjoy with a homemade pumpkin spice latte (soon to come). So for an easy, homemade treat perfect for trick or treaters or just to enjoy with friends and roommates, try this peanut brittle for a simple fall recipe that everyone will love.

My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy Kanye West Critically acclaimed as not only one of the best albums by Kanye West, but as one of the best albums in rap/hip-hop history, is the artist’s My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. If you don’t already have this album, you’re missing out. It’s fantastic. This album is far from traditional when it comes to the idea of a generic “rap album,” so if you’re the type that eschews rap from your music library, give this one a shot. Every song embodies well-composed, layered, lyrical writing and talented musicianship. It comes off as a piece of art. It’s safe to say every song is great but the best are probably the multi-artist “Monster” with its killer verses; the endearing and heavy “POWER”; the pop-anthem horns and hyper beats of “All of The Lights”; and the climatic finale of “Lost In the World.” This album is moody though, and it reflects the changing of the season. As the weather gets colder, so does this album as it progresses, making it a natural choice for the fall.

The Wild Hunt The Tallest Man on Earth A folk revivalist similar in sound to the great troubadour Bob Dylan, the Swedish, English-speaking Kristian Matsson brings an album that is emotional, earthly, moving and a wonderful display of musicianship. At around 5 feet 7 inches tall, his moniker The Tallest Man on Earth is meant to be ironic. The most standout thing about Matsson is his impeccable guitar skill and his overly unique voice. It’s scratchy, emotive and irresistible—imagine a hybrid of Marcus Mumford and Bob Dylan’s vocals and you’ve got it. It won’t take long to get hooked on this guy and his heartfelt music. Some of the best moments from The Wild Hunt are the wonderfully saddening flow of “Love Is All;” the invigorating and driving “King of Spain;” the fun and mysterious “You’re Going Back;” and the bold piano riffs of “Kids on the Run.” This album would perfectly narrate a contemplative soul-searching mood. It ties in well with the fall weather sweeping across the university, and it helps tie in the reflective nature of the season with gusto as the songs and lyrics speak to the soul. COURTESY PHOTOS





UA Awarded $5 million for Hog Farming by KAREN STIGAR Staff Writer

The U.S. Department of Agriculture and Agriculture and Food Research Initiative awarded the UA $5 million to produce a sustainable way to help hog farmers increase productivity, officials said. “We hope that both farmers and society benefit from

the work,” said Greg Thoma, professor of chemical engineering. The UA was selected from a pool of more than 100 submitted proposals, Thoma said. The multi-disciplinary team, which includes researchers at Purdue University and Virginia Tech, is developing an integrated management tool for swine production based on a comprehensive

analysis of its many factors – from crops used for feed to waste management, said UA public relations officials. “The project team’s goal is to help farmers understand their operations from a systems perspective through creation of models that are validated with experimental work. The results should help identify opportunities for improved production practices that also

have lower impact on the environment,” Thoma said. Researchers are using models of swine operations that include detailed models of the animal physiology, biogeochemical process models of manure management systems, life cycle models and economic models. The research will take place at each institution and there is no set timeline of when the

sustainable swine production model will be set to use. However, a carbon footprint calculator has been made available to the swine industry as the result of previous research; this project is building from that base model, Thoma said. The UA will treat the award as a way to build its reputation among other leading institutions looking at agricultural sustainability, Thoma said.

RSO Raises Money to Benefit African Countries by MATILDE BONIFAZ Staff Writer

“Change for Change” jars have been placed around the UA campus and Fayetteville to collect money for Invisible Children. Invisible Children is a Registered Student Organization that helps support the Invisible Children movement, which seeks to end the conflict and stop the abduction of children for use as child soldiers in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. “The idea for ‘Change for Change’ jars has been around for quite a while with Invisible Children supporters,” said Christy Harrington, president of the RSO. Millions of dollars have been raised through this method in the U.S. “A high school called Cyprus Hill, raised $10,000 one year through ‘Change for Change’ jars alone. We’re really excited to bring such a successful idea to the UA,” Harrington said. The jars will help the RSO members reach their goal of raising $32,000 by the end of the semester, which will ensure that Invisible Children is able to train a rehabilitation team in Congo. Each penny goes to Invisible Children for its Protection Plan fund. The team will counsel children who have escaped from their involuntary service in the

rebel force, the Lord’s Resistance Army. “They will construct radio towers to enable communication between rural villages as well as the rehabilitation center our RSO is hoping to fund,” Harrington said. “The purpose of these jars is to take all the useless change people forget about and put it all to good use,” said Chris Tuttle, officer of the Invisible Children RSO. “Instead of throwing those dimes and pennies on a bookshelf — never to be thought about again — put them in a jar and help end a war.” “The $32,000 goal is ambitious, maybe even crazy, but we’re just crazy enough to believe we can actually do it. We are planning big benefit concerts and other events to really push and fight as hard as we can to get the money in order to save as many lives as possible in Uganda,” Tuttle said. “We are working on getting the jars in various food establishments down Dickson, as well as throughout the Fayetteville area. Several jars should be around Fayetteville after fall break,” said Flannery Wasson, vice president of administration and events for Invisible Children. Students can donate in any of the “Change for Change” jars and also go to their online donation page at http://tinyurl. com/UniArkICDonate.


Students leave money in the “Change for Change” jar, which will be distributed to the Invisible Children RSO.

by JACK SUNTRUP Staff Writer

Kaleb Cox, senior history major, traveled with 42 UA students to provide relief to the people of Joplin.

RESTORATION from page 1

damage the tornado caused. “A lot of my friends’ houses got hit and destroyed, so immediately after the tornado I spent the next couple of weeks helping them gather their lives back together,” he said. The weather left a dreary effect for a few days after the tornado.

by EMILY JONES Staff Writer

UA Student Found Dead UA student Matthew Rowe, 24, died at Savoy Research Center off Route 845 in Washington County Thursday. The Washington County Sheriff ’s office is awaiting lab and toxicology results to form a final report on the cause of death, said Kelly Cantrell, Washington County Sheriff representative. The Savoy Research Center’s purpose is as the state’s main agricultural research component to the Division of Agriculture at UA, according to its website. Though the property is owned by UA, UAPD was not the first agency on the scene and did not conduct the investigation. “(The Washington County Sheriff ’s office) responded and conducted the investigation,” Lt. Gary Crain said. “UAPD was notified the next day,” he said. “They processed the scene and collected evidence and information to assist with the determination of the cause of death. The final determination will be made by the Arkansas State Medical Examiner’s office.” A final report on the cause of death might not be available for three to six months. There was no initial report on the incident that was made available to The Traveler, Cantrell said.

Some Students Stop Drinking Soda for 10 Days

“It was storming and raining, so everyone is just trying to collect what they can out of their house,” he said. “Most of these houses have no roofs and the rain was pouring down on you — it just made a miserable experience even worse.” Recovery efforts, however, have helped restore the town, he said. “It’s been five months since the tornado hit, and Ameri-

Corps said they had between 700 to 900 volunteers this weekend,” he said. “It is really cool that this long after an event that it’s still [on people’s] minds and they are still traveling to come volunteer and help out our community.” Regardless of the devastation, the community of Joplin remains strong, he said. “Something like this might put a bad taste in your mouth


and make you want to move, but so many people are very determined to stay living in Joplin and rebuilding on the exact same lot where they had their previous house,” he said. “For a lot of them, this is their home, this is where they grew up, and after the tornado, it was really neat to witness everyone coming together,” he said.

University of Arkansas students “drank water to give water” in a humanitarian project called 10 Days. The purpose of 10 Days is to raise awareness of the drinking water conditions in Rwanda and show people they can do something to help without additional money, said Henry Proegler, director of advocacy at Living Water International. The idea is that people will only drink water for 10 days, and the money that would be spent on soft drinks or coffee would be donated to the project. The national project began at Texas A&M in 2007 and has expanded to more than 50 campuses in those four years. Ten Days has spread nationally through Facebook events and word of mouth so there are no advertising costs, Proegler said. This “grass roots advertising” helps the community as well as the students get involved, Proegler said. The faith-based project is part of the non-profit organization Living Waters International. The fundamental value of this project is “take care of your neighbor,” Proegler said. The goal of the project is to raise $100,000 total to provide clean drinking water to 10 communities in Rwanda. Proegler believes that this goal very practical, he said. Last year “with just a handful of schools we were able to raise $50,000,” Proegler said, now the number of campuses involved has tripled. “The UA will probably contribute a good amount of money,” said Cory Garren, a student at the UA who has promoted the project, “I would like for the UA to raise enough to build a well,” which is about $10,000. Garren and a group of students involved in Christ on Campus heard of the event through friends at other universities and decided to do 10 Days at the UA. The group has teamed up with Rwandan international students on campus to hand out information on the drinking water conditions and display Rwandan art. Garren has set a personal goal to drink only water, but there are other options like give up one thing a day or just donating money. “It’s not just a fundraiser,” Proegler said, “it’s about the experience of not having things that are everyday items to us.” Donations can be made through the project’s website www.10days.cc. The money goes directly in to an account set up for the project, Proegler said. A group that lives in Rwanda and works with the non-profit, Living Waters International, will get the money directly from the account to fund drilling wells in the communities. The drilling for clean water wells will begin in 2012. “We want the wells to last as long as possible,” Proegler said, and to ensure their longevity, the team in Rwanda is educating people on well maintenance and health and hygiene practices.




Comics, Games, & Much Much More!


Q: What do you call a chicken that crosses the

road, rolls in the mud, and crosses back over? A: A dirty double crosser.

Q: What do bees chew? A: Bumble gum Q: What is Count Dracula’s favorite landmark? A: The Vampire State Building Difficulty:

Q: What do you get when you mix a cobra with a

playwright? A: William Snakespeare


Q: What do you call a teacher that never passes

gas in public? A: A private tooter.


Josh Shalek


Michael A. Kandalaft


Tim Rickard


Harry Bliss




1 Argentine dance 6 Move a little 10 Peak measurement: Abbr. 14 Abraham nearly sacrificed him 15 Right-hand person 16 Curtain material 17 Cocktail party mouthful 19 Unsullied 20 Woo with a tune 21 Fill, as a moving van 23 Swallowed 24 New Mexico art community 25 1950s kiddie show hosted by “Miss Frances” 32 Bewildered 33 Dundee demurrals 34 Horror film franchise 36 “So Sick” R&B artist 37 Collect compulsively 39 It may begin with “Knock knock” 40 Bird that can hold its coffee? 41 Many Christmas trees 42 Steakhouse order 43 They frequently shoot par or better 47 Word often sighed 48 Big Band __ 49 Whacks on the bottom 52 On cloud nine 57 Yale Bowl rooters 58 Very last moment 60 List heading 61 Buck suffix 62 Bunsen burner cousins 63 Did laps, perhaps 64 Hair care products 65 Put into effect

1 Eccentric mannerisms 2 1968 U.S. Open champ Arthur 3 Solution for a hairy situation? 4 Show astonishment 5 National anthem in Nunavut 6 Depress 7 It waits for no man, purportedly 8 Dictator Amin 9 Stepped in for 10 Sun Bowl site 11 Praise 12 Beigelike shade 13 Prez’s next-in-line 18 Brussels-based defense gp. 22 Fireworks reactions 24 Title of the first Fabergé egg owner 25 Copenhagen native 26 Anatomical canals 27 “Bye Bye Bye” boy band 28 Prefix with thermal 29 Grind together, as one’s teeth 30 “__ Mio” 31 California hoopster 35 Dampens 37 Run into trouble 38 Warriors in Warcraft games 39 The PB in a PB&J, maybe 41 Columbo portrayer 42 Fixed price 44 Kidnapper’s demand 45 Long-tailed tropical wall climbers 46 Approximately 49 Tennis match parts 50 Oxen’s burden 51 Enslaved princess of opera 52 Earth sci. 53 Business envelope abbr. 54 Turner on stage 55 Apple product 56 “__ Magnifique”: Porter tune 59 Anger

Crossword provided by MCT Campus


Tony Piro






No. 10 Arkansas at Vanderbilt 6-1, 2-1 SEC

11:21 a.m. Saturday, SEC Network Dudley Field – Nashville, Tenn.

4-3, 1-3 SEC

Coming Up Big Fullback Kiero Small makes his presence felt by JIMMY CARTER Sports Editor

It has become a regular conversation between Arkansas fullback Kiero Small and Chuck Hall. A week has rarely passed this season without Small bringing a bent facemask to the UA equipment manager, asking for a replacement. “Here’s another one,” Hall will say, making another mark on the tally sheet he keeps for Small. The Razorbacks have played seven games. Small has gone through eight facemasks. “I don’t know too many guys breaking them all,” Small said. “I think I’m the only guy with a tally sheet. So I think I lead.” The junior is just 5-foot-10, but weighs 255 pounds and has established himself as one of the Hogs’ hardest hitters in his first season in Fayetteville. Against Ole Miss, Small crunched Rebels’ linebacker Joel Kight on a lead play, knocking Kight’s helmet off and opening a hole for Arkansas running back Dennis Johnson to gain 11 yards, setting up a field goal on a key fourth-quarter drive. To Small, it was business as usual. The hit got the attention of his teammates, though. “That gave us a little boost of energy on the defensive sideline,” senior defensive end Jake Bequette said. “We were watching the game and saw him blast that

guy’s helmet off. That’s pretty fun to see.” It didn’t surprise Bequette, though. He’s endured several big Small hits of his own. “Unfortunately,” Bequette said. “He weighs as much as I do, but in a much more compact frame. That guy comes downhill and he’s unafraid to knock your block off. Just look at those highlights against A&M and pretty much every team we’ve played. I’m glad he’s on our team.” Small paved the way for senior running back Broderick Green’s game-winning 3-yard touchdown run against Texas A&M. “It’s just as good as me scoring,” Small said. “It’s six points on the board and another step to us winning.” The Razorbacks goal-line offense has been near-perfect this season, while the run offense picked up last week against the Rebels. Small and the Hogs’ offensive line helped Johnson run for a career-high 160 yards on just 15 carries, a performance that earned Johnson Southeastern Conference Offensive Player of the Week honors. “It put a smile on my face to see him get that honor,” Small said. Small hasn’t carried the ball this season and has just one catch for seven yards, but is a vital part of Arkansas’ offense. “Kiero is a guy that really helps our running game,” coach Bob-

by Petrino said. “I think he gives our offense energy because of his toughness and physicalness. He is a fun guy that when you watch the video … you see the hits and collisions and the number of the times he’s the hammer and not the nail show up.” Small wasn’t always sure he’d get a chance to play big-time college football. He was a standout playing both ways at Cardinal Gibbons High School in Baltimore, Md., but didn’t qualify for college. He failed to qualify again after a year at prep school. He spent the next year and a half working at his father, Johnny Stith’s, T-shirt shop, unsure if he’d play football again. “It was a shock,” Small said. “I never really had a job or anything like that. I always played football. Getting up and having to go to work every day, it taught me some toughness, also. Like, hey this is what you have to do until you get back into football. So that’s what I did. “I’ve been playing since I was a little kid. So it was always in the back of my mind. The longer I was out, the more to the front of my mind it came. I just wanted to get back into it.” He ended up at Hartnell Community College in Salinas, Calif. Over the next two years, he made a name for himself playing fullback and linebacker. He had one rushing and one receiv-

RYAN MILLER STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Arkansas junior fullback Kiero Small paves the way for senior running back Broderick Green’s 3-yard, game-winning touchdown Oct. 1 against Texas A&M. Small has gone through eight facemasks this season while blocking for Razorbacks running backs. ing touchdown as a sophomore in 2010, while racking up 120 tackles and earning junior college AllAmerican honors. He chose the Razorbacks over California and Oregon State, signing in February, arriving in the summer and winning the fullback job in fall practice. “When I first saw Kiero, I said, ‘Man, it’s going to be tough for

Dennis Johnson Sparking Run Game by MARTHA SWEARINGEN

the way I could’ve sprung the run. There were good blocks, but I just want to keep on making them.” If he keeps on making them, chances are he’ll keep on bending facemasks. Despite bending so many, he hasn’t started a facemask collection. “I just turn the helmet in and they put another one on there.” Then he bends it.

Hogs Searching for Fast Start by ZACH TURNER

Asst. Sports Editor

Arkansas’ defense has gotten off to a slow start in each of its last four games dating back to the conference opener against Alabama. The Razorbacks have allowed 83 points in the first half combined, but have managed to reduce that number to just 31 points in the second half in the same stretch. “You know, that’s a good point,” defensive coordinator Willy Robinson said about there not being a button to press to solve the problem. “I know I’m ready, but I’m older than those youngsters we deal with sometimes. It’s a matter of when you do get hit in the

Staff Writer

Arkansas junior running back Dennis Johnson has run for more than 100 yards in each of the three games he has had at least 13 carries in his career. That includes his 15-carry, 160-yard performance Saturday in the Razorbacks’ 2924 win at Ole Miss. He was named Southeastern Conference Offensive Player of the Week for the performance. “Dennis did a great job for us,” Arkansas coach Bobby Petrino said. “He ran the ball really well and showed his speed and quickness. I thought it was the most decisive he’s been all year on his cuts. And that does take reps. The more carries you get, the more vision, the more things that you see, the better you are going to make your cuts and that really showed up the other day.” The Hogs faced a 17-0 deficit when Johnson’s 52-yard touchdown run put Arkansas on the board before halftime. Johnson ran for 109 yards on 13 carries in the second half as the Razorbacks scored 22 unanswered second-half points then held on for the win. “He got hot out there,” offensive coordinator Garrick McGee said. “He was feeling really good. Got a good look in his eye in pregame. I kind of anticipated him having a good game. I could tell on the travel down there. I could see it in his eyes.” Now the question is

him to come in and pick up everything,’” junior quarterback Tyler Wilson said. “He came in during the summer and has just been unbelievable.” Small hasn’t let his success or big blocks distract him. “I’ve made a few blocks, but I don’t like to look at all the good,” Small said. “I like to go and look at all the blocks I could have made or

mouth, how do you respond? I think that’s something that’s been admirable, even though we’ve found ourselves in really bad situations.” Arkansas has managed a 3-1 record over its past four games, but has had to come back from an 18-point, seven point and 17-point deficit in the three wins against Texas A&M, Auburn and Ole Miss respectively. “Against better football teams as this year goes on, it’s going to be something that you can’t get started that slow,” Robinson said. “This is a game, because this Vanderbilt football team on offense is really fast, very good athletes.”

see PRACTICE REPORT on page 9

GARETH PATTERSON STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Arkansas junior running back Dennis Johnson ran for a career-high 160 yards on 15 carries in the Razorbacks’ 29-24 win at Ole Miss, earning Southeastern Conference Offensive Player of the Week honors. whether Johnson can keep it up. His 15 carries were a season-high and the secondmost carries he’s had in his career. He’s been a capable feature back when called upon, though. In 2009, Johnson ran for 107 yards on 14 carries against No. 1 Florida. He also had 18 carries for 109 yards against LSU as a freshman in 2008, his previous career-high. Between big games, he’s struggled to remain healthy. He missed the final 11 games of last season after suffering

a bowel injury against Lousiana-Monroe and has been plagued by various injuries, including a hamstring injury in September. “He’s healthy now, so that’s a good sign,” running backs coach Tim Horton said. “He wasn’t healthy at all last season and the first two games this season. He’s healthy now, had a good practice today. We’re optimistic he can be the feature back for us.” Johnson is second on the team with 273 yards rushing, just 17 behind junior Ronnie Wingo, despite missing the

first two games of the season. “He wants to help us win,” McGee said. “He is experienced and he’s been around here with us. He’s a part of the foundation of what we’ve built around here, so he’s really into it, I know that.” Johnson has always played a big role in the kick return game. His 2,248 career kick return yards are a UA record and he’s the active leader in the SEC. His rushing effort against

see JOHNSON on page 9

GARETH PATTERSON STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Arkansas senior linebacker Jerry Franklin has a team-leading 58 tackles, but will try to help the Razorbacks get off to a quicker start Saturday at Vanderbilt. The Hogs have been outscored 83-52 in the first half of their last four games.





Traveler Staff Predictions


Vanderbilt passing offense vs. Arkansas pass defense


Vanderbilt averages 140.1 yards passing per game. Junior quarterback Jordan Rodgers has played in all seven games, but got his first start against Army and has thrown for 422 yards, two touchdowns and five interceptions, while rushing for 190 yards. Arkansas’ defense sacked Ole Miss’ Zack Stoudt three times last week, a season-best for the Razorbacks. Sophomore safety Eric FILE PHOTO Bennett has now accounted for an interception in each of the past two games for the Hogs. Advantage: Arkansas

Arkansas run offense vs. Vanderbilt run defense

Advantage: Vanderbilt

Vanderbilt run offense vs. Arkansas run defense Vanderbilt averages 160 yards on the ground, led by junior Zac Stacey’s 82.7 yards per game. Arkansas’ rush defense has struggled at times this season, but had a solid game last week against Ole Miss, allowing 151 yards on the ground. Senior middle linebacker Jerry Franklin and junior FILE PHOTO outside linebacker Alonzo Highsmith are playing well, accounting for 58 and 47 tackles, respectively. Advantage: Arkansas


Arkansas special teams vs. Vanderbilt special teams Arkansas’ punt and kickoff returns, both No. 2 in the SEC, match evenly with Vanderbilt’s punt and kick return coverage, ranked No. 2 and 1, respectively. The slight advantage goes to the Razorbacks. The Hogs the league in average yards per punt and hold the No. 3 spot in average kickoff yardage, including 22 touchbacks, thanks to junior punter Dylan Breeding and sophomore kicker Zach Hocker, respectively.


Advantage: Arkansas

Zach Turner Asst. Sports Editor

Rumil Bautista Staff Writer

Liz Beadle Staff Writer

Monica Chapman Staff Writer

Martha Swearingen Staff Writer


Against the Spread

No. 10 Arkansas (-12.5) at Vanderbilt

Arkansas 30-20

Arkansas 31-24

Arkansas 38-21

Arkansas 38-16

Arkansas 38-21

Arkansas 35-21



No. 11 Michigan State at No. 14 Nebraska (-5.5)

Nebraska 24-21

Nebraska 28-21

MSU 28-24

MSU 35-24

MSU 27-24

Nebraska 24-20



Illinois at No. 19 Penn State (-6)

Penn State 28-17

Penn State 28-24

Penn State 21-17

Penn State 14-10

Penn State 31-21

Penn State 28-21

Penn State


No. 9 Oklahoma (-13.5) at No. 8 Kansas State

Oklahoma 34-13

Oklahoma 45-29

Oklahoma 38-24

Oklahoma 38-30

Oklahoma 41-37

Oklahoma 28-14



No. 22 Georgia (-3) at Florida

Georgia 20-14

Florida 35-20

Florida 24-23

Georgia 27-17

Georgia 21-17

Georgia 24-18



No. 5 Clemson (-4.5) at Georgia Tech

Clemson 35-20

Georgia Tech 24-23

Clemson 35-31

Clemson 56-17

Clemson 34-14

Clemson 28-24



Detroit (-3.5) at Denver

Detroit 27-10

Detroit 31-16

Detroit 24-20

Detroit 24-21

Detroit 31-16

Denver 24-18



New England (-3) at Pittsburgh

New England 31-20

New England 31-28

New England 27-24

Pittsburgh 21-19

New England 35-24

New England 20-14



Washington at Buffalo (-6)

Buffalo 24-14

Buffalo 42-17

Buffalo 23-21

Buffalo 27-21

Buffalo 21-14

Buffalo 28-21



Dallas at Philadelphia (-3.5)

Philly 27-16

Philly 42-31

Philly 28-21

Dallas 24-20

Dallas 28-24

Philly 24-20



Last Week

9-1 58-22

8-2 56-24

4-6 57-23

6-4 54-26

6-4 57-23

6-4 60-20

Year to Date

Arkansas’ 140.3 rushing yards per game is No. 10 in the SEC, but junior running back Dennis Johnson is coming off a careerhigh 160 rushing yards against Ole Miss. Johnson provided a spark for the Arkansas offense when the passing game couldn’t find its rhythm. Last week, Vanderbilt held Army — No. 1 in the nation in rushing with 361 yards per game FILE PHOTO — to 270 yards, including 104 yards in the first half.

Jimmy Carter Sports Editor

from JOHNSON on page 8

from PRACTICE REPORT on page 8

the Rebels provided another glimpse of what he can do in the backfield when healthy and getting the ball. “Dennis is a good friend of mine, so it was good to see him get back and have a career-high game,” senior receiver Jarius Wright said. “He’s been due for it ever since he’s been here, so we knew DJ would come out and show everybody that he still has it.”

One of those athletes for Vanderbilt is running back Zac Stacy. The junior running back is coming off a career game against Army in which he rushed for 198 yards and three touchdowns to help the Commodores win their fourth game of the season. “He can stick and get back real vertical,” sophomore safety Eric Bennett said of Stacy. “He is not a sit there and read type, he can get vertical and gain positive yards.” Stacy leads the 4-3 Commodores in rushing this season with 579 yards and five touchdowns. “We definitely have to take care of him,” Robinson said. “We’ve got to stop him first. I think they’ll go in with the same game plan that Ole Miss did and try to control the ball. To try to keep the offense off the field as much as possible. They have the capability of doing that.” Vanderbilt also features quarterback Jordan Rodgers whose name might sound familiar around

Arkansas passing offense vs. Vanderbilt pass defense Vanderbilt ranks No. 23 in the nation in total defense, allowing just 324 yards per game. The Commodores are tied for the national lead with 15 interceptions in seven games, returning three for touchdowns. Last week, Arkansas junior quarterback Tyler Wilson completed just 46 percent of his passes and had no passing touchdowns against Ole Miss. The Razorbacks still lead the SEC with 321.9 passing yards per FILE PHOTO game. Advantage: Arkansas

Vanderbilt coaching staff vs. Arkansas coaching staff James Franklin has started off his first year at Vanderbilt 4-3. Bobby Petrino is in his fourth season at Arkansas and has a record of 29-16, including a 6-1 start to the 2011 season. Petrino and Franklin have never faced off, but Arkansas defeated Vanderbilt under Robbie Caldwell 49-14 in Fayetteville in 2010. Franklin seems to be on the right path to making Vanderbilt football relevant, but Petrino will do his best to put a speed bump in that endeavor. Advantage: Arkansas

football circles as he is the younger brother of Green Bay Packer Super Bowl winning quarterback Aaron Rodgers. The younger Rodgers started his first career game for Vanderbilt last week in the 44-21 win over Army. The junior from Chico, Calif., is 34-of-78 passing with five interceptions and two touchdowns, but also has the ability to scramble. Rodgers has rushed for 191 yards this season with one touchdown. “The Rodgers kid hasn’t really given up a lot of lost yardage when he’s gone back to throw the ball,” Robinson said. “He’s a very good athlete and he’s a run threat as well.” Vanderbilt has a two-quarterback system though with the experienced Larry Smith. Smith started against Arkansas last year in the Hogs 49-14 win in Fayetteville and has started a total of 27 games in his five years at Vanderbilt. “They use Smith and Rodgers,” senior linebacker Jerico Nelson said. (Rodgers) is the new guy. Smith has lately been giving up a couple more turnovers than the

other quarterbacks so they kind of roll both of them, but both of them bring something different to the table. When Rodgers is in, we know they do trick plays, run the ball power and quick game. They like to do a lot of quick game when Rodgers is in the game.” Arkansas and Vanderbilt will kickoff at 11:21 a.m. and will be televised on SEC Network.




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