Aug. 31, 2011

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Haydar Speaks Page 10 Vol. 106, NO.8 UATRAV.COM


In This Issue:


New Walton Recycling Plan Walton college administrators will introduce a new recycling plan.

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Fest of All

The Fest of All encourages multiculturalism in Fayetteville on Sept. 1

Page 2

Students Face Higher Loans and Fewer Grants by BRADY TACKETT Staff Writer

Chelsea Frazier, a senior nursing major, knew she would need to take out loans for her senior year. But this year, a federal loan wasn’t enough to cover tuition costs, which have nearly doubled for nursing majors since last semester, Frazier said. So she took out a private loan, which carries a higher risk and interest rate. “I didn’t want to borrow that

much money, but I don’t have a choice,” Frazier said. “It’s inevitable.” Students like Frazier have plunged deeper into debt in recent years following a sharp increase in tuition fees, which have more than doubled since 2000, according to data by the Consumer Price Index. Tuition and fees at the UA increased by 10 percent for non-residents and six percent for residents this year, according to the Office of Institutional Research. On top of that, slashed state

funding allows for fewer grants and scholarships, said Kathy Deck, the director of the Walton College Center for Business and Economic Research. “Either students get fewer scholarships, or they get the same number and tuition goes up,” she said. “It has the same effect – leaving students with significant debt loads.” As state governments tighten spending, they limit the money available to universities for direct student aid, which is “money you

don’t have to pay back, like a scholarship,” Deck said. “Nothing can be off the table at this point,” she said. “As destructive as it would ultimately be to have education bear the brunt, there’s just no way you can say that anything’s exempt.” And the Aug. 2 raising of the debt ceiling could degrade student aid even further.

see DEBT on page 5

The Experience of Undocumented Students Undocumented sisters work toward the “American dream.”

Page 5

Allergy Awareness Starts the School Year Off Right Students’ allergies act up as autumn’s allergens are in the air.

Page 5


Haydar Speaks at Groundbreaking Ceremony

Arkansas basketball guard Kikko Haydar delivers speech at Ozark Hall groundbreaking ceremony.

Page 10


Campus Crunch Feels Like Lack of Planning Traveler Columnist discusses how the construction across campus is a step behind current needs.

Page 4


College tuition continues to rise, causing students like Chelsea Frazier, nursing senior, to take out student loans. “As a nursing student, any extra time is spent studying. You almost feel guilty taking time for anything extracurricular,” she said, sharing her schedule and course load.

Record Enrollment Stresses Transit System by NICK OLIVER Contributing Writer

The record-breaking enrollment at the UA has caused overcrowding on buses, a UA transit official said. The transit department expects people to stand during peak hours of use or “crush time,” said Mike Seither, Razorback Transit manager. The buses have been so crowded that students have had to stand next to the bus driver passed the designated yellow line, said Ryan Concha, junior mechanical engineering major. “I was pretty much sitting in his lap,” Concha said. The capacity on transit buses is about 65 to 70 people, and out of the 19 full-sized buses, Transit uses only 17 at peak hours of the day, Seither said. Many stops are being skipped each morning because there’s just no more room, Concha said. “You can only stuff so many on,” said bus driver Kari Maas. see TRANSIT on page 2

Campus Construction a Distraction to Students by MEGAN HUCKABY Staff Writer

UA students will have to cope with the often-distracting construction on campus until at least early 2014, said a facilities management official. Efforts are being made to ensure that students receive as little disruption as possible, said Mike Johnson, the associate vice chancellor for facilities. “We are doing our best to try and put noisy things either early in the morning, after hours or on the weekend,” Johnson said. “If there are issues that day, we flex.” Johnson and his team understand, however, that the very idea of campus construction causes stress for some students. “We try our best to have as little impact as possible, but even leaf blowers bother people,” Johnson said.

Packed buses, like the afternoon Blue Route bus, have become a common sight. Fewer parking spaces mean more students relying on Razorback Transit.










see CLASSROOMS on page 2




Fest of All comes to Fayettevile’s First Thursday by MATILDE BONIFAZ Contributing Writer

The first multicultural festival in Fayetteville, Fest Of All, will kick off Thursday Sept. 1 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Fayetteville town square. This festival will be in conjunction with First Thursday, an artistic gathering that happens the first Thursday of every month. The Fest Of All happens every year about this time in Rogers; however, for the very first time they have brought it closer to the students of the UA. “The mission statement is to offer a free annual festival that encourages the appreciation and recognition of community diversity through entertainment, cuisine, education and artistic expression of all cultures,” said Brande Flack, associate director for leadership education and development and program coordinator of the Multicultural Center.

The goal of Fest Of All is to highlight a variety of cultural and ethnic groups, showcasing artistic performances such as that of traditional music and dance, so that members of the diverse community are able to see cultural performances that are familiar to them. This will enhance multicultural awareness through artistic expression to celebrate and experience a variety of traditions, Flack said. International Students and Scholars, the Multicultural Center, Student Affairs, Graduate Students Office and International Students are some of the groups that will attend the fest. There will be artistic displays from city groups, local nonprofits will attend, international and domestic students will have table booths and the organization will be selling food. “There will be a total of 15 volunteer shows at the festival, such as belly dancing, African drumming and Brazilian

Conoco Phillips Donates $80,000 to U of A by CONOR WOODY Staff Writer

ConocoPhillips officials donated $80,000 to the Sam M. Walton College of Business and the College of Engineering that will go toward enriching innovation, research, student advancement and diversity, a ConocoPhillips official said. “We’re investing in programs which encourage youth in under-represented populations to consider IT as a field of study in college,” said Marty Schoenthaler, general manager of corporate information technology at ConocoPhillips. “At the UA, we support the Technology Awareness Program and Engineering Career Awareness Program.” “ECAP is a recruitment and retention program,” said Camilla Medders, director of communications at the college of Engineering. “It provides scholarships to students who are already admitted to the UA, and brings them to campus early for a summer bridge program.” “It also provides mentoring and other support for the

whole time they are in school, including helping them get jobs and apply to grad school,” Medders said. “Conoco Phillips truly makes a difference for our students and faculty,” said David Douglas, Walton College interim chair of the information systems department. “Their financial generosity allows us to provide worldclass information systems for our curriculum, scholarships, student organization support, student job opportunities and information systems research,” he said. “Equally important [to ConocoPhillips’s financial generosity] is the vision and guidance they provide on advisory boards and their eagerness to work with our faculty and graduate students on research,” Douglas said. A total of $3,000 of the $80,000 donation will go to support portions of the college of Engineering, said Susan Gauch, head of computer science and computer engineering.

see PHILLIPS on page 3

capoeira to name a few,” Flack said. “We want to bring together students from all over the world and know it’s an event they are able to attend for free.” International students at the UA are getting together with the International Culture Team, a special team of international student educators, to show off their skills for the event. As a community they want to represent themselves and their countries with different sort of booths at the festival. Some of the many ideas shared by Joseph Gerke, international students and scholars employee, are face paining, henna tattoos done by Indian students, African drumming and photo booths. “We thought it would be a nice idea to take some traditional clothing from many countries so that people can try them on and see what they look like,” Gerke said. In order to determine how

many international students would want to participate in the festival, ICT had a “Kick Off ” event Friday, where they gathered together international students to socialize, recruit new members for their team and get to know each other. “Being part of ICT is great; you learn a lot from everyone and you yourself get to share a little bit of your culture and practice your public speaking skills. Being present at the Fest Of All will be a great opportunity to share beliefs and correct misconceptions anyone has of your culture,” said Mohamed Boudhoum, international culture team member. The event will be free to the public and is organized by the League of United Latin American Citizens Council #769, the City of Fayetteville Community Services Division, the Fayetteville Visitors Bureau and the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce.

TRANSIT from page 1

running at one time, Seither said. Transit will also be receiving four more buses next year, but they are going to be used to replace the older, smaller vehicles, Seither said. The newer buses are wider and longer than the ones they will be replacing, adding a higher capacity for riders, Seither said. Although ridership has increased along with enrollment, transit has no intention of adding any more buses, but could if needed. The transit system is an alternative to students unable to afford a parking permit, but if someone is running late, misses the bus, or forgets something, students may find themselves parking in the Union parking deck, said Andy Gilbride, education and instruction specialist for Razorback Transit. If students have the money to pay for a parking pass, the Garland Avenue Parking Garage will remove one floor of meters to add more student parking, Gilbride said. “Say you pay $11 to park in the Union. If you park there seven times, you’ve already paid for a parking pass,” Gilbride said.

Of her eight years working in transit, this is the worst it has been, Maas said. The last two semesters are worse than the past four years, said business major Haxhire Myrteza. “I’ve been late to class a couple times,” Myrteza said. In order to accommodate more students, transit officials have added more buses to the higher volume routes such as the Blue, Green and Tan in the past years and most recently the Purple route, Seither said. “We knew the Purple bus was going to be an issue,” Seither said. Although students have had issues with getting to class, only one person has contacted transit about a route not having enough buses this semester, Seither said. “If people have issues that the buses passed them up or they’re late for class, please contact me,” Seither said. Transit has taken a few steps toward being able to accommodate the growing number of students at the UA. In the past two years, transit has gone from 13 to 17 buses

ABOUT THE ARKANSAS TRAVELER The Arkansas Traveler, the student newspaper of the University of Arkansas, is published every day during the fall and spring academic sessions except during exam periods and university holidays. Opinions expressed in signed columns are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Traveler. The editor makes all final content decisions. One copy of The Arkansas Traveler is free to every member of the UA community. Additional copies can be purchased for 50 cents each. Mail subscriptions for delivery within the continental United States can be purchased for $125.00 per semester. Contact the Traveler Business Manager to arrange.

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CAMPUS NUMBERS Workers building and remodeling Union Fit Out - Multicultural Center on the Union’s forth floor. Renovations are happening all over campus. CLASSROOMS from page 1 however, with noise in the Arkansas Union, which is full of students already displaced because of the demolition of the Science and Engineering Auditorium. “We were trying to watch a video, and I just kept hearing the drills and the hammers,” said Kalene Jochems, junior nursing major. “We couldn’t hear [our teacher] talking, even with a microphone.” The noise issue was caused by jack hammering, Johnson said. However, he assured that the construction in the Union should be done in November, and the facilities will be ready to use at the beginning of the spring semester.

“We are going to have some noise with Vol Walker and Ozark because there will be demolition and excavation going on,” Johnson said. Not only does the construction bring noise, it brings a maze of barricaded areas and walkways. “Getting to class is more difficult,” said Heather Blow, junior psychology major. Blow has class in Memorial Hall, which has been plagued by the construction of the Pi Phi Gate since last spring. “I am in the basement, and we still hear some noise from the construction,” she said. The construction on the gate and campus walkway in front of Memorial Hall should be done in March, though students will have to deal with the challeng-

es of several other construction sites for a little longer, he said. The construction of the new auditorium, located where the Science and Engineering Auditorium once stood, will be completed in August 2012, Johnson said. The auditorium will have two spaces: one seating 285 students and the other 490 students. The area around Vol Walker Hall will be blocked off until the building’s addition and complete renovation are finished, which is projected to be summer 2013, Johnson said. Ozark Hall, once barricades go up, will also remain fenced off until 2013 as it undergoes renovation and as an addition is built, he said. There will also be a renova-


tion of Yocum Hall and an addition to Brough Commons, Johnson said. “We will add about 300 seats to the Brough cafeteria,” Johnson said. There will also be retail shops and more housing featured in the addition to Brough,” Johnson said. “Fire sprinklers are also being added in the buildings as they are renovated.” All together, the construction will continue until 2014 and cost approximately $135 million to $145 million, some of which is from private donors, according to Facilities Management. Despite those projected end dates, “we are never actually done,” Johnson said.


The women and men of the University of Arkansas Police Department, in partnership with the community, are committed to protecting the future of Arkansas by promoting a safe and secure environment.


The Transit and Parking office handles parking permits and passes and transit for students, including bus routes and GoLoco Ride Sharing. Students with parking violations can contact the office to appeal their citation.

NEED A RIDE AT NIGHT? CALL 575 - 7233 Otherwise known as 575-SAFE, the mission of the Safe Ride program is to provide students with a safe means of transportation from any uncomfortable or inconvenient situation. Safe Ride brings you home safely.

NEED TICKETS? CALL 1-800-982-4647 Don’t forget to call early and reserve your student football tickets for the 2010-2011 season. The ticket office is located on Razorback Road next to Baum Stadium.




Students Cope With Unconventional Classrooms by SERENA WREN Contributing Writer

Unprecedented enrollment, coupled with an onslaught of new construction projects, has relocated students into unconventional classrooms like gymnasiums and theaters, a UA facilities and management official said. A recent student fee allowed the remodeling projects to begin, and changes could not have started soon enough, said Bob Beeler, director of design and construction. “In order to have class and live, we have to respond to the growth,” Beeler said. Finding “swing space” — new venues to house the displaced classes — was quite a

challenge and took a monumental effort from all departments involved, Beeler said. This year, students have class in new corners of campus, well outside the normal walking distance. For Michael Clark, an architecture student, the classroom situation is an improvement. “It makes it easier if you need help with something; it’s almost a better environment,” Clark said. “However, classes being spread throughout campus could take away from [my] studio time, because walking 10 minutes to get there [takes] away the motivation. But it could go either way,” Clark said.

Students that would have had class in the recently demolished Science and Engineering Auditorium are now in Baum Stadium. Eventually the classes will convene in the new Hillside Auditorium. The complete renovation will provide 160 new classrooms and 36 laboratories, Beeler said. Sophomore Britton Wilson, who has chemistry and biology in Baum Stadium, said that the amount of effort it takes to get to the stadium is a big problem. Not only that, but stadium seating does not make for easy note-taking. “It is more challenging to learn with no desk and being within one inch from the person beside you,” Wilson said.


Loraine Brewer instructs an early morning chemistry class inside Barnhill Arena. Barnhill is the UA’s newest auditorium classroom. PHILLIPS from page 2 “Our side of the joint gift will go toward supporting things with students and will be used to strengthen the department, specifically with undergrads,” she said. “Our college needs more donations like this one.” The money will be going to two main things in the department, Gauch said. “The first portion will be used for a welcome event for incoming sophomores,” Gauch said. “In the College of Engineering students have a common freshmen year, so they usually don’t directly associate with the college. This event will help familiarize students with the building and their classes.” The second portion will go to the RSO Association for Computing Machinery, she said. This money will allow students, funded partially by ConocoPhillips, to invite speakers to come talk to members of the chapter, she said. A portion of the money will also help student professional organizations and Beta Alpha Psi, a student honor society. Moez Limayem, associate dean for research and graduate studies at the Walton College, described the college’s relationship with Conoco Phillips as “simply exemplary,” and said that the money will help enhance curriculum. “And just as important is how it allows us to attract better and more diverse students to our programs,” Limayem said. Schoenthaler, general manager of corporate information technology at ConocoPhillips, and a graduate from the Walton College M.B.A. program, presented the gift to the colleges July 11.

Walton College Has New Recycling Plan by BRITNEY CRAIG Contributing Writer

The Walton College Green Team is joining with the Department of Facilities Management, Razorback Recycling and the Students in Free Enterprise team to implement a new recycling plan in the business building this year, with the intent of lowering the school’s carbon footprint, said the administrative support supervisor of the Walton College of Business. The overseers of the program will weigh the amount of waste collected at the end of the year and compare it to the amount from last year to assess the effectiveness of the program, said Suson Wheeler, Walton College administrative supply supervisor. The new plan consists of putting recycling bins throughout the business building, making it the “first building on campus to have recycling bins placed in each classroom,” Wheeler said. There will be three recycling bins and a wastebasket in each room. The recycling bins will be separated into white paper, mixed paper and cans and bottles. In an additional effort to improve the recycling habits of students, faculty and staff and to decrease the amount of materials brought into the building, the administrators of the program showed an educational video on waste management in some classrooms during the first two weeks of classes, Wheeler said. “Paper will most likely be the heaviest material recycled,” Wheeler said, “ [from] students printing things out and throwing them in the trash.” The recycling plan began after the Walton College Green Team met in the 2010-2011 semesters and made three goals: to “reduce waste, increase recycling and try to reduce the amount of waste from plastic bottles by reusing more water bottles,” said Michelle Halsell, director of the applied sustainability center. SIFE joined this project because “it’s the responsible thing to do,” said Susan Bristow, faculty adviser for the group.

SIFE is a sustainability ambassadors team that goes around and talks about the importance of recycling, Wheeler said. Our team will work with all of the faculty, staff and students to “help them be more mindful of what they do with their waste,” Bristow said. Catering services will also be offered “to help them [students, faculty and staff ] be more sustainable with their supplies.” The plan will not force any additional costs on the Walton College of Business. Wheeler said. The custodians will take out the recycling bins like they do the trash. Facilities Management and their recycling services “work together as a team. Custodians get the recycling bins to a pick-

up point, so we can pick them up and get them to the recycling center,” said Gary Enzor, Razorback Recycling coordinator. Walton College also has a drop-off box outside of the building where students can drop off recyclable materials. “We are a part of a big loop, and we get the materials to recycling brokers who then get it to a mill,” Enzor said. It will be possible to tell by the end of the fall semester if the program has the potential to succeed, Halsell said. “We think it’s going to be a tremendous success,” Bristow said. “[We hope to] help change mind sets on being more responsible for our resources as well as keep unneeded waste out of our landfills.”

Good Eats



Good E


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FROM THE BOARD Cars Everywhere, Not a Spot to Spare We were surprised last week when we gathered around the Traveler TV to watch the 10 p.m. news and heard Parking and Transit officials say that they sold, on average, more than 23,000 parking stickers for the less than 13,000 parking spots on campus. Parking is something that we deal with on a daily basis during the workweek, and it’s a problem that try as we might we can’t ignore. What has become apparent during the first (almost) two weeks of school is that the parking system that we have now (whether that be the number of cars allowed on campus, the number of parking lots or the number of stickers sold) is no longer working. Here are a few ideas on how to forward:

1. No Longer Allow Freshmen to Bring Their Cars

We know if you’re a freshman you probably just got really mad about how unfair the Traveler editorial board is being. And yes, it is a little unfair, but it’s also something a lot of other, large universities do. Also, Fayetteville has a thorough Transit system (through the UA Transit system) so it’s not like students would be stranded on campus if they couldn’t bring their cars.

2. Not Allow Students That Live in Fayetteville to Bring Their Cars

Again, maybe not fair, but with the Transit system it might be easier for those who live in Fayetteville to get around without a car, than freshmen that might live out of state.

3. Set Up A Raffle System to Determine if a Student Gets to Park on Campus


Campus Crunch Feels Like Lack of Planning

This could be complicated. It could be something similar to Housing where students indicate during the spring semester that they’ll want to park on campus the next year, where (green lots or in a garage) and either in order of the date you applied or in a raffle style. Either way it’s fairer than across-the-board kicking a group of students (whether it’s freshmen or off-campus students that lived in Fayetteville), though ironing it out and making sure it’s timely could take time to work out.

4. Build More Surface Lots or Another Garage

This might be the most expensive in terms of funding required. (Obviously kicking a portion of students off campus will cost Parking and Transit money, because it won’t be able to sell as many stickers.) It also combines a need for increased funding (at a time when maintain federal and state funding for higher education at its current level isn’t guaranteed) with having to find a spot to build more surface lots or to build a garage. It’s unlikely and it begs the question of where would in the middle of this campus crunch this lot or garage go? Not to mention building another garage, while perhaps the most space efficient, ignores the fact that many students can’t afford a $500 to $600 garage pass. Either way, it’s obvious to us that something has to give and we hope that the Parking staff and UA administration responds accordingly.

Quote Of The Day “Nothing can be off the table at this point. As destructive as it would ultimately be to have education bear the brunt, there’s just no way you can say that anything’s exempt.” -Kathy Deck, the director of the Walton College Center for Business and Economic Research, “Walton College Has New Recycling Plan”

by Chris Sonntag Staff Columnist

The population explosion on campus is not quite what was expected before the hallowed halls of the UA officially opened for the start of the fall semester. I’ve heard several words used to describe the current state of personal space—or lack thereof—with my favorite being an (admittedly slightly unoriginal) analogy between students and sardines in a tin can. I personally have a hard time criticizing much on this campus. My education here so far has been of a great quality, I loved living in Pomfret my first year (where I’ve met some of my best friends) and now at the Northwest Quads, and I really can’t complain about the entertainment opportunities on campus. As far as a college experience goes, I feel like I’ve truly been blessed to be a student at the UA. And yet, the general feeling I’ve heard about what the UA is doing to deal with the high student population is not one of thoughtful and considerate planning but of one delayed reactions. I feel like the UA administration kind of dropped the ball with the handling of

EDITOR Saba Naseem MANAGING EDITOR Mattie Quinn OPINION EDITOR Jordain Carney ENTERPRISE EDITOR Samantha Williams CONTACT US The Arkansas Traveler welcomes letters to the editor from all interested readers. Letters should be at most 300 words and should include your name, student classification and major or title with the university and a day-time telephone number for verification. Letters should be sent to

This isn’t to say that UA officials aren’t working hard to meet the demands of the growth—anybody who has spoken to the chancellor would acknowledge that they are—especially with the new faculty. More than sixty faculty members were added in the last two years to keep class sizes as small as possible, which is a great thing to find at a large-sized university. And with the renovations of existing buildings, the planned conversion of Hotz Hall back into a dorm, the construction of a new (and frankly, much better) hillside auditorium, the new nursing facilities under construction and the Ozark and Vol Walker Hall expansions, there’s constant and vigilant work being done to make this campus better for all students. As far as these new facilities may go, it seems like a game of catch-up is being played. If the next few years’ rounds of enrollment grow as much as the current freshman class has, I simply don’t see how even the steps the UA administration has taken or is planning to take will be enough. The current construction seems like it would have been more useful even a year ago. If we are to be planning for the future, it does not make sense to be building to fit last year’s needs. It almost seems like the UA has become the guy who gets excited and invites all his buddies to a party, and even when he realizes he doesn’t have enough space or

food, he keeps inviting more because he wants to include everyone. Except now, “he” is still planning on increasing the party to a full 25,000 individuals. Space is limited around the campus, which explains some of the mad scramble to deal with the extra 1,700 students added in the last year, but I think that the very nature of the limit to growth is a sign that the UA needs to take a step back and assess whether they can comfortably do so. By far the best way the UA could control its growth and be able to deal with it responsibly would be to cap admission, as is being planned in the future, and raise its requirements for admission. This isn’t exactly an attractive step, as the UA clearly wants to educate all who are willing to come and is dedicated in its position as the Arkansas flagship school. However, while having an even larger university can be great, providing for even more opportunities, adding even more students onto a campus that’s already feeling cramped is just not University-level thinking. Chris Sontagg is a columist for The Traveler. His column will appear bi-monthly every other Wednesday.

The “Age of Austerity” Should Include Students Too The Fourth Estate by Jordain Carney Opinion Editor


the boom in its population, mostly because it simply did not do enough before being hit. From having kicked off-campus almost all students who reapplied for housing, leaving only roughly 1,000 upperclassmen living on campus (with housing not be up to par for even many freshmen, as those living in the study rooms at Yocum would attest), to not expanding either parking or student tickets for Razorback football games, to having classes in places like Futrall Hall, the Global Campus in Rogers, Ark. and Barnhill Arena, the UA administration comes across as not having been entirely prepared for the influx of new students. During the last five years, the student population has grown from roughly 18,000 students to more than 23,000, an increase of about 7,000 students, with about 1,700 students comprising the last year of growth. This kind of increase—with the benefit of hindsight, in any case—makes sense, with both the current state of the economy and the thousands of dollars made available to Arkansas residents funded by the Arkansas State Lottery fueling higher enrollment rates and encouraging students to stay in-state. But with 4,400 freshmen enrolled, the UA administration’s growth plan from only a year ago—which set a goal of only 3,350 enrolled freshmen for the 2015 scholastic year—has been completely blown out of the water and seems a bit shortsighted.

Every year students have to make decisions about how to pay for college tuition — whether that’s by your parents, yourself, scholarships, financial aid or taking out loans. While we can control the decisions on our end, we can’t always control what the Federal Government does to higher education spending. Unless you managed to stay away from a newspaper or television screen, you probably remember the debt ceiling battle that led up to an August 2 deal that averted a shutdown, but didn’t keep us from getting a lower Standard and Poor ranking. Unfortunately, higher education funding didn’t come out of the deal unscathed. In fact, if the “super Congress” that the August 2 decision started doesn’t come up with

a deal for another $1.5 trillion in cuts, and a bill isn’t passed by December 23, it could get a lot worse not only for higher education, but for education funding across the board. If another deal can’t be reached, $1.2 trillion in cuts will automatically be taken from areas like defense, education and social programs. As President Barack Obama has said, the trigger is there to incentivize (or in reality — force) a compromise. Partisanship has become so extreme that party politics is now more important than the good of the country. Though as Dr. Janine Parry said in a recent Traveler article, nothing is ever new in politics. So what has been given up so far? If you’re an undergraduate, the long debt ceiling debate didn’t result in anything too extreme. Federal Pell Grant spending remained constant. But, it will be interesting to see if Pell Grant funding takes a cut in the next

round. It seems counter-intuitive to think that Pell Grant funding will stay constant while cuts are being made from education funding — especially when it was highlighted for cuts in a White House budget released during the spring 2011 semester. If you’re a graduate student or considering graduate school, you might be aware that the deal did eliminate an in-school subsidy on federal loans to graduate students (You’ll have to pay interest while you’re in graduate school.) The average graduate student borrows anywhere from $30,000 to $120,000 with more than half of all students taking out loans, according to The Average Arkansas undergraduate student incurs and average of $20,000 in debt, according to Some have argued that the cutting of the in-school subsidy will cause potential ap-

plicants to rethink graduate school and its cost in more realistic terms. And to be fair, many of us have heard people say that they were going to graduate school so they could avoid the tough job market. But these arguments also ignore that graduate degrees have become more commonplace (and in many cases required) in the workplace But, as students, it seems unfair that we too should have to participate in what Representative Nancy Pelosi termed, “an age of austerity”. Is it not counter-productive to penalize the next generation? Sadly, this don’t-blame-me form of governing is idiotic. If this is in fact an age of austerity, and a good argument could be made that it isn’t, everyone should have to partake in it. Jordain Carney is the 20112012 opinion editor.




NWA Groups Promote HIV Awareness with Walk by KRISTEN COPPOLA Staff Writer

The HIV Awareness Walk, sponsored by HIV Arkansas, hits the outdoor track at the Jones Center for Families on Saturday, Sept. 10 at 2 p.m. The walk is slotted to become an annual event. HIV Arkansas, formerly Northwest Arkansas Positive Links, is a “local non-profit organization whose mission is to provide support and advocacy for people living with and affected by HIV and

AIDS,” said Michael Burks, vice president of HIV Arkansas. The Northwest Arkansas Center for Equality is also working in conjunction with HIV Arkansas to promote the walk. Facebook and the HIV Arkansas website,, are being used to publicize the walk, Burks said. To register, a form can be downloaded from their website and mailed in to the organization. The registration fee is $25 and includes a t-shirt. Those who wish may also choose to opt for

free registration and forgo the free t-shirt. The option is also available to send in a donation without participating in the run, which is listed on the registration form. All proceeds will go towards HIV Arkansas, the Regional HIV Clinic in Fayetteville and the Foundation for AIDS Research, Burks said. There are 50 to 100 people expected to participate in the walk, and organizers anticipate further growth in the coming years, Burks said. Those participating will

“be a mix of advocates and people living with HIV,” said James Rector, vice president of the NWA Center for Equality. “I chose to walk because I wanted to show support for those in the HIV/AIDS community,” said Jason Rogers, board member of the NWA Center for Equality. “For other people to participate, it raise awareness. It doesn’t only affect the GLBTQ [Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer] community. HIV/AIDS doesn’t know race or gender or orientation.”

There are 5,178 reported cases of HIV in Arkansas, and HIV Arkansas aims to help through regular support groups for those infected and affected by HIV and through providing food baskets during the holidays. The food baskets are delivered to clinics and then to the recipients to maintain confidentiality, Burks said. The NWA Center for Equality also provides help for those with HIV, including free and confidential HIV testing provided every Monday by appointment at 179 N Church Ave, Suite

101, Rector said. Those interested in making an appointment should send an email to The reach of HIV spreads throughout the world and across NWA, and although a cure has yet to be identified there is one thing that the community can give - support. “A lot of people that are walking are not positive, but we walk on behalf of those with HIV/AIDS,” Rogers said. “I walk for my friend to hop there’s one day a cure.”


UA student talks about student loans to a loan officer. The Office of Financial Aid offers advice to find the best way to pay for college. DEBT from page 1 The Budget Control Act of 2011 added $17 billion for federal Pell Grants, which can provide up to $5,550 per year to undergraduate students. But the debt-ceiling bill also cuts total spending by $7 billion next year, which could further erode the value of the grants, Deck said. Without federal and state support, more students are reluctantly taking out private loans, which can carry an interest rate of up to 18 percent, according to a study by the U.S. Department of Education. The percentage of undergraduates with private loans rose dramatically between 2003-2004 and 2007-2008, from five percent to 14 percent, according to the study.

Even as more students take out risky loans, they keep quiet about it. “That’s something you don’t really talk about,” said senior Jonathon LeGuen. “I have 10 close friends and I couldn’t tell you how badly loans affected each person.” LeGuen said the country’s precarious debt standing — underscored by the Aug. 5 credit-rating downgrade by Standard & Poor’s — has made for cautious hiring by businesses. When LeGuen completed a 10-week internship at an investment bank this summer, he was hoping for a job offer. But he didn’t get one, and he said one reason was the weak economy. “It’s really hard when someone says, ‘Hey, you sound like a really good candidate, but I’m not sure what

our company’s doing because everyone here is uncertain about the future,’” he said. LeGuen said this year he will try to keep his grades at “a respectable level,” but job interviews are forefront on his mind. Frazier urged incoming freshmen to seek advice from the Financial Aid Office and save diligently. “I would tell somebody that they really need to jump on the ball when it comes to getting a job and budgeting and saving,” she said. Frazier said she underestimated the price of college until she started classes. “As a high school student, everyone tells you that you need to start saving for college, and it doesn’t hit you until you move out and you have to start paying those bills.”

Pat Walker Health Center Prepares for Flu by LEIGH JACKSON Staff Writer

Influenza season is coming and UA students are exceptionally liable to being contaminated by the viral infection. College students are especially vulnerable to infection because of close interactions with large numbers of people, said a Pat Walker official. “One very important thing to do is to get a flu shot,” said Mary Alice Serafini, director of the Pat Walker Health Center. “We also advise students to get enough sleep, have a balanced diet, exercise and to maintain an overall high state of health.” “Flu spreads easily wherever people congregate; in childcare centers, schools, office buildings, auditoriums and through public transportation,” according to the Mayo Clinic’s website. There are some precautionary actions to prevent being contaminated by the flu. Hand washing, using tissues and not touching someone who has the flu all help with the prevention process. However, the best way to reduce the risk of getting the flu is to get the flu vaccine each year, before the flu season begins, according to the Mayo Clinic’s website: “Your best defense against influenza is to receive an annual vaccination.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommend annual flu vaccination for all Americans over the age of 6 months, according to the Mayo Clinic’s website. “If a student is feeling sick then they should give us a call at Pat Walker,” Serafini said.

“We’ll try to take care if them and if they’re feeling really sick that day we’ll have them seen by a nurse.” “The flu shot is absolutely the best way to prepare for flu season,” said Lyn Edington, a registered nurse and the nurse manager at the Pat Walker Health Center. “There are an awful lot of students bumping elbows this year and the flu shot is a great way to prepare for the flu season.” “Students should get a flu shot even if they got one just last year,” Edington said. “We will start advertising flu shots for students toward the middle of September.” Flu vaccines are typically available by shot or by nasal spray. The vaccines work by exposing your immune system to the flu virus. The body will build up antibodies against the virus to protect the body from getting influenza. “We have both the live nasal spray and the regular shot,” Edington said. “Some people aren’t eligible for the nasal spray, like people with asthma.” “The flu shot will cost 10 dollars for students, and is covered if they have purchased student health insurance, or they can put it on their student account,” Edington said. A flu shot will cost 20 dollars for everyone else in the UA community, Serefini said. “Initially, the flu may seem like a common cold with a runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. But colds usually develop slowly, whereas the flu tends to come on suddenly. And although a cold can be a nuisance, you usually feel much worse with the flu,” ac-

cording to the Mayo Clinic’s website. The common signs and symptoms of the flu include: fever, aching muscles, chills, headache, dry cough, fatigue, and nasal congestion, according to the website. “If you have flu symptoms, you should see your doctor right away,” according to the website. “Taking antiviral drugs within the first 48 hours after you first notice symptoms may reduce the length of your illness and help prevent moreserious problems.” Once diagnosed with influenza, students can take steps to ride the wave of sickness as smoothly as possible. “You should drink plenty of liquids. Choose water, juice and warm soups to prevent dehydration,” according to the website. “Rest. Get more sleep to help your immune system fight infection.” Older adults, pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems and people who have chronic illnesses are all more susceptible to being infected by the flu, according to the Mayo Clinic’s website. “If you're young and healthy, seasonal influenza usually isn't serious. Although you may feel miserable while you have it, the flu usually goes away with no lasting effects,” according to the website. “Usually, at the beginning of each new semester we’ll get a lot of calls from people new to Northwest Arkansas, with runny noses and irritated eyes,” Serefini said. “It’s usually allergies.”

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by EMILY RHODES Staff Writer

The transition from summer to fall in Fayetteville means weekly trips to the farmers’ market, long walks around Wilson Park and the perfect camping trip. But for many students, it also means bothersome allergies that not only result in daily doses of nasal decongestants and Claritin, but that also affect classroom performance. Haziness, inability to focus and constantly feeling tired can account for bad grades and low classroom attendance, and for many students, over-the-counter medication doesn’t cover the high pollen counts. More than 40 million Americans are affected each year, and allergies account for four million missed or lost workdays, or $700 million in lost productivity, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. “Allergies (hay fever) are the fifth leading chronic disease and a major cause of ‘absenteeism’ and ‘presenteeism’ in the workplace,” according to the Asthma and Allergy Facts and Figures report on their website. “Presenteeism” is the opposite of “absenteeism” — when employees go to work while feeling ill, which can have equally bad repercussions. For allergy-suffering students, feeling tired, unfocused and groggy can become a daily occurrence along with treating blocked sinuses, itchy hives, coughing, sneezing and asthma. While that test review is an important reason to attend class, a bad case of allergies can feel awful enough to pull the blanket over your head, grab the

box of tissues and go back to sleep. area, allergens in Fayetteville are “I suffer from both indoor consistently higher than they and outdoor allergies,” said are in Little Rock, Dallas and Garrett Park, business manTulsa, according to agement major. “I not only While outside allergies might get bad indoor allergies from be what you think is making you animals, dust and mold but sneeze, it’s important to take the also from outdoor pollen and steps inside your home to keep smoke that causes me to sneeze, allergen levels low. Simple tricks cough and break out in rashes.” found on websites like everydayIn Arkansas, the past spring suggest dusting on and summer seasons have a daily basis, washing bedding brought some of the highin hot water weekly, keeping inest allergy counts on record. door pets brushed and keepThroughout the month of ing carpets vacuumed to August, vastly reduce the amount of forecasts reported very high indoor allergens. Allergento extreme allergy levels in Fayproof bedding covers will etteville, scoring 10 out of 12 keep you sneeze-free at night. on the pollen level meter. Out To take care of mold allerof the four major pollens, raggies, keeping humidity levels low weed and mold were extreme can stop the growth of mold inwhile tree and grass pollens side. Using a dehumidifier is a were reported as low to none. relatively inexpensive way to keep Mold is the worst allergen humidity levels in damp areas for Northwest Arkansas during such as bathrooms controlled. early autumn, according to the Though allergies may not be American Academy of Allergy, keeping you from attending classAsthma and Immunology, while es, the medications you take to the spring season in Fayettetreat that itchy cough have the ville is characterized by extreme potential of killing your GPA. amounts of tree pollen, speMany allergy medicines cause cifically cedar poldrowsiness and inability len. Ragweed is to concentrate, so be one of the presure to purchase dominant allerthe non-drowsy gens during fall. medicine. TakRagweed seaing an allergy son begins in medication with late July or earside effects that ly August, and cause sedation ends at the first can be just as frost, accorddestructive to ing to Reuters. having a sucFor students cessful semester coming from MARY MCKAY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER as the allergens other major Grace Grubb, freshman, experiences allergies first hand. Across campus, freshmen are being forced t h e m s e l v e s . cities in the to adjust to the Fayetteville allergens. Though med-

ication can be a quick fix, natural remedies are becoming more popular. For those looking for a natural cure, a Neti Pot is a simple way to get rid of congestion by flushing the sinuses with saltwater. Though a little messy, they are inexpensive and keep sinuses clear throughout the day. Certain Omega-3 rich foods can help fight inflammation from allergies, according to Mother Earth News. Eating a diet of fish, walnuts and eggs can assist, while “adding a dash of horseradish, chili peppers or hot mustard to food can act as a natural, temporary decongestant.” With approximately three more months of warm weather, the fall semester will see its fair share of extreme allergy levels, so be sure to stay hydrated, keep a clean house and stock up on the best therapy for your worst symptoms to ensure a successful semester.

Fayetteville Pollen Forecast



Aug. Sept. Sept. 31 1 2 SOURCE: WEATHER.COM

Undocumented Sisters Work Toward the American Dream

BRITTNIE SIMON STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Sisters Elizabeth and Claudia Aguayo walk outside the Union. The girls have struggled to attain certain privileges other students may take for granted.

by SAMANTHA WILLIAMS Enterprise Editor

Traveling through the desert under a hot, August night sky, a then 6-yearold Elizabeth Aguayo remembers leaving her home in Guadalajara, Mexico

in search of a better life. “I can still remember the night when my parents made the decision to immigrate to the United States,” she said. “I remember hearing my grandma, along with my mom and aunt pray for our well being, having to

duck down and stay quiet so we wouldn't get caught.” Aguayo, who is now 21 years old, is the youngest of eight children — six brothers and a 22-year-old sister named

SISTERS on page 7

Breakfast: To Eat or Not to Eat? COURTESY PHOTO Will Hansen, junior, poses with a statue of Former President Ronald Reagan in the U.S. Capitol. Hansen was an intern for U.S. Senator John Boozman over the summer.

D.C. Internships Give Real World Experience by SHELBY GILL Staff Writer

In 1790, Washington D.C. was founded as the United States’ capital. Today, Capitol Hill still remains America’s central point of operation, and for college students, it serves as the Mecca of internships. “The thing about these in-

ternships is that you will learn more in one week about politics, economics, law, etc. than you will learn in a whole semester of a class,” said Nick Candido, a student who interned in D.C. at the National Association of Manufacturers. “It's learning by immersion, which is the most effective way to learn anything.”

Internships provide a “real world” look into working life. Rather than only learning how a company operates, students are thrust into performing the actual tasks. “I was able to partake in a six-week internship on

INTERNING on page 8


els which are very important to refuel,” said Deborah Pitts, the nutritionist for the Pat Walker Heath Center. When a student’s sugar and glycogen levels are not replenished within the first two hours of waking it can lead

Faulkner, a sophomore education major. “All I can think about is how hungry As classes and activities beI am, and it makes it very gin again, students often find difficult to focus on what themselves falling back into is being said in class.” the same routine of sacrificPoor concentration during ing the most important meal class greatly affects a student’s of the day in experformance change for 15 extra on tests and minutes of sleep. “Typically when people wake, they have participation in Although this may the classroom. been fasting for eight to 10 hours.” seem logical af- - Deborah Pitts, Nutritionist for Pat Walker Health Center In a study ter a late night of done at Blinn studying, students College, 1,259 may be doing more dam- to poor concentration, dif- students participated in an age to their body by skipping ficultly in problem solving 11-year study to test the breakfast than they think. and lack of hand-eye coordi- importance of breakfast “Typically when people nation, according to research based on the their grade wake, they have been fasting done by the Mayo Clinic. on a General Biology for eight to 10 hours. They “I find it very difficult to BREAKFAST will wake up with low blood concentrate in class when on page 8 sugar and low glycogen lev- I skip breakfast,” said Kiley Staff Writer




Many things are synonymous with fall: crisp air, the beginning of a new school year, leaves that change from green to orange and, of course, fall fashion. While many fall trends seen over and over on runways this year were impractical — like see-through skirts and slit-up-to-there dresses — there were plenty of wearable, sensible choices, too. When the temperatures finally begin to cool down, these trends inspired by high-fashion pieces seen on runways worldwide during Fashion Week this spring will keep you looking stylish all season long. by KELSI FORD

Asst. Features Editor

Bright colors are usually reserved for summer months and aren’t typically on-trend during fall and winter. This year will be different. Mustard yellow is a rich, sophisticated alternative to the lemony, in-your-face yellows that are popular during warmer months. The darker, almost brown tint of mustard yellow is an easy way to add color to a fall outfit. It looks great

There are three words that describe the trend for skirts this fall: long, longer and longest. A maxi skirt is an easy piece to style, and it looks chic and puttogether while still being incredibly comfortable. Worn with a casual skirt and flats or boots, it’s school and office-appropriate, but paired with a fancy blouse and heels, it becomes a trendy evening look. Either way, the maxi skirt is feminine, bohemian and casually glamorous, as made evident by Emily Schuman, the blogger behind the popular fashion blog Cupcakes and Cashmere, in a red figure-hugging maxi skirt. While the maxi skirt is comfortable and an easy look to wear, its length may be annoying for the woman on the go. Luckily, midilength skirts, which hit mid-calf, are also big for fall. Paired with a simple blouse and heels or boots, midi skirts look retro and unique.

Often viewed as a childish print, polka dots become entirely sophisticated for fall. Skirts, blouses and dresses accentuated with all-over polka dots of various sizes create a dramatic look. Smaller polka dots are subtle, but still chic. They look equally

No fabric is more feminine than lace. This season’s lace pieces are polished, flirty and romantic, but not overly girly. They are delicate, classic and vintage-inspired, but they still manage to be powerful. They are equally stylish when dressed up with heels and a body-skimming skirt or dressed down with boots and a woven belt. Whether it’s just a touch of lace sewn onto a simple blouse, lace tights or an entire dress made of lace, you’re guaranteed to look like a lady while wearing it. Rachel Denbow of the blog Smile and Wave, wearing a belted vintage lace dress, shows that lace is ladylike and pretty, but not too dressy or girlish.

SISTERS from page 6 Claudia. After leaving Mexico in 1997 and initially residing in California for a short time, she and her siblings relocated to Arkansas to be closer to her mother’s family. Both Elizabeth and Claudia attended elementary and high school in Springdale, Ark., which boasts one of the highest foreign-born populations in Arkansas, according to the Urban Institute. “It wasn’t until later on in high school that I realized I don’t belong here,� Claudia said. “It’s something that eats away at you. It takes away sleep worrying about whether or not you can stay here.� The sisters are undocumented immigrants, meaning they came to the United States illegally, without proper documentation. Of the eight siblings, only one of their brother’s is documented, as he became a U.S. citizen through marriage. When the girls were 13 and 14 years old, their brother attempted to adopt them so that they could become legal residents. However, the lawyer they hired to take on their case took their money and ran, leaving them confused and unsure of how to proceed. As time went on and the sisters approached their high school graduations, they were faced with the harsh reality of being an undocumented student in the U.S. “I knew that I had what most universities were looking for,� Elizabeth said. “I felt like I had everything except that nine-digit number that I was unable to provide. Not having a social security number really hindered me in my college applications.� Jazmin Rivas, a junior finance major at the UA, met Elizabeth in 2004 through a pre-college program called

paired with other bright colors, silver and neutrals. Unfortunately, not everyone looks good in this condiment-colored hue. If you weren’t blessed with the right skin tone to pull off a mustard skirt, dress or cardigan, there is always the option of shoes, jewelry or a hat in this golden yellow, as seen on Stacey Sargent, the writer of the Love and Photographs blog.

Upward Bound at the UA. Rivas said she knew they would one day go to college together. “I found out about Elizabeth’s legal status back in high school but I always knew that wasn't going to stop her,â€? Rivas said. “She worked hard‌[and] deserves everything that a normal citizen of the United States deserves.â€? Rivas, Elizabeth and Claudia were eventually accepted to the UA but acceptance was only half the battle for the Aguayo sisters. In 2008, Governor Mike Beebe signed legislation that requires state universities to obtain a social security number from all applicants, and if an applicant is unable to provide proper identification, they must pay out-of-state tuition rates. Arkansas had the fourthfastest-growing immigrant population nationwide between 1990 and 2000, with an overall growth rate of 196 percent, according to the Urban Institute. About half of Arkansas immigrants are undocumented. The number of undocumented students attending school at the UA is less than 10, but official figures cannot be released in order to protect the identity of these students, said Suzanne McCray, vice provost for enrollment management and the dean of admissions. McCray said students who cannot provide a social security number must pay their tuition in full by the start of classes, which is yet another obstacle for the undocumented student population to overcome. Despite graduating high school with honors and being actively involved in their high school and community, neither Elizabeth nor Claudia was eligible for any federal aid. Elizabeth, a junior accounting major, was award-

ed a few private scholarships, but she needed additional funding and decided to work at a local restaurant. “I didn't mind working as a waitress,� she said. “The only thing that bothered me was that my employers were refusing to pay my coworkers and I.� The Workers Justice Center helped Elizabeth claim her wages and later she began to volunteer for the organization to “create awareness of wage theft in the state of Arkansas.� She also currently holds an unpaid internship with a local accounting firm. Claudia, a journalism and international relations major, walked last spring and is now completing her last course online. She received a scholarship from the National Hispanic Journalism Association as well as a private scholarship from the UA journalism department, which she said helped her cover the additional tuition costs she must pay as an undocumented student. “It helped me feel that I had something to contribute,� Claudia said. “Imagine not being able to work or take out loans to get through college. For us, it’s a blessing to have someone understand our situation and help us out.� Claudia became active while at the UA, with the United Latin American Citizens, lobbying in Washington D.C. for various immigration issues, namely the DREAM Act, which would grant undocumented students a path to citizenship. Claudia is continuing to pursue her adoption case but is prepared to relocate back to her native Mexico, Europe or Canada if she is deported. “It’s been a journey,� she said. “It’s been tough, but when you’re in pursuit of your dreams, you do whatever you can to keep that dream alive.�

This fall’s graphic prints are loud. Really loud. But they are still remarkably wearable when paired with simple pieces. Graphic prints also look dramatic and exciting when worn together. Pairing graphic prints with other patterns, like stripes or florals, makes for a unique, very current look. Mixing graphic prints is certainly daring, and it isn’t

great when worn head-totoe or just on a top or scarf. This fall, they will be trendy no matter how they’re worn. Elsie Larson, the blogger behind A Beautiful Mess, proves that a dress covered in subtle red polka dots is pretty, grownup and not at all precious.

a look for the faint of heart. A dynamic print is easiest to wear when the silhouette is structured and simple. Emma Chapman, a food and fashion blogger at Food Coma, shows that a graphic printed skirt in an easy shape is exciting without being too over-the-top when styled with a simple chambray button-down and moccasins. COURTESY PHOTOS

Razorback Fan Code of Conduct

Razorback fans are the best of the best. They model this by loudly supporting the Razorbacks and displaying respect and good sportsmanship toward the visiting team and visiting fans. However, the NCAA, SEC, and UA have assigned a high priority to assuring athletic events are conducted in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere which promotes good sportsmanship by spectators, student-athletes, -# ". "'$2 $ 1$04$23 8.41 "../$1 3(.- !8 24//.13(-& 3'$ / 13("(/ -32 .%< "( +2 -# $5$-3 , - agement staff in a positive manner. Prohibited Behavior: Spectators are reminded that security personal have authority to remove from the stadium, anyone engaged in unsafe or inappropriate conduct including: profanity, racial, sexist, .1 .3'$1 !42(5$ .1 (-3(,(# 3(-& ".,,$-32 .1 "3(.-2 #(1$"3$# 3 .%<cials, event management staff, student-athletes, coaches, team representatives or other fans. Fighting, smoking in public areas and drunkenness will not be tolerated. Throwing of any objects in the stadium is forbidden. UA policy 231("3+8 /1.'(!(32 -8.-$ %1., $-3$1(-& 3'$ 2(#$+(-$ .1 < $+# 6(3'.43 /1./$1 "1$#$-3( +2 Enforcement: Violations of any UA athletic event policies are subject to removal from the site of competition, or arrest and/or loss of ticket privileges. The University of Arkansas reserves the right to remove the ticket holder from the premises if, in the sole opinion of the security personnel, the ticket holder’s conduct endangers or disrupts the environment.

SEC Policy Regarding Fan Behavior ACCESS TO COMPETITION AREA In all sports, access to the competition area shall be limited to participating student-athletes, coach$2 .%< "( +2 24//.13 /$12.--$+ -# /1./$1+8 "1$#$-3( +$# (-#(5(#4 +2 3 ++ 3(,$2 .1 3'$ 2 %$38 .% participants and spectators alike, at no time before, during or after a contest shall spectators be permitted to enter the competition area. It is the responsibility of each member institution to implement procedures to ensure compliance with this policy. Institutional penalties against individuals who improperly enter the competition area shall include, but not be limited to, expulsion from the facility, arrest for trespassing, and the loss of future ticket privileges. In addition to these three penalties, violators who are students shall be subject to institutional student disciplinary measures. Each institution is responsible for publicizing this policy, as well as the penalties associated with violations, through appropriate means, such as ticket back statements, public address announcements, video/matrix announcements, facility signage and other means available. It is likewise the responsibility of each head coach to publicly discourage spectators from entering the playing area at any time. Penalties for institutional violations – In the sports of football, men’s basketball and wom$-;2 ! 2*$3! ++ 3 3'$ #(2"1$3(.- .% 3'$ .,,(22(.-$1 23 .%%$-2$ - (-23(343(.- + < -$ .% -# .%%$-2$ - (-23(343(.- + < -$ .% 4/ 3. 1# .%%$-2$ .1 24!2$04$-3 .%%$-2$ - (-23(343(.- + < -$ .% 4/ 3. % - (-23(343(.- (2 /$- +(9$# -# 24!2$04$-3+8 #.$2 -.3 ' 5$ 5(.+ 3(.- %.1 a period of three years (from the date of the violation), that subsequent violation shall be considered a 2nd offense. LANGUAGE/SIGNAGE/CHANTS The use by any coach, student-athlete, support personnel or spectator of vulgar, racist, or sexist language or signage is strictly prohibited at all conference competition facilities. Orchestrated verbal chants or foul language directed at visiting student-athletes, coaches, team personnel, or fans are also prohibited. It is the responsibility of each institution to institute procedures to prevent such occurrences, including ticket back statements, public address announcement, video/matrix announcements, facility signage and other means available. Institutional penalties against spectators engaging in such behavior shall include, but not be limited to, expulsion from the facility and the loss of future ticket privileges. Penalties against coaches, student-athletes or support personnel are outlined (- 3'$ 14+$2 %.1 3'$ 1$2/$"3(5$ 2/.132 -# 1$ #,(-(23$1$# !8 3'$ ".,/$3(3(.- .%< "( +2 Penalties for institutional violations – On a yearly (by school year) basis and at the discre3(.- .% 3'$ .,,(22(.-$1 23 .%%$-2$ /1(5 3$ .1 /4!+(" -.3(< " 3(.- -# 1$/1(, -# .% 3'$ (-23(34 3(.- -# .1 24!2$04$-3 -# (-23(343(.- + < -$ .% 4/ 3.




UA Student Chosen to Represnt US in Taiwan


by LAUREN LEATHERBY Features Editor

A UA student has been selected to represent the United States at the Republic of China’s Elite International Youth Week this August. Jeny Ancer, a UA student studying violin performance and international relations, was chosen from thousands of students to join 250 delegates from 125 countries for the program, according to the event’s press release. Ancer left for a trip to the Republic of China, also known as Taiwan, earlier this month to stay with a Taiwanese family and learn about Taiwanese culture. “The government is promoting Taiwanese culture because people often don’t know a lot about Taiwan, but it has a really rich culture,” Ancer said. “It is very influenced by the Chinese, but it’s also mixed with native groups. Because of this, Taiwan has a lot of vibrant customs and different traditions than mainland China.” The selected delegates from around the world — including an Olympic medalist, national beauty pageant winners, and students at Harvard, Yale and Cambridge — will be assigned a host family with which they will experience the country. “They’ve organized tours that are happening throughout the entire trip that are free for our host family and us to go on. Some are day trips; some are longer,” Ancer said. “There’s one where you get to be the manager of a tea company for a day. There’s a tour of a wine distillery and a tour of a famous dumpling shop in Taipei – a lot of different things.” In addition to seeing tourist sights, there will be a lot to learn from the host families themselves. “My host family lives in the south, and I’ve read that the specific county I’m staying in is really rural. I’m excited about that,” Ancer said. “I’m flying into Taipei, and I know I’ll get to see big cities during the tours, but I’ll also get to experience life in a rural farming town that’s smaller than Fayetteville.” Ancer will have the chance to meet the president of Taiwan and will be an honored guest in Kinmen during the unveiling ceremony of a new national monument — a peace bell forged from artillery shells from the time Kinmen was attacked by Chinese Communist forces in 1958. The trip to Taiwan is not the first time she has spent time abroad. The year after she graduated high school, she did a one-year exchange in Munich, Germany with the Ro-

INTERNING from page 6 Capitol Hill,” said Jeremy Page, who interned in the legislative branch in D.C. “Besides doing busy work like listening to constituent phone messages or filing tour requests or helping out in the mail room, the other interns and I did lots of meaningful policy work. We often did research for the different legislative assistants on topics ranging from the Gulf Oil Spill to the economy to Agent Orange.” Internships prepare students for their future jobs and allow them to have prerequisite experience before graduating. The special thing about interning in D.C. is the prox-

tary Youth Exchange Program. “It was an unbelievable, life-changing experience. I would do it again in a heartbeat,” Ancer said. Ancer, a musician all her life, studied violin in Germany, which then brought her to her next move abroad — Canada. Her violin professor in Germany suggested that she study in Vancouver with his contact, Robert Rozek, a worldrenowned violin professor. “[Rozek] had heard me play one time before when I visited Vancouver. I applied, they accepted me, they gave me a full ride, and I said, ‘sure!’ I mean, you don’t pass those kinds of things up.” Ancer learned about the Taiwan program through the Rotary Club, which she has been very involved with for the last few years, and she gives a lot of credit to the Rotary Club for her opportunities. To become a member of Rotary International, one must be 30 years old, so Ancer became involved with the Rotaract club, a Rotary-sponsored organization for men and women between the ages of 18 and 29. Through the Rotaract club in Vancouver, she began working at a soup kitchen, played violin for refugee children and soon became the event organizer. “One of Rotary International’s big goals is the eradication of polio,” Ancer said. “There was a very famous violinist that had polio, so I thought we should have a benefit concert. I got my orchestra and professor on board, and we ended up raising more than $5,000 that we donated completely to curing polio.” Not only a world traveler, an avid volunteer and an accomplished violinist, Ancer is also a master of multitasking. “At the concert, I was the MC, played in the show and also was the main organizer of the event, so I was kind of all over the place. It was a really amazing thing to get to coordinate,” she said. She also helped organize an event that donated more than $2,000 to build a clean water cistern in Costa Rica. Because of her great experience with the Rotaract club in Vancouver, Ancer aims to bring a Rotaract club to the UA. “The plans are in the works right now, and we’re in the process of becoming a registered student organization,” she said. “It could be a pretty big deal because the UA does not have a Rotaract club, and we could do projects like that here.” Ancer hopes the club can be up and running in the fall. While her extensive travels have given her unforgettable memories and new perspectives, she is looking forward to spending time on the UA campus in the coming year — after her trip to Taiwan, she plans to stick around Fayetteville for a while, something she hasn’t done very much in the past few years. “A lot of people probably think I’m crazy because I’ve moved around a lot, but at the same time, I’ve had a lot of doors opened that I just can’t pass up,” Ancer said.


BREAKFAST from page 6

out on essential nutrients. “Breakfast helps regulate your appetite. People who tend to skip breakfast tend to skip other meals,” Pitts said. “They tend to not get other nutrients like vitamin C and calcium because of their selection of foods.” Research done at the Mayo Clinic confirms that adults who eat breakfast eat more vitamins and minerals and less fat and cholesterol and are able to better control their weight than those who do not eat breakfast. “People who eat breakfast usually make healthier food choices throughout the day,” said Elizabeth Mc-

exam. The study found that out of the students who scored a B or above, 55.9 percent of them had eaten breakfast before the exam. The results of the Blinn study fell in line with earlier studies, confirming that breakfast plays a crucial role in performance in the classroom. In addition to inhibiting classroom performance, skipping breakfast can cause students to make unhealthy food choices throughout the day, which in turn causes them to miss

Crary, sophomore dietetics major. “They also tend to eat less during the day than people who skip breakfast.” It is often difficult for busy students to find time to eat breakfast in the morning. “[Losing sleep over breakfast] doesn’t even have to be considered as a loss,” Pitts said. “There are so many things that you can prep for breakfast, like smoothies, that you can eat on the run.” The Mayo Clinic suggests several quick and healthy options to prep in order to make breakfast manageable for busy schedules. They recommend fruit, yogurt, whole wheat bread with

peanut butter, crackers and cheese, or even leftover pizza. All of these options are accessible in a dorm room and easy to take on the go. “It is important to keep breakfast interesting,” Pitts said. “Trying a variety of foods, not necessarily just breakfast foods, makes breakfast manageable for everyone.” Start the year off right and stop by Brough before class for a quick breakfast, or take a simple breakfast on the go. The benefits of this quick meal will be enough to energize you and help you concentrate throughout the day, even if it means losing a couple minutes of sleep.

by LEAH YOUNG Features Designer

Leah is a senior studio art major. She enjoys singing (off-key) and red wine.


Skinny Dippin’ by Whitney Duncan




Brighter Than Sunshine by Aqualung





Moves Like Jagger by Adam Levine & Christina Aguilera

Super Bass by Nicki Minaj

In For the Kill (Skrillex Remix by La Roux Here I Am by Al Green

Your Love by The Outfield


imity to the central governing system of the United States and the people who run it. “We were also fortunate enough to be able to go to the Congressional Intern Lecture Series that featured speakers ranging from Attorney General Eric Holder to political commentator Dr. Charles Krauthammer,” Page said. “What I learned during my internship was how complex the legislative process truly is, and how it involves the work from hundreds of different staffers to get things done.” In turn, being this close to the political system can influence the way one thinks about the government. This proves to be one of the major advantages behind interning in D.C. This

type of up-close-and-personal shadowing can be overwhelming and even surprising for students. “I was amazed by some of the ignorance of politicians when we were lobbying them, and it kind of scared me more than anything to realize that these are the people who are running our country,” Candido said. “I also learned that most Republican and Democrat congressmen are really the same—they generally want more fame and more power and don't mind selling it to the highest bidder. I guess you can say I got a little more cynical being in D.C.” Even though cynicism may indeed be something that the experience imparts,

it also gives insight into the real process of politics. “By no means am I saying that the political process isn't an honorable goal to participate in—I still want to work for the government as an economist—but what I'm saying is that I realized that the ones making the real difference and the real progress aren't the legislators, but those behind the scenes — lobbyists, think-tanks, multinational organizations and interest groups,” Candido said. In addition to the fact that D.C. is the center of politics, it is a city full of history. It houses some of our country’s precious artifacts and is the location of some of the most important architecture. “There is lots to do there

with many of the museums and monuments free of charge,” Page said. “Even though I was there for six weeks, I still wasn't able to see all of the sights because there was just so much to do.” This history does come at a price, evident by the expensive real estate around the area. “I would recommend D.C. internships for anyone who has the funds to do so as living in D.C. for an extended period of time can get expensive especially since most internships are unpaid,” Page said. “I think, however, the cost is definitely worth it because it allows you to test the waters in whatever you might be interested in as D.C. is the home to many thinktanks and lobbying groups in

a variety of different fields.” The concentration of internships in D.C. is a direct result of the rewarding experience it can provide and the information ripe for the taking. They can serve as a basis for future employment or simply a distinguishing detail for a resume. “I would definitely recommend internships in D.C. to other students. Honestly, it's such a youthful city and it definitely panders to the younger generations because it recognizes how many interns are in D.C.,” Candido said. “[The city] is seriously run by interns. For me it was a life-changing experience and helped me grow in every way.”

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Comics, Games, & Much Much More!




Q: What did one lawyer say to the other lawyer? A: We are both lawyers. “A man walked up to me and said he hadn’t had a bite in days, so I bought him a sandwich.”

Q: What was the pirate movie rated? A: PG-13 for Violence and Partial Nudity


Q: What’s red and bad for your teeth? A: A brick.



Josh Shalek


Michael A. Kandalaft


Tim Rickard


Harry Bliss




1 Winter break? 5 Drink noisily 10 Agcy. that established rules for kite flying 13 Poet known for inventing words 14 Prairie home 15 “__ la Douce” 16 The Dixie Chicks, e.g. 17 “__ of robins in her hair”: Kilmer 18 Strip light 19 “Afraid you can’t have your money back” 22 Progresso or Lipton 24 Climber’s toehold 25 Fertile desert spot 26 New Deal inits. 27 Sch. with a Spokane campus 28 Like the Parthenon 32 Refuse to budge 38 Young in films 39 Sushi topping 40 Lincoln or Ford 41 Rapids transit 43 Chinese, e.g. 46 Home of Notre Dame 50 Home theater feature, and a hint to the puzzle theme in 19-, 22-, 32-, 46-Across and both 50-Across and its first word 52 Cement piece 53 Auto buyer’s choice 54 Ages and ages 57 Hgts. 58 Ragú rival 59 Hurry 60 Food additive 61 Scatter 62 Hang around

1 “We know drama” channel 2 Guffaw syllable 3 Customarily 4 Moderator of a panel including Joy, Elisabeth and Sherri 5 Best successor of 1962 6 Actress Lotte 7 Wharton’s sch. 8 Fix, as a green 9 Sykora of the NHL 10 “The Ego and the Id” author 11 Included in 12 “Dog the Bounty Hunter” airer 15 Oven, so to speak 20 NFL ball carriers 21 Revered figure 22 Plants 23 Hops drier 26 Newton fruit 28 Farm denizen 29 Bottom line 30 Rebs’ gp. 31 Ended up 33 Feature of some extreme diets 34 Pipe cleaner 35 Atop, poetically 36 High time? 37 Safe document 41 Obama’s secretary of energy 42 Doubleday and Yokum 43 Syrian president 44 Tarnish 45 Steaming 46 Hägar’s dog 47 More eccentric 48 Linguist’s concern 49 Thus far 51 Mail letters 55 Gp. whose insignia consists of a bald eagle holding a key 56 Bashful

Crossword provided by MCT Campus


Tony Piro



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Who’s got next for Arkansas? Old Fashioned 3-Point Play

ZACH TURNER As the college football schedule is now upon us, players, coaches and teams across the country come from nowhere to steal headlines. Best example from 2011 was Cam Newton, Gene Chizik and the entire Auburn team. Starting the season ranked No. 22 isn’t out of nowhere, but the Tigers were ranked behind three others in its own division and wind up going undefeated and win the BCS Championship. Now, that is on the national stage. What about Arkansas last year when the Razorbacks went 10-3? For starters, Knile Davis seemed to come from nowhere. Starting the season No. 4 on the depth chart and only getting 20 carries through the first four games, Davis had 10 carries against Texas A&M in the fifth game of the season and then implemented himself as Arkansas’ feature back. Another example comes in the form of special teams contributors. Last season, the Razorbacks returned senior Alex Tejada, who had played since his freshman season. After struggling in the big moments in 2009, coach Bobby Petrino turned to freshman Zach Hocker in 2010. It paid off. Hocker went 16-for-19 on field goals with a 51-yarder, while also connecting on all 56 PAT attempts. As if you didn’t know already, Davis is out for the season with an ankle injury, but Hocker looks to add onto a successful freshman campaign. Who has next for Arkansas this season?


Emphasis On New Celebration Rule by RUMIL BAUTISTA

ARKANSAS 0-0, 0-0 SEC NO. 15 AP, NO. 14 USA

Staff Writer

Arkansas’ coaching staff has drilled the team on a new rule enacted by the NCAA regarding excessive celebration. The new rule states that if an illegal celebration begins before the player crosses the goal line, the touchdown won’t count and the penalty will be walked off from the place the infraction began. This is in addition to the existing rule that celebration penalties in the end zone are enforced on the following kickoff. “We spent a lot of time with it because it’s critical,” Arkansas offensive coordinator Garrick McGee

Missouri State






said. “That call is going to decide a game at some point during the season.” McGee referenced a play last year against Georgia in which junior tight end Chris Gragg raised his hand on the 10-yard line after catch-

ing a pass that he ran in for a touchdown. “I believe that would be a penalty nowadays,” McGee said. “That

see FOOTBALL on page 11


Breaking Ground On and Off the Court


Asst. Sports Editor

Arkansas basketball walk-on Kikko Haydar took his talents to the podium Tuesday as part of the groundbreaking ceremonies for Ozark Hall. The sophomore from Fayetteville was one of three keynote speakers, along with Chancellor G. David Gearhart and Ph.D. student of Environmental Dynamics and Geosciences Katherine Knierim, at the event which was held to begin the $27.1 million renovation. The Walton Family Charitable Support Foundation and

a bond supported by student’s facility fees are funding the renovations. “At first I agreed to do it, but when it got closer and closer I got a little more nervous,” Haydar said. “I put together the speech while feeling confident about it and was very honored to be here.” Haydar was approached by the university during the summer to be one of the speakers because he is a student in the Honors College, which will be housed in Ozark Hall upon its completion.

see COMMENTARY on page 11

see KIKKO on page 11



Cross Country Opens Season Saturday

Who will become Arkansas’ fifth receiver? Arkansas’ big four receivers of seniors Joe Adams, Greg Childs and Jarius Wright along with junior Cobi Hamilton have earned acclaim across the nation. The group ranks among the nation’s elite at the wide receiver position and are the strongest position on the Razorback football team, but who falls in line after the four mainstays this year and for the future? Is it sophomore Julian Horton, who caught four passes for 85 yards in 2010 and seems to have polished his route running ability since last season? Could it be Javontee Herdon, who had two catches for 32 yards? Maudrecus Humphrey, who played sparingly, mostly on special teams? My pick is none of the above, because the fifth receiver role will be taken over by freshman Marquel Wade. Most don’t remember, but Wade was originally part of the 2010 recruiting class and went through summer and fall practices before having to attend prep school after not qualifying with the NCAA. Wade has shown Joe Adams-type attributes and will get strong looks at both kick and punt returner this

RYAN MILLER STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Offensive cooridnator Garrick McGee said senior Joe Adams is one player who will have to be cautious about celebration penalties.

by MONICA CHAPMAN Staff Writer

Arkansas’ cross country teams will welcome Missouri Southern Friday for the season-opening Arkansas Invitational. The women’s team was picked second in the regional polls as well as in the SEC coaches’ poll. “I think those two are fairly

Senior Chelsea Tidwell has played in 20 games at Arkansas since transferring from Winthrop after her freshman season.

accurate,” women’s coach Lance Harter said. “The national poll, I think that’s something that should be earned.” The team finished second in the 2010 SEC Cross Country Championship and third in the

see CROSS COUNTRY on page 11


Tough Schedule Brings Out Leadership by LIZ BEADLE Staff Writer

On Sunday, Arkansas’ soccer team celebrated its annual senior night much earlier in the year than season’s past. Mid-fielder Chelsea Tidwell is one of those seniors. “Being on this team has meant a lot,” Tidwell said. “We’re all really close and everyone gets along really well, especially this year; the team chemistry is great. We’re so close-knit.” Tidwell, a midfielder from Oxford, Miss., has played in 20 games as a Razorback after transferring from Winthrop University.

In addition to Tidwell, there are four other seniors on Arkansas roster this season. Forward Kailey Anders, goalkeepers Kendal Winston and Brittany Hudson as well as forward Daniella O’Shea. “All of these seniors just do an unbelievable job behind the scenes,” coach Erin Aubry said. “You cannot coach the kind of leadership they have.” Now in her third year as a Razorback, Tidwell has played in 20 games including an appearance in Arkansas’ loss to Oklahoma State on Sunday. She has scored one goal at Arkansas and was named to the 2010 SEC Academic Honor Roll. “Even in a tough loss like

this, we all just have each other’s backs,” Tidwell said of the Oklahoma State game. While Tidwell was at Winthrop during her freshman season she tied for the team lead in goals with four. Tidwell also had a successful high school career at Oxford High School where she helped her team win four district titles and was a two-sport athlete, lettering in both soccer and tennis. “We call Chelsea ‘lil guy’— she’s very crafty. She will tell you she’s 5-foot but really she’s 4-foot-11,” Aubry said. “She brings a little spark and is taking our training sessions and

see SOCCER on page 11


Kristen Gillespie and Arkansas will open the 2011 cross country season Saturday in the Arkansas Invitational.




from COMMENTARY on page 10 season. Look for Wade to be Arkansas’ fifth-leading receiver barring any injury from the first four. Who will make the biggest impact defensively? Jake Bequette is the most recognizable name on the Razorback defense, while Jerry Franklin has been the best player on the defense the

past three seasons. Tramain Thomas has shown flashes of greatness in spring and fall thus far, while the rest of the secondary has shown improvement. In 2011, expect Franklin to lead the team in tackles for the fourth straight season and for Bequette to garner plenty of attention from opposing offensive lines, but don’t be surprised if sophomore junior college transfer Robert Thomas has the biggest impact on the defense. The defensive tackle has

been a monster against an inexperienced Arkansas offensive line in practice and has the size – 6-foot-3, 310 pounds – to succeed in the Southeastern Conference against big, experienced offensive lines. The SEC has had some of the best defensive tackles in the country in recent seasons such as LSU’s Glenn Dorsey and last season, Auburn’s Nick Fairley. Not ready to anoint Thomas next in line, but this season could be a step toward becoming one of

the conference’s elite on the defensive side of the ball. Most improved player? When looking at Arkansas’ roster, the main thing to jump out is the amount of experience the team has. Petrino’s first recruiting class is in its final season and most have played major roles since they were freshman. Now in year four, many have what it takes to make another leap. Looking outside of the first recruiting class, I move

from FOOTBALL on page 10

MARY McKAY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER (from left to right) Director of Basketball Operations Jeff Daniels , head coach Mike Anderson, Kikko Haydar, Direction of Student-Athlete Development and former Razorback men’s basketball player Scotty Thurman. from KIKKO on page 10 A slew of new construction projects at the UA, including Vol Walker Hall and the new Science Engineering auditorium, make getting around campus inconvenient, Haydar said. “With the Ozark completion, we will get to see each other all in one place,” Haydar said. “We are all tired of walking in a circle to get to a building that is seemingly right in front of us.” Haydar’s parents, Adnan and Paula Haydar, are both UA professors. This semester, Haydar, a pre-med major, is enrolled in his father’s Arabic class. “I have always known how to speak Arabic, but never read or write,” Haydar said. “He expects a lot out of me. My dad is a great teacher and it is a lot of fun.” His father has high expectations for his son. “My son in my class is not my son,” Adnan Haydar said. “He is my student, so he is treated exactly like any one of the other students. In fact, I expect much more out of him than I do other students.” During his speech, Haydar used an Arabic phrase he thought appropriate for a groundbreaking. “Zara’uu fa akalna wa nazra’u fa ya’kuluun,” or, “they planted the fields so we

from SOCCER on page 10 our game element to a whole new level.” “Each person has something they contribute as a leadership quality, whether it be age, experience, or just being motivating,” Tidwell said. “For me I think my leadership role has been really helping out some of the younger girls. I’m really close to them— they all have great personalities and they all work hard.” The Razorbacks fell to 1-2 on the season after a loss to No. 6 Oklahoma State. “The scoreboard definitely didn’t reflect what we wanted,”

from CROSS COUNTRY on page 10 regional meet. Returning runners include Stephanie Brown, Kristin Gillipsie and Grace Hemsfield, but 12 new runners join them in 2011. Harter isn’t planning n having all the newcomers run, but is hoping those that do work together as a team. “I think this weekend is going to be a total team effort. I hope it is five people running side-by-side,” Harter said. “Definitely the emphasis is on team this week so I think that there will be some people with less than 100 percent effort and some doing everything to stay in that group.” In the 2010 Arkansas Invitational, nine Razorbacks finished in the top 14. While the women’s team is us-

could eat, and now we plant the fields so others can eat.” “He said it very very well,” Adnan Haydar said. The 5-foot-10 Haydar will be a sophomore for the basketball team this fall. Haydar came to Arkansas after a successful career at Fayetteville High School, where he was named to the all-state team in his junior and senior seasons. He joined the Razorbacks last summer, under the direction of former coach John Pelphrey. The 165-pound guard led Fayetteville to three straight state championships and was the point guard of the 20082009 team that went undefeated (30-0) and was ranked No. 8 in the nation. In 20102011, his first season as a Razorback, Haydar saw action in nine games, while averaging 1.8 points. “He is a guy that is always a worker,” coach Mike Anderson said. “He competes in the classroom just as hard as he does on the court, even as a walk on. I am happy and excited for him and wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” Coach Anderson, along with director of basketball operations Jeff Daniels and director of student-athlete development Scotty Thurman, were on hand to hear Hayden’s speech. “Coach Anderson and the

rest of the staff have really instilled a strong work ethic,” Haydar said. “That is on the basketball court and in the classroom, as well as life in general.” Haydar is only the third athlete in Arkansas history to receive a Bodenhamer Fellowship, which goes to students based on academic performance, demonstrated leadership skills and standardized tests scores. The Fellowship was created in 1998 and is awarded to freshmen in the fall of their first year at the university. “He spoke pretty eloquently and it is certain he is a great addition to our team, but more important a great addition to this university,” Anderson said. Arkansas gets the 20112012 season underway Nov. 11 against USC-Upstate. The Razorbacks are coming off an 1813 record and the game will be Anderson’s first as Hogs head coach “I can vouch for the entire team that everyone is working hard,” Haydar said. “We are working toward being very good and doing the best we can.” The Arkansas recruiting class was ranked No. 9 ranked this season, according to The group is expected to compete for major playing time immediately. “The freshmen are very tal-

Tidwell said. “We are a young team, but each game we are get-

ting better and better.” The next match for Arkansas is Friday against Nebraska (0-21). The Cornhuskers are coming off of a tough loss to Denver on Thursday. The game was decided in the last 20 seconds when the Pioneers betted the go ahead goal. “It’s going to be very similar to playing ourselves. They’re also a team that’s frustrated right now by not getting the results are striving for,” Aubry said of the Cornhuskers. “We’ve had some very efficient training sessions in the last week and that is a testament to how hard our non-conference schedule is.”

ing this as a preview for the season, men’s coach Chris Bucknam is treating this like any other regular season meet. Arkansas’ men’s team was picked first in the preseason coaches’ poll and regional poll after winning both the 2010 SEC Cross Country Championship and the South Central Regional meet. “We only have six meets on the schedule so you have to take advantage of every learning opportunity to teach these kids that every time we step on the line we want a season’s best performance,” Bucknam said. The whole team will be racing with the exception of newcomer Anthony Lieghio and junior Solomon Haile, who is still recovering from a knee surgery to repair his meniscus. The 2011 team is a veter-

an loaded squad outside of true freshman Patrick Rono. Rono is a New Jersey state champion and competed in the 2010 Foot Locker National Meet. Lieghio is the NCJAA winner in the 800 and 1,000 meters and recently competed in the U-23 European championships. The big question for the team is who is going to take Dorian Ulrey’s role as team leader. “We’ll find out,” Bucknam said. “We don’t know. There might be a newcomer in there that might step up and be that leader. That leader has to be someone that loves to compete, loves to test themselves, loves to be evaluated and does something every single day in practice that exemplifies being a trophy winner like Dorian was.” The women begin their competition first at 6 pm, followed by the men starting at 6:30.

Chelsea Tidwell Senior Midfielder 5-foot-3 Oxford, Miss.

would be first and 10 at the 25 yard line; that would not have been a touchdown.” The new rule will be something Gragg will have to adjust to, he said. “Playing football, I’ve always done that, even when I was in peewee,” Gragg said. “So it’s something you really have to think about. You never want to cost your team and take points off the board.” Offense Starting To Find Identity The season-ending injury to junior running back Knile Davis and the departure of former quarterback Ryan Mallett left holes for the other players to fill, but the Razorbacks are starting to develop an identity on offense, McGee said. “It’s definitely going to be about being fast, because our fast people are our older players,” McGee said. “With those receivers and Wingo, those guys are pretty much the leadented and work hard,” Haydar said. “They want to play every second and are still getting their feet wet, but they are going to be real good.” Even though Haydar has just begun his second school year on campus, he is looking forward to the day when Ozark Hall is complete. The renovations include a 275-seat auditorium and a 21-square-foot addition to the south side of the building, which will house the Honors College. The project is set for completion in August 2013 – just in time for Haydar’s senior year. “It is going to be nice to have a place where [Honors stu-

to the 2009 class that Petrino signed and find the candidate I believe will be most improved. Cornerback Darius Winston. Winston is the only fivestar defensive recruit on the Arkansas roster and has gotten progressively better. In a league with strong wide receiver corps, the secondary is among the most vital units on any successful team. Arkansas has struggled against the pass in the Petrino era, but Winston will be the main player improving that stat in 2011.

Having to face South Carolina’s Alshon Jeffrey, Texas A&M’s Jeff Fuller and Mississippi State’s Chad Bumphis this season, expect Winston to show consistent flashes of that 5-star grade against the Hogs’ biggest opponents and help slow down the efforts of the opposition’s wide receivers in 2011. Zach Turner is the assistant sports editor for The Arkansas Traveler. His column appears every Wednesday. Follow him on Twitter @zwturner.

ers of what’s going on and they’re the fastest guys we have. So I think speed will be a big factor in who we are.” Two more factors contributing to the development of the offense are the improvement of the offensive line and the advantages of having mobile quarterbacks, McGee said. Hogs Prepping For Opening Game The Razorbacks will kick off the new season with a home opener against Missouri State on Saturday. “I don’t want to see us make a lot of penalties and be sloppy with the football,” McGee said. “I want to see them do what they’ve done every single day and what they’ve been coached to do.” Junior running back Ronnie Wingo is the starter after Davis’ season-ending injury. “We’re still working on it,” Wingo said. “It’s coming together. I feel like we have to play a game first to see how everything goes.” New Starters Learning Offense

Quarterback and running back weren’t the only starting positions the coaches needed to fill. Tight end D.J. Williams graduated and is a current Green Bay Packer and Arkansas’ offensive line has also needed to rebuild after the loss of three starters. Juniors Colton Miles-Nash and Chris Gragg, the two tight ends vying for the starting spot, have come to their own and are working together well, offensive coordinator Garrick McGee said. “They’re a good combination,” McGee said. “They work well together. They need each other.” Senior Grant Freeman will start at one offensive tackle, but true freshman Mitch Smothers and junior college transfer Jason Peacock are still competing to start at another tackle. “We’re ready to go out there and show everybody,” Bailey said. “People have doubts, but we’ve never doubted our talent and we feel like we’re going to be dominant.”

dents] can all come,” Haydar said. “I have been told there is going to be a sitting area and relaxation room, so it should be good.” Haydar is working toward having a bigger role on the court this season. Three players graduated last year and three more transferred after Coach Anderson’s arrival. Haydar hopes his work will earn him more playing time, he said. “Hopefully this year I will have a different role. In the words of Coach Anderson – the harder you work, the luckier you get.”




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